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Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 102 (2013) 915–922

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Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces


Preformulation studies of mucoadhesive tablets for carbamazepine sublingual


Luana Perioli , Cinzia Pagano
Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologia del Farmaco, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Via del Liceo 1, Perugia 06123, Italy

article info abstract

Article history: The purpose of this research work was the realization of a bi-layered mucoadhesive dosage form intended for carbamazepine
Received 3 February 2012 sublingual administration and planned in order to obtain a unidirectional drug release and diffusion only across buccal mucosa
Received in revised form 1 October 2012 avoiding the liberation in the buccal environment.
Accepted 3 October 2012 Bi-layered tablets were constituted by an impermeable ethyl cellulose backing layer and a mucoad-hesive layer. The latter
Available online 10 October 2012
was composed by a blend of a semisynthetic polymer, as hydroxyethyl cellulose or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, and a
synthetic polymer as, Carbopol , physically mixed in different ratios. The active ingredient carbamazepine was
homogeneously dispersed in the mucoadhesive layer. The prepared formulations were carefully characterized by thickness,
Mucoadhesion friability, swelling index, matrix erosion, ex vivo and in vivo mucoadhesive force and time, moreover patient acceptability
Polymers was evaluated as well.
Buccal tablets
® ®
Release Tablets constituted by Carbopol :hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (25%:75%) and Carbopol : hydroxyethyl cellulose
(75%:25%) showed the best properties and for this reason were submitted to in vitro release studies.

Both tablet groups gave good results in terms of ex vivo and in vivo bioadhesive force and time giving a sustained release.

© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction this aspect represents a problem for the maintenance of therapeu-tic plasmatic
levels as well as for patient compliance, in particular for pediatric people.
Carbamazepine (CARBA) is an antiepileptic and psychotropic drug
mainly used in the treatment of secondarily generalized tonic-clonic and The design and development of formulations for buccal admin-istration
partial seizures, trigeminal neuralgia and in the prophylaxis of unresponsive could be an interesting approach in CARBA therapeutic regimen
lithium maniac depression (bipolar disorder) [1]. According to Essential improvement. In fact, CARBA administration by buccal route was estimated
Medicines WHO Model List, Core List, CARBA is labeled as class II drug of by many researchers to be a suitable approach to obtain a more efficient
the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) [2,3] because of its poor systemic absorption on such drugs [6,7].
solubility. This aspect is important as it affects drug absorption that results Oral mucosa represents an interesting drug administration site as it offers
slow and irregular through the GI tract reaching a lag time of 4–8 h [4,5]; the several advantages over both injectable and oral meth-ods. Because of the
main consequence of this is the variable CARBA bioavailability. high vascularization of this site, drugs absorbed through the oral mucosa can
enter directly into the systemic circu-lation bypassing the GI tract and first-
CARBA is currently administered by oral route and because its low water pass metabolism in the liver. Moreover buccal devices can be easily
◦ administered and could be rapidly removed if required. However, a series of
solubility (170 g/ml at 25 C) high and frequent doses are required in order to
obtain the therapeutic effect. For exam-ple, the suggested initial dose for factors could limit the drug absorption across the oral mucosa, this include:
epilepsy therapy is 100–200 mg once or twice daily. It is gradually increased exposure to salivary flow, low absorption area, production of shearing forces
by increments of 100–200 mg every 2 weeks to an usual maintenance dose of due to tongue movements, swallowing as well as short residence time [8,9].
0.8–1.2 g daily, up to 2 g daily may be occasionally necessary. Usu-ally,
CARBA must be administered 2–4 times daily [1] however,
Since 1980s a great interest was oriented on buccal formula-tions realized
by using mucoadhesive polymers [10,11]; in fact, these systems can offer
numerous advantages in comparison to non-adhesive solid oral dosage forms
∗ as: (i) a close contact between the mucosa and the dosage form, (ii) a high
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 075 5855133; fax: +39 075 5855163. E-mail address:
drug concentration (L. Perioli).

