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Students should be familiar with a certain number of phrasal verbs. The
following list includes many of them which they will probably have come across by
the end of their third year of English.

a) to collapse She broke down when she told of her husband’s death.
To break down
b) to stop working Although my car is very old. It never breaks down.
Burglars broke into their house while they were away on
To break into To enter by force
- An epidemic of cholera has broken out.
To start / appear
To break out - A fire broke out in a big hotel in Las Vegas a few months
To disperse / to - Police had to be called to break up the demonstration.
To break up
come to an end - School has broken up for the holidays.

They have brought about several reforms since they have
To bring about To cause to happen
been in power.
A few drops of water splashed on her face soon brought
To bring round To revive
her round.
He was brought up by his grandparents after his parents
a) to educate / rear
To bring up died.
b) to call attention to We can bring these up at our next committee meeting.

To call off To cancel The match has been called off as the ground is too wet.
a) to make a short visit We called on an old school friend when we were in Fès.
To call on b) to invite a person to
I’m now going to call on Mr. Blank to speak.
a) to telephone to Please call me up when you get home.
To call up b) to call people for
If war broke out, they would be called up at once
military service

He told his students to carry on with their work while he
To carry on To continue
spoke to the visitors.
To execute (a plan,
To carry out He wants his orders carried out immediately.
an order, work, etc.)

a) to reduce the distance between He left a few seconds before me, but I soon
To catch up oneself and those in front caught up with him.
(with) b) to do the work that has not yet Peter was away from school for a week, so he
been done (because of absence etc.) has got to catch up with the rest of the class.

To meet or find by
To come across I came across these old coins in my grandfather’s drawer.
To come into To inherit (money) She came into a fortune when her father died.
- To come round To regain If you splash his face with cold water, he’ll soon come
- To come to consciousness to / come round

To cut down on To reduce consumption of He’s trying to cut down on cigarettes.
Their telephone has been cut off as they haven’t paid
To cut off To stop / interrupt
their bill

To abolish / to get rid Some of these old-fashioned laws should be done away
To do away with
of with
a) To renovate The kitchen needs doing up.
b) To make a parcel of He wants us to do up these books and post them to him.
To do up
c) To fasten (with
It’s cold outside, so do your coat up.
buttons etc.)
To do with (+can) To need I could do with a new briefcase.
To do without To manage without There’s no butter left; we shall have to do without.

To drop in To visit somebody We dropped in to see Farid when we were in Kenitra yesterday.
They have dropped out of the competition as five of their
To drop out To withdraw from
players are injured.

To fall out (with) To quarrel (with) She has fallen out with her best friend.
To fall through To come to nothing Our holiday plans have fallen through.

To fill in To complete (a form etc.) Please fill in this application form.


a) to make or persuade sb/sth - I can’t get her to understand.
to do sth - He got me to help him with his homework
To get
b) to start doing sth We soon got talking
c) to use a bus, train, etc Get a plane to Rome
To get away To Have a holiday Get away two weeks in France.
To call sb to your house to do
To get sb in Get someone in to fix the TV.
a job
To get in
To arrive at a place The train got in late.
To get into sth
- Get into the habit of going to bed early.
a) to develop a habit
- Don’t get into drugs (= don’t start taking them) !
To get into sth
b) to become involved in sth; - Get into a fight.
start sth - Get into conversation with somebody.
To get off Used to tell sb to stop
Get off me, that hurts !
(sb/sth) touching you/sb/sth
a) (help sb to) leave a place or - He got the children off to school.
To get (sb) off start a journey - We get off straight after breakfast
b) fall asleep; make sb do this I had great difficulty getting off to sleep.
To be successful in life in a Parents are always anxious for their children to
To get on
career, etc. get on.
To get out To become known The secret got out.
To get round /
To find the time to do sth I didn’t get round to phoning her
around to sth
To get through To use up a large amount of
Get through £100 a week.
sth sth
- He always get up early
To get (sb) up To make sb get out of bed
- Could you get me up at 6:30 tomorrow ?
a) to reach a particular point Get up to page ten.
To get up to sth
b) to be busy with sth What have the kinds been getting up to ?

