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International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System

ISSN 2348-117X
Volume 7, Issue 4
April 2018

AutomatedGYM : Virtual Gym Management System

Sonali S. Jathar Komal D. Untwal

G.H.R.C.E.M,Pune G.H.R.C.E.M,Pune

Manjiri R. Girnale Prince Anand

G.H.R.C.E.M,Pune G.H.R.C.E.M,Pune

Accommodating today's demanding lifestyle, people have to be fit & healthy. A daily workout routine is essential for a
healthy life; still, some people take this fact for granted that they need to have some physical activity daily. Even if some
people are willing to work out, they are either deprived of motivation or don’t have adequate guidance, so we develop a
system “AutomatedGYM:Virtual Gym Management” for a gymnasium in which user can enroll to the system via
onlineand he can access his workout or trainer and diet or consultancy at the best time and best place for their schedule.
For user interaction with trainer or consultancy, system has provided with video chat & text chat. After specific period
i.e. when certain amount of data gets enter into database, system will automatically recommend user for workout and
diet by giving him report through his profile. User have to give feedback about gym and about its working as it will be
helpful for management team to modify system if required.
Keywords: analysis , gym, intelligence, recommendation ,virtua.

Today, if any business does not exist on website then it is considered as missing out from very powerful
marketing platform which is available to them and also an opportunities for customers to identify who you
are. User Google before they purchase any product, checks online reviews .Nearly 93% of online users begin
experience with search engine and 72% of users did search visited a store. So having a website even for small
business will gain credibility. Therefore to run business, one should have their website. If users get product
online then they can save time. Nowadays people are more concern about their health but they don’t get time
to visit gym even if they want to go. Health is very important factor because person who is fit physically &
mentally will be capable of having less prone to medical condition and living life to its fullest extent. System
which exists solves above problem but do not facilitate any smart working.
In accordance with need of both website and health concern there emerged a need to develop a website for a
fitness freak people so that they can continue their workout anytime and anywhere with proper
recommendation of diet and exercise from system. Therefore proposed system “AutomatedGYM: Virtual
Gym Management System” will provide a personalized workout atmosphere with service to enroll at gym
via online. Users who have enrolled can access their trainer and consultancy at best time and place as per their
schedule. After some data entry in database, system will automatically recommend diet and workout for user
by enquiring the condition of health. In case, if there is need of any advice then user can do text chat or video
chat with trainer or consultancy. System will be profitable for both owner of gym and user. The first profit
which will be for both is that they will save money and time. Secondly user will achieve effective fitness
through high level of encouragement and motivation given by trainer and consultancy. So this system of
health and fitness business will give good advice that can sometimes be truly life changing.

664 Sonali S. Jathar, Komal D. Untwal, Manjiri R. Girnale, Prince Anand

International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System
ISSN 2348-117X
Volume 7, Issue 4
April 2018

“Smart Gym Management” which eliminates most of the flaws of previous system. This system was came
with increased efficiency and effectiveness, capacity, maintenance and cost reduction which made system
smarter. It was having some new and prominent features like webcam integration, using Twilio SMS API for
number verification. More security measures were needed in this system. It is little complex system to handle
and operate sufficiently.
Current system “Virtuagym” includes online payments and invoice to members which is very good feature.
Here all users details centrally managed by Virtuagym. It provide very good software platform which is open
to connections with all types of hardware but they are not hardware provider. It also provide free demo for
user who is using system first time. It contains rich library of workout with thousands of animations so that
user can choose from their database. There is nutrition coaching where it create plan of diet for user. Even if
there is any question to user about his/her diet or workout then user will get delayed response. Trainers are not
always available for user for their doubts. Interaction is only through text chat.

The proposed system “AutomatedGYM: Virtual Gym Management System” is for those who run a gym
business. Before doing anything we did a decent research on major difficulties for gym owners. We examined
carefully about how to make a huge registering system without failure as well as different functions for
different kind of user depending on their privilege. The Gym Management requires a system that will handle
all the necessary and minute details easily and proper database security accordingly to the user. System and
System resources will work in almost all the configurations.

