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By ticking off this field you provide the consent to the company ComAp a.s., with the seat at U Uranie
1612/14a, Prague 7, 170 00, ID: 16188667, registered with the Commercial Register maintained by the
Municipal Court in Prague, insert B, file 18788, as the “Controller”, to process your personal data name,
surname, employer, its address, your position, telephone and e-mail. Furthermore, we process the
preferences of your employer in relation to our products, if provided, the use of distributor, if any, or how
your company firstly heart about us.
The above personal data are processed for the purposes of accessing online specific parts of products, such
as SW updates, installation packages or product technical documentation, request for add-ons or support.
In case you are on the Controller’s website, we profile you using cookies (Cookies policy), as the
representative of your employer, what are the interests and preferences of your employer with respect to
our products and services. Such information could be used for targeted marketing.
The above data shall become part of our CRM system and will be added to the respective company should
it be already a client of the ComAp Group or its distributors.
We are entitled to transmit the above personal data, related to you as an employee of the respective entity,
to the processors “SW providers” for the purposes of SW/HW provision or maintenance or to other
controllers “Third parties” for the purposes of direct marketing (e-mails, telephone) of the ComAp products
or commercial notices on targeted offers or events in the specific territory. Those Third parties are the
companies in the ComAp Group (as defined in the GTC) or its distributors all around the world which are
listed here as updated from time to time and which do not have always data protection regulation equivalent
to those in force in the EU.
This consent is voluntary (not required by either law or agreement) and is provided for an unlimited period.
You hereby declare that the provided personal data are true and correct. You shall let us know if the personal
information that we hold about you need to be corrected or updated. The personal data will be retained by
the time the consent is revoked, in such case the online access will be disabled. We will keep the personal
data only to the extent that we are required to do so by law or if there are other titles for their processing.
By providing the above consent you also acknowledge that the transmission of information over the Internet
is inherently insecure, and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the Internet. We will take
reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal
information. We will store all the personal information you provide on our secure and strong password
protected storages with controlled roll based access control. In case of personal data breach that result in a
high risk to your rights and freedoms we shall notify you without undue delay (Article 34 GDPR).
In accordance with the EU regulation no. 2016/679 (GDPR) you have the right on access to your personal
data that we keep record of and receive one copy of the overview and information for free within one month
of your request at the latest, which might be prolonged (Article 12 and 15 GDPR). Furthermore, you have
the right to raise objection(s) (Article 21 GDPR) and to data portability, if applicable (Article 20 GDPR).
You also have the right to request change (deletion, correction, addition) of your personal data that are
recorded by us (Article 16 and 17 GDPR), or request limitation of their processing (Article 18 and 19
GDPR). You have also the right to file complaint with the respective supervising authority.

ComAp a.s., U Uranie 1612/14a, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic

Registered in the Commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, file 18788
You may exercise your above rights through the Controller’s website
or by sending e-mail to You can request for free any change in the
registered data or check them (change of the personal data) or terminate the processing of your personal
data or revoke your consent – unsubscribe by sending e-mail to, with the
exception of any personal data that we, as the Controller, must process due to legitimate reasons for a
required period.

Consent with personal data processing 2

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