a) to move from one place to Go home / for a walk / on holiday / to the
another cinema.
b) to move or travel Go five miles to get a doctor.
c) to leave a place It’s time for us to go.
d) to go to visit or attend a place for
Go to school.
a particular purpose
e) to lead or extend from one place
This road goes to London.
To go to another
- How are things going ?
f) to make progress
- The party went very well.
- The bell went at 3 p.m.
g) to make a certain sound
- The clock goes “tick-tock”
- My sight is going.
h) to get worse; stop working
- The car battery has gone.
i) be given, lost, spent, used up, etc Supplies of coal went very quickly.
To go against a) opposite sb/sth Don’t go against my wishes.
sb / sth b) to be unfavourable to sb The verdict went against him.
To go ahead Happen; be done The tennis match went ahead in spite.
To go along Continue with an activity He made up the story as he went along.
To go around /
To visit sb or a place that is near I’m going round to my sister’s later.
round (to..)
a) to leave a person or place Go away and leave me alone !
To go away
b) to disappear Has the pain gone away ?
To go back Extend backwards in space or time Our family goes back 300 years.
To go down To stop working temporarily The system went down for over an hour.
a) to go to a place and bring sb./sth.
She’s gone for some milk.
b) to attack sb The dog went for him.
To go for sb/sth
- What I said about Peter goes for you too.
c) to apply to sb/sth - They have a high level of unemployment,
but the same goes for many other countries.
To go for sth. To choose something I think I’ll go for the fruit salad.
a) to enter a room, house, etc Let’s go in, it’s getting cold.
To go in b) (of the sun, moon, etc) to If the sun or moon goes in, it disappears
disappear behind clouds behind a cloud.
Sh’s going in for the Combridge First
a) to enter a competition, etc
To go in for sth Certificate.
b) have sth as an interest or hobby She doesn’t go in for team games.
a) (of a car etc) hit sth The car skidded and went into a tree.
b) join an organization, especially
Go into the Army
To go into sth in order to have a career in it
c) to examine sth carefully Go into the details.
d) to begin to do sth Go into a long explanation.
a) to leave a place She went off to get a drink.
- The gun went off by accident.
b) to explode; be fired
- The bomb wenr off in a crowded street.
To go off c) (of food, etc) become unfit to eat The milk has gone off.
d) proceed The party went off well.
e) to lose interest in I’ve gone off chocolates.
f) to get worse in quality Her booke have gone off in recent years.
Go on walking until you get to the post-
a) To continue
To go on office, then turn right.
b) To happen What’s going on here?
We had a power cut the other evening and all
a) to be extinguished
To go out the lights all the lights went out.
b) To become unfashionable Mini-skirts went out a few years ago.
You should always go over your work before
To go over To study or review carefully
handing it to the teacher.
To go to /
To be contributed to sth All profits go to charity.
towards sth
The ferm will go under unless business
To go under To be unable to pay what you owe
When the curtain across the stage in a theatre
a) raised or opened
goes up, it is raised or opened.
New offices buildings are going up
b) to be built
To go up
c) to be destroyed by fire or an
The petrol station went up in flames.
d) (of prices, temperatures, etc) to
The price of cigarettes is going up
become higher (cigarettes are going uo in price)
She goes up the stairs.(go up a mountain /
To go up sth To climb something towards the top
hill / tree / wall.
To go with To be in harmony with (colours etc) Does this blouse go with this skirt?

To hold on to Not let go The little boy held on to his mother’s skirt all the time.
To hold up To delay; to stop Planes were held up by fog.

To keep at To persist You’ll have to keep at it if you want to succeed.
To keep away To avoid going near Keep away from the water.
To keep off To avoid going on Please keep off the grass.
To keep on To continue Although he was tired, he kept on walking.
To keep up To maintain (speed, etc.) He kept up a high speed all the way.

a) to eliminate The school football team were knocked out in the first round.
To knock out b) to cause to be
The picture fell on his head and knocked him out.

To leave off To stop We’ll go out for a walk as soon as the rain leaves off.
To leave out Check your work to see that you haven’t left anything important out.

My friends have promised to help me. I hope they won’t let me
To let down To fail to support
down at the last minute.
To let off To excuse I’ll let you off this time, but you’ll be punished if you do it again.

