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Surface Science 460 (2000) 162–169

Structure and stability of the anatase TiO

(101) and (001) surfaces
R. Hengerer a, *, B. Bolliger b, M. Erbudak b, M. Grätzel a
a Laboratoire de photonique et interfaces, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
b Laboratorium für Festkörperphysik, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland

Received 7 January 2000; accepted for publication 13 April 2000


Well-defined (101) and (001) surfaces of anatase TiO were studied for the first time by secondary-electron imaging
and low-energy electron diffraction. Initially, both surfaces show a crystalline structure corresponding to the bulk
anatase phase, buried under an atomically thin contamination layer. After mild sputtering with 500 eV Ne+ ions, we
have observed a surface phase transition from tetragonal anatase to face-centered cubic titanium monoxide TiO.
Subsequent annealing at 900 K restores the (1×1) anatase structure at the (101) surface. On the (001) surface,
however, a (1×4) reconstruction appears. The unreconstructed structure can be recovered by exposing the surface to
oxygen. These observations demonstrate the stability of the anatase surfaces and illustrate the feasibility of preparing
and investigating clean surfaces of this technological important form of TiO . © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Electron–solid interactions; Low energy electron diffraction (LEED); Secondary electron emission measurements;
Sputtering; Surface relaxation and reconstruction; Surface structure, morphology, roughness, and topography; Titanium oxide

1. Introduction dynamic phase stability of TiO , however, is actu-

ally a function of particle size [7], and it is anatase
The wide-bandgap semiconductor TiO mainly that plays a crucial role in a number of charge-
exists in two polymorphic phases, anatase and separating devices, like dye-sensitized solar cells
rutile, which crystallize both in a tetragonal lattice. [8] or rocking-chair lithium batteries [9]. These
Their structure can be described in terms of chains devices are based on highly porous films with very
of TiO octahedra that are more distorted and large surface areas that consist of nano-crystalline
differently interconnected in anatase than in rutile anatase. Although they show already a remarkable
[1], resulting in significantly different unit cells and performance, a fundamental understanding of sur-
distinct physical and chemical behavior [2,3]. So face processes, like dye adsorption or charge
far, only the surface properties of rutile have been transfer, is still deficient. Due to the lack of suitably
investigated [4,5], because it is considered to be large and pure single crystals, systematic investiga-
the more stable form of TiO [6 ]. The thermo- tions on specific surfaces are still very rare [10,11].
The different behavior of anatase surfaces com-
* Corresponding author. Fax: +41-21-693-4111. pared to that of rutile, e.g. in terms of molecular
E-mail address: (R. Hengerer) adsorption [12], could hence only been deduced,

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R. Hengerer et al. / Surface Science 460 (2000) 162–169 163