0927-7765/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
916 L. Perioli, C. Pagano / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 102 (2013) 915–922

maintenance at the absorption surface for a prolonged period of time, (iii) the 2.4. Swelling studies
dosage form immobilization in a specific part of the oral mucosa, (iv) drug
protection from the environment [8,12]. Tablet swelling properties (hydration %) and matrix erosion or dissolution
The oral mucosa can be distinguished in four potential regions suitable for (DS), were measured following a procedure previously reported [15,16]. Each
drug delivery: buccal, sublingual, palatal, and gingival [13]. Among them, the tablet was weighed (W1) and put into a petri plate (9 cm diameter) containing
sublingual region can represent an inter-esting administration site as it has ◦
SSF (F.U. XII Ed.) then ther-mostated at 37.0 ± 0.1 C in a ventilate heater
some characteristics useful to improve drug bioavailability in the case of (Orbital Incubator, Sanyo Gallenkamp, Japan). The experiments were
active ingredients presenting unsatisfactory biopharmaceutical properties. performed in triplicate and data were calculated using Eqs. (1) and (2):
Thin and highly permeable membrane of sublingual tissue is a perfect tar-get
if a prompt onset is desired. Considerable surface area and high blood flow at = W2 ×
this region provide a means for rapid access to the sys-temic circulation. % of Hydration (W 2 − W 1) 100 (1)
Moreover, sublingual region is easily accessible, and generally well accepted = W1 ×
from the patient [14]. W1−W3
DS 100 (2)
The present research work deals with the realization and char-acterization
where W1 is the dry tablet weight, W2 is the tablet weight after immersion in
of simple bi-layered mucoadhesive tablets intended for CARBA sublingual SSF for predetermined time intervals (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 h). W2 was
administration. measured after that SSF excess removing from the tablets using filter paper.

W3 is the weight of the swollen tablet measured after its drying at 60 C for
2. Experimental 24 h and then placed for 48 h in a desiccator containing CaCl 2 . This
experiment was performed in triplicate and expressed as mean ± SD (error
2.1. Materials bars are not reported in the graphs in order to allow a clear analysis of each
Hydroxyethyl cellulose HEC (Natrosol 250 HX PHARM) viscos-ity
3400–5000 mPa sec in water solution 1% (w/v), hydroxypropyl 2.5. Ex vivo mucoadhesion time
methylcellulose HPMC (Benecel MP 844 PHARM) viscosity 29,000–
® Ex vivo mucoadhesion time studies were performed (in tripli-cate) after
43,000 mPa sec in water solution 2% (w/v) and ethylcel-lulose EC (Aqualon tablet application on freshly cut porcine buccal mucosa. Pig buccal mucosa,
-T10) were purchased from Aqualon Hercules Inc., (Wilmington, Delaware, obtained from Large White pigs, weighing ∼165–175 Kg, was furnished by
® ®
U.S.A.). Carbopol (Carbomer 940) viscosity 68,500 mPa sec in water Veterinary Service of ASL N.1 Città di Castello (Umbria, Italy) and used
dispersion 0.5% (w/v) was pur-chased from Galeno (Firenze, Italy). within 12 h from pig sacrifice. The porcine buccal tissues (2 cm × 2 cm) were
Carbamazepine was purchased from Sigma–Aldrich GmbH (Steinheim, fixed in the internal side of a beaker by cyanoacrylate glue. A side of each
Germany). Deionized water was obtained by reverse osmosis process with a
tablet was wetted with 50 L of SSF and then attached to the porcine buccal
MilliQ system (Mil-lipore, Roma, Italy). Other chemicals were of reagent
grade and were used without further purification. tissue by applying a light force (∼0.5 N), by a fingertip, for 20 s. Then, the

beaker was filled with 1800 mL of SSF and kept at 37.0 ± 0.1 C; after 2 min
Simulated salivary fluid (SSF) at pH 6.4 was prepared according to a stirring rate of 150 rpm was applied to simulate the exposure to salivary
Farmacopea Ufficiale Italiana (F.U. XII Ed.). One liter of SSF had the flow in the buccal cavity. Tablet behavior and mucoadhesive time were
following composition: Na2 HPO4 (1.79 g) KH2 PO4 (1.36 g), NaCl (7.02 g) monitored until that complete detach-ment or matrix erosion occurred.
deionized water (1000 ml).

