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Supplement to The Oxford Club Communiqué

#1 Ranked Stock & Options Picker in Barron’s &

Wall Street Journal Reveals:

“I’ve Cracked Wall Street’s

‘Da Vinci Code’…”
And it could hand you 309% gains in the next 55 days…

Dear Oxford Club Member, From the Desk

of Julia Guth
My hands are trembling as I write you…
Dear Oxford Club
I’m on a flight from New York to D.C… Member,
Mt. Vernon Resear
ch analyst Jim St
It’s just after midnight... share... anton has an excit
ing story to
I haven’t slept in 36 hours… and I’m exhausted. It details his ques
t to uncover an elu
“Da Vinci Code sive secret: Wall
.” Street’s
But my quest to uncover one of Wall Street’s most
elusive secrets is finally over. Even though mos
t average investo
“code” makes the rs know nothing
biggest traders an about it... This
After travelling thousands of miles, countless gains ever y singl
e year.
d firms on Wall St
reet billions in
secret meetings and years of searching… I’ve
As you'll see, his
completed a journey to discover what could be the journey to crack
incredible read. It this powerful code
has literally span makes for an
most powerful investing secret of our time. And it could ultim ned years... and m
any continents.
ately make you so
me good money.
So if you’re ready to get whole lot richer, a whole At the very least,
you'll find out ab
lot faster than you ever dreamed possible… I’ll show held for years... out a secret that's
been tightly
you how to use the same cash-cranking “code” Wall
Good investing,
Street’s super-elite have quietly used for years.
Over the next five minutes you’ll discover a Julia C. Guth
Executive Direct
simple way to consistently put obscene amounts of or, The Oxford Cl
fast-cash in your pocket… starting just days from
Sound good? Great.
Let’s get to it…

❚❘ The Billion Dollar Code Wall Street Hides From You

Let me be clear – this isn’t just a “code”… it’s much bigger than that.
This could be the most consistent moneymaking secret you’ll ever discover.
How come you haven’t heard of it? Because very few people – even Wall Street’s upper echelon –
even know it exists.
And the few who do know about it… certainly won’t share it with everyday investors. In fact, they

Over, please...
don’t share it with elite investors.
But every single trading day, through all markets, the “code” makes the super-elite tons of money.
As you’re about to see, my journey to crack this powerful code has taken years… and spanned many
continents. And that’s why I’ve come to call it Wall Street’s “Da Vinci Code.”
I know that might sound a little “dramatic.” But like blockbuster author Dan Brown, I’m pretty
good at coming up with metaphors – just like Wall Street’s “Da Vinci Code.” And there are plenty of
“codes” out there that claim to unlock the secrets of the markets... or even of history itself. But this
“code” has actually produced billions – even trillions in profits in recent years.
In the first half of 2008 alone, a group of insiders at Goldman Sachs used it to generate over $10
billion in revenue. Yes, even in these markets tons of money is being made…
Meanwhile everyday investors continue to take a beating… and that’s the difference.
The elite have lined their fat pockets long enough. It’s your turn to use their secret weapon… It’s
time to put the odds in your favor, big-time.
Soon, you’ll discover how the “code” could help you book 309% gains – or maybe more – in the
next 55 days… It’s a simple combination of numbers you can use to “know” exactly when certain
stocks will soar… right down to the minute… or even the second!
But before I reveal the “code” to you – and show you how to use it for yourself – you might want to
know a little more background… including how I came to discover Wall Street’s “Da Vinci Code”… and
exactly how it works…

❚❘ I Had to Do Something to Make Things Right…

As you may have guessed, I’m a former Wall Street insider (we all had to start somewhere)… and
that’s how I discovered the world’s most powerful moneymaking code existed.
I had a big office and made good money. But I was never comfortable wearing fancy suits or
schmoozing clients at gourmet restaurants.
That just isn’t my style. I prefer blue jeans and burgers any day.
When you grow up with five brothers and five sisters, like I did, you learn to appreciate the value of
a dollar at a very young age. As you probably guessed, my parents worked day and night to put food on
the table and keep clothes on our backs.
So when I discovered the stock market was “rigged” – I mean, really rigged in favor of a handful of
investors – it was shocking. I’ll explain exactly how it’s “rigged” in a minute, but know the odds are heavily
stacked against hard-working folks like my parents... and in favor of those who possess the “code”…
So how can I know that for sure? Because I discovered this truth firsthand...
It wasn’t easy… and I’ve literally crossed oceans and risked my life in this pursuit… I think it was
more than worth it… but I’ll let you be the judge…

❚❘ How My 25-year Quest to Crack the “Code” Took Me from the

Severn River in Annapolis, MD… to the Dam in Amsterdam…
to Grover-Archbold Park in Washington, D.C.
First, I want to be clear… I discovered the “code” in pieces. And here’s a quick confession: many
people around the investing world possess parts of the “code” already.

