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Euthanasia the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible
coma. The practice is illegal in most countries. How many countries allow euthanasia? three countries.
Euthanasia is legal only in three countries in the world, all of them EU Member States: the Netherlands,
Belgium and Luxembourg. However, the reality is much more complicated, with passive euthanasia and
assisted suicide being legal (or at least tacitly permitted) in several European countries.

Euthanasia comes in several different forms, each of which brings a different set of rights and wrongs.

Active and passive euthanasia

In active euthanasia a person directly and deliberately causes the patient's death. In passive euthanasia they
don't directly take the patient's life, they just allow them to die.

Voluntary and involuntary euthanasia

Voluntary euthanasia occurs at the request of the person who dies.

Non-voluntary euthanasia occurs when the person is unconscious or otherwise unable (for example, a very
young baby or a person of extremely low intelligence) to make a meaningful choice between living and dying,
and an appropriate person takes the decision on their behalf.

Indirect euthanasia
This means providing treatment (usually to reduce pain) that has the side effect of speeding the patient's death.

Governing law about Euthanasia in Indonesia are :
1. ARTICLE twenty eight - A nineteen forty five Constitution. Everyone has the right to live and has the
right to defend his life and life.
2. Article 344 reads: "Anyone who removes the soul of another person at the request of the person
himself, whom he clearly and truly mentions is sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of twelve
International law for Euthanasia
We’re only agree with Voluntary Euthanasia, because every single person in this earth should have the rights
for their body and their life, whether they want to be alive, or not.
And we’re disagree with the rest of those forms of euthanasia (except the Voluntary) because it’s killing
people without their consent, and it’s a crime.

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