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Rice Science, 2012, 19(1): 21−28

Copyright © 2012, China National Rice Research Institute

Published by Elsevier BV. All rights reserved

Genetic Diversity of Wild Rice Species in Yunnan Province of China

CHENG Zai-quan1, YING Fu-you1, LI Ding-qing1, YU Teng-qiong1, FU Jian1, YAN Hui-jun2,

ZHONG Qiao-fang1, ZHANG Dun-yu1, LI Wei-jiao1, HUANG Xing-qi1, 2
(1Biotechnology & Genetic Resource Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650223, China;
Flower Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650223, China)

Abstract: Yunnan Province of China is one of the important centers for origin and evolution of cultivated rice worldwide. Wild
rice is the ancestor of the cultivated rice. Many elite traits of wild rice have widened the genetic basis in cultivated rice.
However, many populations of wild rice species have disappeared in the past few years. Therefore, the current status of wild
rice resources should be updated and the genetic diversity of wild rice species should be examined for further germplasm
preservation and utilization. Our investigations showed that the number of natural wild rice populations declined sharply in
Yunnan Province during the past few years due to various reasons. Fortunately, one population of Oryza rufipogon, three of O.
officinalis and ten of O. granulata have been newly found in different ecological sites, which were confirmed by inter-simple
sequence repeat (ISSR) marker analysis in this study. ISSR analysis and investigation of some important traits of nutritional
values indicated that the genetic diversity of the currently existing wild rice resources in Yunnan is still rich. The
demonstration of genetic diversity of wild rice by a combined use of geographical distribution, morphological traits, nutrition
contents and ISSR markers would be helpful for the conservation and exploration of these important wild rice resources.
Key words: wild rice resource; natural distribution; genetic diversity; genetic trait

Genetic resources play an important role in for resistance to rice bacterial blight in the entire life
increasing yield potential in rice. As genetic diversity of rice was derived from O. rufipogon as well (Zhang,
among commercial cultivars decreases, it’s getting 2002). Many other reports have demonstrated various
difficult to find new genes from cultivars for futher good traits derived from wild resources to improve
improvement of grain yield and quality, and sufficient rice cultivars (Pang, 1998; Lu et al, 2002; Yang,
resistance to biotic or abiotic stress, which motivates 2003).
scientists to explore wild species to meet those demands Wild rice distributes in all continents except Europe,
(Wang et al, 2000). Wild rice is an important gene North America and Antarctic areas in the world,
bank harboring lots of good traits and genes to enrich mostly in tropical and sub-tropical areas of Asian.
the genetic basis of cultivars (He, 1998; Fan et al, China, as one of the important origin countries of wild
2000a, b; Qin et al, 2000; Zhong et al, 2000; Cai et al, rice, has three major wild rice species: O. rufipogon
2001; Feng et al, 2002; Li et al, 2002). There are many Griff. (A′A′, 2n = 24), O. granulate Baill (GG, 2n = 24)
successful examples of dramatic increases of rice and O. Officinalis Wall (CC, 2n = 24) (Zhang, 2002).
yield with the employment of wild resources, which Yunnan Province is located in the southwest China at
contributes to the solution of the food problem for 1.3 a latitude from 21°09′32′′ to 29°15′04′′ N and a
billion people in China (Zhou and Tan, 1999). During longitude from 97°31′39′′ to 106°11′47′′ E, with
1926–1937, by making use of the natural hybrids of altitude varying from 76 m above sea level to 6740 m.
Oryza rufipogon (wild rice) with cultivated rice, Ding The mountains and rivers run from north to south
et al bred the variety Zhongshan 1 with wild rice across the province, which forms eight climate zones
genes. Up to date, at least 95 varieties have been bred with unique topography and biological resources.
using Zhongshan 1 as a parent (Li et al, 2009). Yunnan Province has been considered as one of the
Another example is that YUAN Longping and his precious green treasures on the earth, known as the
colleagues led national effort to develop hybrid rice ‘plant and wildlife kingdom’, with great biodiversity
with male sterile genes from O. rufipogon (Pang,
(Fan et al, 2000b). Many wild rice populations have
1998). The hybrid rice has tremendousely increased
been found in the past few decades since the first O.
grain yield of rice and made great contribution to
officinalis was found in Jinghong of Yunnan in 1936
world food production. The gene WBB1 responsible
by WANG Qiyuan (Cheng et al, 2004). According to
Received: 29 November 2010; Accepted: 23 February 2011 some previous reports, wild rice populations were
Corresponding author: HUANG Xing-qi ( identified in pools, river sides, bamboo fields, banana
22 Rice Science, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2012

