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Colocynthesis (Bitter Cucumber) Malarial Violales

“He ripped my character, I tried to do the right thing, but I got mad—and it still bothers me”

(Mineral Equivalent: think of Ferrum)

I just can’t tolerate that I’ve been

injured * Intolerable
I’m going to mow you down because
you did this

Very Bitter * Embittered (Nux)

Unsuccessful Suppression * “Try to suppress
it to be upright” “But wo rld sees their anger”
They can give you the silent
treatment, but you know they are
Anger (bounces around inside them)
Yellers! Lose temper! Hate contradictions,
Vexation: “one aggravating thing after
another” “Something in your way”
Things bother them * Ailments from… (Coloc!!), “they are constantly aggravating me”
Idealistic, then disappointed
Comes from instance of “loss of faith”, indignation, humiliation
Persecution feeling in this remedy, it never goes away
Haughtiness; heightened sense of dignity (Staph)
Holds a Grudge
Selfish (less Caust-about cause) Less of a team player
Hard * Harsh * Critical, Fastidious, Hardness morally * Delusion everything is wrong.
Worse from injustice, being disturbed, being questioned, bad news, vexation.
High sex drive
Grown in Middle East (centuries of tension)

Malarial: Have to try their hardest, but keeps recurring

Worse from anger (top 4 or 5 with Nux, Staph, Cham)

Strong GI affinity (like Nux or Cham)
Around colic: gallbladder (gallstones), kidney stones, dysmenorrheal
Cramping, biting, cutting pain (need to bend double),
Spastic quality that catches your breath
Colic in infants
Better lying on pain, hard pressure
Pain worse from touch (like other Malarial)
Worse from eating, drinking, better from coffee
Nervous system affinity, with neuralgias, restlessness, chorea (Staph)
Left facial neuralgia, sciatica
Colocynthesis (Bitter Cucumber) Malarial Violales

Compl (Staph and Caust) a triad

Ode to Coloc

A Coloc won’t budge

When they hold a grudge
There’s always some trouble
To make them bend double
“God keep my dignity”
“With you bugging me!”

Reactive anger
Highly tuned anger (that’s why not
Boss highly controlling of her
Wants to blow up
Anger is overt – she tries to control it
Colitis, spasms and then explosion, green stool
She’s hot
Tight goes into spasm
Spasmodic to exploding
Colocynthesis and Solenacea family (both) – have spasmodic to explosion

State of feeling insulted

Crampy feeling

How dare they call me in!

And how dare they suspend me!
That is like a punch in the stomach

Colocynthesis Eric (Notes from Sandy)

Bitter cucumber. Grow in the Middle East and associated with the centuries of tension there. They give you
digestive problems if you eat them. Known best for being an anger remedy. This remedy is complementary to
Staph and Caust. You’ll see cases where you will go from one to the other in the triad. Staph suppresses anger,
Caust stands up for cause (act according to principle, and are angry if others don’t), Colocynthis is between and only
partly suppresses anger. It bounces around inside of them. Sense like one aggravating thing after another.
Vexation. Things are around particular situations where they have the anger. With Colo (and not Nux), there is
something that makes them very bitter. For example, you are in a lawsuit against someone who is slamming your
character. You try to do the right thing, and the person is hitting below the belt. These people react back, but
they can never get all of the anger out. They are still angry after they have done something about it. They
experience it as suppression, but the world see it as expressed anger. They try to suppress it to be upright. Comes
up often out of broken relationships. Where a loss of faith, change in their sense of the universe. Indignation,
humiliation erodes their faith. They can hold a grudge.
Colocynthesis (Bitter Cucumber) Malarial Violales

Ailments from ________________; Colocynthis is listed there more than other remedies. Things bother them, and
there is usually a person who is constantly aggravating them. And other vexations occur in their lives. Worse
from injustice, being disturbed, being questioned, bad news, vexation. Delusion everything is wrong. Critical, high
sex drive, fastidious. Hardness morally that goes beyond Nux. Nux is more nervous and tremors. Nat-Mur can
look like this. But they need the situation of embitterment, and then the Colo keynotes. Someone who is
revered, no longer is.

