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Jnana Sangama, BELGAUM

In partial Fulfillment for the award of B.E degree in Mechanical Engineering


Achal Kumar Dubey



Under the guidance of

Mr. Vinay CD
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg.,

Department of Mechanical Engineering

(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Approved by AICTE &ISO 9001: 2008 Certified)
Accredited by National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) with „A‟ Grade and NBA
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi – 590018, Approved by AICTE &
ISO 9001:2008 Certified)
Accredited by National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘A’ grade
Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy Layout


Certified that the technical seminar report entitled “ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING”
carried out by ACHAL KUMAR DUBEY bearing USN: 1DS15ME004 is a bonafide
institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi in partial fulfillment for the award of Mechanical
Engineering during the year 2018-2019. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions
indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the
departmental library. The technical seminar report has been approved as it satisfies the
academic requirements in respect of seminar work prescribed for the said Degree.

Signature of the Guide Signature of the HOD

Mr. Vinay CD Dr. Keshavamurthy R
Asst. Professor Professor & HOD
Dept. of Mech Engg. Dept. of Mech Engg.
DSCE, Bengaluru DSCE, Bengaluru

Name of the Examiners Signature with date

1........................................... ..........................................

2........................................... ..........................................

This is to Certify that I have followed the guidelines provided by the Institute in
preparing the seminar report and whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis,
figures, and text) from other sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the
text of the seminar report and giving their details in the references.

Achal Kumar Dubey


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank those who helped me in
diverse ways in fulfilling this goal.

I would like to express my immense gratitude to our Professor and Head of the Department
Dr. Keshavamurthy R, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College
of Engineering for his constant support, motivation and encouragement to come up with this

I express my sincere gratitude to my guide Mr. Vinay CD, Asst. Professor, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Dayananda Sager College of Engineering for his skillful guidance,
constant supervision, timely suggestion and constructive criticism in successful completion of
my seminar on time.

I also take this opportunity to thank all the staff members of Department of Mechanical
Engineering who have rendered their wholehearted support at all times for the successful
completion of the seminar.

Finally, I express my deep sense of reverence to my parents and family members for their
unconditional support, patience and encouragement.

Achal Kumar Dubey

Additive manufacturing is a technology rapidly expanding on a number of industrial sectors.
It provides design freedom and environmental/ecological advantages. It transforms
essentially design files to fully functional products. However, it is still hampered by low
productivity, poor quality and uncertainty of final part mechanical properties. The root cause
of undesired effects lies in the control aspects of the process. Optimization is difficult due to
limited modelling approaches. Physical phenomena associated with additive manufacturing
processes are complex, including melting/ solidification and vaporization, heat and mass
transfer etc. The goal of the current study is to map available additive manufacturing methods
based on their process mechanisms, review modelling approaches based on modelling
methods and identify research gaps. Later sections of the study review implications for
closed-loop control of the process.
Table of contents

1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………… 1

2. Literature survey….. ……….…………………………..…………………….. 3

3. Methods for AM ………….….….. …………………. ….,……………...……5

4. How it Works? .………. …..……….………. ………………………............ 6

5. Challenges …. …………..………….……………….. ………………………10

6. Conclusion ………... ….…….……………………………………………… 12

7. Scope in Future ………/.…..…………………………………………………13

8. Appendices .………….………………………………………………………14

9. References…………….………………………………………………………17

10. Plagiarism check ……. …./………………………………………………….18

Additive Manufacturing

Chapter 1: Introduction

Additive manufacturing (AM) is defined as “the process of joining materials to make objects
from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing
methodologies, such as traditional machining”. AM can deliver parts of very intricate and
complex geometries with a minimum need for post-processing, built from tailored materials
with near-zero material waste, while being applicable to a variety of materials, including
plastics and metals. Therefore, AM is a tool that offers increased “design freedom” and
enables designers and engineers to create unique products that can be manufactured at low
volumes in an economical way. An indicative example of the design freedom offered is that
conventional assemblies can be redesigned in a single complex structure that could not be
manufactured with the current manufacturing processes.

Fig. 1.1 Metal AM machine annual sales (Wohlers report 2016)

Another driver of the AM technology is that it is environmentally and ecologically promising.

