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125 pages
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. ;.:~::ALL IBJ'~~Al'IO!l .COftTAT~

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··-_,:~:-;,.:.::·Dire-ct.or 1 · ·. . '. . .

i. Federal Bureau ·or Investigation,

Washington, D. C. a
. _/l) ~
Re: ~¥NEST._pOONQW~V- l/~
Dear Sir:
. D!CWllPlll
~ -·~ rtt;J~':l
. ~Lii {,.-
The writer desires to acquaint ~91!W'~'\1\'*\~' etlli~,' · ·
;~-- ·· . ...-.-w.1 th ·.a .relat1onsh1p ·that has developed Un.der -the :d1rec1:1on ·or· "the :: ".-. ;...
·- _,Ambassador With Mr. ERlmST HEMINGWAY.
As the Bureau is aware,· HEMINGWAY bas been resident in
·· Cuba almost continuously ·the past two years, occupying his
~ pr1vate tinoa at San Francisco de Paula about 14 miles east ot
!{i&i . · • :,·, ::: ';}'' '\:•··:··.>t•~: 'X' ;;:•::;;;x::\0'.>?'t 'J'f!tf•;~?'f~L ~···~.· .,
.....•' ~ -~

{Ji~~; "
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~'J"~f~i, ~~:bT- the Amteesaaor as .the ..Embassy.' s coord.1.natDr ~ 1.ntell.ige=e

·.:". :;,;;~. aet1v1 t1es, that some consideration should be given to the question
· ··or relationship between Mr. HEMINGWAY and the Bureau representatives
· ·- · · ·."di. rec tly .

This question existed in the writer's mind ror two

reasons: (1) It is recalled that when the Bureau was attacked
early in 1940 as a result or the arrests in Detroit of certain
-·-~ individuals charged with Neutrality Act violations for rostering
,-:~ . . enlistments in the Spanish Republican forces, Mr. HEMINGWAY was
-~_,-:..:·c:--,'.~---eJDOng~e l'figners ·of a::··-decl.arati-on 'llhioh .. eeverely ·ert·tioi:ed -the . - ...

'-bq ......Bureau. in that .ease; (2) in attendance at a cJ"ai Alai match W1 th

'A"; HEMINGWAY, the writer was introduced by him to a friend as a
member of the Gestapo. On that occasion, I told HEMINGWAY that

~··· I did not appreciate the introduction, whereupon he promptly
. .. corrected himself and said I ·:was one CJf the United States Consuls.
, Mr. JOYCE made inquiries or HEMINGWAY concerning his
attitude toward working With us, Without disclosing t~e 1'"easons
therefor, and reported that his attitude appeared to be entirely
;::.~· ~~.;: favorable to the Bureau; that he was unable to remember any details . '
;:: . ' .'- or the Detroit incident of "1940, and that he regarded the Gestapo
introduction as a jest.
·-It was decided, nevertheless, that HEMINGWAY would work
directly_ in contact With Mr. JOYCE and'not with the writer; this
>.suggestion came ~rom .Mr. JOY-CE, and no advantage was seen .1n ·
making any different arrangements. It was also decided that the
expenses he would incur would be paid by the Embassy directly out
or apecial funds.
·consequently, -early in September 1942, ERNEST HEMINGWAY
began to engage directly in intell1gence activities on behalf or
the American Embassy in Havana. !hese activities he manages from

_ his finca, :with visits to Havana two or three times weekly. He is
. - operating through Spanish Republicans whose identities have not
.... been furnished but which we are assured are obtainaple when desired.
-~'"-~At a meeting With him at·his .!"incE>. on September ;30, 1942, cthe
·~ ~~-Lt".1 ter was adv.lsed· "tb.s.1; .he now has -t'our men ·operat1ng on a -full
. '.
. --;;::;:'E,--..J;;:ttme -bas1.s;-.' and 1.&- lll01'e ·vho se pe>a1 t1~ :are .barmen., ~"'lrai ters, anii
--~~e _l1ke, operating on a _l?art-time basis. --The cos~!' :;.th:1s .•. ~
J~N'~1Ef:~gram 1s approximately 1500 a month. ~p~rts are..~ubm1 tted 1;o ··
. ·;_'.·· ·· . INGWAY, who dicta tee. the material to a personal ·secretary and
~~ ,'ff'.__~ turn1shes duplicate copies to Mr.· JOYCE, ·one being·:tor _;the Embassy ..

1· .to be
~]?,s ' and the other tor our use. The material thus far submitted appears
~•fully prop=« and •~t o:t, .and th~C::;;~~l hao n~a"';

~$f~;~~ir'<r,~;:~·-~~:;t'i'fj~..._~,.,.('j~p~~-~,~rrw?:<":";n;c+~3J7;~,,.~_::.f1fyro""=-~~F ""~~ (§0"<=· ;_~.r~ -r-.-. ._ . . .•• ..
~ ::--·· ~
- : . •.-·" ..... ,
.... . ~ .
•• ·:-.=
- .

....... - .· ·~

. -.:
~- _.

on several 111emnrnnda that he- J.1kes"EEMINGWAY'B approach, and nehee '•

·to encourage him in the type of work that he is doing. HEMih'GWAY

himself ~old me th.9.t he decl~ned an otter from Hollywood to write
a script_for a nMarch of Time" report on the "Flying Tigers" in
Burma, tor whi"ch the ,compensation was to be t1so, 000, be cause he
considers the work he is now engaged in as or gre.ater importa11c_ii.,
. ~ l.A.,
. W 1 tionehi s with~
..c·. ••. %.e. i;i ae ..-....
:". .• gative work on the south coast or Cuba._
::.'.,~" llEMINGiiil, lfho has a Yide reputation as· a fisherman, knows the
coast·.line and waters of Cuba very intimately; he has also engaged
over ~· 12-year period in some scientific investigations concerning
the -!lligration o Marlin o lf
N w

With' specific reference to the conducting of intelligence

investigations on the island of Cuba by Mr. HEMINGWAY, the writer
Wishes to state that his interest thus tar has not been limited to
the Spanish Falange and Spanish activities, but that he has included
numerous German suspects. Hie reports are promptly furnished and he
assures Mr. JOYCE that hi.a only desife is to be of assistance on a
. cooperative basis, Without compensation to hims.elf, and that he will
. be guided at all times by our wishes. Bo far, no conflict has '
· developed between his work and that which Bureau personnel is handling
.1n Havana; and HEMINGWAY told me that he wishes to be told where to
. ,~.\i~.i~it his .inves.tig~~ions whenever this i.s thought desirable.~\).,,
.~;;.:.:_~:i_?;;.)':...;.- ~-'"o.!he- ~u::trlll ba.. cont:1nuoue17·&dv'.1sed:.o~~~ent - _ j
'.~iif,developments in this s1 tua ti on .. ·Xeanwhile, if there _.i.s •any info?"-
·~,,;;:::· mation or instructions tor the guidance of ,the writer, I would
-~; appreciate being advised.\1) \..\ _ . ·. · · . ·;- }. I

" . .• • ' Vo?ltED;=•, 1


: ;
.. • l

. ···Legal· A t~ache I
Federal Bureau ot Investigation,
Washington, D. C. ·

Dear Sir:
· :•·,,,'><·Reierence·l.e'c11IT·1etteT·aatea. Oetober tg,
•,« ....:· ·:··=···- this matter. For the t'urther information ot the Bureau
regarding Mr. HEl·iINGWAY 1 S participation in intelligence
activities, under the au~pl~s of the Embassy, it is now
_understood that one GUS~4Yo/IDUB.A?i.. is being sent trom Washington
for the special purpose ot assisting Mr. HEMINGWAY in this work ..-,
Mr. HEM:INGWAY advised the Ambassador that DURAN had
been active with him in intelligence _work on the Republican side
.. ot the Spanish Civil War, and recommended his abilities very
·;;:: :: highly, DURAN, he said, held some position in the Department ot
-~- State, the exact position being unknown. He was uncertain
~ whether DURAN who was formerly fl. Spanish citizen had acquired
~ American citizenship.

~ ·.~ -~
f At the instance ot Mr. HEMINGWAY, Ambassador~
•communicated w1th the Department ot State llh ch agreed to release
·" S "\ 1 DURAN on leave ot absence in order that. he .!!; ght come to Cuba and
- ·"~ work with Mr. HEMINGWAY· as he did 1n Spain.
k¥2t ~ Mr~.
·. Of./further.interest in this
ERi~ES'lflliElUNGWAY (the former Y.AR
r is a visit ot
·to Washington
~~'._l. c.o. during the week connencing October 12, 1 42. Mrs. HEHINGWAY
--.~ -, is to be the· personal guest ot Mrs. ROOSEVELT Q.uring her stay in
~~~ i::: ::1 Washington, and the Ambassador outlined to her certain aspects
~~, ·~ of the intelligence situation 1n Cuba in orqer that she might
~ ~ E i. ' convey the same, in personal conversation, to the· President and
""""'-- ~- .e :o· ·:;(~Mrs. -ROOSEVELT ... ·This has specific ·reference "to the .E!Ilbassy' s
· :'*' .,.:. .:-.~~-\ ~equest 1'.or approval. ot. tinanc.1cg b;y .the ..Amer.le~ _!,lo_yernment .or
_ · , ... ., fi! ··"i.nt-e=en"t and investigat"1-ve program 'brought out :l!;r -,the ·Cuban ·
. .. ·~~='I authorities·. ·To date, no action has resulted t-rom:--washington on
· .: ·· iii A this proposal and it is thought by the Ambe.ssador-.that some results
~~ ,?l\... . myj~e~~aJ:1e~ th:ou~ this. term _ot per_sonal ,con~fct.
'ig/ti) · J;'flJ:.S DES'l'ROYEO. .R~RDED & INDEXED . · . / ..- ~ ~·
~. ::) 0 8 HOV 2 ,A:>ul FfDERAl UREAU OF INVEST! A ION
'f" '
· -~ I OCT 14 1942.
'~70 FEB 151943 ''CONfl~ -U.S.OfPARTMENTOFJlJSTlCE

Director, Re: .. -·-

ERl'iEBT HEHINGWAY -C~-pq 10-9-42
.~ ~·:. . IJ '- ~· - .
-~s,~_,:., ._ .;:·--- --~--~s·:·'.'Ilr•i~.~ the. ~ortmoe ct -thill Jnattm-, you may
1-;~~;':'.i~l!eaire .to ·bnng this ~d .reterenae ieuer .to the personal
_ - .,,, . . a:ttention -0!' the .Director.. . . _· . . . _

Legal Attach~

. ·--= .

. . .; ·-:
.. :




·.· .
. ;::;~ . -· -·:.- ..
.. ..,.,_....__
~ .-~_ -

·~·-- ..


Mr. Kramer _ _
Mr. McGuire_
. _
. @ 8lll~ul nn Tamm
Re: ER.NF.ST HEr.aNGWA;f 2LL 7 e .e . Room -
. 18EREIN:iIS ---
~:Bl!Jllllll ·. . Nea1e_ __
BAC'i<'. GROUND . !!XCEP!".ru=na . - - ~. B h
- - I . -- mlll ea Dl_
· Miu Ga
, • •, • • •p . . . Jlr. Emes.t . B~-,rq, . ,irell-bomi .taerican writer, re tl7
. lui.s been ~cting ..u personal.'orms.nt of ~ Spruill , aden ~;..c,;4~t.1,1a::~
· -.. in Havana, Cube.. · · - ---- - · ~·

DETAILS I •. .......... . ..• .

FBI Atte.che R. G.- -LeddY, stationed at the American Fmbe.ssy in ~
Havana, Cuba, ~s advised the-t Ernest Hemingway, well-knovm Ameri can ~
.writer, has been residing in Cuba, just outside Havana, for approximatel y C
two years. Hemingway, it will be recalled, engaged actively on the side ~ ii
of the Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War, and it is reported that ~ c;
he is very well acquainted with a large number of Spanish refugees in Cuba ~ £
and elsewhere. Hemingway, it will be recalled, loined in attacking the Bureau ~ ~
earl7 in 1940, at the time or the •general smear campaign" folio~ the ~ "t
arre~ts of certain individuals in Detroit charged With violation of Federal u c
~*'~--statutes in connection with their particiration in Spanish Civil War activities.
It will be recalled the.t HemingwS:y sign.ed a declaration, along with a number
of ot..~er individuel.s, aeverel7 criticizing the Bureau in connect.ion with the
~--::. :.-, Detroit arrests . He!!lingway bas been accused or being or Communist sympath7,
t);:jj although we are advised that he has denied and does vigorously deny any
~-~· ~ Commmist affiliation or a1111pa~liy. Hemingway is reported to be persontlly
i::'':~l •
friendly rlth Ambassador Braden, and he is report,d to · enjoy the Ambassador's
i~~;i complete confidence. According ~nt Leddy, trp~ay is also on very
~:}'~;~ friend1y ter:ns with United States C ~ul ~enn_ej;~¥;!;;~, station~ ~
,..,;~·;~ in Cuba, and with Ur. Robert P .- j ce, Se~ond ,5'.C!'~~ J)f'__tb.fL.rican. L--""'""
~~y in Havana. -· ~- - · kh'-~~~;;r.:~
· __ ·· llr. Ledd)" has advised tha,1if'~=y&~J>t!~ abt~·.~.:1frl~ifi1:~.:'.~- ~: ~~.! l·J .; i .
__;:...: ,>';r~:f'ormant
~ _ -
-or Ambassador
·Braden tor the past •evera1 months 1 in caoacity
':t ' • r · ·
: and this
t ... . • .. •

.~~Jsu· 1Jee!t. dea11~ cl.anl.7·with brbeasador Bradan and Sec~ Secre't;ei7.~ Jo113e. ·
-'\~ -~~'!.eddy stated ~t .Ambassador Braden has made no aecret o~ ~~~jo,~-' :1· .,,.., ~
\ -~-.-s.n 110 tar as Agent. Leddy is concerned, and, further, th.a~ ~.- JiiMs r ;hii.s._ ·::_ .
· instri~cted that all of Hemingway's reports and on f'urnished :by' him
~1 Oe rwv
be turned oYer to Mr Jlddy. p_,I
i.J't · ; ~ 1.-\:. ~
,~& .7ti1~~ \l - ~
·----- ~....L_, ..
~~ ·

0 1•' ~ ""'-· ~

------o H.~ \0 \~lt3 ~:o;;~fflAJ. .

f) EBJfJnlJtfhtt~
......... ... ;· . ·...-;;..' ·. .:.: . ·, :
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- ·-
1:. ."••
. ··-
. •:,.. ;-

1f[l: •. ,5'.:~·.·.·:,, ,[
._;::·..--::-·. :Ke:iiorandum. !or the Director . . J'age 2
.~'.:.~t;.: .._
--· ~::.t -
,._.. _,, :·

: Jfr. Leddy bas advi'sed that the original arrangemept 11hereby

Mr. Hemingwa.y would act as inf'ormant of Ambassador Braden was largely with certain political matters, particularly as to the con-
Jnection or alleged connection of certain Cuban p6litical leaders with the
~panish Fs1ange and the involvement of Cuban officials generally in
local graft and corru.ption within Cuba._ Amba.ssad_or Braden, as you will
recall, is a very implusive individual and he apparently hss had a
"bee in his bonnet" for some time concerning alleged graft and corruption
on the part of certain Cuban official.a •...Agent Leddy has stated that
·· ·· _,-,. · · lfr• ··Hemingway has ·apparentl.y 'm"ganized ·a mmber -or · l!JllOn€: 'the
··- Spanish refugee group,. whose identities are not known to Leddy, and,
-· according to the best of his inf'ormation, their identities are not known
to anyone except HemiJ:lgway.

Agent Leddy hss advised that Hemingway's activities have

branched out and that he and his informants are now ·engaged in reporting
to the Embassy various types of information concerning subversive
activities generally. llr. Leddy stated that he has become quite' con-
cerned with respect to Hemingway's activities and that they are un-
... doubtedly going to be' very embarrassing unless something is done to put
a stop ·to th m. llr. Leddy has advised that Hemingway is apparently under-
taking a ra ~er involved investigation liith regard to Cuban officials
prOmiileptl t~i~e e . vernmen , CTucrrng~-ne'ra:I
M&lllle~\'Be ' e1Jimi,· head o! the Cuoan National Police; that he,
Agent L·eaay, B'that the Cubaiis are eventually going to find out
abOut tllis 1! :H6lliliigriy conunu·es-operating, and 'tliat-serious-trOubie

llr. Leddy has advised that~ere ls an individual attached

to the Embassy by the name of Gu!!:.tavo ~ who is of Spanish descent
and is employed by the Coordinator o Inter'7American Affairs; that Duran
is a ·very close friend of Hemingway and is apparently consulting and
actually working rlth Hemingway in connection with the latter's

This matter has been discussed at some length with Mr. Leddy,
.._,_iz.,,, _ and he was asked just .what objection, i f 1m7, he has ever personally
- ;,,~_;;;::.~;,~ .ot.flcialJT off~ed to the arrangement or irhether ha has .iilscussed its
-~;;~:t~~ble :.bed at.teats ilba.ssador. ~.~£¥i}'~.'.f.~~
. '-~~-.. Leddy stated that he has not ot'fered any obje'cti~n ~tsoever
!f:,,- to this proposition; Uiat the Allibassador .his adVised Leddy qUite !'rankly
and opeiily that Hemingway ls the Ambassador's informant ·ca.nd that. all in-
.forma~ion of any kind whatsoever !Urnished by Hemingway 1l'il.l be immediately

~~~-:-\:.::_..:·:. _:: ·::,;,__:.=·:'_:t;·>·:i/~::'\,;_·. ·.....:.: \::ltJt.) _:·.:_\·:._::.~.///; :~_:/:.~~i','':C>~fi:i::;t:!Jb?~I:t·:~)~::.~~{;~:}.:.:{:~;;;· .;.:;·; ·.L., ....

;:::~~ -_-~,~
,~. , ..~ ~,;.
:· r
i·, i· ,. ~.1


turned over to Leddy, 'llhich, according to Leddy, il!I actua.:Uy being

done. LeddJ" suggested that the Bureau take this 111B.tter up rlth Am-
bassador Braden while he is in the United States. •

,_. .

·rt was pointed out to Leddy that the Bureau certainly cannot
take the matter up with Ambassador Braden and protest to him unless
Leddy baa first :made the Bureau's posit1on quite the Ambassador
~~;!.:t ··.:.-· _. .....M.nisill. -rt 1ia.s pointed out to Jfr. "Leddy "that-the· !m~aador wotild
~~~:-:·.·· '· :::.undoubtedly resent any complaint or protest concerning the arrangement
··f'rom the Bureau direct, 'llhich complaint and protest could only be based

upon Ledey' s re·commendat1ons and information, unless Leddy has himself
first discussed the matter rlth the Ambassador and pointed out the
Bureau's position, th1s being particularly true inasmuch as Ambassador
Braden has apparently been quite frank with Agent Leddy about the
arrangement and has insisted that all information furnished· by Remlilgway
~ be immediately- :furnished to Agent Leddy-.
4.. :.:·.··-:.
,.,. . .
•..; . ;.:

. E0NFIB EHT IM. .~CON_rjoE.\'~iJlili.

,>;_.·t:_ :, :,. ~ · ..:: ·:'.~;.:~_:·:T~; ··:.;/~ ~'.j: :·· .:.'. ·;·:~;:~· ~::·: :·.·:~· :;·:~::-'/:/. ~: : : :::.:::;~:~f~_;:,:;5t:;J.~~t~if'.~,j~:::i:f!fJ/;t~\:::~:~~;<~:;".::,~·;,:· :.,,. /;_-~:~::....
,. ··:. . ..

. .

·JlacraDaum tor the .Director

.:.• .. '-

Ambassador likes Hemingway and apparently has confidenc4 in him, he is

- . of the opinion that he, Leddy, can handle this situation with the Am-
=~ ~~~ ba.Bsador so that Hemingway's services as an informant rtll be com-
~~2ii pletely discontinued, Jlr. Leddy stated that he can point out to the
~~-,..,..;.:.~ Ambassador that Hemingway is going further than just an informant;

that he is actually branching out into an investigative "organization
:o:f his own ~hich ·1.8_ =t ~Wlbj ~~~,to 8D3" control whatsoever.
-~~~. "- REgOMi.!ENDATION

Mr. Leddy, i:f you approve, rtll be told to advise the Bureau
promptly and in detail as to the outcome of his negotiations with the
Ambassador concerning this matter, at which tillle we should, it is believed,
advise Yr. Berle for the Bureau's protect:ion.

--. -~ - -- :
... --

..• - .·-:. ·:- ·- .. -·

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;. -.-. 6\
:" .=·.: -~... ~:..:·~
--~ ~
' I

.. ~ ~




HA.•ANA, cu•A


Dear Sir: -
The Bureau has previously been advised
of the activities of Mr· Ernest Hemingway in the

operation of an under cover "intelligence" organ-

ization in Cuba, under the auspices of the American
Embassy. \. . .
The writer has been advised in confidence
by an Embassy official that Hemingway's organization
19as disbanded and its 19ork terminated as of April l,
..-·..._,. i943., . .This action was taken by the American
· Ambassador without ·any consultation or notice to
representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investi-
A complete report on the activities of
Mr. Hemingway and the organization which he oper-
ated is now being prepared, and will be forwarded
to the Bureau in the immediate future.

cttst. 41&11T. JlY~.Sr_.~::!-J~~~~

~~,,J!XASOH FCIM ll, l-2. -
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··.!.<·' ·lJn'TI:IAL .Ill'DICJ.'l'ED Jl£LOI .-B'f:Clil!Cl:·JURlt ........

-Mr. Tolson ·---------
Mr. E. A. Tamm
Mr. Clegg ( )
Mr. Coffey )
Mr. ( )
Mr. Ladd ( )
,• Mr . Nichols_ ( )
t Mr. Bosen ( )
-. ·E Mr. Tra.ny
Mr. on
Mr·. Hendon
( )
( )
( )
~ ·;~ L
Mr. Mumford
Mr. P~per.
( )~ ~
( )
111t< · Bta.rke (
Mr. Quinn Tunm ( )
Mr. ( )
Miss Gandy ( )
( ) )J
see Me ( )
Note and Return ( )


. d
,_. .':
C ~;i CC ... 287 ,,, !"-...!; Tol1onV
. ·' V'f· ,
--- 't(J ,. .:..-"""' · Mr. E.A. Ta.mm_
; . Mr. q1egg
J1rhrral iiurrau nf lnurstigation • Mr. Glavin._ __

.. li~it~~-==:;_~fi~r-. ~=:·:~_ ·,::._,.::,.:!1:J""'·-~-~
' . . · ~~- . Tracy. /
~:~-- _CQNfJ11l't.mA11. .J;iri1 zr. .~ "IIJLI!IPVRDTIOB~r.Coffee,
· c...::J~:Mituep . 7
L.11MHI . :
HEREIN IS U:<CLASSI1'U:0 Mr. Hezido<i.---
VRA.:CSM:LNS EXCFP'.!' lil!ER!i: SllOW!i" Mr. Krame;.
OTllERWlSB Mr. MeGuir~._.-_-_-_-
MEMORANDUM FO:it TBJ: DIRl!:CTOR. Mr... Hubo~---
~ ..._/!:.;.,S.uinn T&mm.
Bit :iramr~'i·11EMm_GW,l.Y: ·. 1
., 'C').Y~ Room. -
--·'ltl> IY~' =
. ~ ... ~. 5.-.. Lll' .t. L.. Kr---*"••·---
Miss Be•hm·~--
•• ~J;.; ia-·•oot 9 • Y!.Ul.·7"t't!" r..-u.Ol:wM . .
•• -:·1 .t-a
-at:Wb 4 .• . :";"-"Ki•• Gandy.' - - - -
rimclml which ~1se•:the 1.Jdormat1oa J.a .1!m' filea ~-
1ng :lrne•t l!.eminpq. Ule 1mthor. -- 7

Xr. RemiJl&v~, 1 t Y111 be

"Te.rioua •o-clllled Co i•&tfon•
e.1 ing t ~ iet cause 1n Sp!in, In the latter connection he apent
•ometille 1n in the Spani•h reTolution ed reported the eTenh
t1'8llap1ring there ~or the North .American J'enpe.per

Despite He~' 1 &et1Tit1e1, no ~onoe.tion he.1 been re- ·

ceiTed which would definite!T tie hi• Y1th the Col!JllUniet Put;r or which
would indicate that he ie or he.a "been a Put;r me11ber. Ilia &etiona, how-
. enr, hAn indicated that hh rt~w• are 1 liberal" and the.t. he •IQ' 'be
inclined fe.Torab!T to Comnmiat po!iUcal philoaophi .. ,

:'t:~~--- ·0- l ~. "'· .. '. ::. ·. tiladllg¥97'l• -

ta.lie.Te.nt!t," Cube. where ha he.a ~or Oftr
'' two ,-ear1, :ror 10111etime he acted a1 e.n under-conr infonoe.nt for
Jmerice.n Jmbe.ue.dor Spruille :Braden, and &PJ?!!ren tl;r enjoyed the Ambe.sae.-
dor11 complete confidence. You will recall the.t on December 17, 1942,
there were •et forth in a . .aormd1111 tor 7ou, the detii.111 o! Hemingwe7'1
act1rtt1 .. in Cube., a1 vell e.• the dete.111 of hia e.11ocie.Uon with the
American Jmbe.aeedor~
·:_-~.:::·:·-~: ?~.:.::·~-: ,;.:~::;. :E:·:::::.:,;·\~::::::~ -. ::. -:"::,:·;(,a:.·:_:-_;·~;~~;:!./~~..' . ; .:.;:.: ,; ; \~):::;::;t.:fr s;'.:/t;~JJOJ;t{ii~i :~;.:t'3,.:.:;.;~~~;;· ·~·~;·~~;:·_;, ..;,.
.~ ...:..:;: .. •
' '

;~~ .. ·-~?lt_-''·":·Wi!B'TJUI ftlll.EZ Illl!K~ ' ' ,_.. " " ·----.a--
~ .~~:~~ ·- ... C'.!. ~:::r.'5.f.-~he 1kae.,u·Te'pt'9nnt,.t1N at+<Uone!·..-t 'the
~_·· ·· Americ..n lm'b,.ia;r in H"'T"'-ll"• Cuc.. hiu recentl;r "'dTiaed tru.t the A.11'b ... 11,.dor
cU1co11ti11ued l!e11ingv~'• aerTicea ettectiTe April l, _1943, At the pre1ent
1 time he h ..neged to be pertormin« ot highly aecret n"'-T"l oper,.tion tor
1 ..1.l!t.~ Dep,.rtment. In thia colllleetion, the lf"'-T;r Dep.!trtment 11 •"'id to
~??~ be P"'ying the n:penee1 tor the operllilon of He11ingv"y' 1 ~.._t, turnilhing
J;:J.1~ hill vi th !1.rl!& ud ehotrting eouraea ill the Cub-on ueio.. (~ L{

I~~_: /·.~~~:-··· ·-~==2~J;:~:~~::::~==:-~u.=~t~u!=~~:u
The llur•"u h"'-• conducted no illTe&tigioilon of l!emingY"'-7, ba.t hi•

J:nclo eure


::;_;~ -·-~·

•, ··-~---!

~-:.' "-"
-.... . . .

-~ ·- -:---..::'.:-~ ;:-:- :;=~

'"(:-i: : _·:. .
• .i,;.':JMll;.•"



p!NEST m:Mill'GYAY

-..: .-:.:~_~·.:::.-·~
. •.;_ .• --~

A. Personlll Hiato?'7 and kcqround l, a

et Lo;rali•t Spaia 3, 6
l!. J.ctiTitiea on l!ehal!

1. J.'brshma Lineob l!ripda 6, 6, 7

2. .beri can lW •c-Ge Ship Iii n ion 7

......... --B

. - 4. Jaint .&lrti•haeirl llet'agee Comai ttee 8

6, Nediclll llnreau to Aid Spanish De11oer&q e

6. Motion Pict=.• J.rtiate Committee e
7, Iorth .a-r1cu. Cammi ttee to Aid Speillh De11ocrAc;r 9

._·:· ·~·· 8. Sp8Jliah llefugee Belief Cupucn !I

~ 9. United. 8P8.J11 llh Aid Collll1 t tee 9

.. ""'::;;,::. ·-·· ..
10. thd ted Youth Coan1 the te Aid 8p8n1 ah De11oerAq

-ll. lfzi.tera .aad J.rUata _Jmbull!lllce Corp•



-~ii~ c. Poaaible ColUleetioa• with Communiat Pert;r 10, 11

~~f~ 1), Xhcellimeou• .letiTi tin

g:~~~~~ 1. AllericAn Committee for the Protection ot :roreign :Bora 12
t~~. 2~ JmerleAn Yri hr• Con.gren 12
. 3. Lesgue ot American Yri ter• 13
- ~- JIUicaJi "!rip 14


-·:>-:;f:~~_:- -·---~. General Irln;_t-ion ,,... .

~: JlL·tt(fJL'1!i:

-- I~
. . ... .,_ .
.. ~
. ;"$.~· . .· . . 1Dll colf!U'-
·< · · ., .• ,-~~~"'.,1.SS~
'i!EREl;q 15 u:;~ sao'lili .J!RNBS T HEllINmr+I
y.;:cE?T l/llER , ·. _, .
<}!HERWlSllo •"
~fERSONJJ. a:rsroax m BACKGRQU!iD

. :vr. Hllninglrq wa11 born in oak ~k, Illinoill on JUJ.:r 2l, l.898, the
. son of Clarence »:lmoa:l.11 and Grace (Hall) Heaingwa7. Re was educ&ted in public
schools and acco?'dillg to the Jr111r Io?ic f:lmes ot January 121 1937, was an - -
.,,y;,~1- ·dri-wtUI. U.~lian ~ dur!nc1'be ~ld·..a-•. ·,.911 tall dnoted
~11 aubsequent endeavors .to 112'1ting and has ac:quind an internatiom.J. repu.ta-
~~~as an author, hi11 hnt Jcna.n recent worlt being •For llhom. the Bells Toll•.
~VWlllfr works include •Three Stories and fen Poems• 1923, "In Our The• 1924,
·"The Torrents of Spring" 1926, •nie Sun ilso Riaee• 1926, "llen Without 1"oaen•
., g l9Z7, •j, Jarnell to J.nia• 1929, "Death in the l.J't;ernoon• 1932, ""11.nner Take
; :f;' Nothing" 1933, •Green Hills of .ltrica• 1935, •:ro B&ve aa:i Have Jot• 1937, ltTbe
~ "' r- J'ifth column .oo the Firrl 49• 1938. .
j ~~ · Re bas aleo eontribu.ted to Scribner'•• J.tlantic ll'.onthly, :ir.w Re;ublle,
\3 c OS ~. Cosnopoli and o~r ma zines. In addition he hae had articles
blished in eses hi 1JI a Li•• haTing app;&r;a thereiU
on June , . . • In 1937 938 be ·conred the Spam11b Civil ar tor t.he
.Jrorth .Perican }llewapeper jll1•noe.

