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Mobile Phone is a tool which will help one to do various works such as calling, taking
photos, browsing, etc. In current scenario without mobile phones it is very difficult to lead our
daily life. This is very much suitable especially for the students. This research study is about the
brand preference of students with regard to mobile phones. It helps us to know on what basis
students chooses a particular brand when he/she purchases a new handset. The research will also
tell about what are all the factors a student considers at the time of purchase of a new mobile phone.

We use a mobile device for messaging our loves ones, for bank transfers, personal pictures,
social media, work and personal e-mailing, etc. As a result of this, consumers have become
incredibly attached to their mobile device which has changed the consumer behavior drastically.
Further, the mobile platform is special, as it can give companies information about location, actions
and behavior. And most importantly, it offers constant connectivity between the brand and the
consumers. These facts have resulted in a completely new environment and communication
platform for branding and interaction between brands and their consumers.


Decision Problem:

Student’s preferences on buying different brands of mobile phone.

Research Problem:

Determination of student’s preferences and purchase intentions of different mobile phone



The Primary Objective is to study the perception & buying behavior of students towards
various mobile brands.
The Secondary Objectives of this study were,

To find how much of money that the students are ready to spend for buying a mobile phone brand
which they like.
To know about the Major features that the students expect while purchasing a mobile phone.
To find out the factors that influence decision-making while purchasing a mobile phone.

1) H1: There is an association between students purchase intention and brand name of mobile
2) HO: There is no relationship between Brand of the mobile phones and money spend on it.
H1: There is a relationship between Brand of the mobile phones and money spend on it.

3) Hither is no relationship betwee students buying behavior and the mobile phone features.
H1: There is a relationship between students buying behavior and the mobile phone
4) H1: There are significant factors which influence the mobile phone purchase decision of


The purpose of the research methodology is to design the research procedure. This includes
the overall design, the sampling procedure, the data collection method and analysis procedure. It
details the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure or solve this
research problem. The type of research here is “Descriptive Research Design”. Since it requires
us to describe the mobile phone buying behavior of students.

Sampling Technique – Convenient Sampling Technique (Non-Probability)

The method adopted here is convenient sampling method. A convenient sampling is one
where the data has been collected only from students instead of every mobile phone buyers, based
on convenience. The area from which sampling were conducted is around Madanapalle.

This sample method constitutes minimum of 60 respondents and it is expected to increase

This study involvesprimarydata collection techniques. Research Survey is conducted to access
the students thought, opinion and their feeling over the mobile phones. Survey technique used here
is Questionnaire Method – A predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample (participants).
This study used survey questionnaire as the primary data source by using questionnaire, while in
the secondary data collection is from journal, articles, internet, text book, media publications and
Primary data: Here the primary data is data collected through questionnaire which includes all
research objectives.


 The data analysis has been done using the analysis software “Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences (SPSS)”.
 The tools used for analyzing the collected data in this research study are Chi-Square
Test and Correlation.

1. Matti Haverhill, November 2011, Mobile phone feature preferences, customer satisfaction
and repurchase intent among male users, Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ).
2. Milena Head, Natalia Zion Koski, November 2012, Understanding student attitudes of
mobile phone features: Rethinking adoption through conjoint, cluster and SEM analyses,
Computers in Human Behavior.
3. Marieke Vanned Abele, Keith Roe, June 2013, Adolescents’ school experience and the
importance of having a “cool” mobile phone: Conformity, compensation and resistance?
Poetics Research Journals.
4. Farina Sultan , Andrew J. Rohm, Tao (Tony) Gao, November 2009,Factors Influencing
Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Marketing: A Two-Country Study of Youth Markets,
Journal of Interactive Marketing.

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