making the assumption of a perfect surface ter- found out that, due to the high electron mobility
mination of the bulk anatase lattice. In this paper, in the conduction band, anatase samples appa-
we report the first successful imaging of the surface rently do not need to be doped. We therefore used
lattice of TiO single crystals in the anatase struc- undoped samples in our subsequent work in order
ture by secondary-electron imaging (SEI ) and low- to preserve the high degree of stoichiometry of the
energy electron diffraction (LEED)1. The measure- crystals. Heating up to 900 K in UHV did not
ments were made on samples that were prepared dope the anatase crystal either, contrary to rutile,
by a chemical transport reaction [10,11], which which generally seems to be more easily doped
proved to be an appropriate method by which to than anatase2.
obtain high-quality anatase single crystals. The The experiments were performed in an ultra-
crystals exhibited mm2-sized (101) and (001) sur- high-vacuum chamber with a total pressure in the
faces; these are also the main surfaces in nanocrys- lower 10−10 Torr range. Chemical information
talline films [14]. On both faces, we have observed about the surface was obtained by Auger electron
reversible structural transitions, induced by sput- spectroscopy (AES ). The electron energy was
tering and subsequent annealing. These cycles can 2 keV for SEI as well as for AES. The same device,
be repeated reproducibly, demonstrating the sta- a display-type, retarding-grid spherical collector
bility of the anatase structure, which could per- system, is used for LEED and SEI, the only
fectly be recovered even after its complete difference being the energy of the primary
destruction at the surface. The sharp LEED pat- electrons [16 ].
terns presented here for both surfaces are, to our SEI records the backscattered (secondary)
knowledge, the first patterns reported for anatase electrons generated with primary electrons having
TiO . Earlier attempts to investigate naturally an energy in the keV range. SEI carries real-space
grown anatase using LEED have failed due to information about the local geometric arrangement
surface contaminations [15]. of atoms near a surface and is therefore comple-
mentary to the reciprocal-space information acces-
sible in LEED. Direct-projection imaging of the
2. Experimental interatomic directions, produced by the forward-
focusing effect in electron-atom scattering, is
Anatase single crystals were grown from the responsible for the formation of the SEI pattern.
gas phase by a chemical transport reaction as In the patterns presented here, the polar angle, h,
described previously [10]. The transparent and is defined by the direction of the primary-electron
colorless crystals ordinarily have a truncated bipyr- incidence and the particular direction of the
amidal habitus exhibiting mainly the (101) and secondary electrons. h can be determined within
(001) faces, as confirmed by Laue X-ray diffrac- an accuracy of ±1°, and its maximum value is
tion. They have surface areas of 1–4 mm2, and limited by approximately 52°, which corresponds
atomic-force microscopy revealed that the corruga- to the outer rim of the collector screen. Images
tion of the working surfaces was typically below can be recorded while the sample is rotated, which
1 nm. Prior to insertion into a vacuum, all crystals provides three-dimensional views of the structure.
were rinsed in water, ethanol, and acetone and For a structural transition, as reported here, SEI
contacted with silver glue to a copper plate in allows the correspondence of the high-symmetry
direct contact with an oven. Initially, we investi- axes of these structures to be identified, from which
gated a crystal that was reductively doped in pure the relative orientation of the initial and final
hydrogen at 800 K for 24 h in order to prevent structures can be readily determined [17]. While
electrostatic charging of the samples. However, we LEED is extremely sensitive to changes in the
surface atomic structure owing to the short mean
1 During the revision of this paper, another publication
appeared in Ref. [13] on X-ray photoelectron diffraction of an 2 This is also evident by the fact that reductive doping takes
anatase (001) thin film. much longer for anatase than for rutile.
164 R. Hengerer et al. / Surface Science 460 (2000) 162–169

free path of the 30–400 eV electrons, SEI provides tilting the (101) surface normal from the display
information on the first 10–20 atomic layers of the axis by 23°. The twofold symmetry of the (100)
surface. Thus successful imaging is possible with surface of the tetragonal anatase is clearly detecta-
SEI even when the surface atomic layer is disor- ble. The horizontal bright band corresponds to the
dered or contaminated [15]. (010) lattice plane of the anatase structure. The
central vertical band contains directions in the
(001) plane that are above or below the (010)
3. Results plane at a distance of approximately ±27 and
±45° from [100]. They can be identified as belong-
3.1. The (101) surface ing to the 210 and the 110 directions, respec-
tively. The bright spot, 23° to the left of the
Fig. 1a shows a secondary-electron pattern of electron gun, corresponds to the (101) surface
the (101) surface of an anatase crystal recorded normal of the crystal. Other salient features can
directly before any treatment of the surface. The be assigned to different symmetry directions of the
primary-electron beam is incident along the [100] anatase lattice. These results are in good agreement
direction of the crystal, which coincides with the with earlier investigations [15] and imply that the
center of the display unit. This is achieved by positions of the atoms in a near-surface region do
not deviate from the bulk values, i.e. the crystalline
structure is flawless and not reconstructed within
the inelastic mean free path of 2 keV electrons.
Note that this untreated surface is still covered by
a thin layer of contamination and/or disordered
atoms so that no LEED observation could be
Attempts to produce clean and atomically
ordered surfaces on naturally grown anatase by
only sputtering (500 eV He+ ions for 15 min) failed
in a previous experiment due to the destruction of
the surface atomic order [15]. The SEI patterns
smeared out and could not be restored even after
a heat treatment at 500 K and exposure of the
surface to oxygen up to 10−3 Torr · s. A similar
problem was encountered with the present vapor-
phase-grown anatase already after sputtering for
only 30 s with 500 eV Ne+ ions. The SEI pattern
became diffuse, but still showed twofold symmetry
around the (010) plane. However, after continuing
the sputtering for 5 min, this symmetry changed
to fourfold (cf. Fig. 1b). Viewed along the [100]
direction, one recognizes a highly symmetrical
cross with the horizontal band still being the (010)
plane and the vertical band the (001) plane. Two
Fig. 1. Secondary-electron patterns obtained from the (101) other bands corresponding to the (011) and (011: )
anatase surface: (a) before and (b) after sputtering with 500 eV planes can now be identified at 45° to these bands.
Ne+ ions. The sample is tilted by 23° so that the primary
electrons are incident along the [100] direction. The central
Tilting the crystal around the [010] direction, one
portion of the pattern (polar angle h=0°) is covered by the detects bright patches at angles of 45 and 90°
shadow of the electron gun used for the excitation. relative to the [100] direction, signalling the 101
R. Hengerer et al. / Surface Science 460 (2000) 162–169 165