It’s just that very, very few possess all the numbers required to practically know when any given
stock will soar… right up to the minute… and regardless of the markets…
A man named Dr. Sullivan, for example, showed me the first “sequence” of the “code.” (Although to
this day, he doesn’t know the “code” in full.)
I was working at the brokerage office that cloudy October morning back in ‘83… I heard the usual
buzz of brokers’ cold-calling prospects…
It was always a rush… the noise, the intensity, the energy… and then I got another one… it was my
fifth call of the day, when I heard the three magic words every stockbroker wants to hear: “Yes, I’m
My prospect was Sullivan.
I think I interrupted his breakfast that morning, but that’s what brokers do – they call prospects
when they know they’ll be home.
I was confident my pitch on some high-flying stock was what reeled him in… At 7 PM the next
evening, I arrived at the gates of his enormous white mansion in historic Annapolis, MD…
I’ll never forget walking up to the front door, the Severn River flowing quietly below… My heart was
beating hard. I had visions of closing tons of business and making thousands of dollars.
But when I went inside, what Dr. Sullivan showed me wasn’t his checkbook…
It was a simple set of numbers… and began my journey to discover Wall Street’s “Da Vinci Code” in
full… the same “code” that could soon make you very rich…

❚❘ The Mysterious Dr. Sullivan

I couldn’t see the walls in his basement…
Everywhere I looked the walls were plastered with stock charts. Marked-up with red lines, arrows
and huge percentage gains.
Then Dr. Sullivan said, “There’s something about you I like, Jim. You seem like a sharp young man...
Let me tell you something. I never look at financials. Take those reports you got there, and toss ‘em. Let
me show you how I invest.”
Another crack pot with a “magic bullet” trading secret I thought.
I was set to walk out, but intrigue got the better of me. He was an intelligent and successful doctor;
maybe he knew something they didn’t teach me in training.
So I sat back, bit my tongue, looked, listened, and learned…
“See this chart? This is all I need to invest. I can look at this chart and tell you exactly where this
stock is heading. Down to the minute.”
Um, excuse me? You can what?
That’s when he smacked a chart of Xerox Corp. down on the table.
“Let me show how it works. This dot is my buy price of $7.05. The other dot, that’s my sell price of
“This trade took just nine days and I cleared a profit of 13%,” Dr. Sullivan said.
As I looked around. I saw hundreds of charts – and countless big gainers – just like this… sometimes

the hold time was for just a few hours, other times it was a few days or weeks. But I noticed none of his
trades were for more than 31 days.
He picked up a few more charts and showed me a recent Coca-Cola trade he made.
Here’s what it looked like…

This play moved right on queue and handed Dr. Sullivan a quick 115% in under 27 days. In other
words, he turned $5,000 into $11,250, fast.
He could predict, with accuracy, when a stock would go up.
As he put it, “I don’t care what direction the market heads. I can always find opportunities to make
money. Always.”
What he was doing was different than technical analysis. I recognized the concept. It was pattern
While it may sound complicated, it comes down to this: Based on previous movements… stocks
move in predictable patterns…

❚❘ “The Same Algorithm the FBI Uses to Track Down Bad Guys”
It’s very similar to the same technique the FBI uses to profile a serial killer’s next move. But I never
realized it could be applied to investing.
Yet, the results spoke for themselves and I was hooked.
Dr. Sullivan’s revelation was an eye opening experience for me... I never realized there were hidden
patterns beneath all the numbers… and with the right code to decipher them, they reveal more than I
ever imagined…
I was mesmerized. Dr. Sullivan and I spoke almost every trading day for the next 10 years.
And we got really good at consistently picking winners… at buying stocks right before they made
big moves. But as good as it was, our partial code wasn’t able to tell us the exact right moment to sell.
With the first part of the equation in place – I knew exactly when to buy – I kept looking for more
answers… even as the pattern-recognition technique began making my clients a LOT of money from
day one…