2.2. Tablet manufacturing

2.6. Ex vivo mucoadhesion force

Bilayered tablets were prepared in 2 stages using a 12-mm-diameter die,

The ex vivo adhesion force was assessed by a dynamome-ter (Didatronic,
by a manual tableting press (PerkinElmer, Cambridge, UK) using a
Italy) using the abovementioned porcine buccal mucosa. The tablets (baking
compression force of 1.5 × 10 kg for a total time of 30 s. Each tablet layer layer) were attached on a support, con-nected to the dynamometer, using
was prepared starting from a single powder (in the case of backing layer) or a cyanoacrylate glue. A piece of porcine buccal mucosa (2 cm × 2 cm) was
blend, gently mixed by mortar and pestle in the case of the mucoadhesive glued onto a support and kept in a vessel placed in a thermostatic bath at 37.0
layer. ◦
± 0.1 C. The free side of the tablet was wetted with 50 L of SSF and attached
Firstly the backing layer was prepared by EC (100 mg) compres-sion for
to porcine buccal tissues by applying a light force with a fingertip for 20 s.
15 s, then the punch was lifted and 100 mg of the second mucoadhesive layer ◦
blend, mixed to 50 mg of CARBA, was added to the first preformed layer and The vessel was filled with SSF and kept at 37.0 ± 0.1 C. The measurements
compressed for 15 s, obtaining the bi-layered tablet. Tablet thickness was started after 2 min. The maximum adhesive forces were the average of three
measurements (n = 3) and the confidence interval was determined at a 0.05
measured (n = 10) by a micrometer (Borletti, Cremona, Italy).
significance level.
Drug free tablets for in vivo mucoadhesion studies have been also
prepared following the same procedure described above (with-out CARBA
addition in the mucoadhesive layer). 2.7. In vivo evaluation of organoleptic properties and

2.3. Physical characterization: friability The followed procedures were in accordance with the
Friability was determined according to F.U. (XII Ed.) by sub-mitting 20 ethical standards of the responsible Committee on human
previously weighed tablets to falling shocks for 4 min in a friabilator (Erweka experimenta-tion (regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration.
TA 200), set at 25 rpm/min. After 4 min, the tablets were reweighed and the The studies were performed (in triplicate) by applying drug
percentage friability was calculated.
free tablets on sublin-gual mucosa of 3 healthy volunteers in
order to assess the residence time, the organoleptic
characteristics, the fragment loss, the sali-vary level variation,
and the possible production of irritation or
L. Perioli, C. Pagano / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 102 (2013) 915–922 917

pain. Each tablet was attached to the sublingual mucosa by applying a light
force with a fingertip for 20 s.

2.8. Stability studies

CARBA bi-layered tablets were put into a glass vial, then placed at 40 ± 2

C and 75% RH ± 5% and then examined after 1, 3 and 6 months.

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of swellable by-layered tablet.

2.9. In vitro release studies

concentration makes them able to adhere strongly to mucosal sur-face

F.U. (XII Ed.) standard paddle apparatus, properly modified, was used to
evaluate drug release by using SSF added by 1% of sodium lauryl sulfate provoking sometimes pain. The employment of a mixture of polyacrylic
◦ polymers and polymers with different characteris-tics, as cellulose derivatives,
(SLS) as dissolution medium [17–19] thermostated at 37.0 ± 0.1 C. The can mitigate the strong interaction with mucosal surface obtaining a good
dissolution test was performed by two different methods: A and B. mucoadhesion and avoid-ing pain for the patient. Among the synthetic
® ®
polymers available, Carbomer 940 (Carbopol ) was the polyacrylic
derivative chosen for tablet preparation while HEC and HPMC were selected
2.9.1. Method A [20]
among the cellulose derivative polymers; nine kinds of tablets of different
The tablet backing layer was attached by cyanoacrylate glue at a height of
compositions have been prepared (Table 1).
7.0 cm to the inside of the glass dissolution vessel then filled with 1000 ml
◦ The bi-layered tablets were prepared by direct compression (DC) in two
the dissolution medium maintained at 37.0 ± 0.1 C. Paddle rotation was set
different steps. DC represents an efficient and easier process, if compared to
to 150 rpm.
others, because it involves only dry blend-ing and compaction of drug and
2.9.2. Method B [21] polymers. Additionally, DC is a cheap process, requires low processing times,
The tablet backing layer was fixed by cyanoacrylate glue to a support and low labor costs, few manufacturing steps, low number of equipments, low
positioned on the bottom of the vessel then filled with 1000 ml of the validation and reduced power consumption, moreover, heat and moisture are