Fig. 3. LEED pattern of the sputtered and annealed (101) sur-

face of anatase, recorded at 102 eV.

primary-electron beam is now incident perpendicu-

lar to the sample surface. The pattern in Fig. 2a
was taken directly after sputtering. Each successive
pattern was obtained after annealing for additional
2 min increments. The differences between succes-
sive patterns are quite small, but one can still
recognize the change in fourfold symmetry around
the [100] axis ( located at the right-hand side of
the display center) to a more complex pattern
possessing a twofold symmetry of the original
anatase surface (cf. Fig. 1a). More clearly detecta-
ble is the transition by observing the disappearance
Fig. 2. Secondary-electron patterns of the ion-bombarded (101) of the symmetric [101] pattern of the cubic crystal,
surface with electrons incidence normal to the (101) surface of
anatase. Image (a) was taken before annealing, (b)–(e) during
approximately 22° to the left of the center in
annealing at 900 K at subsequent 2 min intervals, and (f ) after Fig. 2a. Similarly, two bright patches above and
annealing and cooling down of the sample. below the [101] direction on the left-hand side of
the image are identified, both belonging to 111.
In Fig. 2a, there is a threefold symmetry in the
and 001 directions, respectively. All these fea- distribution of electron intensity around these
tures are characteristic of a cubic structure. directions that gradually fades away as annealing
Since the structural order in the top surface proceeds. The surface of the crystal eventually
layers of the crystal was obviously disturbed by coincides again with a (101) face of anatase.
sputtering, broad bands rather than distinct sharp Along with the structural transition, also, the
patches appeared on the SEI pattern (cf. Fig. 1b). definition of contrast in Fig. 2 improves continu-
To restore structural perfection, the crystal was ously with annealing, indicating the gradual heal-
heated up to 900 K. The influence of this subse- ing of structural defects. In fact, after the complete
quent annealing of the ion-bombarded surface is sputtering–annealing cycle, the entire surface,
shown by the sequence of secondary-electron pat- including the top atomic layer, was so perfect and
terns in Fig. 2, which illustrates the kinetic evolu- clean that very sharp LEED patterns could be
tion of the structural phase transition at the observed from the anatase surface, as shown in
surface. The crystal is tilted by approximately 23° Fig. 3. Besides the definition of the spots, their
with respect to its position in Fig. 1, so that the symmetry shows that the surface structure seems
166 R. Hengerer et al. / Surface Science 460 (2000) 162–169

to be bulk-terminated, i.e. the surface is obviously this surface is clearly detectable. The horizontal
not reconstructed3. The surface lattice constants, bright band corresponds to the (010) lattice plane
calculated from the LEED pattern, correspond to and the vertical band to the (100) plane of the
the bulk values within an error limit of ≤1%. The anatase structure. The bright spots, approximately
(101) surface is thus undistorted, similar to (110), 38.5° to the left and right of the electron gun (as
the most stable face of rutile [18]. well as above and below it), all marked with a
cross, correspond to the 201 directions. Other
3.2. (001) surface symmetry directions of the anatase lattice produce
the remaining salient features observed in the
The next common surface of anatase is the pattern. These results show again that the atoms
(001) face, for which a secondary-electron pattern near the surface have positions given by their bulk
is presented in Fig. 4a, recorded before any surface values. It is remarkable that, similar to the (101)
treatment. The primary-electron beam is incident surface, the crystal structure of the untreated (001)
along the [001] direction of the crystal. The quasi- surface has an excellent quality, observed using
fourfold symmetry in the atomic arrangement at SEI.
An electron-diffraction pattern obtained from
the (001) surface at an energy of 191 eV is pre-
sented in Fig. 5a. This pattern is observed after
heating the sample to 900 K. Apparently, sputter-

Fig. 4. Secondary-electron patterns obtained from the (001)

anatase surface: (a) before and (b) after sputtering with 500 eV
Ne+ ions. The primary-electron beam is incident along the [001]
direction of the crystal.

