Skenario KDM Reza Inkuiri

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Nama: Reza Alfiyanti NIM: 16030194057


Komponen yang dimunculkan dalam keterampilan bertanya dasar :
1. Mengugkapkan pertanyaan dengan jelas
2. Memberi waktu berpikir
3. Memberi tuntunan
Komponen yang dimunculkan dalam keterampilan menjelaskan :
1. Menggunakan basa yang jelas dan efektif
2. Mengulangi butir-butir penting dalam materi
Materi yang diajarkan: Covalent Bonding
Teacher : Well, today I want you to study in a group. Please make the group that contain of
2-3 members.
Students : Ok mam. (move)
Teacher : I give you a worksheet for this lesson today. Ok students, you say before that the
non metal atom can’t be bonded with another non metal atom right?
Students : Of course mam.
Teacher : Now, please open your worksheet at exploration part. There are the lewis structure
of hidrogen, carbondioxide, and nitrogen gas. In the last meeting we have already
known that atoms always try to reach the stable condition with make its
configuration like the noble gas by releasing or accepting the electron to another
atoms right?
Students : Yes mam.
Teacher : So, please attention to the pictures in the worksheet. What is the differentcess
between the picture in the board with it? (Give time to the students).
Students : (Thinking)
Hanifatin : I want to ask mam, in my opinion the formation of NaCl deliberates the formation
of its ion first then it forms the bonding mam, while the H2 is not delibering the
ion formation.
Teacher : You are right, and how about the electrons?
Putri : Mam, I want to ask. According me about the picture on the board, the electron of
sodium is released to the chloride then it produces the bonding. While the hidrogen
atom here use the electron from another hidrogen atom to become duplet.
Teacher : Ok right I appreciate your curriousity putri. I will give you more score. So that in
the hidrogen atoms reachs the stable condition by using its electron together right
to produce the configuration like helium in the noble gas group. How about the
picture 2 about carbondioxide gas, please tell me about the formation of it gas
according to the picture?
Students : (Thinking)
Eci : I want to answer mam, in my opinion the carbon atom and the oxigen atom use the
electron together or share its electron to reach the stable condition. It is proved with its
velence electrons that forming octet like in the noble gas. Then the carbon and oxigen
atom forms the double bonding.
Teacher : Great eci, the carbonmonoxide bonding was formed by sharing the electron to
reach stable condition. Because of it, it is produced the bonding that usually called
covalent bonding. Ok now, lets continue to the next number about the metal
property of atom. If you find the problem to answer, you can look the periodic
table in the orientation part. Who wants to answer?
Laily : Me mam, the hidrogen, oxigen, and nitogen represent the non metalic atom mam.
Teacher : Yes that good laily. According to the laily’s answer, I believe that you have already
known that between the non metalic atoms can be produced the bonding called?
Students : Covalent bonding mam.
Teacher : Yes right you are smart students. Lets continue to the next number. bout the
electronegativity. Please calculate its difference electronegativity! (Give time to
Students: (Calculate)
Teacher : Ok, who wants to answer?
Ainyn : I want to answer mam, the elctronegativities of hidrogen gas, carbonmonoxide, and
nitogen gas is 0; 0,89; and 0.
Teacher : So the electronegativity in a what position according to the caution bellow the
electronegativity table?
Ainyn : It represents the molecules that has low negativity.
Teacher : Ok right, so I belive that you know about the characteristic of covalent bonding.
According to the ainyn answer, what is the characteristic of covalent bonding?
Putri : Me mam, the chaacteristic of the covalent bonding is has low difference
Teacher : Ok that good students, based on the picture above look on the its bonding. Is it
Students : Yes mam.
Teacher : What is the difference?
Hanifatin : The hidrogen gas only has single bond while carbonmonoxide and nitogen has
double and triple bond.
Teacher : Yes right, so what can we infer about the covalent bond?
Hanifatin : The covalent bond can be made single, double, and triple bond mam.
Teacher : Yes that’s good hani. The covalent bond can be made it that usually called by
single covalent bond and multiple covalent bond. Ok lets move to the next picture.
Oh the picture is pretty hard but I belive that you can do. Based on the picture
about what is the differences between it and the last bonding?
Student : (Thinking)
Eci : I want to answer mam, the sulfur atom not only shares its electron but also gives the
electrons to the oxigen atoms mam. While in the NH4+ compound also occure that way.
Teacher : Great Eci, the bonding between atom can also be formed by it way that usually
called coordination covalent bonding.
Eci : Pardon me mam, how can we know that it is covalent bonding?
Teacher : Good question Eci. Bu I want your friends to answer. Who wants to anwer Eci’s
question? I will give you more score like Putri.
Hanifatin : In my opinion it can be known by determining the metalic characteristric of the
atom or calculating the difference electronegativity like in the last picture mam.
Teacher : Yes you are rigt hani. I will give more score. So lets we prove it by the way like
hani’s anwer. According to the periodic table, what is the metalic characteristic of
sulfur and oxigen?
Students : non metalic mam.
Teacher : that’s good students. And how many the difference of electronegativity?
Students : (Calculating)
Laily : The difference electronegativity is 0,86 and 0,84 mam.
Teacher : And according to caution bellow the electronegative table. How is the difference
electrogativity of SO2 and NH4+?
Laily : Oh I see, its difference electronegativity is lower mam.
Teacher : Yes you are rigth laily. So it gives enough evidences that SO2 and NH4+ is the
covalent compound. Then how is the bonding between both molecules?
Students : (Thinking)
Ainyn : There are single and double bonding like last picture mam.
Teacher : Yes right, good ainyn.

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