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Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006) 1948–1956

A region-based multi-sensor image fusion scheme

using pulse-coupled neural network
Min Li , Wei Cai b, Zheng Tan a

Department of Information and Communication Engineering, School of Electrics and Information Engineering,
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shannxi Province 710049, PR China
Xi’an Research Inst. of Hi-Tech Hongqing Town, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710025, PR China

Received 14 June 2005; received in revised form 10 March 2006

Available online 12 July 2006

Communicated by M. Kamel


For most image fusion algorithms split relationship among pixels and treat them more or less independently, this paper proposes a
region-based image fusion scheme using pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN), which combines aspects of feature and pixel-level fusion.
The basic idea is to segment all different input images by PCNN and to use this segmentation to guide the fusion process. In order to
determine PCNN parameters adaptively, this paper brings forward an adaptive segmentation algorithm based on a modified PCNN with
the multi-thresholds determined by a novel water region area method. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed fusion scheme
has extensive application scope and it outperforms the multi-scale decomposition based fusion approaches, both in visual effect and
objective evaluation criteria, particularly when there is movement in the objects or mis-registration of the source images.
 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Image fusion; Pulse-coupled neural network; Image segmentation

1. Introduction Image fusion can be broadly defined as the process of

combining multiple input images into a smaller collection
Extraordinary advances in sensor technology, micro- of images, usually a single one, which contains the ‘rele-
electronics and communications have brought a need for vant’ information from the inputs. The aim of image fusion
processing techniques that can effectively combine infor- is to integrate complementary and redundant information
mation from different sources into a single composite for from multiple images to create a composite that contains
interpretation (Hall and Llinas, 1997). As many sources a ‘better’ description of the scene than any of the individual
produce images, image processing has become one of the source images. This fused image should increase the per-
most important domains for fusion and has been used in formance of the subsequent processing tasks such as seg-
many fields such as machine vision, medical diagnosis, mentation, feature extraction and object recognition. The
military applications and remote sensing (Piella, 2003). different images to be fused can come from different sensors
of the same basic type or they may come from different
types of sensors. The sensors used for image fusion need
to be accurately coaligned so that their images will be in
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Information and spatial registration.
Communication Engineering, School of Electrics and Information Engi-
neering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Room 617, Xi’an, Shannxi Province
A simple image fusion method is to take the average of
710049, PR China. Tel.: +86 029 8474 6155; fax: +86 029 8334 3893. the source images pixel by pixel. However, along with sim-
E-mail address: (M. Li). plicity come several undesired side effects including reduced

0167-8655/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Li et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006) 1948–1956 1949