To look after To take care of Who will look after the house while we’re away.
To despise / to consider While-collar workers shouldn’t look down on
To look down on
oneself superior to manual workers.
To look for To search for I’m looking for my pen. Have you seen it ?
To look into To investigate He has promised to look into the matter.
- To look on to My bedroom looks on to the street.
To have a view over
- To look out on Our hotel room looked out on the sea.
To search for words, facts, If there are any words you don’t know, look them
To look up
etc. in a dictionary etc. up in the dictionary.
The boys looked up to the young man as their
To look up to To respect somebody.

They all made for the exit as soon as the match had
To make for To go in the direction of
a) to write out (cheque,
He made out a cheque for 2000 DH.
list, etc.)
To make out b) to manage to see, The telephone line was so bad that I couldn’t make out
read, understand, etc. what he was saying.
c) to pretend She made out she was ill so as not to do gym.
a) to invent (a story, an
He made up a good excuse to explain his absence.
excuse, etc.)
To make up
b) to use cosmetics Actors make up before going on stage.
c) to end a quarrel Bob and I don’t quarrel any more. We’ve made it up.
- Her beauty makes up for her stupidity.
To make up for To compensate for
- We must work hard to make up for lost time.

- To pass away
To die His poor father passed away / on in his sleep.
- To pass on

To pull down To demolish That old building is dangerous. It will have to be pulled down.
To pull up To come to a stop The driver pulled up at the red lights.

a) to put sth. in its usual If you have finished playing with those toys, please
To put away place of storage put them away.
b) to save He puts away 100 DH every month.
To put off To postpone The meeting has been put off until next week.
To put out To extinguish It took several firemen to put the fire out.
To put up with To tolerate / bear patiently I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with the awful noise.

To end a telephone
To ring off I must ring off now as my wife is waiting to go shopping.
To ring up To telephone I’ll ring you up as soon as I get to the station.

He looks really run down. He must have been
To be run down To be in poor heath
working too hard.
To run into To meet somebody by chance I ran into a friend at the airport.
We have run out of milk. Go and get a carton
To run out of To have no more supplies of
from the grocer’s, will you ?
To run over To knock down (of a vehicle) Our cat has been run over by a bus.

To see about To deal with / to arrange He said he’d see about a room for us.
To see sb. across To help sb. to cross (a road, etc. ) They saw the building man across the road.
To accompany sb. who is leaving
To see sb. off We went to the airport to see them off.
and say goodbye to him
My washing machine has gone wrong. I
To see to To put right
must ask somebody to see to it.

- To set off They have set off on a cruise round the world.
To begin (a journey, etc.)
- To set out They set out at five o’clock this morning.
To establish (a business, a He has decided to set up a committee to help old
To set up
committee, etc.) people.

To sit up To go to bed later than usual He sat up late revising for the exam.

To stand by sb. To give moral support to sb. They always stood by when we were in trouble.
To stand for To represent What does P.T.T. stand for ?

To take after To resemble The little boy takes after his father.
Everyone was taken in by her story, even
To take in To deceive (by a trick)
though it wasn’t true.
a) to leave the ground and begin to fly Their plane took off from Rabat at 6 p.m.
To take off
b) to imitate He takes off his teachers very well.
When Mr Brown retired, his son took over
To take over To acquire (a business, a post, etc.)
the family business.
a) to come to like I took to her the moment I saw her.
To take to
b) to get into a habit She has taken to biting her finger-nails.
To take up To begin doing (as a hobby) He has taken up tennis in his spare time.

To try on To see if clothes fit May I try this dress on, please ?
To use something in The idea sounds good but it needs to be tried out before we
To try out
order to test it can make a definite decision.

To turn down a) to reject He turned down my offer of help as he preferred to do it
all alone.

b) to reduce (volume,
Please turn that awful noise down !
brightness, etc.)



To accuse somebody of doing something

They accused him of stealing the chickens.

To be accustomed to doing something

She isn’t accustomed to having a lot of money.

To advise somebody to do something

To advise you to work hared in future.

To advise somebody against doing something

He advised his son against studying abroad.

