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Reflection on the Movie “Every Child is Special”

By: Paul A. Legario

The movie “Every Child is Special” is about the 8 year old boy named Ishaan Awasthi who was
suffering from a learning disorder- dyslexia. Having this kind of disorder is a tragedy for him. He finds the
subjects very difficult which makes him frustrated more than his parents does. His teachers and parents was
having a hard time adjusting to his behaviour and learning attitude until his parents decided to transfer him to a
boarding school they think as the best solution for Ishaan to behave like a normal boy with a positive learning
attitude for this boarding school is believed to be a discipline embracing school. In that boarding school, he met
this teacher, Ral Shankar Nikumbh, who changed his life. This teacher, his hero, provided him with an
appropriate intervention until his dyslexia gone and became an outstanding student in school. Because of the
teacher he was able to know how to learn and harness his talent as an excellent painter.

There are three parts of the movie that strike me. First, is when no one understands his status having this
disorder like when his teachers belittle and label him. What I mean is that, they must give more attention to
Ishaan when they found out that he is a low achiever in school. And I observed that no teacher cares for his
observed different behaviour and difficulty in perceiving and doing the lessons. Further, like teacher Nikumbh,
teachers must give more attention to students with difficulty in class rather than belittling them.

Second, is when Ishaan was sent to a boarding school. My heart melts when he was left alone there by
his parents at that age and at that situation when he needed his parents most. Good thing that he was saved by
this teacher named Nikumbh.

Lastly, is when he was discovered as a talented boy and a fast learner. I realized that every child is
indeed special that each of them learn in different ways and possesses different abilities and skills but with an
appropriate intervention.

Thus, from the movie, I learned that being a teacher is a difficult yet a heroic job. I understand that in the
classroom, a teacher deals with different types of learners which makes me think that I must have a plethora of
teaching strategies and vast patience in dealing with these students. Based on my experience as a choreographer,
I encountered these different types of learners. Sometimes I have learners like Ishaan that must be given more
attention. This movie gives me more ideas on how to handle students with low self- confidence and negative
learning attitude later for my teaching job.

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