dissolution medium maintained at 37.0 ± 0.1 C. Pad-dle rotation was set to avoided. Although DC simplicity and cost-effectiveness, this process is highly
50 rpm. influenced by powder characteristics thus, the selection of suitable excipients
In both cases four-milliliter samples were collected at pre-determined time is one of the crucial steps that could make a success in DC processing. In fact,
intervals and replaced with an equal volume of fresh SSF. The samples, powder properties can influence greatly blend compaction behavior and tablet
collected at established times, were fil-tered through a cellulose membrane perform-ances thus, the excipients chosen for tablets preparation by DC must
(Filter paper Whatman 41, Whatman GmbH, Dassel, Germany) and drug be manageable and machinable.
concentration was determined by a UV-vis spectrophotometer (Agilent mod.
8453). Drug calibration curve in SSF added by SLS 1% was previously pre-
pared ( max = 285.0 nm, r = 0.9998). Tests were made in triplicate and results In regard to the prepared tablets (Table 1), tablets 1–6 were the
were registered as an average ± SD. formulations showing high manageability and machinability while in the case
of tablets 8 and 9 (Table 1) some problems were encoun-tered. In particular,
tablet 8 was characterized by sticking while 9 underwent to capping during its
3. Results and discussions ejection from the die, for these reasons, these two tablets were discarder from
the study. Pow-ders behavior during compression can be explained analyzing
3.1. Tablet preparation and characterization the compositions reported in Table 1. Polymers blend displaying high
manageability and machinability were those prepared by HPMC alone (tablet
The design of mucoadhesive buccal tablets must take into consideration ®
1) or mixed to Carbopol (tablets 2, 3 and 4). In fact, t is noteworthy, that
some important points in order to meet patient compliance. The main HPMC is an excipient largely used in DC due to its high compactability and
requirements are: low size, flexibility and compatibility with mucosal surface, good flow properties while the bad tablet-ing properties in the case of
pain free, good taste, easy application and easy removal (if necessary). polymeric mixtures used for tablets 8 and 9 could be attributable to HEC poor
flow properties.
On the basis of these characteristics, bi-layered mucoadhesive buccal
tablets intended for sublingual mucosa application have been designed and The polymeric composition must be chosen in order to obtain final tablets
developed. These formulations were planned in order to promote drug release with possessing mechanical properties able to confer resistance to capping,
only from the side in contact to the sublingual mucosal surface avoiding the abrasion or breakage under storage condi-tions, transport and handling before
release in sali-vary fluids. For this reason tablets were provided for two usage. Thus, this aspect was evaluated by submitting tablets 1–7 to friability
layers: a mucoadhesive layer, constituted by a simple blend of two mucoad- test. The weight loss resulted lower than 1% (0–0.17%) for all tablets meaning
hesive polymers, in which the drug is dispersed, and a backing layer (Fig. 1). that all the polymeric blends used confer good compactness, mechani-cal
In particular, the mucoadhesive layer (100 mg) was prepared by mixing a resistance and low friability to final tablets. This is an important aspect as
semisynthetic polymer (cellulose deriva-tive) with a synthetic polymer tablets must keep their original shape and characteris-tics during their
(polyacrylic derivative) combined to CARBA (50 mg), whereas the backing packaging, shelf-life until their removal from the blister and the application in
layer was realized by EC (100 mg). The cellulose derivative combination to a the buccal cavity.
polyacrylic derivative comes from the necessity to produce a formulation
showing good mucoadhesion performances and able to guarantee, at the same The adhesion of a mucoadhesive formulation to mucosal surface is the
time, a high patient acceptability. It is noteworthy in fact, that polyacrylic results of a series of events involving the mucoadhesive poly-mers the mucin,
derivatives alone possess better bioadhesive properties than cellulose the main component of the gelled layer (mucus) covering the mucosa. Once in
derivatives as the high carboxylic groups contact with salivary fluids, the mucoadhesive layer swells generating a gelled
When a polymer is immersed into a fluid, water
layer (Fig. 2).
penetrates into the
918 L. Perioli, C. Pagano / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 102 (2013) 915–922
Table 1

Tablet compositions.