Additive manufacturing technologies and methods are increasing constantly in terms of
application and market share, spreading into various manufacturing divisions, such as
automotive, medical and aerospace, and are expected that this heavy growth will continue
over the next few years. According to the Gartner report , sales of sub-$100,000 AM
machines have grown worldwide by 49 % in 2024 and are expected to have reached a 75 %
growth rate by the end of 2024. In terms of materials processed, plastics are currently leading
the AM market, with around 30,000 machines in production; however, the metal AM market
is also growing. With over 1500 machines sold to date (Fig. 1.1), it is expected that the metal

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Additive Manufacturing

AM machines will see double-digit percentage growth in their sales, over the next 5 years,
despite the global recession. In the last few years, there is a significant trend towards metal
AM for the production of structural components, mainly in areas, such as aerospace and
motorsport applications, that could benefit from significant weight savings. A lot of effort is
being made on making those AM processes faster and more reliable. Therefore, the
modelling of metal AM processes is a “hot topic” as it is the main enabler for process (and
product) optimization.

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Additive Manufacturing

Chapter 2: Literature Survey

2.1 Rolls-Royce
Rolls-Royce is considering embarking on the additive manufacture of entire components
because of the benefits of faster production and reduced costs that it offers. Says Rolls-
Royce’s Neil Mantle: “At the launch of an engine programmed we start to consider forgings,
and AM gives us a great opportunity here because conventional methods of manufacture can
take 40, 50 or even 60 weeks, while a component using AM will take one month.” Likewise,
he praised the improved buy-to-fly ratio on materials: “Sometimes we machine away 90% of
the materials to create the final component, but with AM that figure is much reduced.” Neil
Mantle added that while AM offers distinct advantages, investing in AM machines will
require Rolls-Royce to feel confident of their economic viability and that the processes will
be as robust and reliable as traditional methods.

2.2 Race ware Direct

In year 2014, bicycle accessories distributor Race Ware Direct began manufacturing mounts
for GPS cycling computers. Uniquely to the market, the mounts are 3D printed, in nylon,
making customization and personalization – such as incorporating logos – the products’
prime selling points. AM’s low-volume manufacturing method allows multiple design
iterations that can continue until the mounts
perfectly fit the individual and different bikes and
riders. This has helped to take Raceware’s mounts
to the high end of the market. Refer fig 2.1, 3T
RPD Chief Executive Officer Ian Halliday said:
“This company is succeeding because it
understands 3D printing, knows its own market,
has spotted an opportunity, possesses vision and
determination and understands the benefits AM
Fig. 2.1 GPS cycling computer mounts
offers its product and customers.”

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Additive Manufacturing

2.3 Virgin Upper Class Monitor Arm

In a Technology Strategy Board (TSB) funded project for Virgin Atlantic, the arm holding
the TV monitor in the airline’s Upper Class seats was redesigned for AM. Latticing reduced
the arm’s weight by 50%, saving 0.5 kilograms for every unit, in turn saving $45,000 worth
of fuel across the 30-year lifetime of the aircraft.

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Additive Manufacturing

Chapter 3: Methods for AM

A large number of additive manufacturing processes are now available; they differ in the way
layers are deposited to create parts, in the operating principle and in the materials that can be
used. Some methods melt or soften materials to produce the layers, e.g. selective laser
melting (SLM), selective laser sintering (SLS) and fused deposition modelling (FDM), while
others cure liquid materials, e.g. stereolithography (SLA). Each method has its own
advantages and drawbacks, and some companies consequently offer a choice between powder
and polymer for the material that the object is built from. The main considerations made for
choosing a machine are generally its speed, its cost that of the printed prototype, the cost and
range of materials as well as its colour capabilities. (Reference for the table 3.1: Additive
manufacturing methods and modeling approaches: a critical review H. Bikas1 & P.
Stavropoulos1,2 & G. Chryssolouris).
Table 3.1: Classification of Additive Manufacturing

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Additive Manufacturing

Chapter 4: How it works?

Additive manufacturing (AM), sometimes referred to as rapid prototyping or 3D
printing are technologies that use successive layers of material to create 3D objects directly
from a computer-generated model. Although Additive manufacturing process flow vary
between the 7 different additive manufacturing technologies it uses to create the 3D parts,
each broadly follows these common steps in the process to create the final part.