In 1927 lillllling&)" ll&l'l'ied Pfeiffer, a taebion writer, in

· l'aria•. rnnoa. . r.o. c:hiJ.dren_. ·and Gregorr, ware born ot tJWi mdon
· tnd their 1:115tod;r was narded to their mother at the time she secured an un-
conteeted divorce tram Jr~ Hveral ;rears ago. ·W1tb reference to the
tirat 1frs. Haain

- '·

He111n~ i• aaid to haTe a brother, Leicester Hemingvey, vho in
,~.--'PrU. ~ .u...ra_por:tad to be world~ t'az.~ O:!i'ice .1'ar ~t
lfaaldngtoa, 1l, C, . .. .. ·- .


. -,
-::'-:: ~

··:-:-·---~-·.- . :;.. ---.....-:---- -·--


.. : I

"Jmhc Ule Spanish Jllmll~, I 'ki•«) 'WU 'ftrJ tl:'tb9 b hrthering

the Loyalist cause and spent eaae tilM in Spain durillg thi• period. 111• Pearson
and Allen colUllil in the Sunday Kirror ot January 17, 1937, contained the t'ollawing
nmarks concerning Erneat Hemingny and the Spanish Bnolutionr ·

"W~.-!meriean 8j'J!p&thllers ot the Spani11b Beds haTe been "11'&3ting

a lot ot aood fighting.
. lt!he let'"ll have been scrapping uong th-selves OYer who
·'!" •hoold zui. :*be:raen·ot• a>• "w·tdll ~ illd--p eJw>rrt ..
.;,,.rlalmtl.y aa tbe. li9da 1n 1'adrid trenches have been battling to lacld IJtt
, _~,. .·;.. ~General 1'ranco and his horde ot' Koors and Fu 118I'C8Ilarle•.
•ni.e stoq ot' this internecine feud ia. an ~ill& ~. ot petty.
tact1ooel1• and p&rt1aan in~.
-. .
•Last September, a ll'O\IP ot prominent .uerlcan liberal.a orianized
a non-partUan committee to help the Spaniah CloTenaent. .Active in the
} .ovaent were such notables u. El"Ileat ·Rem1npay, Susanne La Follette, ,
Jobn Dos Pas•oa and J - s Bort7. .A. tund 11'&11 started to aend a neat ot
tnlve abulancee with a score ot driven to Spain.

llJro aooner had the oamdttee begun than taction•l 1 p

thrn a .onlce7 wrench into the plan.

_.;, _ ., 1::· :
· ·
'1..D -....di.auutued .tbG.ot ·'.taa -~

•1• -
illll !WW!Jittee,
():)umunins had quietl)r captured llineteen places •. Thie emb&rra.Bsed
ori~ organ1zer11, who had po11itivel7 assured Spani.!lh Jm.ba2111ador
de 1011 .R1011 that-~ Jllerican aid 110uld be tree ot politics.

•nie . r.pon along Broadny wt !llght lr&ll ~t Snleet H-1 npay already"
h&l!I sailed· tor Madrid, and nari ia on the hi&h eea.s, loyali1t-bound ••• ro
those who lcnoir hiJD, 't.hi.11 doesn't • - ao •traJl&e. Bu.t to •· •Ulion other•
"1'.lere 111 1r0nder-u to 1lb7 •.aan 1lbo has taru, aeeurit,.- and a .tamil7 he

loves ahould r1ak h1.e lile in ..-.r-to:rn ar.aa •••'llllat pric'e Idealf Yet t.lrl.11


J H~ apparentl.7 spent aau

tt~~ - .
ta&. 1n a concentration camp 1n Sp&in.
.4 oonridential in.ton.ant who tQU&ht 1n t.he Spaniah C1.Til War tor the
. Loy&11ata 1 and who cla1•ed to haTe been ca;itured and placed in a concentration
camp at San Pedro11, Cardenas, Spain, atated that he - t Enlast HlllDillg1rq while
·-·i _..·~·
l f)I.{
in thl.11 camp • . .
One Su. Baron, llhile te11ti.tyinjr before the Dies Ccadttee on lloTmber
2.3 1 19.38, read into tbe record the tollcnring article, which he •tated had
appeared in Walter Winchell'• ool~, dated Septmber 2, 1938 1 concerning Ernest
HaiDpa.7. nd8 article and the te11t1aoDT of Kr. Baron concernin& HEainglray
u u tol10W3t
·: . .. ; . -
· "Krnest llaingwa;r hu a piece ocwin~ oat. 1n Ien abOut a correspondent
tor a poqrtlll British nnspaper. Because 1t woul.d be l.1bel.OU3 1n
to :mention the ll&Il 1 • name 1t 1sn 1 t. It tell.a how th1ll correspondent tried
to •end out an uncensored •toI"T about Loy&l1st terron.-that the 11oldier11
are wmtool.y ahot dead by their own tellOlf8 1 etc. ***
Hemingway tried to
tell. the nncomer that such terror happened l.a11t 79ar--not anymore.
- JreTertheless tbe ll&Il 1n111eted on een~ out the fabrication b;r a
mwepaper ~l. 1 who didn't know the oontenta of the aealed enTel.ope. Had
ah• been ea:aght with 1t on her person, eh• -.oul.d hrre been ehot.. - The
Mnp&pe1_"1181l there f'1nall7 1nt.ercepted the envelope Cd destroyed 1t..
•Oar dead are a part •! the earth o! Spain nmr and the earth o!
Spain can ntn'er di.e, Hemingway ut>lained. •Each winter it will seem to
di.e and each spring it will cilme aliTe a&ain• Our dead will liTe rlth
it !oreTilr. ••.And &II long &II all eur dead liTe in the Spanish ear-Ul 1
and they Yill l1Te u long u · 'l;he earth l iTell 1 no 11711tem o! tyranny
enr will preTa11. •
~: :.:· '.:

ilong rlth Heming1r~, Vincent Sheean will aleo d.eli.Ter a -=logy to

. the - n who died 1ri Spain. ~n Y. Post. will preside.•

one Joseph li•rtA wrote a book entiUed lll(en in 'l;he Ranks• llhich purported
_ .. t.o be 'l;he 11to17 o! ~ln 0ericans in Spain and which W&11 publlihed b7 1'he
· _i ,_,.·:· ::~:"'!:'J'riande ~'Sile M:awtwa J.fnoeln ~ in ll&rch, l9J9. llllllin.gway wrote a !onrard
!or thia beok.

· 11 In June, 1939 ~ 1 11 DSM wu lieted on the J.etterhe&d o! the

.Abraham L:l.ncoln Brigade as cme o! ita llpOill!on. · :

. !be Kay S, J.9~ issue o! the D;ail:r Yorker, Pa&• 4! 1 contained an article
entitl.ed, "Vete Parley- t.o stre1111 Fight !or Peace Policy-9. 'l'his article reported .
a speech aade by- one John Gates a !onaer Li•u~t Colonel., who toll&ht in Spain,
and credited Gates rlth ••kini the !ol.l.owiJl& et&teaent conce~ Krnest H~t
· --~~-- --..,,~ war iukera today,• said Gates, •are actiTely- uing enmtles who !ormerl.y-
;_;_;~ rlth the ao~t !or the Spaniah :liepllblic.•
,, _:,.,,,,.;.•;;;:;_.. .
.:.. ·.. _ - ·. . - ' . .. .. . . . .. . . - -·-
~ .. -..:.-.~~i":..;;:Mff0,.,.,_ up
•W -~--- liilLoab Ybdser,.llal;ilCJ!ates,·~
- :~,:;~;Sb. . m, md Ernest ll~. He referred qpeciall7 to Fischer'• autobiography
- -~···-11hioh elanders the Span111h o-11m1eta and the Sorlet Union, and Bates referred
fri- to epeeches attacking the Ocmnunist Party. Bates also reportedlJ' stated that
~ Vetarms ot the Abraham Lincoln ~ade 1111.11t "boldly upose the partial
war policies or the BooseTelt •dmin:fstration.•

.. : ~~ ti l
·,".. ·
.. -,.··.
-· ..··
. ! .·;~·.
- :: ' ·V

,iV.f,\ ~·· ·=
·:;·~ ; . ". ,_,,... -"''< -::~ :-, "":
L. - '


arUcla ~d in the JJo' tmbez 2>..-19iii 1 - . ~.-the llall7'

T -.
. . CMti ID ._d1\Af. .
•1 ..
?;;':~-:- :"'='i:r:'7~ Sf!aminpq HaM, ·eau.
Qiaaberlaill .•Tn<WJa Tar had.rt,• :0.criea Hui
;·;.._'.;.:~.: =- . .. ~~::__··r.a •g•.• -~~ ••e••11•ned that Bin1•'1*'7~ r-Mptl7 l»''''ffd ~ !%>a1n~
·.· Cizll.lfllr,;-:mld~~ . ., ';;·.---'-. - ...

"lieaillp~ oharact.rised the - pact between France and Germany .
'ahwful' and added •.I ~ ihere ia ~ doubt that Q>nbe-c-laiJl can be
called the No. 2 hsciat ot Europe. llitler ia still Io. l, bllt Chamberlain
can eas:U7 be ranked in second pl.aoe.• . -
j( - . - .
~-- ..
•1'be Loyaliate an holdin& up eplencU,dly qainat the cmbined arnee
·(,..~~- ot Hitler, lfwssolini, and Franco, the report stated•. 1 HOlflmlr, they are
, ·--F~·.,,.'.·''*-badl7-1a aMd:.t_~ ..t.-ppli.M, .ad all.~ ..taoiWi - ~
· , ; their assiatanc.. 1 u11u11nn11 Be _had strong praise tor the Wlbera of

·. . . ... :::;:.: :the Jbrahaa Lincoln Batt.a11m 1 and called several o! them by their firrl
·, '
nmea. •Ho1rner, the work ot the Int.rnational Brigade is done,•
·.:--· H~ eaid. 'The l..o7alist aniy is no;r entirely Spanish, and what a

~ 'll'Onder!ul aUitary .achine it ie. %heir courage 1e almost beyond belie!.••

.l letterhead ao the stationery of the Prienda ot the .lbrahaa Lincoln
Brigade liahabilit&tion Fund, Inc., 109 llorih Dearborn street, Roca 408, Chicago,
' Illinois, listed the nae or Ernest H~ as a eponsor tor this organisa-
11 tion. Thi• letter Y&B addressed to all •International. ,.orker•e Orct.r l~s•,
and requested that the Tarioua l()d&ea raise at least $50 each. to be used tor
11.oepi~U.ation ot wounded -~ans who had .retunied w the United •

.t.ericaii Bsscue Ship Kission

~. - · .&n article appeared in the Jll1J.Uar7 16 1 1941 iesua ot !he Daily Worker,
.. i -- '
~ Reat!:Lru Backing or &acue Ship•. which stated •Ernut
H~, noted J.aerican athor who COTered the war :li Spain, tonight reat!imed
his Ti(orous support ot the .Aaeriaan Bllscue Ship Kission, it wu announced at
the national headquarters ot the project> 200 5th .lTGUe, by Kiss Helen R. Bryan,
executi- Hcretary. ·

"In a cable cc.irtmication HPt troa HaTana and addressed ~ Dr. Edll'ard
I. Barek)", :National Cb.airlaan ot the United .&aerican Spanish .lid Comaittee, the
adm-fn1 etrating bodT tor the 111.sai.on, Kr. Beadnpq praiaed the 'll'Ork ot Dr. Barsky
ill Spaill, and apre1111ed the •ineere hope that a •hip TOUld be obt.aitied •as soon
u it u lma 1 nJ;r.po11eibU_to do eo••. · ·
' . ~~.,;"-.·i1· _~ .
· ·,:r-
-~tt.e 1'9l'tl
·'.:;ojJoill,:tbe ·' Pian BMcue ·Ship:¥1ea1rm llml llllited '.· ...'J:oan. 8pan111h.~.
repo1bed u hn1n& been anmncmin. unntrolled -.anuatiO!lll.
;;_· . -,: .. · --·: ' .
..;. . . .ln articl.e appeared 1n t.M laly 26, 19.38' issue or !h~ Da1l;r ..orlcer,
.;,:. ···official Comnmist Part,- or~an, which listed Jlea1npq as one ot the eponsore
tor the .Perican Belie!_ Ship tor Spain. ·
e. ... A
.. ~.

- . ~~.--;"': . -; :~
:_;;. :.·:•
·?< ':""-"" ..
.· '·:fr; ". · ·.;; : '·- "'· ~ l.9U. it wu alla&ed that R•1npq had heCl & mpmaor
·•. :~.'Of tiMt , I$ ) Ollllf& WWW to RV9 Spaniah ~ t 'li!:dch st the time of the
· reseipt ·ot thia in.fonaation, wu no l01:1&er in existenoe,
Joint Anti-Fuciiit J!e!uiee Comittee

Beafngwq waa listed in a wrandua receiTed cm Allgll8t 27, 1942, .

tn:a a oon!idential. aource aa being a n&tional. spo!Ulor !or the Joint .&nt.i-Faaoist
llat'uiff Coanittee. Thia aouroe :aade the !olloiri.n& ocpment concernin& the
;."• • .:.;··.-;;>. ,.£"'-.,,•..aa J~-24.:~--- .,....~ ,.., S.- .liillt~ .and
the United Aurigan Spanish .Ud Clcmllttee - t in ueeutin session and
.... ,. • ,•• :.
•• "f;'··· ......
-'='" •
,.-.1.g. . .ted to ~ona tba Joint .Anti-.Fa:icut Befll&ee Committee, ~
. ~·-. ~
referred to aa J.lFRC. · ~· parpoaea of the Jil'RC are reported to be. the
"retul-nin& to the Uni tad States o! Jaerican aembers o! the Loyal.Ut J:na7
o! Spain who haTe been in prison or 1nt.rniaent CUipa in Spain or 7rance
rlnoe the coneluaion o! the Spanish Ci.TU war cid to !urniah a refuge
!or retugees !rOlll the present &OTel'mlent o! Spain. It seau to h&Te
broadened ita aiaa to inciude the ~s o! an:r o! the countries of
Europa which han been OftrrUD b,.- the liuia. · ~ two original
-,. tiona were decidedl;r ec-.unietic and nre controlled b;r ec-uni.8te !or
'i .. the bena!it of Communists, extreme radicall; and the Abraham Lincoln
~ada. It 1a belieTed that the present organisation ia ·of the • -
nature. It ia reported that it baa approxiaatel,i fi!t;r aotiTit -bera.•

Jredical. Baraau To .lid Spanish D.ocracj ..

. .. >r. , ~
.. • t 1lb'cu1ar beartnc 1be ·date o! Jm:rru&rT, 19.37 with the title,· YJledicil
Bureau to .lid Spani:lh Dao", and reportedly issued trom 381. :Fourth .lTenue,
Jleir York City, atated that tills orianiu.tion h&d !urnished •i&ht hospital.a,
llJ mirsea, and fifty-two ubulances, .and that th• writers, artiata, screen and
stage workers had been aost actiTe in Heuring aedical. aid !or the Spaniah
people, that during 19.37 1 they had contributed about $101 000 to the -dical.
burea:n. ~ circular --.d Erne.t Hem!npay u hatlng purehaaed two aabul&ncas.
Haingway 11'8.S also credited with the purchase of these two ubulancea in a Beir
York T:!Jlee article on Januar;r 12, 19.37. Thia &rticl.e naed Saul Carson, the
ZXeaa.tiTe Director ot the 1ledical. Bureau &a ita aot1rca o! inromation. In a
..· ·teiegra to the Kedical llareau ortica in lHnr Yod: City, Reminpay had raportedl.;r
· -~_a1gn1r1ed his intention or go1.nj; to Spain •oon.
-. ·~:~~-~·~;,~-..... ··- .. ··_ ..; ... ·.... . . . . . --.. - .. ··.·~-·· . .~ - . -
;~~: :-'; .,,,..,__Oil"fi7'10i "U)'f·'tbenr
·ad 1n ~-...-Yo*~n b,.- .. ~a--i.rie
-~:.::.~• lledical Bureau which the ad itaeil described aa being affiliated rltb th•
';:.¥.:,·· ·Iorth .uterican Camittee to aid Spaniah Damocrac;r. Reainpa;r 1raa listed u
•·. one o! the apon&ora who had al.ready helped thea.

· llotion .lrtiata Coamd.ttee

.. . -~

The 9limrs o! the Torld,• which n.a publ.illhed b;r the HOllyw~d .&nti-
IJasi Lellg\a and which haa been described - •a ,journal in defense o! aerican

cc+!PiulN llM:.
--· ,.·-.. -· ... ·.
Jrorth .AJlerican Committee to Aid Spaziiah Democracy

H. L. Chd11aux 1 Director of the Rational. Coamiasian o!

li'.~ the .&aerican Legion, while testi.f11ng ~ore the Dies Comm1ttee on J.ugust 17,

1938 1 read into the record an article 11hicil ..,;>eared in the April 16, 19.38 issue
ot the Deily Yorker oon~ the Borth .&aerican Caamittee to Aid Sparu..,h Demoaracy.

ii1 ;
.f.:i· . ''-'" "":··,.;-~~cawt!oe~ "tllh' m"lidl.•1 --~ bT'"lfr~'"Oafllma:,·u
:.,.::...:- .. -.~h''c-a:
•Foll.Clldl!g an appeal bT Ernest H~ 1 Vincent Sheehan, and Loida
""'"""''' lischer tor :funds !or ambulance to - t eaergency oollditiona in Spain,
- $1 1 002 -.u recei.ved by the Wa.abin&toa chapter o! the lCedieal Bureau and
·1•'""X.;- JJorth Alllerican Conaittee to lid Spanish n..ocraey, 381 FO\lrth AT8I1Ue,
· Dr. !'. lieiaaig, -eoutin secretary &nnOllD;ced 19rlerday•
. 11 '1'he tel~ trca Joel Berrell, at t.he Waahington Friends o! Spaniah

Democr&<:7, ·ruda: •In rupoll.l!e to ntee11t oable !rca H•ingn~·-. Sheelwld1

and J'illcher !or abulanoea, we are 1'1ri.Dg hereirith $1,002. We underatand

m ~
. abW.-cea will. be at the !ront withl.n 3 days o! receipt ot aoney ill
Paris. U t:1Jiae perai.ta, the ablllanoe ahould be aarlced:· 'Gitt o! the
Federal a.plo,.es or Ya.shington, D. c•• u. s. J.. I J.drt.H b;r wire todq

· that th1a -ne7 has been cabled abroad.••

Spanish 1!ehgee Beller Campaign

~;::;: ~eat Hemilipq was listed ae a apon.aor on a letterhead ot the Spanish
Behgee Balle! Callpaign dated jpril 19, 1939.


Uni t.ed Spanish Aid Cami ttee

J. o1rcular waa reportedl.7 1aaiied b7 the United Spanish .lid ~ttee,

Bo<B 554, Bradburg Building, 304 South Broa.dlra;y, LOe J.ngelea 1 · Call.!ornia, Mving
no date but bearing an address o! Rooa 81~200 F1.tth J.-renue, •-York: C1t7.
--"- ..c•'ftda c1rcu1ar declared that the object of the abOTe aentioned Organisation 1r&a
. .•' ,~~ "help tree 11en' or the International Brigade in French and Spmiah priacm .
'-3·+-J~F .. z~•: ~- z+!p .1'ilr:-tae ~a o! 1ha Intfrrnrt;ima) Jol'R'*1-n•·Ji..000 at
. . .~.§:k.'jmOIB. were. al.legedl.7 1n French aonoentration cups •.. !bU listed Erne•t
· ·;,<::'i#'&m1ngwq aa one .ot the en®raers o! the Nmp~ to aid Intematioaal Volunteers."
~"";····.-' ' ~

·Vnited Youth Committee to .lid Spanish Deilooraay

..a. report waa recei-red !roll!. a con!idential. int'o.rsant who had COTered
a -•ting o! the tJni\ed Youth O::lllllli.ttee to .Ud Spani.5h Daocracy, held at the
Sbr1ne ~uditoriua in Los ~el••• ~ornia Oil Feb1"1l&l7 24, 1937. According

lrrit.ers and Artista Aabul.anee Oorp1

·ni. Dail7 lrorker of Januar;T 12, 193& .described H~q a.s one ot
:the sponsors .of the •r1ters and Artists Oblll.anee Corpe which wa.s 1a.1d .to ~
•ent mbul.anoH to Spain, H~ wa.s credit.Id with haTin& penonall.7 purchued
the !iret two ubulanoea ftioh -re sent t.o t.hat country in liq, 1937.

;-~~·----·· . ~~ ·~.P<W·1ble -Ooanectiarul with o-· ·1n Partz

... ...
.....:.:_ .:;;;JM lollolr1n& :bltol'llll1iton wa.s ••cured b-ca a con!ident.Ul...•owee:
:i · '.;.
~It~, ire. York lp1!cia1t7 ll'rit.r tor hw Kusee and~
II W'ork:er, page 1, Daily Iorlcer, 9-l.J-JS; wire• t.o Soviet Union,
page 2, Deily W'oi:ker, !>-2-38.•
- · .
.l toner le:t.t.erhead of the Deutaohe11 Tolkllecho, which bore the date
ot hbruaey l6, 19.39, carried. the uae ot Eniut H~ M 11111 the a;
oontribut.ors to t.hi.11 eroup.

In the tall. ..ot 1940 H~' 11 nme wu included in a &raup of

of indirtdual.1 llb.o were 1aid to be engqed in (!<nnun1et act1TI.t1111, '?he11e
indirtdnus were reported to occupy po11iti01111 GZl.the •intellectual tront• and
wu. l&id to render Talu.ahle aen:i.oe a.s propagandilta. .lcoording to' the intoraant 1
thoae whose u..ea -re included on t.h1IS llat loaned their effort.a pollti~
<-- :c·--=-s wxi:Mia; ·srti.e"ta ~ sp.eaken and traTilled throughout the country aupporting
and taJcin& part "in Ccnnmn1at front . . etinga and in the proi?'Ut o~ the Party
ceneral.17. 1hey were all.egad to be particul.arJ.y aetiTe in the then par..ount
Oomnuni.llt Party obj9c:tin,. n_,7,. defeat ot the preparediieu projp"-.

- .
according to a confidential source who hruiahed intoraation
.oa October 4, 1941, wa.a one of the "heads• of the for lledical .lid
· t.o the trnion, 'l'h1a into:numt .U.e&ed that the aboTe-sentioned ccmnittee
waa backed 111" the C<mlrmirl Part7,
~.:·::. :,· :: ·='·•..:~·-:,~. ~::\.:;~;~;;~\::~:; ~ :·.'...:·: :..:~;:~t~'";~ : ~.::?,:: ~{1.'.~'. ~),~;~:;~;~'} l.i~}~~LtLjl52:~l~ff:~/:t·S:i::;:;;;~'.<·:~~: ~, .:i . "~ .
~·... ;:~: -

;~:=.·;.}i r:·.·

-n -

~h~j C•:a: Sa' 'Rh

£~.--'57 ~~,,: "·":!•: _·,~-Ja .lsma?7.~i1;~ zsp:a:W~1M~ P ehm Cul.:ti:iral.
~~7~:,~:-,;1, •rttm, Im..;;·ot . _ Yorlc.J:itt7, ]IC OIEt • m i l e-Pbl..t • support.
a;.-"-': .-~~,:~~ .219- - at Jtr i Hw1TP'Q' ;: •red u.raia.aa & = . .er o! iol» !k>ard 114
· ·
~- - --~ ..::.~.:~. ·9Jacam) *1hi.m. ~· -~· ..... .:.
Thia iroup waa purpo~ .orranisltd to to•ter 1better re1ationa between
·1;he 'United State• and Ru.aaia.
A confidential io!omant report.d on Septeaber 23, 1941, ~t Ernest
) B'~ had broken all ties wit.h the Clcwwtm1•ts.
! .
..... ·.... ;- .

. .... ·"

:.. .......
. -: -'
. d

~? ..,
~·-· i~

__.. ... _ --
..... -.,..--:


~--.,-,..··· ·::;..:.. ;~:~-.;::....;:;· '·
C' ..

... 1·
.· .- .. ~-~~-~9!!!D1 !!!!Uf:!!i'!-S:\~t!!!•~•L!f!l!'!!:~'!!!!..Jf~t!D~..!'£11i'l·19!P'!'Ld!!lJl'or!i~:!!!l:ldll1'5!1•:aa

In Ja:tma:rr, 1940, 11~ addressed letters owr hi.a Pfl"SOnal

aignature endorsing the •olic o! the Perican Conmittee tor the Protection
o! Foreign-Born and soliciting the assistance o! 'ftrious persona. He re-
~, 7 qiasted that arrr contributions in the !om. ot c:hecka be &ad• ;>&7&bl• to hia.