a Mucoadhesive layer Backing layer EC (mg) Thickness (mm ± SD) (n = 10, ˛ = 0.05)
® HEC (mg) HPMC (mg)
Carbopol 940 (mg)
1 0 0 100 100 1.503 ± 0.51
2 25 0 75 100 1.393 ± 0.51
3 50 0 50 100 1.380 ± 0.88
4 75 0 25 100 1.353 ± 0.51
5 100 0 0 100 1.333 ± 0.33
6 75 25 0 100 1.373 ± 0.22
7 50 50 0 100 1.380 ± 0.00
8 25 75 0 100 Not measured
9 0 100 0 100 Not measured
For each tablet the mucoadhesive layer (100 mg) was added by 50 mg of CARBA

free spaces of the surface among the macromolecular chains. As water content hydrophilicity compared to HPMC [22]. The low hydration capac-ity
increases, the polymer becomes hydrated forming a tridimensional network in ®
observed for tablet 5 is ascribable to Carbopol (100%) low water affinity
which water molecules are entrapped, generating a gel-like structure. The that makes it unable to bind a high amount of water molecules. Regarding
swelling capacity is very impor-tant as it increases the polymer chain tablets 2, 3 and 4 the obtained results reveal that the increase of Carbopol
conformational mobility enhancing the mucoadhesive force due to a ®
content in their composi-tion (Carbopol :HPMC ratios of 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1
concomitant increase in chain diffusivity and degree of entanglement with the
tablets 2, 3 and 4 respectively) does not affect significantly the swelling
possibility to expose a great number of hydrophilic groups to mucosal sur- ®
face. Moreover, polymer swelling degree plays an important role in capacity. In the case of tablet 6 the prevalence of Carbopol on HEC (75% vs
conditioning drug release kinetic. For these reasons the swelling capacity, 25%) is responsible for the low hydration percentage. During the first hour
HEC chains relaxation takes place, with consequent tablet swelling, as water
expressed as hydration percentage, was determined for each tablet.
penetrates into the matrix.

From the analysis of hydration curves obtained for each tablet, two
The highest swelling was obtained for tablets 1 and 7 that hydrated different phases could be distinguished (Fig. 3). Error bars have not been
rapidly reaching 48% and 53% respectively after 1 h and 86% and 91% indicated for graph clarity as these may be confusing since many profiles
respectively after 8 h (Fig. 3). In the case of tablets 2, 3, 4 and 6 similar overlap. The first phase is represented by 0–8 h range, in which the gradual
hydration profiles were registered with an hydration % of ∼30% after 1 h and water content increase is evident for all the formulations. Then, in the range
∼87% after 8 h. Tablet 5 showed a reduced swelling capacity reaching 72% 8–12 h (second phase), a reduced hydration percentage is registered, justified
after 8 h. These results could be explained considering that polymer swelling by tablet fragment lost. The latter was assessed by the erosion matrix assays
is influenced by (a) the initial wetting processes involving tablet surface, (b) (DS) evaluated along 12 h. During the first 8 h all the tablets show similar
the amount and type of polymer in tablet composition. behav-iors, then DS% values increase as fragment loss occurred (Fig. 4). Also
in this case error bars have not been indicated for graph clarity as these may
The wetting process is strictly connected to tablet excipient nature. As be confusing since many profiles overlap. The high-est value was measured
hydrophilic polymers show high water affinity, thus polymer chains enter in for tablet 5 which, after 12 h, reached a DS percentage of 8.77%. These
close contact with water molecules. This means that the prevalence of a observations are in according to the low hydration % registered for tablet 5.
cellulose derivative (HPMC or HEC) in tablet composition will make the The low Carbopol water affinity in fact, induces a slow and limited swelling
formulation more hydrophilic with enhanced wetting properties. combined to low water penetration with high tendency to give fragments.
In regard to point b, the behavior of tablets 1 and 7 could be explained
considering that cellulose derivatives HPMC (tablet 1) and HEC (tablet 7),
are able to establish numerous bonds with water molecules generating rapidly
a gelled structure because of the large number of hydrophilic groups in their
structure. Tablet 7 (containing 50% of HEC) swelling capacity prevails
against tablet 1 (containing 100% of HPMC), despite HEC shows the higher