Step 1 – 3D Model creation

First a 3D model of the object to be
printed is created using computer-aided
design (CAD) software or a 3D object
scanner. Since the part will be exact
replica of the 3D model, every detail
needs to be right and modelled to the
right shape and size and needs to fully
define its external geometry.Although
Fig. 4.1 CAD Model
complex parts can be printed and AM
gives you wider design flexibility compared to conventional manufacturing processes, there
are still limitation and rules to adhere to when designing to achieve the bet results. The design
guides vary according to the additive manufacturing type and material selection. Equipment
manufacturers and AM technology service providers have extensive design guides on how to
design parts. Refer fig 4.1

Step 2 – STL file creation

In fig 4.2, CAD file is then converted to
a standard AM file format
called standard tessellation language
(STL), which was developed by 3D
Systems in late 80s for use in
its Stereolithography (SLA)
machines. As the name suggests this
will tessellate the 3D shape and slice the
Fig. 4.2 STL file

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Additive Manufacturing

part into digital layers. The layer thickness dictates the final quality and depends on the
machine and process.

Step 3 – STL file transfer

STL file is then transferred to the printer often using the custom machine software, where
model will be manipulated to orientate for printing. At this stage machine software might
create its own file with extra information it needs to build the part such as support structure,
temperature etc.

Step 4 – Machine set up

Each additive technology and its variants
have its own steps and requirements to
set up a new printing job. This includes
material selection, orientation, printer
temperature, support structure, build
platform levelling etc. which can be
easily seen in fig 4.3. It also involves
loading print material, binders and other
consumables into the machine. In order to
Fig. 4.3 Machine setup with support
reduce the cost of printing multiple parts
can be set up and waste can also be minimised by choosing the right orientation.

Step 5 – Build
Once the build started, it gradually
builds the design one layer at a time. A
typical layer is around 0.1mm in
thickness but depending on the
technology and the material used it can
go down to 20 microns. Refer fig 4.4.
Depending on the build size, the printing

machine, AM technology, material and Fig. 4.4 Part in build platform

the printing resolution, this build process
could take hours or even days to complete.

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Additive Manufacturing

Step 6 – Part Removal

After building the part or multiple parts in some cases, it may need a cooling off period
before the parts can be removed from the machine. Again depending on the machine and
technology, removal could vary from simply peeling off the build platform to wire eroding
from the build pate.

Step 7 – Post processing

Almost all the additive manufacturing techniques will require some form of post processing.
Depending on the AM technology used and the end use of the part, it varies from simply
cleaning and polishing to machining and heating treating the part.

Fig. 4.5 3D-built part with supports

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Additive Manufacturing

Fig. 4.6 Additive Manufacturing in 7 Steps

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Additive Manufacturing

Chapter 5: Challenges

Additive manufacturing continued to push companies in new directions. From aerospace and
medical to automotive and energy, additive manufacturing took center stage as companies
sought to realize its potential innovation, financial and efficiency benefits.

5.1 Financial Considerations

The upfront capital expenditures for machines and facilities necessary to support additive
manufacturing are considerable. And companies must justify these costs against traditional
processes such as milling or injection-molding machines. To start, companies should consider
a pilot program where costs can be contained and value can be clearly measured. This would
allow the development of a business case and would likely depend on service bureaus to
improve the odds of pilot success while reducing the impact of capital expenditures.

5.2 Certification And Regulation

A key consideration for additive manufacturing to become mainstream is ensuring the

consistent quality and reliability of products produced through the process. Many of the
benefits of additive manufacturing become disadvantages when it comes to certification,
including customization and individualization, which make part evaluation challenging. The
technology to assess the safety, quality and reliability of additive manufactured parts lags the
design and manufacture technology, limiting its ability to be broadly accepted. This is
particularly important in industries such as aerospace, where the risk can be considerable for
parts that have to sustain many usage cycles in physically demanding applications.

For additive techniques to truly take hold, new standards must be developed to address the
specific issues that arise through the process. This process is already happening with
the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and ASTM
international jointly creating the Additive Manufacturing Standards Development Structure.

5.3 Repeatability

While manufacturing flexibility is an asset, there are some technical deficiencies within
additive manufacturing that impact its ability to create reliable parts on a consistent basis. For
example, the same settings can result in differences in the production of the same products.

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Additive Manufacturing

This is attributable primarily to process parameters, which are numerous and have to be
tightly controlled and monitored. This complexity can be intimidating for companies waiting
on the sidelines.

Additive manufacturing also faces speed of production challenges, which limits mass-
production potential. The key will be advancing additive manufacturing such that companies
can create reliably unique parts and mass produce them and create custom parts for individual
use as market needs dictate with equal aplomb.

5.4 The Skills Gap

Currently, the most significant barrier is the skills gap. Design and manufacturing processes
need to fundamentally change to enable additive manufacturing. Success requires a well-
trained, capable and skilled workforce. Without this workforce, companies may lag or fail in
their attempts to utilize additive manufacturing processes. Education in additive
manufacturing design, processes, machines and technology will be necessary to enable the
transition. New solutions, such as generative design, are emerging to bridge the gap between
traditional CAD methods and new technologies, enabling engineers to build upon what they
know as they learn new techniques.