.l cont1.dential aOlll'ce .tumiahed a ._orandla dated October 18, l9Q.,
concerning the American CCllmtittee !or the Protection o! Poreign-Born. !ha
-~ ' .. ,.., :· ~ st.ataa.tb&t..Clll ltarch.2 am;3.,~ .. -the abcnl8 -Orjp1D1pt1on ='""'ed
.· l~ ·
-~,_-~":7 ·ml.4 ita 7oarth •nnnel Con!erace in sashingt;on, D. c. and dia11eminated a
·;:; . :~ :: dr.calar 1011Mting aponaora. -~ccording to t.h1a msorand-, the .c:ircular
· -1!> '· / · · contained a printed picture o! the head and left am o! the Statue ot Liberty,
,_ _ and opposed •reg111tration and fingerprinting o! non-eitisens•, which na re-
, •
' -
prded as a di1erimination againet the !oreign-born. 'l'b1ll circular was signed
' · jointq b;y- Erne•t Hemingway and Dr. •UH•• ~en Beil11on, as co-chairmen
tor the CCl!llllittff ot Sponaora •
.l list o!
the spoMors o! the .llleriean Camnittee tor tbe Protection
o! Jbreign-Born, 79 - Sth .lwnue, • - Iork: Ci'l;T, which • s dated .A.Ugu11t 1940,
contained th!! mae o! a-Dellt Hemingway.

According to a confidential. source 1 Hmingqy and one Dr. lr:Uli.aa

..l· Jreileon, who were co-chainnen ot the Committee o! Spon110r11 tor the Fourth
.lnnual Conference ot thill organisation, wrote to the Editor o! the People•11

- •. ~
~,... ~1d, &n alleged Col!lm.unillt Dnl!p&per at ~ Francieeo, 1eeting !inaneial
· '-"· - wuppo1 io ~ar the committee in it• dr1'"' a~im t anti-.lim bill.e then pending
':"':·J in COngreaa.
The Daily •orker o! Jamary 2,· l9a., stated that carey 1111111,..,
·.f.;;~i_.:~ the C&litornia ~11sioner" o! Immigration and Hou.sing; Pro!e1111or al.ter
1.~ · b:uteMtrauch, Dean ot the School o! )(ech&nical Engineering at Columbia Uni-
"flH'lit;y-1 and Dr. )lax Iergan, -President o! the Bational Jlegro CongreH, bad
accepted invitations to 1erve aa co-cbairm!Kl o! the l50 11ponaora !or the
1'1!th li&tional. Con!el'Sloe o! the .AJnerican Committee £ar the Protection o!
:;,,:"•.-_, . ·~_t:, _· _ ... __,. ll:lreign_-Born to be held 1:n J.tlanti!c Cthi'l;T on V&reh 29 and 30, 1941. l!emi.ngwa.y
_ ,._ ~.·.. ·>'---11 - e d as one o! the sponaon o e eongr.. 11. · ·

;""J-~~4~~ ,~/ ·. . . .•.'

. ·r}~~~~-, · ~";-:: · ·~- --~perican "Yrttere eopqm · -~':-J:_::¥f?J?.i· '· - ...-_

.,.~.:~2f ·.. :~: : ·

·~ .&. circular advertising en • Writers eoogrea·a• to be held
~:\ at C&niegie Hall, tiew York Ci'l;T, on June 4, 19.37, -stated that .Erneet Heain~

-13 - .

This article go&IJ on to atate tbat the COngre1111 bad been
i.?'.~11 1111pported by ID&ll7 praninent 1ndi ndual.11 who re11igned !re& this organisation
~ when the COmmunist Party •acnpped collect!-,.. aecurit;r and went in !or

;:. :.. ·.· !ollOll' the Hitler Stali.n Pact.• Listed -ong the per110ns
who were no longer connected with the 'l'ritarll COngrees due to it11 alleged
-· toll.airing o! the CM!Dllniat Party Line, wa11 the nu.e o! ~est HElllillgway.
~ J.eague o! American 'Jrit•n
~ '·~ ·' ,,. ··'"""·°On 1'9bruar7 2l, 1941, ~iwa;r was reported a11 ~a Tice-
,.~~" preeident· and member o! tha Boa.rd o! Directors tor tha League o! American
writers, Inc., winch 1.e reportedq a C<emnn:!st 7ront orpnaat:Lon.

Git i circular pu%portedl.y published bJ' th• Jrat:Lon&l. Board or the

:y«;;-.;; ·League o! Ainerican ll'ritere, Inc., carried the n1me o! Brnellt Hanin~ a.e

i~~ -
that the attempt-· being
to bring tha to 1lexlco. rt oon-

. ·'\' ,.,;_.:{ · 'i<::·~·t111 $l.3 1 200-,mi,ch 11&s rai.11ed at• d1rmer .... lmld .Clll:l>etober ..1'7 ·

.. :.,: .~t •• , :_:.: :1.n cooperation a committee ot leading publiehera.';;~~eage to

. ~ ··:sW:--':2" Jlexi.oo hae been bought for these fortunate exlle11. But at 75
~~ . ;;{ .; .. · othere are •-it:Lng our help. It now costs $600.00 per ·peraon to pt
;'{j;,t;_i • J • - than aa!el.y Ollt ot !'ranee to -ad.le th'lf' wait "in Liebon tor
. ~/
.; ~· .'.~;~ •
;~:;~w: f,· .'
~f~~{ - 14 ~· ''88fiJfSfJIJJJtt

.,.,_ . (_.; '.
·;:;~~,.:.- ·:-'J:~~~~:--· :;'·.~'.'#eir.ct.noe·to baud tile oHr uc w .beau, .tobq, t.h.87
~··:so • ~......,, .·:; ..~ baw 1!9odi ~. a•ttcr!ne• . AM t.her.11D1lllt • aa, ·11r-:iczww.·tie
'$:_~-_1"'-.:;_·:· ~ to. l! ~ tot.he atev _u t;1:i,a . . .
;,t ..,.1.c:1.•
·-7' --- .
-··:~ -·

"~c _.,, ... ·. -
..ii CJI~ ·.-··


· On one occaeion Reaingway wrote an article againllt war wbicb
appeared in laquire V&ga11ne. Thia article •11 later incorporat.d 1n a
.· ·.·~- ''X''~ prepared bJ' the .Peri.can Youth Congre1111 and ooe indi:dd\1.111 at lnet
•a arre11ted tor diatributing these on 1Jo'99ber ll, 1935, 1n Seattle,

·.a.ccording to the .&pril, 1939, BQlletin ot Filaa tor Denocraq,

·1rne11t Eeminga:y 1r&B at that t1ae a .-ber ot the .&.dvia017 Boa.rd ot tM.11
On an 'Ul&pec:Uied date Hanin~ tried to contact ft'enoh .Ambaaaador
oaaton Eenri-Bey-e. b reason tor hi.a de111re to contact the ~asador i• not
. _:-, l:nOllll. JCra. Jltllling1rq aleo tried to aontaet the Jrench .Pba.aaador on Dtoember
~--7--"== · 18 19.40 . ---- - -- -- ----
:"'c~. . .~ ·., .·_

.-ji'.·-·: '-·~-·~'ii::~~~~:'·
- ..
: ·.,;:-

~~!~~.:. - '• • --·::-r;..-; - -~ '.:

: ~~ :.; --~-- "~.

;i@f IFIB.El IIlk

~~l~ :'w~:\§\<'~b' - :~_ e,o~EffrtAL J~ BN-~18£11t1ALI
.;·,_._,,_. 0FFIC£ OF THE-1 EP'J.. ATTAC ·
·~~ c "/::.'.. , •. • :- . ·!.:; ,_ : .• ..

. .


•.• ~ISi: ,~-

.·- •,.,

,, ; · . June 1 11{3

> Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation
~. . -. .......... :.?.=,,; (~~~i!:eLI ""ff·!
, q:,f'.I ?St-

w~.shi~t~n'.. ~·. c •.. ~t' e 0 ~. , • • • ·• ~ •.• ~: :~~~lfi; cm: ~~-~11ib'


·-:·::. Re: . EBNEST HEMINGWAY .. · .

Dear Sir:
The Habana Communist daily newspape~y• on April 25,
1943, carried an extensive attack against ERNEST HEMINGWAY, dis-
played under a tour-column heavy title-l~ne: ·•T~ LAST POSI-
This article, written by Ra~nz.alez.Jf'"U:~n,
HEMINGWAY 1 s 1 For Whom the Bell Tolls 1 a'bo'ok •so"miserable, so
slanderous, that it met with excellent reception among the·
Fascists, -:the Trotskyists and t.he Munichists•.
·.. ' '·· .·... <.. .'

. :· .
~ ,._:-;~

.The arllcle ClOBee ld:th the atiJ.tement: 1 Here is the

'.-.. l ltn-ate HemingRT, · 1l1It.har. or a .alanderola .book 11h:1ch 1 • a ~
hash of others or his, this time directed. against the Communist
party and against the Spanish people. Here is the portrait of
the revolutionary tourist. His destiny will be the destiny of
all traitors, of all provocateurs who maneuver openly or in
cover against the Communist party again t the people, against
history. And against good litera ure. 1




. : . . .J.
..... .:.. - - •


EE ASON - FGT'-' 11-,~-f:,f-'-:_,..,'"7,_,7'.mf'\llle 26' 19 43

Director, DATE OF REVIEW '()

Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Washington, D. C.
. . .~·~/~
. . _ •..
. -

··-'. . .... -.rnTELL"IGENCE A~c'l-'I~v~I~'l~'IE~:s IN CUBA

Dear Sir:
·4.-;".:;;: ·.
-~ ~~',\' As of interest to the Bureau, the followi g matters

affecting general intelligence activities are set forth. ~
1) Communist Attack on Ernest Hemingway t J
. ~ ----- ....~.,,,,..___ .. _

SIS #360 has submitted memorandum concerning the .

attack in the Comr.iunist new spa '.HQy 11 of April 25, 1943, ;;:~ 3 ::~
: 1
against Ernest Hemingway. The article is entitled, "The Last oz:·
_,P.Q.S-1 tion.o.f. the Traitor Hemingway," and is written by~ ~
~on~l~_g11!1_<=!n.llCl"I , 1 ~q
. . --- . 'if "\ ~ H -< :--3
. The article attacks Hemingway on several grounds. ~"'
.: ~st,· J.t cande=s him as being one of the 11 war tourists" who
went to Spain, not to seek the popular and eternal Spain, but
to seek curious, "effeminate", queer characters. Not finding
such characters in the Loyalist zone, they made friends with
the most "delirious" adventurers infiltrated in the CNT and
with the individualists of the Trotskyist group of the POUM. '
On Hemingway's return to America, he published a book that was
"so miserable, so slanderous", that it met •11th excellent recep
tion among the Fascists, the Trotskylsts and the Munichists.
This was rrFor Whom the Bell Tolls." "The attacks on Andre .
·-:rrty ••• constitute a repetition of known ~rs whose origin , __ /
. st be sough_t in .the propaganda office Rf. .. pf:'. Mb_bels." _ · '-
:.:! .. . . '- '·.'DE:JJ ' if -o! .{.:( /_-• 5-
.J. -\~ ~""; t\;,~~:·1,;"!'.:v:;!!'. ·~:':l:~o=~!:,,~1 ,ni~~::":~\;,- 1
ih~~ \I. 1 campaign for the sterilization of all_ Ge s as ~a:q11,.of .pre-
!~:It.1: \!.'··serving peace. That is, he wants to make his a ii6'1al'u.+arti 1943
~~$~I~ " ~ \ ;· against Germany. He shakes hands with Goebbels, ho, trying to
\t~'i!< (): l ',_prevent the disaster of the German people, says t "the skin
y,trJ:l "-'
of every German is at stake in this war." This 1 of Hemingway's

~['.{;~~ ~ ~ iJ a ~~otskyist ide~J the service of Nazism. .. fv~i~,·~.:-?·

';~~~ f Jif~--i'7A_l1G 6 l~~ co~wrrrr'T'~- lY\f:i-~
. :. "•
• I ••

tlOIIJ WbiliAf
. .: The· article closes stating - "Here is the literate
·Eemingway, author oi' a elanderOUJI bot>k 1'hich il!
a·~hl!"h'ng o.r
others of his, this time directed against the Co:mn;unist Party
and against the Spanish people. Here is the portrait of the
revolutionary tourist. His destiny will be the destiny of all
traitors, of all provocateurs who maneuver openly or in cover
against the Communist Party, ag~inst the people, against history.
And against good literature. 11

The original o.r the above article is retained in the
files. oi' . thi~. of!icti .since the above .aeta_.forth .a .. complete and
adequate ~2·y.
2) ·Intelligence Activities of Mr. Hemingway
' ~"""
~ '-l
·~ ~

Al though the)!IBmingway . or_gapiza ti on

/! ~'~~.
was shut down by the Afubassador on April 1, 1943, this office ,
continues from. time to time to receive .copie~o.ror~a sub- •
·mitted to Mr. Hemingway'!! e.l!sistant, Jitr., J~;ul!tav . __..?.-Il_,__who il! .
now employed !l,t _the ..American Embassy as .a mem er of the Auxiliary
Foreign Service. These memor!l,Ilda &re few in nUlllber and relate to
cases which were previously under investigation. Mr. Duran has
stated that they are submitted to him by the .termer operatives o.r
the Hemingway organization on ·a -volur;~e.E:lr ..P.asie.: .. It is neverthe-
less known to the writer that Hemingway personally had 122 gallons
of gasoline charged to him from the Embassy's private gasoline
allotment, for the month of April 1943. When the Hemingway organ-
ization was functioning, arrangements were made that gasoline
necessary for transportation in connection with the intelligence
work ~ould be allotted from the Embassy's private stock, which is
· ···:-·~.e.!J1't .from £nd not_ aubjec~ to ~~an{tions.
·. V
writer fo
i'~~il~~fingway, the former Miu:,t~llho=,
·, ecently" ·s·o'licited from Mr.~. Joyce,
Second Secretary of Embassy, information concerning conditions on
the island o.r Martinique, with special'reference to American-French
relations in regard to the 11 blocade 11 of Martinique. She sought
this information in order to complete a book setting.forth results
of a cruise in Caribbean waters which.she took in the fall of 1942.
Mr. Joyce obtained the information from Mr. James Bonbright, who
is handling the French desk in.the Department of State •

. - 2 -·
[ .':/

. ..
.-· OOfillUP
rlth Bureau Informant!") ff~~

On the other hand, Mr. Hemingway entertained Secretary

ot: the Treasury Henry Morgenthau at his t'inca durinr:; the visit
01' this official to Habana in March 01' this year. Since that
time, correspondence has passed t'rom the Secretary 01' the
Treasury to Mr. Hemingway through the State Department diplomatic
... Very truly yours,


.. ,, . . ' . .
.: ~ ·- .
.... ·...
·. . ,.
·.· ...
·:,_<:.·'' .......... :·"·

"- .


HEREl~S Ur.!CLASSlrlED ~Lpt)i_
DATE_'l:2\ll~ 8Y'aQ·\ ClJr::::.·--
.. ·.. -:. :,_ ..;: ·,.:.: ·.: .. ·:··,' ·:·•· .: . :.:. ':. :;: ,"_: :, :_' :-:>:::\"•.'r.;~X:'.:,<;~;..;:'r9>~~::,£'i:'.].'(j.:;_~:,,,_: :.·;:;' :,;::··.. . ~- ...· _
.... - .
•. 6~.bttal .....:~~,Jt~J- ::-:~
·,;~!~~ 1tnit~b flat~lJ ll~parlmtnt n1 Jun;J: G
. Bbmqin]ltnu, IL Gt.
~~- -- -- . pmcrwc



Classified by !£. ~ .

•'1:.·.-~ Deda~ify on: ()ADR.

~~- ~~S) ~I~~

-ti I

"'j "'1 ~ .. ...

,, .
:lrnest Remingvay h&e remided allloat continuot1Jl7 lll. Cuba on.
· a llll!All country Htde at San J'ranc.hco a. P&UJ.a, outoide Ile.Tana, duri.Ji«

.. - .
•· ... ui::r:::.i:::ti
f ·the tvo 11e.r1. In. thie tt.e be completed hia l&teat book, a cos-
pila.tion of wa.r atoriea, publiahad in the f&ll of 1942, ·
.. l . '
.. ·.

. ... .
. ' ; .·.!·.
' .. ·' .
~; •;.R ~/; • {;- . .

~ , ·:_ ._ Jltlaor.aJl.dml for Xr. Ladd

. "'.: ,Pac- 2

- ··""'!!le .btba.~M.or'• 1nquir;r - • ~llk'en '1IP "1" Xr. lo7ce, Second.

ISeCHt&r,r o! UIAI Jmbu•T. with tha r..pi and Mr. lo7c• W&I &4.-
TiHd that thar1 wa1 10• que1tion &• to tha attiiud.• o! Kr. Hemi~&T
to the J'llI, with which organisation he had. pren111&blT been requited to
:1.q work. !hh queation exilt•d, Kr. le,.e• - • ad.Tiled, beeauu o! B'.nint;V&T' 1
j'~ action aa a principal •icn•r o! the 4enounciation o! 1:he J'llI in U1e
~}:'J DetroU CoJmmiat..Spaniah enliataent e&H in 1940 and &lao beeauu o!
~:;,'~ HeJli%l&Wq 1 • remark on aeetinc the Lep.J. J.tiach.e acme week• preTioulT at
~fl . which tiae he n!err-4 to th9 DI a.a 1 Uwt ~iau Geatape. 1 Kr. lo,.ee

f~~: -·~·,;_:.!_~ •.. ---· ·~l:Wlhere4 to.~ 'tntt ~·on 'hi• attttiih
oallU&ll,- u pouilll.e, &%14 Niurned n1:h the ad.Tice
toward nm·~ ....
\h&t .B'.n:1~ bad

paid no p&rlieul&r atten~iaa to th• petitiou ha, signed in 1~ demnmebc
the DI and cou14 :aow h&rdlT reaeaber wh&1: it aaid: l!emi.AgWq 1:ol.4 Kr •
.,...,·.;\... 1Jo7ee that people are &lw&T• •horlnc 1>9titi0Jt• under hi• no•• and like
t . .o~ p•oplo bo 1• 1nol.W4 •• ,,. . ' " - •• ' " n•u" ol a trlon4
_'"· wUhout full in!or1D&tion u to their eonteda. Remilll:"&J' &lao dhmiued
_ the reference to the DI a• •th• J.aerioan Geatapo• &• a - r • J••t.

!ha J.aeriO&D .A.abaua:dor, MTerthel11a, decided toe~ l!em1%1t;Vq 1 a

! -
. .
••rrtcea under hia own :peraoll&l. direction vi thout &%11' direct contact wit.h the
Legal J.Uacbe. ~.ent• were a&4e whereb,- eopiea of llea1%1t;Va;r 1 a report a
it~:j would be furniabed to th9 Lep.l J.ttacha iJI. order th&t the latter ai«}tt be
ad.Tiled o! deTelopmentl in inTeetiption1 conducted into the Spe.nilh
J'al.a%14:e b,- lrneat Reaingw&T•

.,_ .
• .... •4-"-'4 ---

........ !.·. .~.Y':'..'.· - -·

· '!be orp.nisation which B'eaingw&T gathered !or 1:h11 work we.a coz- .- ' \
posed exclua1Tel;r of Sp&nhh llepub:).ic&n refuceea in Culla.. !heir iden.tUT
- • aot dhcloHd iJI. B'e•iJl«w&J""' a report• 'but 1:haT were dHl,cn&ted bT •
lltlllber. !heT er•• from an orig1n&l force o! !our !ull-t ime opere.t 1Te•,
allepd to lie . .mbor• of tI• lpa.n.h.h police !o~~~\~?f',-ilf ;:~ime
ob 1'1"-'!'' ,.:_i.\P.L
roNf!nFti\- or
1 1
... . . ,; . •' . . .... , . •••
... ..
. ..

c .·'·

.: ·. >-··..:~ 3
Xemora.nd.1ll! !or Xr, La44

l·---~.. .1 .
.. ·~-

! ~~ ' 1 a ca -..mrt• ~-- .._' ; 14.~.-- .... .-.a:~

o! U in!ol'm&Jlta co~Hd o! ttix hll-t±M eperdina and 20 tmdereonr

~<'#~. in!ormanta, The organisation vaa located 11.ot olllT ill but al10 at
Xatansaa, ~ and llantia,tO da Ouba, all doY!l tho 111.&nd., !be u-
penaea o! the org&niss.t1on ••i:•
paid !rolll the apecial !unda o! the
£1·>.t'l .Aaerican hbaHT at the direction o! the .bbau&dor and caae to total

a.earl)' a thouaand dollar• a aonth. It 1• not lr:lloWll whether the
14entitT o! B'.eminpa.y 1 a ill!ormant1 vaa anr d.iacloHd to tlle .bariosn
hba11ador but it h the belie! of the Lepl .A.tta.cha that their 1dent1'T
1:1\:±i _~ b.on ODl.1.'. to Bn1 n,;wq. ,. J ;
~j .- ..,. !laJdicwq•d·to oporata tho orcanillation with tha er-ten

5:~~ ponible d.i1~r•tion, b&Tllt; nb-ohi•!• vho contacted the actual 1.Jrreeti-
, ptora and in turn reported to hia, t:bereb)' Hpara.ti~ hill !rom &Jl7
.. dira~t contact vith the inT••tigati.,.... voJic. !o preTent &llT polioe
action, hoveTer, the. .bba.uador pereonall)' requute4. o! General ~nitu
& letter eta.ting that lleaiDCV&T Y&a knovn to the ub&uador and Y&8 &
j~~z.:~ per1on of hia confidence, General ~nit•• ra1pondad With a letter !or
~ Remi~a;r Ilia.ting that Reiti~a;r vaa klloWll. to hill, a.ner&l :Benitez, and
•hould racein •n?'T conaideration, !hi•· h 11.0t an a:raet ata.tement dnca
t:be olllT contact between G.noral. :Benites and Remi~&T b&• boe11. thron&h
the latter !roa the .Aaorican hbaue4or llalc1ng the aboT• nquat.

/ ~- . In· j,upat, 19'-2, lrntinpa.y 1ugge1hd to the that

r~t&TO ~ a. llpa:aia.rd. •JOPl0)'9d bT the herican Gonrmtant in Vaahin&ton,
. Di brought- to Cub& to operate hil org&lli1&tion during a. 30-d.A)' a.baellco o!
R••in&Wa;r on a. gOTernaent aiuion !or tho J'a.Tal. .A.ttache &lon« the cout
. ··-·· . ~ , ~- oia... , ~ atated that lie lcnaY Duran wall 4uring th.e Span.iah Ci T11
.. :·.- ._,_.;.-.;·:·. __ ya- at ~Q ~ Dara. wa• a corps co-4er in ti. tlpmdlh Republican
~ &lld auccen!ull)' de!endad the 't'a.lencia J'roll.t 8«&1n•t the l'ranco
force1 until further raaiata.nce vaa .&a.e imponible beca1lle o! the
oollapu o! other !ronta. Remingvq daacri'bed I>aran a• a 8 a111t&rT and
intelligence geniua o! the tJPO like J:a.polaon that 0011181 &long once in a.
hundred )'O&ra,• lie a&id that Dll:n.ll. who had married an .U.erican efrlJ\
•ncl.and a.!hr the llpe.nilh var, apok• J'ranch, G.rman, Sn,;11.•h and ao••\J\.\.\..
· cf/Bfifl8Ei:Tl/1L if/
. .. . . . .

Xemorand- !or Xr. ~

llunian; that bt we.a pure Repu'blie&ll, llOt a OOP1ll:liat, and vould get
te the bottoa e! the J'al&J1&9 ill ahort order. ltem1Jl8Wq aaid that Duran
waa vaating h11 i t - ae an nrplo;rea o! the >1Tia1on o! Cultural. Ralatioita
,<_i ,- .·"· _,,_.ia.the lie~ o!...liaie .. . i d Ube~'• Cull&._ 4.1n.:i

l!e•inpllJ''• 1.ntalllcen.ce orcanisa.tion at leaat for thh lWted period.
It we.a 'b7 the Legal. th&t Duran was aetuall;r an eiaplo;ree o!

the Ooordlla.tor of Inhr-.t.erica.n J.ffaira, for vh1ch reaaon it vaa pointed
out 'b7 the Legal. J.ttaehe to the J.ab&aaador that Dara.n'• auigna.,nt 1n
'connection vUh intelligence vorlc 1n Cuba aicht r&iH Juriadictional qu.eationa
_.. ••~6~ 1n Waahll€ton.. !ha J.abuaa.dor took the poaition that Dur&n vould be vorlcin&
~~--"! 4irecU:r under the bbau7 and 1n ~... a-nnt hia auigmient vaa onl;r
;~t~ tall,POl'ar;r !or a period o! 30 4&;ra •'\!f'"' ~ ·
.Ch. DIU';Jarri-nd 1n Cuba oarl;r 1n IOTaaber, 1942, and .'began
workin& rlth lteaill&WllJ'• Ria vork h&a not bHn o! the 1&ae nnaationa.l
character &a ltamill&W~, aa noted below, Rt :h&a not bflen 1n ~ VllJ'
4i!!arent or diatinct fro• u- t;rpa o! report• vhich lteminpllJ' had nbm1tted.
!heae reporh aa •ntioned a'bon are o! the t;rpe recei..-ed 'b;r :Bureau J'ield.
DiTiaiona from Tol=tar;r eoaplainanta, 'bein,; 11napeci!ic and Ull.Tlritied.
. ._, ·'"" and. 1llowiJlc lie «1Jttbu.1~ ilt..-eatiptiQJl to enahllah a l.iJte d ~ er \
- suapicioua ac-iirtttea 'b7 the IUbJeet~ '--

· !be onl:r innovation ill.trod.iced 'b7-~&• an atteiapted.

p.rtial .oo..-en,c9 o! public epinion b. Oulla in relation to tha var and. the
lJnited. St&taa n'bmittad ill report• entitled. 1 1'he Toiee of the Street.•
!beaa report• oon\ qlWtation1 from per1on1 in c&!aa, bar• and pool rooa1
and. claia te ••t out the opinion o! the people,: d1..-elopment1 in
t;ha var. !be;r are, heivner, liaited to the t:rpe of UkiiYidual aet b.
euch plaou and, h the opinion o! the Lap.l J.Uaeha, do not repreunt a
fair crou aectio:a. o! ceneral public opinion. L1keviae, 1n the extent of
their OOY•H,!;9, tbtte report• h&n not ctYen tha opinion•· o! 1u!!icient
per1on1 to varra:a.t. tbe coneludon tb&t tbe;r reneot the th~h o! e..-en
:' ·'. ."": ·, .o..,,~~-:tkU
.. '
.&*D*Z&l ·cl&as
Id 0-.U.Z.:indJ:rf«v' •· ·

!be J.aarican J.a'banador, howenr, h&1 been highl.7 1-preued vith

thil t:rp• of iin!ormation and on hi• raturit froa a trip to Waahl~on in
Deeeaber, 1942, rni&rlc•4 th&t the report• vere nrr vell thought of in
the l>epartaent of ltata.

J.lthough ltemi~llJ''• Hr..-ice1 vere enpged to 1n~1tigate the

llpanieh J'alance in Cuba, he aoo:a. 'branched. out to co..-er the entire field
of· ,int•llicence.

