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FLIGHT, 2 February 1950


The Operation of Hydraulic Servo Systems 5 7
By C. A. H. POLLITT, M.I.E.D T r ';;-:::-^:-^/^-."?~-g&rr^^:''^,

I T is a popular supposition that the essence of any power-

assisted flying control system is that the pilot shall be
furnished with a means of supplementing his limited
" ' ' " l l »«»»».,„!•.»
physical capacity *„ to an extent 1.1...J.
„ „ —A—i. that ...:n
will enable
i_i_ him
i_:— to
i_ move
imparted by aerodynamic loads on the control surfaces and at
all events, to prevent such loads being transmitted back to 'the
control column. It is equally important that the system shall
remain irreversible in the event of a failure in the power-supply
with ease the control surfaces of large aircraft, the all-up circuit.
weight of which may be of the order of 150,000 lb and more. Unimpaired Response after Periods of Inactivity.—Periods
Although this definition is substantially accurate it is, of prolonged inactivity tend to divest a system of its spon-
however, relevant to observe that the use of power-assisted taneous action, a fact which can hardly be dissociated from
the characteristics of the power media employed. With
flying controls is by no means confined to large multi- hydraulic power, which is generally conceded to be the most
engined types; for a number of years servo units have been suitable motivating force for servo controls, fluid-seepage and
used with much smaller and faster aircraft, jet fighters variations of temperature are two of the most common causes
predominant amongst them.
The need for power-assisted flying controls may be ascribed
to four fundamental reasons. These are: (i) to afford effortless
control of the considerable aerodynamic loads associated with
large control surfaces; (ii) to overcome the substantial inertia
loadings of linkage systems; (iii) to eliminate feed-back of the
static loads of the control surfaces; and (iv) the damping-out
of sudden gust loads more particularly associated with high-
speed aircraft.
The essential characteristics of an efficient power-assisted
flying control system may be summarized as follows: —
Fidelity.—The response characteristics of the usual manually-
energized control system include an appreciable time-lag con-
tributed by the aircraft's response to displacement of the con-
trol surfaces and also by the response of the mechanical linkage
system itself. With power-assisted flying controls the fidelity A = Fixed surface.
of the system is defined as the relationship between the time B = Trim surface.
function of the power input and that of the output under "C = Control surface,
conditions of external disturbance. In some hydraulic power- b •= Angular travel of trim surface,
controls the arrangement is such that the fluid flow is propor- c = Angular travel of control surface
tional to the positional error; by this means the pressure in Fig. I. Diagrammatic representation of manually operated
the system becomes a function of the external forces plus the control assister with triple surface configuration.
accelerations of the various masses of the flying control system.
Synthetic Feel.—Early investigations into the probable of trouble. Both these factors are, in large measure, influenced ~.;
requirements of power-assisted control systems for aircraft by the viscosity of the fluid in the system, and recent develop-
embraced some consideration of the principles employed in ments have clearly indicated the manifold advantages oi the
marine steering equipment. This form of power-assisted re- use of silicones as viscosity-stabilizing agents. Loss of pressure
mote control was found to be so fundamentally different ffom due to thermal contraction of the fluid can also be compen-
that required for aircraft that it was impossible to draw any sated by purely mechanical devices such as a spring-loaded'
significant conclusions. The fact that a ship's steering gear piston accommodated within the piston-rod of the servo ram
gives directional control in one plane only, whereas three- which piston transmits fluid pressure via a suitably disposed
dimensional control is required for aircraft is, perhaps, the orifice into the pressure chamber of the servo unit. Hobs»n
cardinal difference. Moreover, in the event of failure of a powered flying-controls incorporate this feature.
ship's steering gear the ship can heave-to while repairs are Emergency Operation.—It is mandatory for a control-boost
carried out, but there is no comparable procedure with air- system to incorporate adequate facilities for emergency control
craft, although adequate provision is always made for The obvious answer is to duplicate the system; but such a %
emergency control. procedure is, for several reasons, prohibitive. In the first
There was one feature of the investigations, however, which instance, airline operators have a rooted objection to hydraulics
did justify common consideration. This was the question of in general and to system duplication in particular. This
"feel." It is a fact that so long as it is possible to feel the aversion is largely attributable to maintenance difficulties
response of any mechanical steering - . which, incidentally, constitute one of
gear to the manual energy applied to the operator's biggest headaches.
its movement, the more finely co- With a military aircraft duplication '""
ordinated will be the movement of the 5O 525-55Om.p.h.|.A.S.-s' of hydraulics promptly increases
mechanism. This is true on account I NO TANKS \ / vulnerability; and with'all aircraft
of the sensitivity which, imparted by there is a strict weight-penalty im-
the feel of the mechanism, permits a posed by the additional pipes and
knowledgeable anticipation of its 4O
equipment, not to mention the fluid
behaviour under varying conditions of within them.
operation. Such anticipation, even
though momentary, is indeed highly Temperature Range. — Satisfactory
desirable with fast-moving aircraft. operation throughout temperatures
There is, in fact, evidence to show ranging from - 6 5 deg F to + 150 deg
that when flying certain jet fighters F is also called for. This requirement
with a maximum boost ratio of 10 :1 is again largely contingent upon the '
(and which is adjustable in flight), the fluid viscosity in the system, and
majority of pilots select a 6 :1 ratio, earlier observations on "unimpaired
thereby manifesting a general prefer- response after periods of inactivity"
ence for not-too-near-minimum stick IO are equally applicable here.
loads. Autopilot Operation.—There are
obvious advantages in a servo control
Irreversibility.—This is an essential system which can be operated by the
pre-requisite. In one respect it is, O 2 3 4 5 automatic, as well as by the human,
perhaps, comparable with the prin- LOAD FACTOR (y units)
pilot. By placing the automatic pilot
ciple of a shock-absorber in that the Fig. 2. Comparison of stick force with g for ahead of the boost linkage, the servo
power control is required to dissipate Republic Thunderjet at high speeds (I.A.S.) system can be made sensible to auto-
any reverse loading such as may be with and without wing-tip fuel tanks. pilot loads in precisely the same

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