To agree to do something
He has agreed to help us.

To agree with somebody about something.

I agree with you about the new decisions.

To allow somebody to do something

My father doesn’t allow me to go out at night.

To be angry / annoyed with somebody for doing something.

He was annoyed with me for not coming to the meeting yesterday.

To be anxious about somebody / something

I’m very anxious about her health. She looks so tired these days.

To be anxious to do something
He is anxious to meet you.

To apologize to somebody. for doing something

I must apologize to them for not answering their letter.

To appeal to somebody for / against something

The hospital appealed to the local population for financial help.
The players appealed against the referee’s decision.

To apply to somebody for something

She has applied to the bank for a job as cashier.

To approve of somebody / something

He doesn’t approve of their marriage.

To argue with somebody about something

You’re always arguing with me about what I should wear.

To be aware / unaware of something

Are you aware of the dangers of smoking ?

To beg for something

They were so poor that they had to deg for all their food.

To beg somebody to do something

They begged me to help them.

To believe in somebody / something

He believes in God.

To blame somebody for something

They blamed him for breaking the clock.

To boast about something

They’re always boasting about their children’s successes.

To borrow something from somebody

I borrowed this jacket from my uncle.

To cheer somebody up
I was feeling very sad, but your visit has cheered me up.

To complain to somebody about / of something

He has complained to me about your bad behaviour.

To concentrate on (doing) something

Let’s concentrate on finding a solution.

To congratulate somebody on (doing) something

We congratulated her on her success.

To convince somebody of something

He has convinced me of his honesty.

To be cruel to somebody
Young children are often cruel to animals.

To differ from
How does Arabic differ from French ?

To be disappointed at something
To be disappointed in with somebody / something
I was disappointed at not finding you at home.
He is disappointed in / with his new car.

To discourage somebody from doing something

Some people have discouraged me from studying law.

To be doubtful about something

I’m very doubtful about what I should do next year.
To dream of doing something
I’ve always dreamt of living on a desert island.

To dream about somebody / something

I dreamt about you last night.*

To be eager to do something
She’s always eager to help.

To encourage somebody in something / to do something

Teachers should encourage their pupils in their studies / to work hard.

To excuse somebody for doing something

Please excuse me for being late.

To excuse somebody from doing something

I’ll excuse you from playing tennis today if you don’t feel well enough.

To expect somebody to do something

We expect him to write next week.

To be famous for something

Khemisset is famous for its << brochettes>>

To feed somebody on something

We feed our dog on raw meat.

To be fond of somebody / (doing) something

Little girls are fond of playing with dolls.

To forgive somebody for doing something

Please forgive me for not doing my homework.

To be good at something
He’s very good at languages.

To be grateful to somebody for something

I’m very grateful to them for helping us.

To haggle with somebody about / over something

Some tourists enjoy haggling with shopkeepers about prices.

To inquire about something

I must inquire about trains to Fes.

To inquire after somebody

Bill wasn’t at work today. I must inquire after him.

To be interested in somebody / something

I’m very interested in music.

To introduce somebody to something

May I introduce you to my wife ?

To insist on something
They insist on coming with us.

To be jealous of somebody
The little boy is very jealous of his baby sister.

To be kind to somebody
We should be kind to animals.

To be kind of somebody to do something

It was very kind of you to help us.

To laugh at somebody / something

You shouldn’t laugh at people who are in trouble.

To laugh over somebody / something

We laughed over the funny letter we received from you.

To lend something to somebody

I’ve only a few books. T can’t lend one to everybody.

To long for something / to do something

I’m longing for next year to come.
I’m longing to leave school.

To manage to do something
Although it was dark, he managed to find his way.

To operate on somebody (for something)

The surgeon has operated on her for appendicitis.

To be overjoyed at something
I was overjoyed at the good news.

To pay somebody for something

We paid them 2.000 DH for this old car.

To be pleased with somebody / something

She’s very pleased with your progress.

To praise somebody for something

They praised him for his courage.

To prevent somebody from doing something

Bad weather prevented us from visiting the whole region.

To promise somebody / something to do something

I promise you a present if you win.
I promise to be there on time.

