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Mt 16:18 - It "will be built" by the Lord Jesus Christ. Build it with what? Is He still in the process
of building it? Has He built it already and continues to do so? Has He finished building it, which
follows, now what?

Mt 18:17 - It is the best facilitating factor to consider when settling any issue between two
parties of believers who have differences.

Ac 8:1f; 12:1 - It is subject to persecution and mistreatment.

Ac 9:31 - Three characteristics/aspects of a growing church: enjoying peace, being built up

(same as 11:22-24; 16:5); and, living in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Ac 12:5 - It prays fervently for its leaders.

Ac 13:1 It is being led either by prophets, teachers; elders (14:23; 20:17); overseers (20:28);
apostles, miracle doers, healers, helpers, administrators, tongue speakers and their interpreters
(1Co 12:28); and perhaps by any combination of the aforementioned.

Ac 14:27; 18:22; Ro 16:5 - It is a group of believers gathered together.

Ac 15:3-4, 22 - It is a (mission) sending and "receiving" body.

Ac 16:5 - One aspect of growth: being strengthened in the faith.

Ac 20:25-35

Ro 16:1-2 - It has servants, perhaps for the purpose of serving the leaders.

1Co 4:17 - It is taught by (God through) leader/s who has been given authority to teach and as
taught by other leaders who are recognized to have greater authority from "Church universal."

1Co 11:17f - It is prone to differences of attitudes and personalities.

1Co 14:4 - It is edified by those who have the gift of prophecy.

1Co 14:12, 26 - It gathers together to edify one another.

1Co 14:33 - It must reflect the characters of God; in this passage, its peace.

1Ti 3:15 - It is owned by God and it is the pillar and support of truth.

1Ti 5:16 - It must not be burdened in order to accomplish its purpose of supporting its widows
(perhaps it includes all those who are disenfranchised).
Ja 5:14 - Its elders must be the prayer warriors for its sick members. There is an assumption
here that the elders were always filled by/with the Spirit of God.

1Jn 1:5-6 - The love of a member to other members of the group serves as an outstanding
testimony to other churches.


 Mt 18:15-18
 Ac 9:31
 Ac 11:19-22 - for fellowship with other churches
 Ac 11:25-25 - for fellowship with other Christians
 Ac 12:5 - to pray for one another
 Ac 13:1-3; 14:23; 15:3, 22 - for producing leaders to be sent out
 Ac 14:41; 16:5; 20:28; 1st Co 14:4-5, 12 - for "strengthening" or developing the faithful
 Ro 11:18 - for unity
 2nd Co 8:23; Eph 5:27 - for glorying the Lord
o How is the Lord glorified through the church?
o Is He going to be glorified by our coming together to have Bible study,
fellowship, and worship?
o A king is glorified not only by his subjects praising him but also at the same time
by those who are not his subjects but only onlookers. It means that God is
glorified not only by Christians but also at the same time by those who do not
yet believe (speaking in human terms) in Him. How is that? How is God glorified
by those who do not yet believe in Him? God is going to be glorified by those
who do not yet believe in Him when they have seen in Christians the beauty and
majesty of God that they will want to become a part of it.
 1st Tim 5:16 - for assisting fellow believers who are in need

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