If they talk about their career (Nux), they come in early with high principles, it is more than money (not Nux).
With Colo, it seems like the problems with relationships never end, and they become embittered. Idealistic, then
disappointed. Vexation: you are going somewhere, and then something gets in your way. NitricAcid is more of a
victim. Anger can be as intense as any other anger remedy. Yellers, lose temper and yell. Hate contradictions,
criticism. Hate others coming to them. Haughtiness; heightened sense of dignity (Staph). Once angry with
someone, they will be haughty with this person. Not great with forgiveness. They can give you the silent
treatment, but you know they are pissed. Any attempt to pry it out of them would be successful. There is a lot of
attempt to modulate their anger. There is a sudden sort of anger to the feeling when it comes out. The Middle
East: 3 groups think this is their spiritual home, and so they are killing each other over it. The bitterness you could
have over this is Colocynthis. It is generally over some ideal. They don’t give up on their integrity. Colo has
more personal drive, Caust is more for causes not necessarily for themselves. Causticum is more of a team player
than Colo (because they are very irritated). Colo is more selfish. Malarial miasm—feel they have to put all of
their defenses into overdrive, have to try their hardest, keeps recurring. That feeling keeps them from having the
more broadbased connection that Caust has.

Cancer—I have to try everything I can, and it might not be enough, it’s a last ditch effort.
Typhoid—feel they have to put defenses into overdrive, try hardest.
Malarial—like Typhoid, but keeps recurring.

Persecution feeling in this remedy, it never goes away. These Malarial remedies can start like Typhoid, but then
keep recurring, and then become Malarial. Malarial: just quit bothering me.

Worse from anger (top 4 or 5 with Nux, Staph, Cham)
Strong GI affinity (like Nux or Cham)
Nervous system affinity, with neuralgias, restlessness, chorea (Staph)
Key: Cramping, biting, cutting pain (need to bend double), spastic quality that catches your breath
Colic in infants
Pain worse from touch (like other Malarial)
Better lying on pain, pressure
(Cham has numbness with the pain)

CASE: 43 man. Divorce stressful, losing compassion. Trying to be compassionate. Has tremendous anxiety
dealing with wife. Tired, gut goes crazy, loose bowels, muscular tension in back. Trying to switch jobs. Lots of
stress. Wife is immoral, needs control. Moved kids out and it upset him. Getting broiled. Gets deranged by her
actions, wants to kill her. (No better from discharge) The rage produces no results. Wants to go away (Desires to
escape rubric). Even by petty stuff, gets paranoid when things go wrong. Painful abdomen, has to bend double.
Historically he has had gut symptoms 3 or 4 x a month. Can’t eat, throws up and has bowel movements at the
same time (this plant family-typically Veratrum). Feels totally wiped out the next day, better heat and massage.
Feels very responsible, not communicating things, and not getting it out front. Suppresses anger until he rages out,
and then people in his space enrage him. Doesn’t seem to come all out. Any little thing gets to him; feels
betrayed. Stomach thing has sudden onset, chills, better vomiting. Gets affected by people on a gut level.
Worse full moon.

Vomiting: Phos, Ars

CASE: (not as easy to spot) Burly police—all his career. Positive about that. Sports-related operations. Job
took toll; insides hurt everyday. Started worrying about cancer, stomach hurts from stress. Says he is extremely
Colocynthesis (Bitter Cucumber) Malarial Violales

energetic and positive. In the last 5 years dept has changed, you wake angry from injustices. He is highly
decorated (dignity factor). Negative surroundings, and the years of abuse affect his body. Dept chief threatens to
transfer him. Vindictive front office. Tries to avoid the evil people, but wakes up thinking about work. Felt a
cloudy dizzy spell, couldn’t relax or let go of things. Feels better after swimming. Gut feels upset, not like
throwing up. Likes ice cold drinks, very warm. Recharges easily, likes spicy food. An overachiever, very
competitive, good loser. Likes socializing in small, likes to control who they are with. Very loyal, no sick days
for 21 years except for injuries. In 5 shootings, didn’t feel bad about it. Supercompetitive, but can’t stand being
around cutthroats.

