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Unleash And Monetize The COACH In You! – Page 1


Disclaimer No-fica-on:

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication,
neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or
contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The
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The Purchaser or Reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these
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The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of
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Unleash And Monetize The COACH In You! – Page 2


About The Author:

Ulysses Wang – World’s Leading Authority On

Helping You Become The Only Logical Choice In Your

While his peers from university all started their career in

some of the most glamorous industries (Cinance,
investment, banking, energy), Ulysses' Cirst job was in
telesales selling corporate sports hospitality packages.

He only closed his Cirst sale AFTER 6 months, after

receiving 2 Non-Performance Warning Letters. He never participated in social
gatherings as he was too ashamed of his under-achievements as compared to his

Never did he knew his Cirst job, laid the foundation to his ongoing success in the
corporate training industry where he helmed the top post for the largest training
provider in Southeast Asia, overseeing sales territories across Asia-PaciCic, the
Middle East, and Africa.

Today, Ulysses owns a training company that creates in excess of 300 training events
per year, a global online education platform that works with digital course creators
worldwide, and a boutique training Cirm that specializes in the personal
development niche.

Ulysses now dedicates most of his time to help experts worldwide in different
industries to become the Only Logical Choice in their market. He is also an
International CertiCied Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Coach &
Trainer and has trained students from Fortune 500 companies around the world.

Here’s an exclusive invitation for you to join Ulysses in his LIVE webinar training on
“How To Be An Expert & Be Paid For It… Even If No One Has Heard of You Before”.

==> Click Here To Register Your Spot (FREE)

Unleash And Monetize The COACH In You! – Page 3


Disclaimer NotiCication: ...........................................................................................................................2
About The Author: .....................................................................................................................................3
Part I: Why Do People Need A Coach? ............................................................................................10
What Is Business Coaching? ...........................................................................................................10
What Is The Value Of Business Coaching? ................................................................................11
Do You Have To Be The Very Best To Offer Coaching? .........................................................11
Can You Really Help Anyone? .........................................................................................................12
You’re Going to Be an Excellent Business Coach ....................................................................13
Traits a Coach Must Have .....................................................................................................................14
Discipline ................................................................................................................................................14
Passion .....................................................................................................................................................14
Desire to Help .......................................................................................................................................14
Patience ...................................................................................................................................................15
‘Thick Skin’ .............................................................................................................................................15
An Open Mind .......................................................................................................................................15
A Judgment Free Environment ......................................................................................................15
ConCidentiality ......................................................................................................................................16
Willingness To Learn .........................................................................................................................16
Motivational ...........................................................................................................................................16
Good Listening Skills .........................................................................................................................16
Good Communication ........................................................................................................................16
Moving from Mentee to Mentor .........................................................................................................18
How Do You Know You’re Ready? ................................................................................................18
Think of the Coaches You Admire ................................................................................................18
Switch Your Mindset ..........................................................................................................................19
Brainstorm Cool Things You’ve Done in Your Business ......................................................19
Get to the Heart of People’s Problems ........................................................................................20
It’s Time to Just Do It .........................................................................................................................20
Gaining Credibility as a Coach ............................................................................................................21
Become Known ....................................................................................................................................21
Network ...................................................................................................................................................22
Be “Seen” With Others of Authority ............................................................................................22
Always Be True to Yourself .............................................................................................................22
Start Small and Work Your Way Up .............................................................................................23
What Are Your Values as a Leader? ..................................................................................................24
Coming Up With a Mission Statement ........................................................................................24
Look to Leaders You Admire to Find Your Own Style ..............................................................26
Have You Ever Hired A Coach? .......................................................................................................26
Who Was the Best Out of the Coaches You’ve Hired? ..........................................................26
What Do You Still Need to Learn? ................................................................................................27
Research Your Most Admired Leaders .......................................................................................27

Unleash And Monetize The COACH In You! – Page 4


Traits Most Leaders Have ................................................................................................................28

Get Into the Mindset of a Leader .......................................................................................................30
This Will Be Challenging Sometimes ..........................................................................................30
Take a Step Back Sometimes ..........................................................................................................30
Be Truthful About Your Path ..........................................................................................................31
Know That There Is Something Really Special about You .................................................31
Be Able to Admit Your Weaknesses .............................................................................................31
Know Who You Prefer to Work With ..........................................................................................32
Be Ready To Shine the Spotlight on Your Mistakes ...............................................................32
Get Ready to Guide People to Their Futures ............................................................................32
How to Communicate Effectively as a Coach ...............................................................................33
It’s Most Important to Listen .........................................................................................................33
Be Clear With What You Have to Say ..........................................................................................34
Don’t Overcomplicate Things .........................................................................................................34
Get Constant Feedback .....................................................................................................................35
Know the Right Mode of Communication .................................................................................35
You’ll Get Better over Time .............................................................................................................35
Pulling From Your Own Experiences to Effectively Coach .....................................................36
Where Have You Succeeded and Failed .....................................................................................36
Journal to Let These Things Out ...................................................................................................37
Leading One Person with One-On-One Coaching ......................................................................38
Coaching Many at Once .........................................................................................................................40
Cons to Coaching Many At Once ....................................................................................................40
Pros to Coaching Many At Once ....................................................................................................40
Combining Methods ...........................................................................................................................41
Catering to Different Learning Styles and Personality Types as a Coach ........................42
Index of Learning Styles ...................................................................................................................42
Summaries of Common Personality Styles: .............................................................................43
Understanding the Psychology of Your Coaching Clients .......................................................45
Why Don’t People Succeed? ............................................................................................................45
How to Relate Your Success ............................................................................................................45
Feeling Overwhelmed .......................................................................................................................46
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation ...............................................................................................47
They Have to Believe It Can Happen ...........................................................................................47
The Environment Is a Factor ..........................................................................................................47
Taking Responsibility for Success ................................................................................................48
Moving Beyond Mistakes .................................................................................................................48
Being Scared of Business .................................................................................................................49
The Psychology of Success ..............................................................................................................49
Motivating Your Coaching Clients .....................................................................................................50
Why People Won’t Just Do What You Want Them To ...........................................................50
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs .........................................................................................................50
What Does This Mean For Your Coaching Clients? ...............................................................51

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Figure Out What Makes Them Tick .............................................................................................52

Consider Rewards ...............................................................................................................................52
How to Inspire People .......................................................................................................................52
Make It Doable ......................................................................................................................................53
The Basis of Motivation ....................................................................................................................53
Helping Others Move Beyond Their Past .......................................................................................54
Helping People Move toward Their Future ..................................................................................56
Planning and Goal Setting ...............................................................................................................56
Long Term and Short Term Planning ..........................................................................................56
Break It All Down ................................................................................................................................57
Visualize the Future ...........................................................................................................................57
Learning to Persuade and Be Effective ...........................................................................................58
The Timing of Persuasion ................................................................................................................58
They Need to Trust You ....................................................................................................................58
Stay Consistent .....................................................................................................................................58
Don’t Assume Anything ....................................................................................................................59
Pay Attention to Your Energy .........................................................................................................59
Pay Attention to What’s Important To Your Client ...............................................................60
Helping Your Clients Set and Achieve Goals .................................................................................61
How to Get to the Heart Of Your Goals .......................................................................................61
SMART Goals .........................................................................................................................................62
“Rules” For Goals .................................................................................................................................62
Should Clients Set Extreme Goals? ..............................................................................................62
Emphasize the Importance Of Goals ...........................................................................................63
Differences in Those You’ll Lead .......................................................................................................64
Staying Away From Stereotypes ...................................................................................................65
Separating Yourself from The Client ...........................................................................................65
Deciding Where to Mentor People ...................................................................................................66
Is It Better to Meet In Person or Coach Online? .....................................................................66
It Depends on Who You’ll Be Working With ............................................................................66
A Combination of Methods Can Work Well ..............................................................................67
Coaching On the Internet— Technology and Methods ............................................................68
Skype ........................................................................................................................................................68
Email .........................................................................................................................................................68
Webinars and Google Hangout ......................................................................................................69
Zoom .........................................................................................................................................................69
Choose What’s Best for You ............................................................................................................69
Get Them to Succeed with Something Small ...............................................................................71
Help Your Clients Simplify Everything ...........................................................................................73
Analyze Everything .............................................................................................................................73
It Doesn’t Have to Be That Complicated ....................................................................................74
Focus on What’s Most Important .................................................................................................74
Outsourcing ...........................................................................................................................................74

Unleash And Monetize The COACH In You! – Page 6


Teach Systems ...........................................................................................................................................76

Break It Down .......................................................................................................................................76
Creating Checklists .............................................................................................................................77
Working in Batches ............................................................................................................................77
Systems Create Time ..........................................................................................................................77
Dealing with Resistance ...................................................................................................................78
Teach Your Coaching Clients to Take Risks ...................................................................................79
What Does it Mean to Take Risks? ...............................................................................................79
Stepping Away From “Real” Risks ................................................................................................79
Encouraging your Client to Take Risks ......................................................................................80
Dealing with Failure ...........................................................................................................................80
Dealing with Success .........................................................................................................................80
The Power of Taking Risks ..............................................................................................................81
How to Deal With People Who Fall Off The Map ........................................................................82
Assess the Situation ...........................................................................................................................82
Re-open the Doors of Communication .......................................................................................83
What’s Required of You ....................................................................................................................83
Tips for Getting Them to Stay on Track .....................................................................................84
Demonstrating Tough Love .................................................................................................................85
Don’t Go Too Far ..................................................................................................................................85
Give People a Kick in the Rear .......................................................................................................86
Help Them Get Past It ........................................................................................................................86
Dealing With Disappointment If It Doesn’t Work Out .............................................................87
Why It’s Hard to Say Goodbye ........................................................................................................87
Refund or Not? .....................................................................................................................................88
Moving On When It Doesn’t Work Out .......................................................................................88
Celebrating When It Does Work Out ...............................................................................................89
Encourage Your Client to Play Regularly ...................................................................................89
Celebrate the Big Things and the Small Things ......................................................................90
Why Celebration Is So Important .................................................................................................90
Help Them See What’s Good ..........................................................................................................90
Boosting the Success of Your Students ...........................................................................................92
Help Your Client Identify Strengths .............................................................................................92
Mindset Coaching ................................................................................................................................92
Why People Hire Coaches ................................................................................................................93
Getting People to Step Out of Their Comfort Zone ...............................................................93
Collaborate With Those You Lead .....................................................................................................94
The Client Knows Best ......................................................................................................................94
Don’t Talk Down ..................................................................................................................................94
You’ll Change As Much As They Do ..............................................................................................94
It’s Not Just Coaching That Takes This Approach ..................................................................95
Growing As a Leader over Time ........................................................................................................96
Some Amazing Things Will Start to Happen ...........................................................................96

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Consider the Patterns of the Past .................................................................................................96

Evaluate and Reshape .......................................................................................................................97
Never Stop Learning ..........................................................................................................................97
Don’t Neglect Your Own Business ................................................................................................97
Managing Your Time as a Mentor .....................................................................................................98
Map Out a Plan .....................................................................................................................................98
Make It Clear to Your Coaching Clients ......................................................................................98
Be Wise with Your Time ...................................................................................................................99
Don’t Put Your Business Second ...................................................................................................99
Have a Plan for Communication ...................................................................................................99
Plan Well ...............................................................................................................................................100
Asking for Feedback about Your Coaching ................................................................................. 101
Decide When to Ask For Feedback ............................................................................................101
Learn to Deal with Harsh Criticism .......................................................................................... 101
Have a Process for the Next Steps ............................................................................................. 102
ReClect On the Process ....................................................................................................................102
Mistakes to Avoid as a Coach ...........................................................................................................103
Not Protecting Yourself .................................................................................................................. 103
Be Clear About Refunds .................................................................................................................103
Being Too Invested Emotionally ................................................................................................ 103
Making It All about You .................................................................................................................. 104
Not Managing Expectations ......................................................................................................... 104
Staying Small ......................................................................................................................................104
Finding a Coach for Yourself .............................................................................................................106
Why It’s Important ........................................................................................................................... 106
You’re Always Learning .................................................................................................................. 106
Choosing a Coach .............................................................................................................................. 106
Learn From Others’ Coaching .....................................................................................................107
Get Past the Stigma ..........................................................................................................................107
Part II: ........................................................................................................................................................108
The Business End: Getting Started as a Coach .........................................................................108
Building a Website as Your Home Base ....................................................................................... 108
What Your Website Should Look Like ......................................................................................108
Choosing Your Domain Name ...................................................................................................... 109
Getting Your Site Up ........................................................................................................................ 109
Choose a Theme ................................................................................................................................110
Include These Pages ........................................................................................................................ 110
All About Your Homepage .............................................................................................................110
The Importance of Building a List of Prospects .................................................................. 111
Building Your Website over Time ..............................................................................................111
Choosing Who to Mentor ...................................................................................................................112
What Are You Known For? ............................................................................................................ 112
You’re Different from Every Other Coach Out There ......................................................... 112

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Consider Your Initial Offer ............................................................................................................ 113

Networking and Branding ............................................................................................................ 113
How to Find Clients .............................................................................................................................. 114
Driving TrafCic and Becoming Known in the Coaching Space ....................................... 114
Social Media ........................................................................................................................................114
Blog Consistently .............................................................................................................................. 115
Spread Your Credibility Around .................................................................................................116
Write a Book ....................................................................................................................................... 116
Webinars and Seminars .................................................................................................................116
Podcasting ...........................................................................................................................................117
Video Marketing ................................................................................................................................117
Let Others Spread the News for You .........................................................................................117
You’re Hired! Drafting Your Agreement ......................................................................................119
Have Them Apply First ...................................................................................................................119
The Agreement ..................................................................................................................................119
Why this is Necessary ..................................................................................................................... 120
More on Getting Them Started ........................................................................................................121
A Personal Narrative .......................................................................................................................121
A Business History ........................................................................................................................... 121
Create Your Own Set of Starter Documents ..........................................................................122
Get a Feel for What They Want ................................................................................................... 122
Before the First Session .................................................................................................................122
Goal Setting and Business Planning .........................................................................................123
Ensuring Your Client Is Successful ................................................................................................ 124
What to Do If There Are Differences of Opinion .................................................................124
Wowing Your Client Over and Over Again .............................................................................125
Moving On From the Coaching Relationship .............................................................................126
The Exit Questionnaire .................................................................................................................. 126
The Evaluation ...................................................................................................................................126
The Freebie Group ........................................................................................................................... 126
Upsell and Maintenance Coaching ............................................................................................127
What to Do Now ................................................................................................................................127
Your Special Bonus! .............................................................................................................................. 129

Unleash And Monetize The COACH In You! – Page 9


Part I: Why Do People Need A Coach?

We all need someone to lead us. It doesn’t matter how far along we are in the game,
there’s always someone a little further ahead.

You’re that person for other people. Whether you’ve been in business for decades,
years, or even just months, you know more than someone else. You have insight and
skills of leadership that can cut down on the time it takes someone else to get

What you know is valuable, make no mistake about it.

Not sure you know “enough” to get into the coaching business? There’s something
really special and unique about you that’s going to help someone. There is only one
“you” on the planet. The longer you wait, the longer the people you’re going to help
have to wait to receive your services.

Do you think that’s fair?

Let that sink in for a while. You’re actually doing people a disservice by sitting on this
decision and not getting things going right away.

Are you convinced? Let’s dig into more about what coaching is and how to get your
coaching business up and running.

What Is Business Coaching?

People need help with their business for a variety of reasons. Some people need help
from the ground up. They are completely new to business and don’t know the Cirst
thing about getting started. Others need a bit of a boost. They are doing okay, but
need inspiration and motivation to get to the next level. Others need something in
between— coaching is always a very individual thing. You’ll Cigure out exactly what
your coaching client needs.

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What Is The Value Of Business Coaching?

I don’t care how successful someone is; they need help and inspiration from others.
We all do. It’s easy to get stuck in our own way of doing things. We get caught up in
our own self-doubt and worldview.

Getting a coach hooks people up with someone who is speciCically trained to push
them beyond their current limits. That’s what you’re going to do for people. You’re
going to help them deCine their goals, develop a mindset of success, and achieve
whatever they want to achieve.

We all have a limited span of time between when we enter business and when we
retired. Making the most of that time is crucial. If someone can help you get from
Point A to Point B a few months sooner, so that you can start earning the money or
respect that comes with being at Point B, wouldn’t you invest in that person?

And then perhaps someone else can help you get from Point B to Point C.

You too, can help others advance toward their destinations, and that’s a service that
has tremendous value.

Do You Have To Be The Very Best To Offer Coaching?

There’s a big misconception out there that only the top businesspeople can offer
coaching-- that you have to be a super successful millionaire to offer coaching.

I want you to try a little exercise. Think of the top 5 people you admire in your
speciCic area of business. Are they on the level of Bill Gates? Are they on the Forbes
500 list?

They probably are not. Yet, they are still successful and you can still learn a lot from
them. The same goes for you. You are more successful than many people out there.
You have a lot to offer. You’ve been in the trenches and know what it’s like to get
started. You have a gift in that you can help newer people avoid mistakes you made
and reach success more quickly. That’s the most important thing people can ask for
in a great coach.

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Can You Really Help Anyone?

Some people get into coaching because they know they can make a truckload of
money doing it. Coaching is extremely lucrative— there’s no getting around that.
But, the fact that you’re reading this book right now tells me that, while you want to
make great money, it’s much more important to you to do a great job. You want to
help change the lives of your clients.

I promise you— as long as you’ve had at least some success in business yourself, and
you follow the advice I’m giving you in this guide, you absolutely can and will change
lives. You’ll help people achieve their business goals and change their lives for the
better. That’s something you can feel good about.

If you have any doubt about your ability to coach, let me tell you something very
important… A good coach isn’t a teacher.

Though a good coach does have the ability to do what he or she is talking about, the
coach is more than anything a “facilitator” in helping the client get from point A
(where they are now) to Point B (where they desire to be, but are stuck somewhere
on the path).

Often a coach simply has to ask the right questions, like “what have you tried
already?”; “what happened when you done that?”; “what other alternatives are
there?”; “can you think of another way to do the same thing more effectively?”; and
more, each question getting the client closer to the “ah ha” moment that will be their

Yes, sometimes a coach can give the answers in some cases (I wouldn’t recommend
it), but it’s not always necessary because often the client will know the answer deep
down inside, they just haven’t brought the answer to the surface yet.

In this way, a coach can function as a psychologist to some degree, or at least a

business analyst, without even knowing every bit and piece about the person’s
business or their niche. I always like to tell my students “you are just like a blank
piece of paper, you don’t really need to know the contents of your clients”.

