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CS F 111 Computer Programming

Lab Content Coverage

Week # Lab/Tutorial coverage of Topics Reference

Week 1 Linux Commands, Basic- C Program like Hello world, T1 (Chap 1)
Compiling and Running C program. Sample programs to R1 (Chap 1)
print direct outputs.
Week 2 Test on Topic discussed in week-1. T1 (Chap 2)
C language elements: variables, data types and sizes, R1 (Chap 2, 3)
operators, expressions, precedence and associativity. R2 (Chap 2)
R3(Chap 2)
Week 3 How printf() and scanf() works. If-else, else if, nested if. T1 (Chap 2,4)
R1(Chap 4,6)
R2(Chap 7)
Week 4 Test on Topic discussed in week-2 and week-3. T1(Chap 4)
switch construct. R1(Chap 6)
Week 5 while, do-while, for, break and continue. T1(Chap 5)
R1(Chap 6)
R2(Chap 3)
Week 6 Test on Topic discussed in week-4 and week-5. T1(Chap 6)
Introduction to simple Functions and program structure. R1(Chap 7)
R2(Chap 4)
Week 7 Functions with arguments, calling functions, T1 (Chap 6, 9)
returning function results, call by value and recursion. R1(Chap 7)
R2(Chap 4)
Week 8 Test on Topic discussed in week-6 and week-7. T1(Chap 7)
Introduction to 1-D array. R1(Chap 9)
R2(Chap 5)
Week 9 1-D and 2-D arrays, passing arrays to functions, Searching T1(Chap 7)
and Sorting. R1(Chap 9)
R2(Chap 5)
Week 10 Test on Topic discussed in week-8 and week-9 T1(Chap 7)
Introduction to pointers: declaration and initialization, R1(Chap 9)
pointer operators and pointer arithmetic, R2(Chap 5)

Week11 Pointer arrays, pointer to a function and call by reference, T1(Chap 7)

Introduction to String basics. R1(Chap 9)
R2(Chap 5)
Week 12 Test on Topic discussed in week-10 and week-11 T1(Chap 8)
string library functions, string comparison R1(Chap 10)
Week 13 Structures, unions and linked lists T1(Chap 10)
R1(Chap 12)
R2(Chap 6)
Week 14 Test on Topic discussed in week-12 and week-13 T1(Chap 11,13)
Creation, traversal, search, deletion in the linked list and R1(Chap 13)
Files R2(Chap 7)

 Continuous lab exam (20 %) dates to be announced by respective lab Instructors.

 Lab exam (20%) dates are 17th March 2019 and 28th April 2019.
 Create a directory named as your rollno _section under the home directory of
UBUNTU OS system using command-line or by GUI.
 In Each lab, store the programs within appropriate folders named LAB01, LAB02,
LAB03..etc. Which are the sub folders under your rollno _section folder.
 Always save program files with meaningful name preceded by lab assignment number
within specified folder. For example, you can save a program as CP3.5_quadratic.c
for 5th program of 3rd Lab for a program to find roots of a quadratic equation.

NOTE: Programming can’t be learned by watching others do it. Students must spend
numerous hours working on programs themselves.

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