Coup D'etat in America Volume Three

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Coup D'Etat in America

Volume 3


Mr. Alan Weberman

ISBN 9781520207209



318 3RD Avenue Suite 520
NYC 10010






The initials "WH" appeared on the flyleaf of Oswald’s

address book. Howard Hunt was the liaison between CIA and the
Eisenhower White House in regard to Bay of Pigs. Years later
Bernard Barker’s address book listed Hunt under WH as you can
see below.


Watergate burglar Rolando Martinez' personal telephone

directory listed Howard Hunt. Next to the phone number it noted:
"W. House." Hunt’s name was listed under the letters "W. H." in
Bernard Barker's address book. Hunt was asked what would lead
Mr. Barker to use the initials W. H? Hunt: "I assume that WH was for
White House."

EVERETTE HOWARD HUNT was born on October 9, 1918,

in Hamburg, N.Y., into a family of English and Welch heritage which
traced its lineage to the Revolutionary War. Hunt's Point, in the
South Bronx section of New York City, was named after one of
Hunt’s ancestors. Hunt’s father, Howard Hunt Sr., was a friend of
OSS founder William J. Donovan. When Hunt was eight, his family
moved to Miami, where Howard Hunt Sr. entered a business
partnership which eventually failed. In Give Us This Day, Hunt
described the incident which led to this. On a Saturday, Howard
Hunt Sr.'s business partner stole $5,000 from him, then flew to
Havana. The next day, Howard Hunt Sr. flew to Havana, found his
partner, put a gun to his partner's head, and got all of his money
back. The moral to be gained from this story, according to Hunt,
was: "An operation conducted with surgical efficiency and maximum
speed leaves minimal scars on those involved." This story can be
interpreted so that a different moral is extracted from it: rather than
report the incident to the local authorities, Howard Hunt Sr. went to
Cuba and was willing to execute his ex-partner for $5000. The moral
implied by this incident: if you are double-crossed, murder is

During his teens Hunt suffered from dyslexia and

stammering. He graduated from Brown University in 1940, where he
majored in English literature and journalism. He received an
Associate Baccalaureate Degree. He was accepted as a play writing
student at Yale Drama School. Hunt enlisted in the Naval Reserves.

Hunt reported: "Enlisted United States Naval Reserve, August 27,

1940, as Apprentice Seaman, appointed to U.S. Navy Midshipman's
School...served aboard USS Destroyer Mayo, discharge by reason
of being not physically qualified for retention." In February 1941
Hunt entered the United States Navy. He was on active duty for five
months before he was given an honorable medical discharge in late

Tad Szulc reported: "According to incomplete records [Hunt] was

injured aboard a ship doing Atlantic convoy duty." Hunt was
discharged because of a hearing problem. [FBI 139-4089-1627]
Hunt wrote East of Farewell, a fictionalized account of North Atlantic
convoy duty, and sold it to Alfred Knopf Publishers. From October
1942 to February 1943 he worked for Time Inc. (March of Time)
where he prepared and edited scripts for a monthly newsreel, and
produced Naval training films. He was hired by Time and became a


war correspondent in the South Pacific from February 1943 to July

1943. Hunt covered the battle of Guadalcanal. Hunt stated: "I flew
as an observer with VT11, Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, 1943,
soloed SO3C type, March 1943, New Hebrides.” He returned to
New York City in 1943, where he worked for Fortune magazine and
wrote Limit Of Darkness, which he sold to Random House.


Hunt enlisted as a private in the United States Air Force: "After

basic training at Fort Dix and Miami Beach, I qualified for Officer
Candidate School...After being commissioned, I was sent to Air
Force Intelligence School at Orlando, Florida, where, after two
weeks as a student, I was placed on the faculty." While he was in
Air Force Intelligence, Hunt passed rigorous OSS testing and
investigation: "A few days later General William E. Donovan
summoned me to his office. There he confirmed that I had been
accepted for duty in the OSS and was henceforth relieved of further
Air Force duties." During his OSS training period, Hunt met Navy
Lieutenant James Donovan and future CIA officers Lawrence
Houston and Walter Kuzmuk. Hunt cited Bennett Cerf of Random
House as a credit reference. Hunt named Quentin Reynolds as a

reference. Hunt stated: "Graduate of Air Combat Intelligence

School, AAFSAT, AFTAC, Florida. Wide experience with
intelligence sources and procedures as part of current duties in
AFTAC Air Room, plus special research into propaganda analysis (a
standard lecture for the Army-Navy Staff College), plus professional
writing and experience as naval officer at start of war. As a War
correspondent, I found out that my experience as a naval officer
helped me effect easy liaison with Task Force and Air Group
commanders in the theater. I am known as a novelist and short-
story writer, and contribute to national magazines upon the request
of individual editors. December 9, 1944." Hunt was assigned to OSS
Detachment 202, headed by PAUL HELLIWELL (born September
17, 1914). From January 17, 1945 to August 18, 1945, Paul
Helliwell served as Chief, Special Intelligence Branch, OSS, China
Theater. When the war ended, Paul Helliwell was placed in charge
of postwar intelligence, and awarded the Bronze

Star with Oak Leaf Cluster. In January 1950 he joined the CIA. In
1951 Paul Helliwell helped set up and run Sea Supply Corporation,
a CIA proprietary. Angleton associate John Hart headed a CIA
group of 76 men training the Thai Police via the Sea Supply
Corporation. [Indochina Resource Center Study 1.77] Paul Helliwell
served as a paymaster during the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961.
Hunt listed his OSS and military duty: "CBI Reports Officer, Lecturer
on Psychological Warfare at Army-Navy Staff College." Hunt served
in the Far East until January 1946. After the war, he went to Mexico


on a Guggenheim Fellowship. Later he took up residence in Los

Angeles and Miami.

Hunt was an Economic Attaché at the American Embassy,

Paris. Hunt’s associates there included Glen Morehouse, a Paris
CIA Station officer, Richard Bissell and Frank Wisner. At the
Economic Cooperation Administration, Vienna, Hunt produced an
anti-communist film directed toward labor groups, entitled Mit
Vereinten Kraeften. In 1948 HUNT was employed by the
Economic Cooperation Administration and served in Paris as
and aide to Averill Harriman: "A background investigation conducted
by the FBI in July 1949 revealed no indication of instability on the
Subject's part, but it was later learned that Subject had been
refused an increase in salary with the Economic Cooperation
Administration and had been permitted to resign. He was described
as highly intelligent, but blindly selfish, and egotistical." Hunt’s
employment history stated: "May 1948 to February 1948, Economic
Cooperation Administration, Public Relations, J. F. Fleming, U. S.
Media Specialist. PR work plus speech writing for Ambassador
Harriman; film production. Reasons for Leaving: My publishing
affairs deteriorated to such an extent that my presence in America
became imperative for financial reasons." On November 23, 1949,
Hunt was fingerprinted by the FBI for the CIA.


Dorothy Wetzel De Goutiere, born Dorothy Davis to Mrs.

Jane Davis, worked for the State Department in Bern, Switzerland,
between July 1944 and January 1946 tracing Nazi money in
Europe. From April 1946 to May 1947, Dorothy De Goutiere worked
for the Treasury Department, Shanghai, China. She joined
Economic Cooperation Administration in April 1948. In this capacity
she traveled to Paris and became part of the staff of William Averill
Harriman, an administrator of the Marshall Plan. She married
Howard Hunt on September 7, 1949. The CIA reported that
"Dorothy Louise Hunt [OS 355,750] was investigated for Agency
employment in 1948. Her former husband [Goutiere] was described
as an habitual drunkard and not inclined to remain in any one place
for any length of time. She did not enter on duty, having accepted a
position with the Economic Cooperation Administration in Paris. Our
Paris sources later reported that Subject's wife was formerly his
mistress and was openly flouted as such for several months. She
was then described as an amoral and dangerous individual who
underhandedly attacked those persons who incurred her enmity."
The De Goutiere in question was probably George De Goutiere, an
artist. Saint John Hunt recalled, “She had married first, to an


alcoholic French count of some kind; he was later killed in an

automobile crash (who knows, certainly not I). She was exotic
looking; dark thick hair with a widow’s peak, strong high
cheekbones, and a well developed full busted figure. She was
German and Sioux Indian, and her skin was richly olive toned.”
[Bond of Secrecy St. John Hunt. Sarasota Herald Tribune July 7,


In 1949 Hunt’s book, Bimini Run, was published; Warner

Brothers paid Hunt $35,000 for the movie rights. On May 18, 1949,
Hunt filled out a PERSONAL HISTORY STATEMENT for the CIA.
Hunt cited Major J.K. Singlaub as an employment reference.
General Singlaub became commander of the Joint Unconventional
Warfare Task Force in Vietnam in 1968 and was involved in
Operation Phoenix. In 1984 Singlaub headed the World Anti-
Communist League. John K. Singlaub had been in Hunt’s OSS unit.
On November 8, 1949, Hunt filled out a Personal Status Report. In
November 1949 Hunt joined the Office of Policy Coordination (CIA)
where he became an International Organization Editor. He remained
there until December 1950.
1950 TO 1953

On February 17, 1950, Hunt was informed by the CIA's Office of

Security that his wife held left-wing attitudes regarding certain
minority groups:

With regard to his wife, Mr. Hunt states that she is

one of these individuals who carries the torch for
minority groups and always has been too ready to
take up the battle when any derogatory remarks are
made concerning members of these groups. He
advised, however, that she is becoming less
pugnacious about this because he has constantly
made it a point to request her not to express her
opinion so strongly. Mr. Hunt advises, as a matter of
fact, that at the outset he used to bait his wife on
these matters, but as he realized how strongly she
feels about them, he ceased the practice. It seems as
though Mrs. Hunt becomes so upset concerning
racial and minority prejudices that the resultant
condition is really injurious to her health. Mr. Hunt
advises that he will have a heart-to-heart talk with his
wife and ask her to tighten up on the control of her
emotions. He will further suggest to his wife that she
take the chip off her shoulders, and if remarks are
made which disturb her, she should assume the
attitude of considering the source. Mr. Hunt believes
his wife is becoming less susceptible to remarks
which have enraged her in the past. He has promised
me to adopt a policy of discontinuing social relations
with individuals who constantly discuss matters which
are repugnant to his wife. I was very favorably
impressed by Mr. Hunt’s attitude concerning my
admonitions, and I respect him for his forthright
denouncement and evaluation of his wife's
shortcomings. I am firm in my belief that Mr. Hunt is
throughly patriotic, completely anti-Communist, and
that there will be no repetition of past complaints. I
sincerely recommend that we close the book on this
issue, and start over with a clean slate. (Deleted) OS.
On February 27, 1950, Hunt wrote a memo about his
association with U.S. Naval Officer Eugene Simon Karpe.



SUBJECT: Captain Eugene Karpe, USN, deceased.

1. During 1948 to 1949 I served in Europe as an

official of the Economic Cooperation Administration,
ranking as an Attache of the American Embassy,

2. During various periods of temporary duty in Vienna

(August to October 1948) I came to know Captain
Karpe socially. He came to Vienna frequently on
week ends from his Bucharest post, staying, like
myself, at the Bristol Hotel.

3. On at least two occasions he flew with me in

General Keyes' aircraft from Vienna to Paris, and I
had the distinct impression that he wanted to spend
as little time as possible in Bucharest because of the
annoying and constant surveillance of secret police.

4. On one occasion, returning unexpectedly from

Vienna, I encountered Captain Karpe at the Bristol
and asked him why he was again in Vienna. He
replied that there had been a series of incidents in
Bucharest involving servants of Embassy personnel
(shadowing, interrogations, etc.) And that I could not
imagine how rigorous was the life there for
Americans. He added jokingly that he could not even
visit a urinal in Bucharest without being accompanied
by the Secret Police.

5. At no time did Captain Karpe appear despondent;

rather he impressed me a conscientious officer who
was undergoing tremendous hardships, but sought
relaxation from surveillance at every legitimate

6. In October 1949 I encountered Captain Karpe in

the Army & Navy Club in Washington, and asked him
if his Bucharest assignment had terminated. His
answer was rather vague, and my total impression
was that he felt I was lucky to be out of Europe, and
that he was not anxious to return to Romania.


7. Our association was more than casual, for we had

mutual friends in the Navy; one of his classmates, in
fact, having been a fellow officer of mine.

8. Although I knew Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vogeler

socially in Vienna, I was not aware Captain Karpe
knew them, as later events indicate.

Howard Hunt PBII/HH/mee.

William Harvey was sent a copy of Hunt’s memorandum

regarding Karpe. Eugene Simon Karpe fell off the Orient Express on
February 25, 1950:

A track walker found the body of Captain Eugene

Simon Karpe of the United States Navy, a friend of
imprisoned Robert A. Vogler, in a railway tunnel
south of Salzberg yesterday. His passport was
missing. United States Army investigators and
Austrian police said they believed Captain Karpe's
death had been accidental. American officials in
Washington said they were not eliminating the
possibility that the officer had been slain. Austrian
police said that Captain Karpe, en route to the United
States after three years as Naval Attaché in
Romania, evidently had fallen from a door of the
Arlberg Orient express on a curve...Captain Karpe,
45 years old, was sent to Rumania in 1946 as a
naval member of the Allied Control Commission.
Officers said all passengers appeared to be
legitimate travelers and that there was no reason to
suspect them of having had any part in Captain
Karpe's death.

Hunt and Eugene Simon Karpe were acquainted with Robert

A. Vogeler, who had been sentenced to 15 years in prison for
espionage by a Hungarian People's Court on February 20, 1950.
Robert A. Vogeler was a roving ITT representative who allegedly
plotted to sabotage the Hungarian state-owned telephone company.
Vogeler was released after having served one year of his sentence.
He denied being a spy ; he said all he had done was keep in touch
with "Fish" Karpe. [NYT 2.25.50] On Tuesday, March 2, 1950,
United States Army investigators:


…said today that it was possible in the darkness of a

Salzberg tunnel Karpe could have been thrown
accidentally from the Arlberg-Express." On
November 8, 1950, William D. Miller, Assistant Chief,
Overseas Branch, sent George P. Loker, Jr. Chief,
Special Security Branch, a memo: "Subject (Deleted)
OPC) (Deleted) of SAC has been changed to above.
Former (deleted) was (deleted). On December 14,
1950, the Chief, Special Security Branch, was
informed by the Chief, Overseas Branch, that
"(deleted) (Pseudo - Office of Policy Coordination)
Please cancel your security clearance dated
December 7, 1950. The decision has been made that
the Subject is to be considered a semi-covert
employee (deleted)."
Just before Hunt left for Mexico he reported:

The chaotic day was made more difficult by the

sudden arrival of two insurance investigators who
questioned us about the mental health of our former
French maid, who had become so unhappy at the
Auchinclosses' estate, Merrywood, that she tried to
commit suicide by jumping off a balcony. She was
being cared for at Georgetown Hospital, and the
investigators were trying to figure out the precipitating
events for her actions. We told them what we could,
cut short our interview as the taxi arrived, and
departed for National Airport. We changed planes in
Dallas and flew south to Mexico City, where we
would spend the next three years and where our two
daughters would be born. [Hunt American Spy]


Hunt’s first assignment for the Deputy Director/Plans took
him to Mexico City where he became head of operations against the
Soviets under Chief of Station Winston Scott. The CIA stated:
"Subject entered on duty as an Intelligence Officer GS-13 on
November 8, 1949. In December 1950 he was assigned as Chief of
Station Mexico City, and then served as Chief of Mission until
August, 1953." Hunt was trained in Secret Writing, Flaps and Seals
and Photography. Hunt described his role in Mexico City as "Chief
of the Office of Policy Coordination Station in Mexico City in 1950 to


1952 or 1953." A highly deleted document about the Mexico City

CIA Station: "(Deleted) COS Winston M. Scott (deceased) (Deleted)
an (retired) (Deleted) (retired) (Deleted) on (retired in Mexico)
COVERT ACTION (Deleted) Howard Hunt (retired)."

On April 1, 1953, this document about Hunt was generated

by the CIA:

MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Control Staff

SUBJECT: Publication Clearance - Hunt

1. Mr. Hunt is Deputy Chief of a (Deleted) of the

Western Hemisphere Division and he has been
operating (Deleted).

2. Mr. Hunt has been granted security clearances for

several novels during his employment with this
Agency. In 1949, just prior to employment with the
CIA, he published Day of the Serpent, a fictional work
on the OSS in China. He has achieved considerable
national prominence as an author of World War II

3. On the last of his PHS he stated that an estimated

one million pocket edition copies of two of his books
are in circulation. His present publisher, Fawcett
Publications, publishes the 25 and 35 cent books
which are sold in drugstores, newsstands, hotels,
stations etc. throughout the United States. It seems
quite probable that Mr. Hunt would be known as a
writer by persons in the (Deleted) and that his work
would be read by some (Deleted) even though it is in
English. It is not known whether or not the pocket
book publishing companies have exported their
publications in (Deleted).

4. Darkness on the Land is the title of the novel for

which security clearance is now requested. There
appear to be several objectional aspects in the novel
when it is considered in combination with the fact that
the author is (Deleted) in Latin America.


5. It would seem that the author's fixation in regard to

the superiority of the Nordic to the Latin and Indian
races, which permeates the entire novel, would be
most offensive to Latin Americans. The Latin
American might well argue that Mr. Hunt, like Erskine
Caldwell, has taken a sample of the illiterate, amoral
minority in Latin America and used it to depict a
whole culture.

On September 17, 1953, Hunt generated a MFR on

Cornelius Van Manen, a Dutch citizen who was entering the United
States military: "Subject stated that it was unfortunate that Hitler did
not succeed in his conquest of Europe...Howard Hunt SE/CPP." On
December 4, 1953, Hunt was granted clearance for attendance at
lectures of the Armed Forces Industrial College. Hunt worked with
Colonel Edward Landsdale, an Army counterinsurgency expert.
During his career with the CIA, Hunt was listed as assigned to the
following Staffs and Divisions: PB II, WH/?, SP/?, PY/?, PP/CR/TV,
SE/PP, WH/4, DODS/ R & P, DO/CA, OPSER, C/E/CA. In 1953
Hunt earned an Appreciation from Chief, PP, for assistance
rendered in the preparation of "PP Operational Aids." In 1953 Hunt
won another Appreciation from P.T. Culbertson, American
Embassy, (Deleted) for ability, discretion and judgement displayed
while assigned to (Deleted).


Hunt served as Case Officer for William F. Buckley Jr. in the early
1950's. William F. Buckley Sr. had been an owner of the Pantipec
Oil Company in Mexico. In the early 1920's, Mexican nationalists
sent him to the United States. His fortune remained intact, and he
used it to again speculate in oil, ultimately amassing a fortune.
When Pantipec reopened in Mexico it was part of an oil empire
worth an estimated $110 million. [Markmann The Buckleys William
Morrow 1973 p33] Born in 1925, William Buckley Jr. studied at the
University of Mexico and then at Yale, where he wrote a tome
attacking liberalism, God and Man at Yale. When William F. Buckley
Jr. returned to Mexico in July 1951, he had some familiarity with the
country and language. He resigned from the CIA in 1952 and joined
the staff of The American Mercury. In 1955 he founded his own
magazine, The National Review. William F. Buckley helped organize
the American Committee to Aid the Katanga Freedom Fighters, who
opposed Patrice Lumumba. William F. Buckley's CIA file was still
withheld as of 2010. The CIA: "Third party information (Summary of
Bill Buckley's relationship with the CIA)."
In 1954 Hunt was in contact with the CIA's assassination
unit. Hunt recalled:

The CIA had set up a small group to arrange for

assassinations of suspected double-agents and
similar low ranking officials...I was told by my CIA
superiors in 1954 that Boris T. Pash, an Agency
official, was in charge of the assassination unit...Boris
Pash was the man in charge of an area that dealt
with removals by violent means...I never asked Boris
Pash to plan an assassination mission, I simply
asked him if he had the capability.

Boris Pash, a former Army intelligence agent, headed the

Alsos Mission during World War II. Its target goals were the capture
of German scientists and the termination of the Nazi atomic bomb
program. After the war, Boris Pash, an associate of John Earman,
helped Nazi scientists enter the United States. [Lasby Project
Paperclip p203; Hunt Depo. in Hunt v. Weberman First Depo.
undated; Hersh Old Boys p226] Boris Pash joined Hunt at the Office
of Policy Coordination in 1949, where he worked in the Office of
Special Operations, Program Branch 7 (PB/7). Angleton and William
K. Harvey directed the Office of Special Operations. DAVID Phillips


was asked: "Do you know if William K. Harvey knew Mr. Hunt or
ever worked with Mr. Hunt, to your knowledge?" He responded: "I
think it is quite possible since they both were in the Agency for a
long time."

The Operations Planning Director of the Office of Policy

Coordination, who supervised PB/7, confirmed it was responsible for
assassinations and kidnapping. The Deputy Chief of PB/7, who
served under Boris Pash, testified he had a clear recollection that
the written charter of the Office of Special Operation included the
following language: "PB/7 will be responsible for assassinations,
kidnapping and other such functions as from time to time may be
given it."

Hunt was questioned about Boris Pash by the SSCIA:

I will have to go back considerably in time to the period in 1954 and

early 1955 when I was staff officer of the Southeast European
Division of the CIA. My title was Chief of Political and Psychological
Warfare for Southeast Europe. As such I had staff responsibility to
the Chief of the Division for all political and psychological warfare
matters that involved the following countries: Albania, Rumania,
Greece, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria...I was of course in daily contact
with the chiefs of the various country branches and it came to my
attention that we were having considerable difficulty with our

Albanian Guard Unit, I believe it was called, which was then located
in West Germany. This guard unit had been drawn largely from the
retainers of King Zog of Albania...That is bodyguards, members of
his personal staff, probably some relatives...The Agency in fact, had
been encountering a lot of difficulty with losing agents, Albanian
agents who parachuted into the area. And as a result of the rapid
disappearance of our parachuted agents, it became a matter of
some concern to the Division. To the best of my recollection, the
presence of a double agent or a penetration agent, in the Albanian
guard unit was suspected, if not assumed. To that end there was
some discussion, the details of which are no longer clear to me,
about the best way to cleanse the unit of whatever offending
individual there might be, the penetration agent. And I don't recall
whether I was specifically commissioned to look into the method of
cleansing, or whether it was a matter of my personal interest. But in
any event, I inquired around among knowledgeable people in the
Agency and it came to my attention and I hate, again, to be so
indefinite, although I will speculate on who might have directed me
to this particular unit. I was told that somewhere within the overall
political and psychological staff there was located a man with a
small office. This man's name was Colonel Boris Pash, and my
understanding was that Colonel Pash had been doing business, let
us say, with the Agency in West Germany for quite a while. I sought
out Colonel Pash. I was directed to his office and I found sitting with
him another Agency officer named [Martin Lazarus]. I'm not sure
whether it is (Deleted).

Mr. Baron: It's a Greek name. (Deleted) is his correct first name, but
he goes by (Deleted).

Mr. Hunt: Very good. But in any case, he was known throughout my
career as (Deleted). And I was at that point on, let's say, a search
mission to determine whether the alleged capability of Colonel Pash
in 'wet affairs,' which is how it was referred to, that is, liquidations,
would have any relevance to our particular problem of the Albanian
disappointments. [By liquidation I mean] assassinations,
kidnappings, removals, let's say. So I spoke to Colonel Pash in Mr.
(Deleted's) presence. I explained the problem to him, although at
that juncture I'm quite sure that we had not identified the Albanian
suspect. So we were talking hypothetically. And I might say
parenthetically, at this juncture, that it became clear many years
later that the actual informant was Kim Philby, the British MI-6 Chief
who was keeping everyone apprised of our Albanian activities. So in


fact, we had no nominee for Colonel Pash's special attentions.

However, I broached the problem on a hypothetical basis to Colonel
Pash, who seemed to, he didn't pick up on it immediately. He
seemed a little startled at the subject. He indicated it was something
that would have to be approved by higher authority, and I withdrew,
and never approached Colonel Pash again. This took place in
Colonel Pash's office, which, to the best of my recollection, was in
the complex in the old JKL series of CIA buildings along the
reflecting pool. They have since been demolished. And in Exhibit
Four here I give a breakdown, to the best of my recollection, of the
PP staff at that time, which we can go into. I don't want to really
interrupt the continuity of what I have to say, but just for clarification,
so everyone will know what we're talking about, and who was
situated where at the time. Then I can go into that apart from this, if
that's all right with you. I should also say, and I'm sorry I didn't
mention this earlier when I first inquired around for the location of
Colonel Pash and his assistant, that reaction I encountered was a
rather jesting one, and the impression I gained was here were a
couple of men who were drawing salaries and doing very little. And
so when Colonel Pash seemed reluctant to become involved in
responding affirmatively to my questions, my inference was that
Colonel Pash and (deleted) could well not have such a capability,
but for the purposes of employment and status, this was the job they
had. But they didn't want anyone to call upon them to activate their
particular abilities.

Now that was my impression and I was a little disgusted by it. I think
I talked to the Chief of the PP staff later, who was, of course, well
aware of the Albanian problem and I said I didn't get any satisfaction
from Pash, but it doesn't really make any difference because we
don't have the name of the suspected individual.

Baron: Just to stop here for a second and clear up some of these
details, were you under the impression that what you called wet
affairs, assassinations, kidnappings or other removals from the
scene of troublesome individuals was the primary function of this

Hunt: Yes, if fact the only. As far as I knew, they had no other
function. If they had another function I was never made aware of
what it was...


Baron: Did whoever gave you the information about Boris Pash
indicate to you that there were any other units in the CIA that could
take care of such problems by means of assassinations?

Hunt: No. My distinct impression and recollection is that the

function, if indeed it existed, and I believed it then to have existed as
I do today, was centralized or focused in Colonel Pash and

Baron: Now what would have been the formal title of the unit that
Colonel Pash and (Deleted) were running?

Hunt: If it had one I never knew I recall my conversation with

him was a relatively brief one. I stepped in the door, met him, saw
(Deleted) who I knew briefly or at least knew him by sight, and I sat
down and said we have this problem in the Albanian Branch. We
may need somebody liquidated in Western Germany. Can you
handle it if the day comes, or if it comes to that? And he seemed a
little startled. I have already indicated that.

Colonel Pash indicated or said to me that it was a matter that would

have to be approved by higher authority and as a relatively low
ranking officer in those days, I thought he was probably referring to
Frank Wisner. And indeed he may have. It never got pushed up to
Frank Wisner's level because there was no direct approach or a
request for such approval was ever made...Now his saying that to
me was of course bureaucratically quite appropriate. There was
nothing inappropriate in such a response. It neither indicated an
enthusiasm for the proposal for that line of work, nor was it a
washing of his hands. I felt that he was just glad that he had to
reach for higher authority, that it was a deflection, and that he would
just as soon not hear any more about it, not because of any moral
consideration or anything, but simply from a bureaucratic point of
view. He was comfortable where he was and don't bother me.

I left with the impression that Colonel Pash was glad that he wasn't
going to have any business for me or that he had successfully
deflected whatever approach I might be making to him because it
would give him and (Deleted) an opportunity to drink more coffee
and to draw their salaries from the Agency while affecting to do a
job that they were perhaps not equipped to do.

Now again, that impression I had when I left was at variance with
what I had heard before I came in, where I heard he and (deleted)

or he at least had been active in West Germany in wet affairs,

particularly kidnappings and that sort of thing. If not personally,
certainly he could arrange to have it done. That was my distinct
impression. Otherwise I would not have sought him out...I had
known previously that he had been associated during the war with
the Manhattan Project and that he had a security
was my impression that Boris Pash had been active a couple of
years at least before I knew him in West Germany with the sort of
thing that we had been discussing so far today...kidnappings mostly
in West Germany and West Berlin..." Hunt’s overall impression after
their conversation was that Boris Pash's function was to carry out
assassinations "albeit reluctantly, because my impression was that
he was a man who really didn't want to be disturbed. He was
comfortable where he was."

When Hunt was asked to list others who were aware of Boris
Pash's function: General Robert Cushman, John Richardson, John
Baker (former Chief of the PP Staff), Milton Buffington, Tracy
Barnes (former Chief of the PP Staff). Hunt stated:

I would think that Jim Angleton, who would have had direct
knowledge and always was the Chief of the CI/CE staff. The Chief
of base in (Deleted) if in fact Pash conducted any activities in that
area, certainly the Chief of base in (Deleted) would have been
knowledgeable about it. Also the Chief of base at (deleted) which
was where we had the (deleted) penetration going on. I don't know
whether William K. Harvey, at that time was Chief of Operations
(deleted) or whether he was simply running the tunnel, but William
K. Harvey might well have some knowledge of Boris Pash. I would
certainly assume that when we're talking about liquidations and that
sort of thing that the Agency's overall Office of Security somewhere
within it must have been involved, such German Division personnel
as might be available today, West German, and I would also
suggest that General Cushman might be knowledgeable for this
reason. It was about this time that General Cushman was still
assigned to the CIA. I could be wrong about that but I seem to have
a memory of Cushman being around in those days. He was then a
Colonel. I had associated with him. In fact, we shared an office at
one time, but that was several years earlier. But I'm sure that
Cushman was around in that period of time and involved with the
PP Staff though what his function was I don't know.


Baron: Let me return to one name that you mentioned and this is
William Harvey. What was the nature of your operational
relationships to William Harvey after this period. Did you have any?

Hunt: I never had any, no. In fact I've only seen him once in my life,
to the best of my recollection.

Baron: As you may know, William Harvey was tasked in 1961 with
setting up an executive action capability at the CIA, tasked originally
by Richard Bissell to carry out assassinations if required. Do you
have any connection from any source of any connection between
what Harvey was doing and what Pash was doing?

Hunt: No.

Hunt told his lawyer that he had "met Boris Pash in a hallway at
some point after the initial discussion of this matter and asked him
where it stood? And he replied this is very heavy stuff. I must be
very selective in talking about it, and [Hunt] dropped the matter."
Boris Pash denied Hunt’s allegations and claimed he never met him
and that he was never involved in assassination planning.

During Hunt v. Weberman, Hunt was asked:

Q. Have you ever discussed the subject of an assassination with Mr.


A. Nor assassination qua assassination, but the liquidation, removal


MR. Weberman: (Laughs)

THE DEPONENT: (continuing) an objectionable -- I would request

that the --

Mr. FRIEDMAN: I am asking Mr. Weberman to maintain himself.

MR. Weberman: It's kind of funny, you know.

THE DEPONENT: Mr. Pash, Colonel Pash, was described to me as

the man in charge of an area that dealt with removals by violent
means. He later testified that he never had such capacity. So, with
the exception of the man who was alleged by other to be in the
business, to my knowledge I have never known anybody in the
assassination business.


Q. Boris Pash denies ever having talked to you about this.

A. Well, he is an old man. I would say that it has escaped his mind,
probably trivial at the time because that wasn't his line of work.

Hunt told the SSCIA: "I might add that I was rather briefly at CIA
headquarters at that time and within a very short period of time after
I had had my interview with Colonel Pash, I was transferred to the
Guatemala Project, the overthrow of Guatemala."

Jacobo Arbenz, a professional Army officer, was the son of a

Swiss father who migrated to Guatemala. In 1944 Jacobo Arbenz
took part in a military coup against General Jorge Ubico.
Dissatisfied with a successor of Jorge Ubico, Jacobo Arbenz
participated in another coup and became a member of the
subsequently installed Junta. Jacobo Arbenz was made the ranking
officer in the Guatemalan Army in 1949, after his chief rival was
ambushed and assassinated. The chauffeur of Jacobo Arbenz, and
later his secretary, was credited with the murder. Jacobo Arbenz ran
for President in 1950. During the election campaign his main rival,
General Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, went into hiding under threat of
arrest. Five days before Jacobo Arbenz was elected President
through massive vote fraud in November 1950, Colonel Carlos
Castillo-Armas headed an unsuccessful revolt against him. Carlos
Castillo-Armas was badly wounded and thrown into prison. Jacobo
Arbenz took office in March 1951. The following summer Carlos

Castillo-Armas tunneled his way out of prison and left the country.
President Arbenz declared a partial state of siege in 1951, allegedly
to control the dispatches of unfriendly foreign correspondents.
Arbenz also tried to institute land reforms; the United Fruit
Company, the country's biggest employer, was outraged when he
expropriated 225,000 acres of its property. The profits of United
Fruit began to drop when labor unions demanded $2.50 a day for
each worker, instead of $1.36. [Business Week 4.30.55] During the
early 1950's, United Fruit was a symbol of American economic
imperialism. The term "Banana Republic" had its roots in the
domination by United Fruit of Central and South American
governments. Jacobo Arbenz turned frequently to the Communists
to maintain his power. By 1954 they were running Guatemala.
President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon and the other National
Security Council members called for the overthrow of Jacobo
Arbenz. In the spring of 1954, the USSR began covertly supplying
the Guatemalan regime with arms, hidden aboard a Swedish
freighter, in unmarked boxes. When the Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles, received news of this shipment,
the fate of Jacobo Arbenz was sealed.



Hunt 1954

In his autobiography, Undercover, Hunt recalled that he

recommended the ouster of Jacobo Arbenz shortly after he was
elected, but his superiors at the CIA refused to act until Arbenz
threatened the profits of United Fruit. Then, according to Hunt, the
lawyer who represented United Fruit, Ernest Cuneo, pressured the
CIA leadership into taking action against Arbenz. DAVID Phillips
described the chain of command in the Arbenz operation as follows:
the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Allen Dulles; then
Director /Plans Richard Bissell; then Deputy Director/Plans Frank
Wisner and his subordinate Tracy Barnes; then Colonel J.C. King,
Chief /Western Hemisphere Division; then himself and Hunt.


TRACY BARNES graduated from Harvard Law School and

practiced with Carter, Ledyard & Milburn. [Weyden Bay of Pigs p39]
During the war, Tracy Barnes joined the OSS and worked with Allen
Dulles in attempting to arrange a secret surrender of the Nazis in
Italy in 1945. In February 1951 he joined the CIA. He became
Deputy Director of the Psychological Strategy Board during the
Korean war. Tracy Barnes served as Chief of Station of the CIA in
Frankfurt, Germany, from 1954 to 1956, and London Chief of
Station from 1957 to 1959. Tracy Barnes was a relative of Nelson
Rockefeller. Nelson Rockefeller's Latin American interests had been
endangered by Arbenz. Nelson Rockefeller joined the Eisenhower
Administration from 1953 to 1954 as a Special Consultant, Assistant
for Cold War Strategy. Tracy Barnes chose Hunt and Phillips for the
Arbenz operation, which was given a semi-autonomous status. Hunt
was posted to Miami. In 1954 the CIA approached Miguel Ydigoras
Fuentes, then an anti-Arbenz exile living in El Salvador. In My War
With Communism, Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes wrote: "A former United
Fruit Company executive...came to see me with two gentlemen
whom he introduced as CIA agents. They said I was a popular
figure in Guatemala and they wanted to lend me their assistance to
overthrow Arbenz. When I asked for the conditions for the
assistance I found them unacceptable. Among other things I was
asked to favor the United Fruit Company..." Miguel Ydigoras
Fuentes agreed to support the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz but,
according to Hunt, "It had been decided at the State Department
that Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes was a 'right-wing reactionary'...and so
the CIA's support was put behind Colonel Carlos Castillo-Armas."


On January 29, 1954, Jacobo Arbenz charged that Carlos

Castillo-Armas and Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes were receiving
assistance, in their joint effort to overthrow him, from Nicaraguan
President Anastasio Somoza. Anastasio Somoza allowed anti-
Arbenz forces to use an island off the Nicaraguan coast as a base
of operations. American soldiers-of-fortune, working as CIA contract
employees, were the flyers of the Guatemalan rebel air force. On
the morning of the planned invasion a meeting took place among
President Eisenhower, the Dulles brothers, and Joint Chiefs of Staff
representatives, during which President Eisenhower asked if they
were sure the operation would succeed. Assured that it would,
President Eisenhower responded: "I'm prepared to take any steps
that are necessary to see that it succeeds." [Ross & Wise Inv. Gov.

On June 18, 1954, Carlos Castillo-Armas and his army crossed the
Honduran border into Guatemala. His CIA-sponsored air force had
just bombed San José, a large Guatemalan port city. The troops of
Carlos Castillo-Armas dug in just inside the Guatemalan border,
where they waited for further air strikes. After the forces of Jacobo
Arbenz took out most of CIA's exile air force, the CIA immediately
resupplied them with new aircraft. Under constant air attack, Jacobo
Arbenz began to panic. On June 22, 1954, Guatemalan
Government forces began an unsuccessful drive to dislodge the
forces of Carlos Castillo-Armas. At the front, CIA-recruited members
of the Army of Jacobo Arbenz, at the request of DAVID Phillips, sent

back messages to him that they were being overwhelmed by the

troops of Carlos Castillo-Armas. Phillips also set up a clandestine
radio station in Mexico, the "Voice of Liberation" which pretended to
be broadcasting from within Guatemala and orchestrated false
reports about legions of rebels who didn't exist and major battles
that never took place. Under such a propaganda barrage, on June
25, 1954, Jacobo Arbenz resigned and took asylum in the Mexican
Embassy. On July 8, 1954, a Guatemalan military junta elected
Carlos Castillo-Armas President. In August Castillo-Armas
suspended all civil liberties. Soon he restored to United Fruit the
land seized by Jacobo Arbenz.
Jacobo Arbenz lived in exile until June 27, 1971, when he
was found dead in his bathtub in Mexico City at age 57. Officials
listed the cause of death as drowning due to a heart attack. Jacobo
Arbenz had been under treatment for a stomach ailment.
[Immerman, R. CIA in Guatemala pp. 139-140; NYT 1.28.71] La
Prensa, the newspaper of Buenos Aires, reported:

The death of Jacobo Arbenz still has not become

clear. Jacobo Arbenz was found asphyxiated and
drowned in his bathtub, covered by boiling water.
According to the police, the body was horribly burned
by hot water and an autopsy was needed to
determine the cause of death. The police indicated
that Arbenz did not spend much time in the bathtub
and the door to the bathroom was locked. They had
to break it down to enter.

In 1955 Allen Dulles dispatched the former adversary of

Arbenz, Ambassador John E. Peurifoy, to Bangkok, Thailand.
There, John E. Peurifoy and his son were killed in a head-on
collision with a heavy truck in 1956. Howard Hunt believed his death
was the revenge of the Communists. [Immerman, R. CIA in
Guatemala p253] Author Thomas Powers reported that two
Guatemalans who worked closely with DAVID Phillips on a
clandestine radio transmitter, known as the Voice of Liberation,
were assassinated in 1957. Ché Guevara took asylum with Jacobo
Arbenz. It took him a month to get out of Guatemala. Author
Thomas Powers reported: "Phillips was in Guatemala searching
through captured documents, and opened a CIA file on Guevara."


In Give Us This Day Hunt related that the CIA had initially
favored a pre-eminent jurist and coffee grower, Juan Cordova
Cerna, to head the post-Arbenz regime:

I thought back to the period before the overthrow of

Colonel Arbenz when the CIA was treating with three
exiled leaders: Colonel Castillo Armas, Dr. Juan
Cordova Cerna, and Colonel Miguel Ydigoras
Fuentes. As a distinguished and respected jurist, Dr.
Juan Cordova Cerna had my personal vote as
provisional president; our paramilitary people,
however, were impressed with Castillo Armas'
qualities as a military leader, and State had vetoed
Ydigoras Fuentes as authoritarian. I remembered
meeting secretly with Juan Cordova Cerna in a room
in the Mexico City YMCA, and how at a critical time in
the pre-invasion maneuvering, he had been forced to
enter the Ochsner Clinic for cancer surgery. With his
hospitalization, the possibility of civilian leadership
ended, and Colonel Armas was selected to carry
though. Chance, then, as it so often does, played the
decisive role in the destiny of a nation.

In Undercover, Hunt recounted that Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna

"reluctantly had left Guatemala for New Orleans. There, it was
discovered that he suffered from throat cancer and treatment was
begun at the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans." [Hunt Undercover
p97] Phillips wrote: "One facet of CIA planning had gone awry in a
development beyond control - the moderate civilian who was
groomed to become the interim President contracted a fatal illness."
[Phillips Nightwatch p53] Phillips was asked "Do you have any
knowledge about how Juan Cordova came to contract the disease,
cancer?" He answered: "No, I do not know."

Did Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna really have Hunt’s personal

vote? Hunt wrote: "It had been decided at the State Department
Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes was a right-wing reactionary." In the past,
Hunt favored political figures who had been labeled "right-wing
reactionaries" by the State Department. For example, he described
his friend Pedro Diaz Lanz as one of those labeled a right-wing
reactionary. Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna would not have conformed to
Hunt’s vision of a post-Arbenz government. Dr. Juan Cordova
Cerna, a candidate for election in 1950, was a former legal advisor


for the United Fruit Company. Washington lobbyist Tom Corcoran,

an associate of Ernest Cuneo, called Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna "the
liberal" among the exiles. Ché Guevara wrote his followers: "Keep in
contact and be united with groups around Dr. Juan Cordova
Cerna...because they represent valuable allies and should not be
despised." [Fuentes, My War with Communism p146] After Miguel
Ydigoras Fuentes, Hunt’s next logical choice should have been
Castillo Armas.

Had Hunt poisoned Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna during their

meeting, to thwart the wish of the State Department to make him the
head of the post-Arbenz Guatemalan government? Could the
cancer of Juan Cordova Cerna have had some relation to the
Ochsner Clinic? Was the Clinic unwittingly or wittingly CIA-
penetrated? No credible evidence of this exists as of 1996; however
some interesting documents have been released regarding Alton


DR. ALTON OCHSNER (born May 4, 1896; died August 1981), the
founder of the Ochsner Clinic, had prestigious credentials and was
the past president of the American Cancer Society. Alton Ochsner
was part of the New Orleans anti-Communist community which
included David Ferrie and his associate, William Guy Banister.
Ochsner was linked to FBI Agent WARREN C. DeBRUEYS through
the New Orleans Crime Commission in 1967. Alton Ochsner was
linked to Oswald through these men. Carlos De La Vega, a Cuban
exile, was director of Latin American Relations of the Ochsner
Foundation. Carlos De La Vega was under a special State
Department contract to act as a bodyguard for foreign dignitaries.
[Memo Martin to Garrison 3.31.67] De La Vega was a FBI source on
the DRE. [FBI 124-10292-10283] Dr. Alton Ochsner was a
consultant to the U.S. Air Force "on the medical side of subversive
matters," and a personal friend of the Somoza family. [Scott,
Beyond Conspiracy p649]

In April 1993, Dr. Alton Ochsner's son, Alton Ochsner Jr.,

was asked: "Did your dad know guys like Ferrie and that crew?
Freedom fighter types?" He replied: "Yeah, he knew about anybody
who might have been labeled an anti-communist. My dad was a
strong anti-communist and he believed in all these things. He knew
all the local people who were on trial or involved in the Garrison
investigation. Now he and Ed Butler thought Oswald was involved in
a communist conspiracy. I don't think they thought this was the CIA
at that time.

My daddy was an ambassador without portfolio to

Central America, and particularly Nicaragua. He went
down there...he was a professor of surgery at Tulane
and some of the most distinguished Latin American
citizens were the doctors. Some trained under him at
Tulane, so he had a close connection with them.
Some became government leaders. And he went
down there several times, not as an ambassador, but
as a doctor...he probably knew, or met, the fellow
that came up to the Ochsner Clinic [Dr. Juan
Cordova Cerna]. He came up to the clinic because of
my dad's connection with those people, but I don't
know specifically who took care of that patient or
whether my dad was actually doing it...


Dr. Ochsner was asked if his father had ever been

approached by the CIA:

Yeah, some Argentinean colonel contacted my dad

and said there was a Argentinean, he wouldn't say
his name, that needed my dad's medical attention.
He asked him to come down and see him, because
for political reasons the man couldn't leave the
country. Shortly before my dad saw that fella, the CIA
visited my dad, and said 'Are you going down to see
Peron?' And he said, 'I don't know who I am going to
see'...He went down there and it was Juan Peron, he
had a vascular occlusion of his leg. He needed a
particular kind of surgery the Argentineans hadn't
perfected. My dad was hesitant to do it in Argentina
and, unfortunately, it was not politically right for
Peron to leave Argentina. He entertained my dad
The CIA reported: "Dr. Ochsner was of contact interest in
October 1947 and November 1948. He has been a cleared source
since May 13, 1955. The last official contact with Dr. Ochsner
personally occurred on January 8, 1962, and with the Ochsner
Clinic on November 8, 1963." Another CIA document read:

May 17, 1968

SUBJECT: Ochsner, Alton

Alton Ochsner, born May 4, 1896, at Kimball, South

Dakota, is Director of the Ochsner Foundation and
head of the Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, Louisiana.

He was of contact interest in October 1947 and

November 1948. His file indicates no further interest
from that time.

Another CIA document read:

May 31, 1968





SUBJECT: OCHSNER, Edward William Alton aka

OCHSNER, Alton BUTLER, Edward S.

REFERENCE: Memo dated May 17, 1968, from

C/SRS/OS to C/CI/R&A - Subject: Ochsner, Alton.

Per your request of May 17, 1968, for additional

information on Alton Ochsner that would (deleted) a
manual search of Office of Security indices on
Ochsner resulted in a record on Edward William
Alton Ochsner who is identical to Alton Ochsner. A
summary of information contained in Edward William
Ochsner's file is attached.

Also attached for your information, per request of

May 17, 1968, is a summary of Edward S. Butler
which had been previously prepared for the
information of the Director of Security.

Paul F. Gaynor, Chief Security Research Staff/Office

of Security.

Attachment as stated:

SUBJECT: Ochsner, Edward William Alton aka

Ochsner, Alton

Subject, who was born May 4, 1896, at Kimbell,

South Dakota, is the Director of the Ochsner Clinic
(Paragraph deleted).

His spouse's name was given as Mabel Lockwood

Ochsner, born November 8, 1896, at Chicago,
Illinois. They were married September 23, 1923, and
have four children but the children's names were not

There is no information in his file to reflect any

connection with the Information Council of the



Carlos Castillo-Armas proved to be more dogmatically anti-
Communist than Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes. Within a week of his
taking power, the new government announced that it had arrested
4,000 people for taking part in Communist activity. Within four
months, the Carlos Castillo-Armas government registered 72,000
people as Communists and expropriated the property of most of its
political foes. It disenfranchised illiterate Guatemalans (more than
70% of the population), among whom the Communists had been
influential. Under the Carlos Castillo-Armas government $900
million in aid flowed into Guatemala, largely from the U.S. The
Carlos Castillo-Armas regime became inept and scandal-ridden.
CIA was dismayed.
On July 26, 1957, President Carlos Castillo-Armas was shot
down at about 9:00 p.m. as he and his wife prepared to enter the
dining room of the Presidential Palace. He was struck by two
bullets, one of which severed his aorta. A communiqué identified the
assassin as Romeo Vasquez Sanchez, 20 years old; it said he
immediately committed suicide with the same rifle he had used to
kill the President. The first authorities to arrive on the scene after the
shooting were all military, including the Minister of Defense. The
Guatemalan Government described Romeo Vasquez Sanchez as a
"Communist fanatic" who was expelled from the Guatemalan Army
six months ago for "Communist ideology," but had joined the
Presidential Palace Guard. Eight days later, the Guatemalan
Government said Romeo Vasquez Sanchez had been dismissed
from the Army in June 1955, two years ago. It claimed to have a 40-
page handwritten diary in which the assassin referred to "a diabolic
plan to put an end to the existence of the man who holds power."
The diary read: "I have had the opportunity to study Russian
communism. The great nation that is Russia is fulfilling a most
important mission in history...the Soviet Union is the first world
power in progress and scientific research." The Guatemalan
Government claimed to have found evidence on the person of
Romeo Vasquez Sanchez that linked him to Moscow. The evidence
turned out to be a card from the Latin American service of Radio
Moscow that read: "It is our pleasure, dear listener, to engage in
correspondence with you. We are very thankful for your regular
listening to these programs."

When Oswald was arrested in New Orleans, he had the

name of a Radio Moscow commentator on his person. A few days
later, the Guatemalan presidential press office gave out photostatic
copies of another postcard from Radio Moscow Romeo Vasquez
Sanchez had just received. Government investigators linked Romeo
Vasquez Sanchez to Moscow-directed Communist plotting,
however, no evidence ever turned up that Romeo Vasquez
Sanchez was a member of the Guatemalan Communist Party. The
death of Carlos Castillo-Armas was then blamed on his enemies
within the government. Forty-eight civilians were brought in for
questioning and 17 Presidential Guard members were court-
martialed. Two privates were sentenced to two-year prison terms for
alleged previous knowledge of a plot to kill the President. Hunt:
"Now Carlos Castillo-Armas was dead, assassinated by a member
of the Presidential bodyguard in whose pocket was found a card
from Radio Moscow, and Ydigoras his elected heir. Perhaps, I
reflected, the fact of Ydigoras' presidency meant he should have
been selected six years earlier." [Hunt Day p119]

The scenario for the Carlos Castillo-Armas assassination

was similar to that of the Kennedy assassination. Both assassins
were alleged Communists who had no official Communist Party ties.
Both assassins were to be killed shortly after the assassination -
although there was a two-day delay in Oswald’s case. Both
assassins were supposed to be linked to Moscow - Romeo Vasquez
Sanchez via a card from Radio Moscow, Oswald through defection
to Russia and a visit to Cuba. Both men kept diaries.

The man who was really Hunt’s first choice, MIGUEL

YDIGORAS FUENTES, was elected Guatemalan President in 1958
after his defeat in a first election resulted in street riots, strikes,
demonstrations and general lawlessness by his supporters. In return
for quelling the disturbances, the junta proceeded to nullify the
election and hold another. Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes won the second
election. Six weeks later, he visited President Eisenhower in
Washington, to show he was not the "rightist monster I have been

Guatemala was again safe for American investments, and in

1959, Fortune magazine reported that United Fruit was "in
Guatemala, Costa Rica and Honduras and is still the largest single
private landowner, single largest business and largest corporate
employer." The magazine noted that the former Director of the


Central Intelligence Agency, General Walter Bedell Smith, had

become a director of the United Fruit Company. [McCann United
Fruit p62]
Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes instituted land and tax reforms then
allowed Juan José Arévalo, a anti-Communist socialist, to return to
Guatemala from exile in Mexico City. Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes
believed that the return of Juan José Arévalo would eventually
redound to the benefit of Roberto Alejos, whom he was grooming as
his successor. Instead, Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes was overthrown
and Roberto Alejos arrested. In 1963 Roberto Alejos' candidate for
Congressional President, Manuel Orellana Portillo, was arrested on
drug charges. [Scott, Deep Pol. p337] The Minister of Defense,
Enrique Peralta Azudia, took charge of the government. Miguel
Ydigoras Fuentes flew to Nicaragua, where he praised the generals
who had removed him from power. After this coup, many leftists
were allegedly murdered. No reports of the murders appeared in the
press in 1963. Nonetheless in 1976, Andrew St. George, a journalist
with CIA contacts, located a Cuban exile who participated in the
extermination sweeps. The exile claimed he was flown to
Guatemala in a black airplane with no markings, given a gun and a
police identification card by Colonel Barrios, the Guatemalan in
charge of the operation, then commanded to kill specific leftists.



SUBJECT: Andrew St. George

aka: Andrew Szent Gyorgi
SF # 424 122
1. Andrew St. George was first of interest to the
Office of Security in December 1949 upon receipt of
information of a counter-intelligence nature
concerning Soviet intelligence service use of Andrew
St. George as an agent in Vienna, Austria, in the mid-
1940's. In December 1958 Andrew St. George was of
interest to the Western Hemisphere Division for
debriefing regarding his knowledge of Castro rebel
activities, however, this interest was short-lived,
being canceled in January 1959. In January 1960 St.
George was of interest to the Domestic Contacts
Division as a source of foreign positive intelligence,


and he was contacted by 00/Contact Division then

and again in February 1962 and March 1964. His
wife, Jean St. George, nee: Hoopes (SF #428675)
was also of interest to 00/Contact Division in August
1960. (Note: Mrs. St. George is a cousin of former
staff employee, Mary F. Wallen, SF # 34 760).

2. For the most part, the St. George file contains

information of a counter-intelligence nature and
information concerning his writings. There is cross-
reference information in the file identifying at least
one DDO asset. [CIA MFR 7.25.75; Werbell doc.
grp.; FBI 118-5695, 100-347094; FBI 62-5, Serial
44368 UnID; FBI WFO 118-5519 p5; Wall Street
Journal 4.18.80]
E. HOWARD HUNT: 1955 to 1957
Hunt won a Commendation from Tracy Barnes for his part in
PB SUCCESS. As noted by Phillips, "Howard Hunt was assigned to
the American Embassy in Tokyo" in 1955. In 1955 the Inspector
General of the CIA generated several reports regarding the Hunt’s
activities in Japan. Some were memorandums by Bruce Solie
regarding the employment of Mrs. Hunt at the Argentine Embassy,
Tokyo, others concerned "Activities of Hunt and his Wife in Tokyo:
Hunt and the Screen Writers Guild and Authors League of America;
Hunt’s feeling Towards Communism - Stella Kim." In 1956 Hunt
worked on the U-2 project: "I had been involved [with Richard
Bissell] in arranging certain landing and takeoff privileges for U-2
aircraft abroad."

On June 7, 1956, the CIA generated this Inter-Office Memorandum

to File:

Subject: Cross References.

1. During processing or review, it has been

determined that a possible or actual relationship
exists, or may exist, between or among the person
listed below: (Deleted) (illegible numbers) #39128,
#36992, #37268, #37736, #39772, Hunt HOWARD


Hunt’s assignment in Japan ended in February 1957. Hunt

was Station Chief in Montevideo, Uruguay from January 1957 to
June 1960.On October 22, 1956, Joseph M. Adams, Chief, Official
Cover and Liaison, sent a Request for Security Certification to the
Chief of the Personnel Security Division regarding Hunt: "It is
requested that the appropriate security certification be prepared and
forwarded to the (deleted) as soon as possible. This SAC is to be
assigned to (deleted) and will depart Washington for PCS on or
about March 1, 1957." Tad Szulc reported Hunt secretly organized a
plan to overthrow the Uruguayan Government of President Benito
Nardone. [Szulc Compulsive Spy p77] When Hunt’s Attorney, Ellis
Rubin, asked him to name the source of this information, Szulc said
he was unclear on the matter. The CIA created this index card:
"Hunt, E. HOWARD CR #160644 *(deleted) Memo for NYFO May 5,
1958 WH Div May 20, 1958 May 5, 1958 for NFO May 20, 1958 for
WHO 0595211."
HOWARD HUNT 1959 - 1960
In January 1959 Hunt said that he advocated the immediate
assassination of Fidel Castro and that the Eisenhower
Administration had turned down his recommendation. On
November 30, 1959, Hunt was suspended from the CIA for one day
for the unauthorized recording of safe combinations. Hunt had
recorded his safe combination on the bottom of his pen holder. This
was discovered during a Security Sweep by the Marine Guards. In
August 1960 the CIA helped Hunt’s family when they returned to
New York City from Brazil. Hunt was described as an employee of

In March 1960 Tracy Barnes advised Hunt he was needed

for a new project: "Tracy Barnes told me my job would be
essentially the same as my earlier one - chief of political action for a
project recommended by the National Security Council and
approved by President Eisenhower: to assist Cuban exiles in
overthrowing Castro." [Hunt Undercover p129] Phillips would work
with Hunt again: when Fidel Castro came to power, Phillips engaged
in various schemes to unseat him, then departed Cuba in late 1960,
or early 1961. Phillips served as Hunt’s Propaganda Chief by
"directing the CIA's clandestine radio service to Cuba."


In April 1960 HOWARD HUNT established the Cuban

Democratic Revolutionary Front or Cuban Revolutionary Front
or FRD in Mexico City. The formation of the Cuban Revolutionary
Front was announced there on June 22, 1960. Hunt found the
Mexican political climate unfavorable for the establishment of a
permanent Cuban government-in-exile. The location of the Cuban
Revolutionary Front was changed to the United States. The
proclaimed purpose of the Cuban Revolutionary Front was to install
a democratic government in Cuba through military force recruited
mostly from the Cuban exile community in Miami. The Cuban
Revolutionary Front leadership excluded Batista-connected exiles,
but the organization of Rolando Masferrer existed on its periphery.
FRD members included JUSTO CARRILLO was the former
president of the Cuban Industrial Development Bank. He was
considered to be a representative of Carlos Prio Soccarras.
Although not a Frente member Emilio Nunez Portuondo, a civil
servant during the Machado regime in Cuba, who was indicted for
stealing public funds, then elected to the Cuban Senate, played a
highly influential role. When Carlos Prio Soccarras defeated the
brother of Emilio Nunez Portuondo for the Cuban Presidency in
1948, Emilio Nunez Portuondo retired and practiced law. His clients
included "Lucky" Luciano. In the early 1950's Fulgencio Batista
appointed Emilio Nunez Portuondo Ambassador to the United
Nations. When Fidel Castro took power, Emilio Nunez Portuondo
came to the U.S. and worked with Carlos Prio Soccarras. In 1959

the FBI described him as the "most active and best known of the
anti-Castro leaders in the U.S." Emilio Nunez Portuondo was
offered the post-Castro Presidency of Cuba by General Jose
Pedraza, if the invasion of Cuba from the Dominican Republic that
Pedraza planned was successful. The FBI reported in May 1959:
"Masferrer [told the FBI] he has a liaison with Emilio Nunez
Portuondo but is not associated with him or his movement or under
his direction. Masferrer has never received any money from him." In
January 1960 Alexander Rorke told the FBI that he was a close
associate of Emilio Nunez Portuondo. In a July 24, 1961, edition of
a newspaper published by the brother of Carlos Prio Soccarras,
Emilio Nunez Portuondo was named as the future Secretary of
State of post-Castro Cuba. Emilio Nunez Portuondo grew
embittered with the Kennedy Administration and sent a telegram to
President Kennedy in January 1962, a copy of which was obtained
by the CIA. [CIA 201-45667] Emilio Nunez Portuondo came to the
attention United States Secret Service Agent Arnesto Aragon on
November 17, 1963, when he called America cowardly during a
speech to 8,000 Cubans gathered at Bayfront Park. Pedro Diaz
Lanz spoke at this rally. On November 24, 1963, Emilio Nunez
Portuondo gave Jose Antonio Cabarga, a Batista supporter and the
former President of the Cuban Maritime Retirement Fund, a press
release that linked Fidel Castro to Oswald. Jose Antonio Cabarga
gave the press release to a Mexico City newspaper.



On November 24, 1963, narcotics agent William Durkin was

told by an INTERPOL member that a Mexico City international
telephone operator monitored a call to Emilio Nunez Portuondo in
Miami placed by Jose Antonio Cabarga. Emilio Nunez Portuondo
told Jose Antonio Cabarga:

…that with the assassination President Kennedy

Castro’s plan has been realized (Ya se venia
realizando el plan Castro) and that the next one to go
would be Bob and that any time atomic bombs would
rain down on U.S. without anyone knowing why and
that if US unable to defend life of President, would not
defend selves either. [CIA 93-571]
WAVE traces Nunez reveals the subject 201-312304.
ODFOAM advised is probably Jose Antonio Cabarga
Sainz, DPOB Circa 1918 Province Las Villas, Cuba.
Currently resides Mexico City. He is not occupied
with obtaining Mexican visas for persons desiring to
leave Cuba. He is pronounced Batistiano and
Rightest with ties to Batista groups in U.S. and the
Alianza Para El Progress De America.
On November 28, 1963, Jose Antonio Cabarga was arrested
in Mexico City, at the request of Legal Attache Clark Anderson.
When Jose Antonio Cabarga was released, Anderson interviewed
him. The FBI deleted 90% of this document. CARLOS Bringuier told
the Warren Commission that, as a friend of Emilio Nunez
Portuondo, he wished to protest the arrest of Jose Antonio Cabarga.
In late November 1963 Portuondo told the FBI he received the

phone call. He said although he was bitter at the U.S., the

conversation referred to Fidel Castro's plan to kill President
Kennedy. Emilio Nunez Portuondo

Specifically denied the exact text as set forth in

Rebutel and reiterated that Jose Antonio Cabarga
was only expressing his opinion and that of many
other anti-Castro Cubans...As nearly as Portuondo
can recall, Cabarga did state 'This is the plan of
Castro and China.' Portuondo was questioned
specifically as to whether Cabarga mentioned Robert
Kennedy. Nunez Portuondo denied that mention was
made. [FBI 62-109060-309]
Emilio Nunez Portuondo added that Jose Antonio Cabarga
had close contacts at the United States Embassy, Mexico City, and
was "a good investigator who could develop information in the event
plans to assassinate the President were formulated in Mexico City.
Hemming expressed familiarity with Emilio Nunez Portuondo:
Hunt knew him. He was at the Freedom Tower
meeting in June 1963. Any loyal gusano with a brain
would be coming up with shit like that. You think he's
being directed to do it? They are not totally stupid
people. They don't have to be told what to do. They
know how to come up with their little schemes. They
know how to throw the thing into Castro's lap. How
many times you think they had to do it before they
got an operator that would report it and do her duty?
They were doing it on purpose. Any loyal anti-
Communist Cuban would be doing it. He didn't know
shit. We used to say 'Don't telegraph. Tell a Cuban. It
goes faster.' Get off of the bullshit. It was
disinformation. I'm not interested in how they fooled
fucking Weberman. Damn amateur snookered your
The CIA reported: "This call was heard by lots of people.
Files? Perhaps worth mentioning at staff meeting - to show how
insecure international phone calls are. Action Copy to Phillips
November 25, 1963." John Moss Witten cryptonym John Scelso
was asked to investigate this as he was in charge covert operations
in Mexico.


AURELIANO SANCHEZ ARRANGO was a frente member. The

CIA reported: "Arrango was first contracted in September 1948 and
used sporadically as a casual informant on Cuban internal politics. a
Provisional Operational Approval was granted on August 12, 1959,
for use in political action activities. He was debriefed occasionally by
the CIA, but after 1960 he was not used operationally." Hemming
told this researcher:

Arrango was Education Minister under Prio. He was

Fidel's right hand man until Fidel went to Mexico in
1955. He ran his own anti-Batista group in Cuba. He
backed out of the Bay of Pigs plan three months
before April 17, 1961. I hooked up with him and
started working his operation. He had Bill Harvey
supporting him. Harvey and his FBI thugs.


Arrango was considered to be a representative of Carlos

Prio Soccarras. TONY VARONA, the former Foreign Minister of
Carlos Prio Soccarras, was head of the Cuban Revolutionary Front.
Tony Varona came to the United States in June 1960 with the help
of CIA Case Officer Gerry Droller. [CIA To File From Alien Affairs
Officer 6.6.60] Tony Varona worked closely with Hunt: "Hunt was
the one that had to approve any propaganda plans that we were
having or also approve the payment of the expenses incurred by
such plans. Also, he approved trips of certain individuals around
South America to make propaganda efforts...Hunt told me to go to
Guatemala." [Varona's HSCA Test.]

MANUEL ARTIME was the "golden-boy" of the CIA's Cuban

Revolutionary Front. He was the leader of MRR, (Movement Of
Revolutionary Recuperation) which began as a support group for
the MIRR (Insurrectional Movement Of Revolutionary Recuperation)
guerrillas in the Escambray Mountains. Other founders of MRR
included Higinio "Nino" Diaz, Michael Yabor and Richardo Lorie.
Manuel Artime was born in Cuba, on January 29, 1932. His father
was a member of the Spanish Communist Party who became a
naturalized Cuban citizen. This led to much speculation whether
Manuel Artime was a Castro double-agent. Manuel Artime
graduated from the University of Havana in 1949 and attended a
Jesuit-run Medical School, but never obtained a medical degree.
[CIA FOIA/PA Req. #59,997] In medical school, Manuel Artime ran


a Catholic student group which opposed Fulgencio Batista. In late

1958 Manuel Artime went to the Sierra Maestre, where he joined a
student guerilla group and fought against Batista's troops in several
engagements. From 1958 to 1959, Manuel Artime was a second
chief officer in the Cuban revolutionary army. Manuel Artime
became a leader of the MRR (Movement of Revolutionary
Recuperation). In 1959 Fidel Castro put Manuel Artime in charge of
collective farming, but Manuel Artime had an argument with Ché
Guevara. On October 29, 1959, Manuel Artime resigned his INRA
(Institute of Agrarian Reform) command post, and accused Fidel
Castro of planning to communize Cuba. When Fidel Castro ordered
Raoul Castro to kill him, Manuel Artime went underground. He was
hidden by the Havana CIA Station during a nationwide search.
Manuel Artime joined pediatrician Orlando Bosch, [201-299292],
and formed MIRR, (Insurrectional Movement of Revolution and
Recovery) an anti-Castro group that operated within Cuba. Orlando
Bosch had been the former chief of Fidel Castro's 26th of July
Movement in Las Villas Province, Cuba. Four other former Castro
Army officers and 100 deserters left for the Escambray Mountains in
August 1960 and formed the nucleus of MIRR. According to Sturgis:
"Orlando Bosch was a rebel leader in the Escambray Mountains. He
had a group of approximately 1,500 guerrillas there. The CIA was
maintaining this guerrilla force up to a point where orders came
down that the guerrilla forces and activities had to be stopped. So
naturally one of the boys came over with the military commander of
this guerrilla force in Cuba, came over to try to make contact in the
local area with the CIA or personal contact in order to continue the
supply of these forces in the Escambray Mountains." Sometime in
1960 Bernard Barker had exfiltrated Manuel Artime from Cuba to
Mexico aboard a Honduran ship. In April 1960 Manuel Artime
entered the United States from Mexico, where "he was alleged to
have the CIA job for recruiting former Batista military men for
sabotage activities in Cuba." In April 1960 Hunt recruited him for the
Cuban Revolutionary Front. That month, CIA Office of Security
Chief Sheffield Edwards requested an FBI records check on Manuel


Circa April 1960 Guatemala President Ydigoras Fuentes
gave the CIA permission to operate in his country. The Guatemalan
CIA Chief of Station secured the use of a large plantation, owned by
Roberto Alejos, that was immediately turned into a training base for


the Cuban Revolutionary Front. [Hunt Day p27, 29] Hunt’s associate
in PB SUCCESS, Guatemalan Chief of Station Robert K. Davis,
aided Hunt in this effort. Tony Varona reported that "Hunt had him
meet with Roberto Alejos in a Miami Hotel for the purpose of
obtaining land in Guatemala. Varona believes it was arranged
between President Ydigoras and the United States at a higher level
than the CIA." On March 27, 1961, the Chief of the CIA's Alien
Affairs Staff arranged for Cuban exiles Miro Cardona, Tony Varona
and Manuel Artime to be readmitted to the United States along with
Guatemalan citizens Roberto Alejos and Carlos Hevia. On
September 13, 1960, the FBI reported that:

Cuban exiles think the Cuban Revolutionary Front

has U.S. support but does not represent the best
interests of Cuba. (Deleted) MRR counter-
revolutionary organization belonging to the Cuban
Revolutionary Front has split in leadership. The
Cuban Revolutionary Front backed Manuel Artime as
MRR leader. Expelled MRR members, some
Authentic Organization members and Pedro Diaz
Lanz formed Alliance of Liberation. (Deleted).
The FRD was created with Agency assistance,
guidance and financial support in May 1960 and
consisted of several anti-Castro groups. The FRD
was formed as a political action, propaganda and
military unit. It not only helped recruit for Brigade
2506 but also carried on a massive program of social
assistance for Brigade 2506 members and their
families. The FRD headquarters was in Miami but
delegates were assigned to New Orleans, Tampa
and Mexico City.

In late 1960 or early 1961 the Cuban Revolutionary

Council was formed to coordinate and direct Cuban
Revolutionary Front activities with Agency and White
House support. The Cuban Revolutionary Front
continued to function until October 1961 when it was
completely absorbed by the Cuban Revolutionary
Council. Because of the magnitude of the Cuban
Revolutionary Front and Cuban Revolutionary
Council operations and Agency participation, a large


number of Headquarters and JMWAVE personnel

were directly involved with the FRD and CRC
personnel. The CRC also had direct access to
President Kennedy and White House aides. [CIA
Subject FRD 10.30.67]

The Cuban Revolutionary Council was formed was because

President Kennedy insisted the Agency draft a new Cuban
constitution before he gave a tentative go-ahead for the Bay of Pigs
invasion. The President demanded that the Cuban Revolutionary
Front be expanded to include the democratic socialist elements of
the exile community like the group led by Manolo Ray, JURE. The
Kennedy Administration wanted every exile group, except
Batistianos, included in the Cuban Revolutionary Council. Hunt told
the Rockefeller Commission:
When President Kennedy was elected in November
1960, he was briefed on the project and confirmed
the plans, including the plan to provide air cover to
the invading Cuban force. In early 1961, however,
the Kennedy administration decided that the political
organization of the Cuban government in exile would
have to be broadened so as to include all elements of
the Cuban society. Even radical leftwingers were to
be included. Hunt was assigned the job of convincing
the leaders of the Cuban community to accept such a
broadening of the political structure of the
government in exile, Hunt found this to be an
impossible job to accomplish because the Cubans
recruited to make up the invasion force had been
promised that the government in exile would be
solidly anti-Castro and anti-communist. Hunt asked to
be relieved of his assignment because he thought It
was an impossible one to achieve and he returned to
Washington to work on propaganda and similar non-
political aspects of the forthcoming invasion.

Hunt was put under pressure by his superiors to admit Manolo Ray
and replace Tony Varona with Miro Cardona Ruben. Stated Hqs
does not yet desire contact Manolo Ray. On June 13, 1962 CIA
generated this document:


Also HQS desired info which will assist in assessing

actual extent moral and material support given Ray
and MRP and whether any evidence of commitments
on pat LA Politicians to install Ray as head post
Liberation Cuban government.


On March 22, 1961 the FRD joined with the

Movimiento Revolucionario del Pueblo (MRP)
heaved by Manuel Ray Rivero, to form the
Revolutionary Council. Dr. Jose Miro Cardona, a
Cuban attorney and former law professor at the
University of Havana, was named President of the
Revolutionary Council. Dr. Miro Cardona had served
as Prime Minister in the first Cabinet formed by Fidel
Castro upon the fall of the Batista Government. He
later served as Cuban Ambassador to Spain, and
was still later designated Cuban Ambassador to the
United States, but resigned to take asylum in the
Argentine Embassy in Cuba, before coming to the
United States in October 1960, as a political exile. He
immediately began to attempt to unify the Cuban
exiles into one organization. He encountered
considerable opposition and criticism for many
Cuban exile leaders, because he was regarded as a
“Johnny-come-lately” and because he had signed, as
Prime Minister in the Castro Administration certain
retroactive laws and other measure which were
obnoxious to Cuban exiles. They also claimed that
Miro Cardona had never been a political leader in
Cuba, had no following either inside or outside of
Cuba, and therefore not qualified to become a
revolutionary leader. On October 10, 1961 the FRD
was officially dissolved and the Cuban Revolutionary
Council was created as the coordinating committee
of a number of leading anti-Castro groups of Cuban
exiles. Dr. Miro Cardona emerged as President of the
CRC. [FBI 105-107224-16]

Miro Cardona had been of interest to the CIA since

September 19, 1955 "***Locator Data: Order from IP/CFS - GC52
201-0097050." Traces on Miro Cardona were all marked "Not

Applicable." [Holmes Russell B CI/EXO Index Search and 201

Consolidation Request 9.2.77 IP/FI Control No. 10 Sep 6 77]


In July 1960 Hunt met with his former associate, Brigadier
General Robert Cushman. When Hunt returned to Washington in
the spring of 1950 he had shared an office with Robert Cushman,
who later served as Deputy Director/CIA from 1969 to 1972. In July
1960 President Dwight Eisenhower ordered the Director of the
Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles, to brief the opposition
candidate, Senator John F. Kennedy, on Cuba. When Allen Dulles
reported to the National Security Council that he had done so Nixon
"exploded." Under no circumstances, said Nixon, should John
Kennedy have had knowledge of the invasion. [DDI Robert Amory
as quoted in Wyden Bay of Pigs p67]

During the famous Nixon/Kennedy televised debates, the U-

2 incident, Quemoy, Matsu and the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz -
which Nixon pointed to as a model for dealing with Fidel Castro's
Cuba - were all debated. Nixon took a soft line toward Cuba during
the debates, and accused John Kennedy of advancing a "shockingly
reckless" proposal that could set off World War III. Later, Nixon
confessed that he had taken this position because, "the covert
operation had to be protected at all costs. I must go to the other
extreme: I must attack the Kennedy wrong and
irresponsible because it would violate our treaty commitments." A
few days after the aborted Bay of Pigs invasion, Nixon met privately
with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles.
Later, he commented: "I would have invaded Cuba." Nixon
expressed his fear that "Kennedy, having been burned in Cuba, will
be reluctant to stand up to the Communists in Vietnam."
Hunt supported Nixon in the November 1960
election, while most Catholic Cuban exiles voted for
John F. Kennedy, because of his stronger rhetoric
regarding Cuba during the debates. Hunt understood
that Nixon, as a planner of the Bay of Pigs, did not
want to sound bellicose during the debates: it might
have alerted Castro to the intention of the United
States to invade Cuba.

Hunt stated,


Many Cuban exiles turned against Kennedy I think

that particularly my leadership [member of the FRD
and CRC] that have been so avid for Kennedy
support in the candidates against Nixon that they
became very bitterly hostile to Kennedy because they
had placed faith in him and that faith had been
abused. Do I think that they could have been
[involved in the assassination]. I think you have to put
a name of that. I don’t know of anybody off hand.


After a meeting with Fidel Castro in 1959, Nixon drafted a
memorandum to President Dwight D. Eisenhower that emphasized
his belief that Fidel Castro was a particularly dangerous Communist.
Indeed, Nixon took credit for having the CIA train Cuban exiles to
overthrow Fidel Castro, as he wrote in My Six Crises, "The covert
training of Cuban exiles by the CIA was due, in substantial part, to
my efforts." Former Nixon Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman related that
former Costa Rican President Jose Figueres, who was in power
when the United States prepared for the Bay of Pigs invasion,
stated that the invasion was Nixon’s idea. Hunt wrote that after
Nixon became the White House Action Officer of the invasion, "he
approved dirty tricks and terror." General Robert Cushman advised
Hunt that Nixon, who was the "White House projects action officer,"
wanted to be sure nothing went wrong. According to Hunt, Nixon
was "intimately involved with the operational planning from his
National Security Council position...I believe he chaired the National
Security Council in that capacity." A CIA analysis of the Give Us
This Day manuscript revealed: "Hunt describes a luncheon that he
and Jake Esterline had with Robert Cushman, Vice President
Nixon’s Assistant for National Security Affairs. Hunt had known
Robert Cushman when the latter had an earlier CIA tour, and Jake
Esterline said that Robert Cushman followed the Cuban Project for
the Vice President. Hunt states that Nixon, 'as chairman [sic] of the
National Security Council, was the real spark plug behind the
project,' and the Administration's focal point and trouble shooter
regarding it. The General gave Hunt his private telephone number in
the event that he had something for the Vice President's urgent
attention." Former Director of the CIA Richard Helms was asked
about Nixon’s connection to the Bay of Pigs invasion:


A. I have no idea. I don't think so but I never heard it.

I never heard it alleged that he did.

Q. All right. I don't mean that he was actually sitting

there doing it, but he had an awareness of it and he
was acting in a more than advisory position.

A. But to my personal knowledge I know nothing

about this. [Helms Depo. Hunt V Weberman]

In late April 1960 Hunt flew to Madrid to debrief a Cuban

Military Attaché, then flew to Cuba. What he saw in Cuba so
appalled him that he vowed to "rid Cuba of Castro and his
henchmen regardless of personal cost and effort." He wrote that he
recommended to the CIA to

Assassinate Castro before of coincident with a

Cuban invasion (a job for Cuban patriots). Barnes
and Bissell read my report, pondered the
recommendations and said that it would weigh in the
final planning. (As the months wore on I was to ask
Barnes repeatedly about the action on my principal
recommendation only to be told it was 'in the hands
of a special group.' So far as I have been able to
determine no coherent plan was ever developed
within CIA to assassinate Castro, though it was the
hearts desire of many exile groups.

On February 6, 1976, Richard Bissell prepared a statement

in which he denied having received a written recommendation of
this nature:

I do not recall any communication, written or oral,

with Hunt regarding assassination. However, I do not
dispute Mr. Hunt’s testimony that I received such a
communication. In particular, I do not recall telling
Hunt or anyone else that planning for the
assassination of Castro was 'in the hands of a
special group.' I can only speculate that I would have
been referring to the operation of Sheffield Edwards
and Jim O'Connell to develop a means of
assassinating Castro. I do not believe that any such
remark would have referred to the Special Group of
the National Security Council." [NARA SSCIA 157-

10007-10021 prepared by Frederick D. Baron


Hunt told the SSCIA:

I would like to dilate a bit on that because it never

occurred to me that the Agency did not have an
assassination capability. This perhaps was as a
result of my earlier contact with Colonel Pash or what
I heard about him, and that is another reason why I
indicated in my written report that this was a job for
Cuban patriots. In other words, I was making a clear
distinction. I was saying to Mr. Bissell, I don't feel this
is something that one of our people ought to do
because there are plenty of people who are available
on the outside. And then if I can just go off a bit to
what happened with that. I asked Mr. Bissell at a later
time if any action was being taken on my
recommendation, and particularly on my first
recommendation, the assassination
recommendation. And he told me, he said 'That's in
the hands either of a group or the group.' And at this
distance in time I simply can't tell what it was he said.
But my understanding was at that point
contemporaneously that the matter was being looked
into and taken care of and indeed, following some of
the testimony that I've since read as a result of the
Church Committee hearings, it's my understanding
that the matter was in hand long before I made my
survey trip to Havana. Of course that brings me to
the problem now of knowing whether Bissell meant
the special group [a subunit of the NSC].

Hunt denied having personally plotted against Fidel Castro

during the remainder of his testimony. Andrew St. George wrote:

E. Howard Hunt was a Fiorini friend. It was in one of

Hunt’s cloak and dagger books, Bimini Run, that
FRANK found his cover name of Frank Sturgis. [St.
George quoted Sturgis] "Killing wasn't in Liddy except
for talk. Hunt was different, he was a professional.
He'd been a clandestine services officer all his life.
That's another thing everyone is snickering about -
how Howard Hunt tried to assassinate Castro, and

Castro is still around, bigger than ever. Alright, but

hey, listen, Howard Hunt was in charge of a couple of
other CIA operations that involved 'disposal' and I
can tell you some of them worked. [Andrew St.
George, Swank 8.74]

When the Rockefeller Commission questioned him about

this statement Sturgis "denied ever saying this. Hunt was a political
officer and wouldn't have had a hand in killings." The CIA reported:
"There were indications that Subject attempted to use his personal
influence with the President of Uruguay to have his assignment
there extended, but he returned to the United States in June 1960
and was assigned to Mexico City on Project JMARC. In November
1960 Subject was re-assigned to Headquarters." [CIA Evans,
Fredrick N. Memo 8.30.71] The CIA reported, “Information
contained in Hunt’s file indicates possibility that he attempted to
cancel his transfer from Uruguay by political maneuvering. The
President of Uruguay reportedly indicated his intention, in private
conversation with President Eisenhower, to request cancellation of
his transfer from Montevideo.”

CASE No. 23500 E. H. H. Jr.
DATE February 23, 1961


Numerous documents regarding this case have been marked

ACCESS RESTRICTED. Another case involved Hunt’s activities on
October 3, 1960. It was investigated by John. B. Cryer. Yet another
investigation was conducted on August 1, 1960 regarding an
incident that took place July 31 and August 1, 1960. This one was
investigated by Francis R. Favorini, the special agent in charge of
the New York office of the Central Intelligence Agency. On March
16, 1963 Favorini signed off on a document that placed James
McCord in the Manhattan Field office. The name Walter P. Tate Jr.
also appears on this document. A Walter Franklin Tate served in the
CIA for 31 years. (photo right)

Hunt spent July 1960 to October 1960 in Mexico City. On

July 5, 1960, Harry W. Little Jr. Chief, Central Cover Division, sent
this memorandum to the Chief, Records and Services Division,
about Hunt: "Cover arrangements are in process and or have been
completed for above-named Subject. Effective immediately, it is
requested that your records be properly blocked to deny Subjects
(Deleted) to an external inquirer. This memo confirms an oral
request of Richard J. Biladeau." Hunt’s family lived in Washington,
D.C., from October 1960 to July 1961. In August 1960 Hunt moved
to Miami, where his headquarters was an electronics firm in Coral
Gables allegedly involved in government work. Hunt had Geraldine
Shamma rent a safehouse on Brickell Avenue in the fall of 1960. On
September 27, 1960, approval was given use of a cover name and
false identification that included a Washington, D.C. drivers permit.

[Memo C/TSD/IB Attention E. J. McGrath, signed by Joseph F.

Langan Chief WH/4/SO (?)] On October 3, 1960, Hunt was given a
cover name. On October 21, 1960, Hunt was given a mail drop by
Victor R. White. His position with the CIA was described as "a point
of contact for political action types connected with the Project. Since
the first (?) in July 1960 he has been utilized in this same capacity in
Mexico City. Documentation being issued consists of a (deleted)
and various club and organization and carrying a (deleted)
address." The same finance officer who had worked with Hunt on
the overthrow of Arbenz gave him $150,000 in cash for distribution
to deserving exile groups. The training of Cuban exiles was
progressing well in Guatemala. Hit-and-run strikes against Cuba
increased, as did internal sabotage. The CIA stated:
A cable from Montevideo, dated November 6, 1960,
indicates that Hunt had written former Uruguayan
contacts commenting that he was working on the
Cuban problem and publishing an anti-Castro
newspaper in Miami. It was recommended that the
Subject be warned about such indiscreet remarks,
but apparently no action was taken.
Bruce Solie of CIA Office of Security Research Staff had his
Deputy investigate Hunt: "Attached is a copy of a cable which was
brought to my attention by Mr. O'Neal, CI/SIG. Mr. Horton had
requested that Mr. O'Neal check concerning any information
developed by OS. [CIA Solie Memo 1.24.61]
The Coast Guard began interfering with exile operations
against Cuba in late 1960. [Hunt Day p70] CIA supply missions to
Manuel Artime and the Cuban guerrilla counterparts of the Cuban
Revolutionary Front were halted. Hunt commented, "It's as though
Castro was a friend." In November 1960 John F. Kennedy was
elected President. The Cuban exile community was jubilant - until
recruitment for the Guatemalan training base was suddenly
stopped, paralyzing project activity.


man who had been a resistance organizer behind Nazi lines, and
had worked with Hunt on the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz, told Hunt
not to worry: "After Nixon and Allen Dulles have briefed Kennedy it
will be full speed ahead: Kennedy campaigned on a promise to back
them." Gerry Droller interviewed Fidel Castro on behalf of the CIA.
Fidel Castro persuaded Gerry Droller that he was a nationalist and
an anti-communist. [Hunt Day p75; Hinckle & Turner Deadly Secrets

p30] On December 20, 1960, in reference to Hunt, "An (deleted) for

(Deleted) obtained in Washington, D.C." On September 30, 1960 a
'(deleted) Washington, D.C. The primary purpose of the (deleted)
was to (deleted). The owner of the premises referred to is a matter
of previous record. File #23, 500."

Some idea of Hunt and Gerry Droller's operations in 1960

was provided by MRS. CLARK VELENTINER, who rented a room
next to one that was chosen by Gerry Droller for meeting between
himself, Manuel Artime, Nino Diaz, Ricardo Lorie, William Kent,
Manuel Goudie, Bernard Reichhardt, Sanchez Arrango and Michael
Yebor. Four of the men were members of the Cuban Revolutionary
Front. Bender started out by saying how disturbed he was over the
split in the MRR and how unhappy he was with it. "An additional
point, sometime in the conversation, Bender raised the point that the
Frente was stalling on him; for instance in its dragging its feet on the
move to Mexico which had been recently brought to their attention
again by his and Bender's associate, Hunt..." Richardo Lorie was
mentioned by Hunt in Give Us This Day. He was described as a
Castro partisan who defected early.

FBI Special Agent Davis indicated that at 3:00 p.m.

on July 19, 1960, a call was received from Mrs. Clark
Valentiner, wife of executive of the Continental Can
Company, Havana, Cuba, who reported that she had
overheard a discussion of an anti-Castro group...Mrs.
Valentiner had noticed the license plates of the
participants at the meeting conducted in Room 209 at
the University Court Resort Hotel. S.A. Davis was to
contact Mr. Valentiner for the purpose of determining
what she overheard, to tell her to refrain from
discussing this matter further with anyone, and also
to caution her friends whom she had told of the
incident to do likewise. S.A. Davis mentioned that
Mrs. Valentiner had returned to her room, 210, at the
University Court Motel at 11:30 a.m. and noticed
billows of smoke emanating from a crack under her
kitchen door. Upon examining the situation, she
overheard loud conversing in the connecting room. In
listening further Mrs. Valentiner was able to record
the conversation in Room 209 by taking copious
notes. Mrs. Valentiner believed there were three
Cubans present together with two other individuals


whose nationality she could not determine but whose

names she established to be Frank Bender and
(Deleted). One of the Cubans served as an
interpreter and Bender spoke with a distinct
Germanic accent. Mrs. Clark Velentiner told Davis
that Mr. Bender stated during the meeting he was
'hired by the United States to do away with Castro..'
Mrs. Clark Velentiner also noted during the meeting
references to HOWARD and Hunt, which she
surmised to be one Howard Hunt. S.A. Davis
indicated that he interviewed Mrs. Valentiner in her
quarters in the motel on July 20, 1960. The writer, at
this point, inquired as to the size of the crack
underneath Mrs. Valentiner's kitchen door. Davis
answered by stating that it was large (exact
dimensions not noted). He further declared that she
had mentioned to him that she was able to observe
the portion of the leg (to the knee) of many of the
individuals participating in the discussion. The writer
further queried Davis as to whether she had any
knowledge of Spanish. Davis replied that she
possesses fluent knowledge of Spanish after having
resided in Cuba for ten years. Her husband has lived
in Cuba for 30 years. While at the motel Davis
observed that she had notes of the conversation
which she referred to during the interview. It should
be noted that these notes were not confiscated by
Davis. Mrs. Valentiner, according to Davis, did a little
investigating on her own. After the meeting of the
group was over, Frank Bender called National
Airlines to confirm his reservations for July 19, 1960.
Mrs. Valentiner called National Airlines and
determined that Bender was destined for
Washington, D.C."

Sheffield Edwards conducted an investigation which

concluded: "Consideration should be given how these notes should
be recovered or destroyed." [CIA EX/ #1 7.20.60 MASH 0257, Ex.3
7.22.60; CIA Syn. File # 219000 8.2.60; NARA ID # 1993.07.26.
09:34:04:060410; CIA Memo for Rec 7,25,60 RJO/pr; CIA Memo for
C/WH/4 7.22.60 Droller C/WH/4/PA; CIA #219000 8.2.60] On
January 12, 1961, the FBI received an Airtel from the SAC of the


San Juan, Puerto Rico, FBI Office, which concerned the Cuban
Revolutionary Front:

The letterhead memorandum was classified as

Secret as the unauthorized disclosure could result in
serious damage to the U.S. such as jeopardizing
international relations and endangering the
effectiveness of a program of vital importance to our
national defense.

Local dissemination was not made in accordance

with Bureau instructions. Source utilized was Juan
Aguilar, a Cuban exile residing in Puerto Rico who
was formerly Industrial Relations Attorney for the
Texas Co. in Cuba and who is now affiliated with
MANUEL Inc. a San Juan insurance firm. He
requested that his identity be concealed. No
comment was made to him by S.A. Robert A.
Berminham the interviewing agent, concerning the
possibility that CIA was backing the FRD or was
preparing an invasion force." [FBI 105-87912-143
TO: Chief, Security Research Staff, OS January 24, 1961
SUBJECT: Hunt #23500
Attached is a copy of a cable which was brought to
my attention by Mr. O'Neal, CI/SIG. Mr. Horton had
requested that Mr. O'Neal check any information
developed by the Office of Security. The attached
cable indicates that Subject is furnishing information
of a type which he should not be furnishing, to certain
(Deleted as of 2010) whom he presumably knew
during previous assignment in (Deleted as of 2010).
The cable also appears to raise the question
concerning how Subject could recently purchase a
$70,000 home in Washington, D.C. A check of
Subject file indicates that Subject has some outside
income since he has written a number of pocket
books and he has certain corporation stocks. The
following security action is recommended:


(a) Credit checks be conducted on Subject in

Washington, D.C. area and information obtained in
regard to his home including financial arrangements.

(b) Appropriate officials of JMARC briefed concerning

the information regarding (deleted as of 2010) and a
discreet inquiry made concerning whether Subject is
making any other indiscreet remarks and statements
concerning his current assignment.

Subject has been a problem in the past and

apparently continues to be a problem. If information
can be obtained other than the cable information
which apparently could not be used, it is felt that
Subject should be given at least a strong warning
concerning indiscreet remarks and unauthorized
disclosure of information.

Bruce Solie:

On February 21, 1961, a Office Memo was sent to Chief

SB/3 from OL Subject 23500 (Hunt). This date (deleted) WH/4/SO
advised we can cancel NC." On February 23, 1961, "(Deleted)
Subject's application (deleted) canceled. On February 21, 1961 the
(deleted) previously established in the name of (deleted)
Washington, D.C. was canceled. This (deleted) was set up
September 30, 1960 for the purpose of (deleted) the Subject in the
(deleted) File No. 23500."

In April 1961 Hunt said he resigned from the Cuban

Revolutionary Council in protest over the inclusion of Manolo Ray:
Q. When did you resign as liaison officer?

A. It was on or about the -- well, I'd say the April 10, 1961.

Q. Could you give the reason for your resignation?

A. Well, I was asked to do certain things which I declined to do and I

asked to be relieved.

Q. Did that included the joining of Manolo Reyes to the Council?

A. Yes.

Q. And this was against your principles?

A. It was against the principles the United States had held up to the
exiles, yes.

Q. Your instructions were to include Manolo Reyes in the Cuban

Revolutionary Council at the insistence of President Kennedy?

A. I don't know.

Q. But your direct instructions came from the person?

A. That's correct.

However, on March 18, 1961, Hunt agreed to work under the

cover of propagandist for the Cuban Revolutionary Council and for
the Bay of Pigs invasion, which was imminent. [Hunt Day pp. 140,
142, 153, 175] The CIA reported: "The Cuban Revolutionary Council
had direct access to President Kennedy and top White House

During his deposition in Hunt v. Weberman, Barker

described Hunt as "air commander or chief of CIA" during the Bay of
Pigs. While reporting on one of Hunt’s Watergate hearings, The
N.Y. Times described Hunt as having "operational charge of the Bay
of Pigs." William Buckley indicated "Howard Hunt was intimately
involved as an official in the CIA, in the Bay of Pigs. Indeed, The
New York Times named him as the principal CIA official directly
involved in that venture." [Buckley Firing Line 1.18.73]

Thomas McCann, a former public relations man for United

Fruit, stated: "In the early days of the Kennedy Administration, the
CIA approached the management of the United Fruit Company and
told them that the United States was sponsoring a counter-
revolutionary movement with the objective of unseating Fidel
Castro. The project was masterminded by an old hand at such
things, E. Howard Hunt. The CIA wanted us to supply two of our
freighters to convey men, munitions and materiel during the
invasion." [McCann United Fruit p93] In March 1961 President
Kennedy changed the site of the Cuban invasion from a beach near
a city, to Playa Giron (Bay of Pigs), a desolate area surrounded by
swamps. Hunt regarded this decision as "the ultimate in folly." He
informed Barker that, as a result of his interaction with the Kennedy
Administration, he had decided it was becoming "increasingly hard


to identify the enemy." Hunt was no longer sure if he should try to

kill Fidel Castro, or John Kennedy. The scenario of the CIA-
sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion called for the murder of Fidel
Castro. It was reported by some sources that Fidel Castro did ingest
some poison just before the invasion, although these reports have
never been confirmed. In any event, Fidel Castro did not die.

In an article in Fortune Magazine, Charles J.V. Murphy,

Frank Wisner's close friend, pointed out that the CIA was not to
blame for the Bay of Pigs, because it had pleaded with President
Kennedy for the air strike. President Kennedy wondered if Charles
J.V. Murphy's information came from the Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles. Allen Dulles asked Hunt to
conduct an investigation that would clear him. Hunt allegedly trailed
the leak back to an unnamed official in the Kennedy Administration
who had supported the invasion. Despite Hunt’s investigation,
President Kennedy believed that Allen Dulles was behind the leak.
Hunt and Phillips blamed the Kennedy Administration. Hunt believed
"the second air strike was basic to the success of the invasion. The
fact that it was not honored resulted in the defeat of the Brigade."
Hunt held President Kennedy responsible.
Hunt felt so adamantly about the Bay of Pigs he was willing
to put his career in the CIA on the line by circulating a manuscript
about the bungled invasion. In his analysis of Give Us This Day,


Walter Pforzhiemer, the Curator of the Historical Intelligence

Collection of the CIA, noted:

The manuscript has evidently been kicking around in

publishing circles since at least mid-1968,
presumably without CIA clearance. William Buckley
of the National Review seems to have been shopping
it at one point. One publisher rejected it as too
controversial and noted its confidential nature are
well as its potential for libel suits. 2. In the foreword to
this manuscript, the author, (whom I shall refer to
under the assumed name of Hamilton describes the
book as a “personal account” of CIA’s role in the Bay
of Pigs affair in which he was a senior CIA participant
for 19 months. He notes in the foreward his hope that
someone would have written this book so that he
would not have to do it. Now convinced that, if does
not write it, it will never be written, he had taken up
his pen “reluctantly and in a mood of nostalgic
bitterness.” Hamilton states he has used no official
files of documents and has consulted no one in

preparing this work. Where true names are used in

the manuscript for CIA personnel, he writes they
have been publicly identified before, and in this

contention I believe he is correct, with the possible

exception of (deleted as of 2010). The author’s claim
that this book would provide information not known to
Castro’s intelligence services or that details his late
are of no value to the opposition, is, in my view,
seriously open to question.

3. The book is, in general, favorable to the CIA

actions in the Bay of Pigs. The villains of the piece
are certain liberal figures in the Kennedy
Administration (Schlesinger, Goodwin, Stevenson)
and to some extent, the President himself. In his
concluding chapter, the author's bitterness is
undisguised against those in the Administration and
the press who took the opportunity of the Bay of Pigs
incident to attack and denigrate the CIA.

Bissell and Barnes and the author’s other CIA co-

workers in the Cuban Project, by and large, are given
quite favorable treatment. One exception is General
Cabell, whom the author excoriates, and it is
apparent that Hamilton’s opinion of Jerry Droller is far
from favorable both on political and professional

5. It is apparent that HAMILTON [Hunt] feels very

deeply about the Bay of Pigs and its aftermath, to the
extent that he is willing to put his career on the line
by circulating this manuscript to several publishers
without apparent clearance or authorization. He has
utilized his nom de plume the same name assigned
to him in the project for dealing with the Cuban Front
and it would not take anyone who was involved in the
Cuban Project more than a few pages of reading to
identify the author, as one potential publisher pointed
out. The manuscript itself is the most comprehensive
story of a CIA operation that has ever been written
for publication...The author's claim that his book
would provide no information not known to Castro's
intelligence service or that details this late are of no
value to the opposition, is, in my view, seriously open
to question. [CIA EYES ONLY 2.16.70]

The CIA:

In January 1967 (Deleted) prepared a memorandum

concerning Arlington House Publishers which, based
on hearsay, indicated that a fight was going on for
control of the company. One rumor was that CIA
wanted to take over control. Apparently this memo
was again brought to the attention of C/SRS in April
1970 with the comment by (Deleted) 'In going
through some of (Deleted's) old reports, I found this.
Possibly of interest in view of Hunt’s manuscript.' The
buck slip was marked 'Noted PFG.' In June 1970
when I was assigned to the (Deleted)/SRS, there was
a copy of Hunt’s manuscript on the Bay of Pigs being
retained in a safe in the C/(Deleted) office. Some
time later I learned that (Deleted) had apparently
obtained it through a contact and had forwarded it to
this office as an item of probable interest. The
Agency was able to ascertain the identity of the
author, who turned out to be Howard Hunt. Hunt was,
I believe, at that time, employed by the Agency with
DOD. In any case he was approached under some
guise and was convinced that it would be
inappropriate for him to have the book published at
that time.
On February 17, 1970 this Transmittal Slip was generated:
"Mr. Gaynor discussed his meeting with T. K. and SAC. JIM McCord
to meet Wiley today and will find out more details of how Wiley and
the Ms. came together. Sam Walker also in picture. Hold per PG for
further word before other action." On January 14, 1975, Raymond
Rocca had Hunt make numerous deletions in Hunt’s autobiography,
Undercover. Give Us This Day, written in 1968, contained this
No event since the communization of China in 1949
has had such a profound effect on the United States
and their allies as the defeat of the United States
trained Cuban invasion brigade at the Bay of Pigs in
April, 1961. Out of that humiliation grew the Berlin
Wall, the missile crisis, guerilla warfare throughout
Latin America and Africa, and our intervention in the
Dominican Republic. Fidel Castro's beachhead
triumph opened a bottomless Pandora's box of
difficulties that affected not only the United States,
but most of its Free World allies. These bloody and


subversive events would not have taken place had

Castro been toppled. Instead of standing firm, our
government pyramided crucially wrong decisions and
allowed Brigade 2506 to be destroyed...Let this not
be forgotten...Lee Harvey Oswald was a partisan of
Fidel Castro, and an admitted Marxist who made
desperate efforts to join the Red Revolution in
Havana. In the end, he was an activist for the Fair
Play for Cuba Committee. But for Castro and the Bay
of Pigs disaster there would have been no such
'committee.' And perhaps no assassin named Lee
Harvey Oswald.

