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Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering

EE204 : Analog Circuits Laboratory


EE204 Lab will consist of minimum 7 experiments. The experiments are mainly design oriented.
The handouts will describe the objectives and guide you through the design process. You are
advised to attempt design yourself and avoid getting biased by circuits designed by other groups
or by circuits available in internet. You should complete the design before coming to the lab and
utilize the lab time for implementing your circuit.

1. The course evaluation is distributed as follows.

Lab Evaluation : 30% (results 10%, performance 10%, report 10%)
Midsem Written Test : 20%
Endsem Practical Exam : 50%

2. Please note :
i) You are required to come prepared for the experiment.
ii) The design and paperwork should be completed before the lab starts. It is advised to
spend the lab hours in circuit assembly, testing, and demonstration.
iii) Final result must be checked by the Teaching Assistant (TA) and signed.
iv) Lab report is required to be submitted in the next lab failing which some marks for the lab
report will be deducted.

3. Each group is required to submit one report per experiment. All members of a group should
take turns at writing the reports. When turn comes, the student should write the entire report
and mention his name first in the list of group members (other group members help but writing
is by one student).

4. Lab Report : Submit the lab report written on plain sheets stapled together. Lab report should
preferably be written in the following manner.
Names and Roll Numbers : (Write first the name of the student who has written the report)
Experiment Number : Title :
Date of completion :
Objective :
Circuit diagram :
Circuit design details :
Special remarks about your design :
Observations (In tabular form) :
Results (Enclose graph if required) :
Conclusion (Draw your own conclusion based on the results) :
Attach result sheets signed by TA.

5. You are encouraged to refer to the datasheet of the components to know their operation,
ratings, and standard circuits. The datasheets of most components are available on internet
and you can download them for your reference. Similarly you are advised to read the
equipment manual to know about proper operation and limitations of the equipment. Manuals
for all the equipment in the lab are available with the Lab Assistant. Reading and
understanding of the datasheets and manuals is also a part of the lab.

6. Discipline : It is essential that the students follow discipline required in an electronics lab.
Understand the maximum ratings of the equipment and components, and never exceed them.
Avoid careless connections that will cause damage to the equipment or components. Don’t
disregard a component however small it is. Pick up the component if it falls down. Before
leaving the lab, switch off all the instruments on your table, keep the probes and connecting
wires back in place, and clean the table.


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