The longer you coach people, and the longer you coach a speciCic person, the better
you’ll get at this. So even if your Cirst client or two scares the heck out of you, once
you’re safely outside your comfort zone, it will become second nature.

So have no fear, if you care enough, you can help enough to provide the value that
people will look to you for.

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You’re Going to Be an Excellent Business Coach

As a business coach, you’re going to know your clients well. You’re going to get to
know where they are in life and business. You’re going to get both a bird’s eye and
up close view of their life, goals, and actions.

You’re also going to Cigure out where they want to go and what’s prevented them
from getting there. Sometimes, you’ll feel like a detective. It can be fun to brainstorm
strategies and inspire someone to Cind new and better ways of doing things.

You’re also going to jump-start your clients to success. Many of them will come to
you quite scared. They will feel stuck in place… often quite hopeless. They won’t
know what they’re doing, will feel like they are doomed for failure, and will tell you
that you’re their last resort. Accept the challenge and help turn their mindset

A great coaching relationship is almost like a partnership. You really have to work at
it. It’s not up to you to do all the work for the person. It’s not up to the person to take
what you say and run with it without clear direction or motivation. It has to be a
perfect recipe that bakes up into something that works for both of you.

I have no doubt that you’re going to be an excellent business coach. You already have
a huge advantage over many of the people who decide to give this a try— you’re
learning how to do it the right way. You already care a great deal about your future
clients, which says a lot about who you are and how successful you’re going to be.

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Traits a Coach Must Have

There are some traits you should have if you’re going to be a great coach. You may
have been born with some of these traits, but you can work on developing the
others. Nothing is going to hold you back if you’re determined to be a great coach.


It’s very important for you to be available and consistent for your coaching clients.
It’s crucial that you’re there for them when you’ve agreed to be; otherwise you could
really damage the relationship.

You also have to be disciplined enough to be a little bit strict when you need to be.
That means requiring your coaching client to stick to the schedule and agreement he
or she made as well.


I have to be honest— coaching can sometimes be draining. You’re taking on other

people’s problems on top of your own. It’s exhausting as much as it can be
exhilarating. You start to feel like their success is your success and their failure is
your failure. That’s why it really helps to be passionate about helping others
succeed. This passion will help carry you through.

Desire to Help

Coaching pays very well, but you’re also giving back. You’ve no doubt had people
help you get to where you are today. Now you’re helping a new generation get their
start. It can feel very good to help people avoid mistakes and reach success more

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There will be times when your coaching students try your patience. Some of them
will be late with assignments or won’t agree with your methods. Some of them will
become discouraged or have every excuse in the book for why they can’t or won’t do
something. You’ll get better at handling these issues over time. In the meantime, it
really helps to have patience.

‘Thick Skin’

You’ll be working very intimately with people on something that really matters a
great deal to them— the success of their business. There may be disagreements or
differences of opinion. Remember that they are the client and their happiness comes
Cirst. You have to develop thick skin when things don’t go as planned.

One thing I’ve taught people for years is that “failure is your friend”. Make sure your
client knows up front that not everything that you suggest, or that he does, will work
right out of the box. You’ll both learn in the process, just make sure they realize that
there might be setbacks along the way so that they aren’t upset that you’re not
absolutely perfect with every recommendation.

An Open Mind

It doesn’t matter how successful you are, even your newest of the new coaching
clients will teach you new things. They will show you new ways of thinking and new
ways of doing things. Don’t stay so stuck in your ways that you don’t make any
adjustments or accept anything other than the way you’ve always done it.

A Judgment Free Environment

Your coaching clients are going to be sharing a lot of personal information with you.
You can’t judge them or they won’t open up as much as they need to. You need to
provide an environment that is free from judgment so they can share freely.

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You can’t share anything your coaching clients share with you. Whether it’s business
strategy or things in their personal life, consider it all strictly conCidential. You want
to develop a reputation as someone who's extremely trustworthy.

Willingness To Learn

Never stop learning and growing. You should always be reading the latest books,
studies, and blogs in your area of interest. There should be nothing new in your
industry that you don’t know about. That is what your clients will expect of you and
it will keep you on your toes as a coach.


You have to be able to motivate your coaching clients. Many of them are going to
come to you with a pretty poor mindset. They won’t know which end is up in their
business. Many of them will have poor focus, a poor business plan, and a lack of clear
goals. It’s up to you to motivate them to action. You have to help turn them around,
help them Cind passion in their business again, and Cind passion in their business
once and for all.

Good Listening Skills

The most important skill for any coach is to be a good listener. The secret is that the
people you’re coaching already know the answers. They know what they should be
doing and they know why they should be doing it. Your job is to guide them and
listen to them. Listen to them more than you lecture or talk and you’ll be good to go.

Good CommunicaFon

Nothing can harm a relationship more than having poor communication skills. You
have to understand what you’re hearing and convey the message you want to get

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across. No worries— you’ll be a master of communicating as a coach by the end of


Focus on these skills and you’ll become a highly sought after coach in no time. These
skills are inside of you already— you just have to focus on them and draw them out.
It’s extremely important that you have the best interests of the coaching client in
mind, and you already do.

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Moving from Mentee to Mentor

Sometimes, it can be difCicult to get into the mindset of a coach. At this point, you’ve
probably been the one being coached, not the other way around. It really is a
mindset switch. Are you really ready to lead other people? I think you’re ready— you
just have to convince yourself of that.

How Do You Know You’re Ready?

You’ve learned so much from other people. You’ve read countless books and gone
through countless courses. You read blogs and news articles daily. You belong to
forums and social media groups related to your industry. Most importantly of all,
you put it into action. You’ve achieved at least some success with everything you’ve

Now you have the itch. You’ve seen others who are where you used to be. They’re
struggling, and you know they could use some help. You see them making simple
mistakes and Cloundering when all it would take is some simple direction. Are you
the one who can give it to them?

I happen to believe that you are the one who can help them. There’s a reason you
were lead to read my book today. There’s a reason your gut told you that you were
ready to start helping people newer than you.

Think of the Coaches You Admire

Consider the coaches you admire. Maybe you’ve hired coaches in the past, or maybe
you have one now. What was it that made you want to hire them? Did they help
move your business forward?

Consider what it was that you did or didn’t like, and what you might do differently.
Later, we’ll go fairly in depth about how to analyze the methods of fantastic coaches
so you can use the methods you love and improve on the methods you don’t.

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Switch Your Mindset

You’ve already moved your mindset from buyer and dreamer to doer. You’ve
achieved at least a small level of success. Now it’s time to do another mindset switch.
You’re not just a doer; you’re a teacher and a leader. You’re another step up on that
rung because you’re going to help people achieve their dreams. Isn’t that a fantastic

You’ve climbed the ladder of success, either by cold hard experience of your own, or
by being pulled up the ladder by someone that’s above you. Now it’s your turn to be
the one pulling someone else up that ladder.

You can help them avoid the mistakes that your experience helped you learn, and
teach them what others have taught you.

Brainstorm Cool Things You’ve Done in Your Business

It’s time to motivate yourself a bit more if you’re having trouble making this mindset
switch. Get out a piece of paper and a pen and set the timer for 5 minutes.
Brainstorm some of the best, craziest, neatest, most innovative, and most fun things
you’ve done in your business. Don’t censor yourself— just write.

When the timer goes off, read through your list. I’ll bet you’re smiling now. You’ve
accomplished some really great things, in some fantastic ways. You’ve done things
you probably wouldn’t have even dreamed of just a short time ago.

Now do you see what you can offer others? You’ve overcome some challenges. You’ve
accomplished things others would love to accomplish. You’ve been successful where
others haven’t. You’ve been creative and innovative in a way others are jealous of.

You’re doing people a disservice if you don’t pass that along. You owe it to people to
help them do some of the same things. They’re going to be so appreciative and
happy when you start offering your services.

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Get to the Heart of People’s Problems

Go to an Internet forum in your niche. Browse through and take notes on some of the
most frequent problems people seem to be having. What really gets people down?
What are they most passionate about?

After you’ve read through their questions, were you able to answer them? Do you
see threads and situations where you could have really helped someone? If so, then
you’re very likely ready to be a coach. I’m not saying you’re going to help those
people in particular, but there are many in your niche that are just like them.

It’s Time to Just Do It

It’s time to just take the plunge and declare that you are a coach. You can’t let this be
something you dream about and stew over. Don’t let this book sit on your hard drive,
waiting for “the future” when you’re ready. You’re ready right now.

Yes, you will be more successful and more knowledgeable in the future. But, that will
always be the case. Should Frank Kern never offer coaching because he’s not as
successful as Bill Gates? No. Should you never offer coaching because you’re not as
successful as you might be in 5 years? No. Get started today if that’s where your
heart is leading you.

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Gaining Credibility as a Coach

Now you’re all set to go. You’re ready to make waves and change lives as a coach.
Only, you’re not sure how to get enough credibility so that someone will hire you.
You know what your level of experience is. You know how much you can help and
what you can do to inspire. But, no one else does. Sure, it’s easy enough for
experienced coaches to get clients, but how can you get clients as a new coach with
little visibility?

Become Known

One of the best ways to gain credibility is to release a book in your industry. You
need to release something fairly groundbreaking that will get you a lot of notice.
This might sound kind of intimidating. But, it’s really not at all. These days, you can
quickly write a book and self-publish. Consider it a giant business card that can get
you a lot of recognition and some easy clients.

Take a look at what’s already out there, both on Amazon and in the eBook space. Are
there books written by well-respected consultants and coaches in your area of
expertise? Buy their books and analyze their strategy. Take notes on what you like
and what you think you can do better.

For your own book, brainstorm what you have to offer that no one else does. You
want to write a book on a topic that will help you get a lot of interest but that’s
unique at the same time. Basically, put a new spin on a hot topic. You’ll get the
beneCit of getting book sales outright.

In addition to the book sales, you’re going to sprinkle information about your
coaching throughout. You’re going to do “soft sells” for the coaching throughout,
with a harder sell, like to an opt in page for more information, at the end.

Writing and releasing a book does wonders for your credibility. You’ll be helping
people who buy and read your book for information. You’ll also be getting your
name out there as an established coach. You’ll also be getting yourself out there as
an authority, even if people don’t actually buy your book. Just the fact that you have a
book for sale does wonders for your authority.

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As a businessperson, you’ve likely built a network of customers, clients, and like-

minded businesspeople already. You communicate with them on social media like
Facebook and Twitter. You chat with them on Skype. You send emails back and forth
and keep up with their LinkedIn updates. This is all wonderful— and you can make
use of it all for your new coaching business.

That’s the Cirst step— start planting seeds about your new coaching business on all
of your existing networks. Sometimes, all you have to do is take advantage of the
credibility you’ve already built up. Let people know what you’re up to and they will
support you based on your great reputation.

If you don’t have any sort of online reputation, now is the time to start building one.
It’s very important for you to network online, no matter which Cield you’re in. You
have to get to know people and let them get to know you. Join Facebook and create a
page for your brand. Also, join and create groups related to your area of interest.
Share your expertise so you can become known as an authority. Join Twitter and
LinkedIn to network. Build your blog and rub elbows with other experts in your
niche. Get your associates to write guest blog posts for you, and return the favor for

The goal is to get your name and brand out there in any way you can, even when
you’re in the early launching stages. Plant the seeds before you’re fully ready to
launch and you’ll likely have clients lined up when you’re ready to accept them.

Be “Seen” With Others of Authority

People tend to trust those who are liked by others they trust. So let’s say they are
fans of business guru #1, and you are liked by or endorsed by business guru #1.
You’re a near shoe-in for success with your coaching business, simply by association.
I’m not saying to sell yourself out, but it never hurts to be well liked by association.

Always Be True to Yourself

There is a bit of a backlash against fake people in this industry these days. People are
so tired of those who are only in business or marketing to take their money. People

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want real solutions. They want people who really care about them and want to help
them succeed. Make it clear that’s what you’re all about. Shut out the part of this
industry that’s only in it to make a buck, and you’ll stand out like a shining star.

Start Small and Work Your Way Up

Prove yourself by working with just a few people at a time. Absolutely anyone can
get a few clients. Help those people transform their lives and business. Word of
mouth will spread. Network, grow, stay true to yourself, and transform people’s

If you’re not conCident of your ability yet, just start with even one or two clients.
Over deliver like crazy, charge a very small amount, and not only will you help your
beginning clients, you’ll learn a lot and become conCident in your ability to coach.

Once your clients have found success with your coaching, you can bet they’ll be
happy to spread your name around like crazy. Ask for permission to share their
success yourself, and they will most likely agree. People will want to latch on to this
success themselves by hiring you as a coach. Rinse and repeat… and of course you
can raise your rates.

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What Are Your Values as a Leader?

At this point, you’ve decided that you’re ready to offer your services as a coach and
you’re convinced that you can easily gain the credibility required to do so. Next, it’s
time to establish your values so you can really get started. Your values will shape
who you are and what you do as a coach.

It’s important for you to decide who you want to be as a coach. What should people
think of when they think of you? Brainstorm what this should be. Then, brainstorm
ways you can present yourself this way so it comes across.

You also have to decide what you’d like your legacy to be. What do you want to be
known for as a coach? What kind of success stories do you want to leave behind?
This is really exciting, and important, to think about.

Also consider why you’re really doing this. Are you doing it to make more money? Do
you really want to help people? Is it just the next logical step in your business? Any
of the above answers is Cine; you just need to clarify it for yourself. You have to Cigure
out your true motivations so you start your business off the right way and are
motivated to follow through with it.

Coming Up With a Mission Statement

It can be helpful to come up with a mission statement for your coaching business.
Decide what the purpose, objectives, and values of your business are. Consider what
your goals are.

✓ Where do you want to be with your coaching business in 1 week?

✓ Where do you want to be with your coaching business in 1 month?

✓ Where do you want to be with your coaching business in 6 months?

✓ Where do you want to be with your coaching business in 1 year?

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Don’t be vague— consider its structure, your earnings, how many clients you’ll have,
and your day-to-day tasks at each “check in” point.

Above all, what do you hope to gain with this business? What do you see as your role
or purpose? This can’t be something you enter into “just because.” You’re going to be
at the reigns of people’s lives and business. You’re going to be guiding them and
what is likely to be a very vulnerable point. You have to be sure of yourself and sure
that you can help them.

There’s a reason they are going to hire you instead of anyone else. There’s something
you bring to the table that no one else can. There’s a reason you’re considering this
as a new branch in your own business, and it’s going to mean amazing things for you
and the people who hire you. Just know why you’re doing it and what you expect
from it before you get started. This will give you clarity and direction so you do it

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Look to Leaders You Admire to Find Your Own Style

You’re going to develop your own incredible style as a coach. But, you can get a lot
further if you look to others to help you develop your style. You don’t have to
reinvent the wheel. You don’t have to invent a whole new method of coaching. That’s
a huge part of why I’ve put this guide together for you. It’s hard to think of doing all
of this from scratch. Get inspired and motivated by using the methods of those
who’ve come before you. Take what you like and leave what you don’t like.

Have You Ever Hired A Coach?

If you’ve ever hired a coach, pull up all the Ciles you were given. Everything from the
pre-coaching application to your initial questionnaire to anything you handed in
along the way. Every coach you’ve hired may have had different methods— some
may not have given you these documents at all.

Also, there’s a difference between mass or group coaching situations (where there’s
more than one person involved in a coaching session) and one-on-one coaching
sessions. Note that difference as you go through your materials. Right now, you’re
taking notes on what you were given.

Consider what you like and what you don’t like from these materials. As a reader of
my book, you get exclusive discounts to my templates you can work from to further
develop your own materials, so no worries that you have a lot of work ahead of you
— you don’t. This is simply a brainstorming session.

Also consider what you don’t like from previous coaching materials. Maybe you
weren’t given any worksheets or documents at all. You probably feel like you didn’t
get much out of those coaching sessions because nothing was documented. Or
maybe you actually preferred that. Consider what will work best for the coaching
clients who hire you.

Who Was the Best Out of the Coaches You’ve Hired?

Who was the best out of the coaches you’ve hired or mentors you’ve worked with?
Why did you give this answer? Consider the qualities you most admire and consider

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ways you can emulate this style. There are deCinitely some important things that set
excellent coaches apart from sub-par coaches.

What Do You SFll Need to Learn?

As you examine your past coaching experiences, you’ve no doubt come across some
things you still need to learn. There are undoubtedly holes in your experience or in
your ability to coach. Learn what you need to learn and gain the experience you need
to gain. Looking to more experienced coaches can be a very eye opening experience.

At the same time, you can’t let it intimidate you. Sure, the coaches you’ve hired for
yourself might have more experience, skills, and knowledge. But, that doesn’t mean
you lack those things. Remember— there are people out there who will beneCit from
your unique take on the world. Only you can present things in your way. If you
choose not to coach, your eventual clients miss out. Learn what you need to learn
and then open the doors to your coaching service. You’re doing great as long as
you’re serving the needs of your students and they are seeing the progress they
want to see.

Keep in mind, no one person can know everything about everything, but for the
skills or knowledge you might lack, you can make up for it because you probably
have contacts or researching skills that can help you Cind answers in a shorter
amount of time than your client, and then you’ve both beneCitted from the

Research Your Most Admired Leaders

This goes beyond who you’ve personally hired as a mentor or coach. It helps to study
and emulate the most successful and admired leaders in our world. You undoubtedly
admire many people. Read more about them. If they’re online, read their blog and
follow them on social media. Look at their history— particularly how they got their
start. Try to pinpoint when it was they became so admired. I think you’ll be
surprised to Cind that they are only human after all— just like you.

We tend to put certain people on a pedestal. We think of them as being “other” than
ourselves. But there are things that are very special about you. You have
accomplished some wonderful things. Bring the people you admire down to earth

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and analyze them a bit. Break down their methods and purpose on a scientiCic level
so you can bring some of that to your own business and coaching.

Traits Most Leaders Have

There are certain traits leaders tend to have.

- They want more for themselves and for others

- They don’t settle for the status quo

- They never stop learning

- They never consider themselves “done” — they are always striving for more

- They network and build relationships

- They aren’t afraid to use relationships to their advantage— in the right way

- They think strategically

- They plan ahead

- They know how to listen

- They see the glass as half full

- They stick to their plan and achieve their goals

- They expect others to achieve their goals

- They have high expectations for themselves and others

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These are traits and ideals that are perfect for yourself and for your coaching clients.
Admire those who’ve come before you, but realize that they are only human, just like
you. Analyze and use methods and ways of being that will work for you. Improve on
methods that won’t. Never stop learning and striving to be better— for yourself and
for your coaching clients.

