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Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules


Police Provinces



Police Stations

 Determined by the Commissioner General of Police

after submission of a request by OC Province

 Boundaries of stations to be determined by the Officer

Commanding Police Province.

 Site of Police station determined by PROPOL [Uncoded

Rules Volume 2]

 rural station shall be a standard unit accommodating

55 details [Uncoded Rules Volume 2]

Support Unit

 Troop Composition

 One (1) Chief Inspector

 One (1) Inspector
 Four (4) Assistant Inspectors
 Between 13 and 20 Sergeants
 One Hundred (100) Constables

 The services of Support Unit shall be applied by the OC

Province to Chief Staff Officer [Operations]

 No provisions of accommodation and mess for

Support Unit details operating on the ground.

 OIC Stations shall ensure that there are enough maps

to be used by Support Unit.

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

Police Protection Unit


 VIP Protection
 Guarding of Key Installations
 manning of mobile escorts

Police Dog Sections

Established in all Police Provinces under the directive of the

respective OC Province

Dog Training School is under the patronage of Staff Officer

[Training] responsible to the Commissioner General of Police

1. Executive Command Committee


 Commissioner General of Police

 Deputy Commissioner Generals
 Commissioners of Police

Duties and responsibilities

 Plan and coordinate establishments and estimates of

the force
 Resolves problems of the organization and development
of the force
 Deal with the best distribution of resources
 Stimulate and maintains efficiency
 Initiate and encourage new research projects and ideas

2. Central Planning Committee


 Commissioner General of Police

 Deputy Commissioner Generals

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

3. National Support Group

 Commissioners of police

Police Association

Membership is automatic to all members of the Force

The governing body of the association shall the Force
Development Committee


To enable members of the Force to discuss matters concerning

their welfare and to advise the Commissioner General of Police
on how these can be improved.


A : Supts and above

B : A/Inspectors, Inspectors and C/Inspectors

C : Sergeants and Constables


 Provincial Committees to be held annually.


 To be Held after every 3 Months



Every member shall salute;

 The president
 Judges of the High Court
Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Ministers and Deputy Ministers

 Senior diplomatic reps of any other country when displaying
his country’s flag or emblem on his motor vehicle
 Officers of or above the rank of Lieutenant in the Defence
forces and supt in the Prison Services if such person is senior
to him in rank.

Officers of or above the rank of Inspector shall salute [except

when the President is in attendance or other Dignitary
taking the salute at a parade] and other ranks will stand to
attention whenever:-

The national anthem is being played provided that:-

i. No compliment will be paid when the national anthem is

being played.

ii. Whenever more than one verse is played members shall

stand to attention during the whole of the national anthem
but members required to salute shall do so only during the
first verse.

iii. When a parade under present arms presents arms

immediately prior to the playing of the national anthem,
Officers of or above the rank of inspector shall come to the
salute with the second movement of the “present” and
down with the second movement of the “shoulder”

Every member shall salute:-

 When the regimental colours pass or are passes uncased

 whenever, passing or being passed by the body at a
 when meeting a senior commissioned officer

Mode of Address

 All members shall be addressed by their police rank

 Inspectors and above shall be addressed Sir

Riding Bicycle on duty

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Privately owned cycles that are used for official duty shall
be inspected once every week by the OIC/MIC and
records of such inspection in the charge office diary

 Money to purchase cycles is obtained from Central

Amenities Fund

Animals at police stations

Approval by OC Province for privately owned animals other

than poultry, rabbits or domestic pets which a sympathetically
approved by the OIC/MIC Station.

Cattle shall be kept solely for milk purposes.

Visits outside Zimbabwe

Border Liaison Visits shall be authorized by Officers

Commanding Provinces or Provincial Criminal Investigation

Flying flags

 More than one flag Police flag to the extreme right as viewed
by a person standing with his back to the building

 Flown from sunrise to sunset

 National Flag raised first and lowered last

 Flags should only be flown at half mast on instructions from

PGHQ and on such occasions through a radio signal.

 Flags shld first be hoisted to the top of the flag staff and then
slowly lowered until the centre of the flag is half way btwn
the top and the top of the Flag staff. Before flags are lowered
at sunset or at the appointed time, they shall first be hoisted
to the top of the flag staff.