Colocynthis/Bryonia in the same family, and Coloc can have issues with money.

Plant groups have been lumped together. The group Coloc is in is not a typical plant family. Nightshades have
25000 plants, Compositae has 250,000. Sankaran has taken the cucumbers and violets together and call them
Violales. (Insight into Plants book)
Violales: Coloc, Bryonia, Elat, Viola-t, -o, Cist, Pacifloria (passion flower), Luf
Elaterium, Bryonia, Colocynthis

Bryonia in Typhoid miasm
Coloc in Malaria miasm

Both are active go-for-it remedies, tend to be irritable when disturbed. Not recharged by people. Both strong
affinity for digestive tract.

Elaterium—violent vomiting and diarrhea. The squirting cucumber, when ripe it squirts out seeds and juice.
Remedy for cholera, beri-beri, Squirting diarrhea, olive-green. Acute miasm.

So if a case looks like Bry or Coloc, but has squirting diarrhea, give Elat.

Cistus—the rock rose. Get giant swollen glands. Used in mono when the cervical lymph nodes are huge. There
is a huge focus on the glands. Known to have Calcarea-like picture (chilly, worse from cold, flabbier, crave cheese,
winter-recurring respiratory ailments). Tubercular miasm.

Case (Eric)
She broils me
She’s amoral
I want to yell
The rage produces no results
No freedom
I want to go away
I feel threatened
I get paranoid about this going wrong
Fear about how it will all turn out
A lot of anxiety
All goes to my gut
And have to bend double with it
He gets exhaustion and tension and it goes to my stomach
Feels wiped out next day
Feels a lot of responsibility
Rages and yells and blows up over small things
A lot of anxiety around
Any little thing bothers me, I feel betrayed
No relief when scream
Last time it came on suddenly
Horrible diarrhea and exhausted
Colocynthesis (Bitter Cucumber) Malarial Violales

Sensitive to full moon


Case (eric)
Big burly police officer
Speaks positively about being a police officer
Always very healthy
Number of sports operations
Job took it’s toll on him
Inside hurt every day
Bleeding stool
Guts continued ot hurt
Most of it is stress
Work is terrible, I’m extremely energetic and positive
Lieutenant, swat teams, etc
The negative atmosphere is overwhelming
You wake angry from the injustices
Heavily decorated
(dignity factor)
goes days in a fog
the negative surrounding getting worse
the years of abuse affecting my body
always looking over your shoulder
try to intimidate you
threaten you
pass you over for assignments
never a thank you
negative rumors
(he’s huge – football player0
stress with street stuff no problem
can dela with criminals fine
it’s internal stress
dedicated ot department and now don’t care
you beat a dog enough and they quit coming around
I try to avoid the evil people
I wake thinking about work
Once 18 months ago – cloudy dizzy spell
Better after swimming 105 laps
Gut upset, not a sharp pain, not like going ot throw up
Wants fan on
Runs warm (not true for all Coloc)
Recharges easily
Likes spicy food
I’m an over achiever
I want to do the best
Likes socializing in small groups
I don’t like pretending I like someone
(if they don’t like someone it’s pretty obvious0
very loyal
no sick days in 24 years
I’ve been in 5 shooting
It was either them or me and wasn’t going to be me
I don’t feel bad about it
Super competitive
Lots of friends
Don’t like cut throat negative people that threat you like dirt
Colocynthesis (Bitter Cucumber) Malarial Violales

(end case)

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