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EDP 596 Jessica Moreno

Gaines Elementary School

Counseling Program Evaluation

Executive Summary
The counseling program at Gaines Elementary School
(GES) is intended to provide students the necessary academic
and social-emotional resources. Although these are the Executive Summary………………...1
intentions of the counseling program, the program lacks an
official mission and vision statement that can relay this Introduction………………………….2
information to the necessary stakeholders. Therefore this
Focus of the Evaluation…………….3
evaluation was used to gain an understanding of the counseling
program at GES and to inform the counselor when developing a Brief Overview of Evaluation Plan
mission and vision statement in the future. The evaluation and Procedures………………….…. 3
question that guided this report was: How would the counseling
program at GES improve by creating a mission and vision Evaluation Results…………………. 4-5
statement? This report was conducted through a survey Conclusions and Recommendations...5
consisting of short response and likert scale questions. For this
evaluation, the only individual who completed the survey was References……………………………..7
the school counselor at GES. Despite there being only one
counselor, the survey still produced valuable data. After the
counselor completed the survey, the responses were analyzed
and categorized based on knowledge, skills and perceptions.
Based on the evaluation, the counselor believes that a
counseling mission and vision statement can promote positive
short term and long-term results for both students and
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

Program evaluation is important because it identifies the areas in which a program is lacking and urges
evaluators to make necessary improvements (Fitzpatrick et al., 2011). The focus of this evaluation was the
counseling program at Gaines Elementary School (GES). This evaluation was conducted to gather information
about the counseling program and how it could improve by creating a mission and vision statement.
Furthermore, the intended audience of this evaluation is the lead counselor at GES.

One of the major limitations when conducting this evaluation was time. Since GES only has one
counselor, she is often busy completing necessary tasks, attending meetings and providing direct services to
students. Therefore, it was very challenging to find the time during regular school hours to have a conversation
with the counselor about the program. Given these circumstances, it was very important to be adaptable and
conduct the evaluation in a manner that was efficient and convenient for the counselor. Time was also a
challenge due to some of the unforeseen issues that occur in schools on a day-to-day basis.

As a result of time constraints during the evaluation, a secondary limitation was the data collection
method. Initially an interview was going to be utilized in order to gather information about the counseling
program. However, it was difficult to set up an interview with the counselor. Therefore only a survey with open-
ended questions was used to collect data and information.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

The first section of the evaluation report is the executive summary, which highlights the major
points of the evaluation. The second section is the introduction, which briefly describes the purpose of
program evaluation as well as the limitations and intended audience. The third section is the focus of the
evaluation, which describes the counseling program at Gaines Elementary School (GES) and specifies the
question that was used to guide the entire evaluation.
The fourth section pertains to the focus of the evaluation, which provides a brief overview of the
evaluation plan and procedures. This section also includes information about the data collection process as
well as the steps that were taken to complete the evaluation. The fifth section consists of the evaluation
findings and interpretations. The following section is the conclusion and recommendations, which reveals
the overall findings and suggests areas for improvement. The final section is the appendices, which contains
all the instruments and materials that were utilized in order to complete the program evaluation.

Focus of the Evaluation

The GES counseling program is located in Paramount, California and is apart of the Paramount
Unified School District (PUSD). The city of Paramount consists of a predominantly Latino/a population.
This is also representative of the student population at GES with the majority of the students being
Latino/a and others being Black. GES is a K-3 elementary school with about 420 students. There is only
one counselor who has a caseload of about thirty students she sees on a regular basis for direct services
(such as group counseling and Designated Instructional Service [DIS] counseling). In order to evaluate the
program, a logic model was created which demonstrated the components that encompass the counseling
program. A program assessment was also completed to help establish potential evaluation questions. The
question that was ultimately selected to guide the evaluation is as follows:
How would the counseling program at GES improve by creating a mission and vision statement?
To answer this evaluation question, the information that was needed included the counselor’s knowledge,
skills and perceptions in regards to program mission and vision statements.