Several years after he wrote this paragraph, questioned

under oath about his knowledge of Oswald’s connection to the Fair
Play for Cuba Committee, Hunt stated: "If you say [he had a
connection]. I have no idea." Hunt wrote: "But for Castro and the
Bay of Pigs disaster there would have been no such 'committee.'
And perhaps no assassin named Lee Harvey Oswald." Was he
referring to the CIA rogue "committee," whose goal it was to kill
President Kennedy that had invented Oswald? Hunt stated: "I felt
Mr. Kennedy was weak when he should have been strong. I felt that
he was over-influenced by his senior advisors. I felt that he had not
demonstrated the qualities of statesmanship that most of us had
come to expect of the Chief Executive." Hemming distorted events
surrounding the Bay of Pigs so it would look like there was not
motive to kill Kennedy:

Cabell lied and he never spoke to the President. The

air strike was canceled on his word. It was Cabell's
fault, not Kennedy's. Who the fuck was he doing this
for? That's what Angleton asked. He was pissed with
Cabell. Was this a ploy to have these guys stuck on
the beach? Kennedy was already talking détente with
Castro. Get off the Russian tit. Make arrangements
for promissory notes and bonds for the confiscated

Other evidence suggested that President Kennedy

deliberately betrayed his own para-military force and was guilty of
treason. Newsman Bill Moyers reported that John F. Kennedy
advisor Arthur Schlesinger told him: "President Kennedy was
troubled by the plan and made this comment just before authorizing


the Bay of Pigs invasion, 'If we have to get rid of these men it is
much better to dump them in Cuba than in the United States,
especially if that is where they wish to go.'"

On October 12, 1961, Bruce Solie, C/RB/SRS wrote:

"Attached is a copy of a memorandum dated September 29, 1961,
concerning a request for permission for the Subject to reestablish
contact with (deleted). Mr. O'Neal, CI/SIG, brought the attached to
the attention of the undersigned and the contact has been approved
by Mr. Helms...Although the above contact of the Subject with
(Deleted) is (Deleted) EAB was advised of the above by the
undersigned and the above is being made a matter of record in
Subject file." In November 1961 Hunt was reassigned to the DDP/
Covert Action Staff and in January 1962 to the Office of the Chief of
the same Staff. In July 1962 Hunt was transferred to the DODS
Research and Publications Section in Washington. Another CIA
document states on May 29, 1962, Hunt was reassigned within the
Domestic Operations Division effective July 1, 1962. In July 1962
Subject was transferred to the Research and Publications Section,
Facilities Branch, Domestic Operations Division, Deputy
Director/Plans, Washington, where he worked as an Operations
Officer under Tracy Barnes. On July 31, 1964, he joined the
Domestic Operations Division Covert Action Staff and worked under
Cord Meyer.

The Rockefeller Commission reported Hunt joined the

Covert Action Staff of the Domestic Operations Division in August
1961, and worked out of Field Office, Domestic Operations
Division/Deputy Director /Plans, as Chief Operations Officer. Hunt’s
office building was located one block from the White House (1750
Pennsylvania Avenue). The rear flyleaf of Oswald’s address book
contained the markings "815 Penn." Radiology Associates of
Tarrant County was located at 815 Pennsylvania Ave, Fort Worth,
LATE 1962
On August 29, 1962, Hunt filed out a Request for Cover (Deleted)

Inclusion of SAC on the Domestic Cover List is

requested for the reason noted below. When notified
that cover has been established, SAC will be
specifically authorized and instructed to (Deleted).
Subject is currently included on the (Deleted). For the
reason noted below, it requested that this employee

be removed from the (Deleted) Type Suggested

(Specify (deleted) Justification if (deleted) Suggested.
Approved by Central Cover Division Requesting
Official, (Deleted) Chief, Security, DODS.

On September 21, 1962, an answer to his request was generated:

Notification of Establishment of Cover. To Chief

Operating Component Attention Miss Lynch. Submit
Form 313-A to change limitation to category 3,
submit form (deleted) for any change (Deleted),
submit (deleted) form for transferring (deleted).
Signed James W. Franklin, Chief Central Cover

On October 29 1962, Hunt filled out a SUPPLEMENTAL

supervisor was Stanley H. Gaines, C/DODS/OPS. "Additional
Remarks: Between July 1960 and March 1961 I was with Project
JMATE, assigned to Mexico City and Coral Gables, Florida, where I
was known under the operational alias of Edward J. Hamilton." On
November 14, 1962, the CIA generated a document about Hunt’s
wife's possible employment that was addressed to the Chief,
Personnel Security Division, OS, through the Chief, Employee
Activity Branch/PSD/OS. Reference was made to a memo from
Hunt dated November 7, 1962.

1. Subject, Chief, R & P/DODS/DD/P who has [32]

cover, indicates that his wife, Mrs. Dorothy L. Hunt
has been employed by Communications Consultants
International (OS-NR) which firm does public
relations work for the Spanish Embassy. The firms
contract is to be cancelled soon and acquaintances
at the Spanish Embassy have suggested to Mrs.
Hunt that she help them on a part time basis doing
translations, statistical research and occasional
letters for the Ambassador. Subject indicates also
that most of this work would be done at home and
that with Agency concurrence his wife had worked for
the Spanish Embassy during 1955 to 1956. Subject
requests security approval for his wife to accept
employment with the Spanish Embassy. There is no
indication that the request has been coordinated with
the Chief, DODS.

2. (Deleted) Central Cover Group, advised that there

were no cover objections to the proposed action.

3. Memorandum dated January 24, 1957, to DC/PSD

from Bruce Solie in Subject's file indicates that the
employment of Mrs. Hunt by the Spanish Embassy
has been approved by the security officer in
(Deleted). Subject's file indicated he has been a
continuing security problem because of a tendency to
disregard regulations and established procedures.
OS file #35576 on Subject's wife indicates she

4. The proposed employment of Subject's wife by the

Spanish Embassy appears incompatible with
Subject's employment by CIA. In addition, although
Mr. Hunt has official cover his Agency employment
could be ascertained with resultant embarrassment
to the Subject, the Agency or the nation. Accordingly,
it is recommended that Subject's request be security
disapproved. H. R. Dugan Appraisal Section.


According to Hunt, the Domestic Operations Division was formed

…after considerable bureaucratic struggle by Tracy

Barnes the new division accepted both personnel
and projects unwanted elsewhere in the CIA...Many
men connected with the Bay of Pigs failure were
shunted into the new domestic unit.
The charter of the Domestic Operations Division outlined its
To exercise central responsibility for the direction,
support and coordination of clandestine operational
activities of the Clandestine Services conducted
within the United States against foreign targets in
response to established operational requirements.
Nothing in this instruction shall be construed to vest
in DODS responsibility for the conduct of clandestine
internal security or counter-intelligence operations in
United States, former IO activities now assigned to
Covert Action Staff or other categories of special

activities designated by the Deputy Director of Plans

from time to time. Organization: although DODS
combines the aspects of both a division and a
station, primary emphasis is placed on its station
functions and the essential relationship of DODS to
divisions and staffs parallels that of a foreign field
station. The future establishment of subordinate
domestic bases is envisioned. Functions: (Deleted).
[NARA HSCA 180-10095-10058]

Tracy Barnes left the CIA in December 1966, and joined the
faculty of Yale University. He died of a heart attack on February 20,
1972, at age 60, in his Rhode Island home. Angleton told Seymour
Hersh that much more spying and other illegal activities were
conducted by the Domestic Operations Division than by Counter-
Intelligence. The charter of the Domestic Operations Division
forbade it from conducting, "other categories of special activities
designated by the Deputy Director of Plans from time to time." The
words, from time to time, appear in the Charter of the CIA: "(5) To
perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence
affecting the national security as the National Security Council may
from time to time direct." These words have often been interpreted
as giving the National Security Council permission to commit a
political assassination when the President felt it necessary. What
"other functions affecting the national security" may be required by
the President on an occasional basis? The assassination of a
hostile national leader? After World War II, many people were
asking themselves: "How many lives could have been saved if Adolf
Hitler had been assassinated?"

Hunt said his work for the Domestic Operations Division

involved subsidizing Frederick Praeger which he termed a CIA
propaganda operation in that Praeger produced books at the
request of the CIA. Hunt stated that Fodor Travel Guide Publishers
was a CIA front the purpose of which was to provide cover for
agents overseas. Hunt told The New York Times on December 31,
1974: "My staff ran a media operation known as Continental Press
out of the National Press Building in Washington, D.C.” On February
24, 1967, Frederick Praeger was quoted in The New York Times as
having stated the he had published 15 or 16 books at the CIA's
request. When this was publicized Henry L. Bretton, a Professor of
Political Science, and author of the book The Rise and Fall of


Kwame Nkrumah, published by Frederick Praeger Publishing,

complained to his Congressman and to the CIA.

Hunt told the Rockefeller Commission: "January 1962

assigned to the DOD of DDP, handling proprietaries based in the
U.S. (impact of which is abroad.) Immediate superior was Stanley
Gaines was either Chief of Operations or Executive Officer of DOD
and Tracy Barnes was Division Chief of DOD. (Barnes is cousin by
marriage to Vice President Rockefeller). The proprietaries which
Hunt was engaged in managing were the Continental News service
which prepared news and radio broadcasts for foreign (Deleted) a
cover operation and Fodor’s Travel Guides a proprietary Hunt
questioned whether it had any use. Fodor’s had been set up in 1946
as cover operation but served no apparent use during the years
Hunt was with DOD. Headquarters was at 1717 H Street N.W. and
then later on Pennsylvania Avenue. This assignment lasted until
spring 1965." [Olsen's Handwritten notes] The CIA: "As of
November 1963, Hunt was assigned to (deleted) however,
apparently Mr. Hunt had some collateral duties with Deputy Director
Plans/Domestic Operations Division/Facilities Branch. Mr. Hunt was
assigned to such tasks from November 1961 to February 1965."
[Hunt as leader of Cov. Ops. of DOD: Complaint Hunt v. Weberman
USDC/SD Fla. Miami 76-1252-Civ-PF filed 7.28.76 para. 4B]









The word CRIST appears on the same page as Angleton

AND FIORINI disguised as the word CHYSTAL. Note the dot that
appears over the “Y”. DAVID LEMAR CHRIST was born January
20, 1918, in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania. He died in December 1985 in
Bethesda, Maryland. From 1935 to 1937 CHRIST worked in an
ESSO gasoline station. From 1937 to 1942 he worked at the Atlas
Powder Company in Pennsylvania, packing dynamite and bombs in
gelatinous box packs. He joined the Air Force in 1943, where he
became a Communications Officer, Cryptography Section, after
training at Yale University. When the war ended he rejoined the
Atlas Powder Company, received a B.S. from Pennsylvania State
University in 1950, and then was recruited by the CIA in November
1950 as "the first research and development electronics engineer in
what has evolved as the Technical Services Division. He created an
Applied Physics Branch.
The CIA reported,

Mr. David L. Christ is recommended for the

Intelligence Medal of Merit in recognition of his career
of especially meritorious service which has
contributed significantly to the missions of CIA. Mr.
Christ joined CIA in November of 1950 as the first
research and development electronics engineer in
what has evolved as TSD. He created an Applied
Physics Branch setting high standards for himself
and the R&D engineers he recruited. His
accomplishments included the anti-disturbance mine
and the time pencil, both of which are still Agency
stock items, and an IR beacon. As a pioneer in audio
surveillance devices, be recognized very early that
the use of systems concept would be most
productive in meeting Agency needs. As part of his
development program, his efforts led to the

establishment of specialized contract facilities such

as (deleted) which in 1953 was the first Agency
source of transistorized equipment.

In early 1957, Mr. Christ was made Chief of what is

now the Audio Operations Branch of TSD and,
realizing that a drastic upgrading of the caliber of field
technicians was required, began aggressively
recruiting and training graduate engineers. His high
standards and efforts in this area are reflected in the
fact that the majority of TSD Audio mid-management
personnel were recruited by him. In September 1960,
he and two associates were apprehended while on
an operation in a denied area. His exemplary conduct
and personal courage during the resulting two and
one-half years incarceration permitted the
maintenance of a very difficult cover situation and
successful extraction of all three men.

Upon his return, Mr. Christ joined the Office of

Research and Development soon after its inception,
assisting in the definition and establishment of the
various divisions. Under his early guidance, the over-
the-horizon radar program developed finally into an
operational system. His sensitivity to the needs of
Agency operational elements based upon his
experience, his technical expertise and his dedicated
desire to broaden the technological capabilities of the
Agency precipitated his development of a major
coordinated program of accelerated R&D to provide
the clandestine services with a number of new audio
surveillance techniques of which the laser probe is an
example, and his conception and direction of the
Micro technology R&D program. Within this program,
the success of the micro-power transistor led to the
award of Medals of Merit to two scientists under his
supervision. Other progeny of the micro-technology
concept are three novel intelligence gathering
systems to function in the air, in space, and in the
sea environments, one of which is approaching
operational status. Mr. Christ has also been
responsible for pioneering efforts in the area of Audio


Surveillance Countermeasures, first proposing the

application of computers to the problem.

Mr. Christ's imaginative leadership and inspiration to

those working with him, his broad scope of interest,
his resourcefulness, and philosophical devotion to
the cause of the Agency and the United States have
provided this Agency with an individual whose unique
efforts and accomplishments over his 20 years
service are worthy of this recognition.

October 1950 – January 1958 Christ was Deputy

Chief, Applied Physics Branch. Recruitment,
development and supervision of up to 20
professionals – electronic engineers and physicists –
in research, development and engineering. Technical
areas covered – electronics, acoustics, optics,
electro-optics, magnetic, electromagnetic, solid state
physics. Typical Programs: RF systems,
microphones, recorders, transmitters, receivers,
amplifiers, control systems, signal processing and
enhancement, radar systems, audio and video
circuitry and devices.

From April 16 1956 to May 6, 1956 CHRIST was bugging

facilities in Japan, Formosa, Korea. In September 1956 CHRIST
met with Captain William I. Bull, USN, Electronic Design Divisions to
discuss details of a security nature regarding Navy Communication
Channels (deleted as of 2010). From June 22, 1957 to July 8, 1957
he was planting bugs in Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, In August 1957
the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission granted Christ a Q
CLEARANCE. From September 17, 1957 to October 17, 1957 he
was in Brazil, Uruguay, (Hunt was Chief of Station) Argentina, Chile
and Panama. In December 1957 CHRIST was made Audio
Operations Branch Chief of the Technical Services Division and he
began aggressively recruiting and training electronics engineers.
Ten R & D scientists worked under his direction. From March 7,
1958 to April 22, 1958 he was in Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Greece,
Germany and Belgium. From January 25, 1959 to February 18,
1959 he visited England, Germany. From January 21 1960 to
January 28, 1960 he was in Mexico, (tourist with backstop). From
March 12, 1960 to April 30, 1960 he was in Morocco, Greece and
Germany. From January 1958 to August 1963: Chief, Technical

Applications Group. Supervised 30 engineers and technicians;

Engineered, produced, tested and evaluated components, devices
and systems such as list below. Developed administrative, logistics,
supply and training programs, and reliability procedure and
programs to implement their effective application. August 1963 to
November 1970 Chief, Applied Physics Division. Recruited,
developed and supervised 10 to 14 professionals – scientists and
engineers, GS-12 to GS 15 one SPS-4, in advanced R & D
programs. Primary emphases were on new advanced components
devices, system and concepts for intelligence collection intelligence
support activities, surveillance, reconnaissance etc. Basic
orientation --- advanced systems concepts based on micro
technology. Technical areas – Microelectronics (particularly micro
power) solid state physics, acoustics, electro-optics, electro
mechanics, avionics, stability and control, navigation,
communications (analogue and digital) radar. Typical programs ---
Solid state components and devices; communication systems –
audio, video, telemetry, sensors --- acoustic, optical, nuclear RF,
etc. avionic subsystems; data processing, power sources; electronic
equipments; dc to microwave; antennas; system study and analysis.
David L. Christ September 22, 1950
1. It is requested that appropriate action be taken to
issue a security waiver for the above named
individual in order that he may become available
II/RD as soon as possible.

2. Subject served with the Signal Corps of the

Department of the Army during War II and taught
courses in radar and electronics. He is at the present
time teaching electronics at Pennsylvania State
College, and is needed by II/RD in connection with
electrical and electronics work being carried out.

3. Inasmuch as a personnel action requesting the

employment of Mr. Christ was made on 23 August
1950, it is requested that waiver be granted if
possible by October 9. 1950, and that his full
clearance through security channels be expedited.


Assistant Director for

Policy Coordination

According to Jim Hosty, Shanklin was the most likely person

to have ordered the tramps release. I doubt if CHRIST had access
to his CIA personnel or Security File but Angleton did and could
have told him that if there was a problem SAC Gordon Shanklin was
familiar with his status. The other alternative is that SHANKLIN
would have had to recognize him which, due to his heavy CIA
supplied disguise, this is highly unlikely.
The mission: In September 1960 the Republic of Cuba
opened diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. In
September 1960 David Christ was assigned to an audio mission in
Havana. The target of this mission was the New China News
Agency, located in apartment No. 162, on the 17th floor of the
Edificio de Retiro Medico. He approached a member of the Foreign
Intelligence /Directorate /Operations staff on September 20, 1960

…to state that he would soon be going to Havana to

redo an audio installation in the [24 deleted as of
2010] and possibly to mount other audio operations,
unspecified by CHRIST. CHRIST requested that Mr.
[03 Deleted as of 2010] and possibly some of the [03
Deleted v ]'s personnel accompany
him on the Havana assignment. In response to the


query by the undersigned as to why [03 Deleted as of

2010]'s services were desired, CHRIST stated that
[03 Deleted as of 2010] might be needed for entry
into the target area. When the undersigned pointed
out that there was apparently no entry problem with
regard to the [24 deleted as of 2010] target room,
CHRIST changed the basis for his request in that he
mentioned the possible need for protection while in
Havana. He went on to explain that [03 Deleted as of
2010] and his people could be used to determine
whether he, Mr. CHRIST, was under surveillance. At
this junction [03 Deleted as of 2010] entered the
undersigned's office, and CHRIST repeated his
request. After a review of the pros and cons, and
particularly in view of [03 Deleted as of 2010]'s
duties, it was decided there was no concrete purpose
which could justify the assignment of [03 Deleted] as
requested by CHRIST. CHRIST proceeded to
Havana on August 17, 1959, returned to Washington
o/a August 31, 1959, and departed again for Havana
for the NCNA task O/a September 7, 1963. [Deleted
03] FI/D/ops [CIA Memo Chief, FI/D OPS]
September 20, 1960
September 20, 1960
SUBJECT: Summary of [02] ESCALADE – Audio Operation Against
New China News Agency in Havana

1. In May 1959, the New China News Agency (NCNA) opened an

office in Havana in the El Medico Building which is occupied partly
by business concerns and partly used for residential apartments.
Shortly thereafter, the Havana Station obtained the concurrence of
Ambassador Bonsal and Miss Carolyn O. Stacey, an Embassy
employee, to mount an audio operation against NCNA through the
wall of the adjacent apartment in which Miss Stacey lived. In
November 1959, the FE Division sent one case officer and one TSD
technician to Havana, and the installation of a microphone and tape
recorder was completed in Miss Stacey’s apartment on November
29, 1959.

By June 1960, it had become evident that two other rooms occupied
by NCNA possibly housed communication equipment and were


used for conferences. At that time [Deleted 03] FE Division case

officer, went to Havana and explored the possibility of improving the
operation. He managed to lease an apartment directly over the
NCNA office, and arranged for a stay-behind agent to occupy this

3. In August 1960 a team of three TSD technicians who were in

Havana on a separate SR Division operation agreed to install the
additional equipment required for the NCNA operation. A second FE
Division case officer, Robert Neet, came down to Havana; and he,
together with the technicians, installed a probe microphone and tape
recorder in the apartment obtained by [deleted 03] over the NCNA
office. About this time the equipment was removed from Miss
Stacey’s apartment with the exception of the plastic probe which
was left in the wall and plastered over.

4. As an additional security precaution to provide a safe haven, and

after consultation with the Acting Chief of Station, a key to an
apartment in the same building leased by Mrs. Marjorie Lennox, an
Embassy secretary, was obtained. Mrs. Lenox was told that access
to her apartment was needed for photographic surveillance

5. The Station was then faced with the probability that time and
security would work against holding indefinitely the lease to the
apartment of NCNA since the owners of the building were cancelling
sub-lessor’s contracts and recalling leases. It was, therefore,
decided to install transmitters and switches in order to permit
continued monitoring of the target from a distant listening post.
Another three man team of TSD technicians consisting of David L.
Christ, Walter E. Szuminski and Thorton J. Anderson documented
as tourists had been sent to Havana to install audio equipment in
the Chinese Nationalist Embassy before it was due to be turned
over to the Chinese Communists. This operation aborted. This team
was then sent to work on the installation of the transmitters in
apartment over the NCNA office.

6. At 2400 hours on September 14, 1960, Christ, who with the other
technicians was working in the target apartment, failed to keep a
scheduled appointment with Neet. At 0100 hours on September 15,
1960, the apartment of Mrs. Lennox was entered into and searched
by Cuban authorities, and she was taken into custody. At 1540


hours on September 15, 1960 Neet, the stay-behind agent and his
wife were picked up by the Cuban authorities and detained.

7. As of today the agent remains in the custody of the Cuban

authorities. His wife has been released an is still in Havana. Neet
was released 1715 hours on September 15, 1960 and has
subsequently returned to Washington where he was debriefed. Mrs.
Lennox was subsequently released and has also returned to
Washington where she is being debriefed. The three TSD
technicians remain in confinement. They have been seen in
confinement but not contacted by an Embassy officer when he first
attempted to secure the release of Mrs. Lennox. Christ was last
seen by Neet when they were jointly interrogated the morning of
September 16. At that time Christ did not appear to have been

8. According to articles in the Cuban papers the three technicians

were arrested while in the apartment over the NCNA office and
completing the installation of the equipment. The press article adds
that the key to Mrs. Lennox’s apartment was found on one of the
technicians who identified the apartment to which it belonged. All
Cuban press releases have referred to the men by alias and have
not identified them as Government or Agency employees. It is
unclear at present what story had been agreed upon by the
technicians and station personnel to be used in the event they were
caught. (While being interrogated with Neet, Christ indicated that
Neet was his boss, and Neet consistently denied any knowledge as
to why he was being held.) The sublease for the apartment in which
the men were caught is in the name of the stay-behind agent with
the original lease being in the name of [03 deleted] the FE Division
Case Officer.
9. Initial information indicated that the three technicians would be
charged with espionage “against the people of China.” Subsequent
press releases have been unclear on this point. An attempt by
Consul Hugh Kessler to contact the three men at 1730 hours on
September 17 was unsuccessful. He was not permitted to see them
but was told they were in custody.

10. The three technicians travelled to Cuba as tourists under very

light commercial cover, two of them working for a company in New
York and the third, one in Baltimore. In each case the cover
company consists of a telephone answering service and a name on
the door. Telephone messages and mail are picked up periodically

by an Agency contract employee. The men were provided with this

cover as well as unbackstopped homes addresses for use when
entering or leaving Cuba as tourists since the filling out of the
landing card requires this information. Subsequent to their detention
the home addresses have been partially backstopped so that
inquiries will indicate that someone with this alias name had lived in
the apartment house in question. Insofar as the cover companies
are concerned, efforts are being made to provide a backstop to
withstand inquiries from the press should the Cubans reveal this
information. In view of the thinness of cover, it is uncertain whether
this will succeed.

11. A cleared and witting law firm in New York has been briefed by
Mr. L. Houston on the situation with the thought that inquiries
received by the cover company could be referred to the firm of
lawyers from whom no comment would be obtained by the press or
other inquirers. The law firm has been briefed on the entire situation
so that they may be in a position to act if any action by them
appears to be desirable or feasible. It would not appear that much
support of any kind can be obtained from the law firm or law firms in
Cuba which are associated with them.

12. Insofar as the families are concerned, one of the technicians is a

bachelor presently on home leave between two tours in (deleted as
of 2010). His father, a cook in a diner in the Boston area, has been
contacted by the Office of Security, and he will get in touch with
Security if he receives any inquiries on this matter. Security, by the
same token, will keep in touch with him as the Cubans reveal their
intentions and course of action.

13. The wives of the other two technicians have been told what has
happened and are being contacted at least once daily by TSD on
September 19 to go over the whole situation and determine if there
were any personal problems on which the Agency could be of help.
For the time being the wives are telling their neighbors that their
husbands are on a trip. This story will be adjusted depending on
what course of action the Cuban Government takes, whether the
aliases remain unbroken and whether recognizable photographs of
the individuals are released to the press. The two wives so far have
taken the bad news exceedingly well. Rudolph E. Gomez



Central Cover supplied CHRIST with false Identification that

consisted of a New York Driver's License, Pennsylvania Birth
Certificate, Social Security Card, a United States Air Force Reserve
Officers Association Membership Card, an American Association of
Engineers Membership Card, and a International Vaccination
Certificate. CHRIST had a backstopped address in New York City
that appeared on all his documents. According to a New York CIA
Field Office CIA document, the New York Field Office backstopped
CHRIST'S Identification with the help of S. M. Horton. Later S. M.
Horton's name was removed from this document and the name of
John Mertz was substituted. [CIA Memo To Victor White from Byron
B. Burnes 3.28.62] John Mertz stated in November 1994: "Horton
was Angleton'S deputy. Burnes was the adman officer for Angleton.
Horton was transferred. He went to Australia. He left, so they put me
down as the guy who was the contact." The true name of DANIEL L.
CARSWELL was first revealed in a CIA interview with John Mertz:
"The team's leader was DAVID CRIST." [CIA OGC 77-6457
10.11.77] In January 1994 the CIA released the Biographic Profile
of DAVID LEMAR CHRIST. Hemming 1994:

I thought it was spelled Crist. I've seen the fucking

name somewhere before. I've seen the name in an
unpublished report, a biography. I've never seen it
spelled CHRIST.

Former CIA agent Melvin Beck reported that when he was

stationed in Cuba in 1960:

Two technicians from the Clandestine Services

Technical Services Division were dispatched to
Havana. They arrived as ordinary tourists (on
September 8, 1960), with their personal belongings.
Many of the tools of their trade were on hand, stored
in the station, and whatever else they needed would
be sent by pouch...The plan was to plant a
microphone transmitter in the ceiling of the
penthouse room expected to be occupied by the
Soviet Ambassador [in the Hotel Rosita].

This operation was a success. Soon, "Bryan reappeared at

our suburban retreat in the company of three technicians from
Headquarters, one of whom had worked with me earlier on the
ROSITA OPERATION...I gathered that the technicians were about


to plant a listening device in the floor of an apartment directly above

the office of the New China News Agency."



Melvin Beck stated that a few days later, "a frantic telephone
call from the station related that evidently something had gone
wrong with Bob's [Robert Neet] operation: the technicians had
reportedly been taken into custody by Cuban G-2; Bob's
whereabouts were unknown...How would the technicians hold up if
they were tortured? What information had G-2 extracted from
them?" [Beck, Melvin Secret Contenders p74] The CIA:

TO: Director
FROM: Havana
DATE: September 15, 1960.
1. (Deleted) blown and CARSWELL, Taransky and
Danbrunt under detention. Following are facts at
present time:

A. Contact made with (2) who reported he left 6:00

p.m. September 14, 1960, and made an agent
contact which went well. Returned to his apartment at
8:00 p.m. and found two men outside his door. (2)


sneaked out and destroyed agent report and spent

night in bar. Returned to apartment 7:00 a.m. and
found two men outside. Later contact with A-1 [Mrs.
Nordio] wife who was in apartment. She reported
nothing unusual.

B. (Deleted) one of three techs in (deleted) failed

make contact 12:00 p.m. September 14, 1960. Case
Officer waited until 1:30 p.m. then attempted to go
(deleted) apartment. Watchman intercepted Case
Officer and Case Officer detoured to another
apartment, which he knew was not occupied.
Returned, asked watchman for phone number rental
where he could get change of address since
occupant had moved. While waiting for watchman to
get number, noted three militiamen, policemen, who
appeared to be Prensa Latina reporters in front which
was more people than usual that time night, but on
entering noticed large group of couples waiting for
cars at adjoining garage apparently leaving from
party in building.

C. At 1:00 a.m. September 15, 1960, apartment on

23rd floor occupied by Mrs. Marjorie Lennox,
Embassy Staff employee, was entered into and
searched by DIER agents. Mrs. Lennox was detained
without explanation and at approximately 11:00 a.m.
taken to DIER Headquarters. Ambassador has
lodged energetic protest with foreign office
demanding her release.

D. On the afternoon of September 14, 1960, Station

borrowed key Mrs. Lennox apartment under pretext
to need to observe Prensa Latina personnel from
apartment. Duplicate of key was made and given to
CARSWELL for use in extreme emergency if evasive
action required in building. Can be surmised men
were apprehended and key found and through
process of elimination Lennox apartment located.

A CIA cable advised Havana to exfiltrate or move to

diplomatic area everyone who was involved in the operation. Jake
Esterline noted these events.



Chief of TSD/Audio Operations Branch witting of the

All audio operations world-wide since December
1957 to present date.
Complete knowledge of all R & D aspects of audio
equipment research.
Had knowledge of certain Staff D and FI equipment
and operations.
Complete knowledge of all audio assets in production
and stocked for use overseas.
Clearances through Top Secret, Special Intelligence
clearance. and "Q" clearance.
World-wide knowledge of the location of all our audio
Having previously been with the Applied Physics
Branch of TSD, he was also aware of many of our
other R & D activities.
At Branch Chief in TSD, he has full information on all
personnel in TSD and general knowledge of the
overall activities, including the research programs.
He has been to (deleted as of 2010) many times.



The CIA agents in the New China News Agency bugging

operation used these names: CHRIST used the name DANIEL
LESTER CARSWELL, 45, born 1918, Ashland, Pennsylvania,
Engineer, East Chester, New York. Thorton J. Anderson, Jr. used
the name "Eustace H. Danbrunt" 38, born 1925, Cleveland,
Mechanical Engineer, 3915 Deerfield Blvd., Baltimore, Maryland.
Walter Szuminski used the name "Edmund Konrad Taransky," 33,
born 1930, Boston, Technician, New York City. Others involved
included Mario Nordio (an Italian-born naturalized American dance
teacher), Marjorie Lennox, 26, the Secretary of the Commercial
Attache at the U.S. Embassy who sublet an apartment from Mario
Nordio, an unnamed individual (Mr. Lennox?), and CIA Agent
Robert Neet, the Embassy employee who ran the operation.
Everyone except for Christ, Thorton J. Anderson and Walter
Szuminski were deported. The United States Ambassador was
restricted to a ten-block area. Thorton J. Anderson, Walter
Szuminski and Christ had been caught in an apartment borrowed by
Robert Neet from Marjorie Lennox. They had electronic listening
devices, as well as a tape of a conversation between the Red
Chinese in San Juan, Puerto Rico and the New China News
Agency. Christ told the G-2 agents who questioned him that he was
on his way back to the United States, when someone in the
American Embassy asked him to do a small favor and fix some
electronic equipment in their apartment. John Mertz:


By that time Castro assigned all living quarters. You

registered. They went down and rented this
apartment and stored their audio equipment in the
closet, and then came back to the States. They went
back two or three weeks later, and then were going
to set it up. They went to work and they were greeted
by the Cuban Police. Apartments weren't vacant at
that time, there was no possible way to be
undetected. It was a dumb-assed trick. They should
have known the conditions in Cuba before they ever
went down there the first time. Hell, I never had any
admiration for CHRIST at all. They were in Havana
foolishly to begin with. CHRIST decided to go down
himself. They shouldn't have been down there doing
what they were doing, knowing what Castro was
doing. There was a mix-up of signals there
somewhere. I don't know what it was. When they
were captured we saved them from going to the wall.
We later brought their lawyer to the States. It became
my job to get 'em out alive, if possible. At least I
would know what damage had been done. We were


afraid the Russians would take 'em over. Which they

didn't. Castro never found out who they were.


On December 18, 1960, CHRIST, Thorton J. Anderson Jr.

Walter Szuminski and Mario Nordio underwent a military trial. They
were charged with "Crimes Against the Powers of the State." The
trial was held in a small schoolroom located on the second floor of
the Jefatura (Guard's Office) building at La Cabana Fortress Prison.
Little public interest was shown. Members of the Military Tribunal
were all from the Cuban Army, except for one member from the
Cuban Navy. The prosecutor was an Army Officer. The President of
the Tribunal devoted part of his time during the trial to talking with
other members, one of whom spent his time carving on the table
with a pocket knife, cleaning his fingernails and dropping nose
drops in his nose. Christ's defense attorney, Dr. Fernando Colomar,
said that Robert Neet, who was neither a Consular Officer, nor a
diplomatic officer, had been expelled from Cuba by the Cuban
Government. This, Colomar pointed out, was a error on the part of
the Cuban Government. Robert Neet, he said, was the guilty party
and should be facing trial:

CARSWELL, Taransky and Danbrunt are technical

engineers, who specialized in electrical, mechanical
and electronic engineering, and were instigated and
induced to come to Havana, during their vacation in
the month of September, by the actual author of this
fact by direct participation, instigator and inducer, Mr.
Robert L. Neet...the invitation was to arrange and
adapt different audio and sound recording devices.
Before their arrival to Habana as tourists such
devices were already connected to a microphone
previously installed...

Yet, he said, the Cuban Government expelled the guilty person from
Cuba and left three innocent tools - "men who were employed by
Robert Neet, men who were paid by Robert Neet and men whose
transportation was paid for by Robert Neet" - to stay and face trial
for a crime they did not commit. Robert Neet was contacted in June
1993. He declined to be interviewed. [telephone 703-532-5285] On
January 11, 1960, Christ was sentenced to 10 years in La Cabana.
His co-defendants received identical sentences. Mario Nordio was





3. Following their arrest, Christ, Thornton J.

Anderson and Walter Szuminski were first detained
at G-2 Headquarters then moved to La Cabana
prison. It was possible to keep them supplied with
food, vitamins, reading material, an electric frying pan
etc. On January 23, 1961, the three men were moved
to the Isle of Pines prison where living and sanitary
conditions were intolerable. Prisoners were required
to perform hard manual labor and there was an
insufficiency of food.

4. With the assistance of Mr. Hugh Kessler, a U.S.

consular official, close contact was kept with the
three men until diplomatic relations with Cuba were
severed. Through a Washington attorney, James R.


Murphy, arrangements were made with a Cuban

lawyer, Dr. Fernando Colomar, to represent the three
men in court. Colomar was not told of the Agency
interest in the operation. Through the joint services of
Messrs. Kessler and Colomar, the three men were
supplied with pocket money, food, clothing, toilet
articles etc. After diplomatic relations were severed,
Colomar continued to visit the men until they were
transferred to Isle of Pines.
5. The three men have been held in the Modelo
Prison, Nueva Gerna, Isle of Pines since January
1961. We have been successful in getting money
and supplies to them through the Washington
Attorney to the Swiss Embassy in Havana. They
have maintained contact by letters. Their last
correspondence was written on October 18, 1962.
They are believed to be in reasonably good health.
The Swiss are attempting to verify a report that three
Americans were transferred to Boniato Prison in early
November 1962.

6. It has been necessary in this case to conceal

Government interest in the three prisoners in order to
avoid their execution and/or full debriefing on the
sensitive information they possess.

7. The Washington Attorney has obtained associate

counsel in Mexico City and in Chicago, Illinois. The
Chicago Attorney, who is unwitting of Government
interest (Constantine N. Kangles) visited Havana in
May/June and as of November 22, 1962 received
word that as soon as possible he will be invited back
to Cuba to negotiate with Fidel Castro on this case.
Kangles expects the release of the three men not
later than the first week in January 1963.

8. Other operational efforts to secure the release of

the men are in progress. We have avoided keeping
Mrs. Christ fully on the specifics of the efforts being
made, as she tends to be critical of the Agency and
of the fact that she is unaware of any significant
interest in the case in the Executive Branch of the


Government. She has previously seen Messrs. Allen

Dulles, General Cabell, General Maxwell Taylor and
General Carter.

9. Mr. James Donovan, who has appeared in

connection with negotiations for the Playa Giron
prisoners, has been made aware of the 22
Americans held in Cuba and of Agency interest in
three of those prisoners. He has not been told their
true names.
10. David Christ’s wife, Wilma, and their six children
live in the Washington area where they have been
frequently visited by members of the Agency. She
has explained to neighbors that her husband is away
on a long TDY for the Government which has
become a permanent assignment and that in line with
the new regulations on overseas travel of
dependants she has not been allowed to follow him.
Wilma Christ has been paid her husband’s
accumulated per diem and salary.

11. David Christ is 45 years old, his birthday was

January 20. He is a graduate of Pennsylvania State
College with a degree of B.S. in Electrical
Engineering. He worked before the war for the Atlas
Powder Company and was a 1st Lt. in the USAAF
from 1942 to 1946. Following the war, he instructed
at Pennsylvania State College until 1950 when he
joined the Agency.

12. Wilma Christ is 42 years old. There are six

children in the family: Thomas age 18, Elaine age 16,
Linda, age 12, Susan, age 9, Stuart age 5 and
Robert, age 3. The two older children have been
briefed on the situation and are aware of their father’s
When former prisoner of Castro Mafia OC member John
Martino returned to the United States in 1962, he spoke and wrote
about his friendship with his fellow prisoner in Cuba, DANIEL
LESTER CARSWELL. [Long Island Press Edith K. Roosevelt
7.21.62] In I Was Castro's Prisoner, Martino recalled his first
conversation with CARSWELL:


He told me, 'We had drilled through the floor, which is

the ceiling of the Chinese News Agency, and we
were about to lower a microphone into the next room
so that we could put everything that was said there
on tape.'

CARSWELL shared the special food he received from the

American Embassy with Martino, although the Embassy closed in
January 1961. Both men shared a common lawyer, Dr. Fernando
Colomar Lluch, Doctor of Law of the School of Havana. When
CARSWELL was released, he gave Martino his personal
possessions. Mrs. Martino explained:

In speaking of her husband's release from Cuban

prison she said she was directed to an attorney
named Dr. Fernando Colomar after the original
attorney she hired 'became afraid' and dropped the
case. She said she was directed to Colomar by a
friend, Gustavo Aleman, who knew Hugh Kessler in
the American Embassy in Havana. Mrs. Martino said
that Colomar later told her she didn't have to pay him
because he was being paid by Kessler to also defend
four other Americans, the group involved Daniel
Carswell, the CIA Agent who had been arrested for
bugging the Red Chinese News Service. Mrs.
Martino said Colomar came to Miami and worked for
the State Department after the Bay of Pigs. [HSCA
Memo From: Fonzi and Gonzales to Cliff Fenton



Journalist Jack Anderson reported that the CIA was
determined to get CHRIST out of Cuba, and to do this, it contacted
Charles Siragusa. In 1978 Charles Siragusa told Jack Anderson that
he had met with a CIA agent in Washington, D.C., in 1960:

Three Spanish-speaking CIA operatives had been

arrested while pulling a Watergate-style break-in at
the Chinese Communist News Agency in Havana.
Cuban police thought they had caught three small fry
burglars and locked them up on an island off Cuba.
The CIA was desperate to get them back before their
cover was blown. One knew the names of numerous
CIA contacts in Cuba. The CIA turned to Charles
Siragusa, suggesting that he enlist Mafia types for a
rescue raid. This proved impractical; instead, Charles
Siragusa began dealings with a Chicago lawyer
supposedly close to Fidel Castro's brother, Raoul.
The CIA authorized Charles Siragusa to spend up to
$1 million to effect the rescue of the imprisoned
agents. The Chicagoan received $10,000 from CIA
funds, but his efforts failed. Eventually the three won
their freedom through the legal efforts of a Havana
attorney retained by the CIA without Castro's
knowledge. [Wash. Post 1.4.78 B13]
A CIA document read: "The Chicago attorney, who is
unwitting of Government interest visited Havana in May / June 1962
and as of November 22, 1962, received word that as soon as
possible he will be invited back to Cuba to negotiate with Fidel
Castro on this case. CONSTANTINE KANGLES expects the
release of the three men not later than the first week in January
1963." Wilma Christ, the wife of David Christ, stated that
Constantine Kangles would have gotten $100,000 if he succeeded
in getting the technicians out of prison.
[Constantine N. Kangles Suite 2350 200 N La Salle St Chicago, IL
60601-1023 (312) 263-2121]


John Michael Mertz related that in 1960 Richard Helms charged him
with developing a project to free CHRIST and his two associates
from La Cabana Prison. John Mertz: "I was functioning in the thing
as a lawyer for their notional families. Up in New England
somewhere. I represented the legal interest of the notional families.
I operated as a supposed member of a Washington law firm." A CIA
document stated:

Mertz, identifying himself as CIA affiliated, contacted

Siragusa and told him in general terms what was
required. Siragusa put Mertz in contact with several
people e.g. Batista's chauffeur and wife, who had the
desired connections. The project did not succeed in
freeing the Agency employees...Mertz considers
Siragusa a friend. The above Project was well
documented and Counter-Intelligence Staff or
Security should be able to locate the records. He
cannot remember the project crypt.

John Mertz:

Well, how to get them out? Prior to that time the

mafia had been runnin' the whorehouses and the
gamblin' joints in Havana. Santo Trafficante. I went to
Charlie Siragusa and said, 'You got any connections
with the mafia?' He said he did. 'Well, find out what
they can do to help get these guys out.' I don't know
who he contacted. They laughed at him. They said,
'Hell, we're on the wanted list down there too.' We
abandoned that, but he did come up with a guy who


had been Batista's driver. We met with him and his

wife in Miami and he came back said, 'We'll get them
out easy. We know one or more guards down there.
And for $200,000 upfront, we'll have the guards take
him out on a work detail and let them escape and
they've got a ten mile walk due south to the shore
and we'll meet them there with a boat. We called
Headquarters. 'What's between the prison and the
south shore?' 'Ten miles of mangrove swamp.'

Walter Szuminski wrote this Memorandum for the Record on

August 6, 1975.
1. After being released from the Isle of Pines, Cuba,
in the summer of 1963, several debriefing sessions
were held with members of Counter-Intelligence Staff
and Office of Security after my official return to duty.
Of several ops, two were the subject of discussion,
since they involved efforts to obtain our release from
the Isle of Pines by escape, bribes or whatever. One
effort was by a prominent Chicago lawyer who
supposedly had some influential contacts both in the
U.S. and Mexico. The Counter-Intelligence collective
opinion at the time was that 'this guy took us for a
2. The second effort mentioned in the ZRCHEST trip
reports was travel to Miami by the Counter-
Intelligence case officer, John Mertz, with a suitcase
full of large bills to impress the local hoods. Specific
details are difficult to recall, but in essence it seemed
with the right contacts and enough money anything
was possible in Cuba at that time (1960 to 1961).
From the reports the 'hoods' were impressed with
that amount of money, but nothing more ever
happened. In any case, during our imprisonment in
Cuba nothing more happened to indicate anything
was going on.

3. During all this conversation back and forth, mafia

may have been mentioned, but after ten years it is
difficult to say with any accuracy if this was the case.
Only a review of the ZRCHEST files could confirm or
deny this.


4. The timing of these various operations on our

behalf would seem to coincide with the recent
publicity about Mr. Maheu and his efforts with the
mafia. For that reason, and to forestall any
misconception about our mission in Cuba which was
an audio op I have related the facts as best I can
recall. OTS / APB Walter Szuminski

John Mertz:

You had one memo there that I was running around

with a bushel basket full of money. That's a lot of
bullshit. I don't think anyone in the government could
get a hold of a bushel basket full of cash, running
around, giving it out. Anyway, the Chief of Station in
Mexico City, Winston Scott, found a Mexican lawyer
down there that was doing business with Castro. We
went down and talked to him and paid him a small
retainer to see what he could do with Castro. Nothing
ever came of it. They got out before he had much of
a chance. He was a member of a big law firm down

The CIA:

Mertz assumed a cover as a lawyer for the prisoner's

relatives. JIM ANGLETON, who was Siragusa's
supervisor in the OSS in Italy, during World War II,
suggested to Mertz that Siragusa might have U.S.
underworld connections with connections in Cuba
who could be utilized to free the prisoners."
A document released in 1994 read:
Mr. Mertz is off for the afternoon with Murphy.
(Deleted) of Technical Service Division called and left
word with Jean that General Carter might be calling
Mr. Angleton about the Techs case. When I asked
(deleted) how he knew this, he said it came about
this way: Wilma Christ had been needling him all day
about when she was going to get to see the Attorney
General. (Deleted) called Carter's secretary to see if
an appointment had been set up, and while he was
talking to her, General Carter cut in and asked what
was going on and who was in charge of the case.

(Deleted) told him Mr. Mertz was. Carter asked about

'this thing up in New York' and (deleted) told him he
knew we were on top of it. Carter asked if anybody
had discussed it with the Attorney General or anyone
on that level: (Deleted) said he knew it had been
discussed with the Bureau. Carter then said he would
be calling you regarding the case...Mr. Mertz called
to say he had talked to (deleted) and had placed a
call to General Carter who was out but would be
calling Mertz back (at Mertz's home) at any moment.
The point Carter indicated he planned to you about
was the possibility of a trade, our boys for the
saboteurs the FBI arrested in NY.

When ANGLETON was questioned about Christ during Hunt

v. Weberman, he testified that the name "CARSWELL" and
photograph of Carswell were unknown to him. When DAVID Phillips
was asked about Christ, he responded: "I'm afraid, Counselor, that
on the long list of names, that I now realize I must stick by my
feeling that I have to have CIA permission to discuss whether I did,
or did not, have connection with these people." Wilma Christ was
often unhappy with the inability of the Agency to secure the release
of her husband. The Christ family had six children and Mr. Christ's
absence caused innumerable problems. Wilma Christ was
contacted by a Technical Services Division employee on an almost
daily basis. She met with Allen Dulles on March 28, 1961: "Mrs.
Christ meets with Allen Dulles, Director, CIA, who reports that the
best hope of obtaining husband's freedom lies in revolution in Cuba.
Mrs. Christ appreciated the Director's candor but disappointed that
more active efforts were not being undertaken."

On May 24, 1961, Mrs. Christ arranges for (deleted) for self
and for eldest son, who is (deleted). On July 7, 1961, "Mrs. Christ
meets with General Cabell, DDCI, with reference to her demand to
see the President." On August 16, 1961, Mrs. Christ met with
"General Maxwell Taylor in lieu of President. Mrs. Christ again
disappointed by lack of action to free her husband.” In August 1962,
Larry Christ, the brother of David Christ, presented an ultimatum:

Either we arrange for a meeting with Attorney

General or he will move to see him independently."
Lawrence Christ was "of the opinion that Mrs. Christ
is it the early stages of a nervous breakdown. Her


health and cooperation are vital to the operational

security aspects of this case. He is embittered
because of the lack of cognizance of Wilma Christ by
the Executive Branch of the Government. As he
stated it, 'They have time to greet astronauts, foreign
dignitaries and the like, yet they cannot even call her
on the telephone. Just five minutes is all it would
take.' The security implications involved in a meeting
with the Attorney General or a telephone call from the
White House has been repeated to the Christ family
many times. Their present attitude can been summed
up in a few words, 'Security be damned! If we don't
do something in a hurry he may never come back.'"
(Wilma: "That is entirely erroneous.") [CIA Memo
DD/P 10.16.62 Seymour Russell c/DD/P/TSD]

Wilma Christ was losing it. She was fed up with the lack of
response that she received from the Kennedy Administration. She
would tell her husband how she was treated after he returned.
In July 1962 Sidney Gottlieb established a scholarship fund
for Thomas Christ, the son of David Christ. John Mertz: "Gottlieb
was the head of the division where those guys worked." Dr. Gottlieb:
"Although this request is in part motivated by compassion for the
Tech's families and a strong desire to lighten their burden, the
overriding consideration is the need for continued operational
security and control, which will be aided by your approval of our
request." [Memo DD/Support 7.23.62 Sidney Gottlieb

Sidney Gottlieb stated:

1. That DAVE CHRIST was not knowledgeable of

Sid's specialties, beyond knowing he was in charge
of the chemical division of Technical Services
Division and had something vague to do with
debilitant drugs.

2. Among the contacts in Cuba of (deleted) (Air Force

medico in Sid's hypnosis project) is a lawyer who is
also an accomplished hypnotist. He has reportedly
had some success in his cases by hypnotizing the
judge at parties beforehand, and making the judge

susceptible to his suggestions in the courtroom.

(Deleted) has the poop on the lawyer. (Deleted) and I
yesterday agreed there might be some merit in
sending (deleted) to Cuba to snoop through the
lawyer. We can get (deleted) down here on a day's
notice through Gittinger, who is acting for Sid during
the next few weeks. [CIA Memo Havana Flap
John Marks, in his 1979 book The Search for the
"Manchurian Candidate" wrote: "In June 1960 [Gottlieb's] TSS
[Technical Services Support -Technical Services Division] officials
launched an expanded program of operational experiments in
hypnosis in cooperation with the Agency's Counter-Intelligence staff.
Counter-Intelligence officials wrote that the hypnosis program could
provide a 'potential breakthrough in clandestine technology.' Their
arrangement with [Technical Services Division] was that the MK-
ULTRA men would develop the technique in the laboratory, while
they took care of 'field experimentation.' The Counter-Intelligence
program had three goals:

(1) to induce hypnosis very rapidly in unwitting Subjects;

(2) to create durable amnesia; and

(3) to implant durable and operationally useful posthypnotic


Mexico City was a primary locale for the new experiments.

Melvin Beck told about it in Secret Contenders:

[Angleton'S] Counter-Intelligence staff had in tow a

young psychiatrist who claimed that he could
produce a hypnotic state in an instant of shock to the
Subject. He had evidently convinced the staff of its
feasibility. Such a feat opened up wide vistas of
utilization by the staff, particularly in the area of its
prime concern-the bona fides of Clandestine
Services agents. Under hypnosis, the agent was
compelled to reveal the truth, thus putting to rest the
doubts that always remained after studying the
scattered and elusive evidence contained in a
dossier or a file. Best of all, the method of putting the

Subject under instantaneous hypnosis was practical

and adaptable to the agent situation, with the
significant added factor that the agent would
remember nothing of the experience.

In December 1962, the Chief, Technical Services Division/

Liaison Services Section set up a meeting between Wilma Christ,
Deputy Director /CIA General Carter and United States Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedy. John Mertz had Wilma Christ meet
with General Carter before the meeting. She told him she wanted to
meet with the Attorney General. It was unclear if the meeting
occurred. On December 26, 1962, Wilma Christ threatened to
make contact with a member of a delegation headed for Havana
that was led by JAMES DONOVAN. James Donovan was involved
in sensitive negotiations with the Cubans. On December 28, 1962,
Wilma Christ was assured by James Donovan and Robert Hurwich
of the State Department that the release of her husband would be
secured, in return for supplies:

She was extremely happy with these assurances and

there was no reason for the Attorney General to call
her at that time." [MFR 3.22.63 Report of Meeting
between Mrs. Christ and Mr. James Donovan in New
York City on 3.20.63 from C/TSD/LSS]
In January 1963 Wilma Christ met with a CIA representative:
During conversation with Mrs. Christ and her
daughter, Elaine, on January 2, 1963, I attempted to
bring them up to date on the latest efforts in the
ZRCHEST Project. Their only significant comments
were continual requests that they be guaranteed that
every effort is being made to effect the release of the
Techs. At this time they do not feel that we are doing
everything possible and voiced the opinion that the
government is not forceful enough. Mrs. Christ again
agreed not to take any unilateral action at this time,
but commented that this whole episode is a very
black page in American History. JAMES P.

On March 6, 1963, the CIA reported:

1. The publicity resulting from Donovan’s

negotiations regarding the release of the Americans

has given Mrs. Christ renewed hope that her

husband will be released in the near future. Efforts to
minimize the significance of these negotiations have
little effect. At times Mrs. Christ contacts the
undersigned on an hourly basis requesting
information. She is knowledgeable of a few of the
details regarding these negotiations, but has not
been given any information of a highly sensitive
nature or any information concerning the Cuban
personalities involved in a possible trade.

2. Occasionally, Mrs. Christ becomes

temperamental, somewhat abusive, and highly
excitable. She continues to severely criticize the
Administration, as well as the Agency's previous
operations to free her husband. Her brother-in-law,
Larry, continually threatens unilateral action unless
'something is done very soon.'
3. Mrs. Christ and her Brother-in-Law voiced an
intent to contact Donovan or one his associates
under alias in order to obtain more detailed
information about the negotiations. However, they
were successfully persuaded not to take any action
which migh precipitate a collapse of the entire
project. Only by giving Mrs. Christ some hope for the
future and some reason to believe that the Donovan
negotiations might succeed have we been able to
contain her from pursuing action which would
undoubtedly compromise this operation. It is
extremely difficult to predict, short of a complete
mental breakdown, the effects that a collapse of the
Donovan negotiations might have. At this time no
considerations have been given to any other
operations that we could discuss with Mrs. Christ, nor
have there been any serious discussions regarding
the continued containment of the Christ Family
should the negotiations collapse.

4. Since Mrs. Christ’s morale, welfare and co-

operation are vital to the security and cover of this
operation, it is anticipated that we will continue to
advise her of some of the details and the human
interest aspects of Donovan’s negotiations. Under

the present system the undersigned receives

information from Mr. Mertz or Mr. Miskovsky
regarding the current negotiations. This information is
declassified as much as possible under the
circumstances. The desensitized information and any
hope or lack of hope that it may contain is transmitted
to Mrs. Christ as soon as possible. It is particularly
important that any information regarding Donovan’s
activities be relayed to Mrs. Christ before it appears
in the press. Usually some detail or bit of information
regarding negotiations or operational activity
regarding her husband’s release assists in satisfying
her curiosity, for at least a few days.

5. About a week ago the Director queried regarding

the status of the families. Mr. Miskovsky advised the
Director that the situation was very tense but for the
moment was being contained. Should the situation
become desperate I believe Mrs. Christ could be
subtly directed to seek consultation and or advice
from Donovan. This has been discussed with Mr.
Miskovsky who agrees that it would be safer to have
her channel her efforts in that direction rather than to
a source over whom we have little or no control.

On March 22, 1963, Wilma Christ met with James Donovan:

“This preliminary meeting lasted about 45 minutes and gave Wilma
Christ an opportunity to vent much of her anger and resentment."
Other CIA reports noted: "Wilma Christ becomes temperamental,
somewhat abusive, and highly excitable. She continues to severely
criticize the Administration, as well as the Agency's previous
operations designed to free her husband. Robert Hurwich of the
State Department was present at some of these meetings. After the
meeting, Mrs. Christ confided that "she often feels embarrassed and
ashamed for saying many of the nasty things she has in the past,
and for doubting the Agency's efforts to gain her husband's
release." Wilma Christ was contacted in February 1994:
I am still under the secrecy business. I didn't know
they had released anything. Why didn't they tell me?
Because of how heavily my husband guarded the
secrets, I have been indoctrinated that way, so I am
fearful of saying anything. I am engulfed in this


secrecy business. I have to talk to someone at the

Agency. I wasn't privy to the details of the attempts
made to release him. Alan, I have to make some
calls to check on you.

Wilma Christ was told, "I need some checking out, that's for
sure. I'll send you a book so you'll know what I'm really about."
Wilma Christ was re-contacted in March 1994:

I haven't contacted the CIA about you, but I decided

I'm not going to discuss it. Thanks for the book. The
whole thing you read about my attempting to secure
my husband's release is ridiculous. Not a shred of
truth. I met with Robert Kennedy. I didn't demand it, it
was suggested. I'm not going to talk about it. It's a
bunch of garbage. I don't even want to hear it.

John Mertz:

Mrs. Christ was Security's problem, not mine. People

from the Office of Security were holding CHRIST'S
wife's hand during the time he was in jail there. I
didn't have anything to do with that. I was trying to
get him out. I never heard of a meeting between RFK
and Mrs. Christ. She was not my baby. She could
have gotten him killed by blowing her stack.

Hemming told this researcher:

CHRIST'S wife was lucky that he was a career

officer. If he had been a contract employee, she
would have been threatened, and told to keep her
mouth shut. They wanted to get his ass out before
there was an invasion or execution or anything else.
They weren't hurting for money.



Christ's release was secured by the CIA in April 1963 when

James Donovan arranged a prisoner exchange. CHRIST arrived at
Homestead Air Force Base, Homestead, Florida. The United States
agreed to release four G-2 agents, including Francisco "the hook"
Molina, a Castro agent with a missing hand, who was serving a 20-
year sentence for the accidental murder of a nine-year-old child.
Governor Nelson Rockefeller agreed to sign the pardon that freed
Francisco Molina from Attica prison on April 22, 1963.
Simultaneously, Attorney General Robert Kennedy announced that
charges had been dropped against three Cubans who had been
arrested for plotting to blow up defense installations around New
York City. The three, plus Francisco Molina were deported from
Florida to Havana as Donovan brought back the Americans from
Cuba in a straight swamp.

John Mertz disagreed:

Donovan didn't know anything about our three guys

who were in the Isle of Pines. But we prevailed upon


him, to prevail on Castro, to let the 40 Americans out

that were in the Isle of Pines, following the release of
the Bay of Pigs prisoners. Fidel Castro agreed in
exchange for 40 million dollars worth of medical
supplies. And those 40 Americans were flown into
Homestead. They weren't traded for anybody. They
were a follow-up on the Bay of Pigs thing.

DESMOND FITZGERALD suggested James Donovan be given

contaminated scuba diving gear which James Donovan was to
present to Fidel Castro as a gift. According to the Senate
Intelligence Committee, James Donovan, on his own initiative, gave
Fidel Castro a different diving suit. [Hinckle Deadly Secrets p214]
When Richard Helms was appointed the Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency in April 1965 he was succeeded as DD/P by
Desmond FitzGerald. Desmond FitzGerald attended Harvard Law
School where he received his degree in 1935. He enlisted as a
private in the infantry during World War II, and rose to the rank of
major. He joined the OSS, where he worked as an Operations
Officer in Southeast Asia. He entered the CIA in 1951 and soon
became its Far East Operations Division Chief. Desmond FitzGerald
was appointed CIA Cuban Operations Chief in 1962, and Chief,


Special Activities Staff, in November 1963. [CIA 181-73] Desmond

FitzGerald, 57, died of a heart attack on a tennis court on July 23,
1967, and Thomas Karamessines, Richard Helms' Assistant DD/P,
became DD/P.
On April 23, 1963, Christ landed at Homestead Air Force
Base in Florida. In New York City, The World-Telegram and Sun ran
this headline: "CIA Trio Slips Past Castro In Swap." The article
stated that the trio's connection to the CIA had been confirmed with
reliable Government sources. John Mertz:

At Homestead, our three guys were separated from

the others and flown to Washington. They weren't on
the ground more than five minutes. They all marched
into a building, he went out a back door into another
building, and on to another plane. He was in the air
ten minutes later. Hell, they had the greatest
collection of thieves, hoodlums and murderers in that
40 guys that came out of Cuba. They had to get them
all, to prevent the three from being identified. Even
Donovan didn't know we had some people in that

William C. Sullivan was notified of Christ's return. [FBI 64-47305-

93] David Wise and Thomas Ross reported: "When they landed in
Miami CARSWELL, Danbrunt and Taransky vanished. They
declined to talk to reporters. And for some reason, unlike the other
returnees, they would not tell the American Red Cross their
destination." [Inv. Gov. p260]


Nature of Personnel Action
Organizational Designation
FROM: IAS Foreign Field Undetermined.
[deleted 03]




Case no. 43 872 Christ, David L. Date May 28, 1963 Office of Origin
(Deleted but most likely Manhattan Field Office) Report made by
John E. O’Hare Character of Case E/ SD/3 Francis R. Favorini,
Special Agent in Charge. DIST (Deleted). Two pages dated April 26,
1963 withheld.
An FBI case was opened on the three men entitled, "Cuban
Sabotage Efforts in the United States." [FBI 105-115667-172] Much
of this document was withheld. John Mertz commented:

When he came back, he was in the Science and

Technology Directorate. I don't know what he did
when he came back. He was spending all his time
trying to get decorated with a medal. My vote was no.
Someone told me he got a medal. I don't know what
he did in S & D. I don't think he was assigned to the
Scientific Division until about a year after he returned.
He was on ice, and we were carefully preserving his
identity. They were under medical surveillance for a
few months. He was being debriefed. I debriefed him.
That was 30 years ago, pal. Everybody's dead but

CHRIST was transferred to another Agency component. Melvin

Beck reported: "After their release they were brought back to the
Agency, although, as was common talk, they were excluded from
active assignment." The CIA reported that upon his return from
Cuba, CHRIST joined the Office of Research and Development,
where he worked on the over-the-horizon radar program. CHRIST
was also responsible for pioneering efforts in the area of Audio
Surveillance Countermeasures, first proposing the application of
computers to the problem. On August 9, 1963, J. Edgar Hoover had
an interest in CHRIST and sent a telex to Richard Helms about him.
[FBI NI 105-38509-13]


In 1964 John Mertz wrote this memorandum to the Chief, OPSER.


3. The details of the cover story were perfected at

Headquarters and were conveyed to the prisoners in
Cuba by Mr. Hugh Kessler, who at that time was an
American Consul in Cuba. The subsequent
unrelenting and expensive efforts to save the lives
and secure the release of the prisoners were carried
out within the framework of that cover story which to
this day has protected the true identities of the three
employees. Our success in this case is attributable to
a major effort on the part of the CIA and the U.S.

4. Mr. CHRIST'S inference in Para. 6 of his

memorandum that the cover story was developed by
Mr. Anderson and Mr. Szuminski is not accurate.
Neither is he accurate in Para. 13C when he infers
that "neither CIA or the U.S. Government" tried "to
get them out."

5. Upon their return to the United States on April 22,

1963, the Counter-Intelligence Staff, assisted by
representatives of the Office of Security, upon
direction of the DD/P, initiated further investigation to
determine the reasons for the arrest. (Deleted)
ESCALADE roll-up and the loyalty of the three
employees while in the hands of the enemy.

6. The investigation disclosed that they were loyal

and that the roll up and arrest were the direct result
of Mr. Christ and certain members of the Havana
Station. The matter was complicated by the refusal or
inability of Mr. Christ to tell the whole truth to the
investigating officers regarding certain portions of his
conversations with the Cuban arresting officers on
matters relating to his judgment, but not related to his
loyalty. [CIA Memo, Chief, OPSER Mertz undated]
1. On several occasions during early September
1963 Mr. Christ came by invitation to the office of
undersigned for the purpose of informing himself
from the files regarding the nature and extent of the
Headquarters effort to secure the release of the
ZRCHESTERS from the Isle of Pines.

2. At the time of his first visit, which was shortly after

the Chairman of the DD/P Review Committee had
informed him of the approval of the Committee's
recommendations, Mr. Christ expressed concern that
no time limit had been placed on the restriction that
he could not travel outside the U.S. either TDY or
PCS; whereas in the case of the other two Subjects a
specific period of time was mentioned in connection
with the restrictions upon foreign travel.

4. Speaking as an informed officer, and not for the

review committee, undersigned pointed out to Mr.
CHRIST that the investigation established that he, as
the senior officer in the group, had been under more
pressure than the other two men. Also, that this
pressure was further evidenced by his lack of
objectivity in the discussion of certain matters during
his debriefing that he might have been mistaken in
his recollection of certain events in Cuba.
Undersigned corrected Mr. Christ by stating that the
record shows that Mr. Christ admitted he might have

5...Mr. Christ is not too pleased with the debriefing

officers who crowded him into this corner. John Mertz
Hemming 1994:

Christ was in the same cell with me in Havana when I

got busted on September 27, 1960. He thought I was
being tortured. I was laying on the spring, it was like
steel wool, a finely woven mesh. I was laying on it
without my shirt. When I rolled over, I heard this
English voice: 'Jesus Christ, he's one of them, and
look what the fuck they did to him.' My back looked
like hamburger. They were scared shitless. We
ended up in the same cell together. A cell that would
normally be for four people had 40 people in it.
Standing room only.


When interviewed in 1977 and 1994 Hemming maintained

that the true nature of CHRIST'S mission was to bomb the Chinese
Communist News Agency:

Christ knows too much to be sent down to a hostile

environment unless he's the only guy they can trust
because he has done other operations. When you
say audio devices, it's total bullshit. Audio expert was
his cover. All the other steamy shit they're not going
to publicize. He was an inventor, an expert in remote
controlled explosives. That's his main job. When you
got a hot mission like that, then they had to decide,
we've got to risk putting this guy in. CHRIST got
arrested in Cuba in September 1960 running an
operation located in an apartment above the Chinese
Communist News Agency. They had a transmitter
and code book there. Christ was going to get the
book out without the Chinese even knowing they had
it. Hey, he might have to take a few guys out to do it,
but so what? It would look like a goddamned accident
anyway. See, they were going to pump kitchen gas
into the place, blow the fuckin' place up, enter, grab
the book, and then set a big goddamned fire. The
chinks would think the code books had been burned,
and not change the fucking codes. The Agency
supplied them with some outdated bugging
equipment and told them to say, if they were caught,
that they were bugging the place on behalf of the
U.S. Embassy.

Hemming’s story about Christ and explosives did not check

out, however, Christ was an explosives expert and The New York
Times reported that during the overthrow of Khwame Nkrumah, the
left-wing leader of Ghana, the CIA Chief of Station, Accra,
requested a group of paramilitarists storm the Chinese Communist
Embassy, kill everyone there, then steal the code books and the
records of the installation. The group was instructed to blow up the
building before leaving so that it would look like Embassy personnel
had been killed in an explosion.

In 1994 Hemming stated:

In the circle of my immediate Miami acquaintances

the tramp resembled CHRIST. He buddied up with

us. He figured we were the real thing. We didn't give

a fuck who he was. He felt he had been betrayed. He
wanted to work with something that was legitimate.

Hemming was asked how Christ reacted when his identity

was revealed: "It could be he felt I was in charge, and I knew what I
was doing." Howard Kenneth Davis was sent a photograph of
CHRIST then asked:

Q. Did you ever see DAVID CHRIST around


A. Yeah, I saw him around, I didn't know him well.

Q. You saw Christ?

A. Yeah, I did. I believe I did if I can remember. I

think I saw him over there a couple of times. People
would wander in and out all the time - even CIA
people. That was no big secret. FIORINI had a
relationship with the Company. That is absolute. We
knew it at the time, it was no secret in Miami.
A Walter E. Szuminski was contacted in March 1994 in
suburban Virginia and asked: "Did you ever use the name Taransky
in Cuba?"

A. You must have the wrong guy.

Q. You were never in CIA?

A. Who is this speaking?

Q. I came across your name in a document about

David Christ.

A. Am I related to somebody like that?

Q. Did you ever work for him?

A. Where are you getting this information?

Q. CIA documents.


A. Hey, go back and talk to those guys. Maybe they

can enlighten you. I can't.

Q. What about the Cuban bugging operation?

A. Well, I'm sure they do that.

Q. Were you ever incarcerated in Cuba?

A. (Sighs) You've got the wrong person here.

Meeting with Walter Szuminski March 18, 1994

I met with him in your office -- told him I did not have
a file or documents to show him today. We were
searching the files and may be able to show the him
something next week. He offered some background
on the Cuban operation and the calls he had
received. First he gave me the story of the Cuban
imprisonment and their return. He said that D. Christ
was interviewed by HSCA in mid-1970s to see if
there was any connection between their time in
Cuban [prison] and the assassination (Christ told him
about the interview). The story of their imprison
[ment] was public knowledge but only with pseudos.
He mentions the classified article in the Studies
which was with true name. Last month he received a
call from D Christ's window & son -- they had
received a call from Allan J Weberman
(assassination author) who said Dave Christ's
debriefing by HSCA had been released and that true
names were included. I mentioned that we would not
have released an HSCA document.

Two weeks ago Szuminski received a similar call

("was he the Szuminski who was imprisoned in Cuba
with Christ and released through Donovan's efforts).
He told Weberman he had wrong person. Yesterday
he received another call asking if he was aware that
his name is in the national archives. The callers
referred to both the CIA JFK releases and a FOIA
release. My impression was that his name was also
released in an FOIA but if the researcher was using
Lesar’s file he may have confused the two.


I talked a little about the law and the balancing test

for disclosure (public vs national security, etc.). Also
said that the link of Carswell to 3 tramps in Dallas
made Christ part of the story. Since Christ became
an overt employee in 1963, retired overt and was
dead much of the information on him was subject to
release. Because of the Cuba imprisonment there
are documents on, or that mention, Szuminski and
Anderson in Christ's file.

Szuminski said he also retired overt. He mentioned

Christ son who has a firm in Reston that has done
work for the Agency -- 'negative publicity could hurt
him. He said he wanted to see what was out so he
would know how to deal with the calls. He also made
a couple of comments about suing but doubted he
could. Told him we would get back to him next week.
He said we could reach him through his wife (Elise
S.) [24 deleted, 03 as of 2010] [deleted 03 as of

September 4, 1963.
Memorandum For: Chief, Personnel Security Division
Subject: David Lemar Christ DDS&T
The above individual is under consideration for clearance for
Special Intelligence. Your recommendation is requested concerning
granting of such clearance, together with any information or
comment which many be pertinent.

On September 12, 1963 CHRIST was granted a CORAL clearance.

On September 13, 1963 CHRIST signed an ARGON AGREEMENT.


The following action on the above named individual was completed
on September 13, 1963: INDOCTRINATED FOR SPECIAL
REMARKS: cc: C/PSD/OS (DELETED) Chief Special Clearance
Center, SSC/OS


On September 19, 1963, CHRIST received a form that indicated

"Reassignment, Change of SD, and Transfer to Vouchered Funds."
On September 20, 1963 an Investigative Transmittal Sheet was
generated on CHRIST.

Next the following document was generated:

PHS DTD: Biographic Data (Rec’d. date) September 23, 1963.
October 29, 1963 No INV 43872
SUBJECT CHRIST, DAVID LAMAR January 20, 1918 Tanagua,
On September 27, 1963, Christ requested Form 1322
[requesting cover], From the Chief, Records and Services Division,
and Chief, Operating Component, Office of Research and
Development, DD/S & T. He returned it to these components. On a
"Notification Of Establishment Of Military Cover, Backstop" these
boxes were marked: "Submit form 642 to change limitation category
to 3. Ascertain that (deleted as of 2010) being issued. Submit form
1322 or any change affecting this cover. Submit form 1323 for
transferring cover responsibility." A highly deleted CIA Office of
Security document dated September 27, 1963, read, "Request For
Entry or Change. Inclusion of Subject on the Domestic Cover List
requested as noted below."
On September 13, 1963 CHRIST, Deputy Director of
Science and Technology signed a secrecy agreement as he had
become part of PROJECT OXCART, the redesign of the U-2 and


On October 31, 1963 the CIA was made aware of the fact
that Christ had moved to Washington. On October 11, 1963 a
document on Christ was generated based on “Sensitive sources
and methods.” Special Affairs Staff memo was generated on
October 26, 1963. The SAS was the new name for William Harvey’s
Task Force 11. On November 8, 1962, a six-man CIA sabotage
team dispatched as part of Task Force W blew up a factory in Cuba.
The CIA arm of the operation, Task Force W, continued to exist as
the Special Affairs Staff, located at the CIA's Miami station. William
Harvey, the head of Task Force W, was replaced by Desmond
FitzGerald as head of the Special Affairs Staff. Covert attacks

against Fidel Castro (including assassination attempts) and Cuban

government officials continued throughout 1963 under FitzGerald.
Other operations included industrial and economic sabotage as well
as terrorism.







Photo of Nixon on November 22, 1963, after he returned from

Dallas to LaGuardia Airport in New York City.


RICHARD MILHAUS NIXON was the highest ranking member of

the conspiracy to kill President John Kennedy.

In 1954 Vice President Nixon was involved in PB SUCCESS and

met CIA employees E. Howard Hunt and David Atlee Phillips. On
January 1, 1955, Nixon reportedly attended a meeting in Honduras,
where plans for assassinating the President of Panama, Jose
Antonio Remon, were discussed. Allegedly present were the team
of hired assassins to do the killing, Nixon, and former CIA agent
Marion Cooper, who related this story to Senator Frank Church. The
following day, Jose Antonio Remon was machine-gunned to death.
A "Report Concerning the Assassination of Jose Antonio Remon,
President of Panama, and dated February 1, 1955" [WCD 279] is in
the National Archives as part of the Kennedy records group. A
telegram dated August 2, 1967 to Marion Cooper was included in
the 1990's JFK documents release. It regarded a proposed trip to
Beirut. In late 1955 Nixon met with Fulgencio Batista and pinned a
Medal of Honor on him.

On Wednesday, November 20, 1963, Nixon visited Dallas on

behalf of the Pepsi Cola Corporation. Nixon has noted: "I flew to
Dallas to attend a Pepsico Company board meeting, a client of my
law firm." He left Dallas on the morning of November 22, 1963.
Upon his departure, he held an airport press conference, at which

he reported having been in Dallas two days before the arrival of

President Kennedy, and that he "feared for the President's safety"
because of the political atmosphere in Dallas. Nixon registered in a
hotel under a false name, and there was no way to determine how
much time he devoted to Pepsi Cola Corporation business.

Nixon presence in Dallas was no coincidence. Nixon was not

there to assure the conspirators that their actions had the approval
of the highest levels of the United States Government or to egg
them on. This crew did not need any pep talks. It is my guess that
Nixon was there for a secret meeting with Jack Ruby. The evidence
for this appears in this data base. When questioned by the FBI
about his Dallas trip, Nixon said: "The only time [he] was in Dallas,
Texas, was two days prior to the Kennedy assassination." In reality,
he had been there on the morning of the coup. Hemming told this

The question of Nixon’s involvement was never

asked, nor ever answered. If Nixon was part of this
he was there to eyeball the principals. He'd be giving
them the green light. They wouldn't do it without him.
He's the guy that should be President of the United
States. He was cheated out the election. Long before
Watergate, I could see it functioning that way, long
before Garrison, sports fan. Trying to prove it is a





On April 2, 2010 I discovered that Angleton’S name was

cleverly encrypted in Oswald’s address book, disguised as “Plug For
Radio.” It was at the back of the address and was written with
entries that indicated he had returned from the Soviet Union.
Apparently Oswald felt that Angleton might give him a job with the
CIA in return for “The U-2 dump.” The words “Job” and “recommend
employment” are crossed out as it was made clear to Oswald that
he could not have a formal job with the CIA. The name JAMES
Angleton was TOP SECRET until Kim Philby wrote about him in
1968. The name is encoded along with the names of two other
conspirators so take this into account when judging the degree of
ambiguity involved in the encryption.

James Jesus Angleton was born in Boise, Idaho, on December 9,

1917. His Illinois-born father, James Hugh Angleton, joined the
National Guard in Idaho in 1916, and chased Pancho Villa south of
the border under General Pershing. While there, Angleton married a
Mexican girl of 17. On returning to Boise, James Jesus Angleton
was born. Mr. Angleton became a salesman for the National Cash
Register Company, and by 1920, he owned the National Cash
Register franchise for Italy. In 1933 the Angletons moved to Milan,
Italy. Angleton attended a British preparatory school, Malvern
College in England and then entered Yale in 1941. At Yale he
became interested in the poetry of Ezra Pound. Mrs. Angleton was
asked if her husband was a poet: "I can save you a lot of effort.
There wasn't any poetry. There is none to publish, not after the
catastrophe of The Cold Warrior. But there wasn't any anyway.
Since that book, I would never talk. I never saw any poetry, not
since Yale. Poetry was his major, but he never wrote poetry. No


pickings over here." During the war, Angleton'S father joined the
OSS and moved to New York. Angleton Sr. took part in the planning
of the Italian invasion, went ashore with the forces at Anzio, and
rose to Colonel. Angleton Jr. entered Harvard Law School and
married Cicely d'Autremont of Tucson, Arizona, a junior at Vassar.
In 1943, while in the infantry, Angleton was recruited by the Office of
Strategic Services (OSS) and assigned to Italy.

The Office of Strategic Services was the creation of New

York lawyer William J. Donovan, whose intelligence career began in
1916, as a representative of the John D. Rockefeller Foundation.

[Hersh Old Boys p33] On July 11, 1941, President Franklin D.

Roosevelt appointed William J. Donovan Coordinator of Information.
In the Summer of 1943 the Office of the Coordinator of Information
became the OSS. After the war, J. Edgar Hoover demanded that the
OSS be prohibited from conducting domestic espionage
investigations, and, with Nelson Rockefeller, the Coordinator of the
Office of Inter-American Affairs, insisted on maintaining jurisdiction
over Latin America. On October 1, 1945, President Truman ordered
that the OSS be dissolved as an independent body.

In post-war Italy, Angleton'S unit uncovered secret

correspondence between Mussolini and Hitler. By age 26, Angleton
was in the OSS Station in Rome where he met Richard M. Helms
and Allen W. Dulles. Angleton helped the provisional Italian
Government defeat the Communists. In 1945 Angleton helped
fascists escape from prison camps supplying them with new
identities. [Martin Wilderness of Mirrors p19]
Angleton entered the CIA in 1948, at age 31. In 1954 the
Doolittle Report advised the CIA that one urgent priority was "the
intensification of the CIA's counter-intelligence efforts to prevent or
detect and eliminate penetrations of the CIA." In late 1954, as a
result of this, William K. Harvey, who previously performed certain
CIA counter-intelligence functions, became CIA Chief of Station in
Berlin. Angleton became first Chief of the newly-formed Counter-
Intelligence component. Former CIA Staff member Claire Edward
Petty commented: "In the early 1950's William K. Harvey was
performing certain counter-intelligence functions. Angleton was
counter-intelligence chief in the formal sense from the inception of
CI."Angleton remained Counter-Intelligence Chief for 20 years,
outlasting all of the Directors and Deputy Directors of the CIA. He
gained the reputation as paranoid and eccentric, who was seldom
seen, even by own staff members. [Mangold Cold Warrior Simon &
Shuster 1991]



In 1962 Mary Pinchot Meyer, (Cord Meyer's ex-wife) told

James Truitt, who was then a Vice President of the Washington
Post and an associate of JAMES Angleton, that she had an affair
with President Kennedy. James Truitt took notes on what Mary
Pinchot told him. James Truitt worked for the State Department,
then joined Time Inc. in 1948. He was Chief of the Washington
bureau for several years. In 1960 he went to The Washington Post,
and in 1964, James Truitt joined Newsweek. In the 1970's he
showed his notes on Mary Pinchot to journalist Jay Gourley. The
notes recorded an episode in July 1962 when Mary Pinchot and
President John F. Kennedy smoked marijuana which James Truitt
said he had provided. In his book Flashbacks Los Angeles: Tarcher,
1983 Tim Leary reported:

The most fascinating and important of these

hundreds of visitors [interested in LSD] showed up in
the spring of 1962. I was sitting in my office at
Harvard University one morning when I looked up to
see a woman leaning against the door post, hip tilted
provocatively, studying me with a bold stare. She
appeared to be in her late thirties. Good looking.
Flamboyant eye-brows, piercing green-blue eyes,
fine-boned face. Amused, arrogant, aristocratic. "Dr.
Leary" she said coolly, "I've got to talk to you". She
took a few steps forward and held out her hand. "I'm
Mary Pinchot. I've come from Washington to discuss
something very important. I want to learn how to run

an LSD session." "That's our specialty here. Would

you like to tell me what you have in mind?" "I have
this friend who's a very important man. He's
impressed by what I've told him about my own LSD
experiences and what other people have told him. He
wants to try it himself. So I'm here to learn how to do
it. I mean. I don't want to goof up or something."

"Why don't you have your important friend come here

with you to look over our project for a couple of days.
Then if it makes sense to all concerned, we'll run a
session for him." "Out of the question. My friend is a
public figure. It's just not possible." "People involved
in power usually don't make the best subjects." "Don't
you think that if a powerful person were to turn on
with his wife or girlfriend it would be good for the
world?" "Nothing that involves brain-change is
certain. But in general we believe that for anyone
who's reasonably healthy and happy, the intelligent
thing to do is to take advantage of the multiple
realities available to the human brain. "Do you think
that the world would be a better place if men in power
had LSD experiences?" “Look at the world," I said,
"Nuclear bombs proliferating. More and more
countries run by military dictators. No political
creativity. It's time to try something, anything new
and promising…” The next contact with Mary
Pinchot, my mysterious visitor from Washington,
came about six months later. She phoned me from
across the river in Boston. "Can you meet me right
away in Room 717, Ritz Hotel?” Enchanting as
before, she motioned to a silver ice bucket with a
bottle of Dom Perignon tilting out. "I'm here to
celebrate." she said. I twisted the bottle to make the
cork pop gently "Your hush-hush love affair is going
well?" "Oh yes, everything is going beautifully. On all
fronts in fact. I can't give details, of course. But top
people in Washington are turning on. You'd be
amazed at the sophistication of some of our leaders.
And their wives. We've gotten a little group together,
people who are interested in learning how to turn on.”
"Really, I thought politicians were to power-oriented."
"You must realize, implausible as it may seem, there


are a lot of very smart people in Washington.

Especially now with this administration. Power is
important to them. And these drugs do give a certain
power. That's what it's all about. Freeing the mind."

The sister of Mary Pinchot, Tony Pinchot, married Ben

Bradlee. The Pinchot sisters were allegedly acquainted with Cicely
d'Autremont, Angleton'S wife. When Cicely Angleton was contacted
in August 1993 she stated, "I wouldn't dream of commenting on any
of this."


Mary Pinchot was murdered on October 12, 1964. She was

shot twice in the left temple and once in the chest. The suspect,
Raymond Crump Jr., a black 25-year-old laborer, and father of five,
was held without bail. The white jacket of Raymond Crump was
recovered from the nearby woods. A truck driver, Henry Wiggins,
24, told the police he had seen a man standing over Mary Pinchot,
wearing a white jacket. Later, Henry Wiggins identified Raymond
Crump as the man. According to John Simkin Police tests were
unable to show that Crump had fired the .38 caliber Smith and
Wesson gun. There were no traces of nitrates on his hands or
clothes. Despite an extensive search of the area no gun could be
found. This included a two day search of the tow path by 40 police
officers. The police also drained the canal near to the murder scene.
Police scuba divers searched the waters away from where Mary
was killed. However, no gun could be found. Nor could the
prosecution find any link between Crump and any Smith and
Wesson gun. The pocketbook and wallet of Mary Pinchot were
found in her studio after her murder. During the trial Wiggins was
unable to positively identify Raymond Crump as the man standing
over Meyer's body. The prosecution was also handicapped by the
fact that the police had been unable to find the murder weapon at
the scene of the crime or to provide a creditable motive for the
crime. On 29th July, 1965, Crump was acquitted of murdering Mary
Meyer. The case remains unsolved. Cord Meyer commented:

I was satisfied by the conclusions of the police

investigation that Mary had been the victim of a
sexually motivated assault. Later on, some
journalistic speculation was published to the effect
that I was convinced that Mary's death was the result
of some complicated Communist plot. There was no
truth whatever to these stories.
Hunt stated:

According to contemporary reports Mary Pinchot

Meyers was quite beautiful and quite viable. JFK, as
some men do, took advantage of his sisters in terms
of who they knew and who they could bring into the
fold and I think that Mary Meyers was one of them. In
any event poor thing was summarily killed by an
unknown murderer who sped off in the bicycle that
brought him And why nobody knows. Her purse was
not pilfered nothing of a personal nature was taken

from her so we have to it has all the earmarks of a

designed murder. Somebody got a hold of this black
boy and put a pistol in his hands and said “Down
there in the towpath there is a lady who doing
artwork. Kill her.” It could have been I think it was
someone being very protective of Kennedy. I don’t
think it was Angleton although that Angleton and
Mary Meyers connection is still very mysterious and
Angleton died without shedding any light on it.

Hunt also stated:

In 1954, the Kennedys bought an estate just outside

Washington, D.C., where they became neighbors of
the Meyers. Cord's wife and Jackie apparently
became rather friendly and went on walks together.
Then, on October 12, 1964, Mary was tragically
gunned down while walking on a towpath in
Georgetown. By that time, she and Cord had
divorced, and the media did not realize that her
former husband was a high-ranking CIA official.
Neither did they find out about her relationship with
the president, so headlines about the murder quickly
disappeared. Ray Crump, a black man, was arrested
near the scene. Although he was acquitted of the
crime, which remains unsolved, many court
observers said that he got off because he had a good
lawyer. Mary had cautioned at least one close friend
to grab her diary if anything ever happened to her.
Journalist (later editor) Ben Bradlee happened to be
married to Mary's sister, Antoinette, who found the
diary and letters shortly after the death. But there is
an interesting fact here. When the Bradlees arrived at
Mary's house shortly after the murder, they found
James Angleton already there, rummaging around
the house, looking for the diary and letters. No one
has ever mentioned how the CIA official accessed
the house, but Bradlee has said that the door was
locked when he arrived. So does that mean Angleton
broke in? When Antoinette eventually found the
diary, she turned it over to Angleton, who later
admitted that the book detailed the affair, talking
specifically about how Mary and Kennedy would drop

LSD before making love. Mary apparently thought

that JFK's murder had taken place because the
industrial-military complex couldn't allow his mind to
be expanded by the drug. The fact that Angleton was
already in the house when Bradlee got there is
mysterious, as so little time had gone by since the

Journalist Leo Damore wrote in the New York Post

that a CIA source told him that Mary's death was
probably a professional hit because "She had access
to the highest levels. She was involved in illegal drug
activity. What do you think it would do to the
beatification of Kennedy if this woman said, 'It wasn't
Camelot, it was Caligula's court?" So I think it
probably was a professional hit by someone trying to
protect the Kennedy legacy. I don't think that Cord
Meyer killed his ex-wife, and I don't think it was
Angleton either, although he did apparently know that
Mary and Kennedy had carried on the affair. He died
without shedding much light on the matter. Cord
Meyer is dead, too, as is Sturgis. No one ever made
a deathbed confession about either crime.
The day after the death of Mary Pinchot, Angleton went to
her home and gained possession of her diary. Did Angleton break
in? Do bears shit in the woods? In The Old Boys, Burton Hersh
reported a source alleged: "Angleton let himself into [Pinchot's]
house with a key he kept to the place even before the cops turned
up." An FBI Memorandum dated October 14, 1964, disclosed,
"Helms explained that both he and Angleton have been very much
involved with matters pertaining to the death and funeral of Mrs.
Mary Pinchot Meyer." [FBI 62-80750-4255] What Angleton was
trying to protect was traditional American culture for if were known
that Kennedy was dropping acid, a lot of youth in this country would
have done the same. Angleton was from the old school and
believed that someone who had his finger on the nuclear trigger
should not indulge in psychotomimetic drugs. This letter appeared in
the New York Times [?]:

IN ANGLETON'S CUSTODY. We write to correct

what in our opinion is an error in Ben Bradlee's
autobiography, A Good Life. This error occurs in Mr.
Bradlee's account of the discovery and disposition of

Mary Pinchot Meyer's personal diary. The fact is that

Mary Meyer asked Anne Truit to make sure that in
the event of anything happening to Mary while Anne
was in Japan, JAMES Angleton took this diary into
his safekeeping. When she learned that Mary had
been killed, Anne Truitt telephoned person-to-person
from Tokyo for JAMES Angleton. She found him at
Mr. Bradley's house, where Angleton and his wife
Cicely, had been asked to come following the
murder. In the phone call, relaying Mary Meyer's
specific instructions, Anne Truit told Angleton, for the
first time, that there was a diary; and, in accordance
with Mary Meyer's explicit request, Anne Truitt asked
Angleton to search for and take charge of the diary.
Consequently, according to Cicely Angleton, those
present agreed that a search would be made. This
search was carried out, Mrs. Angleton affirms, in
Mary Meyer's house in the presence of her sister,
Tony Bradlee; the Angleton'S, and one other friend of
Mary Meyer's. When Tony Bradlee found the diary
and several papers bundled together in Mary Meyer's
studio, she gave the entire package to Angleton and
asked him to burn it. Angleton followed this
instruction in part by burning the loose papers. He
also followed Mary Meyer's instruction and
safeguarded the diary. Some years later he honored
a request by Tony Bradlee that he deliver it to her.
Subsequently Tony Bradlee burned the diary in the
presence of Ann Truitt. Cicly Angleton, Anne Truit,
Arlington, Virginia.

In 1969 James Truitt was declared insane. He lost his job at

The Washington Post and moved to Mexico. James Truitt, 60,
committed suicide on November 18, 1981, at San Miguel de
Allende, Mexico.


RAYMOND ROCCA (born February 22, 1917) was reputedly

Angleton'S chief deputy. Raymond Rocca attended the University of
California at Berkeley, where he studied Fascist Italy. In 1942 he
received a Doctorate Degree in 1942. He went into the Analytical
Section of the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service, where he
learned content analysis as a Italian broadcast analyst. He joined
the OSS Counter-Intelligence component in April 1944. He
remained in Italy in the service of the OSS and its successor
agencies, the Strategic Services Unit and the CIA. Raymond Rocca
met Angleton in August 1944 and became his executive assistant.
Raymond Rocca remained in Italy until after the 1948 elections and
was Angleton'S liaison with the Italian intelligence service until his
own return to Washington in the Summer of 1953. Raymond Rocca
joined the DD/P Counter-Intelligence Staff in July 1955, as chief of
its Research and Analysis Group. His functions there included
production and editing of finished Counter-Intelligence studies, case
studies, briefings, defector debriefings, accumulation of Counter-
Intelligence doctrine, and research, stimulation and participation in
Counter-Intelligence training. In July 1969 Raymond Rocca became
Deputy Chief of the Counter-Intelligence Staff. Clare Edward Petty
reported: "Rocca was the head of a CI section called Research and
Analysis, CI/R&A. He was very close to Angleton and sometimes he
acted as his deputy, but did not have the title. For several years
before he died James Hunt was Angleton'S deputy and acted with
full authority when Angleton was gone. He had an office next to
Angleton'S. Then Hunt died. Angleton was one of these people who
didn't really have a deputy per se. Angleton wanted, like a lot
people, to run his own show, and did not wish to admit anybody was


his deputy." After the Big Event Rocca ordered his subordinate Paul
Hartman to make sure Oswald didn’t show up in any of the Agency’s
index. In 1975 Hartman prepared a memo for DCIA William Colby
that Colby used to assure Dan Rather and Les Midgely that Oswald
had no CIA connection. He also attempted to explain why Oswald
was not interviewed after he redefected. Rocco and Angleton were
masters of deception. [CIA JFK doc number 579-250]

It is widely believed that David Phillips used the code name

BISHOP when he worked for the CIA. On the same page of
Oswald’s address book that the name Hemming appeared, the word
“Bisop” appeared.



DAVID ATLEE PHILLIPS was born in Fort Worth, Texas, on

October 31, 1922 - a spook who was born on Halloween. He
attended Texas Christian University and worked as an actor until
World War II intervened. Phillips served as a nose gunner in the
Army Air Corps. He was shot down over Austria, but returned to the
Allied lines after twice escaping from German prison camps. In 1948
Phillips married an airline stewardess and, with a $200 a month
option on a play he had written that was never produced, he and his
bride decided to go to Chile to live cheaply. In Chile he purchased
Latin America's oldest English-language newspaper, The South
Pacific Mail. Because of this he was approached by the CIA and
asked to pose as Chief of Station in Santiago, Chile, so that the CIA
could observe the extent of KGB surveillance. Phillips told The
Washington Post: "I was to be a 'dangle.' Word was to be leaked out
in Chile that I was chief of American intelligence there. Sure
enough, a KGB agent soon began to cultivate me. I was at the time
being paid $50 a month for my services. When that Soviet showed
up it occurred to me I should be getting more." [Washington Post
7.2.75] Phillips career with the CIA began in Chile on February 1,
1951 when he took a job as a contract agent at $600 per month with
a term that ended February 28, 1951. He again entered on duty on
January 25, 1952 and was paid $6,000 per year with a term that
ended on August 31, 1953. On March 4, 1954 Phillips entered on

duty as a Contract Employee at $7200 per year. On August 1, 1954

his pay was increased to $8360 per year with a term ending March
31, 1955. At this time Phillips was Hunt’s Deputy Chief for
Propaganda and he left Chile to become, according to Who's Who,
"a lecturer on Latin America." Hunt’s CIA assignment in 1953 was
the overthrow of President Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala - Project
PB SUCCESS. Hunt worked closely with DAVID Phillips on this

The word “Mockbd” appeared in Oswald’s address book

disguised as the Russian word for Moscow. Beginning in the early
1950’s the CIA maintained a network of several hundred foreign
individuals around the world who provided intelligence for the CIA
and at times attempted to influence opinion through the use of
covert propaganda. These individuals provided the CIA with direct
access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of
press services and news agencies, radio and television stations,
commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.
Mockingbird was very active during the overthrow of President
Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in Guatemala during Operation
PBSUCCESS. People like Henry Luce were able to censor stories
that appeared too sympathetic towards the plight of Arbenz. Allen
W. Dulles was even able to keep left-wing journalists from travelling
to Guatemala, including Sydney Gruson of the New York Times.
Howard Hunt and DAVID Phillips played a major part in Operation




A CIA telex dated October 4, 1963, read:

DIR 73214 of Oct 4, 63: “Mr David Phillips, newly

appointed Chief PBRUMEN [Cuba] Ops in MEXI will


arrive October 7, 1963 EAL FL 655 for two days

consultations WAVE [NARA #104-10046-10003].

On October 7, 1963, MM T-1 (Howard Kenneth

Davis) advised that ANTONIO VECIANA, with the
SNFE Alpha 66, had recently received money from
the delegation in Atlanta. VECIANA said that in order
to assure that the FBI would not know the destination
of the money he had arranged to have five letters
sent to the delegation in Atlanta which appeared to
come from Cuban refugee in Miami asking for
assistance from the Atlanta delegation. According to
VECIANA, the delegation in Atlanta is an aid society
existing in that city.

WAVE was the Special Activities Section field station in

Miami. Other names on this document included Samuel Halpern, J.
Albert Hauser (?) R.R. Hathwell (?) And Arthur A. Maloney." [NARA
CIA 1993.07.19.14:19:04:590620] In the late 1950s Samuel Halpern
was executive assistant to Desmond FitzGerald, the chief of the Far
Eastern Division of the CIA. He also worked as one of FitzGerald's
operations officers in Saigon during the early stages of the Vietnam
War. In 1961 Halpern worked with Richard Bissell and Desmond
FitzGerald in the various plots to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba.
Samuel Halpern was the executive assistant to Bill Harvey in Task
Force W before and during after the missile crisis. Task Force W
mission was to bring down the Castro government. As for Maloney:

HQS. Desires provide demolition and incendiary

materials to AMBANG group being infiltrated near
future. (Deleted) two each demolition kits (D) and
incendiary kits (F) in cache containers would suffice.
Otherwise similar amounts and type materials in
container of WAVE choosing will do. Also wish
provide six each pistols with silencers and fifty
C/SAS/MOB. August 20, 1963.

Peter Dale Scott believed, “From about October 1, 1963 to

October 9, 1963 Phillips made a quick trip, authorized by the


Special Affairs Staff to Washington and then Miami.” But something

stank about this: David E. Kaiser reported,

Phillips gave careful but often informative testimony

during his [second’ appearance before the HSCA,
though he also had to acknowledge an extraordinary
fabrication in his November 1976 testimony. On that
occasion Sprague questioned him at length about
Oswald's visit to Mexico City and the preparation of
the October 8, 1963 cable in which the CIA station
had informed Washington of Oswald's contact with
the Soviets. Although Phillips did not sign the cable,
he claimed to have remembered preparing it and
speaking to the officer responsible for reporting on
the Soviet Embassy to make sure it went out. Like so
many other CIA officers, he assured the committee
that the written record reflected everything there was
to know. But during his second appearance, when a
committee counsel presented him with another cable
proving that Phillips was in Washington, D.C., from at
least September 30, 1963 until October 7, 1963, and
spent the next two days in Miami, he had to admit
that his earlier testimony must have been incorrect.
Mr. Phillips: “Mr. David Phillips newly assigned chief PB
room in Ops” --- that means Cuban operations – in Mexico “will
arrive October 7, 1963 Eastern Air Lines for two days consultation.”
This it to the station in Miami. “Not necessary meet or make
reservations for Mexico. Mr. Phillips ETA October 9, 1963 on Guest
Air Lines.” So this would be a cable from headquarters saying that I
was stopping by in Miami for two days.

Mr. Goldsmith. So it seems to indicate that at the very least, form

September 30, 1963 until October 9, 1963 you were not in Mexico

Mr. Phillips: It certainly does.

Do you recall now where you were at that time?

Mr. Phillips. It was during this period that I learned that I was going
to be shifted from one job to another and go to Cuban operations,
so I obviously went back to headquarters to discuss Cuban


operations, and on the way stopped because Miami was concerned

with Cuba, on the way back.

Mr. Goldsmith. Well, it would seem that the more fundamental

question is not even so much do you recall where you were, but on
what basis you gave testimony to the Committee in November of '76
and earlier today describing conversation that you had with Mr.
(deleted) and the cable that was to be sent out when in fact you
weren't even there.

Mr. Phillips. Yes, it does.

Mr. Goldsmith. Is there any way that you could explain that?

Mr. Phillips. No, sir, I cannot. The only explanation that I can give is
that I was suddenly involved in this Cuban business at a time when
a lot was happening, and that when I was asked to testify in 1976,
so many years later, my recollection of the events was that I was
involved in Cuban matters, as indeed I would have been during that
temporary duty in headquarters. I did not know -- I did not recall that
I was at headquarters during that time.

The bottle line is that Phillips was a spook. For all you know
he could be hiding up your asshole. You think he is here but he is
really there and you never saw him leave. If Hunt was he met
Oswald in Mexico City, then he met him there. After the Bay of Pigs,
Phillips assumed diplomatic cover and was transferred to the
American Embassy, Mexico City, where he remained until March
1964. Phillips worked under Winston Scott in the number three
position at the Mexico City station, "the job Howard Hunt had held in
the early 1950's." In this position, Phillips oversaw the operations
being conducted against the Cubans and Soviets in Mexico City
during September and October 1963. Former HSCA investigator
Dan Hardway stated:

Phillips was in Washington and Miami at that point.

