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What if America cannot muster support from other nations to go to West

Africa and fight Ebola? What if America’s effort fails after members of the
military contract the disease and others refuse orders to deploy and are
court-martialed. What if the number of cases in Africa keeps increasing
exponentially to point where there is one hospital bed for every 1000
patients? Anyone with money would go to the US Embassy, get visa and
come the United States, just to escape with their lives. They would seek
refuge in other countries. Of course they would lie on the questionnaire
when they left then pop Advil when they arrived in the US. America’s
isolation units would be filled with them so when the disease starts to
spread in the US there would be no room for American citizens. There are
very few isolation rooms in the United States that is why tents are used.
Hospital resources would be exhausted tracing everyone down who came
into contact with someone who was infectious. If one of them came down
with the disease they would have to check their friends. If Ebola was
widespread a secondary danger would arise. What if an EBOLA MARY
came into being due to the difference in people’s immune systems? Some
ordinary woman who could carry the disease and spread it without showing
its symptoms? This would not require the virus to mutate it would just have
to find the right immune system to infect. So
theoretically speaking Ebola Mary is on the loose in
New York City and whatever this angel of death
touches become a vector for the virus. Ebola Mary, like
so many others, takes the subway to work. The
headlines read Rider Contracts Ebola from leaving
Subway via Turnstile. Rider in front of him who rotated
turnstile sought. What would happen to New York City?
It would shut down until Ebola Mary was located.

But what if Ebola Mary were not located? Not every subway exit has a
camera. What if more people got Ebola from riding the subway? New York
City would grind to a halt. Traffic would so bad that no one could escape
the gridlock. Incomes would stop. Schools would close. Everyone would he
barricaded in their homes or leave for their summer homes in the
Hamptons. Farrakhan would convince the blacks that this was a plan to
depopulate America and that the Jews and Doctors Without Borders was
behind the pandemic. There would be race riots. The disease would begin
to spread all across America. Hundreds of thousands were afflicted.

This would require a decoration of national emergency by the President or

the leader of a military junta that took over America to save it from itself.
Worst case scenario, prophesy of doom?

Far fetched, well dig it. Ebola infections with no symptoms are possible.
What if there was more than one Ebola Mary. The Ebola Zombie scenario
might not be far off. There would only be one answer. The army would
have to track down everyone with the disease and incinerate them with
flamethrowers. This might not go over so big with the civil libertarians but
survival is the first law of nature. The disease is spreading:

A 5-year-old boy who just returned from West Africa was transported to
Bellevue Hospital with possible Ebola symptoms. The child was vomiting
and had a 103-degree fever when he was carried from his Bronx home by
EMS workers wearing hazmat suits, neighbors said. “He looked weak,” said
a neighbor. “He was really, really out of it.” The boy returned with his family
from Guinea Saturday night and five members of the family were being
quarantined inside their apartment.

Obama who identifies more with being black than white wants people
coming from this country to self quarantine, Christie and Cuomo, two
Italians want a forced quarantine. The policies change by the minute with
the increasing number of the infected. I find it interesting that Obama
appointed a Jew as Ebola Czar, a guy with no medical background. People
were wondering why? So that the Jews will get the blame if Ebola gets out
of control, which it will because it is become a political issue not a public
safety one.

On the one hand you have DeBlassio, who wife and children are black
blasting Cuomo for acting and preempting Obama. But if you look at the
DeBlassio administration you find black racism which could manifest itself
in a desire to see Whites and Jews get Ebola. Some African Americans
were happy to see NYPD attacked by an ax wielding Islamist Blackman.
Most were not. I came across one who was on Twitter:

Then there is “Deputy Mayor” Al “the snitch” Sharpton who made a career
out of going after White cops some guilty some innocent and worked off a
beef with the feds by squeaking. Sharpton is married to a woman 30 years
his younger and is a sex fiend like his buddy Sanford Rubenstein. Then
there is the Public Advocate. She called Mayor Bloomberg a plantation
owner. That means get whitey back for slavery. She also said she was a
heartbeat away from becoming Mayor if anything happened to DeBlassio.
She was encouraging his assassination so black racists can make the
Jews and Whites long for David Dinkins.
The Crack connection. DeBlassio’s daughter
who he used as a campaign prop, claimed she
had a problem with alcohol and reefer when
she was in college. I personally think it was
crack. Then there is the case of the Chief of
Staff for the Mayor’s black wife. Her boyfriend
hates whites and cops and has a long criminal
record. The photo shows her with a convicted
crack dealer as the standard of morality
plummets to the level it was in City Hall when OC controlled NYC in the
1950’s. There were people with connections to White drug importers in City
Hall and in the City Council at the time.

How we react to this virus has become a civil liberties issue. Do we die or
undergo a terrible disease to satisfy the god of PC? Norman Siegel, who
helped spread the disease of Nazism while in the NYCLU has jumped in
representing the nurse who balked at being quarantined after returning
home from Ebolaville. She would rather spread disease than endure a
three week sentence. If she wants to be part of Doctors Without Borders
and serve humanity that is a noble purpose in life, but don’t drag anyone
into against their will. Ebola is not a pretty disease. Bodily liquids pour from
your body like a fucking fountain. Dogs can get it. Don’t believe the AIDS
analogies. You can touch an AIDS person and then touch your eyes and
not get AIDS but don’t do that with an Ebolaoid.

It is all a question of the number of cases in

the United States. We are Obama’s human
guinea pigs. When a hundred of us die the
experiment will be over and a travel ban
instituted. Some Black legislators want to
wait till it becomes more widespread. Texas
Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee told The
Hill, “I don’t think we gain anything by
spending our time talking about quarantines [of entire countries]. We don’t
have an epidemic, and for that reason I don’t think that calling for a
quarantine of countries answers the question. We have to turn internally
and look at our own selves and make sure our health infrastructure is
where it needs to be.” So don’t try to nip it in the bud. The Black leadership
doesn’t want it I don’t know about their constituents.

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