contrast. In recent years, many researchers recognized that The rest of this paper is organized as follows. PCNN
multi-scale transforms are very useful for analyzing the based image segmentation will be introduced in Section
information content of images for the purpose of fusion. 2. The proposed fusion scheme will be described in Section
Various methods based on multi-scale decompositions 3. Experiments will be presented in Section 4, and the last
(MSD) have been proposed (Zhang and Blum, 1999; Li section gives some concluding remarks.
et al., 2002). Examples of this approach include the Lapla-
cian pyramid (Burt and Adelson, 1983), the gradient pyra- 2. PCNN based image segmentation
mid (Petrovic and Xydeas, 2004), the ratio-of-low-pass
pyramid and the morphological pyramid (Toet et al., 2.1. PCNN neuron model and parameters determination
1989; Matsopoulos and Marshall, 1995). Since wavelet the-
ory has emerged as a well developed yet rapidly expanding Pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) is different from
mathematical foundation for a class of multi-scale represen- traditional artificial neural networks, models of which have
tations (Mallat, 1989), it has also been used in multi-sensor biological background and are based on the experimental
image fusion. At the same time, some sophisticated image observations of synchronous pulse bursts in the cat visual
fusion approaches based on multi-scale representations cortex. PCNN can be applied in many fields, such as image
began to emerge and receive increased attention. Most of processing, image recognition, and optimization (Ekblad
these approaches were based on combining the multi-scale et al., 2004; Kuntimad and Ranganath, 1999).
decompositions (MSD’s) of the source images. The basic Each typical PCNN neuron model has nine parameters
idea is to perform a multi-scale transform on each source to be determined, including three time decay constants
image, then construct a composite multi-scale representa- (aF, aL, ah), three amplification factors (VF, VL, Vh), linking
tion from these. The fused image is obtained by taking an coefficient b, linking matrix M and W (showed as Fig. 1).
inverse multi-scale transform. In general, discrete wavelet Moreover, to the whole neural network, the iteration times
transform (DWT) based fusion method is superior to the N should also be decided. The various parameters used in
previous pyramid-based methods. Although these methods the PCNN model are of great significance when preparing
often perform satisfactorily, their multi-resolution decom- the PCNN for a certain task.
positions and the consequent fusion results are shift-variant The performance of image segmentation based on
because of an underlying down-sampling process. When PCNN depends on the suitable PCNN parameters. It is
there is slight movement or mis-registration of the source necessary to determine the near optimal parameters of
images, their performance will deteriorate quickly. the network to achieve satisfactory segmentation results
The traditional algorithms based on MSD techniques for different images. Up to now, the parameters are most
are mainly pixel-based approaches where each individual adjusted manually and it is a difficult task to determine
coefficient of the MSD decomposition (or possibly the co- PCNN parameters automatically for different kinds of
efficients in a small fixed window) is treated more or less images. During recent years, some work on determining
independently. However, in most image fusion applica- the optimal values of PCNN parameters has been done.
tions, we are not interested in individual pixels but rather Some of them are concentrated on optimizing single
in the objects and regions they represent. It therefore seems parameter while keeping others fixed (Ma et al., 2002;
reasonable to incorporate object and region information Liu et al., 2005; Gu et al., 2002). Some of them train the
into the fusion process. parameters with desired images to achieve the optimal val-
Because the pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) ues (Karvonen, 2004). However, as Karvonen mentioned, a
has great advantage in image segmentation (Eckhorn very large set of data should be required to optimize PCNN
et al., 1990; Thhomas, 1999), we present a new region- parameters, which is unfeasible in most applications.
based image fusion scheme using PCNN, which combines Currently, adopting simplified PCNN model to decrease
aspects of feature and pixel-level fusion. The basic idea is the parameters number is an important trend in image
to segment all different input images by PCNN and to
use this segmentation to guide the fusion process. In order
to determine PCNN parameters adaptively, this paper also βij 1
brings forward an adaptive segmentation method based on
… …

a modified PCNN, which multi-thresholds determined by Ykl Wijkl

water region area. The implementation of the algorithm VL Lij
is computationally simple and can be used in real-time Vθ
applications. αF
Extensive experiments with multi-focus image fusion θ ij
and different sensor image fusion were performed, all step(·)
results show that the proposed method has extensive appli- VF Fij Uij Yij
cation scope and it avoids some of the well known prob- Sij
lems in pixel-level fusion such as blurring effects and high
sensitivity to noise and mis-registration. Fig. 1. PCNN neuron model.
1950 M. Li et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006) 1948–1956

segmentation applications. There are lots of simplified 2.3. Modified pulse-coupled neural network
PCNN models (Bi and Qiu, 2005; Karvonen, 2004; Aboul
and Jafar, 2004; Ma et al., 2003; Gu and Yu, 2005; Johnson Considering the applications of multi-sensor image
et al., 1999). These models usually simplify the feeding part fusion, the PCNN model we have applied is a modification
Fij to the normalized pixel intensity Sij and eliminate the of the original PCNN (Eckhorn et al., 1990), adapted
decay factor in linking part Lij. slightly from Karvonen’s PCNN model (Karvonen, 2004;
Based on the research fruits above, we adopt a modified Ranganath and Kuntimad, 1994), and is implemented by
PCNN model and propose a multi-threshold approach applying iteratively the equations
according to water region area in histogram. Meanwhile, X
Lij ½n ¼ W ijkl Y kl ½n  1 ð1Þ
the adaptive determination method of PCNN parameters
for image segmentation is presented. U ij ½n ¼ S ij ð1 þ bLij ½nÞ ð2Þ

