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UNIT GC3 – THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template


Student number_________________________________

Location_______________________________________ Date of review / /

Structure report under the following headings:

Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place

Safety Inspection was done in Engro Polymers PVC Process site on April 25,2019 at around 1000 hrs
in morning. Purpose of inspection was to identfy hazards arising from different activities in area & to
suggest immediate & long term control measures . The site was established in 1997 & had total area
of 17000 sq.m. Recently, site is undergoing an expansion process by addition of a polymerizer for its
capacity enhancement to almost 50% of its current capacity. Key equipments on site are Polymerizer,
tanks, cyclone seperater & scrubber, compressor & Boiler.Key subtances on site were Vinyl chloride
monomer ( VCM) ,Poly Vinyl chloride (PVC), Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) & Sulfuric Acid (H 2SO4).Major
activites at site were production of PVC from VCM & construction activities for installation of
polymerizer in area.Total Number of workers in area were 55 which reduces to 35-40 workers at night.
Process Areas. Site is operational 24 hours a day with total 03 x shifts in place. Process area is
shaded with mezanine at height of around 10m with access/exit stairs from all four sides to assembly
point in case of emergency During inspection, a safety drill was executed in Area which was also
observed & illustarted in this report.

Executive Summary

Main findings of the inspection


Recommendations – include as a table in the following format:

Recommendation Likely resource implications Priority Target date


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