3 It should be mentioned, however, that a (1×1) symmetry Fig. 5. LEED pattern of (001) surface of anatase recorded after
found by LEED cannot exclude a surface unit cell with a sym- annealing the surface at 900 K (a) without and (b) with
metric defect. sputtering.
R. Hengerer et al. / Surface Science 460 (2000) 162–169 167

ing is not a prerequisite for cleaning the anatase 4. Discussion

samples: just heating to an elevated temperature
causes desorption of the contamination, which has We have observed that the sputtering of anatase
prevented successful imaging of the surface using surfaces results in a transformation into a cubic
LEED. In the pattern, fourfold symmetry is found surface phase. This is evident at the (101) as well
without any indication of a superstructure. The as the (001) face. The only cubic phase in the
wide spot of the primary-electron beam partly binary titanium–oxygen system is titanium(II )
illuminates the (101) surface of the tiny crystal monoxide, which has a defective rocksalt structure
face, causing the appearance of the few additional with up to 15% random Ti and O vacancies [19].
spots. The surface lattice constants, calculated Cleaning of transition-metal oxide surfaces by ion
from the LEED pattern, equal the bulk values bombardment is known to lead to the preferential
within an error limit of ≤1%. removal of oxygen and, therefore, to a modifica-
Subsequently, the surface has been sputtered tion of the surface composition [20]. Apparently,
with Ne+ ions at 500 eV for 5 min. We observe the preferential sputtering is in our case so effective
that sputtering of the surface only blurred the that it leads to a phase transformation into a fcc
pattern, while the overall symmetry remained structure with a fairly different stochiometry. AES
unchanged, as can be seen in Fig. 4b. However, confirmed this conclusion by showing a significant
the bright spots at 38.5° disappeared, and new decrease of the oxygen signal. Still, the new struc-
spots showed up further outside at 45°. Essentially, ture is remarkably well ordered and epitaxial with
the pattern of Fig. 4b is the same as that shown the anatase. Considering the information depth
in Fig. 1b. This is an additional indication that the accessible in SEI [16 ], we estimate the thickness
of the cubic layer to be at least 20 Å. For rutile,
surface structure has changed to a face-centered
preferential sputtering is less pronounced. In con-
cubic (fcc) phase for which the (100) and the (001)
trast to our findings, even prolonged sputtering of
surfaces are indeed indistinguishable. After sput-
this polymorph with 500 eV Ar+ results only in a
tering, the crystal was briefly heated once more to
transformation to titanium(III ) oxide, Ti O [20].
900 K. Sharp LEED spots reappeared, but a new 2 3
A photoemission investigation revealed that
pattern came into view (cf. Fig. 5b). Here, the
intense sputtering of rutile partially changes the
primary-electron energy was 122 eV. The symme-
chemical state of the titanium atoms from Ti(IV )
try and the lattice constants did not change, but to Ti(III ) or to Ti(II ), but even after bombard-
three additional minor spots could be detected ment with 10 keV Ar+, the fraction of Ti(II ) is
between the original main spots in the [100] as only about one-third [21]. This observation is in
well as in the [010] direction. These indicate a agreement with the stability of the rutile phase.
(1×4) superstructure. We have to consider that A comparison of the anatase and the rocksalt
there are two equivalent orientations for the (1×4) structure of titanium monoxide is shown in Fig. 6.
reconstructed surface unit cell on the fourfold The structure of anatase is conceivable as a closed
symmetrical (001) surface. Hence, the electron packing of large oxygen atoms with titanium atoms
beam can illuminate different domains aligned in every second octahedral interstitial site in a
perpendicular to each other, thus leading to the zigzag alignment. Every titanium atom is thus
appearance of the fourfold superstructure on the surrounded by an oxygen octahedron. The atoms
surface. Successive heating for longer times did have a pronounced ionic character, resulting in a
not restore the original surface structure. No strong crystal field that distorts the octahedra [1].
attempt was made to anneal at higher temperatures The resulting structure of the unit cell is shown in
because the phase transition from anatase to rutile Fig. 6a. Removal of every second oxygen atom or,
would occur above approximately 900 K [6 ]. Only equivalently, filling every interstitial site with a
when the sample is exposed to oxygen or after titanium atom leads directly to the structure shown
introducing air into the experimental chamber is in Fig. 6b. Again, each titanium atom is sur-
the (1×1) surface order recovered. rounded by an oxygen octahedron, but in this
168 R. Hengerer et al. / Surface Science 460 (2000) 162–169

