Texas, I Was Innocent

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Gregory “Tony” Wright


Peter Bellamy

Copyright © Peter Bellamy 2009

All Rights Reserved
ISBN 978-1-4276-4369-8

First published Jan. 2010


Aardvark Global Publishing

Dedicated to Gregory Edward Wright,
or “Tony” to his friends and family

November 1, 1965 – October 30, 2008

Thank you for bringing out a part of me that I never realized existed; thank you
for the smiles and laughter and for making me your wife; but most of all thank
you for being you and for loving me. Rest in peace my wonderful husband.......we
didn't say goodbye in our last spoken words to one another and this is not
goodbye...........until we meet again......... ALL MY LOVE FOREVER., Connie.

I will never ever forget our true friendship. You are forever in my heart, my kids’
hearts, and all my students’. You are deeply loved and will be deeply missed, but
never forgotten. I send you all my unconditional love and cheek kisses as usual :)
Love ya big guy, mucho more than mucho most :) Your bestest friend, Bente :)
I feel so privileged to have been your penpal for ten years. Your love,
kindness and concern for others was an example to us all. I miss your letters and
friendship. From my children Roseanna, Louis, Alex and Etain, thank you for
being their friend and for all the artwork you sent them. We know we will meet
you in heaven where you are now, free and at peace. With love, Jenny
The story that is to be told in these pages is about the spirit of one man, Gregory
Edward Wright, wrongfully killed by the state of Texas on October 30th 2008,
two days short of his 43rd birthday. Greg was known affectionately by his family
and friends as “Tony” during some of his happiest experiences in life, so I will
use that name throughout the book in commentary, but in his letters and
conversations with me, you will see the name Greg. This is not an autobiography
of his life, but a tribute and appreciation of the man – a friend who touched my
heart, and those of many others, in an extraordinary way and in extraordinary
circumstances. It is a true story, largely told by Tony himself from his death row
cell in Texas – with some commentary from myself.
Tony was, in my view, and according to the final evidence presented to
prosecution officials, the trial judge, and to the Appeal Courts of Texas and the
USA, innocent of the murder of Donna Vick in 1997. In spite of the desperate
and vigorous efforts of his attorneys and friends, only the Fifth Circuit Court of
Criminal Appeals accepted that the evidence used against him did not prove him
guilty of murder, but then, with a cynicism almost unique to its jurisdiction,
condemned him to death by reference to the Law of Parties – a much criticized
Texas law that has caught up other innocent people during its history of use. In
fact, Tony was expressly not charged under this law, but in the words of his
attorneys, “the Fifth Circuit Court committed legal fraud by applying it in
defiance of the evidence of his innocence”. Given an unsolicited written
confession from a co-accused, which also absolved Tony of any part in the crime,
the decision to execute and refuse a retrial was an act in defiance of truth, justice
and humanity.
Greg's final words put to shame those officials who either with deliberate intent,
or with indifference, chose to ignore the pleas and evidence of an innocent man:
“There has been a lot of confusion on who done this. I know you all want closure. Donna had
her Christianity intact when she died. She never went to a drug house. John Adams lied. He
went to the police and told them a story. He made deals and sold stuff to keep from going to
prison. I left the house, and I left him there. My only act or involvement was not telling on him.
John Adams is the one that killed Donna Vick. I took a polygraph and passed. John Adams
never volunteered to take one. I have done everything in my power. Donna Vick helped me; she
took me off the street. I was a truck driver; my CDL was still active. Donna gave me
everything I could ask for. I helped her around the yard. I helped her around the house. She
asked if there were anyone else to help. I am a Christian myself, so I told her about John
Adams. We picked him up at a dope house. I did not know he was a career criminal. When
we got to the house he was jonesin for drugs. He has to go to Dallas. I was in the bathroom
when he attacked. I am deaf in one ear and I thought the TV was up too loud. I ran into the
bedroom. By the time I came in, when I tried to help her with first aid, it was too late. The
veins were cut on her throat. He stabbed her in her heart, and that's what killed her. I told
John Adams, "turn yourself in or hit the high road." I owed him a favor because he pulled
someone off my back. I was in a fight downtown. Two or three days later he turned on me. I
have done everything to prove my innocence. Before you is an innocent man. I love my family. I'll
be waiting on ya'll. I'm finished talking.”
- Gregory “Tony” Wright, Oct. 30th 2008
I know that some of you will never believe or admit to Tony’s innocence,
whatever evidence we point to. There appear to be no legal avenues we can take
to press our case, though Tony hoped there might be if he lost his fight for life.
Those of us who came to know Tony, and to study his case minutely, do believe
in his innocence – and condemn Texas and the US Supreme Court for his willful
and wrongful death. It was, finally, an unforgivable and cruel act. The following
pages tell you about the love, the friendship and the respect I and other close
friends enjoyed with Tony during his incarceration. Most of these words come
from Tony himself through his many letters to me. But words alone cannot
convey our sense of loss – only our pride in a man we were privileged to call a
friend, and who faced the tyranny of a broken legal process with honor and
I should like to make clear that although you will read of Tony’s sometimes
tempestuous relationship with his attorney, Counselor Anton, this reflected an
inevitable consequence of the disappointment he endured over long years of
rejected Appeals. Tony studied the law, and the many death row cases that went
before him. He understood the great handicap imposed by the legal decisions and
strategies of the trial judge and prosecutor respectively, and of the failings of his
trial and first habeas appeal attorneys. Some comments were born therefore of
frustration, but Tony truly maintained great respect and appreciation of
Counselor Anton and his colleagues to the end. – Peter Bellamy
Chapter 1
A new penpal
It was a simple discrete advert in an Open University magazine, but it caught my
attention and gave me a nagging feeling of interest. A website was mentioned,
and I decided to take a look. I hadn't much time then, but I “bookmarked” the
site, and returned to it a few days later.
I had been retired from teaching for almost two years, but had kept myself busy
since – with family, with gardening, with country walking, with setting up an
Internet business selling secondhand books and videos, with completing a short
course with the Open University, and more. I looked at the words again:
Make a difference
Could you befriend a US death row prisoner?
Make someone's life better with your letters
Well, could I? The concept of the death penalty was anathema to me, as it had
been when I had debated the topic while a student at school so many years ago. I
knew a little about the conditions in some US prisons from TV documentaries,
and the thought of anyone having to endure long years in them horrified me. It
was not that I thought prison itself was wrong, but I had never seen a
justification, that satisfied me, that they should be anything other than humane
institutions whose priority should always be to reform, or treat by education and
other forms of care. Loss of freedom was punishment enough, whatever the
crime, and I could not countenance another meaningless death via the death
I knew others of course would decry my “liberalism”. I made my decision. I
would write to express my interest in becoming a writer and penpal of a US death
row prisoner. A few days later, and after a simple vetting process, I had a letter
from the coordinator for the State of Texas, on behalf of the UK organization
that had placed the advert. I was given a name and address to write to, and was
told that Gregory Edward Wright was seeking a penpal and had been told to
expect an introductory letter from me.
It took a long time to write that first letter. I tried to place myself in the position
of a death row prisoner receiving an offer of friendship from a stranger in a
foreign country. What would he expect? I decided to write simply and openly
about myself, my situation, my interests … and to trust that “Tony”, as I much
later came to know he was known by family and friends from his younger days,
would see sincerity and honesty behind my words. I had not chosen Tony from a
list of potential penpals, his was the name allocated to me. I ended that first letter
I am really looking forward to hearing from you. Whatever you want to write about is fine with
me. I don’t know whether you have other penpals from this or other organizations, but feel free
to write as often or as little as you want. I have tried to keep this first letter fairly brief but at
the same time long enough to give a reasonable picture of who I am. If you decide you want me
to continue to write I shall be very pleased. I like writing so it is no chore – and I’m here for as
long as you want.
In the next few days, when I had the time to sit at my computer and browse the
Internet, I decided I really should investigate what the current position was in the
US regarding the death penalty in general, and about death row in Texas in
particular. My decision to write to an inmate had been entirely based on a long-
time opposition to the death penalty. It had not been abolished in the UK when I
had been at school, forty years ago. I had decided to write as an act of humanity,
to show that I, and hopefully many others around the world, considered the
concept of the death penalty to be anathema to the Christian community, and to
the values and beliefs that we hold as fellow human beings. My researches had
scarcely begun when I began to realize the scale and depth of the issue that was
to become my obsession to this day.
I eventually discovered a reference to Tony on an official Texas website that
briefly stated the crime for which he was on death row. Soon after, I came across
a Norwegian website, written in English, which gave considerably more
background to his case, and showed that he had at least one other supporter. For
the first time, it showed me that this man I had written to, but had not yet
received a response, both claimed his innocence and had issues that were far
from clearcut or resolved. Naturally enough, I began to wonder what I was letting
myself in for.
I had been warned that turnaround times for penpal letters were unpredictable,
both for reasons of international postal services and prison handling issues, and
also because inmates themselves sometimes had irregular response inclinations or
practical problems of stationery or postage. I decided I would write an early
follow-up letter and not wait for a response to the first. Six days after the first, I
posted the second. It began:
I’m told that it takes about a week for you to receive a letter from the UK and about the same
the other way, so I decided you might like an early follow-up even though I shan't yet have heard
from you. Anyway, I realize you might not be able to respond to everything I might send, and I
won’t expect that. When or if I do hear from you the first time, I will arrange to send some
funds to help with stationery and stamps etc to help out in that direction.
The rest of the letter described what I had been doing during the week, the places
I had visited, and a little about my Internet business. It seemed a little surreal to
be writing to an American prison inmate in this way, but the advice from the
penpal organization had indicated that inmates were appreciative of this “window
on the ordinary world” which was denied to them. It gave their imaginations a
little color and stimulated their treasured memories of happier days in the free
world. This is what I wrote of my business activities on the Internet:
The little business continues to tick over. I usually sell between 30 and 40 items, sometimes
more, a month. These are mostly books now, but I also sell the odd video or CD from my old
collection. I also import a DVD – The Red Balloon – from Korea (and sometimes from the
US) and sell maybe one or two a week. I only buy them singly because if I tried to sell more I
wouldn’t be able to keep the profit margin up. Fortunately I seem to be the only person selling
them on Amazon at the moment. If you don’t know it, The Red Balloon is an old French film,
virtually without dialogue, about a young boy who befriends a balloon, and the little adventures
they have together before the other local boys capture the balloon from him and burst it. The film
ends with all the balloons of Paris escaping and descending around the boy who is then
transported up into the sky above Paris, holding on to them. Young kids love it, and I think
their parents love it even more! You would be surprised at how many elderly people seem to buy
it as a nostalgia item as well! I don’t know whether you are able to receive books at the present
time, but if you are and have an interest, if you let me know what you might like (author or
type or subject etc) I will see what I can arrange through the approved sources. I have enclosed a
photocopy of a short story by W. Somerset Maugham that might amuse you (I hope this is
allowed with the letter). Looking forward to hearing from you in due course.
As you will read in the next chapter of extracts from Tony's letters, he found that
short story by W. Somerset Maugham somewhat wanting!
As it happens, our intermediary had told Tony to expect a letter from a female
penpal! However, his reply was friendly, and it seemed that he had found
something about my letter to encourage him to write back, as you will see. Those
early exchanges were a real eye-opener to me. Whatever your preconceptions
about the men and women on America's death row, I suggest you be prepared to
have them challenged. To read the propaganda of many death penalty supporters,
you could be excused for imagining the worst – as indeed, the death penalty is
claimed to be reserved for the worst of the worst. The reality can be very
different, and in Tony, I quickly discovered a polite, literate and interesting man
with a quietness that belied his situation. I also found a man who had reached a
point of incarceration and legal process that was now causing much distress and
desperation to him. It seemed that my appearance in his life was a timely one.
I had written three letters to Tony before I received his initial reply. As you will
see below, in the extract from my fourth letter to him, I was delighted to receive
Hi Greg
Your first letter arrived today – my birthday as it happens (57) – so I was doubly pleased to
receive it. Thanks for the frank manner and personal background. It gives me a good idea of the
things that will interest you.
I suppose I had first better try to reassure you of my sexuality! I am genuinely heterosexual
though I have never married. It’s just one of those things. The issue of marriage has never
bothered me too much. Perhaps I allowed my work in teaching to over-dominate my life, but
marriage is not everyone’s destiny and I’m comfortable with the life I have had, and continue to
You mention your interest in religion. Likewise, I used to go to church in my younger days and
into my early teens. At first it was to the Methodist church because my father liked that, and
also because I went to the scouts that was attached to it. Later I went to C of E churches for a
time and then tried others to see what the differences were – Baptist and Roman Catholic.
Again, like yourself, by the time I reached mid-teens, life seemed to be full of other things and
attending church less important. Later in life I started going regularly to St Alban’s Abbey
(also known as St Alban’s Cathedral). These days, the journey is a bit too far and I only go
occasionally. When on holiday I make a point of visiting churches and Cathedrals – not for
their architecture and history, interesting as that is – but for the sense of peace and wonder and
awe. I can’t profess to be a student of religion but I try to live my life with the values of
Christianity, and certainly I believe in God as a force of good and redemption. I am happy that
you find comfort and interest in Him and if there are issues you would like to explore in our
correspondence on the subject, I will be happy to engage these with you. I have found the Church
of Christ website you mentioned and this gives access to many resources, including bible study
guides etc.
As you will have seen from my last letter, I have come across the website constructed by your
Norwegian friends. I saw the site a couple of days after my first letter to you. I was just looking
to see what information I could find about penal conditions in Texas and if there were
organizations pushing for reform. I found out quite a lot, and there was a link to your site from
one of them. As you say, your Norwegian friends have done a pretty good job. I will have a
think about how we can make it more widely known and will get in touch with them. I put a
link to it from my own business website just a few hours after seeing it, so hopefully that is a
start. Also, I’m sure we can make several improvements with a bit of thought, and I am
thinking about maybe a ‘sister’ site to the existing one – though not without your approval of
course. I have a fair bit of experience now of putting together websites. I hope you don’t mind me
trying to contact your friends to discuss this.
I have now read a lot about Polunsky from a variety of websites and I ‘understand’ the
difficulties you are facing - if that doesn’t sound too outrageous. I’m happy to help in any way I
can. I hope this correspondence is a useful beginning. If I have any skills or facilities that can
help you, I’m happy to put them to use in your interest. If you have any particular thoughts
about that, I hope you’ll let me know. Meanwhile, there is much I am sure that we can talk
about that will keep you abreast of events and in contact with the world beyond the walls of
I said before that, if they are needed, I would arrange for some immediate funds to help ensure
you are able to continue our exchanges. I will re-read the information I have from Human
Writes about how to do this, though I think from memory I need a deposit form from you. I
don’t know how much support you are getting from other quarters, or from your own resources,
but if there are other specific things I can help with, such as books or magazine subscriptions, let
me know. Meanwhile I will continue to write weekly and to try to include material that will give
you something to think about and hopefully smile at from time to time. I’m glad to see you have
the use of a typewriter – don’t worry about spelling etc. My typing skills are strictly limited and
if it weren’t for the computer to correct mistakes, my letters would certainly include more than
I have just found the site where I got the link to your website the first time. It’s the Texas
Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (www.tcadp.org). They have an external link to Rick
Halperin’s site at the SMU private university in Dallas which has a list of other inmate’s
websites as well. I have just downloaded a form to join TCADP. They seem to be well
organized and active.
In the course of one month, I had written five letters and received two. Already, I
felt comfortable in writing to Tony, and satisfied that he was likely to prove an
interesting correspondent. I was encouraged by his responses that he would be
able to find similar satisfaction. On the 4th July 2005 I wrote:
I haven’t asked about the legal aspects yet that may be pending, though I have read through the
appeal papers that your website refers to. It looks like they were submitted a couple of years ago
now. If you want to tell me anything about that, I would be interested. You have mentioned
your attorney and I assume he/she keeps in contact and is still pursuing the matter. It is
difficult for me to ask you questions about this directly, not least because I know nothing of US
law and procedures, but you can take my interest for granted and if there is anything you want
to share or that you feel I might be able to help with, please don’t feel constrained on my behalf.
I have been hugely impressed with your two letters so far Greg and you have made it easy for me
to be able to feel that our friendship can develop freely and with some good measure of empathy.
I hope mine have in some way been as successful for you. I have tried anyway, and will continue
to try to bring to this friendship honesty and commitment. I pray that in time your situation will
improve but meanwhile you can rely on such support as I am able to give. As you have invited
me to ask any questions, likewise I am happy to respond to yours.
I continued to try to find ways to encourage Tony to use our developing
friendship as a means to broaden his world. I felt that if I were in his position,
that is what I would have needed – to feel and experience a real engagement with
the world which was being denied me through the oppression of high security
confinement and the weight of legal threat to my life. Especially if I was
On July 7th, I wrote:
You mentioned a correspondence course in law. I know they can be expensive but it helps if the
courses are well broken up in modular units so that you don’t have to pay so much up front so
to speak. The most difficult aspects from your point of view are probably that so many are now
Internet linked and/or need access to audio or video playback facilities. But again, if you find
anything of interest we can always explore the possibilities.
I am looking forward to hearing about your legal situation. Recent developments in Texas
indicate that there is at last, in some quarters, a willingness to review and amend procedures,
though there is a long way to go before they meet best practice in the US, so far as I can judge. I
read about that Supreme Court judge retiring recently? She was reported as being a sort of
center liberal, so let’s hope her replacement is not a hard line conservative out of the Bush mold.
Later in the month, on July 19th, I wrote:
Hi Greg
Just got your letter dated 14th. Thanks for the case chronology. I’m appalled at the legal
process, though at the moment I have to say of course that I hardly understand most of it. I will
be trying to understand a little better in the coming weeks. Thanks too for the addresses of your
lawyer and aunt. I will write to both so that they know you have an independent supporter who
is interested and concerned that everything that can be done, to ensure fair process and outcome,
is done. I obviously understand your ‘obsession’ with the legal situation you are facing, and if my
words can encourage any greater commitment on the part of others to continue fighting your
corner, I will do what I can.
The store list was very helpful – again it helps put a picture in my mind of the life you are
leading at the moment and the sort of support that may be helpful to you.
I visited your attorneys website and downloaded his biography. I have enclosed a copy though I
expect you already have it. He seems to be a very experienced lawyer and should know what he
is doing. He also seems to work for a well-regarded practice. I would suggest you try to keep him
on board so to speak, unless things really seem to be going badly. As I said, I will write to him
very soon and introduce myself. I would very much like to know the grounds on which the
Habeas Corpus application was denied.
I looked up the Livingston Church of Christ website again. I printed out some pages so you can
check I have the correct site. The bible correspondence course looks very interesting – and
certainly very helpful. If you have been doing it for four or five years you must be at a pretty
advanced level by now. Although I said I couldn’t claim to be a student of religion, that doesn’t
mean I haven’t explored the bible and the concept of Christianity. Some years ago I bought a
book called ‘The Bible For Everyday Life’, edited by George Carey, a former Archbishop of
Canterbury. It has contributions from theologians from all over the world, including the US.
Unfortunately it’s not available new any longer or I would send you a copy. Here are a couple
prayers I found from another source that you might find useful.
Father, strengthen me by your Spirit to face the trials and difficulties of the day, and help me to
remain faithful to you because you are always faithful to me. Amen
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in
me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. Amen
Father, thank you that you know all my concerns and anxieties. I want to commit all aspects of
my life to you so that we can face them together. Help me to let go of my worries and to walk
with you for your glory's sake. Amen
Heavenly Father, when I face difficult people, hard decisions or frustrating circumstances, help
me to be still and remember who you are – the all-powerful God. Amen
I had better get the photocopying/printing done for you now to go with the letter. I hope you’ve
received the first of the funds by now, though maybe you have to wait for a statement to find out?
Don’t forget the last prayer – stay ‘still’ - cool and calm. Don’t let anything get on top of you to
threaten that hard won rating.
You will see that I was even now worrying at the stress Tony was experiencing at
this time. I had read a little of the effect of long term incarceration on the mental
health of inmates on death row, and while Tony's letter to me revealed, already, a
man of considerable resource and intellect, I guessed too that with recent legal
proceedings not going well, that he would inevitably be as taut as a bowstring.
The conditions I was hearing about were clearly contributing nothing to the
peace of mind of a man in his position. I wondered again at the legitimacy of a
penal system and institution that denied the most basic of human comforts and
care to another human being. Not to mention to a man who claimed his
innocence! But my letters continued to try to reassure and to be wide-ranging in
scope, talking about my family, the books I was reading, and current affairs in the
US and UK.