Brief Overview of Evaluation Plan and Procedures

In order to conduct the program evaluation, specific tasks had to be completed. First it was necessary to
develop a program description and then complete a school counseling program assessment. The following step
was to create a logic model, which serves as a roadmap of the GES counseling program and highlights the
intended goals. After having completed the logic model, an evaluation question was developed. After the
question was established, an evaluation design was selected. Ultimately a descriptive case study design was
most fitting for the evaluation question because the design provides an in-depth understanding of a counseling
program (Fitzpatrick et al., 2011). Given the GES counselor’s responsibilities and the time constraints of the
school day, a survey with likert scale and open-ended questions was implemented to complete the program

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

Evaluation Results
Through the program evaluation, it was discovered that the counselor does intend to create a mission and
vision statement sometime during the 2018-2019 school year. By analyzing the counselor’s responses and
categorizing them based on knowledge, skills and perception, it is revealed that the counselor foresees positive
outcomes for both students and stakeholders.

Beliefs Response Findings

Given the nature of the evaluation question, most of the survey questions asked about the counselor’s
beliefs. In order to measure the school counselor's perceptions, the following likert scale questions were
How important do you think it is for the counseling program to have a mission and vision
How important do you think it is to connect a program mission and vision statement to the
school’s overall mission?
How important do you think it is for a program mission and vision statement to align with the
ASCA National Model?

For all the aforementioned questions, the counselor rated them as "important," which was the highest possible
rating. Therefore, it can be inferred that the counselor believes in the potential impact of a program mission and
vision. In addition, the counselor’s responses show that she has the attitude needed to create an effective
program mission and vision.

Furthermore, the counselor was asked open-ended questions that measured her perceptions. One of the
questions asked about the positive outcomes she predicts happening as a result of a program mission and vision
statement. The counselor indicated that a program mission and vision would make her more accountable and
would be away for her to monitor her progress. She also suggested that a mission and vision could be
influential to stakeholders and possibly garner more collaboration and support. As for student benefits, the
counselor believes that students will be positively impacted because the mission and vision would inform her
counseling practice—she strives to equip students with the necessary skills to become life-long learners.
Overall, her responses demonstrate that a program mission and vision would be a valuable asset to the
counseling program. The counselor also emphasized that a mission and vision would allow her to envision the
future she wants for students.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

Knowledge Response Findings

In addition, the survey asked whether the counselor is aware of the mission and vision components that
should be in accordance with the ASCA National Model. The counselor indicated that she is aware of the major
components and criteria that should be considered when creating a mission and vision statement. In past
conversations, the counselor has also demonstrated an understanding of the ASCA National Model and is
aware that a program mission and vision statement should consider the ASCA competencies as well as program
goals and school district goals.

Skills Response Findings

In order to assess the counselor’s skills, one of the survey questions asked whether the counselor
has had experience in evaluating or creating a counseling program mission and vision statement. The
counselor indicated that during her Master’s in school counseling program she developed an
understanding of its’ importance, but did not have extensive practice in analyzing or improving a
program’s existing mission and vision statement. This information was critical to the evaluation because it
provides further insight into the lack of the program’s mission and vision.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The goal of the evaluation was to determine how the program would improve by creating a mission and
vision statement. Ultimately it was found that the counselor does anticipate positive outcomes as a result of a
mission and vision. The counselor indicated that a mission and vision would be a valuable asset to the program
because it would allow her to envision long-term results. It can also promote stakeholder collaboration, which
would be beneficial to the program and the students served. As a result of the evaluation, the counselor
indicated that she does plan to implement a mission and vision statement within the following school year. One
possible recommendation for the GES counseling program is to advocate for the program through the use of
materials that highlight the counselor’s role in student success as well as the program's strengths and anticipated

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

Criteria and Standards

The criterion used to evaluate the program was the American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
National Model. This model serves as a framework and emphasizes the role of school counselors. According to
the ASCA National Model (2012), the foundation of a school counseling program should entail a mission and
vision statement that aligns with the school’s overall mission. Counselors should also be confident in their own
beliefs and ensure that all students benefit from the program.
The second criterion used to evaluate the program was the ASCA Competencies. According to section I
of the competencies, counselors should possess the knowledge, skills and attitudes to implement a
comprehensive school counseling program. Section II-A-1 reiterates that counselors should create a vision
statement that aligns with the school’s goals and considers district and state level initiatives (ASCA, 2012).
Section II-B, which falls under abilities and skills also specifies the components that are essential to developing
and implementing a cohesive school counseling program mission and vision statement.

