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Sumedh A. Dhanedhar(BE B - 46)

NLP started as a sub branch of Artificial Intelligence. It is used to communicate with

machine in human language (like English, Hindi, etc). Machine only understands binary
language; it is not possible for human to communicate with machine in binary language.
There for the NLP is invented. The NLP is used to translate the Natural language (human
language) into binary language and binary language to natural language. NLP is able to
Analyze, understand and generate human languages just like humans do. For understanding
the human language machine apply the computational technique on sentence. It make
computers learn our language rather than we learn theirs.

Natural language understanding is used for understanding the meaning of sentence. When
the human communicate with machine then machine Takes some spoken/typed sentence and
working out what it means. It converts that sentence in binary form and performs action. In
this phase machine apply computational technique on the sentence for finding the meaning of

Natural language generation is used for response generation. After understanding the
meaning of thought of human the machine need to give the response. This response should be
in human language, Natural Language Generation phase is responsible for generating the
human language from binary language and give that response to the human. NLG is process
of constructing natural language outputs from non-linguistic inputs.. NLG can be viewed as
the reverse process of NL understanding.

When the machine wants to understand or generate any sentence then that sentence is goes
through than 5 phases.

IN Lexical Analysis the lexicon of the language is its vocabulary that includes its words and
expressions. Lexical Analysis involves dividing a text into paragraph, words and the
sentences. The Lexical Analyzer is dividing the sentence into tokens with the help of LEX
programming. The Lexical Analyzer consider symbol as separate token. The format for the
LEX file is “.l” and it runs in LEX tool.

Syntactic Analysis concern on proper ordering of words and it affects on meaning. This
involves analysis of the words in a sentence to depict the grammatical structure of the
sentence. The words are transforming into structure that shows how the words are related to
each other. E.g. “The girl the go to the school” this is defiantly rejected by the English
Syntactic Analyzer.

Semantic Analysis concerns the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences. This abstracts the
dictionary meaning or exact meaning form context. The structures we are created by the
syntactic analyzer are assigned meaning. E.g. “colourless blue idea.” This would be rejected
by the analyzer as colourless blue do not make any sense together.

Discourse Integration Sense of the context. The meaning of any single sentence depends
upon the sentences that precedes it and also invokes the meaning of the sentence that follows
it. E.g. “she wanted it” depends upon the prior discourse context.

Pragmatic Analysis concerns the overall communicative and social context and it effect on
interpretation. It means abstracting and deriving the purposeful use of the language in
situations. Importantly those aspects of language which require word knowledge. The main
focus is on what was said is interpreted on what it actually means. E.g. “close the window?”
should have been interpreted as request rather than order.

In understanding phase following ambiguity can be occurred.

Lexical Ambiguity is occurred when the word creates confusion. When the machine is
confuse that the given word is verb or noun then it create lexical Ambiguity.

Syntactic Ambiguity occurred at the time of parsing the sentence. When the sentence having
multiple meaning then Syntactical ambiguity occurred. E.g. your friend said to you “call me a
cab” then this sentence having two meaning, there for it creates Syntactical Ambiguity.

Referential Ambiguity occurred when the sentence takes reference of another sentence. E.g.
“Sita went to Gita , she said she is hungry.” In this sentence she refers to whom sita or gita, it
create Referential Ambiguity.

NLG involves following operation:-

 Text planning is the process of extracting the words form knowledge base.

 Sentence planning is process of building the sentence in grammatically correct way.

 Text Realization is the process of checking the sentence is meaningfully correct or

Example of NLP:-
1) Sophia – the Robot

2) IBM Watson powered Robot:-

3) Google Assistant:-


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