The detailed process is given as following. 1; U ij ½n > T ij ½n
Y ij ½n ¼ ð3Þ
0; otherwise
2.2. Multi-threshold approach using water region area The indexes i and j refer to the pixel location in the
method image, indexes k and l refer to the dislocation in a symmet-
ric neighborhood around a pixel, and n refers to the time
We propose a novel auto-detection algorithm of thres- (number of iteration). Lij[n] is linking from a neighborhood
holds in image histogram. In accordance with the intuition- of the pixel at location (i, j), Uij[n] is internal activity at
istic features of the histogram, the peaks of the histogram location (i, j), which is dependent on the signal value Sij
are considered as watersheds, each valley including two (pixel value) at (i, j) and linking value. b is the PCNN link-
neighboring peaks and a bottom points. We call the maxi- ing parameter, and Yij[n] is the output value of the PCNN
mal water capacity in each valley as ‘water region area’. element at (i, j). Tij[n] is a threshold value. We use a set of
fixed threshold values, Tm (m = 1, . . . , M) determined by
Step 1. Draw image histogram and smooth it to decrease water region area method mentioned above.
noise influence if necessary. If Yij[n] is 1 at location (i, j) at n = t, we say that the
Step 2. Seek all peaks and bottom points in the histogram. PCNN element at the location (i, j) fires at t. The firing
Step 3. Calculate the water region area from the left bot- due to the primary input Sij is called the natural firing.
tom point. Here, define H as a lower limitation The second type of firing, which occurs mainly due to the
ranging from 0.01 to 0.03. The smaller the value neighborhood firing at the previous iteration, we call the
of H is, the more threshold points we will get. excitatory firing, or secondary firing.
When the water region area is larger than H, the Starting with the biggest threshold TM, object whose
corresponding bottom point will be kept in thres- mean gray value is larger than TM will be picked out at
hold array Tm. Meanwhile, the corresponding left the first iteration. We keep the threshold TM fixed during
side peak point will be kept in peak points array the following iterations until no firing happens. At a certain
Pm. Otherwise, the valley will be taken as invalid. threshold, the iteration times differ from image to image
At this situation, compare the two peaks’ values and a suitable amount of iterations in practice is 20–70.
located in the valley’s two sides: After the first iteration loop, both the natural firing pixels
(1) if the left peak point is larger than the right one, it and excitatory firing pixels are collected, which is the first
will be treated as the new left peak point. While the level PCNN segmented objects with the largest gray value.
next right peak point will be the new right peak one, Then the second level objects can be got by the same algo-
the smaller between the current and the next bottom rithm using threshold TM1. Repeating this progress until
point will be regarded as the new bottom point. all thresholds are processed, we will get M + 1 levels of
(2) otherwise, the right peak point, the right bottom objects with different intensities at last.
point and the next right peak point will be regarded In this PCNN algorithm, we are using the neighborhood
as new left peak point, new bottom point and new with the radius r = 1.5 (i.e., a usual 3 · 3 neighborhood;
right peak point respectively and then the new water for details see Kuntimad and Ranganath’s paper, with
region area will be calculated again. the linking relative to the inverse of the squared distance
Step 4. Iteratively execute step 3 until all bottom points from the midpixel and normalized to one (Karvonen,
have been processed and then we can get the 2004). Considering those pixels whose intensities are smal-
threshold array Tm (m = 1, . . . , M and T1 <    < ler than peak point Pm ought not to be captured at Tm even
TM) and the corresponding peak array Pm (m = if they have the largest linking value 1, so in the iteration
1, . . . , M + 1 and P1 <    < PM+1). Hence, a valid loop at Tm, the value of bm is chosen to be
valley Vm includes two neighboring peaks {Pm, Tm
Pm+1} and a threshold Tm (Pm < Tm < Pm+1). bm ¼ 1 ð4Þ
Figs. 5 and 6 in Section 4 show images together with Because the least peak point P1 may be 0 (showed as Fig.
their water regions and corresponding thresholds. 5(f)), we choose the value of b1 to be 0.1–0.3 at this situation.
M. Li et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006) 1948–1956 1951

The segmented results based on our algorithm are can be found in Barbara, Z. and Flusser’s paper (Barbara
shown in Section 4. and Flusser, 2003).