J.fter ra&din,: u article h tba Iev York !ilDll• about & aev t;rpe
.... --- .. .. -
. .. . .. -
IUJ:rm&rine med 'b;r the Geniana, !:eaingva:;r inatituted an
.. ...
... . . ·:

: .. :.·.
: :.. : ..
~: .'~. r;

;i~N/ ~ I tor Kr. Ladd c~t?\ nEn t r~L
.·,. --·"'
··-;···...- 41

;.... ·.:·

om..· • I ·~~~ ~wl t:i.t;· 9a 1aft 1'1'11. tilt.a ~ -
tan come to the po1n~ after •ontlta rd V1'rlc Where we an abcrat io oracle
tu auhmarine re!uallinc proble•, • 8horll.7 aftervw.rda, hi• innatiption
- • referred to the 'Legal J.U&ehe .b]' the hbau7 and a checlt waa Wl!.e on
the auppl7 and diatri'oution of o~cen and ~gen iulc:a throu<r;hout Cuba
~iii with the r••ult .that the &Tail&bl• ~lie• wer• well-accounted tor.
'. !ha •aw.i J.itache alao parlicipe.ted ~ ihh untitip.tion, •othinc
:turthar - • ha&rd fl'Oll B'.u1~ about the nl>J•oi •

''i . . llaaUicv~'• 1-H*'piiou kp.n io U- a -.rlce4 ll.oaUlit7

l .
. ':.. '.-··~-·~ 1"tllml Poll.,. - a h a
lener ~·to tlle l'lll.
'·'. · · .,, About a Yaelc before the rtait of Preaicl.nt llatiata to Waahi~on,
Ji:.Jlillt;Ya,' aent in a nport, praav.u.bl7 prepared b7 MI, allegint; prepar.-
~\~.'~·~ iion• b7 Geural :Benites to aeis• power in Cuba and ulce haul! Preaided

4urint; Ba.tht& 1 • a'beence fro• the coO.ntq. !hia report atated iha1'-----
llen1tn h&4 no auch ideu until hi• own trip to Waahi~on "vhich "bad been
ao succeutul, 1 !he nport allege! thai :Beniies wa.a tr&inint; a larce
& of IOtor 0701• police o!ticera viih patrol care and tba.t ih•

• ...... /~·
police force vu 'bein« trained 4&117 rifiH aa a. Iilit&rT 11.!lit,
!he report a&i4 that i t wa1 lleaitu: 1 a ·plan to take Cuba while lla.t ilta and
the J.merican hbauad.or, thl two atrongeat iadiTi!tl&la in Cuba, were abHnt
&ad that an 1nn1iiga.iion ahould be COJU1eaced ai oaoe to 1L1tconr ihe
preparation• of Benites in aecurint; tire arma and aieel protection ahielda
tor the IOtor 07cl• and aqua4 care.

, 11r. ~ -.a:.s. tim IApl. Attaam ~ ·ct.1:k - -tb.1• Teport.

!he Legal Attache pointed out th&t no sutlh :Preparat10111 &•;v!.7
alleged were ob•H"T•d \7 J'l!I J.«9nta working in d&il7 contact at Police
haadq:aarhr• and that the trainin& ot the Cuban Police force with riflu
ia a pract·ioe which ha• gone on tor 79ara inamru.oh a• the Oubai •atioul.
Police h an integral p&rl of thll Cuban J..rJq. !he ~r of alianat~
police cooperation :ii,. thi• t1Pe of report - • al•o pointed out to Xr.
J07ce i-nruch aa, according to a well lr::nown -xilll 1 thllre are no aeerata
iA Cuba.•
In 1ihe ce.u ct Prince Oaailo '.l:upol1, Halian J'aacid leader
interned b7 the 0-a])&n authorities but confined. to a clinic bec&uH of
..... .,.. .• ,......,.: .. il.l.J:l6H, .R•wlnp&;r reported that ll.ulpoli had paid ott ihe Ouh&a Clhie! ot
: ri<c-c~~ ~.h1ioa, ,e.-r.1 lltniUes, and-• no1; T9UlT ill, an4 interred tllat tbt
Lep..1. had accepted the word.of tho police a• to· the ~ingot
Jluapol1 at the ·clinic without &nJ'" .iDTeaiigation. niro~ Kr. Joyce,
l!emillt;Yay wa• raqueate! 'b:r the Legal .A.ttacho to aecure 4etaila a• to the
actU&l. atate of of Ruapoli. Ke proaiaed to do ao throtiD> an under-
cOTer operatiTe emplo;red &• a ma.le nuree at the partic:ular ·clinic where
Ruepol~ was confined. ll:othint; further wa1 heard from lle•1nc<ay about
thi• phaae of the inTeatigation.
•... .: : .· i. _:. ·. :,:.: :·:;_:~:·... ·.·: ·\(·.::·:;:~··::._. .... :/~ :. ~~-: _;: .. )::':.::.
.. ·,
.:• '

~r· (it
:· ·.' .'i'

~ I~
~ rp;, ~~
ii .!...l'-.1tl It
..._1_, . . . . . . . . •. ~~o:r Kr. Ladd
. --'- ..•. "hp .,

·-·• •ncwWJ'• n1-itt1gulnd 'bortilit7 to tm DI 'Mca.e aore

•Tident h 1•bru&r7, 19-43 wlwn the J.abanad.or receind charge• \hat
Special J.cent wbla.U&h, Jut &Hi~ to the &I J.11iliant Lep.l
J.itache, wa1 a participant of the hanco aoT...nt ia Spain and ha4
acted u a paid J'ranco pro~di1t. !he .bba11&dor 4ecliud to die-
oloH the 1ouree of the1e charge• when theT were promptl.7 cballent;ed
and proof demanded 117 t • Lepl !he lathr lea=ed, hove-nr,
poeitiTel.7 _that the c ge1 were pnn to the J.abt,91&dor 'bJ" :lrnHt
~ &acart hoa a h1~1T reliable and
. ·:-:·-=nfident1al •ba117. The charges centered about a
< ·,:-:llook written l17 lpee ~i hobla \ 11 Correepcndent in 9pain1 1:1pea
li• retUl'll froa au1;,i..,,t &a .1190ciat d Pren ccrrespon4.ent in Madrid
· u 1938. lleainPay lcnew Special J.cent boblallCt at \hat tbte and lfll.I
aoet frieJUl.17 wUh hia. Re had - t in JraTana im>ed1atel7 after
Special J.cent Xnobl&U&h'• arriTal. J.ltho'Q&h oatendbl.7 frhndl7,
Remint;Y&:r aa4e ao raan to Special J.cent XaoblauD> eono•rniac hi• book
or to the Lege.]. .lttaehe lra.t took hil CClllJ> d1r•atl7 to the J.&ba111&dor.
!he latter admitted that he had read only th9 firat fert7 P9«f• ef the
llook and after originAl.17 reque1ting th9 Lecal J.itache to h&Te Kr •
.-:.:· -~ Xnoblaueh transferred to llOJH other podtion where the Spanieh 7al&ll€0
... •'
a1 not the &Ctl.t• problea vh1oh the J.abauad.or "beli•Ted 1t to la U. Cube,
he J.mbaaaador di . .iued the tubJect u 1not al 1.llportant u he bad
. ricinall7 thOU&ht. •
) .
Ia per1onal relat1 on1 :S:.:nizicvq ha.I a&intained a surface 1hov
~ fr1endeh1p and intereat with repreHntatin1 ef tbl J'.BI. !hro~ \
1tah11.enh he hat made to reliable oontact1 ot the L•"'-1, hov1Ter,
U ia, known that h1t1Il&lf&T and h11 anht&nt(11'iiltaToDnran, ll!t.Te a low
••t••• for the vork of the 7.BI which they conttfu io be -thod.ical, /
m1p•ginatin and perfonied 117 per1on1 of eomparatin 7outh without
u:perience 1n foreign c0untri•• and lcnovlaa.,;. of intn·na.tion&l intrigue
and polit1e1. :lo1ih lleainpq am. Duren, 1t 11 aleo known, haTe
hoat1l1t7 to the 7.BI o:n an idealogical ba1h, e1pec1all7 Re:nint;Y&y, u
ha -conlidera the J'BI u.ti-Li'beral, pro-J'ascht and ~eroua a• deTeloP-
inc aa .111.erica:n.. Ge1tapo •

.llthoueh lle1tint;Vq 1 1 opilliona coincide with thoH of llO. .

~' .· ~-- ;.-,. Coam•mhta u thl.a rep.r4, ha hu repeased17 &allrUd that lie i.• ~i­
""::-.·C unin aM. that m,,.,. a• imch·o:ppoM4 ~o ~ <>uwwwwr1ri ~ ll.

the Spa:nilh war u be wae to th• 7a.1cht.

I of .&.pr11 1, 1943, Jlov•T • X-incwST'•
'lmd.erconr infon.nt for the .b>erican
a• &Jl vere term~nat d, !hi•
reeu1ted fro:n «0neral d11aa.tiafaction oTer the report1 1u ed, and the

atro:ng po1itio11 againet theH Hl'Ti 1 taken 'lrT Xr. J.lbert u.fer, Commercial
Ccnmullor of the h.baeay and a h1
h additional factor 1n aotiT&t
y respected State De·· · 11ent official.
· 1ihe .bbauador'• aetion,waa ti. _ .- 1(.

Q!'s•pEtl; • 'f<'
QNF*NTlALl Cu ; ; \ li l. 1I I
.:.·:· ..
·. ·: '· ···,,.

' ...
. :·· ·:. ' :, ·.~ : :.:
'· _.:·-·. ::~ .•,'·, i,. ·.: .. ~: • .,. . ·.~: I'

:;: ..:; ":'• .: .:.·:·: :::.:~.}.'.: ~,/.::::<Y.:;~J:::·~li':.;;'f~;?T-:~:r,:z;;;f;;;::.::t, ;L:.::~ _ : :;.;· ,,, :~- -· ·. ·'


. .
~r;;_ :~; .

·[}J'.;i Kemorand- for Mr. Ladd

.2~ 8

·K~ ~· » _r-:-;.-: .. :~~--·' •1M~ sL anli•zmtac "to • a: a a.. ! oosc:a: wa · 1.t+w upc::at.ct
1'7 liniUigwq at a ihe vheil th• Mbanador va• l1aco=qinc and re1triotin,;
U1• nployment of paj.d i~oru.nta bT the offici&l. att&ehe1 o! the •ba•ST·

Whtie the inTeatigation of •eta a• •ucll ia di•contimled,

the .i.mbaaead.or ha• requite -Mr, .tAYO to continue to turn in
reporta on public epillion ln b& aa prertoua T imdertU:en bT hill ill

' 8 1'he To ice of the llh•eet. • ~ .Aabaaa&d.or thia requeat of Kr,
:Duru bee&UH he :teel• that th••• report• ciT• hill !111 •iuid• pietUH•
·o:t what people are th1nlti.Jl41: Ui CU& Yhich he 41d not cet ill~ other Y&Tt
"·~.-·02t hi•~ to llpeMngt'-·u ">eee•ber-,·-i~.~- lmmnador waa
.;".,. in:toraed at the DeJ-.rt•lrt o:t IU.te that theH report• are receiTed Yith
··.'.;. great intereat a.I. :tor thi.8 r.aion he ia deaireua o! contim:i.iBt; to ttullllit
thea to Waehingt011, J. :torce o:t ;two or thr•• 8paniah ~nta will continue
to ge.ther thia aa.terial for Kr·. ·Duran with u:penua uti.Aated at llO lDOr•
than $200,00 per aonth. Kr, Duran ia now eiaplo;red at the J.aerican •b&•q
at Ha.Tana on a peraa.nent \ada· Ii.a a -mber of the J.uxiliary 7oreign
llenice. lih U.M 1-a deToted t;'o &n&l711nc polit ie&l collllllent a and art iclea
in. the Oa.b&n preH &nd aaaiatilit; the hban&dor in the preparation. of
apeechH to lie deliTered 1n ~iah.
!he Legal. J.ttaohe ~ •ntioned to \he .berican .bbauador that
J'BI npreHntatiTH are prepared to gather and aubl!it report• o:c. public
opinion. !he .Aabaaa&dor hae •hovn ao deaire to hlce &dn..nt&€8 o:t the
inTea1iiptin HrTloe of the J'.BI 1n th1a field, !he Legal .l'ttache at
E&Tan& ataha that the .bbauador ha• &lwqa regarded the Heminpa,y
... ,r•. •.•-.Drpniutica u •·pd proj9e't of hia owi .and 1n oo:a.1;inn1:ag a Jd.a.or pbaH
of U• work the hbau&dor bu. giTen the Legal the 1.mprenion
that he h Urlllinc, :a.ot •r•+7 :tor liemi:ncva,y' • aalc• but hi• ovn, to
order a compleh diuolution ~f Heaincva,y'• orp.nbation. liemine:v!Q', ··
hoveTer, 1• aot direotl.7 operatin& 1 fhe Toioe o~~h! ~-treet 1 innatigatioiu
ln:tt ha• turned them OT~ entlrel.7 -xr~·-CJo!UtaTO Dllran --- ·IA '

.~ 1}4~
' .fl
- I


f,;~~}\..... .,. :.-,,,7__ ; .-,.--"'·----rcr-z·"·

. :·

. ,. ·.

. ..
. ·'
. '.":}·.
,;·.'~. !;
' ·... [;.:.'

Keaor~ for Kr. Ladd.
... ; . 9



Df:'ll&T • -41 thh clea.r in reprd io th• fil.• 11roduclion

of hit book or Whom the :Bell '!ollt. • X. 1014 the aoTie ~t 1 to the
-_oolc aore tvo 71ar1 &£Q; the i>icture vaa fil.JMd and ha• gone throU&h
1enral editin& J)roetaa11 and aceordiJll: to Rea~'• la.t11t information,
a final rerlaion. of the picture and re1hootin& of ~ 1cen11 h.1..1 n-
aulted in the remoT&l of &ll of vhat he con1id1r1 the Tit&l part• of the
1t017 relating to the 9p&niah CiTil War an4. reduced U to vhat :ae tera•
a •r• 1Grauatark rou.nee. • Keminpq ha• Ticorou11,- a1nrted th&t he
will aoon go to llolqvood to find. out vho ia reapondble for thi• treat-
-nt of hi• book and vhen he find• out ht will uke an incident of i i
which will cause the 11•reona re9J1onaibl1 to recret h&Ting tTer inter-
fere( vith the sto17 itaelf. !'.nillt;Yiq belimt that influence• which
ht term• •J'aaciat 1 naael.7 the Tatican an4 acme eluenh in the United
ltat11 Dtpe.riMnt of State h.&Te been JIOtt influential in telc1"€ the teeth
out of hi• 1to17.

:leprdinc llea1npq1 a :poaition in Oa.'b&, th• Ltp.l .A.ttacht

adrtne that hi• predict and folloving are n17 cr...t. Re •nJoyo. the
oom.plete ~aonal confidence of the .A.aerican J.ab&nador and the Legal
..A.ttaehe ha• witn1n1d oonferencH where the J.&bauador oburred Reaingway 1 1
_ ~-' . .->-oOJlinio•a at papel.an4_.foll•-4 a1;tnre1•atSoallF Bn1J!4Y.,.'• ~ o.t
·~."';~ °".;.;.-.,<,,-·~·pnib&bl•'Wlim of' Oa.11&·"7 a-~- of'llD,000 lermaa ~M
to the h £ i n 1,000 llUb-.rin••• · .A. clique of oelebrit7-•inded hero '
wor1hippe. aurround lle:millt;Yiq wher nr he goe1, ?lUl!tbering such per•on•
•• W;!.natoi:1.. et• Lieute!l&?lt To :~t:.evlh~weaUl!T eon of •. fa.moue Tale
football p er), Kra. !'.athleen V~rbilt stegtrl and ••Ter&l J:mbas17
official•. !o them, Xeaingw~ i &; -.n of niue wha11• faae will be
remembered with Tolat07. · ·

~IJFIOEirf~AL I/!!
CON Fi ~~i~Tl.L\L:
·.. :-::·.
;.; ·:--:i;
. '~ ..... ·..

•I •

. -.

..... Kfllll,Orand:am !or Kr. Ladd.
. .-,--·,-
..• - -.Pac- ..10
- .... J

- ·. -r ~.. • tA@:w; ..,,.,_ 418&1 p'ltt1.Cal. h:f'b.m::. -a io14 'ml J.1ei1tmi.t

L1gal tbat the Dl bad lleUer pt alont: with him becauu ba
oarrled a lot o! weight h Yaah111f:ton. !be principal poli t teal innuanee
ot llemin.i;vq lcnoYD, to the Le p l J.itache 1• that RH~a;y 1 1 wife, tba
!o~r Martha Gelh~rn, ie a per1onal and literar,- friend o! Mr1. ~lea.nor
:B.0011TeH and. b&a a •ta.ndint; inrttaUon to •tay at the Yhite Rouee 'When
in Yaahington.

. Ilea~ i• p.therint; -teri&l tor a book at the preunt •

..UtholJ&h .hU J.U•'' icenoe .actirtiie• lla.,.. oded.. hi u .u .a mpecial COJ1>-
0fident1a1 a~ ror tlle IaT&l J.ttaehe eh1ui11« •ubmarilllla a1~ the·
.. · ORhan coaat mid. lcell})int; a eare!ul obaerranee on the :acrre1111nt1 o!
lpan.iah 1t-r1 which ooea11onall7 come to Cuba. !b.11 naT>Ll patrol won:

of Kr. llemi is regarded by hi• and the J'a.Ta.l J.ttach• a.a e:rtr mel
oon!i i
!he Legal J.ttaehe at Ra.Tana e:z:pren11 hie belie! that RemiD&Way
h :tnnduenta.117 ho•t1le to the J'.BI and •ight reaili,. endea.Tor at any time
- to eau11 trouble tor ua. hce.uee o! hi• peculia.r Mture, i t i1 the belie!
of the Ll&al J.ttaehe that Eeminpay would go to great length• to e11.barr&u
the llurea.u 1! an incident •hould ar1H. In Tiev o! hi1 presti«1 aa a
11hr&r7 man, aeoephd by larce 111otion1 o! public opinion in 11atter1
1ot related to vritiD€, it is the reeommend&tion o! the Legs.1 J.ttaehe at
....~~1 ll& that creat diaoretion be enrei111d in aToidinc an incident v1 th
~ :lrneat Rea~.

c. ~ Oar1on
Addendum r 6-21-43--I do not concur with the conclusion

.! ' reached in this memorandum. The Bureau has bl/ careful

-· ~· and i111partial fnvestfgatfon from tfme to .J;f111.e disproved P, actfcally all of
:.-t.he- ·MJ:-calle-d .Ee-ia1ngJR~ t11,f11rzatt.11a. •. _I doa~
'll>hll-t 1l1e- baelrgrotmd 1a -
..lllhat li,

_.,,..,, avofd e:rposfng hf111 for the phone11 that he fa. I don't thfnlr we should go ·
.i:ontacte are
T·eee 110 reaeirn lll'llll' ~ · ehould-• e· anv ef/or-t -to ·
.~ out of our way to do this but 11108t certafnl11 f,f fn the protection of the
.-,,-~- Bureau's interest ft ts necessar11 to meet h f111 head-on, I don't th inlr we
~f~~ should try to avofd such ~n fssue. I am also fn strong disagreement with the
\~8?'.~ statement contained fn the last paragraph on page 8 of this memorandum.
~1!.it~~-·Sfnce our inv'estfgatfon has d-tsproved all of Hemingway's alleged facts, I see
Y}.;.;'! no reason whv, t/ and when we are aslred by persons entitled -to a fran"tr answer,
q~'.1);;, that we shoul.d fail -to so s-tate. I thfnlr ft is preposterous to ta"tre -the
',·.;.:C.~}.·. position -tha-t we. should n. ot s. pealr disparagingly of h~informqtiQ] "becausa f1
c~;;:;,·}· afght be of some . .v.;.+ue !~, t,he-future"., Suc~i-a pre111t s basica.1. Y u~tr7un •,
~ ···.-:-:::.~. .
. .. li%1,J IBLttllKL CONFIBJ(i'~t!ALEdzo. a= 11'6 L\(]
.... . . ' .
. ;. .. "> .
. . ' ... ··..
. "y
. ,..
.. ··..
...~ ··'

: ..
. ..;·. '.
... _
• . 1

. - , - . . .: .. ---· '.' .,;. ,- ,:,C:,l'l·i~(t,"'.\r-11~ .. ~~\.: ~-~ • .... _ ·.:,·-·,:..-l'.' / .' .... _·.:·...
·,.c:; ~:'::--!1..ft,
ud ~ ~. - - e P~' b.1~ imd in9UW that-__,':".,
·"'- .. the bht.!>sador- pnxfuo. llll.b'1;anUatioo ~th nprd to &llep.UOO. ~i ··,.,._· ... : -_.' .
"' · · -. lnobl.auch le a PalangietJ ~1.a tlte, Aab&aila'dor -1d not dOJ ·~poa. :~.~ ·:~"' · ·; .
.._-., , ·.- ,. topth•r. with lnoblauQi poill\ed ~t to tb• ,bboullfl.dor··int'oraa.tion YOD.14. ·.:; .·
~1-, _ ·' · - to ttoa;:iletely ftµlod• ,-.tri ~r.r• ioo_-t.U· ei'!ect' ~t tnoblaulh 1• Ya~tst. .·
:.:""~:\~ · This caul'ed ~ec in .., 'far ~ hie !etlinp ntfi L«ld,- are e0noerned,
"'-'"-"'J ·to iCZlediatel)' 'baokdO'm with ""Prd io JU.- ~Utt\ ~la··«h 'be rei>o•.d 1'rcm
-~~·-:l.~.-:. Cuba. :· .: • ·. ·· . · · ~ · ·: .·:~:~ . I .
~t~~~- ·.:·. ~~ ~~,~--=-~·~ . ~~-:~-~"~i..:t·~ ~'-~. _'.~/,:.
::n~~· ~*i.-~:'~"::~1nte-
~;:~~ . .: -oi· ·:.: ••t~":t°:~r:r~· ~~~
~:~- "-i .: ; that Leddy ha11 upon hi• .own 14'.t.iaU'" wben"91". •,,.,, 1.1pon to do- eo b)- the
i'' : . -. ~aador WM! b,' Jeyce, ac!UM!! .U..M ~ ~eitatlncl7 that the int'ormaUon "''.> ·
: ;·,:·.~&Md by H«linit-·a:r &ad ~· lAtt.r•e:or&&DJ.saUoo .-• unfound.d '.-....:· ·
· , ·..:.'. · . and W"'1bstanUated in rRT7 eizl(le inJJt&nee. Leddy, ot ..,..rH, .aeoo.pliehed
=-:· ...
thie b)- t'urn18hiri& :the result. .ar hie. Ledd,-'e, ob.ak ...
. . · ..

~'' ·
th• ftJ'Orte or - '"°':' - '°
~.Ji -~.. s-1ngny•.. I a qui.ta llUre that what be int.eo.d9d to expreu in tb• mif'ort=a.tely
~ . . :'-.?.worded 'u t.h&t' be cSc>M aot r..i tbe.t. !' b7 hai:lray'
· · : · 11hould b4' i!Vlored and di11regard9d as barlng co.,. t'rca unrelbbl• aoorces eerely
b"ca.ucr& :rueh intonaetion has 1n th• pro-red meubstanUated. It. 1e beli...-ed
· ~ _ _tbnt he ill a.leo •..:d.n& to point out .,hAt 1a true •itb ;-e.p.rd to ally int'orm!l.nta,
~ ·;-._ -<"'.··
profqa1ona1 in_ chll.ractn, _ _ly, '?-t
th.itM in41Tich:i&l.e turnieh intonation .' .·: ·
~'S · ·
1.n t110ch a •y and in euob ~ al.l-1ruu.ua1Te n ,tare rltb Nif'rd to oonjeoture, · _ ··
.. {'. :·:prob&bilttiee, &Dd -~ ~ed ·&ll~Uou tba'\ 1.~ 1e.~e1bl• t.o definitel,. .'
. ~-. ff+..abli:ih. that 'no 'truth mat.eoeYer ill eontatn.a 1" \be all.eptiotl.l! and 1nfor.at1on .
· /· _. turri.iehed. It ia believed t:futt ltr. Lfld47 .rlll a.gne with th• !ture&11 1.t inquiry . , ·
.- ,,, . '. .,:,. ". 'ehould be -d•
·by por8ons «1t1.Ued tC 1mo-. tn. truth, :ntpon<f by furn!shiJ2.&' .. be
~~Z~~ , .·· · th& !'Aet. in. so far as 1n!'nna:.tion furnished to th• of!'io• <?f the Lega.l
¥,z~2'1 ...ltt.aeh• by H'""'1ngwa) 1a c=.ce=ed, that 1• t.bat the 1nl'ol'"'"..ation _bas been 1u no
if~~ ;~'-. :w.y yerifi~ or ~st..n~at.d_ b)- in••11ti'11t.1cm.~) \)..
··~ .
< ·-.·. ·"' • -. JleepeeU'ull,.
.. • ,•
~~;;~ . ~:_, •. -~". . • -~ >.· •. :·.· ·. ·~,. . . 'r

~:~%~~ .

. ....
"··~, .. ,_ .. .
- .- .... ..
. -·· ·.
....• •.: ....'..'.. .•:;>/

: ,·.
. <. .. ·.:· .. '. ~ .
. :.
. ..
.•' ......... ~.!.
; .~
,; .
- .--· ·•

~. :-:~::
:; ·. ' .. I·.
. .-; ~
> •

I .'!SIG l1.18UM



. I

- 4 -



,,2. Pace{e) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the foll~ atal.ementa, where
indjcated, explain thi• deletion.

~ Deleted under exemption{&) --"~'--------------- with no aegrep.ble

aaterial available for release to you.

0 Information pertained only to a thin! party with DO reference to you Of the subject of your request.

0 Information.pertained only to a thin! party. Yoor name ia listed in the title only.

0 Docwnentis) originating with the following government agency{iea)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to yoo.

Pace{•) referred for consultation to the following government agency{ieal; - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as the information originated with them. Yoo will
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Pace<•> withheld for the following reason(s):

0 For yoor information:

The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages:.

,y/, .J!3'1~ · 1


•. ·•.
~ .

Duran atated that he was J.a.Bt 1n 1'adrid in June 1938,

at which ti.m& he r-ece:i.ved h.1.a a.ssignment to the Valencia. aector,
where he was 1n eom:nand until the end or the war, never having
returped to Ka.drid. Bo mentioned that 'IIAJ'A wa.a :in chare;e or the -J

~ I
' ~ . ·. :··· :·..·. : . . ::: :.. . . . - ·. ... .
. . . . . . ..... .

·• • ~ ' : . • •' : • I . •

. . . ... .. .. '.··
~ .. .
::.-.. ·'. ... •
[ ~·-·

.: :~- ·c1af'enae or llaL!r14 while. Col.. CASADO wu 1n oharge at And•l:ucla .

- . . a •1m11 •r ~Poa1tion u Duran at Yal.encla. -. .-~ ~ _ -~ ·
-:. .-: .. : -~. ~ ... , - ~~ . .. ; ~, .. .·. . . · : :... ;~ _ -:· ·. ·~·, ~- · -=--~_ .. ·· ·: ·· · ··:~:l-~~ . .· ·~~:.:;~~· ~_:;·~ ~ --:·· -
C' . . . . _·..

• ..:<"::.' - -_: ' 1legard.11Jc the alleged llrrtcmlb.between oerta.1.n . : _ · · -- -~ ·-

. ·
-. . ; · Bepubllcim ottioera and the CCP111DmSata with N~ct '. to the alD'- . · ·
.:"·. render or Madrid. he stated that be on17 he~ that ~here was d.Urer-
·-- ence or opinlon on th!• point• 'but was UDa•are that ;,rq aetua1 .
Tiolenca took place between the two .tactions. !le emphaalud that
a1nce he neTer ret~d to. ~id~ .tacta . aa to what took place
there .are unknown to h1m-. .. -·-- · . · . . .· · · . . '... . ·
... . : -.. ~. l'allolfi.tlg an musuecess.rui -o.t.t'em1ve at !eruel made by
··< ~ ----lturan- 11111 torcee retired to ·vaiencla. ·· and m111tar;r ·o perat1ona
·-,. ·,__ were rather quiet 1"ram th.en until April 20. 19~9. at wh.lch
- . · - · .he rece1Ted _orders to cease 1"1rine~ On the .te> day, he
.ftce1Ted orders to prooeed to a ,ert.ain prlaonera• camp with his
· · - •n• but th97 were stopped a abort d,1atance tram Valencia and -..
.. orde~d return the cit,.. .topointed .ou~.· 'that . the
.government had made .no pro'V1a1ona or 11hat110eTer .tor prison
to ·lie Praneo· ~-

eampa1 .and guard.11 were the?-e.tore placed around the city ot .Val.enc1a.
and t.b& Republican troops were allowed to.,_~ f2-eel7 within the
.. Prior to the surrender or Xadrld Duran had been
~·\~ 0ontacted by STUART WARNER. American Corurui. 11nt! Col.- l'UQ~A, ·~ · · · "
~if.~ ..
..a. '..'

