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English 202 White Paper Parker 1

Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Methodology........................................................................................................................................ 2
Results/discussion ............................................................................................................................. 2
The work environment of biomedical engineers ....................................................................... 2
Biomedical engineer specialist fields ......................................................................................... 2
Projected job growth ...................................................................................................................... 3
Salary................................................................................................................................................ 3
Education requirements ................................................................................................................ 3
Gender imbalance .......................................................................................................................... 4
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Works Cited ......................................................................................................................................... 4
English 202 White Paper Parker 2

This white paper provides information for the field of biomedical engineering. In the following
sections an outline is provided on the work environment of biomedical engineers, the
specialized fields they work in, projected job growth, annual salary, education requirements,
and the gender imbalance in the field.

Information for the white paper was compiled into a research dossier notebook using the
web application Evernote. The field of biomedical engineering was searched for in the
Occupational Outlook Handbook on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website. Using a web
clipper tool provided by Evernote relevant information was clipped from the web and
compiled into the dossier. First, information about what biomedical engineers do was
collected. Followed by the specialized fields, annual salary, and projected job growth. The
education requirements were clipped next to provide an idea of the length of schooling
needed. Finally, the ratio of men to women was found on the National Center for Education
Statistics website.

The work environment of biomedical engineers
Biomedical engineers work in a variety of environments. They work with scientists,
healthcare professional, and other engineers. Their work environments change
depending on the field where they are employed. Some work in hospitals directly with
doctors and patients while others work in the lab. All work together to solve medical
problems and improve people’s lives.
Biomedical engineer
specialist fields Specialist fields for
Biomedical engineers
Biomedical Engineers
combine their Medical Equipment
engineering skills with Manufacturing
medical or biological
Research and
sciences. They often 14% Development into
work with health care 15% Sciences
Navigational and
professional to develop Electromedical
16% 24%
new equipment or Manufacturing
Colleges and Universities
devices to solve medical
problems. Some may
design replacement Healthcare and Social
body parts or artificial
internal organs while others Figure 1
provide technical support for
A breakdown of the specialist fields in biomedical
create biomedical engineering.
equipment. Biomedical
English 202 White Paper Parker 3

engineers also teach at colleges and universities educating future workers in the
field. There is plenty of job variety in this field (see Figure 1).
Projected job growth
The job outlook for Projected Employment
biomedical engineers 23,000

Number of workers
is great. The national
labor boardi has
projected the growth 22,000

to be 7% from 2016 21,500

to 2026 (see Figure 21,000
2). This projected job 20,500
growth shows a 2016 2026
positive future. Year

Projected Employment

Figure 2
The projected overall job growth for the next ten years within
the biomedical engineering field.
The national median
annual pay for Mean Annual Wage
biomedical engineers
was $88,040i in 2017. National
This pay varies by

specialized field New York

worked in and location Washington
of employment. This
can be seen by looking $80,000 $85,000 $90,000 $95,000 $100,000
at the average income Annual Wage
of biomedical
Mean Annual Wage
engineers in the state
of Washington which Figure 3
is $99,500. On the
east coast the average The national mean annual wage compared to New York and
salary for the state of Washington.
New York is $96,900 (see Figure 3). This is considerably more than the national

Education requirements
The education required for biomedical engineers varies depending on the specialized
field. The minimum requirement is often a bachelor’s degree. But many go on to
acquire a master’s or doctorate. The course work is commonly math, physics,
English 202 White Paper Parker 4

drafting, and biology. This field provides a great opportunity to students who enjoy
math but also are interested in the biological sciences. Some accredited programs
include internships with medical and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies.
Gender imbalance
There is gender imbalance in the field of biomedical engineering. According to the
National Center for Education Statistics 62% of graduates who obtained a bachelor’s
degree in 2012 were maleii. Women solve problems differently than men which
makes them valuable in this field. More women are needed in this field because of
the unique prospective they bring to the table.

Biomedical engineering is a unique healthcare field that is experiencing rapid growth. It is an
excellent career choice for someone good at problem solving with an interest in math and
For further information about this career visit the University of Idaho career services either
online at https://www.uidaho.edu/current-students/career-services or on the Moscow
campus in the Commons room 334. Begin taking steps to start your new exciting career

Works Cited
i Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook

Handbook, Biomedical Engineers, on the Internet at https://ww.bls.gov/ooh/architecture-

and-engineering/biomedical-engineers.htm (visited January 15, 2019).
ii National
Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, National
Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS),
Fall 2012, Completions component. (This table was prepared July 2013.), on the internet at
https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d13/tables/dt13_318.30.asp (visited on February 2,

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