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Get Into the Mindset of a Leader

I’ve had you switch from the mindset of a mentee to a mentor, but now it’s time to
take that even further. Why am I hitting on this twice? It’s because your mindset is
one of the most important things you have. If you don’t believe you can be
successful, if you don’t believe you’re a true leader, you won’t be.

There are certain beliefs that set very successful people apart from those who aren’t
as successful. This is true for business in general and it’s true for the coaching
business. You can’t believe you’re a fraud or that you have nothing to offer. You can’t
believe that your coaching isn’t as worthwhile as the next guy or gal. It’s not about
bragging or putting yourself above anyone else— it’s about knowing you can deliver
on your promises and knowing that you can really help people.

This Will Be Challenging SomeFmes

There will be times where you’re really challenged by this business. There will be a
personality or a situation where you’re really not sure you mesh well. Not
everything in the coaching business is rosy. Sure, sometimes you’ll feel like you’re on
top of the world because everything will fall perfectly into place. But other times,
you’ll be really tested. You have to trust in yourself and know that you have the skills
to adapt and adjust. You’ll get better at this over time. The things you’ve gone
through and the experience you have makes you ready for anything that happens.

Take a Step Back SomeFmes

You can’t let yourself get overwhelmed. When you do, that’s the signal that it’s time
to step back. You won’t have all the answers, instantly. But you are going to be
Clexible enough as a coach to admit that you’d like to try this, or that, or that you’re
going to research or investigate something further.

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Be Truthful About Your Path

Part of being a successful coach is admitting that you don’t have all the answers. By
the same token, you can’t pretend your success and knowledge fell from the sky. A
successful leader makes it clear to his coaching students that he or she has worked
hard for success. Some “coaches” make it seem like luck and some coaches are too
boastful and make it seem like they have all the answers. You don’t want to be either
of those. Be truthful about your path— it will help.

Know That There Is Something Really Special about You

There’s a reason your coaching students are going to choose you over another coach.
Maybe it’s that you have similar backgrounds or similar styles. Maybe it’s that
there’s something about you they inherently trust. Maybe their friend can’t stop
raving about you. Whatever it is, it might secretly shock you. If it does shock you, it
might signal some self-esteem issues you might need to get over.

Actually, some of the most seemingly self-assured people in the world are actually
really insecure, so you’re not alone. Still, work on it. Work on having conCidence so
strong others can sense it. This will help your business and it will help those you
coach. You know your stuff and you know how to help the people you work with. No,
you’re not guru #1— you’re you. And that’s exactly why people are going to hire you
and not guru #1.

Be Able to Admit Your Weaknesses

As much as you should be able to talk yourself up to others and in your own mind,
you should also be able to admit your own weaknesses. Your coaching students are
very vulnerable when they come to you. It’s okay to admit you don’t have all the
answers. It’s refreshing, actually. Being able to admit you don’t know it all leaves the
door open for you to explore and learn more. It makes you more human and more
approachable. It makes you much more trustworthy because no one on this planet
knows it all. We all have our weaknesses and it’s okay to admit it.

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Know Who You Prefer to Work With

In the beginning, you might feel like you’ll work with anyone and everyone. Well, you
shouldn’t. There’s a certain type of coaching client who’s a good Cit for you and a
certain type who’s a not-so-good Cit for you. Admit that you can’t help everyone.
There will be business and personality clashes. A good leader knows what to look
for in a coaching client— which is why you’re going to require that people apply to
be accepted into your program. We’ll talk more about that further on, so just tuck it
away for now.

Be Ready To Shine the Spotlight on Your Mistakes

A big part of the reason you’re interested in coaching is so you can help people avoid
making mistakes. You’ve walked a certain path in business. You’ve made many
mistakes and learned from them all. That’s part of what has made you so successful.
Still, it can be embarrassing or even painful for some people to admit these mistakes
much less shine the spotlight on them. Are you prepared to do that? It’s all part of
getting into the mindset of a successful leader. You have to get ready to do it, because
it’s really going to help your coaching clients.

Get Ready to Guide People to Their Futures

It’s your job to guide people toward their future. This can seem like a scary task,
because what you do will be changing their whole life. But it’s also really exciting
and exhilarating. You’re literally taking them by the hand, helping them leap over
obstacles, and guiding them toward success. It’s a very noble and important task.
You’re more than ready for the challenge.

I’m excited for you. It’s time for you to make that Cinal leap— I’m coaching the coach.
It’s my goal to help you avoid common mistakes and pitfalls so you can easily and
quickly become a powerful coach that’s high in demand.

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How to Communicate Effec-vely as a Coach

You have to be able to communicate effectively as a coach. Your clients need to

understand what you teach and recommend to them. Some people are born with
wonderful communication skills. Others of us really have to work at it. No matter
what the case is with you, know that it’s something that can be learned. Often, it’s
just a matter of being in tune with what you should be doing. Practice and you’ll get
better over time.

It’s Most Important to Listen

As important as the other skills of communication are, it’s most important to listen.
You have to really listen to what your client is telling you. Sometimes, that means
reading between the lines. They may not understand enough about their true needs
and feelings to tell you want they need and want, but by listening attentively, you can
deduce the right solutions and steps.

Few people are good at truly listening. This is, unfortunately, true of many coaches.
Coaches tend to feel like their main goal is to, well, coach. They feel like they should
be constantly guiding. Anything else feels strange. But really, you can’t effectively
guide and lead if you haven’t listened Cirst. Your coaching clients often know what
the best solution is anyway. They’ll come to that conclusion themselves, but only
after talking it through with you.

You might sometimes start to feel like a therapist as a business coach. It’s important
not to cross that line, because that’s not really your job. Yet, your role does share
some things in common. You’re there to listen, to be a sounding board, and to help
your client come to solid conclusions and make positive changes in their life.

Practice this by listening the next time you’re helping someone with a problem. Your
speaking to listening ratio should be about 30% to 70%. You’ll get better at this over
time and it will make you a better coach. The rest of your communication skills will
fall right in line with this.

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Be Clear With What You Have to Say

It’s important that your coaching clients fully understand everything you’re telling
them. Nothing can get lost in the shufCle, which is why it’s so important to be clear.
Say what you have to say in the simplest possible terms. Don’t use trendy business-
speak or “big” words where simpler ones will do. Keep it simple.

It really helps to write your ideas down before you speak to your client. That way,
you won’t forget anything you meant to say.

It’s always a good idea to record your coaching sessions so the client can replay the
conversation over and over again. This is helpful no matter how clear you were the
Cirst time.

Always make sure you’re both on the same page. It’s helpful to have your coaching
student repeat the most important information back to you. This isn’t to dumb it
down— it’s to make sure nothing got lost in translation. There are ways to do this so
it doesn’t seem strange. Make sure you create an environment where they always
feel comfortable asking you to clarify things they don’t understand. It will happen,
but you can make sure it doesn’t happen often.

Don’t Overcomplicate Things

People in business tend to overcomplicate things. They use convoluted speech

where simple speech will do. They have a meeting when a simple email would do.
They waste time and money for a million different reasons. Your goal is to help your
coaching client save time and money and have a simpler, more prosperous, life and
business. Model that with your coaching relationship.

Have a simple coaching schedule. Be consistent with expectations and strategies. Get
to the point quickly and in a concise manner. Keep it simple wherever you can. I’m
helping you out with that with my templates and simple strategies, so that should
get you off to a running start.

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Get Constant Feedback

Your coaching client should feel comfortable giving you feedback and
communicating with you. This is an important part of the coaching relationship.
There may be something simple they were expecting that they need and you aren’t
providing. You should have checkpoints set up where they can formally give you
feedback. You can also encourage them to give you feedback whenever they feel like
it. It’s a two-way relationship— so make sure they know that.

Know the Right Mode of CommunicaFon

It’s also important to know what kind of communication to use, and when.
Sometimes, it will be best to communicate on the phone or in person— however you
can hear the other person’s voice. Other times, it’s best to communicate via email or
text. Still other times, a video is more appropriate, such as when you need to show
them how to do something step by step. Still other times, text will be most
appropriate so they can refer to written instructions time and time again. Take what
you’re trying to communicate into consideration along with how the person you’re
communicating with learns best.

You’ll Get BeXer over Time

Don’t stress about this too much. The most important thing is that you listen and
think about your coaching client above everything else. You’ll develop your own
communication style and you’ll adapt that to each client you have. There isn’t one
perfect way to communicate— it’s whatever works for you and your clients. Be a
great listener and pay attention to what works in the moment. I have no doubt you’ll
be an excellent communicator.

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Pulling From Your Own Experiences to Effec-vely Coach

There’s a big part of you in everything you do for your coaching business. That’s why
it’s essential that you reClect on your own experiences before you start on your
journey. This will help you become more effective for those you coach. You’ll
recognize your own mistakes and successes so you can more readily help others.

Where Have You Succeeded and Failed

The mistakes you’ve made in your business are going to help you much more than
you probably ever realized. You can’t be successful without making mistakes, so I’m
willing to wager you’ve had quite a few ups and downs in business. While things
may have looked bleak at the time, those mistakes and down periods are going to
beneCit your coaching clients. They can learn from your mistakes and beneCit from
the struggles and triumphs you had as a result.

Think back to those struggles and mistakes. Why did you make them? What did you
learn from them? Where would you be if you hadn’t made those mistakes? How did
your process change as a result? Investigate these answers so you can develop a
narrative to run through with your clients. Narratives, or stories, are a fantastic way
to paint a picture for your clients so you can illustrate your point.

Now think about your big successes. How did you get into the right mindset for
success? What led you to take that chance or what inspired you to take those steps?
Again, investigate the answers to these questions so you can develop a narrative that
will inspire your coaching clients.

It’s important to be aware of your own ups and downs. You should be prepared to be
open and honest with what has and hasn’t happened to you. A good coach is like an
open book. No, you wouldn’t share these things with just anyone. But you will share
these things with those who are paying you good money to tap into your deepest
thoughts. That’s what will make you a phenomenal coach.

You’re going to smooth their path based on your own experiences. You’re going to
make it easy for your students to become inspired and succeed even more easily
than you did. You’ve been there, done that. Now, it’s their turn. They’ve hired you

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because you have unique insight and experience. Do some digging so you can share
it with them.

Journal to Let These Things Out

I don’t know whether you’re big on journaling, but it can really help you reClect on
the past. Consider journaling, or creating mind maps, or looking through your Ciles
or notes to start connecting the dots of the past. Do whatever you need to do to draw
these things out. It’s amazing how much we forget over time— how much gets lost
along the way.

You’ll start to remember more and make more connections with each coaching client
you have, actually. Their experiences will jog your memory. You’ll also start to
become more aware of your current experiences. You’ll become more aware of how
the present affects the future and how the past shaped the present. It’s a wonderful

The great thing about being a coach is that your journey has a powerful effect on the
journey of those who put their trust in you. It’s not that their success is tied to yours
— that’s not it at all. In fact, you could lose absolutely everything tomorrow and still
be in a great position to coach. It’s the journey, and not the success, that’s most
valuable. They have so much to learn from you… but you have to learn from yourself

Do some soul searching and digging into your past. Think about your mindset, your
circumstances, your steps, and your ups and downs. This will help you be a better
coach and will add to your unique ability to guide your coaching clients to where
they need and want to go.

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Leading One Person with One-On-One Coaching

There are a variety of formats you can use for coaching. One-on-one coaching is
actually preferred and ideal for a number of reasons. This allows you to work very
closely with one person at a time. You can really get to the heart of what they need
and want so you can be as effective for them as possible.

You can offer this form of coaching either in person or online— it’s very adaptable.
You can even offer a combination in between. In fact, some coaches offer online
coaching and work with people from all over the world. The distance doesn’t matter
much at all, as long as you adhere to best practices for business coaching. Don’t let
the fact that you can’t or don’t want to meet in person hold you back.

Some one-on-one coaching is fairly general. It’s designed to tackle the person’s
business as a whole. It can start before the person has entered a business or as
they’re struggling with a current business. Sometimes one-on-one coaching is
designed to tackle a very speciCic issue— something like mindset, or improving
revenue, or client generation. That’s when the line between coaching and consulting
is crossed. For the purposes of this guide, I’m talking about whole business coaching.
Feel free to adapt it to be whatever you need it to be, though.

One-on-one coaching is extremely special. This person is putting their trust in you.
They believe you are the one person who can help turn their business around. They
feel lost— they know they can’t do it alone. They have some speciCic goals in mind
and think you’re the person to help.

It can be scary to have all that trust put in you. Then again, you’re conCident and
knowledgeable enough to do a fantastic job. Nothing’s going to hold you back, which
is why you have to get to the heart of exactly what is holding them back. You’re going
to get to know their successes, their failures, and what their goals are.

You’re also going to provide accountability. No matter what you charge or how
excited the person seems to be at Cirst, a surprising number of people will drop off.
It’s very disappointing, especially when you invest so much of yourself in a person as
their coach. But, you’re going to try, and I’m going to give you some tools that will
help with this issue.

The one-on-one coaching relationship can become quite detailed, so it’s important
to draw boundaries. You’re going to get invested in the relationship, but not so much

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that it drags you down. There are some very Cine lines you have to walk, and it’s not
always as easy as it seems.

Note that you can have a few one-on-one coaching relationships ongoing at one time.
These coaching clients will generally be conCidential, so they won’t interact or even
know about each other. You have to be careful not to take on more coaching clients
than you can handle— especially at Cirst. Many new coaches think it will be a breeze
to offer coaching and start to see dollar signs in their eyes, only to burn out very
quickly because it was more time consuming than they imagined.

Start out small and grow over time. Get a feel for what these one-on-one coaching
clients really require. Set boundaries on your time and make sure your own business
doesn’t suffer while you’re coaching them. Invest in their success, but don’t get so
emotional or personally invested that the relationship or either of your businesses
suffers. It’s always a careful balance, but it’s one you’ll get better at managing as you
gain more experience.

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Coaching Many at Once

It’s an option to coach many people at once instead of one at a time. This isn’t the
most common scenario, but it often works well under certain circumstances. This
can actually be a nice way to step into coaching before you tackle the one on one in

You can offer group-coaching ofCline, in the form of seminars or group meetings. You
can meet up once or several times, depending on the needs of the group.

You can offer group coaching online as well. This works extremely well in an online
environment because everyone can check in and collaborate on a schedule that suits
them. You can use something like Zoom, Skype, or Facebook groups to achieve your
goals quite nicely.

Cons to Coaching Many At Once

There are some downsides to coaching many people at one time. For one thing, you
can’t go as in depth as you might like. One-on-one coaching is a very personal and
private thing. People will share things with you they would never have shared with
anyone else.

They might hold back when they’re in a coaching environment with other people.
They won’t feel as willing to share things they’re a little embarrassed about or
ashamed of.

It’s important to consider what kind of coaching environment you want to foster.
Consider the pros of this type of coaching before you make your Cinal decision.

Pros to Coaching Many At Once

While people may not be as open, there are certainly many pros to the group
coaching situation. For one thing, people will be able to bounce ideas around with
one another. Creativity is one of the most important things to come out of coaching.
We’re much more creative when we’re around other people.

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It’s easy to think that great ideas happen in isolation. Actually, that’s very far from
the truth. Great ideas happen when we can work with one another, sparking ideas,
letting them grow, and mature, and grow some more. The client and coach
relationship is great, but the group coaching situation sparks a lot more creativity
and innovation.

Coaching in a group also allows you to offer your services to people who couldn’t
afford it otherwise. It’s a great way to help people with your expertise and guidance
at a lower cost. You help a few people at once so you get paid the same, each person
paying into the pot.

You can deliver many of the same beneCits you deliver one-on-one. Consider how you
work best and how the people who have hired you will work best. It can be less
intimidating to work with a few people at a time, for a lower cost, at Cirst. Play
around with the numbers and the set up to see what works best for you.

Most coaches will want to go with the one-on-one coaching model. Keep that in mind
as you move forward with your plans to become a wonderful business coach.

Combining Methods

You can get the best of both worlds if you combine methods. Let’s say you have a
group of coaching students going at one time. You can coach them individually but
also offer group coaching and brainstorming sessions as an added beneCit.

In fact, you can upsell your current coaching students on these group masterminds.
Masterminds are a fantastic way to grow your business. They help everyone in the
group solve problems, become more efCicient, stay motivated, become more creative,
and grow their business. Offer this as an add-on to your one-on-one coaching
sessions and you’ll earn more and help your clients’ businesses grow faster.

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Catering to Different Learning Styles and Personality Types as a Coach

As a coach, you’re going to work with many different people. That might seem like a
very obvious fact, but bear with me. The point is that you can’t take a one-size-Cits-all
approach to coaching. What works for one person won’t work for the next person.

Part of this is getting to know who you’re working with. You’ll learn their
background, needs, and goals. But you also have to have a good idea of how they
learn best so you can present information in the best possible way.

There are several different learning style theories. I’m going to discuss two of them.
Don’t fret about this— just read the information so you can learn how to best
categorize the person you’re coaching.

Index of Learning Styles

Richard Felder and Linda Silverman developed the Index of Learning Styles in the
1980’s. They believed there were four dimensions of learning styles.

Category 1: Sensory/Intuitive
Category 2: Visual/Verbal
Category 3: Active/ReClective
Category 4: Sequential/Global

Ideally, there should be a balance between sensory and intuitive. There should be a
balance between visual and verbal. There should be a balance between active and
reClective. There should be a balance between sequential and global.

Take a look at what each of these things mean. Which categories do your coaching
clients seem to rely on? If they lean to one end or the other, you might help them
with skills to balance more toward the middle in each of the four categories.

Sensory: Need fact-based, concreted information.

Intuitive: Enjoy meaning and theory.

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Visual: Need graphs, pictures, and other visual representations.

Verbal: Need to read or hear words or information.

Active: Enjoy manipulating and working in groups.

ReClective: Enjoy working alone and thinking things through.

Sequential: Enjoy putting details together and thinking linearly.

Global: Enjoy a holistic approach— the big picture.

It’s not wrong to have any of these learning styles over another. It’s only “wrong” if
something appears to be hindering their business in any way. Consider strategies to
practice and strengthen these skills if necessary.

Myers-Briggs Personality Types

Myers-Briggs personality types are very revealing. Developed by Isabel Briggs Myers
and Katharine Briggs, the test helps people understand themselves, each other, and
their way of approaching and interacting with the world.

