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Medical Chemistry

Calculation exercises 5.
For the ‘P’ type skills assessment: calculation of pH

Written by:

Attila Agócs, Katalin Böddi, Gergely Gulyás, Gyöngyi Nagyné Kiss,

Veronika Nagy, Gábor Szilágyi

University of Pécs
Medical School
Calculations about the electrolytic dissociation of strong acids and strong bases

1. For the preparation of a solution of HBr 150 mmol of gas was introduced into water to get 1000 ml
of solution. What is the pH of the HBr solution? (0.18)

2. Perchloric acid dissociates completely. What is the pH of the 0.00341 molar perchloric acid
solution? (2.47)

3. Calculate the pH in an hydrogen iodide solution of 1.82 · 10-3 M concentration at 25 °C. (2.74)

4. Commercially available concentrated hydrocloric acid is an aqueous solution containing 12.90 mol
HCl in 1L. This solution was diluted to a hundred-fold volume. What is the pH of the diluted solution?

5. A drain cleaner agent contains sodium hydroxide in 0.25 M concentration. What is the pH of this
solution? (13.40)

6. Calculate the pH of the cold degrasser solution which contains potassium hydroxide in 0.0357 molar
concentration. (12.55)

7. Magnesium hydroxide or magnesia dissolves in water poorly. In the English-speaking world

magnesia suspension is frequently used to reduce heartburning. What is the pH of the magnesia
solution in which the concentration of magnesium hydroxide is 3.62 · 10-5 mol/dm3? (9.86)

8. Calcium hydroxide dissolves in water relatively poorly, however, lime water is strongly basic and
cause serious injury when contacts with eye. A carcass in saturated lime water dissolves completely
in some weeks, only bones remain. Calculate the pH of the saturated, 1.11 · 10-2 molar lime water.

9. What is the pH of an agricultural fungicide spray contains calcium hydroxide in 0.008 molar
concentration? (12.20)

10. At the beginning of the 2010s, in a health institute, instead of an antacid a liquid contained
potassium hydroxide was given to a pregnant woman to drink before C-section. The liquid
destroyed her oesophagus and a part of her stomach. What was the pH of the liquid if it contained
potassium hydroxide in 0.03 M concentration? Which other substance should have been given to
reduce her heartburning safely? (12.48)

11. Barium hydroxide dissolves in water well, it is a strongly toxic and caustic substance. What is the
pH of that solution which contains barium hydroxide in 0.0025 mol/dm3 concentration? (11.70)

12. Lithium hydroxide dissolves in water well and is mainly used to absorb carbon dioxide. Calculate
the pH of a 2.5 · 10-3 molar solution of lithium hydroxide. (11.40)

13. What is the pH of an 0.0102 molar sodium hydroxide stock solution used for titration? (12.01)

14. Guanidine is a monovalent strong base, the guanidino group derived from it is responsible for the
basicity of several biomolecules (e.g. amino acid arginine, creatine in energy production). Calculate
the pH of a 2.75 · 10-3 mol/dm3 concentration guanidine solution. (11.44)

15. The use of hydrochloric acid as a limescale removing agent resulted in a household accident. What
was the molarity of the used hydrochloric acid solution if it had a pH of 4.29? (5.13 · 10-5)

16. The pharmacist ordered nitric acid to prepare a homeopathic medicine against wart. What was the
molarity of the ordered nitric acid solution if it had a pH of 1.83? (1.48 · 10-2)

17. A medical student poured hydrochloric acid on herself on the chemistry practice. What was the
molarity of the hydrochloric acid solution that poured out, if it had a pH of 3.15? (7.18 · 10-4)

18. Antibacterial sulfonamide drugs are industrially prepared from benzene sulfonic acid. What is the
mol/dm3 concentration of a benzene sulfonic acid solution of pH 2.67? (2.14 · 10-3 M)

19. The perchloric acid used to produce the rocket fuel ammonium perchlorate resulted in an industrial
accident. What was the molarity of the used perchloric acid solution if it had a pH of 3.35? (4.47 ·