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

Members of Parliament

Shall be addressed Sir

Identity cards (folders)

 Bear the photograph of the holder on the inside

 Stamped parliament of Zimbabwe

 Covered in green leatherette

 Any member of the public shall be removed from the house

by a policemen on the orders Speaker / Sergeant at Arms


Cabinet Ministers - a pennant in the form of a miniature

replica of the national flag

Speaker -Green pennant with red extremities bearing the

parliament court of arms and the words House of Parliament

Senior Diplomatic reps- reg numbers CD in conjunction with

a series of numbers in Black upon a white reflective
background and vehicle will display a pennant in the form of
a miniature replica of the national flag of that country that
when travelling.

Commissioner General of Police- dark blue pennant being

the police badge


Shall be channeled thru the OC Province

Complaints Book / register maintained at the Province by OC

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

Arrest of member

An arrested member shall be put under close/open arrest .

If placed under open arrest member shall:-
 Not leave his station/ quarters without permission of the
senior member
 Shall attend all parades and shall be available for all duties.
 Shall report to senior member as required.
Close arrest
 Member to be searched and deprived of weapons or placed
in confinement (police cell or guard room)
 Shall not be committed to any prison without express
authority of the Commissioner General of Police
 Shall not except in cases of emergency be required to
perform any duty other that duties as may be required to
relieve him of any cash store /accounts.

Suspension of a member

Authorized by OC Province with a confirmation by the

Commissioner General of Police sought within 24 hours

A suspended member;

 Losses his powers as a policemen during the period of

suspension but remains a member of the Force and subject
to police discipline.

 May be called upon by an Officer of or above the rank of

Supt to perform duties that do not require the exercise of
police powers

 Member gets his full salary and allowances.

 Once member is suspended he shall surrender his police

identity card to the OIC Station [ref Compol Publications
rdo KN 30/05 DD 26/09/05]

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Forms 355 and 55 shall be submitted to Chief Staff Officer

[Human Resources] within seven (7) days

 Shall wear riot dress without badges when required to

perform duties

 May be required to take time off or leave at the discretion of

the OIC
 Name shall continue to appear in the duty roster and
endorsed ‘on suspension’

 A trial may be adjourned for 14 days without the consent

of the accused for a period of 14 days.

 The maximum period for manual labour of an imprisoned

member is not more than 9 hours each day.

 Types of boards of inquiry

On Suitability, desertion etc [Convened by the Commissioner

General of Police]
Loss/damage to property
[Convened by Commissioner
General of Police/ PROPOL ]

Other than the above

 Promotion advisory board [convened by Commissioner

General of Police]
 Medical boards [ convened by Commissioner General of
 Short Boards [ Convened by the DISPOL]

 Boards are considered to be convened by the PROPOL

 ALL Board proceedings should be forwarded to PGHQ for
the Compol General’s attention.
 Types of trials
 High Court
 By a magistrate
 By a board of officers

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 By an officer

 A board shall consist of 3 Senior Officers or above

 An officer shall not be appointed to the Board if officer is a
material witness or has personal interest on the case.
 The Commissioner General of Police may appoint a
legal practitioner to assist a Board
 The maximum sentence by the High Court shall be 5
years , a stipulated fine or both
 An Officers after convicting a member shall send the
outcome to the Propol- Commissioner General for
 shall only try members not officers
 A member or officer convicted and sentenced by a Board
of Officers may appeal to the Supreme Court
 A police witness is directed by the High Court orderly to
attend the high court
 it is duty of the investigating officer to convey exhibits
to the High Court
 OIC /MIC is entitled to check Warned and Cautioned
Statements for High Court or regional Court Dockets
before they are sent to the Attorney General.
 The Regional Public Prosecutor arrange with the
Director of public Prosecution for the case to be heard at
the regional court.
 the Prosecutor shall retain a Police docket where the trial
has been stopped at a magistrate court
 Where the AG directs that the accused be transferred for
sentence at the High Court, the prosecutor will send
the Police docket to the MIC of Police Post of the
high Court.

 A docket send to the MIC High Court by the PP and

accused has been transferred for sentence at the High
Court – fingerprints to be ensured certified and
returned to CCB in due course
 At Form 17 the last entry on the form 17 shall indicate the
whereabouts of the accused on the compilation of the
docket before submitted for prosecution to the AG or Local
Senior Public Prosecutor.

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Can a report covering investigation of Mine accidents by

neither Inspector of mines nor the inspector of mines
gives evidence in court?

