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Lesson Plan Template

Name Mr. Jaylon Ansell

Subject History: WWII

Grade Level 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Self Contained Classroom

Date/Duration 9/24/2018 to 9/26/2018 (three days)

RATIONALE Standards (SAS and PA Keys)

Standard - 8.3.U.B – Compare the impact of historical documents, artifacts,

and places which are critical to the U.S.

Standard 5.1.U.C. -- Analyze the principles and ideals that shape United
States government.

 Liberty / Freedom
 Democracy
 Justice
 Equality

Big Idea Statement

Provides students with information about how the United States got into World War II.
Demonstrates what went wrong with United States and Empire of Japan’s relationship.

Essential Question Statement

How did the Attack on Pearl Harbor get the United States involved into World War II?

Objective Statement (Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree)

All students can explain and identify how the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor got the United
States into World War II in 3 class discussions.


Allies. Axis, Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), World War II, Admiral Yamamoto, President Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Infamy, December 7, 1941

Modified Vocabulary – Allies Power, Axis Power, Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Decemeber 7, 1941

LESSON PROCEDURE Pre-Assessment of Students

On a flashcard, try and write at least 3 things that you know about the Attack on Pearl Harbor.

Students will do a KWL Chart, and will only fill out the “K” section of the chart.

Activating Prior Knowledge

Share the students answers on the flashcard.

Students will fill out the “W” section of their KWL chart.

Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set

Watch YouTube video on “Attack on Pearl Harbor”

For students with Learning/Intellectual disability, they will have guided notes that goes along
with the video to fill out, or that is filled out for them already.

Modeling the Concept

Provide a power point. Students will write note

Students fill-in the blank notes that each student only has to fill in the missing information on
the line.

Guiding the Practice

Kahoot game

Students will only have two choices to answer each multiple-choice question with.

Providing Independent Practice

Have students do a Short Answer Question(s)

Students will have a guided short answer questions.

Closure/Summary/Review of Learning

Exit Slip: What is the significant/importance of the Attack on Pearl Harbor to the United States?

Students will fill out the “L” portion of their KWL charts.

After Kahoot, produce an answer on what was your favorite thing that you learned from today’s

READING MATERIALS, Laptop Presentation

SUPPLIES Projector Books
Desk Paper
Pencils Notecards

EVALUATION OF THE Formative Evaluation

LEARNING/MASTERY Flash Card in beginning of class

KWL Chart filled out and turned in.

Summative Evaluation
Have students answer a short answer question(s)

Guided Short Answer Questions


Provide a word bank for students to stay focus on answering the short answer question

Matthew – Matthew will during the Kahoot time will be provided with a stress ball to squeeze if
he gets upset or overwhelm during the activity. If he needs to take a step away from the activity
to recollect himself within the classroom, then I will provide the appropriate time for him to do
so. Matthew will also be provided a Fill-in-the-blank note sheet that he will fill in while watching
the video “Attack on Pearl Habro”.

John – John will receive the same Emotional support During the Kahoot activity like Matthew
will receive. Also, John will be provided a Fill-in-the-blank note sheet that will go along with
“Attack on Pearl Harbor” video. Giving him more guidance in his note taking and reading
comprehension skills.

Mark – Mark will receive the similar emotional accommodations that Matthew and John will
receive for his Emotional Disturbance. Also, Mark will be given a completed fill-in-the-blank
sheet that goes along the “Attack on Pearl Harbor” video.

Luke – Luke will receive the Emotional Disturbance accommodation that Matthew are receiving.
Since he gets stressed easily, he will be given a stress ball when he gets into the classroom to
squeeze to help keep him calm and from fighting with his peers.

Robert – Robert will receive the Emotional Disturbance accommodation that Matthew are
receiving. Also, because of his writing being at a 3rd grade level, he will receive a completed
guided worksheet that goes along with the YouTube video.

Dale – Dale will receive the Emotional Disturbance accommodation that Matthew are receiving.
As in the case with Robert, Dale will receive a completed guided worksheet to go with the video
in accordance to his low writing abilities.

Rakay – Rakay will receive the accommodations of John for her Emotional Disturbance and
Learning Disability. As her Learning Disability states that she has a reading high 2nd grade level,
she will receive a redacted version of the guided fill-in-the-blank worksheet that covers the
major things that I will be testing her on, instead of the entire video.

Vera – Vera will receive the Emotional Disturbance accommodation that Matthew are receiving.
For her having such a low reading level, she will get a redacted version of the fill-in-the-blank
worksheet to help accommodate her needs.

Answer Starter for short answer questions
Provide multiple-choice answers

Shorten vocabulary list

Guided notes filled/unfilled
2 Choice-Answer for

Zig-Zag activity, where we allow students to get in a group of 2. Then, one student will leave
their group to go talk to another group about a different section/portion of the event. This
enables the students to critically think about the historical event and it significant it has in
World and American History, while communicating interpersonally with their peers on the


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