tree fields, rubber tree fields, shrub fields and forest Morphological investigation of wild rice in Yunnan
fields from the altitude of 400 m to 1000 m in the Important traits of 10 plants sampled from each
southern five prefectures of Yunnan. The number of wild rice ecotype were scored and recorded in the
wild rice species and ecological types (populations) in relocation base and in the original populations. The
Yunnan Province were the highest among all related relocation bases of all the three wild rice species have
provinces of China (Gao et al, 2000). Each wild rice similar climate and environmental conditions.
species has many subtypes or ecological populations Evaluation of agronomic traits
in Yunnan Province, which can be used for breeding
rice cultivars with high yield and multiple resistances. Resistance to diseases and abiotic stress in wild rice
Many scientists reach an agreement that Yunnan wild of Yunnan
rice is one of the most important parts of wild rice The methods reported by Feng et al (2002) and
resources in China because all the three wild species Yoshimura et al (1998) were used to evaluate the
in China have been found in Yunnan, and each species resistance to blast and bacterial blight, respectively.
has a lot of ecotypes. Due to the increasing interference of The methods reported by Fan et al (2000a, b) were
adapted to evaluate the resistances to abiotic stress of
human being activities, the proper ecological
drought and chilling.
environments for many plants including wild rice have
been changed or damaged seriously. Many recent Protein and amylose contents in husked wild rice
reports have shown that wild rice resources were seeds
consistently reduced and some natural populations even Eight ecotypes of wild rice species (Table 1) and six
disappeared in Yunnan since the 1990s. Therefore, cultivated rice (O. sativa) (Table 2) were analyzed.
wild rice resources need to be protected and conserved Seeds of wild rice were collected from their original
urgently (Fan et al, 2000b; Gao et al, 2000). However, populations or the wild rice protection populations in
several issues have occurred to the rice community in Jinghong. The cultivated rice varieties Yunhui 290 and
Yunna Province, such as the possibility to find new Dianchao 9 belong to indica rice, Hexi 35 and Yuyou
wild rice populations, recent changes of wild rice 1 belong to japonica rice, Xiangyaxiannuo belongs to
resources, important traits in the wild rice species for indica glutinous rice and X-Jingdaonuo belongs to
cultivar improvement, the genetic diversity in the wild japonica glutinous rice. Seeds of each cultivated rice
were collected from the similar regions of wild rice
rice resources nowadays, and molecular analysis and
and were husked. Total protein content in the husked
comparison of morphological traits and some important
grains was measured by the method of Zhen et al
nutritional contents of seeds. In order to answer these
(1997). Amylose content was determined according to
questions, we carried out the following studies in the
the methods of Cheng et al (2004) and Zhang et al
past few years for the genetic diversity of wild rice
(1996). Each assay was repeated three times and data
resources in situ in Yunnan Province of China. were presented as the mean ± SD.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis

Plant materials
Field investigation Five sub-populations of Yuanjiang O. rufipogon and
four sub-populations or types of Jinghong from Yunnan;
Comprehensive investigation of wild rice resources in
four of O. officinalis (two populations from Jinghong,
wide leaf type and normal type, one from Mengding,
From 2001 to 2006, investigation was conducted in
and one from Gengma); 16 of O. granulata from different
Yunnan to find new populations of wild rice resources ecological regions were used for ISSR analysis. Some
and to confirm if the wild rice plants in those of them were newly found populations.
populations identified previously still exist naturally.
Some plants of the presently existing wild rice Total genomic DNA extraction
populations were grown in a relocation base. The SDS method was used to extract total genomic
conditions for growing the wild rice plants were DNA of rice. The procedure of genomic DNA extraction
similar to cultivated rice. Rice cultivars as control of O. granulata was modified slightly from the SDS
were also planted about 3 km far away from the wild method (Sun et al, 1997).
rice relocation base. Important characteristics of some ISSR analysis
wild rice plants of nine ecotypes were investigated A total of 22 ISSR primers were ordered from the
during the whole growth period for three years. Shanghai Sangon Company (China). After screening,
CHENG Zai-quan, et al. Genetic Diversity of Wild Rice Species in Yunnan Province of China 23

Table 1. Summary of important characteristics of representative populations of three wild rice species in Yunnan, China.
Species Type Population Important characteristics
O. rufipogon Erect type Banna Strong and board-spectrum resistance to blast, thick and erect leaf blade, relatively erect
stem, high-tilling, big panicle, high seed-setting rate, good grain quality, big anther,
strong growth ability
Red-awn type Banna Moderate resistance to blast, strong resistance to bacterial blight, thick and erect leaf
blade, extremely high-tilling, big panicle, high seed-setting rate, good grain quality, big
anther, strong growth ability
Yuanjiang Moderate resistance to blast, strong resistance to bacterial blight, thick and erect leaf
blade, extremely high-tilling, extreme tolerance to chilling, drought tolerance, good
grain quality, big anther, strong growth ability
O. officinalis Gengma Moderate resistance to blast, resistance to bacterial blight, resistance to stemborer and
planthopper, exellent grain quality, big panicle, thick rhizome, strong growth ability,
outward stigma, extreme tolerance to chilling
Mengding Resistance to blast, bacterial blight, stemborer and planthopper, high seed setting rate, good
grain quality, big panicle, thick rhizome, strong growth ability, extreme tolerance to
Jinghong Similar to O. officinalis from Gengma, except for extremely broad leaf blade and chilling
O. granulata Banna Extreme resistance (immunity) to bacterial blight, big and outward stigma, thich
rhizome, drought tolerance, reproductive growth period is extremely long (nor light
sensitiveness), wide adaptability
Mengding Similar to O. granulata from Banna with good grain quality
The underlined are the traits investigated newly. The traits in bold are the most valuable for improvement of rice cultivars.

Table 2. Seeds of different Yunnan wild rice species or types. Table 3. ISSR primers used in analysis of genetic diversity.

Species Type Collected site Collected date Primer Primer sequence

O. rufipogon Yuanye Yuanjiang Nov. 2001 ISSR2 VHVGTGTGTGTGTGTGT
Yuanye Jinghong Nov. 2001 ISSR3 DBDGAGAGAGAGAGAGA
Jingye Jinghong Nov. 2001 ISSR4 GCACACACAC
O. officinalis Yaoye I Jinghong Nov. 2001 ISSR5 CTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTRG
Yaoye I Jinghong Nov. 2002 ISSR7 CCCGTGTGTGTGTGT
Yaoye II Zhedian Nov. 2001 ISSR8 GSGGTGTGTGTGTGT
O. granulata Youye Jinghong Nov. 2001 ISSR11 CCAGTGGTGGTGGTG
Youye Mengding Nov. 2001 ISSR12 GCGACACACACACACA
O. sativa Yunhui 290 Jinghong Sept. 2001
Diancha 9 Jinghong Sept. 2001
Yuyou 1 Yuxi Sept. 2001
Molecular analysis of genetic diversity of wild rice
Hexi 35 Yuxi Sept. 2001
Xiangyaxiannuo Jinghong Sept. 2001 resources in Yunnan
X-Jingdaonuo Yuxi Sept. 2001
The materials were the representatives of different
populations in Yunnan. The molecular analysis method
12 primers (Table 3) were selected for genetic was similar to the above description.
diversity analysis to all samples of the three wild rice
species (Chen et al, 2002). RESULTS
PCR conditions were described according to the
method of Wu et al (2004). Data analysis including New populations of wild rice identified in Yunnan
percentage of polymorphic bands and Nei’s gene
Our comprehensive investigation identified several
diversity was conducted using POPGENE (version
new wild rice populations. One population of O.
1.32) software. Jaccard similarity coefficients were
rufipogon was found in Jinghong, belonging to
calculated using NTSYS-pc (version 2.0) (Numerical
Taxonomy System, Rohlf, 1993). Genetic relationship Jinghong type of O. rufipogon. The plants in the new
among samples was analyzed using the unweighted population were different from those in other
pair group method (UPGMA) (Sneath and Sokal, 1973). ecological populations or types of O. rufipogon with
24 Rice Science, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2012