 No because what was told the inspector was from

a witness
 Report amounts to hearsay

 When recording statements, when preparing a docket for

Contravening a Section of the Mining {Management and
safety} Regulations to whom shall they to whom shall
they be obtained.

 Witness
 Inspector of mines

 Who shall give authority to prosecute as per above?

 Senior Public Prosecutor who may wish to refer to

AG’s office.

 In terms of the Road Traffic Act where an Investigation

Officer obtain previous convictions of an accused by
telephone from the Central Vehicle Registry and endorse
the enquiries on the ID (Form 11)

 How can the above be approved in court during during the

trial of the accused claims that he does not have PCs? the
prosecutor should ask the accused to produce the licence
and if accused claims that he des not have licence then
particulars must be taken to ensure that the correct
information has been obtained from CVR

Inter Branch Transfers

 Transfer of all Supts and above, Chief Inspectors and

Inspectors, Staff Admin and Inter-Provincial transfers
shall only be effected by PGHQ

 DUB below Inspector within the same District Dispol

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 All transferred members of Assistant Inspector and

below shall be issued with a Route Instruction.

 Probationary period for CID shall be 12 months

Transfer to other Gvt Departments

Shall be approved by the Compol

Removal of member’s furniture on transfer

 Authority by SSO [Quartermaster] or local Provincial


 Provincial Quartermaster must be informed as early as

possible of every transfer involving the removal of
furniture and effects and in any case not later than 6

Casualty Returns

‘Casualty’ means:-

i. Any member or civilian employee of the force to or

from any station

ii. The discharge or retirement of any member or civilian

member of the force.

iii. The death of any member or civilian employee of the


iv. The engagement of any civilian employee of the force

v. The desertion or absence or absence without leave

and the resumption of duty following desertion or
absence without leave of any member or civilian
employee of the force

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

OICs and MICs shall record all casualties on Police form 123
(Casualty Returns) which shall be completed in quadruplicate
and distributed as follows:-

 Original PGHQ
 First Copy OC Province
 Second Copy OC District
 Third Copy Remain Station


Promotion suitability reports to be completed in triplicate

Special Qualifications means rare technical skills found in

few individuals not ordinarily found in the organization e.g
ballistics, farriers, forensic science and medicine

Any Constable, Sergeant , Assistant Inspector who is efficient in

his duties but who because of age or for any good reason is
unable to complete successfully may be considered for an
extended interview for promotion to the next higher rank
provided that he has served for:-

10 yrs Constables or D/Constable

8yrs Sergeant or D/Sergeant
8yrs A/Insp

Composition of Promotion Advisory Board

Not less than 3 officers appointed by Compol

Retirement, Resignation and Discharges


*NB* It shall be the prerogative of the PROPOL to withdraw an

identity card of a retiring member. [Uncoded rules volume 2]

 Retirement on pension- after completion of 20 or more

years pensionable service as the case may be.

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Retirement on Gratuity – after completion of 10 or

more years.


 At own request

 By purchase

 On transfer to other Government Departments


 On medical grounds

 On expiration of contract

 Unsuitable for police duties

 For misconduct

Conduct classification

 Exemplary - served not less than 10yrs and service in the

last 6 yrs has been completely satisfactory

 ‘Very good’- 6 or more years an service in entirety

completely satisfactory

 ‘Good’ - disregards length of services and does not

qualify for Exemplary and satisfactory conduct generally

 ‘Fair’- does not qualify for the foregoing classes and

members are not discharged for Misconduct or unsuitable
for police duties

 ‘Nil’- members does not deserve any of the above


Form 71 (Application for Discharge)

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 one copy completed

 Resignation at own request may be recommended by the

OC Province

 3 months notice given

 Waiver of notice approved by Commissioner General

Death of a Member

 Reported ‘immediately’ by Member’s OIC to his OC who

shall notify the Commissioner General

 Notification of next of kin Resident in Zimbabwe shall be

OC’s responsibility to see that it is done

 Notification of next of kin resident out of Zimbabwe shall

be notified by PGHQ

 Death of a Pensioner shall be the responsibility of the

District Administrator

Funerals of Deceased members

Equivalent rank

 Member of or above the rank of A/Insp – the rank of A/Insp

and all ranks above

 Member of or below the rank of Sergeant all- ranks below

that rank

Provision of wreath

 OC District or Province of the deceased member

 Costs of the Wreath shall be borne by the Provincial

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

Payment of expenses

 Burial or cremation expanses incurred shall be borne by

the Government
 Expenses includes the Coffin and Cross to mark the
grave of the deceased member
 cross may be obtained through Senior Staff Officer
 OIC or MIC where the grave is located is responsible for
the erection of the cross

