How To Load Worker Data Using HDL

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How to load Worker data using HDL:

Step1: Open the environment and navigate to Navigator  Data Exchange. On the top right corner choose Initiate Data Load. The following screen
opens where Global HR – Core Setup is to be selected from drop down for Module and type in Worker for Business Object. Now hit the Search
button. A line appears under Search Results with Worker being the Business Object. Select the line and click on Generate Template under Search

Step2: In the below appeared screen, click on Submit. After that a Confirmation box pops up.
Step3: After clicking on Ok button in the above Confirmation box, the page redirects to the following page where Processes tab should be clicked.

Step4: On the Processes tab, Keep clicking on Refresh until the highlighted line with Download Icon in the below image appears.
Step5: Then click on Download Icon to download the file. Open the file in any editor (preferably Notepad++, Notepad) and copy all the contents and
paste it on an Excel Sheet.
Step6: Select the first column and navigate to DataText to Columns. In the opened dialog box, select the Delimited radio button and click on Next.
Step7: Select the Other check box where Pipeline symbol “|” is set for Delimiters and click on Next. Then select Text radio button and click Finish.

Step8: The appearance of the excel sheet changes as follows (Entries in different columns).
Step8: Space the column width accordingly.
Step9: Keep the necessary METADATA lines as shown below.

Step10: Create new Worksheets for individual METADATA lines as shown below.

Step11: Paste each METADATA line in the created individual Worksheets respectively.
Step12: Select the whole sheet and change its format to Text. Repeat for all the sheets.
Step13: Find Date Attributes in all the sheets and change the cell format to Date.
Step14: Follow the below procedure for populating data lines in Worker business object.

Attribute Name Attribute Value Typical Value

Worker Worker
PersonNumber Supply appropriate value
EffectiveStartDate Supply appropriate value
EffectiveEndDate “4712/12/31”
DateOfBirth Supply appropriate value
DateOfDeath Supply appropriate value
CountryOfBirth Fill with the appropriate value from COUNTRY Lookup.
RegionOfBirth Supply appropriate value
TownOfBirth Supply appropriate value
CorrespondenceLanguage Fill with the appropriate value from PER_CORRESP_LANG Lookup.
BloodType Fill with the appropriate value from BLOOD_TYPE Lookup.
StartDate Supply the same values as in “EffectiveStartDate” attribute.
ActionCode Supply the value “HIRE” for employee.
SourceSystemId Any value that uniquely identifies each record. Conventionally, use Person Number itself.
SourceSystemOwner Fill with the appropriate value from HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER Lookup.
(More Info: Appendix I)
Step15: Follow the below procedure for populating data lines in PersonName business object.

Attribute Name Attribute Value

PersonName PersonName
PersonNumber Supply appropriate value
EffectiveStartDate Supply appropriate value
EffectiveEndDate Use this formula [=IF(AND(E2=E3|D2<>D3)|D3-1|”4712/12/31”)]
LegislationCode Fill with the appropriate value from COUNTRY Lookup.
NameType Fill with the appropriate value from NAME_TYPE Lookup.
FirstName Supply appropriate value
MiddleNames Supply appropriate value
LastName Supply appropriate value
Title Fill with the appropriate value from TITLE Lookup.
KnownAs Supply appropriate value
PreNameAdjunct Supply appropriate value
Suffix Supply appropriate value
PreviousLastName Supply appropriate value
MilitaryRank Fill with the appropriate value from MILITARY_RANK Lookup.
Honors Fill with the appropriate value from HONORS Lookup.
SourceSystemId Any value that uniquely identifies each record. Conventionally, use the concatenated string of PersonNumber, EffectiveStartDate,
NameType. Use the following formula. [=E2&C2&G2]
SourceSystemOwner Fill with appropriate value from HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER Lookup.
Step16: Follow the below procedure for populating data lines in PersonLegislativeData business object.

Attribute Name Attribute Value

PersonLegislativeData PersonLegislativeData
PersonNumber Supply appropriate value
EffectiveStartDate Supply appropriate value
EffectiveEndDate Use this formula. [=IF(AND(E2=E3|D2<>D3)|D3-1|”4712/12/31”)]
LegislationCode Fill with the appropriate value from COUNTRY Lookup.
HighestEducationLevel Fill with the appropriate value from PER_HIGHEST_EDUCATION_LEVEL Lookup.
MaritalStatus Fill with the appropriate value from MAR_STATUS Lookup.
MaritalStatusDate Supply appropriate value
Sex Fill with the appropriate value from SEX Lookup.
SourceSystemId Any value that uniquely identifies each record. Conventionally, use the concatenated string of PersonNumber, EffectiveStartDate,
LegislationCode. Use the following formula. [=E2&C2&F2]
SourceSystemOwner Fill with appropriate value from HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER Lookup.
(More Info: Appendix I)
Step17: Follow the below procedure for populating data lines in WorkRelationship business object.