On the 25th July, I wrote:

I wrote to your aunt and also to your lawyer. They were just letters introducing myself and
letting them know you have an interested friend in the UK. I don’t expect replies but it will be
interesting to know if they mention hearing from me in letters to you. Hopefully they won’t
think I’m a crank or something!
I noticed in the paper that Bush has proposed a replacement for Sandra Day O’Connor on the
supreme court – John Roberts? The little I’ve been able to find out about him suggests he is
probably the best you could hope for under the Bush administration. How do you read it? I’ve
printed out an article about him from Time Magazine and also an extract from the Internet
that may interest you. There still seems to be a long process before he is confirmed in the
The news over here is still dominated by the London bombings – and the copycat attempts last
week. I suppose that was inevitable, but I was devastated by the mistake our police (or other
security forces?) made over the killing of that innocent Brazilian. We have a lot to learn yet
about the precise circumstances, if they are ever revealed, but I’m not happy with the incident as
I’ve read about it so far. There seems to have been ample opportunity to stop him and find out
who he was before he entered the tube, so the whole thing must be a huge cock-up. It will be
debated and worried over for a long time in Britain.
I have given the aircraft encyclopedia magazine a rest this week because I thought you might be
interested in the latest aircraft to go into service with the US airforce – the F/A-22 Raptor. I
have printed out an article on it and also a couple of photos – looks a mean machine!
Information is scarce as yet as the first aircraft has only recently been delivered for service.
According to the forecasts for the Livingston area, you may have had a few days relief from the
highest temperatures by the time you get this letter, I hope so anyway. It’s cooled a little here
also, thank goodness.
And again, on 2nd August
The rocks shown on the Isle of Wight postcard were indeed Chalk. This is a common rock in
the south of England – usually described as a “young” limestone. I suppose they are most
famous over here for the ‘white cliffs of Dover’.
I have now received my copy of The Black Silent – so I will soon be able to comment on your
tastes in reading! I’m looking forward to it as I used to be an avid reader of thrillers, especially
in the days when I traveled regularly by train or coach to London for work, and I still pick one
up from time to time. I still have a little way to go to finish the Stephen Coonts book first – I’ve
reached page 230! It’s not that I’m a slow reader – just that I’m pretty busy at present. As a
kid I used to regularly read three books a week. Let me know when you spot another you would
like, or maybe you missed an earlier David Dun? I have prepaid postage for a year at a
discount rate on Amazon, so don’t be afraid to say.
I would hope you have been able to purchase some of the items you listed by now. I am deeply
concerned, now that we have become acquainted and I am learning about your situation, that
you have some support to continue your fight to obtain justice and a fair hearing.
You speak of getting your case known by the wider community. Having an Internet site can
help, but it is very much a wild chance that people will come across it (and be influenced)
without some additional help. Links from other sites are a start but there has to be, I think,
more direct and traditional publicity also. I have made a start by obtaining the postal addresses
and email addresses of politicians – that is nationally (senators and members of the House of
Representatives) and locally in Texas (Texas Senate and House of Representatives). Letters to
editors of appropriate newspapers are another line to explore. It will also be helpful to try to get
on board those organizations concerned directly with death row inmates. The problem is to
ensure that any publicity does not antagonize and backfire on your case. It may be important for
you to discuss any proposed action on these lines with your attorney in the first instance.
Whether letters to all or any of these people should be written by you, or by a third party such as
myself, or both, is again something for you to decide. I will be guided by your thoughts and
decisions on all these matters. I have included some printouts of some of the names and addresses
I have located so far. I will leave you to think about this and any other ideas you may have. If
you decide at any point you would like me to contribute in any specific way please let me know.
I will be happy to do so.
You sent details of a possible correspondence course. I have looked at the website and I have
included a printout of the application form, for the course I assume you have investigated. It
seems a good offer, and the organization seems reliable. I think it is important that you think of
the here and now as well as the future, so if you think the course is one that would interest you
and you can get permission for it, I would say go ahead. It may be useful to be able to show you
are participating in an educational program anyway. But the decision has again to be yours.
Only you are in a position to judge what is manageable and appropriate.
I want to try to make a difference Greg, but my capabilities are severely limited by distance,
family commitments, being a non-USA national, and having strictly limited funds that I can
sensibly commit to your cause. What I do have is time, an active brain, and a will to help.
And a day later:
I have just started a ‘blog’ for you on MSN. It’s a special type of website that is used like a sort
of online diary. I’m hoping that together with your other website, we can use it to try to spread
the word about your situation and hopefully gain additional support. We shall see. At the
moment I am starting it slowly. A little bit of the story each day, so that it builds exactly like
diary entries would, using material from the other website. At some point I will ask you for
additional information or permission to quote from some of the letters you send me. You can see
from the printout that the latest entry appears first on the screen. There is also an email address
set up for you. Give it time, but I hope I can start to target people by email and get the site
known that way. I have also started a petition.
To help me understand American psyche and attitudes I picked up some second hand books I
came across in a local charity store the other day. ‘The American Past’ by Roger Butterfield, is
one – a general history from about 1775 when Washington (George) was in charge of the siege
of Boston and forced the British to depart for New York! – up to the time of President Johnson.
I have included a photocopy of a page on Jack Kennedy. I can still remember the day he was
killed – I was watching television and the picture just suddenly went black. Every other channel
was the same so I thought at first the TV had gone wrong. Then a single sentence came up
saying something to the effect that an important announcement was to be made shortly. When it
came, and said Kennedy had been shot, everyone was devastated. We had a famous TV
commentator called Richard Dimbleby who specialized in world political events. He was
brilliant, and held the story together as it unfolded. It’s a broadcast I will never forget.
The second book is ‘America since 1920’ by Daniel Snowman. The author got a double first
in History at Cambridge, studied American Government at Cornell, lectured in the UK at
Sussex University and was a visiting Professor of American History at California State
College, Dominguez Hills. It sounds like he knows what he’s talking about! His book is quite
different from the first in that it ‘discusses’ the history between the 1920’s and the 1980’s,
putting things into perspective rather than simply listing events.
The third book is ‘War in a time of Peace: Bush, Clinton and the Generals’ by David
Halberstam. That brings things up to 2001. Halberstam is a Pulitzer Prize Winner. The
New York Times described the book as ‘A sprawling tapestry of exquisite bottom-up reporting
and powerful vignettes’. If I get through this lot I should be pretty well an expert on America
Hope you’ve got that new fan and cooking pot now.
By the way, I don’t think I said anything about the background you gave me to the case
recently. It was very enlightening and very clear. The authorities and lawyers could never get
away with anything like that over here. I hope you agree to that going on the Blog.
Through the period of this correspondence I was also getting to know Bente,
Tony's friend in Norway, and his attorney, Bruce Anton. Actually I had agreed
that most of my correspondence to Counselor Anton would be though his legal
assistant – an arrangement that seemed quite satisfactory in order not to
inconvenience him, as his workload on Tony's case and that of other death row
inmates seemed high. Tony also made the decision to undertake a
correspondence course with the Blackstone Career Institute to gain an academic
accreditation for a Paralegal. I was delighted by this, as I felt it would both help
his understanding of the law, and give him a focus of work and a goal of
achievement that would make his daily existence on death row a little more
I was also now receiving copies of some of Tony's legal paperwork – trial
transcripts and copies of Appeals etc. There was a lot to digest and analyze, and
this kept me very busy in the coming weeks and months.
But now it is time for you to read extracts from some of those letters Tony wrote
to me. I hope by reading these, you too will soon begin to “know” Tony, and to
appreciate the character of the man who became my close friend and “brother”,
and a friend, son and relative of many others.