❚❘ I Knew There Was More… I Knew I Could Do Better…

and It Was So Simple and Powerful, I Began Calling it
the “1-2-3 Code”
In fact, my clients suddenly thought I was a stock-picking wunderkind.
I was rattling off 75% winners here… 55% winners there… but there was room for greater profits…
and I wanted to do better for my growing list of clients at the brokerage.
I remembered a conversation I had with Dr. Sullivan when he told me: This must be just part of an
even more powerful code. He told me that the perfect algorithm for making money in the markets
hadn’t been discovered.
So the next day, when I returned to the office, I set out to discover it…

❚❘ How My Former Boss Accidentally Tipped Me Off

My boss, David, was more than my mentor…
He was a father-like figure, who hired me right out of college and quickly took me under his wing.
Thanks to his guidance I was climbing the ladder pretty fast.
Then, one Wednesday evening I decided to tell David what I was working on. I didn’t give him too
much info, but just enough to hopefully pique his interest.
And what he said caught me by surprise, “You’re on to something, Jim. I’ve heard rumblings about
this. In fact, I know a little about it myself… not that I’ve told anyone around here.”
Within a few minutes, we were sharing what we knew about the “code”… and the next stage of my
journey had begun…
After my brief revelation, David pulled me into his office. We’d grown fairly close by then. With a
stern look on his face he said “I’m going to let you in on a secret.”
He said, “You are the only broker I’ve ever shared this with. So this isn’t something you can share
with the guys.”

❚❘ Pisano’s Secret: 10-Times Bigger Profits

What was David going to tell me? I thought there was price-fixing or stock manipulation going on,
but David just scoffed.
He said, “What you’re talking about is a real code… It’s basically a series of numbers that predict the
exact moment stocks will soar… Your Dr. Sullivan clearly knows something about it from the evidence
you’ve shown me… But you haven’t said anything about Pisano.”
Who was Pisano? He was talking about Leonardo Pisano, an Italian mathematician from the 13th
While most people still haven’t heard of him, this eccentric genius long ago discovered a simple set
of numbers that could explain practically any pattern in nature.
From the shape of a conch shell to the patterns on leaves… His name has since been lost to
history… but his algorithms are being used by a few brilliant investors to predict stock movements with

uncanny accuracy.
In fact, using only Pisano’s equations, my own firm – not far from Washington, D.C. – was making
money hand over fist… but only for the richest clients!
So what David had told me was that our firm had two completely different sets of stocks. One for
the rich, based on Pisano’s numbers, and one for the rest of us.
One was based on Pisano’s algorithm… the other was based on traditional “hunt and peck” analysis.
The Pisano list provided profits that were, in some cases, 10-times greater than the stocks on the other
list. And it did so consistently.
This was really disturbing to me. In fact, I was really ticked.
It wasn’t fair!
Regular investors at our firm and others were getting screwed, unknowingly, by their own brokers.
And they could be doing much better!

❚❘ Discovering the Six Golden Numbers

So, over the next year I studied everything I could find relating to Pisano. David thought he had the
whole code. Using Pisano’s numbers, you could indeed tell exactly when to sell.
But as I continued my quest to build the “1-2-3 Code,” I discovered that David’s understanding of
Pisano’s numbers was incomplete. I uncovered an obscure manuscript Pisano had written… In fact, six
Golden Numbers buried in his writings made the code even more powerfully accurate.
When used properly, these “Golden Numbers” showed me exactly how to predict when
to sell a stock for the biggest gains.
Now, with the second piece of the puzzle in place… I was one step closer to uncovering the super-
elites’ most coveted secret… But I knew one element of my code was missing. I wasn’t sure exactly what
it was, but I knew I was close when…
A former head of Goldman Sachs called me to discuss a business proposition… His request was an
offer no one in finance could refuse.
He wanted me to come to Amsterdam to work and study by his side. I must admit, he offered me a
bundle of money, worldly travels, corporate expense accounts…

❚❘ Why This Former Goldman Bigwig Invited Me to

Amsterdam… and How 18 Months Later My Entire
Livelihood Was Nearly Stolen
I was blown away when this ex-Goldman honcho called…
I had heard his name hundreds of times, but it was usually on CNBC or in the Wall Street Journal.
I’m sorry I can’t reveal his true identity, but when he speaks, the entire investment world listens.
Why did he choose me? Because he heard about my “code” and how much money it was making…
Plus, he was working on a computerized code, too. If we put our efforts together we could have the
master code for beating the markets.
Long story short… I uprooted my life, moved to a small apartment in Amsterdam and we worked,
researched, and studied for almost 18 months…

During that time, I taught him what I knew about the code… but even though we had a
confidentiality agreement, I realized he was feeding the details to a few of his elite contacts on Wall
In fact, he was actually trying to steal MY Code.
But it wasn’t a complete loss… Because I got something from him, too… I can’t reveal exactly what,
but it involves a predictive technique using what I call “5-3 Indicators.”
With this technique in my arsenal, the basics of the “code” were in place…
So I programmed it into my computer and began to experiment using them together… hoping they
would work in perfect unison… And now, after months of fine-tuning, programming and beta testing
under real market conditions… They do!