Phillips wrote that he was in Mexico City in his book,
and we found the documentation that showed that he
was TDY out of there. In front of the Committee he
acknowledged that evidently he was not there.
HSCA researcher Dan Hardway was convinced that Phillips
was in Washington during the time Oswald was in Mexico City.
Gaeton Fonzi agreed.


Oswald was in Mexico City from September 27, 1963 to

October 3, 1963. All Phillips needed was one hour with Oswald to
brief him as to his alleged CIA sanctioned mission. He didn’t have to
hold Oswald’s hand the entire week Oswald was in Mexico City,
Sylvia Duran would do that. Phillips definitely could have hooked up
with him. This is one thing that this researcher and his former
adversary Howard Hunt agree upon:

That later business of Oswald visiting the Soviet

Embassy in Mexico City; Phillips certainly knew
about that. Well it’s claimed that [Oswald and Phillips]
did meet and apparently there is some documentary
evidence to that effect but at that time Phillips was
Chief of Station in Mexico City. Well what can I say I
don’t think that DAVE Phillips responded
appropriately to the meeting with Oswald because
after all there was the surveillance that the Station
maintained at the Cuban Embassy and of course
they spotted Oswald although nobody at that time
anticipated that he would be a major figure? DAVE,
his reporting was not that good. I think that anybody
who had lived in the Soviet Union and renounced
American citizenship to do so and then recanted that
and took up a form of life that was a way of life that
was inimical to the United States interests but very
much in line for what the Soviet Union did I think that
that person was a natural subject for contact and
investigation and that although Phillips was not an
investigator maybe received direct orders to go after
Oswald and see if he can recruit him. That whole
history of Oswald’s defection is a little uncertain as
far as I am concerned because he came over with
too much baggage and that was revealed later on
and nobody knew it at the time but I think the Bureau
was more cautious then what they did with him than
CIA did. I am assuming that over the years any
contact reports between Phillips and Oswald was a
matter of record. You can almost say if there is
nothing in the file then it never existed. We know that
it did exist.

While he always denied it, there has been enough

speculation that David Atlee Phillips—using the

pseudonym Maurice Bishop—met with Oswald in

Mexico City before the assassination to have him
called up in front of the HSCA to refute the
allegations. After the Bay of Pigs, Phillips helped
formulate plans to assassinate Castro and was
named chief of Cuban Operations in 1963. In Miami,
he helped support Alpha 66—an infamous anti-
Castro group that made guerilla forays against
Cuba—and reportedly told the organization's
founder, Antonio Veciana, that he hoped to provoke
the United States into interceding in Cuba by "putting
Kennedy's back to the wall."

Hunt wrote:

While many buffs cast a jaundiced eye on Phillips's

meeting with Oswald in Mexico City, if it happened, it
would have been entirely appropriate for Phillips to
meet with the man, as Phillips was station chief, and
the station maintained surveillance of the Cuban
embassy. Oswald had been spotted visiting there.
The meeting may have been completely on the up
and up, with Phillips trying to recruit Oswald. The CIA
had a general policy that if we came across an
interesting figure—and Oswald would certainly have
been of interest as a U.S. defector who married a
Soviet—he would have been a natural target for any
alert CIA officer. Phillips might have even given
Oswald orders for some operation in Mexico, but
the bureaucratic steps for something like that were
pretty well established, so there should have been a
paper trail left behind. If you're dealing with an
American who's living abroad, then one set of
procedural rules is followed. If the proposed asset is
not American, there is another set of procedures and
qualifications that come into play. Oswald, of course,
would have been considered an American citizen. He
had been in the Marine Corps, and so recruiting him,
whether in Mexico or the United States, had a fixed
set of requirements. Could Phillips have tried to
recruit Oswald on the sly? He certainly had the ability
and the knowledge. I mean, we are talking about
David Phillips, one of the most effective agents I

have ever known. But precisely because of that, I

cannot see Philips having anything to do with such
an operation. He was a professional's professional
who took orders from the top and would have
considered the presidency an inviolable position.

It's been written that I was working in Mexico when

Lee Harvey Oswald went there. But if he was in
Mexico City, I did not know about him at that time. I
had no reason to know anything about him, as there
was no general alert on Oswald anywhere, and I
never heard his name until I read it in the newspaper
after he killed Kennedy. As far as I know, Oswald had
no connection with the CIA at all, unless there was
some contact initiated by Phillips because of the U.S.
citizen's previous defection and return. Someone
may have tried to flip him, because it was very
strange that he was ever allowed back into the
United States.

Hunt putting Oswald and Phillips together in Mexico City is

extraordinary since in indicates that Hunt is now stating something
that is in opposition to the Warren Commission. Hunt, however,
claims that Phillips was trying to recruit Oswald to become a CIA
informant but then says Phillips was not a recruiter. Could it have
been Hunt who met with Oswald and he is doing a limited hangout?
Did Hunt take over for Phillips after Phillips left?

Hunt writes, “It's been written that I was working in Mexico

when Lee Harvey Oswald went there. But if he was in Mexico City, I
did not know about him at that time” That sentence implies that Hunt
was in Mexico City when Oswald visited there but did not run into
Oswald. This is interesting in light of the fact that there is a letter
whose authenticity is in dispute that was allegedly mailed to Hunt by
Oswald then mailed to assassination researchers from Mexico City.
Hunt and Phillips might have double-teamed Oswald. According to
one CIA document Phillips was head of Covert Action from
September 1961 to March 1964. Traces on Hunt have been deleted.


CIA seems to have altered Phillips tenure as Chief of anti-

Cuban Ops to August 1963 to June 1965”

There was even more confusion about Hunt:

3. Mr. McSherry advised the writer of Mr. Phillips'

principal concern-- that he not be caught by surprise
by anything in Mr. Buckley's security file of which he
was not already aware. After being briefed, Mr.
Phillips told Mr. McSherry that Western Hemisphere
Division already had the information contained in the
briefing. For Office of Security record purposes, he
noted further that Mr. E. Howard Hunt, Jr. had not
been Chief of Station or Chief of Mission in Mexico
City as indicated in Mr. Hunt's security file. Rather,
he had been Chief of Covert Action operations. Mr.
Phillips, as a matter of fact, was Mr. Hunt's replace-
ment in that post. NARA Record Number: 104-



S.A. WARREN C. DeBRUEYS entered the FBI in August 1950. His

assignments included work in the Newark Division, and work
overseas. S.A. DeBRUEYS was used by the CIA when he served
as Legal Attaché at the United States Embassies in Brazil, Mexico,
and Argentina. The post of Legal Attaché in Latin and Central
America had been co-opted by the CIA: when Central Intelligence
Group was formed on January 22, 1946, the FBI abruptly withdrew
its intelligence service from Latin America. This function was
immediately taken over by the Central Intelligence Group and the
FBI Legal Attaches who remained were co-opted. Hunt: "South of
the Rio Grande, CIA Station Chiefs were almost entirely former FBI
agents who had served in Latin America during the war." [Hunt
Undercover p68; RR p47] S.A. DeBRUEYS was heavily involved in
monitoring Cuban exiles after he returned to the United States. [PLP
News 2.6.75; Weisberg Oswald in New Orleans p316; FBI 62-
109060-7456; CIA 3076; 7WH476; USSS CO-5-36,777] The name
"Warrin DeBryuelu" (WARREN DeBRUEYS) appeared in Oswald
address book, disguised as two Russian words.



A CIA Office of Security memorandum on Oswald’s address

book noted that he recorded on page 13: Ed Toraz or Editorial
Director P.O. Box 2119 U P O New York, N.Y. Account No. 38210
The CIA Office of Security reported:


Office of Security files contain no information

identifiable with the above. It was noted that CIA
Cable IN 68452 from Managua dated November 26,
1963, relating to the Oswald matter, contains
information regarding one E. Torres (probably
Edelberto Torres of Mexico City) Torres is also
mentioned in Cable IN 68376 from Mexico City dated
November 26, 1963. Other than the phonetic
similarity, there is no reason to relate Torres with the
item in the address book. [CIA 646-277]

The CIA transcribed "Editor/Director" as "Ed Toraz,"

however, a closer examination shows the entry read ED I Toraz.
Get rid of the E and it read DI TORAZ, or reverse the ED to DE as in
Bernardo De Torres. A check with the postal authorities indicated
"that Ed Toraz is unknown at Post Office Box 2119 (G.P.O.) Present
Box holder - Vantage Press 130 W. 37th Street, New York City, has
had this box since 1960." [Ltr. to A.J.W. dated 11.30.76 from John
Strachan] Vantage Press was a vanity publishing house. The CIA
had subsidized many anti-Communist books during the 1950's and
1960's, and someone may have set up an account for Oswald with
Vantage, although the account number was written in a different ink.
[CIA 646-277] The SSCIA reported that Howard Hunt was in charge
of contacts with U.S. publishers in the late 1960's. [SSCIA For. &
Mil. Intell. V1 p198] No investigation of this account was ever
(born March 26, 1934) Havana Province, Cuba told the CIA that he
entered the United States in January 1955 and began to play
professional baseball. He gave up studies in Civil Engineering (he
began his career in 1943) and he obtained work at the Ford Motor
Company. He told the FBI that he completed his high school
education in Havana, Cuba, and had not attended school in the
United States. Bernardo De Torres went to Cuba in January 1959 to
attempt to exfiltrate his father. He stayed in Havana and worked
against the Castro regime until November 1959 when he returned to
the U.S. After his arrival, he took a course given by the Miami Police
Department for private detectives, and obtained a certificate that
allowed him to practice as a detective, which he did for the private
detective firm of his brother Carlos De Torres. He made trips to
Cuba in early 1960, where he discussed shipments of arms to anti-
Castro forces. Bernardo De Torres enlisted in February 1961. He
was Chief of Intelligence of Brigade 2506.


All 2506 Brigade enlistees were routinely processed

for Provisional Operational Approval and a request
for a POA on Subject was submitted on March 2,
1961 and cancelled on April 4, 1962. It is extremely
doubtful is Subject was aware at the time of his
enlistment that he knew of any CIA relationship with
the 2506 Brigade. The investigative phase of the
POA indicates that USG interest would be revealed
but CIA interest in Subject would not be revealed.
Subject’s file reveals no operational use of Subject
following the cancellation of this POA on April 4,
1962. William C. Sturbitts May 12, 1978.

Bernardo was captured at the Bay of Pigs, and returned to

America in December 24, 1962 after a $50,000 ransom was paid.
He later became Assistant Secretary for Military Affairs of the
Brigade. De Torres worked under David Sanchez Morales. In 1963
De Torres resumed work as a private investigator. According to
Gerry P. Hemming, De Torres worked for Charles Siragusa, who
was involved in foreign assassinations.

When The Washington Post of January 20, 1967, carried an

article in which Bernardo De Torres said he helped the Secret
Service guard the President in Miami, William Branigan checked
with that agency. According to Bernardo De Torres, the United
States Secret Service requested his help in spotting potential Cuban
assassins. [Miami Herald 2.19.67] The United States Secret Service
admitted it contacted several Cuban groups before the visit and
asked for their assistance. Brigade 2506 was one of the groups
contacted but the Secret Service denied talking to Bernardo De
Torres. The Secret Service: "De TORRES is known to be a member
of Brigade 2506, but not known as one of the top leaders. Some
Cubans did mingle in the crowd to try to identify trouble makers."
The FBI files indicated Bernardo De Torres was military commander
of Brigade 2506. William Branigan suggested using Bernardo De
Torres as informer to William C. Sullivan and J. Edgar Hoover. [FBI
62-109060-NR 2.23.67, 1.27.67, 3.2.67, 5539, 455; FBI
10582555iNR 3.2.67] J. Edgar Hoover commented: "Be certain we
don't use De TORRES as an informant or in any capacity." The
Miami FBI Office reported that Bernardo De Torres was never an
informant, Potential Security Informant, or source of information.


No one was trying to frame Hemming for the Kennedy

assassination. Hemming was not at the Miami Airport on Monday,
November 18, 1963, and has constructed a smoke screen with no
documents to support him. The only article that gave credence to
Hemming’s story concerned Bernardo De Torres, who was involved
with Hemming in the assassination.

FBI S.A. JAMES P. HOSTY, who was in charge of the pre and post
assassination Oswald investigations, was told
Oswald was some sort of counter-intelligence
operation or detected it. Hemming told this
researcher: "A lot of them Bureau people are just
stooging around and they're told to stay away from
certain areas that involve national security and they
swallow that shit. He knew the guy was more than
what he was supposed to be." S.A. Hosty suppressed the truth
about Oswald because he was, and still is, a right-winger who
prefers to blame the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on
the Left. After the assassination, S.A. Hosty destroyed evidence that
indicated he knew Oswald was not a bona fide Leftist. J. Edgar
Hoover and the Dallas FBI Field Office were determined to
characterize Oswald as a "loner" so the Bureau would not be
accused of having overlooked a broader conspiracy.
A former policeman in Fulgencio Batista's Cuba, De Torres
close associate Jose Migel Battle assisted the Central Intelligence
Agency in the early 1960s in training Cuban exiles and personally
volunteering as a soldier in the Cuban liberation effort of the Bay of
Pigs Invasion in April 1961. In 2004 Battle Sr, his son Jr., and 21
other key aid members and associates of his gang were indicted
and charged with five murders, four arson attacks resulting in eight
deaths, and more than $1.5 billion collected from drug trafficking,
bookmaking, and numbers rackets.[3]





CARLOS BRINGUIER was born in 1934 in Havana, Cuba.

His father was a Criminal Court Judge from 1939 to 1959. In 1954
he worked as an assistant secretary in the Criminal Court of
Havana. Bringuier: "Under Fulgencio Batista, the criminal system
was working very well. You can say that not a single innocent
people were sent to jail. After Castro, it deteriorated. Many, many,
many, violations. I thought I was at the will of a small group, a
minority of Communists who were trying to destroy the island."
Bringuier was in Argentina when Fidel Castro took power. He
engaged in anti-Castro activity there. When Bringuier returned to
Cuba he resumed his duties as a Criminal Court official and
secretary in Havana. Bringuier was a delegate of the Directorio
Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE). The DRE began as an anti-
Batista organization at the University of Havana, and established a
force in the Escambray Mountains of Cuba. The DRE took over the
presidential palace for Fidel Castro in January 1959, but was not
given a significant share in the post-revolutionary government.
MM T-2 on April 3, 1959, advised that the DR is a
more radical organization than the July 26 Movement
and is doing the “dirty work” for the Castro
government. MM T-2 said that the DR is publishing a
newspaper known as “El Combate.”

On April 30, 1959, MANUEL COBO SAUSA,

identified himself as a lawyer and vice national
secretary of the Triple A organization which he
described as a Cuban revolutionary organization
which participated in the fight to overthrow former
stated that the DR has lost its identity and is not a

close knit organization at present. It is not well

thought of by other organizations as its members
were considered too much given to acts of violence.
Many of its followers have left the organization.
The DRE took up arms against Fidel Castro. The DRE set
up shop in the United States under the aegis of CIA. CIA official
David Atlee Phillips ran this exile operation. When the CIA Office of
Security was asked to comment on Bringuier’S name appearing in
Oswald’s address book it stated, “No information could be found in
OS on this person; however, he has been identified as the New
Orleans delegate to the DRE.” It was impossible for the OS not to
have had traces on Bringuier but it just did not want to go into it. JFK
put an end to the DRE’s paramilitary activities:

[FBI 124-10281-10085 04/05/1963]

The original DR became Communist controlled and

directed, While the Agency had no role in the
founding, the DRE was an entity used by the CIA as
a unilateral asset in pursuing U.S. policy objectives.
CIA support to the DRE ceased on 30 September
1966 and formally terminated on 1 January 1967. At
that time DRE files were reviewed and material
dealing with CIA support and operations were either
destroyed or turned over the JMWAVE Station. The
DRE was expected to continue as an organizational
entity and continue its activities independent of CIA.
[CIA July 2017 release]


DAVID SANCHEZ MORALES was born on August 26,

1925. He spent his early life in Phoenix, Arizona. A Mexican-
American, Morales was later to be nicknamed “El Indio” because of
his dark skin and Indian features. Morales was also known as “Didi.”
As a boy his best friend was Ruben Carbajal. They both attended
Soledad Cathlic Grammar School. After his mother divorced his
father he was virtually adopted by Carbajal's parents. Morales
attended Arizona State College in Tempe (now Arizona State
University) during the 1944-45 school year before moving to Los
Angeles and attending the University of Southern California (1945-
46). Morales joined the United States Army in 1946 and after basic
training was sent to Germany where he was part of the Allied
occupation force. According to Ruben Carbajal, Morales was
recruited into army intelligence in 1947. However, officially he was a
member of 82nd Airborne. It was during this time he began
associating with Ted Shackley and William Harvey. In 1951 became
an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency while retaining his
army cover. The following year he joined the Directorate for Plans.

During a CIA award presentation it was revealed:

Mr. Morales spent more than twenty years in the field

in several different installations in the areas of
Europe, Latin America and East Asia. He held senior
level positions engaged in FI, CI, CA and PM
operations. His record includes such items as


participation in key roles in both of Latin American

Division two major PM/ politicial action operations
plus tours as [27, 13-21] Laos (supervised 45
employees) and, Regional Officer in Charge [15-22]
Vietnam (supervised 60 employees). These
assignments were carried out in war zones requiring
considerable personal courage.

In 1953 he returned to the United States and after a spell at the

University of Maryland he assumed cover as a State Department
employee. Morales became involved a plan to remove unfriendly
foreign leaders from power. This included a coup d'état that
overthrew the Guatemalan government of Jacobo Arbenz in 1954
after he introduced land reforms and nationalized the United Fruit
Company. This operation was called PBSUCCESS and involved
Hunt and Phillips. After the removal of Arbenz he joined the staff of
the US embassy in Caracas (1955-58). During this time he became
known as the CIA's top assassin in Latin America. Morales moved
to Cuba in 1958 and helped to support the government of Fulgencio
Batista. In 1960 Wayne S. Smith was a State Department officer in
the American Embassy in Havana. Smith tells the story of being in a
bar in Havana with Morales. After a heavy drinking session Morales
began talking about the CIA’s secret operations that involved frog
men operating out of Guantanamo Bay. Smith told Gaeton Fonzi
that Morales was very indiscrete when drunk. In November, 1961,
William Harvey arranged for Morales to be posted to JMWAVE, the
CIA station in Miami. Morales was operations chief for the CIA's
covert operation to train and infiltrate teams into Cuba to destabilize
the Castro government. Morales reported directly to veteran Agency

covert operator Ted Shackley, who was the Agency’s Miami bureau

Mr. Morales was commended twice by Chiefs of

Station while assigned to the Cuban operation; by the
DCIA for service in the [deleted as of 2010 11] during
the crisis; by the King of Laos during his assignment
in Laos and by the Government of Vietnam for his
service in that country.

In May, 1962, Morales was seconded to ZR/RIFLE, the plot

to assassinate Fidel Castro. During this period he worked closely
with David Atlee Phillips, Tracy Barnes, William Pawley, Johnny
Roselli and John Martino. David Morales was involved in other
covert operations of the CIA, reportedly including plots to
assassinate Fidel Castro, training intelligence teams supporting the
Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, In this capacity he worked with
Bernardo De Torres, who would later become Intelligence Chief for
the Bay of Pigs Brigade.

BERNARD L. BARKER (201-251689) was born in Havana,

Cuba, on March 17, 1917, of a native-born American father and a
Cuban mother. His birth was recorded at the U.S. Embassy, and he
was recognized as having acquired U.S. citizenship by birth through
his father. He traveled, not on a U.S. Passport, but on an identity
card that proclaimed his U.S. citizenship.


Barker was in the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War II from
1942 to 1947. He served with the 94th Bombardment Group based
at Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. Captain Barker was shot
down on his 12th mission over Germany, and was a POW for 16
months until he was liberated by Russian guerrillas and returned to
American lines. Hunt declared: "In 1948 the Havana CIA Station
persuaded him to join the Havana Police Force so that the CIA
could have an inside view of Cuban anti-subversive operations.
After a few years, when Bernie applied for passport renewal, the
Consulate coldly informed him that he had lost his United States
citizenship by joining a uniformed force of a foreign country." Hunt’s
friend, attorney Mario Lazo, took Barker'S case. Mario Lazo was
listed as a reference in Barker'S 210 file.


It was alleged that Barker was a high-ranking member of
Cuba's Bureau for Suppression of Communism while on the CIA's
payroll. [FBI MM 139-328] When Barker was deposed in the course
of Hunt v. Weberman, he denied participating in the Bureau for
Suppression of Communism: "I never held any position with
Batista's Secret Police. I was a member of the Cuban Police
Department for about a year. My duties were those of regular Police
Sergeant. I was not involved in any political matters. I was in contact
with U.S. intelligence. I don't remember the nature of the cases I
investigated. I was a CIA contract agent." The CIA had this version
of events:

In 1950, along with several Cuban-born U.S. citizens

who were war veterans, he entered the Cuban police
force, where his bilingual abilities soon brought him
advancement. Barker'S relationship with the CIA
began in mid-1959 in Havana as a result of his
position in the Cuban police force, under the Batista
regime, in which capacity he was detailed to liaison
duty with U.S. agencies in Havana. He was used by
the CIA in Havana as a source of political information
and recruited a number of valuable CIA agents in

Barker'S 201 file indicated that he worked for the Cuban

Police Department from 1950 to 1951. He did general police work
and left because the ouster of the Chief of Police resulted in the


disbandment of the unit. Barker bought a farm in the Pinar Del Rio
Provence of Cuba and became a labor inspector for the Cuban
Government. He left this position to work for Remington Rand as a
salesman. In January 1955 he became a housing inspector for the
Marianao Municipal Government. His reason for having left this
position was "Cuban revolution."

Barker was expeditiously evacuated from Cuba and arrived

in Miami in January 1960. The CIA:
On basis review AMCLATTER-1 personal security
situation, Station concludes his usefulness in Havana
ended and strongly recommends he be exfiltrated by
most expeditious means. Suggest follows:
Headquarters send KURIOT man soonest from
Miami to Havana traveling as tourist by air on false
American documentation including birth certificate,
drivers license, social security card etc. in
AMCLATTER-1 physical description: Age 42, 5' 8",
160 pounds, brown thinning hair and eyes, round
face, stocky build. (speaks idiomatic American
English without accent and can pass physically as
native American.) Preferably one document to which
he will affix photo and plastic lamination. KURIOT
man to turn over Cuban landing card, round trip air
ticket and false documents to AMCLATTER-1 who
would then return Miami by Varadero. As alternative
HQS arrange with ODUNIT attaché exfiltrate
AMCLATTER-1 directly on Attache plane. Re;
Disposal AMCLATTER-1, he has indicated desire to
regain American citizenship and has requested
KUBARK training. In view of his valuable services
ODYOKE, native fluency Spanish and knownledge
Cuban scene, recommend he be given training as
appropriate and assisted relocate Miami where he
could be of assistance to KARNLEY. OS
COMMENT” AMCLATTER-1 informed Station that
agents in military searched his house morning
January 6, 1960.

The CIA agent who was sent into Cuba left the island on a flight that
carried Station files and Recordak equipment.


JAMES WALTER MCCORD was born on January 26, 1924,

in Waurika, Oklahoma. From March 1943 to November 1943, he
was a FBI Radio Operator and monitor. He became a bombardier in
the U.S. Air Corps from November 1943 to November 1945.
McCord was an FBI Agent from 1945 to 1951. In 1951 he opened a
cooperative credit service. He joined the CIA as an Domestic Field
Officer investigator for the Office of Security. In July 1953 McCord
was assigned to Washington, D.C. In May 1955 McCord was
assigned to the Security Research Staff, Office of Security. On June
27, 1958, a U.S. Air Force C-118 cargo plane strayed into Soviet
airspace. The nine-man crew were en route from Wiesbaden,
Germany, to Iran and Pakistan, carrying a CIA cargo. Part of the
crew were surrounded and beaten by Russian peasants. The
crewmen, who did not compromise any CIA operations, were
released on July 8, 1958. A document about this incident appeared
in McCord'S CIA file. Bennie A. Shupe, a C-188 crew member, was
contacted in December 1993: "I cannot tell you how McCord
interfaced with the operation."
A Memorandum for the Record, dated February 1, 1961,
from Kammer. Subject: (deleted) #188074 stated:

On this date Subject's case was coordinated with Mr.

McCord of Security Research Service, in connection
with Subject's operational use with the US by
WH/4/Propaganda. The implications of a Counter-


Intelligence operation within the States by this

Agency, and the possibility Subject might come to the
attention of the FBI through association with Court
Wood, were discussed. Mr. McCord expressed the
opinion that it is not necessary to advise the FBI of
the operation at this time. However, he wishes to
review the case in a month. The file of the Subject,
along with that of the WH man who is supervising the
operation (David Atlee Phillips #40695) will be
pended for the attention of Mr. McCord on March 1,

A CIA document dated February 1, 1961, about the Fair Play

for Cuba Committee stated
ATTN: Mr. Belt
VIA: WH/4/Security
ATTN: Mr. Kennedy
Subj: Fair Play for Cuba Committee
1. At the request of DAVE Phillips,
C/WH/4/Propaganda, I spent the evening of January
6, 1961, with Court Wood, a student who has
recently returned from the 3-week stay in Cuba under
sponsorship of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.

2. Court and his father both have voiced very strong

pro-Castro sentiments and are extremely critical of
our foreign policy in general.

3. I've been advised by Mr. Phillips to continue my

relationship with Mr. Wood and I will keep your office
informed of each subsequent visit.

4. This is forwarded to you as a matter of information

and to become a permanent part of my security file.



[Handwritten note] February 1, 1961, M/R Subject

stated this is operational with no specific goal in
mind. (Deleted) and Wood went to high school


together and although they travel in different circles

they on occasion see each other. Wood has (deleted)
is a (illegible) player beginning with the time (deleted)
file applicant. (Deleted).

McCORD 1962

AGENCY BIO INFO: October 1948 to February 1951 Special

Agent FBI Washington D.C. Agency August 1951 to May 1953,
Investigator, Domestic Field Office. Junes 1953 to February 1954
Investigator, Correspondent Desk, Operations Branch, Special
Security Division. March 1954 to December 1954, Investigator,
External Branch, Security Research Staff. January 1955 to April
1957 Investigator (Chief) External Branch, Security Research Staff.
January 1955 to April 1957, Investigator, (Chief) External Branch,
Security Research Staff. May 1957 to January 1962, Deputy Chief,
Security Research Staff. February 1962 to May 1962 training for
overseas assignment. June 1962 to June 1964 Chief, Regional
Security Staff in (deleted). August 1964 to June 1965 – Attending
Air War College July 1965 to present Chief, Technical Division,
Office of Security. [CIA FOIA #2146-78]

In May 1962 James McCord was made Chief of the Security

Staff in (deleted) European area. "Subject returned (deleted) to
Headquarters in August 1964 and was assigned to the (deleted)."
On March 20, 1963 the CIA generated this document: "52 049,
McCord, JAMES (deleted) I SD/I FINAL Francis R. Favorini Hdqs.-
orig. Hdqs. - 1 (Deleted) 1." A CIA document also dated March 20,
1963, noted that Mrs. McCord arrived aboard a military flight at
McGuire Air Force Base where she was met by a CIA official and
assisted through customs after which she flew to Dallas then
Lubbock, Texas. Another CIA document read "As of November
1963 McCord (OS #52 049) was serving in (deleted) as Chief of the
Agency Regional Security Support Staff. McCord was so assigned
from June 1962 to June 1964." Edward Petty reported that Angleton
was in touch with McCord.


James McCord allegedly retired from the CIA in 1970, but
remained in the CIA Civilian Reserve Program. [CIA MFF 8.25.70
Louis F. Mazza, Chief, Employee Activity Branch] The following


statement by McCord was found in his CIA retirement application

under CIARDS:

During the latter part of 1955 to 1962 period the

writer was case officer for three agents for DD/P
whose task was to gain entry to prisons in Cuba and
obtain data and photographs concerning their layout
and operation. These were prisons where three
agency staffers were being held. Two of the agents
successfully gained entry into such prisons and
returned to the U.S. with data acquired; the third
acquired additional data from a foreign embassy in
Cuba of interest and relevance. The transcript of the
CIA retirement board on June 11, 1970, shows
McCord being credited with being an 'actual case
officer for Cuban agents for 24 months from 1960 to
1962. The minutes of the meeting summarized the
point with less detail. [NARA 1993.08.11.18:
17:58:620028 - Breckinridge]

After the Watergate affair, the FBI asked the CIA to

determine if McCord had been familiar with the anti-Castro exile
community in the early 1960's. The CIA replied on June 21, 1972:

"...a review of the duties and assignments or Mr.

McCord provided no indication that he was involved
in Cuban matters and that he was not assigned to the
Bay of Pigs operation. This does not preclude the
possibility, however, that he might have developed
personal acquaintances which are not recorded in
official personal and security records. We have no
information regarding McCord'S activities with Cuban
exiles since his retirement." [Vernon Walters Memo
for FBI 7.6.72]

Another CIA document stated: "This is to advise that the

duties and area assignments of Mr. McCord as an Agency
employee (deleted)." [CIA Memo 6.21.72 Osborn to Parman]

In a Memorandum dated July 6, 1972, the CIA stated that

there was "no indication that he was involved in Cuban matters and
that he was not assigned to the BAY OF PIGS OPERATION." [CIA
FOIA 2132-2] Less than a month later, the CIA modified its position:
"Reference is made to memoranda from this Agency dated June 21,

1972, and July 6, 1972, which stated that a review of McCord'S

duties and assignments provided no indication that he was involved
(deleted). However, a recent review has revealed that from late
1960 to mid-1961 Mr. McCord was involved in planning activities in
Washington concerning (deleted), and that from Washington he
directed as many as three Agency operational assets." [CIA FOIA

On June 29, 1974, Scott Breckinridge noted:

As I left I asked Barbara Pindar for a copy of the
letter to Senator Baker, and she made one for me.
She called my attention to the Director's note on our
memo about McCord'S Cuban involvement,
emphasizing his statement that we should find out
rapidly. I told her that two Office of Security people
are reviewing files and looking for leads on who
might remember McCord'S activities, and that the
Office of Finance was mounting an effort on past
travel records that might show McCord'S travel to
Miami or elsewhere. I told her we would be unlikely to
have full answers for a while. She said I'd best speak
to the Director. I carried a copy of the McCord memo
and told the Director essentially the same story. He
discussed possible results, and we agreed that it may
well turn out that McCord had limited involvement,
along the line that the Office of Security feels may be
the case. He said we should draft a memo to the FBI,
as a correction to the June 21, 1972 memo, saying
simply that in a recent review of McCord'S files, we
had found in his retirement file a statement to the
effect that in the 1960 to 1962 period he handled
agents targeted against Cuba, and that we had been
unable to refine the information. It is sensitive so the
details cannot be passed, but it has nothing to do
with anything after that period.
[NARA 1993.08.11.18:16:27:590028]
A CIA document stated: On July 3, 1974,


Ben Colling phoned to say one of the fellows in jail is

still around, and after he got out, he inquired around,
and got no indication that McCord was ever involved.
None of the other OTS people had any recollection of
McCord'S involvement. I said I was sure that the man
who was rolled up might not have any idea of
McCord'S involvement, if indeed he was involved. If
McCord'S involvement was merely headquarters
planning and no releasing operation was ever
undertaken, his role might never surface. However,
we had been told that planning did involve Technical
Services Division people at the time, along with
Security. For instance, I knew that the Security man
with Technical Services Division at the time had a job
of hand-holding with the families of the three men;
there may be some Technical Services Division
record that would lead to someone who would know.
[CIA Memo SDB to MFF 7.3.74]


The operation to free CHRIST was run out of the East Asia
Division. Theodore Shackley, the Chief of the East Asia Division of
the CIA, was asked by the CIA's Deputy Director for Operations to
search for any record of McCord'S involvement in the rescue
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for
FROM: Chief, East Asia Division
SUBJECT: James McCord Involvement in Cuban
REF: N-293/74

1. In response to reference routing sheet request for

information on the possible involvement of James
McCord in the rescue operation for the three TSD
officers who were jailed as a result of the NCNA
Havana audio operation compromise, East Asia
Division has completed its investigation with the
following results.


a. The name of the operation against NCNA Havana

was STESCALADE. A summary of that operation is
contained in Attachment A. A similar operation
against the Bank of China in Havana called
STVOLUME was planned but never executed.

b. The files of both operations have been recalled

from the archives and searched. They contain no
reference to McCord.

c. The STESCALADE file contained Attachment B

which indicates that a further file of "sensitive non-CS
record material" pertaining to STESCALADE exists
but is not accessible to EA Division.

d. All available personnel who were associated with

EA/CO at the time of the operation have been
consulted with negative results.

e. Mr. Robert Wiecha's name appears frequently in

the STESCALADE file as a WH officer; thus as a
current member of East Asia Division, he was
consulted with negative results. He said he has no
memory of McCord involvement; however, it seems
plausible to him that the Office of Security and the
TSD might have tried to work something out in terms
of a rescue operation.

f. Attachment C contain a contingency plan found in

the STESCALADE file which relates to the provision
of black air transport for the three TSD detainees in
the event of their release. It contains no reference to
McCord and is attached for your information.
Theodore G. Shackley, Chief, East Asia Division.

Air Support Division, DD/P

July 11, 1962

CHART OR MAP REFERENCES: Sectional aeronautical charts: As



TASK ORGANIZATION: (Deleted as of 2010) Major

Billy B. Campbell Commander.

1. SITUATION: Daniel Carswell (alias) Eustace H.

Danbrunt (alias) and Edmund Taransky (alias) are
TSD employees who were apprehended by Cuban
authorites I September 1960 and who are serving ten
year sentences. Efforts are being made to secure
their release. Since their release may occur without
advance notice and at a variety of places, i.e.
Havana, Miami, Mexico City, Switzerland, Brazil etc.
it is imperative that a contingency plan be formulated
to ensure the secure reception of these employees.

The controlling factor in all phases of the release

procedure is that these employees were in Cuba
under alias and that during the entire period since
their capture their aliases and cover stories
apparently have been maintained. Therefore it is
essential that these aliases be maintained until such
time as the employees have returned to Agency
control and then have these alias identities disappear
as quickly as possible. For planning purposes the
release points will be Havana, Miami, Mexico City or
“other areas.”

2. MISSION: (Deleted) provide black air

transportation from port of entry CONUS to the
designated safe area.

3. EXECUTION: A. Black air transport will be

provided under this plan at the request of TFW, COS
Mexico or Operational Support Division/OS/DDS
depending on the release point and port of entry.
Richard I. Skinner

[CIA Air Support Division DD/P 7.11.62]

WH/RMO stated: "There is a folder of sensitive non-OS
record material pertaining to this operation, retired under Black Tape
wrapping, Job #67-86/78, restricted to Office of DCI, DDCI, DDP,
C/WH, C/WH/PL, C/WH/C, C/CI, C/TSD, Director of Security and
General Counsel. CHINA OPERATIONS is not cited as an

originator, addressee or recipient of any of this sensitive material."

[CIA Memo WH/RMO 9.20.66 - NARA 1993.08.11.18:13:34:590028;
Shackley Memo C/EAD 7.6.74]

The November 15, 1974, CIA Handbook stated:

To retain the P&L, RYBAT, or KAPOK sensitivity of a

document remaining in a 201-dossier being retired to
Central Files, place that document in an envelope
sealed with black tape. Any RYBAT, P&L, or KAPOK
document sent to Central Files not in blacktaped
envelope will automatically be handled as
desensitized. A blacktaped envelope may contain
only one document and must be filed in chronological
order within the file. If there are numerous documents
of this type, the desk officer may blacktape the entire
dossier rather than the individual documents.
Blacktaped dossiers or dossiers with blacktaped
documents will be handled as restricted dossiers."

Acting Inspector General Scott Breckinridge wrote that "the

findings may only result in an innocuous rewording of the original
statements, to the effect that McCord did have a headquarters
planning responsibility for certain Cuban Operations." [NARA

John Mertz had no knowledge of McCord'S involvement in

the plan to free CHRIST: "He didn't have a damn thing to do with it.
But there were a couple of security officers who worked for McCord.
I don't remember their names. One of their names was Morris. They
were gophers for me on that thing." Hemming told this researcher:
"This makes McCord a player, not a book reader." Marina Oswald
told this researcher: "It could be, or simply guilty by association."
McCord was contacted in December 1993. When he
determined I was doing research into the assassination of President
John F. Kennedy, he hung-up the telephone. A message was left on
McCord'S answering machine linking him with CHRIST. When his
number was re-dialed he stated:

What is your name? What is your address? You're a

writer with who? Let me tell you something Mr.
Weberman, I will not be talking with you any further,

my friend. I never heard of the man you talked about

Carswell, Christ, whatever. This is the last I am going
to tell you. My lawyer's going to be in touch with you
by letter. I never heard of the fellow you talked about.
I never tried to break anyone out of anywhere and I
had no connection with the JFK assassination. My
lawyer will write you a letter affirming this and
warning you of libel.

He was told, "McCord, you're guilty, man." According to

Cuban exile Enriqué Williams, Howard Hunt and McCord worked
together in the early 1960's: "'I was confused,' Williams
remembered. Both of them said to call me Don Eduardo. Both Hunt
and McCord." [Hinckle Deadly Secrets p171] Hunt stated: "I had not
known McCord from the CIA." [Hunt v. SPOTLIGHT Hunt Depo


It becomes apparent from a review of Jack Ruby’S toll

records that just prior to the Kennedy assassination he was in touch
with gangsters connected to CARLOS MARCELLO and JAMES


JOHN VINCENT MARTINO, a relative of Philadelphia mob boss

Angelo Bruno, was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in 1911. His
first arrest was at age 20, for illegal gambling activities. In 1935 he
moved to Miami, where he was arrested for running a lottery. He
returned to Atlantic City, and became involved in the publication of a
racing sheet put out by gangsters and racketeers. He was convicted
of loan sharking in 1945. He returned to Miami and worked for
Santo Trafficante Sr. for which he came under scrutiny by the
Internal Revenue Service. Martino moved to Cuba where he
became close to Estaban Ventura, the second highest in command
in Fulgencio Batista's secret police. Estaban Ventura, who was
responsible for numerous Latin American death squad-style killings
in pre-Castro Cuba, was indicted by the thoroughly corrupt Batista
regime, but his case never came to trial because the judge who
indicted him went into hiding. [DuBois Castro p269] The CIA
reported, “From information available in SRS, it appears that the
House Committee on Un-American Activities is well aware of
Venture, rather than being chief of CI for Batista, was a police
captain in the city of Havana, and a professional assassin, before he
lost favor with Batista.” Martino knew Estaban Ventura's associate,
Rolando Masferrer, and was engaged in a smuggling venture
through a Cuban port located 20 miles from Havana. On July 15,
1959, FBI Headquarters sent a memorandum to the Legal Attache
in Havana that advised him to keep track of John Martino's "criminal
or revolutionary activities."
TO: Director, FBI
FROM: Legal Attaché, Havana


SUBJECT: John Martino PC-FM

The above captioned individual was arrested on July
23, 1959, by the Cuban Revolutionary Police. His
twelve-year-old son Edward was detained at the
same time. Police accused him of having entered
Cuba in a private plane without permission.

The following information was received from Hugh D.

Kessler, Welfare Officer, U.S. Embassy, Havana,

Martino actually entered Cuba, according to Pan

American Airways records, via Pan American Flight
from Miami, Florida, at 5:45 p.m. on July 23, 1959.
He was accompanied by his son, Edward. Martino
stated he went to a private home to deliver a
personal message to a friend and there met a woman
named Sofia. He was later arrested at his hotel. The
woman "Sofia" was identified as Mrs. Sofia Ventura,
wife of the notorious Batista, Major Estaban Ventura
Pro, who was one of the police accused of various
heinous crimes during the Batista regime.

Mr. Kessler stated he was furnished the following

information by a Dr. Estevez of Havana, Cuba. Dr.
Estevez first met Martino about ten months ago when
Martino was staying at the hotel Deauville, Havana,
where Dr. Estavez is the hotel physician. At that time
he treated Martino for a kidney ailment. After treating
him, Dr. Estavez became friendly with Martino and
saw him quite frequently. Martino has made 12 to 14
visits to Cuba since January 1, 1959. According to
Dr. Estevez Martino was a close friend of many
former members of the Batista Government, such as
Estaban Ventura, Rolando Masferrer (ex-Cuban
Senator and political gangster) Irenaldo Garcia Baez
(ex-Head of Cuban Army Intelligence) and many
American gamblers such as Santos Trafficante, Top
Hoodlum from Tampa, Florida.

According to Dr. Esteveze, Martino originally came to

Cuba to establish a branch of his Radio-Page
Corporation as he was in trouble in the United States


regarding income tax matters. Martino was also

engaged in a smuggling venture with Masferrer
involving the movementof autos and eggs through
the Cuban Port of Mariel, about 20 miles from

Martino approached Dr. Estevez regarding being the

house physician for a house of prostitution which
Martino planned to open near the Deauville Hotel.
Martino’s close friend and business associate I the
United States was Mr. Allen Roth.

Dr. Estevez volunteered the information that his

family, including his two brothers, were strong
supporters of Prime Minister Castro and that his two
brothers are presently in the revolutionary army. Dr.
Estevez added that his conversations with police
officials led him to believe that Martino was being
held only to obtain information, and that he would be
released if he desired to tell the government officials
concerning his contacts. Martino is presently
confined to the Chief of Police Headquarters. [FBI

On October 15, 1959, Hugh D. Kessler, Protection Officer of

American Embassy, advised on September 24, 1959, that "he is
aware of Martino’s condition; his principal trouble appears to stem
from the fact that he is a dope addict." [FBI 64-44828-2]

Martino was unaware that the Estevez family had been in

the 26th of July Movement, and that in January 1959, Gustavo
Estevez joined the G-2. On February 15, 1964, Martino told FBI S.A.
John J. O'Conner:

How, in October 1959, he was being transferred from

Vivac Prison to Principe Prison at Havana and the
military guard, a Lieutenant Jose Medina, brought
him to the American Embassy in Havana. At the
Embassy, according to Martino, he was hopeful of
either taking asylum or of being admitted to a hospital
because of a bleeding ulcer condition. He said the
American Consuls, however, naming Hugh Kessler
and (FNU) Brown, both now deceased, refused to
help him and asked him not to cause any trouble for

the United States Embassy, but to be a good

American citizen and proceed to the Cuban prison.
Martino possessed considerable correspondence by
U.S. Senators directed to the State Department
relative to the aforementioned incident of Martino’s
visit to the Embassy in Havana in October 1959.
Martino advised that his book I Was Castro's
Prisoner contained a chapter which he said pertained
to this cowardice in the U.S. Embassy.

During the interview at Martino's residence, Martino

introduced to the interviewing agents Cuban exile
Felipe Vidal Santiago, who the Subject of Bufile 105-
85523, Miami file 105-6466. Vidal has been active in
anti-Castro activities and may be one of the
'unidentified sources' of information on Cuban

Martino revealed that he is a close friend of Jim

Buchanan, reporter for the Pompano Beach Sun-
Sentinel. Miami report, dated January 25, 1964, in
this case is devoted to an article by Buchanan, which
sets forth irresponsible statements concerning the
FBI and activities of Lee Harvey Oswald. Martino
stated that he is sure that Lee Harvey Oswald had
been in Miami because Jim Buchanan had told him
that his brother, Jerry Buchanan, had been in a fight
with Oswald at Miami when Oswald tried to join a
group of anti-Castro 'Freedom Fighters.' Martino said
Buchanan told him this was a true fact and that
Martino could use it in his lectures.

The Miami Office does not contemplate efforts to

locate Jerry Buchanan for interview concerning the
foregoing claim in view of the fact there has been no
evidence developed that Oswald was ever in Miami
and also in view of the fact the unreliability of Jim
Buchanan has been self evident in the past.

With respect to the alleged prostitute in Mexico City,

whom Martino stated was kept under wraps because
of her knowledge of the activities of Lee Harvey
Oswald, this is an apparent reference to Sylvia
Duran. [NARA 124-10169-10417]

On November 20, 1959, the FBI prepared a Letter Head

Memorandum about Martino:

Mr. Thomas Taggert, former Mayor, Altantic City,

New Jersey, who conducted vice raids during his
term of office and reportedly acquainted with many
gangsters and racketeers personally, advised in 1946
that during the time the Atlantic City Racing
Association held races one HERMAN “STUMPY”
ORMAN was the principal instigator and issued a
racing sheet know as “Atlantic City Sports Daily. John
Martino was associated with ORMAN in the
publication of this paper.


[FBI 64-44828-4] Martino was put on trial in December 1959.

"I am a good man," Martino said, "I'm not the type that gets involved


in this sort of thing." Martino was convicted and sentenced to 13

years in prison.
Martino was released from prison on October 9, 1962,
having served 40 months. He weighed 93 pounds. Upon his return
to the U.S. he told the FBI:

I might have been released much sooner from prison,

possibly in 1959, if I hadn't talked with Dr. Gustavo
Estevez. Estevez, who is now one of the heads of the
biggest hospitals in Havana and is one of the leading
Communists of the Cuban Government. I thought he
was anti-Communist, I was wrong. He came to see
me in prison and tried to make a deal with me.
Martino stated he is not a drug addict, but that he did
need a certain prescription containing narcotics for a
long existing kidney ailment. He was most generally
without this medicine, even when the United States
Embassy was still in Havana, and at Principe Prison,
where he was held 14 months in a very small room
with 12 to 17 other men. He stated his normal weight
was 150 pounds, and when he was finally released
he weighed 93 pounds.

In January 1961 Martino was moved to La Cabana

Fortress prison and following the Bay of Pigs
invasion, he was placed into the death cells. A new
man placed in charge there said since he was an
American, he should die a slow and painful death.
This individual was (Deleted). Martino said he
received absolutely no medicine for his kidney
disease from that point forward.

Subsequently, Dr. Oliva who is supposed to head of

all the Cuban doctors in Cuban prisons, had Martino
transferred to a military hospital. He stated there
were two guards at his door with machine guns and
one beside his bed. No transfer was made of the
case file of his medical history, and when he
complained that he was receiving no attention at all,
a Dr. Caballero, whom Martino described as a 'Big
black hater of North Americans' told Martino he had
been sent there on the express orders of Ramiro

Valdes. Valdes is former head of Cuban G-2, now

Minister of the Interior and head of all police and
security forces.

Martino was removed from La Cabana Fortress, and

went to G-2 headquarters for two days. These were
then located at the infamous quarters on Fifth
Avenue and 14th Street. After two days of abuse and
constant interrogation, Martino was transferred back
to La Cabana Fortress. At La Cabana Fortress a
Captain AYALA stated he was sent as a direct
representative of Ramiro Valdes. AYALA stated that
everybody makes mistakes, and they had made a
mistake in the case of Martino, and were
endeavoring to help correct these mistakes. AYALA
told Martino he was going to be sent back to his
family. Martino stated he was held overnight in the
Cuban immigration lock up and on the following
morning he was rushed out to Rancho Boyeros
Airport [then flown back to the United States]. Martino
stated he saw 294 men shot during the time he was
in Principe Prison and La Cabana Fortress. He stated
51 of these were executed during the last part of
September 1962. Martino stated he saw the Cubans
execute William Morgan and Humberto Sori Marin,
as they were shot immediately behind his cell in La
Cabana Fortress. He stated William Morgan bore up
very well to the very time of execution, but he was
first shot in the legs to make him kneel, and then
executed by automatic gunfire fired into his chest and
head. He stated Fidel Castro was present with two
brothers of Humberto Sori Marin to witness the
execution of Humberto Sori Marin.

Martino stated he had seen young women, very old

women, pregnant women, nuns and priests sleeping
in the rain in the patio of the prison. He stated all
those who were not enthusiastically with the Cuban
Government were treated as if they were inanimate

A normal routine occurred about 2:00 or 3:00 a.m.

almost every night in the prison. Guards would enter


with bayonets fixed and run everybody out of the

cells, alleging that the cells had to be searched to
find contraband weapons and articles for escape.
These searches were frequently made when it was
raining, and the prisoners were then left out in the
patio in their shorts for the remainder of the night,
and were further left there to bake in the tropical sun
until 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. the next afternoon...Martino
stated there were a number of small stalls in the
prison similar to a telephone booth, about 3' x 3'
square and about 7' tall. Prisoners are put into these
stalls and are unable to sit down. Air conditioning is
then turned into the stall, and the place is made
frigid. The air conditioners are then removed, and
500 watt bulbs are installed, and the place becomes
an almost unbearable sweat box. Prisoners are
sometimes ordered executed, and a guard points a
machine gun loaded with blanks into the box or stall
and fires a whole clip. For several hours afterward
the prisoner is unable to hear. [FBI 64-44828-7]

Hemming was asked if he was tortured when he was a

prisoner in Cuba:

They would stand you [up against the wall] with three
or four people and leave you standing alive a couple
of minutes later. Now that's trauma and that could
fuck you up and people could think you're a nut after
that. You were deprived of water because its
abandoned stables or garages the secret police used
at the time for cells. There's 47 fucking people in
there, we can't even lay down, it's hotter than shit,
the windows are fucking closed up with welded steel
plates. No ventilation, there's sweat pouring off of us.
The floor has constantly got an inch of goddamn
water, sweat, it stinks. There's one little faucet which
you got to put a handkerchief over 'cause visible
worms come out of the water and you have to ask
the guards to turn the water on. They're rotating
guards because in a matter of a couple of days they
get sympathetic to you. Because they find out you're
a rebel and all that kind of stuff.


The FBI reported Martino was reluctant to talk about his

connection with American gamblers in Cuba. He was questioned
about "the details of his confinement, including treatment received,
identities of other Americans incarcerated and identities of pro-
Castro Americans assisting the Castro regime in Cuba in the
economic and military fields would also be of interest..." On
November 21, 1962, the FBI's liaison to the CIA, Sam J. Papich,
prepared a Secret memorandum on Martino connected to CHRIST
and other TSD crew members:
The subject, whose activities previously have come
to the attention of the Bureau, was recently released
from a Cuban prison. He was interviewed by the
Bureau in Miami. On November 19, 1962, John Mertz
advised the laison agent that he and another
individual recently talked to Martino concerning the
subject’s knowledge of the three CIA prisoners in
Cuba. Martino allegedly had met these CIA men in
prison and he volunteered information to Mertz
concerning the general health and mental attitudes of
the men. Mertz and his colleagues represented
themselves as lawyers working for the families of the
three CIA employees. You previously had been
informed that the CIA men entered Cuba under
commercial covers. Martino did not give any
indication that he knew they were connected with the
U.S. Government.

According to Mertz, Martino spoke very highly of the

three prisoners and stated that he personally planned
to make an effort to bring about their release. He
advised he had contacts in the “Mafia” and among
unidenfied Communists in U.S. Labor circles. He
stated that one of his contacts in the “Mafia” was one
“White-Top.” He may have been referring to one
“White Top” Simkins, who has been in the numbers
racket in the Washington, D.C. area. He referred to
the contact in the labor field as one “Gausso”
(phonetic). Mertz suggested he possibly was
referring to Kumar Goschal who is connected with
the National Guardian. Martino was confident that
through these contacts he could get pressure brought
on Castro from Moscow leading to the release of the


men. Mertz made the observation that Martino’s story

seemed to be farfetched but he felt this should be
called to the attention of the Bureau. He asked no
inquiries be made which might jeopardize the status
of the three CIA men.

In early 1963 Martino began work with NATHANIEL WEYL on I

Was Castro's Prisoner, which was published in June 1963. This
book accused Fidel Castro of heroin trafficking. Nathaniel Weyl and
his wife had been Communists during the Depression. In 1939 they
broke with the Party: Nathaniel Weyl joined the OSS during World
War II. In February 1952 Nathaniel Weyl testified before the
McCarran Committee that in 1933 he and Alger Hiss were in a

Communist unit that operated within the Agricultural Adjustment

Administration. The testimony of Nathaniel Weyl supported that of
Whittaker Chambers. Alger Hiss pointed out that when Nathaniel
Weyl testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee
in April 1943, he claimed Alger Hiss had ended his communist
career in 1933: "He was asked in 1952 why he had not told his 1952
story in 1943, and his answer was that he had assumed that a man
like Hiss 'would not have remained in the Communist organization
after the Hitler/Stalin pact.'" [Hiss, In The Court of Public Opinion,
Knopf, 1957] In 1953 Mrs. Weyl applied for a job with the Pan
American Union, Washington, D.C., which was listed on Julius
Mader's CIA 500 List. In 1959 Nathaniel Weyl worked with Issac
Don Levine. Nathaniel Weyl became a member of William Buckley's
coterie of writers.

The associates of Nathaniel Weyl included VICTOR LASKY. Lasky

began his career in journalism as a copy boy for The New York
Journal American. After Army service in World War II, Victor Lasky
became a journalist who "exposed" Communist infiltration of
American institutions. In 1955 he wrote for WRKO radio. He covered
the Alger Hiss trial, and co-wrote a book about the case entitled
Seeds of Treason. From 1956 to 1960, he was a public relations
executive with Radio Liberty, a well-known CIA proprietary. From
1962 to 1980 Victor Lasky was a news columnist for the North
American Newspaper Alliance. The North American Newspaper

Alliance published Victor Lasky's columns attacking the critics of the

Warren Commission. In the early 1960's Nelson Rockefeller
protested against an alleged investigation of Victor Lasky by the
Justice Department. Rockefeller claimed a Justice Department
official had made inquires regarding Lasky at the Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee. [FBI 62-72612-84; FBI 62-7261 NR October
18, (?) 1963] In 1963 Lasky wrote JFK, The Man and the Myth. In
1968 he wrote Robert F. Kennedy, The Myth and the Man. He was
the recipient of a $20,000 cash payment from the Nixon White
House in the early 1970's. [WFO FBI 139-166, Hdqrs.. 139-4089-
2312 - 6.18.73] Around this time Victor Lasky wrote, It Didn't Start
with Watergate, a defense of RICHARD Nixon.

In 1978 Lasky became a principal in Accuracy In Media, an

ultraconservative media watchdog group whose directors included
Claire Boothe Luce. Accuracy In Media sent a letter of protest to
The National Enquirer when it published an article in April 1977 by
this author on Oswald’s 201 file. DAVID Phillips, who retired from
the CIA and headed the Association of Retired Intelligence Agents,
was quoted extensively in this letter. Claire Boothe Luce was also a
member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Retired
Intelligence Agents. Victor Lasky died of cancer on February 22,
1990. He was 72. [FBI 64-44828. 8.18.64; Wash. Evening Star
12.19.59; FBI 64-44828 File on Martino; New York Journal
American 12.28.63; Nathan Weyl Red Star Over Cuba Devin Adair
1960 NY; Martino I Was Castro's Prisoner Devon Adair 1963; WCD
662; Wash. Post 2.23.90]


Millionaire WILLIAM PAWLEY (SF 078 435) was part of

OPERATION Red Cross. Pawley was born in Florence, South
Carolina, in 1896. From 1928 to 1943 he was president of the
National Aviation Company of Havana, which he later sold to Pan
American Airlines. He became President of the China National
Aviation Corporation in 1933, and in 1934 organized, and became
President of the Central Aircraft Manufacturing Company, which
pioneered in the field of aircraft construction in China. In 1940 he
organized, recruited and maintained the American Volunteer Group
(Flying Tigers) for the Chinese Air Force. The Flying Tigers were a
volunteer group of American pilots who fought for General Chiang
Kai-shek before becoming part of the regular U.S. Army. Hemming
called the Flying Tigers "America's first clandestine endeavor. They
were only recently given veterans status. They were considered
mercenaries." After the war, Pawley purchased the Havana Bus
System. William Pawley was appointed Ambassador to Peru (1945)
and Ambassador to Brazil (1946), then served as Special Assistant
to the Secretary of State. In 1951 he became the Special
Representative of the Secretary of Defense. He was an outside
advisor to the State Department during the planning of PB
SUCCESS. In May 1954 the FBI investigated William Pawley. The
CIA asked the FBI to send the White House copies of its
investigation because William Pawley was part of the Doolittle
Committee. Sheffield Edwards, Director of Security, generated this
report on July 13, 1954:

1. Forwarded herewith are the Security Office files

concerning the captioned individual William Douglas

2. In January 1952, the Subject was approved by this

office as a potential source of foreign intelligence
information to be given information classified up to
and including Secret provided discretion were
exercised in his development as a source. At that
time National Agency name checks were conducted
which disclosed no unfavorable information regarding
the Subject's loyalty, although some allegations were
disclosed regarding his honesty. The Subject's
investigative file at the State Department was not
available for review at that time.


3. In July 1952 a covert security clearance was

requested for Subject’s use under (deleted) ROBALO
which request was then canceled on December 30,
1952. At that time the Subject's State Department
Security File was made available and contained
derogatory information alleging black market
activities, income tax difficulties, possible misuse of
lend lease material, and questionable money
transactions. It was also shown the Subject's wife
had written the President of the United States
questioning the legality of Subject's Cuban divorce
from her, after which he married his secretary.

4. In March 1953, the Subject's Treasury Department

file was reviewed and reflected the Subject was
investigated for income tax evasion for the years
1934 to 1944 and found to have been a non-resident
citizen during that period and not guilty of tax
evasion. The Secret Service had conducted an
investigation of Subject's first wife, following her letter
of complaint to the President, and found her sane,
although suffering from severe mental strain.
Considerable derogatory information was contained
in this file relative to Subject's business reputation
and ethics." [CIA Sheffield Edward to D/CI 7.13.54]

On December 9, 1958, William Pawley went to Cuba as

Washington's secret emissary, in an unsuccessful attempt to
persuade Batista to establish a junta, relinquish his power, and
leave Cuba altogether. This would have forced Fidel Castro into the
political arena as a Presidential candidate. William Pawley became
the unofficial spokesman for the old-line Cuban conservatives. He
had the ear of Vice President Nixon, and spoke often with Allen
Dulles. In October 1959, with his consent, the CIA installed a
recording device in William Pawley's Miami office due to his
connection with the Director of GOLIATH:

Headquarters Field Office is requested to dispatch an

agent to Miami, Florida, so as to arrive during the
afternoon or early evening of October 6, 1959, for the
purpose (deleted) in certain matters of interest to
GOLIATH. Upon the arrival of your agent at Miami,
he should contact Mr. Bernard E. Reichhardt a staff


employee of GOLIATH who shares the office with an

open GOLIATH representative, Coral Gables,
Florida. Reichhardt will make all the necessary
arrangements for your representative to gain access
to Subject's office over the weekend of October 16,
1959 to October 18, 1959. It should be noted that this
is being done with the full consent and approval of
the Subject. The necessary equipment to be used in
this assignment will be made available to your

On October 14, 1959, Pawley was granted a POA. In 1960

Allen Dulles and General Robert E. Cushman, Jr., Nixon’s Executive
Assistant for National Security Affairs, met with William Pawley in
Miami. They discussed a scheme to print up Cuban bonds to jar the
Castro economy. [Wyden Bay Of Pigs p29]

Hunt wrote that William Pawley and CIA Western

Hemisphere Chief J.C. King spent long hours talking with Cuban
exiles who, because of their ties to Batista, were out of favor with
the Kennedy Administration. Hunt described them as Cubans who
were "dead but did not know it." [Hunt Day p29] On November 18,
1960, the CIA reported:

For PA: You should be aware and somewhat

interested in the fact that Pawley has established a
new (and according to him productive) channel to
President Elect Kennedy through George Smathers.
According to Pawley, Smathers conversations with
Kennedy have led QDDALE now to take the position
that he should not go along with the DOS and have
the dictator step down. It appears that Mr. Kennedy
may take a considerably more conservative position
than many people in the Department and 'fun house.'
Jacob D. Esterline C/WH4

William Pawley was a supporter of the Cuban Revolutionary

Front. During his Hunt v. Weberman deposition, Barker stated:
"Pawley was involved with the Cuban Revolutionary Front.
Indirectly, William Pawley, at that time, helped Cubans. He was very
active in the beginning, remembering as a matter of fact, the people
who later came in, they were people he had organized."


In 1964 Martino told the FBI that during the spring and
summer of 1963 he

…personally led a mission which infiltrated Cuba and

returned to Florida...he said the purpose of the
mission was to bring Russians out..." Robert K.
Brown asserted a group of anti-Castro Cubans and
Americans planned to spirit two Soviet colonels out of
Cuba, to testify that Soviet offensive missiles were
still on Cuban soil. Robert K. Brown wrote about this
operation in Soldier-of-Fortune magazine: "Five
months before he was shot to death in Dallas, a
group of conspirators attempted to destroy John F.
Kennedy by political means. The group, which
included officials of Time Inc., William Pawley,
disgruntled CIA agents and anti-Castro Cubans,
proposed to spirit two Russian colonels out of Cuba
to testify that Soviet ballistic missiles were still based
on Cuban soil. Their testimony, if true and if it could
be proved, would have meant the end of John
Kennedy's political career, for it would have shown
that the Cuban Missile Crisis had ended, not in a
qualified U.S. victory, but in a monumental bungle
eclipsing the Bay of Pigs disaster.

The leader of Operation Red Cross was "Colonel Alberto

Bayo." The Soldier-of-Fortune article continued:

Hemming first met "Colonel Alberto Bayo" (Eduardo

Perez Gonzalez) in early 1960. He and Howard
Kenneth Davis introduced Bayo to Johnny Abbes
who had lost his lucrative job upon Trujillo's death,
and was plotting with a group of Haitian exiles to put
together one of their periodic attempts to overthrow
Duvalier. Realizing that the Haitians involved were
short on military training, not to mention combat
experience, Abbes was looking for some kind of
commando group to bolster the eager but amateur
Haitians. Bayo met with Abbes several times and
Abbes was impressed. Hemming related: 'In fact the
two of them signed a formal agreement in Abbes
living room that stated in return for helping overthrow
Duvalier, the new Haitian regime would grant the


Cubans bases from which they could operate against


Hemming named John Martino, William Pawley, Joe

Garman, Frank Sturgis, Jerry Buchanan and Howard K. Davis as
plotters. After Martino’s death in the late 1970's, Gaeton Fonzi found
the telephone number of Howard K. Davis in his address book.
Howard K. Davis was asked about this: "John Martino and I got to
be pretty good friends. The CIA tried to recruit him. He told them to
stuff it, he wouldn't have anything to do with them because he didn't
trust...Maybe he didn't have confidence in the people he was in
touch with in Cuba." Fonzi also found a letter from Robert K. Brown
addressed to Martino. In The Fish Is Red, Warren Hinckle and
William Turner reported that Howard K. Davis contacted New York
financier Theodore Racoosin, who was well connected with the
White House. A week later Rascoosin came to Miami and told Davis
there was a high level interest in bringing out the Russian defectors.
A week later Rascoosin called Davis and informed him that his
contacts in Washington could not locate any reports about Russian
defectors in Cuba. Hinckle and Turner reported that Howard K.
Davis organized meetings to effectuate this operation in the offices
of Bill Boggs, the editor of the Miami News. They reported that
Rascoosin was there, as was Hal Hendrix, Jay Mallin and a cross
section of Cuban leaders. Marita Lorenz testified that Sturgis and
Martino were good friends; when Sturgis was questioned about
Martino, he said: "I met him."

Martino had Nathaniel Weyl contact Senate Internal Security

Subcommittee investigator James Sourwine. James Sourwine
contacted William Pawley, who contacted Martino. On May 22,
1963, William Pawley discussed the legality of OPERATION CRYPT
with the JMWAVE Station Chief, Ted Shackley:

2. Pawley stated that he had been approached on

April 16, 1963, by Mr. Jay Sourwine of the Senate
Internal Security Committee, who had asked that
Pawley participate in an operation which was
designed to bring several Soviet military defectors
into the United States. Mr. Sourwine indicated that
the main reason behind his involvement in this
operation was his desire to obtain the testimony of
the Soviets before the Senate Internal Security
Committee as soon after their arrival in the United


States as possible. In view of this objective, Mr.

Sourwine was prepared to give Pawley several blank
subpoenas from the Senate Internal Security
Committee, which could be filled out by Pawley and
served on the defectors as soon as they came within
the United States three mile limit. Pawley claims that
he told Mr. Sourwine that he would be interested in
helping in the defection operation, as he thought that
the surfacing of Soviet military defectors from Cuba
in the United States before an open public forum
would contribute to the national security of the United
States. Armed with this commitment from Pawley,
Mr. Sourwine indicated that he would arrange for the
author, Nathaniel Weyl, to visit Pawley within the next
few days in order to discuss the operation in detail.
Mr. Weyl subsequently contacted Pawley on April 17,
1963, and stated that he and his unidentified
associates had an opportunity to bring four Soviet
military defectors to the United States. Mr. Weyl
described the Soviet defectors as being a captain
and three lieutenants from a Soviet SAM site. It was
Mr. Weyl's contention that these Soviets had pictures
of underground missile storage sites in Cuba. Pawley
indicated that he would be glad to participate in this
operation and would put the full facilities of his
organization at the disposal of the operation. Armed
with this response, Mr. Weyl suggested that Pawley
contact John Martino of Alton Road, Florida, for
further details of the operation. At this point Pawley
stated that he was becoming quickly immersed in a
complex operation. As a result Pawley decided to call
COS in order to discuss the operation with a CIA
representative. Pawley then asked COS's advice as
to how the Soviet defectors could be brought into the
United States and turned over to the Senate Internal
Security Committee...The point was made
that...facilitating the 'black' entry of aliens into the
United States would put Pawley in violation of
existing U.S. laws. COS ventured the opinion that
Pawley could not obtain immunity from prosecution
for the violation of these laws through any
intercession on the part of the Senate Internal
Security Committee. At this point Pawley stated it

was obvious that his only course of action was to

cooperate fully with the COS as CIA's official

3. Once Pawley reached the decision that he had no

alternative except to cooperate with the CIA he asked
if COS could make a commitment to the effect that
once the Soviets were brought into the U.S. they
would be turned over to the Internal Security
Committee within 36 hours. COS stated he was not
in a position to make this kind of commitment on
CIA's behalf. Pawley the suggested that he call Mr.
Sourwine and indicate that while Pawley was
prepared to participate in the operation he had
ascertained that the only way to legally bring the
defectors into the United States under secure
conditions was to cooperate with the CIA. Pawley
then indicated that if Mr. Sourwine would agree to
cooperate with the CIA then Pawley would continue
to pursue the operation. If Mr. Sourwine would not
agree to cooperate with the CIA Pawley would
withdraw from the venture.

4. After obtaining Mr. Sourwine's permission to

cooperate with the CIA, Pawley asked how he should
proceed with the implementation of the operation.
COS suggested that the best way of handling the
operation would be for COS to outline the information
currently at hand to his Headquarters. Once this was
done Pawley would probably be well-advised to
personally contact officer or D/DCI in order to obtain
firm commitments relative to the period of time which
would elapse between the Soviets entry into the U.S.
and their referral to the Internal Security Committee.
Pawley thought this over for several minutes and
then stated that he would prefer to contact D/CI
directly and not have any record of this transaction in
normal CIA cable channels.

5. Once it was clear that Pawley could not reach

D/DCI by telephone, COS attempted to press for
additional details relative to the defection operation.
In this connection, COS asked what Pawley knew


about John Martino. Pawley stated that he knew

nothing about him but was under the impression that
Martino was in some way involved in acting as the
middleman between the Cuban underground in Cuba
and Weyl, who was the U.S. front man for the
transaction. COS then suggested that Pawley contact
Martino and obtain all of the available information on
the operation from Martino. In this connection COS
stated that Martino was known to the CIA and that
available information indicated that Martino had spent
some time in Cuban prisons and could at best be
described as an unsavory character. In this same
context COS pointed out that Martino had previously
claimed to have leads, but none of these had ever
been substantiated once they were put to the test of
producing results. Pawley then agreed to contact

6. On April 18, 1963, Pawley contacted COS by

telephone and stated that he had just finished a
meeting with Martino. Pawley stated that he was
impressed with COS's accurate characterization of
Martino, i.e. he was an unsavory lowlife. Pawley then
went on to say that as things now stood Martino
claimed that the three Soviets could be delivered to a
point three miles off Mangrove Key, which was
located north of Grand Bahama. Martino indicated
that the four Soviets had been AWOL for some time
and they were currently in hiding in Oriente Province.
Martino stated that two men from the Cuban
underground would bring the defectors to the
Mangrove Key area. Martino indicated that he had a
secure means of communications with Cuba, but he
would not identify this system. Martino did claim that
it would take about a week or ten days for the
exfiltration to be competed.

9. In a telephone conversation with COS on April 19,

1963, Pawley stated he had received a telephone call
from Mr. Weyl. In this conversation Pawley advised
Mr. Weyl of Pawley's discussions with Sourwine and
the TODHuntER D/DCI. Initially, this infuriated Mr.
Weyl as he claimed that he did not want to cooperate


with KUBARK and, as this was his operation, he was

incensed that Sourwine had made a decision on this
operation without consulting Weyl. After discussing
the relative merits of the case for some time, Pawley
claims he convinced Weyl the operation was now on
a sound footing and there was no alternative but to
cooperate with the KUBARK. Weyl apparently
ultimately accepted this position and promised to
keep Pawley informed on all developments in the
operation. Pawley in return, advised REUTEMAN
that he would keep COA informed on all
developments. Andrew K. Reutman Chief of Station.

Martino was unable to supply the names of the defectors,

nor had the CIA received reports of desertions by Soviets within
Cuba. In 1976 William Pawley recalled his role in OPERATION RED

Through the CIA, I arranged to bring my boat to

Sunset Island without having to go through Customs
or Immigration should we be successful in bringing
out the defectors...CIA could not do anything directly.
They did supply three good men, an armaments
expert, a navigator and a radio operator. I was in
constant touch with the Miami CIA office. In June
1963, at about 6:00 p.m., the team took off on a flying
boat I had chartered, to a tiny uninhabited island that
was a rendezvous point with my yacht, The Flying
Tiger, which dropped them off ten miles off the coast
of Cuba where they boarded a smaller CIA-supplied
landing craft and headed for the 'sugar cane curtain.'"
The CIA reported: "Pawley's 65 foot yacht Flying
Tiger will depart Miami at 6:00 p.m. on June 5, 1963.
Aboard yacht will be Pawley's Captain Luis Paez
Guerra who Cuban national but long time trusted
employee. CIA will have Irving G. Cadick (Staff
Employee) alias William Rutherford and Oliver E.
Forston (Staff Employee) alias Maximo De Cordoba
on board Pawley yacht. This yacht due to arrive
Hogsty reef 6:00 a.m. on June 8, 1963. Yacht will
anchor reef area.


CIA vessel Leda [a heavily armed 140 foot

minesweeper] with intermediate craft aboard which
furnished by Perez will arrive Hogsty reef 4:00 a.m.
on June 8, 1963. Cuban craft which 21 foot Chris
Craft will be anchored one quarter mile east
northwest cay light Hogsty reef. Craft will be loaded
with arms and exfil/infil equipment, water, etc.
Cubans will not know Leda carried their craft Hogsty
reef but will believe it towed there by Pawley yacht.
Once craft anchored Leda withdraws and surveils
Hogsty reef with radar to insure no other vessel picks
up craft. Leda will radar watch Pawley yacht come
into Hogsty reef at 6:00 a.m. Thus as of 6:00 a.m.
June 8, 1963, Pawley yacht and Cuban craft will be
Hogsty reef.

CIA PBY, under dry lease to Pawley, will arrive

Hogsty Reef at 6:30 a.m. June 8, 1963 and land in
protected area. PBY will contain Pawley, Martino,
Spencer from Life, Staff Employee alias William
Rutherford Staff Employee alias Maximo De Cordoba
and eight Cubans. Party will be transferred by RB-12
from PBY to Pawley yacht. Entire party will board
Pawley yacht, take Cuban craft in tow, and head for
launch point. PBY leaves area. Pawley yacht,
surveilled by Leda Radar at ten mile distance, goes
from reef to launch point which 20 miles off Cuba in
commercial sea lanes. Here Cubans loaded into their
craft. Once they in the craft they pass ammo in boxes
and while being covered by arms on Pawley yacht
Cubans are then cut loose at 10:00 p.m. June 8,
1963, for trip to Cuba...While above is skeleton
presentation will assure headquarters all known safe
guards have been taken minimize possibilities any
type flap, compromise, hijacking etc. CIA
involvement, while extensive, is not visible per se and
fits into pattern those assets which Pawley able to
acquire due his wealth, and or contacts. Pawley has
played tough game with Cubans and indicated that
while he desires to help, he will not risk his life, the
lives of his employees, or loss of his property.


The men of OPERATION RED CROSS were never heard

from again. The CIA attempted to find out what had happened to
them by questioning their wives. The CIA reported:

On September 21, 1963, John Martino contacted

Staff Employee in order to report that Martino had
received a letter from a Victor Garcia who was
employed at Cuba. The Garcia letter was dated
August 28, 1963, and it stated that Eduarda Perez,
aka Bayo, and his men had recently caused the
death of a number of militiamen and some Russian
officers in a fire-fight which took place at Mayari in
Oriente Province. (Field Comment: JMWAVE has no
information which would confirm such a firefight).
According to the Garcia letter, Perez lost two men in
this firefight... After the action, Perez retreated to the
Moa area of Oriente. The Garcia letter also stated
that Perez was awaiting reinforcements and he
expected that these reinforcements would be brought
to him in Cuba by Angel Luis Castillo Cabrera.
Martino asked employee if his organization would
infiltrate Castillo and his men if Martino determined
they were ready to go to Cuba to help Perez.
Employee told Martino that he doubted he could
obtain any help for the infiltration of additional people
into Cuba. Martino then stated that Victor Garcia had
originally written his letter to one Andre Venegas,
who was residing in Miami. This Venegas wanted to
infiltrate into Cuba, and he passed the letter to
Castillo who passed the letter to Martino. Once
Martino determined that the employee was not
interested in facilitating the infiltration or additional
men into Cuba to aid Perez, Martino broke off the
conversation with employee. The information
obtained from Martino, though not hard intelligence,
does indicate that if a letter from Garcia to Venegas
is bona fide, and not a fabrication prepared by
Martino, then there was an indication the Perez was
still alive and active in Cuba as of August 23,
1963...Traces: Angel Luis Castillo Cabrera, ACSI
Source #670, DPOB October 2, 1924, Santiago de
Cuba, Oriente Provence. Under Angel Luis Castillo
UFGA-2279 September 27, 1961; (Deleted as of


2010) 5807, September 18, 1962; WAVE-2592

September 18, 1962; Agent Report September 9,
1961, states Subject ex-Rebel Army Lieutenant.
Witting informant of Agent. Report, December 19,
1962, states Subject fought clandestinely in Santiago
de Cuba during Batista regime, joined 26th of July
Movement, advanced and was a lieutenant under
order of Com. Hubert Matos. Has been on Cuba
since 1961. Has left and entered Cuba several times.
Has complete confidence of Agent RED CROSS
Report AA-1402, February 1, 1963, states he among
first leaders of Cuban National Junta. Has been in
Miami since January 15, 1963. RED CROSS report
DD-368, August 26, 1963, states that according to
Mr. Venegas, Subject was the person who put Perez
(head of the group of Cuban exiles who left Miami for
Cuba on a clandestine operation) in contact with
John Martino, the man who helped them. When
Subject was a rebel officer in Cuba, he gave very
good treatment to Martino when the latter was in
prison. Subject disappeared from Miami and
Venegas claims that he had gone to Cuba through
the same via as Perez and his men.

Andres Venegas, JMWAVE Personality File, A 12

143 273, DPOB December 25, 1923, Cuba,
Occupation: Mechanic. Subject was stowaway on SS
Transcaribbean from Cuba to Charleston, South
Carolina. Supplied information regarding
Communists worked at Cuba. Agent Memo May 3,
1962, recommended Subject for infiltration in region
of Montanosa of Oriente Province. [CIA FOIA 18458,
18456, 18462, 18355, 18348]

The CIA could not verify any of Martino’s information and

concluded the Soviet defector story was a fake:

Comment: A review of the information above leads to

the conclusion that in the period June 1963 to
January 1964, JMWAVE has not obtained any hard
information on the current status of those individuals
who infiltrated into Cuba on Operation RED CROSS.
This review does reveal, however, that the


circumstantial evidence does indicate that these

infiltrees are still operating in Oriente in the Sagua de
Tanamo area. This conclusion is based primary on
the fact that none of the infiltrees have returned to
Miami and we have not received any information
from any reporting sources which would indicate that
the infiltrees have been captured, killed or
imprisoned. As a result of this negative reporting,
JMWAVE can only conclude that the analysis which
was previously reported in Reference A was correct
i.e. the individuals who participated in Operation RED
CROSS did not have any Soviet contacts but they
developed a story about notional Soviet contacts in
order to develop an operational proposal which was
designed to obtain for them transportation, arms and
infiltration into Cuba via the good offices of Pawley."
[CIA FOIA 18462 To Chief, Special Affairs Staff, from

Robert K. Brown told this researcher: "This might have just

been ploy to get the CIA to transport Martino to Cuba so he could do
his own Rambo type operation."

On July 25, 1963, the CIA reported on Pawley's activities

with JMWAVE.

1. As a result of the initial meeting between Pawley

and COS [Ted Shackely] a relationship has
developed in which Pawley as a well-informed
businessman with excellent connections in the Miami
community has been used as a special contact for
the development of certain background data,
operational intelligence, and the conduct of
operational support tasks. In the period August 28,
1962 to July 25, 1963, Pawley has shown himself to
be a discreet loyal American who is interested in
helping his country solve those problems which it
faces in the Western Hemisphere...

2. Operational Support. On occasion, it has been

possible to use Pawley's background knowledge on
Cuba as a reference point for the acquisition of
operational intelligence and or/personality
assessments. In addition, Pawley has, in some

instances, been used to carry out operational support

tasks for JMWAVE. These tasks are recorded in the
comments which follow:

c. Crypt Cargo. After the Crypt corporation was

established and in the initial period when JMWAVE
was attempting to build a solid (deleted) cover for the
Crypt Pawley was instrumental in obtaining (deleted)
cargo for the Crypt (deleted) METHODS. (deleted)

3. OPERATION RED CROSS: On April 18, 1963,

Pawley started a series of discussions with COS
which ultimately led to the mounting of Operation
RED CROSS. This operation is described in detail in
WAVE 9342, dated June 5, 1963. In summary, this
operation involved the infiltration into the Northern
Coast of Oriente of ten Cuban exiles who claimed
that they could go into Cuba and exfiltrate four Soviet
Officers who were knowledgeable of Soviet missile
activities in Oriente. This operation involved an odd
assortment of bedfellows, such as Mr. Jay Sourwine
of the Senate Internal Security Committee, Nathaniel
Weyl, author, John Martino, small time gangster, Life
Magazine and Pawley. Operation RED CROSS was
launched on June 9, 1963, with a large amount of
assistance from JMWAVE. The infiltrees did not
return from the infiltration operation as scheduled on
June 10, 1963, June 11, 1963, or June 12, 1963.
Subsequent developments revealed that the ten-man
team which was infiltrated was part of the invasion
force which the rump Cuban Revolutionary Council
announced on June 20, 1963 that they had infiltrated
into Cuba. It would appear, in retrospect, that the ten
Cubans who went into Cuba on Operation RED
CROSS did not have any Soviet contacts, but they
dreamed those contacts up in order to find an angel
who would facilitate their infiltration into Cuba. Their
plan worked and they did find an angel i.e. Pawley,
Life Magazine, Sourwine and a firm helping hand
from the CIA. Despite this, Operation RED CROSS
has to be viewed as a long shot target of opportunity
which neither JMWAVE nor the CIA could refuse to
pursue because, had their been an exfiltration of four


Soviets, we would have had a veritable gold mine of

current intelligence on Cuba. JMWAVE's analysis of
Operation RED CROSS is contained in WAVE 0438,
dated June 28, 1963.

5. Pawley's PW Efforts: Pawley is not in agreement

with the Administration of President Kennedy on
matters effecting the U.S. position relative to Cuba
and the Caribbean. As a result, Pawley occasionally
engages in propaganda activities of his own which
are designed to bring the Cuban issue and Pawley's
disagreement with President Kennedy's
Administration to the attention of the U.S. public. [CIA

Martino made up the story about the Russian Generals who wanted
to defect and told the story to Nathaniel Weyl. Weyl told the story to
CIA informant Hede Massing and Massing told the CIA, which
passed her report to the FBI. This gave the story a degree of
authenticity within the government. Martino had Weyl contact
Sourwine with the story. Weyl contacted Sourwine and told him that
Martino was the source of this story. Sourwine contacted Pawley
and referred him to Martino. Pawley contacted Ted Shackley of the
CIA. Operation RED CROSS was a plan to get the CIA to infiltrate a
commando team into Cuba despite the reluctance of the Kennedy
Administration to have the CIA violate the territorial integrity of
Loran Hall told the HSCA that in 1963 Hemming had
introduced him to Martino:

We went over to John Martino’s house and he took

us to a beach hotel. We went up to the hotel room
and in the hotel room was Sam Giancana, Johnny
Rosselli and Trafficante.
Hemming 1994:
Never happened. His big plan was to see Trafficante
in Tampa and remind him of the favors he did him
while he was in jail. That type of meeting went down
in 1961, after the Bay of Pigs.


Martino appeared on Allen Courtney's radio show. Hemming

told this researcher:

Martino had a pipeline directly to very important

people. I spent a lot of time with him, I practically
lived in his house. I know his kids, his son and
daughter. When I talked to him I felt like I was talking
to George Raft. He looked like him. In 1972 he was in
Guatemala, he had a death squad thing going there,
attempted assassination on President Pepe Figueres
of Costa Rica. I worked with him up until 1974,
handling some rice deals in Latin America.

Hemming elaborated on the plot against President Figueres,

which was known as OPERATION CACTUS:

Figueres had allowed the Soviets to open an

embassy in San Jose. He entered into trade
agreements with them. His previous followers wanted
him hit.


CARLOS MARCELLO (Calogero Minaeure) was born on February

6, 1910, at Tunis, Africa, of Sicilian parentage. He died on March 3,
1993. He entered New Orleans in 1910 before his first birthday. The
father of Carlos Marcello opened a dry goods store and prospered
until he killed an alleged burglar. The Minaeures fled and started
over in another part of the city under the name of Marcello. On May
28, 1930, Carlos Marcello was arrested for assault and robbery. He
was sentenced to serve nine to 14 years in Louisiana State Prison.
While he was in prison Carlos Marcello'S family developed close
ties with the New Orleans mafia headed by Sam "Silver Dollar"
Corolla and his capo, Frank Todaro. As a result, Carlos Marcello
was paroled in 1935, and on July 25, 1935, he was granted a
pardon by Louisiana Governor O.K. Allen. O.K. Allen was controlled
by Senator Huey Long, who met with Meyer Lansky and New York
City crime boss Frank Costello on a frequent basis at this time.
Although Carlos Marcello served nearly five years in prison neither
his crime nor his incarcerations appeared on Carlos Marcello'S
record. That year Marcello started a friendship with the Gretna,


Louisiana, Town Marshal. In 1938 Carlos Marcello served a year in

jail for possession of 23 pounds of marijuana. Upon his release,
Carlos Marcello married the daughter of Frank Todaro and became
a part of "the family" that serviced slot machines for the syndicate.
During World War II Carlos Marcello was involved in black
marketeering and was also a principal suspect in several gangland
slayings. The rise of Carlos Marcello from soldier to capo came in
1947 when Frank Costello, Meyer Lansky and Frank Carolla
appointed Carlos Marcello overseer of their gambling interests.
Carlos Marcello had at least 5,000 slot machines in operation.
Carlos Marcello got the Sheriff of Jefferson Parish to allow him to
open the Beverly Club, a plush casino and nightclub. The Beverly
Club netted $600,000 per year. In 1949 he went into business with
Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello. The Justice Department
attempted to deport Carlos Marcello in December 1952. The
Department of Justice became aware that Marcello'S birth records
in Guatemala had been forged. Marcello had been afraid of being
deported to far-off Italy, so in order to "prove" that he was not Italian,
Marcello had a henchman go to Guatemala and enter his name in a
church registry book in antique ink. Based on this entry, the
Guatemalan Government was bribed into issuing a birth certificate
for him.
On December 27, 1960, the United States Attorney General
Designate, Robert F. Kennedy, announced he had selected two
priority candidates in his war on organized crime: James Hoffa and
Carlos Marcello. On April 4, 1961, Carlos Marcello was virtually
kidnapped by two Immigration and Naturalization Service agents,
placed in a car and put aboard a U.S. Border Patrol aircraft. Carlos
Marcello was being deported to his "native" Guatemala. Carlos
Marcello was entertained by President Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes.
But the deportation was short-lived. Public outcry coupled with left-
wing unrest forced his cronies in the Guatemalan Government to
order him deported to El Salvador. On the night of May 3, 1961,
Carlos Marcello was transported to the El Salvador border. The
Salvadorians deposited Carlos Marcello, accompanied by one of his
attorneys, Mike Maroun, in the wilderness of Honduras. After Carlos
Marcello returned from Central America he was arrested and forced
to spend several days in a Federal Detention Center before he was
released on bond. The United States was faced with the problem
that no country wanted Carlos Marcello. After the illegal entry
charges were dismissed, Carlos Marcello was indicted for


conspiracy to commit fraud by having obtained the fake birth

certificate. Despite the damaging testimony of one of Carlos
Marcello'S men, who went to Guatemala on his behalf, it only took a
New Orleans jury an hour of deliberation before they found Marcello
not guilty. [Testimony of Aaron M. Kohn - Congressional Record
8.6.70 E7385; The Mob - Life 9.67; New Orleans - Cosa Nostra's
Wall Street - Bill Davidson Sat. Evening Post; Wall St. Journal ; FBI
62-109060-6193 11.22.63; David Leon Chandler, Brothers in Blood,
E.P. Dutton - NY-1975 - pgs.173-194; HSCA - V9 p69, Report pl69]

On November 28, 1963, EUGENE R. DE LA PARRA, a

horse trainer for VINCENT Marcello (one of Carlos Marcello'S
brothers) employed part-time at Benny Traegel's Bar, told the FBI in
both New Orleans and Philadelphia that:"In March 1963 I was in
Benny Traegel's Bar, a horse book on Airline Highway, in New
Orleans. Benny Traegel, Norman La Blanc and a bookie called 'The
Professor' were looking at an ad in a detective magazine about a
foreign-made rifle which sold for $12.98. I heard Traegal remark:
'This would be a nice rifle to buy to get the President. There is a
price on the son-of-a-bitch's head. Somebody will kill that nigger-
lover when he comes down South!' This guy, Benny Traegel, he's a
close friend of VINNIE Marcello, Marcello owns his book - VINCENT
Marcello, the racketeer."Eugene Dela Parra also said that VINCENT
Marcello owned a nightclub in Dallas (the Egyptian Lounge) and
flew there by private plane on many occasions.

Eugene Dela Parra claimed he reported this incident to

Special Agent Reed Jensen in March 1963, when he was in contact
with the FBI regarding "Area Gambling Activities." The Bureau noted
that while Eugene Dela Parra was in New Orleans, he "was in
contact with S.A.s Reed Jensen, Brogan, and Prosperity regarding
area gambling activities. Eugene Dela Parra had provided reliable
information in the past..." No action was taken to investigate this
threat on the President of the United States; nor was the Secret
Service alerted.

S.A. Reed Jensen interviewed Norman LeBlanc on

November 29, 1963, in New Orleans: "He was advised of the
Agent's identity, that he was not required to submit to the interview,
and that anything he might say could be used against him in a court
of law, and that he could first consult an attorney. No threats,
rewards, promises or other inducements were made to Traegel in
connection with this interview." Norman LeBlanc told S.A. Reed


Jensen the incident described by Eugene Dela Parra never

occurred and that "when we heard the news on November 22, at
Traegal's book, we were all upset." Benny Traegel assured S.A.
Jensen " that although he did not like President Kennedy as a
President, he has never been associated with any organization of a
political nature that had as a specific purpose 'fighting' the Civil
Rights Program of the current Administration. He stated he would
never stoop to violence of any kind against anyone, and he has
never been associated with anyone to his knowledge who
advocates violence to promote their aims and purposes. He says he
considers himself a patriotic American and he is appalled at anyone
who would kill a United States Government official, particularly a
United States President." On November 30, 1963, S.A. Reed
Jensen closed the Eugene Dela Parra file because: "The records of
the New Orleans Office contain no information that Traegel, Le
Blanc or a VINCENT JOSEPH Marcello have been involved in any
hate group activity."

Eugene Dela Parra came forward with more information on

February 23, 1967. He told the FBI that around "June 1963, he was
working for Benny Traegel, at Benny Traegel's Bar in New Orleans.
On or about June 22, 1963, TONY Marcello came into the premises
to service the pinball machine. Eugene Dela Parra advised that
TONY Marcello is the brother of VINCENT Marcello, who owns
motels in New Orleans. VINCENT Marcello had another brother who
is a part time gambler in New Orleans [Carlos Marcello]. Marcello
stated to Benny Traegel that the word is out to get the Kennedy
family." Eugene Dela Parra added that Benny Traegel "knew Lee
Harvey Oswald very well."

The FBI dismissed the charges of Eugene Dela Para as the

delusions of an ex-Marine who "suffered nervous breakdown during
World II [sic] and is currently receiving 70% disability." What was
omitted by the FBI was that Eugene Dela Parra "explained he was
now well. The interviewing agent described Eugene Dela Parra as
generally rational during the interview. During the conversation
many minor points were asked of Dela Parra and in each instance
he replied in the same way he originally stated." [FBI 62-109060-
725; FBI LHM Newark, NJ 2.27.67; 62-109060-4536, 569, 4134;
DL100-10481 Cover page; 105-82555-981; DL 89-43 JTK; mvs
pp288-293; LHM Phil., PA 11.29.63] The FBI: "Further, investigation
of this matter at New Orleans as of November 30, 1963, had
developed no information that the three aforementioned individuals


have ever been associated with Lee Harvey Oswald..." Eugene

Dela Parra embellished his story by making Benny Traegel an
associate of Oswald, however, other FBI informants around the
Marcello family reported hearing similar remarks.

EDWIN BECKER (born 1922 California) was a licensed

private investigator from Los Angeles. His early years of
employment included publicity work for several San Francisco
nightclubs and subsequently writing a column for two California
newspapers. In 1955 Edwin Becker became a public relations man
for the Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, working closely with
Gus Greenbaum, the manager of the Riviera and well known
gambling figure who was the victim of a much publicized underworld
killing in 1957. In 1959 Edwin Becker became involved with two men
who were "running a con deal involving Laundromats and stolen
credit cards." One of these men was an associate of Los Angeles
mob boss Joe Sica. During the early 1960's, Edwin Becker did
investigative work in Los Angeles for Julian Blodgett, a former FBI
agent and former chief investigator for the District Attorney of Los
Angeles County. The FBI reported that on November 5, 1962, Julian
Blodgett advised that he had ascertained that Edwin Becker was
unreliable and had been lying to him and discontinued his services.
"As the Bureau is aware, information was received from (deleted) in
November, 1962, that Becker claimed FBI connections..." According
to Edwin Becker, in September 1963, he was hired by an oil service
company that had been swindled by Billie Sol Estes. An FBI report
on the Billie Sol Estes case noted that on September 18, 1962,
Edwin Becker met with another private investigator in Brownswood,
Texas. On September 21, 1962, both men traveled to Shreveport,
Louisiana. There Edwin Becker met with Carlo Roppolo, an oil
geologist. The New Orleans Crime Commission identified the
mother of Carlo Roppolo, Lillian Roppolo, as an associate of Carlos
Marcello. Aaron Kohn noted the reported relationship between the
two families and stated that Lillian Roppolo "was considered to be
some thing of a courier for Carlos Marcello." Another New Orleans
Crime Commission report indicated Lillian Roppolo may have been
one of Carlos Marcello'S mistresses. During his appearance before
the HSCA Carlos Marcello admitted knowing the Roppolos. Carlo
Roppolo set up a meeting between Edwin Becker and Carlos
Marcello. Edwin Becker told the HSCA that he had met with Carlos
Marcello allegedly to seek his financial backing for an oil additive
product. Carlo Roppolo, Edwin Becker and Carlos Marcello met four
times during the next four months.


At their second meeting on September 11, 1962, in a

farmhouse at Churchill Farms, the 3,000 acre plantation owned by
Carlos Marcello, Edwin Becker said the subject of the Kennedy
Administration was discussed. Edwin Becker told the HSCA that
Carlos Marcello was very angry and had "clearly stated that he was
going to arrange to have President Kennedy murdered in some way
[and] that his own lieutenants could not be in on the actual hit."

When the name of Robert F. Kennedy came up, Carlos

Marcello said: "Take the stone out of my shoe! Don't worry about
that little Bobby son of a bitch!" he shouted, "He is going to be taken
care of." Later in the conversation Carlos Marcello said that to rid
himself of Robert F. Kennedy he would first have to remove the
President. Any killer of the Attorney General would be hunted down
by his brother; the death of the President would seal the fate of his
Attorney General. Carlos Marcello made a reference to President
John Kennedy's being "a dog" and United States Attorney General
Robert F. Kennedy "the dog's tail" and had said that "the dog will
keep biting you, if you only cut off his tail." Edwin Becker stated that
Carlos Marcello theorized out loud that "in order to get Bobby
Kennedy they would have to get the President, as they could not kill
Bobby because the President would use the Army and Marines to
get them."

Edwin Becker told author Ed Reid about this incident in

1967; Ed Reid called the FBI to confirm the story. The Bureau
admitted that two of its agents, James E. Ethridge and Lanford L.
Blanton, had talked with Edwin Becker, but in November 1962, not
September 1963. In early May 1967, senior officials of the FBI
learned of Edwin Becker's account of the meeting and of Carlos
Marcello'S alleged threat. J. Edgar Hoover stated that because
Edwin Becker said the meeting took place in September 1963 and
the records of the Los Angeles FBI Office indicated the meeting took
place in September 1962, Edwin Becker was "unreliable." Perhaps
Edwin Becker was attempting to make his information more
important by lying about the date of the incident? Edwin Becker told
Ed Reid that he had given the information about the threat to the
FBI, as any good citizen would have, in November 1963. When Ed
Reid was questioned at his home by FBI agents on May 31, 1967,
the agents reported that Ed Reid had told them that Edwin Becker
told him the meeting occurred in September 1963. Edwin Becker
consistently maintained that the meeting was in September 1963
rather then September 1962. Julian Blodgett told the HSCA that he


vaguely remembered Edwin Becker having met with Carlos Marcello

in 1962.

The FBI checked its records of this interview and discovered

no reference to a threat against President John F. Kennedy in its
reports dated November 1962. However, the FBI found that one of
its reports dated November 26, 1962, contained the following
information about Carlos Marcello: "He (Becker) advised that on two
occasions he has accompanied Roppolo to New Orleans, where
they met with one Carlos Marcello." The FBI claimed that this was
the only reference to Carlos Marcello in any of the reports of Edwin

A report by S.A. REGIS KENNEDY of the New Orleans

Office of the FBI concluded that the meeting may very well have
taken place since Carlo Roppolo did, in all likelihood, know Carlos
Marcello. The document stated that Carlo Roppolo was regarded as
"rather shiftless...a problem person" who had little credibility with
Marcello. The FBI released a document about the interview with
Edwin Becker signed by Regis L. Kennedy:
An individual named EDWARD NICHOLAS
DECKER, 8613 West Olympic, Los Angeles, a
licensed private investigator In the State of California,
was introduced by SNOWDEN to PRUNER on
September 41, 1962. Also present was CARLO
ROPPOLO, age 27, a graduate geologist of
Louisiana State University, residence 515 Egan
Street, Shreveport, Louisiana. The meeting was to
promote an oil additive known as Mustang, and
ROPPOLO expressed an interest in being the
Louisiana distributor. ROPPOLO claims he wanted to
contact a wealthy and influential uncle in New
Orleans, and BECKER and ROPPOLO were
supposed to have gone to New Orleans to get this
individual, who was subsequently identified as Carlos
Marcello. ROPPOLO alleged several days later that
his mother is Carlos Marcello's sister. The
significance of the activities of SNOWDEN,
PRUNER, and BECKER, insofar as the relationship
with Marcello, is unknown. SNOWDEN is apparently
an oil promoter who has numerous promotional
interests and has apparently served in both the
California State Penitentiary and the Federal

Correctional Institution at Terminal Island. In view of

the possibility that this information is part of the
intrigue involving private investigators connected with
the BILSOL case, the information is not being
included in the body of the report; however, efforts
will be made to determine any possible connections
between Marcello and CARLO ROPPOLO. [FBI NO
92-36 RLK/mam]
Regis Kennedy claimed that during this interview about the
Billie Sol Estes affair, the name of Carlos Marcello was mentioned,
but not about a possible Presidential assassination. Regis Kennedy
(born October 9, 1908; died July 1978) was the FBI Agent in charge
of Carlos Marcello's case from 1957 to 1964, a period when Carlos
Marcello enjoyed immunity from Federal prosecution. One of the
only complaints lodged against Carlos Marcello during this period of
time came from a private individual, who filed a complaint that
alleged that Carlos Marcello and Joe Poretto had allowed
prostitution to flourish at the Town and Country Motel. Apparently he
did this because he had been thrown out of another Marcello
establishment. [FBI 92-2713-61, 132; NO 92-36 p12; NO Times-
Picayune 3.17.61] The contents of Regis Kennedy's reports on
Marcello were withheld. [FBI 92-2713-348 pB-D]

The FBI found out the name of Ed Reid's publisher and tried
to convince him to delete the information from Ed Reid's book. The
Bureau stated Ed Reid was an "irresponsible newspaperman guilty
of dishonest reporting," and began to closely monitor his work. [FBI

In the Fall of 1963, Carlos Marcello was worth $40 million.