To protest against something

The children protested against going to bed early.
To be proud of somebody / something
She’s proud of her husband’s success.

To provide somebody with something

Parents provide their children with food and clothes.

To punish somebody for (doing) something

We must punish them for getting such low marks.

To quarrel with somebody about something

Her son often quarrels with his sister about silly things.

To rely on somebody
He is very conscientious. You can rely on him to do the job well.

To remember somebody to somebody

Please remember me to your parents when you write.

To remind somebody of somebody

That woman reminds me of my aunt.

To remind somebody to do something

Please remind me to buy some milk ; otherwise I might forget.

To be responsible for something

Who is responsible for that noise ?

To reward somebody for something

We shall reward you for your good work.

To rob somebody of something

They robbed him of his watch.

To be rude to somebody
Children mustn’t be rude to their parents.

To scold somebody for (doing) something

She scolded her son for being lazy.

To send for somebody / something

I feel ill. You’d better send for the doctor.

To smell / to taste of something

This meat smells of garlic
This cake tastes of lemon.

To be sorry about something

I’m very sorry about that mistake.

To be / to feel sorry for somebody

I feel sorry for people who have to work in the hot sun.
To stop somebody from doing something
They stopped us from going near the blazing hut.

To steal something from somebody

Somebody stole my wallet from me yesterday.
To succeed in doing something
They have succeeded in finding a nice house.

To suffer from something

He is suffering from chock.

To suspect somebody of (doing) something

We suspected him of telling lies.

To thank somebody for (doing) something

Please thank your father for lending me his hammer.

To translate from x into y

We must translate his letter from Spanish into English.

To be used for something

Wood is used for making furniture.

To be used to doing something

He is used to working hard. He has done it all his life.

To worry about somebody / something

Don’t worry about your future.
An exercise that is widely used to test students’ ability to use prepositions correctly is one in
which blanks must be filled.
Example :
Fill the blanks , supplying the appropriate prepositions.
1. The policeman prevented us ....... approaching the injured man.
2. I hope he’ll forgive me ....... not returning his book immediately.
3. She isn’t used ........ driving such a big car.
Answers : 1. from 2. for 3. to

When composing an exercise of this kind, great care must be taken to make the meaning of the
sentence clear. Only one correct answer should be possible, otherwise the exercise is no longer valid
as a test in the use of prepositions. Here is an example to illustrate this point :
He excused me ........ talking a lot.
Possible answers :
1. He excused me for talking a lot.
(i.e. I spoke for longer than I should perhaps have done but, since what I had to say was
interesting, he excused me.)
2. He excused me from talking a lot.
(i.e. Knowing that I had a sore throat, he said he would understand if I only spoke for a short
In order to make the meaning of this sentence clear, something must be added.
e.g. Although I monopolized the discussion, he excused me .......... talking a lot as I raised
some interesting point (to elicit for)
Knowing that I had a sore throat, he excused me ......... talking a lot (to elicit from)

1. appel masculin (aussi téléphonie ); cri masculin (aussi bird); visite féminin ; demande féminin
(de, for);
vocation féminin ; nomination féminin (to a post, et cetera);
(aussi telephone call) coup masculin de téléphone;
commerce on call sur demande;

2. verbe transitif appeler (aussi droit ), crier; convoquer (a meeting); héler (a taxi); faire venir (a
doctor); attirer (someone's attention) (sur, to);
décréter (a strike); sens figuré nommer (à, to);
be called s'appeler; américanisme familier,
call down injurier;
call in retirer (a coin) de la circulation; faire (r)entrer (quelqu'un);
call up évoquer; militaire mobiliser; américanisme aussi téléphoner à (quelqu'un);