You answer a series of questions on the quiz, which reveals one of 16 different
personality types. These include ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, ISTP, ISFP, INFP, INTP, ESTP,

Keep in mind that even though there are different types, there aren’t any “best”
types. This just signals that there are valid differences between people you work

You don’t have to administer this test to those you work with necessarily, though you
could become qualiCied to do so. Still, you’ll be able to recognize personality traits if
you’re aware of them. You’ll see some of these traits in yourself.

Summaries of Common Personality Styles:

ENFP: The champion

ENTJ: The commander

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ENTP: The visionary

ESFJ: The provider

ESFP: The performer

ESTJ: The supervisor

ESTP: The dynamo

INFJ: The counselor

INFP: The healer

INTJ: The mastermind

INTP: The architect

ISFJ: The protector

ISFP: The composer

ISTJ: The inspector

ISTP: The craftsman

Learn more about the personality types and what these seemingly mysterious
letters mean, here:

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Understanding the Psychology of Your Coaching Clients

You have to understand a bit about human psychology if you want to be an effective
coach. People can be disappointing. They don’t do things just because they know
they should do them. You’ve dealt with it in your own life— you’d have gotten a lot
further in your own business if you did everything perfectly all the time. Why do we
do the things we do?

If you understand human behavior, you can help direct it. You can start to
understand why some people fail and why some succeed. Pay attention to human
psychology and you’ll become an extremely effective coach.

Why Don’t People Succeed?

People talk a good game. They say they are willing to go the distance. They’re willing
to do what it takes to succeed. They’ll hire you as a coach, talking a good game about
how they’re going to make it happen this time.

But, they don’t. Why is that? It’s because they’re human. It takes time and energy to
understand the psychology of success— that’s one of the great beneCits you’re going
to bring them as their coach.

Most of the people you work with will have succeeded at least on some level. They’ll
wonder how they can be motivated and successful with some things and not other
things. It’s very common— and part of it has to do with the fear of success. They
allow themselves to succeed “just enough” to get by. But anything else seems too
scary— whether they realize it or not.

Another reason they haven’t succeeded on the level they want is that they don’t
learn from their mistakes or successes. People have a tendency to not learn from
what they did right or wrong. You’re going to coach them to learn from their
mistakes. You’re going to teach them to analyze those times where they were really
successful so they can rinse and repeat.

How to Relate Your Success

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It’s very likely that, while you’re successful, you wish you were even more successful.
You’ll learn a lot about your own success and motivations by coaching others.

But, you have to realize that they aren’t you. What holds them back may not be what
holds you back. It might drive you crazy wondering why they won’t just take action
and do what they need to do to succeed.

That’s your job as coach— if it were that easy, everyone would be able to do it. We’d
all be rich and doing whatever we wanted. Instead, we’re human. You have to Cigure
out how to help your coaching clients move forward and succeed no matter what
their issues might be.

Feeling Overwhelmed

It might be that your coaching client knows exactly what to do. They’re really
motivated and they know they have to make this work. Yet, they’re stuck in place
anyway— paralyzed, even. How can this be? It might be that they’re totally

Some people work well when they have a lot going on. It motivates them to push
forward and do better. They’re great at multitasking and don’t feel like they’re doing
anything worthwhile if there isn’t a lot on their plate.

I’m here to tell you that the people who function like that are few and far between.
The people who come to you most likely have way too much on their plate. They
most likely don’t function well when they have so much going on they can’t think

Most of the people who come to you for coaching will probably be self-employed.
They’re responsible for their own success. They choose which projects they take on
and when they complete them. This is a great way to live, but it also opens the door
for procrastination and poor work habits.

They want to succeed but they just can’t seem to get it right. There’s so much to do
that they can’t do anything at all. You have to help them pare down their to-do list so
only the most essential things are on it. They don’t have to do a million and one

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things to be successful— they just have to do the things that are truly going to move
their business forward.

You have to teach your clients to simplify. Do that, and they’ll be a lot more

Intrinsic and Extrinsic MoFvaFon

There are many different reasons why someone might want to be successful in
business. Some of these reasons are intrinsic and some of these reasons are
extrinsic. Intrinsic factors come from themselves— their internal desires. Extrinsic
factors come from outside of themselves.

Ideally, the people you work with will be motivated by both sets of factors. They
should want to succeed because it makes them feel good and gives them a sense of
purpose. They should also want to succeed because it will help them earn more, will
help their family, and will help them accomplish a number of external goals.

They Have to Believe It Can Happen

Mindset is a huge part of success in business. If someone doesn’t believe they can
achieve, they most likely won’t. If someone has very lofty goals but doesn’t think
they can hack it, they most likely won’t.

Believing that we can’t actually do it doesn’t always stop us from setting lofty goals,
nor should it. But we also have to have a mindset of success. We have to know that,
no matter what, we’re going to push forward and succeed.

Some of the people you work with will come up with every excuse in the book for
why they can’t or won’t do things. It’s your job to get to the root of this to Cigure out
how you can move them beyond it.

The Environment Is a Factor

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We’re a product of our environment. If someone is surrounded not only by self-

doubt but also by the doubt of others, they’ll be a lot less likely to succeed.

If someone has a poor work environment and poor work habits, they’ll be a lot less
likely to succeed. It’s a shame, but many people in business aren’t really set up like
they are. They treat business as more of a hobby and then wonder why they don’t

Sometimes, the simple act of changing their environment can do a lot for them on a
mindset level. They’ll start to take themselves seriously.

They also have to steel themselves against the doubts of others, self-doubt, and
other things that can hold them back in their environment. They should be able to
push forward no matter what— and you’re going to help get them to that place.

Taking Responsibility for Success

Sometimes, you’ll Cind that your coaching clients place responsibility for success or
failure in business outside of themselves. They blame other people or situations for
their downfalls. Some take credit for success but others distance themselves even
from that.

As a coach, you need to help your client see that they are fully responsible for their
success. Other people and situations don’t determine success or failure— they do.
This mindset switch can help them achieve success more quickly. Essentially, you are
putting your clients at ‘cause’ instead of ‘effect’.

Moving Beyond Mistakes

Some people seem unable to move beyond their mistakes. You’ll notice some of your
coaching clients talking again and again about certain mistakes they’ve made or
problems they’ve had. They seem Cixated on these things, unable to move forward.

You have to help them understand that you can’t have success without mistakes.
Mistakes are the building blocks of success. Help them have a mindset switch about
these mistakes and you’ll help them make a lot more progress.

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Being Scared of Business

Some people you coach will seem scared. They’ll seem scared to try new things or
even to implement their daily to-do list. Sometimes, it’s a matter of Ciguring out
what’s causing their anxiety. It might be that there are other things going on in their
life that increases their anxiety level— this can spill over into their work life as well.

Many people have a fear of failure. They know they should try new things and take
risks but it seems impossible because they’re so worried they’ll fail. They’re not
doing their best right now, but at least life is familiar… no matter how bad things
really are.

The same can be said for the fear of success. People get comfortable with where they
are. They might honestly believe that they need and want more, but something holds
them back. It’s often the fear of success and the fear of change. Earning a lot more
money or becoming one of the top people in their Cield will undoubtedly change
their life. That can be a very scary concept.

As a coach, you have to help people understand this about themselves. Many of them
won’t have ever considered it. Help them consider it. Help them work through it.
Encourage them to journal about it and to turn it over from every angle. This will
help them get their breakthrough.

The Psychology of Success

There are so many different things to consider when it comes to understanding your
coaching clients. Each person will offer a different challenge. Consider these
concepts. Follow your intuition and do some more digging on what you think is
holding you back. You can Cind more information on psychology and even full
research studies that can help people move past their boundaries.

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Mo-va-ng Your Coaching Clients

The previous section on psychology gave you a running start on motivating your
coaching clients. Let’s talk about it from a different angle now. I want to spend a lot
of time on motivation because it will always be one of the biggest hurdles you face as
a coach. How do you get people to do things they couldn’t motivate themselves to do
on their own?

Why People Won’t Just Do What You Want Them To

If people would just do what was good for them, you’d be out of a job. I don’t mean
to be Clippant about it, but it’s the truth. You have to become an expert at motivating
people, because, quite honestly, that might be all that your client needs.

Your goal isn’t just to get them to follow what you say right now, though that’s the
most many coaches can hope for. Your goal is to give them a whole new set of skills
they can use to succeed and stay motivated for the rest of their lives. That’s the mark
of a true, life-changing coach. You have to motivate and inspire people to success.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Let’s get down into some additional basics of human psychology. Abraham Maslow
was a psychologist, born in 1908, who believed that we’re motivated by needs.

We have very basic needs that we must take care of. We have other needs that are
not basic to survival but are necessary for happiness, fulCillment, and motivation.

We have to satisfy our needs of survival. It’s not until these needs are met that we
can focus on meeting additional needs.

Our needs include:

Biological and Physiological Needs: These needs are required to live. For example,
air, food, drink, shelter, sex, and sleep.

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If these needs are met, we can occupy ourselves with the next rung of needs.

Safety Needs: We want to be free from physical and emotional harm. For example,
safety needs include having a safe home, laws, stability, order, and health care.

Social Needs: This is where our needs start to reach a higher level. For example,
social needs include friendship, love, colleagues, family, and friends.

Esteem Needs: This is what helps us feel like we belong in the world— like we’ve
found our place. These are intrinsic and extrinsic factors of motivation. For example,
esteem needs include attention, accomplishment, self-respect, recognition, social
status, prestige, mastery, responsibility over others, and independence.

Self-Actualization: This is the top of Maslow’s pyramid— it’s when you’ve reached
your full potential. This is a never-ending process where you learn and grow.
Motivators include things like truth, justice, wisdom, and meaning. This is related to
empowerment, achieving goals, meditation, personal growth, and peak experiences.
Maslow believed only a small percentage of the population ever achieve the level of

Then, in the 1990’s, psychologists adapted the model further, splitting the self-
actualization category into cognitive needs, aesthetic needs, self-actualization needs,
and transcendence needs.

The fact that you’re ready to coach means you’re touching on transcendence needs—
you want to help others reach self-actualization.

What Does This Mean For Your Coaching Clients?

It’s going to be difCicult for them to achieve the highest levels of success if your
client’s most basic needs aren’t being met. Those who are most successful likely also
fall on the self-actualization rung.

How can you support them in having their needs met? How can you encourage them
and help them see what they’re missing? They can’t be motivated to move forward if
they’ve haven’t achieved something more basic, Cirst.

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Figure Out What Makes Them Tick

Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs is pretty universal, though there are certainly other
models you can use. But, people do work differently from one another in some key
ways. You have to Cigure out what motivates your client.

That’s why I have you initially get to know them on a business level and a personal
level. You need to know a bit about their personal life and history and a whole lot
about their business life and history.

You’re offering an unbiased view of their motivation. You’ll get better at spotting
those motivations over time. Go with your gut, work through it, and try different
things until you hit on something that will help push them forward. The systems and
templates I give you will help you hit on these things very quickly.

Consider Rewards

Humans are both simple and complicated. If you want people to do something, you
just have to reward them. This isn’t always a long-term solution, but rewards are a
fantastic way to get someone out of a funk. You can reward them or encourage them
to reward themselves— it really works in a way few things can.

How to Inspire People

If you want to learn how to inspire people, you have to look to yourself. What was it
that Cinally drove you to success? What was your struggle like? Be prepared to be
open and honest about these things.

They’ve hired you because you’re already an inspiration to them. Whether it’s
something in your story, something about the way you present yourself, or just a gut
feeling they have, you inspire them. Take advantage of that— grab hold of it so they
can start to develop their own motivation.

You’ll be doing a lot of teaching as a coach. While your clients likely know or have
access to the steps they need to take, you’ll be teaching them how to put one foot in

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front of the other to complete those steps. You have to appeal to their personality
and learning style.

Storytelling is a great way to do this. You’ll listen more than you speak in your
coaching sessions, but you can absolutely tell stories that will draw your client in.
Tell stories that inspire them to move forward and keep going even when they feel
like it’s hopeless.

Often, you’ll have to challenge your clients to really inspire them. It’s great to
accomplish things no matter how big or small, but you have to take them outside of
their comfort zone every once in a while. Challenge them to do more. They’ll become
more resilient, creative, and inspired as a result.

Make It Doable

Above all, you have to help make the plan seem completely do-able. Even if it’s a
challenge and something outside of their comfort zone, the day-to-day of it can’t be

Simplify everything. Help your client get rid of the clutter— there should be no
unneeded activities or goals on their to-do list. Help them clarify what they need to
do and they’ll be much more motivated to do it.

The Basis of MoFvaFon

It all comes down to their “why.” Why are they doing this? Why have they hired you?
What do they really hope to achieve? Help them Cigure this out. They can’t just “hope
to become more successful.” Their reasons why they’re doing this have to be very
speciCic and motivating in order for them to be motivated to follow through and get
it done.

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Helping Others Move Beyond Their Past

You’ll Cind that the past is a big part of the reason why people can’t seem to move
forward. You’re not a therapist, but there are things you can do to help them move
on and make some breakthroughs in business no matter what they’ve gone through.

When you Cirst start working with a client, you’re going to take steps to learn more
about their past on a personal and professional level. There will be personal things
they aren’t ready to share with you, of course, but you need to know enough to
understand where they’re coming from. You have to know what makes them the way
they are.

It’s important that you help them get a new perspective. Help them see that
everything in their past was a learning experience. They don’t have to forget the
mistakes they made, but they should take a more positive outlook on them.

Those mistakes and events of their past were a learning experience. Those things
made them the determined, accomplished person they are today. Those mistakes
and bad events have made them tougher, stronger, and more ready to handle the
events of the future than anyone else.

Help them understand that nothing good can come from dwelling on the past.
Nothing is going to change if they keep stewing over those things. It’s clear they
want their life to be better but are feeling stuck— that’s why they hired you. Now it’s
time for them to take the next step.

I’m not sure why, but some people are resistant to journaling. Encourage them to
journal anyway, especially if they’ve been going through something rough in life.

You’ll see a huge difference in them as well as they start to map out their goals and
business plan. There’s nothing better to motivate someone to move beyond their
past than having a really bright future to look forward to.

That’s why so many people need coaching. As simple as it seems, very few people set
solid goals and create action plans for themselves. They dwell in the past and do the
same old things and expect different results. Help them plan a great future and
they’ll be more ready to take action. You’ll get them out of their slump and seem like
a genius in the process— but it’s really all part of human nature.

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We don’t just need pie in the sky dreams. We need very clear, very simple, plans we
know we can follow through with and achieve. This makes the future seem easier to
handle. It also makes it more interesting than the past— it’s something we can still
shape and take control of.

We all fall off course and doubt ourselves sometimes. This is certainly easier said
than done. If it were as easy as writing it down and doing it, no one would need a
coach. They’ve come to you for a whole new perspective. They need you to guide
them and encourage them.

The very fact that they’ve hired you as a coach means they’re ready. They’re
motivated, but need that extra push. They know they need someone to come in and
view their business life with fresh eyes. They’ve tried to go it alone, but are ready for
the next level. They’re ready to learn from the past, leave it as part of their story, and
move toward a phenomenal future.

You’re going to be part of that. Be aware of their past and also be aware of strategies
to bring them out of it if it’s something they’re dwelling on. It’s all about the future,
and it’s looking bright.

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Helping People Move toward Their Future

You’ve helped people move beyond their past, so now it’s time to help them move
toward their future. I gave you a few hints in the previous section, but now I’d like to
go more in depth.

Planning and Goal SeZng

It’s all about planning. Your client can’t move toward a future that isn’t there. That
future has to be painted as clear as a picture. That means develop a solid business
plan and goals.

Have your client come up with very speciCic goals. They should write these goals
with numbers, dates, and a lot of detail. The more detailed they are about what they
want to achieve; the more likely they will be to achieve it.

After coming with their goals, the client should be encouraged to look at their
current business model and plans and whether those plans align with their goals.

As a coach, you should teach your clients to ensure their goals and plans are in line
with who they are, what they want to do, and who they want to be. They should be
happy with their work— fulCilled by it. If they aren’t, it might be time for some major

Long Term and Short Term Planning

Have your client develop a business plan, including a mission statement, value
statement, predictions, and plans.

Your client should also develop plans for the long term— where do they want to be
in Cive years? Where do they want to be in one year? This should be written in very
speciCic terms, related to every aspect of their business.

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Your client should also develop plans for the short term. What do the next six
months look like? What does the next month look like? What does the next week
look like? What does the day-to-day look like?

Break It All Down

People have a tendency to overcomplicate things. They make mountains out of

molehills. Make it easy on yourself and your client. Help them break absolutely every
activity they do in their business down into its smallest parts.

Are they going to write a book to brand themselves? That seems really daunting.
Most people who plan to do it never actually will. But if you help your client break
the task down into really manageable, bite-sized chunks, they’ll absolutely be able to
get it done.

You’re going to seem like a ninja with your powers of simplifying business. Your
client is going to wonder why they didn’t do it this way before. Suddenly, by breaking
their activities down into easily manageable, day-to-day portions, they’ll start
making great strides in their business.

Visualize the Future

One of the best tools we have for staying on track is visualization. Humans, by
nature, tend to focus on what’s pleasant right now. Sure, it might be nice to be able to
afford a beach house or work for yourself full time in the future… but right now, it’s
easier and happier to veg in front of the TV all night instead of checking things off
the to-do list.

Help them see their future. Have them create a mind movie or vision board full of the
things they hope to have and achieve in the future. This will help them stay on track.
I have a course on creating a vision board which you should really check it out.

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Learning to Persuade and Be Effec-ve

You’re not going to get very far as a coach if you can’t Cirst persuade people to hire
you. Then, once you do get people to hire you, you have to persuade them to take
action even when they couldn’t before.

Some people seem to be more persuasive than others. What’s their secret? The Cirst
“secret” is that you can fairly easily become more persuasive— both to convince
people to hire you in the Cirst place and convince them to take action after they hire

Many of your clients will be very familiar with the coaching process already. Some of
them will have hired coaches in the past with varying results. Your goal, of course, is
to stand out as the best of the best. That means being able to motivate and persuade
people to take action in new and exciting ways.

The Timing of Persuasion

You’re going to do some work upfront to make sure your client is ready to be
persuaded. You can’t jump right in and try to persuade them to work harder or to try
a totally new strategy if they aren’t ready to hear that yet. You have to Cind the right
timing… and learn how to encourage that timing along.

They Need to Trust You

If you’re going to persuade people to action, they need to trust you Cirst. They have
to know that you have their best interests at heart. That’s why it’s so important to
get to know them Cirst and to share of yourself. Let them feel like you’ve been
through everything they’ve been through.