3. Multi-sensor image fusion scheme using PCNN 3.2. Feature extraction

3.1. The basic algorithm In this paper, we extract two features, salience and
visibility, from each image region to represent its clarity.
Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of the proposed image
fusion scheme based on PCNN. The algorithm consists of 3.2.1. Salience (SA)
following steps: The salience proposed in this paper is mainly with a view
to the difference between object and its neighboring back-
Step 1. Segment the registered source images into different ground. The following examples illustrate the necessity
regions by PCNN (details in Section 2). and rationality of SA.
Step 2. Combine the segmentation results with source
images to determine the region each pixel belongs (1) Multi-focus image fusion applications
to. Suppose the multi-sensor source images are We consider situations where two or more objects in the
S1, S2, . . . , Sn, and denote the ith region of image scene are at different distances from the camera. As is typi-
Sm (m = 1, 2, . . . , n) by DBi(Sm). cal with most inexpensive cameras, the image thus obtained
Step 3. From each image region DBi(Sm), extract two will not be in focus everywhere, i.e., if one object is in focus,
features, salience (SA) and visibility (VI), which another one will be out of focus. However, by fusing images
reflect its clarity. Denote the feature vector for with different focus points, an image that is in focus every-
DBi(Sm) by (SADBi(Sm), VIDBi(Sm)) (details in Sec- where can be obtained (Seales and Dutta, 1996).
tion 3.2). As showed in Fig. 3, each image contains multiple
Step 4. Determine the fusion weight of DBi(Sm) accord- objects at different distances from the camera. The focus
ing to (SADBi(Sm), VIDBi(Sm)). Denote the fusion in Fig. 3(a) is on the clock, while that in Fig. 3(b) is on
weight for DBi(Sm) by WDBi(Sm) (details in Section the student. We artificially produce an all in focus reference
3.3). image showed as Fig. 3(c).
Step 5. Get the fusion image F by DBi(Sm) and WDBi(Sm). It can be seen from Fig. 3 that Fig. 3(c) is a combination
of the good-focus clock Fig. 3(a) and the good focus student
As we observed before, an important pre-processing step Fig. 3(b). The left part of Fig. 3(a) is clearer than Fig. 3(b) in
in image fusion is image registration, which ensures that visual effect. Here, we take the clarity of character ‘‘8’’ in the
the information from each source is referring to the same clock as the symbol of the whole region it belongs to. Take
physical structures in the real-world. Throughout this its edge into account, the intensity difference between the
paper, it will be assumed that all sources images have been object and its background, like character ‘‘8’’ and clock
registered. Comprehensive reviews on image registration dial, is more obvious in Fig. 3(a) than in Fig. 3(b).

Source image
Extract region
of sensor 1 Segmentation features

Combine Fusion

results image
Source image Extract region

of sensor n features

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the proposed fusion method.

Fig. 3. The multi-focus source images and the reference one: (a) focus on the clock, (b) focus on the student and (c) reference image.
1952 M. Li et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006) 1948–1956

(2) Different sensor image fusion applications Table 1

Concealed weapon detection is an increasingly impor- SA and VI values for a special region in Figs. 3 and 4
tant topic in the general area of law enforcement, and Selected region SA in SA in VI in VI in
image fusion has been identified as a key technology to Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (a) Fig. (b)
enable progress on this topic. Fig. 4 shows a pair of visual Fig. 3 clock character 53.002 13.668 0.036175 0.007291
and 94 GHz millimeter-wave (MMW) images. The visual ‘‘8’’ region
Fig. 4 gun region on 0.021392 6.335 16.127 0.024928
image Fig. 4(a) provides the outline and the appearance the right person’s chest
of the people while the MMW image Fig. 4(b) shows the
existence of a gun. From the fused image Fig. 4(c), there
is considerable evidence to suspect that the person on the 3.2.2. Visibility (VI)
right has a concealed gun beneath his clothes. This fused This feature is inspired from the human visual system,
image may be very helpful to police officer, for example, Huang and Li have given its definition (Huang et al.,
who must respond promptly. 1999; Li et al., 2002). We rectify the formula as following:
Let us pay attention to the gun on the right person’s
1 X  1 a jf ðx; yÞ  mk j
chest in Fig. 4(c). For the gun region is much clearly in VIðDBi Þ ¼ P  ð6Þ
Fig. 4(b), while there is nearly no difference between the DBi ðx;yÞ2DB mk mk