Fig. 2. Picture of the by-layered tablet after swelling in SSF. The backing layer is unaltered
while the mucoadhesive layer hydrated generating a gelled structure. In order to distinguish the Fig. 3. Hydration % vs time determined for all tablets in SSF at 37.0 ± 0.1 ◦ C at estab-lished
mucoadhesive layer it was colored in methylene blue to the mucoadhesive polymers mixture. times (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h).(n = 3, error bars are not reported for a
clear graph analysis.)
L. Perioli, C. Pagano / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 102 (2013) 915–922 919

attributable to HPMC presence. In fact, HPMC hydrophilic character favors

tablet swelling in a short time after the contact with the SSF because of the
high water affinity, HPMC chains bind a high number of water molecules
thus, a small amount of chemical groups remain available to interact with
mucin. In regard to Carbopol :HPMC blend, the 1:3 ratio (tablet 2) confers
high mucoadhesion capacity as HPMC hydrophilicity allows an easy water
penetration into the matrix promoting the relaxation of Carbopol chains then
avail-able to come in a very close contact with the mucus layer. Using the
same ratio of Carbopol blended to HPMC or HEC (tablets 3 and 7
respectively) the mucoadhesion force decreases as tablet swelling capacity is
reduced because only a limited number of groups are available for binding.
The same observation could be done for tablet 6 for which the low amount of
HEC is responsible for a limited swelling. In the case tablet 4, in which
Carbopol (75%) content prevails, the presence of HPMC (25%) is important
because water molecules are able to penetrate and to promote a gradual chain

Fig. 4. Tablet DS% vs time determined for all tablets in SSF at 37.0 ± 0.1 C at estab-lished enlargement. In this way numerous carboxylic groups are available to interact
times (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h). (n = 3, error bars are not reported for a clear graph analysis.) with mucin chains. This promotes a close and strong contact with the mucosal
surface, as demonstrated from ex vivo mucoadhesion force data (Table 2) that
could be respon-sible for pain and irritation. In the case of tablet 5 the lack of
Carbopol hydration generates a thick and viscous gel that eas-ily undergoes a cellulose derivative reduces the water access in the inner space of the
to fragmentation because of hydrodynamic pressure effect, exerted on the mucoadhesive layer bringing to a reduced interaction with the mucosal
polymer network by water. Polymer swelling is an important process involved surface. The characterization of tablet mucoadhesion capacity was completed
in tablet adhesion to mucosal surface. In fact, this water-activated process by in vivo assays having the objective to evaluate patient acceptability and
produces polymer swelling and improves the consolidation step that increases compliance. In particular, the investigated parameters were: (1) bioadhesion
the polymer chains mobility facilitating the interpenetration with the mucin capacity, (2) adhe-sion time, (3) swelling capacity and patient acceptability,
chains of the mucus layer [23]. (4) pain or irritation, (5) taste, (6) fragment lost. These studies are very
important in the choice of the best formulations to submit to the fol-lowing in
The bioadhesion capacity of the employed polymers is attributable to the vitro release studies. With this aim drug free tablets were prepared and applied
presence of amino and carboxylic groups in their structure that make them on the sublingual mucosa of three healthy volunteers. Formulation behavior
able to form hydrogen bonds with the mucosal components [23]. Tablet was evaluated in the elapsed time from tablet administration to the total
ability to interact with buccal mucosa was firstly evaluated by ex vivo detachment. During this period the volunteers were able to eat and drink.
mucoadhesion assays with the aim to measure the adhesion force and time of Tablet 1 did not show adhesion to mucosal surface (Table 2) and this can be
tablets 1–7 (Table 2). Obtained data revealed that all tablets require a short due to the high and quick water absorption due to HPMC pres-ence (as
time to bind mucosal surface and that are able to adhere for a prolonged time observed in the hydration studies, Table 2) forming a slippery non-adhesive
(Table 2). Tablet 6 (Carbopol :HEC 75%:25%) and 7 (Carbopol :HEC
® mucilage which limits tablet bioadhesion. Tablet hydration in fact, generates a
weak gel which could be eas-ily removed from the mucosal surface. Tablets 4
50%:50%) showed the lower mucoadhesion time in comparison to other
tablets and this can be explained by HEC presence in both tablets 6 and 7 and 5 showed a high adherence to mucosa, however it was so strong to
compositions. As mentioned before, tablet swelling behavior influences the provoke pain and irritation after few minutes from the application. In both
mucoad-hesion performances. Tablet 1 (HPMC 100%) required less swelling cases the high percentage of Carbopol in the mucoadhesive layer (75% and
® 100% for tablets 4 and 5 respectively) is responsible for the high binding to
time (15 minutes) in comparison to tablets 2 (Carbopol :HPMC 25%:75%)
® ® ®
and 3 (Carbopol :HPMC 50%:50%, about 3 h), while tablet 4 (Carbopol mucosal surface. In fact, Carbopol shows a high water absorption capacity
® that, associated to carboxylic groups ion-ization, is responsible for the gradual
:HPMC 75%:25%) and 5 (Carbopol 100%) didn’t swell during all the period
relaxation of the polymeric chains. In these conditions the carboxylic groups
of contact with mucosa. Tablets 3 and 7 displayed the highest time (after 71 h
are able to enter in close contact with the mucosal surface establishing
and >10 h respectively) in comparison to the remaining formulations that
were discarded from the successive studies. All the tablets maintained the bi-
layered structure for the entire experiment.

