CFR 2017 Title50 Vol9 Sec29 154 PDF

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§ 29.142 50 CFR Ch.

I (10–1–17 Edition)

(2) Fees under this section will not be lamation exceeds the amount of your
charged for access within the scope of financial assurance, you will remain
your oil and gas right or access to your liable for all costs of reclamation in ex-
right that is otherwise provided for by cess of the financial assurance.
law. (b) The Service will reduce the re-
(b) If access to your oil and gas right quired amount of your financial assur-
is across an existing refuge road, we ance during the pendency of operations
may charge a fee according to a posted by the amount we determine is rep-
fee schedule. resented by in-kind reclamation you
complete during your operations.
§ 29.142 Will I be charged a fee for
emergency access to my operations?
§ 29.152 Will the Service adjust the
No. amount required for my financial
(a) The Service will not charge a fee assurance?
for access across Service-administered The Service may require, or you may
lands or waters beyond the scope of request, an adjustment to the financial
your oil and gas right as necessary to assurance amount because of any cir-
respond to an emergency situation at cumstances that increase or decrease
your area of operations if we determine
the estimated costs established under
after the fact that the circumstances
§ 29.151.
required an immediate response to ei-
ther: § 29.153 When will the Service release
(1) Prevent or minimize injury to ref- my financial assurance?
uge resources; or
(2) Ensure public health and safety. (a) Your responsibility under the fi-
(b) You will remain liable for any nancial assurance will continue until
damage caused to refuge resources as a either:
result of such emergency access. (1) The Service determines that you
have met all applicable reclamation
FINANCIAL ASSURANCE operating standards and any additional
reclamation requirements that may be
§ 29.150 When do I have to provide fi- included in your operations permit; or
nancial assurance to the Service?
(2) A new operator assumes your op-
You will need to provide financial as- erations, as provided in § 29.170(b).
surance as a condition of approval for (b) You will be notified by the Serv-
your operations permit when you sub- ice within 30 calendar days of our de-
mit your application. You must file fi- termination that your financial assur-
nancial assurance with us in a form ac- ance has been released.
ceptable to the Service and payable
upon demand. This financial assurance § 29.154 Under what circumstances
is in addition to any financial assur- will I forfeit my financial assur-
ance required by any other Federal or ance?
State regulatory authority.
(a) You may forfeit all or part of
§ 29.151 How does the Service estab- your financial assurance if we cannot
lish the amount of financial assur- secure your compliance with the provi-
ance? sions of your operations permit or a
(a) You are responsible for com- provision of this subpart. The part of
pleting reclamation of your disturb- your financial assurance forfeited is
ances, whether within or outside your based on costs to the Service to remedy
permit area, in accordance with this your noncompliance.
subpart and the terms of your permit. (b) In addition to forfeited financial
If you fail to properly complete rec- assurance, we may temporarily:
lamation, you will be liable for the full (1) Prohibit you from removing all
costs of completing the reclamation. structures, equipment, or other mate-
We will base the financial assurance rials from your area of operations;
amount upon the estimated cost that a (2) Require you to secure the oper-
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third-party contractor would charge to ations site and take any necessary ac-
complete reclamation in accordance tions to protect Service-administered
with this subpart. If the cost of rec- lands and waters, and resources of the


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior § 29.171

refuge; visitor uses; and visitor or em- erations. Your written notification
ployee health and safety; and must include:
(3) Suspend review of any permit ap- (1) The names and addresses of the
plications you have submitted until we person or entity conveying the right
determine that all violations of permit and of the person or entity acquiring
provisions or of any provision of this the right;
subpart are resolved. (2) The effective date of transfer;
(4) Seek recovery as provided in (3) The description of the rights, as-
§ 29.151 for all costs of reclamation in sets, and liabilities being transferred
excess of the posted financial assur- and which ones, if any, are being re-
ance. served by the previous operator; and
(4) A written acknowledgement from
MODIFICATION TO AN OPERATION the new operator that the contents of
the notification are true and correct.
§ 29.160 Can I modify operations under (b) If your operations are being con-
an approved permit? ducted under § 29.43 or an operations
The Service may amend an approved permit:
temporary access permit or an oper- (1) You must provide notice under
ations permit to adjust to changed con- paragraph (a) of this section.
ditions or to address unanticipated (2) You remain responsible for com-
conditions, either upon our own action pliance with your operations permit,
or at your request. and we will retain your financial assur-
(a) To request a modification to your ance until the new operator:
operation, you must provide, in writ- (i) Adopts and agrees in writing to
ing, to the Service, your assigned per- conduct operations in accordance with
mit number, a description of the pro- all terms and conditions of your oper-
posed modification, and an explanation ations permit;
of why the modification is needed. We (ii) Provides financial assurance with
will review your request for modifica- us that is acceptable to the Service and
tion under the approval standards at made payable to the Service; and
§§ 29.72 or 29.103. You may not imple- (iii) Receives written notification
ment any modification until you have from the Service that transfer of the
received the Service’s written ap- operations permit has been approved.
(b) If the Service needs to amend § 29.171 What must I do if operations
your temporary access permit or oper- are transferred to me?
ations permit, you will receive a writ- (a) If another operator transfers oper-
ten notice that: ations conducted under § 29.44, as the
(1) Describes the modification re- transferee you may continue operating
quired and justification; under the requirements of that section,
(2) Specifies the time within which but:
you must notify the Service that you (1) Within 30 calendar days from the
either accept the modifications to your date of the transfer, you must provide
permit or explain any concerns you to the Service:
may have; and (i) Documentation demonstrating
(3) Absent any concerns, specifies the that you hold the right to operate; and
time within which you must incor- (ii) The names, phone numbers, and
porate the modification into your oper- addresses of your:
ations. (A) Primary company representative;
(B) Representative responsible for
CHANGE OF OPERATOR field supervision; and
(C) Representative responsible for
§ 29.170 What are my responsibilities if emergency response.
I transfer my right to operate? (2) Within 90 days, or as otherwise
(a) If your operations are being con- agreed to by the Service, submit an op-
ducted under § 29.44, you must notify erations permit application in compli-
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the Service in writing within 30 cal- ance with §§ 29.90–29.97, Operations Per-
endar days from the date the new oper- mit: Application, that must be ap-
ator acquires the rights to conduct op- proved in compliance with applicable


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