Figure 1.Virtual Gym Management System Architecture

A. Login/Registration:
All the new users of system (including Admin, Sub-Admin, Trainers, Consultants) will register themselves
with all the necessary details . At the time of registration the respective authenticate user is provided with a
username and password. The Password provided by the user is encrypted before saving to the database for
security reason. Also phone and email address verification is carried out at the time of registration to identify
the genuine user.

665 Sonali S. Jathar, Komal D. Untwal, Manjiri R. Girnale, Prince Anand

International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System
ISSN 2348-117X
Volume 7, Issue 4
April 2018

Figure 2.Sign up for user

B. Interaction of Customers with Trainers /Consultancy:
Customers are intended to specify their body requirements along with their present health condition also past
medical history if any. By analyzing customer provided data ,Trainers suggest them proper set of exercise and
routine, by following which customer can fulfill their desires. Combining exercise with a healthy diet is a
more effective way to maintain healthy lifestyle. Consultancy plays a significant role in boosting one’s health.
User provided data is also analyzed by consultant in order to predict proper diet and supplements for the
needy workout and diet plans will be provided to user in the form of a suggestion reports. properly Following
the suggested reports is mere responsibility of customers.

Figure 3.Video call

An online portal will be integrated in system for direct communication between Trainer or consultancy and
customer. This will include video and text chat which will be providing ease of communication. Most
software’s are available in market to enable live chat with customers to improve business efficiency. There is
WebsiteAlive, Designed for the all-in-one entrepreneur who juggles countless tasks throughout the day. It
combines proactive chat, mobile and real-time email notifications along with full customization options
without coding.
C .Follow Up:
After getting recommended reports from trainer & consultancy, user has to follow exercise & diet plan. At the
end of every session user need to mark whether he has completed assigned activities or not. This data of
follow up is used by activity tracker which will be beneficial for trainer & consultancy as well as user to track
body improvements.
D. Activity Tracker:
Activity Tracker is one of the key feature of our proposed system which will keep the track of users activity.
It will benefits to both users as well as trainers and consultancy for regularly tracking and thus updating the
logs if & when required. Users are intended to regularly generate Feedback reports about the system services.
E. Automated Report Generation:
There will be a point when our Intelligent system will not require the trainers and consultancy to guide the
users when requested. The system only , by analyzing the previous data & the requirements , will

666 Sonali S. Jathar, Komal D. Untwal, Manjiri R. Girnale, Prince Anand

International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System
ISSN 2348-117X
Volume 7, Issue 4
April 2018

automatically generate the suggestion reports for users. The technique used here is NLP (Natural Language
processing). NLP is a field of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction
between computers and Natural languages.
F. Algorithm :
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a memory-based model defined by a set of objects known as example for
which the outcome are known . Each example consists of a data case having a set of independent values
labeled by a set of dependent outcomes. The independent and dependent variables can be either continuous or
categorical. For continuous dependent variables, the task is regression; otherwise it is a classification. Given a
new case of dependent values (query point), we would like to estimate the outcome based on the KNN
examples. KNN achieves this by finding K examples that are closest in distance to the query point, hence, the
name k-Nearest Neighbors. For regression problems, KNN predictions are based on averaging the outcomes
of the Knearest neighbors.
The choice of K is essential in building the KNN model. In fact, k can be regarded as one of the most
important factors of the model that can strongly influence the quality of predictions. One appropriate way to
look at the number of nearest neighbors k is to think of it as a smoothing parameter.
In the k-Nearest Neighbor prediction method, the Training Set is used to predict the value of a variable of interest for
each member of a target data set. The structure of the data generally consists of a variable of interest (i.e.
Recommendation of Exercise or Diet), and a number of additional predictor variables (body requirements, age, height,
1. For each row (case) in the target data set , locate the k closest members (the k nearest neighbors) of the Training Set.
A Euclidean Distance measure is used to calculate how close each member of the Training Set is to the target row that
is being examined.
2. Find the weighted sum of the variable of interest for the k-nearest neighbors (the weights are the inverse of the
3. Repeat this procedure for the remaining rows (cases) in the target set.
4. XLMiner allows to selection of a maximum value for k, builds models in parallel on all values of k (up to the
maximum specified value), and performs scoring on the best of these models.
Computing time increases as k increases, but the advantage is that higher values of k provide smoothing that reduces
vulnerability to noise in the Training Set. Typically, k is in units of tens of units, rather than in hundreds or thousands.