Attribute Name Attribute Value

WorkRelationship WorkRelationship
LegalEmployerSeniorityDate Supply appropriate value
EnterpriseSeniorityDate Supply appropriate value
DateStart Supply appropriate value
PersonNumber Supply appropriate value
ActualTerminationDate Supply appropriate value if the Action is ‘TERMINATION’
LastWorkingDate Supply appropriate value if the Action is ‘TERMINATION’
NotifiedTerminationDate Supply appropriate value if the Action is ‘TERMINATION’
ProjectedTerminationDate Supply appropriate value if the Action is ‘TERMINATION’
ActionCode Fill with the appropriate value from ActionCode Lookup.
ReasonCode Fill with the appropriate value from ReasonCode Lookup.
PrimaryFlag Supply appropriate value (WorkRelationshipPrimaryFlag)
RehireRecommendationFlag Supply appropriate value if the Action is ‘TERMINATION’
CancelWorkRelationshipFlag Supply appropriate value if the Action is ‘TERMINATION’
TerminateWorkRelationshipFlag Supply appropriate value if the Action is ‘TERMINATION’
OnMilitaryServiceFlag Supply appropriate value
WorkerNumber Supply appropriate value
RevokeUserAccess Supply appropriate value if the Action is ‘TERMINATION’
LegalEmployerName Supply appropriate value
WorkerType Fill with the appropriate value from WorkerType Lookup.
SourceSystemOwner Any value that uniquely identifies each record. Conventionally, use the concatenated string of PersonNumber, ActionCode,
DateStart, LegalEmployerName, WorkerType Use the following formula.
SourceSystemId Fill with appropriate value from HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER Lookup.
(More Info: Appendix I)
Step18: For WorkTerms business object, use the below mentioned highlighted attributes that are supplied usually.

Attribute Name Attribute Value

LegislationCode Fill with the appropriate value from Country Lookup.
PersonNumber Supply appropriate value
ActionCode Fill with the appropriate value from ActionCode Lookup.
ReasonCode Fill with the appropriate value from ReasonCode Lookup.
EffectiveStartDate Supply appropriate value
EffectiveEndDate Use the following formula.
EffectiveSequence Supply appropriate value
AssignmentSequence Supply appropriate value
PrimaryFlag Supply appropriate value
Assignmentname Supply appropriate value
AssignmentStatusType Fill with the appropriate value from AssignmentStatusType Lookup.
PersonTypeCode Fill with the appropriate value from PersonTypeLookup.
BusinessUnitCode Supply appropriate value
PositionCode Supply appropriate value
JobCode Supply appropriate value
GradeCode Supply appropriate value
DepartmentName Supply appropriate value
LocationCode Supply appropriate value
InternalBuilding Supply appropriate value
InternalFloor Supply appropriate value
InternalLocation Supply appropriate value
InternalMailstop Supply appropriate value
InternalOfficeNumber Supply appropriate value
EmployeeCategory Fill with the appropriate value from Employee Category Lookup.
EmploymentCategory Fill with the appropriate value from Employment Category Lookup.
NormalHours Supply appropriate value
Frequency Fill with the appropriate value from Frequency Lookup.
HourlySalariedCode Fill with the appropriate value from Hourly Salaried Code Lookup.
WorkAtHome Supply appropriate value
ManagerFlag Supply appropriate value
ProjectedAssignmentEnd Supply appropriate value
PeopleGroupId Supply appropriate value
TimeNormalStart Supply appropriate value
TimeNormalFinish Supply appropriate value
EstablishmentId Supply appropriate value
FullPartTime Supply appropriate value
PermanentTemporaryFlag Supply appropriate value
BillingTitle Supply appropriate value
RetirementDate Supply appropriate value
BargainingUnitCode Supply appropriate value
LabourUnionMemberFlag Supply appropriate value
ProbationPeriod Supply appropriate value
ProbationUnit Supply appropriate value
DateProbationEnd Supply appropriate value
NoticePeriod Supply appropriate value
NoticePeriodUOM Supply appropriate value
DefaultCodeCombId Supply appropriate value
LineManagerPersonNumber Supply appropriate value
OtherManagerPersonNumber Supply appropriate value
Any value that uniquely identifies each record. Conventionally, use the concatenated string of PersonNumber, ActionCode,
SourceSystemId EffectiveStartDate, AssignmentSequence, EffectiveSequence. Use the following formula.
SourceSystemOwner Fill with appropriate value from HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER Lookup.

