Sun-2014-Language Disorders Are Learning Disab

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Top Lang Disorders

Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 25–38

Copyright c 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Language Disorders Are

Learning Disabilities
Challenges on the Divergent and
Diverse Paths to Language Learning
Lei Sun and Geraldine P. Wallach
This article takes readers along the pathway of language learning and disorders across childhood
and adolescence, highlighting the complex relationship between early (preschool) language dis-
orders and later (school age) learning disabilities. The discussion starts with a review of diagnostic
labels widely used in schools and other professional settings. The sometimes confusing interpreta-
tions of labels such as specific language impairment and specific learning disabilities are discussed.
We outline key relations that exist among language proficiency, language disorders, and school
success and emphasize the centrality of language in literacy and academic success within a con-
ceptual framework that addresses both inherent factors (e.g., abilities the language a child “comes
with” to school including one’s foundational literacy levels) and external factors (e.g., classroom
dynamics, textbook language). We argue that mismatches between these factors come together in
a manner that is best captured by the term, language learning disability. We end with a summary
of key points that encourage professionals to reevaluate and challenge the traditional view that
children and adolescents with language disorders are a separate and distinct population from those
with learning disabilities. Key words: continuum of changing demands, diagnostic labels, in-
tervention directions, learning disabilities, language disorders, language disorders’ outcomes,
language learning disabilities, specific language impairment, specific learning disabilities

I N THIS ARTICLE, we ask readers to con-

sider the complex nature of early language
disorders, their overlap and continuity with
A language learning disability (LLD) scenario: A
parent of a child who has been receiving services
at a speech–language–hearing center for a number
learning disabilities, and the changing diag- of years has been pleased with her child’s language
nostic labels that may accompany children development. Tim (a pseudonym) began his inter-
vention journey in this particular clinic at about
with language and learning disabilities across
2.5 years old as a child with delayed language. Tim
time. The following scenario sets the tone. had difficulties with both language comprehension
and expression in all areas of content, form, and
use, as well as attention issues, but he also demon-
Author Affiliations: Department of
Communicative Disorders, California State strated many age-appropriate abilities, including
University, Long Beach. motor development and cognitive-communicative
The authors thank Dr. Joel Stark, the “Father” of LLD, skills (e.g., playing appropriately and using non-
for his inspiration and support and for suggesting the verbal communication to make his needs known).
title for this article. Thus, Tim received a diagnosis in the clinic as hav-
The authors have indicated that they have no financial ing specific language impairment (SLI). When Tim
and no nonfinancial relationships to disclose. entered school, he was tested by his school-based
Corresponding Author: Geraldine P. Wallach, PhD, speech–language pathologist (SLP) and met eligi-
CCC-SLP, Department of Communicative Disorders,
bility requirements for services as a child with a
California State University, Long Beach, CSULB 1250
Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840 (geraldine speech or language impairment (S-LI). By second grade, Tim was speaking in complete sentences
DOI: 10.1097/TLD.0000000000000005 and understanding most everyday language, but


Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

he was struggling to meet academic standards, As the title of this article and Tim’s case
including basic skills for reading and writing, example suggest, children and adolescents
comprehending instructional language, and using facing language challenges may be identi-
expressive discourse to express his ideas orally and fied with different diagnostic and service de-
in writing. At one point, Tim’s mother said that livery labels at different points across their
because of his academic difficulties and problems
preschool years through high school and into
with reading and writing, she and Tim’s teacher
were concerned that he might have a specific learn-
adulthood. It is our purpose in this article
ing disability (SLD). She asked: “Is it true that to untangle misconceptions about the paral-
Tim has another problem on top of his language lel and divergent pathways that children with
problem?” language disorders may take through their de-
velopmental years, sometimes shifting diag-
The question asked by Tim’s mother in noses as they encounter new language and
this scenario speaks to the confusion about literacy learning challenges.
the relationships between preschool language We organize our arguments by presenting
disorders (often called SLI by clinical pro- three theses about the relationships between
fessionals and researchers) and eligibility la- language impairment and learning disabilities.
bels associated with school service delivery First, the use of different labels by different
(i.e., S-LI and SLD). Not only are parents un- professionals in different contexts should not
clear about these relationships but profession- obscure the commonalities among children
als are too. This may be one reason SLPs with language disorders, no matter what they
do not do a better job of preparing parents are called. Second, children with a diagnosis
and students to navigate the sometimes un- of SLI in the preschool years tend to have
clear path taken among different diagnoses continued problems with language learning
and service delivery models for children who throughout their school years and beyond, al-
demonstrate language difficulties from their though their language disorders, as well as
preschool through their school-age years. those of children newly identified as having
The aforementioned scenario harkens to SLD, take on different forms as a consequence
the classic question asked by Bashir, Kuban, of new contexts and learning tasks. Third, lan-
Kleinman, and Scavuzzo (1984): “Are we guage is the embedded curriculum of school,
speaking about a group of children, who by not only in the form of what is called “lan-
virtue of learning context, are called by dif- guage arts” but also within all other parts of
ferent names, but who in reality evidence a the curriculum. The implication of this is that
continuum of deficits in language learning?” intervention choices should be based on stu-
(p. 99). This, indeed, was our answer to Tim’s dents’ ongoing language learning and literacy
mother’s question. It was not a new disor- problems within curricular contexts, regard-
der, we told her, but a different manifestation less of their diagnostic labels. We end the ar-
of Tim’s ongoing language disorder. The new ticle with summary points for consideration
problems arose as he faced new challenges be- and a look toward future research.
cause the language demands of the academic
curriculum grow across grade levels, and this
might happen again as Tim continued through DEFINITIONS AND DECISIONS: AN
school. Tim’s two SLPs, one in the clinic and INTRODUCTORY ROADMAP
the other in his school, needed to collaborate
with each other and with his parents, teach- Our first thesis is that when profession-
ers, and other specialists to co-construct a uni- als apply different labels in different con-
fied picture of Tim’s strengths and needs that texts, commonalities among language disor-
could inform treatment plans and help Tim ders are obscured. Identifying similarities re-
gain new skills to meet curriculum standards quires merely looking at definitions across
within new contexts. sources.

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Language Disorders Are Learning Disabilities 27

Under IDEA (2004), language disorders Definitions of SLI, in contrast, come from
fall under the broad category of speech or the research literature. Leonard (1991) ob-
language impairment (abbreviated S-LI in served that such definitions depend on sig-
this article), which is defined as a “com- nificant and specific deficits in language, but
munication disorder, such as stuttering, im- their identification is based primarily on ex-
paired articulation, a language impairment, or clusion. He wrote, “Although these children
a voice impairment, that adversely affects a exhibit significant deficits in language ability,
child’s educational performance” (34 C.F.R. they show no evidence of frank neurological
§ 300.8(c)(11)). To provide services on the damage, their hearing is within normal limits,
basis of language impairment, school-based and they perform at age level on nonverbal
SLPs must find a child eligible for services as tests of intelligence” (p. 66). Specific language
S-LI. The federal regulations, however, offer impairment is generally identified first when
no eligibility criteria for diagnosing language children struggle to acquire oral language abil-
impairment and no further definition of lan- ities in their preschool years.
guage impairment; rather, criteria are estab- Specific learning disability may be identi-
lished through state and local guidelines, in- fied for the first time when children struggle
troducing additional sources of variation. An- to acquire written language in their school-
other complexity is that it is impossible to dif- age years, but it could be identified earlier. As
ferentiate children receiving services under defined in IDEA (2004), SLD
IDEA who qualify on the basis of speech im- means a disorder in one or more of the basic psy-
pairment from those who qualify on the basis chological processes involved in understanding or
of language impairment. Thus, official propor- in using language, spoken or written, that may
tions are difficult to identify. manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen,
We note that the federal definition of S-LI think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathe-
does not indicate whether language disorders matical calculations, including conditions such as
are specific to oral or written language. Lan- perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain
guage is language, whether it is spoken or dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia.
(34 C.F.R. § 300.8(c)(10.i))
written. This is consistent with the definition
of language disorder by the American Speech- We note that this definition is not specific
Language-Hearing Association (ASHA, 1993), to written language difficulties, nor is it con-
which states: fined to any particular point in time. Section
A language disorder is impaired comprehension 300.308(a)(3) indicates, “For a child of less
and/or use of spoken, written and/or other sym- than school age,” the evaluation team for iden-
bol systems. The disorder may involve (1) the form tifying SLI must include “an individual quali-
of language (phonology, morphology, syntax), (2) fied by the SEA [state education agency] to
the content of language (semantics), and/or (3) the teach a child of his or her age; and (b) at least
function of language in communication (pragmat- one person qualified to conduct individual di-
ics) in any combination. agnostic examinations of children, such as a
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of school psychologist, speech–language pathol-
Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Asso- ogist, or remedial reading teacher.”
ciation, 2013) uses similar terminology, defin- The “specific” aspect of SLD is also defined
ing language disorder as: by exclusion in the federal regulations, which
indicate that “specific learning disability does
Persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of
not include learning problems that are pri-
language across modalities (i.e., spoken, written,
sign language, or other) due to deficits in compre- marily the result of visual, hearing, or mo-
hension or production that include the following: tor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emo-
(1) reduced vocabulary . . . (2) limited sentence tional disturbance, or of environmental, cul-
structure . . . (3) impairments in discourse. (315.39 tural, or economic disadvantage” (34 C.F.R.
(F80.9)) § 300.8(c)(10.ii)). Under former versions of