3. verbe intransitif téléphoner; faire une visite, passer (chez at, on);
call at a port faire escale;
call for faire venir (quelqu'un) ou apporter (quelque chose); commander; venir chercher (quelqu'un,
quelque chose);
to be (left till) called for poste restante;
call on invoquer; réclamer (quelque chose à quelqu'un, someone for something); requérir,

venir, arriver; to come futur, à venir, qui vient; come about arriver, se passer; come across
someone tomber sur quelqu'un; come along se dépêcher; arriver; come at se jeter sur; sens
figuré parvenir à; come by passer par; obtenir; come down descendre; sens figuré s'abaisser;
déchoir; come down with être frappé par (an illness); come for venir chercher; come in!
entrez!; come off se détacher (button); avoir lieu; tomber (hair); come on s'avancer; survenir;
come round sens figuré reprendre connaissance; come to (oneself) revenir à soi; reprendre
ses sens; come up to s'élever jusqu'à; s'approcher de (quelqu'un); égaler; come upon tomber
sur; rencontrer par hasard

1. Verbe transitif obtenir; gagner; prendre; se faire (a reputation et cetera); recevoir; aller
chercher; attraper (a blow, an illness); faire (infinitif , participe passé ).
have got avoir.
get one's hair cut se faire couper les cheveux.
get away arracher; éloigner.
get in rentrer (aussi verbe intransitif ).
get off enlever, ôter (one's clothes).
get out tirer; (faire) sortir.
get through parlement faire adopter.
get something over (with) en finir avec quelque chose.
get together se réunir; se rencontrer (avec, with).
get up faire monter.
2. verbe intransitif devenir, se faire; aller, se rendre (à, to); en arriver (à infinitif , to
infinitif ); se mettre.
get ready se préparer.
get ahead prendre de l'avance.
get along se débrouiller.
get along with s'entendre ou s'accorder (bien) avec.
get at atteindre; parvenir à.
get away partir; s'échapper.
get into entrer ou monter dans; mettre (one's clothes et cetera).
get off descendre.
get on monter sur ou dans; avancer; sens figuré se débrouiller.
get out (of, from) sortir (de); s'échapper (de).
get through passer; téléphonie obtenir la communication.
get to hear (or know or learn) apprendre.
get over traverser; passer; se remettre de (illness, loss, et cetera).
get up se lever; monter; s'élever.

1. aller; passer; marcher (machine, heart); sonner (bell); partir (de, from); s'en aller; with adjectif :
devenir; s'étendre (jusqu'a, to).
go bad se gâter.
argot here goes! allons-y!
argot go it! vas-y!; allez-y!
let go lâcher; laisser aller.
go shares partager.
go to (or and) see aller voir.
go about circuler; se mettre à (a task).
go ahead avancer; persister.
go at s'attaquer à.
go by (adverbe) passer; (préposition ) se régler sur.
go by the name of être connu sous le nom de.
go for aller chercher; (aller) faire (a walk, a journey, et cetera); attaquer;
américanisme aussi aimer, prendre plaisir à.
go in for an examination passer un examen.
go into entrer dans; sens figuré examiner, se pencher sur (a question); se lancer dans.
go off partir (aussi gun et cetera), s'en aller.
go on continuer (de, à infinitif , gérondif ); passer (à, to).
go on! avancez!; ironiquement allons donc!
go out sortir; s'éteindre (fire).
go over passer (à, to).

go through passer par; traverser; subir (a trial).
go with accompagner; s'accorder avec, aller avec (quelque chose).
go without se passer de.

2. familier, aller masculin ; coup masculin , essai masculin ; familier, energie féminin ,
entrain masculin ; familier, dernier cri masculin .
on the go à courir, remuant.
in one go d'un seul coup.
have a go essayer (de infinitif , at gérondif ).

Verbe transitif laisser; faire (infinitif ); louer (a house et cetera)
let alone laisser tranquille ou en paix; laisser (quelqu'un) faire; adverbe sans parler de ...
let down baisser; descendre; familier, décevoir, laisser (quelqu'un) en panne
let go verbe transitif lâcher; verbe intransitif lâcher prise
let into a secret mettre (quelqu'un) dans un secret
let loose lâcher
let off laisser descendre (a passenger et cetera); faire partir (a shot et cetera); dégager (a
smell et cetera); sens figuré faire grâce à (quelqu'un); sens figuré dispenser (de
infinitif , from gérondif ); familier
let on dire, raconter, avouer
let out laisser sortir; laisser échapper; costume élargir (a dress)
let up diminuer; cesser