[FBI 100-378, 541, 3.28.56; FBI 100-378591-3,5; FBI 109-601-8;
FBI 100-378541-10 thru 16; FBI NR 7.31.63 pgs. 17-18, 11.10.64
pgs. 20-21, 5.3.63 pgs. 23-24, 7.14.66, 8.26.65, 10.15.65 pgs. 25-
29, 3.13.67 p51; FBI 62-109060-1st NR 5314]

After the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Oswald was

erroneously reported to have received money directly from the
Marcello crime family on April 22, 1963. GENE SUMNER, (born
June 24, 1898; died August 7, 1989), a Darien, Georgia,
businessman, told his brother-in-law, Police Lieutenant Johnny
Harris of the Midcounty (phonetic) Police Department, that around
April 14, 1963, he left Darien, Georgia, and traveled to New
Orleans, Louisiana with business acquaintance Ernest Insalmo. In


New Orleans, Ernest Insalmo met with some of his associates in the
mafia-controlled construction and seafood business (Paul and
Salvadore Pizza and Benny Capeana); he then took Gene Sumner
to the Marcello-owned Town and Country Restaurant, a known
hangout for the hoodlum element. Gene Sumner was introduced to
the owner of the restaurant, Joseph Albert Poretto, and given a
table in the main dining room, where there were only two other
couples. Joseph Albert Poretto (born March 21, 1906; died April
1983) was incarcerated in 1951 for refusing to testify before the
Kefauver Senate Committee studying organized crime. Carlos
Marcello was tried for that same offense. [FBI 62-9-33-411, 73-
10184-11, 92-8100-1 1.15.65 - serials 2 and 3 w/h, arrest rec.
#1799932] Gene Sumner claimed he then observed a young couple
enter the dining room, and sit at a table about two tables away from
his. He claimed he observed Joseph Albert Poretto remove a wad of
bills from his pocket and pass the money under the table to the man
who just entered. A few minutes later, the couple left without
ordering any food or drinks. On December 2, 1963, the FBI showed
Gene Sumner pictures of Oswald; he believed Oswald was the
same man he had seen in the Town and Country Restaurant. He
described the woman who accompanied Oswald as a blonde, white,
female, 22 to 26 years of age, flashy dresser. FBI S.A. Reed W.
Jensen interviewed Joseph Albert Poretto at the Town and Country
Restaurant. Joseph Albert Poretto claimed he did not know Oswald
before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and had
never had any dealings with anyone who even slightly resembled
Oswald enough for a mistaken identity. S.A. Reed Jensen then
questioned the brother of Carlos Marcello, Anthony Marcello, the
manager of the Town and Country Motel. Anthony Marcello told S.A.
Reed Jensen the same thing Joseph Albert Poretto told him, and
allowed him to examine the registration book of the motel. [FBI NO-
44-2064 11.27.63, 44-24016-531; WCD 4 p811] The HSCA never
questioned Gene Sumner and little background material is available
on him. Johnny Harris was contacted in December 1993. He
refused comment.

Hemming did not believe this incident occurred. Neither does

this researcher. Passing a wad of bills, in a public place, to a
potential presidential assassin is farfetched. Secondly, the FBI had
the mob under surveillance and had numerous informants within its
ranks. The FBI reported: "NO 1238-PC who is a known associate of
JOSEPH and Carlos Marcello, as well as Joseph Poretto and who
has been a manager of the Town and Country Restaurant up until


October 1963, advised S.A. Reed Jensen on November 27, 1963

that he had never heard or Oswald or RUBY prior to the Kennedy
assassination." [FBI 44-1639-496] If Oswald popped up in this
context, the FBI could not have reconciled it with his background as
a defector and Fair Play for Cuba Committee leader. Gene Sumner
had a falling out with the mob. He believed his brother-in-law would
make sure his identity was kept secret.
JAMES RIDDLE HOFFA, the son of a coal miner, was born
on February 14, 1913. His father died when he was seven and in
1924, the family moved to Detroit. Hoffa left school at fourteen and
worked as a department-store stock boy. An active trade unionist, in
1932, he led a strike at Krogers, a Detroit grocery store chain. Once
the strawberries began to rot management recognized Hoffa’s
union. By the age of 37 he was chairman of the Central States
Drivers Council in 1940 and two years was elected president of the
Michigan Conference of Teamsters. In 1952 Hoffa became vice
president of the Teamsters Union under Dave Beck, the president.
Allegations were made in 1956 that the leadership of the union was
involved in illegal activities. The Select Committee on Labor, that
included John F. Kennedy, decided that these charges needed to be
investigated. Robert Kennedy, chief counsel of the committee, was
instructed to collect information and discovered several financial
irregularities. This included taking $85,119 between 1949 and 1953
from union funds to pay his own personal bill. The investigation also
revealed that a Seattle builder had received $196,516 out of union
funds to pay for work done on Beck's home. The investigations were
televised and Kennedy's questioning turned him into a national
political figure. Beck was eventually imprisoned for five years and
Hoffa became the new president of the Teamsters Union. Robert
Kennedy now began investigating Hoffa and he was eventually
charged with corruption. Kennedy claimed that Hoffa had
misappropriated $9.5 million in union funds and had corruptly done
deals with employers. Hoffa's lawyer, Edward Bennett Williams,
managed to persuade the jury to find him not guilty. George Meany,
president of the AFL-CIO, did not agree with the verdict and Hoffa
and the Teamsters Union were expelled from the association.


Hoffa was popular with his members and in 1960 was re-
elected as president of the Teamsters Union. A long-term supporter
of the Republican Party, Hoffa was a generous supplier of funds to
Richard Nixon in his presidential struggle with John F. Kennedy.
During the campaign, Robert Kennedy sent Hoffa a copy of his
book, The Enemy Within. Kennedy wrote inside: "To Jimmy. I'm
sending you this book so you won't have to use union funds to buy
one. Bobby."

After Kennedy's election victory in 1960 he appointed Robert

Kennedy as his attorney general. Once in office, Kennedy resumed
his investigations into Hoffa's activities. Hoffa was eventually
charged with taking money from the union's $300 Pension Fund.


A former official of the union, E. G. Partin, was in prison

facing charges of kidnapping, murder, robbery and rape, agreed to
do a deal with the authorities and provide evidence against Hoffa. At
the first trial at Nashville in October, 1962, the hung jury voted 7-5
for acquittal. The judge, believing that Hoffa's team was guilty of jury
tampering, called a mistrial. At the second trial at Chattanooga in
January, 1964, Hoffa was found guilty and sentenced to eight years
in prison.

In 1961 reports circulated that Hoffa, Teamsters' union

leader, held a $429,000 mortgage on the home site Nixon originally
bought in Beverly Hills. Nixon replied that he understood the
mortgage antedated (date assigned to an event or document earlier
than the actual date of the event or document) by five years his
purchase of the property for $35,000 which he considered "a great
deal." He added sardonically that of $4,300 it had cost to move his
files and household effects from Washington, $1000 would go to the
movers - members of the Teamsters Union "so that gives you a real
relation between me and Hoffa." [NYT September 28, 1961]

In August 1960 Senator John F. Kennedy he was "extremely

glad that the leadership of the International Longshoremen and
housemen's Union and the national Brotherhood of Teamsters was
not supporting him for President. On September 22, 1960 Teamster
officials disclosed that their president, Hoffa, would begin next week
the union's intensive nationwide campaign against Senator John F.
Kennedy. Hoffa made a major personal effort to attack Kennedy
without explicitly endorsing Nixon. On October 29, 1960 Hoffa said
that "the Kennedy people are the most dangerous people who ever
tried to get into the White House." During the Kennedy Nixon
debates JFK stated, “I am not satisfied when I see men like Jimmy
Hoffa, in charge of the largest union in the country, still free." As
stated, Hoffa’s first conviction came in March, 1964, when he was
found guilty of tampering with a jury in Nashville, Tennessee, while
standing trial for an earlier charge brought by the Government. In
August 1964, he was convicted in United States District Court in
Chicago on four counts of defrauding the teamster’s pension fund of
some $2 Million. He entered prison on March 7, 1967. Before his
conviction on conspiracy and fraud charges in 1967, Hoffa had been
on trial in Federal court four times in five years. He was acquitted
twice, and one trial ended with a hung jury. On December 23, 1971
Nixon commuted the prison term of Hoffa. Hoffa walked free from
the Federal Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pa., after serving 4 years, 9

months and 16 days of a 13-year term. In 1972 the Teamsters

Union switched law firms and was represented by Morin, Dickstein,
Shapiro &Galligan, a firm to which

Charles W. Colson, who was a special counsel to the

President, was expected to move early the next year. Among those
who tried to help Hoffa over the years were John D. Ehrichman,
assistant to the President for domestic affairs, and Murray M.
Chotiner, a former Nixon aide. While Nixon was president ranking
officials of the Department of Justice turned down a request by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation to continue electronic surveillance
that had begun to penetrate teamsters' union connections with the
Mafia. These were Attorney General Richard G. Kleindienst and
Assistant Attorney General Henry E. Petersen. On July 30, 1975,
Hoffa disappeared when travelling to a meeting with the Detroit
gangster, Anthony Giacalone. In 1982 Hoffa was legally declared
"presumed dead".
Santo Trafficante Sr. managed the rackets in South Florida
in the late 1940's and early 1950's, while his son, SANTO
Trafficante Jr.(born November 15, 1914; died March 1987) took over
the mob's concessions in Havana. Trafficante Jr.'s position was
manager of the Sans Souci Casino when he was in charge of
receiving the syndicate bulk shipments of heroin from Europe. In
September 1962 Trafficante told wealthy Cuban exile Jose M.
Alemán "Mark my words, Kennedy will get what is coming to him.
He is going to be hit." The FBI: "Jose M. Alemán's father, Jose M.
Alemán, Education Minister during the Grau Administration,
misappropriated close to 60 million pesos from the


public treasury, which he invested or deposited in Miami. After the

death of his father, Subject inherited his father's fortune, as well as
his political machinery and shrewdness." Jose Alemán had supplied
Fidel Castro with arms in the late 1950's. Soon after Fidel Castro
assumed control of Cuba, he ordered the confiscation of Jose
Alemán's 50,000 acre estate. When Jose Alemán arrived from
Havana in December 1960, he brought with him a list of war
material allegedly purchased by Fidel Castro from the Soviets. Jose
Alemán was the owner of Miami Stadium. Gaeton Fonzi doubted
Trafficante made this statement in front of Jose Alemán, because
Jose Alemán was not trusted by the mob. When Jose Alemán
testified before the HSCA he said Trafficante meant President John
F. Kennedy would be hit with votes.

Mr. Cornwall: How did you meet Santo Trafficante?

Mr. Aleman: Mr. George Nobregas came to me after

we had some other conversations with some other
individuals and there were American businessmen,
and those American businessmen had lost a lot of
property in Cuba, then he came to me and he said
Santos wants to meet you. I some way refused


because I had to testify against Santos' people in


Mr. Cornwell: Who were those associates?

Mr. Aleman: Sammy Mannarino and Norman


Mr. Cornwell: Do you have any knowledge of how it

was that Nobregas came to know Santo Trafficante
prior to that time?

Mr. Aleman: The possibility that while we were

smuggling arms in the 1950's they had all the
connections with other mafia people and they came
about to maybe he was connected with them.

Mr. Cornwell: And roughly during what period of time

did the meetings take place?

Mr. Aleman: July, June around that time.

Mr. Cornwell: What was your objective in attending

the meeting with Trafficante?

Mr. Aleman: Well, Mr. Nobregas came to me and

said that J.J. Vica, Director of Public Relations in the
city of Miami, wanted to see me because he had a
message from President Bosch of the Dominican
Republic and President Bosch was a man that was
very grateful to my father and that he wanted to talk
to me about bringing to the Dominican Republic a lot
of businessmen and whoever wanted to invest of the possible individuals that was
interested in going was Santos Trafficante...He talked
to me about, in favor of the contracts in Dominican
Republic, that I had a project, condominium project,
and he wanted to facilitate the means for a loan with
the Teamsters Union...One of the things he said
Hoffa could not secure the loan so far because he
had a lot of troubles with the brothers
Kennedy...Well, he was very much upset. He said
that the way the President was getting on Hoffa, a
man of the workers, blue collar, and a man that was


a very hard working individual and that at the same

time he was very much upset, I mean he thought for
a long period of time. At one point he said: 'You see,
this man, he is not going to be re-elected, there is no
doubt about it, he has been the man that has been
giving everybody a lot of troubles and he is not going
to be re-elected...he is going to be hit'.

Cuban intelligence reported: "Aléman facilitated or was

involved in recruiting Cubela." [Z-R Rifle Cuba Vision Network
11.27.93] Rolando Cubela knew Jose Aléman. In 1994 Cubela
stated: "Pepe Aléman, the son of the education minister in the first
Authentico Government, is my friend." Rolando Cubela was
recruited by the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro. The FBI
discovered the name "Jose Alemán, 575 NW 6th St., Miami,
Florida," in the course of its Watergate investigation. [FBI 139-4011-
1013 (?) WFO 139-166 9.22.72] George Crile reported that
Watergate burglar Eugenio Martinez was close to Jose Alemán.
Jose Alemán was killed by Miami Police in August 1983, after he
shot four of his relatives. [Gaeton Fonzi, Last Invest. p256]

Trafficante'S attorney, Frank Ragano, told the FBI that in early April
1967: "While driving through New Orleans in Carlos Marcello's car,
Carlos Marcello was driving and Santos Trafficante was seated in
the front seat, I heard Santos remark to Marcello, 'Carlos the next
thing you know they will be blaming the President's assassination
on us.'" [FBI 62-109060-5099]






Rolando Masferrer was the leader of a group of Batistiano

murderers known as “El Tigres” who trademark was to dismember
anyone connected to Fidel Castro or any other opposition figure.
Masferrer had grandiose ambitions and the FBI reported:

On August 8, 1958 a follower of Prio, former

President of Cuba, while being interviewed in another
matter stated that Prio had requested him to advise
the FBI that Prio had received info from a source in
the Armed Forces in Cuba that Rolando Masferrer
was planning to take over the Cuban Government
when Batisa fell and that about three days before one

Carlos Sayes had come to Miami from Cuba as a

representative of Masferrer. According to Prio’s
sources, Sayes contacted Jimenez, former President
of Venezula. Jimenez agreed to give a sum of money
to an agent of Sayas to purchase arms. Jimenez was
also to leave Miami August 8, 1958 for NYC to obtain
money there to give an agent of Sayas in NYC in
order to purchase the guns. Miami advised that when
Prio follower furnish information he was requested to
advise Prio that this office preferred to receive this
info from original source whenever possible and we
would appreciate being place in contact with the
original source of Prio’s info. [FBI 1-100-344127]

Masferrer fled to Miami with a yacht full of money in January

1959. Cuba demanded the extradition of Masferrer as a war criminal
but C. Douglas Dillon, the Under Secretary of State during the
Eisenhower Administration, refused to extradite Rolando Masferrer.
A notation on Masferrer's FBI arrest record read: "Contributor of
Prints: USINS, Miami, Florida, March 30, 1959, EXCLUDED from
admission to the United States." In January 1959, 59 of Rolando
Masferrer's Tigres were executed on San Juan Hill in Santiago de
Cuba. As stated, Sturgis supervised these executions. In March
1959 four of Rolando Masferrer's men were arrested in Havana for
plotting to assassinate Fidel Castro. [Wash. Post 3.27.59] In April
1959 the FBI was informed that Fidel Castro had hired Jack
Youngblood, an American mercenary who had helped Castillo
Armas escape from a Guatemalan prison, to kidnap Rolando
Masferrer and return him to Cuba. The plan failed.


The FBI reported:

William Pawley, former United States Ambassador,

advised CIA today of contact with Arthur Patton a
Commissioner from Dade County, Miami, Florida.
Patton stated that one of his police officers had been
offered $200,000 to kidnap Rolando Masferrer.
Police officer went to Patton for advice. Patton turned
to Pawley who consulted CIA. CIA believes Bernard
Reichardt, CIA, Miami, has furnished this data to your
office. Sutel January 26 specific facts and action

taken. Teletype being sent in view of urgency of

matter. Foregoing information furnished to S. J.
Papich 1025060 by J. C. King of CIA" [FBI 105-
84265-34, 36 p 1 page 2 w/h]

In August 1959 the Bureau received information about an

anti-Castro uprising sponsored by Rolando Masferrer. Most of this
telex was withheld. [FBI 100-344127 NR 5.13.59, 26; FBI 109-584-
305] In November 1959 the FBI received word that Rolando
Masferrer was planning to drop phosphorus on Cuban sugar cane
fields. [FBI 100-344127-32] In January 1960 William Pawley, a
former United States Ambassador, advised the CIA that he had
been contacted by On January 27, 1960, a FBI document stated
that Estaban Ventura and Julio Laurent (the former head of Cuban
intelligence under Batista) were also the intended victims of this
plot. [FBI 105-344127]

Catherine Taaffe, who over the past year has

provided considerable information on Cuban matters
some of which has been discredited, advised Miami

Office 1/26/60 that during three or four days prior to

1/15/60 she had several discussions in office of Raul
Castro, Cuban Chief of the Armed Forces, with
Cuban officials named Jorge Valdez, Roberto (LNU)
and Eduarda (LNU). These men proposed plan to
bribe a Miami police officer to falsely arrest Rolando
Masferrer and/or Esteban Ventura and Julio Laurent,
all of whom are anti-Fidel Castro, and thereafter
transport the victims outside U.S. jurisdiction. The
three Cuban officials reportedly planned to kill
Masferrer as soon as he was delivered to them; put
his body and unnamed items bearing U.S.
identification on some undisclosed island in the
Bahamas in order that Cuban Premier Fidel Castro
could personally “discover” this “anti-Castro base”
and then accuse the U.S. and Britain of assisting
anti-Castro faction.

At 2:10 p.m. today SAC Teague, Miami, called to

report that Taaffe had advised that Jorge Valdez and
three other Cubans who work under Raoul Castro
were then in Miami in Room 317, Airport Hotel,
International Airport. They contacted Taaffe who told
them she had a friend from Dade County Sheriff’s
office who might assist them in the plan they had
previously proposed with regard to kidnapping
captioned victims. She further told them she would
contact this friend and if he would agree she would
have him call Valdez. SA Bill Holloman of Miami
posing as Bill Haley of the Dade Country Sheriff’s
Office then telephonically contacted Valdez; told him
Taaffe had suggested he call as he was interested in
this matter. Valdez asked Agent Holloman to meet
with him and his friends tonight at the Airport Hotel
between 7:30 and 8 p.m. and let him know if he
would do so by 6:30 p.m. today.

SAC Teague proposed that Holloman meet with

Valdez carrying credentials of the Dade County
Sheriff’s Office which Miami can readily secure for
this purpose. Miami Office will rent another room at
the same hotel and desires to place microphone
(legal) in the rented room and try to arrange for the


meeting between Holloman and the Cubans to take

place in the rented room. If this is not possible Miami
will attempt to place a microphone covering Room
317 under full security conditions and without
trespass if at all possible.
not speak much English but understood some
explained the deal. SA HOLLOMAN replied that she
had explained it in general and that he knew it
would have to explain the whole thing to him.
VALDES stated that they wanted MASFERRER
delivered to Cuba. SA HOLLOMAN asked if VALDES
vented him delivered dead or alive to which VALDES
replied they wanted him alive so he could be made to
stand trial in Cuba. VALDES asked how SA
HOLLOMAN thought he could get MASFERRER out
of the U. S. SA HOLLOMAN said he wished to hear
whatever plan VALDES had and he would either
agree to the plan or would disapprove it. VALDES
said he thought MASFERRER could be arrested and
taken to a boat where he could be turned over to
them. VALDES said MASFERRER would be taken
out of Miami by boat. VALDES asked SA
HOLLOMAN if he would need any assistance. SA
HOLLOMAN said he probably would need help in
getting MASFERRER to the boat because
MASFERRER would certainly not go voluntarily.
VALDES replied that he could make two or three
men available to help SA HOLLOMAN get
MASFERRER on the boat….

VALDES agreed to pay SA HOLLOMAN 825,000.00

if MASFERRER was delivered to their boat within
one week. SA HOLLOMAN asked VALDES if this
was a final agreement or would it have to be
approved by someone else. VALDES replied that this
was a firm deal and SA HOLLOMAN could start
working on his part immediately. VALDES said he
would have to contact someone else about other
details of the plan,


SA HOLLOMAN expressed concern over what would

happen when it van learned that MASFERRER had
been kidnapped. VALDES said they planned to take
MASFERRER into international waters, transfer him
to a ship of the government of Cuba and then take
him to Cuba. He said MASFERRER would be held in
Cuba for several days then information would be
released that MASFERRER had been captured while
leading an invasion of Cuba. He would then be tried
in the courts of Cuba. According to VALDES, this
would make it appear that MASFERRER had come
voluntarily to Cuba leading an expedition.
A G-2 agent named Fernandez de Castro came to Miami to
consummate the deal and was arrested along with Valdes. After the
arrest of two Castro agents on attempted kidnapping charges, J.
Edgar Hoover sent a letter to then-Vice President RICHARD Nixon
about the affair. [Castro agent Juan Fernandez De Castro
Rodriguez FBI 105-84265-36] In March 1960 the Immigration and
Naturalization Service ordered seven Cuban exile leaders to leave
Miami. Among them was Rolando Masferrer and Estaban Ventura
Novo. [FBI 100-344127 - NR 3.15.60] On October 3, 1960, Rolando
Masferrer landed 27 men in Cuba. These men included Bobby
Fuller, Tony Zarba and Paul Hughes. [FBI 2-1622-38, Cover Page
6, Hughes FBI File No. 105-3138] Only three of the men were
captured; the others escaped. On November 9, 1960, Rolando
Masferrer informed the FBI that it was:

During interviews with Masferrer and particularly on

November 9, 1960, Masferrer indicated it wass
common knowledge that the Cuban Revolutionary
Front [an anti-Castro exile group under the
supervision of E. Howard Hunt] FRD was engaged in
recruiting activities in the United States and in some
Latin American countries (FRD is part of the CIA
covert operation). He claimed that the United States
Government, through CIA and Tony Varona, a Cuban
exile and FRD leader, is paying hundreds of
thousands of dollars each month.He claimed Varona
helped Castro in allowing Russians and Chinese to
enter Cuba and is egotistical to such an extent he is
waging a private war against Cuban exiles. Masferrer
expressed a desire to join the Cuban Revolutionary
Front although Varona was head of that organization.

He stated he would cease all operations in his anti-

Castro movement if he was so directed by the United
States Government. He indicated that without being
specific that the Cuban Revolutionary Front receives
aid from United States officials in some American
Embassies as well as in the United States. (Deleted).

Secretary of State Christian Herter received a report on this

interview. [FBI 2-1622-45, 46] The Miami Herald reported in
December 1960 that Rolando Masferrer had composed an army of
23 Americans and nearly 200 Cubans who were allegedly poised to
invade Cuba. Rolando Masferrer's men were training at a base at
No Name Key, Florida. The FBI reported:

Masferrer planned to use as staging area prior to

moving men to island or country other than the U.S.
prior to invasion of Cuba to avoid violation of U.S.
laws. Reference is also made to Miami report of S.A.
James D. Hayes, dated December 15, last, in this
case, which among other things mentions arrest of
vagrancy by Miami Police Department of 13
Masferrer supporters, including Kenneth Joseph
Proctor, Alvin Carl Wentz, Nick John Neri, Welburn
Vernon Gee, and Larry Lee Bice, Jr. It is noted
therein Proctor stated this group intended leaving the
U.S. unarmed, and proceed to an island located in
international waters, where they would be armed
before proceeding to invade Cuba. [FBI 2-1622-60;
FBI 2-1622 NR 128 NR 12.19.60 w/h; 2-1622-1st NR
serial after serial 51 (LHM) Enc.]

On December 30, 1960,

Frank J. Devine Bureau of Un-American Affairs,

Department of State, contacted an FBI Liaison Agent
making reference to our letter of November 30, 1960,
and requested FBI assistance in stopping Masferrer.
Frank J. Devine stated that recent newspaper
publicity on Masferrer presented a good opening
wedge for an FBI Agent to call on Masferrer and take
him up on his offer to cease operations. Frank J.
Devine was advised that we had no legal basis under
which the FBI could intrude itself into the situation,
and if we attempted to do so, it would put the FBI into

the role of a messenger for the State Department and

involve us in a matter which is not our affair. On the
memorandum prepared on the above contact by
Frank J. Devine on December 30, 1960, the Director
made reference to our letter of November 30, 1960,
and noted: 'Note: State didn't get around to
considering it for one month.' [Memo to Belmont FBI
On January 5, 1961, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was
under pressure to indict Rolando Masferrer from the Department of
Justice, which was headed by Robert F. Kennedy, yet he wrote that

Assistant Attorney General J. Walter Yeagley of the

Internal Security Division of the Department of
Justice called and stated he thought he ought to
bring me up to date on the Masferrer case (Neutrality
Matters). Mr. Yeagley stated that the Bureau had
investigated and submitted a detailed report on the
case last Friday and his Division thinks they have a
case, not a real open and shut case, but as far as the
facts and laws are concerned, it looks like enough to
go before a Grand Jury. Mr. Yeagley stated this is
delicate in view of the break in diplomatic relations
with Cuba, because if we start a Grand Jury, people
are going to ask which side are we on, Fidel Castro's
or the United States. Mr. Yeagley continued that as
late as last Friday, he believed it was, he had a call
from the State Department to see what we were
doing, whether going ahead or not, and he, Mr.
Yeagley, thought when he called the State
Department back, as he intended, to get confirmation
that they ought to go ahead despite the break in
relations, he thought he ought to mention it to me
because from the Justice Department's standpoint,
they would normally proceed, but when they go to
Miami, Justice is going to have the public relations

I told Mr. Yeagley that I thought it would be a difficult

one and that I recalled last week, I thought it was,
some fellow in the State Department had wanted to


know if we would not go to Masferrer and ask him to

refrain from any activitites that might embarrass this
Administration and we refused and said it was the
State Department’s place to do it. This chap replied
he at least made an effort to get us to do it but
thought our reaction would be what it was, but it took
so many days and weeks to get something like that
cleared in the State Department, he had hoped we
might do it on his request. Mr. Yeagley inquired if I
thought this reprepresented Masferrer’s position and
I told Mr. Yeagley it did not; that it was the man in the
State Department, but that we had received word
from Miami from Masferrer, or from his man, that
Masferrer would be very glad to refrain from action of
any kind and abide by whatever this Governmetn
wanted him to do and this State Department man,
having been advised of this, was the one who asked
us to go to Masferrer and ask if he would not lay low
for the time being. After checking with Mr. Belmont, I
advised Mr. Yeagley that the man’s name was Frank
J. Devine, Special Assisstant, Bureau of Inter
American Affairs. I stated Devine apparently thought
we would fall for it right away, but our man wisely
refused on the spot and Devine said then that he had
assumed that would be our reaction but that it was
impossible to get the State Department to clear
something like this for days or weeks. I stated that his
occurred, of course, before we broke relations with
Cuba and whether that would have any effect or not I
did not know, but I think that for us to start
proceedings now is going to seized upon by the
press in this country with severe criticism and it will
be the Department of Justice that would be holding
the bag, not the State Department as they won’t do it.

I stated the if he, Mr. Yeagley, has been following the

news releases, there was quite a number of Senators
and Congressmen who have been loud in their
commendation of what the Administration has done
in breaking relations with Cuba and indicated it
should have been done long ago.


I stated the whole area in Miami public opinion is

strongly sympathetic to the anti-Castro forces and in
many of the hotels there are waiters and busboys
who were very prominent in Cuba, having been
lawyers, doctors and dentists, and you also have
40,000 to 50,000 refugees and the papers there each
day have stories on the front page about the
refugees; that at Christmas time a lot of food was
sent by religious groups and there was quite a
celebration for the refugee children; and in the midst
of that, if we come out and start proceedings against
Masferrer when he stands as being against Castro, I
thought there would be very bad public reaction, both
in the newspapers and in Congress, as everyone
now is saying the Adminstration has done the thing
they should have done long ago, with which I agree. I
stated, however that the State Department is not
going to take the blame nor is CIA and it would be up
the the Justice Department.

I stated it was almost parallel to the situation in Drew

Pearson’s column the past couple of days about the
Hoffa case in Florida. I stated Pearson had jumped
on Vice President Nixon for having tried to prevent
the prosecution of Hoffa and successfully preventing
the indictment until after the election and then the
attorney general had gone ahead and indicted and
now leaves it all with the new Attorney General. I
stated I did not know whether Nixon interceded and I
had by doubts, but, on the other hand, the case in
Florida against Hoffa is fairly strong and I thought the
indictment was proper. I stated I did know it had been
held up a long time before finally going ahead; that
the Special Assistant on the case, Dowd (phonetic)
seemed to be a capable fellow and he had been
trying to get an indictment for some time but there
was a question of the individuals to be included, but
there was no question about Hoffa, but a question
about third party in Detroit. I stated Drew Pearson is
trying to make it appear as if it were done just as a
dying gasp by the current Administration and I think
there would be the same reaction in the Masferrer


I advised Mr. Yeagley that he could use the

information about the call from Devine and indicate
the position we took and it seemed to me that the
State Department ought to put in black and white
what they want done. Mr. Yeagley stated he thought
he had to ask them to. I stated this was loaded with
dynamite, because of the way the public had been
reacting in Florida; that there is a hatred of Castro
and I cited some incidents which had occurred while I
was recently in Miami and it seemed to me that with
that kind of public opinion, they were inviting great
trouble if they went against Masferrer. Mr. Yeagley
stated he thought I was right and appreciated my

I mentioned to Mr. Yeagley that I thought Masferrer

was under some kind of immigration bond to refrain
from certain activities, but I did not know. Mr. Yeagley
said that was a good thought. I stated there were
several factions of Cuban who were anti-Castro, but
each one wants to be king. I stated however, that the
State Department is not going to take the blame, nor
is the CIA, and it would be up to the Justice
Department. (Deleted as of 2010) Mr. Yeagley stated
that might be what is behind and mentioned the
Senate Committee is going to start an investigation
next week of this fellow. I stated George Sokolsky
had come out with a column and Senator Eastland’s
Committee was going to hold public hearings on him
as they think they have an Alger Hiss case. I stated
that pressure to go against Masferrer may emanate
from elements like this in State and CIA. I stated that
CIA has a group training to go over and invade Cuba
overthrow Castro and while it is supposed to be
hush-hush, around Miami it more of less public
knowledge that Castro knows about it as he has his
agents over here who, no doubt, have penetrated the
group, that Masferrer has not joined the group that
CIA is backing and it may be some elements like that
are involved. (Deleted as of 2010) I stated Masferrer
was wealthy and I thought he got come money out of
Cuba before he came to this country, but he has
connections and is getting money and living in ease


and comfort while other refugees are serving as

waiters, etc. I stated Masferrer has not been allowed
to join the group CIA has been supposed to be
secretly backing and there may be some motivation
to try to knock him off but it would backfire against
Justice and not CIA.

Yeagley stated he has not been told but has inferred

that (Deleted as of 2010). Mr. Yeagley stated they
have a case where they would normally go ahead
and indict with one count and maybe more, and he
can't say don't do it, but the State Department can.
(Deleted as of 2010) I stated it seems in view of the
action of the President, it does not make sense and I
did not see how getting an indictment against
somebody trying to overthrow Castro can be
explained to the public. I stated I had noted in the
press that it had been intimated by somebody in the
State Department that the only way diplomatic
relations with Cuba could be resumed would be the
overthrow of Castro and here you would be
prosecuting somebody who may not have the good
will of our Administration but who wants to remove
Castro and has more facilities really than some of
these groups with CIA backing. I stated the sympathy
down in Miami is all with the anti-Castro forces and it
seems in any move is made, it ought to be at the
specific request of the State Department and it
should be in black and white, that it ought to be put in
writing by them.

Mr. Yeagley stated that was excellent and he thought

that is exactly the kind of help he needed and would
let me know the outcome. He stated we had gone
ahead with the investigation and we are holding the
bag and we out to make the proper disposition. I
stated it seemed to me if the disposition is made
properly the State Department should indicate that
prosecution would be ill-considered or ill advised and
should so state their desires. Mr. Yeagley stated he
appreciated my help and would let me know the
outcome. [FBI Memo Hoover to Tolson, Mohr,


Parsons, Belmont and DeLoach 1.5.61 (deleted)


In late January 1961, when the FBI was made aware of an

anti-Castro sea-borne strike backed by Rolando Masferrer, the
Miami FBI telexed Headquarters:

MM (deleted) Dash S advisedon January 25, 1961
instant that Kenneth J. Proctor, an American from
Boston, Mass eleven Americans and three Cubans
are going to leave in a day or two from Miami aboard
the Marianne the Second, a six-eight foot yacht for
an expedition to Cuba. The boat is presently in
Miami, is of State of Virginia registry, and the owner,
name unknown, gave permission to Proctor to take
the boat. Two days after the expediation has gone
the owner will report the boat stolen. Informant
furnished names of Americans and Cubans
participating. Proctor contacted FNU Cardenas CIA
Cut oout asked for arms and will receive an answer
by 4:00 PM. Proctor swears that his group will go on
expediation even without arms. Informant doubts if
group can obtain arms from any other source. On
January 24th last, Proctor allegedly received
telephone call from Cuba telling him to land at
Mamalata, Pinar Del Rio Province and proceed to
Guajaibon, Pinar Del Rio. Proctor is to be met by two
hundred anti-Castro revolutionists in Cuba and will
join other anti-Castro forces in Cuba. Informant feels
this may be a trap on the part of the Cuban
Government. CIA, Miami, advised it had no
operational interest in Proctor’s group and will not
suppy arms. Miami Office notified US Customs and
US Border Patrol. US Customs said if boat has no
arms aboard it will allow the expedition to leave.
Unless Department of Justice authorized prosecution
for conspiracy to violate neutrality act, Miami Office
will take no action to stop this expedition. SAC


Teague was instructed to locate and interview

Proctor and such associates as are readily available
regarding their plans…[Teletype to Dir. Fr. SAC
Miami 1.25.61; JEH Memo for Tolson 1.5.61]

After the FBI interviewed Proctor’s crew the expedition was called


On February 4, 1961, Kenneth O'Donnell, Special Assistant
to President John F. Kennedy telephoned the FBI and advised that
"an individual whom he did not identify had just been in to see the
President this morning and had discussed with the President the
activities of a reported Cuban right-wing refugee now in Miami.
Kenneth O'Donnell said that the name he got from the President for
this Cuban was either 'Ferri' or 'Ferre' and his first name was 'Mas.'
The President asked O'Donnell if he could identify this Cuban for
him and find out something about him. O'Donnell wondered if we
could be of any assistance, saying that this wasn't much to go on
and the only additional information we had was that this Cuban may
have been organizing troops." The FBI identified the Cuban as
Rolando Masferrer.

Kenneth O'Donnell was called back and informed the

individual to whom he referred was undoubtedly
Masferrer. He was furnished briefly information as to
his background and activities. It was specifically
pointed out to O'Donnell that full details had been
forwarded to the Justice Department, which at
present time had a question of prosecution under
consideration. O'Donnell was informed that we would
be happy to send a letter to him furnishing him
information relative to Masferrer. O'Donnell said this
wasn't at all necessary as he had enough information
to identify Masferrer for the President. O'Donnell was
most appreciate and said nothing further need be

J. Edgar Hoover underlined the words "an individual whom

he did not identify." He then wrote: "I don't understand how such a
character gets in to see the President. H." [FBI 2-1622-78] On April
10, 1961, the Justice Department had the Immigration and
Naturalization Service revoke Rolando Masferrer's parole as a

warning to the Cuban exile community that he had no intention of

restoring the Batista dictatorship in Cuba: "Acting District Director,
Joseph Minton, INS, Miami, advised Masferrer served with written
notice his parole has been revoked and Masferrer taken into
detention. However, Masferrer, due to ill health (heart trouble) is
under guard at Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, under care of
Department of Public Health." [FBI 2-1622-92,94]
Rolando Masferrer was subsequently indicted for violations
of the Neutrality Act. Secretary of State Dean Rusk wrote a letter to
the United States Attorney General which stated in part: "The
continued presence at large of Rolando Masferrer in the United
States and particularly in the State of Florida is prejudicial to our
national interest...revoking this alien's parole, deporting him, or
restricting his presence at large, would accordingly advance our
foreign policy objectives." The FBI was instructed to handle the
Rolando Masferrer arrest "with the utmost secrecy." [FBI 2-1622-
961 4.7.61] One of the witnesses against Masferrer, Julio
Fernandez Trevejo was put at the disposal of the Justice
Department by the CIA. The unindicted co-conspirators were
Armentino Feria Perez, aka "El Indio," Julio Fernandez Trevejo,
Anselmo Aliegro, Franklin Joseph Williams, Horacio Canizares,
Santiago Alverez and one (FNU) Cartaya. [USDC SDF Indictment
12, 105-M] The Kennedy Administration had Justin F. Gleichauf, a
CIA representative who was in contact with various law enforcement
agencies, contact Judge Emmet Choate and inform him that

Masferrer sponsored anti-Castro activities at this time

might be more a liability than an asset to
developments in progress. Judge Choate was quite
concerned that actions taken against Masferrer might
be construed as a 'coddling' of anti-Castro elements,
but indicated that he would delay Masferrer's hearing
several days, and would give the matter further
consideration. The U.S. District Attorney appeared to
be quite happy with the developments as he stated
that he had been afraid that Judge Choate would
release Masferrer on April 17, 1961, the original date
of the hearing." [CIA Justin F. Gleichauf to Chief,
Contact Division.]


Released on bail, Rolando Masferrer was re-arrested in May

1961. He was charged with having violated the Neutrality Act by
making war on Cuba. The charges were dropped five months later.
FBI informant FRANK STURGIS became involved in the Rolando
Masferrer case. [FBI 2-1622 NR 2.24.61, 107]


Manuel Artime was the military leader of the Cuban Revolutionary

Front's military arm, Brigade 2506 (the Bay of Pigs Brigade). The
Bay of Pigs Brigade was composed of 1,443 men. A split occurred
within MRR when some of its leadership decided Manuel Artime had
become a dictator who was to replace Fidel Castro, should the
Cuban invasion be successful. Because of this Manuel Artime was
assaulted, but Hunt stepped in and put an end to this revolt. Hunt
made frequent trips between Washington, New Orleans, Miami and
Guatemala trying to reconcile the dissension which plagued exile
politics. He convinced Pedro Diaz Lanz and some expelled MRR
members, who were followers of Carlos Prio Soccarras, to disband
their counter-organization - the Liberation Alliance. [FBI Miami 105-
1742 9.13.60] Orlando Bosch left Cuba in July 1960. In early 1961
the CIA imprisoned the opponents of Manuel Artime, then ejected
them from the camp. The CPUSA reported that despite his anti-


Batista credentials, Manuel Artime cultivated Nicaraguan dictator

Anastasio Somoza as a major supporter. [Daily World 11.19.76 p4]
Victor Manuel Paneque y Batista (201-286382) assumed
military leadership of MRR in Miami and organized a infiltration team
to re-enter Cuba to continue MIRR operations. Victor Paneque was
born September 22, 1918 in Holguin, Oriente Province, Cuba. His
formal education was short. From 1934 until 1942 he worked as a
farmhand together with his father. In 1942 he had four months of
military training and then served two years as an infantry private at
the Military Base, Managua, and Province of Havana, Cuba.
Released from military service in 1944 he found employment as a
waiter and bartender in various barrooms in Holguyin. He worked in
this field until October 13, 1956, when he joined the 26th of July
Movement and was appointed chief of all clandestine activity
against the Batista regime for the Northern Coast of Oriente
Province. Victor Paneque was arrested by the police of Bayamo,
Oriente Province, sentenced to one year in prison by the Tribunal of
Santiago De Cuba for conspiracy against the Batista regime. He
served his sentence and was released on November 22, 1957. On
November 27, 1957 he was appointed by the Castro organization
Chief of Political Action, Sabotage and Violent Assaults, for Las
Villas Province. He organized a "Front" on the North Coast of Las
Villas which was eventually replaced by columns headed by Ché
Guevara and Camillo Cienfuegos. In October 1958 Victor Paneque
was chief of action for the Province of Pinar del Rio, Havana, and
Matanzas and the area east of Havana. This operation took place
between November 1959 and December 1959. From January 1,
1959, to January 5, 1959, the headquarters of Victor Paneque were
located at the Sports Palace of Havana and when Fidel Castro
entered the city, Victor Paneque turned over full control to his
leader. On January 5, 1959, Victor Paneque was appointed Chief of
the Revolutionary Army 5th Military District of Havana. He held this
post for 22 days. In March 1959 he was made Chief of Public Order
in the General Staff of the Rebel Army. In April 1959 Fidel Castro
made him Chief of the Rural Police of Cuba. He was given full
authority to set up and organize military schools for training a new
rural police force. He established a school to train this force. None
of the instructors there had been associated with the Communist
Party of Cuba. Toward the end of October 1959 Castro was
throughly disillusioned with the anti-Communist political attitude of
the training school. He dissolved it and assigned its staff teaching


jobs at the Peasant Militia schools. This decision was preceded by

numerous violent arguments between Victor Paneque and Fidel
Castro and convinced Victor Paneque that Fidel Castro was a
Communist. On November 9, 1959, Victor Paneque was removed
from his post as Chief of Public Order and Chief of Rural Police. He
was appointed administrator general of a large state-owned truck
company. In spite of this prestigious position Victor Paneque
escaped Cuba by small boat in 1960 and was picked up by an
American tanker after drifting for 14 hours. He came to the United
States on September 3, 1960. The CIA reported:

Paneque, y Batista, Victor Manuel, 201-286382.

According to Carlos Quiroga, Victor Paneque was in
charge of the military training camp conducted for
Cubans from Miami in August 1963 at Lacombe,
Louisiana. Quiroga added that before the coup,
Paneque had been in charge of all underground work
in Havana. Traces have shown tht Paneque, AKA
Commandante Diego, DPOB September 22, 1918
Holguin, Oriente Province, Cuba was the chried of
rural police under Castro, was major in the army and
also served as G-3 of the Cuban Army (chief of
Public Order). Various reports indicate that:

(1) When Paneque arrived in the U.S. on or about

September 7, 1960, he first stayed in the home of Dr.
Orlando Bosch, suspected Castro agent and possible
DGI member in Miami.

(2) He was associated with Carlos Rodriguez Castro,

reported by an FBI source as a possible plant in anti-
Castro organizations in U.S.

(3) Before he left Cuba, Paneque spent two hours

with Raoul Castro.

(4) A Major Sanjenis, former G-2 Chief who, in 1960,

was serving 10 years on the Isle of Pines, stated that
Victor Paneque tried to give the impression that he
was against the Castro Government but in reality was
a Cuban Government agent. [CIA report from
Joaquin Pedromo Sanjenis - dated September 21,


(5) That the general manager of the Pepsi Cola

company said that Paneque had gone to Miami but
was a member of G-2."

According to a report dated October 6, 1960,

prepared by another office of this agency members of
the Student Group at the University of Havana
reported the presence in Miami of two Castro 'plants'
said to be DGI agents. One of these was Victor
Paneque. The information in this report came from a
United States national with business contacts in the
Latin American areas. UFGA-17153, August 10,
1964, discounted some of the foregoing and said that
there had been reports that Victor Paneque had been
on Castro's list of officers to be eliminated and that
he had been in touch with anti-Castro groups in the
Escambray before he fled Cuba. Moreover, he was
given a polygraph examination on August 4, 1964,
with positive results. The Station requested a POA
and commo clearance as soon as possible. The POA
was granted on November 13, 1964. Victor Paneque
was granted a Provisional Operational Approval on
November 14, 1964, for use by JMATE, which was
canceled October 13, 1965. UFGA-23382, October 5,
1965, reported that Victor Paneque was to be
terminated as of October 31, 1965, because there
was no immediate operational use for him. [To: Ass.
C. Of Staff Dept. Army Atten: Interagency Source
Register. Subject: Paneque SD-10237]

In 1967 the CIA reported "Victor Manuel (Paneque) Batista

201-282382 Station has not had contact with Subject since his
termination." [CIA 12.30.67 100-300-17 00005] The CIA received a
report on March 31, 1962, which indicated that Victor Paneque was
the organizer of a hunger strike group and was the first speaker at
a rally to urge the United States to give arms to exiled Cubans. The
CIA reported: "Victor Paneque was the first speaker. He advised the
audience that the "Hunger Strike to Death" took place to show JFK
that the Cubans are willing to die in exile if their right to defend Cuba
from Communism is negated. The motto of the strike is 'Hunger or
War.' The strike was primarily initiated to ask for arms for the
Cubans in exile. He also stated that the compatriots in Cuba are
asking in despair what the Consejo is doing to solve the Cuban


problem. In answer to that question Paneque said the Consejo has

done nothing and means nothing in the USA and Cuba. The
Consejo should step aside and allow action people to take over the
direction of the Cubans in exile." Luis Conte Aguerro also spoke at
this rally. [CIA 201-286382]

During a deposition in Hunt v. Weberman, Sturgis explained

MRR and MIRR were two different groups:

The MIRR was a group headed by Dr. Orlando

Bosch, who broke off from the MIRR in Cuba and
formed his own organization that was the MIRR.
Manuel Artime never worked in the MIRR.
Remember, there are two different organizations, two
different leaders. Dr. Bosch was the leader of the
MIRR. I just want to specify that, you know.

Associates of MRR in the United States included Alexander

Rorke, William Johnson and Sturgis. The HSCA reported that
Sturgis and William Johnson provided the CIA information on Cuban
exile activities. A highly deleted FBI document read: " FIORINI is
presently cooperating and associating with Orlando Bosch
cooperating and associating with Orlando Bosch..." [CIA Secret
Document F.O. Case # deleted]


In late 1961 ORLANDO BOSCH was given CIA support and

relocated to a camp at Homestead, Florida. Orlando Bosch,
however, came to the conclusion the camp was an exercise in
futility. He believed that the CIA had no intention of mounting
another invasion of Cuba, or of even initiating guerrilla attacks.
Unofficially, his CIA contact confirmed these suspicions. After nine
months of inactivity, Orlando Bosch sent a complaint to President
Kennedy and then he closed down the camp. On January 11, 1962,
the CIA'S PM (Para-Military) stated that it maintained contact with
Orlando Bosch through Case Officer (Deleted). [Memo For Chief of
Operations. Subject PM Contact with the Constitutional Thesis


By February 1962 Bosch was on the CIA payroll as part of

JMATE. JMATE was the crypt used for the Bay of Pigs project
starting in December 1960, following the compromise of the earlier
crypt JMARC. Bosch was deeply angered from what he witnessed
and would end up in Dealy Plaza as part of the assassination


MIRR engaged in a series of bombing raids over Cuba

aimed at destroying Cuba's sugar-producing capacity. It also
conducted air strikes against a MIG base in Cuba. The Justice
Department charged Orlando Bosch with sponsoring these attacks.
Orlando Bosch was acquitted with the help of sympathetic Federal
judges like Emmett Choate who had stated: "I hope the American
people are wise enough when they elect another President. I'm a
staunch Republican; but I don't care whether he's a Republican or
Democrat or a Socialist, if necessary, so long as he's a patriot and
he'll do everything he can to wipe out this communistic influence
that seems to pervade at times through our Capitol; namely
Washington, D.C." [SD Fla 70-389-Cr-EC] Orlando Bosch felt
betrayed by the Kennedy Administration and the CIA.


The founder of the Christian Democratic Movement, DR. JOSE

IGNACIO RASCO, was a delegate to the Cuban Revolutionary
Front. Jose Ignacio Rasco was a 35-year old former lawyer and
professor who founded the Christian Democratic Movement during
early 1960 in Cuba. Initially, this group, consisting of several
hundred people, had supported the Cuban revolution in general
terms, although it was critical of communist infiltration of the Castro
movement. The Christian Democratic Movement also strongly
advocated private property and the free enterprise system and
warned against Castro's attacks on these institutions. As a result,
the group found itself increasingly at odds with Castro's policy and
by April 1960 Christian Democratic Movement leaders decided they
could no longer operate freely in Cuba. On May 18, 1960, Jose
Ignacio Rasco took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy, Havana, at
the same time blasting Castro for his failure to hold elections and his
tolerance of communist infiltration. Rasco was granted safe conduct
and came to Miami on April 22, 1960. On May 3, 1960, the CIA's
Office of Security made hotel reservations in New York City for Jose
Ignacio Rasco for four days. By June 1960 Jose Ignacio Rasco had
met with Hunt and aligned the Christian Democratic Movement with
the Cuban Revolutionary Front. The Christian Democratic
Movement was comprised of many former members of Fidel
Castro's military including Victor Paneque, however, the FBI


reported: "The MDC had about 1,000 men operating in Havana and
Pinar del Rio Provinces prior to the April invasion. They are led by
Captain Ruben Carcines, a career military man who had an office
job under Batista. The group is made up of persons who are former
supporters of Batista but who did not participate in any strong man
operations." [NO DA file-interview with Quigora p6; FBI 97-4133 NR
1.31.62] Pedro Diaz Lanz was a member of the Christian
Democratic Movement. [HSCA V10 p72; Hunt Day p12; Facts On
File NY 62 Lib. Cong. Cat. #64-16075] In late 1960 there were
indications that the leaders of the Christian Democratic Movement
were impatient with waiting for action and were becoming mistrustful
of Cuban Revolutionary Front leadership. Beginning in November
1960, the Christian Democratic Movement occasionally initiated
independent actions without consulting the Cuban Revolutionary
Front. [FBI 97-4110 NR 191 3.24.61] The January 27, 1961, issue of
the Washington Daily News reported that Rasco predicted that acts
of great importance including sabotage and something more than
sabotage. In February 1961 the FBI Office in Springfield, Missouri,
requested permission from Washington, D.C. to open a case on the
Christian Democratic Movement. The Springfield office was advised
that the Christian Democratic Movement was a member of the
Cuban Revolutionary Front and: "The Bureau has advised on a
need-to-know basis that (deleted as of 2010). The Bureau has
instructed that no investigation is to be conducted of Cuban

Revolutionary Front and member organizations, but any information

received should be furnished to the Bureau." [FBI 97-4110-28

After the Bay of Pigs, the Christian Democratic Movement

split into two factions. One group was headed by Laureano Batista
Falla and the other by "Lucas." "Lucas" worked with the successor
to the Cuban Revolutionary Front, the Cuban Revolutionary Council,
while Laureano Batista Falla dissociated the Christian Democratic
Movement from the Cuban Revolutionary Council. The FBI stated:
"On June 5, 1961, Jose Cardoso, Chicago leader of the Christian
Democratic Movement of of the anti-Castro Cuban revolutionary
groups which comprised the FRD, advised as follows: In late May
1961 the Christian Democratic Movement disassociated itself from
the Cuban Revolutionary Front on a national basis and it was
believed that other anti-Castro groups had also dropped out of the
Cuban Revolutionary Front, for one reason or another." [FBI 97-
4110 Chicago 6.6.61] On May 16, 1961, the Chief of the CIA's
Contact Division L/A Branch received this report from Robert P. B.
Lohmann of Chicago:

Richard Cain (our private eye) passed the following

on to me...He was hired as a bodyguard for Jose
Rasco during Rasco's visit to Chicago last week and
he heard details of some of the covers that took
place. One Manny Fefferman, described by Cain as a
'thief, a sharpie with an arrest record' has been given
the authority to collect funds for the Christian
Democratic Movement by Rasco. When Cain told
Rasco that Fefferman was no good, Rasco answered
that some of the money was bound to be turned over
out of Fefferman's collections and that the Christian
Democratic Party needs all it can get. That Abascal,
a delegate of the Christian Democratic Party was to
see Robert Kennedy last weekend to try and get U.S.
dollars switched from the Varona/Cuban
Revolutionary Front/OA to the Christian Democratic
Party and if they fail, to enlist the aid of Adenauer of
West Germany, to intercede for them, in his capacity
with the German Christian Democratic Party, with
President Kennedy. That there are very bitter
arguments and serious splits among the groups over


which is to get control of the dollars. [Richard Cain

file #272141 5.17.61]

From March 10, 1962, to March 12, 1962, Laureano Batista

Falla was one of the organizers of the hunger strike in Miami
protesting the lack of determination on the part of the Kennedy
Administration to overthrow Castro. Batista was the Cuban who
officially ended the strike. [FBI 109-584-3681]


In December 1962 Manuel Artime was released from prison

in Cuba. In January 1963 Artime met with President John F.
Kennedy and United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy
and he asked them for six American Army Divisions for an attack on
Cuba. The Kennedys refused because the United States was not
planning military intervention in Cuba. [FBI 105-8544 NR 7.31.63]
Manuel Artime told the FBI in June 1963, that he participated in CIA-
authorized anti-Castro missions ever since his release. Soon, the
Kennedy Administration ordered pay cuts for the Bay of Pigs
veterans. In response, Manuel Artime formed a Bay of Pigs Brigade
Veterans Association at the same time actively recruiting in Miami
for MRR. The recruits were to be sent to a training camp located in
Louisiana. From there, they would go to a base in Nicaragua
sponsored by Anastasio Somoza. In July 1963 the CIA bugged
Manuel Artime's safehouse. [CIA 210838 Folder 7] The coverage
was requested by the Chief, Special Affairs Staff, DDO, Desmond
FitzGerald. Results of coverage: Office of Security files do not
contain reference to coverage results. The FBI reported in
November 1963: "Artime had been offered aid by the Somoza American at Fort Benning, Captain Robert K. Brown,
was reported as a possible acquaintance of Artime."

Manuel Artime told the FBI that the CIA supported his anti-
Castro efforts. The FBI never disputed this: "For Bureau's
information it is public knowledge among the Cuban colony in
Miami...that MRR members themselves claim to have United States
backing. Artime travels all over Central America, has no problem
obtaining reentry permits from the U.S. Government, and neither
Artime or the MRR have any financial problems." At this time,
Manuel Artime attempted to undercut the efforts of the Kennedy
Administration to train Cuban exiles at Fort Benning, Georgia, by
persuading a group of Cuban officers to resign and join MRR. [RG I,
112th Intell. Group, San Antonio, Texas 1963 Army Rep Re: Cuban

Officer Training Program 12.5.63, 12.28.63] The FBI reported that

on July 16, 1963, Artime held a press conference and stated that
the MRR was going to move out of the United States and establish
bases in Central America. "He refused to identify the country or
countries where the bases would be established. Artime accused
the United States government of impeding Cuban exile efforts
against the government of Cuba, and said that although the United
States government is sympathetic with Cuban exiles, the Fidel
Castro government in Cuba cannot be overthrown by sympathy.
Artime said his group would continue to infiltrate arms and men into
Cuba, and help the underground in Cuba, but MRR does not plan to
conduct any raids against Cuban shipping." [FBI 97-4133-69]


William Harvey's established an assassination group within
the CIA. MI-5’s Peter Wright stated in 1961 William Harvey told him:
"We're developing a new capability [assassination] in the company
to handle these kinds of problems." The HSCA interviewed James
O'Connell about William Harvey's assassination group. James
O'Connell, a former FBI Agent, started as a CIA Operational
Support Branch Chief. He then served as the Chief of Station of a
domestic field office and became Division Chief of Headquarters
Operational Support between 1960 and 1962. In 1962 he was
transferred to the Far East, and became Chief Regional Security
Officer there. Upon returning to the United States, he assumed the
title of Deputy Director for Physical, Technical and Overseas
Security of the Office of Security. He retired in June 1973. James
O'Connell contacted John Rosselli about Tony Varona. In 1993 the
CIA revealed that "When Juan Orta was not successful in carrying
out the mission against Fidel Castro, Trafficante suggested Tony
Varona be used. John Rosselli contacted Tony Varona. Tony
Varona was to use assets of his own to carry out the mission." Hunt
told the SSCIA he served as a paymaster to Tony Varona, but was
unaware of Tony Varona's role in an assassination plot against Fidel
Castro. Artime told the SSCIA the same.

JOHN ROSSELLI, born in Italy on July 4, 1905, entered the

United States illegally at age six. John Rosselli joined the Capone
Mob in Chicago, where he worked for Sam Giancana. When James
O'Connell met with Rosselli he first "called Mr. Cregar per our
agreement with the FBI." [CIA D-000678]


James O'Connell was asked by the HSCA: "Directing your attention

to 1960, did there come a time when you, in your official CIA
capacity, became involved in an operation to assassinate Castro?"
James O'Connell answered, "Yes, he had." The CIA assassination
effort to which James O'Connell referred was supervised by William
Harvey. The HSCA asked James O'Connell if he were involved in
Phase Two of this assassination plan, which took place about the
time of the Bay of Pigs invasion. James O'Connell answered: "Very
generally as I remember it, and again I'm calling upon my memory
here. And I'm not sure, I remember Giancana meeting one of the
members of the Cuban Junta, an individual by the name of Varona.
Now whether that was before the Bay of Pigs or after the Bay of
Pigs, I'm at a total loss to tell you. That, I think, was part of the
Second Phase." [HSCA V5 p251] James O'Connell was referring to
the Cuban Revolutionary Front when he said "Cuban Junta." The
HSCA Report stated: "At the time of his introduction into the CIA-
organized crime plots, Tony Varona was active in the Cuban
Revolutionary Front and the Cuban Revolutionary Council. Adding
to the support for the Cuban exile leader were the promotional
efforts of Dino and Eddie Cellini...In his HSCA testimony Tony
Varona described a meeting with an anti-Castro Cuban and Meyer
Lansky in Meyer Lansky's home in Miami in the Summer of 1960."
Tony Varona: "Mr. Lansky offered us to conducted (sic) a campaign
in the U.S. favoring the Cuban movement and against Castro. At the
beginning I accepted his offer. When I met with Hunt afterwards, he
told me to discontinue the contacts with this man. And that was it; it
ended. I did not ask Mr. Hunt how he knew of my contact with Mr.
Lansky." James O'Connell added that either Trafficante or Sam
Giancana introduced him to Tony Varona, who was given a poison
pill to use against Castro. [HSCA Ev. & Imp. CIA Spon. Ass. Con.
Against Castro p171]

Tony Varona's assistant for fund raising operations and for

public relations matters was EDWARD KIPPER MOSS. Edward
Moss (born June 23, 1916) was a graduate of Yale University and
George Washington University Moss was a highly decorated World
War II Navy veteran who had served in government under several
Presidents. On October 22, 1962, the CIA considered issuing an
Operation Clearance for Edward Kipper Moss. [Response to Green
List Request No. 109631] On December 3, 1964, a Routing And
Record Sheet on Moss from CI/OA was created which was sent to
CA/PAG and CIA/OA 2B-11. Attached to this was a dossier on
Edward Moss which indicated that he was a Staff writer, Atlantic


City (N.J.) Evening Union 1935-1936, Atlantic Press 1936-37 etc.

asst. chief analysis & reports div. Natl. Emergency Council 1939-40;
chief info section Office of Govt. Reports, 1940-1942, dir. pub. Rel.
Amer. Mgmt. Assn. 1946-50 etc. Moss was the Public Relations
man for several African nations. [Response to Green List Request
No. 109631 From Edward P. Dunn CA/PAG] On March 24, 1965,
Lewis J. Lapham, Acting Chief, Covert Action Staff, generated a
Memorandum to the DD/P regarding Edward Moss:

1. Our records show that clearances were obtained

by NE Division and by CA Staff, for possible use of
Subject in the public relations field. The records do
not show any use of Moss by either element.

2. So far as CA Staff is concerned, Moss simply is a

file under (Deleted) we have no intention of using
him. A full bio sketch is available if anyone is
interested. Signed Lewis J. Lapham Acting Chief,
Covert Action Staff CA/PEG/WC Needham: rh..."

The CIA generated this report on Edward Moss.

MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Chief, Security

Research Staff

FROM: Jerry G. Brown

SUBJECT: Moss, Edward K. #172 646

1. Reference is made to a memorandum, dated

February 28, 1968, captioned "Brazil Fishing Venture
and Russian Fishing Vessels" submitted by Edwin P.
Wilson (#104 653) (Louis N. KAROKAI-ps) who at
the time was a Staff agent under commercial cover
under Domestic Operations Division / Deputy
Director Plans. In this memorandum Wilson outlined
his 'limited' contacts with Moss. Wilson stated that he
had met Moss in 1966 through Frank O'Connell,
Washington representative of the Transport Worker's
Union. The memorandum also suggests that one of
Wilson's business associates, Richard S. Cobb (#503
714), was also having business contracts with Moss.


2. In referenced memorandum, Wilson stated that

"subsequent investigation surfaced information and a
verbal report from Dunn and Bradstreet recognizing
Moss' long standing 'Mafia' connections. Moss'
operation seems to be government contracts for the
underworld and probably surfaces money in
legitimate business activities."

3. The Moss Office of Security file is devoid of any

further information concerning potential Mafia
connections on his part. The OS file will not be
summarized as present, but will be highlighted in a
forthcoming memorandum.

4. As a result of the foregoing, research was initiated

concerning Moss which resulted in the recovery of an
FBI letterhead memorandum, dated January 18,
1961, captioned, "Manuel Antonio Varona, Internal
Security, Cuba," containing information furnished to
the FBI by a "representative of an Agency of the
United States Government." The information the FBI
received from the other U.S. Government Agency is
as follows:

A Washington businessman who desires that his

name be left out of this record, called on me today
and expressed his great concern about the
relationships of one of the anti-Castro group leaders
with representatives of the so-called International
Crime Syndicate. In summary his observations were
as follows:

(a) Tony Varona, 201-196435, is reputed to be the

leader of an anti-Castro group in the Miami area.
Varona lives in Miami at the present time.

(b) Varona had taken on Edward K. Moss as his

assistant for raising funds to finance operations
against Castro and for public relations matters.
Edward K. Moss had an office address of 1025
Connecticut Avenue, North West, Washington, D.C.

(c) Julia Cellini is alleged to be Moss' mistress and

operates a secretarial service at 1025 Connecticut

Avenue, North West, Washington, D.C. It is reported

her secretarial service is really a front for Edward K.
Moss' activities.

(d) Julia's father is reported to have been one of the

big numbers racketeers until a few years ago.

(e) Julia Cellini's brother, Dino Cellini, and his brother

(FNU) are active fronts for two of the largest casinos
that operated in Cuba until the Castro regime.

(f) It is alleged the Cellini brothers are in close

contact with Tony Varona, through Edward Kipper
Moss, and have offered to contribute considerable
sums of money (reported as high as two million
dollars) through Edward K. Moss to Tony Varona to
finance operations against the Castro regime, with
the understanding that they would have the major
slice "in the Cuba of the future."

(j) My informant stated that American businessmen

are being contacted by Edward K. Moss' organization
to solicit funds for Varona's contemplated operations
against the Castro regime.

The Washington businessman was quite concerned

over the impact and potential propaganda value of
this alleged connection of Tony Varona and the
alleged racketeers in the event this organization is
penetrated by Castro's intelligence organization. He
enjoys many contacts throughout Latin America and
fears that any propaganda stories by the Castro
regime regarding such a relationship between
Varona, American businessmen and Edward K.
Moss' activities would have serious impact on United
States prestige throughout Latin America.

5. The referenced FBI letterhead memorandum

referred to CSCI 3/762,992 regarding the Cellini
brothers, but this CSCI was not recovered when IP
traces were conducted in the name of the Cellini
brothers mentioned below. The FBI additionally
reported that Julia, Dino, Edward and Goffredo Cellini
are the children of Benvenuto Cellini and that Dino

Cellini is believed to be identical with Dino Vincent

Cellini, FBI Number 2198122. The FBI further
reported that prior to the fall of the Batista regime in
Cuba, that Edward Goffredo Cellini and Goffredo
Cellini were known to be the evening manager and
afternoon manager, respectively, at the Casino
International in Havana, Cuba. Dino Vincent Cellini
was formerly employed in the gambling casino at the
Tropicana night club in Havana.

7. Polk's Directory reflects that all of the following

were living at 8144 Eastern Avenue. N.W.
Washington, D.C. phone TU-2-3627: Julia T. Cellini,
Consultant, General Services Administration, Adorna
Cellini, employee Federal Aviation Administration,
Benvenuto Cellini, manager, Piece of Pizza Inc. and
Liberata Cellini, wife of Benvenuto.

9. Office of Security File #529 101 concerns Julia T.

Cellini. This file was established as result of the
recent research relative to the association between
Edward K. Moss and Julia T. Cellini. An FBI report
was recovered in the name of Rouhi Jamil (Office of
Security #36 384), dated June 18, 1957. Apparently
the FBI was attempted to determine the subscriber to
certain telephone numbers that Jamil was cognizant
of, Jamil then being the Syrian Consul General and a
member of the Syrian delegation to the United
States. Among these numbers was TUckerman-2-
3627 which was subscribed to by Benvenuto M.
Cellini in 1956 with an address of 8144 Eastern
Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. The FBI report
established the identitites of the family of Benvenuto
M. Cellini,among them being Julie Cellini, then
President Treasurer of the Washington Business
Service; that in March 1952 Adorna Linda Cellini,
sister of Julia Cellini, stated that her brother Dino
Cellini was in Cuba.

The FBI report concluded with the following statement:

"On February 12, 1945, Inspector Baer of the

Washington Field Office of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service advised SA John P. Stutskan

that during a naturalization investigation being

conducted in Ohio concerning one Bernard Nucilli, it
was learned that Nucilli had been making daily long
distance telephone calls to Union1645, Mt. Ranier,
Maryland. Inspector Bear advised the Nucilli had a
reputation of being a procurer and a nightclub
gambler around Alliance, Ohio. Baer stated that the
number UNION 1645 was listed under the name of
Nella L. Cellini, of Mt Ranier and that Julia Cellini and
Dino V. Cellini also resided at that address. Inspector
Baer advised that Julia Cellini had been a procurer
and there was some evidence that Dino V. Cellini
was also a procurer. Inspector Baer among other
things, based his opinion concerning Dino V. Cellini
on the fact that Cellini had no apparent means of
income but regularly traveled by plane from
Washington, D.C. to New York City, from New York
City to Ohio, from Ohio to Florida and from Florida to
Washington. He further advised that in an INS
investigation then going on there was evidence Dino
Cellini was a procurer. Based upon Inspector Baer’s
allegation, an investigation was conducted by the
FBI. At the conclusion of this investigation no definite
information had been developed indicating a violation
of the White Slave Traffic Act.

10. 201-885706 concerns Dino Vincent Cellini, born

on November 19, 1914, which was opened in 1971
when an unsolicited dispatch was provided to the
Rome Station for information on Dino Cellini who was
then living in Rome. For the most part the dispatch
referred to information already mentioned in instant
memorandum. However the the dispatch did reflect
that Dino V. Cellini was detained in May 1959 in
Havana by Cuban authorities at the request of the
U.S. Bureau of Narcotics. Cellini's name had been
included in a list published by the U.S. Bureau of
narcotics concerning U.S. citizens suspected of
dealing in narcotics. Cellini was subsequently
released June 1959 for lack of evidence. Dino V.
Cellini worked at the Casinos Tropicana and Riviera
in Cuba before going to Haiti, and as of 1961, he was
residing in Miami, Florida.


11. The April 1970 edition of True Magazine

contained an article entitled "The Mafia vs the CIA"
by Andrew St. George. This article deals mainly with
alleged CIA and Mafia conflicts for "influence" in the
Caribbean. The article comments on the activities of
Meyer Lansky (Office of Security #623 652) and
mentions the name of Lansky's subordinates, one
being Dino Cellini. It is considered quite possible that
Dino Cellini is the brother of Julia T. Cellini. The
article suggests the following were also Lansky’s
subordinates; Ben Sigelbaum, Ed Levinson, Sid
Jacobs, Joe Napolitano, Joseph Krikorian and Mike
McLaney. IS Subject files are negative in these
names except for the names of Meyer Lansky (#623
652), Edward Levinson (#463 982) and Michael
McLaney (#509 046) however these files contain
nothing of pertinence to instant memorandum.

12. In regard to Julia T. Cellini, the Office of Security

file of Subject, Edward K. Moss reflects that from
1950 to 1953, Moss was serving in an appointed
position with the United States Government, first as
an Assistant Administrator in charge of Public
Information, National Production Authority; and then
with the Defense Production Administration, both with
the Department of Commerce. Moss's secretary
during this period was Julia T. Cellini, who later
became a close business partner of Moss.

13. The foregoing would suggest that Moss does

indeed have potential underworld connections. Jerry
G. Brown FIOB/SRS.

[CIA Memo for DC/SRS from Jerry G. Brown 5.14.73;

CIA Index Card 138879]

Tony Varona told the HSCA he did not know Edward Kipper
Moss or anyone named Cellini. ROBERT AIME MAHEU was part of
William Harvey's assassination effort aimed at Fidel Castro. Robert
Maheu [SF #111 540; born October 30, 1917, Waterville, Maine]
had been employed as a FBI S.A. from 1940 to 1947. Upon
resigning from the Bureau, Maheu formed a private enterprise doing
business as "Dairy Dream Products." The venture culminated in
bankruptcy in 1952. In 1952 he became Security Director of the

Small Business Administration. In February 1954, he was forced to

resign from the Small Business Administration because of political
reasons, determined to be the result of his backing the wrong
political party in the election. He then set up his own investigative
organization known as Robert A. Maheu Associates. Prior to 1954
the CIA component NE/NS had an interest in Maheu.

In 1954 Maheu received a Cover Security Approval from

Central Cover Staff. Maheu was recruited by the Office of Security
of the CIA to perform certain operational support activities: "He was
initially recruited by the Office of Security in 1954 and granted a
Provisional Operational Approval on August 30, 1954.He performed
many sensitive Office of Security assignments and also accepted
assignments from elements of the Deputy Director for Plans.

5. Some of these assignments included the following:

A. (Deleted) The procurement of feminine

companionship for President Sukarno during an
official State visit to this country during the period
(deleted) (See attached Tab 1 – taken from “Family
Jewels” memorandum dated May 16, 1973.

B. Johnny Rosselli. The use of a member of the

Mafia in an attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro,


initiated in August 1960. (See attached Tab 2---taken

from 'Family Jewels' memorandum dated May 16,

C. Cover. Various Clandestine Service officers met

with Mr. Maheu over the years from March 1954 to
1970 to determine the feasibility of using his firm for
non-offical purposes. Actual cover uses were
provided for one officer in Mr. Maheu’s Washington
Office from September 1964 to June 1966 and
another officer used the cover of Maheu Associates
from August 1, 1968 to December 31, 1970. (See
attached Tab 3 - Director of Security Memorandum to
Director / Counter-Intelligence January 20, 1971.)

6. No contact had been made with Mr. Maheu since

the termination of the above cover arrangement."
[CIA Eyes Only Memo 10.4.73]

In 1954 Robert Maheu received $500 a month from the OS.

The CIA reported:

In July 1954, Maheu was engaged by 'British

shipping interests' to check on Aristotle Onassis'
activities while in the United States. This included
technical coverage of the New York office of Aristotle
Onassis. It was later learned that the principal 'British
interest' was Stavros Niarchus and that the ultimate
goal of this task was to scrap the Onassis/Saudi oil
deal. Maheu took the job but conditioned his
acceptance with the fact that he would do nothing
inimical to the U.S. Government. Any information
developed of interest to the United States was to be
passed by Maheu to the appropriate government

During this operation Maheu had his staff employee

prepare a paper citing dangers to the U.S. economy
and trade resulting from the Onassis deal. Through
contacts in FOA, Maheu had Harold Stassen read
this paper in the National Security Council on June
22, 1954. During the same period Maheu briefed
Scott McLeod, Assistant Secretary of State for
Security and Consular Affairs on the project. McLeod

agreed to furnish State commo and pouch facilities

subject to John Foster Dulles' approval. Additionally,
Maheu briefed J. Edgar Hoover and Vice President

In August 1954 Maheu advised this office of his

relationship with Niarchus. NEA Division was
contacted and expressed interest in this matter. They
were put in touch with Maheu and furnished him a
commo channel, a pouch sys and operational
guidance. International litigation erupted as a result
of the Onassis / Niarchus matter and as a result
Niarchus claimed Government priviledge in the case,
the Agency was subsequently identified as being the
Government agency involved. Files of this Office
reflect extensive correspondence furnished us by the
Office of General Counsel in 1956 regarding the
Onassis matter.

On August 16, 1954 Subject was granted a covert

security clearance for utilization as an agent under
Project (Deleted) in the Near East. On August 30,
1954 he was granted a smilar clearance to permit his
use in the United States as covert associate under
PROJECT LPHIDDEN. In November of 1957 a cable
from (deleted) indicated that Mr. Maheu had allegedly
been involved in a violation of the Mann Act in
procuring and transporting prostitutes for (deleted)
during (Deleted’s) visit to the United States in
(deleted). Mr. Maheu contacted this Office to advise
that the allegations were without foundation and
stated that he would take steps to immediately have
his attorney see that appropriate (deleted) official
would retract these charges. This was subsequently
done. Edward Bennett Williams acted as Maheu’s
lawyer in this matter.

In 1957 information was received indicating that

during President Sukarno’s visit to Moscow in the fall
of 1956, he was introduced to a Soviet woman within
the Kremlin. He had an affair with her against the
admonitions of his advisores. It was reported that the
Soviets took detailed films of the affair and that a


copy was sent to the PKI. In June of 1957 Al Ulmer

and Samuel Halpern, FE Division, contacted the
Director of Security and outlined a project wherein
they envisioned a film being made simulating this
affair. It was planned that clips from this film would be
inserted in a leaflet for distribution throughout
Southeast Asia suggesting that Sukarno was
compromised by the Soviets. In July of 1957 Robert
Maheu was given this assignment. He utilized a
trusted make employee of this organization (since
deceased) and his fiancé. Maheu, after an intensive
makeup course, administered make up to the
participants himself, utilizing available pictures and
descriptions of the subjects as a guide. He hired a
studio where he was given detailed instruction o the
use of the lights and camera. When the film was
taken, only Maheu and the two participants were in
the studio. The project known as “Happy Days” was
never completed and the film was not distributed.

Files of this office reflect that during the 1958-1959

period, FE Division was put in touch with Maheu by
this Office for assistance in another operation relating
to President Sukarno. This project was originated in
May 1958 when FE Division initially contacted the
Director of Security and briefed him on the project
know as (deleted). Basically the project capitalized
on Surkarno’s weakness for Caucasion women.
Robert Maheu was given the assignment to locate a
female candidate. He advised that a prominent
(deleted) attorney and “man about town” (deleted)
could come up with a qualified woman. (Deleted) was
investigated with favorable results and given a CSA
on (deleted) but was not made witting of CIA interest.
The female candidate was (deleted) resident of
(deleted) considered to be highly intelligent and
extremely attractive. In August of 1958 the Project
(deleted) plan was concurred in by the COPS and

In September of 1958 Maheu and James O’Connell

of this Office met with (deleted) in New York City.
(Deleted) was briefed on Agency interest in this


matter. Later in September Maheu met with (deleted)

under his true name and told her of governmental
interest. (Deleted) knew Maheu’s true identity having
been introduced to him socially by (deleted). On the
same day (September 23, 1958) (deleted) was
introduced to Joseph Smith, FE D Division (known to
both (deleted) and Maheu as Joseph Sims. (Delted
was briefed on the assignment, indicated that she
understood exactely what was expected of her and
stated that she could leave the country in 45 days.
On September 24, 1958 Sims again met with
(deleted) at which time she was told she would be
accompanied by a female traveling companion.
(Deleted) Hogarth (actually (deleted) FE Division)
(Deleted) was told that Hogarth would ostensibly be
her secretary but would be, in fact, the person she
would look to for direction. It is known that she did
meet Sukarno, but due to unfortunate timing that had
him leaving his country on official business she had
little time to cultivate him. Consequently the purpose
of the mission was not fulfilled. The last known
contact (deleted) had with the Agency was in the
form of a telephone call on April 12, 1961 when she
called on a sterile line and talked to Hugh Tovar. She
advised that one (deleted) had asked her to give a
party for President Sukarno on April 21, 1961.
(Deleted) wanted to know whether the Agency was
interested in sponsoring this party. A negative
response was given…In August 1960 Richard M.
Bissell, the then DD/P contacted the Director of
Security regarding the Rosselli matter. Details
concerning this are set forth in Attachment B.

SUBJECT: The Johnny Rosselli Matter:

1. In August 1960 Mr. Richard Bissell approached the

then Director of Security, Colonel Sheffield Edwards,
to determine if the Office of Security had any assets
that may assist in a sensitive mission requiring
gangster-type action. The mission target was Fidel


2. Because of its extreme sensitivity, only a small

group was knowledgeable of the project. The DCI
was briefed and gave his approval. Colonel J.C.
King, Chief, Western Hemisphere Division, was
briefed, but all details were concealed from any of the
JMWAVE officials. Certain TSD and Communications
personnel participated in the initial planning stages
but were not witting of the purpose of the mission.

3. Robert Maheu, a cleared source of the Office of

Security was contacted, briefed generally on the
project, and requested to ascertain if he could
develop an entree into gangster elements as the first
step toward accomplishing the desired goal.

4. Mr. Maheu advised that he had met one Johnny

Rosselli on several occasions while visiting Las
Vegas. Maheu knew Rosselli only casually through
clients but had been given to understand that
Rosselli was a high ranking member of the Syndicate
and controlled all of the ice making machines on the
Strip. Maheu reasoned that, if Rosselli was in fact a
member of the clan, he undoubtedly had connections
leading into Cuban gambling.

5. Maheu was asked to approach Rosselli, who knew

Maheu as a personal relations executive handling
domestic and foreign accounts. Maheu was to tell
Rosselli that he had recently been retained by a
client who represented several international business
firms which were suffering heavy financial losses in
Cuba as a result of Castro's action. These firms were
convinced that Castro's removal was the answer to
the problem and were willing to pay a price of
$150,000 for its successful accomplishment. It was to
be made clear to Rosselli that the United States
Government was not and should not become aware
of this operation.

6. The pitch was made to Rosselli on September 14,

1960, at the Hilton Plaza Hotel in New York City. Mr.
James O'Connell, Office of Security, was present
during this meeting and was identified to Rosselli as
an employee of Maheu. O'Connell actively served as

Rosselli's contact until May 1962 at which time he

phased out due to an overseas assignment.
Rosselli's initial reaction was to avoid getting
involved, but through Maheu's persuasion he agreed
to introduce him to a friend, Sam Gold, who knew the
Cuban crowd. Rosselli made it clear that he would
not want any money for his part, and he believed that
Gold would feel the same way. Neither of these
individuals were ever paid out of Agency funds.

7. During the week of September 25, 1960, Maheu

was introduced to Gold at the Fontainebleau Hotel,
Miami Beach. During this meeting Maheu also met
an individual identified as "Joe" who was supposedly
a courier operating between Havana and Miami.
Several weeks later Maheu saw photographs of both
of these individuals in the Sunday Supplemental
Parade. They were identified as Momo Salvatore
Giancana and Santos Trafficante. Both were on the
list of the Attorney Generals ten most wanted men.
Giancana was described as the Chicago Chieftain of
the Cosa Nostra and successor to Al Capone.
Trafficante was identified as the Cosa Nostra boss of
Cuban operations. Maheu called this office
immediately upon ascertaining this information.

8. In discussing the possible methods of

accomplishing the mission, Sam suggested that they
not resort to firearms but that he be furnished some
type of potent pill that could be placed in Castro's
food or drink. Gold indicated that he had a
perspective nominee in the person of Juan Orta, a
Cuban official who had been receiving kickback
payments for a gambling interest and who still had
access to Castro and was still in a financial bind.

9. TSD was requested to produce six pills of high

lethal content which were then delivered to Orta by
Joe. After several weeks of reported attempts, Orta
apparently got cold feet and asked out of the
assignment. He suggested another candidate who
made several attempts without success.


10. Joe then indicated that Dr. Anthony Varona, one

of the principal officers in the Cuban exile junta, had
become disaffected with the apparent ineffectual
progress of the junta and was willing to handle the
mission through his own resources. Varona asked
that he be given $10,000 for his organization
expenses and requested $1,000 worth of
communications equipment. Dr. Varona's potential
was never fully exploited as the mission was
canceled shortly after the Bay of Pigs episode.
Varona was advised the offer was withdrawn, and the
pills were retrieved.

11. Of significant interest was an incident which

involved a request levied by Sam upon Maheu.

At the height of the project negotiations, Gold

expressed concern about Dan Rowan who he
learned was (Deleted). Gold asked Maheu to put a
bug in Rowan's room to determine the extent of
Rowan's relationship with Phyliss McGuire. The
technician involved in the assignment was
discovered in the process, arrested and taken to the
Sheriff's Office for questioning. He called Maheu in
the presence of Sheriff's personnel and informed him
that he had been detained. Subsequently the
Department of Justice announced its intention to
prosecute Maheu along with the technician. On
February 7, 1962 the Director of Security briefed the
then Attorney General Robert Kennedy on the
circumstances leading up to Maheu's involvement in
the wiretap. At our request, prosecution was

12. In May 1962 Mr. William Harvey took over as

Rosselli's case officer and it was not known if he was
used officially from that point on. It was subsequently
learned from the FBI that Rosselli had been
convicted on six counts involving illegal entry into the
United States some time during November 1967. On
December 2, 1968 Rosselli, along with four other
individuals, was convicted of conspiracy to cheat
members of the Friar's Club of $400,000 in a rigged


gin rummy game. Mr. Harvey reported his contacts

with Rosselli to this office during November and
December 1967 and January 1968. Rosselli was
facing deportation at that time but felt he could win an

13. On November 17, 1970, Mr. Maheu called James

O'Connell, Rosselli's first case officer, to advise that
Maheu's attorney, Ed Morgan, had received a call
from Thomas Waddin, Rosselli's attorney, who stated
that all avenues of appeal had been exhausted and
Rosselli faced deportation. Waddin indicated that if
someone did not intercede on Rosselli's behalf, he
would make a complete expose of his activity with
the Agency. On November 13, 1970, Mr. Helms was
briefed on this latest development and it was decided
that the agency would not in any way assist Rosselli.
Maheu was advised of the Agency's position and was
in complete agreement. He stated that he was not
concerned about any publicity as it affected him
personally should Rosselli decide to tell all.
Subsequently Rosselli, or someone on his behalf,
furnished Jack Anderson details of the operation.
Anderson wrote two columns regarding this operation
on January 13, 1971, and February 23, 1971.
Rosselli was last known to be in the Federal
Penitentiary in Seattle, Washington. [Memo for IG
from Sidney D. Stembridge Acting Director of
Security 3.16.76]

On May 9, 1962, Attorney General Robert Kennedy was

advised by the CIA that Robert Maheu had been hired to approach
Sam Giancana regarding an assassination plot against Fidel Castro.
"Mr. Kennedy stated that upon learning CIA had not cleared its
action in hiring Maheu and Giancana with the DOJ he issued orders
that the CIA should never again take such steps with first checking
with the DOJ." [FBI 62-109060-4984]

MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Analysis

Group June 24, 1975

SUBJECT: Robert a. Maheu/ Johnny Rosselli Matter

1. The following is provided for your information.


2. Reference is made to previous memorandum,

same subject, which have been provided to the
Inspector General regarding information contained in
Office of Security files concerning the existence of a
separate file entitled "Project Johnny," which was
alleged to have been kept in the safe of the Director
of Security.

3. All attempts to locate a file maintained separately

by the Director of Security entitled "Project Johnny"
or any other separate unofficial file concerning the
Maheu/Rosselli matter within the Office of Security,
have met with negative results. However, in
conducting research into this matter, a search of the
Office of Security Top Secret Registry disclosed a
Top Secret document control card concerning a May
14, 1962, memorandum for the Director of Security to
the U.S. Attorney General. The Top Secret control
card indicated that a copy of this memorandum was
being retained in the Director of Security's personal
safe "under Project Johnny."

4. The Office of Security file relating to Johnny

Rosselli has a file number of 667 270. Memoranda
contained within that file include the above-
mentioned May 14, 1962, Top Secret memorandum
from the Director of Security, as well as the originals
of numerous other memoranda dating back to 1966,
which concern various aspects of the Rosselli/Maheu
matter. According to the Chief, Security Records
Division, the above official file on Johnny Rosselli,
using the 667 270 file number, was not established
until November 1974. Further, one such memo
contained in that official Office of Security file relating
to Johnny Rosselli has the original "buck slip" which
forwarded that memorandum to the Director of
Security. On the buck slip, which is dated June 6,
1968, the following handwritten notation from the
Director of Security appears: "Kathy, Johnny file.

5. In view of the above, it would appear that a

separate file did exist prior to November 1974, the
contents of which would appear to have been


consolidated within the above noted Office of

Security files on Rosselli. Further, presuming that the
heretofore missing "Project Johnny" file is now an
official file, the conclusion may be drawn that all the
Office of Security files relating to the Rosselli/Maheu
matter have been reviewed, and that the pertinent
information contained therein has been forwarded to
the Inspector General for review.

6. It should be noted that in 1967 the Inspector

General conducted an investigation into the
Rosselli/Maheu matter, and in doing so collected
numerous memoranda from the various Agency
components directly involved. As a result, additional
memoranda which may have been previously held
separately by the Director of Security, may be in the
possession of the Inspector General. As a result,
additional memoranda which may have previously
been held separately by the Director of Security, may
be in the possession of the Inspector General. John
S. Hunt Security Analysis Group.
By 1964 the Public Relations firm of Robert Maheu, whose
principal - and perhaps only - client was Howard Hughes, was
utilized by two CIA components despite information which Charles
Kane, Deputy Director of Security, received from the Society of
Former FBI Agents and despite his close association with Howard
Hughes: "I also indicated to Mr. Strange that it had been rumored
that Maheu had been involved with labor unions and had been
involved in a case investigated by the Bureau in Las Vegas. During
the conversation I reiterated that the above information was
rumored but that it might have an effect on the utilization of the
Maheu organization. Mr. Strange indicated that he had also heard
these rumors but that he did not feel that this would effect the
utilization of the Maheu organization.” [Memo for DD/S (IOS)
June 16, 1966

MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security

SUBJECT: Call from Birch O'Neal


1. Birch O'Neal indicated that Mr. Hunt had asked

him to check the Counter Intelligence Staff files to
see if they had anything on Bob Maheu. He advised
that he had completed his search and there was no
information in Counter Intelligence files that we did
not already have in Office of Security files. Charles
W. Kane, Deputy Director of Security.

On July 14, 1968 ID/1 received a request for a

"Covert Security Approval to permit utilization of
(Deleted) in connection with the latter's employment
with Robert A. Maheu and associates. In view of
DDP policy as set forth in CSI-50-10 regarding use of
employees of US private detective investigative
agencies, the use of (Deleted) was discussed with
Central Cover Staff; the writer was assured that the
firm Robert A. Maheu Associates, which the Agency
is using for cover purposes, is no longer associated
with investigative or security activities. (See Central
Cover Staff memorandum for the record dated July
30, 1968).

However, it appears that Robert A. Maheu does in

fact own, or is a co-owner of the Bel Air Patrol which
is one of the organizations that is currently
establishing security services for Howard Hughes.
(See LAFO RUC dated July 29, 1968. Subject:
(Deleted) #517 843 and the above cited Central
Cover Staff memorandum). This matter is being
brought to your attention because of the possible
interpretation that the use of Robert A. Maheu and
Associates conflicts with CSI 50-10, and that the
undersigned believes that the matter should be
reviewed for that reason prior to ID/1's processing of
the Covert Security Approval request on Peter
Maheu and (Deleted).

Central Cover Staff does take the position that the

use of Robert A. Maheu and Associates does not
conflict with CSI 50-10 in as much as the firm is now
solely engaged in public relations activities; they
believe that Robert A. Maheu's ownership or interest
in the organizations currently providing security and


investigative services to Howard Hughes is irrelevant.

The undersigned agrees with this position. Ervan E.
Kuhnke Jr. Acting Chief, ID/1.

On February 14, 1969, an unnamed component requested a

Provisional Operational Approval on Robert Maheu's son, Peter
Maheu, a former CIA Office of Security clerical employee. The CIA:
"Subject's son Peter Robert Maheu was a staff employee of the
Agency and of this Office from 1963 to 1964. He was a clerical
employee. In February of 1969 Peter Maheu was granted a covert
security approval as an employee of Maheu Associates for use on

When Jack Anderson exposed Robert Maheu's connection

to the Fidel Castro murder plots on January 18, 1971, the Chief,
Western Hemisphere Division/Cuban Operations Group requested
an investigation. On March 19, 1971, this document was generated:
SUBJECT: Maheu, Robert A.
FILE No. 111 540
Howard J. Osborn D/Security
Ermal P. Geiss DD/Security
Arthur C. Sheridan DDS (IOS)
James P. O'Connell DDS (PTOS) [NARA
In January 1971, in light of the involvement of Maheu
in a suit between executives of the Hughes Company
and Maheu, the Director of Security recommenced to
the DCI that all existing clearance with Maheu and
Associates be terminated. The DCI concurred in this
recommendation. Files of this Office reflect that
Subject's company, Maheu and Associates,
cooperated with the Agency in supporting the
activities of (Deleted) GLOBE agent (deleted) in
Equador. Information regarding the possibility that
Subject was involved in a leak of information
concerning a sensitive DD/S&T Special Projects Staff
project is set forth in Attachment C.


Resorts International, a company that owned the Paradise
Island casino in Nassau, reportedly put up two millions dollars to
establish the International Intelligence Corporation (INTERTEL)
security firm in Washington which was headed by former Justice
Department experts on organized crime William Hundley and Robert
Peloquin. INTERTEL was described as an organization that looked
into the operations of large corporations to ascertain whether any of
their assets were being directed towards activities controlled by
organized crime. Three major accounts of that firm were Life
Magazine, the National Football League and Resorts International.
Resorts International owned 91% of INTERTEL'S stock. In the mid-
1960's Eddie Cellini managed the Paradise Island casino where
William Hundley and Robert Peloquin were in charge of casino
security. [They Call it a Game - Bernie Parish - 1971] In March 1971
INTERTEL began an investigation of Robert Maheu Associates,
before taking over its operations. INTERTEL had been engaged by
Howard Hughes to look into his Las Vegas operations which was
formerly managed by Maheu.

The CIA asked INTERTEL investigator Edward Mullin, who

was formerly employed in the FBI, and CIA DDP, to report back to it
on the investigation of Robert Maheu Associates. The CIA:

Officers in this organization who know and have dealt

with Mr. Mullin vouch for the honesty of Mr. Mullin's
willingness to do what he can to prevent unnecessary
exposure of CIA's interests. Although he been
described by Agency staffers who know him as 'not a
mental giant' they believe he will cooperate even to
the extent of advising us of the results of his
investigations where our vital interests are
concerned. It should also be considered that Mr.
Maheu is currently under investigation in Las Vegas
and we have no way of knowing what connection
with CIA may be disclosed by a search of Robert A.
Maheu Associates files. It would be highly desirable
to have someone in Intertel on the alert for matters of
concern to CIA which might be developed by the
broad investigation of Robert Maheu Associates
currently under way. It is my proposal after
consultation with Mr. James P. O'Connell, DD/PTOS,
that Mr. Mullin be briefed on the cover relationship

between Robert A. Maheu Associates and (Deleted

as of 2010) and (Deleted as of 2010) role in the
removal of the (Deleted as of 2010). The briefing
would be done by Mr. Connell and a member of my
staff. Naturally, nothing of an operational nature will
be revealed to Mr. Mullin. Erich W. Isenstead, Chief,
Central Cover Staff. [3.25.71]

The CIA reported that "One of the things that concerns

Mullin is that in perusing the material, they have noted that several
of the records are missing. They want to be sure that if Maheu
states that these particular records were purged from the files
because they pertain to sensitive Government operations, this is
actually the case and not a subterfuge to withhold pertinent
information which could be used in the forthcoming law suit
involving Hughes and Maheu."

Other members of the Castro assassination team included:

Chief/Office of Security, Sheffield Edwards; Deputy Director / Plans,
Richard Bissell and Chief / Western Hemisphere Division Colonel
J.C. King. Richard Bissell told the HSCA he would not have become
involved in the early assassination operations without personal
authorization of then-Director Allen Dulles. He claimed: "If Dulles
told me not to become involved in such a thing, I know for sure I
wouldn't. You can't disobey the Director." This operation had been
approved by the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen
Dulles, and a May 14, 1962 CIA Memo reflected that $150,000 was
allocated for it. Senator Walter Mondale (Dem.-Montana), who
uncovered the existence of the assassination group, claimed it that
"petered out" in 1963. In 1975 William Harvey testified that he and
then-Deputy Director/Plans Richard Helms had concealed the
existence of the assassination plots from CIA Director John
In December 1959 the newspaper of Fidel Castro, Revolucion,
stated United Fruit was protecting anti-Castro plotters in Guatemala
and Honduras and was helping them get airplanes, boats and arms.
[NYT 12.29.59] In early 1960 Fidel Castro threatened the United
Fruit Company. He repeatedly pointed out that United Fruit owned
vast amounts of Cuban land, "While hundreds and thousands of
peasants owned nothing." Soon Fidel Castro would seize $58


million worth of the Cuban assets of United Fruit. [Szulc, Tad Cuban
Invasion p47; DuBois Castro p11] On March 17, 1960, President
Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a National Security Council
recommendation to arm and train Cuban exiles to overthrow Fidel
Castro. At that time the National Security Council included
Eisenhower, Nixon, Christian Herter and Defense Secretary
Thomas S. Gates, a Director of Nelson Rockefeller's International
Basic Economy Corporation. Because of this directive, Allen Dulles,
(who had been the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency after
Arbenz was deposed and still held that post in 1960), ordered his
Deputy Director, General Charles Pearre Cabell, to reactivate the
team which had overthrown Arbenz in 1954. Charles Cabell was a
West Point graduate, four-star Air Force General and former head of
Air Force intelligence who came to the CIA in 1953, where he
became an intelligence advisor to General Douglas MacArthur. In
April 1953 Charles Cabell became a Deputy Director of the CIA.
Charles Cabell was from Dallas, where his brother Earle Cabell
would become Mayor. [HSCA V4 p153] Allen Dulles believed that
the Arbenz operation had not raised the specter of massive
American intervention in Latin America affairs, and was committed
to overthrowing Fidel Castro in a like manner. General Charles
Cabell activated Frank Wisner's successor, Deputy Director/Plans
Richard Bissell, who activated his Assistant Deputy Director/Plans,
Tracy Barnes. General Lyman Lemnitzer was included in the early


planning of the Bay of Pigs. In 1961 Lyman Lemnitzer became head

of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and played an important role in the
The Bay of Pigs began on April 15, 1961, when a B-26
bomber took off from an airfield at Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua.
Authors Thomas Ross and David Wise elaborated:

The tall, 35-year-old Cuban exile pilot sat alone in the

cockpit of the big bomber...On the nose of his plane
the number 933 had been painted in black letters. On
the tail, the letters F-A-R - the markings of Fidel
Castro's Air Force. But Mario Zuniga was not a
Castro pilot. He was flying on an extraordinary Top
Secret CIA mission.

As part of the propaganda campaign against Castro, Mario

Zuniga was slated to land at Miami Airport, then claim he was a
Cuban Air Force defector who had joined with other defectors, and
carried out an air strike against Fidel Castro. There was to be an air
strike, but it would not be carried out by defecting pilots. A few hours
after Mario Zuniga took off, eight B-26s headed to Cuba from
Nicaragua, each with a payload of bombs. When Mario Zuniga
landed in Miami, he cut his right engine as if it had been put out of
action by gunfire. Photographers were allowed to take pictures of
his bullet-pocked aircraft. Mario Zuniga read the pre-written
statement prepared by Hunt and Phillips: "I am one of 12 B-26 pilots
who remained in the Castro Air Force after the defection of Pedro
Diaz Lanz. My comrades and I had broken off earlier, to hit airfields
that we agreed they would strike. On the way out, I was hit by some
small arms fire..." Miro Cardona of the Cuban Revolutionary Council
issued this statement: "The defections came as no surprise,
because the Cuban Revolutionary Council has been in contact with,
and encouraged, these brave pilots." The Cuban Ambassador to the
United Nations, Raoul Roa, gravely protested the latest CIA
violation of Cuba's sovereignty: "The statement of Miro Cardona that
he had been in touch with those who did the bombing was a
violation of United States Neutrality Laws." Tracy Barnes had
briefed U.N. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson about the invasion.
Ambassador Stevenson accepted the cover story given to him by
Tracy Barnes at face value, and was unaware that the attacks on


Castro's airfields had been conducted by the Agency-sponsored

Brigade. Ambassador Stevenson:

No United States personnel participated. No United

States Government airplanes of any kind
participated. The two planes, to the best of our
knowledge, were Castro's own Air Force planes, and
according to the pilots, they took off from Castro's
own Air Force fields. These pilots have apparently
defected from Castro's tyranny. I have here a picture
of one of these planes. It has the markings of the
Castro Air Force right on the tail, which everyone can
see for himself.

Ambassador Stevenson went on to read Mario Zuniga's

statement. The next morning, many papers ran the Associated
Press lead out of Havana, Cuba: "April 15, 1961. Pilots of Prime
Minister Fidel Castro's Air Force revolted today and attacked three
of the Castro regime's key air bases with bombs and rockets." Tad
Szulc's story in The New York Times questioned how the Cuban
Revolutionary Council had advance knowledge of the fliers'
defection, since the pilot who landed in Miami described their
escape as hasty. There were other unanticipated problems with the
Hunt/Phillips cover story. The B-26 which landed was the wrong
model for the Cuban Air Force. When Mario Zuniga appeared on
television, his wife called a wire service and asked, "What's my
husband doing on T.V.?" A Miami reporter saw the bullet holes, but
noted that dust and grease covered the bomb-bay fittings, and that
the plane's guns did not seem to have been fired. The cover story
was becoming transparent. Thanks to Hunt and Phillips, the Bay of
Pigs invasion was off to a bad start.
Richard Bissell was encouraged by the partial success of the
April 15, 1961, raid. Nine B-26s had left Nicaragua: one was shot
down, three landed in the United States and Grand Cayman, and
five returned to base. The next phase of the Bay of Pigs script called
for the destruction of Fidel Castro's Air Force on the ground by
another Cuban exile air strike. This second strike was scheduled to
take place at dawn on Monday, April 17, 1961, as the 1,400-man
exile invasion force fought its way to shore. Without bombing and
strafing of Castro’s troops there was no way a 1,400 man Army
could defeat Castro’s forces. The invasion, which was to supposedly


coincide with an internal uprising, was meant to establish a

beachhead, after which the exile government would call for help
from the Organization of American States. President Kennedy
insisted that no Americans be involved in the actual invasion.

