Pakistan Pakistan: IOC Said in A Statement

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PUNE: In a late turns of events, the International Olympics Committee (IOC)

allowed India to host the sWorld Cup with 14 quota places instead of the
originally proposed 16. But at the same time, the Olympic body has suspended
India from hosting any international event till they give a ‘written guarantee’ of
complying with the Olympic Charter. The IOC reached the conclusion after long
meeting at their headquarters in Lausanne on early Friday (India time).

The IOC team met after receiving a request from the National Rifle Association
of Pakistan (NRAP) to cancel quota places for the men’s 25m rapid fire event as
the hosts India failed to grant visas to two Pakistan shooters participating in that

“The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board (EB) today

revoked the Olympic qualification status of the 25m rapid fire pistol event of the
International Sports Shooting Federation (ISSF) World Cup Rifle/Pistol. The
competition is taking place in New Delhi, India, from 20 to 28 February 2019,”
the IOC said in a statement

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