20. A patient arrived with a case of acid burn to the emergency, and brought a bottle containing
hydrochloric acid. What was the molarity of the hydrochloric acid solution that caused the accident,
if it had a pH of 4.08? (8.32 · 10-5)

21. Hydrogen bromide solution splashed in the eyes of a chemical industry worker during work. What
was the molarity of the hydrogen bromide solution if it had a pH of 1.71? (1.95 · 10-2)

22. Hydrogen iodide solution used to produce the drug methamphetamine resulted in an acid burn on
the hands of Jesse Pinkman. What was the molarity of the used hydrogen iodide solution if it had a
pH of 0.98? (0,105)

23. Improper storage of chloric acid in the laboratory led to a fire. What was the molarity of the stored
chloric acid solution if it had a pH of 2.89? (1.29 · 10-3)

24. The manufacturer ordered large quantities of nitric acid to produce drain cleaners. What was the
molarity of the ordered nitric acid solution if it had a pH of 1.39? (4.07 · 10-2)

25. During a high school chemistry class, the bottle containing nitric acid for the xanthoproteic reaction
spilled out and led to burn injuries of a few unwary students. What was the molarity of the spilled
out nitric acid solution if it had a pH of 3.21? (6.17 · 10-4)

26. HCl is used as a pH adjuster in laboratory. How many mols of HCl was added in 500 cm 3 solution if
pH 3.42 should be adjusted? (1.9 · 10-4 mol)

27. The pH of a mixture of nitric acid and water is 4.20. What is the molarity of HNO3 in the solution?
(6.31 · 10-5 M)

28. What is the molarity of potassium hydroxide in a drain cleaner agent with a pH 12.50, at 25 °C?
(3.16 · 10-2 mol/dm3)

29. Calculate the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide in a cold degrasser solution whith a pH
13.62, at 25 °C. (0.417 mol/dm3)

30. What is the molarity of magnesium hydroxide in its saturated solution (magnesia suspension used
as antacid) if its pH is 9.86, at 25 °C? (3.62 · 10-5 mol/dm3)

31. What is the molarity of calcium hydroxide in lime water of pH 12.12, at 25 °C? (6.59 · 10-3 mol/dm3)

32. What is the molarity of calcium hydroxide in an agricultural fungicide spray with a pH 11.87, at
25 °C? (3.71 · 10-3 mol/dm3)

33. What is the molar concentration of a sodium hydroxide stock solution used for titration, if its pH is
12.03 at 25 °C? (1.07 · 10-3 mol/dm3)

34. Calculate the molar concentration of guanidine in its solution with a pH 13.24, at 25 °C. Guanidine
is a monovalent strong base, and it is used for denaturation of protein in biochemical research.
(0,174 mol/dm3)

35. What is the molarity of lithium hydroxide in its solution of pH 10.84, at 25 °C? (6.92 · 10-4 mol/dm3)

36. The pH of a NaOH (caustic) solution is 9.62. Calculate the concentration of the solution in mol/dm3.
(4.17 · 10-5)

37. The pH of an calcium hyroxide solution is 12.00. How many mols of OH- are there in 2 L solution?

38. Calculate the molarity of barium hydroxide in its solution with a pH of 12.56, at 25 °C. (1,82 · 10-2

39. Clinical applications of calcium hydroxide is in endodontics and dental traumatology. Pure calcium
hydroxide suspension has a high pH approximately 12.50. Give the concentration of the suspension
in mol/dm3. (3,16 · 10-2)

40. The following reaction takes place and results in a solution of pOH 0.1. Calculate the mol/L
concentration of LiOH in the formed solution. (0.79)
Ca(OH)2 + Li2CO3 → 2 LiOH(aq) + CaCO3

41. A household scaler contains hydrochloric acid in 0.08 M concentration. By what factor should this
solution be diluted to increase the pH by 2 units? (100)

42. Nitric acid is a strong monovalent acid, in concentrated form it is very caustic and causes a yellow
spot on skin (so-called xanthoproteic reaction). Give the formula of nitric acid. By what factor should
an 0.025 molar nitric acid solution be diluted to increase the pH by 3 units? (1000)