.. .i
· ~. ,-:'.~
-..-:-·~ . Vice
.American M1llt8.17 :Attach&, · as well u Mr. BALLAlftYNE, British
Comul, and 1;be Br1t1ah Jl!ll:t&.rJ' :Attach&.
contacted h1m .tor m.1llta.J7 int'ormatlon. and he had beeome partleu-
' ~--: - ~l.arl7 f'riendl:y nth _Bal.l.antJne • . J'ollo'.Wing the a"!lTender. Pure.n
. · · requested Warner to give h1.m UJ'1ua 1n the American Embo.slfj' • .-· :
!hese men had

·:}f~f~~j . ~;~J~1~;e:a~~!haa!at~..,~~!:a:i~o~=~t~dn~~t~:o~~~~d.
:~::.~:~.~-~ _. Duran a1so requested that he be pe~tted to llTe 1n his, Warner•a,,
- ,~_, . :. -~ home. Warner al.eo re.tu.aed this request. In desperation, Duran
{ :iW.} . 1'.1nallJ' decided-. to pre!!ent h!msel.t to the m111t1U7 comciander at ·
.;ti~~~ . . -· Valencia, which 'be did• Be .tolmd th111 individual to be an old trien
~~~~; _. · o~ hi• ~am.117. He ordel"'ed Dur.n b~lleted 1n • pr1Tate ~ome awa1 ting
/J~ 1 ·· _; .. . _decialon u ~o what _act10? 11" arr]' -would ·be taken aga1.nst him. Whl).e
: \ · ·:.:, .. : there, he wrote to Warner l"eq~atlng h1m .to telephone Ballantyne .
~~ < .,.: ·· .< at the Br1t1a~ Bmba•BJ'• which -..a · Ball~tyne CQn~-eted Duriµl
-:"":~~~ ~- ..;.""":--:-:·.::: cl•™'est1n•l7• and ·adv.iaed h1m that• Br1t~•h ~atro79r waa leaving
• , --~:: ~;:: ~ .:1'fta .the· port or .Talenc1a ~ aw J31gbt, m3ld he would endeaTor to
·- ~ -':; ·~ ~- p t him on 1t.. . Uter oonsiderable iw»UTering, Duran was . taken in
~~~~ an Embase7 oar to tbe British Bmbassy, and aubaequently without
·~~~~ pas~port or documents. posed as a Br1t1ah 11ubject and succeeded in
-~~):~ getting on board the Teasel. Be.l.lant)'Ile .t'urniahed him fW1ds.
-~!~·;?l The destroyer 1eft Valencia, and Duran was later trnnst'erred to the

i?t:t-£: -~

. . ·:· .~=-·
__;; ~--~s
. ... .. 11•
British hospital ahip ••, 11h.1ch took him to Jlareeille l!, France.

~ d
:\. ·~:.~ ~ i .·-.. --·----
. . .
. .: .. . ~

.. · :-
~ ··.'-. ',

.. . '

~~- _. _:- ,
··: · _ JProm Jlar21ell1e21, he took a t.hrough train to Dieppe on the. chsnne1.
, :-;--:.J'ram Dappe ba crou.ed to London• and tbare wa..a re-ce,i.T~ b7' Jl
--~~-:~~·:1~~:.·'~-~~~~-:~~~:~:.~~~:t.\";;. ·;<:<f;.'-~i<;,-
, .

·.-,.. - -·':·; . ;·-Re u "t'ery gratetul.l'or.the aid .g1Ten hiD.'bj ~ "''~· ....-;. - _
Brlti.ah 1n Va1enc1a, whl.~ be bellevo!J aaved_hia J.lle ,Qr .at l.eaat .
~,;ii ~ 798:11;~ pr1aon. :u.·
=>:-._'-_.;:~-:,~- :·•/-,:~:~~;.:~ --:.~;"\~;:-;~~.,, -.- '·:~::«·.~~-' ·
'1!':'~1 ·· · 1>urin8 the OOUI'ae ~ hia conversation, he xient1oned _
· .~_·;-~:_.~ .~ :~·-:.;'c_·.:_.
.. __c_:..
_ ~a~~·~i~~~~n i: ~oU::fO:~~.f'~r -~~~ ~;~~,
_;.-.·_. ·.JIWlic, and. art ·in Jladr1d and }'arj.a• .a1though .... 'mehJ• to .t1n1ab
""'·'"'-' ., ·::the••. ·~ud1•• o~ aoc~~ o_r tJ:te_ ~tT~ ~ar._ L{ ::. :,_ -«. , ·
~ -~y~la;er'i!•~·=:~:-~~·={~~re~~~~toandthe~ei~art. · ~ -
. . -~fr• of1~~~~"~:I:t~;--~~o~ --~~- ~.:f!~~~o~~~"_'A:-8 a• _..
·:;;t~~ - -~ --~:: :_:'; :.>. ::~ ·:: _:. '..:\J~,;:,~'C_::;:'~,::i,:fJ:~ji~~.:~J::;j,~~::;~~~~ _.·~;~,c;;::.: ~,,:~.-~ --~ '; ', _.,_' c# .''j .
.:. : .'~. '· ;'"
... • '. ',

! .~·:···

lJ - '!-. .. .:.. ·. ···~·

' ~
.. :~;.,.,.. .•'

:'··~;;!~ .._
C) ~ll~t~o~·~ ~;;~:t~~tk'~'i:ii:• ~~ r~~r
··. '· .ipril 1~9. In the event that ;Gu.etavo Duran Tia!! as

·· -'· . _J:..._ _. ·.:

;{,';;~ . · ~ ... :· ..;.~' ·in C-Onmmiat Party &r!'a?'a &.s 1a reported, .it .1a
al.most certain that there w1.ll ,l;Ht a documentary record . ·:-..· · ·

II ·~ -~'.:-.:.. o.r hi.ti activities Jn t~ r1~~s ot'.such publl<iatiana. _< ·:' ·_

- . ' .:_"·-~"'·-:·:.;:-.f... .~t.1a'b0t_knowti'lui~ wh&~ ni.11 may oxiat; 1t i• .' ·''.,'.'·
.?;.:c'i"~ : . : .~:., <f·-- ;:.; ·.,poaaibl.e that •uoh' lnstituU~ .aa ~ Library ot
:~ ,·,;;··;;'iJ.;.:--·,·~·:.:::<-0ongreaa, 'the u~· or
-. ...·: - _._-
the ·.warkera t Ull.1.versJ,.ty at .;· :,:· :.,--:.
, .,. . :.,-~;"~·""'-'"''''',o.:. y' ..,... ~vu...vea. o. t · .__,
~- .. --- Cit ... ...,,__. -'......L-"'"
.. ::.·"""'··· ·'···-:"" ...;!., «W.A..L<>V ,,,.,__ m-
..- ..... _,_ .1tT\-"l
..• o~. , vou. y. Worle. er " • .
~ffi.{; : ,. . or the .offices of •uch Spanish Republican orgnnizations
~1-W- ··. ···"·as the JARE (Junta de Auxilio a 1os Bet'ugiados Espa.f1olcs)
i€f;~~ in }le.xioo City, may have_ ti.lea ot such publications. l,.(_
·'ft~i~ d) Check could be made of the records of MID, War Department,
;i~'.\':t for any int'ormation on ~ru; reported by Col~ Stephen A.
.·~ :; .~,,, .::
. Fuqua, then Jlili tary Attache at Ka.drid. \,\-
.~ ' .
: .'.•
{_ .....
-· .. ..

. ·.· .- '"'

. '

.... '
. . }


·: :.;


':. -·.· - .

•. ... . . ·.·-:·'.
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... ·
.. .· .
.. . . .... , . ~:
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..., •.'
.eeru iDbvliAt
:. ...:,.i.,.·;.t.i:r.;
-. ,,..._ -~~_:...

.·.· '·
1¥$.f~f&!l ~. .:

-·= ... ..-~~ff'~ .-- . . . . i'• •.· . : ·t··

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·}. ·.· ...

' .·•
. ..
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=· •. . .. •,•


·~t1.. ;U~ . " ·"' ...

.. ·- .. .·


• • ..·~ ~ • ·:: _" ~ •• ~ ,_ -; • - .... :..... ,.:.:.::•• ~-!~.- 1:(:--~~"t!...::1.~i:.::::~-:~-:~~"1-~~.;,--:._::: ..~-:-;.~:f::""':::--:..:.t·1:~:-::::..::~:f.~.':).:t.-'::·:·~~~:r:.:.; •-:. .l!.J'.>-:-5~~::}~:~,.·~~:-':~} ..~::.. ·• -~ •~ --:~~r:._· ·!- .. : ··.. • ,., :
, -

. - . . mm>
. -·n;r, INFUR'.llAn01' C011T
. -· - ncE?T liP£RE SHDWli
IMl!A "5'5T OF TH~
_, () TllERWlsE __,.,.-.

August 13,.1943

Federal Bureau of InvestiG7t n, .
Ii'ashi:g.gton, D. c. . .
. . .
Rf'..: . . ERNEST HEMrNG\'I AY

Dear Sir: Join ;fe.#.:

· SIS #357 ad~s that Mr. Hemint;way, oifihose
intelligence activities· under lunbassado_!'__ Sp~ill Braden_
the Bureau has been previously a:dvisea, is curre tly 1
engaged in writing a book based on his ezperiences in
that work. Hemint;way states that all of the people
whom he has known during the last year in Cuba in con-
nection with·intelligence work will appear in his book,
iilcluding Ambassador Braden. We are not yet informed
as to what role the representatives of the FBI will
play, but in view of Hemingway's known sentiments, will
probably be portrayed as the dull, heavy-footed,
unimaginative professional policeman type. ~().

Mr. Starke _ _
., .... . Mr • .Quillll Tamm__
Tele. Room_ _
Mr. Nea!e _ __
Mias Beahm _ __...,,

.; :

Reoently, ·Ernest Hemin advised a Bureau undercover re resenta-

tive in Cuba ooncern • a eurren writin ba ed
on s experiences in intelligence activities under the !merican A.mbassador.
Hemingway- stated that all o£ the people whom he .has dealt nth during the
paBt year in Cuba in intelligenoe aat~rs will be JDentioned in the book,
including- Alllbassador Braden. In this connection the Bureau legal attache
at Havana states that no information.has been received as to what extent
I"JlI representatives will be mentioned in tJ:le book. { ~) '4 '~

However, Hemingway• s attitude· toward the FBI is already known,

as indicated by Hemingway's action in signing a petition oastigating the
Bureau in connection ltlth the Detroit Spanish E!llistment Case in 1-940~
and more recen~ irulice.ted in Hemingway-•s remark that the FBI 1.e •the
bterioan Gestapo•.
.. ,.


No action i• recommended in thia aatter at the preeent time,

and the aboTe inf'ormation ia being eet aa.t ·to mpplement i~ormation preT-·
·1ou"17 called to 7aa.r attention concen;in& J:rneet _Hemi~(!") ~

Ba spe ct f'uJJ.7,

C. H.


I .



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ManagB!IM>Ilt.--diS-01~ ~a9Clustavo Duran was born on Novem · , ~06,
-;., c0 in Barcelona, Spain. Duran 11as brought up and educated in Madrid, .. ;,nl"~d :
.c . the Canary Islands', He etudied piano at the Conservatory of Madrid, and ·com-
Jl €,.,_posed a ballet fo_r orchestra to be performed by the dancer Madam Argentina, ~'·"
!§1 ~~ llhich waa performed tliioughout.. Europe in 1927. .From 1929 to 1934, Duran liVEd . \ 1'
lii:v...;.inJ'aris where .he .furthered ·hfe l!!l.Sical atudi9"' and·devoted himseli' ·to comp00it10 ·
0 .!~ of. lllllBical works. In 1934, Duran began employment with Fono Studio~, ·
.~~ ·· Incorporated,as an adviser for the LB.tin American productions of that company. \)
!~'ft.ii 36 to 1937, Duran a•s Mtatea he supported. the Constitutional Government ~·

-~ ~2:?:~.:z~E~;,;:~~~~ ~:~::::,s :;::~~~;; :,

of Spain, and after enlisting as a· ·private in the Republican Army wc.s' \.:;'

,;·".t~r.,•_:~ .·•~t

.. ..-:....:,:.