❚❘ How I Knew I Cracked Wall Street’s

Best-Kept Quick-Money Secret
The “1-2-3 Code”...
Revealed for the First Time
The results speak for themselves. Here’s how I’ve done What is the “1-2-3 Code” exactly and how
using the “code.” can it make you a ton of money?

I rank… Bottom line: It’s an intricate combination of

computerized algorithms (factors) that you
• #1 in U.S. Trading Championship as reported can apply to any stock.
in Wall Street Journal
1. Pattern Recognition
• #1 in Options Trading Contest as reported in 2. 6 Golden Numbers
Barron’s 3. 5-3 Predictive Indicators
4. Moving Averages
• #1 in Winner’s Circle Magazine options contest 5. Stochastic Oscillators
6. Gann Analysis
The results weren’t surprising, I had been trading with 7. Market Volatility
my own money for years as I put the pieces together. 8. Relative Strength Index
9. Gap Analysis
So how can it make you rich too? Let me show you… 10. Bollinger Bands

❚❘ Get Rich with the Elite…

11. Cycle Trend Analysis

Don’t Settle for Their Scraps

12. On-Balance Volume
13. Parabolic SAR

Ever Again!
14. Confidential
15. Confidential
16. Confidential
Bottom line, I’ve created a computerized code that’s 17. Confidential
more powerful than anything created by Wall Street… There’s more to the “1-2-3 Code,” so read
on for details on how it could help you turn
There are many successful programs and systems out $10,000 into $92,315 in the next 55 days.
there, but they just focus on one technique for picking stocks.
But the “code” I’ve developed incorporates three
quantitative techniques and the one factor no computer can provide, over a quarter of a century of
experience reading the markets, predicting trends and knowing exactly when to buy and sell stocks for
maximum gains.
The “1-2-3 Code” lets you invest with limited risk… and the potential for constant, steady gains.
If you can imagine this, then you’re starting to see the picture here…
Now you may be wondering why a “code” that can predict the market so accurately isn’t making

headlines everywhere.
Well, there’s a good reason for it…
Today is the very first time I’m opening participation to the general public…
Through my new research service – 1-2-3 Trader – you can now access all of the Code’s picks.
And in a moment… I’ll reveal how it could help you book 309% gains in less than two months…

❚❘ Turn $10,000 into $92,315 in the Next 55 Days…

The 1-2-3 Trader is the only service that uses Pattern Recognition, the six Golden Numbers and
“5-3 Predictive Indicators” in perfect combination.
With this type of firepower on your side, the double- and triple-digit gains really add up quickly. It’s
like having a continual stream of cash profits.
But here’s the thing... The “code” does crank out huge winners, but that’s not what we’re shooting
for. Elite investors don’t make money like that. Elite investors prefer a constant stream of solid winners,
not pipe dreams of ten-baggers that never materialize. And so do I…
So if you’re okay with a steady flow of more frequent winners, then you’re in the right place.
And the proof is in the results… If you had invested $10,000 into four consecutive recommended
trades that started on May 16, 2008 through July 11, 2008… and rolled your profits from one play to
the next… you’d be sitting on $92,315 dollars… in just 55 days!
It started with a play on OfficeMax that shot up 28% in 14 days…
Then came a quick 80% gains on Boeing in just 3 days…
Then came 89% gains on Coca-Cola in just 8 days…
Followed by 112% gains on Harley Davidson in 22 days…
These four plays alone could have handed you 309% gains… and turned every $10,000 invested into
$92,315… in just 55 days!
That’s how fast the winners can come...

