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Halo. Nama saya Julian Wesley Kandou. Selamat datang ke video saya.

Pada hari ini saya ingin berbicara tentang 3 film dari direktur George

No, that’s George “Joji” Miller. I’m talking about the

older George Miller.

That’s the one. Little bit of background, George Miller is a 73 year old
Australian film director, producer, screenwriter, and (surprisingly) a
physician. He is well known for his work on family movies such as Babe,
Happy Feet, and his action movie series, Mad Max. His camerawork
usually puts everything in center frame to direct the viewer’s eye.

Now George didn’t exactly directed Babe, he produced that movie. But
he did directed it’s sequel, Babe: Pig in The City. It didn’t do as well as it’s
predecessor but it became a cult classic years after it’s release. In this
next scene from the movie, Miller directs camera in center frame to
directs the viewer’s eyes to what matters to the story.

-show scene-
Now his next family movie, Happy Feet, unlike Babe: Pig in The City,
received generally positive reviews from critics, and won the Academy
Award for Best Animated, beating both Monster House & Cars (yes, it
beat Pixar). In this scene, Miller uses both panning and wide-shot but
maintains the center frame to show what really matters to the viewer

-show scene-

And now my favorite topic, my favorite movie, the first time I’ve seen an
action movie get nominated for best picture in the oscars…… MAD MAX:
Before Fury Road came out, action movies usually uses shaky cams and
quick cuts and that’s already a bit too much to keep up. But Fury Road is
an action movie set in a dessert with storms and on moving vehicles.
Usually that would drive people mad (see what I did there?). Here’s a
example of a scene where, like usual, he puts everything in center frame.

-show scene-

But that’s just a dialog scene, what about an action scene? Here’s
another scene where it’s action oriented.

-show scene-

You see what he did? He still manages to direct your eyes. Here the biker
drops the bomb on center frame. The truck drives from center to left,
and from the left came another biker and jumps to the center and it cuts
to another angle where the biker is still in the center in mid air falling to
the left, then cuts to another angle where a shotgun is on the left side of
screen and cuts back to the biker falling to the left again, and the truck
passes from center to left with a bike following it from the right and cuts
again on another angle where the bike jumps from right to center and
cuts yet again to Max shooting his gun on center frame and it goes on
like that. This is where George Miller strives, this is why Mad Max Fury
Road was considered as one of, if not, the greatest action films of all

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