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

IDEA, discrepancy formulas between IQ and In its frequently quoted definition, the
achievement were used as part of the exclu- National Joint Committee on Learning Dis-
sion criterion to identify children with learn- abilities (NJCLD, 1990) emphasized the het-
ing disability, but the reauthorization of IDEA erogeneity of learning disability, as well as
(2004) indicated that a state, in adopting cri- the involvement of language across both spo-
teria for determining whether a child has SLD, ken and written modalities. The essence of
the definition is that “learning disabilities is a
(1) must not require the use of a severe discrep-
ancy between intellectual ability and achievement
general term that refers to a heterogeneous
for determining whether a child has a specific group of disorders manifested by significant
learning disability, as defined in § 300.8(c)(10); (2) difficulties in the acquisition and use of lis-
must permit the use of a process based on the tening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning,
child’s response to scientific, research-based inter- or mathematical skills” (ASHA, 1998; NJCLD,
vention; and (3) may permit the use of other alter- 1990).
native research-based procedures for determining Adding to the confusion are terms intro-
whether a child has a specific learning disability, as duced both in the research literature and in
defined in § 300.8(c)(10). nonschool clinical settings to describe vari-
This policy was changed because of the ations on language and learning disabilities.
lack of evidence that a discrepancy formula The term dyslexia, for example, appears in
is appropriate for identifying learning disabil- the federal definition of SLD, with variations
ities (e.g., Christensen, 1992; Fletcher, Lyon, of this term including specific reading dis-
Fuchs, & Barnes, 2007). Similarly, a discrep- order or reading disorder. Important ques-
ancy formula should not be used to iden- tions about the relationships between SLI
tify SLI. Addressing the question, “Who shall and dyslexia have been addressed in the re-
be called language disordered?” Lahey (1990) search literature (e.g., Bishop & Snowling,
emphasized the artificiality of mental and lan- 2004; Catts, Adlof, Hogan, & Elllis Weismer,
guage age numbers and the importance of 2005), which suggests that there are some
keeping the bigger picture in mind, including distinctions between the groups. Individual
the functionality of the tests used to identify children and adolescents are complex beings,
language disorders. She also expressed con- however, and clinicians must consider the
cerns about assessing language outside of the broad range of language issues that may con-
contexts in which children must live, a no- tribute to the language literacy problems any
tion just as relevant today. In an early pre- one child or adolescent may face in school.
sentation, Lahey (1980) described “learning How can these complex issues be resolved?
disabilities” as one of those intricate puzzles Even a cursory consideration of these various
with hundreds of pieces that was missing the definitions shows their similarity and, in many
box’s cover that provided an intact picture aspects, their complete overlap. By definition,
of the puzzle. She went on to reflect on the a disorder of spoken or written language is a
sometimes circularity of reasoning involved in learning disability. The converse also is true—
using labels such as “learning disabled,” espe- that is, a learning disability is a language dis-
cially when they play out like this: order. The one exception is the child who
might be identified as having learning disabil-
Question: Why are these children with normal in- ity based only on impairment of the ability to
telligence having difficulty learning to read? “do mathematical calculations,” but even in
Answer: Because they are “learning disabled.” this case, language may be implicated (Patkin,
2011). Acknowledging this overlap, the term
Question: How do you know that? language learning disability (LLD) was used
Answer: Because they have normal intelligence and by the ASHA Committee on Language Learn-
they are having difficulty learning to read? (Lahey, ing Disabilities (1982) in an article describing
1980, as cited in Wallach & Butler, 1994, p. 19). the role of the SLP in learning disabilities. The