re-oxidation of the surface layers proceeds via

diffusion of Ti cations from the surface to the bulk
at elevated temperatures [23]. Anatase, too, is
known to be structurally transparent for cations
[10], so we adapt this mechanism of bulk-assisted
re-oxidation as an explanation for the restoration
of the original structure.
In contrast to the (101) face, the destruction of
the (001) surface lattice cannot be healed com-
pletely by merely heating up the sample. Even
after prolonged annealing, the reconstructed
(1×4) pattern remained, so a less efficient diffusion
of defects along the c axis cannot account for the
incomplete recovery. Furthermore, there is no
structural indication that diffusion should be
slower along the c direction, especially since elec-
trochemical experiments showed quite the oppo-
site, i.e. a higher structural transparency for ions
Fig. 6. (a) Unit cell of anatase TiO with octahedral interstitial
2 in this direction [11]. The (1×4) superstructure
sites indicated in black and (b) twice the unit cell of titanium hence seems to be a metastable phase of the (001)
monoxide TiO. Titanium: small spheres; oxygen: large spheres.
surface that needs a thermodynamical rationaliza-
tion. A recent theoretical calculation [24] indicates
case, because of the highly symmetric distribution a somewhat lower energy for the (001) surface
of titanium atoms, no distortion takes place. This (1.28 vs. 1.40 J m−2). This should in fact make the
leads to an fcc lattice. There is a change in the (001) face the most stable surface of anatase.
interatomic distances during this transition. The Facetting of this face is therefore rather unlikely
value for the a axis is 3.78 Å for anatase and and cannot provide an explanation for the
4.17 Å for titanium monoxide, the latter value observed superstructure. However, in the same
decreasing with increasing oxygen content, i.e. with study, a lower attachment energy for the (001)
the stoichiometry closer to anatase [22]. For the c than for the (101) surface was calculated, so the
axis, which corresponds to twice the a axis in the outermost atoms should be less strongly bonded
cubic lattice, the values are 9.51 and 2×4.17= on this face. In addition, there is experimental
8.34 Å, respectively. Presumably, this close sim- evidence that externally introduced oxygen can
ilarity between the two structures facilitates the recover the original unreconstructed surface lattice.
smooth phase transition, as observed in Fig. 2, This implies that an oxygen deficiency causes the
where, in addition, the bulk anatase crystal can (1×4) reconstruction. Apparently bulk-assisted
act as a template. reoxidation for the (001) surface works up to the
Annealing proved to be a successful process by point of restoring the old anatase structure, but
which to restore the original (101) surface. Upon cannot completely remove all the oxygen vacancies
completing the structural recovery, AES shows on the surface. A simple missing oxygen-row model
that the chemical composition at the surface for the (001) surface could elucidate the origin of
returns to its bulk value. Since no gas-phase oxi- the observed (1×4) pattern. However, further
dant was introduced to the UHV chamber, this careful structural investigations (e.g. with AFM or
surface re-oxidation has to originate from point- STM ) are necessary to either confirm or modify
defect diffusion into the bulk. This may function this model, especially in view of the history of the
either by oxygen vacancy diffusion or by titanium long-debated various reconstructed rutile surfaces.
interstitial diffusion. Recent experiments with iso- It should also be mentioned that the above-
topically enriched rutile indicate that the cited theoretical investigations of the anatase sur-
R. Hengerer et al. / Surface Science 460 (2000) 162–169 169

face [24] predict a small relaxation of the (101) are due to H. Berger for technical help during the
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