(More Info: Appendix I)

Step19: For Assignment business object, use the below mentioned highlighted attributes that are supplied usually.

Attribute Name Attribute Value

LegislationCode Fill with the appropriate value from Country Lookup.
PersonNumber Supply appropriate value
ActionCode Fill with the appropriate value from ActionCode Lookup.
ReasonCode Fill with the appropriate value from ReasonCode Lookup.
EffectiveStartDate Supply appropriate value
EffectiveEndDate Use the following formula.
EffectiveSequence Supply appropriate value
AssignmentSequence Supply appropriate value
PrimaryFlag Supply appropriate value
Assignmentname Supply appropriate value
AssignmentStatusType Fill with the appropriate value from AssignmentStatusType Lookup.
PersonTypeCode Fill with the appropriate value from PersonTypeLookup.
BusinessUnitCode Supply appropriate value
PositionCode Supply appropriate value
JobCode Supply appropriate value
GradeCode Supply appropriate value
DepartmentName Supply appropriate value
LocationCode Supply appropriate value
InternalBuilding Supply appropriate value
InternalFloor Supply appropriate value
InternalLocation Supply appropriate value
InternalMailstop Supply appropriate value
InternalOfficeNumber Supply appropriate value
EmployeeCategory Fill with the appropriate value from Employee Category Lookup.
EmploymentCategory Fill with the appropriate value from Employment Category Lookup.
NormalHours Supply appropriate value
Frequency Fill with the appropriate value from Frequency Lookup.
HourlySalariedCode Fill with the appropriate value from Hourly Salaried Code Lookup.
WorkAtHome Supply appropriate value
ManagerFlag Supply appropriate value
ProjectedAssignmentEnd Supply appropriate value
PeopleGroupId Supply appropriate value
TimeNormalStart Supply appropriate value
TimeNormalFinish Supply appropriate value
EstablishmentId Supply appropriate value
FullPartTime Supply appropriate value
PermanentTemporaryFlag Supply appropriate value
BillingTitle Supply appropriate value
RetirementDate Supply appropriate value
BargainingUnitCode Supply appropriate value
LabourUnionMemberFlag Supply appropriate value
ProbationPeriod Supply appropriate value
ProbationUnit Supply appropriate value
DateProbationEnd Supply appropriate value
NoticePeriod Supply appropriate value
NoticePeriodUOM Supply appropriate value
DefaultCodeCombId Supply appropriate value
LineManagerPersonNumber Supply appropriate value
OtherManagerPersonNumber Supply appropriate value
Any value that uniquely identifies each record. Conventionally, use the concatenated string of PersonNumber, ActionCode,
SourceSystemId EffectiveStartDate, AssignmentSequence, EffectiveSequence. Use the following formula.
SourceSystemOwner Fill with appropriate value from HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER Lookup.

(More Info: Appendix I)

Step20: Then save all the individual sheets in csv format by navigating FileSave AsCSV(Comma delimited)(*.csv) as Save as Type.
Step21: Open Worker business object csv file in any editor like Notepad++. Then copy all the contents of the rest of the CSV files and append it to the
same Notepad++ editor one by one as shown below.
Step22: Finally, save this file by keeping Worker.dat as File name and All types(“.”) as Save as type.
Step23: Now compress the saved file as shown below.

Step24: Go to environment and navigate to NavigatorData Exchange

Step25: On clicking Import File and selecting Import Local File, a dialog box appears where Zipped file has to be chosen and Submit should be clicked.
Step26: The following screen appears. Make sure Import and load is selected for File Action. Then click on Submit.
Step26: The above Confirmation box appears. On clicking Ok, the user will be directed to the following page. Click on Refresh till the Zip file appears
under Search Results.
Step27: Make sure the highlighted two green-tick icon appears, confirming successful import and load.

Step28: There can be two types of errors, Import Error and Load Error. The following two images will portray the UI display for the mentioned errors.
Step29: After modifications in the Dat file for corresponding errors, the loading process is repeated again.

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