Stay Consistent

As a coach, you need to stay consistent. They have to know what to expect from you.
If they know they can get away with not checking in with you, not following through,

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and not doing anything at all, they will. Stay true to your message that daily action
leads to results.

You’ll be more persuasive if you’re consistent. Stay on top of your message. Better
yet, stay true to it yourself. It’s easier to tell someone else to do something than it is
to do it yourself. Practice what you preach and you’ll be much more persuasive as a

Don’t Assume Anything

This is especially true when you’re trying to get coaching clients in the Cirst place.
Don’t assume that they can’t afford you or don’t want you. Don’t assume that you
have to charge a really small amount for your services. Don’t assume anything.
Research your market and present your offer— persuade people based on what
you’re worth and the fact that no one else can offer what you can.

Remember, you are not your market, you do not make the purchasing decisions for
someone else. Maybe you wouldn’t pay top dollar for a top coach (or maybe you
would), your concern should be giving enough value to your clients so that those
who truly need and appreciate you will consider your rates to be money well spent.

Pay AXenFon to Your Energy

Have you ever noticed that being around certain people seems to drain you of
energy? You can’t stand to be around them after a while because it just takes
everything out of you. These people tend to be the complainers.

If you have bad energy, you’re going to have a hard time persuading people. You can’t
be negative and down in the dumps and expect people to hire you. Even if they do
hire you, you can’t then expect them to follow through with what you say.

You’re going to have good days and bad days. But, you have to be in a good enough
place in your own business and energy that you can pass that good energy on to
others. They can sense when you’re down and when you’re “on.” You’ll be much
more persuasive if you have good energy.

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Pay AXenFon to What’s Important To Your Client

If you follow through with nothing else in this section, follow through with this one.
You have to pay attention to what’s important to your client. What really drives
them? Figure that out and you’ll be much more persuasive.

There are many reasons to become better at persuading clients and potential clients.
Put some of your energy and resources into mastering this so you can be more

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Helping Your Clients Set and Achieve Goals

Goal setting is one of the most important things you’ll do with your clients. It’s not
something you can skip over, though some will be resistant to it. I highly recommend
using the Ultimate Success Formula. Send me an email (
if you want a copy of it.

The most successful people in the world set goals— both long term and short-term
goals. Goals help your client get to the heart of what they really want. Without them,
they don’t have direction.

Having goals helps organize and motivate. It helps your client Cigure out which
activities are high value and which activities are low value in business. It’s very
important to revisit your goals frequently over time.

It’s also valuable as a coach for you to insist that your clients set goals and
expectations, so that you can measure your effectiveness with them.

How to Get to the Heart Of Your Goals

Teach your clients to think about what they want in Cive years. They should consider
their life as a whole. Set a short time limit on this (10 seconds or so) to cut down to
what’s actually most important.

Next, they should think about what these goals mean in tangible terms. How much
would they need to earn? Where would they like to live? What will their family be

Break these goals down into small, bite sized-chunks. They should have goals for the
short term and the long term.

You likely have a grasp of goal setting yourself since you’re already successful in
business. You should feel free to add your own spin to the advice I’m giving you here.
But the basic level of this just plain works— and there’s good reason it does.

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There are several different goal areas to have your client consider. These include
career, Cinancial, education, family, health, and happiness.

They should have a 5-year plan, 1-year plan, 6-month plan, 1-month plan, 1-week
plan, and daily plan based on these goals. Every day, your client will take actions that
will lead to success with their larger goals.


There’s a lot of talk about SMART goals in the business world. This stands for
speciCic, measurable, attainable, relevant, and trackable. This is a wonderful measure
for goal setting that can be helpful for your clients.

“Rules” For Goals

Goals are a very individual thing, of course. But we all need all the help we can get
when it comes to actually following through and succeeding with our goals.

First, tell your clients to make sure they state everything in a positive way. Goals
should all have a positive, rather than negative, spin.

Also, have clients consider which goals are most important to them. Have clients
paint their most important goals as clear as a picture. These goals should be
extremely speciCic and motivating so they can follow them through to action.

Should Clients Set Extreme Goals?

There is some disagreement in the business world as to whether people should set
goals they have little hope of achieving. For instance, setting a goal to earn an extra
$10,000 this month when they’re relatively new to business.

But, your client might want to set a goal like that anyway. In fact, you might want to
encourage them to? Why? Because wouldn’t you rather have them stretch their
limits and reach for $10,000 and earn an extra $5,000 they might not have earned

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otherwise? It’s not a guarantee, but once you start to think bigger, you can achieve

Emphasize the Importance Of Goals

No matter what your personal philosophy on goal setting, make sure you make it a
focus for your coaching clients. It will help them Cigure out what they want to do
with their life and business. It will help motivate them and keep them going even
when things are tough. It will make them stronger, more conCident, and more ready
to tackle anything that comes their way.

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Differences in Those You’ll Lead

One of the best things about coaching is that you get to work with so many people
from so many different backgrounds. It helps make you better rounded and
knowledgeable in your own business. It’s fascinating, interesting, and fulCilling. With
that said, it’s also really challenging.

You’re going to come across cultural differences, gender differences, religious

differences, and differences of opinion about business in general. How are you going
to handle these things?

Remember— a good coach listens more than he or she speaks. A great deal of your
power of communication will come from listening and observing before you make
recommendations. You’ll learn a lot about expectations and how you might work
with someone on an individual level.

A good coach does what he or she can to learn more about the background of the
client. If that person is from another country, it can be very helpful to investigate
customs and history of the country. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on this, as
your client will understand and appreciate that you also live in a different country
with different customs. You’ll get to know your client over time and their customs
and culture may play a part in what you learn about them. Then again, it may not—
it’s certainly a case-by-case basis.

You do, however, have to understand the person’s needs. There will be things you
don’t even consider, but are really important to your client. For instance, some
religions dictate that the person doesn’t work on Fridays, or Saturdays, or Sundays,
or whatever. Or their needs and goals are different from what you’d expect simply
because of cultural differences.

One example is the working culture of the East and the West. The West is typically
more interested in individual success. Those in Eastern cultures tend to be more
interested in collaborative success. Being aware of these differences is very helpful
to you as a coach.

Some cultures value coaching and mentoring more than others as well. This varies
greatly, even among different personality types within the same culture. It might be
a huge leap for someone to reach out for you as a coach, so the way you approach

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him or her will be different from how you approach someone who is not at all
ashamed of hiring a coach.

Staying Away From Stereotypes

While it can certainly be helpful to learn about how people from different cultures
and of different genders approach business, it’s important to stay away from
stereotypes. There’s a difference between gaining a general understanding of a
certain type of person and understanding that person on an individual level. Your
job as a coach is to get to know that person as an individual.

With that said, there have been some interesting statistical Cindings on how different
types of people approach business. For instance, females tend to have a greater
desire to meet customer needs and pay attention to the environment or culture. Men
tend to set their priorities on developing new products and services. This data was
based on the MAPP assessment (Measuring the Alignment of People and Processes).

But, data and statistics can only tell you so much. You have to work very closely with
your clients to Cigure out what makes them tick. Plus, just because overall statistics
might suggest that a certain type of person normally acts one way, that doesn’t mean
that your individual client does.

SeparaFng Yourself from The Client

It’s extremely important that you not let your personal beliefs or issues get in the
way of your coaching. It’s very possible that you’ll have different religious beliefs
from some of the people you coach, for instance. If you’re not comfortable with that,
then you need to specify yourself as one type of coach.

You’re going to work with people who’ve been through some tough things in their
life. The issue from their past may throw you for a loop. Know that you can’t let these
issues affect you on a personal level. Always be ready to refer clients to seek the help
of a professional if something comes up that is out of the scope of your knowledge or
what you’re legally allowed to handle.
Know that we all view the world from our own perspective. The world looks quite
different to other people. Try to meet people where they are and provide them with
the tools to get to where they want to go.

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Deciding Where to Mentor People

Where you mentor people depends greatly on the type of coaching you’re doing.
Some reading this will be coaching in person. Others (maybe even most) reading this
will be coaching mostly online or over the phone. Make your choices now so you can
clearly present options to your client.

Whether you meet in person or not, the environment should be professional but
comfortable. I hesitate to say casual, but it should be nearly so. You want people to
let their guard down. You’re not their boss, you’re not their colleague— you’re
someone they can really conCide in.

Is It BeXer to Meet In Person or Coach Online?

Some would automatically assume that in person coaching is better. It can be in

certain situations and circumstances. But for business, especially online business,
online or over the phone offers remarkable results.

The great thing about meeting in person is that you can tell a lot from your client’s
body language. You can see their facial expressions, note how they cower or sit
proudly in their chair, and a host of other clues.

But it can also be hard to meet in person. There’s the stress of getting to the meeting,
taking time away in the schedule to do so, and expending the extra energy it takes.
There’s also something to be said for the fact that we have access to free video
conferencing these days. We get the facial expressions but with the ease of meeting
from the comforts of our respective homes.

It Depends on Who You’ll Be Working With

I have a feeling that one of the biggest reasons you’ll turn to online coaching is
because in-person coaching is restrictive as far as who you who you can take on as a
client. You’re going to work with a variety of people from a variety of places. Unless
you plan to work within the conCines of your city or town, you’ll use tools like Skype,
Facebook, the phone, email, and Zoom to conduct your coaching sessions.

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Of course, if your plan is to coach in your local area, in-person coaching will be your
option. But don’t dismiss the other options because they’re very effective too.

A CombinaFon of Methods Can Work Well

No matter whether you’re primarily coaching in-person or you’re distance coaching,

you’ll want to combine methods for maximum effectiveness.

You can have set sessions where you videoconference on Skype. You can also give
your coaching client your cell phone number for when he has quick questions (set
limits for personal cell calls). Finally, you can offer to answer questions via email or
provide daily accountability via email.

There are nearly limitless options here. Figure out what you’re most comfortable
with. Consider who you’ll be working with and which methods of communication
are likely to be most appealing to them. Depending on what you’re charging, you can
open up more or fewer methods of communication to be more or less readily

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Coaching On the Internet— Technology and Methods

As I mentioned earlier, I suspect most reading this will do at least some of their
coaching online, if not all of it.

Coaching online is great— even more so because it’s relatively free for you as the
coach. You don’t have to buy expensive tools and equipment. There’s no need to only
coach those local to you or for people who hire you to pay for hotels or book you for
full days at a time— it allows you to earn more without breaking the bank of those
who hire you.

You’ll also tend to save time when you coach online. It’s wonderful to meet in person
when you can, but it does involve travel time and more wasted time. You’ll be able to
spend more time coaching and focusing on what’s important instead of worrying
about where you’re going and what you’re doing.

There are many different tools and technologies you can use to maximize your time
online. You can, and should, use a combination of these to be as effective as possible.

No matter which tools you use, remember to never waste time on things that aren’t
important. Have a plan for your coaching sessions. Remain on topic while allowing
for Clexibility at the same time.


Skype is a great tool because it allows you to make phone calls (cheap or free), video
chat, and text chat. You can choose the appropriate type of communication
depending on what you and your client need. You can also record calls for later use,
share Ciles, and link to resources on the web.


It seems obvious to put this here, but I’ll do it anyway. Email will likely be a vital part
of your online coaching. You can email your coaching clients daily to help hold them

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accountable— this is a huge draw for many who hire a coach. They can also email
you questions when they need to.

Email is great because it’s something you can get to when you’ve set aside the time
to do so. As great as phone conversations are, we all know how they aren’t always as
efCicient as they could be. Email requires people to be more concise, which is a good
thing when you’re coaching.

Webinars and Google Hangout

You can offer webinars, even if it’s just for one coaching client. This allows you to
share slides, presentations, and your own screen. Skype has implemented this
feature, actually, so you’ll want to investigate that. GoToWebinar is another option—
a particularly good one if you plan to hold pre-sale webinars or coach multiple
people at one time.

Google Hangout is also an option, especially if both you and your client have a
webcam installed on your computers.


Zoom is like Skype, with all the professional features you require. A plus point of
Zoom is that you are able to record the entire session and later share with your
clients in video format.

Choose What’s Best for You

If you’re totally stuck, I recommend you choose Skype and Email as your coaching
method. You may have some who aren’t as comfortable online and want to stick to a
traditional phone— that’s Cine as well. Do what works for your client.

These are all free or very low cost options that can help you remain effective for your
client and don’t take a lot of time to learn or implement. Consider your coaching
strategy and allow technology to help make your job easy. There are so many great

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tools out there— these are just some of them. You’ll Cigure out what works best for
you as you go.

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Get Them to Succeed with Something Small

You’re working hard to gain the trust of your coaching clients. They’re working hard,
setting goals, and making plans for the future. You’ll soon learn that most clients will
get very discouraged if they don’t see immediate results. What do you do then?

If you’ve attended any of my live training, then you may have come across a simple
concept I always teaches. It is about focusing on completing small projects you know
you can complete and getting the small wins. The motivation will feed on itself.

You can do something similar with your coaching clients. If they’re getting
discouraged from reaching their bigger goals, have them take a step back. Together,
design a smaller project they can get really excited about. It should be something in
line with their goals but something they challenge themselves to Cinish in under a
week. This should be something they can earn more with or see near instant results

The point is to set a small goal that’s related to their larger goals. Then, create a
system for getting it done in a short period of time. This goal can be a bit of a stretch
— something that shows them what they are capable of doing in a short period of

Break the steps down day by day so the whole project can be completed in a week or
so. This might be a deviation from the overall business plan but it’s sort of a Hail
Mary pass for those who are about to give up. If they can see success quickly they
might start to believe in that long-term success they crave so much.

This smaller success can certainly lead to bigger and better things. It’s something
that can be built upon.

It’s hard to put a price on motivation and conCidence. You want your client to feel
unstoppable. If they aren’t feeling that way, succeeding with a small project is the
perfect way to get them back in the zone. I’ve seen many people get incredibly
excited when they earn their Cirst income online. They get ecstatic over just a dollar
or two, and while it might not impress you so much, share in their celebration
because it’s important to them.

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And… do you remember earning your Cirst dollar online? Didn’t that get you
excited? I certainly remembered mine.

This can reset their brain and conCidence levels. It’s probably true that they’ve been
telling themselves that they can’t do it. They’ve been at it for years and it hasn’t
worked. They’re ready to throw in the towel. Many people feel like they’re broken in
a sense— why does it work for so many other people but not for them?

But, now they’ll be able to focus. They’ll put everything else aside for a while. Focus,
determination, and the small scale of the project will ensure they get it done. Choose
the right kind of project it’s almost a sure thing that they’ll be motivated to push
through to even more success.

We all have ups and downs. We need to start a pattern of success to make major
changes in our lives. This might be the Cirst time your clients feel like they can do
anything at all— this is a true gift you’re giving them.

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Help Your Clients Simplify Everything

People in business waste a lot of time and energy. They make things much more
difCicult than they need to be. They get overwhelmed, off track, and off focus. It’s no
wonder there are so few people who are truly happy with their business.

You’re going to help. You’re going to show them how to become happy and fulCilled
by business again. It’s probably true that your client was invigorated in the
beginning. He or she was excited about the possibilities, dreaming of where business
would take them.

But, life gets in the way. There are too many projects, too many distractions, and too
many directions to go. There’s a lack of clarity and a lack of focus. Often, there’s way
too much information. How’s anyone supposed to make heads or tails of that?

It’s time to help your client get back to a simpler time. It’s time to help them refocus,
cut the clutter in their business, and do fewer things, really well.

Analyze Everything

To start with, help your client go through everything they do on a daily basis. Have
them write down the steps they take. How do they perform the most common tasks?
What takes up the most time?

They’ll likely be really surprised about the results when they lay it out on paper like
that. There are so many things that waste our time. While most people spend the
bulk of their waking hours “working” very few are doing high quality work even half
the time.

Go through their business activities with them. Question some of their steps. What
would you cut out? Find ways you can help them do more in less time. Find the time
wasters and help them Cigure out ways to avoid those activities. Help them become
more productive and have less to do throughout the day.

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It Doesn’t Have to Be That Complicated

Most people would get a lot more done if they focused on a 3-item to-do list than
they do if they focus on a to-do list with dozens of items on it. Many of the things we
do in business are unnecessary.

This assessment is all about Ciguring out what’s necessary and what’s not. It’s about
simplifying the to-do list so it’s not as overwhelming. It’s about doing quality work
and not just clocking hours staring at a computer screen.

It’s important to make everything in business easier. Have your client break their
most common tasks down into simple steps that can be done without thinking.

Thinking, believe it or not, zaps productivity. Actual work hours should be spent
working and not stewing over decisions that don’t matter in the end. Teach clients to
make relatively unimportant decisions in fewer than 30 seconds. Teach them to plan
ahead, prepare, research, and outline before they sit down to work. Eliminate the
need to think while working and you’ll simplify the process for your client.

Focus on What’s Most Important

It can be hard to let things go in business. But, there are likely to be activities that
are very proCitable for your client even though other activities take up the bulk of
their time. It’s your job to help them see this. Remind them the 80/20 rule.

Realize that they might be very resistant to the idea of dropping a leg of their
business. Point out the proCitability of spending more time on higher proCit activities,
and how much more quickly they could reach their goals, and you might be able to
persuade them more easily.


If your client is trying to do it all, it might be time to consider outsourcing. Point out
that they are wasting time on activities they could easily and inexpensively

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outsource. This can help them simplify their own daily workload and actually
increase proCitability.

Keep it simple— wherever possible. Preach this to your client and make a mantra for
your own business as well. It eliminates overwhelm and leads to better success.

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Teach Systems

Systems are part of simplifying and getting more done in less time. I’ve touched on
this a little bit but it’s so important that I want to highlight it in more depth.

Have your client Cigure out what their highest value activities are. Maybe it’s
blogging, writing eBooks, contacting their clients, or whatever. For everything they
do, they should have a system that’s so solid they don’t even have to think about it.

It’s daunting to think about having to write an entire eBook, right? It’s crazy to think
about contacting 100 cold potential clients, right? But it’s not if you have your client
create easy systems that allow them to bust through their to-do list with very little
effort. I created a product called the How To Plan, Write, Publish And Market Your
New Book Without All The Fuss. Why? Because I want my coaching clients to write
their Cirst book as easy as possible. Remember— it’s all about being able to work
without thinking.

Break It Down

So, what are the truest steps for writing an eBook? Many people try to sit down and
get it done without a real process.

