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Writen by

Andhika Satriya Putra

NIM 182310101112





Hello, my full name is Andhika Satriya Putra, but you can call me Andhika. I
was born at Jember, 15 October 1999. I am 19 years old. Right now, I was studied at
Jember University and I was taking the nursing program. I live at Semeru Raya street
number 85A. I have lots of hobbies, they are: Photographing, Traveling, Playing video
games, Hang out with my friends, Trying new Cuisine. Like, Korean cuisine,
Indonesian cuisine, Japanese cuisine, western, Chinese, I love all kind of food. And I
love animals too, like a cat, dog, rabbit, etc. I have a goal/achievement and it becomes a
programmer but, for now, just wanna traveling with my friends and trying all cuisine in
the world. When I have leisure time, sometimes I sleep a lot, call a random friend and
forced him to hang out with me and watch some random things at Youtube.

In the nursing program, I am joining UKM Zone Pers Ners ( Zoners ) and
Nursing Philharmonic Choirs ( NPC ). Zoners its all about Journalistic and
Photographing. Where we go hunting for photos once / month, and relaxing from
college and homework. We have so much fun in this UKM. And NPC its all about
Choir, and I have a Tenor voice. Right now I’m joining the LPSAF Contest. LPSA will
be held on 27 April 2019, just hoping we could win this contest.

Why I choose this nursing program, well, that’s because my mom forced me in
this program and didn’t want me to become a programmer or choosing the System
Information program. And at SBMPTN, I didn’t study at all. But thanks to god, I passed
the first choice of SBMPTN and that’s the nursing program. I kinda surprise/shock
when I passed the first choice, cause I only know less at science test. Right now, I can
only do what I just did and finish this nursing program. But, until right now, I still don’t
know my purpose in this nursing program, still thinking of it.

My motivation in this nursing program maybe just try my best, study harder, and
do my homework and think that God already has the best plan for me in the future.
Enjoy this life with all the friends that I got in here. And my future plan from now on is
graduated from this program and find a job or maybe looking for a scholarship LPDP in
another country, and work there. And of course gain more weight, doing some exercise,
and sport. With my side job as a Photographer or a Designer, it is a good thing, traveling
with some photographing always makes me enjoy this life. And having a traveling
buddy would be great, where we can explore this world together and look for a good
spot to take a picture and remember that moment. Study lots of another language just
like Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Germany

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