‘object’ and ‘background’ at the same region in Fig. 4(a), P

where DBi is the total number of pixels in the region
so to this region, it must have much weight in Fig. 4(b)
DBi, mk is the mean gray value of the image region, and
than the same area in Fig. 4(a) during the fusion process.
a is a visual constant ranging from 0.6 to 0.7.
From above analysis, we can see that the clarity of a
We should mention that VI has much significance in
region edge in different source images directly determines
multi-focus image fusion than different sensor image fusion
its fusion weight in corresponding image. The clearer the
from extensive experiments. This is also showed in Table 1.
region edge is, the bigger the fusion weight is. The key
Compared with VI, SA proposed in this paper has much
problem is how to determine a region edge’s clarity.
more significance in different sensor image fusion appli-
Assume DBi(Sm) is the ith region of image Sm, p is
any point of DBi’s edge and N8(p) is its eight neighboring
pixels, we expand the edge by N8(p) to get an edge
3.3. Fusion weight of the region
band about three pixels width. Take the edge band into
account, we can work out the mean gray value of those
Considering the different contributions to the fusion
pixels belong to DBi and those not. The salience of DBi
result between various source images, we use region
is defined as
fusion weight to denote these. Assume WDBi(Sm) is the
  fusion weight of region DBi(Sm), we use visibility and
1 X m
1X n 
  salience of the region as two main factors to determine it.
SA ¼  Sj  Sk  ð5Þ
m j¼1 n k¼1  Based on extensive experiments, we define it as
W ðDBi Þ ¼ eVIðDBi ÞW VI þ eSAðDBi Þ ð7Þ
where Sj {j = 1, . . . , m} and Sk {k = 1, . . . , n} are the gray
values of pixels in the edge band, while the former belongs where WVI is a visibility constant.
to DBi and the latter does not.
In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of formula (5), 4. Experimental results
we choose the region of ‘‘8’’ in Fig. 3, and calculate the val-
ues of SA in Fig. 3(a) and (b) separately. In Fig. 4, the gun 4.1. Setup for quantitative evaluation
region is selected, the values of SA in Fig. 4(a) and (b) are
also calculated. From Table 1 we can see that the values of To evaluate the performance of the proposed fusion
SA coincide with visual effect very well. The clearer the method, three objective evaluative criteria are used. They
region is, the bigger the value SA is. are the root mean squared error (RMSE)

Fig. 4. The different sensor images and fused one: (a) visual image, (b) MMW image and (c) fused image.
M. Li et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006) 1948–1956 1953
u and peak signal noise ratio (PSNR) (Eskicioglu and Fisher,
u 1 X M 1 X N 1
RMSE ¼ t ½Rði; jÞ  F ði; jÞ2 1995; Xydaes and Petrovic, 2000)
MN i¼0 j¼0
PSNR ¼ 20  log10 :
between the reference image R and the fused image F, RMSE
cross-entropy (CEN) Here, M, N are the dimensions of the images, R(i, j) and
L1 F(i, j) are the pixel values at position (i, j) of R and F, L
CENðP : QÞ ¼ pðgÞlog2 is the number of gray levels, the gray level distributions
g¼0 of two images are P = {p(0), p(1), . . . , p(g), . . . , p(L  1)}

Fig. 5. The ‘‘Pepsi’’ source images (256 level, size of 512 · 512) and fusion results: (a) focus on the Pepsi can, (b) focus on the testing card, (c) reference
image (all in focus), (d) fused image using LPT (level = 3), (e) fused image using DWT (db8, level = 3); (f) water regions and thresholds of (a), (g) PCNN
segmentation result of (a), (h) water regions and thresholds of (b), (i) PCNN segmentation result of (b), (j) fused image using PCNN, (k) difference between
DWT fused image (e) and reference image (c), (l) difference between PCNN fused image (j) and reference image (c).
1954 M. Li et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006) 1948–1956

and Q = {q(0), q(1), . . . , q(g), . . . , q(L  1)}. Notice that cian pyramid transform based (LPT), discrete wavelet
CEN measures the difference of corresponding pixels in transform based (DWT), are applied to fuse the same
two images, and a small CEN means getting more informa- images. The wavelet basis ‘‘db8’’, together with a decompo-
tion from the source images through the fusion method. sition level of 3, is used. Similar to Zhang and Blum’s
method (Zhang and Blum, 1999), we employ a region-
4.2. Comparison with MSD-based fusion schemes based activity measurement for the active level of the
decomposed wavelet coefficients, a maximum selection
For comparison purpose, besides the fusion scheme pro- rule for coefficient combination, together with a window-
posed in this paper, another two fusion algorithms, Lapla- based (5 · 5) consistency verification scheme, the value of
a is 0.7.
Table 2
Performance of the different fusion methods on processing Fig. 5
4.3. Subjective evaluation
Objective criteria LPT DWT This method
RMSE 6.1505 3.9775 2.7531 To evaluate the performance of the proposed fusion
CEN 0.0226 0.0239 0.0092 method, extensive experiments with multi-focus image
PSNR 32.3527 36.1385 39.3342
fusion and different sensor image fusion have been per-