Note: There will be references to numerous legal appeals and decisions

throughout this book. Virtually all of the original or transcribed documents
relating to these, and much more, can be viewed on the website:
Chapter 2
Extracts from Tony's letters June - August 2005
June 19, 2005
Peter - First, let me state that you sent a great “introductory” letter. I also
received the picture that you sent along with it. You have a twin, here in the
States, and he is about the same age as you are, maybe 5 years older. 20 years ago,
when I was in High School (SMILE), I had a good friend and his father is the
spitting image of you. I though it was him at first but then, after closer scrutiny, I
made out the differences. Please continue to write about anything you are
comfortable with. Nothing is boring to me except this non-life that I am forced
to exist in. I will enjoy hearing about your family any time that you wish to write
about them.
Geography was one of my better classes, History my worst. I liked Chemistry,
but did not like the teacher. The feeling was mutual. I went about half of her
classes and although I had a very low passing grade, she failed me anyway
because of my attendance in her class. She, with that act, effectively messed up
my college scholarships that I could have gotten for football. At High School, I
had all college preparatory courses that are more advanced than the general
classes. Instead of regular English, I had English Composition and English
Literature. Super with maths, geometry, trigonometry; and formulas concerning
chemical equations and electrical ones. Mind you, I have forgotten any everything
I have learned …. burned too many brain cells getting high and partying
(SMILE). I took computing, typing, and shorthand to help with taking notes
while in college, and was a sports star athlete being awarded approximately 20
plaques and trophies through the years of play. After High School, being unable
to afford college, I went to a trade school for electronics. I have a basic education
in that field, but I did not complete the course for its graduation. I was having
marital difficulties at that time.
Yes, I was married and now divorced, for more than 10 years or there about.
Before that I dated so many girls. Back then I was somebody, or at least felt like I
was, and that I made a difference. Funny how quick things can change. I actually
grew up on a farm. My city years did not begin until the age of 19. The city life
was a rude awakening to some of life's facts that I never knew existed. I have had
the experience of both living conditions in having plenty of money and not
having any. I like working as well as partying. I dance and I skate. Kids usually
take well to me because I do a lot of things that they like to do (SMILE). I don't
have any kids of own.
I met my biological Father at the age of 20, and that is a long story for another
time. He lived in the city of Memphis, Tennessee. From that point, I pretty much
stayed in the city life. I yearn for the farm life now (SMILE). My Father is an
owner/operator of a couple of tractor/trailer rigs. These are the big semi rigs that
you see on the roads. I adopted the same occupation, but I never worked for him
except as a mechanic. I did general maintenance and changed tires. The rest of
the time I drove for another company. I traveled across country, coast to coast. I
had a co-driver and we worked good together. How I finally ended up here is
another long story, and the ending does not look promising.
Along with school, sports, girlfriends and partying, I attended Church in my
adolescent years. I have a firm belief in God. I am “protestant”. I prefer the
Church of Christ practice. There is a difference. I don't force my belief on others,
but will answer any questions that you may have on the topic. Although there
exist those of the same faith and practice that I believe in, that will disagree, Jesus
did drink alcohol in the form of wine, and it was not for medicinal usage
(SMILE). The Bible teaches against being a drunkard, not against drinking in
general. There is a difference. However, if a person is being appointed to a
position within the Church, then that person should not drink.
I left the practice of going to church services when I was about 17 years old or
thereabouts. I still believed in God, I just did not make the time to attend church
services. I have been that way until about five years ago and now have been re-
educating myself on the scriptures ever since. I belong to the Church of Christ
here in Livingston, and I do Bible correspondence courses. Been doing that for
five years now (SMILE). I guess I can state that I know a little bit about what the
bible states and what it does not state. I read and learn out of the King James
version of the bible. The version is definitely important when trying to teach
another person. There are so many interpretations out there. Anyway, I thought
that maybe you should know that bit of fact about myself. It is really the only
thing positive about my situation.
I have a webpage in Norway and a small ad here in the States. Now check this
out, out of all the hits you will see on those two sites, I have only had one person
write or respond from reading what I had placed on the site. I just don't
understand it. Maybe you can help with that. I have been sorely needing someone
that is computer savvy and interested in my case personally. I do think my friends
in Norway did a great job but I do wish to have your opinion.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, although it is a small fact. I did take two classes that
have helped me immensely through the years. Sociology and Psychology. They
were introductory classes. I was interested in both and I did extra reading on
both topics in the Library. Had a girlfriend that worked in the Library, so that
was my excuse for being there (SMILE). I have done my fair share of reading. I
have come to the conclusion that Psychology is an opinionated field of study
whereas Sociology involves evidence of years of actual case studies. Centuries in
some cases.
I am 40 years young, here November 1st. I do try to keep an upbeat attitude, but
I need help in all areas. I have been incarcerated since March of 1997 and on
death row since Jan. 1998. This is my poor attempt at an introductory letter
(SMILE). Looking forward to hearing from you again.
June 22, 2005
Peter – Thanks for thinking ahead and sending another letter while we are
waiting on the due course of time for our letters to exchange. I also received the
picture that you sent and I do thank you for sharing that with me.
That story that you sent sucked (SMILE). The story was good, but to me, unless
I missed something, it left you hanging big time. It did not explain how she was
able to track him down. Maybe that wasn't the point. Maybe it was one of those
bar jokes that was never real in the first place. I am guessing here (SMILE).
Alright, you seem to be asking for some rules and policy practices of this Unit. I
will try to enlighten you a little. To my limited knowledge, this is a maximum
security prison except for this building. It is Super Maximum Security. Everything
is censored, monitored, and there is no privacy concerning anything except
attorney/client correspondence. As for mail, you can send your letters, one-ply
pictures (the ones you are sending) and computer generated literature up to 25
sheets of paper. Anything over that is considered a package and that is not
allowed. This is all that you are allowed to send from your house or from
yourself, to this address. Don't send stamps or stationary. They will not let it
come in.
Stamps can only be purchased through our store. I will instruct you on that in
just a minute. My attorney has provided my stationary, so I do not need paper or
envelopes. I have enough to last me for a good while and if I need any more, all I
need do is ask. My main problem is affording stamps.
Books and magazines are only sent through approved stores or vendors. Most
stores and vendors, here in the United States, have already been approved. Your
Amazon is already on the approved list, but the shipment must come from inside
the US. I can get a store or vendor approved from overseas, but I must have
complete address, phone number, and names of those that work there. Don't
forget the name of the store or vendor. I will need number of years that said
business has been in operation.
Everything that I need must be bought through the Unit's store or commissary.
The Texas Department of Justice has set up individual trust fund accounts for
the prisoners. From these accounts, we make store purchases. Food, snacks
(chips, candy, crackers and cookies), pastries, salt- n-pepper and other food
flavorings, bread, colas, juices, coffee, powdered milk, all typing supplies, cups,
bowls, utensils (plastic), clothes (T-shirt, shorts, socks, thermal underwear,
boxers), hot water pot, fan, clock, radio, headphones, typewriter, stationary and
some small art supplies.
Next, you ask about my reading preferences. I like science fiction, cutting edge
technology (commercial and armed forces), courtroom drama and suspense, and
some fantasy, but I don't read it that often. I also enjoy action/adventure like
Raiders of the Lost Ark, for example. Here is the thing though. I have read so
many books, you will have to ask me first if I have read it or not before you make
arrangements to send it to me. Of course the new stuff I have not read, but there
are a few new books that my Step-Mother purchased for me. I also had another
friend for about a year and a half. She sent me some new books as well. I can
have hard cover novels. Paperback is much cheaper and I usually wait for the
novel to be printed in paperback before I ask for it. I already get a newspaper and
a couple of magazines, so I am alright in that area. Right now I am having a
problem with keeping money on my trust account for my needs here at the Unit.
Okay, back to my interests. I have always liked airplanes. I used to get those
model kits as a teen and assemble them. The small ones that did not fly, but
occupied your time with putting them together. Living on the farm, I was always
searching for things to do (SMILE). I was also a member of what is called the “4-
H Club”. We learned some horticulture and of course your regular gardening for
crops. Also it teaches the management of a farm with livestock and all the
particulars to their individual needs. You could set me out in the forest
somewhere and I could make it (SMILE).
I guess that is it for now. The prisoner below me is getting aggravated and hitting
the wall because it is late and this typewriter is probably vibrating the wall. Half
of the time I couldn't care less. If I were around prisoners that watched out for
my welfare, then it would be different, but that is not the case at the moment. I
used to be different and take everyone's concerns into consideration. This is
stupid thinking for prison life. It has been a huge adjustment. I don't recommend
it for anyone (SMILE).
I wished to think you for everything you are doing or attempting to do on my
behalf. I have been needing help for years and it has been a real headache from
time to time. If you have any questions, about anything, all you need to do is ask.
July 7, 2005
Peter – the temperatures, here in Texas, reach up to the 105 Fahrenheit mark in
the hottest of the season. It does feel warmer because of the humidity.
You asked about my financial status. My father sends me money from time to
time. I am certainly grateful for his help. After eight years, that is hard on him.
For one and a half years I stayed on a level of classification to where I was
restricted from making store purchases. I was only allowed stamps, stationary and
hygiene supplies. That was a rough way to live. Now I am back up to level one
and wish to add to my food intake, or eat food that is more palatable and
prepared by myself. When there is a choice, life is not so hard. I am also in need
of other supplies.
You asked about the “deposit slips”. I will include five in this letter. You are the
first to ever write and make the offer first. I cannot begin to thank you enough.
Sue can provide the money orders. They come in different denominations.
We have the same type of correspondence courses in the US that different
colleges and Universities provide. Some even provide to the prisoners around the
country, but they can be costly. I have considered a correspondence course in
Law, but will probably never be able to afford it. Plus, if I am going to be killed,
not much use in learning anything like that.
Sir, Peter, you have my blessing and permission to use whatever resources, or ask
any questions of anyone, concerning my situation. All that I ask is that when you
run across something that needs some type of comment or maybe explanation,
that you will ask me and not assume anything. In my next letter I will provide you
with the dates of all my legal activities. It is rather late as I write this and finding
all the dates will take some researching. Nothing that I cannot do or mind doing.
Any time you need something like that, just ask. I will provide it or point you in
the right direction. Anything you wish to do that you think will help, just do it
(SMILE). I will certainly thank you ahead of time for this much needed help.
Much needed!
You make a comment about writing too much and that I may have others that
keep in touch and keep me busy writing. As much as I would like to state that I
am busy writing to others, that just is not the case. I have about six others that I
write to, but the letters for each take about 10-12 days, one way. We wait on the
other's reply before writing back and that means a 20 day delay. I do try to spread
them out so that I can get about two letters in a week, but sometimes it does not
work out that way (SMILE). Some weeks I do not receive any letters and then
there are others where I may get them all in the same week.
I had a friend here in Texas who would visit twice a month. She went her
separate way in February. She had to drive about 4 hours each way. I hope she is
happy with whatever she found, I really mean that. I knew her for about three
years. She was good to me while we were seeing each other and I have no regrets.
I am way out of touch with society. Other than trying to keep up with the World
news as well as local news. most of my interest is with the law and my case. I am
a man obsessed. I will provide more about the current and recent events
concerning my legal situation in the next letter. I thank you for the pictures, and I
will get a photo album to place them in.
July 14, 2005
Peter – I have received your letter dated July 4, and did you know that it was our
“Independence Day”? I am sure that you did. Our fireworks was a lightning
storm, the night before. God still puts on the best show (SMILE).
I am enclosing a chronology of my case for your reference, as I mentioned in my
previous letter. It begins with my arrest on March 23, 1997. The last item on the
list shows the Order from a Federal District Judge Denying the Application for
Habeas Corpus.
I had then asked my attorney to file a certain Motion with the court that would
ask for relief of the “procedural bar” because of the “interest of justice”. He did
not file that Motion, but instead filed one of his own that requested a new trial. I
felt that was the wrong Motion to file, but for some reason he is not listening to
me. I can still file the other Motion, and I am waiting to review the application set
for the Fifth Circuit Court's review, before I start filing paperwork on my own.
Needless to say, I have quite a bit on my mind.
Your offer to help financially could not have come at a better time. I have been
trying to get the kind of help that you have offered for years, but really, no-one
wants to invest in someone on death row. At least that has been my experience.
What I am going to do is include an old price list for our store. This will enable
you to see what all we can get when we have funds on our accounts. There is a
limit that I can only spend, about $150 per month.
My attorney will also provide help in depositing money on my account. Other
than the recent Motions, he has done a pretty good job about doing what I have
needed done. He has also provided subscriptions to a couple of legal magazines
that have provided some guidance into the legal ramifications of filing certain
issues with the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
