Portfolio Optimization For Minimum Risk With Scipy - Efficient Frontier Explained

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3/4/2019 Portfolio Optimization for Minimum Risk with Scipy — Efficient Frontier Explained

Portfolio Optimization for Minimum

Risk with Scipy — E cient Frontier
Kyle Li Follow
May 5, 2018 · 5 min read

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

Beyond the bound

Given 4 assets’ risk and return as following, what could be the risk-
return for any portfolio built with the assets. One may think that all
possible values have to fall inside the convex hull. But it is possible to go
beyond the bond, if you consider the correlation coe cient among the

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3/4/2019 Portfolio Optimization for Minimum Risk with Scipy — Efficient Frontier Explained

assets. That’s being said combining inversely correlated assets can

construct a portfolio with lower risk. More details can be found in my
previous post.

To demonstrate portfolio risk-return can go beyond the area, I get 3000

samples of randomly-weighted portfolio and plot their risk-return.

Environment setup
Follow step 1 in this post

Compute and visualize assets return and risk

This is tutorial, we pick 4 stocks BA (Boeing), C (Citigroup), AAL
(American Airlines Group), NFLX (Net ix) from 4 di erent sectors for
analysis. As my previous post, risk is measured by daily return’s
standard deviation. The return is computed as below

K * (expected return – expected risk free rate)

K is the square root of frequency of sampling. That means if we

measure with daily return, K is sqrt(250) (There are roughly 250
trading days in a year). Treasury rate is commonly used as risk free
rate. In this tutorial, we will use 0.

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scatter plotting the individual asset risk-return

import pandas_datareader.data as web

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

def get_risk(prices):
return (prices / prices.shift(1) -

def get_return(prices):
return ((prices / prices.shift(1) - 1).dropna().mean() *

symbols = ['BA', 'C', 'AAL', 'NFLX']

prices = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(start, end))
for symbol in symbols:
portfolio = web.DataReader(name=symbol,
data_source='quandl', start=start, end=end)
close = portfolio[['AdjClose']]
close = close.rename(columns={'AdjClose': symbol})
prices = prices.join(close)

prices = prices.dropna()
risk_v = get_risk(prices)
return_v = get_return(prices)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(x=risk_v, y=return_v, alpha=0.5)
ax.set(title='Return and Risk', xlabel='Risk',

for i, symbol in enumerate(symbols):

ax.annotate(symbol, (risk_v[i], return_v[i]))


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Return and risk for BA (Boeing), C (Citigroup), AAL (American Airlines Group), NFLX (Net ix)

Build portfolio with random weights

def random_weights(n):
weights = np.random.rand(n)
return weights / sum(weights)

def get_portfolio_risk(weights, normalized_prices):

portfolio_val = (normalized_prices *
portfolio = pd.DataFrame(index=normalized_prices.index,
data={'portfolio': portfolio_val})
return (portfolio / portfolio.shift(1) -

def get_portfolio_return(weights, normalized_prices):

portfolio_val = (normalized_prices *
portfolio = pd.DataFrame(index=normalized_prices.index,
data={'portfolio': portfolio_val})
ret = get_return(portfolio)
return ret[0]

risk_all = np.array([])
return_all = np.array([])

# for demo purpose, plot 3000 random portoflio

normalized_prices = prices / prices.ix[0, :]
for _ in range(0, 3000):
weights = random_weights(len(symbols))
portfolio_val = (normalized_prices *

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portfolio = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index, data=

{'portfolio': portfolio_val})
risk = get_risk(portfolio)
ret = get_return(portfolio)
risk_all = np.append(risk_all, risk)
return_all = np.append(return_all, ret)
p = get_portfolio_risk(weights=weights,

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(x=risk_all, y=return_all, alpha=0.5)
ax.set(title='Return and Risk', xlabel='Risk',

for i, symbol in enumerate(symbols):

ax.annotate(symbol, (risk_v[i], return_v[i]))
ax.scatter(x=risk_v, y=return_v, alpha=0.5, color='red')
ax.set(title='Return and Risk', xlabel='Risk',

Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing — Warren Bu ett

Let’s look at the risk and return. we do see that there are blue dots
outside of the area. So diversi cation does help reduce the risk. But
how do we nd the best or e cient weight?

Return and risk of a portfolio of random weighted BA (Boeing), C (Citigroup), AAL (American Airlines
Group), NFLX (Net ix) (3000 samples)

E cient Frontier

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3/4/2019 Portfolio Optimization for Minimum Risk with Scipy — Efficient Frontier Explained

From wikipedia, in modern portfolio theory, the e cient frontier (or

portfolio frontier) is an investment portfolio which occupies the
‘e cient’ parts of the risk-return spectrum.

Here we will use scipy’s optimizer to get optimal weights for di erent
targeted return. Note that, we have bounds that make sure weight are
in range [0, 1] and constraints to ensure sum of weights is 1, also
portfolio return meets our target return. With all this condition, scipy
optimizer is able to nd the best allocation.

# optimizer
def optimize(prices, symbols, target_return=0.1):
normalized_prices = prices / prices.ix[0, :]
init_guess = np.ones(len(symbols)) * (1.0 /
bounds = ((0.0, 1.0),) * len(symbols)
weights = minimize(get_portfolio_risk, init_guess,
options={'disp': False},
constraints=({'type': 'eq', 'fun':
lambda inputs: 1.0 - np.sum(inputs)},
{'type': 'eq', 'args':
'fun': lambda inputs,
target_return -

return weights.x

optimal_risk_all = np.array([])
optimal_return_all = np.array([])
for target_return in np.arange(0.005, .0402, .0005):
opt_w = optimize(prices=prices, symbols=symbols,
optimal_risk_all = np.append(optimal_risk_all,
get_portfolio_risk(opt_w, normalized_prices))
optimal_return_all = np.append(optimal_return_all,
get_portfolio_return(opt_w, normalized_prices))

# plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# random portfolio risk return
ax.scatter(x=risk_all, y=return_all, alpha=0.5)

# optimal portfolio risk return

for i, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
ax.annotate(symbol, (risk_v[i], return_v[i]))
ax.plot(optimal_risk_all, optimal_return_all, '-',

# symbol risk return

for i, symbol in enumerate(symbols):

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ax.annotate(symbol, (risk_v[i], return_v[i]))

ax.scatter(x=risk_v, y=return_v, color='red')

ax.set(title='Efficient Frontier', xlabel='Risk',


The green line indicate the e cient frontier. Now we know the best
allocation with a given target return. Next question, what is the best
allocation overall? Portfolio performance can be evaluated with
return/risk ratio (known as Sharpe Ratio). High Sharpe Ratio indicates
good balance of return and risk. This allocation can be found by
drawing a Capital Allocation line that tangent to the e cient frontier.
The tangent point is the allocation yields highest Sharpe ratio. To learn
more, you can take a look at this article on how to nd the highest
sharpe ratio from the e cient frontier with Capital Allocation Line

E cient frontier — Return and risk of optimal asset-weights at di erent targeted returns

That’s it. Now we know the theory of diversi cation. Happy investment
and coding!

My next post — Trading Strategy: Technical Analysis with Python TA-


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