Here’s a rough example of what it really includes:

- Idea generation
- Research
- Outlining
- Writing
- Editing

You can break that down even further. For instance “writing” becomes “writing
1,000” words. Anyone can write 1,000 words a day, right? Have your client break
everything down like this… even further than the example list I’ve given here.

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CreaFng Checklists

After your client has broken it down, have them create checklists for later use. There
should be a checklist to generate ideas for new eBooks. There should be a checklist
for research. There should be checklists for writing and editing.

Over time, your client won’t even need to reference these checklists. You’d be
surprised, though, just how much they help even the most experienced. It helps
because people don’t have to think about the next step. They can just move through
with no worries.

They’ve done studies on doctors and nurses with checklists— output and results
improve even on procedures they do every day. Writing an eBook isn’t surgery, but it
helps us too.

Working in Batches

It can also help your client be more efCicient if they work in batches. Let’s say they
plan to write a series of 60 blog posts over the next three months. They can batch
idea generation, research of similar topics, and writing of similar topics to work
faster and better. Try it yourself— it really works.

Systems Create Time

Teaching your client to develop effective systems in their business will effectively
give them more time in business. They’ll be able to focus on what’s important. Teach
them to follow only those steps and do only those tasks that are most important—
don’t do anything extra.

This might be surprising advice, but by cutting activities that are cluttering the
workday they’ll be opening themselves to creativity, happiness, and improved

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Dealing with Resistance

Some clients will have a hard time with this step because they’ll argue that
everything in their business is important. They may be right— but not everything in
their business is most important.

Something has to give if they have so many things to focus on that they can’t focus at
all. Something has to give if they stare at projects for hours on end without making

Like everything else in coaching, they may be used to doing things a certain way.
Focus on one thing at a time. Have them create a system and series of checklists for
accomplishing their most important and proCitable task— you’ll get them on board
with the rest later on.

Teach them to create systems, break their activities down, batch their work when it
makes sense, and to focus on the most important activities in their business and
you’ll help them get a lot farther.

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Teach Your Coaching Clients to Take Risks

Some of your coaching clients will come to you ready to do something great. You’ll
take a look at their current strategies, systems, and business in general and wonder
what you’re supposed to help them with. They seem to have it all together. Your role
might be to help them take risks.

Why is it important to take risks in business? Without risks, we don’t get nearly as
many rewards. Your client may have come to you because they are ready for those
great rewards. They can’t seem to get over the hump and go after it themselves,

What Does it Mean to Take Risks?

We take risks with everything we do— in life and business. It’s often our perception
of a risk that makes it “scary” or not. Some risks have a much greater likelihood of
ending badly than others, of course.

As businesspeople, we have to make an honest assessment of whether a risk is

worth taking or not. This means paying attention to competition, customers, the
world and local economy, personal skill level, and a variety of factors that come into
play depending on what’s being assessed.

Your client may be fearful of taking a risk and losing money or something else. These
are real risks that can have real consequences.

Often, though, the risks aren’t that bad after all. It’s just that your client has built it
up so much in their mind that they’ve lost perspective. It can be really scary if
they’ve come up with a new idea or are trying something new.

Stepping Away From “Real” Risks

As a coach, you don’t want to get yourself caught up in risk that can have Cinancial
consequences or otherwise. That’s outside of your scope of practice as a business

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coach. This is a case where you’d want to refer your client to a professional in that
particular area of risk to protect yourself.

Encouraging your Client to Take Risks

It is, however, completely within your scope of practice to encourage your client
through risks that push their boundaries. People often step back when they feel
psychological discomfort. They hesitate or pull back altogether.

As a coach, it’s your job to point out that the greatest inventions and movements
forward in our world came at great risk to the innovators. If they want to do great
things, they have to try new things.

They are interested in taking this new risk because they don’t like where they are.
They aren’t satisCied with something about their life or business. Help them come up
with a solid game plan to move forward with their idea or to implement whatever it
is they want to try.

Dealing with Failure

Sometimes, those great risks won’t pan out. As their coach, it’s your job to help them
see the glass as half full. They haven’t failed… they just have more data to work with
next time. They will learn from this and grow from this and go on to do great things.

Use failure or setbacks as a way to illustrate how important it is to assess, adjust,

and try again. It’s so important not to wallow in mistakes or failure. Once your
clients understand that they’ll accept risks a lot more readily.

Dealing with Success

Sometimes, success can have surprising consequences. For instance, maybe they
didn’t realize they’d have so much customer service to handle after a particularly
successful offer.

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It’s exhilarating when something is risky but really pays off. As much planning as
you do, you never know exactly what’s going to happen when the dream comes true.

Help your client analyze their success in a way that will help them rinse and repeat.
Help them investigate ways they can do even better next time. Also, help them
strategize to deal with anything unexpected that happens as a result of their success.

The Power of Taking Risks

Your client has you as a coach, which makes them exceptionally lucky. Very few
people are willing to take risks in this world. You are willing to take risks. You are
coaching your client on the importance of taking the right kind of risks. This gives
you and your client a lot of power because you are part of a select group. This is
something that can help take your client’s business to the next level.

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How to Deal With People Who Fall Off The Map

It’s sad to say, but some of your coaching clients will start off really strong but then
totally fall off the map. They won’t follow through with the coaching, won’t show up
to pre-arranged calls, and sometimes won’t even respond to emails.

It’s not you; it’s them.

It doesn’t matter how hard you try or if you do everything “right” some people just
won’t get it. You can’t crawl into their brain and make them take action. You can’t
force anyone to do anything. All you can do is meet them on their level and Cigure out
ways to draw them back in.

Assess the SituaFon

If your coaching client just isn’t into it anymore, it’s time to assess the situation. It
might be a simple communication issue. Do they understand what’s expected of
them? Have you made it clear what your coaching includes? Do they have a clear
path to follow? Do they share your philosophy about business?

Along with these questions, it’s important to consider whether you’re truly meeting
their needs. Is there something they need that you’re not providing? Try to think
about it on a psychological level. What is it about their past or current patterns that
would cause them not to follow through with the coaching they’ve paid for?

It doesn’t matter how much they’ve paid you, this will happen. It’s really a strange
phenomenon. Some of the people who hire you will be on point from start to Cinish.
Others will need more prodding. Then there’s this group— that doesn’t follow
through, doesn’t seek a refund, and doesn’t do anything at all. They just stop.

Try to Cigure out what’s going on based on the available clues.

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Re-open the Doors of CommunicaFon

Communication is key. They may not realize they’ve “fallen off the map.” It might be
that life got busy and they just aren’t as enthusiastic as they were in the beginning.
They may still be following through on your methods but just haven’t checked in

Or it might be that they’ve fallen behind and they’re really embarrassed about it.
This happens a lot. People let life or self-doubt get in the way. They feel like they’ve
let you down and they know they’ve let themselves down. It’s easier not to deal with
it than to admit they messed up. Usually, a simple note to them will get them back
into gear. Let them know you’re not “mad” — that you just want them to follow
through so they can succeed, no matter what it takes. Let them know you care.

No matter what the case is with your client, let them know you’re on their side.
Work with them on starting again with renewed enthusiasm.

What’s Required of You

With all this talk about starting up again and getting them excited about the
coaching again, I don’t mean to imply that you’re responsible to wipe their slate
clean and spend your time on them if their sessions have run out.

They’ve hired you for a certain number of time slots or for a certain period of time.
You’re contractually obligated to follow through on your end of the bargain—
nothing more, nothing less. If they’ve slacked off that’s something they have to deal

While it’s great to let your coaching client know that you’re there for them and that
the past doesn’t matter… you can’t let them use that as a crutch. Some people will do
that a thousand times if you let them. Get to the heart of what’s really going on and
hopefully you can help draw them out of that pattern.

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Tips for GeZng Them to Stay on Track

There are some things you can do to keep your coaching clients on track to hopefully
prevent this from happening.

First, address it head on. Let them know from the very start that it’s a very common
pattern you’ve observed in some clients— that they start out really enthusiastic and
that enthusiasm naturally wanes over time. Let them know that you’re going to hold
them accountable, that you understand “life happens”, and so on.

Also, have them sign an agreement beforehand. This agreement should spell out
what they can expect from you and you from them. They are making a commitment
— putting their signature on a piece of paper will help solidify that commitment in
their mind.

You can also create a series of autoresponder messages designed to inspire and spur
them to action. Even if you aren’t directly communicating with them, they’ll receive
these messages daily. This is a great way to keep your coaching and their goals and
objectives at the top of their mind.

One of the best landing page software that I personally use and this integrates my
email marketing and also autoresponder services so well, is Click Funnels. I will
hook you up with a 14 days free trial, go ahead and use it and im sure you will love it.
Click here for the free trial, you can thank me later.

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Demonstra-ng Tough Love

Should you demonstrate tough love with your coaching clients? It can’t always be
warm and fuzzy— particularly if they aren’t following through. Sometimes, you’ll
have to push them a bit to get them to take action. It won’t always be comfortable for
them, but it’s sometimes really necessary.

Some of this goes back to those who start to fall behind on the coaching or in
following through with their own action plan. You have to call them out on the fact
that they aren’t going to achieve their dreams if they don’t follow through.

It constantly astonishes me when I hear people, who are desperate to make money
online, complain because it hasn’t happened yet. But when prompted about what
they actually do to earn money online, where their buy buttons are, they don’t have
an answer. This is the type of person that needs a bit of tough love. They need to look
in the mirror to see reality— and you’re just the one to show it to them.

Don’t Go Too Far

With that said, you can deCinitely go too far. There are some marketers who’ve made
their mark on the industry because they’re known as people who don’t care much
about others’ feelings. They say what they want to say. I imagine coaching with them
isn’t the right Cit for most people.

You don’t want to crush people so they never feel they can take action. You don’t
want to make them feel like making mistakes or falling behind has cost them their
future. That’s the opposite of what a good coach should be doing.

You have to Cind that happy balance. You can’t coddle and tell people it’s just Cine to
mess up and not take action. But you can’t berate them for their mistakes—
especially not if they’re trying to make a go of it now.

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Give People a Kick in the Rear

But, when people do need a kick in the rear, what do you do? Again, it’s Cine to show
them their reClection in the mirror so they can see exactly what they’re doing wrong.
They need to know, honestly, where their failings are so they can Cix it.

The people who fall behind, are negative, or spend more time whining than working
on their business need to be redirected. They are spending so much energy on things
that aren’t productive. Be open and honest about your feelings on this topic— they
can handle the truth.

Actually, that may not be true in all cases. Some people can’t handle the truth. By the
point where you’re ready to help people with this issue in their coaching, you’ll
know enough about them to gauge what their reaction will be. Tread lightly but
don’t be afraid to be honest.

Help Them Get Past It

You can’t kick someone and then not help pick them back up. In fact, you don’t want
to just pick them back up; you want them to stand ten feet taller.

It’s time to help them see what their future really can be. Point out their skills,
talents, and special attributes. There are things about him or her that no one else
shares. There’s a reason they were drawn into their line of business. There’s a
reason they so desperately want to succeed.

Help them Cind their path again, no matter when this happens during your time
together. They might need this tough love at the beginning, middle, end, or all three.
Provide it when they need it, but also provide encouragement when they need it. You
may hurt their feelings for a short time but you can rest assured they’ll be writing
you a thank you letter in just a short time.

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Dealing With Disappointment If It Doesn’t Work Out

Sometimes, a coaching situation just won’t work out. This can be unpredictable.
Sometimes, you’ll notice you felt something was “off” all along.

Your coaching client might not like your style. They may have expected something
totally different, no matter how accurately you presented yourself in the sales letter.
Or it might be that something happened in their home life or business life that
changed their perspective on what they need out of a coach.

Or, it might be that you just don’t mesh well with your client. They might be full of
complaints, full of reasons why they can’t do everything. This type of person can be
very draining. Sure, they paid you— but are they really worth your time? Usually

Sometimes, it’s a matter of personalities. Your personalities might not go together in

a way that works. You seem to butt heads and just aren’t making progress together.
This is another sign that it might be time to call it quits.

Why It’s Hard to Say Goodbye

No matter how hard the relationship is, it can be really hard to call it quits. You’ve
invested a lot into this. You’ve tried hard to get to know this client and you really
wanted to make it work. Letting go can be an extremely difCicult decision.

Try to remember that some people just aren’t ready. They thought they were ready
for next-level coaching, but they just weren’t. They might be in the future but now is
not the time. That’s certainly not your fault.

You’re only responsible for you. It’s your job to present the best coaching materials
and to be present for your client whenever you said you would be. It’s your job to get
to know your client on a personal level so you can make recommendations that will
take them to the next level in business.

But if they don’t follow through, they don’t follow through. If they don’t take your
advice, they don’t take your advice. Don’t get bogged down in their failures or

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successes— that’s not your life. You’re merely helping them achieve their dreams.
Don’t get so personally involved that your own business suffers or you take it
personally if they aren’t working as hard or as strong as they could be.

Refund or Not?

You need to have a really clear refund policy right on your sales page. Some coaches
completely deny refunds, no matter what the reason. That might not be the best
policy for certain situations, but it’s something to consider. You are front-loading a
lot of your time and energy on the coaching, after all, and time is something that you
can’t get back after it’s passed. It’s not like a digital eBook or video course, after all.

Other coaches consider refunds on a case-by-case basis. Or, they do partial refunds
depending on a variety of factors.

The important thing is that you have a refund policy you feel is fair. Have your client
sign something before you get started that signiCies they understand what the
refund policy is, if you choose not to give refunds.

Moving On When It Doesn’t Work Out

There’s a difference in moving on when it doesn’t work out versus moving on when
the coaching has come to an end. There’s a sense of failure on both ends when it
doesn’t work out. You wanted so badly to help that person, but you didn’t. How do
you deal with that?

Again, you have to realize that you are separate from those you coach. Their
successes, failures, hang-ups, and struggles have nothing to do with your business
and the way you feel about yourself. Accept that this happens to every coach— even
the best of the best. There’s nothing wrong with you. It just happens. Expect it and
have a plan for dealing with it.

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Celebra-ng When It Does Work Out

Enough of the sad stuff— let’s talk about what you do when it does work out. When
your client is kicking some serious tail and it’s a result of the great coaching you’ve
given. What then?

It’s time to celebrate! It’s a good thing to celebrate successes both large and small.
Give yourself, and your client, something to look forward to.

Let’s say your client has a major goal they aren’t sure they’re going to achieve. It’s a
bit of a risk but the two of you come up with a solid plan. You also come up with
something you’re going to do to celebrate the success— give your client something
to look forward to. Maybe one of your products free, or a free Skype session, or
whatever you decide. Add that extra incentive to make it happen.

When it happens, celebrate like crazy. It’s great to have things to look forward to.
Humans naturally respond really well to rewards and celebrations so it makes sense
that you’d use them in your coaching.

If you want your coaching clients to follow through, incentivize them to do so.
Encourage them to incentivize themselves as well. This will lead to a lot more
success stories and a whole lot more fun.

We’ve already talked about the sad fact that some people won’t follow through no
matter what you do. That’s all the more reason to celebrate and reward those who

Encourage Your Client to Play Regularly

In fact, don’t just celebrate success; also celebrate life. We aren’t as productive when
we work all the time. Your client is working really hard. Make sure they’ve built in
time for recreation as well. This will keep them well rested and on task during work
hours. It will also keep them happy, healthy, and having fun in business to get to do
things they enjoy.

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Working all the time kills creativity. It stops you from having new experiences and
letting loose. It also kills productivity. Your client thinks working all the time is the
answer but it most certainly is not.

Celebrate the Big Things and the Small Things

You’ve had your client break his activities down into very small pieces. Have him
reward himself for a job well done on everyday tasks. Then, have him set up larger
rewards when whole projects are complete.

It takes dedication to follow anything through to completion. The fact that your
client has hired you as a coach means they most likely have trouble doing that. This
is a huge step for them, so it’s time to celebrate. Give yourself a pat on the back—
give your client one, too.

Why CelebraFon Is So Important

In the book “The Secrets Of Happiness,” Ben Renshaw explains that, “On average by
the age of eighteen we will have been praised and encouraged 30,000 times— and
most of this… by the time we are three. By contrast we will have been criticized and
discouraged over 250,000 times.”

This is incredible. If we are to be happier, more motivated, and more successful in

business, we have to allow ourselves to celebrate.

Praise your client. Don’t focus on the negative or what they’re doing wrong all the
time. Sure, your job as coach is to teach them the right way to conduct their
business. But focus on praise and celebration more, and they’ll be happier and more
productive as a result.

Help Them See What’s Good

If you notice your client is particularly down on a given day, have them look back
over your time together and consider their top three biggest accomplishments.

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Celebrate those top three things. Then, focus on helping them have three more big

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Boos-ng the Success of Your Students

How can you boost the success of your students and do better than just about every
coach out there? Easy— you have to get to the heart of what really matters.

Help Your Client IdenFfy Strengths

Your client can do many things really well. That doesn’t mean their business is
currently in line with their values or strengths. Your job is to help them chart a
course with smooth waters. What are they good at?

Have your client consider what their greatest strengths are. Have them consider
some great things they’ve overcome in life. Have them dream their biggest dream.
Have them think about what people tend to compliment them on. Have them think
about what sets them apart from others in their Cield.

If you can help them identify these strengths, you can help them move forward in
some incredible ways in their business. Most coaches ask clients to tell them more
about themselves. Very few coaches really dig down into what’s really going on. They
have their coaching materials and they push forward with each client as if they were
at a factory.

That’s not the approach you’re going to take. You’re getting to know your coaching
client on an individual level. You’re going to know what makes them tick so you can
help them move forward in their business.

Mindset Coaching

Most of what you do will actually be mindset coaching. The reason they’ve come to
you is because they can’t seem to get into the right mindset to succeed further on
their own. That’s where you come in.

You’re helping them become clearer about their goals. You’re also helping them
become clearer about their plans to reach those goals.

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They may have many obstacles to go through. They’ve overcome many obstacles in
the past. You’re helping them see that those obstacles are mere stepping-stones.

You’re helping them take action. They’ll probably take action more now than ever
before simply because they now have a coach. You’re going to push that even further
by making it inevitable that they’ll be more productive and achieve more than ever.

You’re going to help them develop an attitude of success. They’ll take risks, knowing
that even if they “fail” they’ll learn from it and be better off. They’ll know that they
will succeed no matter what it takes.

Why People Hire Coaches

People hire coaches for all sorts of reasons. One of the most common reasons,
though, is that they don’t have the conCidence that they can do it alone. This is
particularly true of those who are working for themselves. They take comfort in
knowing that there is someone looking after them.