The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles,

was in Puerto Rico during the Bay of Pigs. Months before, he had
accepted a speaking engagement there, and he believed its
cancellation might have alerted Castro to the invasion date. With
Allen Dulles in Puerto Rico, General Charles Cabell became Acting
Director. En route home from a morning of golf, Charles Cabell
decided to check on the progress of the invasion. Hunt related: "It
was this chance decision that was to affect the destinies of men and
nations from that moment on." When Charles Cabell heard about
the second air strike, he reflected: "Now, seems to me we were only
authorized one strike at the airfields." Charles Cabell was told there
had been no restriction on the number of strikes. "Well," Charles
Cabell said, "I just don't know about that. So to be on the safe side,
I'm going to ask [Secretary of State] Rusk about it. Meanwhile,
someone call Richard Bissell and get him in here. Cancel that strike
order until I can get someone to approve it." Charles Cabell could
not reach Secretary of State Dean Rusk, because Dean Rusk was
attending a meeting at the State Department. Charles Cabell and
Richard Bissell went to the State Department and met with
Secretary of State Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk called President
Kennedy. President Kennedy refused to authorize another air
strike. Hunt called Tracy Barnes and reported what happened.
Phillips told Hunt that General Cabell's brain must have been
"addled" when he didn't authorize the strike himself. Richard Bissell
and Charles Cabell persuaded Dead Rusk and President Kennedy
to at least allow the planes to fly limited support missions over the

On the morning of the invasion - Monday, April 17, 1961 -

the Cuban Revolutionary Council, on CIA orders, issued this Hunt /
Phillips press release:

Before dawn Cuban patriots in the cities and in the

hills began the battle to liberate our homeland from
the despotic rule of Fidel Castro and rid Cuba of the
cruel oppression of international Communism...


Soon, Hunt dictated this bulletin: The Cuban Revolutionary

Council announces a successful landing;" then a third, which

Our partisans in every Cuban town and village will

receive, in a manner known only to them, the
message that will spark a tremendous wave of
internal conflict against the tyrant...before dawn, the
island of Cuba will rise up, en masse, in a
coordinated wave of sabotage and rebellion which
will sweep Communism from our country...

In 1961 Hunt won a commendation from the Chief/Western

Hemisphere Division "for performance of duties with distinction in
support of the mission outlined in Project JMATE." On April 17,
1961, 27 Cubans were arrested in Havana and charged with having
plotted to assassinate Fidel Castro. Partially because of this, there
was no internal uprising, and no one came to the aid of the
invaders. The Army of Fidel Castro arrived. They made short work
of the exiles, who fought with a high degree of determination,
although greatly outnumbered. Manuel Artime was taken prisoner,
as were over 1,000 Brigade members. Phillips wrote that the
staffers in the CIA war room had a visceral reaction to the episode,
and began to retch and vomit.
The recent landings in Cuba have been constantly,
though inaccurately, described as an invasion. It was,
in fact, a landing mainly of supplies and support for
our patriots who have been fighting in Cuba for
months...We did not expect to topple Castro
immediately. [Ross & Wise Inv. Gov. p73]

Hunt recalled this version to the Rockefeller Commission:

Within twenty-four hours prior to the time that the
Cuban brigade was to hit the beaches at the Bay of
Pigs. President Kennedy made two critical decisions
that affected the final outcome: he cancelled plans for
an airstrike on Cuba which would have destroyed the
six remaining combat planes that were available to
Castro; second, the order that there be no air cover
for the invading brigade. The result was that the
invading force was chopped up while it was still in the


water; the ships carrying the armored vehicles were

sunk, as were the supply ships, and the troops were
left abandoned on the shore. The remnant of the
Cuban Air Force was entirely adequate to demolish
the invasion fleet. Hunt concedes that he was bitter
about the decisions made by President Kennedy, but
he primarily blames Arthur Schlesinger. Adlai
Stevenson and Robert Kennedy for advising the
President to follow the course he chose. He
particularly feels that the Cubans had been recruited
with certain promises and that those promises were
withdrawn at the last minute. Hunt says, in fact, that
the decision not to make the air strike and not to
provide air cover was made after the invasion fleet
had arrived at the point of no return, i.e., when radio
communication to the invasion fleet had already
terminated for security reasons.


In January 1962 President Kennedy retired the CIA officials
involved in the Bay of Pigs, including Richard Bissell, Charles Cabell
and Allen Dulles, who was forced into retirement. Allen Dulles died
on January 31, 1969. John McCone of Standard Oil and Bechtel
became the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Richard
Helms became Deputy Director (Plans) as a result of his having
kept his name out of the Bay of Pigs CIA documents. General
Charles Cabell went to work as a member of the board of the Pacific
Corporation, the parent company of Air America, the CIA-run air
carrier. General Charles Cabell (born October 11, 1903) collapsed
and died after a physical examination at Fort Meyers in April 1971;
his brother, Earle Cabell, (born October 27, 1906), died in
September 1975 of natural causes. In Undercover, Hunt described
Charles Cabell as a "short, rather aggressive man, who came to the
CIA with no prior background in covert intelligence, much less in
propaganda or political action operations." [p93] In Give Us This
Day, he blamed Charles Cabell for the outcome of the Bay Of Pigs
invasion: "If only Cabell hadn't come mousing around."

In 1962 [the FBI w/h the exact date of this document] the FBI
reported that Jose Ignasio Lasaga prepared a document which
accused the United States government of President John F.
Kennedy for following a policy of peaceful coexistence with Cuba.


On April 26, 1962 Jose Fernandez Badue, head of

the Christian Democratic Movement advised that he
is the head of that organization and a member of the
Cuban Revolutionary Council. Fernandez said that
he had seen a copy of the document prepared by
Lasaga which would be submitted to the
Revolutionary Council on the following day.
Fernandez said this document accuses the United
States government of President Kennedy for
following a policy of peaceful co-existence with Cuba.
This policy is the same as that expounded by the
government of the USSR and that this policy should
be severely criticized by Americans and Cuban exiles
alike. Fernandez said such a document, if accepted
and approved by the Revolutionary Council, would
cause the United States government to withdraw its
support from the Revolutionary Council and cease to
recognize the Council as the voice of the Cuban
exiles in the United States. Fernandez said there is
no chance the Council would accept this document or
approve it inasmuch as the United States is the only
country that is helping the Cuban exiles and the only
country interested in the defeat of Communism.

Fernandez advised that they attended a meeting of

the Cuban Revolutionary Council on the previous
day, where Jose Lasaga, Nino Diaz and Cesar Baro,
three leading members of the MRR, introduced a
document for acceptance by the Revolutionary
Council. This document claimed that Richard N.
Goodwin of the United States State Department and
certain other officials in the State Department had
accepted a Communist policy of peaceful
coexistence with Communist Cuba. This document
was voted against acceptance by all members of the
Council except Lasaga, Diaz and Baro. [FBI 94-4133-

Lasaga resigned from the Cuban Revolutionary Council on April 29,




Fidel Castro, fearing another invasion of Cuba, had armed

Cuba with Soviet missiles capable of carrying atomic warheads. The
United States discovered the secret missile sights 90 miles off-shore
and, outraged, issued an ultimatum for the removal of the missiles.
A Cuban naval blockade was planned for October 24, 1962, and a
nuclear confrontation was imminent. The crisis ended when the
Soviet Union agreed to withdraw the offensive missiles from Cuba.
In return, President Kennedy gave the Soviets and Cubans a no-
invasion pledge. President Kennedy agreed to curtail the activities
of the Cuban exile organizations. Hunt believed the Soviets had
"gained a great deal for very little." Sturgis was asked:

Q. Did you feel that the Russians and President Kennedy had come
together to make a deal to curtail these anti-Castro activities?

a. Yes, I felt that Russia and the United States made a deal.

Gaeton Fonzi wrote:

If the actions of President John F. Kennedy at the

Bay of Pigs first raised doubts in the minds of Cuban
exiles about the sincerity of the President and his
determination to bring about the fall of Fidel Castro,
his handling of the missile crisis confirmed those
doubts. President Kennedy's agreement with
Khrushchev was termed a violation of the pledge he
had made three days after the Bay of Pigs invasion
that the United States would never abandon Cuba to
Communism. The bitterness of the anti-Castro exiles
was exacerbated by the actions of the U.S.
Government to implement the President's 'no
invasion' pledge. Suddenly, there was a crackdown
on the very training camps and guerrilla bases that
had been originally established and funded by the
United States, and the exile raids - which once had
the Government's 'green light' - were now disavowed
and condemned. The feeling of betrayal by the
Cuban exiles was given reinforcement by prominent
sympathizers outside their community... Nixon urged
an end to what he called the 'quarantine' of Cuban

An undated document that originated with the CIA:

"Subjects: Handwritten notes under heading 'General' Subject:

Assassination; 'No-Invasion Pledge' CIA. Author unknown - date

and place unknown." The text of the document:


-- Extent to which CIA picks up on loose language.

-- To what extent was the assassination fork

contemplated, discussed etc?

Would "no-invasion pledge" leave U.S. in a position

where assassination is a viable alternative because
overt sabotage / invasion is estopped?

Extent of expectation by SG (a) that CIA will report in

detail on any covert ass against Castro? E.G. any
assassination planning would require reporting?
[SSCIA 157-10007-10312]

During his deposition in Hunt v. Weberman, Hunt made a

vague reference to a secret agreement: "Well, I can speculate that
the alleged Kennedy-Khrushchev agreements, if they ever existed,
might be detrimental at this phase in the American policy; but, then,
nobody seems to know if it was undertaken, or who was made to
pay for it, Other than that, I know nothing."
To: DCIA November 27, 1962
FROM: William Harvey

A. The United States Government will give public

assurances that, provided no nuclear or offensive
weapons are present or re-introduced into Cuba, and
provided Cuba does not take action to threaten the
peace and security of the Western Hemisphere the
United States does not intend to invade Cuba or
support and invasion of Cuba.
B. Those assurances will preclude any meaningful
CIA action on a phased basis to provoke a revolt
inside Cuba, since unless there are major changes in
operational and internal conditions In Cuba, such a
revolt if provoked would be totally destroyed by
Cuban counteraction in a matter of hours or, at the
most, a few-days unless supported by a major United

States Military commitment. In addition, the non-

invasion assurances as a practical matter will
preclude invading Cuba on the pretext of a contrived
provocation such as an attack on Guantanamo.

C. CIA operations involving a high noise level and a

distinct element of attributability, particularly
paramilitary, guerrilla, and commando type
operations will be unacceptable as a matter of policy.

D. The Castro-communist regime will remain in

power for the indefinite future with its security and
control apparatus relatively intact and with the
capability not only of crushing unsupported
resistance activity, but of ranking operational
conditions in Cuba increasingly difficult. While it is
possible that recent and future developments
including the Soviet action in removing the offensive
weapons from Cuba may serve to weaken and
discredit Castro, there is as yet no hard indication
that the control of the Castro-communist regime over
Cuba has been substantially weakened.

E. The United States assurances of no invasion and

no support of an invasion will, in effect, constitute
giving Castro and his regime a certain degree of
sanctuary. This will
severely damage the morale and motivation of anti-
regime Cubans both inside and outside of Cuba,
which will make it increasing difficult for us to recruit
agents, maintain agents already recruited, and
continue or intensify our intelligence and other efforts
against Cuba and the Castro-communist regime.

F. Despite the above factor Higher Authority probably

will continue heavy pressure on the CIA for a
maximum effort against Cube and may even continue
to contend that the ultimate objective in the overthrow
of the Castro-communist regime. This is an
unrealistic objective, however, except on a very long-
term basin as the United States Government, we
believe, will be unwilling in the immediate future to
commit troops to support such an overthrow. The

United Stator Government in its overt dealings with

the Cuban exiles probably will not express the above
factors to them in the context or with the bluntness
stated above.

In December 1962 the Bay of Pigs Brigade prisoners were

released in return for a $53 million ransom in medical supplies. The
final formation of Brigade 2506 took place at the Orange Bowl
Stadium in Miami on December 29, 1962. President Kennedy was
there to welcome back the surviving members, who had spent
almost 20 months in the prisons of Fidel Castro. The President
accepted the Brigade's flag and declared: "I assure you this flag will
be returned to this Brigade in a free Havana." Gaeton Fonzi: "Hunt,
once assigned liaison duties with the Brigade, claimed later that the
Brigade feeling against Kennedy was so great that the presentation
of the flag nearly did not take place."
Circa July 21, 1963, Anastasio Somoza (Tachito Jr.) visited
Miami and spoke to Pedro Diaz Lanz and others. Anastasio Somoza
told the Cuban exiles he wanted to support and direct them and he
"planned something big." According to Anastasio Somoza, the
Central American countries would fall to communism within five
years. [Miami Herald 7.14.63] Hemming told this researcher:

Somoza opened conversations with all of the nine

action groups and their leaders and also held
meetings with a limited number of exiled political
leaders. Somoza offered the use of Nicaragua as a
sanctuary, site for training camps, and a jumping off
point for future raids and other operations against
Cuba. Miami newspaper headlines announced that
ex-Bay of Pigs Brigade leader, Manuel Artime, has
decided to move his headquarters to Central
America, ostensibly Nicaragua.

[Ltr. To Lester Logue, 628 Meadows Building Dallas 6, Texas for

Hemming 2450 N.W. North River Drive, Miami 35, Florida 8.13.63]
The FBI reported:

On October 12, 1963 Santiago Alvarez Rodriguez

advised that he is head of Commandos L, an anti-
Castro organization, which has conducted raids
against Cuba in the past. Santiago advised that he
conferred with Luis Somozo in Miami in July 1963.


Somoza went to Washington returned to Miami and

they again conferred. Alvarez said when Somoza first
went to Washington in July 1963, he claimed he had
presented a plan for the liberation of Cuba to
President John F. Kennedy, who seemed interested
and sent Somoza to confer with officials at the
Pentagon, CIA, and State Department. Then
President Kennedy left on a trip to Europe. Military
officials at the Pentagon and civilian officials at the
CIA allegedly approved Somoza's plan but the State
Department rejected it. When President Kennedy
returned to the United States from his European trip,
Somoza again visited Washington, but President
Kennedy refused to see him. Alvarez was told by
Somoza that the United States government was
interested in his plan with some modifications and
conditions, one condition being that Artime would be
the military leader. Alvarez said that since President
Kennedy refused to see Somoza, his plan never
materialized. [FBI 97-4133-78 11.5.63]

Before the visit of President John F. Kennedy to Miami on

Monday, November 18, 1963, the Secret Service learned from a
confidential source that "Pedro Diaz Lanz, a Cuban political
extremist, might attempt to approach the President to embarrass
him publicly. Pedro Diaz Lanz attacked President Kennedy verbally
at a Cuban rally in New York on November 3, 1963." The Secret
Service ordered Pedro Diaz Lanz put under surveillance beginning
Friday, November 15, 1963. Through Miami Immigration and
Naturalization Service intelligence officer Charles Yaeger,
"arrangements were (telephonically) made to have Pedro Diaz-Lanz
report for an interview by that Agency [Immigration and
Naturalization Service] during the time the President was in Miami.
Mr. Yaeger subsequently confirmed that when Pedro Diaz-Lanz was
requested to report to their office for an interview on Monday,
November 18, 1963, he informed them that he was leaving for New
York City on the morning of Monday, November 18, 1963." [Ernesto
Aragon 12.30.63 File 2320, Miami] Miami television Newsman Vic
Walters interviewed Pedro Diaz Lanz about this telephone call.
Pedro Diaz Lanz neither remembered any phone call from the
Immigration and Naturalization Service, nor any appointment or trip
to New York City. As for his whereabouts on November 22, 1963,
he was lecturing in front of a Woman's Club in Wichita, Kansas.


Newspaper accounts supported Pedro Diaz Lanz, who appeared as

a replacement for Alexander Rorke. [Wichita Eagle 11.22.63]

A United States Secret Service document on President John F.

Kennedy's visit to Miami noted that Orlando Bosch was interviewed
about a demonstration he was planning against the President:
"From a confidential source of this office, information was received
that Orlando Bosch was planning to picket the President by using
widows of Cuban Freedom Fighters dressed in black. Orlando
Bosch was interviewed about this report at his home, at which time
he was told that he would be personally held responsible for any
adverse incident." [USSS Field Force File, Miami, Florida (2326) 1-
16--602.111 Aragon/Rowley 12.30.63 - Rowley dead 11.2.92 at 84]
The United States Secret Service also received word that two
former members of the Bay of Pigs Brigade were planning to ask
President John F. Kennedy to return the Brigade flag that he had
been presented in December. An article in the Miami Herald
reported that Manuel Artime planned to demonstrate as well.






On June 18, 1962, Oswald visited the office of PAULINE

VIRGINIA BATES. Pauline Virginia Bates (born January 11, 1922;
died October 7, 1978) was a public legal stenographer, from Forest
Grove, Oregon. In an interview with Caroline Hamilton of The Fort
Worth Press, Pauline Virginia Bates recalled her encounters with

Lee Oswald wanted the world to think he'd gone to

Russia 'on a job' for the State Department. He left

that impression with Miss Pauline Bates. He did it by

evasiveness. 'When the State Department granted
my visa,' Oswald told her, 'they stipulated they could
not stand behind me in any way.' Oswald went to see
Miss Bates on June 18, 1962. He had in his hand a
manila envelope full of notes condemning a criticizing
life in Russia. Lee Oswald had found the Soviet
Union no utopia. Or so he said. 'I saw your name in
the telephone book' he said 'Can you do some typing
for me? Notes I made in Russia of conditions there.'
In his manila envelope he had several sheaves of
papers, stapled together in sequences, on different
Russian cities. The first was Minsk. The second was
Kiev. The papers were all sizes and shapes some
snips like strips pulled from envelopes, some full
sheets, some heavy brown wrapping paper. The
notes were handwritten in pen and pencil and then
typed. 'I'll have to change the names when my book
is published.' He never said he was a U.S. secret
agent either but he gave that impression. And the
impression raised questions in Mrs. Bates' mind.
Why would a secret agent have a public
stenographer type his notes? Why was he short of
money? Why couldn't he find a job? Why did he
leave the impression he was a secret agent. She
never found out. But she thought about it again after
November 22, 1963. And she still doesn't know.

Pauline Virginia Bates stated that Oswald told her that a

Dallas engineer named PETER PAUL GREGORY was interested in
publishing his manuscript. On June 19, 1962, Oswald called Peter
Paul Gregory, a petroleum engineer born January 25, 1929, in
Siberia, who taught Russian at the Fort Worth public library. Peter
Paul Gregory became Oswald’s entré into White Russian exile
community in Dallas. The White Russians came to the United States
as a result of the civil war that erupted after the Bolshevik revolution
of 1917. In order to aid the anti-Bolshevik forces, the Allied
Expeditionary Force (which included the U.S.) invaded Russia and
set up the geo-political area, White Russia, which was any area that
was not controlled by Red (Communist) Russia. White Russian
meant anti-Communist Russian. In August 1965 Peter Paul Gregory
was hired by the CIA to work for its Joint Press Reading Service.
[NARA 1993.07.20.15:10:32:710600] Peter Paul Gregory denied


that he was the petroleum engineer who offered to publish Oswald’s

Oswald walked into my office one day, said he had
gotten my name out of the telephone directory. It so
happens it's the first one in the public
stenographers...He just walked in. It's not uncommon
for people to walk in and say, "Miss Bates can you
type something for me?" And I said, "Yes, I could,
what was it?" ...then he told me he was Lee Oswald.
He said, "First, I want to find out what your prices are
and see if I can afford it." He wanted a professional
typing job done on his notes, and explained: "Some
of them are typed on a little portable, some of 'em are
handwritten in ink, some of 'em are in pencil." [I was]
anxious to get on with it. He had just come back from
Russia and had notes, I would like to have seen
them. And he didn't look like he had - he looked like a
High School kid to me when he first came in. I
thought he was just a kid...And he said he had just
gotten out of the Marine Corps and taken elementary
Russian...while he was in the Marine Corps.[Pauline
Virginia Bates typed Oswald’s notes and found they
were] very bitter against Russia...They were all done
in Russia. And he smuggled them out of Russia. And
he said that the whole time, until they were over the
border, they were scared to death they would be
found, and of course, they would not be allowed to
leave Russia...He never once mentioned the word
'Communist'...He just said "the Party."He came up
and he was quite nervous. The other two days, he'd
sit right there at my desk and - uh - if I needed to ask
him anything, why I would. But this day he was
walking up and down looking over my shoulder and
wanting to know where I was - and finally I finished
the 10th page. He said "Now Pauline, you told me
what your charges were. This is eight hours and
you've worked ten pages. I have $10 and no more
money. I can't let you go on."


When Pauline Bates testified before the Warren

Commission, Counsel Albert Jenner asked her about Caroline
Hamilton's article:

Jenner: Is that story accurate as you related it to her?"

Bates: That's right.

Jenner: Is there anything in that story that you would like to amend
or correct.

Bates: No sir. It was read to me before it was ever printed twice.

And we did it so very carefully to make it all -- so we wouldn't get the
past and present mixed up. We kept it to the three days.

Jenner: Do you recall being interviewed by the FBI on December 2,


Bates: They came to my home on a Saturday after the story broke.

Jenner: Do you recall saying to the FBI men who interviewed you
that the story was accurate --

Bates: Yes, sir. Gave them a copy of it.

Jenner: In every detail with one exception -- which was that Oswald
never stated that he was working for the U.S. State Department.

Bates: Well that is not in the story.

Jenner: Tell me about that.

Bates: That was what the radio and television was trying to put
words in my mouth at that time. And uh - I don't know how many
times I had to call and tell them to retract that. I never stated that. I
stated that he first said he went to Russia and had gotten a visa that
I thought - it was just a thought - that maybe he was going over
there under the auspices of the State Department. As a student or
something. From that they got that he was a secret agent for the -

Nonetheless, Pauline Virginia Bates told Albert Jenner

Substantially the same information she told Caroline Hamilton:

[Oswald] had wanted to travel, and so he applied to

the State Department for a visa. And I asked him if


he was an exchange student - if he went over as an

exchange student. Sometimes - I don't know, I was
kind of ignorant about things like that. He said 'No,'
that the State Department finally agreed to let him go
over, but they would not be responsible for him; he
was granted a visa to go over there but the State
Department refused to stand behind him in case he
got into trouble or anything.
What visa had Oswald referred to? The State Department
could not have issued a Soviet visa - only the Soviet Union could do
that. How could the State Department have refused to stand behind
Oswald after issuing him a visa? Oswald chose to be deliberately
oblique since he made reference to the CIA's doctrine of plausible
deniability. When the CIA structured an operation, it did it so in such
a way that were anyone apprehended, there would never be
enough evidence to link him/her to the CIA. The CIA could then
issue a plausible denial of any CIA-connection. In other words, if for
any reason Oswald were exposed as a CIA agent in Russia,
Angleton would claim to have no knowledge of him, and not a shred
of evidence to the contrary would exist. Pauline Virginia Bates
wondered why a State Department undercover agent would hire a
free-lance stenographer to type up his notes. Why was he short of
money? Poverty was part of Oswald’s cover. Oswald was very
secretive and never left Pauline Virginia Bates alone with the notes.
He brought them when he came, took them when he left, and
carried off the carbon paper. On June 20, 1962, Oswald ended his
relationship with Pauline Virginia Bates.
When elections are initiated in the USSR, or
formulated, a whole hugh mechanical apparatis is
started, not only to ensure victory but to safeguard
the state from any voice of dissent, either in
abstention or opposition. All possible votors (that is
from the age of 16 up) are registered well beforehand
by "agitators" who go round to every door in their
district getting names and notifing all votors of their
duty to the motherland in voting, in the case of the
elections held throughout the Soviet Union as on
March 18, 1962 to "elect" the Supreme Soviet,
including Kruschev, the people Soviet (house of


representatives) and the Soviet of Nationalities. The

agitator came on January 24, 1962, and February 20,
1962, on Election day all votors go to the polls,
usually a school, and vote. They are given a ballot
which they immediately drop in a box. On the ballot is
the single name of the candidate for each post.
That's all anybody ever does to vote. This system
assures a 99% turnout and a predetermined victory.
In each polling place there is a booth for secret
balloting (crossing out the candidate and writing in
your own) Under Soviet law anyone can do this,
nobody does for the obvious reason that anyone who
enters the booth may be identified. There is a Soviet
joke about the floor dropping out from anyone
stepping into the booth. But the fact is that if the
entire population used the polling booth they could
beat the system, however, years of mass discipline
and fear have made the people afraid to attempt any
such demonstration.
As soon as Oswald returned to the United States he
recommenced his efforts to have his dishonorable discharge
changed back to an honorable one. On June 19, 1962, Oswald
contacted the Navy Discharge Review Board in Washington, D.C.

In this case there is no question as to service, which,

as the Naval records show, was of a strickly
honorable nature. This case is a question of loyalty
revolving around out of residence in the Soviet
Union. In requesting a review of this case, I can
show; I had not violated any laws or regulations
pertaining to my prolonged residence abroad and
that I am a loyal U.S. citizen...This board was given
to consider weather I had gone to the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics with the object of becoming a
permenent citizen of that country. Since I was not in
the United States at the time of the convening of the
board and since I was completely unable to
communicate with anyone in the outside world
through the Iron Curtain, this board found against
me...Since there is no other possible way to present
my case, in consideration of the nature of the charge


which was brought against me, I would like to include

a request for reenlistment regardless of the findings
of the board. In accordance with par. 15 (e) (5) I
request that the Board consider my sincere desire to
use my former training at the aviation fundlementals
school, Jacksonville, Florida, and Radar operators
school, Biloxi, Miss., as well as special knowledge I
have accumulated through my experience since my
release from active duty, in the Naval service.

What special knowledge had he acquired in Russia that

could have helped the U.S. Navy? [WCE 2661] Was Oswald
offering the Navy information on the Soviet military? If so, where
had he obtained this information? John Connally received a letter
from Oswald that protested the downgrading of Oswald’s Marine
Discharge. John Connally was Secretary of the Navy while Oswald
was a Marine, but had been replaced by Fred Korth, whose name
was in Oswald’s address book. Senator John Tower also received a
letter from Oswald about his discharge. The State Department
forwarded four of Oswald’s letters to Senator John Tower in order
that he could familiarize himself with the case. [DOS Serial 0122,
1.26.62] In the late 1980's John Tower headed a Reagan-appointed
Commission to investigate the Iran/Contra scandal which involved
the CIA and anti-Sandinista Nicaraguans. On April 6, 1991, Senator
Tower was killed in a plane crash in Brunswick, Georgia, along with
22 others. Tapes of communication between the aircraft and the
controllers at Jacksonville were all normal. The plane was
completely demolished and an investigation of the wreckage of the

plane was begun. The Senate had recently refused to approve

Tower as Secretary of Defense, because of consultancy fees he
had received from arms manufactures while he was in the private
sector. Tower was head President Bush's Foreign Intelligence
Advisory Board.
On June 26, 1962, 13 days after returning to the United
States, Oswald was interviewed by FBI Agent John W. Fain at the
Fort Worth FBI office. He described Oswald as cold, arrogant and
uncooperative: "He denied having any involvement with Soviet
intelligence agencies, but when asked if he would submit to a
polygraph examination, he refused without giving a reason."
Another FBI report stated:

On June 26, 1962, S.A. John W. Fain interviewed

Mrs. Robert L. Oswald at Fort Worth, Texas. On June
26, 1962, S.A.S. B. Tom Brown and John W. Fain
interviewed Oswald. The attention of the Bureau is
called to the fact on June 26, 1962, Oswald was very
difficult to interview. He was curt and short in many of
his answers. He gave the impression of being cold
and arrogant and on the whole interview was
generally uncooperative. Near the end of the
interview Subject was asked whether or not he would
be willing to submit to a polygraph examination
concerning answers given by him during the
interview of June 26, 1962. Subject stated he would
not be willing to take polygraph test as to whether his
negative answers to the questions as to whether or
not he had furnished any information to the Soviets,
as to whether or not he had been recruited by the
Soviet Intelligence Agents and whether or not he had
made any deals with the Soviets in order to obtain
permission to return to the United States. This report
is classified Confidential since it contains information
from other agencies which is so classified. A copy of
this report is sent to ONI because of the initial
interest of that agency in Subject. [NARA FBI 124-
10171-10119 undated]

When the HSCA questioned FBI S.A. John W. Fain about

this, he said he never asked Oswald about a polygraph


examination. "Fain is positive that he never asked Oswald whether

he was an agent for the U.S. Government, notwithstanding Robert
Oswald's testimony before the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey
Oswald said he was asked this question. He had no reason to ask
him this." [HSCA R p190; WR p434; HSCA Fain interview by
Genzman 6.25.78] Oswald was afraid the polygraph would detect
deception because he had been in contact with the KGB and
Oswald knew FBI Agent John W. Fain would have questioned him
about the KGB: "I know your tactics; there is a similar agency in
Russia. You are using the soft touch and, of course, the procedure
in Russia would be quite different."
Oswald was unemployed from June 10, 1962, until July 17, 1962,
when he was hired by the Louv-R-Pac Division of Leslie Welding.
Coincidentally, in 1961 INTERPEN member Loran Hall listed his
occupation as "sheet metal worker" and INTERPEN member
William Seymour worked as a welder. [FBI 105-82555-5235]


Some of the signatures on the back of the Louv-R-Pac

paychecks were not Oswald’s. The FBI Laboratory examined the
endorsements and compared them against the signature on
Oswald’s passport. They did not match, although Oswald had used
his passport as identification to cash these checks, and his passport
number was written on each one. The FBI stated: "Under date of
December 5, 1963, the FBI Laboratory advised that the hand
printing and handwriting of Lee Harvey Oswald, available in Bureau
files, have been searched in the National Security File without
effecting an identification." [FBI DL 89-43 RPG:mja; WCD 7 p 360]
The HSCA examined 63 specimens of Oswald’s signature, but none
of the signatures on the Louv-R-Pac paychecks, although their
existence had been brought to the attention of the HSCA by this
researcher. The HSCA chose instead to examine: "A letter dated
July 13, 1962, to Leslie Welding Co. signed Lee H. Oswald; written
on part of the page from a yellow legal pad. Blue ink. Ball point pen.
Location: Archives." [HSCA V8 p230]

In a February 3, 1964, Memorandum to Files, a CIA

component, presumably the Office of Security, stated: "The
following notation appears on the cover of Oswald’s address book:
"Mr. Bargas 200 E.N. Vacey Louv - K P1316 (The FBI
memorandum does not suggest it, but I would think that Louv - K
might possibly refer to Louisville, Kentucky.) The Office of Security
of the CIA came up with three spurious Bargas' from its files. [CIA
1300-479] "Bargas" was the name of Oswald’s foreman at Louv-R-
Pac, THOMAS BARGAS. Tom Bargas was interviewed in 1977 and
asked if he saw Oswald every day he worked there? He said:
"Yeah, I did see him every day. He was a sheet metal worker, we
used to make ventilators. We never had any Government contracts
or anything. It was all commercial buildings. Oswald always kept to
himself - he wore the same old jacket." In May 1993 Tom Bargas
said Oswald never expressed any political opinions to him and was
a good worker. "He was a general flunky - he did everything we put
him to do. Because he comprehended so well, I was going to teach
him to do layout work. Then he quit. No reason...He came in every
day. He worked there two, three months, maybe longer. He didn't
miss any days that I know of...I never miss work. We went in at 7:00
a.m. and got off at 3:30 p.m." [WCD 7; FBI DL 89-43 p360 - 1
RPG:mja - UnID; CIA 1300-479]


S.A. Hosty had conducted a supporting investigation on

Marina Oswald for S.A. John Fain. S.A. James P. Hosty received a
Bachelor of Science in business administration from the University
of Notre Dame in June 1948; between 1948 and 1962 he was
employed by the First National Bank of Chicago, and then employed
by the Beechnut packing company as a salesman. He joined the
FBI on January 21, 1952, and was assigned to the Louisville
Division on General Investigation, then transferred to the Dallas FBI
General Investigation Division until 1955, when he was assigned to
the Internal Security Squad. [Hosty WC Test. P441] S.A. Hosty:

The case on Marina Oswald was opened on a

specific recommendation of this writer on July 19,
1962, at which time it was noted that she fell within
the criteria of the SOBIR program (Manual of
Instructions 105-R). By letter to the Bureau dated
July 25, 1962, Bureau was advised on a UACB basis
that in view of the pending investigation on Lee
Oswald this case would be put in a pending inactive
status, to be reopened at a later date for
consideration or advisable action.

The FBI document dated July 25, 1962, stated:

The case on Lee Oswald is in pending status and he

is to be re-interviewed. It is not believe any active
investigation of his wife or interview of her under the
SOBIR program is logical or advisable at this time. It
is felt her activities can be sufficiently followed at this
time in connection with the case on her husband. It is
noted there are no subversive references on any
member of the Subjects family, and under present
circumstances she will be closely and intimately
associated with them. According to INS records she
is proficient presently only in the Russian language.
In view of the foregoing, the case on Subject will be
maintained in a pending, inactive status in the Dallas
Field Division for a period of six months UACB. At the
expiration of that time it will be reopened and
considered for further warranted or advisable action.
[FBI 105-42555-29]

James Hosty commented, "I didn't sign it to a pending

inactive, Ken Howe did. The supervisor signs cases. I

recommended the case be open and it was assigned pending

inactive to John Fain." Hosty contacted the Immigration and
Naturalization Service for information on Marina. He used this
background information to prepare a report on July 19, 1962, that
concluded: "Copies of this letter are being designated for
Washington Field Office since Subject, according to information
furnished by her husband in the interview with him on June 26,
1962, is to periodically report her whereabout to the Russian
Embassy. Should any information concerning contacts by the
Subject with the Russian Embassy come to the attention of
Washington Field Office, same should be promptly reported to the
Bureau and Dallas." [FBI New 105-1435-I Fain Hosty]
On August 8, 1962, Oswald and family moved into the Rotary
Apartments. The telephone number "ED-5-0755," which turned out
to the Rotary Apartments at 1501 7th Street in Dallas, was found on
a slip of paper in Oswald’s possessions. Oswald and family lived
there until November 1962. Click HERE to see color film of Oswald
at that time. S.A. John Fain was dissatisfied with the first interview
and arranged to see Oswald again on August 16, 1962. At the
outset of this interview, Oswald invited S.A. John Fain and his
partner to question him in his home, but they declined in favor of
their car. He was much friendlier, and assured them he would inform
them if he were approached by the KGB. He doubted this would
happen since, "his employment did not involve any sensitive
information." When asked why he went to live in the Soviet Union,
Oswald told the Agents it was "nobody's business." He advised that
no representative of the Soviet Union, the MVD or any intelligence
agent of the Soviet Union ever attempted to elicit secret information
concerning the United States or its defense, from him. Oswald
denied he ever told the Soviets at any time he would make available
to them information concerning his U.S. Marine Corps specialty."
According to the Warren Commission, S.A. John Fain - having
concluded Oswald was not a security risk, potentially dangerous or
violent - had recommended that the case be placed in a closed
status. A copy of S.A. John Fain's report was sent to the CIA. On
August 30, 1962, the FBI closed the Oswald case. From August
1962 to March 1963, Oswald was free of active FBI investigation.
S.A. John Fain retired from the Bureau in October 1962 and the
closed Lee Oswald case was not reassigned.





September 17, 1962 (Initials SM)

2. CI/SIG Received: September 25, 1962 (Written 25

IX 62 Initials ege - Ann Egerter)

(Initials: Check mark)


(Initial a)

September 28, 1962 Forwarded October 1, 1962
(Initials illegible)

6. CI/OPS/ (Deleted)

INTELLIGENCE/RED/ (deleted) Forwarded October
3, 1962 (initials WELLS) C/SR/CI/R Received
October 4, 1962, Forwarded October 5, 1962 (Initials

(deleted) Received October 11, 1962. Forwarded
October 12, 1962 (Initials illegible) 8-9 make note of
this orig

9. SOVIET RUSSIA/BIO/ (deleted). Forwarded

October 15, 1962 (Initials illegible)

11. January 22, 1964

12. CI/OPS/ (Deleted) January 22, 1964 (Initials


13. CI/SIG/ (Deleted) January 29, 1964 (Written 29 I

64 initials ege - Ann Egerter)


14. C, CI/ R& A

The Sheet contained the notation: "Believe (Deleted) CI/SIG

has full file. Dorothy Lynch." An FBI report on Oswald was attached
to it.
In August 1962 Oswald sent for a subscription to The
Worker; on September 28, 1962, "a source who has furnished
reliable information in the past, made available photographs of the
names and addresses of subscribers maintained by the Worker, an
East Coast Communist newspaper."

FBI Warren Commission Exhibit Qc37 was “one

photograph bearing postmark “New Orleans LA 8
JUN 1963 1 30 PM”, bearing handwritten address
“The Worker 23 W. 26th St. New York 10, N.Y. and
handwritten return address “P. O. Box 30061 New
Orleans, La.” Qc38 Photographs of two-page
handwritten letter to “The Worker” signed “Lee H.

This information was sent to Dallas and initialed to file by

S.A. Fain on October 22, 1962. The document contained this
notation "1 verifax to Bur December 8, 1963 H." [FBI-100-10461-35]
The Worker, known in the 1950's as The Daily Worker, was a
Communist Party organ controlled by the Soviet Union. It received
millions of dollars in illegal Soviet subsidies. Why was Oswald still
interested in Soviet-style Communism when he had expressed his
disillusionment with the Soviet Union in his writing? Oswald’s FBI
case remained in a closed status despite specific orders to
investigate subscribers to The Worker and despite his contact with
the Soviet Embassy, Washington: Oswald was in touch with the
Soviet Embassy, Washington. He asked the Embassy to send him
"any peridicals or bullitins which you may put out for the benefit of
your citizens living, for a time, in the U.S.A." He inquired how he
could subscribe to Pravda or Izvestia. Bells should have started
going off as the FBI must have realized this guy acts out. But certain
key FBI agents believed he was a CIA operation so they let Ozzie
slid. Hemming told this researcher:

Oswald’s watched, he's checked. Because the

bureaucracy over here doesn't know he's working for
somebody. Because he's a deep cover operative.

Ninety-nine percent of the bureaucracy, the FBI, the

local police, the dog catcher, think he's just an
asshole that re-defected. Now, all of a sudden, the
guy is dipping his wick into paramilitary activity,
intelligence activity. Our bureaucracy says, 'Who the
fuck is this guy?' He's barely out of the Soviet Union
and he's fucking around with anti-communists. This is
the kind of activity he ain't supposed to be involved

The FBI:

Marina was questioned concerning Oswald’s reading

habits while in Dallas, Texas. She said she had gone
to the Dallas Public Library on many occasions and
had brought back piles of books to their residence.
She said that generally the books which he brought
home to read were histories or biographies. She
recalls that he read biographies of Hitler, Kennedy
and Khrushchev. She is not clear in her mind as to
whether he read these books in New Orleans or in
Dallas. She recalls that he also read the book, Time
to Live and Time to Die by Eric Maria Remarque. She
recalls he read a book about Powers, the U-2 pilot.
She cannot specifically recall what books he checked
out of the Dallas Public Library. [Heitman & Boguslav
DL 100-10461 2.25.64]
The Secret Service reported:

Oswald’s last two paychecks from the Leslie

Welding, Fort Worth, Texas, are dated October 6,
1963, and October 13, 1963, and were mailed to him
in care of Post Office Box 2915, Dallas. Under
Oswald’s endorsement on the back of these two
checks appears the address 3519 Fairmount Street.
These checks bear the bank stamp dates October
16, 1962, and October 22, 1962, respectively, and
they were cashed at the Mercantile National Bank of


Marina Oswald and her daughter lived at this address in

October 1962. On October 8, 1962, Oswald resigned from the Louv-
R-Pac division of Leslie Welding.
On October 9, 1962, Oswald opened Post Office Box 2915,
Dallas, Texas, using his own name and the address of Gary Taylor.
Gary Taylor was the son-in-law of Oswald’s friend, George
DeMohrenschildt. When Oswald endorsed his last two checks from
Louv-R-Pac, he used the address of Gary Taylor; he never stayed
there, however. The Warren Commission stated that Oswald
probably authorized "A.J. Hidell" to receive mail at this post office
box. There was no proof of this. Dallas Postal Inspector Harry D.
Holmes testified that the portion of the application which listed
names of persons other than the applicant authorized to receive
mail, in accordance with postal regulations, had been destroyed
when the box was closed. On November 23, 1963, the Dallas FBI
sent a cable to Headquarters, most of which is deleted as of 2010.
[FBI 62-109060-49 11.23.63 highly deleted; USSS CO-2-34,030-
641 p5; WR p120]


Relative to the Post Office Box in Dallas

to which the rifle was shipped from
Chicago, I told Shanklin to be sure that
the application for the box and any other
correspondence dealing with the box was

secured from the Post Office Department

and sent in here for handwriting
examination to further tie it to Oswald.


On October 15, 1962, Gary Taylor drove Oswald to the
YMCA in Dallas, where Oswald checked in. Oswald checked out of
the YMCA on October 19, 1962, and, as stated, from October 19,
1962, to November 2, 1962, his address was a mystery to the
Warren Commission. The Warren Report noted: "After Oswald left
the YMCA on October 19, 1962, he moved to a room or apartment
somewhere in Dallas which has not been located. It seems likely
that during that time he spent several weekends with Marina at the
Hall house." [WR p720] (Marina Oswald had moved in with Elena
Hall). When Oswald endorsed his last two checks from Louv-R-Pac,
he used the address of Gary Taylor; he never stayed there,
however. As stated, Oswald’s whereabouts from October 19, 1962,
to November 2, 1962, were not discoverable by the Warren
Commission. He was not with Marina Oswald, who had moved out
of their apartment on Mercedes Street in Fort Worth that Oswald
had rented in August 1962. With the help of Russian exile George
Bouhe who had contact with the Texas Employment Commission,
Oswald was referred to the Jagger-Chiles-Stovall Photographic
Company on October 11, 1962. On October 12, 1962, he began
work there as a trainee. From October 9, 1962, when Oswald listed
Gary Taylor's address on his application for a Post Office Box, until
October 11, 1962, Oswald was unaccounted for.
Wallace A. Pope, one of Oswald’s co-workers at Jagger-
Chiles-Stovall, was contacted in July 1993. He related:

He worked in the art department. I worked in the

photo setter department. There was a wall between
us, but we used the same darkroom. He was an odd
ball, it seemed like, but he was a nice enough guy.
He just didn't talk. My department did classified work.
All he had to do was go into our section and look
what we were doin'. It was map work. We did some
government maps. It was really nothing that anyone
could look at and tell anything about. The classified
work did not concern Cuba. My department had to be


cleared for Secrets. Oswald’s department was not

classified, but I'm not sure about that. [After the
assassination] the FBI didn't ask me if classified work
was being done there.


The Jagger-Chiles-Stoval Corporation was "cleared through the
Navy Bureau of Materiel" to do classified work. While Oswald
worked there, Jagger-Chiles-Stoval was allegedly printing updated
maps of Cuba for the CIA. A note that preceded this document

(Deleted) Mr. Stavis or Stevens. A

current employee (contract variety) is
indirectly employed here. Have
furnished (deleted) office. (deleted) file.

The CIA Office of Security report on Jagger-Chiles-Stoval

that followed this note stated:

2. A check of the records disclosed a reference to the

Dallas firm of Jagger-Chiles-Stovall on page 48 of an
FBI report prepared by S.A. Thomas C. McGoldrick
at San Francisco, 8/8. November 14, 1958, on John
Joseph Bittner, Cost Accounting Clerk, Finance and
Accounting Department, U.S. Corps of Engineers,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, Espionage- R. The
Bureau's report indicates that Jagger-Chiles-Stovall
is a company dealing with matters involving

topography and maps. The report also indicates that

as of July 22, 1958, the company handled
confidential work for Chance Voight Aircraft and for
other national defense establishments.

Bittner is of interest in the case of (deleted) 208,608

SSD, who currently holds a covert Security clearance
to permit his use under Project (08 deleted)
Minnesota PH II, and regarding whom Security
furnished information to the Chief, Special Security
Clearance Center on April 17, 1963. (03 Deleted)
signed a “memorandum of understanding” with CIA
on May 13, 1963. (03 Deleted) resided in Bittner’s
rooming house from May 25, 1958 to July 1, 1958
during which time he knew Bittner socially as well as
in his landlord capacity; and he was a close friend of
Bittner’s nephew, Al Scala, whom he continued to

5. The firm of Jagger, Chiles & Stovall Inc. came into

the picture because on August 11, 1957 a telephone
call was made to the Dallas telephone number of
Jaggers, Chiles & Stovall Inc. (RI-1-5501) from the
Albuquerque, New Mexico, residence of John Earl
Sherman and Katherine Sherman, at 1601 Granite,
N.W. Katherine Sherman was a friend of Bittner and
during 1955 / 1956 had lived in the rooming house in
Albuquerque which was owned by Bittner. According
to her statements to the FBI in about December
1958, she left Bittner’s rooming house in July 1956;
and immediately thereafter married John Sherman
and from that time until July 1958 saw Bittner only
once. In July 1958 when she again ran into Bittner,
she was separated from John Sherman and began to
date Bittner regularly. She admitted that she had an
extremely close relationship with Bittner and he had
visited her at her home at 1601 Granite, N.W.
Albuquerque (from which address the call to Jagger,
Chiles & Stovall Inc. was made on August 11, 1957.

6. As of August 1957, Katherine Sherman was

employed in the Office of Information Services,
Kirtland Air Force Base, where she had been granted


a SECRET clearance on December 28, 1955. Her

husband, John Sherman, was employed by Lytle
Engineering Company, a firm in Albuquerque which
was working on contracts for the Armed Forces in
connection with which he had access to classified

7. On July 22, 1958, Thomas L. Jaggers, President of

Jagger, Chiles and Stovall Inc. made a check of his
firm’s records and long distance telephone cal
registry but said he could find no record of John or
Katherine Sherman.

8. Jagger, Chiles and Stovall Inc. 522 Browder

Street, Dallas, is principally a type setting company
dealing with matters involving topography and maps.
The firm does (or in 1957 was doing) confidential
work for Chance Vought Aircraft, Dallas, and for
other national defense establishments.
An earlier OS document stated:
According to the Bureau's report, a telephone call
was made from the home of John Earl Sherman and
his wife, Katherine Sherman, to the Dallas office of
Jagger-Chiles-Stovall on August 11, 1957. The
purpose of the telephone call and the name of the
person called apparently has not been established.
Bittner was investigated by the Bureau in connection
with the allegation that he attempted to obtain
information from military personnel for espionage
Lytle Engineering was involved in the production of atomic
weapons. During World War II, Chet Lytle had provided engineering
support for the seminal Manhattan Project. His company, Lytle
Engineering, was secretly contracted by the U.S. Army to design
and manufacture the explosive “lenses” used on the tower-mounted
device detonated near Alamogordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945.
The disc-shaped lenses uniformly focused a conventional high
explosive blast inward, thereby crushing the two halves of the
bomb’s plutonium core into a single “critical mass” and triggering a
nuclear chain-reaction. After the war, Lytle’s company continued to
manufacture various components for nuclear weapons and was also
involved with a number of other highly-classified military R&D


projects, ranging from radar development to aircraft autopilot

design. His own supervisory position with the AEC involved
weapons-stockpiling activities related to the U.S. military’s
burgeoning atomic and thermonuclear arsenal. Jagger-Chiles-
Stovall played a small part in the most important espionage activity
the Soviets had ever undertaken, the theft of America’s atomic
secrets. For Bittner to have called that number from Katherine’s
home there must have been something of high value at Jagger-
Chiles-Stovall. Somewhere all thing line the FBI either got her long
distance records or they had a tap or pen register on her phone.
The company was not unknown to the CIA. George Bouhe, who had
CIA ties, got Oswald a job with a company that had CIA ties. Bouhe
was the leader of the Dallas Diocese of the Greek Orthodox Church,
which Newsweek reported was a CIA conduit. Shortly after World

War II, George Bouhe returned to Russia with the American

Committee for Russian Relief. He made a 5,000-mile uncensored
tour, assessing war damage. George Bouhe was an accountant at
the Lewis MacNaughton Oil Exploration Company. Lewis
MacNaughton was a Director of the Republic National Bank. There,
his fellow board member was Karl Hoblitzelle who established the
Hoblitzelle Foundation, another CIA conduit. [WCD 735; WCD544;
8WH355; The War State Fred Cook; Wash. Post 2.18.67;
Newsweek 2.27.67 p26, 3.6.67; Manchester, W. Kennedy p311]
Page 19 of Oswald’s address book contained the name "R. Harten


Hawtorn." Romain Harten, of 3719 Hawthorne Street, Dallas, Texas,

told the FBI that George Bouhe had given Oswald his name and
address as a possible place to stay, but he did not want a
communist living with him. [FBI DL 100-10461 WGB; mvs 1.10.64
Brookhart] Harten, an Estonian refugee from Communism stated : “I
later found out the man was an American and I felt that if this were
the case, I believed that this man must be a Communist because he
was coming back from the United States from Russian with his
Russian wife without any opposition from the Russian Government.”

No information could be found identifiable with above

[R. Hartan] C-77202 on Perry HARTEN refle.cts that
Perry and wife, Rose Madeline HARTEN, were
registered agents for the Brussels World Exposition
in 1956. Perry HARTEN in 1955 was being
considered for assignment in QKACTIVE, but no use
materialized. He was born 25 October 1915 in New
York City and had been employed from 1942-1945
with OWI, and in 1946 transferred to the Department
of Stat'e as Chief of Studio Operating Section (IBD).
He also worked for USIA until 1954 and his
termination may have been based on an investigation
then being conducted by State Department on a
suspected homosexual ring in VOA since Subject
was at that, time under suspicion based on reports
from co-workers. [July 2017]

George Bouhe, born January 11, 1904, died in October

1980. What was with Bouhe? He wanted another man who was
exiled from his homeland because of the Communists, to let a
freakin’ Communist crash in his pad? Bouhe knew Oswald was no
commie but was an Operation. Who’s Operation he did not know.

On January 31, 1964, Birch D. O'Neal of CI/SIG concluded:

On the basis of information available at this time, it is
not possible to determine whether Oswald had any
contacts with Jagger-Chiles-Stovall, Inc. personnel or
that he ever attempted to obtain employment with the
company. Ann Egerter CI-SIG [10WH167; WCD75
p78; CIA 1305-472; WC Test. to Jenner by Stovall
p171; CIA 507-802 - Bittner]


The President of Jagger-Chiles-Stovall, Robert Stovall, was

contacted in July 1993. He related:

Oswald was incompetent. Classified? All it was a

bunch of words. It was some placement for maps, but
we didn't have the maps. 'Moscow,' 'Berlin' a few
other words like that - so what? We didn't make
maps - we only set type. It was blown way out of
proportion. Oswald was not around when we handled
Chance Voight work. It was over.

Robert Stovall told the Warren Commission Oswald "never

worked with Army maps and did not have access to that section."
Stovall was trying to protect his company. Gerald Posner quoted
Robert Stovall, rather than checking with Wallace A. Pope, who was
listed in Edward Epstein's book, Legend. Oswald had applied for
work at other companies with ties to the defense establishment.
Oswald had the words "Howell instru. 3429 West Vickory (?)ove Rd
Personal Labdell" in his address book. The Howell Instrument
company was located at 3479 West Vickory. It produced ground test
equipment and gauges for civilian and military aircraft. Isabell
Corbell was personnel manager.

Flyleaf 3 contained the notation "Freef 12:00." - a Rowena

W. Freefield lived in Dallas, Texas and was an analyst for Texas
Instruments. When Rowena W. Freefield was contacted in April
1993 she stated she had no first-hand knowledge of Oswald. The
flyleaf contained the words "Ros Page." A Rosemary Page lived in
Dallas and worked for Northrup in Garland, Texas. Rosemary Page
worked with air conditioner parts.

1. Flyleaf 3: Original document required for accurate study.

There are names, Lee Harvey Oswald in (Russian)…Plum S AP
FREEF 1200 and so many other names and numbers in this unclear
duplicate copy that it is impossible in places to see exactly what
they are. Oswald’s landlord on Mercedes Street, Chester Riggs,
was contacted in July 1993:

I saw him weekly. He was an aloof, strange, different

individual, very quiet, he read quite a bit. Not an
aggressive person. He was relatively orderly. It was a
low income area. The house was built during the war
years for General Dynamics employees. I don't know
how Oswald found out the property was for let.

Oswald had his own entrance. The postman that

came there also delivered to my commercial building
where I had a business and told me that Oswald was
being investigated for receiving subversive literature.
In October 1962 Oswald wrote to the Trotskyist Socialist
Workers Party in New York City. He attempted to join the Socialist
Workers Party, but his application was not accepted because no
chapter existed in the Dallas area. He wrote the Socialist Workers
Party again, and offered his assistance in preparing posters. In
October 1962 Oswald wrote to a splinter group called the Socialist
Labor Party and he requested literature. Prior to this, Oswald had
contacted the Soviet Embassy and the Daily World, the organ of the
Communist Party. Now he was contacting the splinter groups of the
left, who opposed the Communist Party. On October 17, 1962, the
FBI SAC in New York sent a memorandum to the SAC in Dallas,
Subject, Publishers New Press Inc.

Bureau letter to all offices, dated March 24, 1960,

entitled, 'Security Investigations of Individuals'
requested New York to obtain subscription lists of
The Worker and to furnish the identities of
subscribers to appropriate offices. Enclosed herewith
are separate memoranda with photographs attached
containing the names, addresses and subscription
expiration dates of subscribers in your area.
Instructions to be followed by each office upon
receipt of this information are set forth in referenced
Bureau letter. [FBI 100-8264-168 10.17.62 Subj: Pub.
New Press Inc.]




In December 1962 Oswald sent the Socialist Workers Party

money for a subscription to The Militant. Oswald sent a New Years
card to the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C.
On January 27, 1963, right after Hemming’s visit to Dallas,
using the name A.J. Hidell, Oswald ordered a Smith & Wesson, .38
caliber, revolver from George Rose and Company, a mail order
house in Los Angeles. Hemming said he did business with George
Rose and Company. On the order form "D.F. Drittal" claimed that
A.J. Hidell was a citizen and was never convicted of a felony. On
January 28, 1963, Angleton generated CSCI 3/774,255, which
linked Hemming with anti-CIA exile Arimino Fonseca. Hemming told
this researcher: "He was killed later on in Cuba."
While Oswald lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth area he was
acquainted with at least 30 Russian émigrés. [WR p281] Why did
Oswald, an alleged Marxist, associate with his enemies? Why did
his enemies associate with him? Many of these exiles were
connected with the CIA. Did birds of a feather, flock together?
Hemming told this researcher:

You don't just show up at people's doorsteps and say

'Here I am.' Who made the introductions? He didn't
arrive in town with an address book full of names. He
didn't stumble into these people. These people are all
on the payroll. That's why they are in the country. Do
you think they would voluntarily associate with a
defector? Jesus Christ, how stupid is that? They
weren't the kind of people that would allow that kind
of asshole around. If he told them truth about his
past, hell, they'd kick him so goddamned hard in the
ass they'd both have to go to hospital. They'd go
there to get their boot out of his ass. It would
jeopardize their clearances, their Green Cards, their
world would turn to shit if they were caught hanging
out with a commie fucking defector. Jesus Christ,
these cocksuckers even gave me a hard time
because I was in Cuba. And at the same time they
are sucking Oswald’s dick? Bullshit! How the fuck
would they take in an Oswald? That's the phoniest
goddamn story that ever existed. Somebody allowed,
believed that he wasn't what he appeared to be,
without going further. He went to the Soviet Union,
but would not discuss who sent him, or what he was
doing. The Warren Commission didn't want to hear
that shit from these people that they suspected he
was a government agent.

PAUL RAIGORODSKY knew Oswald. He was a former

Russian Cavalry officer who left the Soviet Union during World War
II and worked with the OSS. After the war, he worked as an aide to
the Special Representative to Europe of NATO. Paul Raigorodsky
opposed NATO concessions to the Soviet Union, and burned his
credentials after he resigned. Paul Raigorodsky was a Director of
the Tolstoy Foundation. The Tolstoy Foundation checked the bona
fides of Russian exiles before they entered the United States to
detect KGBniks using an "émigré" cover. He told the Warren

Raigorodsky: Now, anybody who comes through the

Tolstoy Foundation, you know right off the bat they
have been checked and rechecked and double-
checked. There is no question about them. I mean
that is the number one stamp.


Jenner: That's the number one stamp of approval of

their genuineness?

Raigorodsky: Of approval, in fact the U.S.

Government recognized that and has been, up to
about a year or two ago, giving the Tolstoy
Foundation as much as $400,000 a year. [9WH1]

In 1975 the Tolstoy Foundation received a grant from the Agency for
International Development (AID). The Agency for International
Development was often used as a CIA conduit and funded the
construction of South Vietnam jail cells. The Agency for International
Development also ran the International Police Academy. According
to the Rockefeller Commission, "For more than 20 years the CIA,
through a proprietary, conducted a training school for private police
and security officers in the United States under Department of State
and Agency for International Development auspices." [RR p39; J.
Anderson NY Post 1.15.75; St. Petersburg Times 5.14.76] Thomas
F. Milbank, a Director of the Tolstoy Foundation, funded the
International Rescue Committee. Milbank, an associate of William F.
Buckley, was related to Jeremiah Milbank of the law firm, Milbank,
Tweed, Hadley and McCloy. Milbank, Tweed, Hadley and McCloy
partner Morris Hadley, a former member of the Doolittle Committee
and former Chairman of the Carnegie Corporation, was then the
head of the CIA-backed Rubicon Foundation. Mrs. Morris Hadley


was a trustee of the International Education Institute, which brought

exchange students to the U.S. [Fnd. Lib. Center Annual Report
1963 Tol. Found. as cited by Group Research; Domhoff, G.W. The
Higher Circles p79; Judis J. William F. Buckley 1988 p121].

Paul Raigorodsky was a friend of J. Edgar Hoover. [FBI DL

105-632] According to John D. Manley, III, Paul Raigorodsky was
President of the Brook Hollow Golf Club. John Manley reported:
"This is one of the most prestigious clubs in Texas and I find it hard
to believe that Mr. Raigorodsky hosted Lee Harvey Oswald." [ltr. to
AJW 7.23.93] On November 22, 1976, Michael Canfield visited Paul
Raigorodsky in Dallas. He stated: "I told everything I knew to the
Warren Commission. What is your interest in all of this?" Michael
Canfield: "Oh I'm just curious, that's all." He asked: "But don't you
know that curiosity killed the cat?" When Paul Raigorodsky was
interviewed, he suffered from chronic gout. He died on March 16,
1977. [Dallas Morning News 3.17.77] Paul Raigorodsky claimed he
was an expert in detecting Soviet Agents - yet he never suspected
that Oswald might have been recruited by the KGB and sent to
Dallas to spy on the White Russian community?


MAX EDWARD CLARK (born January 10, 1914), an

attorney and former head of security for the Convair Division of the
General Dynamics Corporation, knew Oswald and his wife’s name
and address appeared in Oswald’s address book under “Russian
speaker.” The word speaker seems to be written later with another
pen. Convair was an aircraft manufacturer that employed former
Nazi scientists. Max Edward Clark had a CIA clearance:


It appears that this individual may well be the wife of

Max Edward Clark 176266-SSD, who on April 22,
1959, was granted a Covert Security Approval under
project ROCK/IDIO/SGAPEX. This approval was
cancelled on March 14, 1960 by the Security Officer,
DDP-SD/P, who advised on that date that CLARK
would "no longer be used on the project". Max
Edward Clark was employed by Convair, a Division
of General Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth, Texas,
as a 'Supervisor of Industrial Security and
Investigation, requiring access to classified matter up
to and including Top Secret.'

4. CLARK' wife was listed in a biographical data

sheet of July 14, 1955 as GALI SCHERBATOFF
CLARK, whose father was born in Russian, and who
as of that time was residing in Nice, France. Her
mother, who had been born in England, was residing
in England. She, herself, was born in France. Her
address at the time Clark’s biographical data sheet
was prepared, July 14, 1955, was the same as that of
her husband, i.e.: 2813 Binyon, Fort Worth, TOMES.
(See biographical data sheet attached).

During an investigation of Max Edward Clark in 1959,

an OSI informant of known reliability at CVAC Fort
Worth, made numerous disparaging and derogatory
allegations about him. M. D. Stevens.

Five pages of the file dated April 27, 1959, were totally
blacked out. [CIA 1303-474] One page was later released and it was
merely security information such as family members, addresses etc.

MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Suppport

FROM: Project ROCK/IDIO/ ph._________ (Illegible)
re: Max Edward CLARK
DPD-SO 10291
Clearance determination requested on the above

employee(s) of the cited project.

DETAILS: Attached is (are) PSQ on above
employee(s) of the cited project, who is (are) of
interest to this office in connection with Project
ROCK. The Subject(s) will become aware that his
(their) firm has undertaken a Top Secret government
project, and will also become exposed to, and
familiar with, highly sensitive technical equipment
which is being developed.

In another CIA document PROJECT ROCK is associated

with PROJECT OARFISH which was a cryptonym for the
construction of the U-2 spy plane. It is ironic that Oswald associated
with the very people who constructed the U-2 spy plane that he had
shot down by the Russians.

[The CIA and the U-2 program 1954-1974, Volume 3 By Gregory W.

Pedlow, Donald E. Welzenbach, Center for the Study of Intelligence
(U.S.) also
In May 1977 Max Edward Clark stated: "I was never a CIA
employee. I once worked for a defense contractor here and was
cleared for Top Secret. I had a clearance from the Atomic Energy
Commission." After receiving a CIA Office of Security memorandum
about him, he acknowledged: "When I worked with General
Dynamics I had a CIA contract during the time we were working on
projects for them. I was cleared so many times it wasn't even

If Max Edward Clark had all these Top Secret clearances,

why had he associated with Oswald? Max Edward Clark:

I was no longer working for Convair, I was in private

practice as an attorney at the time. I met Oswald
because he came to Fort Worth and then he called.
He called me directly. He got my number because
my wife speaks Russian. He just wanted somebody
to speak to his wife who could not speak English.
The White Russian Community there were all very
sympathetic people, and very kind people, and felt
sorry for his wife and his small child because he was
mistreating them. The White Russian community

never had anything to do with Oswald." [NYT

11.28.63 p17; 7WH475; Marchetti Cult of Intell. p122;
CIA 1303-474]

LYDIA BERDYANSKAYA was another émigré who knew

Marina Oswald. JAMES Angleton reported: "The files of this Agency
contain the following pertinent information on one Lydia Dymitruk:

a. Lydia (nee Berdyanskaya aka Berjanskaya

Dymitruk was born on April 3, 1926, in Rostow,
Russia). She remained in Rostow with her parents
until she was 16, when she was deported by the
Germans to a work camp in Germany. When the war
ended she entered a camp for displaced persons in
Dusseldorf, Germany, where she met and married
one Karel Lodwijk Verhelst, a Belgian citizen. With
her husband she entered Belgium at an unknown
date and resided in Antwerp. Reportedly she was a
member of the Union of Soviet Patriots in Belgium
from 1948 to 1952. Sometime in early 1952, while
still married to Verhelst, Lydia began living with
Gavrilovich (aka Pavel) Kostenko in Brussels.
Belgian Police investigation of her relationship with
Kostenko resulted in her being fined for adultery in
September 1952. She was divorced by Verhelst in
November 1953 and continued living with Kosenko,
apparently as a common-in-law wife, until late 1954
or 1955.

(Vasiliy Gavrilovich (aka Pavel) Kostenko allegedly

born on September 5, 1922, in Tula, USSR, served in
the Soviet Army in World War II before joining the
Vlassov forces in fighting against the Soviets. After
the war he lived in Germany and Belgium and was
active in several anti-Communist Russian emigre
organizations including the National Labor Alliance
(NTS). (Deleted) Kostenko was identified as a Soviet
agent in clandestine contact with the Soviet Embassy
in Brussels. He was expelled from the National Labor
Alliance in February 1957 and on August 20, 1957,
he left Brussels for Moscow. In a radio broadcast
from East Berlin on September 17, 1957, sponsored
by the Soviet Committee for Return to the Homeland,


Kostneko bitterly attacked Russian emigre

organizations in the West. Prior to leaving Belgium
for the USSR Kostenko reportedly revealed that he
had worked for Soviet intelligence since 1942 and
that he was trained in the Soviet Union for
intelligence work and dispatched to the West as a
Soviet agent.

b. On June 27, 1956, in Ixelles, a suburb of Brussels,

Lydia married Pavel Dymitruk who was born
February 28, 1924, in Stariye-Dorohi, USSR [Stariye-
Dorogi, Belorussian SSR], and who was described as
a Belorussian student at the University of Louvain in
Belgium. At an unknown date, possibly before his
marriage to Lydia, Pavel Dymitruk immigrated to the
United States. It was reported that in July 1957 he
returned to Belgium to attempt to expedite a visa for
Lydia to join him in the United States. As of August
1957, Dymitruk's U.S. residence was listed as 159
East Division Street, Rockford, Michigan.

c. In an interview in February 1977 in Antwerp,

Belgium, concerning her application for a visa to the
United States, Lydia Dymitruk disclosed that:

(1) Her father managed a macaroni factory in Rostov-

Don during the war, and did not serve in the army. In
1945 he was arrested by the NKVD and held for six
months on charges concerning his activities during
the war. (Lydia claimed that she was unaware of the
exact charges made against her father). He was also
removed from his position as manager of the
macaroni factory.

(2) She wrote to her mother often and occasionally

received correspondence from her. Her mother is
glad that Lydia is in the West.

(3) She had been associated with the Union of Soviet

Patriots for about two years but denied knowing that
the Union of Soviet Patriots was politically motivated
or was in contact with the Communist Party of


(4) Her visa application, which she submitted on July

27, 1956, was drawn up by her husband, Pavel
Dymitruk. In filling out the application form her
husband had indicated a negative response to a
question concerning association with a Communist
Party or an organization affiliated with a Communist
Party because she had not been "an actual member"
of the Union of Soviet Patriots, and furthermore, it
was her husband's belief that she was not a

(5) Lydia Berdyanskaya arrived in Brussels from

Antwerp in February 1952, and lived with her sister,
Annia Bouchat, for several months. Her sister was in
contact with one (fnu) Markachuk, an officer from the
Soviet Repatriation Mission in Brussels who had
been attempting to have the sister repatriate to the
Soviet Union. Shortly after her arrival at her sister's a
woman from Liege (not further identified), gave her
an address to go to for aid in resettling in Brussels.
Lydia went to this address and was surprised to find
that it was the Soviet Repatriation Mission. There she
met Markachuk who tried to persuade her to return to
the USSR. As a result, she and her sister wrote to
their mother for her opinion on the matter and the
mother advised them to stay in the West.

(6) She lived with Vasiliy G. Kostenko for two or three

years from April 1952 and left him because "he drank
too much vodka." She described Kostenko as an
active anti-Communist.

3. The file of the Agency on Lydia Dymitruk has no

entries beyond 1957 when she was living in Brussels.

4. The foregoing information was furnished to the FBI

and the President's Commission on the
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy on April
22, 1964, in connection with the relationship between
Lydia Dymitruk and Marina Oswald.
JAMES Angleton
CSCI 3/780, 881


1- C/CI
1 - C/CI/SIG
1 - C/CI/ R & A
1 - C/SR
1 - C/SR/CI
2 - C/SR/CI/R (hold cy & comeback cy)
1 - SR/O/US/dl
1 - 201-289248
1 - RI/FI (deleted)
SR/CI/Research: (Deleted) May 12, 1964.


Pavel Kostenko was a deep-cover KGB agent who
had infiltrated Vlasov's Army during World War II.
General Andey Vlasov was a Russian who was
captured by the Werhmacht in July 1942. During his
confinement, he agreed to organize an army of
disaffected Russian soldiers to fight against the

During the postwar period, Pavel Kostenko

penetrated the National Labor Alliance (NTS), a pro-
Fascist émigré group whose members included the
sons of former Czarist officials and generals in the
White Russian Army. An acquaintance of Oswald in
Dallas, Igor Voshinin, was a member of the National
Labor Alliance. The National Labor Alliance actively
worked with the Nazis. Its wartime program
condemned all Russian Jews to death. It had
interlocking leadership with Vlasov's Army.
Nonetheless, National Labor Alliance members were
given immigrant visas to the United States. Beginning
in 1949, the CIA dispatched National Labor Alliance
members into the Soviet Union, since the National
Labor Alliance had been sending spies there since
the 1930's. National Labor Alliance agents either
went in on a specific intelligence mission and then
returned, or were integrated into Soviet society as
sleepers, or active agents. Several spies
apprehended by the Soviets in the mid-1960's
admitted working for the National Labor Alliance.

Pavel Kostenko penetrated the National Labor

Alliance until 1955, when his clandestine connection
to the Soviet Embassy, Brussels, was finally
uncovered. A CIA source reported that Pavel
Kostenko tried to recruit him to work for the Soviets;
"Pavel Kostenko told this source that he had been
working as a Soviet agent for the past four years.
Kostenko made this revelation prior to attempting to
recruit source to work for Soviets. He said that his
Soviet contact had questioned him about Source and
was interested in Source's contacts with the
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
through Elizabeth Phillips. Kostenko implied that the
source would receive 6,000 Belgian Francs from the
Soviets for a report on what he knew about Phillips.
Elaborating on his contact witn the Soviets, Kostenko
said that he only met his Soviet contact once per
month and was only asked about information about
various persons. These contacts were always made
out of doors and Kostenko said he was furnished an
itinerary to follow to the contact site." [NARA
1993.07.31.10:10:07:51:060057] The CIA generated
this document:
TO: Chief, WE
FROM: Chief of Station, Brussels.
DATE: August 16, 1957
SUBJECT: General - Vasiliy Gavrilovich Kostenko (DOB
September 22, 1922, Tula, USSR)
Specific: Information passed to (Deleted).
References A. (Deleted) 443
B. (Deleted) 8570

1. Attached is information developed from the

(Deleted 2) CONVENIENT operation which was
passed to (Deleted - 01) on April 8, 1957, in
conjunction with information of (deleted 2)
CONVENIENT ref. B. The reports were post dated at
(Deleted)'s request so that, if necessary, (Deleted)
could make it appear they were kept informed of the
information as it developed.


2. The proposed interrogation of Kostenko has not

taken place. The story behind this may be difficult for
a non-Belgian) bureaucrat to understand, but
(deleted) burying this case when he has a strong
position for interrogation may be caused to some
extent by the fact that his trump cards were supplied
by the Station only after we were finished with a
unilateral operation and therefore might reveal a lack
of control over (deleted-24) In any case, (deleted)
final decision not to interrogate Kosenko is
apparently caused by more than inertia.

3. On April 1, 1957, 35 told Jouvenoy that Lydia

Dymitruk divorced Vhehelst (DOB April 3, 1926 Bosto
USSR) had contacted (deleted) and complained that
Kostenko, her ex-lover, had returned from Germany
and was causing her considerable trouble. Kostenko
threatened to keep her from going to the United
States to join her husband, Pavel Dymitruk. As Lydia
is a Belgium citizen (by marriage to Karel Lodwijk
Verhelst) (Deleted) apparently felt morally bound to
protect her. (Deleted) and (Deleted) feared that in
their enthusiasm (Deleted) might create a scene and
cause Kostenko file to be rerouted.

4. (Deleted) first reaction was to get Lydia on a boat

for the U.S. and therefore bury the subject. (Deleted)
asks (Deleted) if (Deleted) would help her with her
visa but (Deleted) told him the question of whether or
not she received her visa was out of our hands
(Attachment B is a Jouvenoy investigation of Lydia,
Attachment C is (Deleted) report of his Lydia
questioning of Lydia (par (Deleted)-287) which was
sanitized and passed to (deleted) at the U.S.
Consulate. Only after they were told that Lydia's visa
application was being reviewed, and she would
probably be around for some time did (Deleted) and
(Deleted) start planning to interrogate Kostenko.

5. (Deleted) requested summaries of the (Deleted)

CONVENIENT and Kostenko information which had
been promised them in order to plan the attack and
Jouvenoy passed the information on April 8, 1957.


(Deleted) discussed an interrogation plan with

(Deleted) and although (deleted) not able to set a
date for the interrogation, he gave the impression
that plans were firm. Several days later (Deleted) told
(Deleted) that it appeared (Deleted) had lost interest
in Lydia, and there was therefore no pressure to
interrogate Kostenko. The relatively strong position
which (Deleted) had for the interrogation of an RIS
agent (they even had jurisdiction) was appreciated
but discarded.

6. Pavel Dymitruk returned to Belgium in July 1957 to

try and get Lydia's visa expedited so it is not
inconceivable that Lydia may find a stronger sponsor
than (Deleted) and (Deleted) might again be forced
into considering action against Kostenko.

7. As noted in (Deleted) 7652 para 6 as far as

(Deleted) is concerned the wraps are off on
information about (Deleted) which may be passed to
(Deleted) but we note in (Deleted) 2813
AEMUSTANG that Kostenko may once again benefit
from Kubark's indirect protection. Elliot S. Jouvenoy

Jouvenoy seems to be the Belgian CIA Station from

this ZR Rifle cable: “Request Jouvenoy determine
from (deleted) if Mankel available week Oct 17. Reply
should be sent to PRTY to Fran atten RABNEY. If
affirmative RABNEY will contact Jouvenoy directly to
arrange meeting with Mankel.”

The State Department reported: "It is noted that the subject

engaged in propaganda against the repatriation to the USSR. This
propaganda was necessarily discreet in order to avoid reprisals
against her parents in Russia."

PAVEL DYMITRUK (born February 22, 1924) was a former

member of Vlasov's Army. On December 5, 1958, Pavel Dymitruk
contacted S.A. Hosty at the Dallas FBI Office and requested he
issue him a security clearance:

Dymitruk stated that he was originally from the Soviet

Union, having served in the Soviet Army during
World War II, and is presently a refugee in this

country, having fled from the Soviet Union during

World War II...Dymitruk was advised that the FBI
does not grant security clearances and this office
would not be able to assist him in this matter.

Lydia Dymitruk was admitted to the United States in March

1959. On September 24, 1959, Pavel Dymitruk applied for a position
as an FBI translator. He listed S.A. Hosty as an FBI employee he
had known for 14 months. He also indicated that in 1957 for a
period of four to six months he knew "Cut Devis, N. York," an FBI
employee. The FBI reported: "Under this entry he set out that he
was not sure of the spelling and our personnel records disclose no
such name. This information was not set forth in his 1962
application. (Paragraph Deleted)." [Sullivan to Branigan 5.5.64] On
May 23, 1961, Dymitruk contacted Hosty: "Dymitruk stated he was
having difficulty obtaining a job, in view of his Russian background,
and stated he had recently divorced his wife and that everything
was going wrong and he wanted the FBI to assist him." Pavel
Dymitruk again applied for FBI employment in 1962. On November
12, 1963, Pavel Dymitruk contacted the Dallas FBI and informed it
he had previously made application for the position of translator
through the Houston FBI office: "This (deleted) was not
recommended for the position by the Houston Office." [FBI 105-
82555-3577] On May 12, 1964, the FBI interviewed Pavel Dymitruk
who advised that his

…former wife's parents still reside in the Soviet Union

and that her father was arrested by the Soviet Army
when they re-occupied Rostov, because they had not
evacuated Rostov in accordance with Soviet orders.
He was therefore accused of collaborating with the
Germans and was held in a Soviet prison for a
number of months before being released. Dymitruk
stated that he met his former wife through her sister,
Anna, in 1954, having previously met his former
wife's sister while studying at the University of
Louvain. Dymitruk stated that before he met his
former wife, she had been living with a man named
Vailiy, last name unknown. According to Dymitruk,
this Vasiliy had been active in the National Labor
Alliance, (NTS), an anti-Soviet Russian emigre
organization, and he served as a Lieutenant in the
Vlassov Forces during World War II. Dymitruk


explained that he also had served in the Vlassov

Forces...Dymitruk further stated that this individual
named Vasiliy later returned to the Soviet Union and
he heard conflicting stories as to the reason for his
return, some people, names unrecalled, stated that
he, Vasiliy, had been pressured into returning
through pressure on his parents in the Soviet Union;
other individuals, names unrecalled, stated that
Vasiliy was actually a Soviet agent working in the
Vlassov forces and later in the NTS forces, and
reporting to the Soviets as to their activities."
After the assassination, Lydia Dymitruk advised S.A. Hosty
that she met Marina Oswald in October or November 1962 when
her friend, Anna Meller, asked her to drive a sick child and her
mother to Parkland Hospital. She did this but found no doctor was
available and she was forced to return later that evening. Oswald,
who was eating supper, said it was not necessary to bring the child
to the hospital. Marina argued with Lee about it and he finally
agreed to accompany them to Parkland Hospital where the child
was given medication. The next time she saw Marina was when
Marina and Ruth Paine came into a grocery store where she
worked. Lydia told SA Hosty:

In 1942, when she was not quite 16 years old, the

German Army captured Rostov and shortly thereafter
took a large number of young people from the city
back to Germany as slave laborers. Mrs. Dymitruk
stated that she and her older sister, Anna, were
among those taken to Germany. They were both
assigned as domestic helpers in Dusseldorf,
Germany. Shortly before the American Army
captured this city in 1945, all non-Germans were
removed to a prison camp and, shortly before the
American Army arrived, Mrs. Dymitruk stated she,
together with her sister and two Belgians, escaped
from this camp. When the American Army arrived,
the various non-German groups were placed in
camps according to their nationality and her and her
sister went with two Belgian citizens to the Belgian
camp, rather than go to a Russian camp, since it was
learned that all of the Russian citizens would be


forced to return to Russia, and she and her sister did

not desire to return to the Soviet Union, because they
realized there was a much better standard of living in
Western Europe. Mrs. Dymitruk advised that, a short
time later, a French Army Officer came to the camp
where they were staying and told her and her sister
that they would have to move to a Russian camp.
However, when they told this French Army Officer
that they did not desire to return to the Soviet Union,
he said that the only way they could avoid this was to
marry Belgian citizens. Mrs. Dymitruk stated she had
been living with Karl Verelst, a Belgian citizen, so she
was married to an American Army Chaplin to him and
thus permitted to remain in the Belgian camp. They
were later transferred to Liege, Belgium, and finally
returned to her husband's home in Antwerp, Belgium.

Mrs Dymitruk stated that during this period the Soviet

Government was permitted to send repatriation
officers throughout Western Europe in an attempt to
talk Russian citizens into returning to the Soviet
Union. Mrs. Dymitruk stated she was contacted
several times, but refused to return to the Soviet

In 1949 when she was still married to Karl Verelst,

she attended several social meetings of the Union of
Soviet Patriots in Belgium. Mrs. Dymitruk stated she
knew this organization was pro-Soviet and was
controlled by the Communists; however, she went to
the meeting for social reasons to meet other Russian
people and to dance and see movie films. Mrs.
Dymitruk explained that, at this time, the Belgian
Government would not force any Soviet citizens to
return to the Soviet Union, so she felt perfectly safe
in attending meetings of this organization for purely
social reasons, even though she knew this
organization to be Communist controlled. Mrs.
Dymitruk stated that, after 1946, she started
receiving letters from her mother, who advised her
that her father had been put in prison by the
Russians for a short while in 1945, apparently
because her father would not retreat from Rostov


when the German Army occupied that city. Her

mother urged Mrs. Dymitruk to remain in Belgium
and not to return to the Soviet Union.

Mrs. Dymitruk further explained that another reason

she attended the meetings of the Union of Soviet
Patriots in Belgium was because she had what she
described as mental trouble and also had
considerable trouble with her mother-in-law and
father-in-law, and the doctor urged her to associate
with other Russian people. Because of these
troubles, Mrs. Dymitruk stated she then left her
husband in Antwerp and went to Brussels, where her
sister Anna, now named Bouchat, resided.

Mrs. Dymitruk stated that, while in Brussels, she

began living with a man named Vasiliy Kostenko,
who had formerly served in the Vlassov forces, which
Mrs. Dymitruk described as an Army force which
fought with the Germans against the Soviet Union
during World War II, being Russian prisoners of war.
Kostenko, according to Mrs. Dymitruk, was a
Lieutenant in the Vlasov forces and when she met
him he was the leader of an anti-Communist group,
which Mrs. Dymitruk stated was either called Cvomr
or Chohp. This group was not connected with the
National Labor Alliance (NTS), but cooperated with
the National Labor Alliance and was made up of
former members of Vlassov forces. Mrs. Dymitruk
stated she lived with Kostenko for two or three years
and left him because he drank too much. According
to Dymitruk, she helped Kostenko in his work in this
organization, but she cannot recall the names of any
other individuals in this group. Mrs. Dymitruck stated
that Kostenko's father was allegedly a Russian
engineer who was shot by the Soviet Government
because of his religious beliefs, and that his mother
was allegedly Polish, and he had escaped, being
sent back to Russia after the war by posing as a

Mrs. Dymitruk stated Kostenko was a very militant

anti-Communist and had tried to join a group of


individuals who were parachuted into Belorussia area

of the Soviet Union. According to Mrs. Dymitruk, this
group was captured immediately by the Soviet
Government as soon as they landed, and they were
all allegedly shot. Kostenko then became quite upset
about this matter and stopped associating with his
Russian friends in Brussels. Mrs. Dymitruk stated
that she had, meanwhile, left Kostenko and she later
heard he went to Germany and then to the Soviet
Union. Mrs. Dymitruk stated she did not believe
Kostenko was a Soviet agent and she stated that he
was a militant anti-communist and had returned to
the Soviet Union because his attempts to fight
communism through refugee groups had apparently
failed, and she believed he had gone back to the
Soviet Union to fight Communism inside the Soviet
Union. When Mrs. Dymitruk was asked how she
thought Pavel Kostenko could fight communism from
inside the Soviet Union, she merely stated that she
was sure he was an anticommunist and not a Soviet

Mrs. Dymitruk stated that a short time later she

began living with Paul Dymitruk, who immigrated to
the United States in 1956. Mrs. Dymitruk stated that
in 1957, when she attempted to join him in the United
States, she was denied an American visa because of
her past membership in the Union of Soviet Patriots
in Belgium. However, after two or three years her
former husband succeeded in getting her a visa and
she entered the United States in March 1959. Mrs.
Dymitruk stated she and her former husband were
divorced in Dallas in December 1960, and she has
not seen her former husband since that time. Mrs.
Dymitruk stated she wanted it to be known that she
was never a communist or a communist sympathizer,
and was not pro-Soviet in any manner, and hoped to
become a citizen of the United States in the near

There were questions about Lydia Dymitruk's loyalties. She

had been a member of a pro-Soviet organization and lived with a
KGB agent. Either Lydia was incredibly stupid or she was lying


when she said she believed that Kostenko was not a KGB agent.
Her ex-husband knew differently and no doubt had discussed the
matter with her. She was in contact with the Belgian Police, the
State Department and the CIA Station in regard to Kostenko. Was
Lydia Dymitruk a Soviet double-agent? Did she report Oswald’s
presence in the Dallas White Russian community to the Soviets?
Unlikely, although she might have mentioned him to someone who
did. William Hood reported: "Western intelligence had learned from
bitter experience that most Russian officials were so impressed with
the KGB record of penetration and manipulation of the Russian
emigration that they would as soon look death in the face as to
confide in any émigré, let alone to use him as a conduit for an illicit
relationship with a foreign intelligence service." [WCD 844; FBI 105-
82555-3632, DL 100-10461-5.11.64-Hosty-pp. 550-560 FBI DL-100-
10461-WGB;mvs p238; CIA 1294-481 LHO's add. bk. Roman
Harten - Estonian with OS traces; Johnson Lee & Marina p228; FBI
DL 100-10461 Hakey & Hosty 5.15.64; FBI 105-82555-NR 7.22.64
Hood Mole p54] The FBI stated: "Lydia is currently employed as a
waitress in Dallas. (?) who knew her said she is of questionable
morals, but none consider her subversive in any manner." [FBI 62-
109090-NR 8.10.64]

Oswald’s best-known associate in Dallas was Russian exile

footage of him. The grandfather of George DeMohrenschildt,
Sergius Von Mohrenschildt, was a German Baron who had moved
to Russia in the mid-19th Century. There he married a Russian
aristocrat. In 1944 DeMohrenschildt told the FBI that his grandfather
was born somewhere in Pennsylvania and later went to Russia, and
entered into the oil business which was inherited by his father on his
grandfather's death. The father of George DeMohrenschildt, Sergius
Von Mohrenschildt, was both a German Baron and a Russian Baron
in the Court of Czar Nicholas II. The uncle of George
DeMohrenschildt, Ferdinand DeMohrenschildt, was First Secretary
of the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C. during World War I.

The Von Mohrenschildt fortune emanated from the Nobel Oil

Company, which had fields in Baku, Byelorussia. In 1944 George
De Mohrenschildt told the FBI that Sergius Von Mohrenschildt "was
a Vice President of the Nobel Oil Company in Russia with holdings
in Poland and Russia prior to and during World War I...his father
continued in the oil business until the confiscation of these holdings
following the first World War. His father then became interested in


the Agrarian Movement and became Vice-Minister of Agriculture of

the White Russian Republic [which included Byelorussia and the
Ukraine] during 1920 to 1922, until he was accused of protecting the
Jewish and Greek Orthodox religions as well as the Catholic
religion. As a result of the disagreement his father had been jailed
by the Soviets for several months, then with the help of his friends
he escaped Russia and went with his family to Wilno, Poland."
[WCD 533 p53] After the Bolshevik revolution the Standard Oil
Company, which was owned by John D. Rockefeller, bought a 50%
interest in the Polish operations of Nobel Oil. [The Russian
Rockefellers - Robert W. Tolf - The Hoover Inst. Press-1976 p214]

DeMohrenschildt lied to the FBI. In reality what happened

was that when the Russian civil war ended with the Communists in
power, Baron Sergius Von Mohrenschildt was imprisoned (with his
other son, Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt) and both were held for over a
decade. Baron Sergius Von Mohrenschildt was released from prison
in 1935. He traveled to Germany to join his family there. In Nazi
Germany, Baron Sergius Von Mohrenschildt resided with his sister,
who had married high-ranking Abwehr Officer, Baron Konstantine
Von Maydell. The Abwehr was the military intelligence section of the
Nazi Army. In 1944 DeMohrenschildt also told the FBI that his father
"had been interned, presumably by the Germans." Baron Sergius
Von Mohrenschildt hoped to reclaim his oil fields after a Nazi
invasion of the USSR.
Born on April 11, 1911, in Mozyr, Russia, George Von
Mohrenschildt had escaped to Poland after the Russian civil war. He
graduated from gymnasium in Wilno, Poland, in 1929, then attended
the Polish Military Academy. He attained the rank of sergeant in
1931. He left for Belgium, where he studied business and changed
his name to DeMohrenschildt to avoid the Germanic implications of
the title, "Von," which was going increasingly unpopular.
Nobel Oil operated in Russia and Poland and the Von
Mohrenschildt family owned several estates in Poland. George
DeMohrenschildt used his family's connection to Poland along with
his rank in the Polish military, as a cover when he joined the Polish
Cavalry. Circa 1938 George DeMohrenschildt was a lieutenant in
the Polish Cavalry. A few months before Germany invaded Poland,


George DeMohrenschildt embarked upon a European tour, so he

was absent when the Nazi tanks rolled in. He professed to be an
exile correspondent of the official Polish News Service during that
trip. Evidence suggested Baron Konstantine Von Maydell contacted
George DeMohrenschildt and in early 1938, arranged for
DeMohrenschildt to become a spy for the Nazis. George
DeMohrenschildt used his connections with the Polish government-
in-exile to enter the United States in May 1938, under the Belgian
quota, where he joined the shadowy infrastructure of Nazi spies that
operated in the United States during World War II.
George DeMohrenschildt may have penetrated French
Intelligence. He claimed to have "collected facts on people involved
in pro-German activity" when he worked for Pierre Freyss in the
information and economic departments of French Intelligence.

Subject stated that Freyss sent him to Louisiana and

San Francisco in an attempt to locate individuals
sympathetic to France who would be able to advise
of contemplated sales or shipments on large
quantities of oil [to Germany]. No employment record
existed with that organization. Journalist Edward
Epstein contacted Pierre Freyss, who stated that he
was in French intelligence in the United States in
1939 to 1940 and stated in part that DeMohrenschildt
"graciously cooperated with us, his sympathies being
with the Allied Forces. Freyss further related that
DeMohrenschildt was 'never in the pay or officially
appointed by us.
The FBI interviewed Pierpont Hamilton:

(Deleted) it was desired to contact him for whatever

material he possessed relative to the Subject. Upon
being interviewed in the offices of the (deleted) stated
that he would be happy to supply and information in
his possession relative to the person in that case. He
related that prior to the spring of 1939, he and
(deleted) were managing entrepreneurs of the
(deleted) a corporation engaged in the production
and distribution of commercial motion picture films. At
that time they were also engaged in fulfilling

contracts with individual concerns for the production

of various industrial shorts, utilized to acquaint
employees with the necessity of observing safety
rules while at work. In the Spring of 1939, he
continued, an individual by the name of Konstantine
B. Maydell entered their office and stated that he had
a film entitled, 'Spain In Arms,' which he desired to
distribute, for a fee, to various groups throughout the
country, but that he had not the necessary
organization to effect such distribution. He offered
therefore to allocate a certain percentage of the
profits to (deleted) and (deleted) for their assistance
in effecting the distribution of the film to various
religious groups, primarily Catholic groups in this
country. At time, however, the film required a certain
amount of cutting and technical reformation so it was
accordingly referred to the Cine Lab Motion Picture
Laboratories, 33 West 60th Street, where the desired
changes were affected.

As reflected by reference report, it will be noted that

Film Facts Inc. had absolutely no connection with the
Cine-Lab Company and the studio facilities of the
latter were only rented for a brief period for
necessary technical revision of the film 'Spain In

Continuing, the same source related that through the

contacts of (deleted) and himself, they were able to
effect the distribution of the film to various Catholic
Church groups throughout the country and in addition
to one or two individual public exhibitors. As the film
was pro-Fascist, profits were quite meager, and they
totaled less than $1,000, it was decided in 1940 by
him and (deleted) to cease their relationship with
Maydell and terminate further distribution of the film.

While Film Facts Incorporated, at the present time, is

a dissolved corporation, Pierpont Hamilton still
retains the right to the corporate name and pays a
tax to retain such right. This was also ascertained
from the interview with (deleted).


As to Von Mohrenschildt personally, he related he

was unacquainted, but he was under the impression
that he had heard Maydell on one or two occasions
refer to such an individual as his associate or
employee. Pierpont Hamilton was insistent, however,
that Subject Von Mohrenschildt at the present time
was neither affiliated or associated in any capacity
with Film Facts Inc. and had absolutely no
connection with either him or his partner (deleted).
He pointed out that he and (deleted) retained the
legal rights to the name Film Facts Inc. It would be
both a falsification and a legal violation for Subject to
refer himself as an employee of Film Facts Inc.

As to the origin of the film, 'Spain In Arms' neither

Pierpont Hamilton or (Deleted) could offer any
information both advising that Maydell had appeared
in their office early in the Spring of 1939 with such
film reporting it as his own...The film, according to
both gentlemen, was reputedly pro-Fascist and
supported the cause and military actions of General
Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War.
Neither Pierpont Hamilton nor (Deleted) could offer
any information as to the antecedents of Maydell
other than stating they believed him to be German or
Austrian and a comparatively recent immigrant from
Europe. As to maintenance of offices by Maydell both
related that they believe his office was maintained
exclusively 'beneath his hat.' It was their belief,
however, that he maintained a room at the Ritz-
Carlton Hotel. [FBI 100-10310]

Mrs. J. Smith, Vice President of Cine-Laboratory, 33 West

60th Street, advised that FBI

…that she occasionally leased or rented studio

space. In pursuance of such she permitted
DeMohrenschildt and Konstantine Maydell to
produce two films in their laboratory for the Polish
Information Center, 151 East 67th Street. The films
produced were 'Poland Forever' and 'Spain In Arms.'
It was her impression that the film intended to
support the General Franco faction of the Spanish


Civil War. She stated that the Polish Information

Center paid her for use of her studio."

When the FBI questioned George DeMohrenschildt in 1944

he stated:

…that he became acquainted with Constantine

Maydell through Maydell's showing of a picture
'Spain in Arms' at the Ritz-Carlton hotel. George
DeMohrenschildt considered this the best
documentary film that he had ever seen, and after
contacting Maydell had been informed by Maydell
that he had material coming from the German film
company, UFA, all of which was documentary film.
He contacted the Polish Consulate regarding the
making of a documentary film concerning Poland and
after securing their cooperation and financial backing
had started with Maydell in the preparation of 'Poland
Forever,' for the Polish Government. This venture
was doomed to failure from the start, according to the
Subject, since they never had enough money;
further, part of the film that was coming from
Germany was seized by the British and held up for a
long period of time and then released, but at that time
was much older and thereby less interesting than it
would have previously been...George also related
that he had previously been questioned concerning
Maydell and had furnished all the information in his
possession regarding him, but he repeated that he
did not consider Maydell a spy nor did he consider
him the type of person that would be selected by any
country for that type of work. Subject added that he
believed Maydell's sympathies were definitely with
Germany; but in Subject's opinion, Maydell was
nothing but a soldier-of-fortune interested in making
money who 'didn't give a darn' about one country
over another or anything else. Maydell's outstanding
characteristic was his anti-Semitism."


In The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Shirer
described Baron Konstantine Van Maydell as "a Baltic German of


Estonian citizenship who told the German Embassy, Washington,

that he had come to the United States on an Abwehr sabotage
mission." In Game of the Foxes, Laslo Farago described Baron
Konstantine Van Maydell as "the top Abwehr agent in the United
States in 1940." Baron Konstantine Von Maydell was arrested on a
Presidential warrant as a dangerous alien in September 1942, tried
for espionage in Federal District Court for the Southern District of
New York, and interred for four years in North Dakota. The
proceedings were either closed, or the Court records have
disappeared. He was released in 1946. George DeMohrenschildt
intimated that he had once testified against Von Maydell in a legal
proceeding. There was no record to support this. Assistant United
States Attorney Stuart Z. Krinsly of the Southern District of New
York advised S.A. Stanley Ross in October 1944, that "the
government had contemplated using George DeMohrenschildt as a
witness for the Government in the habeas corpus proceedings
involving Baron Konstantine Van Maydell who had been interned as
a dangerous enemy alien, but at the time of the trial the government
decided not to use George DeMohrenschildt as a witness." [WCD
533 p27] George DeMohrenschildt told the FBI: "In regard to having
a cousin in an Interment Camp in the United States, Subject stated
the only manner in which this could have arisen was from
statements made by Konstantine Maydell that he was a fifth cousin
of his, and he had gone to Dimitri regarding this statement and
Dimitri had informed him there was no relation whatever." Edward
Epstein reported Baron Konstantine Van Maydell was subsequently
"sent to Russia, never to be heard from again." [Farago, Game of
the Foxes Simon and Shuster p685 f.n.; WCD 533]
Albert Jenner asked:

Q. At this particular time, did you have some, oh, let me call it
tenuous connection with some movie business...what was it?"

A. I have a distant cousin by the name of Baron Maydell...some

people considered him pro-Nazi.

Q. He was accused of being, was he not, during this period, a

German spy?

A. No. I didn't know that...He was White Russian. And having lost
everything through Communism, he saw the future of his return to
Russia, back to his estates, through German intervention...he had a

very interesting movie there of the Spanish revolution which he

made...This movie was backed by quite a number of people here. I
remember most of them. By Grace, who is President of Grace Lines
today. So we decided with Maydell that we could make another
documentary movie, on the resistance of Poland.

Q. Resistance Movement?

A. Yes.

GERALD POSNER, whose other books included Mengele,

The Complete Story and Hitler's Children, failed to mention Baron
Konstantine Van Maydell. He attributed George DeMohrenschildt's
praise of Nazism to a "provocative" streak in his nature. Gerald
Posner wrote "During its peak operational period, from 1942 to
1944, the Abwehr employed more than 1,500 agents and informants
in Argentina."
After two years of successful spying in the United States,
George DeMohrenschildt was apprehended.

On June 2, 1941, Mr. Eugene J. Wilson and Mr.

Russell Brown, Special Assistants to the Attorney
General, with an office in Corpus Christie, Texas,
advised S.A. R. J. Clements that Mr. Bill Ellis Justice
of the Peace and proprietor of the Tarpon Inn at Port
Arkansas, Texas, had informed them that George
Von DeMohrenschildt who appeared to be a German,
was registered at the Tarpon Inn and was
accompanied by a Mexican woman named Lilia
Pardo Larin, who was registered as his wife...Ellis
informed that Von DeMohrenschildt had been
observed sketching and photographing the local
Coast Guard Station and ship channel at Port
Arkansas, Texas, and acted in such a suspicious
manner as to lead him to believe Von
DeMohrenschildt was a German spy...Mr. Victor J.
Biltiff, Inspector in Charge of Immigration and
Naturalization, together with Inspectors Alfred R.
Perkins, Ralph J. King and S.A. R.J. Clements,
questioned Von DeMohrenschildt on June 3, 1941...
Von DeMohrenschildt advised he had a small folding
camera and two rolls of exposed film in his

possession at the time of interview, and stated that

the film consisted of some snapshots of the beach at
Port Arkansas. He also exhibited a number of water
color paintings which he had made, and stated that
painting was his hobby. His personal effects also
contained a zipper briefcase and a large amount of
papers which Von DeMohrenschildt did not volunteer
for examination by the inspectors... Von
DeMohrenschildt's effects contained several copies
of two biographical sketches copies of which were
furnished Inspector Petty. The sketches carried by
Von DeMohrenschildt are set out for comparison:
'George Von DeMohrenschildt, 950 Park Avenue,
New York City, RH-4-0810 Of Swedish origin, Born
April 17, 1911...George Von DeMohrenschildt 1024
Park Avenue, New York City, RH-4-9257...