resistance to insects or diseases. The main differences rice plants, and another population of O. rufipogon
were shown in wider and longer leaves, bigger previously found at Yuanjiang also has some wild rice
panicles and higher seed-setting rate, and the blast plants, but they differentiated into five sub-populations.
resistance was stronger in Jinhong type than in other Actually, it was found that there were many plants in
types of O. rufipogon. Two new populations of O. Yuanjiang O. rufipogon population, although the plant
officinalis were found at Genma and Menghai, number was once reduced in the past 20 years. The
respectively. They were the only naturally existing O. plant number of O. rufipogon in Yuanjiang was only
officinalis popuplations in Yunnan. Ten new 15−20 in 2003, but gradually increased to 380–400 in
populations of O. granulata were found in some 2006 after establishment of protection base around the
banana fields, riversides and forest fields in Jinghong Yuanjiang population.
and Simao of Yunnan.
O. officinalis
All the newly found populations of wild rice were
O. officinalis distributed over five counties of three
ecological populations differred from the other
prefectures in Yunnan. The total population number of
previously found populations. The ISSR analysis showed
the identified O. officinalis was 14 (Cheng et al, 2004).
some different traits and genetic backgrounds of these
Our investigation showed that 12 of the 14
newly found populations (Fig. 1).
populations had no plants at their original sites now. It
Comparison of the population number of wild rice is surprising that in the past 20 years, almost one
between new and existent populations natural population of O. officinalis disappeared in
every two years in Yunnan. Fortunately, we found two
O. rufipogon
populations of O. officinalis that were never recorded
Our investigation showed that 23 previously found
before, one in Gengma and the other in Menghai. The
populations of O. rufipogon had no wild rice plants in
plant number of O. officinalis in Gengma was only
Yunnan at present. This fact indicates that in the past
5–6 in 2002. After construction of protection base at
20 years, wild rice in situ became extinct at a
that site, the plant number recovered gradually, and
surprisingly high speed that almost one population (in
reached 40–50 in 2006.
one ecological site) of O. rufipogon disappeared each
year in Yunnan. One population of O. rufipogon O. granulata
recently found at Mandiu of Jinghong has some wild O. granulata distributed widely in Yunnan. So far,

Fig. 1. Genetic backgrounds revealed by ISSR-marker based analysis of different populations of three wild rice species in Yunnan, China.
A, O. rufipogon. 1, Dongxiang from Jiangxi Province; 2, Mandiu, Jinghong (1); 3, Mandiu, Jinghong (2); 4, Purple-stem of Jinghong; 5,
Green-stem of Jinghong; 6, Yuanjiang (1); 7, Yuanjiang (2); 8, Yuanjiang (3); 9, Yuanjiang (4); 10, Yuanjiang (5); 11, O. longistaminata; 12, Yuyou 1;
13, Hexi 35; 14, NC; 15, Dianlong 201; M, M2000 marker. B, O. officinalis. 1, Jinghong 1; 2, Jinghong 2; 3, Menghai; 4, Mengding; 5, Wide leaf
type. C, O. granulata. 1, Jinghongxi; 2, Zhengkang; 3, Mengbeixin; 4, Simao; 5, Erhe; 6, Chishuiguan; 7, Mengkuang; M, M2000 marker. The
underlined are newly found populations of wild rice in Yunnan Province, and others are wild rice reported before and the cultivated rice varieties. The
numbers in the parenthesis present the subpopulation of sample plants from different wild rice growing fields in the same original site.
CHENG Zai-quan, et al. Genetic Diversity of Wild Rice Species in Yunnan Province of China 25