43. Perchloric acid is the strongest acid, its salts (perchlorates) are water soluble. What is the formula
of perchloric acid? By what factor should an 0.005 molar perchloric acid solution be diluted to
increase the pH by 2 units? (100)

44. Trichloroacetic acid is a monovalent strong acid. It is widely used in biochemistry for the
precipitation of macromolecules, such as proteins or DNA. By what factor should an 0.019 molar
trichloroacetic acid solution be diluted to increase the pH by 4 units? (104)

45. By what factor should an 0.058 molar potassium hydroxide solution be diluted to decrease the pH
by 3 units? (103)

46. By what factor should an 0.002 molar sodium hydroxide solution be diluted to decrease the pH by
1 unit? (10)

47. The pH of a drain cleaner agent containing a strong base is 13.00. How much is the pH after this
solution is diluted to a 100-fold volume? (11,00)

48. A hydrochloric acid containing scale remover of pH 2.50 was diluted to a 10-fold volume. What is
the pH of the diluted solution? (3,50)

49. To a trichloroacetic acid solution of pH 1.40 water was added to increase its pH to 4.40. By what
factor was the solution diluted? (1000)

50. By what factor was a KOH containing cold degrasser solution diluted if its pH changed from 13.70
to 11.70? (10)

Calculations about the electrolytic dissociation of weak acids and weak bases

51. Find the pH of a clavulanic acid containing solution (clavulanic acid contains a beta-lactam ring and
binds strongly to beta-lactamase at or near its active site, thereby hindering enzymatic activity), if
0.50 mol clavulanic acid is in 1 dm3 solution. Ka (clavulanic acid) = 2.10 · 10-4 (1.99)

52. For the treatment of local vaginal infections 0.15 mol lactic acid was dissolved in distilled water to
obtain 500 cm3 solution. What is the pH of the obtained vaginal irrigation solution?
Ka (lactic acid) =1.38 · 10-4 (2.34)

53. From the effervescent tablet of acetylsalicylic acid, 1 dm3 solution can be prepared containing 0.35
mol active component. Give the pH of the solution. pKa (acetylsalicylic acid) = 3.49 (1.97)

54. The ascorbic acid solution used to treat vitamin C deficiency called „Cebion” contains 0.57 mol/dm3
ascorbic acid. Calculate the pH of the solution if we consider only the first dissociation step of the
ascorbic acid. pKa (ascorbic acid) = 4.7 (2.47)

55. Calculate the molarity of pH = 3.02 acetic acid solution. Ka = 1.85 · 10-5 (0.0493 M)

56. Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration at 25 °C of a pH 3.28 propionic acid solution
pKa CH3CH2COOH = 4.88 (2.09 · 10-2)

57. The pH of a solution formed by the dissolution of an effervescent tablet of acetylsalicylic acid is
1.90. Give the molarity of the solution. Ka acetylsalicylicacid = 3.24 · 10-4 (0.49)

58. Calculate the pH of a window-cleaner agent which contains ammonia in 1.76 M concentration. Kb =
1.79 · 10-5 (11.75)

59. Hydroxylamine is a weak base, which was used in biochemical research to introduce random
mutations in DNA. Calculate the pH of a 0,03 molar hydroxylamine solution. Kb = 1.07 · 10-8 (9,25)

60. Methylamine (CH3-NH2) is the simplest amine, it is a starting material in pharmaceutical industry,
and it is also formed during the putrefaction of a cadaver. Its Kb value is 4.37 · 10-4. Calculate the pH
of an 0.25 mol/dm3 concentration methylamine solution. (12.02)

61. Cholamine or ethanolamine (HO-CH2-CH2-NH2) is one of the main constituents of phospholipids in

cell membranes, it is a monovalent weak base. Calculate the pH of an 0.85 molar cholamine
solution, if its Kb value is 3.1 · 10-5. (11.71)