DeMohrenschildt advised Inspector Victor J. Biltiff that "after

he left his employment with the Humble Oil Company, he accepted
a position offered to him by the Polish Consulate in New York City.
The employment consisted of producing a motion picture entitled
'Poland Forever' which was financially backed by the exiled Polish
Government in this country. He informed that this film was actually
produced in the laboratory of the Facts and Films Motion Picture
Company, 30 W 60th Street, New York City. He stated that he was
still employed as a representative of this firm and that the purpose
of his visit to Mexico was to produce a picture of Pan American
relations." An FBI cable to Headquarters read that Larin
DeMoarenschidt "has been observed making sketches of ship
channels and taking photographs promiscuously." Headquarters
had no traces on Larin DeMoarenschidt. J. Edgar Hoover
recommended that Larin DeMoarenschidt's personal effects should
be search on entrance into Mexico "as well as his return to this

Albert Jenner of the Warren Commission asked

DeMohrenschildt about this incident:

A. Some characters stopped the car and came out of the bushes
and they said: "You are a German spy." They said "You are a
German citizen, you are a German spy. It was very strange. Here is
my Polish passport. So, they never said anything about sketching. I
thought they were from some comedy actors.


Q. Didn't they identify themselves?

A. I think they said they were from the FBI.

Q. They might have been from some other government service


A. Maybe some other government service. But I have the

impression they told me they were from the FBI and they followed
me all the way from New York - all the way from New York.

Q. In any event five men stopped you and searched at that time,
searched your car.

A. Searched the car, found absolutely nothing, except the water

colors, the sketches. I still have the sketches.

DeMohrenschildt stated that:

…he had been waiting for his Mexican visa which

had not arrived so he decided to drive through with
Lillia Larin (which name she had continued to use
despite her additional two marriages since the death
of Larin) and they had driven to Corpus Christi,
Texas, where they registered at the Nueces Hotel.
They occupied separate rooms at this hotel and
remained for a few days. He stated while on the
beach swimming one of those days he snapped
some pictures of Lillia in a bathing suit with a box-
type Brownie camera which he purchased some time
prior in New York City. (Subject emphatically stated
that this was the only pictures that had been taken by
either one of them, and further, that they had not at
any time gone near any military installation). Subject
continued that while waiting for his visa they had
decided to go to Arkansas Pass, Texas, to fish and
had accordingly driven over and stayed at a hotel at
Arkansas Pass as man and wife, registering under
his name. Subject stated that at that time he had
intended marrying Lillia, and further, did not at that
time know of any law that prohibited it in the United
States. [FBI SA#100-839]


Lillia Pardo Larin was a relative of, (deleted) Minister for

Mexico, Vichy, France. At this time she listed her husband one
(deleted) Vichy, France. DeMohrenschildt helped her enter the
United States. [FBI 100-32965-50] Her letters to DeMohrenschildt
were intercepted at the Postal Censorship Station in Miami, Florida.
George DeMohrenschildt was detained by the FBI and the
Immigration and Naturalization Service, but was not arrested.
George DeMohrenschildt informed the FBI and the Immigration and
Naturalization Service that he was employed by Film Facts
Incorporated, making anti-Nazi films for the Polish government-in-
exile. The FBI determined that: "(Deleted)The present status of the
company would discredit the Subject's statement that he was
presently functioning as a Film Facts Inc. employee in Mexico and
engaging in obtaining scenic films for such company." The Office of
Naval Intelligence investigated DeMohrenschildt. He became of
interest to the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence of the
Department of the Army. DeMohrenschildt said he was a cousin of
Texas oil millionaire George Farenthold. Questioned by the FBI
several weeks later, George Farenthold stated:

In June 1941 George Farenthold advised S.A. R.J.

Clements that he met George Von Mohrenschildt
through Ted Jamison, an oil operator in Texas.
Farenthold stated that the Subject is not his cousin;
that he had no relatives in the United States.
Farenthold advised that he had received a telephone
call from Bill Ellis asking him whether he was related
to George Von Mohrenschildt and he told Ellis he
was not. After receiving the telephone call Farenthold
made a trip to Fort Arkansas and met George Von
Mohrenschildt in the Tarpon Inn. George Von
Mohrenschildt approached Farenthold and requested
him not to inform Ellis that the Mexican woman with
whom he was traveling was not his wife, because he
had registered at the hotel as man and wife. The
group had dinner together and upon George Von
Mohrenschildt's suggestion, went to Hillwood's
Tavern, which was a beer parlor frequented by
sailors and a large number of foreign-speaking
peoples. George Von Mohrenschildt became
involved in a discussion of the War, at which time
Farenthold expressed his opinion that England would
be victorious. George Von Mohrenschildt thereupon


stated, 'No, I do not agree with you. Germany has not

used 1/100 of her strength.' Farenthold was surprised
to note this remark and questioned George Von
Mohrenschildt as to where his sympathies lay.
George Von Mohrenschildt replied that he had been
bitterly opposed to Germany until the occupation of
France, but that he had been favorably impressed by
the decent was the Germans treated the French
citizenry. Farenthold disputed this remark and stated
that it was his impression that the French people
were starving; whereupon George Von Mohrenschildt
said, 'No Hitler is taking care of them. They are not
starving like they were in the last War.' Farenthold
stated that when he first met George Von
Mohrenschildt, the latter told him he was a Swedish
refugee and had a 'Nasen' Passport, which type of
Passport was originally issued to the White Russians
and subsequently to other types of European
refugees. During the subsequent discussion George
Von Mohrenschildt related that his father was a
German and possessed a large estate in Poland. He
said that the Germans have protected his father's
estate after the occupation of Poland and that his
father was presently living in Berlin, Germany, where
he was confined to a hospital; however he advised
that his father was well-treated and that he had
received numerous letters from him. During the
discussion relative to the prospect of the United
States becoming involved in the War, George Von
Mohrenschildt stated, 'Don't think Germany is ever
going to declare war on the United States. They are
led by a smart Austrian and not a Kaiser, and there
will be a lot of people in the Middle West who will not
endorse the United States becoming involved in war
and there will be a big upheaval.' He also stated that
this war can end only in one of two ways - either by a
compromise or a German victory. He remarked that
the South American Republics were not friendly to
the United States and that America would never be
able to defeat Germany even if the South American
Republics assisted.


In 1993 George Farenthold stated: "I just met George

DeMohrenschildt a couple of times. I didn't know him really well. I
thought it was possible that this guy was really a spy. He was a
great one for young women. I don't know why the University of
Texas ever hired him. He was a professor there. I don't remember
anyone else he associated with except some ladies."


Mrs. Edna Fox, the proprietor of the rooming house
at 109 East 73rd Street, where Subject resided in
1941, advised Detective Raymond J. Gill of the New
York Police Department, in the Fall of 1941, that
while the Subject resided at her residence he acted
very suspicious and made it a point to become
acquainted with Robert Matsuoka (born December
18, 1931; died December 17, 1990), whom she
described as the son of a former premier of Japan.
She stated that when Matsuoka was returning to
Japan, Subject gave him a letter addressed to
Subject's father. At the time Subject stated that his
father would get the letter in Germany sooner if it was
mailed from Japan by Matsuoka. Mrs. Fox also
advised Detective Gill that one occasion she had
heard Subject greet a visitor to his apartment with the
salutation, "Heil Hitler.'

Robert Matsuoka was called before the House Un-American

Activities Committee.

HELEN KRAVADSE, an employee of the

Washington Evening Star, in MARCH 1941, advised
that Baron George DeMohrenschildt, residence 109
E 73rd Street, New York City, is suspected by her of
being a Nazi propagandist. Miss Kravadse first met
George DeMohrenschildt during 1940 to 1941 when
he came to Washington, D.C. and interested himself
in theatrical work, in which Miss Kravadse was
engaged. At that time Baron DeMohrenschildt
represented himself as being connected with Variety
Magazine. He told Miss Kravadse that he had been


born in Germany, that his father was residing in

Germany, and that he, the Baron, intended to return
to Germany in the near future. He also told her that
he had been taking pictures in various parts of the
United States and had edited propaganda moving
pictures for German interests, which pictures were
sent to Germany and Poland. He told her that he had
had a cavalry position in the Polish Army, which Miss
Kravadse interpreted as meaning that the Baron was
connected with that portion of the German Army
which was then occupying Poland. Subject inquired
of Miss Kravadse concerning her sympathies with
respect to the Nazis. She is said to have indicated
that she was indifferent to the Nazis. George
DeMohrenschildt then spoke at great length
concerning the virtues of the German form of
government and the disadvantages of democracies.
Miss Kravadse advised that while in New York,
through curiosity, she checked with Variety Magazine
and learned that the employees there had never
heard of Baron George DeMohrenschildt and advised
her he definitely was not connected with that
publication. Miss Kravadse advised that through her
other sources, whose identities she did not divulge,
she had heard that Baron George DeMohrenschildt
had been in Brazil and Mexico, in which latter country
he had some connection with oil development. She
also subsequently heard while in Washington, D.C.
that Baron George DeMohrenschildt was intimately
acquainted with Descio Machado, who allegedly had
some connection with the Brazilian Embassy and
was referred to as the 'Brazilian Banana King.'" [FBI
DC 100-32965-X1; WCD 533p32; FBI 32965-XI]

Descio Machado's cousin was the Air Attache of the

Brazilian Embassy, Washington. Both Descio Machado and his
cousin were called before the House Un-American Activities
Committee and accused of have been recruited as spies by
Brazilian Nazis. On August 2, 1941, DeMohrenschildt sent this
Western Union cable to the FBI: "This is very urgent. George Von business. Official Mexican government blackmail
me pretending that I am under suspicion in the States. Please wire
Secretary United States Embassy Carrigan in Mexico that my


dossier is clear otherwise will suffer grave financial damage." [FBI

100-327765-6] George DeMohrenschildt had been ordered to leave
Edward Epstein wrote that British mail intercepts in Bermuda
turned up evidence that he was working for Nazi interests. American
mail intercepts on George DeMohrenschildt indicated that on July 6,
1942, J.A. Helguera wrote this letter to DeMohrenschildt that was
copied by SA-47388, Examiner 12003.

I have just received your letter of the 1st instant,

which crossed mine of the 3rd. As soon as I can go
out, which will be by the end of this week, I shall go
to the Gobernacion and have a talk with Mr. Garcia
Ojeda. As I wrote to you, I had not done anything
because Lic. Jarza had told me that he had
instructions from you to arrange your re-entry as a
resident. I shall state that you are coming here as an
investor, to enter into a business deal here with me
and that you are bringing both capital and brains into
this country which is only right. This might help...
A girl named Carmen Barnes who is alleged to be
extremely intimate with Bendix of the Bendix Aviation
Corporation, has been seen frequently in
DeMohrenschildt's company. She introduced him to
Bendix who has been suspected of some pro-Nazi
views at least prior to our entry into the war. On
Sunday, August 30, 1942, or September 6, 1942, two
couples were taken into custody on the beach at East
Hampton, Long Island. The people had a speaking
acquaintance with DeMohrenschildt. On many
occasions DeMohrenschildt has said he was going to
visit some prominent person at East Hampton or
vicinity where such person had an estate. Actually he
would go to East Hampton to a rooming house or
small hotel. On these trips he was accompanied by
some others.


In 1937, at age 30, Nelson A. Rockefeller traveled to Latin America.

Three years later, Nelson Rockefeller was Coordinator of the Office
of Inter-American Affairs. He remained in this position until 1944. In
this capacity, Nelson Rockefeller monitored United States concerns
in South America represented by German intelligence agents, and
studied the feasibility of transferring German agencies of American
firms to native agencies. FBI Agent P.E. Foxworth reported the
details of a meeting he had with Nelson Rockefeller on August 23,

Rockefeller said the main reason for his call at the

Bureau this morning was that he was sending an
'economic commission' to South America in the
immediate future. He has been furnished with the
names of German representatives of American
concerns in South America. His Economic
Commission will contact these German
representatives for the purpose of determining just
how they are doing business. At the same time they
will determine the possibilities of the business now
done by the Germans being taken over by American
representatives. They are to contact the various
members of the United States Diplomatic Corps in
the various countries and, otherwise, get 'bird's eye
view' of the situation existing. He believes that they
will not be gone more than 60 days and will visit each
country during his period of time...Rockefeller felt it
would be of inestimable value if he could secure a
representative of the Bureau to be a member of the
Commission. The two representatives who he has
selected are Percy Douglas, export manager of the
Otis Elevator Company and Thomas S. Gates Jr.
who is at present a partner in Drexel & Company,
Philadelphia. Rockefeller thought that Douglas was
probably the best informed man in this country on
Latin American psychology. His father was the
president of the Southern Pacific Railway in Mexico
for many years and Douglas is throughly familiar with
the Central and South American countries. Drexel &
Company was formerly a J.P. Morgan affiliate. Gate's
father is president of the University of Pennsylvania.
The other member would be a Special Agent of the
FBI. Subsequent to my conversation with you, I told


Rockefeller that an agent would be designated.

Several names will be furnished you. Rockefeller also
told me that to promote the commercial relations, he
proposed to form a holding company here in the
United States and then a development company in
each of the Latin American republics, the
development company, so far as possible, to be
financed in the country in which it is located. This
proposition would be to promote trade with the United
States in whatever manner possible. These are
tentative plans. He also has made arrangements with
George Gallup to start an Institute of Public Opinion
in South America. This is still in the tentative stage
but Gallup has agreed. Gallup is now making a
survey of the possibility of such an Institute of Public
Opinion and Rockefeller expects to have his report
soon. Of course, an ideal cover for any for any of our
men would be such an organization as the Institute of
Public Opinion. Rockefeller said that he would be
very glad to help us with either placing our men with
either the Institute of Public Opinion or with the
developing company if we so desired and thought
that we could be of much value and assistance to
him in connection with both propositions." J. Edgar
Hoover wrote: "I want to work very closely with him.


Percy Douglas became a staunch supporter of Barry Goldwater in

the 1960's. Thomas S. Gates, a Director of General Electric, was
Undersecretary of the Navy from 1953 to 1957. He was Secretary of
the Navy from 1957 to 1959. President Dwight Eisenhower's
Secretary of Defense from 1959 to 1960. Morgan Guaranty Trust,
which Gates was affiliated with, had made two twenty-million dollar
loans to the Belgium Congo. In 1961 Gates became president of
Morgan Guaranty Trust. Gates supported the war in Vietnam and
his name appeared in an advertisement supporting President
Johnson that was also signed by David Rockefeller, Arthur H. Dean
of Sullivan and Cromwell, Dean Acheson and John J. McCloy.
Gates helped write Nixon’s defense platform. The FBI agent chosen
for this mission was P.E. Foxworth. In 1941 Foxworth investigated
Communist activity at Harvard University. In December 1941
Foxworth was an Assistant Director of the FBI, and head of the
FBI's New York Bureau and Director of the Special Intelligence
Service Branch. He received training from the OSS. [Compromised
Campus, Diamond, S.]To conduct these activities, Nelson
Rockefeller was given a three-million-dollar budget. Each month the
Bureau checked the telephones in the White House office of Nelson
Rockefeller. By 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt considered
merging the Nelson Rockefeller organization with that of the
organization of the Coordinator of Information, Colonel William

Donovan. [FBI 62-67719-1 5.5.42; 62-61140X 9.9.40, LHM 8.30.40,

9.5.40 to Director] The same year, the FBI prevented Nelson
Rockefeller from publicly revealing that the United States had
intercepted 84 Axis radio messages transmitted from Latin America:
"It is believed that this statement is most ill-advised and is one we
should object to since the Axis will do nothing more than to change
their code." The Bureau believed Nelson Rockefeller had been
indiscreet when he publicly announced in 1943 that the Nazis had
established training schools for saboteurs in Argentina. These,
however, were considered only minor gaffes, and in 1944 he
became Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs.

When the FBI detained George DeMohrenschildt in June

1941 it found: "Letter dated April 5, 1941, to Von Mohrenschildt, 109
East 73rd Street, New York, from K. Maydell, Facts and Films, 33
West 60th Street, New York City, mentioning getting necessary
letters from NELSON ROCKEFELLER...Letter of credit from Chase
National Bank, New York City, number C16745, dated May 3, 1941,
for $1250.00." [WCD 533 p18] When George DeMohrenschildt
wired the FBI about a problem he was having procuring a Mexican
residence permit he advised: "Chase National Bank, New York, will
answer financially for me." What was the relationship between
DeMohrenschildt and Nelson Rockefeller?
In October 1942 the FBI interviewed Paul Joachim, who
rented the boarding house and was employed at the time in the
Navy building. He told the FBI that he rented the house at 3822
Benton Street, N.W. and that

Subject had formerly lived with him there...He

advised that Quintan Quines, who was employed at
the British Embassy and who lived at the house had
visited the Subject in New York City. Joachim stated
that during the time Subject resided he was not
employed but was supposed to be endeavoring to
obtain a commission in the United States Army as
well as in the organization headed by Nelson
Rockefeller and that during the time he resided here
had stated that he was waiting to be investigated for
one of these positions. Joachim stated that he had
heard say he had been in the Polish Army during the
war as an officer. He stated that the Subject had said


that he was a Russian and that his family had moved

to Poland during the time of the Russian revolution
inasmuch as they were Czarist in sympathy.

Joachim stated that Von Mohrenschildt made no pro-Axis

remarks. The other boarder at 3822 Benton Street, N.W. was U.S.
Navy Lt. Cmdr. Harry Hull. The FBI could locate no record that Von
Mohrenschildt applied for a position with the United States Army or
with the Office of Inter-American Affairs. The FBI:

In March 1953, through the cooperation of Miss Ann

Wickham, a member of the British WAAFS, it was
ascertained that Patricia Deuel, who resided at the
same address as Miss Wickham, maintained an
address book with the following listing: 'George
Mohresschilgt Care Quentin K. 3622 Washington,
D.C.' On April 13, 1942, agents of the FBI observed
Grace Buchanan Dineen, as admitted German
espionage agent during World War II, who was
convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage and
sentenced to 12 years, depart the Statler Hotel in
Washington, D.C. and walk to the Roger Smith Hotel
where she met Patricia Deuel in the lobby. They
proceeded to the Oak Room of the hotel and had
lunch. In 1943, Grace Buchanan Dineen had advised
S.A. James H. Kirby that during an extended
conversation between Deuel and her in Dineen's
room at the Statler Hotel, Deuel stated that she
herself was 'terribly anti-American.'
Grace Buchanan-Dineen had been recruited by the Abwehr
in Europe between 1939 and 1941 and returned to the United
States before Pearl Harbor. She surrounded herself with a few
assistants or subagents and forwarded reports in secret writing on
shipping, war production, and other military information to cover
addresses in neutral countries in Europe. The existence of all this
agent first became known through Allied censorship, largely
because of her use of cover addresses which were already
compromised; and while in some cases it took long and painstaking
research and the comparison of thousands of handwriting samples
to identify her and her confederates, their reports to Germany were
under the control of United States counter-intelligence agencies
from a fairly early date in their active career.


A CIA document indicated,

The records of the Coordinator of Information and the

Office of Strategic Services...[show]...George
DeMohrenschildt had been considered for
employment in 1942 but was not hired since he was
alleged to be a Nazi espionage agent. [WC Memo:
Helms/Rankin CIA 18-522]
Another FBI Report stated
(deleted) of the Personnel Department in the office of
Coordinator of Information advised that a check of
their applications reflected that Subject had filed an
application on May 19, 1942. She advised, however,
that Subject has not been employed and no further
action relative to his application has been taken.

On July 18, 1942, the Security Office of the OSS reported all
informants seem to believe that Subject is loyal to the American
form of government.

One of the government agencies indicates that

Subject is a Nazi sympathizer and possibly an agent.
He is stated to be definitely suspect. In view of this
report it would be difficult to approve Subject.
Recommendation: Security disapproval probable but
interview necessary. Ellery C. Hungtington, Jr. Lt.
Col. AUS July 20, 1942.

The OSS file of George DeMohrenschildt contained a

Memorandum dated July 30, 1942 which referred to the film
enterprise of Baron Konstantine Van Maydell. The memorandum,
was written by Ensign William J. Horrigan and directed to OSS
Commander William Vanderbilt:

I have met Subject on one or two occasions. At that

time he was known as George von Mohrenschildt. He
told me at the time that he was representing an Irish
film company distributing films taken under the
auspices of the Irish Government during the Spanish
War. Sometime after that his uncle's place was
raided at the suggestion of a friend of mine. They

found many films of a pro-Nazi nature which are

intended to show the force and effectiveness of the
German Army.

"I have other information concerning him which is

helpful and some of which is not, nothing very
definite, but all of which tends to place this fellow
under very grave suspicion. As a matter of fact, I
strongly suspect him personally, although I don't
have anything really definite to pin a hat on him. I do
know that he was in Mexico for about a year, and I
have never received a satisfactory explanation of the
work he did down there. He had told various people
that he was engaged in real estate, but conversation
with the man readily and instantly discloses that he
knows absolutely nothing about the real estate
business. This is one fellow I would like to see the
Security officer go after fully and completely in every
detail and respect. He is not very smart, is an
absolute boor, and it is impossible to insult the guy.
In other words, he's not a very good character.
[HSCA V12 p51]

William J. Horrigan stated during a telephone interview in

May 1993 that Bill Vanderbilt had been head of the OSS unit "O-2"
which was in charge of covert operations, and he was his assistant.
Eighty years old, William Horrigan did not remember the
investigations he conducted of George DeMohrenschildt or Baron
Konstantine Van Maydell. Dimitri DeMohrenschildt, the brother of
George DeMohrenschildt, was in the OSS from 1942 to 1945 "but
there is no file available on Dimitri prior to 1950, and this
employment cannot be verified." [CIA 1241-1004; 2.23.50 Memo EE
775E] Dimitri DeMohrenschildt was freed from Soviet prison as part
of a Russian/American prisoner exchange program and studied at
Yale. During World War II, he was employed as a Foreign Language
Examiner with the Bureau of Censorship, after which he "became
affiliated with the War Department in some unknown manner." In
1946 he received a Rockefeller Fellowship in Slavic studies at the
Hoover Institute for War, Peace and Revolution. In 1950 he was
appointed a Director of the Tolstoy Foundation, and in the late
1970's he was the editor of the exile publication, The Russian
Review. [Mader CIA 500; WCD 543, 531; 9WH166; Tolf The
Russian Rockefellers Hoover Institute Press]



On October 8, 1942, the State Department placed a Refusal
Sheet and Lookout Card in the passport office file of George
DeMohrenschildt. The State Department informed the HSCA that
the effect of such a Lookout Card would be that, when the person
applied for any type of passport action, the file would be reviewed to
determine if the person posed a security threat. The reason for the
Lookout Card in George DeMohrenschildt's file was: "Alleged to be
Nazi agent. Refer any application to Fraud Section." [FBI 100-
32965-50; WR p546; Epstein Legend p178; WCD 777A, 531, 533;
CIA 431-154b; 9WH166; HSCA V12 p51] In 1964 DeMohrenschildt
claimed he worked for British Intelligence during World War II. The
FBI cabled the London Legal Attaché for corroboration. The results
of this inquiry were withheld. [FBI 100-32965-243] Lawrence
Wilson Joven, another associate of George DeMohrenschildt, was
reportedly acquainted with Nazi officials. In a 1943 FBI interview,
Lawrence Joven stated

…that he had visited in Hungry [in 1939] with distant

relatives and former acquaintances of his mother's
family and while there he borrowed the uniform of an
acquaintance who was in the Hungarian Cavalry and
had his picture taken in this uniform as a souvenir.
He stated he was not acquainted with any Nazi
officials and had never had a photograph of Hitler,
but may have had some postcards which he picked-
up while in Germany as souvenirs...He said his father
was formerly a doctor and had practiced for a short
time at the London Hospital before coming to the
United States where Joven was born. His father, he
said, had attended the Rush Medical School in the
U.S. before going to London. He said his mother had
been born in Hungry but came to the U.S. when she
was a very small child...Joven stated that his father
had formerly been in good financial circumstances
and had received a substantial income from his sugar
plantations in the Philippine Islands but with the
advent of the war his income had been cut off. [WC
CR546 FBI NY 100-10310]

On August 24, 1944, the FBI questioned Dr. Joseph Jordan

Eller of 745 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Dr. Eller advised S.A.


Stanley Ross that he had always been suspicious of

DeMohrenschildt and Joven because of their

…general attitude toward the United States...Joven

had indicated at certain of the social gathering that
he attended that he was an agent of the Hungarian
Government. This, of course, was before the
entrance of the United States into war. Dr. Eller
further stated that he was formerly married to
Artemisa Calles, the daughter of the former President
of Mexico, but that they were divorced.

S.A. Ross interviewed Mr. Bertram Wolff who told him "De
Jovan did make decidedly pro-German statements at various
times." [WCD 533 p29] George DeMohrenschildt and Lawrence
Wilson Joven were Nazi spies, who outsmarted the FBI by operating
in ruling class circles.


116 East 63rd Street, New York City, advised S.A.
Stanley Ross that...George DeMohrenschildt made
several statements praising the work of Hitler and
indicating at the time that he was sympathetic
towards the Germans...Mr. Beverly Miles was
interviewed at his office at 60 East 42nd Street, New
York City...He indicated that George
DeMohrenschildt's source of income and general
indifferent attitude were always a source of mystery
to him and did cause him to become suspicious of
the Subject. He stated George DeMohrenschildt
always contemplated doing something that would
cause him to be in what Mr. Miles termed, a hot spot.
In explaining this he said that George
DeMohrenschildt had told him a year or so previously
that he was going skiiing in the Northern part of New
Yorkl State and a short time after George
DeMohrenschildt was to have left for this ski trip,
Miles read in the newspapers that some German
prisoners had crossed the border of the United
States into Canada. He, likewise, observed that
George DeMohrenschildt had made trips into Mexico
just at the time that the newspapers were
commenting on the fact that there were supposed to


be Axis agents in Mexico, and finally, about a year

previous, when the Allied forces were contemplating
a push into Africa, George DeMohrenschildt told him
he would like to become a liaison officer with the free
French, in view of his knowledge of foreign
On September 13, 1944, George DeMohrenschildt was
investigated by the FBI for alleged violations of the Foreign Agents
Registration Act:

This office has been conducting an investigation in

an effort to determine if George DeMohrenschildt
was engaged in any activities against the best
interests of the United States, and in particular
whether or not he was acting as an agent of a foreign
government in attempting to secure information
concerning the national defense of the United States
or in spreading propaganda as a result of his
participation in the films 'Poland Forever' and 'Spain
In Arms' produced by Film Fact Inc.

It is to be noted that while the Subject was employed by Film

Facts Inc. he was associated with Baron Konstantine Maydell who
controlled the company and who has subsequently been interned as
a dangerous enemy alien. Information has been received that the
former girlfriend of the Subject, who is now Lilia P. De Caballero
wrote to (deleted) in Washington, D.C. stating in part as follows:
"Now I understand how right a certain government was to suspect
him. He is a man capable of anything and for his useless and
vicious life he needs large sums of money and so naturally sells
himself to the highest bidder. Now I know that a cousin of his is in a
concentration camp, his crime proved and the two were partners in
all of their obscure and mysterious intrigues. I am so amazed to
know that citizenship has just been granted to that traitor in the
country in which he is living. That can be explained only by the fact
that that country, having practically won the war, has abandoned or
relaxed its vigilance and distrust and, in a boast of power and
generosity, gives citizenship to dangerous snakes such as the
individual in question.

The Warren Commission stated:


George DeMohrenschildt is a highly individualistic

person of varied interests...eccentric, outspoken and
a strong believer in individual liberties and in the U.S.
form of government...the investigation of the Warren
Commission has developed no signs of subversive or
disloyal conduct...Neither the FBI, CIA, nor any
witness contacted by the Warren Commission has
provided any information linking George
DeMohrenschildt to subversive or extremist
organizations. [WR p283]

The FBI investigated DeMohrenschildt in 1945 and 1947.

[CIA 431-154b]
During the postwar period, George DeMohrenschildt taught
French and studied engineering at the University of Texas. Jane
Gulick recalled, "Everybody there knew George because he was
tall, good-looking, tan and entirely different. He fell right into the
Texas scheme of things. He was dating the Governor's daughter
when I met him. He knew the Murchisons and the Schlumbergers.
He hung out with the top drawer, first cabin bunch. Money was
necessary. I didn't know he was an international spy, but I've always
romanced good theater. The Nazi thing is spooky, I hate to think of
that. I guess George wasn't Jack Armstrong, the all-American
Russian. Well, all reality is harsh, isn't it?" After leaving the
University of Texas, George DeMohrenschildt worked for Pantipec
Oil. He explained: "In 1946 I was working in Venezuela for William
F. Buckley's family's company, Pantipec Oil Company. I met the
Soviet Ambassador there who had been, before World War I, a
roustabout for the Nobel Oil interests, and my uncle was a director
of that outfit." The names, "Buckley, W.F." and "Buckley Bros."
appeared in the address book of George DeMohrenschildt. The FBI
Office in Washington, D.C. discovered that in 1946 George
DeMohrenschildt was in contact with Fedor Alekseovich Garanin, a
member of the Soviet State Security Service. On August 2, 1996 the
FBI stated, in a letter to this researcher, that "a search of the indices
to our central record system files at FBI Headquarters revealed no
record responsive to your request on Fodor Alexecobvich Garanin."
On July 11, 1948, George DeMohrenschildt married Phyllis
Washington, the daughter of a Jewish, high-ranking State
Department official. A CIA Office of Security document revealed that
Phyllis DeMohrenschildt was employed by a covert CIA project

(NCFE), as a receptionist, during their marriage. She had a position

at NCFE "from (or before) 1950 until her termination (reasons
unknown) on January 12, 1951. It is noted that in connection with
this employment, she named (deleted) as a reference." [CIA 443-
180 OS C - 45478] On June 1, 1949 a group of American
businessmen, lawyers, and philanthropists – called the National
Committee for Free Europe (NCFE) – filed incorporation papers in
New York City. The event drew little notice at the time. Only a
handful of people knew that NCFE was actually the public face of an
innovative "psychological warfare" project undertaken by the CIA.
That operation – which soon gave rise to Radio Free Europe –
would become one of the longest running and successful covert
action campaigns ever mounted by the United States. The couple
was divorced December 29, 1949. George DeMohrenschildt
commented: "She slept around with oil field workmen. She was also
an alcoholic." On January 9, 1964, Phyllis Washington was admitted
to the Washington, D.C., General Hospital, for mental observation. "
A responsible person who has personal knowledge of
the facts concerning her mental condition advised
she was diagnosed as an unstable, unpredictable,
immature, childish person and a borderline mental
case. While she could answer questions of a
personal nature he doubted that she could give an
objective opinion if subject matter of an emotional
interest was discussed with her. He stated that if it
was a case of testifying he would legally have to
allow Phyllis DeMohrenschildt but medically would
recommend against it. (See report of S.A. James F.
Morrissey March 27, 1964, at Washington, D.C.)"
[FBI Hoover to Rankin 5.4.64]

In 1956 George DeMohrenschildt and his superior at

Pantipec resigned and formed their own company called The
Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Trust Company. George DeMohrenschildt
visited pre-Castro Cuba and reached an agreement with Fulgencio
Batista. He told the Warren Commission: "It was a large
development company to promote eventually a large oil drilling
campaign in Cuba...[We] almost owned about one half of the whole
country under lease..." By the mid-1950's, George DeMohrenschildt
had divorced two wives: Phyllis Washington and oil heiress Winnie
Sharples. His attorney was Morris Jaffe, whose law partner
represented Marina Oswald in 1964. George DeMohrenschildt's net
worth was $300,000. [CIA 431-154b; 9WH201 as cited by Scott;

WCD 734] George DeMohrenschildt was on the payroll of Three

States Natural Gas as well.

In early 1957 George DeMohrenschildt and JEANNE

FOMENKO LE GON, whose father had owned the Chinese National
Railroad in pre-Communist China, ran off to Mexico together. The
husband of Jeanne Fomenko Le Gon, Robert LeGon, went to the
FBI, and asked the Bureau to open an Internal Security
investigation on George DeMohrenschildt. Robert Le Gon was
interviewed by FBI S.A. Hosty. James Hosty commented: "I was the
second agent. It was actually Ed Kirkenthal who did the
investigation. He would have written it up." [WCD 533 p69] The FBI
Report concerning Robert Le Gon's complaint contained a deleted
paragraph followed by the words "(The Dallas County District
Attorney is Henry Wade, from Special Agent of the FBI." [Ltr. To
Bureau 2.1.57 From SAC Dallas (105-632)] The interview with
Robert Le Gon determined that another brother of Jeanne LeGon,
Sergei Fomenko, worked with Robert Oppenheimer on the
Manhattan Project developing the A-Bomb. The FBI had suspected
that George DeMohrenschildt had been collecting data regarding
the operation of a uranium plant. [WCD 532] On August 8, 1960,
Robert Le Gon was officially committed to the Camillo State Mental
Hospital and was diagnosed as schizophrenic reaction, paranoid
type. [FBI 62-109060 Not Rec. 5.5.64] A daughter of George
DeMohrenschildt married the son of a Vice President of Lockheed
Aircraft. Lockheed, like General Dynamics, employed former Nazi
In 1957 George DeMohrenschildt was hired as a contract
agent by the International Cooperation Administration (ICA) and was
granted a security clearance. Philip Agee: "The International
Cooperation Administration is valuable to the CIA because it
provides cover..." [Agee CIA Diary p63] The International
Cooperation Administration was the parent agency of the Agency for
International Development. George DeMohrenschildt was granted
an ICA/AID clearance to go to Yugoslavia and advise the
government of Marshall Tito "on ways to increase oil production."
He told the Dallas Times Herald that the real purpose of the trip was
to further estrange Yugoslavia from the Soviet bloc: "Yugoslavia
now buys oil and oil machinery from Russia and the Soviet bloc. Our
State Department would like to see Yugoslavia become self-
sufficient in oil." [FBI SD 105-5228] The Agency for International


Development did its own security check on George

DeMohrenschildt, then had the Civil Service Commission do the
same. The findings of both these investigations were classified as of
1994. [WCD 535] George DeMohrenschildt was to spend a
minimum of eight months in Yugoslavia, for which the Agency for
International Development would pay him $13,000. Supposedly,
while in Yugoslavia, he tried to boat to Marshall Tito's private island
on two occasions and was fired upon by security guards. In Warren
Commission testimony he conceded Marshall Tito's police
suspected him of spying - but again he was "sketching landscapes."

When George DeMohrenschildt returned from Yugoslavia,

he was contacted by Dallas CIA Domestic Contacts Division
representative J. WALTON MOORE. Moore: "My initial contact with
DeMohrenschildt was the result of a November 22, 1957, source
lead from headquarters, advising that he had recently returned to
Dallas after spending approximately a year in Yugoslavia for the
International Cooperation Administration. I called on him in early
December 1957 and submitted a name check, dated December 6,
1957. At that time he gave me a copy of standard personal history
form 57, which gives considerable biographic data." A CIA
document noted: "In the course of several meetings, the CIA
representative obtained foreign intelligence which was promptly
disseminated to other Federal Agencies in ten separate reports. The
Dallas representative continued informal, occasional contact with
him until the autumn of 1961." [CIA 18-522] In his Warren
Commission testimony, George DeMohrenschildt affirmed he was
acquainted with J. Walton Moore, whom he described as "a
Government man, either FBI or Central Intelligence." In the early
1960's the Domestic Contacts Division maintained a two-man office
in Dallas, Texas, consisting of Moore and a military assistant. [CIA
1642-1092] Everrett D. Glover told the FBI that George
DeMohrenschildt told Glover "he had been told by an FBI Agent that
Oswald was completely harmless. Glover stated that he asked this
question of George DeMohrenschildt in 1962...Glover advised that
he recently received a letter from George DeMohrenschildt
postmarked January 16, 1964, wherein George DeMohrenschildt
repeated, 'It's interesting, but before we began to help Marina and
the child we asked the FBI man in Dallas or in Fort Worth about Lee
and he told us he was completely harmless.' Glover furnished this
letter to the interviewing agent." [WCD 555 pg.75] When George
DeMohrenschildt was questioned about this by the FBI, he denied
making any such statement. He said the only person he talked to


from the FBI was J. Walton Moore. George DeMohrenschildt

testified to the Warren Commission that J. Walton Moore first
interviewed him in 1957, when he returned from a trip to Yugoslavia.
He said he had discussed Oswald with J. Walton Moore and Max
Clark and he was told, "by one of these persons, 'The guy seems to
be okay.'" [HSCA R p217] Max Clark denied that he "ever intimated
in any way that he had been with the Bureau." [FBI DL105-632 E
Cover Page]

The CIA record of J. Walton Moore was examined by the HSCA:

In 1963 Moore was employed by the Dallas Domestic

Contacts Division Office of the CIA...he had been
assigned to the Division in 1948. During the period
April 1, 1963, to March 31, 1964, he was an overt
CIA employee assigned to contact persons traveling
abroad for the purpose of eliciting information they
might obtain. He was not part of a covert or
clandestine operation.

There was some controversy within CIA as to the function of

the Domestic Contacts Division. According to a 1972 Memorandum
from the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Colby,
the service "establishes discreet but overt relationships with
American private citizens, commercial, academic, and other
organizations and resident aliens." During hearings on his
appointment as Ambassadorship to Iran Richard Helms claimed that
all Domestic Contacts Division did was to debrief returning travelers.
[Wise The American Police State p189] Scott Malone: "I used to
think the Domestic Contacts Division guys were wimps. I was
wrong, they are heavy hitters." The HSCA continued:

In an April 13, 1977, Agency Memorandum contained

in George DeMohrenschildt's CIA file, Moore set forth
the facts to counter the claim...that Oswald had been
employed by the CIA and that Moore had known him.
In that memorandum, Moore was quoted as saying
that, according to his records, the last time he had
talked with George DeMohrenschildt was in the Fall
of 1961. Moore said that he had no recollection of
any conversation with George DeMohrenschildt
concerning Oswald...Moore recalled only two
occasions when he had met with George
DeMohrenschildt- first, in the Spring of 1958, to

discuss a mutual interest in China; and then in the

Fall of 1961, when George DeMohrenschildt and his
wife showed films of their Latin American walking trip.
Other documents in George DeMohrenschildt's CIA
file, however, indicated more contact with Moore than
was stated in the 1977 Memorandum. In a
Memorandum dated May 1, 1964, , submitted to the
Acting Chief of the Domestic Contacts Division,
Moore stated that he had known George
DeMohrenschildt and his wife since 1957 when he
had obtained biographical data on DeM; Moore also
wrote that he had seen George DeMohrenschildt
several times in 1958 and 1959. George
DeMohrenschildt's CIA file contained several reports
submitted by George DeMohrenschildt to the CIA on
topics concerning Yugoslavia.

The HSCA's "interview with J. Walton Moore and its review

of the CIA files of J. Walton Moore and George DeMohrenschildt
show no evidence that he had ever been an American intelligence
agent. In this regard, the Committee noted that from 1959 to 1963,
upon returning from trips abroad, as many as 25,000 Americans
annually provided information to the Domestic Contacts Division on
a non-clandestine basis. Such acts of cooperation should not be
confused with an Agency relationship." A CIA document noted: "J.
Walton Moore was involved in the Agency's effort to support the
Warren Commission during its investigations." [CIA 1634-1085-88]
On August 13, 1958, the Chief, Domestic Contacts Division received
an interoffice memorandum from the Chief, Personnel Security
Division, Office of Security about DeMohrenschildt. The Office of
Security determined that:

Certain information has been received which your

division will wish to consider in determining the extent
and level of your use of Subject. W.M. Knott, Chief,
Personnel Security Division. DISAPPROVED-U. This
category is assigned by index for Headquarters use
only. The Field Chief determines the classified
disclosure level. Subject was investigated by Federal
Agencies in 1941, 1942, 1945, 1947 and 1957. The
investigation reports as well as the file of other
Federal Agencies reflect the following: Between 1940
and 1942 Subject was considered to be pro-German


and suspected of being a German propagandist and

an espionage agent. EYES ONLY.

In 1960 George DeMohrenschildt visited Ghana, which was

governed by the leftist President Khwame Nkrumah. George
DeMohrenschildt posed as a wealthy stamp collector representing a
Swedish firm. He had visited Ghana shortly after leaving
Yugoslavia. [WC Voshinin Deposition]. The Warren Commission
and the HSCA studied all Government records on George
DeMohrenschildt, yet it never uncovered any International
Cooperation Administration records or reports. The only reports
about his trip were originated by the CIA. The HSCA interviewed J.
Walton Moore, yet this interview was not mentioned in the text of the
report nor has it been released as of 1994. DeMohrenschildt said
that J. Walton Moore, an FBI agent, told him Oswald was alright.
Did he mean James Hosty?
In June 1960 George DeMohrenschildt and his wife, Jeanne,
set out on a walking trip through Central America. The Warren
Report: "In 1960, after his daughter's death, he and his wife made
an eight-month hike from the United States-Mexican border to
Panama, over primitive jungle trails. By happenstance, they were in
Guatemala City at the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion." [WR p283]
In 1976 George commented: "The original plans were to walk all the
way to the tip of South America, however we did not make it
because the mule we were taking with us on the trip could not pass
the Panama Canal." George DeMohrenschildt played some role in
the Bay of Pigs. He had a personal interest in overthrowing Fidel
Castro, since he had a lease which gave him Cuban drilling rights
which was invalidated by Fidel Castro. George DeMohrenschildt
testified to the Warren Commission that he encountered Cuban
exiles, but did not know who they were. This was strange. The camp
had no access roads and was "a self-contained city with 100
kilometers of private roads running through 5,000 acres...the
nearest habitation was the remote village of San Felipe...the entire
plantation was heavily guarded, so there was little chance that any
curious outsider would stumble onto the exile camp, or penetrate its
secrets." [Ross & Wise Inv. Gov. p25] George DeMohrenschildt
claimed he encountered these men on the streets of Guatemala City
- the exiles were not allowed off the remote base. In April 1961
George DeMohrenschildt was in Guatemala City. DeMohrenschildt
left a few days after the Bay of Pigs for Panama, where he spoke


with United States Ambassador Joseph Simpson Farland. Joseph

Simpson Farland was a S.A. of the FBI from 1942 to 1944, then he
joined Naval Intelligence. Joseph Farland was in the Dominican
Republic from 1957 to 1960. He was named Ambassador to
Panama in 1960. Joseph Farland was in Pakistan from 1969 to
1972 and in Iran from 1972 to 1973. He was listed in Who's Who in
the CIA. In October 1962 George DeMohrenschildt wrote the Under
Secretary of State in Washington, D.C., and offered to submit a
"travelogue" which he prepared following his visit to the Bay of Pigs
training camp. According to George DeMohrenschildt, he was about
to send it to England and France and had been told by his
European friends that they might send his typescript to the USSR,
"where there is a great demand for travelogues and adventure
stories." [CIA 431-154B]
George DeMohrenschildt knew Oswald from January 1962
to June 1962. The HSCA commented, "George DeMohrenschildt
was an enigmatic man - a geologist-businessman who befriended
Oswald in Texas in 1962, thus causing considerable speculation
based on the contrasting backgrounds of the two men. George
DeMohrenschildt was sophisticated and well educated, a man who
moved easily among wealthy Texas oil men and a circle of Dallas
White Russians, many of whom were avowed conservatives.
Oswald, because of his background and his Marxist ideological
positions, was shunned by most of the people George
DeMohrenschildt counted among his friends."
George DeMohrenschildt introduced Oswald to Mrs. H.E.
Bruton, the wife of Admiral H.E. Bruton. Before he retired, H.E.
Bruton had been Chief of Naval Communications and Navy Chief
Counsel. Phil Wienert recalled:

My wife and I spent an afternoon in the Bruton's

Dallas suburban home talking to Oswald in July
1962. First Oswald’s wife and baby showed up, then
Oswald. Mrs. Bruton and the DeMohrenschildts were
present. The DeMohrenschildts were friends of the
Brutons. Admiral Bruton was in France as a sales
representative for Collins. [Collins radio had CIA
classified contractual relationships -CIA OLC
#78,2100/1] I was an active army captain on active


duty at that time on my way to my next assignment. I

had known Mrs. Bruton all my life. Oswald was very
closed mouth. No Marxist-Leninist rhetoric. He didn't
talk about much of anything. I'd been given a heads-
up by Mrs. Bruton as to what his background was. I
avoided baiting him. Mrs. Bruton knew he was a
defector before George DeMohrenschildt- who had
just returned from his walking trip - brought him over.
Oswald was described as an unfortunate guy, a
Marine who had gotten off the track in Russia. This
was how Mrs. Bruton portrayed him. There would be
no other source for this other than DeMohrenschildt. I
pegged him as not a very smart guy, very non-
committal. No suspicion he might be a spy, in
retrospect one could suspect almost anything. His
wife and child were in the back room because of an
estrangement between the two. Mrs. Bruton told me
that George DeMohrenschildt had gotten him a job
and, in a sense, had become his patron.
George DeMohrenschildt knew Clint Murchison, who was a
friend of J. Edgar Hoover. Three States Oil and Gas was one of
Clint Murchison's oil companies. Lehman Trading was the parent
company of Three States Oil and Gas. Lehman Trading was owned
by a Director of United Fruit. [9WH202; Robert Lehman Trag. of
United Fruit Crown NY 1976 pp. 118-19] Clint Murchison was
friendly with John J. McCloy. According to researcher Tony
Summers, Clint Murchison funded the anti-Semitic press and was
the primary source of funds for American Nazi Party founder George
Lincoln Rockwell. George DeMohrenschildt also knew H.L. Hunt,
who funded numerous anti-Semitic groups. Clint Murchison's son,
Clint Murchison Jr., allegedly established financial ties with Carlos
Marcello. [Summers Secret Life JEH pp. 181, 223]


George DeMohrenschildt was acquainted with Richard
Helm's associate, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, the Shah of Iran. In
1953 Richard Helms organized and directed the coup which
overthrew Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadegh and restored the
Shah to his throne. Mohammed Mossadegh had ties to the


Communist Party of Iran and the CIA believed the Russians might
seize the oil reserves of Iran. Richard Helms, Tom Braden and other
CIA men parachuted into Iran and Mohammed Mossadegh was
George DeMohrenschildt was acquainted with William
Russell Grace Sr., Chairman of Grace Lines. When Richard Helms
wanted an independent audit of the finances of the CIA, he chose
William Grace Sr. Robert C. Hill, a former President of W.R. Grace,
was linked in Senate testimony to PB SUCCESS. Robert C. Hill, a
CIA officer and Ambassador to Argentina before joining the board of
W.R. Grace, was also a Director of United Fruit. William Grace Sr.'s
son, J. Peter Grace, was on the board of directors of the American
Institute for Free Labor Development. Philip Agee wrote that the
American Institute for Free Labor Development was founded to
expand CIA labor operations in Latin America, and its funding came
from the Agency for International Development. The board of
directors of the American Institute for Free Labor Development
included a director of the Rockefeller Foundation and a former
director of the Free Cuba Committee. J. Peter Grace helped Nazi
war criminal Otto Ambros enter the United States. [Lovestone
Nation 1.16.67; 7.5.65; Facts on File 1974; transcript News Closeup
ABC-TV 1.16.80 cited in Covert Action #25; Village Voice 4.12.83 -
Joe Conason] The senior vice president of W.R. Grace was Cuban
exile leader Anthony Navarro.
George DeMohrenschildt knew the mother of Jacqueline
Kennedy, Mrs. John V. Bouvier, since 1938. After the assassination
of President Kennedy DeMohrenschildt wrote her a letter about his
relationship with Oswald. [CIA 922-396d] John Manley wrote:

In 1945 I was attached to the OSS and met my ex-

wife, Jacque Manners through her brother, OSS
Colonel John Manners, who served under Colonel
Obolensky in Norway. In 1951 John Manners was
shot in the head under mysterious circumstances and
was paralyzed on his right side. George
DeMohrenschildt was introduced to Colonel Serge
Obolensky by Mrs. John Bouvier, in the mid-1950's.

George DeMohrenschildt stated that after he testified before

the Warren Commission, he visited with Mrs. Bouvier who had

become Mrs. Hugh Auchincloss: "This luxurious home was located

in Georgetown and Auchincloss' money originated because of some
association of Hugh's family with John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
Eventually, we had to talk sadly about the assassination. Allan [sic]
Dulles was there also, and he asked me a few astute questions
about Lee." [Johnson Lee and Marina p222; HSCA V12 p225]
George DeMohrenschildt knew Admirals, Texas oil men, Shahs,
shipping magnates, the family of America's First Lady - all anti-
Communists. Why was Oswald the only communist he associated
with? What did he see in Oswald? Why was Oswald being
introduced to George DeMohrenschildt's social circle?
During his testimony before the Warren Commission,
George DeMohrenschildt told Albert Jenner he had visited Tito and
Conchita Harper on their ranch straddling the U.S./Mexican border.
On July 3, 1972, The New York Times reported that Federal officials
arrested nine men in Texas and Louisiana on charges of conspiring
to smuggle munitions to Mexico. Among those arrested were
Richmond C. Harper, 48, the brother of Tito Harper, a rancher and
Director of the Frontier State Bank of Eagle Pass, Texas, and
Marion Hagler, a former Inspector with the Immigration and
Naturalization Service. Murray Kessler and Alder B. Seal were also
arrested. Kessler, who was a house guest at the Harper ranch last
June, had a record of six convictions in Federal and state courts on
charges of interstate theft, transporting stolen property, bookmaking
and conspiracy to possess heroin. Federal authorities described him
as an associate of the Gambino organized-crime family. The buy
was made by Customs Agent CESAR DIOSDADO: The CIA
FOR CHIEF LEOB September 1, 1967

1. During the interrogation of Jose Ricardo Rabel

Nunez, Cuban prisoner and alleged CIA agent, by
members of LASO and the newsmen present early in
August 1967 in Havana, Cuba, he advised that upon
his arrival in the United States from Cuba he was met
by a group of U. S. officials and that he knew the
names of but two of these individuals - James
McGarran (phonetic) aka "Joaquin" and one
Diosdado. The latter was believed by Nunez to be a
Mexican and a Immigration official in Key West also.
When asked by the Cuban Security Officer if he

meant Cesar Diosdado Nunez replied in the

affirmative and added that Diosdado is supposedly
the Immigration official who really does the recruiting
for the Central Intelligence Agency.
2. Cesar Diosdado, the Subject of files #276 656 and
#32 469, who was born on August 16, 1921, in
Laredo, Texas, and had been employed by the
Customs Bureau, Treasury Department, since 1951,
and is presently resident Customs Agent-in-Charge,
Key West, Florida. Diosdado has been of interest to
this Agency since 1961 and his last Liaison
Clearance was approved on March 2, 1967, for use
on JMWAVE Project in Miami, Florida. Prior to his
clearance an investigation conducted on the Subject
proved to be clear.

3. In April 1966 Diosdado was under investigation

relative to allegations made against his mental
stability and a charge that threats had been made on
his life by the Cuban community in Florida. At this
time Subjects salary was being paid by Wave
Station. Subject is described as a controversial
individual who has antagonized several of his fellow
employees because of his brusque manner and
attitude although he was doing an excellent job for
WAVE. An investigation conducted by the Treasury
Department on the above charges disclosed that they
resulted from immaturity on the part of several
individuals under the supervision of Diosdado and
had no basis in fact.

4. The threat on Diosdado's life was made after the

seizure of an automatic gun found concealed on a
boat in Key West during July 1965 and a subsequent
allegation was made that he had planted the weapon
in the vessel. Diosdado had advised two of his
agents to advise the agent who had made the
allegation against Diosdado that he should be
careful, to watch out and to stop spreading lies. It
was the opinion of the investigating officers the
Diosdado meant that his agent should be careful of
Cuban nationals who might harm Customs agents in


that area and he was not found to be unstable


5. In January 1967 another complaint was received

from a Confidential Informant by the Internal
Revenue Service on Diosdado's alleged sale of guns
to a group of individuals planning an invasion of Haiti
as well as his participation in a raid in which the
persons were arrested by the U.S. Customs agents
and the Miami County Deputy Sheriff on January 1,
1967. Informant claimed that Diosdado had been
selling guns to persons and groups since 1957, and
that he had sold arms to Castro prior to Castro's
taking over Cuba, as well as getting individuals in
and out of Cuba for a price. Moreover the informant
advised that Diosdado was known to the FBI who
have a file on the Subject but who do not interfere
with his activities since the FBI believes he is acting
for the CIA.

6. As a result of the above allegations by the

Confidential Informant the Deputy Director, Internal
Security, Internal Revenue Service, was apprized of
this Agency's operational interest in Diosdado and no
action was taken on the allegations. The Deputy
Director advised that he would inform his
representatives in Miami that the complaint had been
channeled properly and that he should not undertake
any investigation of such charges.

7. Western Hemisphere officials were informed of the

allegations made against Diosdado and they in turn
spoke in glowing terms of the great service
performed by Subject for this Agency in his particular
area, and it is their opinion that his activities are part
of his work in behalf of its Project.

8. Upon inquiry of the Security Officer/Western

Hemisphere it was learned that the LASO
Conference and resultant publicity is being followed
closely by that Office. (Deleted).

A "United States Government Memorandum File Alien

Affairs Officer Subject Cesar Diosdado February 23, 1967" stated:

On February 13, 1967, Larry Flushman, Deputy

Commissioner, U.S. Customs Service, made
available a copy of a letter written by Inspector John
F. McKenna, Internal Revenue Service, Miami,
Florida, and received by William F. McCarthy,
Director of the Internal Security Division, wherein it
was alleged Subject was engaged in selling arms to
persons involved in aborted Haitian revolution...Mr.
Flushman reported he was not going to take and
action in this matter as Diosdado's salary is being
reimbursed to the Customs by CIA. Diosdado also
has been the Subject of many such complaints and
previous investigations have disproved such
allegations...On February 13, 1967, Howard J.
Osborn, Director of Security, was briefed on the
allegations made against Diosdado at which time he
recommended the viewpoint of the Western
Hemisphere Division be solicited prior to attempting
any action in this matter. He also suggested that
Office of the General Counsel be briefed on this
matter because of its relationship to Rolando
Masferrer Rojas case involving his part in the aborted
Haitian revolution...

On February 14, 1967, Mr. Meredith Flook, OS/AAS,

met with John Dimmer, Chief of Base WAVE Donald C.
Maurelius WH/EXO, and Richard Hannah, WH/SO, at which
time Mr. Dimmer spoke in glowing terms of Subject's
contribution to the Agency. Since there had been numerous
complaints against Subject in past and they had been
handled locally in the WAVE area, Mr. Dimmer suggested
that Mr. Flushman be requested to return the matter to the
Key West area for investigation and that OS/AAS assure IRS
and FBI that this would be accomplished to their satisfaction.
On February 14, 1967, William Cregar, FBI liaison, was
requested to advise IRS to refer all queries concerning
Subject to this Agency. The FBI will take no further action in
this matter. On February 15, 1967 John Olds, Deputy
Director, Internal Security Division, was contacted at his
office IRS Building [in D.C.} at which time he agreed IRS
would take no further action in this matter. They would
advise John F. McKenna, IRS Miami, Florida, not to pursue
any further action in this matter, and that if he receives any


additional information it will be transmitted to IRS

Headquarters for transmittal to U.S. Customs and this

On February 16, 1967 at a meeting with Mr.

Flushman, he was advised of the resolution of the problem
and he stated he was taking no further action in this matter.
Mr. Flushman further related that when Subject’s services
will no longer be required by this Agency, he intends to
continue to use the subject in the Key West area. Mr.
Osborn was so advised of the above information.

[CIA Alien Affairs Officer 2.23.67 Louis Wienckowski; CIA

Memo For Chief LEOB from Deleted 9.1.67]

Hemming told this researcher in 1994: "Diosdado worked for

JMWAVE from January 1960, when it started."
During a preliminary hearing on the case Diosdado said that
he had been summoned to Mexico on May 26, 1972, by the Federal
Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs and told by Arthur
Sedillo, a special agent of the Bureau, to investigate a group of gun
smugglers. Diosdado said that Sedillo had told him that "this group
had approximately 10,000 assorted weapons and they were asking
or they were trying to trade the weapons for 25 kilos of heroin. He
said that he arranged with Mr. Hagler to meet Mr. Harper on May
30, 1972, at the Eagle Hotel in Eagle Pass. Diosdado then placed
his initial order: 3,500 to 4,500 M-1 rifles, with 500 rounds of
ammunition for each weapon. "At that time Mr. Diosdado testified:
'Mr. Harper asked me as to what was the final destination of the
weapons I was intending to purchase. I told him that was my
business, it was nobody else's business but my own.' Mr. Harper
then put Mr. Diosdado in touch with Kessler, who invited him to visit
a tool company in Newark. After touring the premises, they entered
a door at the east end of the warehouse which was partitioned off
from the rest of the building. Mr. Diosdado testified that there was
"numerous tooling machinery there, all green in color. Kessler
stated that these were the machines, the tooling equipment that
they were using to manufacture their own weapons, made the spare
parts for the same." Diosdado produced the 25 pounds of heroin
which was judged to be defective by the Harper/Kessler group.
Now, they wanted cash and Diosdado wanted explosives. To cover
the cost of the transaction, Mr. Pollack of the Brooklyn Strike Force

deposited $1-million in cash in $100 bills in a safe-deposit box at

Chase Manhattan Bank branch in New York City. Another $1-million
in cash was placed in a deposit box in San Antonio. Two other
Customs agents flew to Shreveport to verify delivery and loading of
the explosives on a DC-4 as planned, before Diosdado was to pay
off Kessler in New Orleans. The agents seized the plane at
Shreveport where it was to have embarked for Mexico, Diosdado
testified. Harper was described as the catalyst and middle-man in
the weapons for heroin deal." [NYT 11.11.72] The DC-4 aircraft that
was seized contained 15,000 pounds of plastic explosives, 2,600
electrical blasting caps, 7,000 feet of cord and 25 electrical

PETER BREWTON quoted Adler Berriman Seal: "The

request for arms and ammunition was brought across the border to
a rancher/banker by the name of Richmond Harper...who had very
deep White House ties." During a trial in Las Vegas ten years later,
Berriman Seal testified that the explosives were for CIA-trained anti-
Castro Cubans. Peter Brewton reported that the New Orleans U.S.
Attorney's Office believed Richmond C. Harper was under the
impression that the weapons would be used by anti-Castro forces.
Brewton reported that Richmond C. Harper was an associate of
alleged Carlos Marcello front man, Herman Beebe. The case
against Richmond Harper and his codefendants was dismissed.
According to Peter Dale Scott, a few years later, Richmond Harper
became addicted to heroin and died under mysterious
circumstances in Mexico City. Brewton reported that Berriman Seal
was murdered in the parking lot of a Baton Rouge halfway house in
February 1986. [Johnson Lee & Marina p220; NYT 7.3.72; Brewton
Mafia, CIA, Bush Shapolsky Publishers NY 1992 pp. 156-158, p102;
NYT 7.3.72, 5.22.73; DeMohrenschildt- Schlumberger CIA 1241-


MYLES AMBROSE, was born in New York City on July 21, 1926.
He was of Irish descent. He was a former prosecutor and defense
attorney who was appoint head of the Waterfront Commission for
New York Harbor. From 1957 to 1960 Myles Ambrose had been a
Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury; he was named
Commissioner of Customs in June 1969. Myles Ambrose
masterminded OPERATION INTERCEPT, which cut off the supply
of Mexican marijuana. In this capacity he worked with Egil Krogh
and Gordon Liddy. G. Gordon Liddy, a member of the Presidential
Narcotics Marijuana Task Force, had several CIA clearances and
was briefed by the CIA in August 1971 and February 1972. [FBI
WFO 139-166 2 059; CIA FOIA #2146-12] Nixon named Myles
Ambrose head of the newly created Drug Enforcement Office in
January 1972 which later became the Drug Enforcement
United States Customs Commissioner Miles Ambrose resigned in
May 1973 when The New York Times revealed he visited the
Richmond Harper Ranch in December 1971.

Mr. Ambrose later acknowledged that William

Hughes, the customs agent in charge of the San
Antonio office, had told him after the two day visit,
that he had warned him not to make the visit because
Mr. Harper had a bad reputation. The warning was
confirmed by other Federal officials, but Mr. Ambrose
said he had no recollection of the warning. After the

visit, Ambrose said, he discovered that Mr. Harper

had been the defendant in a civil suit involving
mislabeling as dog food, food that was intended for
humans, and shipped over the border from Mexico to
the United States. Ambrose would not give the New
York Times a reason for his resignation. Charles
Colson told Senator Lowell Weicker that "Ambrose
would set up the CIA in the Drug Enforcement
Administration. He said there were certain mafia
figures who had cordial relations with Ambrose." [75-
640-CR-PF-USDC SD FLA Def. Ex. 4]

In January 1963 George DeMohrenschildt brought Oswald to

a Russian Christmas party at the home of Declan Ford. After the
assassination, "Dr. Paul Reichertz, the Director of Socony Mobil
Research Laboratory at Duncanville, Texas," advised the Domestic
Contacts Division "that members of his staff had attended some
social or discussion group in January 1963 at which Lee Harvey
Oswald was present. I called the FBI and they said they would send
somebody out to talk to Dr. Reichertz. I made no effort to follow up
on the matter with Reichertz since I felt it was none of my business,
but during a visit with Maryann Duggan, the Socony Mobil Research
Lab Librarian, and a good contact of mine for many years, she
advised that she had heard that George DeMohrenschildt had
befriended Oswald after his arrival in Dallas and had introduced him
to a study group." [CIA 1630-1083]

The DeMohrenschildts had held a dinner party for Oswald on

February 13, 1963. There were two other guests at this party: the
son of a Director of Radio Free Europe (Radio Free Europe was
"originally owned and operated by the CIA and provided both
facilities and 'cover'...for the Agency.") [ RR p218] Everett Glover
and VOLKMAR SCHMIDT, a geologist who worked for Standard
Oil. During World War II, Volkmar Schmidt lived in Germany and
was an assistant to a psychiatrist. Mentally ill and mentally deficient
people were exterminated by the Nazis. Did Volkmar Schmidt
conduct experiments on his patients? Edward Epstein reported
Volkmar Schmidt worked for Dr. Wilhelm Kuetumeyer who,
according to Volkmar Schmidt, "had been experimenting on a group
of schizoids during World War II." [Epstein, Legend f.n. p647]
Oswald reportedly described Volkmar Schmidt as a fascist.
[Johnson, Lee and Marina p321]

After having lived under Soviet rule for almost two and one-
half years Oswald may have adopted the ideology of Nazism.
George DeMohrenschildt gave him a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf to
re-read - he had already read it in the Marines. The CIA reported in
regard to Marina Oswald's Notes on Poetry Notebook:

The most interesting thing of note is, on the last page

of the notebook, the inscription "Shil'kgruber, Adol.f
(G.)." obviously meaning Adolf Schickelgruber - Adolf
Hitler." [Mementos Notes On Poetry Notebook CIA]

George DeMohrenschildt claimed that he and Oswald were anti-

Nazi and anti-racist. In his unpublished manuscript, I Am a Patsy,
written in the early 1970's, he professed that much of his
conversation with Oswald revolved around civil rights issues:

Lee was indeed all wrapped up in his work, books,

his ideas on the equality of all people, especially of
all races; it was strange for a boy from a poor white
family from New Orleans and Texas, purely Anglo, to
be so profoundly anti-racist. 'Segregation in any form,
social or economic, is one of the most repulsive facts
of American life,' he often told me. He also said: 'I
would be willing anytime to fight these fascistic
segregationists - and to die for my black
brothers.'...In this he was so different, and so noble,
compared with the Southerners and rednecks, whose
segregationism stems from their fear of the blacks, of
their strength and of the possibility of their
prominence in every field of endeavor. Education for
the Blacks was anathema for them, while Lee was
fullheartedly for it. He loved black children and
admired their cute, outgoing ways. Lee despised the
reactionary groups, the white supremacists, the so-
called hate groups and did not hide his feelings...Of
course he greatly admired Dr. Martin Luther King and
agreed with his program. I just mention it here, but he
frequently talked of Dr. King with a real reverence.

In I Am A Patsy DeMohrenschildt wrote that Oswald

predicted a coup d'etat in America: "Lee thought someday there
would be a coup d'etat in this country..." In another part of the book
he wrote: "Hope and religion are a peculiar mixture. They make lots
of people happy, but they also made the Jewish people go to gas

chambers singing Hebrew songs, instead of fighting the Nazis." By

having associated Oswald with the civil rights struggle, George
DeMohrenschildt discredited it. Note the use of words like
"profoundly," "noble," "the possibility," and "so-called." There was
more than a hint of sarcasm here. The construction of this sentence:
"Education for the blacks was anathema for them [for blacks?],
while Lee was fullheartedly [foolheartedly] for it," was curious. The
"cute outgoing ways" of black children was a racial stereotype. Of
course Oswald admired the non-violent ways of Martin Luther King -
that was why he had a Derringer handgun, a Mannlicher-Carcano
rifle and a Smith & Wesson .38 handgun. Volkmar Schmidt had his
roommate, Everett Glover, throw a party for the OswaldS, "one of
the purposes of which was to permit his friends, many of whom
were studying Russian, to meet the OswaldS." The
DeMohrenschildts were to leave Dallas for Haiti in a few months,
and were attempting to integrate Lee and Marina Oswald into
Dallas' White Russian community.
In April 1963 Clement Barbot, a political rival of "Papa Doc"
Duvalier who had been recently released from prison, planned to
kidnap the children of "Papa Doc" Duvalier, who were to be held as
hostages until he resigned and left Haiti. The kidnapping attempt
failed, and "Papa Doc" immediately had six people executed -
merely on suspicion that they had been involved in the coup
attempt. In the search for Clement Barbot which followed, "Papa
Doc" Duvalier had every black dog in Haiti shot when it was
rumored Clement Barbot could turn himself into a black dog. George
DeMohrenschildt told the Warren Commission that he left Dallas in
May 1963 and traveled to New York, Philadelphia, and Washington,
D.C., before arriving in Haiti in June. He acknowledged that while in
Washington, he was preparing for a project involving "Papa Doc"
Duvalier, but gave no further details.
Another CIA document read: "On April 29, 1963, the Office
of Security furnished (deleted) DODS a thermofaxed copy of the
1958 OO/C summary referred to above. (Deleted) case officer, had
requested an expedite check of George DeMohrenschildt for
reasons unknown to the Office of Security." [CIA 431-154B] Jerrold
Brown of the CIA commented:


It may or may not be of interest that on April 29,

1963, the Office of Security provided (deleted),
Domestic Operation Divisions, a copy of a 1958
summary of the case of George DeMohrenschildt
(#775). Gale Allen, then a DODS case officer had
requested an expedite check of George
DeMohrenschildt, 'exact reasons unknown.'
Apparently, Gale Allen's initial request was initiated through
(deleted) Domestic Operations Division, on April 26, 1963. In late
1963 and early 1964 DeMohrenschildt received extensive attention
in the investigation of the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy. DeMohrenschildt was a close associate of Lee Harvey
Oswald in Dallas. Office of Security information is minimal
concerning their association, but DeMohrenschildt is mentioned
extensively in the Warren Commission Hearings and his testimony
and the testimony of his wife, encompasses one of the longer
testimonies in the Hearings. The testimonies reveal that the
DeMohrenschildts did not associate with Lee Harvey Oswald after
April 19, 1963, when they left Dallas for a trip to New York,
Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. returning to Dallas for two days
near the end of May 1963 and then traveling to Haiti where they
were located on November 22, 1963. There is no information in the
testimonies as to what the DeMohrenschildts were doing, or with
whom they had contact, during the period April 19, 1963, to late May
1963. It is interesting that Gale Allen's interest in DeMohrenschildt
coincided with the earlier portion of this trip and the information
would suggest that possibly Gale Allen and George
DeMohrenschildt were possibly in the same environment in
Washington, D.C., circa April 26, 1963." [CIA Memo 12.30.74
Jerrold G. Brown Security Analysis Group -highly deleted]


On April 29, 1963, a Contact Report from the Chief/DO/COEO to the
DO/COEO stated:

1. WUBRINY/1 telephoned the sterile line at

approximately 5:00 p.m. to report on a meeting held
this afternoon as described below.

2. WUBRINY/1 said that Mr. Clemard Joseph

Charles, subject of earlier contact reports, bought to
the WUSALINE office George DeMorhenschidt.


3. Mr. DeMohrenschildt is the son of a Swedish

father who was in Baku on a Nobel Enterprise at the
time DeMohrenschildt was born. Left Baku at age
two. He has had two wives...In 1960
DeMohrenschildt spent a year in Mexico with his wife
and child and a donkey and is publishing a book on
this titled something like 'Trois et le Mule.'

4. WUBRINY/1says that DeMohrenschildt is a

geologist who is presently involved in exploring
Haiti's mineral resources. This has been written up in
Le Monteur of March 13, 1963, the official issuance
of the Haitian Government. WUBRINY/1 has a copy
of this in the event it is not available in Kubark.
According to this article, a $280,000 survey has been
awarded to DeMohrenschildt plus a ten year option of
a concession on sisal.

5. DeMohrenschildt claims that he has done

geological work for the Meek Company in offshore
oil, the Arabian Peninsula, and mentioning this
(deleted) says DeMohrenschildt looked around the
room and over his shoulder and said, 'My connection
with this is, of course, confidential.'

6. WUBRINY/1 reports that deM claims to be an

important person in Port-au-Prince and said that he
did not go to the President to gain the concession,
but instead worked through the Minister of Finance,
Herve Boyer. DeM claims to be very close to this
Minister and says that he is likely to survive any
changes in the regime.

7. WUBRINY/1 characterized DeMohrenschildt as

being a typical international financier and wheeler-
dealer who apparently shared with M. Chari various
business interests including a bank and sisal
10. WUBRINY/1 said that both men showed an
element of bluff in their presentations and they spoke
depreciatingly of the President but spoke glowingly of
the investment possibilities in Haiti. C. Frank Stone III




On May 21, 1963 WUBRINY/1 telephoned Stone and reported:

Mr. DeM dropped into the [deleted] SALINE offices

this afternoon. He said that Mr. Charles has returned
to Haiti and is being seriously considered as the next
President. DeM said Charles is receiving
considerable support and in his opinion would make
an excellent President of Haiti as soon as Duvalier
can be gotten out.


1. On April 29, 1963 Dorothe Matlack, Domestic
Exploitation Section ACSI Army telephoned to the
effect that Charles had left Haiti six days earlier and
had just arrived in New York. A friend of Charles,
named Joseph Dryer, West Palm Beach, Florida, had
written to General Delmar, former CO Antilles
Command recommending Charles as a man of great
interest to the U.S. Government in view of the events
in Haiti. Charles was described as President of the
Bank Commerciale, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, who is in
President Duvalier's favor. Mrs. Matlack mentioned
that she had already alerted Col. Sam Kail in Miami
to contact Dryer in order to obtain more background
information and an assessment on Charles.

2. On May 1, 1963, Mrs. Matlack advised that

Charles was staying at the Park Sheraton Hotel, New
York, and that he had telephoned her since her name
had been supplied to him by Dryer. Charles
considered her to be his point of contact in
Washington. According to Mrs. Matlack he had
appointment to see Vice President Johnson, Senator
Keating and Congressman Rogers Florida. However
Charles was willing to talk to representatives of Mrs.
Matlack's office (Illegible) Matlack stated that the
Haitian Desk man at ACSI was was ready to go to
New York to talk to Charles and invited CIA to
accompany him. Charles speaks very little English

and a fluency in French, was therefore assigned for

the interview. Mrs. Matlack stated that she might be
able to a linguist from First Army Governor’s Island
but he would not be an intelligence officer. It was
decided that James Belog, New York Office, who has
a knowledge of the French language could
accompany ACSI representative under Army cover. It
was also arranged that Balog would meet the ACSI
representative (Captain Rogers) at the Park Sheraton
Hotel where Charles was staying.

3. On May 2, 1963, Mrs. Matlack reported that

Colonel Kail had interviewed Mr. Dryer in West Palm
Beach. Dryer had appointed Charles the Director of
his bank in Haiti. Charles, according to Dryer,
formerly had no political ambitions but in view of the
current political situation in Haiti, Charles now thinks
that he may someday be president. Dryer described
Charles as well connected politically and financially
on both side of the fence in Haiti. He is also a good
friend of President Duvalier. Dryer had given Charles
letters of introduction to Senator Keating and other
officials in Washington. Charles wanted to see
President Kennedy and indeed had gone to the
White House to arrange for an appointment. He was
well received by the President’s appointment
secretary and invited to dinner that evening with the
appointment secretary. Through a misunderstanding,
however, Charles did not attend the dinner but went
to New York instead.

5. On May 3, 1963, Jim Balog telephoned to advise

that he had had a five hour session the previous day
with Charles and that he had obtained both
personality data and views by Charles on what the
United States should do in the current Haitian
situation. Balog advised that he was transmitting the
information to Washington. Upon arrival, copies of
the teletypes were transmitted to ACSI (Mrs.
Matlack), Western Hemisphere Division, and the
Latin American Branch.
Joseph F. Dryer stated during a telephone interview: "It was
Clemard Joseph Charles' bank. He wanted to make me a director of

his bank, but I declined. Clemard Joseph Charles had very definite
political connections in Haiti. He had political aspirations, but he was
being very careful because he could have lost his life, if 'Papa Doc'
had known what he really wanted to do. He saw himself as a self-
made Haitian businessman. He considered himself honest."


Jim Balog wrote:

Charles expressed hope that President Kennedy and

other high U.S. Government officials will give him an
opportunity to present his plan to save Haiti from
'Duvalier and Communism.' He plans to visit his
friend and American business partner, Joseph F.
Dryer, in Tampa and hopes that an audience with
high U.S. Government officials could be arranged
after the weekend 'most discreetly.' Utmost caution
imperative in this regard since "Papa Doc" Duvalier
would kill his family if he learned about Charles'
cooperation with U.S. After the four hour interview
Charles insisted that we meet his good friend and
business partner, DeMohrenschildt. He told us that
he has absolute confidence in the honesty and ability
of Charles whom he considers a potential leader in a
Democratic Haiti. Charles' great advantage is that he
has never been tied up with any political party."
[NARA 1993.07.31.11:51:57:280047]
Charles would eventually ask to meet with these officials
without DeMohrenschildt being present. Joseph F. Dryer
commented, "It's Palm Beach, not Tampa. We used his bank and he
was a director of our company in Haiti." The NY CIA reported:
1. On May 6, 1963 we had a private conversation
lasting about an hour with Clemard Charles. He told
us from now on if possible he preferred to deal with
U.S. Government officials without his friend and
business partner, DeMohrenschildt. He realizes that
any indiscretion (this is, if Duvalier learned about his
contact with U.S. Government may cost his wife's life
who is still in Port-au-Prince.) Charles was in a fine
frame of mind having just received a promise from

Jerry W. Johnston, assistant Vice President, the

Chase Manhattan for a million dollar loan which
Charles' bank hopes to use for construction of low-
cost housing in Haiti. The loan is dependent on two
conditions: return of political stability to Haiti and a
90% guarantee of the loan by the Agency for
International Development. The remaining 10%
would be guaranteed by Charles' Bank.

2. Vice President Johnston suggested that Charles

discuss the matter with Edmund Wise, Agency for
International Development, State Department.

3...He invited Balog to visit him in Port-au-Prince 'as

soon as Duvalier crisis is solved.'

[NARA 1993.07.3111:53:12:340047]

The document continued:

6. On May 6, 1963, Mayo Stuntz, Support Branch,

advised that Western Hemisphere Division wished to
speak to Charles and Balog was asked to arrange an
appointment. Mrs. Matlack telephoned at
approximately 1715 to advise that she had just
received a telephone call from Mrs. DeMohrenschildt
asking assistance in obtaining hotel reservations in
Washington. Upon being told that we had no special
means of obtaining reservations, Mrs. Matlack stated
that she would check with the State Department
Protocol Office to determine which hotels would
admit negro guests. Mrs. Matlack finally made
reservations at the Alba Towers. A check with Jim
Balog revealed that he had arranged for Charles to
meet with the Western Hemisphere representative in
the lobby of the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. at
12:00 p.m. on May 7, 1963. Attempts to reach Mrs.
Matlack that afternoon were unsuccessful. At 0630
May 7, 1963, a call was made to Mrs. Matlack to
confirm that Charles would be in Washington on that
day and that arrangements had been made for a
meeting with an Agency representative for 12:00
noon. Mrs. Matlack reported that both Mrs.
DeMohrenschildt and Charles had called her that

previous evening to confirm a 12 o'clock luncheon

appointment with her. Mrs. Matlack was concerned
that the CIA and Army should not be working at cross
purposes. She had received authorization from ACSI
to meet Charles at lunch and felt it would not be
polite for her to withdraw from her appointment since
Army considered her the point of contact with
Charles. Mayo Stuntz informed Western Hemisphere
Division of conflict and passed (deleted) suggestion
that the Western Hemisphere Division representative
might meet Charles and Mrs. Matlack at noon and
that Mrs. Matlack offered to withdraw shortly
thereafter. The Western Hemisphere representative
declined the offer and requested that a meeting later
in the afternoon be arranged. Mrs. Matlack believed
that due to conflicting instructions, she had been
placed in the middle in the situation from which she
could not graciously withdraw and requested that
someone accompany her.

7. I met Mrs. Matlack in the lobby of the Hotel Willard

shortly before noon, and a few minutes later, Mr.
Charles arrived accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
DeMohrenschildt. We lunched in the restaurant in the
hotel. Mr. DeMohrenschildt mentioned that he had
been born in Baku, Russia, but during the Bolshevik
Revolution had been taken to Poland as a small
child. He had spent approximately 20 years in Poland
prior to World War II, and had served in the Polish
Army. He also mentioned that he had been a
member of an International Cooperation
Administration team to Yugoslavia and while in
Belgrade he had met Gomulka who was visiting
Belgrade at the time. He had spoken to Gomulka and
was invited to visit Poland, which invitation he
accepted...DeMohrenschildt mentioned that he had
known (deleted) for some time and he is a partner
with him in a sisal business in Haiti.

8. Both Charles and DeMohrenschildt were anxious

to arrange meetings with government officials in
Washington. I mentioned to Charles that a meeting
had been arranged for him at 2:15 p.m. and that a


Mr. Green would meet him in the lobby. At 1410 Mrs.

Matlack, Mr. and Mrs. DeMohrenschildt and I
departed and Charles remained in the lobby waiting
for contact.

9. In the course of the luncheon conversation

Clemard Joseph Charles had mentioned to Mrs.
Matlack that he desired to see a Mr. Wise of the
Agency for International Development, to discuss
U.S. aid to Haiti. Later that afternoon, Mrs. Matlack
called to State and passed along Charles' request.
Mr. Zagorski had called her back to pass on the
Haitian Desk man's extreme displeasure that anyone
in the United States Government should be in official
contact with Clemard Joseph Charles. The desk man
considered Clemard Joseph Charles to be close to
the "Papa Doc" Duvalier Government, to have been
involved in several shady financial dealings, and in
general to be an undesirable character. Mrs. Matlack
asked whether the Agency had any interest in
Clemard Joseph Charles which would dictate further
contact with him.

10. Mayo Stuntz checked with Western Hemisphere

Division and determined that as a result of the
meeting with Clemard Joseph Charles, the (illegible)
Haitian desk had no further plans to contact him. I
told Mrs. Matlack that our interest seemed to have
been satisfied, and that I believed we should
disengage ourselves as gracefully as possible.

11. (Deleted) DD/P Coordinator, called on May 7,

1963, to inquire concerning our involvement in the
Charles case. He stated that ASCI had called him
earlier that day to assure him that ASCI had no direct
interest in Charles and that it was acting as an
intermediary at the request of General Delmar who
had passed the lead to General Fitch. ACSI was
concerned that due to the mix up in appointments to
see Charles, charges might later be made that ACSI
had interfered or had been in contact with Charles. I
explained to Mr. (Deleted) what had happened and
he later called back to state that ASCI was


completely satisfied in the way that matter had been

12. On May 8, 1963, Mrs. Matlack telephoned to
advise that the Operational Branch of ASCI was
discussing the Charles case with DD/P to determine
future course of action. She was still somewhat
concerned over her own position in the case as
Charles considered her to be the focal point in
Washington. I reiterated to her that the matter was
one for either the State Department or the
operational elements to handle and that we preferred
to disengage ourselves. Mrs. Matlack mentioned that
a dispatch had been received to the effect that a
cousin of Clemard Joseph Charles was prominently
mentioned as a successor to "Papa Doc" Duvalier,
should the latter be overthrown. She was of the
opinion that the U.S. Government should continue to
'play ball' with Clemard Joseph Charles as a future
asset in Haitian affairs. A.F. Czaikowski."
[NARA 1993.08.05.14:10:03:090007]
DOROTHE MATLACK, (born February 27, 1906; died
September 29, 1991), worked for the Chief of Staff of Army
Intelligence. In December 1960 she received liaison renewal in
connection with "defectors, escapees and refugees as they pertain
to the (deleted) chaired by CIA Defector Coordinator." [CIA Req.
Approv. Liaison 12.8.60] When the HSCA interviewed her about the
meeting, Dorothe Matlack "described Clemard Joseph Charles as
'frantic and frightened.' He urged Dorothe Matlack to get the U.S.
Marines to invade Haiti and overthrow Duvalier." [HSCA V12 p57]
Dorothe Matlack said she felt George DeMohrenschildt dominated
Clemard Joseph Charles in some way. Dorothe Matlack said that,
despite George DeMohrenschildt's subterfuge, that he and Clemard
Joseph Charles were in the jute business together, she did not
believe this to be the real reason for George DeMohrenschildt's
presence at that meeting: "I knew the Texan wasn't there to sell
hemp." The HSCA reported that the CIA maintained contact with
Clemard Joseph Charles after this meeting. Joseph F. Dryer
recalled George DeMohrenschildt's activities in Haiti in his testimony
before the HSCA:

I met him in Haiti. We were there as fiber growers. I

had been living in Cuba for ten years. When we saw


that was coming to an end we began looking for a

new base to multiply seed for our fiber. So we moved
simultaneously into Guatemala and Haiti. Our banker
was a man who I had met in Havana, during a trip he
made there to attract potential business to Haiti,
Clemard Joseph Charles. George DeMohrenschildt
was trying to become an advisor to Clemard Joseph
Charles and to his bank. George DeMohrenschildt
would follow Clemard Joseph Charles home at night
in his automobile. He was always very polite. I
believe he was looking into oil and mineral leases
there. Clemard Joseph Charles had political
aspirations at the time.

In the early 1950's Joseph F. Dryer had been involved with a

U.S. Government-sponsored plan to develop a jute substitute so
that Caribbean countries need not import it. He set up a jute
subsidiary operation in Cuba. Joseph Dryer reported that Clemard
Joseph Charles had many CIA connections, and believed the
Agency may have dispatched one of his secretaries. Clemard
Joseph Charles introduced Joseph F. Dryer to DeMohrenschildt,
who claimed he came to Haiti to scout for oil. Joseph Dryer: "I could
never figure out what he did." Joseph Dryer expressed the belief
that George DeMohrenschildt had "some intelligence connection."
According to Joseph Dryer, he, Clemard Joseph Charles and
George DeMohrenschildt were associated with Jacqueline
Lancelot, whose restaurant was frequented by many CIA agents
working out of the American Embassy. "She'd come from a fairly
well-to-do family. She seemed to have her own connections into the
Palace. She was very anti-Papa Doc. She was close personal friend
of Phillipe De Beaujolais, who was head of French Intelligence for
the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. I don't think she had any
connection to the CIA. Jacqueline did not like DeMohrenschildt..
She said. 'If I were you, I wouldn't be talking to that person.'"
According to the HSCA, Jacqueline Lancelot passed information to
the CIA, and gave Joseph F. Dryer messages for French
intelligence agents in the United States" Joseph Dryer said:
"Clemard Joseph Charles was sending messages that he was
someone who should be considered as possible Presidential


On May 9, 1963, the following Contact Report was

generated by the Chief/ DO/ COEO:

1. "(Deleted) called on the sterile line from

Washington at 1430 hours to discuss the subject
covered below. (3 para deleted)

3. (Deleted) said that he had encountered Mr.

Charles at the National Airport in Washington at 1920
just at the time he was reporting in to me at my
home. (Deleted) said that Charles was nattily
dressed in a gray silk suit and said he was on his
way to Chicago but had not said why. Charles was
accompanied by DeMohrenschildt. (Deleted) asked
Charles what in the world is going on now in Haiti
and Charles shrugged and said that he felt that they
would 'bring down Papa Doc.' No further details were
given and this was apparently a personal opinion
rather than something based on fact or knowledge.
On May 9, 1963, (Deleted) of Domestic Operations/HQT
replied to the Domestic Operations /COEO's request of April 26,
1963, requesting traces on DeMohrenschildt. Records Integration
Division files revealed several references to George
DeMohrenschildt including OSS File 13526 and a 201 file. Checks
were made at Western Hemisphere/Mexico, SR/6, and EE/Poland.
The report ended by suggesting "a check be made with OO/C
through (deleted) office." Another document stated
"DeMohrenschildt was of interest to CIA in 1958, at which time the
attached summary of information was furnished by Security (Tab

CLEMARD JOSEPH CHARLES was listed as a member of

"Papa Doc" Duvalier's Ton Ton Macoutes. [CIA FOIA 06773
11.16.67] Joseph F. Dryer: "I don't think he was. That would have
been a surprise to me and to the employees of my company who
knew him quite well, because I had one or two Ton Ton's Macoutes
working for us in the interior, and I think I would have known." In the
mid-1960's Clemard Joseph Charles was placed on the board of
directors of 14 major companies and received numerous
commendations from "Papa Doc" Duvalier. In May 1967 Clemard
Joseph Charles was in New York City, attempting to borrow money

on Government of Haiti bonds. [CIA 201-743323 Index Card] In late

1967 "Papa Doc" Duvalier had Clemard Joseph Charles thrown in
jail for plotting against him. That year the CIA described Clemard
Joseph Charles as "slippery, less than ordinary intelligence and
generally weak man who is a toady of the Duvaliers. Clemard
Joseph Charles made all his money through various manipulations
in conjunction with, or known to, Duvalier." Clemard Joseph Charles
was released in July 1968 after paying a $250,000 ransom. [NARA
1993.07.29.17:17:58:710028] Clemard Joseph Charles was jailed
again in April 1970 for having financed another coup attempt.
Clemard Joseph Charles had help from André Labay, later arrested
for drug trafficking. In 1979 Clemard Joseph Charles discussed the
ouster of "Papa Doc" Duvalier with Hemming’s associate, Mitch
Werbell. In the 1980's Clemard Joseph Charles laundered money
for Mario Renda, a leading mob money broker for failed savings-
and-loan banks, a number of them controlled by Herman Beebe,
who was an associate of Richmond Harper. [Scott, Deep Politics
Clemard Joseph Charles moved to the United States and
became a director of the St. Charles Pacific Peace Organization, a
non-profit company which filed to do business in 1988. Sturgis was
another officer of this organization. Hemming told this researcher:

Sam Benton and Sturgis set up a private

investigative thing in 1962. They had a little office off
of Brickell. This was paid for by Clemard Joseph
Charles, because "Papa Doc" Duvalier, like with
FRANK'S buddy, Vincent Hannard, had private
investigators spying on his enemies. They used the
INTERPEN thing as a name. Benton could lead
FIORINI into doing almost fucking anything.

Clemard Joseph Charles ran for President of Haiti in 1988,

but three days before the election, the Supreme Court of Haiti
disqualified him. [Brewton CIA, Mafia, Bush p195; interview with G.

Hunt worked at Domestic Operations Division in April and

May 1963 when the checks on DeMohrenschildt were being made
but what was significant here was that Oswald was in the company
of DeMohrenschildt, who was planning a coup. Oswald was also in


the company of others who were planning a coup - Hemming,


In May 1963 Washington lobbyist I. Irving Davidson, a licensed

arms dealer, visited Haiti. I. Irving Davidson had come to
Washington in 1941 and worked in the War Production Board. He
entered the public relations field in 1944. He registered as an agent
of the Nicaraguan Government in 1955: "My fee arrangement was
an oral one with Anastasio Somoza." The CIA reported that I. Irving
Davidson "always protects himself when dealing with
representatives of other countries by reporting any proposed
transaction to a U.S. Government Agency or Official. Approached
Kubark in 1955 to obtain financial backing for a travel agency which
would publicize Yugoslavia tourist attractions to Americans. In
exchange Subject would pass on to Kubark any information he
might be able to obtain through said agency." [CIA Cite Dir 19472
Hart and Fitzgerald 6.15.65] In the late 1950's, I. Irving Davidson
arranged arms deals between Israel, Nicaragua and Batista's Cuba:
"We decided to sell 20 Israeli Staghound tanks to Batista. We
turned them over to a general, who was a traitor. Castro got hold of
them. Next thing I knew, Castro was riding into Havana on one of
our tanks." In the early 1960's Davidson became friendly with
certain anti-Castro groups. I. Irving Davidson's business interests
took him to Haiti in 1962, where he worked with the American

Embassy, Port-au-Prince, a center of CIA activity. He met Masferrer

in 1963.

The activities of I. Irving Davidson were investigated by the

Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I. Irving Davidson testified
before that committee in March 1963. In April "Papa Doc" Duvalier
read the testimony of I. Irving Davidson and hired him to represent
the Haitian Government. The CIA's Office of Security had a file on I.
Irving Davidson; a Memorandum dated January 7, 1964, reported
that a confidential informant advised that "Papa Doc" Duvalier sent
I. Irving Davidson a confidential message during the last week of
December 1963.

I. Irving Davidson reported he met Clemard Joseph Charles

on one occasion in "Papa Doc" Duvalier's presence, when Clemard
Joseph Charles was attempting to explain to a Haitian woman what
had become of a relative who was in prison. I. Irving Davidson told a
HSCA investigator that he was unaware of newspaper stories that
he traveled with Clemard Joseph Charles in the United States. In
June 1993 he stated: "I met him once in Haiti, and I knew him. He
was a big man. I think I saw him about three or four years ago. He
might be in jail. He came into my office to see me." I. Irving
Davidson told the HSCA that he may have known the name, but he
was not acquainted with George DeMohrenschildt in Haiti or in the
United States. Later in the interview, I. Irving Davidson alleged he
was not aware of the name George DeMohrenschildt until 1978,
when an article by Jeremiah O'Leary suggested I. Irving Davidson
had approached the FBI to find out what information the Bureau had
on George DeMohrenschildt in connection with the assassination of
President Kennedy. The article mentioned an FBI memorandum
about a meeting with I. Irving Davidson and two agents in October
According to a November 1, 1967, FBI Memorandum, I.
Irving Davidson telephoned the Bureau on October 28, 1967, and
requested a meeting with Assistant FBI Director Clyde Tolson. I.
Irving Davidson told a HSCA investigator that he was not actually an
FBI informer, but he would pass useful information along to the
Government. He spoke with Clyde Tolson's assistant, who advised
him Clyde Tolson was "only back at the office for a short period of
time each day...and had not been making any appointments for that


I. Irving Davidson was interviewed by two FBI

Agents; he related he had been approached by
Leonard Davidov, whom he described as a business
acquaintance, and the president of a Washington,
D.C., burglar alarm company. Leonard Davidov told I.
Irving Davidson that an "Eastern group" was putting
up "a ton of money" to learn the truth about the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This
group was working with Hugh C. McDonald. (When
questioned about this in 1993, I. Irving Davidson said
that he did not know Hugh C. McDonald).

I. Irving Davidson said he understood that Hugh C.

McDonald was a Los Angeles Police Commissioner
and former bodyguard for Barry Goldwater during the
last presidential campaign. I. Irving Davidson
commented, "I don't remember that! I don't know who
gave it to you. Have you printed this yet? I'll correct it
right now. I don't know this guy Leonard Davidov for
years. Once and a while I bump into him in a
restaurant, but I don't know him." I. Irving Davidson
told the FBI that Leonard Davidov had told him Hugh
C. McDonald was currently engaged in a business
arrangement with Howard Hughes, involving
helicopter sales to law enforcement agencies. Hugh
C. McDonald was alleged to know that President
Johnson had prior knowledge of a Kennedy
assassination plot which involved George
DeMohrenschildt and Oswald. I. Irving Davidson told
the FBI he had advised Leonard Davidov to have
nothing to do with any attempt to smear President
Johnson. Leonard Davidov did not listen to him
because Leonard Davidov had been promised a
share in a police helicopter business if he would help
Hugh C. McDonald link LBJ to the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy. Reportedly, Leonard
Davidov approached I. Irving Davidson for the
purpose of learning about George DeMohrenschildt's
background. I. Irving Davidson informed the FBI he
already contacted Edward Cohen, whom he
described as a former reporter for the Washington
Post, for help. In 1993 I. Irving Davidson said he had
no memory of Edward Cohen. The FBI checked its


files and found nothing pertinent concerning Leonard

Davidov, then discovered that Hugh C. McDonald
retired in January 1967 as Chief of Detectives, Los
Angeles County Sheriff's Office: "McDonald is a
graduate in good standing of the FBI National
Academy, 67th Session ...McDonald has always
supported the FBI and often expressed his
admiration for it and for the Director." Hugh C.
McDonald was in Army Intelligence during World War
II and remained in the Army Reserve Corps until
1954. He served as the Security Director for the
Hughes Corporation, and was the Los Angeles Police
Department's CIA liaison man.

When the FBI checked its files for Edward Cohen, the
Bureau thought it possible he was identical with an Edward Stone
Cohen, who had never been the Subject of an FBI investigation.
However, FBI files indicated that Edward Cohen "allegedly was in
contact this year with Ramparts Magazine for the purpose of
soliciting publication of an exposé type story on Overseas National
Airways and President Johnson's alleged association with it. In July
1959 Cohen had advised the State Department that he planned to
attend the Seventh World Youth Festival in Vienna, Austria, during
the Summer of 1959." According to I. Irving Davidson, the Edward
Cohen he contacted was employed by another government agency
believed to be the Office of Economic Opportunity. I. Irving
Davidson told the FBI that he contact the Bureau because he was
trying to prevent President Johnson from being smeared. The FBI,
however, believed that his motive was to seek information on
George DeMohrenschildt and Hugh C. McDonald: "It was obvious to
S.A. Adcock and me that I. Irving Davidson had come to the FBI
hoping to get information about DeMohrenschildt. We gave him
nothing." In support of this, the FBI noted that before calling them,
he had been in touch with Edward Cohen for background
information on DeMohrenschildt, and had spent the previous
weekend in Dallas, Texas. I. Irving Davidson confirmed to the HSCA
that Hugh C. McDonald and Leonard Davidov had contacted him
about investigating the connection of George DeMohrenschildt to
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and that he
contacted the FBI. He said he called Clyde Tolson, but never spoke
to the two FBI agents who wrote the document about him. From the
available evidence, it appeared that I. Irving Davidson was
approached by Hugh C. McDonald and Leonard Davidov to use his


Haitian connections to gather information on George

DeMohrenschildt which they would use in a disinformation
campaign to link President Johnson with the Kennedy
assassination. I. Irving Davidson cooperated with them at first; he
visited Dallas and contacted Edward Cohen. Then he changed his
mind and went to the FBI with the story. The FBI took no further
action on the information supplied by I. Irving Davidson. The FBI
reported: "Bufiles reflect that I. Irving Davidson is an unsavory
individual." The FBI should have asked: On whose behalf was Hugh
C. McDonald spreading this disinformation?

Instead, the FBI cited a similar allegation made by WILLEM L.

OLTMANS, of the Netherlands Television Company. On April 3,
1967, "Willem Oltmans credited Dutch correspondent in U.S. and
presently representing Netherlands Television Company (NTS)
Holland, advised this date that information received from an
informant in Western Europe that George DeMohrenschildt was the
principal organizer in the assassination of President Kennedy.
Dimitri DeMohrenschildt, brother of George DeMohrenschildt,
allegedly was a participant in this plot." Dimitri DeMohrenschildt was
allegedly the second gunman. [FBI 62-109060-5024] The FBI:
"Willem Oltmans was born June 10, 1925, in Holland. He entered
the United States and attended Yale University from November 1,
1948, to March 4, 1950. [In 1956 Oltmans was in Indonesia.]He was
reported as of 1959 to be a United Nations correspondent and free
lance reporter and lecturer. Oltmans traveled extensively, and
allegedly was a close personal friend of President Sukarno of


Indonesia and spoke highly of Fidel Castro. He visited Cuba on

three occasions and appeared before the U.S. Senate
Subcommittee on November 30, 1962, concerning his knowledge of
Sukarno and Castro. On March 24, 1964, Mrs. Marguerite Oswald
visited the United Nations, as a guest of Willem Oltmans. Following
this visit, he accompanied her to the Russian Embassy to find out
details concerning her son's stay in Russia. On March 7, 1968, the
CIA deleted Office of Security Indices results on Willem Oltmans
from a document about him which the Agency generated after he
interviewed New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. The
Agency stated that the CIA connections of Willem Oltmans were
"None," yet the details of that report were deleted. [CIA Allen v.
DOD 40200 118 3.7.68] When Prince Bernhard took $1.1 million
from Lockheed to influence government decisions regarding that
Starfighter Jets used by the Dutch Air Force Willem Oltmans was a
key anti-Bernhard propagandist. "Oltman's chumminess with Soviet
diplomats in the Hague has aroused the curiosity of the Netherlands
FBI, the BVD (Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst). Many believe that
his anti-Bernhard allegations are part of a well-orchestrated program
to swing public opinion in favor of abdication. Said one Dutch
official: "If the KGB is not behind the campaign, then at least they
must be delighted in Moscow." [Unidentified Newsweek article circe
1972] "Between 1971 and 1976 Oltmans made ten long journey's
throughout the Soviet Union. His aim was to study the creation of
what the Kremlin calls 'A New Marxist Man.'" [Willem Oltmans
Lecture Brochure]
In 1959 I. Irving Davidson became a professional lobbyist for
national crime syndicate member James Hoffa. While engaged in a
business deal in New Orleans for the Murchison family, he became
friendly with Carlos Marcello. Soon he represented Carlos
Marcello'S interests in Washington.

