Tugas Bhsa Inggris

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To my mind smoking should not be banned


1. Firstly, I agree this is because it 1. Do not agree, this is because

can increase foreign exchange. smoking can cause air
Example: taxes incurred by the pollution.
production of large a cigarette, Example: cigarette smoke can
so as to increase state. cause air pollution that may
2. Secondly, I agree this is endanger health.
because it can increase revenue 2. Do not agree this is because it
for tobacco farmers. can affect human health.
Example: more production is Example: coronary heart
needed disease, lung cancer cancer of
the mouth or throat cerebral
vascular disease and could
lead directly to dathh.
3. Do not agree, this is because
smoking can effect the health
of men.
Example: men who smoke can
Conclusion: I believe smoking should
harm sperm and impair the
not be banned, because smoking can
quality of the baby as well as
cause air pollution, endangering the
sperm production is much less
health of families and affect the
than men who did not smoke.
4. Do not agree, this is because
since smoking effect
Example: disorder in the fetus
such as miscarriage, deformed
babies, low birth weight,
breating difficulties at birth,
complications during growth,
premature babies.
5. Do not agree, since smoking
can affect the economy of the
Example: money that should
be used for the needs of the
family be divided or reduced
due to buy cigarettes.

to my mind euthanasia should not be legalized


1. Firstly I agree because 1. Firstly I do not agree, this

euthanasia it does not is because euthanasia is an
cause prolonged pain at act that may violate
the time of dying, religious.
Example: increase the pain Example : the death of an
2. Secondly I agree because unsettled.
every human being has the 2. Secondly I do not agree,
right to life and the right to because it causes the
end his life by families left behind feel
immediately. loss and grief.
Example: with a state that Example: prolonged grief
does not allow him to 3. Thirtly, I do not agree
recover. because Indonesia is a
country where euthanasia
is not allowed legal
Conclusion: I believe euthanasia Example : violate the
should not be legalized because provisions of article 344 of
euthanasia is a sin and cause the criminal code.
grieving families left behind.

Kelompok 4

1. Armida Caprica Dewi (11060150006)

2. Ayu Ratih Andani (12060150019)

3. Febrilia Dwi purnami (12060150036)

4. Happy artha yulinda (120601500

5. Sri Arianti (12060150064)

6. Sri Ulan Deni (12060150066)




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