Funeral expenses of ex members

 Expenses not borne by the Government

 Commissioner General of Police may authorize the
provision of :
 Flag ,
 bearer party
 bugler



 Approved at Provincial or District Level for Chief

Inspectors and below

Advance Salary

 Applications to be submitted to SSBLO not less than Six

weeks prior to the start of leave
 On granted for members applying for leave in excess of
21 days

 Accrual rate for sergeants ( former patrol officers) and

above remains (1/9) for the first 5 years after it changes to
(1/8) and maximum accrued days is 230

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Accrual rate of Sergeants and constables is ( 1/14) with a

maximum of 150 days that will change ( 1/10) with a
maximum accrual of 180 days


Granted in terms of the Police (Leave) Regulations

For members including officers of the rank of Inspector and

Chief Inspectors shall be applied to the OC District


Granted on the recommendation of a Government Medical



Approved by PGHQ


 Approved by PGHQ

 Maternity leave restricted to one period after every 24


 Three (3) periods of such leave may be taken during a

member’s total service

 A pregnant policewoman shall not be allowed to wear

uniform after 3 months [ Uncoded rules volume 3]

 Member breast feeding until her child reaches 6 months

be granted 1 hour or two (1/2) hr periods each day
during normal working hours for the purpose of nursing
her child

Failure to return from leave on time

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Facts must be reported immediately to the OC



 OCs to grant 11/2 days time off per week

 Time off is not accumulative and member is regarded
as off duty


 Notification must be made to the Commissioner General

of Police on form 101

 If member fails to comply with the above he:-

 Liable to be discharged from the force
 Not be entitled to allowances payable to a married
 When intended spouse is less than 18 years the
notification must be accompanied by a written statement
by minor’s parents or legal guardian consenting to the

 Member with more than one wife, only 1 wife will be

allowed to reside with member in Government Quarters.

 Members wishing to marry in uniform must obtain prior

permission from his Officer Commanding Province if
marriage is taking place in Zimbabwe the Commissioner
General if Outside Zimbabwe.

 If permission granted dress order should be the same as

for ceremonial parades.

 Flowers and other unauthorized decorations or

adornments shall not be worn on the uniform.

 Police Guard of Honour is authorized by OC Province

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Mounted or Motor cycle escorts, outriders etc will not be



Medical Treatment

 Provided or authorized by GMO for members of all ranks

or dependents of members of or below the rank of

 Private medical practitioner may be obtained in

treating a member or a dependent of Assistant Inspector
and below and authority of payment by Government is
obtained from the Secretary for Health with prior
authority sought from member’s OC.

 Dependents medical treatment for Sergeants and below

attended by a private medical practitioner must be
authorized by the GMO.

 Medical treatment outside Zimbabwe by a member

applying for refund after expending funds from Medical
Aid Society my be accepted except where a visit outside
Zimbabwe was for medical reasons and authorized by the
Secretary for Health.

 Members injured on leave outside Zimbabwe are not

covered by the Provisions of the Police (Medical and
Dental) regulations.

Dental Treatment

 Examination by a Dental Surgeon after every six months.

 Urgent Dental Treatment by a private dentist is authorized
by the GMO.
 Dependents must first be examined by a private dentist
 A dependent may not visit a dentist at Government
expense within six months of a previous authorized visit
unless the matter is urgent.

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Authority for further treatment is valid for 3 months.

 Transport costs may be paid for two journeys per family
per year.


 Frequent Hospital visits of a detained member shall be

ensured by the OC District or Province


 when a member of the special constabulary is sick/injured

on duty forms 47 must be completed and forwarded to
PGHQ Medical Services
 OIC of injured member shall forward the papers to OC
District who decides whether it is possible to conduct a
board of inquiry or not.


Z. R Police Board of Trustees

 Deputy Commissioner General [Admin] shall be the


 Board meets once every 3 months

Management Subcommittee

 Shall have the Chief Staff Officer [Administration] as


 Meets as often as may be required.