In 1970 I. Irving Davidson and Leonard Bursten pleaded

guilty to charges of concealing $500,000 in a bankruptcy
proceeding. Writer Gordon Chaplin revealed: "What happened after
Davidson's guilty plea is not precisely clear. The record indicates his
lawyers moved to have the plea expunged and vacated partly
because of Davidson's cooperation on Bursten's guilty plea. The
motion, in an unusual turn of events, was granted." I. Irving
Davidson showed Gordon Chaplin "bits of paper" indicating that I.
Irving Davidson had engaged in activities "in the interest of the


United States [which] involved Haitian matters. The details are of a

sensitive nature."

On June 17, 1980, I. Irving Davidson and Carlos Marcello

were indicted by a Federal Grand Jury on charges of racketeering,
conspiracy, and fraud in the BRILAB sting operation. The Bureau
set up a fictitious concern called Fidelity Financial Consultants. A
confidant of Carlos Marcello and an FBI informant worked for
Fidelity Financial. He offered Carlos Marcello and his associates a
substantial kickback if they obtained insurance contacts for Fidelity
Financial from Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. The trial of I. Irving
Davidson began on March 3, 1981, in New Orleans. The evidence
against him consisted of telephone tape recordings. I. Irving
Davidson testified that the FBI had offered not to indict him if he
helped get Carlos Marcello. The trial lasted 14 weeks. Carlos
Marcello was found guilty of one count of Conspiracy and sentenced
to seven years in prison. His conviction was overturned when the
Supreme Court invalidated the mail fraud statute under which he
was prosecuted. I. Irving Davidson was acquitted. Carlos Marcello
was convicted of trying to bribe a California judge in 1981 and
sentenced to seven years in prison. [Potomac 3.21.76 pp 12-13, 18,
34-39; FBI 62-109060-5836; Outside Contact Report HSCA 11.2.78
ARA file; Hearing Committee on Foreign Relations U.S. Senate Act.
Of Non-Dip. Rep. of For. Principals in the U.S. Part 11-3.8.65]

The HSCA Report contained the following footnote:

"DeMohrenschildt's file also contained a reference to an occasion
when he may have been involved in arranging a meeting between
Haitian Bank officer Clemard Joseph Charles, and a CIA or Defense
Department official. The Defense Department official, interviewed by
the HSCA, stated that the meeting was arranged by Defense
Department officials and that DeMohrenschildt's presence (in the
company of his wife) was unanticipated. The committee did not
regard this incident as evidence of a CIA relationship." As stated,
George DeMohrenschildt was seeking the backing of the Army and
the CIA in a scheme to oust "Papa Doc" Duvalier.


John DeMenil was part of the Houston oil/Intelligence community

and was an associate of former President George Herbert Walker
Bush. George Herbert Walker Bush's oil company, Zapata Off-
Shore Oil, a multimillion dollar concern with operations in Latin
America and the Caribbean, was used for CIA cover in the early
1960's. [Current Biography as cited in The Austin Chronicle by
David Armstrong] George Herbert Walker Bush remarked: "I'd come
to the CIA with some general knowledge of how it operated."
[George Bush Looking Back] The following entry was found in the
address book of George DeMohrenschildt: "Bush, George H.W.
(Poppy) 1412 W. Ohio also Zapata Petroleum Midland 46355."
According to the 1956 Midland telephone directory, the telephone
number was that of the Walker-Bush company, one of George
Herbert Walker Bush's early ventures. George Herbert Walker Bush
recalled, "I first met de Mohrenschildt in the early 1940's. He was an
uncle to my Andover roommate."

Prescott Bush, grandfather to Presidential candidate George

W. Bush, was involved in Nazi banking operations. The Bush
fortune, as well as the family's political success, is directly
connected to his questionable activities. On October 20, 1942, the
US Government, under the "Trading with the Enemy Act,"seized
Prescott's Nazi operations, and took over the Union Banking
Corporation, for which he was director. The US Alien Property


Custodian grabbed the company's stock shares, all of which were

owned by Prescott, E. Roland "Bunny" Harriman, three Nazi
executives, and two other associates. The Government then seized
two Nazi front organizations run by the Bush-Harriman bank. They
were the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless
Steel Equipment Corporation. A 1942 US Government document
also shows that Prescott Bush's bank had close ties with the
German Steel Trust. During the war, that Trust produced a massive
50.8% of Nazi Germany's pig iron, 45.5% of their pipes and tubes,
22.1% of their wire, and 35% of their battlefield explosives. At the
time, this information stunned the American public, and revealed the
Bush family's central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his
domination of Europe. But since then, the media has virtually buried
all such reports. Years later, former US President George Bush Sr.
was boosted into the CIA and then the White House, thanks to
powerful Anglo-American associates. Those men also happened to
be partners in his father's war time "Hitler Project." And just before
he was elected into office, Bush Sr. asked William Stamps Farish III,
one of the richest men in Texas, to manage his personal wealth.
Bush counted on his friend not to reveal the secrets of his fortune.
After all, Farish's family got rich through the Hitler Project too, in a
lucrative partnership with Prescott.
George DeMohrenschildt left Dallas on April 19, 1963, and
remained in Washington until two days before his trip to Haiti; he
then returned to Dallas to make final preparations for his departure.
On June 2, 1963, he moved to Haiti. George DeMohrenschildt had
agreed to due a "mineral and petroleum wealth" survey of Haiti for
"Papa Doc" Duvalier for which he was to be paid about $300,000.
This money was destined for a holding company, where other
foreign investors would invest funds as well. George
DeMohrenschildt persuaded "Papa Doc" Duvalier he could attract
investors like John DeMenil of the Schlumberger Corporation to
invest in his project. [WCD 386, 1041; Memo: Mosk to Jenner
5.25.64; USA Today 3.20.92 p6a] As with the Hughes Corporation,
it was hard to tell where Schlumberger Corporation "began and
where the CIA left off." Paul Raigorodsky stated: "The Schlumberger
Corporation is a world wide organization that deals with every
country in the world - you know what I am trying to say..." In 1976
Paul Raigorodsky was asked what he meant by this. He answered:
"I meant just what I said, if you want to tie it into anything else, that


is your business." George DeMohrenschildt's holding company was

to control a large part of the economy of Haiti. Clemard Joseph
Charles was listed in the prospectus as Haiti's only native bank
president whose partner had obtained a monopoly on the "total
export of bananas from Haiti to the U.S.A." The company was to
build a cigar factory; a food processing and exporting plant; put
together an insurance company; revitalize the telephone system; as
well as construct and run a hotel and casino. George
DeMohrenschildt contemplated victory where organized crime had
met failure: Meyer Lansky had unsuccessfully tried to get a casino
franchise from "Papa Doc" Duvalier. [WC DeMohrenschildt Ex. 6,
16; Messick Silent Syndicate p28] The Inter-American Development
Bank and the Alliance for Progress were ostensibly to lend funds to
the projected holding company. No evidence existed that either of
these two institutions was ever contacted about securing a loan.
George DeMohrenschildt's holding company never materialized
because it was a front for an effort to unseat "Papa Doc" Duvalier.
Jacqueline Lancelot informed Joseph Dryer that shortly after the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy, $250,000 had been
deposited in the Port-au-Prince bank account of George
DeMohrenschildt. The money in that account was subsequently paid
out. Jacqueline Lancelot's source was George DeMohrenschildt's
bank teller. Joseph Dryer said that a large amount of money had
been placed in bank account of Clemard Joseph Charles before
George DeMohrenschildt left Haiti in 1967.
The CIA received a report from "usually reliable sources,"
who were among the guests at a November 22, 1963, cocktail party
the DeMohrenschildts attended. The sources described the reaction
of the DeMohrenschildts to the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy as blasé. The same sources reported they encountered
the DeMohrenschildts again in early June. This time most of George
DeMohrenschildt's remarks were blacked out by the CIA. [CIA 763-
330, 733-316A] In his unpublished manuscript, George
DeMohrenschildt claimed that his first response was, "If he had his
Ton Ton Macoutes around, this would not have happened." George
DeMohrenschildt added that shortly after receiving news of
Kennedy's death, he visited a friend who was an attache at the
American Embassy. [HSCA V12 p71] In May 1964 the CIA received
another report on the activities of George DeMohrenschildt in Haiti.
A CIA source who was acquainted with DeMohrenschildt through


the Petionville Country Club reported having attended a party where

films of the DeMohrenschildts 1961 walking trip through Central
America were shown: "There were several sequences in which Mrs.
DeMohrenschildt was shown bathing and traipsing around in the
nude. Whenever these sequences appeared, Mrs. DeMohrenschildt
would blur the image, but in the meantime the spectators had gotten
a very good view. Many 'oohhs' and 'ahhs' were uttered by the
spectators and Mrs. DeMohrenschildt seemed to enjoy this
attention." George DeMohrenschildt displayed an I.D. card given to
him by "Papa Doc" Duvalier and the DeMohrenschildts were
described as "very strange, and it is very likely that they have been
engaged in dubious activities of some sort during their stay in Haiti -
exactly what has not yet been determined." George
DeMohrenschildt was also observed in the company of the Polish
Economic Attache. [CIA 1993 release 6978, 6979] During their stay
in Haiti, the DeMohrenschildts lived in "Papa Doc's" compound. A
CIA cable stated:

The DeMohrenschildts and RUBRICIUS are

members of the Petionville Club and often play tennis
together. On June 8, 1964, RUBRICIUS was invited
to dinner at the home of the
DeMohrenschildts...When RUBRICIUS arrived at the
DeMohrenschildts, RUBRICIUS was introduced to
Father Stockman (phonetic) a Dutch priest whose
parish is located along the Haitian-Dominican border
east of Hinche. Present also for the dinner were
Austen and Vesla Boyd, a young American couple
that (deleted) had met several time
previously...Father Stockman mentioned that he had
spent many years in China and Indonesia. He was
forced to leave China in 1948 at the time of the
Communist take-over. He came to Haiti in the early
1950's. Father Stockman stated that his parish
stretched along 65 miles of the Haitian-Dominican
border and that the political situation in this area, like
most other areas of Haiti was very tense. When
(deleted) agreed that present conditions were very
bad in Haiti, George DeMohrenschildt opined that
these conditions had always existed throughout
Haitian history and that the present situation was not
unusual. Father Stockman disagreed and said that
Haitians of all classes lived in a state of terror and


that this condition did not exist when he first came to

Haiti...The DeMohrenschildts said that when they
knew Lee Harvey Oswald, he was a very confused
and disturbed young man. They described Oswald’s
wife as being a very vicious and evil woman. Mrs.
DeMohrenschildt said that Mrs. Oswald discussed
openly and frankly her marital sex life and often
complained about her husband's sexual
inadequacy...On the afternoon of June 18, 1964,
(deleted) encountered Mrs. DeMohrenschildt at the
Petionville Club. She asked to speak to (deleted)
privately on a very urgent matter. She explained that
just recently she and her husband had been to see
President Duvalier. She stated that Duvalier had
inquired concerning the divorce of Ambassador E. L.
Timmons. According to Mrs. DeMohrenschildt,
President Duvalier stated that he thought Timmons
was doing a good job and regreted any development
that might interfer with Timmons mission in
Haiti...She said that the President offered his
services to do whatever he could to bring about a
reconciliation between Ambassador Timmons and
Mrs. Timmons. [CIA 210-725439 6.16.64 - CIA 987-
The DeMohrenschildts had contact with the CIA in 1964.
They informed the Agency of their media appearances. On February
26, 1964, the Washington Field Office of the FBI sent a highly
deleted Secret Urgent Teletype to J. Edgar Hoover. [FBI 100-32965-
118] By January 1965, the CIA had a mail cover on them and when
they received a letter from a Guadalajara, Mexico, post office box,
Desmond FitzGerald C/Western Hemisphere Division asked the FBI
to determine the identity of the box holder. This request was
included in a "voluminous report on DeMohrenschildt's recent
activities which is being prepared for FBI by CIA Headquarters." The
FBI replied that the post office box belonged to a department store
in Guadalajara, Mexico.

[CIA 990-935, NARA 1993.; CIA 989-934]

On another occasion, Desmond FitzGerald supplied the FBI

with a Mexican Street address for the DeMohrenschildts. [CIA 987-


397] In 1967 the Agency showed some interest in a Ramparts

article concerning the DeMohrenschildts. It also showed interest in
Ramparts. On September 20, 1967, the CIA recommended the FBI
intensify its investigation of Ramparts: "Your investigation should be
directed to determining any subversive ramifications of the
magazine and the individuals associated with it paying particular
attention to...any foreign inspiration behind the magazine...This
matter must receive vigorous and continuous investigative
attention." [FBI 100-445393-88] The DeMohrenschildts moved back
to Dallas in November 1966. A still withheld as of 2010 CIA
document dated June 3, 1967, probably concerned the

The document is an operational dispatch from an

Agency station abroad which relates in considerable
detail the operational relationship between an
Agency case officer and a foreign intelligence source.
That source, during the course of activities, made a
temporary acquaintance of an individual who testified
before the Warren Commission. That witness
repeated some of the text of his testimony without
adding anything which was not already on the record.
The release of this document would result in the
identification and compromise of an Agency foreign
intelligence source without adding any substance to
the record of the Warren Commission testimony.
That compromise would result in putting an individual
in personal hazard and possibly causing some
foreign relations difficulties between the U.S.
Government and several other countries.
Consequently, the cloak of Executive Order requires
the classification of such information. [CIA 999-938,
1084-956-w/h, 989-934, 990-935, 987-397,842-887,
By the 1970's the DeMohrenschildts were declassé. George
DeMohrenschildt's association with Oswald made him unwelcome in
business circles, and none of his plans materialized. He taught
Russian language classes at Bishop College, an all black school.
On September 17, 1976, the CIA/Counter/Intelligence Staff
requested that the FBI locate DeMohrenschildt, because he had
"attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director." [CIA Message


Reference Number 915341] George DeMohrenschildt had "written a

letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency asking for his
assistance. It seems that Subject feels he is being harassed as a
result of his involvement with the Oswald case." [CIA MFR
Raymond M. Reardon SAG 9.20.76] George Bush wrote this to his
old friend:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult

for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in
your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of
mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few
years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's
health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these
circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine
how the attentions you described in your letter affect
both you and your wife. However, my staff has been
unable to find any indication of interest in your
activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent
years. The flurry of interest that attended your
testimony before the Warren Commission has long
subsided. I can only speculate that you may have
become 'newsworthy' again in view of the renewed
interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may
be attracting the attention of people in the media. I
hope this letter had been of some comfort to you,
George, although I realize I am unable to answer
your question completely. George Bush, Director of
the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. #
76,51571 9.28.76]
A FBI source reported:

DeMohrenschildt believed all sorts of people were

following him, including the FBI, CIA, and KGB. In the
last six months he even became very suspicious of
the black people he worked with at Bishop College,
and seemed to develop a real fear of blacks. On at
least two occasions during the past year George
DeMohrenschildt attempted suicide. The most recent
attempt, as far as he knows, was in September or
October 1976. After that attempted suicide, the
relationship between Mr. and Mrs. DeMohrenschildt


really starting deteriorating and they started

committing acts of physical brutality against each
other. DeMohrenschildt’s situation finally got so bad
that Jeanne DeMohrenschildt called the Dallas
Mental Health Unit to have George DeMohrenschildt
picked up. From approximately mid-November 1976,
until December 30, 1976, George DeMohrenschildt
stayed in the Psychiatric Unit at Parkland Hospital,
Dallas, Texas, on a voluntary commitment. When
George DeMohrenschildt went home, he and Jeanne
DeMohrenschildt still did not get along. George
DeMohrenschildt was still not healthy and they
argued constantly. It got so bad they got evicted from
their Kings Road apartment during the middle of
January 1977, for being constantly loud, noisy and
causing disturbing arguments. After the
DeMohrenschildts got evicted from the apartment,
George DeMohrenschildt moved to a student type
apartment at Bishop College, and Jeanne
DeMohrenschildt moved to California to live with a
brother. (Deleted) [FBI 62-109060-7759; FBI
Interview with (Deleted) DL 8943 3.31.77]

George DeMohrenschildt had tried to slash his wrists, drown

himself, and poison himself with Digitoxin during 1976. On
November 9, 1976, George DeMohrenschildt was committed to
Parkland Hospital for treatment. He had brutally beaten his wife on a
number of occasions: "He had broken some of my ribs, teeth, boxed
my ear till it gushed blood." Jeanne DeMohrenschildt: "says his
telephone is bugged. The house is bugged - voices and people
eavesdropping to what he says. FBI after him. The Jewish mafia is
closing in on him. Ghosts of FBI and Jews. Ghosts hear and listen
to everything he does. Cars that go by are spying on him."
The patient is a 65 year old white unemployed
married male. Chief Complaint: 'I feel depressed at
my age I'm at the end of the line of being a
productive person. I'm afraid some Jewish doctors
are after me. I'm not sure of any of this. I am aware
that this could all be in my mind.' The patient feels his
present illness started around four or five months ago
when he went to visit a Dr. Mendosa, who was


recommended to him by Dr. Jacobson. This

Mendosa injected him with some kind of drug that
made him violently ill. He could not urinate and he
babbled as a child and became like a patsy to him.
This information was verified by the patients wife,
who also said that whenever the patient would go an
visit the doctor, the doctor would be alone in the
office and would not let the patients wife know what
kind of medication he was giving to the patient...The
patient, according to the wife began to trust his
enemies and suspect his friends. He has tried to
commit suicide four times. The first time in July he
took one bottle of Valium. The second time, two or
three weeks ago, took a bottle of Digoxin. Afterwards
he tried to cut his wrists and submerge himself in the
bathtub. One month ago he resigned his position as
Professor of French at Bishop College where he
worked for seven years....He feels the main problem
is putting his nose in the Kennedy assassination

George DeMohrenschildt told Dr. Solomon Grinberg that his

father died in 1941, in a nursing home in Denmark, during an air
raid. His mother died of typhoid fever in 1919, while they were trying
to escape from newly-formed Communist Russia, because his
father had been sentenced to hard labor in Siberia, for life. He
attended a Russian-Jewish School in Poland. His daughter was an
"acid head" and his wife an alcoholic. George wore a big buckle with
a peace sign on it during this interview and said "James Wood of
the FBI tried to make me deny that FBI and CIA Dallas told me 'he
is a harmless lunatic.' It never occurred to me that he could have
been connected with CIA. Not the slightest indication he played the
double-agent game." George DeMohrenschildt was administered
Digitoxin, Naque, Aldomet and Haldol. He tried to escape from the
Dallas County Hospital several times; he was finally given nine
electroshock "treatments," all of them uneventful except for one
thing: "Sometimes it was noted he would not have the convulsion
until eight or ten minutes after the treatment was over. Two times he
had a convulsion upon waking up. This was noted as a rather
unusual effect." When George DeMohrenschildt was released from
the hospital on December 30, 1976, he lost his job at Bishop

Q. Can I speak with Mr. DeMohrenschildt please?

A. He will not talk, I won't let him.

Q. Mrs. DeMohrenschildt, the CIA is releasing documents that say

your husband was a Nazi spy. They also say the Domestic
Operations Division ran a check on him in April 1963.

A. What? I don't give a damn, they have a lot of junk. I don't give a
damn, so please forget it. You can't speak with him. He was just in
the hospital for two months and that's enough. I've heard about the
Nazi spy thing many times before. It's all baloney.

Q. Did you know Baron Von Maydell?

A. Yes.

Q. Well it says in the book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich that
he was a very important Nazi spy. I'll read you the passage.

A. Oh? It was awfully nice of you to call me any way. It's damn nice
of you to call. And all of this is total baloney. I don't want to hear
anymore about the Kennedy assassination...We happened to adore
the Kennedys. We were out of the country a year before it
happened. We lived a beautiful life in Haiti, nothing wrong with daughter was there. He had three geologists working for

Q. What about your walking trip?

A. That's not your goddamned business. Not yours and nobody


Q. How did you run into the Cuban exiles who were training there?

A. I don't know how it happened, it's not my fault. Listen, I am sick

and tired of it. If you want to make something out of it I have very
good lawyers.

Q. Did George meet with the CIA when he came back from
Yugoslavia in 1958?

A. He was with the ICA not the CIA, you understand? We had
nothing to say. I was with him in Yugoslavia, I am his goddamned
wife. He never had any meetings, the CIA documents are absolutely


false. I am sick of that falseness...We weren't there and had nothing

to do with it.

George DeMohrenschildt traveled to Europe with journalist

Willem Oltmans in early March 1977. According to Edward Epstein,
Willem Oltmans paid George DeMohrenschildt $5,000 and expected
that DeMohrenschildt would furnish him with details of the
conspiracy in return for the payment. Willem Oltmans introduced
George DeMohrenschildt to someone affiliated with the Soviet
Embassy, Brussels. Oltmans reported that George DeMohrenschildt
disappeared on March 5, 1977. Alexandria DeMohrenschildt, the
daughter of George DeMohrenschildt, said her father "felt that he
had been drugged by Oltmans."

George DeMohrenschildt arrived in West Palm Beach, Florida, from

New York City in late March 1977 to meet with EDWARD J.
EPSTEIN at the Breakers Hotel. Edward Epstein was born in 1935
in New York City. He visited the Soviet Union shortly after his
military discharge in 1958. A report on his trip was prepared by the
State Department and forwarded to the FBI. [FBI 100-351585-3339]
Edward Epstein 1994: "I was questioned about my trip by a State
Department official, probably a CIA agent. I took one of the first
automobile trips to the USSR." In 1959, while a student at Cornell,
Edward Epstein complained to the FBI that his rights were being
violated because other students were bugging or taping statements
he made during a student election. In 1964 Edward Epstein


prepared a master's thesis which was supportive of the Warren

Allen Dulles called FBI/CIA liaison Sam Papich on May 23, 1966:

Dulles had just received a phone call from Fletcher

Knebel, well-known writer. Knebel informed Dulles
that he was collaborating with one Edward J. Epstein
in writing a book on the Warren Commission Report
dealing with the assassination of President Kennedy.
Knebel indicated that this book would throw a whole
new light on everything. He did not elaborate but
stated that Epstein had access to FBI reports. He
explained that this access had been arranged
through Wesley J. Liebler, who had been a member
of the Warren Commission working staff. Knebel was
looking for Dulles' reaction and Dulles advised
Knebel that he would be way out of line if he were
using FBI reports. Dulles raised the question
concerning legality and handling of classified
information. Knebel made no further comment but did
indicate that Epstein personally may have been in
contact with Dulles in the past.

Shortly after, Dulles called again stating that he had

checked his diary. He learned that Epstein had
telephonically contacted him on September 27, 1965,
explaining that he was a graduate student at Cornell
University and that he was writing a thesis on the
Warren Commission Report. Epstein told Dulles that
he had talked to other members of the Commission
and he was interested in meeting with the former CIA
Director. Dulles stated he saw Epstein about three
days later and they had a conversation concerning
the work of the Commission. The entire conversation
was in general terms, and he recalled that Epstein
never expressed any personal views concerning the
work of the Commission. He definitely gave no
indication that he was planning to write a book.

Dulles asked that we not contact Knebel or Epstein at

this time and not identify Dulles as the source of this

information. Dulles made the observation that the

current atmosphere is such that he and the Bureau
can easily be charged with 'suppression.' Dulles
made it clear that he certainly was not restricting the
Bureau from making any inquiry and he fully
recognized that this might become necessary."

Sam Papich advised the CIA of this phone call: "Mr. Papich
has informed Mr. Rocca and Mr. Pforsheimer that shortly before
Allen Dulles left on his current trip to Europe, he called to say that
he had received a call from the journalist and author Fletcher
Knebel [who] told Mr. Dulles that he had collaborated with Edward
Epstein in the preparation of book, Inquest. Fletcher Knebel
reminded Mr. Dulles of the latter's interview with Edward Epstein
some months before and sought Mr. Dulles reaction (to what was
apparently uncertain, but it may be that Dulles saw an advance of
the book). There is no indication in Inquest of any collaboration by
Knebel. However, Knebel may not have wished to use his name
openly on a book of this type. Knebel's possible collaboration on this
book would explain its readability which goes beyond the usual
capabilities of a student-author of an expanded master's thesis."
[Walter Pforsheimer 6.10.66] This document was sent to Angleton
Deputy, James Hunt, Paul Gaynor and Raymond Rocca. [CIA
Memo: William Pforzheimer 6.10.66] Edward Epstein's book,
Inquest, was published in 1966. On July 7, 1966 the CIA stated:

This alleged 'collaboration' now appears to be

inaccurate in light of Fletcher Knebel's slashing
attack on Edward Epstein's book in a lengthy article
which appears in Look magazine. Knebel finds that
Epstein was guilty of the sins of which Epstein
accused the Commission: '...distortion, ignoring
testimony, shifting the evidence and adroitly selecting
it to fit his theories and assumptions. At worst,
Epstein has written a dangerously deceptive book...I
have talked with Allen Dulles (without mentioned Mr.
Papich's conversation) but Mr. Dulles' recollection of
his conversation with Fletcher Knebel is hazy.
Furthermore he has no recollection of Knebel ever
stating that he was collaborating on the Epstein book.
Yet when Sam Papich rechecked his notes on this
conversation, they included the word 'collaboration,'


and he was at a loss to explain this apparent conflict.'

[Walter Pforsheimer 7.7.66]

Fletcher Knebel was the author of Seven Days In May, the

story of an attempted right wing military coup in the United States.
Fletcher Knebel said he got the idea for the book while interviewing
General Curtis LeMay, onetime Air Force Chief of Staff, who went
off the record to accuse President Kennedy of cowardice in his
handling of Bay of Pigs. Fletcher Knebel, 81, committed suicide on
February 28, 1993. Edward Epstein 1994: "Dulles was confused."
An unnamed Staff member stated,

A search of Security Indices and sources available in

the Agency Library has been unproductive...Inquest
has the name of an Agency employee who has been
concerned with the Oswald case, namely Raymond
Rocca. Due to this surfacing of an Agency employee,
Edward Epstein and his sources are of importance to
the Agency." It was noted on this document:
"Raymond Rocca was the official Agency liaison to
the Warren Commission under his true name." [CIA
Memo for Rec. 6.8.66 probably Walter Pforsheimer]
Another document stated: "Office of Security concern
with Inquest appeared to be based on Epstein's
mention of Ray Rocca, Counter-Intelligence Staff
employee, which presumably tied in with concern
about Nosenko.
On June 8, 1966, a CIA Office of Security File (OS #488
768) was initiated on Edward Epstein. "To (deleted) Room GE-31
Hdqrs. Please set up a MS file on Edward Jay Epstein and forward
same to me. From: [deleted] 4E13 Hdqrs." On October 3, 1977, a
copy of a memorandum that concerned Edward J. Epstein, was
generated by Bruce Solie, Chief, Security Analysis Group. "A copy
of the attached memorandum is being placed in the following
security files: JAMES Angleton #8683, Raymond Rocca #16 791,
David A. Murphy #31 454, Tennent H. Bagley #38 638, Donald
Jameson #43 840. In addition, a copy of the attached memorandum
has also been forwarded to the Chief, Clearance Division for the
security file of the undersigned. Bruce L. Solie." The memorandum,
which was for Deputy Director of Security (PSI), read:


1. Gordon Stewart, former Director of Personnel and

Inspector General, who retired circa 1971,
telephoned the undersigned at his residence on the
evening of September 23, 1977. By way of
background, Stewart, who was the Inspector General
in early 1968, was selected by the Director of Central
Intelligence to act in a 'middle man capacity' in the
controversy in the Nosenko case. Nosenko had
become the responsibility of the Office of Security in
October 1967 at the direction of the Director of
Central Intelligence and it became quite apparent
that the Office of Security viewpoint concerning
Nosenko was in conflict, if not in direct opposition to
the views expressed by the Chief and Deputy Chiefs
of both the SR Division and the CI Staff. The above
officials, respectively, were David Murphy, H.
Tennent Bagley, James Angleton and Raymond

2. Stewart advised the undersigned that an Edward

Epstein is writing a book on the Kennedy
assassination. Stewart inquired as to whether the
undersigned was willing to be interviewed concerning
an area I which the undersigned had particular
knowledge (it was clear to the undersigned that the
reference was to Nosenko although name not
mentioned). The undersigned told Stewart that he
was still employed by the Agency but, in any event,
had no interest in contact with any reporter. Stewart
indicated that he understood the attitude of the
undersigned and that it was not entirely unexpected.
The undersigned is of the opinion that Stewart was
only relaying a request or inquiry from Epstein who
must have the name of the undersigned.

3. During the conversation, Stewart advised that

Epstein, in addition to Stewart, has interviewed the
following: Richard Helms, James Angleton, Raymond
Rocca, Pete Bagley and Donald Jamison. (Stewart
did not know if Epstein has contacted David Murphy).

4. In view of the individuals interviewed by Epstein, it

is presumed that the book by Epstein will have


considerable coverage of the past controversy over

the bona fides of Nosenko.

5. Stewart advised that he had little knowledge

concerning Edward Epstein but that Helms had a
favorable opinion concerning Epstein.

6. Edward Epstein is undoubtedly identical to Edward

J. Epstein (OS #488 768). There is no indication that
Epstein has been used in any way by the Agency.
The Security File was initiated in 1966 because of his
authorship of articles on the Warren Commission.
Stewart remarked that he did not believe Epstein, in
his book, would materially disagree with the findings
of the Warren Commission. This opinion may not be
correct since Epstein has been quite critical of the
Warren Commission and supportive to the 'more than
one assassin" theory. Bruce Solie." [Solie, C/SAG
Memo for DDS 9.26.77]

According to the CIA, in 1967 Edward Epstein "was in

doctoral program (American Government) at Harvard. Reportedly
travelled to the USSR in 1958 [CIA FOIA #41083] In 1968 Edward
Epstein wrote an article critical of New Orleans District Attorney Jim
Garrison which the CIA used to "brief interested contacts." In the
early 1970's Edward Epstein continued to debunk CIA conspiracy
theories regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
He visited India in 1974, on behalf of the United States Information
Agency, and in 1978 published Legend, which attempted to link
Oswald to the KGB. According to Edward Epstein, George
DeMohrenschildt told him Oswald had been recruited into the KGB
while in Japan, went to the USSR, married a KGB agent, returned to
the U.S. then went to Mexico, where he received his orders from the
KGB to kill JFK. The title, Legend, reflected Angleton'S view that
everything we thought we knew about Oswald was merely a clever
KGB-invented cover story or legend. Angleton was the major source
of disinformation contained in this book. Deputy Chief, Counter-
Intelligence Leonard McCoy stated that Angleton "identified or
encouraged others as sources for Epstein." [CIA 17417 Memo for
Rec. re Marchetti] Edward Petty commented: "If Angleton really
believed so strongly that Oswald was a Soviet agent, why did he
never make any effort in that respect with the Warren Commission?"
[NYT 5.31.74; NY Magazine 2.27.78; Esquire 12.7?; CIA 1142-434,


1025-945b, 1026-954c, 1127-987; FBI 62-109090-481; Russell,

Man Who Knew Too Much p471; NARA 157-10011-10034, 6.19.75]
On April 12, 1977, Edward Jay Epstein, investigative writer,
Reader's Digest Magazine, was re-interviewed by the FBI:

Concerning the Dutch journalist, Willem Oltmans,

Epstein stated that any representation by Oltmans
that DeMohrenschildt had claimed any personal
knowledge of or involvement in the assassination of
President Kennedy would be absolutely false...Based
on George DeMohrenschildt's statements upon his
return from Belgium, he was completely revolted and
appalled by Oltmans and his associates and
considered Oltmans despicable for trying to put
words in his mouth after he specifically told Oltmans
he had no knowledge of any conspiracy or details
relating to the assassination of President Kennedy.
At other times DeMohrenschildt referred to Oltmans
and his associates as nuts and indicated Oltmans
and his associates were homosexuals and at some
point placed hands on him and touched him...Without
elaboration, DeMohrenschildt referred to Oltmans as
a Communist and as a Soviet Agent.
DeMohrenschildt indicated that at the end of a long
car ride, he was introduced to a Soviet who seemed
interested in him. DeMohrenschildt furnished no
other details concerning this man. At that point
DeMohrenschildt said the events had become a
nightmare and when he returned to his hotel he ran
away from Oltmans without really taking his clothing."
In another interview with the FBI Epstein stated that
DeMohrenschildt "was most upset about an
allegation that during World War II, he was a Nazi.
According to Epstein's speculation, he believed this
rumor may have come about when during 1940,
DeMohrenschildt worked with one Baron Maydell.
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations
FROM: Leonard McCoy
A/ Chief, Counterintelligence Staff
Subject: Book by Mr. Edward Epstein that May Jeopardize the
Security of Nosenko and Reflect Adversely on the Agency.

REFERENCE: Office of Security Memo Dated 26 September 1977

2. In connection with the above it should be noted that in March

1976 Mr. Epstein interviewed Mr. Nosenko while he was being
handled by the Office of Security.
DeMohrenschildt arrived in West Palm Beach, Florida, on
the evening of March 16, 1977, from New York City, after having
returned from a business trip in Belgium. He arrived at the Grey
Hound Bus Station in that city and was met there by Mrs. Tilton and
Miss Lomis...He was taken to Mrs. Tilton's oceanside home, where
he was reunited with his daughter, Alexandria." On the morning of
March 29, 1977, George DeMohrenschildt met Edward Epstein at
the Breakers Hotel. While the two men conversed, HSCA
investigator Gaeton Fonzi appeared at the Palm Beach house
where the DeMohrenschildts were guests and spoke with
Alexandria DeMohrenschildt. [CIA 1297-480] CIA Office of Security
traces on Alexandria DeMohrenschildt's ex-husband were withheld.
Alexandria DeMohrenschildt relayed Gaeton Fonzi's message to her
father when he returned at 12:45 p.m. George DeMohrenschildt
"was apparently upset" about Gaeton Fonzi's visit. He went to his
room, and at 2:00 p.m. he emerged and complained about hearing
scratching noises, like those made by a cat; there were no cats in
the vicinity. He repeated to the maid he heard a cat, and began
pacing up and down the hall.

At 2:21 p.m. on March 30, 1977, George DeMohrenschildt

placed the barrel of Mrs. Tilton's shotgun in his mouth and pulled
the trigger. He was found slumped in a chair. "The victim slumped
over in a high-backed chair in the southwest corner of the hallway.
His head was facing downward, and blood quite prominently was
dripping from his mouth in large amounts and accumulating on the
floor below...Lying across the left foot was a double-barrel shotgun,
lying with the barrel pointing in a southeasterly direction...the death
of this individual could possibly be of major importance." None of
the domestic employees in the house at the time heard the shot.
When his daughter returned at 2:30 p.m., she called the police. The
death was ruled a suicide. No one suspicious had been seen
around the house; all the beeps of the alarm system, which sounded
whenever anyone opened a door or window, were accounted for by
the police.

Shortly after the suicide, Willem Oltmans reported to the

HSCA that George DeMohrenschildt had apprised him that H.L.

Hunt was Oswald’s superior and that former President John F.

Kennedy was shot by Cubans angered over the failure of the Bay of
Pigs. Willem Oltmans held a press conference in August 1977 at
which he announced that a European source told him that former
President Gerald Ford had been told the name of the person who
ordered the assassination. At a press conference the following
month, Willem Oltmans announced that H.L. Hunt had nothing to do
with the assassination. The FBI Director sent Assistant Attorney
General, Criminal Division, Robert L. Keuch, a May 5, 1978
Memorandum about Oltmans, most of which was withheld. It read:
"This is to provide a response to Mr. Keuch's March 24, 1978,
request that the reported attorney of a (deleted) be contacted." [FBI
62-117290-764X4, FBI 62-109060-7894] In 1971 Robert L. Keuch
was Appellate Section Chief of the Internal Security Division. The
Internal Security Division merged with the Criminal Division. In 1978
he was the main contact point between the HSCA and the Carter
George DeMohrenschildt knew that Oswald was not a
Communist, however, he did not know of Oswald’s connection to
Hemming and his crew. He knew nothing of the plot to assassinate
President Kennedy. He was not murdered. The decline in
DeMohrenschildt's social and economic status, coupled with the fact
that Nazis are not stable individuals to begin with, led
DeMohrenschildt down the path of insanity. His suicide occurred
shortly before he was scheduled to testify before the HSCA about
the numerous allegations that he was a Nazi spy during World War
II. The Chief Consul of the HSCA, Robert Blakey, was Jewish.
Gaeton Fonzi and this researcher were on DeMohrenschildt's case
about these allegations, at this time. I hope our interest someone
played a contributory factor in his suicide.

S.A. Hosty was acquainted with many White Russian exiles.

Hosty disagreed, "I didn't have that close contact with the White
Russians. I never heard any White Russians mention Oswald prior
to the assassination. I worked on the Klan and so forth." FBI
documents indicated that his was not the case. When Oswald
returned to Dallas, S.A. Hosty should have become aware that
Oswald was not a run-of-the-mill Communist when he received
reports of his presence among people like DeMohrenschildt,
Dymitruk, Le Gon and Raigorodsky. The presence of an
unrepentant Marxist in the White Russian community could only be


explained in one way. The White Russians believed Oswald had

been a spy during his sojourn in the Soviet Union. S.A. Hosty knew,
that despite their sympathy for Oswald’s wife and child, anti-
Communist émigrés were not about to befriend someone who
espoused the ideology that had turned them into exiles. Hosty knew
there was more to Oswald than first met the eye.

Evidence suggested that no one in the White Russian

community in Dallas had any foreknowledge of the details of the
assassination, however, afterwards, they knew or suspected that
Oswald was not really a communist. None of them came forward
with this information. Priscilla Johnson told this researcher: "I think
that Oswald, because of going to the Soviet Union and coming
back, he fell into a sort of demi-monde in which everyone was
watching everybody. I don't think anybody, even in that world where
everybody was considered for every possible, whatever, use
somebody might put them to, I say he couldn't have made the cut
either place. He was too unstable and stupid to be a covert agent."
Joseph Dryer informed the HSCA that George
DeMohrenschildt had mentioned the name of Dorothe Matlack with
that of William Avery Hyde. Joseph Dryer did not recall this incident
in 1993. The HSCA remarked: "The possible association between
George DeMohrenschildt and Hyde may have some significance
because Hyde is the father of Ruth Paine, the woman with whom
Marina was living at the time of the assassination. The connection
was intriguing because there was never any intimation by the
Warren Commission that George DeMohrenschildt had more than a
brief acquaintance with Ruth Paine." In his testimony before the
Warren Commission, George DeMohrenschildt denied ever having
met Ruth Paine before - except at the party at Volkmar Schmidt's
house. Ruth Paine testified similarly, and conveyed that she had "no
conversations, no letters, no contact whatsoever" with George
DeMohrenschildt either before or after that party.





It was no accident that Ruth Paine found Oswald a

job that overlooked the parade route. She did so at
the request of a family member, her father.

Ruth Paine was born Ruth Hyde in New York City on

September 3, 1932. When Ruth Paine was 15 years old, she


preached with a traveling Bible school. Ruth Paine told the Warren
Commission: "I was asked to be a leader, a teacher with a traveling
Bible school. We went to three different small towns in Indiana and
Ohio, and taught young children. I led songs and games and read
stories." Ruth Paine became a Quaker while attending Antioch
College in 1951 and was a delegate to two conferences of the
Friends World Committee in England in 1952. She graduated from
Antioch College in 1955. In 1993 Ruth Paine described herself as a
financial contributor to the Friends World Committee. According to
the Warren Report:

In 1955 Mrs. Paine was active in the work of the

North American Young Friends Committee, which,
with State Department cooperation, was making an
effort to lessen the tensions between Soviet Russia
and the United States by means of...exchanges of
young Russians and Americans. It was during this
period that Mrs. Paine became interested in the
Russian language. Mrs. Paine participated in [and
arranged] a Russian-American student exchange
program...Ruth Paine was the "convener or clerk" of
the East-West Contacts Group of the North American
Young Friends Committee which was established in
1955. She has corresponded, until recently, with a
Russian schoolteacher. [WR p285]

Ruth Paine told the Warren Commission:

Paine: It was at this conference, toward the later part,

arising out of a discussion of the need for
communication and more of it between the United
States and the Soviet Union, by no means the bulk of
business of this conference, but a small committee of
interested people, was working on this matter.

Jenner: Are these interested young people?

Paine: These are all young Friends.

Jenner: And you were then of what age, 1955.


Paine: Yes...This was at the time that plans first

began for encouraging an exchange of young people


between the Soviet Union and the United States, and

I became active with the committee planning that,
and from the planning there was an exchange, three
Soviet young people came to this country and four
young Quakers went to the Soviet Union...

The Committee worked on: "Organization of pen pal

correspondence between American and Soviet young people." In
1958 Ruth Paine was involved in a Russian/American exchange
program on a leadership level. [Friends Journal 4.26.58] Another
Quaker group, the American Friends Service Committee, sent a
delegation to the Soviet Union in 1955. The American Friends
Service Committee was very much on the Left. The Friends World
Committee soon sent a delegation to the Soviet Union. The CIA had
an interest in "cultural exchange programs." CIA DD/P Richard
Bissell stated: "Exchange of person programs...are more effective if
carried out by private auspices than if officially supported by the
United States Government." [Marchetti Cult of Intell. p52] The
SSCIA reported that from 1964 to 1974 "the FBI identified over 100
intelligence officers among the approximately 400 Soviet students
who attended universities as part of an East-West student exchange
program. Also, in this program's 14-year history, more than 100
American students were the target of Soviet recruitment approaches
in the USSR." [SSCIA For. & Mil. Intell. V1 p164] What was the
story behind the Friends World Committee?

Ruth Paine answered negatively when she was asked if she

had been aware of any intelligence community interest in student
exchange programs. She stated: "The Soviets that came over were
real party-line types, very doctrinaire." Ruth Paine was asked to
name the State Department official who was involved with her
program. She responded, "I haven't a clue, but you know they were
working on cultural exchange at that point. Trying to make a crack in
the Iron Curtain." Michael Paine stated, "I remember reading about
that kind of thing in The Times and finding it so frustrating that a
genuine effort to try to get person-to-person contact was being
subverted by the government there."

Neither CIA Headquarters, nor the CIA's Office of Security

traces on Ruth Paine have been released as of 1996, and she was
mentioned only tangentially in the HSCA Report - "They never even
called me. Someone called - to be sure where I was - if they wanted
to call me." Despite much correspondence with the USSR, Ruth


Paine did not show up on HT LINGUAL indices before 1966. (That

year an American sent a letter to her from Moscow.) Withheld
documents on the Paines included USSS 179-10001-10034, 10036;
FBI NARA 179-10001-10091, 10094, 10101, FBI 179-10002-10084,
10244, 10251; HSCA 180-10116-10150; HSCA 180-10112-10450.
The father of Ruth Paine, William Hyde, had contact with the
CIA and the CIA's Office of Security had traces on him: "Files of the
Office of Security reflect that Ruth Paine is the daughter of William
Avery Hyde, OS C-157,435, (deleted)." William Avery Hyde [CIA
SSD-157,435] was an anti-Communist who supported Socialist
Party candidate Norman Thomas. Norman Thomas received
millions of dollars in CIA subsidies because of his anti-Communist
views. William Avery Hyde related: "Our introduction [to the
Communists] came at the 1929 annual meeting of the Eastern
Cooperative League. There were a number of Communist delegates
to the convention. When they found out they did not have enough
votes to control the meeting, they set out to obstruct it, and
succeeding in preventing it from doing any business worth
mentioning. Mother and I entered the meeting knowing very little
about Communists, and left as their enemies, which we have been
ever since 1948. From 1930 to 1942 I worked for, and with, various
New York metropolitan area consumer cooperatives. They were
subject to attempts at communist infiltration almost continuously.
Both Mrs. Hyde and I took our part in trying to block this. From 1939
to 1941 I was the District Sales Manager of Greater New York for
the Farm Bureau Insurance Companies of Ohio (now Nationwide).
No one could get an agent's contract from the companies in my
district except through me. Apparently the Comrades were anxious
to infiltrate the outfit because a continuous stream applied for
contracts. The fact that we had no specifically Communist type
trouble from any agent I appointed leads me to think that my
screening was successful. In our first few years in Columbus we met
a few people we suspected of Communist leanings, but we have not
been aware of such since the end to the Wallace campaign." A
report by Bruce Solie of the CIA generated on December 5, 1963,
Chief, Research Branch/OS/SRS
nee: HYDE


aka: Mrs. Ruth Paine

1. FBI S.A. Cregar on December 4, 1963, confirmed
that the Subject is the daughter of William Avery
Hyde, SSD-157435. Cregar was furnished a copy of
two 1957 investigative reports on William Avery
Hyde, for lead purposes only, and was informed that
Hyde was under consideration for a covert use by
this Agency in Vietnam in 1957, but was not used.
This information had previously been obtained from
[03] CI/SIG.

2. Subject is the individual who is taking care of the

widow of Lee Harvey Oswald and has apparently
been quite well known to the widow of Lee Harvey
Oswald for an undetermined period of time. The
possibility that William Avery Hyde was the father of
Ruth Paine was previously brought to the attention of
Mr. Papich through Mr. O'Neal, CI/SIG. The Security
File of William Hyde contains a copy of a 1956 FBI
investigative report (Security of Government
Employees) on Sylvia Ludlow Hyde aka Mrs. John
Hoke who is the sister of Ruth Paine. The file of
William Hyde also contains a 1956 OSI report on
Sylvia Hoke.

3. In addition to the above, it was previously known

that William Avery Hyde and wife Carol Hyde were
associates in the late 1920's and later of Talbot
Bielefeldt, #29931, who is currently employed by this
agency in FDD. A certain amount of information
concerning William Hyde, Carol Hyde, and other
associates of Hyde and Bielefeldt during the latter
1920's was furnished by Talbot Bielefeldt during
interviews several years ago. At that time the
Bielefeldt case was under extensive investigation.
Bruce Solie.
On April 8, 1964 the Office of Security reviewed the Ruth
Paine entry in Oswald’s address book:
Files reflect that Ruth Paine is the daughter of
William Avery Hyde, OS C-157435, who was being
considered for covert use in 1957 by IO Division;
however Hyde did not receive a security clearance

for the proposed utilization. Files contain no pertinent

information regarding Ruth Paine of her husband,
and further reflect that the FBI is aware of the
relationship of Paine and Hyde. [CIA 646-277]

On April 30, 1964, Birch O'Neal generated the following document:


SUBJECT: Mrs. Ruth Paine nee Hyde

Shortly after the assassination of President Kennedy

the press carried information concerning a Mrs. Ruth
Paine who had befriended the Oswald family. Mr.
Bruce Solie, of the Office of Security, called to my
attention that the Office of Security has information of
possible interest concerning William A. Hyde, who
had three children; namely Ruth Hyde, Sylvia Hyde
Hoke and Carl Hyde. Mrs. Ruth Paine was known to
have had the name Hyde prior to her marriage.

On November 29, 1963, I advised Sam Papich to

contact Mr. Solie of the Office of Security for
information of possible interest in connection with
Mrs. Ruth Paine. I indicated to Mr. Papich that the
Office of Security information was of possible security
significance and consideration and I was
subsequently informed that the Bureau had been in
touch with Mr. Solie for its information. Birch D.
O'Neal Chief, CI/SIG.

[NARA CIA 1993.07.08.09.:07:31:900520]

On March 1, 1964, FBI S.A. Charles M. Beall, Jr.,

ascertained at CIA that its security and foreign indices did not
contain any references identifiable with Michael Ralph Paine. CIA
advised its only reference to Ruth Avery Hyde, nee Hyde, was set
out in CIA Report prepared in 1957 on William Avery Hyde, father of
Ruth. This CIA material was furnished the Bureau via Liaison on
December 4, 1963, with request the CIA material not be inserted in
the Bureau reports. Dallas is cognizant." [FBI 105-1717-225 -
Hosty's name on the "Searched, Indexed, Serialized and Filed April
19, 1964, FBI - Dallas" stamp on this document.] Hemming told this
researcher: "He was covering his ass." The FBI reported:


On December 4, 1963, CIA made available

information to the Bureau Liaison that in 1957 CIA
considered using this individual to operate a
cooperative educational center in Vietnam but he
was not used by the CIA. Investigation by CIA at that
time concerning William Avery Hyde was favorable.

Ruth Paine commented: "The information about the CIA

considering my father for Vietnam was a surprise. I doubt if he
would have accepted such an invitation, if it was offered. He
certainly didn't go. He went to Peru. He was working with the
Agency for International Development. He helped to develop rural
credit unions for the compasinos so that they could save enough
money to make loans to themselves, instead of always paying the
huge bank rates. He loved it. I know that USAID asked my father to
appraise a situation in Georgetown, Guiana. He recommended
against starting a project there, as he thought the local officials
corrupt." In 1964 Ruth Paine informed the Warren Commission:

Paine: My father is working for Nationwide Insurance

Company. He has been on special assignment from
them to - I am not certain of the name of the
organization - to cooperative alliance in Europe.

Jenner: That is a cooperative alliance of insurance


Paine: Having to do with insurance; yes.

Jenner: Insurance companies?

Paine: Yes; that is my understanding.

Jenner: This is a commercial activity, isn't it?

Paine: Yes; I believe so. And -

Jenner: The cooperative alliance in Europe, does that

include any Iron Curtain countries?

Paine: No. He is presently teaching a course at Ohio

State University and he is on loan for that portion of
time which he occupies with teaching from his regular
job at Nationwide, although he is at the company
most of the time.

Michael Paine was told about William Avery Hyde and

Angleton. Michael Paine: "I thought he was an insurance salesman.
He would never have any connection to the CIA. This is getting
ridiculous. Out of hand." Michael Paine, who was usually talkative,
said: "There's a good movie on T.V. and I want to watch it now, so
goodbye." He later refused further comment upon receipt of the

Ruth Paine grew up in the Democratic Socialist, anti-

communist tradition of Norman Thomas. Democratic socialists were
willing to work with the CIA to defeat the Communists, who they
viewed as a totalitarian perversion of socialism. William Avery Hyde
was not the only socialist-type CI was willing to collaborate with; it
also worked with David Dubinsky of the Garment Worker Union.
[Scott - Deep Politics p374]

According to Herbert Philbrick, the mother of Ruth Hyde

Paine, a Unitarian Minister, Mrs. Carol E. Hyde, was a radical: "Ruth
Paine's mother, MRS. CAROL E. HYDE, was active in the Woman's
International League for Peace and Freedom, one of the very first
fronts I came to know through the Cambridge Youth Council." (If this
was correct, why did the CIA consider her husband for
employment)? The FBI stated that Carol E. Hyde was insane, and
had been institutionalized for mental illness. J. Lee Rankin of the
Warren Commission was informed that these reports were Secret.
The FBI also discovered that Carol E. Hyde had allegedly admitted
to neighbors that she was a communist. During the Warren
Commission hearings Ruth Paine was asked:

Jenner: Do you now or have you ever had leanings which we might
call Communist Party leanings?

Paine: No, on the contrary.

Jenner: Are you now or have you ever been a member of any
groups which you consciously recognize as being, let us say, a
Communist front group?

Paine: No; I have not and I would be quite certain I had not been
unconsciously a member of any such groups.

Jenner: I take it from your response that you have an aversion to



Paine: Yes; I do...I am offended by the portion of the communist

doctrine that thinks violence is necessary to achieve its aims. I am
likewise offended by the doctrine that any means to what is
considered a good end is legitimate. I, on the contrary, feel that
there is no justification at any time for deception, and the
Communists, as I have observed their activity, have no reluctance to
deceive, and this offends me seriously...

Paine: As I have already testified, I dislike deception in any form. I

might go on to say that I think the people of Russia on the whole
have very little choice about their leaders at elections.

Jenner: It is the antithesis of democracy?

Paine: Yes it is certainly a dictatorship.

Jenner: And that is abhorrent to you?

Paine: Yes it is.

Jenner: I take it, far from having any sympathy or admiration for
communism or what we call the Russian system or philosophy, you
have an aversion?

Paine: I have an aversion.

Jenner: Have you ever studied Karl Marx?

Paine: No; not in the sense of studied. I think one history course in
college included a few readings from Karl Marx.

Jenner: I think I have asked you this, but I want to make sure it is in
the record. You are a pacifist?

Paine: I consider myself such. I don't like to consider myself as

adhering to any particular doctrine. I believe in appraising a situation
and determining my own action in terms of that particular situation,
and not making a rigid or blanket philosophy dictate my behavior.

Jenner: But you are opposed to violence?

Paine: I am...I consider violence to be always harmful to the values I

believe in, and just reserve the right to, as I have said, appraise
each situation in the light of that initial belief.


As stated Ruth Paine came from a democratic socialist, anti-

Communist tradition and was a genuine anti-Communist. The only
reason she let a "Communist" like Oswald live with her was because
someone in her immediate family had told her that Oswald was
"alright." Ruth Paine was a Quaker but not a pacifist. She
commented, "Pacifist is a label I object to. I would tend to look first
and much harder for non-violent solutions than most people. I am
not a Desert Storm enthusiast."
The sister of Ruth Paine, Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke (born
October 2, 1929), worked at the Labor Department from 1949 to
1953. She started working at the CIA in 1954. Her cover was
Personnel Research Technician, Placement and Employee
Relations Division, Director of Civilian Personnel, Headquarters,
Department of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. Marina Oswald told
this researcher in 1994: "Ruth Paine never mentioned her sister was
in the CIA." The Sylvia Hyde Security File 348 201 was held by the
Office of Security, Security Analysis Group. On June 15, 1955, this
CIA Official Routing Slip from Bruce Solie was sent to illegible
whose initials were "wmw"- "Remarks: Please have file set up on
Sylvia Hyde Hoke nee Hyde MS 8201."

On December 21, 1955, this document was generated:

To: Mr. Bruce Solie, 2046 I Bldg.

From: TALBOT BIELEFELDT, 2401 Y Bldg. (Ext


Subject: ORR, Paul and Violet and others.

1. William A. Hyde was in Washington this last

weekend, visiting his daughter and son-in-law, Sylvia
and John Hoke, 763 Kennedy N.E. The latter invited
(Deleted) and me over to meet him on Saturday night
December 17, 1955, since we were friends at
Stanford. (Deleted) Memo Dated December 21,
1955. Sanitized version appears above. Deleted
Sections contain references to the Hokes, only 3rd
party personal info.

In 1965 Talbot Bielefeldt, Chief USSR Branch,

Foreign Documents Division, CIA, 1200 Wilson


Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia, was questioned by

Naval Intelligence about Hoke. He gave the Navy
favorable references and stated that "the sister of the
Subject's wife was the one who rented an apartment
to Lee Harvey Oswald and wife in Texas."

On March 21, 1956, the Department of the Air Force

issued Sylvia Hoke a Final Secret Clearance which
remained in effect until May 31, 1957, six months
after the investigation by OSI, at which time Sylvia
Hyde resigned her cover employment with the U.S.
Air Force to accompany her husband overseas to
Germany. As of 1965 the above clearance was still in
effect. Sylvia Hyde Hoke was granted a Top Secret
Clearance from the Agency for International
Development on April 17, 1956. On September 20,
1956, and on September 21, 1956, the CIA noted
that Sylvia Hyde Hoke's name appeared in FBI
Reports about her father, William A. Hyde. Another
document stated: "For additional Information
regarding Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke Refer to:

1. OSI (U.S.A.F.) Rpt. dated December 14, 1956,

(#33-3439) Title: Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke.

2. FBI Rpts covering period September 17, 1956, to

February 6, 1957, (FD-204; May 7, 1954). Title:
Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke.

In February 1957 Sylvia Hyde Hoke was the Subject of an

FBI investigation, when her mother-in-law called her husband from a
telephone monitored by the FBI. Mrs. Helen Hoke had called her
son from the office of DOROTHY H. WILSON:

Dorothy Wilson, according to the informant, also

advised (Deleted) that Helen Hoke has a son, John
Lindsay Hoke, who works for "AAA" in Washington,
D.C. and whose wife works in 'Navy Intelligence.'
Wilson continued with the information that John
Hoke's wife was being upgraded from a semi-secret
position, to a top secret position, and the authorities
had informed her that she could not have this top
secret position because of Helen Hoke's association
with Wilson. Too, Wilson advised (Deleted) John

Hoke's wife was told that it did not appear that she
would get the top secret position if she could not be
cleared, they did not believe she was fit to hold her
present position. Wilson said John Hoke's wife was
faced with dismissal, which could have been frightful,
except that she was expecting a child and was
leaving in February anyway. [WCD 508 p1] The FBI
reported that

New York T-2 (SF 613-S* Telsur on CP

Headquarters San Francisco), who has furnished
reliable information in the past, advised in February
1943, Dorothy Wilson was a member of the North
Beach Branch of the Communist Party in California
and attended her first party meeting during that
month. In 1943, Dorothy H. Wilson's name turned up
as Communist Party member during a FBI trash
cover. In 1946 Sylvia Hoke gave the name of Gerritt
E. Fielstra as the person to contact in case of
emergency when she worked for Time Magazine.
Fielstra was a Communist sympathizer and union
organizer. [FBI 105-1716-16]

The United States Civil Service Bureau advised the FBI by

letter dated June 27, 1957, that Sylvia Hoke had resigned prior to a
determination being made in her loyalty case. [FBI 105-82555 NR
199 4.3.64] On August 13, 1958, a Card For Action Report
contained a cross reference between Sylvia Hoke and "CF #29931
(Talbot Bielefeldt) rep. December 21, 1955, p.1. Sylvia Hoke's CIA
Security File contained "Two sealed envelopes" were withheld as of
2010 as was "Information regarding father / 3rd Party / 3rd Agency
Information Contained memo dated June 11, 1959, (3rd Agencies -
OSI, U.S.A.F. + FBI)." [NARA CIA 1993.07.25.08:39:37:560310]
Sylvia Hyde Hoke's clearance with the Agency for International
Development was revalidated on January 17, 1962. On November
11, 1963, Bruce Solie asked Mrs. M.D. Stevens of the Office of
Security to do a search on Sylvia Hoke and Carl Hyde. There were
overt and covert traces on Sylvia Hyde and covert traces on Carl
Hyde. The files on Sylvia Hoke and Carl Hyde included "*157435
Type Covert *Hyde, William A. FBI report September 20, 1956, p 2.
FBI Report September 24, 1956, p2, MS-8201 Overt and *157435
Covert Hyde, William A. FBI Report September 21, 1956 p1. FBI
Report September 20, 1956, p1. Ethel Mendoza SRS." On


September 22, 1963, the CIA reported its files contained "No
Pertinent Identifiable Information on Subject." In 1965 Sylvia Hyde
Hoke worked for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare
in a non-sensitive position. On May 9, 1967, Mrs. E. Mendoza of
OS/SRS wrote: "Files of the Office of Security contain numerous
references to Subject who is daughter of William a. Hyde, G-
157435. (Sister to Sylvia is Ruth Paine, known to have been a close
associate of Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald).

Hoke's mother-in-law is Helen Hoke Watts, who is a

partner in a New York publishing firm with Dorothy
Wilson, aka Dorothy Wilson Seligson, aka Mrs. Lou
Seligson, who has been identified as a member of
the Communist Party. Wilson is known to have been
in contact with Isadore Gibby Needleman concerning
financial payments received by her from Bernard
Geis (1962 to 1963).

Gibby Needleman was an attorney who represented the

Amtorg Trading Corporation, the registered Russian Trade Agency
in the United States.
June 30, 1971
FILE # 348 201
1. Subject, under name of Sylvia Hoke with an
address of 523 Monticello Drive, Falls Church,
Virginia, was identified as a CIA employee in the
1961 issue of the Falls Church Virginia Directory:

2. Since it is known that opposition intelligence

services have in the past checked similar
publications, it should be presumed that the indicated
employment of Subject by the CIA is known to other
intelligence organizations. The basic memorandum
on which paragraph one is based is available in
Volume III of Exposure of CIA Personnel, OS #601
818. This memorandum contains no additional
information concerning SAC and further review of file
# 601 818 can normally be considered unnecessary.
Bruce Solie, Deputy Chief, SRS.


Hill's 1961 Falls Church, Virginia, City Directory

contained the listing:

Hoke John (Sylvia) emp US Govt h523 Monticello

Drive, (Fax Co)

Hoke Sylvia, Mrs. emp CIA r h523 Monticello Drive,

(Fax Co).

[CIA 646-277; FBI 105-82555 NR 12.17.63

Sullivan/Branigan; WCD 508p1; 10WH167; WCD 75
p78; WCE1983 p7; FBI 60-109060-1784; ONI Report
NCISC-32/dwc 9.13.65; CIA OS SF #348 201 Bruce
Solie C/SAG 7.18.78]

Sylvia Hyde Hoke was contacted on November 22, 1993.

She was asked if she had ever worked for the CIA: "No, I'm not
going to answer any questions. I refuse to give interviews." Ruth
Paine was asked about her sister: "I would doubt it seriously. When
I asked her if she worked for the government she said she did
statistical work for the Air Force. It's very unlikely and something I
never heard from her. It's unknown to me." Michael Paine was told
about Sylvia Hyde Hoke's connection to the CIA. Michael Paine: "I
don't believe it. It is not true. I don't remember what her occupation
was. I had no idea this was the case. Ask Ruth, what does she say?
If it was true, it had no bearing on the Kennedy assassination."
[Hoke, Sylvia Hyde 5421 Waneta Road Bethesda MD 20816
telephone 301-229-5998]
Ruth Paine's brother-in-law, John Lindsey Hoke, (born June
26, 1925, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), worked for the American
Automobile Association from 1951 to 1957. He accepted an
appointment with the International Cooperation Administration (the
predecessor of the Agency for International Development) on
February 4, 1956, as a "audio visual consultant (regional) to be
assigned to the U.S. Operations Mission (USOM), Panama City,
Panama." John Lindsey Hoke told the Deputy Director of
Communications of the International Cooperation Administration,
Gale Griswold, that, "while assigned in Latin America he had been
requested, and did, intelligence type work for the American
Embassy." Gale Griswold did not know for whom John Lindsey
Hoke worked, or what his job was.

On June 24, 1957, John Lindsey Hoke was transferred to

Paremaribo, Surinam, where he worked with the International
Cooperation Administration's Office of Program Support,
Communications Research Division. One of his family members
could not adapt to the field and Hoke returned to Washington, D.C.
where he worked with the Agency for International Development in
the Office of Program Support, Communications Research Division.
Ruth Paine stated, "You want to know why he left - his wife couldn't
stand Surinam." A notation in Hoke's Naval Intelligence File was
"Mrs. Van Sast, CIA, on September 25, 1962, called and wanted to
know Hoke's TS clearance and basis."On June 30, 1963, Hoke
terminated his employment with AID, no reason given. In 1962,
"DIO-NDW Confidential Informant (P-1) advised that Subject was
approved as eligible for Top Secret Clearance during the years of
1962 to 1963 by a Government Agency who conducts security
investigations [CIA]."On August 21, 1962, the CIA granted an
Approval for Liaison with John Lindsey Hoke:

TO: Chief, Employee Activity Branch PSD/OS

THROUGH: Chief, Security Officer, OC

The following is hereby requested to be effective on a

continuing basis:

CIA Employees: NAME (Deleted) and other such

member of the Engineering Staff designated by him.
Ext. 2952 Office OC-E

Non-CIA Employee: John L. Hoke. Organization AID,

Communications Resource Specialist State Annex
#1, Washington, D.C. On September 28, 1962,
Subject's Security Officer advised that SAC was
cleared for access to classified information up to and
including TOP SECRET April 19, 1954, per (Deleted)
x 113-3005] Classification of matter to be discussed:
SECRET, Chief Engineering Staff, OC Ext. 2952
(Deleted) Authorized Signature.

Agency For International Development personnel and

security records reflected that Congressman Porter Hardy,
Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Operations, held hearings
on John Lindsey Hoke on August 13, 1962, that produced evidence
that Hoke seemed to be serving two masters, in connection with a

solar-powered boat project between AID and Hoffman Electronics

Corporation of California under circumstances which Congressman
Hardy described as "collusion."Hoffman's president denied
company profit on the contract. Hoffman "denied banality and
explained false limousine fares covered purchases." A newspaper
clipping, undated, Washington Daily News, stamped September 25,
1962, reflects results of a committee hearing, that caption read "Aid
Official Has Wings Clipped." This article charged that Hoke was the
promoter of a project to finance a solar powered boat for use in
Surinam while at the same time he was planning to "make personal
profit from the venture." On November 9, 1962, Assistant United
States Attorney, Fredrick G. Smith declined prosecution in the case
on the grounds that violation of Federal laws by Hoke were merely a
technical nature. Hoke was embittered over the way this
Congressional investigation was handled.

On June 20, 1963, the Hokes received a telephone call from

the Paines to congratulate their son on his 10th birthday. On June
30, 1963, John Lindsey Hoke left the Agency for International
Development. No reason was given.

On August 22, 1963, the CIA again granted an Approval for

Liaison with John Lindsey Hoke on a continuing basis. This
document was identical to the first Request for Approval of Liaison
except that a block stamp on it was signed by Howard Osborn and
the notation "EAB card reflects on September 28, 1962, Subject's
Security Officer advised that SAC was cleared for access to
classified information up to and including Top Secret." Ruth Paine
visited the Hokes in August 1963. In August 1963 Ruth Paine was in
Washington D.C. to attend a mass civil rights march. [WCE 1983
page 7] Ruth Paine described her trip in a letter to Marina:
"Tomorrow we and the children will go to Baltimore, Maryland,
where Michael's brother and wife live. We will spend one day there
and then we will go back further to Washington, where we will stay
with sister until Thursday. Then back to Paoli again, where we will
wait for my father. He will be here with us for two days. I expect to
be in Paoli until September 10, 1963, and then to go to Ohio and
Indiana, where our relatives and friends live, and to arrive in New
Orleans on the 20th..." [WCE 78 p253] When Hoke's Request for
Liaison Approval was renewed on August 13, 1964, it was identical
to the others except for a block stamp that read "On August 20,
1964, Subject's Security Officer advised that Subject was cleared


for access to classified information up to and including Top Secret

TERMINATED June 30, 1963. Return, no action."

In July 1965 John Lindsey Hoke was the subject of a

security investigation by U.S. Naval Intelligence because of his
connection to Ruth Paine combined with his employment by Atlantic
Research. Atlantic Research was founded in 1949 and is an
Alexandria-based, high-technology firm, which is engaged in the
production of rockets, gas generators and chemical research
techniques, design and development of command and control
systems for space and air defense, data processing, computer
facilities management, computer based research and analysis and
the development of defense software. Atlantic Research was
involved in launching unmanned satellites in 1956. Hoke was
granted a company confidential clearance. [NYT 9.25.56] Everyone
who was interviewed by Naval Intelligence recommended him "for a
position of trust with the U.S. Government."
John Lindsey Hoke was contacted in November 1993. He
asked: "What is the purpose of your book? If this is another one of
these books that's doing an exposé on plots and so forth and so on,
I'm simply not interested in getting mixed-up in it." It was explained
to John Lindsey Hoke that his wife's close connection to the CIA
had been exposed. "She worked for the CIA, no (laughs). Well, let
me ask her and find out. Honey, did you work for CIA? I don't know
what you got, or where you got it. I don't particularly want to get into
it. I don't need a copy. I don't know where all this crap is coming up
from. I'm sure I'm in it too." John Lindsey Hoke was read the
document that stated he was doing intelligence work: "Me? I really
don't want to discuss it anymore. Thanks for calling."

On December 12, 1963, the FBI reported:

Ruth Paine's brother, DR. CARL D. HYDE, was

investigated by the Bureau in 1953 as a
Conscientious Objector (CO), basing his objections
on religious convictions. No subversive information
was developed during investigation and persons
interviewed expressed belief he was sincere in
claiming status as CO [new paragraph] (deleted) CIA
(deleted). CIA confidentially advised (deleted). On
December 6, 1963, CIA furnished
(deleted)...Separate investigations have been

initiated in the view of the Paine's association with

Lee Harvey Oswald and the subversive background
of Michael Paine's parents (deleted) 3rd Agency. [FBI
105-126129-NR 12.16.63]

Ruth Paine came from a family well-known to the intelligence

community. She was not the run off the mill housewife she
pretended to be. Ruth Paine was asked that if her father, sister and
brother-in-law worked for the CIA, what about her? She said this
was "guilt by association."
Ruth Paine claimed her first meeting with Oswald happened
purely by chance. Michael Paine said he met Everette Glover at the
Unitarian Church. Everette Glover asked him if I wanted to meet a
Marine who had defected, then redefected, from the Soviet Union.
Michael Paine:

I thought, 'Oh boy, that sounds interesting.' It never

struck me too odd that he should be allowed to come
home. To be allowed back would be a feather in the
cap of the United States. So I didn't have trouble.
Without asking him, I assumed that was why he was
so readily allowed back. I expected to find him
politically interesting. And I didn't find him that way.
He was very different from the kinds of people who
had come to talk to my father. He didn't like

Michael Paine did not attend Everette Glover's party, but

Ruth Paine did. In July 1993 Ruth Paine stated:

This whole thing is still very painful. Kennedy was the

first President I ever voted for who won. I had no
association with the Dallas White Russian
community. I did not know DeMohrenschildt. The
party was put on by Everette Glover. I sang English
Madrigals with Everette. That was the only time I met
DeMohrenschildt. A colorful fellow, though.

It was pointed out to Ruth Paine that the HSCA linked her
father to George DeMohrenschildt. Ruth Paine: "Well it might be,
you know, things happen." On February 22, 1963, Ruth Paine met
Marina Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald. Ruth Paine said she

discussed censorship in the Soviet Union: "He referred to a letter

sent to him by Robert Oswald that he later learned, after he had
come back to the United States, had been sent. He had not
received it. He judged that they had simply stopped it, and he
commented that they are more apt to just take a letter than to take
out a piece of it and then send it on, and that censorship is more
obvious." Ruth Paine said he told her how he attempted to give up
his United States citizenship when he was in Russia. Ruth Paine
was asked:

Jenner: When was your next contact with either Lee

Oswald or Marina Oswald?

Paine: I wrote a letter, a note to Marina at the

address I had been given, and I got a note back
saying, 'We have moved. This is the new address.
Come in perhaps a week.' From that time. She
wanted to get the house cleaned up before I came...I
drove to her home. There would be no way for her to

Jenner: You just waited a few days, guessed how

long it would take her to have her home in order, and
you visited her. Am I correct in my summary?

Paine: She suggested Tuesday, as I recall in her

letter, but what Tuesday I don't know. If it was written
on the Tuesday March 8, 1963, that would be
Tuesday March 12, 1963. There is no notation on my
Ruth Paine visited Marina Oswald on March 20, 1963. On
April 2, 1963, she invited Lee and Marina to her home for dinner.
Michael Paine picked them up and drove them to Irving, then joined
them for supper. On April 7, 1963, Paine invited Marina to move in
with her. On April 10, 1963, Marina and Paine got together and on
April 20, 1963, Oswald went on a picnic with Ruth and Marina. A
visit was arranged for April 24, 1963. When Ruth Paine arrived on
April 24, 1963, Oswald was about to depart for New Orleans. Paine
offered to drive Oswald to the bus station. She said his trip came as
a complete surprise. Ruth Paine and Oswald drove to the bus
station, cashed in a ticket Oswald had purchased for Marina, (since
Ruth Paine had offered to drive Marina to New Orleans), then they

returned to Oswald’s apartment and moved some belongings to

Irving. They then returned to the bus station and Oswald left for New
Orleans. Ruth Paine launched an aggressive campaign to insert
herself in Oswald’s life. She called on Marina, and not visa versa.
She acted hastily in exposing her children to strangers. Someone
had instructed her to do this.
On January 9, 1964, the FBI questioned members of the
East-West Contacts Group about Ruth Paine. Wilmer Joseph
Stratton told the FBI

It is his understanding that either Ruth Hyde Paine

and Mrs. Marina Oswald placed an ad in one of the
Dallas, Texas, newspapers expressing a desire to
establish contact with some person who could
exchange conversation in Russian language. He said
he did not recall Ruth's statements concerning this
fact but is of the opinion that Ruth Paine took the
initiative in placing the newspaper ad. He related it
was through the newspaper ad at Ruth Paine met

Another Quaker, Paul Alvin Lacey, told the FBI:

He recalled Ruth Paine had mentioned that either

she had placed an ad in the Dallas newspaper for
contact with some person who spoke Russian, or that
Mrs. Oswald had placed the ad, seeking some one
who would teach her to speak English. He stated, on
reflection on the conversation, he is of the opinion
that Mrs. Paine placed this and in this way, Mrs.
Paine established her original contact with Mrs.
Oswald. He related that he did not know when Mrs.
Paine first made contact with Mrs. Oswald but
assumed that it would have been during winter of
1962 or spring of 1963 and prior to that time Ruth
returned East for the summer to visit with relatives.
He stated that Ruth had commented on the fact that
Mrs. Oswald was unhappily married and that her
husband was an emotionally upset person, and she
expressed concern as to the possible reception she
would receive in making contact with Mrs. Oswald
and was uncertain as to the reaction of Lee Harvey

Oswald with regard to returning Mrs. Oswald to

Dallas, Texas." [FBI interview with Stratton, Lacy IP
105-3441 Pettijohn / McDonald-1.15.64]

Ruth Paine commented: "You are way off here. I have no

idea of what you are talking about. You know how I established my
relationship with Marina." She was told that the FBI was merely
passing on reports from several reputable Quaker leaders. Ruth
Paine interjected, "You believe everything the FBI says, huh?" I told
her I did not. She continued, "Now we can talk." Ruth Paine was
upset because she was caught lying. Why did Ruth Paine lie about
the circumstances of the origin of her relationship with Oswald
before the assassination? Why didn't she say that she met Oswald
at a party through a mutual friend? How did she really meet
Oswald? Ruth Paine knew the OswaldS for about two months
before she allowed Marina Oswald and her daughter to move in with
her on a full-time basis and Lee on a part-time basis. Ruth Paine
stated, "I visited with them in Dallas and discovered that Lee was all
packed-up ready to go to New Orleans to look for work. This is late
April, or early May 1963. He had tickets for Marina Oswald to get on
a bus and follow him as soon as he found work. They did not have a
phone. She was pregnant. I suggested she stay with me for ten
days so Oswald could call her." A few months later, she allowed
Oswald to live with her on weekends. The Warren Commission:

Sen. Cooper: What made you willing to have this

man, you have said, this very curious man, from all
you have described about him, to have him in your

Paine: He was Marina's husband and I, like her, as I

have described, was both lonely and interested in
learning the Russian language. I would have been
happy had he never come out, indeed happier had
he not come out on the weekends. But they were not
separated as a married couple nor contemplating
such separation, and I didn't feel that this - it was
appropriate for him to have to stay away. I did not
ask that.

Ruth Paine was already teaching Russian when she met

Marina Oswald. She testified: "I presume to teach Russian, not
because I am fluent, but because I think my pronunciation is
particularly good for a non-native." Ruth Paine commented in 1994:

"I had one student." Why had Ruth Paine trusted Oswald enough to
live with her two children and herself on weekends? If she honestly
thought Oswald was a Communist, Ruth Paine would not have let
him in her home. S.A. Hosty said Ruth Paine told him Oswald was
"a very illogical person and that he had told her that weekend that
he was a 'Trotskyite Communist.'" Ruth Paine knew that Oswald
was connected to the CIA through someone in her family. Her family
had strong ties to the intelligence community and may have been
unwittingly used. What was not accounted for was that a sexual
relationship developed between Ruth and Marina.

Scott Malone reported that when Dallas Police searched the

home of Ruth Paine after the assassination they found a
commercial pornographic film depicting acts of lesbianism. Ruth
Paine: "I certainly never saw them. I don't know what they thought
they found." The police also found "Operating Manual for Sears
Tower Automatic Projector No. 9885." [FBI 105-126128-Enc.] On
page 17 of the description of items found in the Paine home items J
and K are marked DELETED. [FBI 105-82555-5TH NR 2579] On
November 26, 1963, S.A. WARREN C. DEBRUEYS informed SAC
Gordon Shanklin: "Movie reels in possession of Dallas Pd on
November 24, 1963, and November 25, 1963, as result of seizure
by search warrant from the home of Ruth Paine, November 23,
1963...were reviewed and bore no pertinence to instant case." [FBI
DL 89-43-616] The National Archives reported: "After an extensive
search we cannot locate this film in the JFK collection." [Ltr. 1.5.96
from Martha Wagner Murphy NARA to AJW] The movie reels were
probably returned to Ruth Paine. The FBI explored the possibility
that Ruth Paine was a lesbian, however, it found no evidence and
excised any indications of Bureau interest: "Stratton related that he
had no reason to consider that Mrs. Paine was a sex pervert or in
this way involved with either of the OswaldS. Amended page
inserted February 17, 1964." [FBI IP 105-3441 p13]


Hede Massing was a friend of Isaac Don Levine. A CIA document

indicated that Massing had spoken with Isaac Levine and he had
told her Paine "gave him five letters written by Lee Oswald and that
these letters are new evidence."[CIA 1283-1022] The FBI reported:
"The existence of these letters allegedly has never been made
known to any U.S. Government authorities." William Branigan stated
"Bureau would like to have Ruth Paine immediately interviewed to
determine whether or not she has been in contact with Isaac Don
Levine and if she has been in contact with him, has she given him
any letters or any documentary material concerning Lee Harvey
Oswald. (Paragraph deleted.) Mrs. Paine allegedly has given Levine
some documents not previously explained. Mr. William Branigan
suggested we go one step further, and interview Marina to see if
she has given him anything." [FBI-100-10461-4869 Dallas copies:
Gemberling, Heitman, Odum and Hosty]

On March 31, 1964, SAC Gordon Shanklin, Dallas, advised that

Mrs. Paine

…denied giving any letters to Isaac Don Levine. It will

be noted, according to SAC Shanklin, that on March
6, 1964, Mrs. Paine was contacted concerning her


effects as they might relate to the Oswald

investigation. At that time she advised she had six
letters, four personal, written to her from Marina at
New Orleans and two short notes written by Marina
while Marina and Lee Harvey were living at 214 West
Neely, Dallas. She also had a note which she
intended to deliver to Marina but never did. All of
these were in the Russian language. She stated that
she had reviewed them and that they contained
nothing of any significance regarding the
investigation of Lee Harvey Oswald. One letter,
written about June 5, 1963, at New Orleans, by
Marina, indicates that Lee Oswald wanted to send
Marina back to Russia. She said she recalled
sometime in the latter part of March 1963, Marina
told her Lee wanted to send her back to Russia. She
said the tone of conversation and the letter indicated
to her that Lee did not intend to return to Russia
himself. At that time she declined to make these
letters available because they contained a great deal
of personal talk regarding personal difficulties both in
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Paine and in the
marriage of Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald.
She stated that she did not desire the contents of
these letters to be made public and if she furnishes
them to the Commission, it will be with the
understanding they are not to be made public. On
March 21, 1964, when she was contacted, Mrs.
Paine, Mrs. Paine advised that when she appeared
before the President's Commission, she was required
to turn the letters over to the Commission in whose
possession they now remain. In addition, the letters
were read into evidence as part of her testimony.
[FBI Branigan to Sullivan 105-82555-29(?)84]

Some correspondence between Ruth Paine and Marina

Oswald contained veiled references to lesbianism. One of them
concerned a conversation with Dr. Froelick Rainey of the University
of Pennsylvania's Music Department. Ruth Paine alleged that the
reason she associated with Marina Oswald was because she was
merely interested in speaking Russian. She wrote Marina Oswald: "I
confess that I think the opportunity for me to know you came from
God...God asked me that I study a language..." Michael Paine


agreed that it was his wife's interest in the Russian language that
brought her together with Marina Oswald:

Ruth would have been more effective in the

East/West Exchange program had she spoke
Russian. She went to Middlebury College one
summer to learn it, and then, in Dallas, she was
paying people from the Russian community to read
Russian literature on to tape for her. That was fairly
expensive and cumbersome. She mentioned, when
we were in bed together, the possibility of inviting
Marina to come live with us. And would there be a
danger in that? And how would Oswald respond to
that? How would I feel about that? Well, I was fully in
favor of it. I thought, he probably won't be hating us
because we would be relieving his economic load. As
for the cost to us, it was negligible. We had a free
house, I mean a free room there, and it was baby
sitting and company for Ruth and a free in-house

Michael Paine was asked if his hospitality to Oswald was

totally innocent and not effected at the request of an intelligence
agency: "Absolutely, not. It was a free way to get a Russian-
speaking person in the house. A windfall." Hemming told this

I doubt if they found lesbian movies. Her watching

movies? She's a religious freak. If she was involved
in homosexual activities she could have been
compromised. They wouldn't take the chance.

Ruth Paine was nine years older than Marina Oswald and
had never conducted a similar living arrangement with a woman
before. Evidence presented in later information nodules indicated
that Marina Oswald was a sexually active individual. She could have
engaged in homosexual activities with Ruth Paine. Ruth Paine
looked very "butch" around this time and had separated from her
husband, perhaps for sexual reasons. She never remarried. Ruth
Paine maintained that everything she did was totally innocent,
including her relationship with Marina. Another possibility was that
the films belonged to Michael Paine and he had left them behind
when he moved out of the dwelling.


Although her husband lived nearby and visited her

frequently, Ruth Paine was separated from Michael Ralph Paine
while she knew Oswald. On November 13, 1963, Ruth Paine filed a
petition for a divorce from Michael Paine in Domestic Relations
Court. This petition stated they were married on December 28,
1957, and separated on September 1, 1962: "This petition alleged
that about six months before their separation, Michael Paine
commenced a course of unkind, cruel, harsh and tyrannical
treatment and conduct toward Ruth Paine of such a nature as to
render their future living together insupportable." [DK-105-1716-
Hosty] Wilmer Joseph Stratton, a close friend of Ruth Paine, told the
FBI that Ruth Paine, in the past, "complained of the fact that
Michael Paine was so engrossed in his activities that he spent little
time with his family and when with them, he was so absorbed in his
thoughts and plans that he rarely discussed family matters or
showed an interest in any way with problems concerning Ruth or
other members of the family." Paul Lacy, the best man at Michael
and Ruth Paine's wedding stated: "He had never gotten to know
Michael Paine due to his reserved disposition. He said that he knew
of no close friends or associates of Paine's. He stated Paine is the
type of person who while friendly, is very quiet an uncommunicat ive
and involves himself in his own affairs and never takes time to seek
out friendly relations with other people or to become interested in
other people or their activities." In 1960 Michael Paine inherited
money from his maternal grandmother, Elsie Cabot Forbes. Under
terms of her will, each of her 15 grandchildren were to receive equal
shares of a fund when they reached the age of 21. The appraised
value of Michael Paine's share of this fund as of January 1, 1963,
was $269,000.00



Michael Ralph Paine was born into the Paine and Forbes
families on June 25, 1928. He attended Harvard University and was
dropped because of low grades. He was noted as being shy and
lazy. His only activities were Glee Club, Bach Coral Group and
Outing Club. He then worked at the prestigious Bartol Scientific
Research Foundation at Swathmore University. He served in the
U.S. Army from July 15, 1952, to April 28, 1954, and received an
Honorable Discharge. His military service record contained the
statement dated July 15, 1952: "The following inductee, Paine, was
inducted today but refused to take the oath of allegiance." [FBI 105-
82555 NR 12.17.63] Like Ruth Hyde, Michael Paine's family also
traced back to the CIA. Michael Paine's maternal grandmother,
Elise Cabot Forbes, was the brother of Thomas Dudley Cabot, the
President of United Fruit in 1948. Michael Paine commented: "He


was active in the United Fruit Company. I only know we were

related to the Cabots through Elise, my grandmother. I wouldn't
recognize a Cabot, I've never seen one." The brother of Thomas
Dudley Cabot, John Moors Cabot, was the Assistant Secretary of
State for Inter-American Affairs during OPERATION PB SUCCESS.
John Moors Cabot visited Guatemala and reported: "Jacobo Arbenz
had the pale, cold-lipped look of the ideologue and showed no

interest in my suggestions for a change in his government's

direction. He had obviously sold out to the communists, and that
was that." John Moors Cabot held a large block of shares in United
Fruit. [Mooney, Brown, Truman to Carter, p77 as cited in
Washington Silhouettes] During the Truman Administration, John
Moors Cabot was the Director of the International Security Affairs
Office for the Department of State. In 1961 he offered the use of
one of his companies, Gibraltar Steamship, to the CIA during the
Bay of Pigs. Ruth Paine commented that these personages were
"out of where I come from."
The mother of Michael Paine was Ruth Forbes. Ruth Forbes
was a great-granddaughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ruth Forbes
grandfather, who died in 1937, had been a founder and former
president of American Telephone and Telegraph.



Michael Paine commented, "Uncle Cam [Cameron], W.C.
Forbes, yes, there were five brothers there, actually one of them
died earlier, but five that I knew. Forbes was Governor of the
Philippines and Ambassador to Japan."

David Cabot Forbes was another of Michael Paine's

maternal uncles. David Cabot Forbes was a distinguished Bostonian
financier who owned Naushon Island, located a half-mile from Cape
Cod. David C. Forbes told the United States Secret Service that
"during the summer months Paine and his wife Ruth usually came
to Naushon Island, at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and remained
there a few weeks each summer, but for the past two years Paine
has not appeared and his wife and two children came along alone
while he remained in Texas. He stated that he realized there was a
family strain, but did not pry into the whys and the wherefores; that
during the first two weeks in August 1963, Ruth Hyde Paine came to
Naushon Island and remained there with the children for the two
week period, residing with Mrs. Arthur Young, who has a home on
the island. The island is owned by the Forbes estate and has been
owned by this family for over 100 years. At present there are
approximately 20 houses and 500 sheep on the island. All
inhabitants are members of the Forbes family and very seldom, if
ever, are any homes rented or leased to outsiders." Ruth Paine
disagreed: "David didn't own that island. No individual does,"
however Michael Paine stated: "The island has been owned by the
descendants of J. M. Forbes who bought it in 1834. I'm the fifth
generation." One such outsider to rent from the Forbes family was J.
Richardson Dilworth. The Secret Service reported that Dilworth "is
employed by the Rockefeller Brothers, New York, New York. He
resides at 141 Hodge Road, Princeton, New Jersey." [CD 687
p1252] In 1964 an employee of J. Richardson Dilworth, William T.
Coleman, was an Assistant Counsel to the Warren Commission.
The paternal grandfather of Michael Paine, George Lyman
Paine, Senior (born July 29, 1874; died September 1967), was a
descendant of a signatory to the Declaration of Independence. He
graduated from Harvard University in 1896. An Episcopal Priest, he
described himself as a pacifist. He was in the War Resistors
League, and was involved in a lawsuit around the time of World War
I, after a Naval officer stormed into his office and hit him for flirting
with his wife. The Reverend George Lyman Paine defended himself

on the witness stand by saying he had driven her out to the

meadows around Boston and "tickled her under the chin" with a
piece of "Timothy grass." From then on he was known as "The
Reverend Timothy Grass Paine."

Herbert Philbrick wrote: "The Communist use of the Paine

family is a tragic reminder that the seeds of Marxism bear evil fruit.
During my years as a counterspy, I frequently came across George
Lyman Paine Sr. as a sponsor and supporter of numerous
communist-front activities. Paine fathered George Lyman Paine,
Jr...a follower of Leon Trotsky. "Michael Paine commented, "It
sounds exaggerated about my grandfather, he was a subscriber to
Readers Digest. Compared to his son, I never thought of him as a

The father of Michael Paine, George Lyman Paine Jr., was born in
New York City on November 16, 1901. He married Ruth Forbes on
March 20, 1926, at Milton, Massachusetts. She was Ralph Waldo
Emerson’s great granddaughter. They were divorced in 1934 and
George Lyman Paine Jr. married, Frances Drake, a follower of Leon
Trotsky, the Russian Communist leader who believed in waging war
against Capitalism rather than encouraging internal revolution. Leon
Trotsky, exiled to Mexico, was assassinated by Soviet agents in
1940. Lyman Paine was a Trotskyist and wrote: "I came into contact
with Marxism. The writings of Marx, Lenin, Engels and Trotsky
opened new doors upon an old world...I became a follower of Leon


Trotsky and a partisan of the world working class." [25th Ann. Rep.
Harvard Class of 1922] Ruth Paine commented:

He was involved in left-wing politics before their

marriage. That was part of the problem with the
marriage." Michael Paine agreed: "He was very
political before that, that was one of the difficulties
they had." Michael Paine's parents separated when
he was four years old. Ruth Paine: "It was not
because of Trotskyism that he did not see his father.
People didn't divorce as much then, as they do now,
and there was much less skill and knowledge on how
to deal with being co-parents. My understanding from
Ruth Forbes was that she and Lyman thought it
would be best to make a clean break and not see
each other. Michael didn't really get acquainted with
his father until he was grown.

Michael Paine:

I saw my father very occasionally. He was an idealist.

I won't say that he didn't love us. He considered his
political actions far more important then tending to his
own little personal thing of raising his family. I do
remember going to Communist meetings with him in
New York City. That absorbed his time, he didn't
have much interest his children. I did not feel any
resentment against the left. I admired his idealism in
High School and I mentally or emotionally followed a
tact that was quite similar to my father, but it led me
in quite a different direction. In high school I had a
long daydream of a better society. The nature of it did
not fit with Socialists or Communists. During the war,
my father may have gone under a pseudonym and
his wife Freddie was very active in union organizing.
The Trotskyites biggest quarrel was not with the
Democrats or Republicans, but with the Stalinists. My
father called the Soviets 'state capitalists.' No friendly
blood there.
Mary Bancroft, who claimed she had an intimate association
with Allen Dulles, knew Lyman Paine: "Two of our Boston friends,
Ruth and Lyman Paine, had moved to New York and gave

wonderful parties in their West Side apartment. We met a lot of their

friends, mostly in the arts. Ruth was a painter. Lyman, an architect,
was interested in what he termed 'The ultimate reality,' which I
interpreted as my old friend, Truth. Lyman and I had endless
discussions about this ultimate reality while sipping highballs of
bathtub gin and ginger ale..." [Bancroft, Autobiography of a Spy p54]
Abigail Schaffner, who knew Michael Paine until he was seven
years old gave Allen Dulles information on Michael Paine which
Angleton gave to the FBI:

TO: E. J.Brennan, Jr. DATE: December 9, 1963

FROM: S.J. Papich


Enclosed herewith is a copy of a memorandum dated

December (?) 1963, which Allen Dulles, former
Director of the CIA received from a friend, not
identified. The document, which was furnished to the
liaison Agent on December (?) 1963, by JAMES
Angleton, CIA, sets forth information concerning the
family of Michael Paine. [FBI 105-126129-61 NR 199
On March 13, 1964, Edward and Abigail Schaffner were
interviewed by the FBI in Miami, Florida. They said they were
'employed from 1930 to about 1942, and then again immediately
after World War II until about 1948, at the Forbes Estate, Naushon
Island, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. During these periods, Edward
Schaffner was employed in a caretaker capacity, and also assisted
in the operation of a ferry boat owned by this estate which traveled
from the island to Woods Hole. Abigail Schaffner was employed
part-time in a domestic capacity. Her father, William Allen, was
superintendent of the caretakers at this estate.

During the above periods the Schaffners knew Michael

Paine as a small child, and later as a teenager, when he visited the
estate during the summer school vacations." [FBI 105-1717-181]

The letter to Dulles:


It has been reported in the press that a Mrs. Michael

Paine had given shelter to Mrs. Oswald and her
children -- and that Michael Paine, who is separated
from his wife, liked to talk politics and philosophy with
Oswald. All I know -- second hand -- about Mrs.
Paine is that she is a Quaker and had 'studied
Russian.' However I know about Michael Paine's
background and knew him until he was seven years
old. He is now approximately 35. His mother is Mrs.
Arthur Young of 1810 Delancy Place, Philadelphia.
Mrs. Young was born Ruth Forbes. Her mother was a
Cabot and her father was Ralph Waldo Forbes, a
direct descendant of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ruth
Forbes was also a cousin or niece of Cameron
Forbes, one time Governor of the Philippines and
U.S. Ambassador to Japan. Ruth Forbes had been
married three times, Arthur Young being her first
husband. He is an inventor (having 'invented' the
helicopter.') I put this in parenthesis because, I
believe, he invented improvements to the helicopter
rather than he machine itself -- but am not sure. In
any case, he is wealthy -- as is his wife -- and in
recent years he had devoted himself entirely to
researches in what is know under the general
heading of ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception). (He
believes that there is another 'force' in the universe --
like electricity or similar -- that has not yet been
tapped). His researches have been extremely
complicated an esoteric and he has worked with the
Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton --
consulted with them -- and also with Bell
Laboratories. Ruth Young's first husband -- and
Michael Paine's father -- was Lyman Paine who
father, Reverend George Lyman Paine -- descendant
of a signer of the Declaration of Independence -- was
a famous Boston crackpot. He was involved in a
lawsuit around the time of World War I, after a Naval
officer stormed into his office and slapped or hit him
for flirting with the Naval officer's wife. The Reverend
Paine on the witness stand defended himself by
saying that his relations with the Naval officer's wife
had been entirely harmless. He had simply driven her
out to the meadows around Boston and 'tickled her

under the chin with a piece of 'Timothy Grass.' From

then on the Reverend Paine was known as 'Timothy
Grass' Paine. I understand he is still alive and in his
late 80's -- if not older. He is, of course, Michael
Paine's grandfather.

Lyman Paine, Michael's father -- and Ruth Young's

first husband -- was an architect -- but around 1930 --
34 after divorcing Ruth, he became a 'Trotskyite' and
married a girl active in Trotskyite circles. However,
typical of the sort of New England crackpot tradition,
they were not real Trotskyites, but belonged to some
infinitesimal splinter group that as far as I know did
nothing but sit around and talk, talk about how the
other Trotskyists were 'betraying the Revolution' as
conceived by Trotsky. I have not heard for many
years anything about Lyman Paine. I believe he and
his wife lived -- in the 30's -- in California...Mrs.
Young is very much upset about recent happenings
and my friend who is her cousin -- although I also
know Mrs. Young very well -- 'imagines' that the fact
that Lyman Paine was such a talky, talky 'Trotskyite'
will lend to Michael's association with Oswald an
implication that in reality it may not have. In other
words, Michael's talk may well have been -- although
not necessarily was -- simply an offshoot of what he
knew to be his father's interests. My own evaluation
of Lyman Paine, whom I also knew well in the 1920's,
is that he could not do anything, that he was
thoroughly incompetent. However, he sure could talk.
And I think that it should be pointed out that granted
the social position and standing of someone like
Michael Paine -- plus someone of his obvious
advantages -- for advantages he did have -- and
education -- that for a character like Oswald to tune
in on what all this must have meant to him could
actually be a 'trigger." I have also heard, but not from
his mother, that Michael had homosexual tendencies
-- although he did marry and have children.
George Lyman Paine moved to the West Coast where he
became part of the Forest-Johnson Faction, a Trot splinter group.


The Johnson-Forest faction was a group of former Socialist

Worker's Party members who broke away from the Socialist
Worker's Party in 1951 over the question of whether Yugoslavia
should be considered a 'worker' state. George Lyman Paine Jr. and
his wife were described as the brains behind the Forest-Johnson
Group in the Los Angeles area. The Forest-Johnson then broke into
the Forest Faction and Johnson Faction. In 1964 the Johnson
faction had six members. Lyman Paine was a factionalist - he was
more interested in debating the fine points of Socialism then in
defeating the capitalists. He was an armchair revolutionary. Oswald
wrote that he hated the "factional mutants...odd ball Hegelian
idealists out of touch with reality."

ABIGAIL SCHAFFNER wrote, "Michael Paine from the

minute he was born was a strange child. He yelled all the time, was
afraid of everything, very destructive and generally weird. His
mother, a very placid person, was in despair coping with him, as he
would become excited at just about anything." The FBI reported a
file from the Military Personnel Records Center in Saint Louis,
Missouri, concerning Michael Paine, "contains the following
statement: (deleted)." Ruth explained: "When he was sworn into the
Army during the Korean war he indicated that he refused to follow
orders he felt were immoral." The CIA checked its "security and
foreign indices" and reported "no reference identifiable with
Subject." [FBI 105-126129-44] The stepfather of Michael Paine was
Arthur Young, an inventor who helped perfect the helicopter. Arthur
Young helped found Bell Helicopter. Michael Paine was a research
engineer at Bell Helicopter with a high security clearance. [WCD

208, 213] Walter R. Dornberger, a senior vice president of Bell

Helicopter, was a former Nazi general who supervised the
construction of the first guided missile, developed by Werner von
Braun. He was an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler and used slave
labor to build his missiles. After the perfection of the V-2 rocket in
1942, Dornberger directed the bombardment of London with V-2's
late in the war. From 1945 to 1947 he was held as a prisoner-of-war
in Great Britain. He was brought to the United States in 1950. FBI
files indicated "that this individual is a German scientist brought to
the United States under the custody and control of the Joint
Intelligence Objectives Agency."

In 1957 it was alleged that Dornberger was still a Nazi:

Airtel TO: Director, FBI

FROM: SAC, Los Angeles (105-5122) December 3,


RE: Werner Von Braun and Walter Dornberger.