From ex vivo mucoadhesion force data analysis some consider-ations can

be drawn. For tablet 1 a low force value was registered,

Table 2
Ex vivo mucoadhesion times and forces and in vivo performances.

Ex vivo In vivo
Tablet Mucoadhesion Swelling Mucoadesion Bilayer integrity Mucoadhesion Pain after Fragment loss Taste
time (h) force (N ± SD) time (h) application
(n = 3; ˛ = 0.05)
1 >73 After 15 min 0.70 ± 0.12 Yes No adhesion – — —
2 >73 After 4 h 2.20 ± 0.27 Yes 17 No No Good
3 >73 After 71 h 1.66 ± 0.11 Yes No adhesion – – –
4 >73 no 5 Yes – Yes – –
5 >73 no 1.03 ± 0.45 Yes a Yes – –

6 44–46 After 3 h 1.66 ± 0.26 Yes 12 No – –
7 44–46 >10 h 1.73 ± 0.56 Yes No adhesion – – –
a The mucoadhesion time, fragment loss and taste have not been estimated as the table have been removed after application because painful.
920 L. Perioli, C. Pagano / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 102 (2013) 915–922

bonds with the mucus layer. In the case of tablet 4, HPMC (25%) improves
the mucoadhesion capacity in comparison to Carbopol alone as, because of
its lower water absorption capacity, it is able to promote a gradual swelling
encouraging the interaction with mucin chains. Good adhesion for long time
was observed for tablets 2 and 6 that were kept in the mouth for all the tests
without pain for the volunteers.

During the manufacturing process, as well as the storage con-ditions, the

dosage form is exposed to physical agents, such as humidity, that could
provoke changes of the shape and layers adherence that compromise the
efficiency of the dosage form. This aspect is also important as tablet
constituents are mucoad-hesive polymers that, in presence of water, become
sticky. Thus, In order to evaluate tablet susceptibility to humidity, stability
tests were executed following the indications proposed from the Euro-pean
Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products [24]. For solid dosage

forms, the guidelines prescribe to keep the samples at 40 ± 2 C and 75 ± 5%
RH for 6 months (accelerated tests). Each sample (in triplicate) was put into a

glass vial and then placed at constant temperature and humidity (40 ± 2 C
and 75% RH ± 5% respectively). After 1 month each tablet was accurately
examined; tablets 1, 3 and 7 showed a partial layer separation (7 > 3 > 1),
tablets 4 and 5 became sticky, while tablets 2 and 6 resulted unmodi-fied and

for this reason were kept at 40 ± 2 C and 75% RH ± 5% for further 5
months. At the end of this period these tablets resulted unchanged.

From the characterization studies performed, resulted that tablets 2 and 6

were the best candidate for CARBA sublingual administration as they adhere
very well on sublingual mucosa, for a long time without pain or irritation for
the patient. Thus, these two formulations have been submitted to further ◦
Fig. 5. In vitro release profiles of tablets 2 and 6 in SSF added by SLS 1% at 37.0 ± 0.1 C (n =
studies and the in vitro drug release was investigated. 3, mean ± SD). (A) Dissolution performed positioning the tablet on internal vessel surface at 7
cm from the bottom (Method A), (B) dissolution performed posi-tioning the tablet on vessel
bottom (Method B).