Provincial Fund

 Chairman shall be the OC Province

 Meets once per quarter

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

Recreational Club

 Shall be established at every Station.

 Members to join appropriate rank.

Golf Club

The President is the Commissioner General of Police

Police Canteens

 Authorized by the Commissioner General of Police

 Dry canteens shall operate under a General Dealer’s
license or aerated water dealers licence
 Opaque beer is supplied under a permit issued by the
Commissioner General


 CB № (Criminal Bureau Number) e.g 123/10

It starts with a number 1 at the beginning of each year the
two final numbers denote the year.

 CB numbers appear on the following documents:-

 Summons
 Indictments
 Charge sheets [Source Uncoded rules Volume 2]

 CBD № (Criminal Bureau Docket Number) e.g


 When a person is convicted of a second conviction a

docket (CBD) and filled with subsequent charges.

 first two figures denote the year which the criminal

docket was opened

 CBD No does not appear on the

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Fingerprints must be taken for every person who has been

arrested for an offence unless OIC/MIC directs otherwise

 Must be taken of any person whose attendance at court

was secured by some method other than arrest

 Prime responsibility of taking fingerprints lies with the

arresting detail

 Ultimate responsibility lies with the OIC/MIC

 Fingerprints sent back to station waiting for results from

CCB and finalisation and appear or review lodge by the
accused must be forwarded or not to CCB must be
forwarded for changes send by radio. [source:
uncoded rules volume 2]

 To whom shall the OIC / MIC station liaise with on deciding

whether or not to open a station Criminal Bureau docket/?
local OIC /MIC CID [source : uncoded rules volume 2]

 Criminal History is obtained from CID HQ [source:

uncoded rules volume 2]


Granted by:

 Member of or above the rank of Assistant Inspector

 any member of whatever rank in Charge of a Police
 Form 91 is endorsed will be made in duplicate showing
clearly the amount of bail


 Prisoners shall immediately be searched by the arresting


 Searches where possible shall be conducted by the GMO

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Women prisoners shall be searched by a doctor or another

women in private


 Prisoners’ Detained Record shall be inspected daily by the

 If a prisoner escapes, it shall be entered in the Prisoners’
Detained Record and property entered in the Found
Property Book countersigned by two witnesses


 Size of escort shall depend on:-

 Number of prisoners
 Seriousness of offences being charged or convicted
 Character of prisoners
 An Escort Shall not be separated from or loose sight of its
prisoners or property, either by day or by night
 Deportees travelling under escort shall not exceed six at
a time
 Lunatics under escort shall be in plain clothes.


 Visited at least every half hour where there is no guard

 Times of visits shall be entered in the Charge Office
 One visit shall be made between 2000 hrs and midnight
: Midnight and 0400hrs
 Drunk prisoners shall be visited after every 20 minutes
 Insane prisoners shall be visited after every 20 minutes
and medical attention shall be obtained as soon as
 Violent prisoners are restricted by Leg irons or handcuffs
of which an entry shall be made in the Charge Office Diary
 Prisoners shall communicate with :-
Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Friends and relatives [Within the presence and hearing

distance of the member of the force with the Authority of the
 Legal advisor [Member of the force within sight but out of
the hearing distance].
 Consular Officials shall be granted all reasonable
facilities to interview their nationals and except in
the cases of espionage, sabotage and other
subversive activities [within sight but out of hearing of a
member of the force in cases of espionage, sabotage and
subversive activities within hearing distance]
 Prisoners are exercised for two 30 minutes intervals
weather permitting


Part Q11 State Property acquisition and control

 Estimates a conducted monthly to obtain staff and

material resources
 Estimates on bids are called for in August each year
 Three categories of bids:-

 Bids of replacement
 Bids for change
 Bids for addition
 Bids of additional staff , material resources, and
replacement of materials are bided for once a year
 Bids of minor work are done in December each year.
 A convening order shall be attached and form part of
the Board of Proceedings
 Board of Inquiry shall be made up of Officers of
substantiate rank of Inspectors and above.
 The findings of the board should indicate a wrongful act,
negligence or carelessness on the part of the member
who is involved.
 The OIC should send a Signal without delay to the
KEWPOL repeated to PROPOL and DISPOL whenever
state or force property is lost
 The PROPOL may hold in abeyance the Inquiries of lost
property for a month inorder to make efforts to locate the
property that may have been mislaid.
Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 The Propol may not dispense with the Board of Inquiry if it

might disclose administrative defects or be likely to assist
in enquiry.
 If classified documents or books are lost the OIC shall
send a signal to PROPOL repeated to DISPOL and
 In terms of the treasury instruction 2001 the following
includes departmental assets or material resources:-