My Step-Mother and my Aunt, over the past two years, have helped with money
to get some legal books for my personal education. My Aunt is on my Father's
side and I have never seen her as an adult until she and my Father came to visit
last year for my birthday. I was just a baby when she had last seen me.
I have enclosed my attorney's address and my Aunt's. You may contact either
one, if you can get hold of them (SMILE). Both are extremely busy.
The Secretary of the Church of Christ, here in Livingston, has now picked up the
transcripts to my trial. She and her husband are elderly. I have been doing Bible
correspondence tests for the past 4-5 years and she has been grading every one of
them. She has learned right along with me. Just this past Christmas she asked if it
was alright if she could visit. Of course I stated yes. In order to help spread the
word about my situation, she has to educate herself with my case. That meant
sending out my trial transcripts to her. I needed to send them out to my attorney
anyway in order to get them rebound. The plastic spine has broken down on
several of the volumes. She is in the process of reading everything now.
If you wish that I tell you more about my appellate process or my trial, just let me
know. As I have stated before, I am a bit obsessed with my situation and I don't
mean to sound like I am talking or writing about myself all of the time. This type
of incarceration has brought on many changes in my life and my thoughts.
I should also let you know that we do have a library here at the Unit. As long as I
stay on level one, then I can request two books each week, as long as they are in
operation. For some reason, it has been several weeks since I was able to get a
book. Sometimes it is like that.
You should know that Counselor Anton is a court-appointed attorney. I am
unable to afford one and I started the Federal process with representing myself.
The Federal Judge understood my situation and appointed a specialist. He
specializes in appeals.
Take care and write the first chance that you get. Don't work too hard.
July 24, 2005
Peter – In your recent letter you have sent, you included an article on a jet and a
postcard of the Isle of Wight. On the postcard, there is land that extends out into
the water. On the hillside there looks to be snow or ice, but I suspect it is some
kind of white rock? I thought I would ask instead of wondering (SMILE).
Thanks for the article on the jet. It was very informative and I learned a little data
that I did not know. Did you notice that this particular jet carried only a couple
of rockets and was not armed with cannon? It was not a “dog-fighter” jet. I guess
that this would be classified as a small bomber jet that carried air-to-air rocketry
systems. I just re-read your letter and the part about the “chalk stacks” off the tip
of the island. Maybe that is what the white is, chalk rock? I cannot recall what
“chalk” is made from. It could very well be that it is a type of rock.
Alright, concerning the funds you have sent me, please keep a record of the
money orders until you know for sure that I have received them. It is very rare
that anything gets lost or misplaced, but it is always good to be prepared in case
something unforeseen happens. I will be getting a hot pot, fan, shoes, and radio.
Those are the most expensive items I need and will get as my account allows. Do
not add any more than you were planning on sending. I can get what I need with
what you generously send. You have my undying gratitude for your help.
Yes, I have been reading about the bombs going off around the world as well as
in England. No-one is actually safe from this type of activity. Being prepared for
the worst and not letting it hinder the population's everyday activities is the best
way to beat terrorist attacks.
I have received both books that you have ordered and sent. They came right after
you had ordered them. It only takes about three days after your order. That is
pretty good! I am reading The Black Silent now, and I am about halfway through.
It is pretty good! Your standards are probably higher than my own (SMILE).
Well... I was typing and forgot where I was on the page and almost ran out of
room (SMILE). I usually do better then that. This takes a lot of practice. I did a
typing course in High School, so I do not do too bad.
I have not read any of Desmond Bagley's novels. As soon as I read the one you
sent, I will let you know what I think. I am not much of a critic, but I know a
good novel when I read one (SMILE). I have not read any books from over the
ocean, except of course the classics. Those were required in school.
Speaking of non-fiction books, I am interested in a legal book that cites cases that
are to be used in legal paperwork. My Step-Mother may get it for me, or my
Aunt. I will ask them first and if they can't, I will ask you. I have several legal
books and this will supplement my little collection. It helps me with my legal case
and situation as well. Understanding is 25% and money is a full 50%. I am not
exaggerating (SMILE).
I have already received an invitation to take a correspondence course in Law. The
Blackstone Career Institute sent me their application and registration form, plus a
full brochure on the classes they offer through the mail. I read the books, take
the tests and send them in to be graded. In the end, I will graduate and be
awarded a scholarship in the area that I have studied.
From what I understand, tuition and enrollment fees will cost approximately
$800. There is an existing payment plan where the student pays $39 per month
for 19 months. They have a web site in which you can review their offer yourself.
Yes, I am interested, but I don't have that kind of money and I need other things
at the moment. Hell …. I might be dead in two years anyway.
My legal situation is rather a long tale, but I did state that I would provide you
with an overview of the problem. Here goes. Before my incarceration, my legal
knowledge was limited to that of traffic. I operated tractor-trailers across all of
the States, and had to familiarize myself with different State laws concerning
traffic rules and regulations. I did have somewhat of a limited arrest record for
petty crimes such as “public intoxication” and one main crime/felony of
“aggravated assault”. That derived from a charge of “rape” of which I did not
commit, and when the rape tests at the hospital came back, the prosecuting
attorney would not let it go and still came at me with an assault charge. There was
no bodily injury to this charge. Because there were four of us, that made the
crime “aggravated”. Because we assaulted the female “mentally”, scaring her,
then that constituted “assault”. Back then, I was just as ignorant of the law as I
was when I was arrested for this. The prosecuting attorney dropped the sex
charge and charged me with “aggravated assault” of which I conceded and plead
guilty without going to trial. If I knew then what all I know now about the law, I
would have taken the whole thing to trial. Anyway, I started to tell you that I
have been studying, and am pretty well self-educated on this situation and all the
legal ramifications.
The attorneys that were appointed to me at trial did not investigate any of my
previous arrests. Did not investigate any leads that might have proven my
innocence, or would have placed doubt in the jury's mind. I had no idea of what
they were supposed to be doing, and I placed my trust and faith into their
knowledge of the law. I knew that I was innocent, and the two attorneys told me
that they believed me and would do what they could to defend me at trial. That
was all a lie. The attorneys offered no witnesses in my defense. They did not call
one technical expert in my defense. When I asked why, they stated that there was
not enough “hard” evidence to convict me and that their trial strategy was going
to expose all of the evidence the prosecuting attorney presented, for either being
false, belonging to someone else, or being circumstantial (meaning that there
were many explanations for that particular piece of evidence). When I stated that
I wanted to take the witness stand and testify on my behalf, and tell what
happened, both attorneys convinced me that it would be in my best interest that I
not testify, and let the lack of hard evidence speak for itself. That was plain
ignorance on my part. I just did not known what was expected or what I needed
to do. Also, I need to point out that John Adams was not ever called forward to
testify either. So here we are. Adams committed the crime, but never testified at
my tral, and I never provided a statement at any time. The question is now, how
did the prosecution and police suspect me? Adams had called the police on the
telephone twice, according to records and statements of other police involved.
He dialed an emergency station that is set up for immediate help to the caller. It
is called “911” because they are the only three numbers needed to dial that
institution. They record all calls.
Neither I, nor my court appointed attorneys, had knowledge that Adams had
phoned “911” emergency. We found out all of this the first day of my trial. Long
story short, when we asked for the recording of the calls, the tapes came up
missing. Oh they were sent to the prosecution's office. After that, no-one knows
what happened.
This is what I was then told. Since we did not have hard proof of the call, we
could not introduce the call as evidence, nor the conversations. The person that
took the call was not ever recognized, at least no-one told me who it might have
been, and I don't think that the court- appointed attorneys ever bothered to find
out who it was or if they remembered the call. That would have been a long-shot
anyway, since so many calls come in. Those tapes should not ever have been lost.
Since we could not introduce that evidence of the call, then Adams' name would
not come up and his conversation with the “911” operator could not be
discussed. This was very important because the businessman that placed the first
call for Adams, had stated to a police officer that Adams had stated that “he” had
committed murder and could not live with himself any longer and wanted to turn
himself in. Remember, we found all of this out the very first day of the trial. My
trial was approximately 9 months after my arrest. Plenty of time for an
investigation. That particular businessman was never found, and thus that bit of
information could not be brought to light and presented to the jury. So ... why
did the police think that I committed murder? Adams told them that I did.
Evidently, between the first 911 call and the seconds, Adams had changed his
story as to what happened. He had waited for about 20 minutes when he asked
the businessman to call 911 for him, and then he had left, for whatever reason. A
few hours later, he had made the second call himself.
The police officer/investigator that finally picks him up is a Lieutenant Paul
Pothen. At trial he takes the witness stand to tell how he learned of my
involvement. On cross-examination, my attorney is grilling him on different
pieces of evidence that is showed to the jury. One piece is the murder weapon
(Adams' lock-blade knife). My attorney asks Lt. Pothen if Adams had taken him
to where Adams had buried that particular knife. The Lt. stated, “Yes”. Then my
attorney asked if Adams had told the Lt. that the knife belonged to him. The Lt.
stated, “Yes … he did.” My attorney then states that he has no more questions.
The prosecutor then jumps up and makes several “objections”, stating that he
cannot leave the jury with a partial explanation and, get this, let them think that
another man committed the crime. I swear, those were his exact words, but they
did not record them or print it when they made out the transcript of the trial. At
least, it is not in my copy. Under a trial court rule, the Judge allowed the
prosecutor to ask more information about the knife. What then happened was
that the prosecutor asked for the whole conversation between the Lt. and Adams.
The rule stated that questions could be asked only on the topic of the knife. The
whole conversation could not come out, unless Adams was going to testify and
state that, “Yes”, what was repeated is what he had stated. It had already been
rumored that he was not going to testify, thus his statement was not to be used
against me. As citizens of the U.S., we are protected with certain rights against
wrongdoing by the government. One of those Rights is the right to confront
your accusers.
Through Lt. Paul Pothen, Adams' entire statement was solicited, describing a
complete lie made up by John Adams. My attorneys objected numerous times,
but never objected citing the U.S. Constitutional Right of the Confrontation
Clause. The attorneys did not protect my Constitutional Rights. This is a
fundamental Right and not something new. It has been in practice for over
twenty years.
So … Adams gets his statement entered into evidence in front of my jury and he
never takes the witness stand. Now check this out. At my trial, the prosecution
team stated to the jury that the evidence shows that I committed this crime. That
includes Adams testimony to the Lt. They claimed that his statement to the Lt.
was all true. Six months later, at Adams trial, his attorneys wanted the same
statement entered into the record and presented to the jury. The same
prosecuting attorneys told the same Judge that “No”, they did not want that
entered as evidence because it was self- serving and filled with lies. At my trial it
was the gospel. At Adams' trial it was an outright lie.
Now then, on my appeal, the State and the Government are claiming that I
cannot raise this issue because I did not properly preserve the issue for appellate
review. In other words, my attorneys did not properly object to the presentation
of Adams' statement to my jury without Adams testifying, thus violating my U.S.
Constitutional Rights. My attempts at presenting this issue have failed at every
level so far.
NOW …. at the Federal District Court level, this Judge has recently denied my
appeal and is stating that even without Adams' statement, there was still enough
evidence to convict me - and that is just not true. Not only that, but this Judge
has cited some false facts that do not even exist in my case. I cannot begin to
describe my feelings on this. These Judges are supposed to be cerebral.
I have had trouble with court-appointed attorneys all through my trial and my
appeal on both the State and Federal levels. When appealing a felony case, you
have to go through the State process of appeal first and then you can present
your issues to the Federal Courts. Federal Law sort of overseas the State court's
application of the law. The only issues that you can present to the federal Courts
are violations of U.S. Constitutional Rights.
I have a plethora of issues that I have raised. It only takes one to reverse a case
and send it back to trial. Unfortunately, these Judges are not allowing my issues
to be granted and they are giving very poor reasons. And even citing facts that do
not even exist. I only have two more courts that I can solicit and they are very
difficult to get into for a hearing. I am looking for an execution date now. It
could come at anytime.
In order for my case to get the proper attention and for these Judges to make the
correct rulings, people have to have concerns about my innocence, or that I did
not receive a fair and impartial trial process. I cannot find anyone to get my case
out to the people, and I have been trying for years. Like I have stated, you are the
first that has even offered your help without my having to ask.
Once I have enough to afford the postage and copying fees, I will send you a
copy of one of my writs, used for my appeal, that will provide you with the issues
that I have raised. At that time, I will also provide you with statements of
witnesses that testified at Adams' trial, that stated that Adams had told them that
it was he that had committed the murder. These witnesses were never presented
at my trial, nor did I have knowledge of them. I tried to get these appellate
attorneys to raise that fact as an issue on my Federal appeal, and they will not do
it. It is frustrating as hell!
There is a lot more I can tell you, but I am going to close here. Just remembering
everything that these attorneys have done to my case has given me a headache.
Again, I appreciate your help, and will keep you informed of my situation. Write
when you can.

