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Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering

EE204 : Analog Circuits Laboratory

Experiment No. 5: Phase Locked Loop

Objectives : To study a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) built using NE565, and make a frequency
multiplier using the PLL.


1. Using NE565, design a PLL with free-running frequency of f0 = kHz.
2. Experimentally determine the capture range of the PLL.
3. Experimentally determine the lock-in (hold in) range of the PLL.


1. Modify the circuit built in Part A to generate a square wave output having n times the input
frequency, where n = . Make the required Mod-n counter using a suitable 4-bit binary or
BCD (up or down) counter chip with Parallel Load facility.
2. Demonstrate the operation of the circuit by applying an input signal of frequency close to
f0 / n.
3. Experimentally determine the capture range of the frequency multiplier.
4. Experimentally determine the lock-in (hold in) range of the frequency multiplier.

Guidelines :
1. Observe the input and output waveforms simultaneously on the oscilloscope. When PLL is in
lock, both the waveforms will appear to be stable.
2. The PLL may appear to have locked to the harmonics of the fundamental frequency. In order
to confirm the lock, ensure that the phase difference between the input and output varies from
0 to 180, as the input frequency is varied in the lock-in range.
3. While determining the capture range of the frequency multiplier (Part B), keep the input
frequency close to f0 / n, where n is the multiplying factor.

References :
R. A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, Prentice-Hall of India, 2004.


kHz n Group No.

80 5

50 5

100 3

120 6

60 6

75 3

45 3

90 5

12 6

15 5

20 5

24 3

30 6

10 5

9 3

6 6

5 5

kHz n Group No.

90 3

100 5

120 3

50 6

80 6

75 5

45 5

60 3

24 5

30 3

20 6

15 6

12 3

10 3

9 6

5 3

6 3

kHz n Group No.

80 6

50 3

100 3

120 5

60 5

75 5

45 3

90 6

12 5

15 6

20 3

24 5

30 3

10 6

9 5

6 3

5 5

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