 Building
 Transport
 Signals equipment
 Weapons and weaponry
 All other moveable property
 On accountability of material resources the Secretary of
Home Affairs is the accounting officer fro the Ministry
responsible for ZRP.
 Accounting Officers for all material resources of the force:-
 Commissioner General of Police
 Propols responsible to the Compol within their Province
 Dispols responsible to the Propols within their Districts
 OICs and MICs responsible to the Dispols within their
 MIC base responsible to the OIC Station
 OC Support Unit responsible to Commissioner General
of Police
 OIC SU Departments responsible to OC Support Unit
 A station forward recovered expanded doppies which
are collected for training purposes to the KEWPROV
 The recovered doppies are handed over to OIC
Ordnance Stores Harare.
 Ordnance Stores Harare then packs the doppies into
100kg or more bags , sales and the remit the income to
Senior Staff Officer [Finance ] PGHQ

Trades men requisition

 Shall live for 3 months from date of issue

 Tradesman requisition which is more than 3 months old
shall be send to PGHQ before payments to be returned to
the originating station fro reaction.
Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules


Identification of the deceased

 The body must be identified as that of the person who was

involved with the occurrence from which the death
 The medical superintendent of the Hospital shall obtain
reports from a doctor present at an operation table.
 Mining accidents shall be investigated by Inspectors from
the Department of Mines.
 Aircraft accidents involving Civil aircraft Depatment of
Civial Aviation
 Industrial Accidents – Inspectors of the factories and
Works Inspectorate


Type of patrols

Rural Patrol

 Farming area patrols

 Communal Lands Patrol
 Road Patrol
 Saturation Patrol [the object is to ensure that the local residents
maintain a healthy respect of the law and order].

 Patrol targets in rural areas shall contain the following

 Number of patrols to be performed in each patrol area of
the year
 Duration of such patrols
 Rank of personnel who will perform the patrol
 transport to be used
 12 copies of maps shall be retained at stations for use of
Security force patrols.


Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

General Record Book

Isolated graves within the station shall be entered in the GRB.

Crime Register
 A summary of cases pending trial and cases under
investigations is drawn at the end of each month
 It is indexed at least weekly

Duty Roster

 Time occupied on visiting officer duties shall be entered in

the Duty Roster

Found Property

 When Found property is handed to claimant whose

ownership is in doubt the finder / claimant shall sign the
form of indemnity.
 Animals other than stock may be taken to the nearest
 Routine checks shall be carried out once a month on
persons who have temporary custody of stray cattle.
 Unclaimed found property shall be destroyed through
Public Auction
 in the absence of a licensed auctioneer the OIC / MIC
conducts an Auction
 Public Auction should be made thru the local newspaper
14 days before the date of auction.

Lost Property

Documents to be entered are:-

 Passport
 ID Cards
 Other important documents of significant
Stray cattle shall not be entered in the lost property book
but be treated as stolen.

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 First record or entry is to record the serial number of
the notebook possessed immediately before hand.
 Last entry is to record serial number of the new book
issued on replacement.
 shall be destroyed after 1 year
 shall be checked by the OIC at least once a month


 RITA means Reported In Terms of the Act

 Authority to close dockets is granted by Senior Officer
 All murder dockets and dockets where the accused has
been found unfit to plead must be inscribed in with words
THE COMMISSIONER GENERAL’ in red on the outside
 Complete dockets shall be destroyed after- 3 years
 Incomplete ‘A’ dockets- 3 years
 Incomplete ‘B’ dockets- 5 years
 Incomplete ‘C’ dockets- 7 years

Police Gazette

 Supplement ‘A’ - annual review of outstanding Gazette

 Supplement ‘B’- monthly list of discharge from prison


 Members must consider the following before detaining an

 Seriousness of the offence
 Likelihood of the arrested person absconding
 Likelihood of the arrested person interfering with
witnesses or otherwise hampering investigations.