1. nom regard masculin ; air masculin , aspect masculin ; (d'ordinaire looks pluriel ) mine
féminin ; have a look at something jeter un coup d'œil sur quelque chose; 2. verbe intransitif
regarder (quelque chose, at something; par, out of); avoir l'air (sick et cetera); sembler (que, as if);
paraître; it looks like rain on dirait qu'il va pleuvoir; look about chercher (quelqu'un, for someone)
des yeux; regarder autour de soi; look after s'occuper de; soigner; garder; look at regarder; look for
chercher; look forward to attendre avec plaisir; look in faire une petite visite (à, on); télévision
regarder; look into examiner, étudier; look out regarder dehors; faire attention, prendre garde (à,
for); look out for aussi (re)chercher; look over jeter un coup d'œil sur (quelque chose); look up
regarder en haut, lever les yeux; s'améliorer; sens figuré look up to respecter; sens figuré look
(up)on regarder (comme, as); 3. verbe transitif : look disdain lancer un regard dédaigneux; look up
chercher; consulter; passer voir (quelqu'un)

1. verbe transitif d'ordinaire faire; construire; fabriquer; confectionner (clothes); fixer
(conditions); établir (a rule); conclure (peace, a treaty); électricité fermer (a circuit);
nommer (someone a judge)
make the best of it en prendre son parti
make good réparer (an error); tenir (one's word)
make it arriver à temps; (y) réussir

do you make one of us? êtes-vous des nôtres?
make a place arriver à un endroit
make shift s'accommoder (de, with)
make into transformer en
make out dresser (an account, a list); faire (a cheque); prouver; discerner; déchiffrer
(a handwriting)
make over céder; transférer
make up faire; assembler; façonner (a dress et cetera); dresser (a list, an account);
inventer (a story); compenser; compléter
made up of composé de; voir
make up for (verbe intransitif )
make up one's mind se décider (à, to; pour for, in favo[u]r of)
make it up se réconcilier, faire la paix

2. verbe intransitif make as if faire semblant de; faire comme si

make after s'élancer sur ou après
make away with enlever; détruire; dérober (money)
make for se diriger vers
make off se sauver; décamper
make sure s'assurer (de, of) s'arranger (pour infinitif , that)
make up compenser; se réconcilier; se maquiller
make up for compenser; réparer; se rattraper de (a loss); suppléer à

3. fabrication féminin ; façon féminin ; person: taille féminin ; marque féminin ;

électricité circuit: fermeture féminin

1. adverbe par-dessus (quelque chose); en plus; fini; with adjectif ou adverbe : trop; with verb:
sur-, trop; with nom : excès masculin de
over and above en outre
(all) over again de nouveau
over against vis-à-vis de
all over partout
over and over (again) à plusieurs reprises
get something over (and done) with en finir avec quelque chose; venir à bout de
quelque chose
read over lire (quelque chose) en entier; parcourir; 2. préposition sur,
(par)dessus; au-dessus de; au-delà de
all over the town dans toute la ville
over night pendant la nuit.

1. chemin masculin , voie féminin ; direction féminin , sens masculin ; façon féminin , manière
féminin ; genre masculin ; moyen masculin ; progrès masculin ; habitude féminin , coutume
féminin ; état masculin (physique et cetera)
ways and means pluriel moyens masculin pluriel ; ressources féminin pluriel (nécessaires)
way in entrée féminin
way out sortie féminin
this way par ici
in some (or a) way en quelque sorte
in no way ne ... aucunement ou d'aucune façon
by the way en passant, à propos
by way of place: par, via; sens figuré en guise de (something else); sens figuré pour
(infinitif ), afin de (infinitif )
on the (or one's) way en route (pour, to); chemin faisant
out of the way écarté, isolé; sens figuré peu ordinaire, extravagant
under way en marche (aussi nautique)
give way céder; faire place
have one's way agir à sa guise
go out of one's way (to infinitif ) se donner du mal (pour infinitif)
if I had my way si on me laissait faire
have a way with savoir (comment) s'y prendre avec
lead the way marcher en tête; montrer le chemin
américanisme way station petite gare féminin
américanisme way train train masculin omnibus
voir aussi right 3 et cetera

2. adverbe (très) loin; là-bas; du côté de, près de










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