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Language Disorders Are Learning Disabilities 29

inaugural issue of Topics in Language Dis- tification, word attack, calculation), even after
orders (see Butler & Wallach, 1980; Stark & controlling for intelligence.
Wallach, 1980) and subsequent issues (e.g., Making the implicit connection between
Wallach, 2005) have addressed the complex- early language disorders and later academic
ity of issues surrounding terminology, in- difficulties more explicit, Young et al. (2002)
cluding use of the term language learning found that children with a diagnosis of lan-
disability. Although LLD is not part of any guage impairment in the preschool period
official diagnosis, it applies to children and were more likely to have academic difficul-
adolescents who could fit either diagnostic la- ties severe enough to be classified as learning
bel (SLI or SLD) and to whom different labels disability than their non–language-impaired
might apply across their childhood and ado- peers. They noted that LD was determined if
lescence. It has been used in the literature achievement in a particular academic area was
to comprise both SLI and SLD, and we sug- below the 25th percentile according to the
gest that it might be helpful in avoiding false test norms in their study. Indeed, the chronic
dichotomies that obscure the language base and long-term effects of early language dis-
common to both. orders suggest that SLI and SLD may be in-
distinguishable in many children. Not all chil-
dren who start out with SLI, however, qual-
CHANGES IN SLI AND SLD ACROSS TIME ify for SLD services in their school-age years.
AND CONTEXTS: TURNS AND BUMPS IN Young et al. posited that many factors can
THE ROAD influence this pathway, including the nature
of children’s early language disorders, the im-
Longitudinal research supports the contin- pact and focus of preschool intervention, and
uing challenges facing children with early home literacy practices, among other factors.
language disorders, as well as overlaps be- Other studies have shown that children
tween those who begin with SLI, some- with SLI, such as Tim, who was introduced at
times called language impairment, without the beginning of this article, have a higher risk
the “specific”, and those who later are identi- of having later learning difficulties (e.g., Catts,
fied with SLD, sometimes called learning dis- Bridges, Little, & Tomblin, 2008; Catts, Fey,
ability, without the “specific” (e.g., Bishop, Zhang, & Tomblin, 1999; Grizzle & Simms,
2003, 2009; McArthur, Hogben, Edwards, 2009; Scott, 2011). These later learning diffi-
Heath, & Mengler, 2000). Stothard, Snowling, culties may take the form of problems acquir-
Bishop, Chipchase, and Kaplan (1998) found ing higher levels of spoken language compre-
that children with a diagnosis of language hension and expression (e.g., Nippold, 2007;
impairment at young ages (kindergarten or Scott & Balthazar, 2010; Suddarth, Plante, &
younger) continued to experience language Vance, 2012; Ward-Lonergan & Duthie, 2012),
and academic difficulties as adolescents even as well as with reading and writing (Catts
if their language difficulties seemed to have re- & Kamhi, 2005; Poe, Burchinal, & Roberts,
solved early. Tomblin, Zang, Buckwalter, and 2004).
O’Brien (2003) found that 60% of the chil- Acquiring literacy involves more than sim-
dren with language disorders they identified at ply developing phonological and phonemic
kindergarten in their epidemiological sample awareness, phonics, decoding skills, and read-
continued to show persistent language impair- ing fluency (Justice, 2006; Justice & Ezell,
ments through fourth grade. Similarly, Young 2002; Snowling & Hayiou-Thomas, 2006).
et al. (2002) found that children with a diag- Catts, Compton, Tomblin, and Bridges (2012)
nosis of language impairment at the age of 5 noted that late-emerging poor readers (i.e.,
years continued to lag behind at the age of 19 students who start to show reading problems
years in all domains of academic achievement around fourth grade but who had adequate
(spelling, reading comprehension, word iden- reading achievement in early school years)