 Prioritise of clearing investigations

 Accused in custody
Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Accused remanded on bail

 accused to be dealt with by way of summons
 accused known but not located
 accused unknown but leads to investigation
 no leads to investigations
The police are empowered to remove children and young
persons to places of safety from danger
Police notifies the nearest District Social welfare office.


 Not less than two checks shall be conducted after the

receipt of forms 121.
 The PCIO shall be notified of any offence entailing
extensive investigation or extra territorial inquiries.
 A security offence is an offence which is known,
reasonably suspected or likely to have been inspired by
political motives or is directly against or is likely to affect
the safety as well as the economy of that country.
 Police certificates of character are issued by CID HQ
upon request.

Specific subject means anything , subject material or

topography feature about which it is necessary to have

Uncoded Rules Volume 2

 Attorney General declines to prosecute mental health

 A mental health docket before taken to the AG shall be
forwarded to PGHQ.
 AG may stop any court proceedings at any stage.
 Bail shall be granted by a Judge or Magistrate.
 A Police driver can remove headgear while driving a motor
vehicle only when there is no enough headroom
 Mail endorsed ‘on GS, bears the date stamp impression of
the originator on the left hand bottom may be posted
free within Zimbabwe.
 Mail endorsed ‘GS’ may be posted freely within the African
Postal Union
Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Gift mail by surface or air mail be posted by means of

 postage stamps
 franking machine impressions

 Permits under the traditional Beer Act are:-

 Employer’s permit [brews and sells]
 Commercial brewers’ permit [ brew, sell, supply for
 General permits [free rations not more than 10l]
 Export permit [Exporting]

 Functional filing was approved in 1982 and is grouped

as follows:-
 Crime
 Personnel
 Quartermaster
 Finance
 General Administration
 The height allowed to grow vegetables in camp is 1 m
 Trial by a single officer shall be conducted by a Senior Officer
who has served 3 years in rank
 Shorthand writer in the Magistrate Court should be 180
words per minute.
 Methods of recording Activities in court:-
 mechanical
 shorthand
 longhand

 Sequence of recording evidence:-

 Evidence in Chief
 Cross examination
 Re examination
 Questions by the court
 Without the consent of the accused the court may be
adjourned for 14 days
 An imprisoned member should do manual labour for a
period not exceeding 9 hours.
 For all members of the police of the rank of Sergeant or
above booked at Merry Trust chipping holiday shall stay for a
period not exceeding fourteen days.
Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Staff Officer [Administration] at PGHQ shall authorise the

 A person can occupy the national fund house for 12 months
 Vegetables shall grow for a height not exceeding 1m.
 For all members of the force of the rank of sergeant or
above booked themselves at merry Trust Chipping holiday
cottage shall be allowed a maximum period of 14 days.
 Authority of Staff Officer [Administration] shall be sought
for the bookings.
 A National Fund House is occupied for a maximum period of
12 months.
 PGHQ shall be informed of the death of all foreign nationals
who die within Zimbabwe and the following departments
shall be informed:-
 Ministry of foreign Affairs
 Department of Immigration
 Who is required to advise the country of origin before the
body is buried. International Law Practice of Zimbabwe
 Who are jointly tasked with the responsibility of notifying the
appropriate authorities of the above? ZRP PGHQ and the
Registrar General.
 if a foreign National is arrested PGHQ shall be advised
immediately through a signal stating full particulars of
deceased and brief circumstances.
 Blood analysis in drunken driving cases, doctor obtains
samples of venous blood. What air conditions should not
sterile containers? Ethyle Alcohol.
 What should be use for sterilisation only to avoid the
analysis null and void at a later stage? Soap and water
 What should be contained in the bottle prior to analysis prior
to the transfer of sample containing to not more than 5 ml
and not less than 3 ml? The correct preservative and
anti coagulant.

 The sample should be stored under refrigeration with

recommended temperature of 4 degrees Celsius.
 The maximum period of 20 minutes is calculated from time
of arrest from the breathalyzer model 1000 to be

 Schedule of monthly meetings by officer are as follows

Summarised notes: Standing Orders Volume I and II, Uncoded Rules

 Propols at least once after every two months

 Dispols at least once after every three months
 OIC/MIC monthly
 The meetings shall be recorded and channelled to PGHQ DC
[Human Resources]
 Types of meetings
 Formal meetings
 Committee meetings
 Conference
 A passport surrendered for bail shall be held by the clerk of
 When a passport is held as an exhibit or required for further
investigation shall be held by the Police


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