Regarding Los Angeles letter to the Bureau, October

11, 1951, captioned (Deleted) INFORMATION
CONCERNING; Albany letter to the Bureau
November 9, 1951, titled "Guy Boisino del Vall,
Misc;" two Washington Field airtels to the Bureau
and Los Angeles, July 30, 1954; Washington Field
airtel to the Bureau and Los Angeles, August 1,
1954; Los Angeles airtel to the Bureau August 6,
1954, setting out background information concerning
(Deleted) and Los Angeles airtels to the Bureau,
August 13, 1954, and August 23, 1954, all captioned
"(Deleted) Misc. Info Concerning,"

Referenced communications deal largely with de

Valle efforts to interest the Department of the Navy
and Air Force in (Deleted) and his efforts to have the
FBI assist him in this regard.

Enclosed herewith is a blank memorandum with five

copies to the Bureau concerning the captioned


On December 2, 1957, (Deleted) advised ASAC

Ralph W. Machman (Deleted) had been in (Deleted)
office on December 2, 1957, and claimed to have
information that Von Braun is still a Nazi.

On December 3, 1957, (Deleted) interviewed by SA's

(Deleted) and (Deleted) and furnished information
which is set up in enclosed blank memorandum.

(Deleted) advised that his primary purpose in

contacting (Deleted) was to attempt to have either
(Deleted) of the FBI arrange and introduction of
(Deleted). He said if (Deleted) believed that this
(Deleted) that it would tend to prove the activities of
Von Braun and Dornberger have not been in the best
interests of the United States. (Deleted) was advised
that the Bureau could not arrange such an
introduction. (Deleted) One copy of each blank
memorandum is being furnished for San Francisco
(Deleted) California, Birmingham (Werner Von Braun,
Huntsville, Alabama) and Albany (Walter Dornberger,
Ithaca, New York).

Another FBI document stated:

FBI files and other agency files of the FBI do not

contain any derogatory information concerning
Dornberger. Files of the Cincinnati Office revealed
that (Deleted) the subject of Bufile entitled (Deleted).
A review of this file reflected that (Deleted) was very
pro-Nazi and might be a security threat to the United
States. Investigation revealed that (Deleted) may
have made statements which were considered pro-
German, but many of these statements (Deleted)
later denied, others, he insisted, were misinterpreted.
A large number of neighbors, friends and
acquaintances testified to (Deleted)'s loyalty to the
United States. There was no evidence of
organizational activity. The facts of this case were
presented to the United States Attorney on
November 13, 1943, who informed that in view of
existing court decisions and policies of the
Department, this was not a strong enough case to
institute denaturalization proceedings against

(Deleted). Confidential Informant T-1, another

Government agency which conducts security type
investigations, advised that their files contained no
record of derogatory information regarding
Dornberger and no record of any security violations.

In 1958 Dornberger was considered for a non-sensitive

position with the United States Government. The FBI reported: "No
investigation of this individual is being conducted by the FBI in the
absence of a specific request. This is not to be considered as a
clearance or disapproval of this individual by the FBI for Federal
employment." Dornberger died in July 1980. [FBI 140-0-497321;
Newsweek 7.14.80]

Bell Helicopter supplied many CIA-sponsored dictators, such

as the Shah of Iran, with materiel. The Textron Corporation, which
eventually purchased Bell Helicopter, was investigated for having
paid millions of dollars in kickbacks to an Iranian sales agency. Bell
Helicopter was a member of the Aircraft Manufacturers Association,
like Lockheed, Martin-Marietta and the General Dynamics
Corporation. This Association was represented by Albert Jenner
when it was a defendant in a Federal antitrust lawsuit. [72-Civ-1307-
USDC-NY] Albert Jenner went over Ruth Paine's account of Oswald
with her on the morning that she testified. [WC Paine Testimony
p455] He personally knew the Paine family and generated this

After reading the attached article, it occurred to me

that may be Michael Paine's father, Lyman Paine,
whom I knew well thirty years ago but have not seen
since, possibly did play a role somehow. As I told you
before, Lyman Paine was -- and I believe still is -- a
Trotskyite, but based on my knowledge of his
ineffective personality and to the fact that I have been
told that he belonged to a small splinter group of the
Trotskyites. -- I imagine that all he ever did was talk.
However, granted that Trotsky lived in Mexico --
maybe Michael knew of connections and maybe
names of various individuals was all Oswald needed.
I don't know if Trotskyites are pro-Castro - but I
suppose they could be anything. I have reflected on
whether it would make any sense to talk to Lyman
Paine -- for I imagine I could locate him -- but I am


inclined to think he wouldn't talk -- that he would

resent any authority -- for that was always his trouble.
However, I think if anyone wanted to talk to him -- it
would be wisest -- and most productive -- to talk first
to Michael Paine's mother, Mrs. Arthur Young, whom
I am sure would be cooperative -- and who could
probably tell as much about Lyman Paine as he
would tell himself." [UnID Warren Commission
document by Jenner to file]

Ruth Paine claimed her husband only worked for Bell

Helicopter for six or seven years: "He got the job because of his
stepfather. Michael is not somebody who likes the military-industrial
complex." Michael Paine was questioned about his association with
Bell Helicopter:

The company was not like that. Personally, I went out

there quite independent of that. My stepfather
invented the Bell Helicopter. Larry Bell from Bell
Aircraft in Buffalo saw it and bought the idea. They
got a license around the same time Sikorsky did in
1941. Then I came along - my mother married Arthur
in 1946. Arthur engaged me to make models and
another friend of his, a Vice President of Bell
Helicopter and I were invited to go to Dallas. I stayed
for ten years. Union regulations made it very difficult
for an engineer to handle a tool. I worked on the
'convertaplane' that eventually became the Osprey.
Bell Helicopter was largely a commercial company
and it wasn't until the Vietnam war - maybe they used
helicopters in Korea - but it was during the Vietnam
War that Bell Helicopter made 40% of the aircraft that
were used. So it was a vital part of the Vietnam War.
I was president of the Committee for Peaceful
Solutions in Vietnam. Bell allowed me to show a
movie by a CBS correspondent which looked
favorably on Ho Chi Minh. Another high officer there
named Bob Licten, the promotor of the XB-3, was
President of the Dallas American Civil Liberties
Union. He died in an automobile accident. Bell was
more liberal than many other companies that made
the major part of it's income from military sales.


After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, S.A.

Hosty questioned Mrs. Werner R. Grimes about Michael Paine. She
informed S.A. Hosty that

…on two or three occasions in the Fall of 1963,

Michael Paine requested that he be permitted to
attend a meeting of the John Birch Society of which
Mrs. Grimes stated she was an active member. Mrs.
Werner R. Grimes stated she invited Michael Paine
to attend one John Birch Society meeting at her
residence and later, when this meeting was
canceled, she was unable to get in touch with
Michael Paine to advise him of this cancellation.
Michael Paine appeared at her residence for this
meeting, which was not held. Mrs. Grimes stated she
then tried on another occasion to get in touch with
Michael Paine and advise him of another meeting but
she was unable to get in touch with Michael Paine."
[FBI DL 105-1776 3.15.64 Hosty]

Mr. Werner R. Grimes was interviewed by telephone in April 1993:

No, I was not Michael Paine's friend, I barely knew

him. This was a number of years ago, and I was
interviewed by the FBI at the time because I
mentioned to a friend of mine in the Unitarian Church
choir that I had met somebody who knew [Oswald].
My job at Bell Helicopter was field engineer in high-
pressure hydraulics. I met Paine in that lab. I don't
know if this was the initial meeting, or if I first met him
at the church choir." Werner Grimes was a Unitarian
because he and his wife came from differing
Protestant backgrounds. Mrs. Grimes died about
1983. According to Werner R. Grimes: "Mrs. Grimes
was not an active member of the John Birch Society,
although she attended several meetings. I was at that
John Birch Society meeting held in my house, I also
was at one other meeting. Otherwise, I had nothing
to do with it." Ruth Paine was asked if her husband
joined the Birchers for counter-intelligence purposes?
She laughed and said, "You live in an entirely
different world than me. He was curious about their
beliefs and wanted to see what a meeting would be


like. He figured he'd go and make his own

judgments. To him, it was a way of gathering
information. Michael's a freethinker. He doesn't
always do what is politically correct." Michael Paine
explained, "I was a member of the Unitarian Church
and was quite proud of the fact there was a member
of the John Birch Society in our church, that it could
span that much political spectrum. I didn't realize he
had any connection to Bell Helicopter. I was
distressed because there was no conversation
between the liberals and the right-wing. We both said
we cherished freedom of speech, but in practice, my
actions and the right-wing were very far apart. So I
was going to various right-wing seminars and groups
trying to discover for myself why they didn't like the
liberal point of view. So I was trying to find a bridge,
language, ideas, that would get back to the root
where we agreed and disagreed. I recall talking with
Lee. He was likewise going around to - by the way I
did go to a private home of a right-wing group - I
don't recall the name. The only thing I can remember
about it, nobody ever asked me what my point of
view was. I wouldn't have lied about it, I can't lie. But
I was glad I didn't have to tell them. I didn't view
myself as spying on them. I was trying to understand
what was the real bug under the skin that made
these people feel that way. I wanted to be able to
write something about how we both cared about
freedom of speech, yet they didn't want to give
Communists freedom of speech. And I remember
taking Lee Oswald to an American Civil Liberties
Union meeting. I asked him, in my car, if he would
like to join the American Civil Liberties Union. He
said, 'No,' he did not want to give freedom of speech
to the right-wing, Nazis. We had mentioned
specifically Walker at this supper where I had
mentioned that I was going around sort of observing
right-wing groups, and he was doing it also. I didn't
want to pursue it further, because I wanted to have a
pleasant evening with him. I didn't find out explicitly,
but I assumed he was doing it because he was of the
view that America was controlled by a capitalist
cabal, who manipulated the country to its interests.

He thought the church, for instance, was just 'an

opiate of the people.' He thought it was manipulated
and controlled and put in place by capitalists who
were trying to keep the people happy. And he
wouldn't tell me much about them. I think David
Rockefeller was the only name he ever gave. I
surmised that when he was listening in on some of
these right-wing groups, that he thought he was
listening to the people who were behind the actions
of this country. I saw them as a fringe groups.

An airtel from the FBI Legal Attaché in London dated

February 5, 1964, regarding Michael Paine was almost totally
deleted. [FBI 105-126129-44]
John Forbes Kerry’s mother was Rosemary Forbes, a
member of the Brahmin Bostonian Forbes’ who made its name and
wealth developing trade routes to bring tea from China. Cameron
Forbes was the key player in this undertaking. The Boston Globe
reported, “Today, the Forbes’s own most of the Elizabeth Islands off
Cape Cod where John Forbes Kerry still goes to sail and ride

When Lee Harvey Oswald, the fall guy in the Kennedy

assassination, lived in Texas prior to the November 22, 1963 coup
d’etat he stayed at the home of Michael and Ruth Paine, in Irving,
before moving into a rooming house in Dallas. Subsequently he
stayed with the Paine’s on weekends. Michael Paine’s mother was
Ruth Forbes. Ruth Forbes grandfather was Cameron Forbes.
Michael Paine commented, "Uncle Cam [Cameron], W.C. Forbes,
yes, there were five brothers there, actually one of them died earlier,
but five that I knew. Cam Forbes was Governor of the Philippines
and Ambassador to Japan." David Cabot Forbes was another of
Michael Paine's maternal uncles. David Cabot Forbes was a
distinguished Bostonian financier who owned many of the Elizabeth
Islands including, Naushon Island, located a half-mile from Cape
Cod. On August 26, 1962 John Kerry went boating with JFK. Did the
young John Kerry run into Ruth Paine the same summer he met
President Kennedy? According to documents released under the
JFK Documents Act Ruth Paine’s sister and father were connected
with the CIA. Was Ruth Paine informed that Oswald had some


tangential connection with the intelligence community and was this

why she put him up? Did the fact that Oswald had a connection with
people on this social level play a part in the subsequent cover up of
the assassination? This is will always remain one of the most
closely guarded secrets of the American Government. The truth will
never be known.





On February 17, 1963, Marina Oswald wrote to the Soviet

Embassy in Washington, D.C. and said that she wished to return to
the Soviet Union. Her husband would remain in the United States.
Directing her letter to Mr. Reznichenko, Marina requested his
assistance in helping her return to her "homeland in the USSR
where I will again feel myself a full-fledged citizen." She asked what
steps she should take to achieve this end, and requested that the
Embassy furnish her material aid, if possible, for the trip. She
commented that her husband would remain in the United States, "as
he is an American by nationality." Marina concluded the letter: "I beg
you once more not to refuse my request." She was informed on
March 8, 1963, that it would take from five to six months to process


her visa application. This letter contained a visa application form

and a list of prerequisite photographs and letters. [WR p309]

Marina Oswald told the Warren Commission: "It seems to

me that it was at that time the Lee began to talk about his wanting to
return to Russia. I did not want that and that is why we had
quarrels." [WC V1 pg. 10 2.3.64] Marina Oswald also said: "I never
wanted to return but Lee insisted and there is nothing else I can do."
[WC V1 pg. 49 2.4.64]

There is a contradiction here. In her letter, Marina stated that

her husband was not going to accompany her to the Soviet Union.
In her testimony before the Warren Commission she said that it was
his idea to return to the Soviet Union. Marina was unhappy with her
life with Oswald at this time, but it was unlikely that she wanted to
return to the USSR. Oswald probably suggested to her that she
write this letter, because Oswald wanted a Soviet visa for himself,
so that he could enter Cuba in transit to Russia. Was Oswald going
to have his wife obtain a Soviet visa and then ask the Soviets for
one for himself? That way, if the Soviets did not issue the visa, they
would appear to be breaking up a family. If Oswald made the
suggestion, then the plot to frame him was already underway.
Oswald was in touch with Ruth Paine by this time.


FBI S.A. James Hosty had already put off interviewing Marina for six
months. It was around this time, March 1963, that S.A. James P.
Hosty was supposed to interview Marina Oswald, pursuant to a
regular FBI practice of interviewing immigrants from Iron Curtain
countries. S.A. Hosty received permission to handle Oswald’s case
as well. After reviewing Oswald’s files, S.A. Hosty and his
supervisor, Supervisor Kenneth C. Howe, reopened the Oswald
case, but S.A. Hosty did not interview Marina Oswald.

MARCH 4, 1963
On March 25, 1963, Hosty wrote that on "March 4, 1963, Mr.
Jeff Woosley, Supervisory Clerk, INS, Dallas, Texas, advised that
Mrs. Marina Oswald was, as of January 1963, resided at apartment
two, 602 Elsbeth Street, Dallas, Texas." Hosty would later state: "I
determined on March 4, 1963, through Immigration and
Naturalization Service records that she had moved from Fort Worth
to the Dallas area."

MARCH 11, 1963


On March 11, 1963, Mrs. M.F. Tobias, Apartment

Manager, 602 Elsbeth, advised that on March 3,
1963, Oswald and his wife Marina moved from that
apartment building to another apartment building in
Dallas, Texas. Mrs. Tobias advised that they had
considerable difficulty with Mr. Oswald, who
apparently drank to excess and beat his wife on
numerous occasions. Mrs. Tobias advised that they
had a small child and that Mrs. Oswald apparently
spoke little or no English and seldom associated with
any other individuals. They had had numerous
complaints from the other tenants due to Oswald’s
drinking an beating of his wife." Hosty would later
state:"On March 11, 1963, I made inquiry at this
Elsbeth address, and determined from the landlady,
that she had evicted Lee and Marina Oswald on
March 3, 1963. On that same date, I was able to
determine from the postal authorities that they had
changed their address to 214 Neely Street...


There was no evidence that Oswald drank to excess. Scott

Malone: "The reason he beat her was because she was fucking
other guys." Marguerite Oswald: "There may be time a woman
needs to have a black eye."

MARCH 14, 1963


On March 14, 1963, I verified that the OswaldS were

residing at this address when I found the mailbox
with Lee and Marina Oswald at this address...Now,
because of the alleged marital difficulties they were
having, I, in my judgment, decided this was not the
time to interview Mrs. Oswald, but to allow a certain
cooling off period. So then I checked Oswald’s file, at
which time I determined that he had a contact with
New York office of The Worker. I noticed it, and then
because of the domestic difficulty and the fact that I
knew I would be interviewing his wife in the near
future, I requested that the case be reopened. I
requested the Dallas supervisor reopen the case to
me...So I set it up that I would go back and recheck
in 45 days.

On March 17, 1963, Marina Oswald sent a signed request

for an entry visa to the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C., a
completed two-page questionnaire for persons desiring an entry
visa and a one-page autobiography. No letter transmitting these
documents was found.
MARCH 25, 1963
On March 25, 1963, S.A. Hosty sent a letter to the FBI
Headquarters stating that "conditions promising a successful
interview did not exist as of that time, thus justifying a 'cooling-off'
period prior to again making an effort to interview Marina Oswald."
That same day, S.A. Hosty received a lead on Marina Oswald.
Gordon Shanklin, the Dallas SAC, questioned S.A. Hosty about this
lead after the assassination: "There has been no report concerning
the lead on March 25, 1963, to interview Mrs. Oswald. Explain why
not." Hosty:

Upon careful review of the Manual of Instructions,

Section 105-E, it was noted that it would be

necessary to utilize a friend or sponsor of Marina

Oswald for interpreter and that the atmosphere of the
interview would have to be conducted in such a
manner as not to cause any undue emotional stress
or strain on the person being interviewed. In view of
the reported marital difficulties between the Oswalds,
it was decided to wait a suitable period to determine
whether the domestic situation had been sufficiently
clarified, so as to permit a proper interview as desired
in Section 105-E of the manual." [FBI To SAC Dallas
from Hosty 12.6.63]

J. Edgar Hoover commented: "Certainly an asinine excuse."

FBI Inspector J.H. Gale wrote: "Inspector feels this entire facet of
investigation mishandled. Oswald definitely should have been
interviewed and Inspector feels best time to get information from her
would be after she was beaten up by her husband as it is felt she
would be far more likely to cooperate when angry at Oswald than
otherwise." J. Edgar Hoover commented: "This certainly makes
sense."[FBI Memo Gale to Tolson 12.10.63]

HOSTY MAY 27, 1963

FBI S.A. James P. Hosty had begun his 45-day cooling off
period in relation to interviewing Marina Oswald on March 14, 1963.
At the end of this period S.A. Hosty was to interview Marina Oswald.
About 70 days later, on May 27, 1963, S.A. Hosty checked the
OswaldS last known Dallas residence and found they had moved
three weeks ago. On May 28, 1963, Hosty sent this memo to SAC
Gordon Shanklin.

On May 27, 1963, an attempt to interview subjects

under pretext reflected that they had moved from
their residence. A check with the former Postmaster
reflects that the subjects have moved and left no
forwrding address. The owner of subjects former
residence at 214 Neely, Dallas, M.W. George, will be
interviewed for information regarding subjects as well
as subjects Brother in Fort Worth." [FBI 105-1435-4;
FBI DFO 100-10461-35, 36, 37]

S.A. Hosty testified to the Warren Commission that after the

45-day freeze on interviewing Marina Oswald was over, "I went
back to check again in May, the middle of May, I found they had

moved from their Neely Street address and had left no forwarding
address." This was untrue: He went back to the Neely Street
address at the end of May - on May 27, 1963.

Hosty commented,

That's not ironclad. Remember I was working on the

General Walker case. Anyway, it wasn't a freeze. It
was still active. Where does it say freeze? 'Freeze' is
their wording. The letter was written March 31, 1963,
and that is when the cooling off period started. Not
March 14, 1963. That would make it a 57-day cooling
off period. What's the big deal? What's the point? I
had 40 cases and his case was one of the lowest
priorities at that time. Walker's case was the number
one priority. It's not like in the movies or on the T.V.,
when you have one case and that's all you do. I had
40 cases at that time. The trouble is, you people
don't understand our system.

S.A. Hosty had put "a freeze" on Marina Oswald's case on

March 14, 1963, because that was when he stopped actively
investigating her. When S.A. Hosty visited 602 Elsbeth Street, he
missed Oswald by about a week, and when he visited Neely Street,
he missed Oswald by two to three weeks. S.A. Hosty was
deliberately avoiding Oswald. He waited five months, until Oswald’s
arrest in New Orleans, before he added any new data to the Oswald
file. These reports concerned Oswald’s employment and
whereabouts; yet even then, S.A. Hosty never spoke to the Subject
of his investigation, nor approached him for an interview. Hosty
commented, "He'd been interviewed twice when he returned from
the Soviet Union." Hemming told this researcher:

The FBI should have been on him like flies on shit.

Angleton convinced the Bureau not to go near this
guy cause he's a fucking asset.

James Hosty denied he even heard the name Angleton "until

his name appeared when he got canned that time. Because I'm
pretty far down the totem pole. I'm a field agent. I wouldn't know
about top CIA people."


Most FBI reports contained the signatures of two Agents.

James Hosty commented, "This was after the assassination. You
don't know the system. You're jumping ahead and making up
things." Bardwell Odum, contacted in July 1993, commented:
"Agents used to work individually." Hemming told this researcher:

They never interview Lone Ranger style. There are

always two agents. Hoover was trying to keep the
corruption down.

James Hosty: "I was a staunch Kennedy supporter and I

would have prevented it. If you were going to have a conspiracy, I'd
be the last person you'd want to have involved. I'm a registered
Democrat. A Mayor Daley Democrat. These records are public."

S.A. Hosty was not accused of being part of the conspiracy

to assassinate President Kennedy, however, the fact that S.A. Hosty
worked the Oswald security case alone, or in the company of an
agent-in-training, suggested S.A. Hosty suspected or knew that
there was more to Lee Harvey Oswald that first met the eye. The
safest thing for Hosty to do was to stay away.

On March 12, 1963, Oswald ordered a Mannlicher-Carcano

rifle with a scope sight from the Klein's Sporting Goods Company of


Chicago, Illinois, under the name of A.J. Hidell. Hemming told this

We had reason to find out about Klein's Sporting

Goods, their delivery times and the whole fucking
thing. Whenever we wanted to tell people about gear,
we referred them to Klein's. I drafted a form. The FBI
complained in 1961 that we were telling people to go
Klein's for their gear. Let's presume that he's been
guided to order the weapon. Why would he have a
weapon? He's got to go to a fucking training camp.
He's got to practice marksmanship. Any number of
things. He had to show some skill with a weapon to
the right people.

Hemming said he saw an FBI document about his

connection to Klein's Sporting Goods while visiting the Miami FBI
Field Office. Hemming alleged that S.A. Robert Dwyer allowed him
to go through the FBI's file on him. This researcher was unable to
locate this document. Wallace Shanley: "Dwyer had constant letters
of reprimand and was constantly on the edge of being fired. He was
a renegade, but he was brilliant." As stated, on Hemming’s CIA
employment application he listed "Klein's 227 W. Washington St.
Chicago, Ill." as a financial reference.

Hemming was asked if this was the same Klein's Sporting

Goods where Oswald ordered his rifle. Hemming told this

I don't know what you're looking at. How the fuck

would I know? Maybe they're trying to set me up? I
don't know. Send me a copy. I had nothing to do with
Klein's. My brothers had a credit thing with Klein's.
It's a catalogue that covers sporting goods, clothing,
the whole thing. I had a fat brother that bought fat
man's clothes from them. It's probably the same
Klein's where Oswald got his rifle from. I didn't put
nothing down for references. They told me what the
fuck was going to go on the son-of-a-bitch. There
was no Klein's on there. I didn't put Simpson, Spiegel
or Klein's. I don't see who the fuck put that in there.
They might have put it in there last week, how the
fuck would I know? Nobody's that fucking stupid.
You're telling me honestly that somebody put that,

linked with my name? That just tells me a story. Ain't

nothing new to me. I can give you more damaging
shit than that, that I know is in the fucking files.
They're worried, because I know who put it in the
fucking file, and I know where their fucking children
live. And they're scared shitless. They'd like to call a
truce with me. I know what credit references I gave.
CIA proprietary Andrew Hamilton fund which I drew
$2,500 out of when I came back from Cuba and a
couple of others. Number one, Klein's ain't got a
credit operation. They have a lay-away-plan like
Sears. Spiegel's the same way. You don't give those
as credit references because they're not in the credit
business. That tells me somebody didn't do their
research. Now somebody else put something else
down that tells me a fucking story. I doubt it, but I'd
like to see it. I can go out and print up my own CIA
forms and rubber stamps. I can create better
documents then they can. And because it's post-
1982, they're looking at ten years for doing that shit.
If it's worth ten years to link me to something, good.
And I'll put their fuck ass away, and I'll know where
their kids live.

After Hemming was confronted with documentation of his

connection to Klein's Sporting Goods he denied having told me that
he had referred people there: "You transcribed the tape wrong. I
had no dealings with Klein's. The FBI was after me for Neutrality Act
violations. That's why I saw the inside of so many jails then. I was
arrested half a dozen times. I would never tell people where to get

Hemming goofed when he used Klein's Sporting Goods as a

reference in his CIA employment application and then had Oswald
order his weapon from them. You have seen Hemming’s application
for employment with the CIA and Oswald’s invoice from Klein's
Sporting Goods. After I brought this to Hemming’s attention he lost
his temper and threatened the children of CIA employees.

Oswald had the weapon mailed to Post Office Box 2915,

Dallas. After November 22, 1963, the FBI authenticated the
signatures on Oswald’s application for Post Office Box 2915, Dallas,
and two forwarding orders. According to Postal Inspector Harry D.


Holmes, in the event A.J. Hidell was unauthorized to receive mail at

this box, Oswald could have received any packages addressed to
A.J. Hidell by bringing the package notice from his box to the
appropriate window. The weapon, which in the future would be used
in the assassination, would not be traceable to anyone else, except
Oswald, because Oswald himself had procured it.


Oswald was manipulated into further linking himself to A. J.
Hidell. Among the identification cards found in Oswald’s wallet after
November 22, 1963, was a Selective Service Classification Notice,
and a Selective Service Registration Card, in the name of A. J.
Hidell. Oswald’s photograph appeared on the classification notice. A
U.S. Marine Corps Service Certificate in the name of Alex James
Hidell was also found. These linked the rifle directly to Oswald.

Government experts on questioned documents testified that

Oswald’s false ID was a counterfeit photographic reproduction made
by photographing and retouching negatives to insert into blank
spaces where it appeared information had been. A print was made
from the retouched negative; new information was typed or written
on the second print. This print was then photographed and printed.
The Warren Commission admitted this was not a simple process:
"The preparation of the negative, apart from retouching, would
probably have required a very accurate camera, such as would be
found in a photographic laboratory or printing plant." The Report
stated that Oswald "probably produced them at Jagger-Chiles-
Stovall." Someone had taught Oswald the trade craft necessary to
produce these documents. One CIA intelligence analyst wrote:
"Technical Services Division analysis of this document would
undoubtedly help decide whether this card was a transparent phony
made by Oswald himself, or by some small-time operator, or
whether it was professionally produced. The elaborate A.J. Hidell
fabrication, complete with phony draft card, may be more than just
the devious clandestinity of Oswald himself." [CIA "Indications of
Witting Intelligence Involvement by Oswald"]

Hemming told this researcher:

I had also put a photograph on a draft card. It was

trade craft, and it was to accomplish a scheme. My
associates didn't have any alias ID, so I built it on the
spot. I had blank Selective Service Cards. There's no

place there for a photograph, except for a little

square where they stamp in your Selective Service
address. Then, when I see Oswald puts a
photograph on a Selective Service card a few months
later, he's doing this shit a few months later, I thought
to myself, 'What the fuck is this?'"

On July 29, 1962, CLARENCE ARCHIE ABBOTT, a male

Caucasian, born June 24, 1926, at Warren's, Wisconsin, admitted to
an FBI agent the theft of a 1958 or 1959 Mercury automobile at
Monterey Park, California, and transportation thereof to Biloxi,
Mississippi. In a signed statement to the FBI, Clarence Archie
Abbott advised that GERRY PATRICK Hemming JR. was aware of
the manner he had obtained the Mercury in California and had
accompanied him from California to Mobile, Alabama, and to Biloxi,
Mississippi, where Hemming received a portion of the money from
the sale of the Mercury. On February 22, 1962, Clarence Archie
Abbott also advised that Hemming was in possession of blank
United States Navy and United States Air Force identification cards
and a United States Navy Identification Card filled out in another
name. On September 18, 1962, Assistant United States Attorney
Donald Strange advised that he did not feel the evidence in these
matters was sufficient to obtain a conviction, and would therefore
decline prosecution of Hemming on both violations. [FBI 62-109060-
5583] After the assassination, a group of retouched negatives was
found in Ruth Paine's garage, among which were retouched
negatives of the original identification cards. Hemming denied
having instructed Oswald to make the draft card photo I.D.
Oswald picked up both the Mannlicher-Carcano he had
ordered on March 12, 1963, and the 38-caliber Smith & Wesson
revolver he had ordered from George Rose and Company in Los
Angeles on January 27, 1963, on March 25, 1963. Both had been
shipped on March 20, 1963. The rifle was at the Post Office and the
pistol was at the REA Express office. Had he been instructed to
order these weapons by someone familiar with the shipping
schedules of both companies? Hemming told this researcher:

I am familiar with George Rose and Company. They

are an Import-Export firm in Los Angeles, my home


Hemming also said he had owned two Mannlicher-Carcanos

in 1962:

I had those guns since I was 13 years old. I bought

them around 1950. Piece of shit fuckin' weapons.
Strange isn't it, both of those were taken by Saul
Sagué, the guy in Hugh C. McDonald's book, to
Honduras in 1962. When he came back, I asked him
for the rifles back. He may have given them to the
niggers down there. I don't know.

Hugh C. McDonald claimed that an assassin named "Saul"

was responsible for the death of President John F. Kennedy.
Hemming claimed this was Saul Sagué. A Mario Tauler Sagué took
part in an assassination attempt against Fidel Castro: "Summer
1960. Armando Cubria Ramos and Mario Tauler Sague, members
of the counter-revolutionary organization La Cruz, were put ashore
in the area of Punta Hicacos in Matanzas. CIA had instructed the
two to assassinate Fidel Castro and at the same time commit other
acts of terrorism and sabotage. When the two hired assassins were
arrested they had on them a whole arsenal of equipment provided
by the CIA." [Parakal, P. Secret Wars of CIA, 1984 p54 KGB Press]
Oswald had Marina photograph him with the revolver, the rifle and a
Communist paper. He was photographed holding the March 24,
1963, issue of the Worker, and the March 11, 1963, issue of The

It has been suggested that these photographs were created

by splicing Oswald’s head on someone else's body. This procedure
was unnecessary. It was Oswald’s idea to take these pictures.
When questioned about the photographs after the murder, Oswald
realized he made a mistake, and he advised the Dallas Police


Department they were doctored and his head had been spliced on.
Michael Paine:

When I went over to pick him up for the first time we

invited them over to supper with us, the first thing he
showed me was that picture of himself taken outside
the house there with a rifle and the two documents in
his hands.
Hemming told this researcher:
The photographs are unusual. I go along with the
proposition that the photos exist. He voluntarily had
his picture taken. But it doesn't look like trade craft
there. It looks like a fucking stupidity. It doesn't sound
like somebody into trade craft...When you start
talking guns, you start talking bombs. It's the kind of
shit that can blow an operation. It was more of his
idea, than someone else telling him to do it. But it
kind of fell in. Taking those pictures helped cost him
his life. If he connects himself up with a weapon, then
he was through dealing.

Marina Oswald: "I took the pictures. But the pictures had
been tampered with. Guess whose body was on the picture?
Roscoe White. [White was a Dallas Police Officer whose son
claimed was involved in the assassination.] There was more to it,
but it was quickly hushed up."


On April 10, 1963, Oswald witnessed, what he believed to

be, a bogus assassination attempt against General Walker by
Hemming in order to get Walker favorable publicity. Hemming
planned to deliberately miss his target. Oswald had supplied
Hemming with information on Walker and Hemming used Oswald’s
Mannlicher-Carcano rifle during the phony assassination attempt.
Oswald’s "homework" in regard to General Walker was to
photograph the residence of General Edwin Walker and some
nearby railroad tracks, check nearby buildings, bus schedules, etc.
Oswald hid his rifle in some railroad tracks later on and retrieved it



The purpose of the Walker Incident from Hemming’s point of
view was two-fold. The first was to create a history of violent
behavior for Oswald that would be discovered after the Kennedy
assassination. Hemming had Oswald create the evidence against
himself in the Walker incident. The second was to pay back General
Walker for the help he had given INTERPEN because having been
shot at by Oswald would make him into a hero after the Kennedy
assassination. Hemming’s method of operation often involved shots
that missed. During my association with him in 1977, Hemming told
two members of his crew (in Spanish) to pull up alongside the car of
a man who had arrived at Miami's International Airport, and shoot at
him - but miss. About two hours later, a Latin American male
entered Hemming’s office, and told Hemming, in Spanish, about the
An FBI document confirmed that Hemming was in Dallas in
April 1963 just before someone took a pot shot at General Walker


on April 10, 1963. On April 11, 1963, the FBI generated a document
titled "FBI, Dallas, Texas. Subject: GERALD PATRICK HEMMING,
Lorenzo Hall, Dallas, Texas 2-65 (field) 2-1693 (Bureau)." Hemming
denied being in Dallas at this time and said he wasn't there until July



Evidence that linked Oswald to the Walker Incident included

the fact that the name and telephone number of General Edwin
Walker were found in Oswald’s address book. Oswald was aware of
Walker and mentioned him frequently to Michael Paine. Like
Philbrick, Oswald idolized Edwin Walker. In an essay entitled
"Speech Before..." Oswald wrote:


Americans are apt to scoff at the Idea, that a military

coup in the US, as far as often happans in Latin
american countries, could ever relplace our
goverment. but that is an idea that has grounds for
consideration. which military organization had the
potenitialities of executing such action? Is it the
army? with its many constripes, its unwieldy size it
score of bases scattered across the world? The case
of Gen. Walker shows that the army, at least, is not
fertail enough ground for a far right regime to go a
very long way. for the same reasons of size and
disposition - the navy and air force is also to be more
or less disregarded. Which service than, can quilalify
to launch a coup in the U.S.A. Small size, a
permenent hard core of officers and a few bases is
necscary only one outfit fits the description and the
US Marine Corps a right wing infiltrated organization
of dire potential consequences to the freedoms of the
U.S. I agree with former President Truman when he
said that the Marine Corps should be abolished. [FBI
DL 100-10,461 WRH/gm]

(Former President Truman never said the Marine Corps

should be abolished. He said the CIA should be abolished;
however, this was in December 1963: "The operational duties of the
CIA should be terminated)." [Wash. Post 12.22.63]
Before the incident with General Walker I know that
Lee was preparing for something. He took
photographs of that house and he told me not to
enter his room. I didn't know about these
photographs, but when I came into the room once in
general he tried to make it so I would spend less time
in that room. I noticed that quite accidentally one time
when I was cleaning the room he tried to take care of
it himself. I asked him what kind of photographs are
these, but he didn't say anything to me. [WC Vol. 1
pg. 14 2.3.64]
Marina stated that she had originally seen these
photographs about two or three days after the Walker


shooting. On this occasion, she smelled smoke in the

house which they rented on Neeley Street. She
investigated and found Lee Harvey Oswald in the
bathroom burning pages from a loose leaf notebook.
Oswald identified the paper he was burning as being
the plans for the shooting of General Walker. Marina
stated these pages came from a loose leaf notebook
with a blue cover. She has seen this loose leaf
notebook about the house since the Walker incident
and knows that Oswald did not destroy the notebook
also. She also recalls seeing a bus timetable in the
notebook at the time he was burning the pages. At
this time Oswald had in his hand some photographs.
She asked to see the photographs and then asked
Oswald what they were. He identified them as being
photographs he had taken of the Walker home.
Marina is of the opinion that Oswald developed and
printed the photograph himself as he had available
material for such work at his place of employment,
and because he did not trust anybody else to do the
development and printing. [FBI 2.18.64; CE 1156]
Marina Oswald told S.A. Wallace Heitman that Oswald showed her
a notebook containing photographs of General Edwin Walker's
home, and a map of the area where his house was located, three
days after the Walker incident. She claimed she told Lee it was a
bad idea to keep this book; subsequently she said she smelled
smoke in their Neely Street home. When she investigated, she

Oswald burning pages from a loose-leaf notebook.

Oswald identified the paper he was burning as plans
for General Edwin Walker's shooting. She also
recalls seeing a bus timetable in the notebook, at the
time he was burning the pages. At this time, Oswald
had in his hand some photographs. She asked to see
the photographs, and then asked Oswald what they
were. He identified them as being photographs he
had taken of the Walker home. [WCE 1156]

The Warren Commission asked Marina Oswald:


Did you ask Lee why he had not destroyed the book
before he actually went to shoot General Edwin
Walker?" She answered: "It never came to me
myself, to ask him that question...I asked him what
for he was making all these entries in the book and
he answered that he wanted to leave a complete
record, so that all the details would be in it.

From this testimony, the Warren Commission concluded:

"Oswald was not particularly concerned about his continued
possession of the most incriminating sort of evidence," because he
left it for historical purposes. Oswald had turned his report over to
Hemming and Hemming did not return it to him until after the Walker




On December 3, 1963, Marina Oswald identified five

photographs of the Walker residence and some nearby railroad
tracks, found among Oswald’s possessions in Ruth Paine's home,
to the FBI and United States Secret Service. The photographs
depicted the wall through which the bullet aimed at General Edwin
Walker passed, the spot where his assailant stood, and the
fencepost upon which the shooter's rifle rested. (The Dallas Police
Department found a chipped edge on this fencepost, which
indicated something had been laid on it.). A fourth photograph that
showed a stretch of railroad tracks was identified by Marina Oswald
as having been taken by her husband in connection with the
General Edwin Walker shooting. The FBI determined this
photograph was taken approximately seven-tenths of a mile from
General Edwin Walker's house. Another photograph of railroad
tracks found among Oswald’s possessions was taken from a point
slightly less than one-half mile from the house of General Edwin
Walker. The Bureau ascertained these photographs were taken with
Oswald’s Imperial Reflex camera. Oswald forgot to burn these



She does recall she had asked Oswald when he

returned home and confessed he had attempted to
assassinate General Walker that night what he had
done with the rifle because she was afraid the rifle
might be found and traced to Oswald. In answer to
her query, Oswald told her he had buried the rifle in
the ground or in the bushes far away from the actual
spot of the shooting. She recalls Oswald mentioned a
field and also a railroad track and she has the
impression Oswald might have meant he hid the rifle
in a field near a railroad track. Marina said she
recalled Oswald showing her photographs he had
taken of the General Walker home. She also recalled
Oswald had shown her some photographs he had
taken which depicted a railroad track. It is her
recollection that these railroad tracks were near the
Walker house...Marina was asked if Oswald had
mentioned being associated with any other person in
connection with the attempted assassination of
Walker. She said Oswald had never mentioned
another person in this connection. She said she was
sure in her own mind he had planned and attempted
the assassination completely alone. She said it was
not like Oswald to be associated with anyone else in
such an endeavor...She does recall Oswald
mentioned on one occasion, when they were
discussing the Walker incident, a gathering at a
church near the Walker house. He told her he had
postponed his assassination attempt until the
evening of the gathering at this church. [WC CD

The fact that Marina knew that there was a church meeting
on the night of the Walker Incident indicated that Oswald had
discussed this event with her.
On Friday, April 5, 1963, Oswald was fired from his job at
Jagger-Chiles-Stovall for reading a Russian-language Communist
newspaper. ROBERT SURREY, an aide to General Edwin Walker,
reported that on Saturday, April 6, 1963, at about 9:00 p.m., "two
white men in a 1963 Ford [four door Sedan], dark purple or dark
brown, parked in the alley directly behind the complainant's


[General Edwin Walker] house. These persons were witnessed

getting out of the car and walking up to the property line and
smoking the place over." They were dressed in suits. Robert Surrey
followed them for thirty minutes as they left the alley and stated:
"There was no license plate on this car, either front or rear." On
Monday April 8, 1963, Robert Surrey had seen "two men around the
house peeking in windows" of the Walker residence. [WR p183;
HSCA R p98] When Kennedy came to Dallas in November 1963,
Surrey and Walker had "Wanted For Treason" leaflets printed. The
Secret Service reported:

Mr. Robert A. Surrey is known to be associated with

General Edwin Walker. Information at the (Deleted)
indicates that Mr. Surrey is an aide to General
Walker." Surrey was President of the American Eagle
Publishing Company which was "believed to be
controlled by Edwin Walker. Lt. Jack Revill, Criminal
Intelligence Section, Dallas Police Department,
reports that he has received numerous complaints
that the American Eagle Publishing Company is anti-
Jewish and anti-Negro. Lt. Revill reports that some
organizations from the opposite end of the spectrum
try to keep tabs on what the American Eagle
Publishing Company is doing. For this reason, it is
possible that Mr. Surrey did not want to print the
'Wanted For Treason' leaflets at the American Eagle
Publishing Company.

On September 30, 1962 Ashland Frederic Burchwell,

(CO-2-36,862) was arrested in Dallas, Texas with
several guns and a large quantity of ammunition in
his car. Burchwell stated at that time that he was
enroute to Mississippi to assist General Walker.
Burchwell had in his personal effects the unlisted
telephone number of Mr. Robert A. Surrey. Burchwell
also admitted working for General Walker. [USSS

Scott Hansen, a Mormon, aged 15, advised that on the night

of April 10, 1963, he was attending a Scout meeting at a church that
was nearby the Walker residence. "Hansen stated that he recalls
observing a 1958 black over white Chevrolet parked along the fence
next to Major General Edwin A. Walker's property on the night of


April 10, 1963. He stated that he recalled seeing the same

automobile parked along this fence on a previous Wednesday, but
has not seen the car in the church lot since April 10, 1963." [FBI DL
100-10461 6.4.64 Barrett and Lee] A Dallas Police report stated:

A witness by ear, Kirk Coleman, w/m 14 states he

was sitting in the back room of his home and heard
what sounded like a shot. (Illegible) up over the
backyard fence and he looked onto the church
parking lot he saw some unknown white male speed
down the driveway towards Turtle Creek, in either
1949 or 1950 Ford, light green. He then noticed what
appeared to be (illegible) with the door open on a
1953 Chevrolet, black with white stripe side down,
states this person (illegible) pushed up and was
leaning over as if he was putting something into the
floorboards. This person got inside the Chevrolet and
sped away from the lot. (There was a meeting of
some sort at the church and the lot of was full of cars
but at the time the witness looked out there they were
the only people on the lot).

When Dallas policeman W. E. Chambers contacted Kirk

Coleman, Coleman stated:

…that he was in the back room and heard a noise.

He thought it was a blowout. The boy who was with
him, Ronald Andries said it was a gun shot. Kirk
stated that he then ran out the back and climbed the
back fence and saw a man getting into a 1949 or
1950 Ford, Light Green or Light Blue and take off.
This was on the parking lot of the church next to
General Walker's home. Also on further down the
parking lot was another car, unknown make or model
and a man was in it. He had the dome light on and
Kirk could see him bend over the front seat as if he
was putting something back in the floorboard. The
only description Kirk could give on this car was the
fact that it was black with a white stripe. The other
boy, Ronald, did not climb the fence, so he did not
see this. The only description the boy could give on
the person who got into the Ford was that he was
middle size and had long, black hair. There were


several other cars on the parking lot because some

function was in process at the church. The church
has lights for the parking lot but Kirk stated the lights
were not on. The person that was in the Ford took off
in a hurry but the person in the other car did not
seem to be in a hurry."

General Edwin Walker believed Oswald had accomplices:

"There were two people in the alley and they were seen by a 15-
year-old boy that was a-carpenterin' with his daddy. The kid saw
them sitting in the church parking lot, the two men got into their cars
and sped away." [FBI DL-100-10461-6.8.64 Barrett & Lee;
11WH404; WCD 1124] The HSCA stated: "It is possible that
Oswald’s associates in the Kennedy assassination had been
involved with him in earlier activities. The committee conducted a
limited investigation to see if leads could be developed that might
assist in identifying these possible associates. No leads were
developed and this line of inquiry was abandoned." [HSCA R p61]
According to the Warren Commission: "At approximately
9:00 p.m. on April 10, 1963, Major General Edwin A.
Walker...narrowly escaped death when a rifle bullet fired from
outside his home passed near his head as he was seated at his
desk." Marina Oswald related that on Wednesday April 10, 1963,
Oswald left their Neely Street apartment shortly after dinner. He said
he was going to typing class at Crozier Technical High School; he
last attended Crozier Technical High School on Monday April, 8,
1963. [FBI 62-109090-1859]

The Dallas Morning News reported:


Rifleman Takes Shot at Walker

by Eddie Hughes

A gunman with a high powered rifle tried to kill former

Major General Edwin Walker at his home
Wednesday night, police said, and missed the
controversial crusader by less than an inch. Walker


was working on his income tax at 9:30 p.m. when the

bullet, identified as a 30.06 crashed through a rear
window and slammed though a wall next to him.
Police said a slight movement by Walker apparently
saved his life. 'Some one had a perfect bead on
him,'said Detective Ira Van Cleave, 'Whoever it was
certainly wanted to kill him.'

Walker dug out several fragments of the shell's jacket

from his right sleeve and was still shaking glass and
slivers of the bullet out of his hair when reporters
arrived. Walker said he returned to his Dallas home
Monday after an extensive coast-to-coast crusade
which he called 'Midnight Alert.' It was on Monday
night that one of his assistants noticed a late
modeled unlicenced car parked without lights in the
alley behind the Walker house at 4011 Turtle Creek.
The car remained there for about 30 minutes while
several occupants once walked up to the back door
to look in, then left. Asked if he had any idea who
shot at him, Walker replied: 'There are plenty of
people on the other side. You don't have to go
overseas to earn a Purple Heart. I've been saying the
front was right here at home. When I saw the hole in
the wall I went upstairs and got my gun, then went
outside to take a look. I didn't see anybody so I went
back in the house and notified police.

In May 1977 I questioned General Edwin Walker:

I don't think the Warren Commission would have

found out if it was Oswald unless they had to and
were sure of that. He did not deliberately miss. He
was dead on me with a telescopic sight. I didn't
move. He hit the window framework and the bullet
was deflected. There were two people in the alley
and they were seen by a kid out in the alley 15 years
old that was carpentering with his daddy and he told
the police there were two men in the alley...there
were two cars. The kid saw them sitting in the church
parking lot, the two men got in the cars and drove
away. I never heard of Oswald or knew he was at a
DRE meeting.


In 1970 General Edwin Walker recalled, "In my home
window today there is a perfect bullet hole through a copper strip."
[ltr. Walker/Russell 3.11.70] Dallas Police photographs revealed the
bullet nicked the window frame. The trajectory of the high powered
bullet would have been changed as a result of this. No tests were
ever conducted by the Warren Commission on General Edwin
Walker's windows, so it was difficult to determine precisely what role
they played.

The bullet whizzed by General Edwin Walker's arm (he said

he had been hit in the right arm by wood, glass or bullet fragments),
passed through a wall, then landed on a stack of packages of
papers in an adjoining room. The gunman rested his rifle on a
wooden fence, slightly chipping it in the process, and had a clear
downhill shot at General Edwin Walker. General Edwin Walker
could have been easily killed, but only one shot was fired.
On June 6, 1963, S.A. Hosty was informed by an ex-
employee of General Walker, William MacEwan Duff, that he was
involved in an arrangement to kill General Edwin Walker, with two
other men. William MacEwan Duff had received an Undesirable
Discharge from the Army on June 2, 1964, by reason of unfitness
due to Fraudulent Entry in the Army (concealment of other service).
His record contained a letter entitled: "Fraudulent Entry" that stated:


"During the entire period of time EM has been assigned he

continually cause trouble because of his refusal to tell the truth."
Duff came to Dallas where he married Frances Barnard. The
marriage was annulled after two weeks.

In June 1963 two private investigators hired by General

Edwin Walker told the Dallas Police Department that Duff was
planning to kill Walker. These were the two men named by Duff as
plotting to kill Walker. Duff was arrested and polygraphed. The
polygraph test indicated he had no knowledge of the Walker
The FBI reported: "Dallas report of S.A. WARREN C.
DeBRUEYS dated December 8, 1963, on pages 284 and 285 set
out interviews of Marina Oswald on December 3, 1963, and
December 4, 1963. She advised during the Spring of 1963 they
resided on Neeley Street. One evening in the Spring of 1963 her
husband indicated he was going to typing class at the Dallas
evening school (Crozier Technical High School where Oswald last
attended on April 8, 1963) where he normally attended two or three
times a week. On this particular evening he was very late and
arrived home about midnight, very pale, agitated and excited at
which time he admitted trying to kill General Walker by shooting at
Walker with a rifle. Marina Oswald stated her husband normally
would depart the Neeley Street address sometime between 6:00
p.m. and 7:00 p.m. returning home about 9:00 p.m."

In 1964 Marina told the Bureau: "When he came back, I

asked him what happened. He was very pale. I don't remember the
exact time, but it was very late. And he told me not to ask him any
questions. He only told me he had shot at General Edwin Walker."
Oswald went on that he did not know if he had hit General Edwin
Walker; when he learned from the newspapers the next day that he
had missed, he told her he was "sorry that he had not hit him."
Marina Oswald told the HSCA: "[When he returned late that
evening] he turned the radio on and he was very pale and he was
listening to the news, changing from station to station. I ask him
what it was all about, and he said that he tried to shoot General
Edwin Walker. I told him, how dare you take somebody's life and
you should not do things like that, I mean you have no right to do it.
He said well if somebody shot Hitler at the right time you will do


justice to humanity so since I do not know anything about the man I

should not talk about it." [Marina's HSCA Test. pg. 383] In 1994
Marina Oswald told this researcher: "All I can tell you is what he told
me when he came home. And people have pointed out how nervous
he was after that, and he was cool as cucumber after Kennedy? Are
you asking me, did I make this up? No. He came home from work, it
was late, I found the note in one of the little closets. I confront him
when he came what it was all about? Then he turned the radio on.
He told me he shot at Walker."

If Oswald shot at General Edwin Walker he would have

known immediately if he hit him or missed him. Marina Oswald
pointed out to this interviewer that all she had was her husband's
word he shot at General Edwin Walker. She was not a witness to
the event. Hemming was the shooter and knew the outcome of the
Walker incident. Oswald was exaggerating his importance in the
event to his wife. He had not done the shooting. If he had, he would
have known that he missed.
DeMohrenschildt told the Warren Commission that while he
and his wife were visiting the OswaldS one evening at Neely Street,
Marina Oswald remarked that Lee bought a gun and showed it to
Mrs. DeMohrenschildt. George DeMohrenschildt told the FBI that
this visit occurred on Saturday, April 13, 1963. That year Easter
Sunday fell on April 14, 1963. The purpose of the visit was to deliver
an Easter present to Oswald’s daughter. In 1964 Marina Oswald
stated "when she had asked her husband what he had done with
the rifle, he replied that he had buried it in the ground or had hidden
it in some bushes. He also mentioned a railroad track in this
connection. She testified that several days later, Oswald recovered
his rifle, and brought it back to the apartment." Marina Oswald
stated that Oswald did not retrieve his rifle until April 14, 1963.

Nonetheless, George DeMohrenschildt claimed he and

Oswald stood in the front room talking, and Marina Oswald opened
a closet to show Mrs. DeMohrenschildt the gun; Mrs.
DeMohrenschildt called out to her husband in the next room. He did
not get a look at it, but remembered a telescopic sight. Marina
Oswald told them Lee used it for target shooting. George
DeMohrenschildt noted he then "jokingly" asked Lee if he had taken
the shot at General Edwin Walker. Lee became tense, "sort of


shriveled," and made a face in answer to the question without

specifically answering it.

In a State Department interview at the American Embassy,

Haiti, on December 1963 the DeMohrenschildts claimed they had
seen the rifle in the Fall of 1962, and not the following Spring. In that
interview, they claimed the last time they had seen the OswaldS
was in January 1963, not April 1963; they were too busy preparing
for their forthcoming trip to Haiti to see Lee and Marina Oswald after
that. [HSCA V12 p52] The HSCA asked Marina Oswald whether she
exhibited the rifle to the DeMohrenschildts: "I cannot tell you that,
not because I am hiding, but because I cannot recall." [HSCA V12

In George DeMohrenschildt's unpublished manuscript, he

blamed the Walker incident on a Jew: "There is another thing which
makes me believe that Lee possibly tried to shoot General Edwin
Walker. A man, whose name I do not recall, a Jewish man, whom
Lee met at Ford's Christmas party, described General Edwin Walker
as the most dangerous man in the United States, a potential neo-
fascilst [sic] leader. I noticed that Lee kept on asking why. And the
other fellow explained clearly his reasons. Lee might have been
influenced by this statement." Marina Oswald told this interviewer in
1994: "I think he waited two days before recovering the rifle. They
did come and bring that. If it was Easter it had to be Sunday. I liked
DeMohrenschildt very much."


Oswald left a note for Marina Oswald in Russian with
practical instructions in case the Walker mission ended in failure.
Marina Oswald testified she became agitated the night of the Walker
incident when she found the note in Oswald’s room; she entered the
room contrary to his instructions when she began to worry about his
absence. She allegedly kept the note, to turn over to the authorities
"if something like that should be repeated again." When asked
whether Lee requested she return the note, she claimed: "He forgot
about it." Marina Oswald did not bring the note to the attention of the
Dallas Police Department, but kept the note in a Russian book
entitled Useful Advice. Ruth Paine accidentally turned the note over
to the Dallas Police Department on December 2, 1963. Michael
Paine: "I accept that he took a shot at Walker and nothing came of
it. I think he probably meant to kill him, but Walker had the good


fortune to duck at the right moment. He wrote a letter and left it with
Marina Oswald just before he went out that night. My wife was raked
over the coals by the FBI when she quite unwittingly sent that letter
to Marina Oswald. Ruth was sending Marina things she thought
Marina would like, and this was a book written by Doctor Spock on
babies. The FBI came back thinking she was trying to smuggle
important information to Marina. So they grilled her, brought her to
tears, and she was totally ignorant of that letter being in the book.
She had never seen it. And she was very angry at Marina for
keeping from her that Lee had done that. Later on, I remember
discussing with Ruth why she had done that: Marina Oswald was
afraid of being deported back to Russia." Ruth Paine: "This was a
book that Marina had read to me from. It was child raising manual.
After she left on November 23, 1963, I expected her to come back,
but she didn't. So every day or so I would send something the baby
that might need - a change of clothing, etc. Mail began to come for
her. I would give it to the police. The FBI had overlooked it. Later, I
understood Marina had hidden a note in a book. First I heard about
it, two guys from the Secret Service came and asked if I knew
anything about it. They presented it as if I did know something about
it. I said, 'I just sent a book to her.'" The text of the note:

(1) This is the key to the mailbox which is located in

the main post office in the city on Ervay Street. This
is the same street where the drugstore, in which you
always waited is located. You will find the mailbox in
the post office which is located 4 blocks from the
drugstore on that street. I paid for the box last month
so don't worry about it.

(2) Send the information as to what has happened to

me to the Embassy and include newspaper clippings
(should there be anything about me in the
newspapers). I believe that the Embassy will come
quickly to your assistance upon learning everything.

(3) I paid the house rent on the second so don't worry

about it.

(4) Recently I also paid for water and gas.

(5) The money from work will possibly be coming.

The money will be sent to our post office box. Go to
the bank and cash the check.

(6) You can either throw out or give my clothing etc.

away Do not keep these. However I prefer you hold
on to my personal papers (military, civil etc.)

(7) Certain of my documents are in the small blue


(8) The address book can be found on my table in

the study should you need same.

(9) We have friends here. The Red Cross also will

help you. (Red Cross in English). [sic]

(10) I left you as much money as I could, $60 on the

second of the month. You and the baby (apparently)
can live for another two months using $10 per week.

(11) If I am alive and taken prisoner, the city jail is

located at the end of the bridge though which we
always passed on going to the city (right in the
beginning of the city after crossing the bridge).

The note referred to the Walker Incident.

1. This is the key to the mailbox which is located in

the main post office in the city on Ervay Street. This
is the same street where the drugstore, in which you
always waited is located. You will find the mailbox in
the post office which is located 4 blocks from the
drugstore on that street. I paid for the box last month
so don't worry about it.

Oswald gave Marina Oswald the key to his post office box
for the first time. He had previously withheld it from her. Oswald had
Marina Oswald wait in a drugstore rather than accompany him into
the main post office on Ervay Street, where Oswald rented Box
2915 from October 9, 1962, to May 14, 1963. What was he up to at
the Post Office? The Warren Commission: "Although the
possibilities of investigation in this area are limited, there is no
evidence that any of [Oswald’s three boxes] were ever used for the
surreptitious receipt of messages...The single outstanding key was
recovered from Oswald immediately after he was taken in custody."
[WR p312] In 1994 Marina Oswald did not recall having been told to


wait in the drugstore while her husband went to the post office: "It
was just to remind me where it was."

Send the information as to what has happened to me

to the Embassy and include newspaper clippings
(should there be anything about me in the
newspapers). I believe that the Embassy will come
quickly to your assistance upon learning everything.

Oswald feared his action might escape notice not only by the
Washington newspapers, where the Soviet Embassy was located,
but by the local media in Dallas. General Edwin Walker was
headline news in 1963; even the anonymous pot shot made the
front page of the Dallas Morning News. Oswald was incredibly
stupid. Oswald was about to commit a political act which would be
viewed sympathetically by the Soviets. According to Marina Oswald:
"Lee said he was a very bad man, that he was a fascist, that he was
the leader of a fascist organization...if someone had killed Hitler in
time it would have saved many lives." [WR p406]

I paid the house rent on the second so don't worry

about it. Recently I also paid for water and gas. The
money from work will possibly be coming. The money
will be sent to our post office box. Go to the bank and
cash the check.

The reference to Oswald’s check having been mailed to his Post

Office Box meant the letter was written sometime after April 5, 1963,
when he lost his job at Jagger-Chiles-Stoval.

4. You can either throw out or give my clothing etc.

away Do not keep these. However I prefer you hold
on to my personal papers (military, civil etc.) Certain
of my documents are in the small blue valise. The
address book can be found on my table in the study
should you need same.

Oswald was about to commit a crime that could result in a

stiff prison sentence.

5. We have friends here. The Red Cross also will

help you. (Red Cross in English). [sic] I left you as
much money as I could, $60 on the second of the
month. You and the baby (apparently) can live for


another two months using $10 per week. If I am alive

and taken prisoner, the city jail is located at the end
of the bridge though which we always passed on
going to the city (right in the beginning of the city
after crossing the bridge).

Oswald was going after a former General , a tough

customer. He could have been killed or taken prisoner.
[DeMohrenschildt/W WR p282; WR pp. 416, 738, 592; HSCA R pp.
98, 60, 62]

Marina Oswald told this researcher 1994:

If he was apprehended as you said, but something

more will be printed, then identify people who tried to
shoot at Walker as it was in newspapers, you follow
me? Maybe the Embassy would help me to go back
to Russia? He was giving instructions where to go if
he doesn't come home. Maybe he was with a group
and maybe they would kill him. Its unlikely Walker
would have killed him. The police aren't going to kill
him. The message of the thing was that he had a
mission or had another second life. He did not
indulge in a explanation to me. I knew nothing about
it. So, if something happened to me, he was just
giving directions to go to get help. Maybe somehow
also he betrays himself by saying it. That's a
giveaway without him realizing that. The note did not
say he was going to kill Walker. He came home
without that rifle. What was all that about? If
Hemming put my husband up to this, the main thing
was to show Lee was a killer.
The Warren Commission Report stated: "Specimen Q188
was fired from a barrel rifled with four lands and grooves, right twist.
Mannlicher-Carcano rifles of the type used in the Kennedy
assassination are among those which produce general rifling
impressions such as were found on specimen Q188." FBI ballistics
expert Robert Frazier apprised the Commission that relatively few
types of rifles could produce the characteristics found on the bullet.
[WR p186]


The FBI's tests did not prove conclusively the bullet was
fired from a Mannlicher-Carcano or was fired from Oswald’s
Mannlicher-Carcano rifle to the exclusion of all others: "The FBI was
unable to reach a conclusion as to whether or not the bullet
recovered from the house of General Edwin Walker had been fired
from the rifle found in the Texas School Book Depository." The FBI
reported: "Bullet submitted as recovered from Walker's home has
same physical characteristics as the bullet and bullet fragments
recovered in connection with the assassination of President
Kennedy. Walker bullet is 6.5 MM caliber bullet fired from a four
land and groove, right twist barrel Mannlicher-Carcano rifles of type
used in the assassination are among those which produce rifling
characteristics such as on Walker bullet. Not possible to determine
whether or not Walker fired from rifle used in assassination due to
extreme distortion and mutilation and because individual
microscopic marks produced by barrel may have changed
subsequent to time Walker bullet fired." [Memo R.H. Jevons to
Conrad 12.4.63] The FBI Lab Report that this document was based
on stated:

The copper jacket and the lead core of the Q188

bullet were determined to be slightly different in
compositions from the copper jackets and lead cores
of the Q1 and Q2 bullets. Although the differences in
composition between the Q-188 and the Q-1 and Q-2
bullets were small and do not indicate that these
bullets came from the same box. It is to be noted that
there is no assurance in the fabrication of
ammunition that all the ammunition ending up in one
box possesses bullets from the same batch of metal,
that is, with the same composition. [NARA HSCA


The firearms panel of the committee examined the

bullet fragment that was removed from the wall in the
home of General Edwin Walker and found that it had
characteristics similar to bullets fired from Oswald’s
Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. In addition, neutron
activation analysis of this fragment confirmed that it
was probably a Mannlicher-Carcano [6.5 millimeter]


Hemming used Oswald’s Mannlicher-Carcano rifle to shoot

at Walker. Any tests conducted on the bullet would show that it was
fired from a rifle whose barrel had the same or similar rifling
characteristics to Oswald’s.
30.06 OR 6.5 MM?
In the original story about the Walker shooting in the Dallas
Morning News, Q188 was identified as a 30.06: "Walker was
working on his income tax at 9:30 p.m. when the bullet, identified as
a 30.06 crashed through a rear window and slammed though a wall
next to him."

An early police report described the bullet as "of unknown

caliber, steel jacketed." [Supp. Offense Report 4.10.63] General
Edwin Walker did not believe that the bullet fired at him was in the
possession of the HSCA and he sent this Mailgram to Robert
Blakey: "The bullet before your Select Committee called the Walker
bullet is not the Walker bullet. It is not the bullet that was fired at me
and taken out of my house by the Dallas City Police on April 10,
1963. The bullet you have was never gotten from me, or taken out
of my house, by anyone at any time."
The FBI investigated General Edwin Walker's contention.
Billy Gene Norvell discovered the bullet in the home of General
Edwin Walker. On June 3, 1964, Norvell advised an FBI agent that
"...he then picked up the bullet and scratched his initials 'B.N.' or his
initial 'N' on the base of it." Norvell gave the bullet to B.G. Brown of
the Crime Scene Search Section of the Dallas Police Department.
Brown stated that he marked the bullet. On April 25, 1963, J.C. Day
transported the bullet to the City/County Criminal Investigation
Laboratory, where he turned it over to F.T. Alexander and Louie L.
Anderson: "Lieutenant Day advised that he retrieved the Walker
bullet from the CCCIL on December 2, 1963, and gave it to FBI S.A.
Bardwell Odum on that date...S.A. Odum forwarded the Walker
bullet to the FBI Laboratory."There, it was initialed JH and RF.

In June 1979 the FBI examined the bullet for the officers
initials who were links in the chain of evidence: "Identifiable marks
were found inscribed on varying portions of the bullet itself. It must
be understood that certain markings are clearly discernible, others
admit of more than one interpretation, while others may be obscured
by oxidation or otherwise." The markings found were, "Q 188," and
letters which appeared to be as follows: "HJ," "RF," "N," "B," "J,"

"D," "A," "O" or "D." The bullet was contained in an original Dallas
Police evidence box: "The cover (top) of the box bears 'HJ, RF, April
10, 1963, 4011 Turtle. CK Burg by F.A. BGB Q 188. The inside
bottom of the box bears 'Day 7640' and the outside bottom bears
'7640 Day' as well as 'Q 188' and 'Rm.'" [FBI Director to Keuch 62-
117290-144 7.3.79]

Hemming owned a 30.06 rifle at this time, however, it was

unlikely that he would have utilized it in the Walker attack, when he
had Oswald’s Mannlicher-Carcano rifle at his disposal. The rationale
behind the Walker attack was to create a history of violence for
Oswald by linking him to the Walker incident. Firing at Walker with
Oswald’s Mannlicher-Carcano would further this end. The
newspaper reporter who stated that the bullet was a 30.06 may
have gotten his information from Walker. Walker was convinced the
bullet the FBI had was not the one taken from his wall, however,
Walker was a crackpot. The initials on the bullet matched those of
the police officers who handled it.
An FBI document dated December 4, 1963, to the SAC,
Dallas, from SA (Deleted), Subject, Edwin A. Walker, Information
Concerning, stated:

Assistant Director William C. Sullivan called at 3:10

a.m. and instructed he receive a return telephone call
and be filled in on the details relating to the alleged
bullet being shot into the home of Edwin Walker. I
returned the call and advised Mr. Sullivan that the
General Walker shooting details are not contained
within the Dallas files. However, I mentioned that a
slug obtained from the Dallas Police Department had
been sent to the Laboratory for examination, and the
transmittal letter reflects the slug was recovered from
Walker's home through a window and that no one
has been identified as firing the bullet. Mr. Sullivan
then instructed that Agents review Dallas newspaper
morgues first thing Wednesday morning, November
4, 1963 and the details be obtained and furnished
him by teletype. Mr. Sullivan cautioned this be done
discreetly since no one knows of Oswald’s possible
involvement in the shooting. Lead (AM, November 4,
1963). Immediately review morgues for new articles


on or about April 10, 1963 relating to General Walker

shooting. Prepare detailed teletype, attention:
Assistant Director Sullivan. Addendum: In connection
with the Walker case, FBI S.A. Kenneth Howe
advised that (deleted) called him (Howe) on evening
of December 3, 1963, and said an unidentified
(deleted) mentioned 'I suppose you (deleted) know
about it - Oswald taking a shot at Walker - he
admitted to it in a letter to his wife. 2- Dallas
(Deleted)' [FBI 157-218-45 re. 1983]

Oswald allegedly chose an enemy of President John F.

Kennedy as his first target before assassinating President John F.
Kennedy. The HSCA: "Kennedy and Walker hardly shared a
common political ideology. As seen in terms of American political
thinking, Walker was a staunch conservative, while the President
was a liberal...It can be argued, however, that from a Marxist's
perspective, they could be regarded as occupying similar positions."
Most Communist Party-oriented Marxists believed that certain
capitalist forces were more progressive than others and should be
encouraged. The Warren Report stated that Oswald’s attack on
General Edwin Walker betrayed a predisposition to take human life.
Once the Warren Commission established this, the Walker attack
became probative evidence Oswald killed President John F.
Kennedy. [WR p187] Hemming told this researcher:

Oswald didn't do the Walker shooting. The whole

clownish story of the Walker shooting: he's gonna
ride a bus with a rifle. Oh, he breaks it down, and
rides the bus. Then he hides it somewhere in the
railroad tracks and picks it up. Jesus Christ.

Marina had the battered wife syndrome, as they call it

today. Let me tell you, if he was doing that kind of
shit, she would have blown the whistle in a heartbeat
to keep her kids. Why should her kids suffer for this
kind of activity? In the Soviet Union, whatever you do
- your family is going to pay for it. You talk about
deterrence of crime, police states have got it. She's
gonna come over here, from that kind of society, and
she's gonna look around and think this country's any
goddamn different? How the fuck would she know?
What would she have done in the Soviet Union if he


started talking about hitting the Kremlin? She would

have snitched him out. What was the difference in
her frame of mind between living in Minsk and living
in Dallas, Texas. No difference. Whatever she would
have done there, she would have done in Dallas. So
all this bullshit about her being aware, this was to
dirty her up, to get her to admit that kind of shit.

We got suspicious of Walker when he went out there

just a short time after somebody took a shot at him,
yet we were sitting in Walker's study with the curtains
open, the lights on, bullshitting with Walker until 5:00
a.m. in the morning. We're thinking, 'What's gonna
keep the rig from coming back?' And we're sitting
there with him. He took no security precautions at all
after the shooting. Either this guy's a total fucking nut
or he knows something we don't know. Me and
Howard Davis are kinda wondering if he must have
had something to do with setting it up himself. This
was May 1963. We were out there again in July and
we were wondering, 'Maybe Walker's people set it up
to promote Walker?' Or maybe some of the right wing
people in Dallas, to promote Walker, conned Oswald
into you know, all speculation. Walker had already
met with some of our Texas financial backers. The
backers were backing Walker. We hadn't elected
Walker our leader.
In January 1963 American Mercury employed General
Edwin Walker as its military editor. [CIA SAG J.G. Brown 12.6.74]
On June 23, 1976, General Walker, who was 66 years old, was
arrested for public lewdness in rest room at a city park. General
Walker, 66, had fondled an undercover policeman. [NYT 7.9.76] On
March 17, 1977, General Walker was arrested on a similar charge.
Hemming told this researcher:

Because he helped us out I was willing to overlook

that. But this Loran Hall shithead, he's got to
badmouth the queer business the first time he's in
the man's house with Sturgis' buddy, Wally Welch.

General Walker, 84, died of a pulmonary ailment on November 2,



On April 18, 1963, the Soviet Embassy, Washington, sent
Marina Oswald a letter requesting that she come in for an interview.
If this was impossible, it suggested she furnish her reasons for
beginning proceedings for permission to enter the Soviet Union for
permanent residence in writing. Marina Oswald did not follow up on
her request until June 1963. Then she informed the Soviets that her
husband would be accompanying her back to the Soviet Union.
Marina Oswald and Lee Oswald had planned to separate, now they
were back together again. Hemming told this researcher:

It could have been a homesick thing, Cubans,

Russians, everybody goes through this shit. But
when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, where she's
got to make the decision voluntarily - and he's talking
about going back? We are led to believe that he's
trying to convince her to go back because she's
supposedly writing these letters for him to the Soviet
Embassy in D.C. And he's going back? Bullshit. Did
you get what I just said?

Marina Oswald told this researcher: "He made me to write

letters to Embassy. Go away. He cannot tell me why."


The Warren Commission stated "Some time between April
12, 1963, and April 18, 1963, Oswald distributed Fair Play for Cuba
Committee materials in Dallas apparently uneventfully." Oswald
wrote a letter on April 19, 1963, to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee
in New York, requesting literature and announcing he had already
distributed Fair Play for Cuba Committee pamphlets in Dallas:
L.H. Oswald
P.O. Box 2915
Dallas, Texas.
Dear Sirs: I do not like to ask for something for
nothing but I am unemployed. Since I am
unemployed, I stood yesterday for the first time in my
life, with a placare around my neck, passing out fair
play for cuba pamplets, ect. I only had 15 or so. In 40
minutes they were all gone. I was cursed as well as
praised by some. My homemake placard said:


'HANDS OFF CUBA! VIVA Fidel. I now ask for 40 or

(50) more of the fine, basic pamplets - 14."

Hemming told this researcher:

Never happened. The White Russians wouldn't have

stood for it. He never gave out the leaflets. There
were no pro-Castro demonstrations in Dallas. He
would have got his ass kicked.

The FBI had several informants in the Fair Play for Cuba
Committee and had burglarized the offices of the Fair Play for Cuba
Committee. On April 21, 1963, the FBI in New York City became
aware of Oswald’s letter.
The news about Oswald’s contact with the Fair Play for
Cuba Committee did not reach S.A. Hosty until early June 1963.
The FBI: "A Special Agent in New York was censured for failing to
promptly disseminate information on the Fair Play for Cuba to Dallas
concerning Oswald. Another Special Agent in New York was
censured for failing to insure that Fair Play for Cuba information
concerning Oswald was more promptly disseminated to Dallas."
S.A. Hosty had been instructed to be on the alert for Fair Play for
Cuba Committee activities in Dallas, yet when he received the telex
about Oswald’s leafleting, he claimed the information was "stale."
He made no attempt to verify Oswald’s claim of having distributed
leaflets: "When I got it, it was approximately six or seven weeks old,
past the date it allegedly took place..." S.A. Hosty refused to
investigate Oswald despite his contacts with the notorious and
highly subversive Fair Play for Cuba Committee.
When the Fair Play for Cuba Committee was first formed,
the CIA commented: "We bet this one winds up on the Attorney
General's list." The announcement of the formation of the Fair Play
for Cuba Committee was made on April 5, 1960, at a cocktail party
given by Cuban Consulate. On April 6, 1960, a full-page
advertisement in The New York Times listed Richard Gibson,
authors James Baldwin, Truman Capote, Norman Mailer, Jean Paul
Sartre, Robert Taber (a Robert Taber born May 10, 1919; died in
September 1981) and others as sponsors.


ROBERT TABER'S CIA file reflected allegations that he served a

term in the penitentiary in the 1930's for armed robbery. It was
reported in 1950 he was a Communist. He became interested in
Fidel Castro's revolutionary movement in 1957, when he served in
the mountains with the Castro forces. A Passport Record check in
1962 noted that he may have lost his U.S. citizenship because of
this. A 1960 Domestic Contacts Division report categorized him as a
resentful, frustrated foreign correspondent. He received extensive
publicity in 1961 when he defected to Cuba because he was facing
a perjury charge in the United States: he had testified before the
House Un-American Activities Committee that the full-page
advertisement in The New York Times was paid through voluntary
contributions, but the FBI developed evidence that Cuba's
delegation to the United Nations advanced the money. [CIA F82-
0489] Fifteen months later Robert Taber returned to the United
States and was questioned in closed session by the Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee. In March 1964 Robert Taber applied for
employment with the CIA. The CIA's Office of Security rejected him
because "In view of Subject's notorious background, which raises
serious questions on his honesty, loyalty, integrity and (deleted)
trustworthiness, (deleted). Leo J. Dunn." [CIA Memo 3.13.64 Chief,
Personnel Security Division] Hemming told this researcher:


Taber went up in the mountains for the Agency. He

put out money for a hit on Fidel. St. George went up
there. He was a stalking horse to take out Fidel. He
had a price on his head.

The CIA believed the Fair Play for Cuba Committee was
controlled and financed by Cuba. It uncovered evidence that a U.S.
national in the Fair Play for Cuba Committee had been given the
monopoly on the distribution of Cuban cigars. [CIA F82-0489/3] The
Fair Play for Cuba Committee immediately came under intensive
FBI investigation. [CIA F82-0489/28; F82-0489/2] By January 1961
the Justice Department solicited its registration as a Cuban
Government agency. However, the organization advised through an
attorney that it would not register. The Justice Department had
already forced the 26th of July Movement to register, listing its
foreign principal as the 26th of July Movement, Havana, Cuba. In
April 1961 the Fair Play for Cuba Committee charged that the CIA
organized troops to invade Cuba, and were training in Louisiana,
Florida, and Guatemala, in violation of the Charter of the United
Nations. [NYT 4.18.61] The CIA penetrated the Fair Play for Cuba
Committee. According to the Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency, Richard Helms, to "monitor" a group was merely to attend
its public meetings and hear what any citizen present would hear; to
"infiltrate" a group was to join it as a member and appear to support
its purposes in general; to "penetrate" a group was to gain a
leadership position, and influence or direct its policies and actions.
[RR fn p152] In 1979 Richard Helms was asked if he was familiar
with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee: "I recall the name Fair Play
for Cuba Committee, but I can't, for the life of me, remember
whether it was pro-Castro or anti-Castro at this stage."

A member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee National

Office was recruited as a CIA asset during the CIA's investigation of
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. When RICHARD
T. GIBSON was questioned at the American Embassy, Paris, he
explained his motivation for working in an organization like the Fair
Play for Cuba Committee was purely economic. In 1994 the CIA
released a document that indicated Richard T. Gibson had been
indirectly hired by the Agency. [CIA Memo 10.7.76 Joel Keys to Rod
Brooks; CIA ltr. 10.20.76] Richard Gibson headed the New York
Office of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee before he was replaced
by V.T. Lee. This researcher met V.T. Lee circa 1977. V.T. Lee was
a violent individual who believed the Jews had exaggerated the


holocaust. [CIA F82-0489/9; FBI 105-82555-124, 355; CIA 637-799,

416-755, 387-738, 102, 375-155; WCE 799; WCD 137, 6; WCE
1154; WR pp.729, 407, 14, 435] Hemming told this researcher:

Oswald got the name of V.T. Lee from Senator

Eastland's publication, Castro's Network in the U. S.
V.T. Lee's testimony had been taken in 1961 and
kept secret until April 1963. In there he's got a guide
manual and addresses of people targeted by
Eastland. He's given this shit before it's made public.
They give it in the galley format and he's reading this
stuff before it's available to the public. He focused on
Lee because of the hearings. Who ever heard of V.T.
Lee in our circles? I never heard of the son-of-a-
bitch. The highest priority was to nail V.T. Lee, the
insolent son-of-a-bitch, who, while giving testimony,
snitched out Eastland for taking bribes from Trujillo
and Somoza. So Oswald gets recruited in the fucking
deal. 'Pro-Castro' people with guns taking a shot at
Walker. 'Pro-Castro' people with guns taking a shot
at the President. Get the picture. This is what
Oswald’s going along with. Somebody's gonna pop a
couple of caps. They are going to be labeled pro-
Commie. There going to have pamphlets and
histories, they're going to be connected with V.T. Lee
and they are going to bust V.T. Lee for running an
armed group of pro-Castro Cuban agents. That's
where the whole assassination thing got fucked up.
Too many fucking people trying to do crazy shit for
their own fucking agenda. That's why the cover up
was so sloppy. Because there was so much to cover
up. Everybody was stumbling over everybody else.
After the assassination Marina Oswald was instructed to say
that Nixon was one of Oswald’s targets in April 1963, when Nixon
was scheduled to travel to Dallas.



During an interview with the FBI Robert Edward Oswald
advised that on January 13, 1964, James Herbert Martin had told
him that Marina Oswald said that when Richard Nixon visited Dallas,
date not indicated, Oswald intended to shoot him. Robert Edward
Oswald said that Marina Oswald related the same story to him on
January 13, 1964, when they visited Oswald’s grave. Marina
Oswald told this researcher:

What did I know about Nixon matter? Don't forget I'm

only 23 years old. My husband is an accused
assassin. You think I'm going to tell everything about
him when he's in hot water? You defend your
husband. I told them all eventually, but I did not tell
them immediately.

In January 1964 Marina told the FBI:

Approximately two weeks after the Walker incident,

and while they resided on Neely Street, [between
April 10, 1963 and April 22, 1963] some time
between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Oswald dressed
himself in a suit and tie and put a pistol under his
jacket. Oswald was unemployed. Marina Oswald
asked where he was going and Oswald replied,
'Nixon is coming, and I'm going to take a look.'
A. I was scared because he was going with the gun and he said,
"Mr. Nixon is coming to town and I am just going to look around." I
said, "Well, I said, how can you look around? Why do you need a
gun just to look around?" So we were having a big argument and

Q. Did you know who Mr. Nixon was?

A. Yes, I heard of him in Russia, yes.

Q. And you knew that was the same Mr. Nixon that you heard of?

A. Yes.

Q. What started the fight between you and Lee?


A. Well, I didn't want him to leave the house with a gun.

Q. What happened?

A. Well he stayed home all day, he didn't go out.

Q. Did he just voluntarily stay home?

A. Well I already told you before that everybody asked him the same
silly question, how does a small woman lock him in the bathroom
and things like that. I did not know. He wanted to provoke me. I just
now can speculate about his state of mind, what the reasons were
for it. Maybe just to punish me.

Q. How did he get into the bathroom?

A. Well we fought and I cannot give you the details right now. First
there was a struggle and I guess I pushed him in, so somehow he
went there, and I held the door for a long time, but I could not go on
holding the door, so I finally begged and pleaded with him and he
said he would not go and I believed him. So then I told him to take
the clothes off. I know that he cannot go without the clothes, so he
sat and read the books then.

Q. Was he trying as hard as he could?

A. Before I said I didn't hold the gun. Well, if I asked him to give me
the gun then, for example, during the fight, I could have held it and
hidden it somewhere so he would not leave.

Q. How did he give you the gun? Was he still in the bathroom?

A. Could be. It was a second floor and there were stairs. There was
a little like a platform there or a small hall. I don't know if he gave it
to me or I took it, I don't remember.

Q. Was he trying as hard as he could, do you think, to get out of the


A. Well, at the beginning he would have probably have tried but,

well, it was quite loud and I was embarrassed that the neighbors
that lived below would hear us fighting and fussing...Lee took off his
shoes, pants, and shirt, gave me his pistol, remained in the
bathroom for three hours, then came out and sat around the
apartment in his underwear the rest of the day.



Marina Oswald told the Warren Commission that she went
into the bathroom and called her husband. When he was in the
bathroom, she jumped outside and held the door shut behind her,
holding onto the doorknob and bracing her feet against the wall so
her husband could not push the door open. The Warren
Commission did not believe Marina Oswald. First, the bathroom
door opened from the inside, so Oswald would be pulling the door
open, not pushing it as Marina Oswald described. Secondly, there
was no lock on the outside of the door. Oswald could have pulled on
the doorknob and gotten out.

Even the FBI did not believe this tale:

The Director had indicated it seemed a little incongruous

that she had been able to lock her husband in a
bathroom for all, or part of, a day when he was
supposed to be a man of violent temper and one would
think he would have broken down the door..." J. Edgar
Hoover: "I stated why she did not tell us about this Nixon
matter, I did not know, as she told us about the General
Edwin Walker matter. I stated my reaction about this
business of locking Lee in the bathroom is that there is
something fishy here because she would not be able to
do this because he beat her up on occasion...I stated it
was a fact Nixon was there the day before the
assassination and it will be a sensational story because
he is former Vice President and very anti-communist."
[FBI Hoover to Tolson 2.24.64]

Hemming told this researcher:

Oswald was a macho guy. Arguing with people.

Slapping his old lady around. He ain't gonna kick the
door down, then beat the shit out her, then fuck her?
In our group you're talking about heavy testosterone
Rambo types. There ain't no fucking wimps in our
group. He had the Marine Corps razz-a-matazz
behind him too. The killing machine shit.

Marina Oswald said "No one could dominate [my husband]." [CIA


Hemming told this researcher:

I don't think he said anything to her about Nixon and

she wouldn't remember anyway who the fuck Nixon
was. Where would she get a picture of him or an
article or anything to lock into her memory banks who
the son-of-a-bitch was? Everybody carried a gun in
Texas. 'Take a look' don't mean shit. Most of it would
be to show a psychological profile of a guy who was
down on anybody in a leadership capacity,
regardless of his political party. The whole gist of the
psychological profile is 'This guy kills leaders.' That's
the profile they want to push. He didn't say anything
about Kennedy to her, when he says something
about Nixon? If it is true, someone must have told
him Nixon’s coming. Only Nixon’s friends would
know. How does Oswald get to one of his friends?
Anyone who's friendly to Richard Nixon, what the
fuck are they doing talking to Oswald? With his
reputation as a defector? She was programmed.
When you've been threatened by government
people, you think it ever goes away? When you've
been raised in a police state? It could be someone
told her to make up that story.

The FBI reported Marina Oswald did not know who Nixon
was when this incident occurred, and did not recall Oswald ever
mentioning Nixon’s name prior to the incident. During and after the
incident, Nixon was not discussed. Marina Oswald told the Warren
Commission, she knew Nixon once ran for the Presidency, but still
claimed to know little about him. When Marina Oswald testified
before the HSCA in 1978 she changed her story: "I had heard of
him [Nixon] in Russia." She was then asked, "You knew that that
was the same Mr. Nixon that you had heard of?" She answered,
"Yes." James Hosty said, "Some people think Oswald was talking
about Johnson and that she didn't know the difference between
Johnson and Nixon. Vice President Johnson, Vice President Nixon."
In 1994 Marina Oswald told this researcher that she knew who
Nixon was at the time: "I am from Russia and I am not idiot. He was
a political figure in America."


The FBI checked with a close associate of Nixon in Dallas,

MAURICE CARLSON, President, Reliance Life and Accident
Insurance Company, who advised the Bureau that Nixon had been
invited to Dallas in April 1963, by the Southeast Dallas Chamber of
Commerce, to receive its annual "Good American" award. At the
last minute Nixon was unable to attend. Maurice Carlson later
advised the FBI: "He was previously confused as to the South and
East Dallas Chamber of Commerce inviting Richard Nixon to speak
in April 1963 to their annual banquet. He stated efforts were made
to get Barry Goldwater but they did not work out...Carlson stated to
his knowledge Nixon was not in Dallas in 1962 and was here only
once in 1963, on November 21, 1963." Maurice Carlson, 75, died on
December 28, 1989. The FBI questioned Robert R. Parks who was
a member of the South and East Dallas Chamber of Commerce.
Robert R. Parks was in charge of finding a speaker for the annual
banquet. Robert R. Parks said to his knowledge, "at no time was
Nixon ever invited to speak before the South and East Dallas
Chamber of Commerce and particularly he was not invited to do so
in April 1963. Check at newspaper morgue at Dallas Morning News
for period March 16, 1963 to May 16, 1963 last negative regarding
Nixon visit to Dallas." [NARA 124-10169-10365] Peter O'Donnell,
Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas knew of no invitation or
publicity concerning Mr. Nixon in 1963 other than the time he was in
Dallas in November 1963. [FBI 105-82555-2652] The FBI checked
all the Dallas media but there was no publicity anywhere about
Nixon’s Dallas trip.
February 26, 1964.
TO: Mr. Sullivan
FROM: Mr. Branigan
On a teletype from the Dallas Office which reported
the results of the interview of Marina Oswald
concerning the alleged threat of Oswald to shoot
former Vice President Richard Nixon, the Director
inquired, "Approximately what date would Nixon
incident be?"

The Dallas office reported that Marina Oswald put the

date at approximately two weeks after the Walker
incident. Since the Walker incident occurred April 10,
1963, the date of the Nixon incident would be
approximately April 24, 1963.


Information developed by the Dallas Office casts

considerable doubt on the validity of the story related
by Marina Oswald. It will be noted that Mr. Maurice
Carlson, President of the Reliance Life and Accident
Company, had previously indicated that former Vice
President Richard Nixon was scheduled to appear in
Dallas, April 1963, to receive an award from the
Chamber of Commerce. On recontact Carlson admits
he was mistaken in furnishing his first information. A
check at the newspaper morgue of the Dallas
Morning News for the period of March 16, 1963, to
May 16, 1963, was negative as to any publicity
concerning a visit of former Vice President Nixon to
Dallas. It is inconceivable that a person of the public
stature of former Vice President Nixon could visit
Dallas without some public notification. We have
furnished the available information on the Nixon
incident to the President's Commission and we will
have to completely run this out until we are satisfied
we have arrived at the truth. Action: The quickest and
most satisfactory way to resolve whether former Vice
President Nixon visited or intended to visit in Dallas
in 1963 is to ask him. Attached is a teletype to the
New York Office instructing that former Vice
President Nixon be interrogated to determine if
during 1963 he had any invitation or any intention to
visit Dallas and whether, in fact, he did so visit in that
city. [Hoover's handwritten note] He was in Dallas the
day before the assassination of Pres. Kennedy. H.
[NARA FBI 124-10021-10303]

The FBI also reported: "We located no articles indicating Mr.

Nixon planned a trip to Dallas during the aforementioned period
(May 15, 1963 to October 1, 1963)...We contacted Mr. Nixon’s office
and ascertained that Miss Rosemary Woods did not have the article
in question, but she believed such article did appear in a Dallas
newspaper..." The FBI interrogated Nixon on February 28, 1964:

On February 28, 1964, the Honorable Richard M.

Nixon, former Vice President of the U.S., was
contacted by Assistant Director in Charge of the New
York Office, John F. Malone, and furnished the
following information: Mr. Nixon advised that the only


time he was in Dallas, Texas, during 1963 was two

days prior to the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy. He vaguely thought there was some
invitation extended during the early part of 1963,
probably in April, for him to come to Dallas, but that it
never materialized, nor did he give any consideration
to going there. Mr. Nixon could not even recall the
circumstances surrounding the invitation, but did
observe that conceivably there could have been
some publicity indicating that he had been invited to
come to Dallas. Mr. Nixon said that if anything more
concrete comes to his mind or after his secretary
checks his records, which would indicate the
circumstances surrounding this, he would
immediately notify the FBI. He did say positively that
he had no intention of visiting Dallas during April
1963. [WCE 1973]

Isaac Don Levine, an associate of Richard Nixon,

collaborated with General Walter Krivitsky, a Soviet defector, on a
book titled, I Was in Stalin's Secret Service. In 1939 General Walter
Krivitsky was found mysteriously dead in a hotel room. In 1939
Isaac Don Levine met with Whitaker Chambers, who worked for the


Department of State, and Adolf Berle, the head State Department's

Office of Security. Whitaker Chambers alerted Adolf Berle to the
existence of Communist espionage at the State Department. Isaac
Don Levine helped persuade Whitaker Chambers to testify against
Alger Hiss, a State Department official, during Alger Hiss' espionage
trial in 1948. Isaac Don Levine testified at this trial: he said that
Whitaker Chambers had told him in 1939 that Alger Hiss had
destroyed all evidence linking him to the Soviets, except for some
typewritten pages (typed on a 'Woodstock' typewriter) and microfilm
(later found in a pumpkin).


Nixon told White House Counsel John Dean, "We built the
typewriter in the Hiss case." Author Tony Summers reported that in
1960 the FBI considered using forgery to neutralize a member of the
Communist Party by "exposing" him to his colleagues as an FBI
informant. The scheme involved typewriter forgery. J. Edgar Hoover
remarked: "To alter a typewriter to match a known model would take
a large amount of typewriter specimens and weeks of laboratory
work." [Summers Secret Life Hoover p167] Alger Hiss insisted the
incriminating documents produced by the prosecution had been


typed on a fake model Woodstock typewriter deliberately

constructed by his enemies to match his own. Alger Hiss was
convicted of perjury, not espionage. Author David Leigh reported
that BRIDE, an National Security Administration code-breaking
program, "gave clues which led to the prosecution of Hiss." [Wilson
Plot p6] In 1992 the head of Russian Military Intelligence was
advised that a search had been completed of the now-defunct KGB
records for traces on Alger Hiss. There were none, although written
records may have not been kept. Richard Nixon attempted to frame
Alger Hiss for espionage. Isaac Don Levine was tied to Eastern
European exile groups and was a trustee of the American
Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism. This committee, under
the guiding hand of Frank Wisner, funded numerous émigré
research institutes that employed ex-Nazi intelligence officers.
[Loftus CAIB Winter 1986; Ziger Memo To: Rankin Fm: Slawson
9.6.64; Levine WC Test pp.14-16] Levine was an associate of
Cuban exile Mario Kohly. In 1964, during the Warren Commission
Hearings, Isaac Don Levine told Allen Dulles:

I ascribe utmost importance to the whole matter of

these Argentines. The two girls [the daughters of
Alexander Ziger]. They were in Minsk, but Marina has
address of relative in the United States. Marina and
LLE Oswald smuggled out a letter or a manuscript for
the Argentine family with them when they came...It
was not clear whether it was he or she who
smuggled it. I was surprised and asked her how did
Lee take out something like that? Well, the
implication was rather nice -- that he was warm-
hearted -- that he was kind. They were stuck and it
had to do with a communication to one relative in the
United States and others in Argentina. To try to get
those two girls out and never had a word. The old
folks had given up their Argentine citizenship, but the
girls were born in Argentina and claimed that by right
as their citizenship. Mr. Dulles, if their [emigration]
could be arranged, it would be worthwhile. The
Soviet Union is not going to hold two Argentine
citizens even though they were friends of Oswald’s.
They are not quite that smart" Allen Dulles replied it
was a matter of finding the right contacts, possibly
the Argentine Ambassador to the Soviet Union, and
having him intervene. Isaac Don Levine wanted Allen


Dulles to have the CIA contact the Argentines "to set

the machinery in motion.

Isaac Don Levine became a director of the CIA proprietary, Radio

Liberty, in 1970.
Isaac Don Levine contacted Marina Oswald regarding their
collaborating on a book. The FBI reported:

James Hunt, CIA, furnished the following information

to the Liaison Agent on March 27, 1964. Isaac Don
Levine has been collecting material for a book
concerning Oswald. This book is scheduled to be
published in April 1964. Levine allegedly has spent
considerable time with the widow of the Subject. Hunt
explained that the CIA's source for this information
was Hede Massing, who is known to the Bureau.
Massing has been in contact with Levine. [FBI 105-

There were widespread deletions in a CIA document

describing the relationship between Isaac Don Levine and the Nixon
incident. William Branigan commented, "Levine was pursuing
Marina as a source of information. That would be the only reason.
Because Marina was involved in the Walker shooting. At any rate, it
didn't amount to anything. To me it was something. You don't try to
shoot somebody and then try to keep it all quiet. Marina was a little
bit involved in that. She had to be. I don't know much about the
Oswald/Nixon thing." [Tel. Interview w/Branigan] In February 1964
William Branigan wrote: "Information developed by the Dallas office
casts considerable doubt on the validity of the story related by
Marina Oswald." [FBI 105-82555-2177] Ruth Paine commented,

Levine was a semi-retired journalist. He and his wife

traveled across the country twice a year, then
returned to the Washington area. He stopped by
occasionally. He was one of the most interesting
people I met. He came to the States as a teenager
from Russia. He explained to me the various
branches and fractions and factions of communism. I
had a feeling that he would understand some of the
gyrations of Oswald’s thinking - he never had a


chance to talk directly to Oswald. I didn't know of his

connection with the Hiss case.

Warren Commission Counsel David Slawson questioned

Isaac Don Levine about the Nixon incident. Isaac Don Levine:

The Nixon story. I suppose that you know that I went

to see Rose Mary Woods since I saw you and
Nixon’s papers are now brought from San Francisco
to the New York office. The first I heard of it was from
Jim Martin [the business manager of Marina Oswald]
during the last week in January. He told me about it
and said that of course this is something that Marina
herself would not want to talk about, but he wanted
me to know about it. He didn't say at the time [when
he got the information]. Before I left Dallas he said he
got it from his wife Wanda, whereupon when he was
in Oklahoma I drove out with my wife and we visited
Wanda alone. She told us the story as it happened
that Marina one evening in conversation opened up
and told her that a week or so after the attempt on
the life of General Edwin Walker, he came home
disgusted. He had been out hunting for Nixon who
had been reported as due to attend some sort of
Dallas affair. She naturally tried to quiet him and do
what she could...He had been out with the rifle...He
dressed neatly, put on his best suit, necktie, shirt and
was going out with the rifle, and he went into a tirade

saying he was going to get that so and so. When I

finally got to Miss Rosemary Woods and she told me
the girl was out in California bringing the Nixon
papers, she gave me the following information. She
believed that a certain Tad or Ted Smith, an
influential Republican, maybe Treasurer - had sent
an invitation some time before for Nixon to attend a
Republican fund raising dinner; she thought there
was one piece in the press announcing Nixon’s
invitation and acceptance. There may have been a
radio announcement, maybe a Walter Winchell
column. I looked for straight news from April 10,
1963, onwards.

Levine continued: "Last week I spoke on the phone to ROSE

MARY WOODS and she said that they are short staffed, and there
are many immense cartons, and she doesn't know whether they can
get into it and check on the invitation dates and who it came from."

Evidence suggested Isaac Don Levine coached Marina

Oswald into saying that Nixon had been another potential victim of
Oswald. At first, Maurice Carlson remembered the Nixon was asked
to visit Dallas in late April 1963. No invitation or clipping that
indicated Nixon was to be in Dallas surfaced. How could Oswald
have known that Nixon had been asked to visit Dallas? He did not
know Maurice Carlson. Levine claimed that Marina told Wanda
Martin about the Nixon Incident. Recently released Warren
Commission documents indicated Marina Oswald was having
sexual intercourse with James Martin, and that Marina Oswald told
his wife about it. This would not have made Wanda Martin someone
who Marina Oswald was likely to confide in. The HSCA asked
Marina Oswald how the information about the Nixon incident got into
the press:

A. Well, to tell you the truth, right now I don't

remember how this information about the Nixon
incident got to the Secret Service or I told him
[Martin] my own or somebody. I really do not recall
right now how it got into the press or knowledgeable
to you and everybody else.

Q. Well, you must have -


A. I do not remember who was the first one that I told


Q. But you told somebody.

A. Of course I did, nobody cooked this up.

Marina Oswald "cooked up" this story. The HSCA conceded

that "Marina Oswald, because of her testimony, played a central but
troubling role in the investigation of the Warren Commission. A great
deal of what the Commission sought to show about Oswald rested
on her testimony, yet she gave incomplete and inconsistent
statements at various times to the Secret Service, FBI and the
Commission..." [HSCA R p55]

The Warren Commission concluded: "Regardless of what

Oswald may have said to his wife, he was not actually planning to
shoot Mr. Nixon that time in Dallas...and the incident was of no
probative value."

Marina Oswald told this researcher in 1994:

But why would I make one more thing against him if it

didn't happen? He took his clothes off and sat in the
bathroom. I do not know if he was testing me or not.
You can check it out if Nixon was coming there.
There was no publicity? That's fine and dandy. He
said he go by newspaper. How stupid or dumb that
incident is, it happened. What was behind it, I do not
know. He never went that day. But he mentioned
Nixon that day. I would tell you by now if that was a
lie or this or that. What the motives were, I had no
idea. It happened after the Walker incident and I was
terrified. It had nothing to do with Levine. He never
suggested I say this. I met him for hour. He never
coached me. He came under the pretense that he
wanted to write about me. Somebody suggest that he
wasn't the right one to do the book. He never tutor
me. Nobody tutored me. Only trouble with Nixon is I
volunteered that information. Just to prove to them I
have nothing more to hide, I said it all. It's not
because to put more blame on me. But to figure out
for myself what in the world was going through his
head. How could I have gone to the Feds? In what

language? How did I know the Feds spoke Russian.

Ask your wife if she would snitch you out? She'd call
the doctor. She not going to FBI. Especially she don't
know the number.


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