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

may have had unidentified deficits in language the majority of students continue to strug-
and/or other cognitive abilities at younger gle with reading comprehension that inter-
ages. acts with their ongoing spoken language
A number of studies have shown that problems (e.g., Catts, 2009; Keenan, 2014;
phonological difficulties place children at risk Troia, 2014). School-age students with SLI fre-
of deficient reading decoding, but more com- quently demonstrate limited and less evolved
prehensive language impairments contribute vocabulary repertoires, difficulties with com-
to poor reading comprehension (Nation, plex syntactic structures (including compre-
Clarke, Marshall, & Durand, 2004; Snowling hension of such structures), and problems
& Hayiou-Thomas, 2006). Comprehensive lan- producing and understanding connected dis-
guage impairments also may contribute to dif- course (Catts & Kamhi, 2005; Ehren, 2009;
ficulty understanding the discipline-specific Ehren et al., 2012; Eisenberg, 2013; Scott
language of social studies, science, mathemat- & Balthazar, 2010; Scott & Windsor; 2000).
ical story problems, and other academic sub- These spoken language difficulties follow chil-
jects (Ehren, Murza, & Malani, 2012; Faggella- dren throughout their school years and con-
Luby, Sampson Graner, Deshler, & Valentino tribute to their difficulties in performing the
Drew, 2012). Thus, one of the many chal- more advanced linguistic tasks of school, such
lenges facing school-based SLPs and other spe- as reading and writing curricular content, and
cialists is to recognize some of the literacy- following and attending to complicated in-
learning patterns and gaps that occur before structional language that may appear in spo-
children arrive at school, as well as to evalu- ken and/or written form (Catts et al., 2012).
ate the language knowledge, skills, and strate- Many children with early language dis-
gies that underlie literacy learning across the orders fail to “outgrow” these difficulties
grades (Ehren, 2009, 2013). or catch up with their typically developing
Children with SLI may come to the task of peers. The idea of “catching up” is consis-
learning to read with a broad range of spo- tent with “illusory recovery,” described by
ken language deficits. Some of these deficits Scarborough and Dobrich (1990) as a time
include those related to gaps in language period when the students with early language
content, form, or use; difficulties with met- disorders seem to catch up with their typi-
alinguistic awareness; and problems organiz- cally developing peers. This is a time when
ing and analyzing information effectively and they undergo a “spurt” in language learning
efficiently (Catts, Fey, Zhang, & Tomblin, that includes developing conversational skills
2001; Catts & Kamhi, 1999; Olivier, Hecker, and basic syntactic ability (Scarborough,
Klucken, & Westby, 2000). Children with a 2001). What follows the spurt, however, is a
history of SLI are at risk for reading disabilities postspurt plateau. This developmental reality
because of the interactions among impaired points to the importance of considering
early spoken language skills and the increas- underlying deficits that may be masked by
ing linguistic demands required by the written early oral language development and the
texts they encounter (e.g., Leland, Ociepka, & consequence of failure to evaluate a child’s
Kuonen, 2012; Shanahan & Shanahan, 2012; language abilities in all modalities, including
Snowling, Bishop, & Stothard, 2000). preliteracy, literacy, and metalinguistic
Ehren, Hatch, and Ukrainetz (2012) noted skills. Similar to some children with SLI,
that literacy in the later elementary years children with SLD may not show academic
involves more than a “read-to-learn” transi- or language-related learning difficulties until
tion; rather, middle schoolers and adolescents linguistic and cognitive demands of the task
must continue to “learn to read” higher level increase and exceed their limited abilities
texts. Although some students with SLI de- (Wong, Graham, Hoskyn, & Berman, 2008).
velop adequate decoding and word recog- As this account suggests, the path from
nition skills as part of foundational literacy, preschool and early language learning to

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Language Disorders Are Learning Disabilities 31