July 28, 2005

Peter - I have received your letter dated the 20th July. You included an article
about a “Chinook” helicopter, a summary of my attorney's qualifications and
achievements, and a couple of pictures. I thank you for sending all of this. I had
no idea he had achieved so much. He certainly does not talk about it and I did
not know. That was very helpful, as all information is.
Today was our store day and I had a large increase in the balance, so I must
assume whatever you sent, it did reach my account alright. When I receive the
month's summary of transactions in about ten days, then I will be able to tell you
exactly what you sent and what day I received it on. I can only state that I hope I
can return the favor one of these days.
Yes, I do wish to keep Counselor Anton on my Appeal. As far as the appeal is
concerned, the Federal Government is paying for his time and services. If I get a
reversal of the verdict, then I will have to pay his fees in order to keep him on my
case. I would really like to have him and his staff if I were to find myself back in
court/trial. Unfortunately, that would cost upwards of $50,000, maybe more.
Death Penalty cases are very expensive. However, most of the investigative work
is done. It would be a cheaper process than if we were starting from the
beginning. Still, I don't have that kind of money and the only chance of winning a
case of this sort is with a paid attorney and not one that the courts have
appointed to the case. That is the main reason that I am trying to get my case into
the media. I need more people like you that are willing to help and see this thing
through if I ever plan to walk in the free world again.
My attorney just sent the brief that will be used in applying for a “Certificate of
Appealability”. The brief is about thirty pages in length. It is written very well and
except for two little discrepancies, I am satisfied with the work. That is saying a
lot. I am very hard to please when it comes to my legal paperwork.
I am sending the original to Mrs Wilcox., and am asking that she makes copies
and then sends them back to me. At that time, I will send you a copy, and you
will have a better picture of what we are filing and the issues that we are using in
the Federal process. Mrs Wilcox is almost
80 years young and devotes her time to visiting prisoners here on death row.
Both her and her husband are volunteer ministers that spread God's love and His
word to the prisoners on death row. I have been visiting with her for the full time
that I have been on death row. Ever since January or February 1998.
Thanks for your thoughts on Christianity. I did not know that you believed. The
short little prayers were good to read. I do need to tell you that the Church of
Christ practices are very strict when reading and interpreting the scriptures. We
do not add or take away from what the Bible states. In other words, we do not
assume anything or apply our own thoughts as to what we might think God
would want or what he would like, when it is not plainly stated in the scriptures.
I usually stay away from this subject with others. I can teach only those that are
receptive. I don't wish to debate over what this or that means. I have taken
English Composition and read my fair share of writing. I can understand what is
written, without aid. I always suggest the same for others .. “take an advanced
English Comprehension class and then read the Bible on your own and see what
you can get out of it” (SMILE). That is what I tell others. Other than that, I will
point new believers in the right direction, but I strongly believe that your belief is
a personal experience and you have the choice in whether or not you wish to
share your experience with others. Right now I am going through trying times. I
am not always in a happy mood, or feel that I am blessed. Although, I know that
I am. As a believer, I will have everlasting life in heaven. Just that alone means
that I am blessed.
I am only half way through the first book that you sent. I have been doing a lot
of other things that pertain to my case, and have been sleeping more than I care
to. Either lazy or depression, take your pick. So far, what I have read is pretty
good. Have you read it? I can suggest other books of a similar design (SMILE).
Ever read any of Robert Ludlum?
I guess that is about all for now. I do wish to thank you once again for everything
that you are doing and to let you know that it means a lot in these trying times for
me. I guess you know that. I will send that brief just as soon as it gets back to me.
It is really good, and I hope that the Judges will think the same.