Your job isn’t just to help them with conCidence for right now. Your job is to help
them develop conCidence that will carry them well beyond your coaching sessions.
Focus on building them up and giving them the skills that will take them far beyond
what they ever thought possible. That’s what will set you apart from so many
coaches out there.

GeZng People to Step Out of Their Comfort Zone

You’re getting people to take risks and to do things they may not have done
otherwise. This is something that is game changing. It’s going to take them to the
next level in business.

You’re also going to make it seem easy. People tend to build up risks, business ideas,
problems, and obstacles in their mind. You’re going to help them break it down and
make everything in their business easy and manageable.

All of this will help set you apart in the world of coaching. There are very few
coaches that have the skills I’ve discussed here, as surprising as that may seem.

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Collaborate With Those You Lead

You’re going to have the privilege of working with some pretty spectacular people.
They have walked a very special journey already. It’s important not to assume that
you’re more knowledgeable or experienced than they are on every topic. You’re also
not going to get very far if you try to get them to take action when they haven’t yet
taken ownership.

The Client Knows Best

They always say the customer knows best. In this case, the client knows best. The
client knows his or her personal and business life better than anyone else. You rely
on their perceptions and interpretations of things to understand how to coach them.

Treat the client as the expert on their personal and business life and you’ll help them
take ownership. They can’t feel like you’re the expert that has all the answers when
they have none. They have to feel that power and ownership if they’re going to have
long-lasting results. Coaching is a deCinite collaboration in this sense.

Don’t Talk Down

Since this is a collaboration, it’s important not to talk down to your client.
Remember— they’re the expert on their life and business. You’re there to
collaborate— to bring your expertise, experience, and view into the picture to help
them achieve their goals.

Don’t tell your client what to do. You’re not their teacher and this isn’t a classroom.
Discuss and collaborate on ideas for next directions. Remember— it’s extremely
important that they take ownership over this process or it won’t be as effective.

You’ll Change As Much As They Do

One of the best things about working with others as a coach is that you’ll change too.
You’ll learn so much by working with people from a variety of cultures, backgrounds,

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and experience levels. It will have powerful effects on your life and business as you
help come up with solutions and action plans.

That’s what’s so great about coaching. Not only do you get to help people, but you
also get to help yourself. You’ll learn so much more by leading than you ever would
on your own. That’s another reason why it’s important to enter into this with the
spirit of collaboration.

It’s Not Just Coaching That Takes This Approach

It might seem strange to switch from a mindset of “coach as leader” to a spirit of

collaboration. But that’s what needs to happen because it will have the best
outcomes for both parties. The medical industry, psychotherapy, teaching, and more
have adopted this spirit of collaboration.

If you go to the doctor and he tells you to lose weight because you’re too overweight,
are you likely to do it? Some will, but there’s a reason why people usually don’t
follow through with this advice. The new way of thinking is that doctors will have
much better results if they approach care collaboratively. If you go to the doctor and
you work through the results with a spirit of collaboration, come up with reasons for
not being well and reasons for getting better, and vow to diet and exercise on your
own, you’re a lot more likely to do it.

It’s important to apply the same idea to coaching. You can tell people what the best
course of action is. Or, you can collaborate and both bring valuable information, data,
ideas, and experiences to the table. Doing that will lead to a much more valuable
experience than the alternative.

Your client views you as someone who can help. But it will mean so much more to
their mindset and success if you collaborate instead of command and dictate. That’s
what separates a good coach from a fantastic coach.

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Growing As a Leader over Time

You’ll learn an incredible amount as you start to work with more clients. Every
person you work with will help boost your abilities as a leader. But, there are things
you can actively do to grow as a leader over time. You want to be the very best you
can be for your clients and for yourself.

Some Amazing Things Will Start to Happen

Some amazing things will start to happen as you work with more people and get
your name out there as a fantastic coach to hire. You’ll notice that other high-end
coaches and businesspeople start to notice you. They might be interested in
friendship, collaboration, or networking. This can help take your business to the
next level.

You’ll also notice that people of all kinds are turning to you for all sorts of things.
People will want you to read their books. People will want your opinion on this or
that. It can be wonderful, but it can also be overwhelming. You’ll have to put an even
higher premium on your time.

You’ll become a thought leader in your area of expertise. When you Cirst start out,
there are likely leaders and experts you readily point to as being an inspiration to
you. As you become better known as a leader and coach, you’ll become someone
others look up to. This can be a powerful experience.

Consider the PaXerns of the Past

Look back over your past and consider when you grew the most. There were times
where things stayed fairly much the same. But, there were other times where your
conCidence, abilities, mindset, and skills of leadership grew by leaps and bounds.

See if you can pinpoint when and why that happened. Was it someone you were
working with? Was it a new life circumstance? Was it a book you read? Was it a
moment of clarity for you? Try to Cigure out what it was that gave you that boost.

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If you can Cigure out what’s taken you to the next level in the past, you can get a
stronger understanding of where you are today. You can then brainstorm ways to get
to the next level as a leader over time.

Evaluate and Reshape

There’s something to be said for sticking with what works. It’s wonderful if your
coaching business is doing well for you. Don’t Cix something that isn’t broken, but do
look for opportunities to reshape something that could be even better.

There are always ways to do things faster. There are ways to do things more
efCiciently. Most importantly, there are always ways to be even more effective for
your clients. Evaluate monthly or even weekly so you can look at your coaching
business with fresh eyes. Do this and you’ll naturally grow as a leader over time. All
it takes is self-reClection and striving to improve.

Never Stop Learning

Don’t assume that you know everything just because you’re a coach. The mark of a
good leader is that they never stop learning. A good leader, a true expert, knows that
there is so much more they don’t know.

Read everything you can get your hands on. Join mastermind groups related to your
area of interest. Hire a coach yourself. Attend webinars, seminars, and classes. Stay
on top of the latest research in your Cield. Do whatever you need to continue

Don’t Neglect Your Own Business

Some coaches get so caught up in coaching that they neglect their own business.
Please make sure that doesn’t happen to you. You can’t be a good coach if you aren’t
practicing what you preach. You can’t stay on top of the struggles and ups and downs
of running a business if you neglect yours. Make a conscious effort to become a
better leader and coach over time, and you will succeed.

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Managing Your Time as a Mentor

You’re going to juggle a lot more now that you’re a coach. You have to manage your
own business along with your coaching duties. It’s important to be fairly strict with
your time so you don’t become overwhelmed.

Map Out a Plan

First, run through your current business activities. When do you plan to Cit coaching
in? Make a mock up schedule that you can play around with. You have to have
enough time to fully devote to your students and to your business.

If you’re having trouble Ciguring out where to Cit it all in, just pay attention to the
advice you’ll tell your students. You need to cut the clutter and simplify wherever
you can. Get rid of activities that aren’t as high producing as what your coaching
business will be.

Make It Clear to Your Coaching Clients

After you’ve Cigured out how much time you have available to devote to coaching, it’s
time to Cigure out how many clients you can take on at one time. Some coaches
spend a little time with more clients. Other coaches spend a lot of time with very few
clients. Choose which kind of coach you’re going to be.

Then, come up with speciCic blocks of time in your schedule where you’ll offer
coaching. Further specify in your schedule what kind of coaching will Cit in each slot.
For instance, you might devote an hour per day to Skype coaching online. You might
devote an hour a day to reviewing the work of your clients. Play around with
numbers and come up with a schedule you can be relatively sure of before you even
get started.

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Be Wise with Your Time

Working with other people as a coach is really fun. It’s easy to want to jump in with
both feet at Cirst and devote all your time to it. But, you have to protect yourself.

You don’t want to get burned out before you even get started. Don’t give away all
your energy in the beginning. Stick to the plan and stay true to the hours you’ve
realistically decided you can dedicate to coaching.

Also, try to be as efCicient as possible with coaching. Make use of the templates and
ideas I’ve given you. This will save you a lot of time and help keep you organized.

Don’t Put Your Business Second

I’ve mentioned this before, but I want to make it even clearer. You can’t ignore your
own business. Yes, there are some coaches who go full time. That’s something you
can decide for yourself as you gain more experience.

For now, you need to protect your business. Continue to work and grow your
business so you have something to share with your clients. You are in the trenches
now and doing well. That makes you very valuable and inspirational to your clients.

Have a Plan for CommunicaFon

You want to be Clexible as a coach. At the same time, you should have a plan for
things like phone communication. Everything discussed on the call should have a
purpose. People tend to waste a lot of time chatting on the phone and that’s not what
this is all about.

Be friendly, open, and Clexible on the phone. But also have a clear picture of what
you’re going to talk about and why. Help keep your client on course. You’ll get better
at this part of things over time. Many clients will get nervous and try to take the
conversation off course unintentionally— it’s your job to steer it back.

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Plan Well

Plan your time well and reevaluate as you go along. You don’t want to burn out but
you want to leave plenty of time to be an effective coach.

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Asking for Feedback about Your Coaching

You want to be the best possible coach. I have no doubts that you’re going to be a
great one. But, there are always going to be things you can improve on. The best
people to tell you about those things are those you’re coaching.

You want to invite your coaching client to be very open and honest about their
experiences with you. You want to know how you could be even more effective for
them. There are often really simple things you can Cix that you hadn’t even thought
about before.

People will give you really great suggestions that will make you an even better
leader over time. While criticism can sometimes be hard to take, it really can make
you better. Feedback is something you should welcome with open arms.

Decide When to Ask For Feedback

You can ask for feedback a few times throughout your time coaching someone,
depending on how long the relationship is. You can do one after the Cirst week to get
an initial feel for their satisfaction. This should be a feeler so you can adjust if

Then, you can ask for feedback about halfway through. Again, this gives you time to
adjust what you’re doing if necessary. It can also pump you up when you hear about
the things you’re doing right.

It’s very important to get feedback at the end. While your time with that client is
over, you can use the feedback to improve the way you do things for all the clients to

Learn to Deal with Harsh CriFcism

Your hope is that clients feel they can be very honest and open with you. Encourage
them to give their real answers and not to be afraid of hurting your feelings.

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With that said, and no matter how good of a job you’re doing, you might get some
negative feedback. Learn to set your emotions aside and Cigure out what’s behind the
feedback. It might be a simple misunderstanding you can correct. It might be a
difference of opinion or view that will never be corrected— you just have to move on
from it. It might be that you had been falling short on the job.

The client is letting you know exactly what they’re feeling and experiencing. Don’t
take it to heart, but take action on making things even better for them.

Have a Process for the Next Steps

Have a process for when you go through feedback and implement changes. It’s very
important that the client knows you’ve read through the feedback. Respond to
anything that needs a response. Change anything that needs to change.

Reflect On the Process

It’s so important to reClect on this process and experience. Don’t just collect and read
the feedback without thinking about the meaning behind it.

If criticism was particularly hard to take, it can be hard to reClect. Make the changes
then set it aside for a while. When you’re ready, return to the issue to reClect on it
with fresh eyes.

The feedback process is really interesting. You’ll learn a lot about yourself and your
clients. It can be challenging and nerve-wracking, but it can also be really rewarding.

Some clients won’t hold back on anything at all. Weed through and focus on what’s
most important. Other clients will be hesitant and will never say a bad word against
you. That’s okay too— just make sure they feel comfortable coming to you if they
ever have an issue.

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Mistakes to Avoid as a Coach

There are some really important mistakes you’ll want to avoid making as a coach.
These things will pull you down and make it hard for you to get back up again.

Not ProtecFng Yourself

The biggest mistake of all is not protecting yourself. I’ve a very comprehensive set of
forms and agreement templates which I personally use to build my 7-Cigure coaching
business. Reach out to me to get access to it.

You need to set client expectations from the start. They need to know what to expect
from you and what you expect from them.

Be Clear About Refunds

No matter how spectacular you are, the issue of refunds will come up at some point.
You need to have a very clear refund policy and make sure all clients are aware of it

Coaching isn’t something they can buy and return. They are buying your time. Your
time is invaluable, so make sure you don’t let people walk all over your time. Most
won’t, but there’s a rotten apple in every bunch.

Being Too Invested EmoFonally

This is something people from a variety of professions deal with— becoming too
invested emotionally. You can’t let yourself get sucked in. You care a lot about your
client, of course, but that can’t come at the expense of your personal health and

Keep some emotional and mental distance between yourself and your client. You’re
not their friend, family, or therapist. Draw the line and keep it there. You care deeply

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about their success because you’re their coach, but you have to mentally prepare
yourself to draw that line or else it will affect you severely.

Making It All about You

You have a lot of wonderful things to share with your clients. You have so much
expertise and you’ve been through so much. They’ll learn a lot from your ups and
downs and your stories.

However, you have to be really careful not to make the coaching sessions about you.
Don’t dominate the conversation. Remember— you should listen much more than
you speak. It’s your job to help guide them and give them the tools to succeed. They
often already know what they need to do— you just have to draw it out of them.

Not Managing ExpectaFons

No matter how clear your sales page is, there will be some people who believe
they’ve hired you to be their personal assistant or 24/7 friend. It can’t be that way.
You need to set Cirm boundaries or some people will take advantage of you.

Some clients will want to get every last penny of their money’s worth. Gently, but
Cirmly, stay true to the time limits you’ve set.

Other clients will be so needy that they see you as a friend. They feel so desperate
and know they need a coach. But, they are very emotionally up and down or are
unsure of every little step. Tread lightly and set expectations from the beginning— it
will be better for you and the client, in the end.

Staying Small

It’s just Cine to start out “small” as a coach. Maybe you offer lower end coaching to
start with as you gain your footing. You have to be careful not to sell yourself short,
though. Practice what you preach to your own coaching clients.

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Have a solid plan of action for growing your coaching business. This will allow you to
be more effective for your clients and it will give you more time to work on your own

There’s something to be said for attracting a higher-end, more serious, clientele.

That’s not to say that lower-paid coaching isn’t valuable— it absolutely is. But you
have to know when it’s time to grow.

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Finding a Coach for Yourself

Some coaches have the mindset that they are on the very top of the heap. They’ve
reached as high as they are going to go. Don’t be like them— you’re always learning
and growing no matter how successful you become. It might even be time to Cind a
coach for yourself.

Why It’s Important

It keeps us striving if we Cind others to look up to. There is always going to be

someone on a higher level than you professionally or personally. Wouldn’t you like to
do more or earn more? People hire you for that reason so it makes sense that you’d
do the same.

You’ll get the beneCit of your coach’s experience. Hiring a coach helps you take
shortcuts. It gives you a boost in mindset and a whole new set of skills to work from.
You know all this— so make it happen for yourself.

You’re Always Learning

Professional and personal development is extremely important for any coach. Hire
your own coach and you’ll have access to a wealth of knowledge very few people
have access to.

It’s not like you’re reading an article everyone else has access to. You get direct
access to the brain of someone you really admire. That’s something people pay you
for… so it might be time for you to do the same.

Choosing a Coach

It might be the case that you have someone in mind already. If not, do some searches
and Cind those who are offering their services as a coach. Sometimes, you’ll get a gut
feeling that someone is right for you. Other times, you’ll have to do a little more
digging to be sure.

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There are often coaching offers that go around that have really Clashy sales pages
that look great in the moment. Always pause and sleep on it— particularly if it’s a
mass offer.

It’s a much better idea to ask friends and colleagues who they recommend. You
might be surprised at their answer. Sometimes the very best coaches are the
quietest. They only accept a certain level of clientele and don’t really need to

Learn From Others’ Coaching

In addition to boosting your own business, hiring a coach can also help you improve
your own coaching skills. There may be some simple things your coach does that
turn on a light bulb for you— “why didn’t I think of that?!”

It will deCinitely inspire you to be better. There will be things you don’t like and
things you do like. ReClect on their style and your own style to further improve for
your clients over time.

Get Past the SFgma

You’re a coach yourself so hopefully you don’t have this issue. However, there are
some people out there who feel that having a coach is something to be ashamed of.
They feel like they should be able to do it on their own.

You can’t feel that way. Even the best and the brightest in our world have coaches
and advisors. Doctors have other doctors consult on their cases. Presidents and
leaders have teams of people who consult with them. The most successful people in
the world have coaches to help them become even more successful.

Nothing makes you special or different because you’re a coach. You can beneCit from
this in so many ways. If you’ve never hired a coach before, I think you’ll Cind it a
particularly enlightening experience.

Hire a coach to help yourself become an even better coach. It will have the side effect
of helping you become even more successful overall.

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Part II:
The Business End: GeVng Started as a Coach

You now know the theory of it all. You know what it means to be a great coach. Now,
it’s time to put it all into practice. You’re going to start building your coaching
business right away. Don’t hesitate— now is the perfect time to make this happen.

Building a Website as Your Home Base

The Cirst step is to build a website as your home base. Whether you’re going to
primarily work online or ofCline, you absolutely need a website to call home. This is
where people will come to get a feel for who you are. It’s where you’ll build your list
of potential clients, where you’ll showcase your expertise, and where you’ll have
leads coming in on autopilot.

Depending on your line of business, you may or may not be intimately familiar with
building websites already. It’s fairly simple these days. I recommend using self-
hosted WordPress because it has a ton of themes (styles/designs) and plugins
available for it.

What Your Website Should Look Like

Your website should be an extension of what you offer— professional coaching that
stands head and shoulders above the rest. Your website should fall right in line with
your brand. As soon as people land on your site, they should get a feel for your
personality. Your website sets the tone for your business.

With that said, it doesn’t have to be perfect at Cirst. It’s better to get something nice
and clean up for now so you can get your business going. You can always tweak and
change your website over time. Do whatever is going to move you to action the

Take a look at the websites of other business coaches. Note what you like and what
you don’t like.

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Choosing Your Domain Name

You need to choose a name for your coaching service. It can be your own name or a
name that symbolizes what you offer as a coach. This is an important decision, but
it’s also one you can go with your gut on. Again, don’t stew over this decision— get it
done so you can get up and running with your business.

Once you’ve chosen the name of your business, go ahead and secure your domain
name— Namecheap is a great domain registrar. Then, grab the name of your
business at Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You don’t have to move beyond that for
now, but you’ll want to secure your brand across the web.

I personally use Vodien for all domain registration and web hosting packages. Their
customer service is superb!

GeZng Your Site Up

You’ll need a hosting account— many people use Hostgator to start with, but since
they were bought out by a larger company in 2013, their support has declined, so
seek out a host that you’re comfortable with if you don’t have one already.

I recommend to register your domain and getting web hosting from the same
provider. As mention above, I uses Vodien due to their superb customer support.