classroom and curricular expectations and re- condition (among other concepts); and multi-
quirements is filled with several unexpected clause sentences.
turns and detours. Failure to account for the Following these themes, Nippold (2007)
language correlates of reading, writing, and discussed the importance of using literate
academic success may mean missing the un- language forms as students move along the
derlying core of students’ difficulties. continuum from oral and contextualized
language to literate and decontextualized lan-
guage. Typically developing peers with strong
foundations in language continue to expand
their vocabulary, increase their sophisticated
use and understanding of complex sentence
structures, begin to enjoy nonliteral meaning
Halliday (2004) referred to language skills as
of the text, and extend their background
the embedded curriculum of learning, noting
information through general instruction and
that “language . . . is learning how to mean”
independent reading. In contrast, students
(p. 12; also see Olivier et al., 2000). McKeown,
with language learning and academic difficul-
Beck, and Blake (2009) addressed the impor-
ties struggle with school texts (e.g., Nippold
tance of macrostructural knowledge (i.e., the
& Scott, 2009). Helping students to appre-
organization of content-area texts) and its im-
ciate the relationships signaled by “between
pact upon comprehension, especially when
words” connectors (i.e., connecting words
a topic is new or unfamiliar to a reader (see
within sentences) and “beyond words” con-
Wallach, Charlton, & Bartholomew, 2014, for
nectors (i.e., words that connect ideas across
a summary of this research).
sentence boundaries), to facilitate reading
comprehension and production (often in
Problems when language abilities do not written form), is critical for school success
equal expectations of text regardless of students’ diagnostic labels (Scott
Studies of children with SLD and SLI & Balthazar, 2010; Venable, 2003). According
have demonstrated similar effects of complex to Nippold (2007), some of the later linguis-
texts. Cawthon, Kay, Lockhart, and Beretvas tic forms that students must comprehend
(2012) observed the impact of language upon include advanced adverbial conjuncts (e.g.,
learning in their study of students with a di- moreover, in contrast), adverbs of likelihood
agnosis of SLD. They noted that the linguistic and magnitude (e.g., possibly, extremely),
complexity of both reading and mathematics technical terms related to curricular content
testing items interfered with students’ abil- (e.g., bacteria, protein), metalinguistic and
ity to demonstrate knowledge. For example, metacognitive verbs (e.g., imply, hypothesis),
sentences with multiple relative clauses and words with multiple meanings (e.g., strike,
passive voice structures, along with subject- short), and words with multiple grammatical
specific vocabulary, created significant bar- functions (e.g., hard, sweet).
riers for their students with academic prob- The cumulative deficits that students with
lems. Scott and Balthazar (2010) identified LLD experience may be explained by a vari-
similar challenges in comprehending and pro- ety of underlying issues; for example, insuf-
ducing what they called “the grammar of in- ficient ability to derive the meaning of new
formation” in their sample of children with words through phonological and morpholog-
SLI. This grammar of content-area subjects ical analyses, immature grammatical knowl-
includes comprehending and using complex edge and skill, weak background knowledge,
syntactic and lexical units that take the form and limited metacognitive skill make reading
of informationally dense sentences with mul- higher level text a daunting one (Catts, 2009;
tiple nouns, verbs, and adjectives; adverbial Ehren, 2009; Ehren et al., 2012; Faggella-Luby
conjunctions that represent time, place, and et al., 2012; Olivier et al., 2000; Shanahan