some O. granulata populations have quite many plants and O. officinalis. It is surprising that the extinction
scattering naturally in large areas up to several hectares. rate of wild rice in Yunnan is extraordinarily high.
This was very special for O. granulata in comparison
Genetic diversity of wild rice resources assessed by
to small population size naturally for O. rufipogon and
phenotypic traits in Yunnan
O. officinalis. Data of investigation since 1950s
indicated that O. granulata including 122 populations Prior to this study, no systematic investigation was
distributed in 20 counties of 7 prefectures in Yunnan. conducted to phenotypically characterize the wild rice
Ten populations of O. granulata have been recently species, especially for growth-developmental characteristics
found from year 2001 to 2006. Our investigation during the whole life period. The important or special
concluded that 85 of the previously found populations traits of the three wild rice species are summarized in
of O. granulata have no plants at their original sites Table 1. It was found that each wild rice species had
presently. In other words, O. granulata permanently unique or important traits that were not observed in
disappeared at a speed of 3–4 populations each year in other species and cultivars. For example, O. rufipogon
the past two or three decades in Yunnan. At present, from Yuanjiang displayed extremely strong tolerance
only 37 populations of O. granulata have plants at to chilling. The plants of O. officinalis from Gengma
their original sites, mainly at Simao and Lincang had the highest seed setting rate (82.0% ± 1.2%)
prefectures in Yunnan (Fig. 2). among all the wild rice species. O. ganulata had
extremely strong tolerance to drought with a long
Wild rice resources need urgent protection in Yunnan
reproduction period from April to November,
Our investigations suggested that the extinction of indicating it is photo-period insensitive.
wild rice resources in Yunnan urgently needs public Moreover, all the three wild rice species shared
attention. Take O. granulata as an example, in the past some characteristics with cultivated rice. For example,
three decades, the extinction speed of O. granulata all the three wild species had tolerance to bacterial
populations have kept increasing. Consequently, 85 of blight and long outward stigma. Most of the plants of
the 122 previously identified populations have disappeared. different wild rice species maintained their phenotypic
Among the 37 existing populations of O. granulata at traits in the relocation base after being transplanted
their original sites currently, 28 (76%) are approaching from their own original populations. This observation
to the edge of extinction. The environmental conditions suggests that most of the traits are genetically
are becoming more unfavourable for the survival of controlled. However, some traits such as plant height
these 28 populations of O. ganulata. Plant number in changed. For example, the plant height of O.
each of these 28 populations is gradually reducing. officinalis plants under shrub reached 4 m in Gengma,
Unless some effective ways are taken to protect these but only 1.5–2.0 m at the relocation base. The plant
populations, O. granulata would disappear sooner or height of an O. granulata population reached 80–90
later in Yunnan. Only 9 populations of O. granulata cm in Dongwo, but only 60 cm at the relocation base.
are relatively safe at present, because their original The average protein contents in the husked seeds of
sites are in steep mountains that are free from the O. rufipogon, O. granulata and O. officinalis were
interference of human beings and animals. 14.47% ± 0.64%, 16.28% ± 2.05% and 15.30% ± 0.57%,
In general, the populations and the plant number in respectively (Fig. 3). O. officinalis from Gengma had
each population of Yunnan wild rice have decreased the highest protein content of 19.3%. The seed protein
sharply in the past 20 years, especially for O. rufipogon content was significantly higher in wild rice species
than in O. sativa, suggesting greater nutritional value
of wild rice.
Amylose contents ranged from 8.8% to 13.0%
among the samples of Yunnan wild rice, with an
average of 12.0% ± 0.38%, 9.70% ± 1.40%, and
11.28% ± 0.43%, respectively for O. rufipogon, O.
officinalis and O. granulata (Fig. 4). All the three wild
rice species had significantly lower amylose content
than O. sativa. Generally speaking, rice with low
amylose content is favored for steamly cooked rice
because of softness and taste feeling. This observation
indicates that wild rice may have genes controlling
Fig. 2. Comparison of wild rice populations at different periods. lower amylose content, which would be useful to
26 Rice Science, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2012

