Location and Surroundings: Encouraging Productivity

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Location and Surroundings

The ideal locality for an event venue is both practical and inspiring. Logistically,

the best venues for business or personal events are in locations that everyone

can get to easily. It should be straightforward to drive to and not too far from a

major road or a motorway, with ample parking. A venue should have some public

transport travel options too. The best venues also have inspiring surroundings –

great for encouraging productivity at business events and perfect for the photographs

that go along with celebrations and parties.

Food and Drink

Often one of the most important things at any event. Quality, choice and

adaptability for dietary requirements are all key aspects to look for in event

catering. Venues with experienced, slick kitchen environments will be able to

feed corporate delegates efficiently, while they’ll also be adept at providing

variety and some wow factor for celebratory events. There’s nothing that creates

discontent more than poor or slow food at an event. Get it right and guests will

be raving about it for years to come.

Service and Facilities
Ensuring an event venue has staff who provide effortless service with a smile

goes a long way to giving guests a brilliant time. As well as providing the right

people, ensure a venue also has an abundance of essential facilities, such as

bathrooms with plenty of cubicles to avoid queuing and various routes and

access points to the rooms you’ll be using to circumvent crowded hallways.

Gripes associated with details like this are easy to avoid by choosing a quality

venue. For events over two days or more, a venue with accommodation will win

you brownie points with guests, removing the pressure and stress of having to

travel elsewhere to sleep.

Size and Capacity

Choose a venue that fits your number of attendees well. A space that is too small

will feel cramped and claustrophobic, while rooms that are too large will make an

event feel empty and lacking in ambience. Check the capacity of a room or venue

against the purpose of your event – for example a seated dinner requires more

space than a standing cocktail reception.

Even if you want a venue with a quaint or traditional feeling, good technology is

vital. Business delegates will rely on excellent Wi-Fi, while organisers will need

big screens and microphones. Celebratory events are likely to require different

lighting options and a high-quality sound system. The best technology solutions

are not intrusive but add tangible value to guests.

The perfect venue for any event is underpinned by flawless facilities and well-

planned logistics, providing a solid backbone to engaging, good-looking and

polished events.

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