62. Dimethylamine is a weak base which can be derived from ammonia. Draw its formula and give its
reaction with water. Calculate the pH of a 0.55 molar dimethylamine solution. Kb = 5.62 · 10-4

63. Trimethylaminuria, also known as fish odor syndrome, is a rare metabolic disorder in which the
triethylamine from the break-down of choline cannot be tranformed further. Trimethylamine
accumulates in the patients sweat, urine, and breath, giving off a strong rotted fishy odor, which
damages their quality of life. How much is the pH of an 0.13 molar trimethylamine solution?
Kb = 5.25 · 10-5 (11.42)

64. Pyridine is a frequently used solvent, and it is also a constituent of several bioactive compounds
(nucleotides, alkaloids). Calculate the pH of a 2.6 molar solution of pyridine. Kb = 1.40 · 10-9 (9,78)

65. Pyperidine is a structural constituent of some alkaloids and several medicaments, it is a stronger
base than pyridine. How much is the pH of a 1.50 mol/dm3 pyperidine solution?
Kb = 1.66 · 10-3 (12,70)

66. Calculate the pH of a household bleach contains the weak base hypochlorite in 1,35 molar
concentration. Kb (OCl-) = 3.14 · 10-7 (10.81)

67. Washing soda contains sodium carbonate which reacts with water as a weak base. Calculate the pH
of an 0.52 molar carbonate solution. Kb (CO32-) = 1.78 · 10-4 (11,98)

68. Atropine is used as eye-drops in ophthalmology to expand pupil. Give the pH of the 35 millimol/l
athropine solution. pKb Atropine = 4.57 (10.99)

69. The active compound of a solution used for the treatment of asthma and bronchospasm is
theophylline. Give the pH of the 0.030 M theophylline solution. Kb Theophylline= 6.46 · 10-6 (10.64)

70. Theobomine has CNS stimulant, mild diuretic, and respiratory stimulant effects. What is the pH of
1.80 · 10-1 M theobromine solution. pKb Theobromine = 4.10 (11.58)

71. The pH of a solution containing codeine as active compound for the treatment of mild-to-moderate
pain is 12. Give the molarity of this solution. pKb codeine = 3.40 (0.42 M)

72. Find the molarity of a morphine containing solution (morphine has widespread effects including
analgesia, anxiolysis, euphoria, sedation, respiratory depression, and gastrointestinal system
smooth muscle contraction), if pH=9.78! pKb morphine = 5.79 (2.24 · 10-3 M)

73. Calculate the molarity of the methylamine solution, that has pH 12.20. Kb = 4.38 · 10-4 (0.57 M)

74. The pH of a sample was collected from a lake where people sometimes go swimming is 11.80. The
alkalic pH refers to the presence of ammonia that is released from the degrading organic or artificial
fertilizer contamination. Give the ammonia content in mol/L. Kb NH3 = 1.78 · 10-5 (2.24 · 10-2 M)

75. Itching after an insect bite is caused by formic acid squirted into the skin. Calculate the degree of
dissociation in an 0.1 molar formic acid solution of pH 2.34. (4.58 · 10-3)

76. The sour taste of vinegar is caused by acetic acid. Calculate the degree of dissociation of acetic acid
in a vinegar with 0.83 mol/dm3 concentration and of pH 2.41. (4.72 · 10-3)

77. Hypochlorous acid and its salts (hypochlorites) contain chlorine atom in an oxidation state +1,
therefore these substances are good oxidizing agents and can be used as disinfectants. What is the
degree of dissociation of hypochlorous acid in a 0,05 molar solution of pH 4.40? (7.96 · 10-4)

78. Certain bakery products, breads are made with propionic acid which prevents moulding. This
compound also forms in the body during the break-down of proteins. Calculate the degree of
dissociation of propionic acid in a solution of 0.023 mol/dm3 concentration and of pH 3.26.
(2.39 · 10-2)

79. Nitrous acid is used for the detection of amines: it gives different outcomes with diverse (primary,
secondary, tertiary, aromatic) amines. What is the degree of dissociation of nitrous acid in a 1.2
molar solution of pH 1.61? (2.05 · 10-2)