August 7, 2005
Peter - I have received your letter and I have gotten behind in responding. I don't
know what the problem is. I don't seem to have the energy to do much of
anything. Maybe it is because I am not getting enough exercise. I am taking
vitamins, so I know that is not that. Always know that I will answer a letter, even
if I am a little late. Thanks for writing.
Now, the “Raptor” is a bad ass jet. I liked that! Of course the other planes and
jets were just as bad in their day. I also like the stealth jets they have developed.
You are the one that writes most often now. Bente is another. Did I tell you she
flew here and gave me a visit. That was awesome! Remember? She is a teacher in
Norway! My Aunt has been on a two week vacation. If you tried to reach her and
did not get an answer, please try again. She is the type of person that will answer
her email. That also goes for my attorney. He is rather busy and will get back to
you eventually. When he next visits, I will mention your name and that will
remind him, hopefully.
I sent in my hot water pot and my old fan. The hot water pot was leaking and the
fan was broken on one side and on its last legs. I am hoping that the
“authorization” process has been completed and that I am able to get both items
this week. I am having to ask others to heat water for me and then send it though
the bottom of the door.
I am going to have to cut this one a little short. I have a letter to write to a four
year old boy, for his birthday. I think that I am a couple of days late. I forgot to
look at my small calendar. I have two. The small one has the Birthdays written on
it. I was always bad with names and dates and this is the only way that I can
remember, but it seems I am still doing a poor job (SMILE).
Just as soon as Mrs Wilcox sends those copies of my legal request for appeal with
the Fifth Circuit, I will send you a copy. I have not forgotten. I appreciate your
interest. It means a lot to me when someone is interested in my case.
August 9, 2005
Peter - I have just received the two letters that you had sent out on the 2nd and
3rd of this month. The names and addresses of the Senate members will be very
useful and will be added to my legal references. The picture of the F-18 was
awesome!!! I really liked that. Is Philip your nephew?
I have read and re-read your letters and I have made a decision. The deciding
factor was that regardless, we should have something to show for the money that
you are generously contributing. I have always wanted and needed to expand my
educational qualifications. As you have obviously pointed out, an educational
program at this point will only help my situation. I will send a letter to the school
and let them know in advance of our unique situation and let them decide on the
best way for you to arrange the tuition fees. According to the pamphlets that I
have, paying the full sum all at once will allow me to get all of the necessary
books in advance. I will warn you now, there may be additional expenditures for
other reference material, later in the middle of the course. I don't know what to
expect out of this offer, nor do I know anyone that has gone through the course.
The money you send will go directly to them.
Being classified as an “indigent defendant” by the courts means that I qualify for
legal assistance to be appointed to my case, and the State or federal Government
pays the costs and fees. All monies, in my name, are taken into consideration in
this classification process. The regular amounts you are sending are certainly
within the perimeters that have been set. Anything above that, I will not be
allowed to stay on indigent status.
Please do not purchase any more books. Since you have offered help in an
education, then I will dedicate my time to that. Everything else is up to you and
your judgment. You have my authorization to publish whatever you think will
help. Just be sure to tell me what you did so I will know. Hopefully, as time
progresses and my case gets public recognition, someone may come along that
shares our same interests and like you, wishes to help. That will relieve the
burden on you and is one of our main goals. Take charge and do what you feel is
right. We can always go back and correct, but time is important and action must
take precedence, wrong or right.
Something else that I remembered when I was deciding on whether or not to
take your offer and apply for the course; “Give a starving man a fish and you
feed him for the day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for life.”
I feel that right now, my thanks are inadequate for the help that you have offered.
I will do my best and get the best grades that I can achieve. I hope I am not
getting in over my head (SMILE). I am 40 years old you know. Kind of set in my
ways (SMILE). What I have suggested will certainly get some attention. Take care
and I look forward to your next correspondence.
August 11th 2005
Peter – enclosed, please find the 31 page brief that Counselor Anton filed on my
behalf. If you would make a copy and send it to Bente, I sure would appreciate it.
You may put all or part on the webpage. Also, you sent a copy of Counselor
Anton's achievements. Please send her a copy of that and send me one more
copy. Thanks! Please let me know when you get this and I would like your
assessment of the brief.
August 22nd 2005
Peter -I thank you for ALL of this help that you have been giving to me. You just
do not know how much you have helped me. Even though I am facing death, I
feel that some of the weight of the situation has been lifted. You certainly have
my undying gratitude.
With all of this legal business on my mind, and trying to send out copies of the
brief that I sent to you, I am only now finishing The Black Silent. I thought that
it was pretty good. I have only two or three chapters left. I was finally able to get
some coffee, and sat up last night and read about 100 pages before breakfast and
then I went to sleep. Our meal schedules are wild. We eat breakfast at 3.00 to
4.00 a.m. in the mornings. Lunch starts around 9.30 and can be delayed until
12.00 a.m.. Supper starts around 3.30 and can last until past 6.00 p.m..
I am going to send you some more information about what was left out at my
trial. When you have finished copying it, please send this stuff back. Also, page
25 was missing in that brief I sent you. You can ask my attorney yourself, via the
Internet, or wait until he sends it to me. Right now he is not answering my letters
or visiting, so I do not know what he is doing. You have my permission to put
anything on that Blog that you feel should be there. You certainly know better
than I do.
Ownership, of any kind, is the usual defense stance of the American populace.
Gun ownership is just one of many. Actually, there is a much bigger dispute over
the Government stepping in and taking land. They do give double the going price
and then some, but you can still lose your land if the Government decide
something else needs to occupy its area. This is only happening in the urban
areas, so far, and it is fairly new. Although we have a large Police Force in the
urban areas, they cannot be everywhere. Criminals will not be where they can be
caught, in the first place. Owning a gun is a way to defend yourself against the
criminal element.
There exist places where a gun is never needed. However, there are also places
where you do not know who is who. Criminals never bother with the legal
process. They get a gun and carry it illegally. Citizens want not only to defend
themselves, but to feel more independent. Personally I do not want anyone to
fight my fights or to take up for me. I am certainly not the only one. I have never
called the Police for anything in my life and there have been many situations in
which others in the same position would have. Another thing that I take pride in,
I have never used a weapon in my life against another person. I have taken guns
and knives away, and I have been outnumbered. I have gotten my ass whipped
and I have given a few. I played football in High School and I also wrestled a
couple of years.
For me personally, I never needed a gun, except of course for hunting wild game.
When I moved to the urban area, that was no longer needed. I went deer hunting
a few times as a teen, and I have gone rabbit hunting I don't know how many
times. All as a teenager though. Some citizens feel more protected with a gun and
therefore feel they have a right to own one. Especially if they do not have a
criminal record themselves.
The calendar idea is very good. You should be sure to include little notices of
certain holidays in the country that you plan to sell them in. That would mean
more than one calendar and a little more research into the various holidays of
each particular country. Will you include pictures of anything? Some calendars
have pictures.
I guess that is about it for this letter. Thanks for sending me the comments
Justice Stevens had made concerning the Death Penalty. He has referred to it in
other, earlier cases also. Anything you need me to do, let me know. Everything
that you are doing is helping me, big time. I just hope that it is not too late. The
District Judge turned down that Brief that I sent you. Now we take the same
issues and file anyway with the Fifth circuit, but since the District Court Judge
denied our request for a Certificate of Appealability (C.O.A.), then we may not
get any help. That means my last chance will be an appeal to the U.S. Supreme
Court. It does not look good at this point. I should have gotten a reversal in the
District Court.
August 24, 2005
Peter – today I find myself playing “catch-up” to all of the letters that I have
been receiving. I have two new writers. I have also received about three of the
envelopes that you have sent. Past few days our mail has been running rather late.
I have read everything and I did receive everything you sent except one of the
envelopes that contained the other half of the Brief. It may come later.
If it is possible, I would like for you to access the website of the Houston
Chronicle newspaper. This is the main newspaper of the city of Houston. I think
that there are about two million people in that city and it lies about 100 miles due
south of Livingston. I used to get this newspaper, but it is very expensive and
with overnight delivery, proved too much for my Aunt alone to keep up the
subscription. It was my decision to cancel however. The USA Today newspaper
is about half of what the Houston Chronicle costs. After reaching their site, see if
they have a search engine. They should. You will be looking for anything that
involves the death penalty in the State of Texas. In particular is a column entitled:
Texas Death Penalty – A Broken System. This was in two parts, maybe three.
Search the years 1999 up to the present for any relevant columns. You should
find many. I have not received that particular newspaper in about two years. It is
one of the best on reporting the death penalty process and the problems it
suffers. Arm yourself with that knowledge and then go investigate (SMILE).
Thanks for sending that to Margie. She has already sent a letter stating that she
has received the money order. Of course, she does not know what to do with it
as of yet. She wants to place it on my account. I wrote back and told her to keep
it, that it will disappear before she knew it (SMILE).
I am sending some information on this case. These statements were not seen by
my trial jury and with the exception of Nealy, all testified against Adams at his
trial. As soon as I get enough stamps, I will send you the State's Response to my
Habeas Brief, and then my Habeas Brief. Use whatever you feel is necessary. This
is all public record and can be accessed.
We are only allowed to purchase so many stamps at each request. It seems we
have limitations on just about everything. I have the money, thanks to you, but I
have to accumulate the quantity to send these Briefs to you. Slowly but surely, I
will have you fully informed on my legal situation (SMILE).
Books – I have a bookstore I am asking that you access on the Internet. I do not
know if you have to be a member or not. It is for attorneys. From what I can
gather, they deliver through amazon.com. The book I am requesting is for you
and I both. Send me a copy and get yourself a copy as well: Death by Design:
Capital Punishment As a Social Psychological System by Dr. Craig Haney 352
pages $35.00.
As for contacting my attorney. He is not responding to my letters either. I am not
even going to attempt to speculate as to why he is not keeping in contact with
me. I do know that he has many cases, but his legal assistant could answer some
of my questions, as well as some of yours. I think that in order to get a response,
a telephone call is necessary. Once you get hold of him, tell him that I am trying
to find him and that it is very important that I speak to him. Also remind him
that he has not answered my letters.
Just as soon as the Blackstone Institute get back to me, then I will tell you what
all they said. Better yet, I will just send you the letter they send me.
You mean Philip is going where no-one will speak his language? That should be a
lasting memory (SMILE).
The website in Norway was created by Evy, an adult student of Bente's.
However, both put the site together, The thing is, the site could not be
maintained and I was unable to get any updates added. Personally I think we
should maybe set up a new one or concentrate on the Blog. See what Bente
thinks as well. By now you two should be communicating via email. As you
know, she is a teacher and very cerebral, such as yourself. You arrived on the
scene in the nick of time, I pray (SMILE).
Peter, once again I have to thank you for all that you are doing. I have no idea
where I would be, or my mindset, if you had not offered the help that you have
given. My Father, Step-Mother and Aunt have all helped as far as they could.
They have bought books for my legal education, made deposits to my account
when they could, and made sure I had all I needed to keep up with world news.
No way would I have asked for more. You were an answer to my prayers. I am
glad you are a fellow believer. We need to get my attorney on the same
bandwagon, or at least on the same page (SMILE).
I almost forgot. My case and the facts are not secrets. You may ask any questions
that you wish. If I feel that the question will be used against me, I will answer as
such, but in a way that a “spin” cannot be placed on it. As I have stated, I have
