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Wednesday, April 8, 1987 Nation

Petroleum Chamber says evidence

shows cost hikes have hurt ind. dustry if necessary, Romero medium term, the situation Also, even if the price of oil
By Heather Scott increases, the industry is not
• Daily Journal Staff Nava said PDVSA's policy is will cause decapitalization be-
to not sign contracts until the cause they will start using the much better off because it
Although the government funds are available, so the reserve fund to cover operat- only earns Bs.1.40 for each
says increased costs have not amount of "un-started" pro- ing costs," he said. additional dollar, due to the
caused any financial problems jects indicates a problem. tax and since it sells the
Romero Nava said the re- dollars to the BCV at Bs. 7.50,
for the national petroleum These projects include the serve fund in the Central
industry, there is much evi- benzene, toulene and xylene Bank was created to pay for instead of the Bs.14.50 rate,
dence to the contrary, the (BTX) refinery in El Palito; new investment, not for he said.
president of the Venezuelan the jet fue!, paraffin and operations and maintenance. The petroleum industry
Petroleum Chamber said asphalt plant in Puerta la needs this special exchange
Tuesday. Cruz; and the modifications Another aspect of the cash rate because it cannot in-
Edgard Romero Nava re- on the Amuay Refinery and flow problem is part of crease its prices when its
red to a statement made the Cardon plant, he said. PDVSA's reserve fund is costs increase, as other
Monday by Energy and Mines "(The government) is try- frozen in bonds which it is state-owned companies like
Minister Arturo Hernandez ing to minimize the problem required to buy, he said. Cadafe have, he said.
Grisanti, who said the in- with announcements in the
press that aren't true, be- One solution would be to "The minister (Hernandez
creased costs have not
cause (the problem) is evi- establish a law which Grisanti) said this Bs.14.50
created cash flow problems
dent: for the projects that guarantees PDVSA a liquid rate won't go through for the
for Petroleos de Venezuela,
have been announced they supply of bolivars, just as it is petroleum industry - then
S.A. (PDVSA). guaranteed a supply of
"The minister (Hernandez haven't signed the first con- decrease the reference
tracts, although the people dollars, he said. However, price," he said. "They're
Grisanti) says there are no
continue to negotiate with this fund should be reserved charging (based on a price) 20
problems, Petroleos de Vene-
them, proposing dates to sign for "productive" PDVSA percent more than the price
zuela says there's no pro- investments, "not for any
blem, but we are the ones the contracts," he said. they actually sell at."
Romero Nava said the cash other fiscal ends," he said.
who do contracts with them Romero Nava said it is
and we know something's flow problem stems from the Another alternative would important for the govern-
happening," Romero Nava Bs.10 billion cost increase be for the government to base ment to take steps to solve
said. caused by the devaluation of its income tax rates for the this cash flow problem, be-
He said one of the indica- the bolivar from Bs.7.50 to industry on the "real price (of cause it is likely to repeat
tions is PDVSA has an- Bs.14.50 a dollar . a barrel of oil) not sorne itself.
nounced several major pro- This has caused the pet- ficticious price;" Romero
jects in the past several roleum industry to spend "The problem has come up
Navasaid. twice in the last three
monthshs, but has not signed more than half of its income
the first contracts for any of on operating costs, when it He said the reference price months, and if we don't find a
them. used to spend half on operat- currently used is 20 percent solution for the long and
Although Hernandez ing costs and half on new more than the actual price, medium term, in three
Grisanti said Monday there investments, he said. which means the petroleum months we'll be meeting here
are resources available in the "If they don't take sorne industry is paying about 80 again," about the same pro-
reserve fund to help the in- sort of measures now, in the percent tax. blem hesaid

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