80. Calculate the degree of dissociation of ammonia in a window-cleaner agent which contains
ammonia in 2.94 mol/dm3 concentration and has a pH of 11.86. (2.46 · 10-3)

81. Monoiodoacetic acid (I-CH2-COOH), derived from acetic acid, is a very reactive alkylating agent,
which reacts with most of the sulfur containing (SH) proteins, therefore it is toxic. What is the
degree of dissociation of monoiodoacetic acid in an 0.06 molar solution of pH 2.20? (0.105)

82. Benzoic acid and its salts (e.g. sodium benzoate) are used as preservatives in food industry, because
they prevent the reproduction of moulds and yeast fungi, as well as certain bacteria. Calculate the

degree of dissociation of benzoic acid in a cherry syrup in which the concentration of benzoic acid
is 8,20 · 10-3 mol/dm3 and the pH is 3.15. (8.63 · 10-2)

83. The sour taste of yoghurts, kephirs, cucumbers fermented with bread (a Middle-European
speciality, “kovászos uborka”) and pickled cabbage is caused by lactic acid which forms during the
anaerobic break-down of sugars. What is the degree of dissociation of lactic acid in an 0.32 molar
solution of pH 2.17? (2.11 · 10-2)

84. Cholamine or ethanolamine (HO-CH2-CH2-NH2) is one of the main constituents of phospholipids in

cell membranes, it is a monovalent weak base. Calculate the degree of dissociation of an 0.08 molar
cholamine solution with a pH of 11.20. (1,97 · 10-2)

Hydrolysis of salts

85. Is the aqueous solution of washing soda (sodium carbonate) acidic, neutral, or basic? (basic)

86. Is the aqueous solution of ammonium bromide acidic, neutral, or basic? (acidic)

87. Is the aqueous solution of magnesium nitrate acidic, neutral, or basic? (neutral)

88. Is the aqueous solution of sodium chlorite in household bleach acidic, neutral, or basic? (basic)

89. Is the aqueous solution of sodium nitrite used as a meat preservative acidic, neutral, or basic?

90. Is the aqueous solution of aluminium chloride acidic, neutral, or basic? (acidic)

91. Is the aqueous solution of potassium bromide acidic, neutral, or basic? (neutral)

92. Is the aqueous solution of iron(III) chloride acidic, neutral, or basic? (acidic)

93. Is the aqueous solution of sodium phosphate acidic, neutral, or basic? (basic)

94. Is the aqueous solution of pyridinium chloride acidic, neutral, or basic? (acidic)

Exercises about buffer solutions

95. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains pyruvic acid in 0.3 molar
concentration and potassium pyruvate in 0.2 molar concentration? K(CH3COCOOH) = 3.16 · 10-3
(pH = 2.32)

96. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains carbonic acid in 0.02 molar
concentration and sodium hydrogen carbonate in 0.01 molar concentration? K(H2CO3) = 2.51 · 10-4
(pH = 3.30)

97. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains acetic acid in 0.25 molar
concentration and sodium acetate in 2.50 molar concentration? K(CH3COOH ) = 1.85 · 10-5
(pH = 5.73)

98. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains sodium dihydrogen phosphate in
0.55 molar concentration and sodium hydrogen phosphate in 0.75 molar concentration?
K(H2PO4-) = 6.31 · 10-8 (pH = 7.33)

99. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains formic acid in 0.40 molar
concentration and potassium formate in 0.20 molar concentration? K(HCOOH) = 1.70 · 10-4
(pH = 3.47)

100. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains propionic acid in 0.05 molar
concentration and potassium propionate in 0.28 molar concentration?
K(CH3CH2COOH) = 1.32 · 10-5 (pH = 5.63)

101. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains benzoic acid in 0.40 molar
concentration and sodium benzoate in 0.70 molar concentration? K(C6H5COOH) = 6.31 · 10-5
(pH = 4.44)

102. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains nitrous acid in 0.07 molar
concentration and sodium nitrite in 0.17 molar concentration? K(HNO2) = 3.98 · 10-4 (pH = 3.79)

103. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains hydrogenfluoride in 0.58 molar
concentration and sodium fluoride in 0.26 molar concentration? K(HF) = 6.76 · 10-4 (pH = 2.82)

104. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains hypochlorous acid in 0.82 molar
concentration and potassium hypochlorite in 0.47 molar concentration?
K(HOCl) = 2.95 · 10-8 (pH = 7.29)

105. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains tris-(hydroxymethyl)-

aminomethane (TRIS) in 0.20 molar concentration and TRIS-hydrochloride in 0,30 molar
concentration? K(TRIS) = 1.20 · 10-6 (pH = 7.89)

106. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains ammonia in 1.20 molar
concentration and ammonium bromide in 0.50 molar concentration? K(NH3) = 1.85 · 10-5
(pH = 9.63)

107. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains pyridine in 1.19 molar
concentration and pyridinium hydrochloride in 0.19 molar concentration? K(C5H5N) = 1.78 · 10-9
(pH = 6.05)

108. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains hydroxylamine in 0.80 molar
concentration and hydroxylammonium chloride in 0.35 molar concentration?
K(H2NOH) = 1.07 · 10-8 (pH = 6.39)

109. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains aniline in 0.10 molar
concentration and anilinium nitrate in 0.90 molar concentration? K(C6H5NH2) = 3.98 · 10-10
(pH = 3.65)

110. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains methylamine in 0.62 molar
concentration and methylammonium bromide in 0.32 molar concentration?
K(CH3NH2) = 4.37 · 10-4 (pH = 10.93)

111. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains dimethylamine in 0.27 molar
concentration and dimethylammonium chloride in 0.80 molar concentration?
K((CH3)2NH) = 5.13 · 10-4 (pH = 10.24)

112. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains trimethylamine in 1.05 molar
concentration and trimethylammonium nitrate in 0.75 molar concentration?
K((CH3)3N) = 6.46 · 10-5 (pH = 9.96)

113. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains hydrazine in 0.50 molar
concentration and hydrazinium chloride in 0.60 molar concentration? K(N2H4) = 1.26 · 10-6
(pH = 8.02)

114. What is the pH of an aqueous solution at 25 °C which contains morpholine in 1.50 molar
concentration and morpholinium iodide in 0.40 molar concentration? K(C4H9NO) = 2.29 · 10-6
(pH = 8.93)

115. The carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer plays an important role in the regulation of blood pH. What
is the ratio of H2CO3/Na2CO3 in a buffer solution with a pH of 4.13? KH2CO3 = 4.3 · 10-7 (172.4)

116. Lactic acid fermentation provides the energy required for the fast, vigorous muscle work. Muscle
derived lactate is converted to glucose in the liver and is released into the bloodstream as an energy

source for the muscles. This metabolic relationship between the muscles and the liver is called the
Cori cycle. What is the ratio of lactic acid/sodium lactate in a buffer solution with a pH of 2.93?
Klactic acid = 1.38 · 10-4 (8.51)

117. Gout is a painful, inflammatory disorder of the joints which without treatment can lead to the
destruction and deformities of the joints. Joint destruction is a consequence of sodium urate crystal
deposition. What is the ratio of uric acid/sodium urate in a buffer solution with a pH of 5.33?
Kuric acid = 4.2 · 10-6 (1.1)

118. During the detoxification of ethanol in our body first acetaldehyde, then acetate is produced.
Acetate produced in high amounts is partly an energy source, but on the other hand increases fatty
acid synthesis which in case of chronic alcohol consumption can lead to fatty liver. As complications
of chronic alcohol consumption liver cirrhosis and liver cancer can develop. What is the ratio of
acetic acid/sodium acetate in a buffer solution with a pH of 3.24? Kacetic acid = 1.74 · 10-5