Program Strengths
Despite the absence of a program mission and vision statement, the evaluation revealed several strengths
of the program. For instance, the counselor has the attitude that is essential in leading the counseling program,
which was evident in her open-ended survey responses. The counselor also has goals for the program and
monitors her progress. Despite being the only counselor, she also ensures that she is performing every task at the
best of her abilities in order to guarantee that students receive the services they need. Although a mission and
vision statement is not explicitly written or displayed, the counselor's efforts are meaningful and will yield
positive outcomes for students.

Judgments about Evaluation Object

The Gaines Elementary School (GES) counseling program is working towards developing a mission and
vision statement. The counselor believes in the effectiveness of a mission and vision, but has not written one to
display on the school website or to share with stakeholders. The evaluation results also demonstrate that there
are foreseeable improvements that can assist in the success of all students. Furthermore, the evaluation revealed
that the counselor has the necessary beliefs, skills and knowledge to lead the counseling program at GES.

Fall 2018

American School Counselor Association. (2012) The ASCA national model: A framework for school
counseling programs. (3rd edition) Alexandria, VA: Author.
American School Counselor Association. (2012). ASCA school counselor competencies. Alexandria, VA:
Fitzpatrick, J., Sanders, J. R., and Worthen, B.R. (2011). Program Evaluation: Alternative approaches and
practical guidelines. Boston: Pearson.

Appendix A

Appendix B
GES Counseling Program Logic Model

Appendix C

Appendix D
GES Survey Protocol
My name is Jessica Moreno and I am a Masters in school counseling student at California State
University, Long Beach (CSULB). As part of my program, I am expected to complete a program evaluation at
my fieldwork site. Since I am interning at Gaines Elementary School (GES), I hope to learn more about the
school counseling program and gather information about the counselor’s thoughts and knowledge in regards to
a mission and vision statement.
Purpose and Background
The purpose of this survey is to learn how the counseling program at GES would improve by creating a
mission and vision statement. Through this survey, I hope to gain insight from the counselor and also learn
about her knowledge and perceptions. Furthermore, this survey can also assist the counselor in assessing the
program and hopefully developing a mission and vision statement in the future.
The school counselor at GES will complete the following survey. The survey is intended to gather
information about the counselor’s attitudes and knowledge about school counseling program mission and vision
statements. The survey will consist of eight questions and will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
The results of this survey will be evaluated for educational purposes. Please let me know if you have any
additional questions or concerns.

Appendix E


1. How long have you been the school counselor at Gaines Elementary School?

2. What are some challenges in being the only counselor at an elementary school?

3. How important do you think it is for the counseling program to have a mission and vision statement?
1 2 3 4 5
Not Important Slightly Unimportant Neutral Slightly Important Important

4. What positive impact/ changes do you foresee happening with a program mission and vision statement?

5. In what ways do you believe students will benefit from a program mission and vision statement?

6. How important do you think it is it to connect a program mission and vision statement to the school’s mission
1 2 3 4 5
Not Important Slightly Unimportant Neutral Slightly Important Important

7. How important do you think it is to connect your program mission and vision statement to your program

1 2 3 4 5
Not Important Slightly Unimportant Neutral Slightly Important Important

8. How important do you think it is for a counseling mission and vision statement to align with the ASCA
National Model?
1 2 3 4 5
Not Important Slightly Unimportant Neutral Slightly Important Important

9. Did you have practice or experience in evaluating a counseling program mission and vision statement during
your school counseling fieldwork or practicum?

10. Are you aware of the components that are essential to developing an effective mission and vision statement
that aligns with the ASCA National Model?

11. Is there a plan to create a mission and vision statement for the 2018-2019 school year?

Appendix F
Survey Responses


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