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Experiment #1

Introduction to the lab layout and introduction and precaution of safety rules.

A layout essentially refers to the arranging & grouping of machines which are meant to produce

Types of Layout:
1. Process layout
2. Product layout
3. Fixed position layout
4. Combination layout

Process Layout:
It involves grouping together like machines in one department based upon their operational
Machines performing drilling operations are installed in the drilling dept, machines performing
casting operations are grouped in casting dept, and so on.

Fig: 1.1 (Process Layout)

Advantages of Process Layout:

1. Greater flexibility in the production.
2. Better & more efficient supervision is possible through specialization.
3. This type of layout results in better utilization of men & machines.
Disadvantages of Process Layout:
1. There is difficulty in the in movement of materials.
2. This type of layout requires more floor space.
3. There is difficulty in production control.
Product Layout:
It involves the arrangements of machines in one line, depending upon sequence of operations. In
product layout, if there is a more than one line of production, there are as many lines of machines.
The investment on straight line layout is higher than in the functional layout. The product layout
is followed in plants manufacturing standardized products on a mass scale such as chemical, paper,
sugar, rubber, refineries & cement industries.
Materials may be fed where they are required for assembly, but not necessarily all at one point.

Fig: 1.2 (Product Layout)

Advantages of Product Layout:

1.This type of layout avoids production bottlenecks.
2.There is economy in manufacturing time.
3.The layout facilitates better production control.
4.It requires less floor area per unit of production.

Disadvantages of Product Layout:

1.Product layout is known for its inflexibility.
2.This type of layout is also expensive.
3.There is difficulty of supervision.
4.Expansion is also difficult
Fixed Layout:
Fixed position layout involves the movement of men & machines to the product which remains
stationary. In this type of layout, the materials or major components remains in a fixed location, &
tools, machinery & men as well as other pieces of material are brought to this location.

Fig: 1.3 (Fixed Layout)

Advantages of Fixed layout:

1. Men & machines can be used for a wide varity of operations producing different types of
2. The investment on layout is very small
3. The worker identifies himself with the products & takes pride in it when the work is
4. The high cost of & difficulty in transporting a bulky product is avoided.

Combined Layout:
A combination of process & product layout is known as combined layout.

Fig: 1.4 (Combined Layout)

General Laboratory Safe Rules:
1. Read carefully and remember the safety rules of the laboratory.
2. No eating and drinking is allowed in the Laboratory area.
3. Use of mobile phone while in the lab is prohibited switching off of the phone is
4. Always keep the Entry and Exit of the lab unlocked and clear whole working in the lab.
5. Laboratory Dress Code:
a. Wear Safety goggles when using grinders or any kind of cutting or grinding
b. Always wear safety gloves when operating machines.
c. Wear Safety Shoes When operating machinery and heavy materials
d. Long hairs and loose clothes must always be tied or constrained in the lab
6. When leaving the Laboratory:
a. Always put back the equipment on their designated places.
b. I Do Not leave any loose item on a switched on machine.
c. If leaving the laboratory unattended always switch off all ignition points (fuel
supply. water supply of machines) and power supplies.
7. Rules for the work area:
a. Keep your work place clean, only keep the relative material at hand irrelevant
materials books, purses must be kept far from workplace.
b. Student must dispose of the used material with proper care.
8. Equipment Usage:
a. Do not use damaged wires of cords with exposed wiring, and avoid using wet
hands and clothes.
b. Do not use machinery without the permission of trainer or when you are alone in
the laboratory.
c. Never put your hands inside a running machine pointing too close from the
machine can be harmful.
d. Do riot use any machinery without guards in place.
e. In case of machine failure or malfunction press the emergency stop button, report
back to the lab in charge .Never try to fix the problem yourself.
Laboratory Safe Rules:
1. Wear helmet.
2. Use goggles.
3. Mask protects.
4. Wear gloves.
5. Use hard toe shoes.
6. Wear coat.
7. Use Ear pluges.
8. Avoid slip.
9. No running.
10. Use good cord.

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