::;i:~(: 7 2 oCT 14 1943
May 1940, 91,ring which time he resru:ied hie lll11Bical studies.
f fr coPrEs ov ,DEsrRoYE11 c_ ... ,. . ~. :-.·.r:_· 1
·<:. ::,1~:.:. 9 0 8 t, 2 1961 J

~~~;:;;'.~1.~.r.l"i:-::~:.. , .,._,.,.;.·.;,~~. ~;r:;:...:;:".';;;;---,~,"7:'·~.:~~?'1;,;".>?-;r.:.:f•~1Y>·'"'-"J",:.,,,.,,,..,p,:.-..._•,'#~•;:~~·~·.r·.-:-·;·.:-·;.· ~,-:--::.·~<:, :".-=::-.-J'""'."",~."-:;:--;-::-:. _____ ..........__···-···

. ,·.
. ·. '-·
... · ··;..
.. ,J . . ,,.r·..
. .: .
. : .

~ Dec:ember 4, 1939, a1; Totne, England, 1"raii ma:±Tiad Bmrte 'Romilly·

-Cro!:Ipt.<m, an .J.x.teri can ciUzen. .

Qustavo Duran departed from Liverpool, England, and entered the

·United States at New York City on May 28, 1940, He became a naturalized citizen
of the United States on November 3, 1942. ( / \
' 1 7 - ;;;.. ~ 9 )-2 )
Employruent Record

. -.From .htgus.t, l9J9. tq May, 1940, Duran 11SS employed 1n ..London, England,
"by tho-l"ilm ·Center, 'Where he ?1Upervi11!td Spanish and Portuguese versi= of
.. technical f'ilms distributed by the F11JD. Center in the- Wes-Wm Hemisphere,

From March until October, 1941, Duran was employed by the }.fuseum of
Modern Art in New York City arra.~ging musical scores for technical and ed-
ucational films selected by the Office of Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
f'or distribution to other .American Republics,'

Fr0!'1 November, 1941, to September, 1942, Duran was employed by t.he ·

Music Division of the Pan American Union in Washington, D, c., Where he was
·. engaged in research and organization of musical projects at a'"fi"IllLl salary
of ~4,600,00 per annum, In this capacity, Duran served a.s Liaison Officer .
between the Pan .American Union, the Office of Coordinator of Inter-American
Affairs and the State Department, In November, 1942, Duran ...ant to Havana,
Cuba~here he was given a position in the American :Embassy after Ernest Hem-
.· .ing>r.ay had prevailed upon the .A;nerican Amhassador to utilize the aervicas of
· furan in connection with Intelligence Activitiea: in Cuba for a temporary
period, At the present time, furan is assigned to the American Embassy in •
Havana. as a member of· the Auxiliary Foreign Service, {Among his other duties;-····,
·!: [Duran reviews local newspaper articles for the bassador, and prepares speeches;
.. ..,
,yr and letters in the Spa(h language for the Ambassador, 1'ho has a high regard _;
for Duran's abilit~es~ ~ c/-<ff(t/;/ -.;i_;i.;) •
llili tary Career
. ~~4{._,...
Gul!tavo Duran~enlisted in the Spanish Loyalist Army as a private
on July 17, 1936; after 1'hich he 'dietinguished himself in action, and ~rt.idly -
~: _.. .-,:; ::-:r.ose .:t-0 .the .rank. of Acting General. in camnaod of an army corps_
~..:·-· ' . . .. -~ . ·-
' Ernest Hemingway, Who knew Duran in .Spain and Who mentioned him by
name in his book •For "Whom the Bell Tolls,• haa described Duran·al!I a military
enius, that •com<:s along once in a hundred years,•
h ,,; ~ .:V--.±
........___ __.,.

/1 Duran was· assigned to a command in the forces under Colonel Ua.n&ada

on the lla.drid Front, and by 1938, he had reached the rank of CC>ll!Illander in the
r:. £'·'·

L ·.:
' ·.

--:- 3 - GBrtffBLlv JJAL

...... ~.l -:t:.. ........_,.... ..........__
LoJ<!llst forces, !NJ-an ~transferred to the Valencie. ~ !n "1:938; and
-.res promoted to the rank of Lieutenantf1olonel, the highes ,rarlk granted by
Republican Spain to non-professional 0~ac1•1s, ''
and he served as t' Chief of an
army corps lr:ith considerable success• ·.

~d /~b(\) Civil as stated that in the last days o.f the

";;'.'.:;.;'j W: in onia had been occupied by Franco Forces, a
~k~ National Defense formed under General Miaja to negotiate the sur- .
E;'~~ rendsr of J.!adtid with General' .P'ranco. ·' It is .reported that the Con;munist P&rtv
~. ·_,. __ ... -.. 'nolently·opposed tin.a·and·oroere were ·given to'a1.l'i::omrad~ to· march
, '~ · .:,c · against Madrid and overthrow the Junta, This source states ..that Cipriano
· · · liera, military leader o.f the CN'l' (Anarchist Labor Union o.f Syndicalists.)
.allied himself w:i_th the Junta, and one of the bloodiest battles of the war
· followed, with the Col!l!llunists on one side and the Republicans and the CNT
oppos'ing the Communists, It f-s...I~'!:r,ted~}. Duran, on this occasion, de.:.
serteC. his assigned post,i'<a:rul."leacf'!iis forces aeainst the Republicans and the
CUT in Madrid, Duran's .forces being defeated in this action~· _ -
....:.. ~,_ 7-.. ~ ..:>.-~ ..c4:I L,
-According--to·-hi&~tate!l!Snt, Duran~never returned to Madrid
after June, 1938, thus directly contradicting tne above-mentioned report that
he. joined the Communists in· fighting the Republican forces ·in Madrid. Regarding
the alleged difficulty between certain Republicar;._,_af_f;l..cers and the Communists
with respect to the surrender of Madrid, Duran has,ltated that he heard of a
difference of opinion on this point, but declared that he knowe of no actual
'olence "'llhich took place between the two factions. Duran has maintainecfj
,_. at 11ince he d1d not return to Madrid after June, 1938, he is not ir) a po- r-"~
rr?- tion to lmow what actually occurred there between the Communists and
~ publicans at the close of the war. L(,
,:._~"1.;___.._~ .
Duran ~tea that prior to the surrender of Madrid, he had
.c0ntacted Stewart Warner, American Consul, and ColonelrFuqua, American Military
Attache, as well aa·Mr. Ballantyne, the British Vice Consul, all of 'whom hed
be!.nJl~~litery information by Duran.· After the surrender of lladrid,
Dtiran~unsuccessi'ully sought asylum in the·American Embassy. However, through
the assistance of the British Vic~-Consul Ballantyne, Duran was pl.aced aboard
a British destroyer at the port of Valencia, 'and was later transferred to
the British hospital ~l}ip "J.:aine, • which took Duran to Marseilles, France,
.. , ... Y.rom liarseil.les~ lAlran .made his Tay through Dieppe to London, he was
·'''''"·~,'~e±ved by ·a 'llritish Relief organization fr:rr. Spe.n"h refugees, - Ilnran has
- ,; ., __ aaid that he did not enter the United States until 1940, \.l


. ;,
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.h2.s ·sU..ted he has known Duran q a close per,,onal friend •ino1 l~O. and l' •ed
· ~ l;Ll 1 fl -n in Sl"a<r ~ adrt.sed thAt Doran •e father CO!ll!tltted euicide
during the Civil War in Spain, and that Duran and a brother have been at odds
inasmuch as the brother was on the side of Franco and a confirmed Fascist,
whereas Duran adhered to the Spanish Constitutionel GOvernment and enlisted in
the Loya~st Army~~t July 17, 1936, ea the seine date on 'Which Danael en
lie~ed, ~"';sta ed that Duran is very anti-Franco and anti-Fascist in
his feelings, &{ ·
A confidential i!lformant stated that llhen the Spanish Civil War
began. Durall was.. a member. o£ the .Youth ..Socialist .L&8.iJUe'" at which time that
:organization was ·a±"filiated with the Socialist Party Of Spain under the Second
cinternaUonal. · !be infonnant stated that in December, 1936, the Youth
·Socialist league affiliated with the Communist Party of Spain, at llhich ·-
time Duran became a Co~unist and was an important figure in the Communist
Party during the war. l1'flis informant stated that Duran claims close personal
~ )friendship with Mrs. Roosevelt, wife of the President_;::y &.(

,..-- Another confidential informant advised in July, 1942, that the
. Apanish Re~'.l>iblican movement in Washington, D, C. had been reinforced by the
,,,.- oral support of Gustavo Duran, llho at that time was said to be engaged in
C:-- o activity, This source stated that the background of Duran is wall
known to the Spanish Colony in Washington, and that ten per cent of the Spanish
'Republicans are reported to be Communists. li( ·
.~- A confidential informant advised that Duran and his wife have
.~ntertained in their home in this country L!rs. Esmond Romilly, nee Jessica
l!Jitford, It was reported that Jessica Mitford is a sister of Unity Mitford,
who W1?.s reputed to be. an intimate of Hitler prior to the war, and who is
/'·.said to be . .rresently interned in England with her husband, Sir Oswald lloslei{

Gustavo Du.ran has received correspondence from Mrs, William E. Beitz,

subject of an investigation in Washington, D. C, loo.king toward denatural-
ization p;p ii WG@ls• !, Beitz is· reported to be a naturalized United
i States citizen of German origin, llho possesses pro-German sympathies, and was
! intimate with officials of the German Embassy in Washington, D. c. On .
, December 5, 1942, Mrs, Beitz, using the returr. address "Room 7705, OCfice
i of Coordinator o~ Inter-American Affairs, Washington, D. C, n directed a

.-· ., :_' C-

·- ·
: letter to Duran at the 'American Embassy in Havana~ Cuba, Mrs, .Beitz stating th
had· =certa:ined that; '"the. FBI report .on GomaJi~llD had been -turned
·over, ~inally, to'the personnel office.• Bureau files reflect that Maria
ez Gomez-Carillo is an Argentine pianist llho was hired by the United States
Government at the suggestion of llrs • Roosevelt, and lrho named Gustavo Duran
~ a reference,~
~{ ~ 33o)~"1i r/9)

( ,...
.:: -;__-.,£..L
·.• ·~
4-750 c:.-7-78>
( ••

_ _,_/_ Pa,eCsl withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or 1DOre of the foll~ atatementa, where
indicated, explain this deletion.

00 Deleted under exemption(&) _ . . , _ _ , _ / ' - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - with oo aegrepble

material available for release to you.

D Information pertained only to a third party with oo reference to you or the subject of your requeel

D Informatioo pertained only to a third party. Your name is Iist.ed in the title ooly.

D Docwnentis) originating with the following government agency(iesl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , W11s/were forwarded to them for direct response to yoo.

Pqe{s) referred for consultation to the following government qency<ieel;

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a s the information originat.ed with them. You will
be advised of availability upoo return of the material to the FBI.

Pqe{s) withheld for the following reason(s):

D For your information:

The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages:



xxxxxx FOR IBIS PAGE r1 I
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·.· -.....

.. ..


Gustavo Duran has made statements concerning the Colill!lunist Party

Spain and the part they played in the Spanish Civil War. These statements
were made to a representative of the Bureau attached to the American .Embassy
·-i:. in Havana, and ~ the course of his remarks concerning the Communists, Duran
~ consistently referred to them as "they" and never gave any indication that
he personally was a member o:t the Co!llIIlunist Party. As noted above, Duran
stated that he was not in.Madrid after 1938, and declared that he was in no
, p:isition to know whether the Communists .fD'.ight the Republicans and
: ·.··:: '~t.tmi ·cw: in D?.drid~ ·t\
er: pq~'""i; 1N1,~rsr

Bonte Ro~.illy Crompton

J.s previously mentioned, Gustavo Duran married Bonte Rom.illy Crompton

in England on December 4, 1939 • .Duran•s wife is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1
lii flfl3 BHJ 011
~····'-. ': :·



David Henry Croopton· of Rye, New York, and Wilton, Ne1r Hampshire. David l!s1>ry
---Cr"1!ipten ent~ Lhe Unit9El States iB 19(}),.-&nd be<iame Viee Pr e~idenL of LLe
~th -Eltippi~-Gorapany. •aothsF d•±ght of New !ork
...aftd--England, wl10 ls p1 ese.1Ll;y tepot ted-to·-be---emp-lo:ed -tr, ·-the--Um.t~d:·-st~~-·
~-mid ie said t.o be·'!!-SO-t'11ilirt;'- \A

( m:.~O.. ~ .
It is ~-che·'!!Ubett th:_t the~- "Bonte Crompton, Wilton, N:w Hampshire"
,,-.a.a i'amd.aJilODg the pape~:.o.L-*5-.I.eon •• .Dav1B -or Detroit., Jtictngan, ..
.at th€ time of his. •:ti"~ By Du1 aBli . . . giate in ihe Detr oiis .Sp&flish: .
:: .. B111"tment Gas" on .February 6, l940;J'Hr :L~h ci """ Davie stated that
Bonte Cro~pton nas a tourist ~orry-he.had met during his travels in F~ance.a.4.. ..
. ': 'f"2~
( '71-.)f , } 1>f·&J3·t07( '7~ Lfl~./-......~
. . . . . ....._.~, "" .-z-l- ..;~ 'T ~ ........ 9-~'=
. . . .., '.,., t:. ~~ 7 . ,__ 4,-'-.
G€orge Kenneth Holland . ~ 'b &r--· .

..,,,,,_"41.. :t,~~L!E_l)_l~f.£f ~ployment by the United States Government, Gustavo

Duran;P""'"a Kenneth .. Hollina of the Office of Coordinator of Inter-American
Affairs• es e Ieferenee, ·It··-tteveleped ·that·th:i:~ ~ererH:e-had ·Jmmm Gustavo
Daran··for-approx~ly 0Bs year, apd stotQa fia lrnew--0f no de!"Og&tory

; inf-OFmatien e,11ce1 n5:ng Duran, a-h-t-0-bo nsh j that George Kenneth Holland,"-"~"­
a Di1"s~tsP of the Office o~C~~f~i~--9f~ter-American Affairs, Office
for Emergency Management, ifa:& invs~t 1 ge:G!l l>y"W Jiffirsau iii a -Ha-teh !.et Gess

ooBedc on=Ml!orms-ti m;1 +aet Holl!'xnd was listed. in the indices of the Communist
Front Organizatione "American Peace Mobilization" and th& "Washington Co111111ittee
for Democratic Action." ~inietrati~.action iras ..taken hy.the Office for !f.anagement ttpon--1"eeeipt of the Bureau's report in the matte,..,)
.,.,_., Inis Burruel ·

This individual, _:'n±/e":t:':-~the
Museum of Modern Art of Nerr York
City, }>as been 7N1>ioo:ely mentiened as a elMe J"C!'Son&l-f-riend of--&et.a-r-o ....o. o..<... - I
:.'·~.i;.......-Lµ..,L-µ;t Duran ...iEes 1920-. :htio Dunuel HL" e:lee named <'>:5 a 1efe1ence by Butl!d1 in
s"eki<>g a "':'i:ted s~_;:es~'.itr~!::.,.., sad ~"'el gave a fa.".'Qra.\oila_
d'e-0<>••11l!sBa•t:.g1<. The :iliieeffif:~1i1'e?.l.-t that In,.s Bunual, a native of
Spain, originally entered the United States' on September 25, 1938, ~ a
.- ~;:.,;.;:~p1oma.tic Vua., admittedly ~pre:ienting. the Government .of.Spain ror the _
· purpose or engaging in propaganda work for the Spanish Republican Government.
It l l reported that Bunuel left Spain with the assistance of two Spanish
officials llho are described as definitely linked with the Communist Party,
one of llhom is said to be an International Agent of the Party. Bunuel ~"'-s
originally denied a United States Iromiyration Visa in view of his connections
with the Spanish Republican Government and the suggestion that Bunuel was
either a Co=unist or .a fellow traveler. However, .ao -¥iss Dc~n d .. ef Appea-ls ·-C{<-c t<.-..._

finall~ ~ranted an Immigration Visa to Bunuel upon his assertion that he ()'/,
was not a me'!lber of the Co!hmunist Party. *3 p1eoioc:sls menti<mea,Bunuel '/ tl
enl 1 sted·::t?m-..$panish .. Loy&l'1.&t-·-Army 'With..OU.tevo ·Bttran---OB--.l'uly 17, ·1936. Ii{

('}'I ·)'C/J.Y-'
,,to-r;>-a ~ J
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. ~· . • .. ·. ..,.·.~·-=,·. .• ,•; ..;, ·.. '

... ..·
: .. !·.•

. :.··-·-

This individual -s
;,."~ ;J.,.-t-,,~

al&o >u•meEl lly Gustavo Duran o:s "' referense in

&!Jplying-for a position with the United State-a Government, pnd a favorable
recommendation was given for Duran by Charles Seeger. The J:ll;peatt files .!<-:cl- N.y' ·
~~ +i~ ~rr.i- ~....


.,_ . !'e'fsal that the name~ Charles Seeger appeared on the active indices of the .
f,;>:; Co1JI11unist Front organization "American Peace Mobilization," -ll.O in•-- bigs biN1 ?'"'-""'-!... f'
::f:;;;-i:;,..,. .,,.lc~-be4ug. com!> 1 cted il'laam!:leh as Seeger was removed :from ths Government pay rolla
'.~~¥51 and became, employed b~ .. t.h~- Amer~~an Union: ""'. . . , )
~-~--- - '. ,.. C..<Oof;k,..:,.:.·.,.-,-(/'"1.__1V/3-l/
-~ ?. Ernest Hemingway
~ The activities of Ernest Hemingway in cor.nection with anti-Fascist
~-J and Cormm_mist Front organizations in the United States are lfell knOli!l, In
~~ August, 1942, Hemingway volunteered his services to the American Ambassador
~~ in· Havana, offering to assist in intelligence 1r0rk in Cuba. The Ambassador
--~ asked the opinion of the Bureau Legal Attache in the matter, and was advised
{ that Hem:ingway had signed a petition denouncing the FBI in regard to the
,- ' Detroit Spanish Enlistment Case in 1940, and had more recently referred to
" the FBI as "The American Gestapo," Nevertheless, .the Ambassador engaged
the services of He!!lingway, who set up an intelligence orgaqization consisting
~ of paid infonµants, the entire activity being under the personal direction of
k"(:<1 the American ·Ambassador. In Au!!llst, 1942, Hemingway euggested that Gustavo
~i,~ Duran be transferred from his Government position in .the United States to
,' assist He!l'.ingway in his intelligence activities in Cuba, The arrangement
1 - was to· be a temporary one for a per:!.od of thirty days, during which Duran
"' . was to take charge of Hemingway's intelligence .organization wliile Henin(';W?.y
Jg~ 1'Rs absent ori a mission for the Naval Attache in" connection with anti-sub-
n.:·::; 1118.rine activities. Hemingway assured the Ambassador that Duran is a·mi.litary
f~~~~) <:r:d intelligence genius, who is a npure Republican and not a Communist," who
-~i] :'1~~: able to obtain ccmplete information concerning the Spanish Falange

~~ ilthougl1 the American Ambassador 1'E.S adv-1.sed by the Bureau Legal

~ Atta.che that Gustavo Duran was at that time actually an employee of the Office

Ii· ,·
of Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, the Ambassador took the position
that i f Duran lfe!'.B tratsferred to the l!mbassy, he would be working directly
:_?-_ ,,.unde.r .the Ambass~dor. Duran. Cuba in l!ovember, J.?42, and be~an
. ·'· •. , fl:·,_ .. ·-worldng rlth l!erningway. 'l'he •intelhgmic-e coverage• of Hemingway consisted
...'--- ··: of vague and unfounded reports of a sensational character, Duran's work in
-~~ Cuba has not been of the same sensational character as Hemingway's, but the
~t'. reports llhich have been submitted thrryigh Duran are, nevertheless, unspecific
¥t~ and unverified. Duran attemrted to accomplish a coverage of public opinion
f4i:'j1 in Cuba, which he submitted in reports entitl.ed "The Voice o:f the Street."
:;J;'~ _ These reports have contained statements made by persons in cafes, bars, and
?:::::\' poolrooms, and, thus, do not represent a fair cross section of general public

• •<
,. • •., .·• I~· ~·~· ••. :; • •,• ' •
. .>-.,. .::~: : ·(.:·;.,-. .;,.:;;;~-~-x.~:.?L:~=.;{,~:~2tY'tt:r:fs~s:(.~tr:.=t. ~::.:" ;=.:: ....... ~··
. ; .. ·: .
~ .·:·. '
t~; t?:-
COf1~?£dJAL •
···- 9 -

~ion in Cuba ... In February, 1943, Ernest Hemingll'ay and Gustavo Duran submitted
information to the Amei-ican Ambassador chargi..~g that Special Agent H. E. Knob-
laugh, assigned to the Emb;;ssy as Assistant Legal ·Attache, was a participant
of the Franco Movement in Spain, and had acted as a paid Franco propagandist.
These charges were based on the fact that Special Agent Knoblaugh had written
a book "Correspondent in Spaintt upon his return from Madrid as an Associated
Press correspondent in 1938. Although Heming-.,ay had been ostensibly friendly
ll'ith Special Agent Knoblaugh in Spain, Hemingway had no discussion with Special
Agent Knoblaugh concerning the book, but took tlic charges directly .to .the
.. _.. ,-<Ambassador.· ·The Ambass·ador later ado.itted to the Bureau Tu gal Attache that
· he had !'Sad ~nly a few pages of the book, and after .requesting the Legal
Attache to have S;-ecial Agent Knoblaugh assigned to some other post, the
.l,mba3sador dismissed the subject as being of no further importance. Heffiin:pray
2.Jed Duran are knmm to hBYe a low esteem for f~~ work of the FBI, which they
consider to be "methodical and unimaginative. ,/ . // , r-l
tP r/fT,, I- J-2)/

The services of En1est Hemingway in iLtellige~ce matters were

·oster:o:O.hl:r discontinued by the Ame::-ican k'llb2ssador on April 1, 194 __ The
Embassy is still receiving a few reports relating to caseE previou·s,_y inves-
ti.:;ated by Hemingway's organization and di:!"ecte:i to Gustavo Duran. It .is also
known that Hemingwo.y is continuL"lc a project on.behalf of the Naval Attache
in Havana, which consists of an investigation of ene:ny submarine and cland8stine
radio activity off the coasts of Cuba.

While the investigation of subversive activity suspects as such has

been ostensibly C.isconti."lued by Hemingway, the American li!nbassador he.s re-
quested that '.lustavo Duran continue to submit reports on public opinion in
Cuba as was previously u."ldertaken in the "Voice of the Street" re~orts. The
Ambassador feels that these reports give an "inside picture" of public opinion
in Cuba, and are received with great interest by the State De.?2-rtment, Diran
is now employed at the Erabassy in Havana· .on a permanent basis as a member of
the k<.!Xili.ary Foreign.Service, and Duran employs the services of a few inforiilants
at a cost o.f ,around $200.00 per mbnth •. furan ~yzes polltic.g,l CD!lll!:ents
-· ,-.': ::c·and articles· appe~g in the Cuban nell'Spapera and assi,,te the in pre- .,
paring speeches to be given in the Spanish J.a:nguage.

;. -:'.·,·
. :"

6si:: :i i:!i iTlAi.

- 10-

.-Cuba, might indicate an ulterior .purpoee on the part cil Turan.
ever, all of the FBI reports pas3 through a section of the :Embassy where
Duran is employed, giving him an opportunity to be aware of all FBI activities
in Cuba ae reported to the Enbassy. ~fl.) \.\


A reliable source in the United States has reported that Gustavo

Duran was a member of the Youth Socialist League at the beginning of the
Snanish Civil war, and became a member of the Communist Party of Spain when
the Youth Socialist r,eague affiliated uith the Party in December, 1936.

).:; has been previously mentioned, three sponsors of Oustavo Duran

in ths Ur.ited States have b9en reported to be connected in sone degree with
Cor:mrunist Party or Com:mmist Front activities.
c .
eport that Gustavo DJ.ran took his forces
the Spanish Civil War and fought along-
side the Communist forces in opposing the surrende, of the city to Franco.
According to Duran's O'lffi statement, he never returned to Madrid 'after June,.
1938. It is noted that Duran's statement that he was unaware of any violence
between the CoID!IIU.Ilists and Republicans in Madrid appears to be inconsistent
with rather widespread information circulated at the time concerning the
disorder in Madrid based on refusal of the Colll!llunists to joL•. in a surrender of
Madrid to Franco •. L•)· .
· .,. .. ---~ .·. ···'.'..It ha~ been auggeiote.d that the ±:ollmrlng·smi.rces of.1.nformation
might be contacted for evidence of membership in the Coo:nunist Party on the
part of Gustavo Diiran: ~-'f\C!.)

OU:. Fl 0EP'I!QI1


.. i·

_ ~Nf'lDEI~ llkt

A check of the records of the State Department and the War Depart- ·
ment might reveal information concerning Duran as re?orted by the
American Embassy in Madrid, L(

., ,.

It·is further suggested that a blind memorandum be prepared

setting out all information previously mentioned concerning the activities
of Gustavo Duran, and· that this blind memorandum be furnished to Mr, Berle
•..: and the State Department with the confidential reqiest that the Bureau be
furnished all information containe'd in their files the act
Gustavo Dllran in Spain and elsellhere in El..u:-ooe

~ ... \ \
8'I iif IBEllTkti
., ·' ·.
. ·· .. ; .•'
. :·.-,:. : '. "· .; .::~ ·:e .·~. ·":. "~,::·:.·:.~:·: .:.;., :·,:.: · .,.~;,:~·::.:/·::.!.{.; tt.;~r:.f~!i ~::· :.":,~~-··,:. ;: <, .- ,. ·. ... :,.


.··.. "''IL!. IImlRMATION CD!l'TAil!ED


. -~ -·t
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'. (J;1) .
Dedass!fy on: . j

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.lili:REIJl I:; t:2:CLP.SSIFu;D
~THERYi I 5.Ei ,.,,,..--·
.... 1.Ji,
' . • • . . _ _, • .!
_ ·········• 1

Septe~tm J..9~ ... :::::_·J

Director, i'.~ n •.<» • ': · ' 1 ""=-' i
Federal Bureau of Investigation, , •sslf\t.O ~ ~.;.,(;:. >>'"-""/ :-- ,._,,., ________ ::::1
Washington, D. c. ot.C'-" ,.. , .. c ""''" ····-··-··;1
0 4> 1 ..i ••••••
'------ ...... 1
"' ... ~ . .. - ... . . .., ' ~:e:: ·.-~:si..}G~1 :!~Icari Matters·,./~ 1 ' ..........:
· CLASS • & EXT. BY~!-:-',
·.Dear Sir~ 11,I!EASOB - FCI~
DA.TE OF BEVIE'O'~/:._o/)~='.L.11~---
0n September 13, 1943, SIS #213 accepted an invitation
to have lunch with Subject at his finca locateO: in San Francisco
15 kilometers :from Habana. There was no other person present.
was quite talkative but ke t away from controversial
su ec s. He revealed that MARTHA GELLHORN'-BEMINGWAY, his pre-
-I sen v1ife 1 left for the United States the f~rst week in
September, and planned to talk with her publishers about the boo_}{
which she has been writi :for the ast 'I:ew months. Hemini::;way
ha previously armed the wr er at e ha proofread the
work of his wife, and was convinced that she had something worth
·while. He further revealed that after conferring VJith her pub-
lishers, it was her intention to join the Allied Forces invading
.. Europe as a correspondent for Colliers. She is expected to be
gone :for :five or six months~) \)...
with his co aential
work which, Vie are confidentially advised, is patrol du y n
the Caribbean waters on behalf of the U. S. Navy). On September 13,
1943, he stated that he. expected to leaye on or before the.20th,
but in conversation with h_im on September 20 1 he told the v1riter
that he would not be able to leave before September 22 or 23 \
due to delay in repa'irs to. his boat. As in the past, ·he is to
be accompanied by WINSTON-.,vU.EST and a small crew. He explained
that· the usual· procedur~ i_s to patrol :for twelve hours, ostensibly
~-.: ·, ·and tia up at 'Whatever .dock .. .1s ..eonvenient .e.very night.
'This particular trip is expected to last approxilllately two
-.. ~~··~,. months. At the ex irat a 18.ns to /}
~~ spend from six a· . t weeks in New York Cit and Lon Island, ~

l.1'.t_l.t_: }.: ~.t :. -~i!~~' ~~~~~~s~~~ ~~~l~~ts an~:~;:D;D;-l·f~~:;~7\ .- ;:;»

r:::<H I
. ~}? )
. .
l"FWERAL SUiicAU Of l1fiESi:~!:rc: :
D StP 194~.,.)rJ
·~'.1~!~~ J'~'~('i·.-~\

.... ·;.p; :~ ii\
. .. 1.
! ; ••
. \.

\l!J) ;<'.'~~.-,'·'£·_~
vul~ m~l\'
• • •.
•: · ~i. ~l
·· - .: · · ..- . :: the ·tieture "For Vlh= the "Bell Tolls~
Rem.ingway stated t~t heas no desire to see it because he does
not--oelieve it is a truetBortrayal of his work. Ee i'Urther
_·'declared that Sam Wood,-e director, did not like the book,
and, therefore, was unable to approach his task with a sympathetic
viewpoint. Furthermore, Gary Cooper is past his :trime and he does
not consider hi~ choice as leading man a happy one"("' "4._
Under date of July 12, 1943, the file contains the·fol-
lowing memorandum of information obtained by the Legal Attache in
conversation with Robert P. Joyce, former Second Secretary of the
.American Embassy:
· "The picture based .on H~ngway• s book, 'For Whom the· .
.. Bell. .Tolls;' "lfill be· presented for the first time at the P.aramount
._..· .fueater in Ne-w York City on .July 14, 1943. Hemingway was invited
· - to the premiere but refused; his wife, Martha Gellhorn Hemingway,
was later invited and likewise declined. Their declination is a
result of their dissatisfaction with the manner in which the film
company has adapted the book for screen presentation. Hemingway
received a letter from Gary Cooper, who plays the principal role,
stating that the teeth had been pulled from the story and the
result was a meaningless war romance cast against the Spanish

"Hemingway has refused to see the advance shots of the

picture, though requested to come to Hollywood or Hew York at the
film company's expense, feeling that the film executives intend
.to salve him into a state of.submission to the mutilation of his
-story. He considers himself e to attack the icture when it
appears because e not he rev sion. He still threatens
to expose e ascist influences• namel the Vatican and certain
Sta e cials s athet who were
the •castration' of his book."

The conversation turned to writing. He stated that at

the present time, he was only catching up on some old co·rrespondence.
He said that he is not writing any books at the present tiqe, but
has three plots in mind which he thinks will form the basis for
good stories. These concern his experiences in the past year.
However, he does not intend to use these plots until the war -is
:_-,,, __ ··~-.over._-.·:In· eo.nnect o ~4,
-· · '-:I.943 tha e would never write thin about his intelli ence work
on e a o ssador. If he wrote anything as a result of~
h s present experiences, he would limit it to a fictional story
based on anti-submarine work. At the time of his conversation
with SIS #396,.he stated that he had prepared nothing.~~

- 2 -
.. ·· ·.· · ·:· ·. :. { : '.·::c:',. ; ~; Li·?0,'L; j,f£~,Ct'1{~,,~4;rgi::~·~'·,~:.~.. :, ,;·
'~:~('"~;·.''.'. "' G .. ·6

,.·.. · ./
·~ Tu a iil!lcusaion o~. columnirls,· Ham1 r1gr1q atated that
:-'~:::' - -.. DRE'ii.PEARSON ill known to .hiln only sliGhtly. However• he has
i~'41 -. ·a1:1rays- believed that!I ~es.rch far 11~ational stories, he
frequently makes statements that are only half truths, As an
exe.mple of this tendency, he referred to a.n article that Pearson
had written in his column, "The Dai,ly Washington Merry-Go-Round,"
I in which Pearson stated that individuals who had fou t i
A r am nco n ri ade in e a s ivil War were discriminated

\ of I
ac;a nst bv U. S. Arm authorities when the sou ht admission to
Of cers 1 Training chool. Although Hemingway thinks tha me ers
the Lincoln Brigade have been the sUbJects of' discriiii-
in.atlon... he stated that Pearson was Urifortunate .in his choice oi'
examples. Accord:j:ng to Heminpway,.each individual that Pearson
cclalme~ Was re!used adrillssion to Officers• Trainin~ Schoo wa
an ou oI!lI:lun s , aving attended a Communist Indoctrination
located in the Catskill Mountains in New York State. In

Regardinc; his work, Hemingway stated that he never

intended to find himself in any such lin~ of activity. His
explanation for organizin~ an intel·ligence service which was in
operation until A ril 1 943, was that he did so when s ecifiCB:lly
reques e o o so e t
assa or, who believed that he was
eminently qualiliedo aid the Embassy in gathering information
~~o~t the Spanish Palange because of his long association with
Spaniards(_a) ~
- Very ·truly yours,

ID'T. 8 ..·I. S.~ 3 1.4-_J(~~

Legal At~he

....... '··

............ .,

, ::· I
!!.· ...
Mr. Tol1on'/ r
. Ci. Mr, E, A. To;;;;;:_
Mr. Cleu_ __

.f:l'ltl'ral iiurl'aa o(lnol'nigation
Jlni:tcll §iatl'.i 11.qmrtmnrl .af hlliti=-

-- -·wawljlugtun ' "11.. «. V. .JIT. Nie~

Kr. ~e•_n"----

CONhi~rt'ltjrfrnff1T 20, ~~is. 1

1 ·
· tt',,r"' m'ilt\L PF.~son-"
Mr. Mumford_ _
_,, lllllllll?ll:li1.....~ Mr.
Quinn _T_amm
___ _

•J.......~... ;A~ Tele. Room _ _


Background .,, :·· . .. ·~'. . . -. ."- ........ .... •-:~.-- 1&-.: w...... __.__
.... .••••• ~·· Mf11 Bealun
You 1lil1 recall that for a time Ernest Hemingiray1ras Mi a a Galld.1_,_ _
engaged in intelligence activities at the request of and under the
.. direct supervision of the American Ambassador in Havana, Cuba, J..5
of April 1, 1943, however, the Ambassador dispensed with the intelligence
services of Hemingway, and it was indicated that Hemingway's organization of
confidential informants in Cuba lfOuld no longer render repc~ on intelligence
matters. The Bureau Legal Attache in Havana has ascertained that Hemingway r·
has since April 1, 1943, continued operations in Cuba on behalf of the United
States Naval Attache; that is, operations consisting of cruising the waters
off the coast of Cuba in a small boat for the ~P9se of ascertaining the
/ extent of enemy submarine activities. t.Jl, 10/-''1?4 S
. ~ CLASS. &: EXT. B 1:s;u__::-L_/j~'...L!!c.~t'~
Details l!EASON - FCIH 11, 4: 2.='-..,_,'4-.~
There has been reported no change in the eituation existing
between Hemingway and the American Embassy in Havana, and Hemingiray
apparently enjoys the • f'ull confidence of Ambassador
Spruille Braden and
is continuing his activ:lties on behalf of the. United States Naval Attache.
· Despite the ostensible discontinuance of Hemingway's intelligence activ:lties
···. ·.- for the Ambassador on April 1, 1943, the Bureau Legal Attache has ascertained
. ·: that Hemingway had a quantity of gasoline charged to him from the private
stock of the Ambassador for the month of April, 1943, indicating an actual
continuance of an arrangement ldlich had been previousiy in effect for the
nefit 's t lli ence or anization rror to A il 1 1

\ 'PUF!DEnrr~r · ~q
D. ll.

"J ....! ~-·~· ·...!.•

:·· :· ......" ·: . .- ... ··... .... •. :.....' ...
. ·.
.. .·.··
. ;""
·:. ., "I.•
·...: .' ·.
..~· .; .

_ ., . FROM ~ DO-

....t. •• • --Ol'.FIOE "<lF ~· . FEDERAL .BllREAlJ OF .INVE.OGATION

Mr. Tolson
Mr. E. A. Tamm
Mr. Clegg
Mr. Coffey
Mr. Glavin
'' Mr. Ladd
Mr. Nichols
Mr. Rosen
Mr. Tracy
Mr. Jones
Mr. Mohr
Mr. Mumford -----------
Mr. Quinn Tamm ____ _
Mr. Nease
Miss Gandy

See Me ( )
Not.a and Return ( )
Remarks: ..

..?::_ •

' i.
: ..
· .. ,., .,.
:: ":···:
::. ·.
. :·· :,
: .. . • ,, I• ." ' ~- '•" • .' :

. ...... . ;-.
.... ~--"'
~ .... .

.. ~-·' "(-:;..

- _ .- . .•.. ..!·
. -

-. ....

;.• .;

Jiil. JIOOTD. --
A. ".l. .

.... Dt
- '

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.~·•.:.: • • • ···::..·· .r.;,._·: .. .:~ •• .... '.,;:-~'! ....
· tom:\o~AI'.' "'-~~~-· ~~-·
..-·~_:.'.~· ··: ..... - . • ad ~-'l.ia'tea··.- a~.,
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.&ad' m ·e--m~
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•• :"• •. . . .

, -:·~: ,-.- ltr protftction of 1'~ ac.-n ae fl!~ lS(iO. tie_.~ 1Utad
~· . . ,. · aa a~- f« \be 1'1tth ~~~er~ of the bllr1"8 C«imittee tor

the l"l'ot.~ of Fcreigri ~ ..tiicb _. 'Wdiedol.ed t.o be held Sil AtlJmtic
i Cit7 en llt.!'ch 29 and )OI 19'L4 . _ -.. -.: .- ' ;, . . : . :~~ · .. · . .· .
• 1" ~·-\. •• • • •• -.-"" ••• • - .• ,c..· . ...
· ·. '. The~ c-d~·r~ ~CZ·~,-~ &:Ir'!! . . . th.
Mel.and by the At~ o.tJJ'.'lll to be 111th1n \ha ~ oC Elatctttiv.
Ordc" 91335. . : ~....·) .: .... ·.- .,,· :" ·~· . . ..
. . ''!- • '.:. . . ~. • :~

. Tbe i.6. ~ l.~ ~~ '.r ·th,. ~

lL'aMr" publiahlld 11!1
artiele bell.ring the 1-dline, ~ Rea!'t1ru l'llllcidne ot Rescue Ship
Jaaioo. • The &l"Uel.• qllOted -. .oable HOen.d from lie::¢ineway in Bavanil
in llhich he expressed '11• •fuol?oe hope tiha~ • llb1p 'llOllld b9 obtained •u
· · eoon as it•a >n..nJy ponible to • ••• . · ... --: 1·:·~--.o'.. · ·
. ·- . . ·.. ·.. ·.:..-'.~- •; . . : -'.'."'. ~ ..
. .: · · .· The ~ ~ sMp .1l!.niari hf.. 'ti.en ~ by the Attomq
.. Gmera1 to m within ~ pun:t.- ot Order 9835. · \.
. i
lee ot ._.iotin 'trl"! ;:·.,··_ -..,~'!_·'. ·'.'•... : • ..·.'"; ·:"." .·.-
.: . QI. h!rua?7 n. ·1941..· zmen ~ ·reported .. ~ a . ...
.ueric.n Wrlten, ?nc!lrp<Jl•ted.
a•"'• or \ha Board ot Directora ot t.ha tea.gue or .
.· . ·~ -·: :: ·: . .
... . .. . _.. . . . .
. ..... : ~ ~.

.. . 'l'be 'i,Mgue of Amei1~ lrrl~ bU bMri

citoed '11' the 1.~
Oclera1 a• bejn.;: 111.thjn the parrlew ot gz..,ccd;1n Ordw 9835.
. :: .· ...... ~· :
..~=-:~~ 14 (.~·

-'--Office Memorandum • UNITED STNfES GOVERNMENT ~ .

::.,.: . 'ZV ·. •• • · :2 ~T 1=· ~ ::~ -~ tormD¥:-:-!:J. 'm•nNRl!.,~ri.m:i 30• 1949

- -
- · °?9.QM .J
07 ·
:M •
p• :'-=-• ··V'f(
.~ ~.l.
. -
mu·c"CJ'I:' C!UQWJ
E7..cif>T "~~ .
• ,
... "'"'"--...___
:: ~~~-:..-:..-=.=

5;~~: :~0io~-r;~Ao;?~~.~~ 7o;IB 53 C1~c1Y1rG~ .·.\t? !: ~' '. 7:7 : 1nM?il£~ ~?..1. .


z ~--~ : 3~DlNOWAY . ~2]j'. ·:~ -~.:'.~·: ' . .--~~l:J, ,i:~E;­

- ~ jjR ••j
........ , __ , -;y;;
- I . :11. . . .(,;!"f!:
..- -
Attached hereto is a blind menorand~~ prepared in response to :=:~•
. a request from the Offi:e of the Secretary of Defense for a check of --
F;:! files, to include a sum:nary of any information which ";vould affect
, . -clearanc.e . for .a .ccess to highly .classified ma"

. In aM::..tion to the bformation set out in the blind memorandum

it is ·noted that l3ure~u files s~ow that Ernest Hornttngway operated an
i~telligence orga~ization for the Ame rica~ A.~bassador in Havanna, Cuba from
Aug~st 1942 to April 1943. J.J.ring this period He!Dlµngway was in frequent
~ontact ·.nth +,he Office of the Legal .Attache at Havarma, Cuba.

·The Legal Attache reported in June 1943 that in personal relatio:1s

He~ing-.•ay :naintained a surface show of friendship and interest with
repr€se~tatives of the ?aI. Th.rou3h statements he made to reliable contacts
of t :1e Legal .lttache, i101vever, it was known that :1P.$ng-nay am? :1is assistant ,
Gustavo .=:uran , ha-:! a low esteem for the '~fk of the ?3I ·;;hich they co!1sidered
to be methodical, unima ginative, and performed by persons of comparative y outh *'l •
7.i. t:1::i·.it experience in .:'oreign coun+,ri -:s anr:l k i:owledge of interna >i • , ! .
intrigue a:1·:l pol :_ tics. 3o ~-h Hern¢ and .J uran, it l\'as also bown, had ~ · /·
personal :-;.ostili ty t o t:te F!3I on an i(leoloJi~al basis, espedall~r i:!em;/ing'.'iay;~· 1-1 ~
~hat . ~e consider~d t he Fl I anti:,~iberal, pro-Fascist, and dangerous of develo
1n~ 1nt0 a.-, i\."".ler;..c:m Ge.5tapo.U~ 11
. ~

It is noted that Ernest Hemfing-.'l'ay was a prindpal signer of the

-._eti 1 t11
'~ ~ !"al
~ .
denunciati .·:! of t he F3I in the :Jetroi t Cor:unW"...:! ~stment ·~1se in ~~: ;
1940. In a ::!dLti:-n the Legal Atta che a dvised that on meeting ]e: ~ng'::ay some "'> i::i; 9 :
week s previously ':.he latter ha1 referred to the ?~I as "The American J estapo 11 •
At the request of the Legal Attache Ee~ingway was sounded o ut by a repre~enta~_,
ti ve of the ~bassy at Havan!':a concer:1ing these remarks. The .!lllbassy
representative later returned with the a 1vise that He~i.n5Kay stated he had
paid no partic:zlar attenti ~n to the petit ~ on he had signed in 1940 de~ounci~ ~
the !"3I an".3 coul :i -no~• hardly reme::iber what it sai ri; He!llitingway told the 3.;ibassy
represe:i.ta t ive that people were always shoving petitions under his Qd~e and
·· ..,._1ike many i'amous peopltJ he iras inclined to · sign them on the- request or a friend
wit hout full information as to their contents. Helllltling"11ay also report ~ dl.y
dislllissed the referen·:::e to the FBI as "The ~ericun Gestapo" as a mere jest.
,~,-23312-6X), .. \.\i'- cit.- !l')d{'A-1.d .. f/ 7"·, .. ' ..' ~ :?" / ....-::~ - I~
~ .\,' \-' °' 3/tI /sJ ~ ~ t:a:'~~· - e:---~ .

t:t:~:~.'t;~ &~I/ RECORDED -34 5 :l:·1·- f;/~·;/ ,J [ f t/Cj

·.p;, f~: 2\ ; :1 11 ~·\ . f r;-y Y; I
~ - ·, L' .
CONFj ifibe : .~ I
:'•, ... . .. . .....
··: ... ; - =,- ·__ := :/'9 _-__ . -....;·: _ -;:_. ·_ :.:::-..:: i'::Lc;:.;~{.-~;.:~C··;;::;:~:\:L<J::.;,,:/ ::;•_ -,: : · :-~ ;:: ._
-· . ·. :,

.. ,.,-

~ .- -.·.·co+AL-
~ Jn additic:n to ~ ru garmatitm! wmtic:ned 1n the ·-.ttaehed: DJ.jM
- memorandum, it is noted that Bureau !iles reflect lte mingway' s past affiliation
, with such organizations as the lledical Buxeau to Spanillh Democracy, .lmerican
· Relief Ship Viasion !or Spain, and the An£rican Writers• Coogress. None o! these
'2;;;;~ organizations are an ~he ~ti~ey ~~::~~list· an~~.~ru has not established
~·c\'.i·!• Remingiray•a members p 11e or 5~ ons y ..,.a ai.
f~~~ AITTIClh
0<'t;1 It ill recommended that the in!ormation developed concerning Rem ingway
)§{,;g -, ....,.,, .. :dnr1ng•~ lH!rrlee to-U. Peri.aan"lmh'"'Saritr ·."111. anana, .Cuba,· not -Ge -.<la available
;-.: ._ -
· _.:.~
tX> ·the Qtfice a! the Secretary ar De!ense since this in!ormation is largely ot an
-adldnist1ative·nature and does not appear to be such as would affect clearance !or

a.ccess to highly classified material. It is also recommended that the in!ormation
associating Heming-way with the organizations mentioned above not be made available
_· to the requesting agency eince these organizAtian11 are not an the .A.ttorney General• s
~,,._,-~~ ,, t ~
!f..:-:::""'~.1 ~ •

~ If the attached blind memorandum meets with your approval, it iB

recommended that it be returned to Room 7633 !or transmittal to the Office o!
the Secretary o! Defense.

2 -

·..· .·:·.'
.. 0-1!
{ .···.. l!JJ
\.::1 Tolsoa--
;:.:~:;f,;.~ '
,:V' Ladd~v--.

. ... ~ .; ''{'---

. -V~a · Mamo' .
. . .... . ,-.;.;.... V' t

Tracy I .\
Winterrowd _
'/J.emingUJ<Jy Help \ Tele. R.oom _
Spy, Saboteur Hunt ' Holloman - -
. NEW YORK, Dec. %2 1111~· 1 SizOO - - -
NoveU.t ~rnestOHemin~y Misa Gandy-
'Tan an underl'?'ound uc e '
'ahop" Jn Cuba ~ World
·•· w ;Ww n w 11e1p AmeriC1111
.... ":~ track down saboteun
' ~and tpies aicl:lnl; the enemy
' ;oh>k Allied ddpplnr Jn the
Carib bean Sea, it wu da-
: Spruill
:llhtant Sec of State, said
· that when he wu Am.bus.a·
: ·dor to Cuba in 1942, he ar-
Jranred with Hemingway fer
· the · establishment of th!! ,
~':e.ounterspy apparatlL!.
The apparatwi; Wa5 h ded.
" Braden said, by Gustavo
f'a!!1 an internation my ry
u-1' and Bemin~ay s "in~ 1

{ wpirationrl.1 fnr the hero of

~or .Whom the Bell Tolls.",
.:... - .~~ . ',,

ILL:_ ~331.::. '1
'N OT f\,::··
- .~ :lD:
- i"'\

l33 Ji.,, 7 . 1954

----- Times-Herald
Wash. Post
..... ,......... Ne ....s
'Yuh. Star
N.Y. Herald Tribune - -
N.Y. Mirror

s s J~N 1219S4

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,·,._·,: .
Office Memorandum · UNITED S!_,AT~S GOVERNMENT

·to~ITT\AL .. ·. :Dn'Il 6epte•1*>!'1 };; .

1\" 1
:. . .. • r. i_... • ,
. -;>""i

'7M)11( ''J''t'~'g&lJ.ttache,
,, "
lll"\'ll!lll 1 Cuba (64-)56} · ·Ir ..ohc,.,t__
/' · ..,.,..,_ 1-,_.. .cr.tiar - -
,, Y / / Mr. 1ohr _ __
, ER.NEST--~~; \;- , .,;,L itmJRJ;~AnON C01'7AINEDV )!r. Parsons ___ _
· SUBJECT: ~ 1 ..... IED 1-ir. Rrisen--
_EJl'{AFORE.. RDIGN~ SCO'ITNE""/!IS. ·'_I_:. ,_ HEREill IS UN CLASS r ,,, ' )!r. Tamm--
...._ vv EXCEPT WHEB.E SHGWN hlr. ~iz:---, .... _ ....
~!:r. \\ i:1:--?rrnv;d_

Re lhva.M btt" "-''-54 w!Uoh tt. dotailo o1 •

agreal!lellt ~tween .EIUEST. HElaliJIO.Y .&lid calnnmi !!lt EmARD
"""'°"' w n ·•
~~~~ .