educated myself with legal matters and understand the process. Ask anything you
Chapter 3
Building trust + Tony's letters Sept. – Nov. 2005
The next few months were difficult ones for Tony. My correspondence with him,
and the linking up with Bente to form the nucleus of a body of supporters, was
beginning to give him encouragement and a new energy to fight for his freedom.
Bente had been here before me and, with her help, I was quickly able to gain a
broad insight into the difficulties we all faced. I also made my first contacts with
Tony's family.
But Tony ran into a problem with the prison personnel over an issue of water
quality. I think he was also feeling insecure and unhappy with some of the other
inmates on the pod. His restlessness was compounded by the intense
disappointment of recent rejections in the courts, and the surfacing of
frustrations at the limited interaction he had with his attorney. Although he
understood that he was not in a position to claim more of his attorney’s time, he
felt that he should be given a greater input and oversight of the documentation
being put forward in his name to the courts. Throughout his incarceration Tony
had put into practice the philosophy with which he had lived most of his life –
that he would try to defend himself, and others, rather than be entirely reliant on
other people. He had therefore read widely and deeply the relevant criminal law
and legal procedures to be followed in both Texas and federal courts. He had
acquired a small library of key law books which he supplemented with legal
magazines and newspapers. Although I'm sure that his attorney appreciated
Tony's need to understand the legal process, I'm not sure that he appreciated
Tony's capacity to contribute directly to the formulation of legal strategy and
documentation. My feeling at this time was that Tony felt that the relationship
between them represented a gulf between the commitment expected of a court
appointed attorney and that which would be offered to a paying client. Whether
this fear was justified I don't know, but it was to simmer throughout the
remainder of his life. Comments made in some of the judgments against him
certainly gave strength to his view that his requests for input to some submissions
may have led to more favorable outcomes. On the other hand, I know that the
Texas legal framework is restrictive and that the judgments made on Tony's
behalf by his attorneys, at this time, were considered and professional ones.
As I received more information from Tony, supported by copies of the various
legal documents, including trial transcripts, appeals, and court judgments, I grew
more and more convinced that the prosecution case had been unfair, and also
that the defense team at the time of the trial, and in the first habeas appeal
afterwards, had been unquestionably either negligent or, at best, ill-prepared for
such a serious case, as any capital trial and conviction surely is. At both trial, and
in that so important first habeas appeal, fundamental legal rights had been
unpreserved, and attempts to reopen vital gateways was proving beyond even the
very experienced attorney that had at last been assigned to Tony by the court.
In discussions with Bente and Tony, it was decided that I should revisit the
attempts she had made some years earlier to get support for Tony's case from a
range of State, national and international organizations that specialized in indigent
defense and instances of innocence claims. I also wrote to a number of US
politicians and newspaper editors. Most of the first group of organizations at
least acknowledged my letters, but mostly only to indicate that they were already
overwhelmed with caseloads and could not consider any more. Of the UK
organizations, Amicus indicated they would listen to any request for assistance
from Tony's attorney, and I passed this information to him. Out of the numerous
letters to politicians and newspaper editors, I had only one response – from the
Washington Times. This was friendly and personal, but in the end only indicated
that my letter would be passed to the relevant journalists. I heard no more.
With these continuing disappointments and the problems he was having at the
prison, I was pleased that I had encouraged Tony to start a correspondence
course. His was not a personality that could cope indefinitely with non-
engagement. The course would at least give him a positive focus for his energies
and time, and also give him the feeling that he was gaining worthwhile knowledge
and skills which would stand him in good stead should his appeals eventually be
In my efforts to engage Counselor Anton in our efforts to widen support for
Tony's case and to gain access to ongoing case details, I found that I was walking
a tightrope. It became clear that while he would welcome financial support for
investigation etc down the line, he did not expect to give back the kind of
support that I considered essential if I was to fulfill the role that Tony was crying
out for. The strain that developed was a mirror reflection of the relationship
between the Counselor and Tony himself. It appeared that he was prepared to do
a “professional” job within the constraints imposed by state funding and the
workload he had accepted from death row, but that he saw no benefit from
engaging with a supporters group. Tony was very much upset by this as he felt
that he could not simply leave his fate in the hands of anyone, however “expert”,
but must be both engaged and in some sense personally responsible for his
ongoing efforts to gain a new trial and eventual freedom. There will be some,
perhaps most, who will say that his attorney was right. Perhaps in practical terms
he actually had no choice. But from Tony's perspective, as an innocent person,
this was unacceptable. Time was running out for the legal process and he needed
more. He could not, would not, accept that he should be totally passive when
everyday he was subjected to humiliating and degrading treatment inside
Polunsky, and at the same time there was no evidence that the legal strategies
being undertaken to obtain recognition of his innocence were working. In spite
of this, I could see no benefit to Tony in losing the services of so obviously an
able and experienced attorney. Neither could I see that we could ever be in a
position to appoint an attorney on a private basis – the funds simply were not
available, especially given the complexity of the case with the involvement of
Adams and the fact that he too was on death row. As we later found, a privately
appointed attorney would wish to review both cases, with a resulting cost tag to
us in excess of $100,000. Such funds did not exist.
So, this is the context of the letter extracts you will now read from Tony, sent to
me from September, through to November of 2005.
September 9, 2005
Hello Peter
Because of our recent holiday, your letters arrived all at once. I am pretty sure I
received everything. I see that you finally got through to my attorney's firm and
his legal assistant. Ms … seems very nice. It might be prudent to just go through
her on most of your correspondence. You speak of certain aspects of the case.
My attorney stated that it would be around five thousand dollars for a full
investigation. I am allotted that much from the government provided the federal
judge grants an Evidentiary Hearing, and then agrees to the expense of an
investigation. Unfortunately, my attempts at an Evidentiary Hearing were spoiled
when the judge denied my entire Federal appellate brief, and then denied my
Certificate of Appealability.
I have been having problems with my mail. I do not know if it is serious or not.
Thanks for ordering that book for me. It should be pretty good. At least, the
review in my legal magazine was good.
I trust any and all decisions that you make concerning the Internet. I cannot see
how things are going and therefore cannot make many recommendations. I
might be able to bring a few ideas, but that would be about it. Whatever you and
Bente decide is certainly fine with me. Thanks for the Houston Chronicle article.
I used to get that paper and it is a great source for information on the death
penalty in Texas.
No, I do not have DNA evidence to offer one of these “Innocence Project”
organizations. I have received questionnaires from them and that is the first main
question that they wish to know. What I do have is poor representation at my
trial and prosecutorial misconduct where the prosecution team withheld
important evidence in my case that I had no idea existed. The fingerprint was
established through “junk science” and that is something else that someone
might be interested in. Yes, that evidence still exists and yes, if I could get an
Evidentiary Hearing, then all of that would be able to be examined. A judge has
to authorize the examination.
I am going to send the denial of my appellate brief and then the denial Order of
my Motion for a C.O.A.. That will allow you to see what the judge stated. Please
make sure you draw the distinction between the state process and the federal
process. What I am sending you is the most recent, and is the federal process.
As for your question about the co-accused, after reading the statement that I sent
you, it is obvious he used me as his scapegoat. Maybe you did not see it that way?
Anyway, no, there will be no help from that individual, unless he really does get
religious and decides to tell the truth. Right now, it is my opinion that he is play-
acting. He has never believed in God, and was a gang member most of his adult
life. They definitely hate religion and Christians. The victim was very religious
and it did not matter to him. Unfortunately, in the yes of those who do not know
him as I do, they are easily fooled. I don't know how else to put it. He is very
You asked about that 911 tape. Here is how it went down. I was arrested in
March. My trial started first week of December, the same year. We had that many
months to prepare for the trial. On the very first day of trial, after the Motions
were read, discussed and ruled on, the prosecuting attorney stands up and states
that he has some evidence that he needs to turn over to the defense. You need to
understand that the process is for the prosecution to turn over all evidence of
that nature, long before the trial date. Instead, we get the information about the
911 tape and the existence of this witness, McGaughey (Adult Store manager), on
the first day of trial. The jury is not present and do not hear anything about any
of this evidence.
My attorney wants to know where the tapes are. The prosecutor stated that the
officers that picked up the tape from the Emergency facility, dropped it off at his
office, but from there, they do not know where it went. My attorneys wanted to
speak to the officers. Either the next day or the day after that, the officers were
questioned, but not in front of the jury. The judge always has to decide whether
or not the jury can hear any evidence. There are rules concerning evidence that
must be recognized, and the judge regulates those rules.
Somehow, and I do not know how, the prosecutor was made aware that a 911
emergency call had been placed – not once but twice, by two different people,
concerning a murder in Desoto, Texas. One was by Adams; the other was by
McGaughey. The prosecutor sent two patrol officers to pick up the tapes that
recorded the conversations. The officers testified that they did indeed pick up the
tapes and took them to the offices of the prosecutors. From there, it was decided
that the secretary should be asked, but then the prosecutor stood up and stated
that she was unavailable, but that he had already questioned her, and that she had
stated that she had no knowledge of the tapes. All this happened on the
prosecutor's word and outside of the presence of the jury.
Now the judge decided that since there was no factual evidence of the 911 tapes
and the conversations, then the jury could not be informed. It is considered
“hearsay” until there is some hard evidence to prove the statements. That is the
rules. So, the next step was to produce one of the ones that dialed 911. Why my
attorney did not make Adams take the stand is beyond my comprehension.
Instead, they concentrated their efforts on finding McGaughy. They sent out an
investigator. He found McGaughey's mother, but they could not find him. So the
jury never knew anything about 911 calls or any type of confession from Adams,
other than his self-serving statement that he made when he was finally picked up.
You have read that statement and my jury was introduced to that statement. One
of the rules of evidence is that if a person makes a statement, that statement
cannot be used as evidence unless the one making it takes the witness stand, and
undergoes a cross-examination by the defense attorney. There are exceptions. In
Adams case, he would not have met any and would have had to take the witness
stand. Unfortunately, my attorneys did not ask the Court to produce him. They
only objected on State law grounds against using his statement. It was not enough
and did not protect my Constitutional Right to face my accuser.
Are the 911 tapes lost? I don't know. I think that the secretary still needs to be
sworn in and asked under oath what happened.
As you will notice, my attorney did not use Nealy's statement. Why? I do not
know. I pointed this out to him and he stated that Nealy's attorney asked that we
not bother Nealy. I found this very troubling, and figure that Adams has gotten
to him. We are locked-down in single man cells and I have no way to walk
around and ask Nealy myself. I also hope that Counselor Anton is telling the
truth or that he does not have him mixed up with someone else. To me, it does
not matter whether or not he wants to be bothered; his statement is already in the
State's record and anything in the record is supposed to be used on the federal
appellate process. If my attorney would just let me review and go over everything
before he files it, things like this would not be left out. I swear you do not know
how frustrating it is sometimes.
I am in the process of getting permission to have extra property in my cell for the
college course. As soon as I get that authorization, I will send you the
information and the application, and you can do it all over the Internet. It is late,
so I am going to wrap this up. Once again, I thank you for everything. Take care
and may God always bless your life.