There are five basic module of our proposed system as described in below:
i. Admin Module:
Admin user has full rights for accessing the whole system. System will provide admin with all working of
gym. He will manage sub-admin by adding sub-admin and informing their username & password via email.
With each new sub-admin new branch is added into system. Even admin will create different packages for
user like monthly, yearly, etc which will be reflected on homepage of system. Users will select this packages
during their enrollment. Also he will manage payment by accepting package amount from users & by
providing salary to sub-admin. Admin has to keep track on users feedback because it will help him to
improve system by updating system as per requirement.

ii. Sub-Admin Module:

Sub-Admin user is added by Admin. When sub-admin login to system, he can change or fill his profile. He
has to manage trainer and consultancy by adding them to system or by accepting their applicant
forms.Selected trainer consultancy will get conformation by sending username & password via email.
According to user’s requirement Sub-admin will allocate each user with particular trainer & consultancy. He
will schedule gym by matching users and trainer & consultancy suitable time. Schedule is informed to both

667 Sonali S. Jathar, Komal D. Untwal, Manjiri R. Girnale, Prince Anand

International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System
ISSN 2348-117X
Volume 7, Issue 4
April 2018

user and trainer & consultancy. Sub-admin has to check feedback. As feedback will knowledge him about
working of gym, consultancy & trainer. It will help him to give better service to its user.
iii. Trainer & Consultancy Module:
Trainer & consultancy are added by sub-admin. They check requirement of user, one which is allocated by
sub-admin. By analyzing user requirements, they will recommend proper Exercises & Diet plans to users by
sending report. Trainers & consultancy has to visit site as per schedule and guide users with the help of text
chat or video chat. When user starts following exercise & diet plan, he need to give follow up on regular basis
.These follow up information will be helpful for activity tracker. By analyzing activity tracker trainer &
consultancy will get to know growth level of user .According to this growth level, they will recommend next
report with some modification in diet or exercise plan if required. Trainer & consultancy need to keep track on
user till package is vali iv. User Module:
User is main module of system. To use this system user need to register system then he can login to system.
After getting login to system first step is to fill complete profile which will ask for body requirement, medical
report, suitable time and package. User’s details will go to sub-admin. Sub-admin will notify user with
schedule and trainer & consultancy. System generated exercise & diet plan report will provided to user which
he need to follow. User get constant access to trainer & consultancy through text chat & video chat. User need
to give follow up on regular basis which will help to track his body improvement. User need to give feedback
about system.

Figure 4.Class Diagram of System

668 Sonali S. Jathar, Komal D. Untwal, Manjiri R. Girnale, Prince Anand

International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System
ISSN 2348-117X
Volume 7, Issue 4
April 2018

In this paper, we have recommended web application “AutomatedGYM: Virtual Gym Management System”.
This system will be successfully designed and developed to fulfill the necessary requirements of user, such as
recommending proper diet and exercise to user by well-known consultancy & trainer respectively, video or
text chat, activity tracker, online payment and field level validation will perform efficiently .Even this system
includes intelligence i.e. after certain data get store, system will recommend diet and exercise to user rather
than any trainer and consultancy which will be benefited for admin as well as for user. Therefore, this project
will be developed to meet the aspirations indicated in the modern age.

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669 Sonali S. Jathar, Komal D. Untwal, Manjiri R. Girnale, Prince Anand

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