-· "···~~ -SCOTT, n a ~t or wbich SCO'IT c~lenged HEJ.!I!OtAY to a duel. -~ ..· J. 1. .

. ' ~-~)
On 8-30-.54 SCOTT exhibited a letter dated 8-'.!8-54 !!Ind Yrl.tteb~
. by Dr. H:DRO S/l1C.EEZ !ESSilfO, SCOI'T' s representative in the matter o! the
duel. In his letter Dr. SA.1CHEZ 1£SBIN~oted'batim a letter, date
not sh01r11, written to him by HElll~Y. ·\.\

In the letter !£llIN:lWAY advised Dr. &.Jt:;HEZ FESSINO that be md

no intention of fighting a duel nth Mr. SCOTT, giving as hi!!l reasons the
fa.ct tmt he is in ill health arxi •has a lot o! writing to do.• 1£1.:rlfC?IAl
further stated that he !elt Rllre that a court o! honor would not consider

this c°":1;~ce'"r bis pirt~ \A_
. .
advi.Bed that although he was not satisfied with lE1lllrnlAY•11
&!Ullfer h\f-d n~ knOlf what else he could do about the :tter(~ "\

~ i~ ~' oECLASS;flEO ~·; ., • •, • : ,,...,

:·~~Si~ ~:~ .,- ~ , r- ~ .. 1-- ~ 11\ r '.'"""'

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..llinc tor, J'BI

..C ...
.~· .· -~'··°',:-4!bU. JIU\ week~ .on. &cUeu OlllliDi boa.ti been in ~vana. i
abe 'beo&m• •OM'llb&t abua1'ff with thl Cuban preltl upon her •rriva.l at the "" .·
airport in Havana and later at the Hotel •cional., scorr •de reference ~
to thia 1n one o! hia daily col.umna, and wnt on to eay t~t it i.11 frequent~
oblleTTed tbt.t a n•n tria• to adopt the attitude and actiona o~ her
bli•band and pointed out tbt.t Cll\lIDml\'• ••t~ed humnd, Fli!!E: Sllll'I'AA,
ha.a oamed on a running feud with the preu fir ,.an.

.... rF


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. CJ Ima Check In it~ 6523
·...D Senrice..Mn_j_t-1

L:J-fonfanl to ff 1e hv i ew
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DA 11 References\;t.." t. ,~l\. l.)~i,S'\

.. ---\_\ \ . \'°~ ~\ ...-
~bversive Ref~~n~
E::::lMain References Only
. D Main &ef.uenca Only
·"Cl 1tmr Ict to Loca1 i ty o f - - - - - -
a;a--Breakdown EJ Buildup E:!Variatl ons
D Exact Mame On 1y
D Exact Spel 1 Ing
~Check for Alphabetical Loyalty Form

Localitles ___-r----r---~-~~---
Bl rthdate & Place~ . • ·J ., -

.RI 61>_ Date l /iv Searcher

,., 7;;
.· . :· ·.:···:
. ... ".·~ . .... :·. .. . ... .
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-- !!la AmePlosi ec.d'tee tor .frote.c tlon
Pore!.gn ot
Born wu deolared b7 t.lMa .&'to~ General to be v1thin \be
parY1ev of :iaecutl•• Orda1' l~. _. ··
.lliler1cen Re•C'!!! Sh!P JU.11lon ·
. . .
. .- .. -- !ba Jann117. l6. 191µ, ~ ._ •.Dalq Varkel"•
. ., pabllahed a m-tlol• Hal"lng \hi b9a411De ~ ·
Beattlaaa Bacld,D£ ot laawe Ship Kl•a1on.' !!» article
quoted •• rece1yed traa ~ 1D Jl&Tana 1n ~ch
b9 expNased the •~re hope that a 8h1p tfOlllld H obtained

~ -

.• u aocm u it'• lmwanl7 po.a1bl• 4o ao.• )

. ('-I- 7s-r~ S•'- A X'I- 'S"S-'l-.2 "'/K'-'
. ·
ftl.e Jme1"1ean ••cnae Ship Hluion bu b9en declared
bJ the lttomq General
· OPder · . ·· . - · ·

be VlUilD tibe pirT1W of .'&xecut1Ye
· -. - ·'-< . · - - . · ·
:' . :.·. '·
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~ tangoing lntoraiatlon l• rm-ntStii.' _to 7cn1

•• the reault ot a reque•t ror an PBI .nle . abeok and la
not to be oon•t:rued aa a olearanoe •P a nonclearance ot
1nd1T1dual. 1nYolYed. !'hta 1ntormat1on la hrnlab.d tor
. :~~ 7our ue and ahould a0t be 41•Halnated ntaid• ot 70UJt
agenc7 •.
~ :.t"k ·.. .
- ¢'1
.. '
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OOJIPI~IAL C t~-=i-*
Vil•... l \\·Vf.•
• I
. :· .. :.·...

Hemingwayis Suit ·· '
.. ..A Jot of people tn tbe ~ came
. <i'~1~:~1
. .· ..

~. :w.llI understand why Ernest Hemingway · . Pars

· ~ tlled·autt to prevent.ESQUli'e maga- Rose
~. .sine .from JleJM!bllsbq .:me of ht.I old 1-amm _ __
f atoriell about the Spantm ctT1l War.
· Back in those days, two decadet ago, he
Trotter _ __
t '- wu a strong supporter of the Loya]J.rta W.C. Sullivan _
.. against Generalissimo Fra.nco, and the Tele. Room_
f . atorlea in question reflected his .enti- Holloman _ _
(... ment of that period. But n.Ow, even Gandy _ __
· though he 1tlll adherea to ' that senti-
ment, he apparen~ly Wiahea he had
written them in a d11ferent way. Any-
how, he doean't wa.nt to see them 1n
print again 1n their odiiD&l tomi. wh.lch
: . . : ..: .. ',-.:·:. ·· .. · mates him 1Xlt 1ID11n mnnennus lesser
. -. Writers who are embarrassed when con-
·f ronted With certain of their p,_,t works
that look allghtly unpollshed ~or 11aive
1n retrospect.
Thus, speaking through h1s lawyer's
brief, in a atyle not nearly ao good u
his own, Mr. Hemingway has had this
· to say: "lt la respectfully submitted,
. and the court well bows, that the paa-
aage of time can affect the writings of
. authors either favorably or unfavorably•
• • . mwitratlve 1s the change 1n •tt1tude
of people to writings of men during the
time Russia was our ally, to the present
attitude of people to such men and their

I ~ 'I - .J. ] 3 I -) -
writings now that Russia .1a perhaps our.
greatest enemy." Th1s 1s . pretty turgid .,.cq
prose-prose which the Old Master ob-
v1ousI1 had nothing to do with, and. NOT n r."'ORD~ .
which he has disavowed as a distortion lf . IAUG 18 1958 .
of his own views-but lt stlll .makes its
J)oignant point. Quite pla1nly, many
another literary fellow, Mr. Hemingway - - ii§
feels he has • .right to revise some of Wash. Post and - -
his earlier ·pieces in a way de,,igned to Times Herald
make sure that they wlll never return Wash. News }! /O
-~ to haunt him. · Wash. Star -~~-­
~ However, even though ~uire haa N. Y. Herald - - -
~ !!.::!
•"":: C1 ft"' .· bowed to .hJa lut~ Mr.oBemingway must
- reconclle h1mselr to the fact that it u- Tribune
,_- ->
. .. ~
····- ~ no~ really possible tor. him, eapecially N. Y. Journal----
-,.. ,..0·) ...
/ · ,,...... . because of his stature, to atop the work
. : ~Dt · thole wbo will ket,p ·on · tl'J1ns to
;:-:.: ;.. ·: ~ .. :.:.H. Y .. .Mirror - - - -
- ...-
_ .._. -. ~
!1'.::..;: _. . . !
t". -..
, .\ . f '
~~ ·: - ~ ~~pUeADd .JJ~ n~ he bas ·- N:Y. Daily .News -
. ~ ...~- ; ever said or wr1tten. His position in that ·N. Y. Times----
. . a::: ;:·:;7 ~
- - :.:· ~
( respect 1s well 1ummed up 1n the follow- Daily Worker----
0::: r.' ) ,.. . . mg
llilea from an. old American versl.fter:
The Worker - - - -
0-~ -Careful aoftll Jtre... u geod advice to9
u:. <:::: ~ 1'MW; . . ' New Leader - - - -
~--- ""iii: •careful 10ith tDOrtb.'' u "" tbnu .
- &..!_• !..l.J 4oublJI IO, .
-.J er: ;- j'.hou111't1 unupruiecl mpr ICnM- .
:::c a- .'. \ · · tbu1 fall back Uatl; ·
· . ·· .· Date
.••- ......
God Hfmad/ can't ~ tMM
1111'...4A. ~· ..-r. .~.......
. , -. . 4
~ :

5 2 AUGt S\958
. •. :··. ...
.·:.,:...· .~·~·~·~: :.:~'. :_ :.,.·:·; ~;;" :~> ~..~;·.:.·.:~:~;i::·: ;{.\L~)·(~·;~,;~ . --?-"- ....

. :·.·

. ·.
.A=}ll (., ..... &-1-el) L·t
• o4., -
\;.;!/ Tolson----
Belmont _ __
Mohr _ _ _ __
Callahan _ __
;;¥ .. ... ~ad /
~- ~~;z
.. )

~·}8'1 ·.: ~ .· ~
. .. \ .
Malooe _ _ __
Rosen _ _ __

He Was Never Sullivan _ __
Tavel - - - -
· ~ Hemingway ·Pan Trotter _ _ __

'~ · ~ 1 : . By WESTBROOK PEGLER . I Tele Room _ _
Inqram _ _ __
L!?-i Tt...HAS m:EN -m,y atubbom 'oplnJon that Jm.W

. ... ,
~t:1 · .lL..Hemtngwa1 waa actually one of the worst Wrttera f
:~":- !.,
.f.Ja me BiltJ• hnsn•p c1mtns Ida u.e. n . . be f ~·
: conceded that he invented a "atyle." But to me tt '
~·~·..~ -· wu an ugly style, ao barren of ordinary literary f
1 -embeJUshment or amenity that 1t wu confurc'- and
t~-~. •
!. o1ten lncomprehen.sible. • . f
:f·: f-
t:, · .
He· forswore the fammar "he aald~" ;
~ and "he ~quired." Thinp of ~ :
"! '-; ?~
kin:. f~eely 'YOlunte'ered to· ~Oth. r
professional writer, that early
~ Hemtngway'a fad I found 1n11elf
thumbing back over half ,. dozen or .·
more jeru of apeech in quotation
marts to determine which person
wu speaking at thta moment. ·
it:d-cf) 33!~-A-
To my comfort, my colleague ex·- : NOT Jtl<'.(;ORDED
claimed that for the first time in
&ll those yeans abe wu emboldened
11.i JUL 19 ~96L
;._to ad.mlt that she, too, had had thLll problem. Heming- I
; 11ra7'1 dlaloc, um •·The Xiller-'t" made~ nervoua ~
" Jim me .had .been Mashed and.& l1ttte fnttmldated,
· too, in her office; a magazine ahop, ever to admit her ·
, con.fusion. She would be patronized and ridiculed
~and ·probabl7 pused over In the promotlona and
~ ua:lanments u being old-faah.foned or even tanorant.
. I noundered 1n "The Sun Also Rlsea" and for .
< 1eara I had a renilnder 1n the back of my lntentlona ·
f-io tr)' it again. ThLll time, .I would put forth a apeclal , Tbe Wa•IUnqton Po•t and _ _
! effort to .follow the meanlng. " , ! Tia•• H-c.ld
But eventually I aald, "Oh, ·to Ji'.ell wlth Bemtn~

Tbe Wa•bln11\on Daily New•_
r ay aad bta affectatlona." . - 1
Tb• EYenlnq S t a r - - - - -
I I am a reuonably lnlell1gent reader and U New York Merwd Tribune~
arllal 1Fllh IW P•oclom "atyl•" cbuld not eze t
to mate hla meanlnc clear to me, wu I ' Hew Yorlt Joansal-Amerlc:a.n ~
obliged to yield him .precious hours out of my llfe Mew Yorlt Wtnor _ _ _ __
•.&DI mme predolll -meatme Gt tbe meumed °f1l1an 1 . .. • , ·-'I'm&~ ....... _ __
.,_,eyes uJaomage to b1I reputatlan1 Wbo created
&hat reputation? Boot reviewers and aellera. . ··w..T..- ' " - ' - - - - -
l .After all, I had bought hLs boot and had done n e New York Tia•• - - -
~him the courteaJ of reading it. I did not qwe him · Tlae Worlter - - - - - - -
f acrlf1ce to prove that 1 wu equal to h1a tricky . Ttl• New L e e d e r - - - - -
• affectation. · . i Ttle Wall Street Journal - - -
~ · Be annoyed me nlao wlth profantt7 and vulgarlty ; Date---------
?- an4 when I pointed out that Rln1 Lardner had never
s. &old a dirty atory and had shunned mucky atuff on
'! paper. Bemlnpay'a reJolnder .dld not of

1951 II
~ L&rdner. Bemlnpay 1i1111tered t.hat nevertheleaa
t -people did 11pea$ u h1a c..'t\aracters apote. True. But
; .ao did Lardner's an'1 'Lardner'• ear for ,the la!igua1e
JUL l 7
•. ginary Americana wu aa ae1141t1n and true u
\' " ~J1Wt.fN. IU)gy~ Jn HeDilngway WU
i;.• 1 ;i 1:;,6r t{< ·'" ...w, .,. -,_,.. --- .. ... _
. :, '·.· .·. . ·.·· ·; ... •... :. '·:·: .; ::, ·.- ..........>·, . c.:.:,:; :.·;.··:;;·,_.,,,-. ;;; . . . .;;-,.•.~;;;.,;:;:,:•:,;.-.:· ·:\:;···... ; .-:': ·;~; -·
~·.... ; . ~~~:~· '.·:.: ·:..-.,~ '. <~-.:.
i~ ...
. ·' .. . ·'· .
; . ·.:'.~ .

II • :.;_ llano ~ SIIJ'-...ther wr!tu tmo.n..~

-.'Jlt!'minkWlY wu the creature of a cl&Q.ue at ~
-..~!&.:mast af tbem llDolc r...-iewero.
-'The eruption o! shaving bubble• which· engu!!ed
j fl
when he died was the gaseous emotional reaction
ot paltry people who thu• acclalmed their own other-
;.:;1_.1 Wise tentative or negative celebrity. · ·
~-:<} ! They stand tor nothing, And nothing WM. tJ:>.e
great standard wlilch Hemlngway had ral!ed and
fought !or In hi! noncomm1Ftal . uproars &11 thou
years. .
Hemingway's obsesslon with pugllWn u a per-
sona.I activity was juvenile and .brutal.
J . Pro!ess.iwall never atcike a ~and Kemtnr- ··-
--~·.....,, equal m_& hirl7 &ood pro!eMiona! heayY-
weight by Gene Tunney'• llUioua oplnlon. Gepe said
' ~ r . ,., :Remtngwiy hit him 1.3 h&rd L'5 any other ma.n except
Dempsey. Yet this man was a personal, physical bully
wc.:c< - 1l1d hi• adventures In and around battle, though I
exciting and dangerous, were on)y the routine experi-1
............. ">f
ence of thousand! ot other men and .l<ld! all ~nd

~£,_;; hlmHe ~as" absolutely destitute · o! humor and hl1! 1·
aftecij,onate aouven!r to us I.! "Farewell to ."
· nJy
C:..niPt. 1N1. ItQ: 7~ ·~ 1-.


·~ :.:,
l!ove!.'.ber 6_, 1.959


For ~pl,
"}._. ·.L: u.. Only

,... ·'
sueJEcr, Ernest TIE:ill:GWAY Gives Views on Cuban Situation

..,_. .
/p ·,
--=-·. .
For !:r"'// -;,
been El"I1eo:t !Ji:'' "
per-hape the nost f=rnl.E ~rican
rei;ident in Cuba has
•~ho has a home in San Francisco de Paul.a, near, where
~).:·~·~ he spenus a brge p.:u-t. of his tine. H~;ay generally lives a retired life tlle~,
·''"'"'"• together rlt!l his wif0 and frequent visitors. " .........
4 J!e~' returned frcn a long visit 1n Spain on Novedler J, 1959. He was
i_nternewed at the e.irport by Prensa. Latina, and contrary to hiB usual custan.
m&de eeveral stater:ienta on the local situation and his reactiar., .Amoog other _thingzl,
he said, as ~uoU.d by Prenu. La.tinlu ,_

1) His opinion of the Revolutiona!"'J Gover!l!'lent was unchangeC. tlnce

. J'anuar;r-iie supported it and all its acts cor.iplotely, a.nd thought
it vas the best thing that hacl ever happened to Cuba,
2) lie bad not ~elievecc any of tLe infoniation published abroad aga1Mt
Cuba, Ile sy!:!pathized rith the Cuban Governnent, and all~

J) Heo:ing;ray esfilasized the ~· and was asked about it. He 11aid that he
hoped Cubans woul.0. regard hill not as a Yanqu:i, (his word), bl'.t "-~ another
Cuban. With that, he kissed a Cuban flag which was nearby. Ee I'6fused
t.o re:Peat the gesture for photographers, saying that he "haL ~seC: the
flag rith sincerity<'. iI:rp:cying that publlc:Lty vould cheapen the act.

t. I - :l 3 ~_)_:) -
Hesingway said he knew nothing ab rut any recent note fr<rN"WP~~!.."W:~~
Governoent to the Cuban Gover:rl!!lent on relatiorui between the two
lie aai.d tliat he had ca:ie fran Nw York, vhere they "knew ifritb±rig! 81~9
Cuba or the vorl.d. There all they talk about U. Van Doren and the
. scandal. of the TV q.rlz shows". (END UHCIASSIFJ'.!W) COPY TO THE FBI
·:; '~ t


---·- ·- ·- ----..--···-~·-·-----~-·---- ----·----

Via . ·-!:!RIEL
(Pri<>rily or lleU.O.J of llailUy;) I

·••.... 'YN!'OIUlATION WliCER1111'G ·.···...

:.JmNEST HEllINGWAY, the author, has been a patient at Mayo

Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, and is presently at St. Mary's
Hosp'ital in that city. He has been at the Clinic for several
weeks ,_.--and iirdescribed as a problem. He is seriously ill,
\ both physically and mentally, and at one time the doctors
· wer.e ovnside~ing giving him electro-shock therapy treatments.
Mayo Clinic, advised to
contac s y newsmen, the Clinic had._
GWAY register under the alias GEORGE
stated that Mr. HEMINGWAY is now
ering under a : . . w a m e , and is
an FBI investigation. stated that
1mismnch .as .:this worry was interfering wi e treatments
of Mr. ".HEMINGWAY, he desired auth_orization to tell HEMINGWA
that tpe FBI was not concerned with his registering under
an ass~ed name~as advised that there was no

:t,- Bureau
l - llinneapolis
.. · c4) -~ C'c - p~/f,,. •L
ti JAN 24 1961
HEREIN rs u:·;G~);SSfrli::D ..
DAT£1.o/..?f/l, BY .s'··l bSK/~­ I

Approved: - - - - - - - - - - - - Sent
. :

-~~F-~ni;\:~~~--M Per--110
Special Agent in Charge

.· ...



- .. (Clauifi<4tum)
~tation should publlci:i tak; a position which displays either (1) strong
Icriticism of his Government and ccnpatrlots, or (2) a renarkable ignorance
concerning develoi:oents in Cuba aince the ~irst of the year. . - , ..