Removing the barriers to mainstream adoption of additive manufacturing won’t happen

overnight. While most major manufacturers are exploring it, companies need to create a plan
for their own transformation now or risk being left behind.

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Additive Manufacturing

Chapter 6: Conclusion
A review of all AM techniques has been conducted, followed by a review and assessment of
modelling approaches. The AM techniques have been categorized based on their operating
principle rather than on the materials used, albeit this has also been kept in mind.

The categorization was made in a way that it respected the underlying physics behind the
material phase change. Subsequently, modelling processes in the field of additive
manufacturing were presented and categorized, based not only on the operating principle but
also on the modelled process attribute and the modelling methodology.

The most commonly modeled AM process is that of the SLA, followed by the SLS/SLM and
FDM. Most authors deal with modelling dimensional accuracy/stability, while quite a few
others deal with predicting the mechanical properties of the finished product as well as the
total build time. The most utilized approach to the issue of dimensional accuracy is by
empirical models, via statistical methods.

Mechanical properties and dimensional stability modelling are usually made by numerical
heat transfer models, studying mainly the melt pool and the material phase change, while
build time has been investigated both analytically and numerically. However, most studies
present either a theoretical approach with little to no verification compared to that of real-life
results, or semi-empirical approaches that may correlate well with specific experiments, but
their results are not directly transferrable and expandable to other machines, requiring further

The AM processes could significantly benefit from accurate, verified models, aided by the
use of machine-integrated monitoring systems in order to be able to back up the models with
real, measured data. Given the turn of industry to metal AM, the models of laser-based AM
and EBM metals are of utmost relevance, especially in the thermal field, dimensional stability
and residual stresses, since these factors significantly affect the quality and safety of the final

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Additive Manufacturing

Chapter 7: Scope in Future

Soon AM could be leveraged to build stronger objects from materials impregnated with
carbon nanofiber. It’s currently under testing for printing parts in space. Additive
manufacturing of complete designs such as unmanned aerial vehicles and robotic arms is
already on the verge of becoming a viable industry.

7.1 Additive for the space industry

According to Carol Tolbert, manager of the Manufacturing Innovation Project at NASA
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, a total of nine NASA centers use additive
manufacturing. At her location, contractors working for NASA Glenn are using direct laser
sintering to produce a subscale multielement injector for a rocket engine and reduce testing

7.2 New material options

Carbon-fiber capabilities could soon address additive manufactured component strength
limitations. For example, parts produced with FDM are weak in the Z direction. Composites
produced by traditional means consist of continuous or chopped fiber in ratios of 1,000 to 1
for applications demanding high material strength. Now, some new technologies produce
nanofiber-impregnated materials, particularly for the tooling and aerospace industries. These
leverage polyamide composites (largely still proprietary formulations) filled with carbon
fibers and fused in preprogrammed patterns that boost mechanical rigidity and resistance to
chemicals and vibration. Reconsider the Aurora UAV: Wing deflection in this additive design
could soon be addressed with carbon fiber to allow wider wingspans.

7.3 Part-count reduction in automotive

In the automotive industry, additive manufacturing could soon allow for component
consolidation. “For example, a single-piece air scoop can be converted into a multifunctional
air-distribution system,” says Blue. “The goal here isn’t to replace components with like
components, as that makes for a tough business case for additive manufacturing. Instead, the
aim is to reduce part counts and light weighting by removing material.”

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Additive Manufacturing

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Additive Manufacturing

1. Engineering Product Design Official website.
2. Additive Manufacturing: A Framework for Implementation Stephen Mellor*, Liang Hao,
David Zhang
3. Gebhardt, Andreas. "Understanding additive manufacturing." (2011).2. Gartner AM report.
4. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 83:389–405 DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-7576-2
5. Wohlers TT (2014) Wohlers report 2014: additive manufacturing and 3D printing state of
the industry: annual worldwide progress report. Fort Collins, Wohlers Associates
6. Wohlers TT (2013) Wohlers report 2013: additive manufacturing and 3D printing state of
the industry: annual worldwide progress report. Fort Collins,
7. 3d systems Official website
8. Additive manufacturing methods and modeling approaches: a critical review H. Bikas1 &
P. Stavropoulos1,2 & G. Chryssolouris.

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Plagiarism Check


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