populations of O. rufipogon conserved in the relocation

base. The five populations of O. rufipogon were
highly diverse, expressed by Nei’s value of 0.26
among different populations and 0.13 among the
Protein content (%)

plants inside the populations (Table 4). The ISSR

markers generated 80 polymorphic bands with a
percentage of polymorphic bands of 64.52%. The genetic
distance (I) was 0.37 among different populations and
0.19 among the plants inside the populations. The
genetic distance of O. rufipogon was high between
Yuanjiang and Jinghong type. The differences of these
Fig. 3. Average protein content in the husked seeds of three wild types of O. rufipogon were similar in the morphological
rice species and O. sativa. and molecular analysis.
AA, O. sativa; A′A′, O. rufipogon; CC, O. officinalis; GG, O.
granulate. Genetic diversity of O. officinalis in Yunnan
The genetic variation among different populations was
higher than the variation among different plants inside
a population of O. officinalis. The genetic variation
coefficient (h = 0.22) among populations of O.
Amylose content (%)
Percentage (%)

officinalis was lower than that of O. rufipogon.

8 Genetic diversity of O. granulata in Yunnan

For 16 populations, 135 bands were resulted from
the PCR with 12 ISSR primers, with an average of
11.2 bands per primer. Among 135 bands, 93 were
AA(g) AA A'A' CC GG polymorphic with the percentage of polymorphic bands
Fig. 4. Average amylose content in the husked seeds of three wild of 68.8%. The lengths of amplified bands ranged from
rice species and O. sativa. 100 to 2 000 bp. In addition, the observed average
AA, O. sativa; A′A′, O. rufipogon; CC, O. officinalis; GG, O.
granulate. AA(g) means glutinous rice of O. sativa.
number of alleles (Na) was 1.81, the mean Nei’s gene
diversity (h) was 0.33 and the mean Shannon
improve rice quality. information index (I) was 0.43.
In general, most of the wild rice species found in Within the population Banna, 105 bands were
Yunnan have many special and important traits, such resulted from the PCR with 10 ISSR primers (ISSR1–
as strong resistance and good quality which are very ISSR10). However, only 27 bands were found to be
useful for rice cultivar improvement. polymorphic with the percentage of polymorphic bands
of 25.7%. Similarly, in the population Mending, 78
Genetic diversity of wild rice resources assessed by bands were produced after PCR with 8 ISSR primers
ISSR analysis in Yunnan (ISSR1, ISSR2, ISSR4, ISSR5, ISSR6, ISSR9, ISSR10,
Genetic diversity of O. rufipogon in Yunnan ISSR12). Among 78 bands, only 17 were polymorphic,
A total of 12 ISSR primers were identified showing the percentage of polymorphic bands of 21.8%.
polymorphic among the sampled entries of O. A cluster analysis was used to generate two
rufipogon (Table 3). There were two populations of O. dendrograms based on the Jaccard coefficients of
rufipogon naturally existing in Yunnan, and three ISSR markers among 14 populations of O. granutula

Table 4. Genetic diversity of two wild rice species revealed by the ISSR marker analysis.
No. of ISSR No. of ISSR
Species Range PPB of ISSR Na Ne h I
bands polymorphic bands
O. rufipogon Among 5 populations 124 80 64.52 1.66 1.45 0.26 0.37
Within population plants 75 25 33.33 1.34 1.23 0.13 0.19
O. granulata Among 16 populations 135 93 68.84 1.81 1.52 0.33 0.43
Within Population Banna 105 27 25.71 1.25 1.15 0.09 0.14
Within Population Mending 78 17 21.79 1.22 1.11 0.07 0.10
PPB, Percentage of polymorphic bands; Na, Observed number of alleles; Ne, Effective number of alleles; h, Nei’s gene diversity; I, Shannon
information index.
CHENG Zai-quan, et al. Genetic Diversity of Wild Rice Species in Yunnan Province of China 27

