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Acting Philosophy

I feel like Lee Strasburg is who I relate to I like his philosophy of relaxation and

concentration. I like that he say tension keeps the actor from doing what he needs to do. His

voice becomes thin rather than full, his body becomes stiff rather than Pliant, his mind becomes

rigid instead of flexible and his emotions become frozen rather than yielding. Because of those

things we need to relax. He talks about focusing and concentrating on various muscle groups

and to consciously release any tension being held there. You slowly work your way through

your body from your head to your toes. I also liked what we did in class when would say our

names and doing the sound and gesture to release the feelings that we were feeling before

class so that we could focus more on what we were talking about that day. It also helped us to

get to know everyone’s names in class.

How I prepare for a role is I try to relax and work on memorizing my lines I like having

my lines memorized so that I don’t feel stupid when I am performing because I forget my lines

sometimes. I try not to be nervous when I am performing and try not to be afraid of what

others think only about what I think.

How acting plays a role in my life. I don’t always get to be in plays but when I get a

chance to its fun to do. Right now my focus is on working and going to school for the major that

I want to go into so sometimes it’s hard to be in plays when I don’t have the time. But I try to be

in plays as often as I can. I think how it plays a role in my development and myself it helps with

the major I am going into I am going into American sign Language interpreting and it helps by

the facial expressions and emotions that go into the play and how I can present myself while
interpreting like I do when I am in a play. I think that it could help me understand society

better because some plays are based on real life events and sometimes it can help people that

are going through certain things.

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