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

& Shanahan, 2012; Wallach, 2008; Wallach, higher levels of both spoken and written diffi-
Charlton, & Christie, 2010). culties as students with LLD advance through
Because the academic curriculum is the grades (Scarborough, 2005, 2009). Many
transmitted through language, understand- of the ongoing changes in language disorders
ing content-specific language is critical to across time are also reflected in problems with
learning. Venable (2003) recommended that writing.
clinicians take a closer look at readability that
may have an impact upon word recognition
and reading comprehension. She highlighted Problems with written expression
some “trouble spots” that many students Writing is especially challenging for many
might encounter when reading complex students with LLD because of linguistic skills
texts, including unfamiliar vocabulary, espe- involved in the process and the necessary
cially words with unfamiliar roots and affixes; integration of content, form, and use of
lengthy and complex sentence structures language (Hall-Mills & Apel, 2012; Suddarth
with multilayered subordination within one et al., 2012). In addition, writing involves
sentence; sentences containing ellipsis, found metacognitive and cognitive processes such
when relative clauses include unexpressed as executive function/self-regulation (Singer
words; pronoun reference and noun substitu- & Bashir, 1999, 2004, 2012; Westby, 2014;
tion; and sentences with figurative language Wong, 1997). Because it takes years for typ-
(metaphors, idioms, etc.). ically developing students to master writing
Fang and colleagues (Fang, 2006, 2008, skills, a longer learning process may be ex-
2012; Fang, Schleppegrell, & Moore, 2014) pected and necessary to improve the writing
also suggested clinicians review the “embed- skills of students with LLD. A variety of writing
ded curriculum” that may impose grammatical tasks, including the writing of narrative, ex-
challenges for students across content areas pository, persuasive, argumentative, and de-
of language arts, science, history, and mathe- scriptive essays, are required in middle and
matics. Patkin (2011) examined the interplay high school; thus, it is important for us to
of language and mathematics and supported understand the changing demands across the
the importance of helping students with aca- continuum of academic writing requirements
demic problems understand double-meaning (Nippold, 2007; Paul & Norbury, 2012; Scott,
words detached from everyday use (e.g., 2011; Wong, 1997).
power, base, table). Many researchers and Writing is viewed as an aspect of language
practitioners advocate creating a balance competence that is reflected in academic per-
between the teaching of domain-specific lit- formance (Perfetti & McCutchen, 1987). It is
eracy strategies (e.g., how to read science vs. the primary way that students demonstrate
how to read history) and more foundational knowledge in school (Graham & Harris, 2004)
or generalized literacy skills (Ehren et al., and improve their reading skills (Graham &
2012; Faggella-Luby et al., 2012; Wallach et Herbert, 2010). Writing also helps students
al., 2014). As noted by Ehren et al. (2012), gain employment and communicate widely
there is a difference between learning literacy (Dockrell, 2014). It is one of the most com-
in a discipline and learning literacy of the dis- plex aspects of language and a significant fac-
cipline. These are challenges for all students, tor in academic success and the acquisition
but even more for children with SLI and SLD. of knowledge in school-age years (Singer &
Clearly, the spoken-to-written and written- Bashir, 2012). Science, for example, is a disci-
to-spoken relationship along the path to pline that is particularly informed by precise
school success is an ever-changing one. Many writing (Fang, 2012).
of the early language problems of children Making explicit the connection between
with SLI are apparent as reading and writing LLD and writing problems, Dockrell (2014)
difficulties in the early grades; they evolve to commented,

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Language Disorders Are Learning Disabilities 33

Difficulties in the production of written text have ically developing peers. Similarly, Hall-Mills
been reported both for students with continuing and Apel (2012) found that low levels of
language difficulties and those with . . . [seem- syntactic complexity and higher level gram-
ingly] . . . resolved language problems, leading to matical errors were indicated to a greater
the hypothesis that written language can be con- extent in expository text than in narrative
ceptualized as a window into residual language
writings. Looking further down the contin-
problems. (p. 511; emphasis added; also see Bishop
& Clarkson, 2003; Fey, Catts, Proctor-Williams,
uum, however, they found that limited or
Tomblin, & Zhang, 2004; Lewis, O’Donnell, Free- less sophisticated text structure knowledge
bairn, & Taylor, 1998) persisted in both genres in adolescents with
SLI. More errors in spelling, punctuation, lexi-
As suggested earlier, linguistic and learn- cal choices, subject–verb agreement, and use
ing difficulties often resurface because writ- of advanced sentence structures are aspects
ing requires the integration of multiple lin- of micro-level issues reported in the writings
guistic and cognitive processes (Bashir & of students with ongoing language disorders.
Singer, 2006; Graham, Harris, & Larsen, 2001). Suddarth et al. (2012) further evaluated writ-
Looking back to early language experiences, ing in adults with a history of SLI. Their study
preschoolers with language disorders often revealed that significantly more errors (e.g.,
lack the level of experiences with writing that a combination of spelling, word-choice, verb
children with typical language abilities have, tense, punctuation, and other errors) were
and they continue to lag behind in the “self- produced in the written narratives of adults
talk” and planning that is needed to be an with a history of SLI than that in the writ-
effective writer of one’s language (e.g., Singer ten narratives of adults with typical language
& Bashir, 2012; Snowling & Hayiou-Thomas, development.
2006). Dockrell (2014) provided school-based and
While examining narrative and expository other professionals with cautionary advice
text across spoken and written systems, Scott that speaks to the themes of this article.
and Windsor (2000) found that children with She noted that there are significant overlaps
SLI performed more poorly in writing, es- among various diagnostic categories used to
pecially in expository discourse, than their describe children and adolescents with writ-
peers. Other researchers have shown that ing difficulties (also see Dockrell, Lindsay, &
school-age children with language disorders Connelly, 2009). In addition, Dockrell (2014)
have greater macro-level difficulty writing and observed that labels provide “insufficient in-
organizing narrative and expository texts and formation to guide intervention” (p. 513).
greater micro-level difficulty forming complex She added that difficulties in capturing differ-
sentences (Mackie, Dockrell, & Lindsay, 2013; ences, for example, between those children
Puranik, Lombardino, & Altmann, 2007). Chil- identified as having SLI and those identified
dren and adolescents with LLD need explicit as having learning disability may involve “ar-
instruction and scaffolds to use executive bitrary cutoffs used to identify learning dis-
functions (e.g., “Plan what you want to write abilities” and heterogeneity within and be-
with self-talk, use your graphic organizer, tween groups (p. 513). Not surprisingly, stu-
and re-read what’s written”) to facilitate their dents identified as having learning disability
writing of connected text (Singer & Bashir, experience many difficulties that are similar
2012). to those reported in students with SLI. These
Koutsoftas and Gray (2012) also found that include more spelling and punctuation errors,
students with SLI produced poorer lexical shorter compositions, poor word selections,
diversity and sentence complexity, produc- and difficulties with coherence and organiza-
tivity, and spelling accuracy in both narra- tion of text as a whole (Graham et al., 2001;
tive and expository writing than their typ- Li & Hamel, 2003; Monroe & Troia, 2006).