3.2. In vitro release studies

reduces drug diffusion, moreover, the low HEC amount is respon-sible for a
As official assays for mucoadhesive sublingual tablets are not reported, limited formulation swelling. In the case of tablet 2, HPMC (75%)
this study was carried out by using the paddle apparatus (F.U. XII Ed.), predominance confers high water affinity to the for-mulation allowing an easy
properly modified. In particular, in order to make the assay bio-relevant, two water penetration into the matrix; the polymer network results enough
different methods were followed in dissolu-tion tests considering two possible enlarged to promote a rapid and high drug diffusion through the gelled layer.
tablet positions in the vessel as reported from Miyazaki et al. (Method A) and Also in the case of the release profiles obtained following method B, CARBA
Remunán˜-López et al. (Method B) [20,21]. The dissolution test was release from tablet 2 results better than tablet 6 (Fig. 5B), however the total
performed (in tripli-cate) following the methods A and B described in method amount of released drug from both formulations is lower if com-pared to the
section. In fact, the swelling capacity plays an important role in drug release, results coming from method A. These differences can be ascribed to (i) the
connected to the formed gel properties as well as the dissolution method used. different hydrodynamics in dissolution test-ing, mainly attributed to the
influence exercised changing paddle rotation speeds and (ii) location of the
formulation in the dissolu-tion vessel [25,26].
Regarding the release profiles of tablets 2 and 6 submitted to method A
(Fig. 5A) it results that the amount of CARBA released from tablet 2 is higher
in respect to tablet 6 for the entire test. Specifically, after 8 h tablet 2 releases In regard to the first aspect, many studies performed in this field revealed
35% of drug vs 17%, reaching 75% vs 68% after 24 h. The different release is
® that the round bottom of a dissolution vessel, in combi-nation to stirring
attributable to the different Carbopol amount in the two tested formulations. devices, results in a varied flow dynamics and surface area within the vessel
The high amount of Carbopol in tablet 6 (75%), in fact, once in contact with inducing a high test variability [27]. Moreover, it was assessed that different
the dissolution medium, creates a viscous gel that delays and fluid velocities exist at dif-ferent points in the dissolution vessel meaning that
the amount

Table 3
Ritger and Peppas’s kinetic mathematical model and first order kinetics model fitting.
Tablet n
Mt /M∞ = Kt

n = 1 (zero n = 0.9 n = 0.8 n = 0.7 n = 0.6 n = 0.5 n = 0.5

order) release 0–60%
2 y = 3.096x + 3.451 y = 4.218x + 1.896 y = 5.812x − 0.101 y = 8.025x − 2.522 y = 11.120x − 5.538 y = 15.502x − 9.422 y = 14.626x − 8.156
r = 0.983 r = 0.991 r = 0.994 r = 0.995 r = 0.993 r = 0.985 r = 0.981
6 y = 2.443x − 0.883 y = 3.333x − 2.058 y = 4.550x − 3.446 y = 6.220x − 5.122 y = 8.528x − 7.202 y = 11.755x − 9.874 y = 10.592x − 8.147
r = 0.988 r = 0.985 r = 0.979 r = 0.970 r = 0.957 r = 0.940 r = 0.955
L. Perioli, C. Pagano / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 102 (2013) 915–922 921

of released drug from the same formulation changes in relation to its position was obtained from tablet which mucoadhesive layer compositions
in the vessel. Some studies revealed that a ‘dead zone’ forms at the bottom of ®
Carbopol :HPMC 25%:75%.
the vessel where the agitation rate is minimum leading to low dissolution This buccal formulation could represent an interesting approach in the
rates [28]. treatment of chronic disease as it is able to promote a sus-tained CARBA
Concerning data coming from the dissolution tests (methods A and B), it release useful to reduce daily administrations in comparison to conventional
is possible to assert that in the case of the latter the low paddle speed (50 rpm) formulations. Moreover, the devel-oped tablet is very manageable and easy to
and the formulation location at the bot-tom of the vessel are responsible for apply, favoring patient compliance.
the low amount of CARBA released from both tablets 2 and 6. When the
tablet is placed at 7.0 cm from the bottom of the vessel (method A) and the
paddle speed is increased to 150 rpm, the tablet is localized in a region in Conflict of interest
which the dissolution fluid velocity is high resulting more solicited. In these
conditions tablet swelling results faster as well as drug release. The authors declare that they have no personal financial or non-financial
conflicts of interest in this research.

Taking into account that this kind of tablet must be applied on subligual
mucosa and that in this region the formulation can receive different
solicitations (as salivary flow and shearing forces due to tongue movements)
Authors are very much grateful to Dr. Renato Innamorati from ASL N. 1
method A appears to be more predictable of physiological conditions than
(Umbria, Italy), for providing porcine mucosa and to Mr. Marco Marani for
method B.
technical assistance.

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