119. Intoxication symptoms of methanol used for the falsification of alcoholic drinks can be optic
nerve damage and blindness. Optic nerve damage is caused by formic acid produced during the
detoxification of methanol. What is the ratio of formic acid/sodium formiate in a buffer solution
with a pH of 2.63?
Kformic acid = 1.78 · 10-4(13.17)

120. Phosphate buffer is one of the buffer systems that maintain the blood pH. The optimal buffering
range of phosphate buffer is between pH: 6.8-7.8, and this range covers the 7.35-7.45 pH range of
the blood. However, due to the low concentration of its components, phosphate buffer plays a
minor role in the regulation of blood pH. What is the ratio of H2PO4-/NaH2PO4 in a buffer solution
with a pH of 6.68?
KH2PO4- = 1.38 · 10-7 (1.51)

121. Hyperammonemia, a characteristic symptom of certain disorders of lipid and protein

metabolism, in untreated cases can lead to metabolic alkalosis, increased intracranial pressure,
seizures, coma and death. The accumulated ammonia can be removed from the blood by
hemodialysis. What is the ratio of NH3/NH4Cl in a buffer solution with a pH of 1.78? KNH3= 1.8 · 10-5

122. In case of cyanide poisoning the function of the mitochondrial respiratory chain is inhibited,
thereby there is a significant decrease in cellular energy production. What is the ratio of HCN/NaCN
in a solution with a pH of 9.36? KHCN= 4.9 · 10-10 (0.89)

123. Glycolysis, the first stage of complete glucose breakdown converts a molecule of glucose into
two molecules of pyruvate. Pyruvate is an important intermediate of numerous metabolic
processes through the conversion into lactate, oxaloacetate, alanine and glucose. What is the ratio
of pyruvic acid/sodium pyruvate in a buffer solution with a pH of 1.55?
Kpyruvic acid = 4.1 · 10-3 (6.87)

124. What happens when a small amount of hydrochloric acid is added to a carbonic acid-sodium
hydrogencarbonate system? (NaHCO3 + HCl → H2CO3 + NaCl)

125. What happens when a small amount of nitric acid is added to an benzoic acid-sodium benzoate
system? Write the reaction equation.

126. What happens when a small amount of hydrogen bromide is added to an pyridine-pyridinium
hydrochloride system? Write the reaction equation.

127. What happens when a small amount of hydrochloric acid is added to an acetic acid-sodium
acetate system? Write the reaction equation. (CH3COONa + HCl → CH3COOH + NaCl)

128. What happens when a small amount of nitric acid is added to an methylamine –
methylammonium chloride system? Write the reaction equation.
(CH3NH2 + HNO3 → CH3NH3+ + NO3-)

129. What happens when a small amount of perchloric acid is added to an propionic acid-sodium
propionate system? Write the reaction equation.

130. What happens when a small amount of hydrogen iodide is added to an potassium
dihydrogenphosphate - potassium hydrogenphosphate system? Write the reaction equation.
(K2HPO4 + HI → KH2PO4 + KI)

131. What happens when a small amount of hydrochloric acid is added to an formic acid-sodium
formate system? Write the reaction equation. (HCOONa + HCl → HCOOH + NaCl)

132. What happens when a small amount of nitric acid is added to an triethylamine-
triethylammonium chloride system? Write the reaction equation.

133. What happens when a small amount of nitric acid is added to an nitrous acid-potassium nitrite
system? Write the reaction equation. (KNO2 + HNO3 → HNO2 + KNO3)

134. What happens when a small amount of hydrogen iodide is added to a hydroxylamine-
hydroxylammonium chloride system? Write the reaction equation. (HONH2 + HI → HONH3+ + I-)

135. What happens when a small amount of sulfuric acid is added to an hypochlorous acid-sodium
hypochlorite system? Write the reaction equation. (NaOCl + HCl → HOCl + NaCl)

136. What happens when a small amount of perchloric acid is added to an lactic acid-sodium lactate
system? Write the reaction equation.

137. What happens when a small amount of hydrogen bromide is added to an ammonia – ammonium
iodide system? Write the reaction equation. (NH3 + HBr → NH4Br)

138. What happens when a small amount of hydrochloric acid is added to an aniline-anilinium nitrate
system? Write the reaction equation.

