English Gothic Story-1

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English gothic story

Nightmares in my dreams

In the obscurity of the night, I saw dark shadows looming towards me. The dark forest
behind me was being swallowed up by the mist. The forest was silent except from the
crunch of leaves under my footsteps. The moon went behind the clouds the darkness
swallowed me. Then I saw it, a church emerging from the fog.

The doors opened inviting me to go in. Spider webs hung on the door, the faces on the
paintings were looking at me. Next to the church was a cemetery, even in the dark I
could read the names of the dead. The cemetery was as bright darkness. As I looked at
the tombstones I saw that none of the tomb stones had a date of death, only a date of

The ground was disturbed even if this was a place nobody had visited in a long time. As
I stepped into the church my footstep echoed, vibrating through the whole church. I
looked at the ornaments that decorated the walls, the villagers all thought the church
was full of curses. But as I looked around the church was empty, the walls were peeling
the windows were broken, the paintings were ripped up.
Only in the center of the room there was a mirror with gold edges, it was just there, on
the floor, my image staring back at me. I didn't recognize myself at first. The girl that
was staring back at me had dark hair, green eyes and pale face. The girl looked scared,
tired and weary from the nightmares she had since moving to this village. Then I
realised I am that girl. Had these past few weeks of being here had changed me that
Since that night when my mom was killed, my nightmares have drawn me to this place.
Tonight my nightmares will end.

I raised my eyes from the mirror, a tree branch cracked, footstep getting closer. The
footstep nearing the church, nearing me. The moment I hide behind the statue a
shadow walked in.
The shape looked around then started to walk towards me. The shaped moved slowly
but surely. I started to run I went through the open doors into the cemetery. I threw
myself behind a gravestone, the floor was wet and the wind was blowing hard on my
face. The moon light up the graveyard lighting up on the person walking towards me.
It had the face of the women that I had loved to hate. The women who haunted me
every night. The person I killed out of love. My mom.

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