Fig. 6. The multi-focus source images (256 level, size of 640 · 480) and fusion results: (a) focus on the clock, (b) focus on the student, (c) reference image
(all in focus) (d) fused image using LPT (level = 3), (e) fused image using DWT (db8, level = 3), (f) water regions and thresholds of (a), (g) PCNN
segmentation result of (a), (h) water regions and thresholds of (b), (i) PCNN segmentation result of (b), (j) fused image using PCNN, (k) difference between
DWT fused image (e) and reference image (c), (l) difference between PCNN fused image (j) and reference image (c).
M. Li et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006) 1948–1956 1955

formed. Here, we give three experiments (part of the source The second experiment is performed on one set of mis-
images are provided by Lehigh University). registration multi-focus source images in Fig. 6. The focus
The first experiment is performed on one set of perfectly in Fig. 6(a) is on the clock, while that in Fig. 6(b) is on the
registered multi-focus source images. As showed in Fig. 5, student. Notice that there is a slight movement of the stu-
each image contains multiple objects at different distances dent’s head in Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b). We artificially pro-
from the camera. The focus in Fig. 5(a) is on the Pepsi duce an all in focus reference image showed as Fig. 6(c).
can, while that in Fig. 5(b) is on the card. We artificially The resultant fused images are shown in Fig. 6(d)–(j).
produce an all in focus reference image showed as Again, a clearer comparison can be made by examining
Fig. 5(c). The resultant fused images are shown in the differences between the fused and reference images
Fig. 5(d)–(j). A clearer comparison can be made by exam- (showed in Fig. 6(k) and (l). Quantitative comparisons of
ining the differences between the fused and reference their performance are shown in Table 3.
images (showed in Fig. 5(k) and Fig. 5(l)). Quantitative In comparison, the proposed scheme outperforms the
comparisons of their performance are shown in Table 2. DWT-based approach at multi-sensor source images mis-
From Table 2, we observe that different fusion methods registration situation. From Table 3, we can see the fusion
appear to provide different image fusion performance. The method presented in this paper is superior to MSD-based
proposed scheme provides best performance and outper- method in terms of the smaller value of RMSE, together
forms the discrete wavelet transform approach in terms with the larger PSNR quality. Because there is slight move-
of the smaller value of RMSE and CEN, together with ment of the student’s head in Fig. 6, we can see this causes
the larger PSNR quality. It can be seen from Fig. 5(l) that little differences between the fused image by PCNN and the
the fused image produced by PCNN is basically a combina- good-focus student (Fig. 6(l)), while a lot of differences
tion of the good-focus Pepsi can and the good-focus card. between the DWT-based fused image (Fig. 6(k)). More-
The objective evaluation results coincide with the visual over, we can infer that the use of region information for
effect very well. the combination of the approximation images as well as
for the detail images improves the fusion effect consider-
ably. The objective evaluation results coincide with the
Table 3 visual effect very well.
Performance of the different fusion methods on processing Fig. 6
The third experiment is performed on source images
Objective criteria LPT DWT This method come from different types of sensors. Fig. 7(a) is computed
RMSE 7.1126 4.6622 3.5002 tomography (CT) image and Fig. 7(b) is magnetic reso-
CEN 0.3642 0.2273 0.3329 nance image (MRI) image. The resultant fused images
PSNR 31.0903 34.7590 37.2489
are shown in Fig. 7(c)–(f).

Fig. 7. The medical source images (256 level, size of 256 · 256) and fusion results: (a) CT image, (b) MRI image, (c) fused image using DWT (db8,
level = 3), (d) PCNN segmentation result of (a), (e) PCNN segmentation result of (b), (f) fused image using PCNN.
1956 M. Li et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006) 1948–1956

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