❚❘ And Have Fun Doing It…

It’s fun too…
Any trader will tell you there’s nothing more exhilarating than seeing an opportunity pop-up in
your email inbox – and know that you’re mere days... if not hours... away from an opportunity to cash
in on nice, juicy profits.
Imagine how those who “beta tested” the 1-2-3 Trader in action feel – when they saw, and had the
opportunity to profit from a steady stream of situations where they were given – in advance – the
predicted price movement of stocks practically to the penny.
Here’s a sample of the feedback received from some of my readers during the “beta” phase:

Made $12,000
“I’ve made about $12,000 in 2 months!”
~ G.A., Scranton, PA

Keep‘em Coming
“Great recommendation! One day later [I] pocketed a
nice 43%... Keep these trades coming!”
~ M.B., Excelsior, MN
100% Profit
“Just wanted to say thank you for the Coca-Cola
recommendation… exited in 3 days for a 100% profit!”
~ R.S., North Palm Beach, FL

And these days especially – with so much volatility in our core basket of stocks – opportunities are
popping up more often than ever.

❚❘ It’s Remarkably Easy-To-Use and Follow

Every hour the markets are open, my 1-2-3 Trader computers scour the market, crunching the data
on the basket of stocks the “1-2-3 Code” follows... looking for recurring patterns or situations where a
definite trend upward or downward is likely to occur.
When it looks out to the next target, you’ll get everything you need via an email (or fax if you
choose) alert. You’ll learn the company and/or option involved... the ticker symbol... the buy-in price...
the target price... the expected rise... and the timeframe expected for the move to happen.
From there, you choose from two ways to play it. You can go for the safe and steady gains associated
with buying the stock outright – or you can step up the risk slightly and accelerate your profit potential
by buying the recommended option. Or you can do both.
Once we reach the profit target, you’ll get an immediate alert instructing you precisely how to
liquidate your position. Remember, it’s not unusual for gains to come in a matter of days, so be sure to
stay on top of your email (or fax). You’ll know there’s news when you see the phrase “New 1-2-3
Trader Update” in your email subject line.
Expect between two and five opportunities a month. In more volatile markets... like we’ve been
experiencing lately... opportunities are more plentiful.

❚❘ Trade Like a Pro… Every Single Day

This opportunity is extremely limited, it’s the very first time I’ve ever opened participation to the
general public.
But given the high levels of volatility in the markets and, specifically, certain stocks and sectors that
have recently joined 1-2-3 Trader’s basket of tracked stocks, I have given the green light to make the
service available for a limited time.
This is not an open-ended situation, however. I’ll be watching trading volumes very closely as new
people come in. And when I feel it’s time to close the door – we will. We will do nothing to jeopardize
the 1-2-3 Trader subscriber’s ability to profit from the kind of fast-paced opportunities this “code” has
been producing.
The 1-2-3 Trader is unique.
There are services out there claiming to be computer-based systems that use a supposedly fancy
code… But I promise you... they are not using Pattern Recognition, the “Six Golden

Numbers” and “5-3 Predictive Indicators” together… and certainly not in the precise
combinations needed to produce these results.

❚❘ Why You May Not Be Right for this Service

Still, I need you to carefully consider whether this service is right for you.
There are basic investing skills you should know to get the most out of this service... like how to
place limit orders, where you instruct your broker to buy or sell at specific prices.
You’ll also want to be familiar with options. Options are a great way to turn small moves in the
stock price into thousands of dollars quickly.
It is best, too, to be an “active” investor. This is not a “buy-and-hold” strategy. Opportunities can
arise at any time. You may go a week without one, and the next week there could be three. And because
there’s no timetable to the recommendations this service uncovers, you really need to have the ability
to check your email (or fax) on a regular basis.
Plus, the gains can come fast. There have been many situations where profit targets are reached in a
matter of days – sometimes hours. If you’re not there to “see” the recommendations – and to place your
limit buy and sell orders based on the numbers the “code” issues – you could miss out on potentially
thousands of dollars in fast gains.
Then, of course, there’s the price it will cost to join this service.
Understand this is not an amateur program. This program uses serious, professional technology,
which I’ve spent years of my life and hundreds of thousands of dollars on – the kind professional
traders, who move millions of dollars through the markets each and every day, rely on.
And the price reflects that.
The cost to join the 1-2-3 Trader is $3,500 a year. That’s a bargain when you consider systems like
these typically cost millions to develop – and brokers and hedge funds were paying me upwards of
$18,000 a year to see what was, in fact, the forerunner to today’s 1-2-3 Trader.

❚❘ Right Now – You Get Half Off!

