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Mr and Mrs Wallace want to buy a house, so they go to the office of an estate
Agent: Good morning. Mr and Mrs Wallace?
Mrs Wallace: Mr Hogan?
Agent: How do you do.
Mrs Wallace: I spoke to you on the phone. .................... is my husband.
A. This
B. It
C. He
D. That

2. Mr Wallace: How do you do.

Agent: How do you do. ............................. sit down.
A. You
B. Please
C. Now
D. Let

3. Agent: I understand from our telephone conversation that you’re

A. intending
B. interesting
C. intended
D. interested

4. buying a property for about £85,000, is that .............................. ?

A. true
B. possible
C. not
D. right

5. Mrs Wallace: No. Well the price is right, but – er – well, we ....................a
A. make
B. have
C. are
D. seem

6. We’ve been living abroad for the last ten years. Mr Wallace:
A. than
B. that
C. as
D. to

7. I wish the Mets ___________the game last night! If they had won, I would have
made a lot of money.

A. Had won.
B. Won
C. Win
D. Has Win

8. If the Mets had beaten the Yankees, I ___________$200.

A. Would beaten
B. Would have beaten
C. Beaten
D. Bet

9. If she ___________me that yesterday was her birthday, I would have bought her a
present. At least, I would have sent her a card.

A. Remined
B. Have remined
C. Has remined
D. Has had remined

10. If I had liked school better, I would have studied and [I would have] learned
more. I wish I _________a better student as a boy. I wish I had had better
teachers, too. I wish my parents ________ me to do my homework.

A. Had been, Had forced

B. Been, Had forced
C. Had been, Forced
D. Been, Forced

11. If I ________ a lot of money, I would buy a house.

A. Have
B. Has
C. Have been
D. Had

12. If I _________Japanese, I would work in Tokyo.

A. Will know
B. Know
C. Knew
D. Would know

13. If I ________ taller, I would play basketball. I wish I were six feet tall.

A. Was
B. Were
C. Has
D. Have

14. He wishes he were the mayor. If he were mayor, he ________the homeless

A. Would solve
B. Solved
C. Will solved
D. Will solve

15. I wish I had a better job. If I had a good job, I _________ much happier.

A. Be
B. Would be
C. Been
D. Have been

16. Active. Authorities make rules to be broken," he said defiantly.

Passive. Rules _________to be broken," he said defiantly.

A. Maked
B. Have made
C. Are made
D. Have been made

17. Active. Surgeons successfully ____________a new experimental liver-

transplant operation yesterday.
Passive. A new experimental liver-transplant operation was performed successfully

A. Will perform
B. Performed
C. Would performed
D. Are performed

18. Active. The dispatcher is notifying police that three prisoners have escaped.
Passive. Police ____________ that three prisoners have escaped.

A. Are being notified

B. Are been notified
C. Were been notified
D. Will notified

19. Active. I have damaged your bicycle.

Passive. Your bicycle _____________ by me.

A. Has been damaged

B. Damaged
C. Damage
D. Have damaged

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