For the Ani>assador;

Daniel H.• Braddock


~~~:~ t
.;r.."- -:

' .
ti• - .. -· ' THll UNIVPSITY Ll•RARIU ~
.,..._,a.&.&, P\.OIHDA aaao1

January 14, 1974


HERE\N lS U\lCL~SSff\E~ hs-~}fb
DA1E1 l).a•/'' BY.§
On December 11, 1973 you wrote to Professor James K. Lyon of our University
of Florida
Department of German. Y0 ur files concerning Bertolt Brecht can be
for $160. Dr. Lyon will obtain letters from Brecht's heirs granting
1 .
. their approval •
Dr. Lyon has asked the University of Florida Libraries to furnish the funds
for the purchase of the Brecht xerox. If funds are furnished, may we ask if · thi's ~

~'-~~ material can be placed in our library collection? Will the general public be ~:
i~:r::: allowed access to it?
~ ,..•• :j
~ ;
o--. .
..:- ~· '
~-~ _, ·: Dr. Lyon and other researchers are very excited about the new sources of
tt·~ ~- 1.nformation "Wich may be available. We have had requests to inquire about avail- · .
• 'l

!f6'-1 able FBI material on the following·: .
'..> 0
~: :!~~~~; ~~:!!:~. ....

' ·J ';) I
: ::.;,
~~ !: ~:~:·Do:;!~:o:y f~
~ Thank you for any infonnation you can give us in this matter.

'~. b~.r-J .,Ee. ·4 · \S7 4


L " Social Sciences

Research Librarian


l/f'"\. .. · ,:.~ ,.
- . .k'...:~: j-~.-1\\.l)oof'·
( ' ." '1 .",, \'.\
~- c-=--

. ;, .. ·. . "~ .•.
.... .. -'· ······ .- ..
•••· i •

.:'.. ...
: . ·. !~

.. ..
January 2s, 1974
.! -;; . . . .. . \r ~~3.~!:t.1-~"'
1 »
,.··y ·• otcLAs~:FiE.o sY · · · 5·.:."ir.·.i".f .,,
J'i" o~ ..... .- ........ .

\ .-. .\ ;.,
~~-~r""' \_ :_~;·.i
~ I
."·. ' -.: -· •. I~
.... ·..
. :·
.~· , . · · :=', :f' .•.·"·: :· ··/:.,:,~.:: ,:,: ; .~.;;):_,},~:~<::~,;/;L'· ·tl;·'.::;>:::JY~:·~E\:.:. :·,~-:· .,-,_'· ....... _. .·
. . ..
. ·' ... ..
;",;7.·. ·. c·~· :

··:.:.:.UC'.. Itay Jones

We e;;;:tcnd to you the opportunity to confer -with us

in .1ln attc:::pt to refon"ulatc your request in a na::iner which
will reduce the fees an<l still meet yo<lr needs.
If you wish to pursue your request, please indicate
in uriting your willinsness to pay fees as high as arc antici-
pated and er.close a tlc('.>Csit as r::ention~d above. There>aftGr,
we will. acknowleun,e receipt of your deposit anu advise you when
·we-e:m· ·begin "the ·necessary :.procesaing. · · · · .. .. .'·

•' ··r-
~~rely yours,
.0._M. Ke/Ir.

Clarence H. Kcll.ey
NOTE: Bufiles contain nothing identifiable with correspondent.
The main files concerning the individuals concerned are:
Elizabeth Bentley - 134-435, 65-56402, 65-6122, 61-6328, and
9-16655; Whittaker Chambers - 65-56402, 74-1333, and 100-25824;
Ernest H&-ningway - 64-23312 (approximately 400 see references}; ,..J
and John Dos. Passos - 97-2497 (approximaLely 300 see references) l.,i.)
. u
. . .. -
t>-1s <Rev.•1
•~( ;-·. ·:... Anoe. Dir. _ _
Dep. AD Adm. _
.... ..;·,..
_ --~JRM
llJ.~. r
... '. I -Mr. F~efInwould
TO FILM~_.'--.._filming Hke-t~ ~
O.p. AD Inv. _
Asst. Dir.:

Admln. _ __
: ,~·.;<
:_.;. .SPECIAL
· .
IN CUB .lived-
tile p~~~
and then ~d the laat
C:-p. Syst. _ _
;:{ ;.: -.~ 1 two weeka of the lllOlrtil in . Ext. Affairs _ _

;·>:ti:~ ;Ca'ltro Aaka m Appear In . ~ ~ ~d be com- : '"•• & Com. -

Gen. l n " " - -
·.~:~Jhib . ~~of.•••i•iw•-,, =.:2'.~in1:i1~.:. ; ·" w..t. _ _ __

f/',~ ·.~~~
I Beverly mu- Calif., ezce:llent condition. -ibe home
...., .... ls ~tlesa and all the mem- Plan. & Eval. _
: ~ .petmisslol:i frocD the orabilia displayed just the
• Cuban. ~ent to film por- way they were left," he said. · Spec. Inv. - -
Training _ __
, tiooa ot · a !1-evisJon special
l about Eme~einingwv. in
; Cuba. . _ · .• .
In 1961,. Mary Hemingway,
the authon. wlre gave the
home to die peop1e ol Cuba.
I Legal Coun. _ _
Telephone Rm._
· The United States does not She ii .servinJ as a consultant . diplomatic relatioM to the television project. · ' .

f with Cuba d ...._ b The production company is
· the Communist
. ' an Gove""' ...move

· ,..n--;~
· g wi"th such screen per-
. brilil.lkasti»a.
,.....,,. .. u IUghlyJDdmby '"'"'GilliaY-by '°"'"""'~~ •. , . .·
_._...._ .... -
' ' • '• · . toappeartnthe .·i
The Hobel Prize.winning new- r - • - ..,. c14 · ·
eiist, who died in 1961, wrote
1 about Cutaa and lived there tor
a IUR,J }'ean. The special, 'Tf\e
House of Hemingway'' will be
• filmed in part at- the author's
-; Cuban home and at 90Ule of his
. favorite island haiinta.
• Bob Banner Associates re-
• cetved permission to film in
, the Communist country after a
1 persona.I tel~ · !1°11e c:onyersa-
. · tlon between_:_ ~ pro-
ducer of the tt~krid Pre-
- ' mier F"ldel Castro of Cuba, and
;, ..91
a two-week viait by Mr. Foster
. to Cuba. ' . .
~~ "1t ,..,." · fll!llT!y wry afmple,•
-.<~':..~~ ·: · ':c~;'Itgia~
~ after a brief ezplanation
-one or two aides," the pro-
=": ~~~--'·
:-..;.;t~ ducer f~und bimaelf
to Mr. Castro. • • lpeaking
' . The Washington Poat - - - - -

:~~~i~ ~!~r~::=~s Waehington Star-Newa - - - -

Daily Newa (New York) -.,= ~­
J}tl i!.:~~:~
The New York Timea _ ___._t....,~--­
The Wall Street Journal - - - -

llf~ ~=In the

-· The lhow haa not yet been


~n- ·: ~-;:~ C::lzt::t

llD5d to any television net-
wlll'k, Mr. Foster said, because
he wu waiting Wltil . he re-

151 t=

·l'Jiday Ja the fora of. a
fnxn the CLi>an.
, The 90-piinut.e ~dcyt. ii
,..,.;..,i:.• ,'i:
!e1ng caHed an · "~~-
ilent documentary" and will
~ude aegmentl devoted\ to
fvitiea tba.t Hemingway \:u•
~ .. - - . J
/ -------
/:?:·':.~.' ~ '-k . \'a~· . "') "i·u~ ~ o
\;°/('.~ . : o SEP t3'\'J · ~
- -~:,;;·< " c("_ \ ~ - ~ ~~ ~ 7
~~}~~!~,~~~- · ;".;·:·
... •
_,,_ ..... . . . () •
Office Memorandum • '

v\~ 1!5114
·TO J!r. Tolson D.illl:
L. B. Jlichols
__, W•JECT: - .pf_:.. ::: ~ --
j~ ~:le.~
--........called me by reference /rom the ~!~
).,,_ been to the State J;evartment and
. . the State Eepartment had said there was nothing. against him. :~::;-==
• ~ Ee wanted to know if we had anything against him. I told him :t:=-'=3
~·: · · · that the State J;e;;art"lent was the place for him to go since he ~
~-~ / bee.n there, that thev presumably had furnished him the answer. ~ 7
Ee stated that he· expects a violerd revolution in Cuba within(
the ne=t nine months; that ~rau will tr to maintain himsel
the elections·

;;i._ ,): r,.::._:.:: .ri:.:-.:...:~•l··-·.-: ;., ._);, . . . ~ \ R. .. '

! -.·~· ·• l- I r P'»"i/t t>!.f2 ('-; t~<·•'.._'i-,; . . ~ ~
He sta,tja:"t{!ap,.. n.e had a lot .of ·co.ritacts and if at any
he can help us he·w6illd 6onsider it a privilege to be called upon.
He stated he thought one of the real danger spots in Cuba was cent~re
around Zrnes~·1nc.ingw::rJ;, ·who he clained was responsib e for putting /..
Gustauo Lz;:-::rrJ on Braden's staff. · .

~:)· ~
"'-- _2- zg;1~'1-f'
- FB .Xw


36 SEP 9 IS47
.1 ·

h(/'ty\)\'," .
: ··-:"., .,) t :j;: 2 6194] -~ ~ " ·- ··~
-~-~.- _"?:·•• ,.
;: .,.
.,. '
•· ts it I -.
(Jjfce Mem '• • UNITLD STAT.. ,,._,

TO Ur. L. V.

• Jlr. A. H.

DP..E1:7 p:zA _SSOJ.r E ii~li U:7AST ~ L •··
i . ....

.AP ,=;IL ·9, :i.JSS

'.i.',\ e J oll OJJ in g i.;; e11lS

Bureau. wer2 ment,oned by Drew
-. on .A.prU J, 1955:

/ 1·r· A C, a,'.~. ,~;;;~
"./ l _.,.- ', I \\J._ r ~ •

O::e of An-thon Eden s Ji.rst; act.> a~ Pri.::-.e _'.. ··,,,);s;;er ::/

Eng:::ind ::i:..~ t;o c:;.:i.i.e -the Sri.tis!••~mbass:idor i"l -~·:s::;:>w c::.:
ins~~uct h;A to talk wi~h Foreig~ Hi~!s~er ~ol,~cu ~~o~~ ~:i~
crl~ls i~ ?or::io:;c. He asJ:ed iill.ssia to res-tr.;1rr.. i:!e ,]h.~·
f ro;r. ldng Q~em oy and 1!c. ts u and he _0 re ... i.3 ed -tr." 1'
"\I ReG..s :i. tt:i.c
tli.c in tu.r.i would work on the iJr.ited Sc-TC~< to c ""'i.d
ii'.:_ .
ani, r:ish action. · ,
-... ,. r.0i;.:0
..._ ,.:_;..· - . - •. ~ --·
J• on. e. Th is
~· ''
') ,,. ,. , . ;

::~:i. ·:: ~~ . . . , .;-~ :r:.:_> :·-:--:. '.. .


Secreta.:-y of Defense :n.lson hc<.>_·c(~ .. c·, ·:l:c .. :;: 'd p;

a to s:lil the. new a""tcm.ic su.. Jnarine,..,·.:./c1~1:i.l4.';;" c..-2.~ Th·;.
way· across t;he J..tln.r.ti.c and re-i;u-,. unde;-.~-:;€r. ~·;:e i•C~...:
pla~.'"led th·: gestu.-e -to ;naT.e our'.• :;:£ce ?Ju" .. ·us~·-,
11 11
Jor-some stran.Je reason., said Kc.

c~ - J.Ir. i. ich ols

cc - 1ir. :<JC rdman r. ~I

cc - 'Jr• :; ..: lrr:on. t \.,/

cc ..•
:.t- : ran. ~ga n /,J,;/_
J _,. _:::,? -->c 0-
cc ~·!r .5C..J.J1l 1a 1dri.e r
. 7 (; - .
2cc }Jr. :.:c Ilwc ~-~ -·-~--

----' !:7.~
: jJ jn•
r1r .
. ~·



- 1'.'ie r::a!'l
Dkkenson ar._ Company, East Ja.ithe!'_.'~;-d,
lft:'JJ Jers~y, ~~~;~ m.anufccturer0 of hypoden;.ic "leedles_. .'.s
stOl on stri.'!>e. I-;; may seri.ousl-,; ham;:ier the .?~'.Jing of S~ll>
polio ·inj2:.r;ions -!.o nine million childr~.-, thi"::_ -.?ring.


J/"one. This is for your inform.ation.

: :ich gol~ deposits have been ~iscouer'~ ~nde- f\€

bat-.clcfiel<i where ,lmerican lfarines fougr.t at Dua,!.::l:;an;;i.i.


~~e big television networks have teen ~ress~r-";

;)c.r.;.tor. ~;:. 3 :'J.Uson of i;'ash.ington -tc. :;o sl::;::.: lr. :_ic. _Jrobe -'
- "I
"tel-::~:is i.;11 •

This is for your injorm-:;ri::;r..

:ut .:if c·Jl the Senate races iioy :[·er w~. ":J...c_
\Io( :J0llars spent, t;he FBI has picked Sena~:;pr:Jc.':a.i::cra. _.
\ ;.iichigan, the one lone .American ~·edera.ti1n c/ I":ovr Sc«.: ·r,
I· ifor invesiigati:Jn. Assistant .FI:.:: Direct;or Lou fiichols ,· .. ~.:;:'-j !'
I! en ;;ena.tor :.!cl/a..rzam P_ersona._lly ar.d ,;e·c ·':i.JL -tc ~ell
--*·''··-.. \ \ who paid for a cert;ai.n rod•o and teleuis-.or. broc.:.c-:tst.

(] UJ..:..::ILltT:
l.'one. · "J"r. Nichols waa ·celeph.J'>i.;;,,11~· ,·.:!vise.-. ,
thr; above Hein. Current .Bureau investigation being cc.1 .. ·:;ct;;,:.:;
regardinJ contribution.! by United .Autorr.c~fle Wcrlcers c,/ '"1er:;;:,
and statelllent tssµed b11 Senator JlcNa.nara on October 2:;, ... 95·_'..
(.BuJiles 56-1512, S6-l4er. J -
Nichols .;ta.tee tho.t he has contacted Senator .Hc1\'a.r.,a :· .. :c '-: ..
him. iirst oi o.11 that we were rnak.ing___the
--,; - inves~g.a"tion to c.~cure a.t.~.r ;;...:pl:.·.:.::··-~
:i:_.:~ .;:~·w:--~~~.:..__~·.:::1 -t-~ •.:. 11'";.,- · : ... .-~· :)~- :·:.-:~·.,~7:.:~::.:.r.:tlV·-.:s:-~~~~~~~~W ¥':-'~~:- ..
: ·---~~;:~ ~. -~~~..
-p ... ~~·::·-~-~-~:-~~;;-:·
-~ :_ -'_:
~~· ·.7->7,.x.: ....... - .,. -.-~..;..~- i ~·:..- -
- ~-~~-.·~~-~-qi~~:~~~~? >.":-~l·~-~--~
~-~·-"''.:J.Z-"Ci_-"'to-'-1~~... ~ -. ~
.. ,..,} ....
. ' ·~~~;;;_7~)~l
.. ~ <~~- ;1;.:,.i?'S'-~~ . .~...?!z.i:.. ·

~;.::..· .··~-'<· I•' ~

, .. - - -;{ E::'_- j_~51'~ 5;f~~fri1flffl-

-~} .. o:i~~:~~~.,$',,..t-~~;t,:.·&.-'.:, •"'-· •;-.-·. ··.~ -;~· . /.. :::., J_·r· "'-··•~ ~~ • L-··"..t: °3-f ... ,.~~·- ...._·,~--~·-·-.~~··
• 'i - - Q •• ~f,. _,.~~~.f§

¥~~~'~'~;~~'!\·':: 1

. ·.-:;: ~ o:f the contribution which the Se-tor nugh.t to The &Cl.ii.tor aaid he .. ;:
'';*;,}:[ ,not know who the contributor a were, he did not know the identitr. of~ i~t/i
li~.:~)·/;: L~p-~upa,reported ~n hia report of cil.nlpaign. expenditure• ion~ the De;:roit ~·?},
· ~.·-..~~
.... ·,._ ~ted to, ~ecure the inforrr.ation •. They were ;:b_at -~,·-cc·
::t?~".~~ ~prepared the report on_ ca al -e:x:pendirures anc es red ~
0 \{::,;'.·:. intervfew her. Nichols til.lked·io -, :"IC
.~£;;B~:~I~ on April 7, statt..:: i'us wi:r ... was. e~_:!...i. t~::~it~ i; .
·1\~:0?.'?;j:.- _the ~pers ·Nerc. locked in ii. cilbinet~ they lost the key,· ii<waa_)_?~jf:,~:P;,.'.7;~,-~~;-.:
~ ·;~-;; ~•:. ri:Z-<:d-~ ..- ;: +:
Ot• : ~:; ;·,•,?1:~:~;;£~:£~'
, tha.t night and they would get a key a.nd contact the Detro;.t Office.-'

:'~- Hl :;:~::::ini= ""' •om•e•• ~~=m'~ in

·zr,:.'..:;S·~>.;;:-:~:O:. · ,; This investigation pertains to four televi6ion ?rogril.Ir.s w-he;r~m>i,:.:·. ·

the announcement was made that this was a paid 11 UAW-CIO" politi:::al ·:.. i/::::'.:i\--.. :
];f;·..f.:','.:~;.-:. il.dvertisemcnt. This is contrary to the law and the burcer: ia ·on 1'0-c~il.nla:r'ii'."";:,;:<• ·
-;~~-i;,;.:_,: to •\:.:-w whe~her a laoor union contribut;:d to his camp...:g:i or wheth;>; the' ..:-:~·.,:
·:("<-·,:.:~;:: ;'contributions were by political il.ction comznittees, wl:ich is perr..i ssib"i.;» :C-'\'~~·'·'
.-~-1:--·-· -·
·'"'..: .,
":, .-.
., ..
·~ - ....~
.. ..'· .,
., :
.. "
. ~ . --·
,..<:"- ,-...... ' ..::, ·)·1J.
'· ···. - ' •";io,."'!" - -
.--::~!":-~ ~ - '· .--. _!.I, •.•

-:.:""~- ....
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~ .. ·:•.-:-· : . · · - ; : . " ' _ ....

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.:.·':.~ . - 2.a. . . .: ;·"··~·. -.-,\..::
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-.:.-.:-:_:.--;; :_<;'-:··· . ..:· ";.~ ~- •..: -~-. ·,.' ., < .-:.::.-<'.:-°:...:: -.:-;(·\:~:.>t>:.-\:\·:~~~::£--,i:.-~:;.~'.i5"';.~->-
- ITEJ(:

£=-Goverr.or Al•'Lndon of Kansaio, elder atatEs-ian of

the .'i.epublican Party, ~e-;· speeoh the other :lag whicJ. "1LL3t
have made Harry Tru.,i·:in blink in a..,.,aze.11er.t. Lan6;in de3cr10ed
rectnt victories in the cc;ld war '.l3 JllOnu::ent.Jl o::-.iieue:,;E~.-:-s that
c.:.n be attrib:.-ted to the policies first jJrlll.u.:/;J.iej by:;: -;.:::iar..


None. This i3 for your information,

F'r:Jay (.April 15, 1955), t:;;.-11-is~"ict o•.>
!,',; :r:t
C.J]:.1.::il;ta c'J-ir.:it"tEE On Votes for 1·~tele33 .la<:h.i·<.-ton wC:
=l;e a w1''i11e appea.1. They will release /ree·~ r. )al2 o ::· ,.
to the forty-eight sta~es asking ~hat the ~istri~T Qf
Col:·"ibia te given its 'Jre;dom.
CO..~:· rz1-;T:

:.'one. '.:his is for your in.formc.ti,r.,


J't's n0'-1 been three mv::th.s sin,;e 'th.£ .:.::.~ocr..>t. 0 ;,oo.o·

::or;,t:rol JJ_.. ;Jurigress but not; one .:.:.em.ocrat\c inve!. ::·gcti:;: ,J..
the Senate ~as amounted to anything or h~s even ~otte~ -~:e-~~~.

~/one • l'hi.s i3 for your information.

.:e co:;lri still be on th.: brink :;j wa:- on ::n12 ;j3.,;.;:-

we£ k-enc. Ee re are th.e very le test grout deue~ :J?:..ent2;
(1) £isenho:1:er appears to be wea~e.·; ing ''· the ~~·"~ :·y
and J.:c-ts11 issue. He is listening "1lore cl~s2ly tc
Se' retJry o/ Sta"te ;;ulle.s who i.:>antc to ~e ... .:c,d 'th.c. ;'.<a.1-1


.. 1nsi.Jnif1~ant islands. Ins;je the Nation=l Securtty :1, Dul 1es has urged thr>t we fir ..,, on Q'-"ec..oy
and J.:utsu but auoid a full-~oale Wllr iutth '2~c! Chir.:::..
~he ~Jint Chiefs of Steff doubt we can do : Jr;h. Eulles
' .. seenc to thiri.'; that, althouqh it may be necun;ary -=~·
" bom.r the Chinese 111ainland, tile Chinese wcuJi sit c-,:; talc"
it w~·.::'lout ge-;ti.."IJ ;,.to war. •

(2) -~d:nirol Carney, so recenr:ly rev::1;ed b'.J i'resid~nt;.hower for hi.s war tallr, '£11 m.alri.:'lg f.rdi.screet r"!;3
again. He is careful not to talk to :1eCJspa_:c~:-men ;.;u-t he
?rocts openly to hi.s aides that the Presi:i.ent nO!.:J a;;rees
with h~:n on a stand on Quemq,. anti '!r-':s:i.
(3) ~dcret 111ilitcry steps are being ~a~ •. 70 p~e:­
for _o:>osible action. Two m.are stra"':;gir: .Jo··c·cr u.- - .,
!wuc !;een ear;;wrked for -the Far East;. 'I''i.t> :::-:.;y '.; ~;c;
cc,rr,·!:r, 11!1id'.J)ay," is staying in Far Ec~~,r.~ ..;ate·-c;
and T.'.e iVa'tional .'Guard has su.ddenly ta'-;en c·c1e~ a11~ ;~
air:; rv:;f't here a1; home •

.! ;;ne. i:.~~3 i.!t for yot:.:-"' i..n.form:ition .

.• £is.;nhowcr has rejec'ted a secret .'iri~ i.:'i. pro.:::s-::.2 b~

which Engl::.nd, .A~strolia ::tnd New Zealand :.;c,:"1:-'. .':~;_,., us -:=~fe11C:.
.. ( For.,osa. if we in turn do not dej"ond Quer.;0y ar:~ :'arsu. _:.,c:-.:::..c, ··
reje='ted this olan because the Bri-tish also ~rc.osed a. ~;~bis:~~~
,: t on >or;nos:J to cete-rudne if Pormoccns reall!i •.van: c.:dc.r.; .::. i-S .. i.:
as ru.ler of the :sland. Secretari1 of p t e i.·u.llcs c;:.s .·u-iJ:.i.~ .:!·
t.he p~eb~s.:ite ~de~ beca.:.._se he kr:.JwY.n:c:r;; -:.;i-.;;.tiei-r u.r· ..-···~. ·-:~-.: ..:-::,
~--: cer-:~ inl.?I ]:;se trie elect1on. Dulles -ta..L~i...CJ i."".; cuer :vi·:·~ ~'.~n..,J. ~;:, 1
Knowland, '7.,liforr:i.a,'.J)hO saiJ he u.ould derot·-;::e : ..':.e Bri:_;n i..-.c:
on t;ll.e Senate floor if 'the ·Whi'te House a·:: ... a_o-tei "£t.

C OJ.!lfENT:

None. T~i.s is for 11ou:· info,.,,.a-.i-Jr,.


I'he tr"iC'.l of Hc.-i~f:-..>_:J.;n (;:."co~:er~c.', pu"::lli;.'ler

af the "Las Vegas Jun," because ·.c com:'IB'l~oi :.1 t1'e po~;i.bil!·;y
j that: Senat:or licfJ.arlh'.f mig.'1.t be c.~."lssir,a.,.",;./,,";".s on -.'~.:.-:es.:': 1
'. {Apr~l 13, 1955). It hc.p_::iens thr.:.t Ernes"; .:i"~'Vi]~OC..';, wr-:-ti.'lg
in 11Look. 1' :n.:;ga:zine, went 111uch furt;.' "!:.':J-. ,"-""' · · ,._21·"1 C·"'.J so.:::
, the.·e ts nrc;hin:;; wrong wit:h Senat: )r JicJa.rtn.y -;;:.-.-. c .5 .- 1age
'rif1.e woul'.l not cure. Attorney J.eneral Ero"!Jr.~:il is ;;;~n. 1 tc
prc3ecute J.'le man who conm.ented ;,,-. dangec- "to \10.:::;.rt;hy :.;.'.ile
iqnorinl a'lother who went much further. _>fai,be tt fa L·"'C:J.Us<
L:ro:.:'>el ~Jes~ vant to ta.ngl~ with Ei~.,-.ho:.:_e~'s veri ,.?o.i
fri: ~d, .A!i.":~cJllle:, publisher OJ "LooJr" ;;·a.1a.2ine.
Co:;._:.:.. ::i.·tT:
'. ~
,:one. :..nhis is j'or you.·· infonr.c"tio;;,

I'hc;.-r; t,':.f new .Aroiy Chir.· 9-1'S7-aff sc;~ci?e•]

RL ,c -:i· . '11 b.: L"eneral :.!axwey·::·aylor.

;-rJll: n.· ~ o~, Ati-thony 1·;.en as .f·;··! l!i. i:-vl·r ..

I:n.;_r.J.: - .j, ;. o!l r.o-0 :' a.'lb•" ->do :.,•;.~h S,;cr ~'.:>-~~ •
. ··-,.,"· w'il.: ~n.sist e;a deal'in; o."l a .-..::::-r.e~ 2=.:c:l :::: .
.r;.ia . . . r...1 JWt. - only.
i-t,1 "!i~.t United. St:ates ~'ow vtrn· 1:~ ...:.:.h :i::e; _ T...

u.ll'ies, i:.~-'' ;r;i:;.1 1.argely call "th..'· tune on .lr<oriccn :·c"- ".;:r.
pol·;cy ai"

~~at ~.urch'ill as a private citizen ~:Jl gc ~- ~·•-~~

~n endeavo·· to phve the wau for c Big ~~c:.:- .7;11j:::.·c..-.ce ~ ,,
w.',t.;'i he u·ill noi: _'.>residt· as Pri .. ~~· Jf'ini<-'!.:i' jut ·.. ·".~.I. i:'.·. ·· '·
aat;i3fa.c7·on of bringing it a.bout.

... j

:. one. iilis is j'or yo<.1 'infor.-:-;:ltion.

... r.:. ,I
...... .-, I; \ ...,,
, r- • t
. f I'
,., \


- 5 -

~~~£;,:,;;,: ~w~gt~'.i~~~,..~-~~:::;.:;; ".~~· }/

·· · ... ·- m .. -s~ · .- i ·1·
.s:.. ~~........_.. - - ____.;_ ·· · • - · ·w-1.:. ~-.-..-:r- ·-::.._\-- .:i- . • --· . -.. '.

.. ·····----·---- ---· ... . .. ----·-----

U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Washington, D. C. 20535

FEB. 6 1998

POS T OFFIC E nox 20 9 1

Request No. 429594

Re: Hemmingway, Ernest

Dear Mr. Weberman :

This i s in reference to your Freedom o f Informa t i o n Act

(FOIA) request .

Enclosed are 125 pages of documents pertaining to your

request and an exp lan a ti on of ·exemptions form .

You ma y submit an appe a l from any denial contained

herein by writing t o the Assistant Attorney Genera l, Off i ce of
Lega l Policy (Att enti on : Office of In formation and Privacy ,
United States Department of J u st ice, Flag Building , Suite 570 ,
Washington , D. C. 20530 , within thirty days from rece i pt of this
letter . The envelope and the l etter should be clearl y marked
"Freedom of Info rmat i on Appeal" or " Information Appeal . " Pl ease
c i te the FOIPA number assigned to your r eques t so t hat it may b e
easily identified.
S ince r ely yours,

J . Kevi n O'Brien,
Chi ef
Freedom of Information-
Privacy Acts Section
Off ice of Public and
Congressional Affairs

Enclosure s (2)
ff Pfftltl f)t{tff t/Jt. .

I? 1lfrJ VJ l 1)/1/1/
• •
. >·-:,..• ./
·~,· f . -

_! I• '

Ql.:E~Tl~ HE'!l.-·KOLDS
201 · ~:EAST 79TB STREET

~?':'\It- YORE 2.1, K. "'\-.

January 6, 1964

Dear Edgar:
tea.pot': but . . .
the enclosed
•commemorative stamp might by implication hurt Ernest's
reputation. ~d I kneo Hemingway very well anci we
both kneo ~non-political guy. He owned a. house
in Cuba, and like most Americans in residence there he
hated Battista, and like million~, welcomed &nyone vho
uld t the dictator. He didn't lmo"1 Castro vell;
he met Castro a.t a fi:!!hing party and ta.lked to
r ive minutes - period. He never met him again.

. '

..~ 1 Mtae97I, UH

,,~ C4

- '11wlk fOG ror 1ov latv ol zm..., Ith,
with .eloau.. I eaa certa!aly aduethd Kuy
Hemlnpay'Ja t!Ql)Cent u well u rwr owa. To11 ma1 be


Cuta!A Wa ·.W be made a matter of ctnclal r9COl'd.

I wW sl•t ClJde fOV me~e ud I boW

It will Cheu hlm to lean JOU WUe U,IPklQI of 11.1.m.

la aceordaAce with J011r request Uw

JOll. . . . la MUti retvDed.

- 2 -

I•m sorry about Clyde. Please give him my best when you
se: him next. And thanks so much for reading this dreary note
aD~~t somettinc that I'm s ure won't amount to much.

Very sinc:-crely,
·11!!•9 .,,_ ~~~ -·· •;i, :·
.. • . -,"L;· .:..,-.-~~~ ~~

r• -·
?-'.Ll'. J. Edgar Hoover •" -
Director Quent (Hevnolds)
·;:... ~
Washington, D. C.

envelope, could yo~ please

has a large file of
~his might belong there,









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