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Student 2

3 February, 2019

Google Search Results

When I first searched for just my name, the first result that came up was my LinkedIn.

Everything else that came up was for others Student’s name. When I clicked on Images, the third

result was my LinkedIn profile picture. When I clicked on News, the first result was the -

name of a local newspaper- list of students in the area who were on the Dean’s List. There was

also a link to a local newspaper article about my high school graduation.

I then tried searching, “Student’s name and home town,” and found different White Pages

suggestions, and information about my dad on When I went into, I

found my profile, but the only information they had about me was my name, birthday, and town.

I also found a link to an article from the (local newspaper) about my lacrosse team. My brother’s

track results also came up.

When I searched “Student’s name and Stonehill,” I found a link to the fun fund

committee website, and a link to my Relay for Life team. I also found a link to an article that

listed all of the awards that people in my grade received our junior year, and my mom’s


When I searched “Student’s name,” I found links to many different Student’s name

Facebooks and Pinterests. I then searched “Student’s name and home town” and an article about

a scholarship I received came up. It was interesting to see how adding different things into the

search created different results, and seeing how far back there were things on the internet about


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