139. What happens when a small amount of hydrogen iodide is added to an diphenylamine-
diphenylammonium chloride system? Write the reaction equation.

140. What happens when a small amount of potassium hydroxide is added to an potassium
dihydrogenphosphate - potassium hydrogenphosphate system? Write the reaction equation.
(KH2PO4 + KOH → K2HPO4 + H2O)

141. What happens when a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to an diphenylamine-
diphenylammonium chloride system? Write the reaction equation.

142. What happens when a small amount of potassium hydroxide is added to an triethylamine-
triethylammonium iodide system? Write the reaction equation.

143. What happens when a small amount of lithium hydroxide is added to an acetic acid-potassium
acetate system? Write the reaction equation. (CH3OOH + LiOH = CH3COOLi + H2O)

144. What happens when a small amount of potassium hydroxide is added to a hydroxylamine-
hydroxylammonium chloride system? Write the reaction equation.
(HONH3+ + KOH = HONH2 + K+ + H2O)

145. What happens when a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to a carbonic acid-potassium
hydrogencarbonate system? Write the reaction equation. (H2CO3 + NaOH = NaHCO3 + H2O)

146. What happens when a small amount of potassium hydroxide is added to an nitrous acid-sodium
nitrite system? Write the reaction equation. (HNO2 + KOH = KNO2 + H2O)

147. What happens when a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to an benzoic acid-sodium
benzoate system? Write the reaction equation.

148. What happens when a small amount of potassium hydroxide is added to an aniline-anilinium
nitrate system? Write the reaction equation.

149. What happens when a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to an formic acid-sodium
formate system? Write the reaction equation. (HCOOH + NaOH = HCOONa + H2O)

150. What happens when a small amount of potassium hydroxide is added to an ammonia –
ammonium iodide system? Write the reaction equation. (NH4I + KOH = NH3 + KI + H2O)

151. What happens when a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to an pyridine-pyridinium
hydrochloride system? Write the reaction equation.

152. What happens when a small amount of potassium hydroxide is added to an lactic acid-potassium
lactate system? Write the reaction equation.

153. What happens when a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to an methylamine –
methylammonium nitrate system? Write the reaction equation.
(H3CNH3+ + NaOH = H3CNH2 + Na+ + H2O)

154. What happens when a small amount of potassium hydroxide is added to an propionic acid-
potassium propionate system? Write the reaction equation.

155. What happens when a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to an hypochlorous acid-
potassium hypochlorite system? Write the reaction equation.
(H3CNH3+ + NaOH = H3CNH2 + Na+ + H2O)

156. A buffer solution that is 0.1 M for acetic acid and 0.12 M for sodium acetate has the pH of 5.65.
How does the pH change if the solution is diluted threefold? (Ka=1.8 · 10-5)

157. 1 L of a physiological buffer solution contains 0.2 mol of sodium hydrogen phosphate and 0.2
mol sodium dihydrogen phosphate. How does the buffer capacity change, if the solution is diluted

158. A buffer solution that is 0.2 M for acetic acid and 0.24 M for sodium acetate has the pH of
5.65.How does the buffer capacity change, if the solution is diluted fivefold? (Ka=1.8 · 10-5)

159. 1 L of a physiological buffer solution contains 0.2 mol of sodium hydrogen phosphate and 0.2
mol sodium dihydrogen phosphate. How does the pH change if the solution is diluted fourfold?

160. A phosphate buffer containing glucose was prepared, but accidentaly the double amount of
glucose was dissolved in the solution. Can we dilute the solution, if we want the pH of the solution
to remain unchanged?

161. A phosphate buffer containing glucose was prepared, but accidentaly the double amount of
glucose was dissolved in the solution. Can we dilute the solution, if we want the buffer capacity of
the solution to remain unchanged?

162. A citric acid-sodium citrate buffer of pH=6.2 was prepared for an experiment. How does the
buffer capacity change, if the solution is diluted threefold? (Kcitric acid=1.34 · 10-4)


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