(Fig. 5), and a cluster analysis of ISSR markers within Ind1

population Banna (Fig. 6). Ind3
The genetic diversity was high among 16 Ind5
populations, but low within any population of O. Ind18
granulata in Yunnan. The population number was Ind20
larger in O. granulata than in O. rufipogon. The Ind6
genetic diversity (h) and distance (I) of O. granulata Ind8
populations were higher than those of O. rufipogon Ind10
populations. However, the genetic diversity (h) and Ind21
distance (I) within an O. granulata population were Ind23
lower than those within an O. rufipogon population. In Ind11
general, O. granulata was genetically more diversified Ind13
than either O. rufipogon or O. officinalis. Ind15

0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00

DISCUSSION Coefficient (Jaccard)
Fig. 5. Dendrogram of 14 populations of O. granutula based on the
Currently, wild rice O. rufipogon only naturally results of ISSR marker analysis by UPGMA method.
exists in Yuanjiang and Jinghong in Yunnan province
and most of the plants within a population are
genetically diversified. Fortunately, we had collected
some plants from three populations that have naturally
disappeared and preserved them in the relocation base.
Large genetic distance has been found among five
populations of O. rufipogon. It is surprising to discover a
very large genetic distance between Yuanjiang and
Jinghong types of O. rufipogon, but these two types
have a close genetic relationship with Dongxiang type
of O. rufipogon from Jiangxi Province, China. In
addition, there is a rich genetic variation among
different plants in the currently existing populations ex
situ. It is a pity that some populations of O. rufipogon
in Yunnan have disappeared and the genetic diversity in Fig. 6. Dendrogram of population Banna of O. granutula based on
ISSR marker analysis by using UPGMA method.
those populations have lost forever. Fortunately, the
genetic diversity among the currently existing O.
rufipogon is still very high among the five populations Luckily, there is a certain degree of genetic diversity
and the plants of each population. This conclusion among different populations and different plants inside
receives a support from the substantial variation for each ex situ population of O. officinalis preserved and
morphological characteristics and growth-development protected in the relocation base and in situ population
traits among the currently existing populations of O. in original sites (Cheng et al, 2004).
rufipogon in Yunnan (unpblished data). Even though the number of natural populations for
It is noticed that the genetic diversity of O. O. granulata resource have seriously decreased in the
officinalis has dramatically decreased because many past (Qian et al, 2001), there are 37 naturally ecological
naturally ecological populations have disappeared populations at present in Yunnan. In addition, there are
during last two or three decades (Chen et al, 2002). other three ex situ populations collected and preserved
There are two naturally ecological populations of O. in the relocation base. O. granulata has more
officinalis, and other two ecological populations populations than either O. rufipogon or O. officinalis.
collected and preserved ex situ in the relocation base. The results from molecular marker analysis showed
Great amount of variation in plant height, leaf size, that O. granulata had the most genetic diversity
stem size and seed-setting rate have been found among the three wild rice species in Yunnan.
among the four populations. Results from molecular
marker analysis of ISSR showed a great amount of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
genetic diversity. Relatively speaking, the genetic
diversity in O. officinalis is lower than in O. rufipogon. This work was supported by the Yunnan Natural
28 Rice Science, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2012

Science Foundation Project (Grant No. 2008C004); Lu H B, Nie S J, Zhang Z, Zhao Y Z. 2002. The application and
the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. prediction of wild rice being used in rice breeding. Reclaim &
31160067), and Special Fund for Agro-scientific Rice Culitiv, 1: 13–15.
Research in the Public Interest (Grant No. 201003021). Pang H H. 1998. The characteristics of excellent germplasms of
wild rice and prospect of its application. Seed, 3: 31–33. (in
We also thank Dr. YAN Wengui from Rice Center of
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for
Qian W, Xie Z W, Ge S, Hong D Y. 2001. Distribution and
his proofreading of this paper. conservation of an endangered wild rice Oryza granulata in China.
Acta Bot Sin, 43: 1279–1287. (in Chinese with English abstract)
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