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Lesson Sketch for EDT 317 Lesson Sketch Template

Individuals completing this plan: Caroline O’Donnell

Lesson title: Making Teeth Model Art Topic: Pre-K Visual Arts

Strand: Motor Engagement and Persistence

Topic: Attention

Focus on an activity with deliberate concentration despite distractions.

Strand: Creativity

Topic: Innovation and Invention

Use imagination and creativity to interact with objects and materials.

Instructional objectives: list 2- 3 observable/measurable objectives for this lesson. Use precise language w/
action verbs.
The student will:
1. Be able to put marshmallows around the paper in order to create a teeth model
during the time this lesson is being taught.

2. Be able to interact with the materials given to the students on the table in order to
create their own teeth model.

Experience(s): Describe authentic (real life, hands-on not representational) materials and enticing/ creative
experiences in which children are actively engaged. Experiences will encourage experimentation, use of creativity,
problem solving and language development. Experiences will directly relate to the learning objectives and ELDS.
How will the experience(s) inform you on the children’s prior knowledge and interest in the topic? How will you
ensure your learning objectives and assessment strategies align?

The materials for this experience will be pink and red construction paper, marshmallows,
scissors, and glue. The students must cut on the dotted line to cut out the mouth and then a
tongue for their teeth model. Then the students will have to count out 32 marshmallows and glue
them around the paper in a circle to represent teeth. A model will be shown to students so they
know what it is supposed to look like. Encourage students to examine their own mouth in a
mirror and ask them questions throughout about teeth and their model they are making. Students
must concentrate on gluing the teeth down and also counting the right amount of teeth. They also
must interact with materials that they might be unfamiliar with in order to create their model.
This experience will show the teacher if students know anything about teeth before this such as
how many teeth, where the tongue goes and things such as that. I will ensure they align by
walking around and looking at the model as the students are making them. Also asking questions
to the students to make sure they are understanding.

Assessment of student learning:

1. Data to be collected-

The students teeth models when they are all done.

2. Method used to record/aggregate data-

I will be observing the students while they are making the model. I will also be asking
questions to make sure students are understanding what they are working on. A checklist
will be created to ensure students are meeting all standards.

3. Interpretation of assessment data-

Looking at the data and seeing if students grasp the instructional strategies.
Reflection on Lesson: In one-page double spaced, size 12 font reflection explain why the
instructional objectives, experiences, and materials were chosen. Describe how well the children
learned/achieved the instructional objectives. Finally include a description of how you modified
the experience to include all children.

For this lesson I focused on preschool because this was my placement for the semester.

My partner and I were asked if we could teach a couple lessons on teeth so that is what we did. I

picked these instructional objectives because I think they fit the best with the lesson I was trying

to convey. The two objectives I used for this lesson were “be able to put marshmallows around

the paper in order to create a teeth model during the time this lesson is being taught and be able

to interact with the materials given to the students on the table in order to create their own teeth

model.” I think these fit really well considering the idea of the lesson was to have students create

a teeth model. I didn’t want them to just do that though so by having them interact with materials

that may be unfamiliar to them such as glue and scissors is a great way to throw another learning

experience into a lesson that already has one. Yes I wanted to make sure the main focus was

teeth and having the students learn the aspects of teeth but there is no harm in putting multiple

learning objectives into a lesson. I chose these materials because I think they seemed to be the

most fitting for students of this age. In the classroom prior to this lesson, the students were

already pretty familiar with scissors and glue but some of them still struggled using them. It was

very important in this lesson to know which students struggled more than others. The ones who

struggled a little more than others, I made sure to provide support such as hand over hand with

them. Also modeling how to use scissors help as well as giving them extra tips on how to hold

the scissors properly.

I think the students achieved the instructional objectives very well. At the end, each

student made their own teeth model and had used all the materials provided in order to help
make their model. They interacted with all of the materials to help build their model the best way

that they could. I also think that displaying their work around the room helped me as the teacher

of this lesson to be able to visually see how well the students were able to accomplish this task.

Walking around and observing the students completing this lesson personally was the best way

for me to see which of the students understood and which of them did not. This also helped me to

see who needed extra support and I was able to give it to them as soon as I possibly could. After

this lesson, the next time that I went back to the classroom the main teacher had the students

using their teeth models when they were learning other things about teeth. Also when I taught

another lesson on flossing, I had the students bring their teeth models to the table and we used

the model for reference during the new lesson. The students were able to answer questions using

the model that they themselves had created and I think this was the moment that helped me

decide that the students really did meet the objectives that I was trying to get them to achieve

throughout the lesson.

A modification that could be made during this lesson would first off start with the

scissors. There are a couple students in the room that had a hard time using normal scissors.

Some of them were having a hard time keeping their fingers in the correct position so they could

cut properly. In the room there were scissors that help with these problems so by having two

options of scissors out on the table and making sure the kids struggling used them was a major

help during the lesson. I also drew on the construction paper an outline of the mouth and tongue

so students didn’t have to do this themselves. This helped the most with students who had a hard

time cutting because they knew exactly what line needed to be cut. Yes most of their cut jobs

were not perfect but they are also in preschool so it was very understandable. I think having them
cut themselves also gave them a sense of pride and accomplishment. The main teacher cuts out

most of their stuff for them so having them take ownership of their work was very special to see.

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