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UNIT 1: “School Time!



Part I.
Listen and answer (1 point each).

1) Who are the people talking?

a) Hector and Marcus
b) Marcus and Danna
c) Danna and Hector

2) Which elements are mentioned in the dialogue?

Bag Desk Ruler

Chair Eraser Textbook
Computer Markers Window

3) Who is the owner of the bag?

a) Hector
b) Danna
c) Marcus

4) Which element is Danna´s?

a) Computer
b) Bag
c) Textbook

Part II. Read and match (1 points each).

1 ___ English A. Painting

2 ___ Spanish B. 3x4=12
3 ___ Math C. Bible
4 ___ History D. Parts of animals
5 ___ Biology E. My name is Mr. Perez.
6 ___ Religion F. “Los tres cerditos”
7 ___ Arts G. Bernardo O’Higgins - Creado y diseñado por VillaEduca®1 Inglés– 4º Básico

Part III.
Answer the questions in full answer (2 points each).

1) What is your favorite subject? ______________________________________

2) What do you like the most? ______________________________________
3) When do you have that class? ______________________________________

Part IV.
Read and answer (1 point each).

Little Fernanda Goes to School

“Hello!” says Fernanda as he enters the school. He greets Mrs. Riquelme, the
Principal. She is talking to Luis, the janitor.

When Fernanda gets to her classroom she meets her classmates. Then, the
teacher appears: Mr. Sanchez. They greet each other and sit down, in
silence. When Mr. Sanchez is teaching, the students pay attention; If they
don´t understand they raise their hands and ask for a repetition; If they need
to go to the bathroom, they ask for permission; and they do all the exercises.

When the class is finished: They play in the backyard, they share and have

1) Who studies at the 2) Who is the janitor? 3) Who is the teacher?

a) Fernanda a) Mrs. Riquelme a) Mrs. Riquelme
b) Mrs. Riquelme b) Luis b) Mr. Sanchez
c) Luis c) Mr. Sanchez c) They sit down

4) What do they do in 5) what happens if they 6) How do they behave in

classes? need the bathroom? school?
a) Get to the classroom a) ask for attention a) Well
b) The exercises b) ask for repetition b) So so
c) Share c) ask for permission c) Bad - Creado y diseñado por VillaEduca®2 Inglés– 4º Básico

Pauta de Corrección

OA por Nº
Ítem Respuesta Puntaje
Eje Pregunta

1) C 1
2) Bag, Desk, Eraser, Textbook 4
Part I OA 01
3) C 1
4) C 1

1) E 1
2) F 1
3) B 1
Part II OA 06 4) G 1
5) D 1
6) C 1
7) A 1

1) My favorite subject is… 2

Part III OA 13 2) I like… 2
3) I have this class on… 2

1) A 1
2) B 1
3) B 1
Part IV OA 06
4) B 1
5) C 1
6) A 1

Total puntaje 26 Puntos - Creado y diseñado por VillaEduca®3 Inglés– 4º Básico

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