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

To be a proficient writer, students must plan, (Bashir & Scavuzzo, 1992). Speech–language
translate, and review their work—skills that pathologists must be aware of the language
are interactive with the writer’s knowledge of underpinnings of school tasks (Ehren, 2009,
the topic, audience, and writing plans (Flower 2013) and the nature and timing of “illusion-
& Hayes, 1984; Graham et al., 2001; Singer & ary recoveries.”
Bashir, 2012). Students with SLI and learning Third, definitions of literacy have broad-
disability frequently use a retrieve-and-write ened to include many types of literacy, such
approach (i.e., write down relevant informa- as foundational literacy (e.g., basic decod-
tion they want to say about the topic) with a ing and comprehension), content-area liter-
lack of planning and revising skills (Monroe acy (e.g., predicting, inferencing, managing
& Troia, 2006; Singer & Bashir, 2012; Wong, expository text), and discipline-specific liter-
1997). All of these findings point to many sim- acy (e.g., paying attention to the different lan-
ilarities and few if any differences among the guage requirements of subjects). These dif-
heterogeneous group of children with LLD, ferent layers of literacy represent the lin-
whether they are first identified with a label guistic demands all children face in curricu-
of SLI or SLD. lar learning. Intervention goals and targeted
language learning strategies should change
CONCLUSION accordingly to guide effective and relevant
We summarize the following three key In conclusion, we propose that the major-
points related to the theses that we have de- ity of learning disabilities are language dis-
veloped within this article. These can serve as orders that have changed over time. SLD is
guides to decision making and communicat- not a “new” and distinct condition that ar-
ing with parents and others about the needs rives when children enter school, as we told
of children with SLI and SLD. Tim’s mother in the scenario that opened this
First, children’s diagnostic labels may discussion. In addition, we offer the follow-
change from language disorders to learning ing questions: Does the term learning dis-
disabilities when they come to school and ex- ability adequately capture the ongoing verbal-
perience academic difficulties, but their lin- linguistic needs of our students? Do current as-
guistic needs continue and are a common fea- sessment and intervention approaches reflect
ture of both SLI and SLD. The majority of chil- the ongoing language-based learning difficul-
dren newly identified as having SLD have ex- ties of our students who have academic chal-
isting language/literacy needs that may have lenges? Are there better ways for professionals
been unidentified previously and that should across disciplines and service delivery sites to
be addressed. Identifying the language corre- collaborate to address the needs of these chil-
lates of academic tasks is critical (regardless dren and adolescents with LLD, regardless of
of students’ diagnostic labels) and may help their individual labels? These are questions,
clinicians to create more relevant and func- among others, that readers are asked to con-
tional interventions that are curriculum-based sider. We hope that they will stimulate re-
and literacy-focused. newed efforts on the part of researchers to in-
Second, early language disorders are vestigate relationships of language and learn-
chronic and tend to follow children through ing disorders and renewed efforts on the part
time, manifesting themselves differently of clinicians to support better communication
based upon an individual’s inherent abilities, with parents, students, and other profession-
language-learning contexts, and learning tasks als with shared caseloads and concerns.

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Language Disorders Are Learning Disabilities 35


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