I. Ancient Greece: Zeus and Tifón Figthing)

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(Zeus and Tifón figthing)

Every hero was a man or god who fought with a monster or a demon in
general, they were strong and achieved powerful feats and celebrated several
victories, an example of these heroes were Aquiles and Zeus.

The Greek mentality dictated that human heroes were the closest to being a
perfect god, each story has a similar structure: a hero who saves his people
from dying at the hands of a beast like Theseus who killed the minotaur of the
labyrinth with such as to liberate Athens from a cruel destiny, just as human
heroes were seen as half gods, the gods were also seen as heroes but more
divine and worthy to worship as Poseidon who protected the Greek capital, the
Greek people to feel that they were protected represented their heroes and
gods in paintings, escultures and earthen pots as we can see in the photo.

Finally, we can conclude that if there was a demon or a beast that harms your
city, you can defeat or fight and for your people you will be eternal.

(Galias War)

Although the Romans took ideals of heroes of ancient Greece such as praising
gods or legends, a new concept is created where any man who was emperor,
warrior or made a change in Rome, was considered a hero.
Every leader like Julio Cesar was seen as a hero, due to his campaigns and to
protect and assume the destiny of his country, other areas such as politics were
valued and highly appreciated at that time, that is why the concept of seeing
only gods and means gods evolves and extends to normal people, although
even so there are exclusions such as consider the aristocracy or important
sages. Also the brutality, the hardness or the blood that made each leader show
that he was so hero in a battle for example in the Gaul battles, if this leader
took more respect and honor.
In conclusion if you made a change or fought for your country and no longer
for imaginary demons, you were a hero because you defended and contributed
to your country something real.

Having no direct connection with the Greeks or Romans these cultures were
usually based on an ancient concept, where shamans or indigenous leaders
were also seen as heroes but still had not so much influence on their culture.

The gods like Quetzalcoalt were more venerated and represented as heroes of
their people, since they were their divine protectors and nature in general,
several pre-Columbian lands such as Guatemala or Colombia had their own
repression of these heroes of nature, rituals were created and offerings with
such that the gods would not be angry or abandon their people, although the
leader of the town was seen as important that the wise or healers did not have
much influence since he was not a direct divine being, even so to this pleitia
and honor was rendered.
It also looked heroes who fought for their homeland of the conquests of other
peoples, they were given importance but were not more important than the
gods themselves.

In conclusion if you were a god or a faithful warrior or a leader who has

connection with the gods you were seen as a hero since you endowed your
people with protection and food given by nature.

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