You need a web hosting package to host your site. And when visitors enter your
domain url, they will be able to see your website.

If you’re confused on any of these steps, you can search YouTube for easy tutorials.
YouTube is great for helping you with anything technical.

You can also hire a professional relatively inexpensively if you don’t want to deal
with any tech headaches yourself. Go to Fiverr to Cind for a relatively inexpensive

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Choose a Theme

The theme of your WordPress site is its design— there’s no need to hire an
expensive designer. There are many free themes and many paid themes.

Include These Pages

The purpose of your coaching site is to help people get to know you, to build your
authority, to help people, to build your list of prospective clients, and to generate

With that in mind, you’ll want to include the following pages:

• About you
• Sales page (on the homepage)
• Testimonials/client feedback
• Services and packages you offer
• Contact page
• Squeeze page
• Opt-in forms on the sidebar
• Links to your social media accounts
• Blog pages

All About Your Homepage

Your homepage should do a good job of selling your services. As a businessperson,

you’ve likely studied a bit about copywriting before. Use elements of persuasion and
copywriting to hit on their emotions and draw them into the idea of hiring you as a

You aren’t necessarily putting a buy button on this page. You’re warming them up to
the idea of hiring a coach.

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The Importance of Building a List of Prospects

As most coaching offers are fairly high-end, you’ll want to focus most of your energy
on getting people to sign up for your list. Offer them a free report or free strategy
session for doing so.

If you get people on your list, you can build a relationship with them. They’ll come to
know and appreciate your expertise. They’ll take advantage of coaching offers you
send out much more readily than they would if they saw a cold coaching offer from

Add a squeeze page to your blog and send trafCic to it. Give something really great
away for free if they sign up to this list. I Cind that the best way to stamp your
authority and deliver value at the same time is to write an ebook and give it out for
free. Reach out to me and I will send you my 4-part guide on: How To Plan, Write,
Publish And Market Your New Book Without All The Fuss.

Include an opt-in form on the sidebar of your blog. It should be visible on every

Write an autoresponder series as a follow up for when they sign up. This will work
for you on autopilot.

Building Your Website over Time

This will give you a great start. Build your website over time as you get a feel for how
you want to present yourself. Your main goal is to demonstrate your authority and
expertise and start to build relationships with those who hire you. You really want to
stand out as the best for the job.

If you think all these tech stuffs like website, autoresponder, opt-in page sounds all
too complicated, I recommend you to look at Click Funnels. I have been building my
latest landing pages and sites on this platform. This is not the cheapest option, but it
delivers great solution and it makes all these tech stuffs easy to handle.

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Choosing Who to Mentor

You’re not going to be the right Cit for everyone. You’re not going to want to work
with everyone. There’s a certain type of client that’s right for you. It’s up to you to
Cigure out who that is and how you’re going to Cind them.

What Are You Known For?

The answer of who you should mentor might be obvious to you. Maybe you’re
particularly well known in a certain area of business. You’ll naturally want to mentor
others who are interested in this particular topic.

Or maybe it’s a little less clear. For instance, do you want to cater to the more
advanced set or to those who are completely new? Some coaches love guiding those
at the beginning level. They take pride in taking someone from the very basics and
helping them Cind success. Others don’t enjoy that part of it at all— they’d rather
help reinvigorate people who are much further along. Consider what’s right for you.

You’re Different from Every Other Coach Out There

There’s a lot that sets you apart from other coaches. But who is your audience?
You’re the ideal coach for a certain group of people. Figure out who that is and take
steps to attract them. Become known as an authority in that circle.

Just like you have a USP in your main area of business, you have a USP in your
coaching business. Present that as part of your branding. This is what should come
to mind when people think of you as a coach.

Focus your website, offers, and branding around your USP. Always set yourself apart
from the rest. There are other coaches, sure, but you want to be the only choice for a
certain subset of people.

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Consider Your IniFal Offer

Start out coaching just a few people as you gain experience. It can be daunting to try
to get these initial clients on board. It’s Cine to launch with a special offer that’s
lower in price than what you’ll usually charge. Just make sure the clients you accept
are a good Cit.

Don’t appear desperate to accept just anyone. Your clients are going to “shop” for the
perfect coach for them. It’s Cine for you to be selective about who you accept, even in
the beginning. You have to get your foot in the door, but you don’t have to
compromise as you do it.

Networking and Branding

Focus your efforts on networking with the business subset you’re focusing on. Brand
yourself as the go-to coach in this area.

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How to Find Clients

You have your website up and you know what kind of client you’re going to target.
Everything should be set up and ready to go. It’s time to drive trafCic to your website
and list and start to put offers out there so you can accept clients.

This is a very exciting time. It can also be a little bit scary. You have the expertise it
takes to coach others but it’s still a new experience. It’s human nature to be a little
unsure at Cirst.

You have to push ahead anyway. You’ve taken risks before and this is no different.
Remember— you have some really valuable things to offer to the people who are
going to hire you. The longer you wait, the longer they have to wait to receive your

Before you start to drive trafCic, please make sure you’ve set opt-in forms up on your
website. Always focus on building a list with everything you do in business. The
money is in the list!

Your list is more important than your offers initially. You’re going to drive trafCic to
build a list. You’re going to build a relationship with the people on your list. Then,
you’re going to book coaching clients with ease.

Driving Traffic and Becoming Known in the Coaching Space

Every day, you’re going to put solid effort into networking, building your authority,
and driving trafCic to your coaching site. This daily activity is something that will
grow over time until you’re well known as one of the best of the best.

Social Media

You should already have created a Facebook page featuring your coaching brand. Tell
your current audience about that page. Comment on related pages as your page.
Link to your page from your website. Make sure you offer and share really

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interesting and relevant content so people will want to “like” your page even if they
aren’t really familiar with you at Cirst.

You should also have created a Twitter account related to your brand. Tweet and
retweet relevant content. Find and follow experts, coaches, and those who might be
potentially interested in your services. You’re not going to directly advertise; you’re
going to build your presence and link to your free content and opt-in.

LinkedIn is another fantastic resource for business owners. You can create a great,
detailed proCile featuring your business and expertise. You can also join or create
groups. You can answer people’s questions and become known as an expert people
should pay attention to.

Your goal with social media is to have people see you in multiple places. You want to
be helpful and build relationships so they know, like, and trust you. Then, it will be
very easy to encourage people to hire you as a coach. So easy that you’ll likely have
to create a waiting list.

Social media is certainly not instant— the only “instant” form of trafCic generation is
paid, to my knowledge. But it’s something that will pay off for you relatively quickly.

Blog Consistently

It’s also a good idea to blog or add new articles to your website on a consistent basis.
This will help you rank in Google. It will also keep your readers coming back over
and over again.

Blog about business topics, blog about the importance of coaching, and blog about
things that help people relate to you. You’ll develop your own style.

It’s important to encourage comments on your blog. You want to be able to interact
with people as much as possible.

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Spread Your Credibility Around

It’s a great idea to leverage the success of others. Maybe you know a coach who is
already really successful. They might be open to letting you write a guest post for
their blog, complete with an author’s resource box. Or maybe not another coach—
maybe just someone in your industry. You never know what the answer will be until
you go ahead and ask.

You can also write for E-Zines, article sites like, and more. The
point is to publish and re-publish high quality content that will improve your
visibility and branding. Remember to link back to your squeeze page with the goal of
getting more sign ups to your list. You can then build a relationship with your list
members and have a never-ending series of coaching candidates.

Write a Book

There’s something about publishing a book that instantly boosts your credibility.
Whether it’s a book on Amazon or an eBook, people continue to be impressed.

Write a book on a topic you’re knowledgeable about. Take a spin that’s unlike
anything else out there. This will help you get name recognition and will become
another way people can Cind you on the web.

Webinars and Seminars

There are few things that can zoom your popularity and credibility up the charts like
being a speaker at a seminar. There are many in-person seminars for people in
business. Let organizers know you’re interested in speaking (look at their rules for
speakers before asking) and you might be surprised at how easily you’re accepted.

As you become more known, you’ll be asked to speak anyway. It can be very helpful
to you as a coach to accept speaking roles at seminars. You’ll no doubt have a line of
people waiting to hire you as a coach then.

Let’s say that you can’t or don’t want to get away for seminars. Webinars can be the
next best thing. These are basically online seminars— and they’ve become

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incredibly popular over the years. Host or join webinars where you can showcase
your expertise. It can do a lot for your credibility and the number of people who will
be ready to hire you.


Podcasting is almost a must for anyone who wants to be a successful online coach
these days. It’s a great way to stay at the top of people’s minds, quickly generate
content (that can be used in a variety of ways), and build authority and showcase
your expertise in an exciting way.

You can get a spot on BlogTalkRadio to host a radio show. Or you can release
podcasts on iTunes. There are many options— just make sure you use that content
to the fullest. This is a branding option that deCinitely sets you apart from other
coaches out there.

Video MarkeFng

Let’s say you’re more comfortable with video. Some people might worry about
hiring a coach they’ve never seen in person. Video can take those worries away.

You can host webinars on camera, host Google hangouts, start a talk show on
uStream, or video blog. There are so many great uses for video. Again, this form of
driving trafCic and wooing an audience works incredibly well.

Find your favorite style and method. Don’t be afraid to take some risks.

Let Others Spread the News for You

It’s very important that people leave good feedback for you. You can’t force them to
do this, of course, but you can certainly encourage it.

If you work with client, ask if they have a few words they’d like to share with
prospective clients to help them make their decision.

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Ask people to write reviews of your services on LinkedIn. They can endorse your for
skills or write actual reviews. These are very effective.

Also, you can actively encourage people to spread news of your coaching services via
word of mouth. That is the absolute best way to gain people’s conCidence.

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You’re Hired! DraXing Your Agreement

Congratulations! Your Cirst client has hired you. Now what?

Have Them Apply First

Actually, hold that thought for a moment. I mentioned earlier that you can’t just
accept anyone and everyone as a client. You’re going after a certain level of business
and a certain type of client.

You want to avoid problem clients from the start. You want to make sure everyone
you work with is a good match. That’s why you should require them to apply.

You might feel like beggars can’t be choosers in the beginning— but trust me, you
only want people who are a good Cit. You don’t want to end up Ciring clients and you
don’t want to have someone suck the air out of you.

The Agreement

The agreement will include things such as:

• What the coaching includes

• What they can expect from you on a professional level
• Your values and ethics related to coaching
• ConCidentiality
• Fees and charges
• Terms of payment
• Refund policy
• Agreement to follow through (for the client)

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Why this is Necessary

Some of this might be necessary for you and some of it might not be. I just want you
to think about it so you protect yourself before you dive in.

It also makes it seem more “real” to the client. Sure, you can dive right into the
coaching. But having a bit of paperwork at the start will help your client get into the
right mindset.

It’s protective for both parties and it helps improve results. I don’t see any reason
not to do it, do you?

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More on GeVng Them Started

You’ve had them do the application and they’ve signed an agreement. You’re both on
the same page and you’re both ready to go.

There are some additional things that can help things get started on the right track.

A Personal NarraFve

I recommend you ask your client to write a very short personal narrative or history
of their life. Don’t get worried— this can be about 1-2 pages typed. They can be as
brief or as thorough as they want to be.

Steer them in the direction of freewriting. Tell them to write down anything
signiCicant that comes to mind that’s related to their personal life. Let them know
that you don’t expect them to share particularly personal information.

Also, ask them to speciCically note if there are any personal struggles they feel are
holding them back right now. This is essential for you to know so you can help them
work through it or so you can refer them to a professional who can.

The point of this is so you can get to know them on a personal level.

A Business History

Next, have them write about their history in business. Talk about their
achievements, failures, what they wanted to do, and what they have done. You need
to know their work habits, how much they work on their business, and what their
typical strategies are.

You need to know what they’ve tried and what they haven’t tried. You need to know
what they feel their biggest mistakes were. Then, you can help them learn from
these mistakes and come to terms with them.

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You’ll also be able to more readily identify any holes in their business. You’ll often
notice things in their habits, business models, and work patterns that stand out to
you right away.

Create Your Own Set of Starter Documents

I always use a new client starter kit. Maybe there are questions you know you want
to ask. Maybe there’s a particular exercise you’d like your new clients to try. Create
these documents from the start so you can give them to each new client. It sets the
right tone right from the start of the coaching relationship.

Get a Feel for What They Want

You’re going to go in depth about their goals and business plans as we’ve talked
about before. But there are some additional things you can ask upfront that will help
steer those things in the right direction.


• What does your perfect life in business look like?

• What do you need most from me as your coach?
• What do you feel is the biggest thing holding you back?
• Why are you committed to this coaching?

Before the First Session

Have a starter session with your client to explain these documents. It might seem
intimidating, so have them do one every few days or whatever they can handle.
Some will take just a few minutes and others will require more thought and depth.

Schedule the Cirst ofCicial coaching session for after you’ve had a chance to review
these materials. This will help get you off to the best start as a coach.

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Goal SeZng and Business Planning

Remember to have your client set solid goals and create a workable business plan
early on in your sessions. This will help them (and you) gain much needed clarity so
they can achieve their goals and get the most out of the coaching.

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Ensuring Your Client Is Successful

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve spent most of the time to this point talking about what to
do at the very start of your relationship. That’s because I believe front-loading the
commitment, understanding, and planning leads to long-term success.

There will be bumps in the road, though. For instance, what should your client do if
he feels stuck?

It’s up to you as the coach to use your skills and knowledge to guide him through the
rough patches. Help him get back into the right mindset. You can use things like
visualization, re-aligning goals, breaking activities down even further, and so on.

Don’t let a client just Clounder. Don’t think they’re just lazy and not willing to do the
work. There’s always a reason why they’re stuck. A good coach will help them get
through it.

This is one big reason that getting the documents I mentioned above done right
away is important, because you’ll get a feel for their personality and maybe even
their habits. From there you can suggest things that will help them going forward.

This isn’t meant to take up a lot of time while the clock is running on your fees, it is
truly essential, and can be very handy later if things get a little stuck in the mud.

What to Do If There Are Differences of Opinion

It’s sad to say, but sometimes there will be a difference of opinion between you as
the coach and your client. What do you do then? You can’t lose your temper. You
can’t take an “I know best” attitude either.

It’s time to take a step back. You might recommend that you both look at the
available options for solving the problem, putting all emotions aside. Or, you might
even recommend you both take a week away to think about the solution so you can
come back when cooler heads have prevailed. No matter what, don’t lose your cool.

Remember that your client is in a very vulnerable state right now. There are so many
things going on that have little to do with you. You have to be there for your client.

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Figure out where your client is coming from. Meet them there. See things from a new
perspective. Bring them in, in a way that works for them.

Wowing Your Client Over and Over Again

You’ve really got to wow your client. You want them to adore you so much they tell
your name to anyone who will listen.

Here are even more methods you can really “wow” them and stand out from the

• Note what interests them and Cind new articles and studies to send them
every once in a while.
• If they have a product or book out that you think your audience or list would
be interested in, promote it as a surprise.
• Pass their name along to potential partners, afCiliates, and others who could
beneCit them.
• Send them a note when you know they’re particularly down in the dumps.
• If they’ve been working really hard, take on an extra Skype coaching session
for free as a reward.
• Remind them to simplify absolutely everything into its smallest parts. Even
the biggest projects become easy. They’ll love you for Cinally helping them
understand the importance of this.
• Read my 7 books on Build Your AUTHORITY Series. Teach them the concepts
— they’ll be amazed.
• Create a Facebook group for “alumni” of your coaching. They can stay in
touch, communicate with one another, and continue to feel “coached” even
though it’s fairly hands-off for you.

Brainstorm your own methods for going above and beyond. Do these things and
your business will grow to incredible levels with very little advertising effort on your

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Moving On From the Coaching Rela-onship

It can be so hard to say goodbye when your time together has come to an end. It’s
amazing how invested you’ll become in your students as a coach. You so desperately
want them to succeed.

It’s as if they’re leaving the nest. You’ve given them the tools they need. You’ve talked
through everything. They’ve proven that they can do it on their own. Now, it’s time
for you to let go.

I don’t mean to sound sappy and sentimental and it might not be like that for you at
all. You might be ready to see some of these clients go, actually.

No matter what the case is with you, there are a few things you should do to wrap
things up.

The Exit QuesFonnaire

The exit questionnaire should help them wrap their mind around what their next
steps are. Help them reClect on their journey. They should consider what they did
right and what they feel they should improve on.

The EvaluaFon

Ask them to evaluate you. As I mentioned before, it can be hard to accept criticism.
But, it’s so necessary. Encourage them to be open and honest.

The Freebie Group

Consider having a mastermind group on Facebook where your former coaching

students can collaborate and work things through with you and each other.

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This keeps you at the top of their mind as well. This makes it very easy for you to
think about an upsell, which we’ll discuss in a minute.

The main purpose of the freebie group idea is to give people a place to go to sort of
mellow while continuing to move forward after their coaching is over. It can be hard
to move from a full coaching experience to nothing— this is sort of a half-way
situation that’s to their beneCit and yours.

Upsell and Maintenance Coaching

As a businessperson, you’re well aware that it’s much easier to sell to people who’ve
already bought from you. It makes sense, then, to create some sort of upsell or
maintenance coaching.

An upsell coaching could be a higher end form of coaching. Maybe you’ll meet in
person, maybe there will be more sessions, or maybe you’ll reveal more of your
insider info. The exact form it takes will depend on a number of things.

Maintenance coaching would be more limited, but perhaps come with a monthly fee.
You could allow them to email you personally an agreed upon amount. You could
agree to check in with them weekly to determine progress. Again, you’d Cigure this

The goal is to continue to help your clients while boosting your monthly income as
well. Play around with this idea— I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at just how
many take you up on it.

What to Do Now

You’re now more informed about offering high quality coaching than most people
who are already offering this service. There’s no doubt in my mind that you can take
the book you’ve just read, the external resources I’ve provide, and create an
incredible, very lucrative, coaching career out of it.

Get started right away. There are people out there who can and will beneCit from
your unique perspective on the world.

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They’ll beneCit from everything you’ve gone through and everything you’ve
accomplished. You don’t have to be Bill Gates to coach someone. You just have to be
you. Your clients are waiting for you— go help them.

If you like this book and have found it useful, I will appreciate if you leave a
recommendation and a short review on my Facebook page: https://

I can be contacted at and I look forward to know your

success story once you get your Cirst client.

To Your Success!

P.S. Claim your special bonus on the next page!

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Your Special Bonus!

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I’m going to give you my $100K product funnel, which made me $100K in less than 3

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