But through a special arrangement for Charter Members, you can subscribe to the 1-2-3 Trader for
just: $1,750 per year.
That’s a 50% savings off the published price – an immediate savings of $1,750.
This could be your last chance to get in at this price. Under the terms we’ve arranged, this special
price can be closed to new subscribers at any time. But know this: Once you’re in at the special $1,750
price, you’ll never be asked to renew your subscription at the $3,500 figure. You essentially “lock in”
this special annual renewal rate for life.
Plus, you can see the “code” in action for 60 days risk-free...
Here’s how it works: If you get in and decide for any reason this style of investing isn’t for you, just
let us know and we’ll be happy to refund your subscription in full at anytime during the first 60 days of
your subscription.
I think you’ll agree this is a very fair offer.
We’re confident the 1-2-3 Trader will produce enough fast, substantial gains to make any serious
investor very happy.

If it turns out that you’re not happy with the gains we’re making, then one of two things have
happened: Either we’ve let you down somehow and the “code” has not lived up to your expectations...
or you have profit expectations that no one anywhere can meet.
I’m sorry if this seems direct, but if you’re looking for 500% winners every time out, you may be
The “code” was designed specifically to cash in on low-risk but predictable moves in stock prices –
moves that allow you to safely earn 20% to 80% gains – usually in less than 30 days.
Every now and then, the market will surprise us with bigger-than-anticipated gains, just like when
Coca-Cola or Harley Davidson rewarded us with 89% and 112% gains in a matter of days...
But any serious investor knows you can become very wealthy by turning over two 50% gains a
month. In fact, if you do the math, you’ll see that you could make $60,000 a year in pure profits with
just a $5,000 investment in each recommendation – and after just two winners, you’re playing with the
house’s money.
But there’s one last thing…

❚❘ This Invite is Open for a Limited Time

By claiming your charter membership today, you’ll not only receive $1,750 off the regular price, but
you’ll receive an additional $350 savings.
That’s right… By responding now, you’ll pay only $1,400 – a 60% savings off the regular price.
As I mentioned before – this invitation will remain open for a limited time and could end just days
from now. That’s why I urge you to act today.
My main priority is to ensure subscribers get in and out of plays safely, with good, solid gains in
And of course, it starts with our next four recommendations poised to turn every $10,000 into
$92,315 in the next 55 days…
The moment I feel we’ve got all the subscribers this type of trading can comfortably handle, I will
close the door to new subscribers. Possibly forever.
Given the enormous interest my “code” has generated from its “beta” test performance – we expect
a massive response.
If we hear from you today, you’ll be virtually assured of securing your place for the special HALF
OFF price we’ve arranged. (And remember, as a Charter Member you’ll save an extra $350.)
To sign up today for the 1-2-3 Trader – and get your special rate – please use the attached order
form or call 1.888.570.9830 or 1.410.454.0498.

Jim Stanton
Editor and Founder, 1-2-3 Trader
September 2008
P.S. The “1-2-3 Code” is poised to turn every $10,000 invested into $92,315 over the next 55 days…

Considering the “code’s” recent history of success – and the high levels of volatility in the stocks
it tracks – the next opportunity could be just hours away…
P.P.S. My publisher just notified me that the additional $350 savings could expire any day
now… Simply accept my risk-free offer now to claim your charter membership at 60% off the
regular price.
P.P.P.S. If you prefer, you can call our VIP Services team at 1.888.570.9830 or 1.410.454.0498 to
sign up by phone.

K Yes, please sign me up as a Charter Subscriber to Jim Stanton’s 1-2-3 Trader alert service for one year at the discounted
price of $1,400... a 60% savings off the regular price.
*Additional savings are being offered from Mt. Vernon Research to Oxford Club Lifetime Fellowship and Chairman’s Circle Members.

✔ A full year of Jims’ recommendations... approximately 2 to 5 per month – for the next 52 weeks.
✔ My VIP password to access the current portfolio…
✔ 1-2-3 Trader market update alerts every Monday and Wednesday…
✔ Free subscription to Smart Profits Report…

Finally, I reserve the right to cancel my subscription at any time – for any reason. And if I cancel within the
first 60 days I will receive a prompt and full refund. No questions asked.

PLEASE CHOOSE ONE: Name:___________________________________________________

____One Year for $1,400. Oxford Club Member No. __________________________________


____One Year for $1,350. I certify I am an Oxford Club E-mail:___________________________________________________

Lifetime Fellowship Member.
____One Year for $1,250. I certify I am an Oxford Club Address: _________________________________________________
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Baltimore, MD 21201


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