September 18, 2005

I think this is the first time I have handwritten letter a letter to you. I did receive
your letter, with the color prints of the New Orleans disaster. Yes, the hurricane
was very bad. I am not at all sure where to place blame in reaction time
concerning the aftermath.
I did receive Death by Design. I was at chapter 4 before I was moved. From
what I did read, I thought it was pretty good. When I get the rest of my property
back, I will finish it.
Did I send you a typed review of my up-dated legal status? I remember putting it
together but don't remember mailing it. After this move, I cannot find it. It states
that all of my appellate attempts to date have been denied. I am preparing to file
with the federal Fifth Circuit court. That particular court was located in New
Orleans. God is trying to tell them something. Anyway, it will be a few months
before they hear cases, newly based in Houston, Texas.
Before I continue, I guess I had better explain my current housing situation. For
the past month or so, my water has not been tasting very good. Numbing my
tongue and mouth, but not to the point I could not stand it. I developed nerve
tremors from the waist down. No actual shaking but I could feel the tremors
internally. I spoke with a nurse practitioner and she prescribed Ibruprofen, not
knowing the cause of the tremors.
A few days later, my water just went plain foul. It was clear and I could not see
any sediments. I took a bottle with me to recreation, and asked another prisoner
to try it. I wanted to make sure it was not just me. It had the same affect on him.
Numbed his mouth and tongue for 30 minutes. No pain though, anywhere else.
He stated that he thought it was sewer water. Personally I don't know.
They had me around several gang members, and I am not one. I figured it was
high time I moved. I asked to talk to a ranking officer when I returned to my cell,
after my recreation period. Sergeant B appeared at my door. I explained to him
the problem and asked to move. He made me tell him four times what the water
tasted like. He was playing with me. I told him if he did not move me, I would
move myself. He stated “Oh well”, then walked off.
I had no drinking water and was unsure of who was responsible. I reacted out of
necessity. I beat my door to where it had to be removed and repaired. They had
to move me then!
I would not let Sgt. B take me to level 2 pod. He got mad and stated I had
threatened him, and that put me at level 3, the lowest. I had asked for Sgt. L to
escort me and it pissed Sgt. B off to where he lied to get back at me. At a point in
our heated conversation, Sgt. B jumps back like I had spit on him. I guess he is
“gun-shy” or “edgy” because so many others have spit on him. When he did, I
stated, “Man, I would not ever spit on you. If I was going to do anything, I would
hit you in the face.” Sgt. B only stated the last part of that sentence, and charged
me with “threatening an officer”. He is a very sad individual. I never threatened
Anyway, I am at level 3. Been there, done that. I will make it. Shame it all went
down the way it did. Like I have stated, it was necessary. My drinking water is not
a luxury. A lot of my property has been placed in storage, all but my legal
material, letters, soft-cover books, and hygiene supplies. No electrical appliances,
but my fan. All of my letters will be handwritten for the next four months. I will
try to keep it legible.
My dictionary was two volumes and hard cover. I will get it back in 30 days at
level 2. If I misspell anything, you know why (SMILE).
I personally think Roberts will be a good Chief Justice. There are certainly many
worse that Bush could have nominated. You have asked about “timing”. That,
sir, has already passed. We are playing catch-up right now. The best time to get
public recognition and action is during the State appellate process. I am passed
that. Time is critical. My attorney’s agenda is the same, whether I have public
recognition or not. His “response time” may increase, if I find more funds for his
legal assistants that help him. I have not spoken to him personally, as of yet. I am
hoping he will make an appearance this week. If you would email Ms … and see
if he has seen me or not, I would be grateful. If he has not, tell her I need him to
visit. Of course, I will write him a letter myself. By the time you email, hopefully I
will have spoken to him already.
I am enclosing the missing page 25, of the document for a Certificate of
Appealability. Please send back the original and three copies. Thanks! I guess that
is all for now. I am halfway through High Citadel, the novel you sent by
Desmond Bagley. It is better than I thought it would be. Have you read it? I will
get my property back in 30 days. I can have hardcover books at that time. Since I
do not have a radio, I will be doing a LOT of reading.
I am enclosing the form for the Blackstone course. Send it in with payment, and
ask them to wait 30 days before sending the supplies. I will write them a letter
also. Peter, as always man, I thank you for this blessing you have generously
offered. I will make the most out of it and God willing, have time to get this
Write first chance. I will probably get a letter from you tomorrow and may need
to wait a few days in answering. I have lost 20 stamps in the move, and need
more from the store. Hope the writing has been legible. I prefer typing (SMILE).
September 21, 2005
I have just received two of your letters, dated 12th and 15th. One curious
question, if you will: two different stamps on the envelopes are used, those of the
Queen and then one appears to be a woman holding a bowl of fruit and eating an
apple. What is this stamp representing or depicting?
On level 3, the powers that be are only allowing me to get $10 worth of stamps
for a duration of two weeks. I spend that EVERY week! What I have decided to
do is send all my mail to Ms …, and hopefully they will not mind putting the
stamps on the envelopes.
I apologize that my attorney and his staff have not been more responsive to your
questions. I am writing to both he and Ms … and sending it with your letter to be
stamped. You are my benefactor/sponsor and I will ask them to be more
responsive with your emails. However, please take note, always ask if the
question is too sensitive and then maybe a personal phone call will suffice.
My edition of Haney's work, Death By Design, was not given to me. Because it is
a legal reference book, I am supposed to get it. That and my dictionary were not
returned. They also took 20 of my stamps.
No need to get a subscription to the Houston Chronicle. It is over $300 per year.
Just send the death penalty articles and capital offense cases.
I finished High Citadel. That turned out to be a pretty good yarn. Thanks. I have
a request. Black Wind by Clive Cussler and Trojan Odyssey which I think is also
his. Level 2 and 3 cannot get library books. We can have them sent it (SMILE).
I did not get authorization for extra storage allotment. However, it being a legal
course, it will fall under my “legal property” heading. Go ahead and order the
course, but continue with the 30 days waiting period. In fact, tell them to be sure
to be in correspondence contact with me before they send anything.
Well sir …. I got a good laugh when reading your assessment of the American
Government and its relative set-up. If you would, on the Internet, find our Statue
of Liberty and read the words that are posted. “Send us your poor, downtrodden,
criminal … etc.” I forget exactly how it goes, but do you think a bunch of
criminals are going to allow the truth to be shown? Yes, individual States
administer mostly to themselves, but the federal government is very much a
“watchdog”. Democracy is freedom of choice. That is why America is deemed
the model for democratic government. We choose officials through elections.
Am I incorrect in stating that one's bloodline can determine status in UK society,
as well as be responsible for a Government position? What if the persons lineage
is impeccable, but their common sense is missing? I do not claim to know your
political make-up in the least. My reading has given me such notions and I hope
you will instruct me with a general outline.
You have read the bible. In the time of Moses, there were Commandments
written in stone. Those commandments were for all purposes, for that time and
for those people. Do we still govern ourselves by them today? Moving forward to
the New Testament, an adulterer was going to be stoned to death. Jesus said, “he
who has not sinned, cast the first stone.” Her life was spared. This is a comment
to your statement about it being dangerous to cast the Constitution documents in
stone and base the future on limited vision of those historical figures, however
great and wise at the time. The Constitution was written with God in mind. God
was to watch and protect. Since then, it is fair to state we have had amendments
to the Constitution. Protecting innocent people from those that would harm
them is an endless job. The structure and process is only as good as those
running the system. People are conned and end up making bad political choices.
Once in office, a corrupt individual can wreck havoc on the system that
otherwise was working perfectly fine.
The three new penfriends have dropped to one. A missionary from North
Carolina, here in the United States, wrote a couple of letters and then quit. A
woman in Maine started writing, but has stopped. Then I got a letter a woman in
Germany. I am still writing to her. Better finish here. Thanks for everything. I
will keep you updated.
October 10th 2005
I am firing my attorney. The reasons are numerous and I will try to list them.
First and foremost, he is court appointed. I do not pay his fees, so he has no
obligation to do my bidding, unless morals and ethics dictate, and then still he has
the option. He has done a lot, and then again there is a lot he has not done. That
Motion pursuant to Rule 59 was filed against my instructions. I have all the
necessary law books and I specifically told him to file a motion pursuant to Rule
60(b), in the “interest of justice”. He did not, and the judge made a comment
about that “oversight” in his ruling on Motion pursuant to rule 59. I have the
carbon copied letters to prove this. I make copies of all letters to my attorney.
For some reason, he fails to protect my interests and living conditions, here at the
unit. He states that all he can do is lodge a complaint. Actually that is not all he
can do, and I am going to get someone that can do more, or rather be willing to
do more. I have no control over my case. When I suggest or request certain
things be changed or files, they are not. I am not permitted to read documents
before they are submitted. I need control of my case. Bottom line. I also need an
advocate for conditions at this facility.
My attorney has done some good things, so I do not wish to mislead you. I am
not mad at him. He has been unresponsive lately and that hinders my progress in
all areas. I need someone there at all times, not just when it is convenient. He has
sent me legal magazines and purchased stationery supplies for me. He has
ordered the legal books I have requested. I have paid for everything in full, so I
do not owe him. So... my next step is securing private counsel. I have written one
out-of-state attorney and asked her to review what you have on the Internet, and
then to quote me a price for future representation. The thing that tipped the
scales in my decision was that after my attorney was aware of my present
situation, he failed to visit or write. I have not heard from him or seen him for
about two months. I have several things I needed and cannot get them done or
attended to. I am not from Texas and when I need supplies or something
addressed at this unit, then I have to turn to my current attorney.
In that email he sent you, he states that disputes will be used against me in the
punishment phase, if I am granted a new trial. In reality, they will be used against
me in the first phase, the guilt/innocence phase, when I testify. He obviously
feels I am guilty since he has jumped to the punishment phase of a new trial. I
fully intend to win the first phase. Why bother to appeal otherwise?
His second paragraph is true. The third paragraph is false. I asked another
prisoner to taste the water. If my attorney had spoken to me personally, he would
have found corroborating evidence, unless the officers persuaded that prisoner to
lie. That happens. The fact is, Counselor Anton did not ask me. Further, what is
the point of a medical exam? There are no problems with my taste buds, and not
only that, I am the one that requests anything of a medical nature, not him. The
fourth paragraph would be from a “mutiny” if we were out at sea. I take personal
offense to this statement. I do and act in self-defense of myself, or another, in
most everything. That is me. I do not and will not create more problems than I
already have. That is ludicrous! The fifth paragraph speaks of “pride”. I have no
idea where he is coming from with this statement. My water was bad for over a
month. It got to where I could not drink it. I asked someone to taste it, to make
sure it was not just me. He stated it tasted like “sewer” water. I asked a Sergeant
to move me, he said “no”. So I banged up the door so they then had to move
me. I would not let that particular Sergeant move me. He gets mad, twists the
meaning of my words, and instead of level 2, I go to level 3. What event was
In all prisons, clean water and food are a must. I do have two choices in the
matter. I can file legal complaints or I can make a lasting impression. I choose the
latter. My actions will be justified in a new trial, when I submit the numerous
complaints that others have made. The sixth paragraph is only partially true. I do
seek a remedy to any problem by either notifying rank, or submitting paperwork.
Once these fail then the system is no longer working. It needs to be “jarred” so-
to- speak, to get it back on track.
Now then, Counselor Anton has been asked to step down from my case. I am
guessing that he will not. I have a gut feeling the dude means me more harm than
good. I get that feeling when I read that email. We will see what happens.
So far, I have been unable to get authorization from Warden Hirsch, that I be
allowed to have a package sent from Blackstone Career Institute. This you can
put on the Internet. Obviously the Warden does not want us to try and better our
education. At this point, I do not know what to do. I will of course keep trying. I
will send a letter to the Admissions Department on or around the 19th of this
month, letting her know “yes” or “no”. I may not be able to get authorization
without a court order.
A thought... perhaps AMICUS can recommend an attorney to represent my case,
and help with issues here at the unit? I an going to contact ACLU and see if Rick
Halperin can help. I need a federal attorney for appellate procedures in the Fifth
Circuit Court and the U.S. Supreme Court, pretty quick. Keep in mind they have
to review the case as well.
I am enclosing an article from the Texas Coalition Against the Death Penalty
newsletter: “Death Penalty and the “Powers that be””, by Tom Keene. I thought
it was food for thought. See if you can access the “Prison and Jail Accountability
Project Resource Guide” - htttp://aclutx.org/pjap/index
I thank you for sending that form letter to all the newspapers. I guess the only
others you should add are the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times.
I did not know you all paid taxes in the UK. Just kidding (SMILE). You should
not have too much of a problem, you being retired. Are you still deemed retired
with your hobby of book selling? My Aunt is a computer program analyst and
designer, I think. Very smart woman. She also is a solo concert pianist. Her
traveling is in further education and practice of her hobby, the piano and the
concerts that go with it. Evidently they have workshops around the world.
Please know at this time I have full use of my faculties and always have. At the
young age of 40, there exists no reason to lie or cheat others. Coming into this
situation, back in the year of 1997, I was and will evermore be “self-defense”
orientated, That is me, I shall not change. For six and one half years, until the
year 2003, I did not have disciplinary write-ups. No-one bothered me during
those years. When I start getting write-ups, then there is a definite signal,
something is wrong.
Counselor Anton failed to mention I was once a model prisoner. Six and one half
years is a long time to go without disciplinary action in a prison setting such as
this. Now I am finding myself defending not only health, but my word as well. I
did not have that problem before.
I will close once again, wishing you only the best and thanking you for everything
that you do.
October 14, 2005
I am responding to two of your letters dated 3rd and 7th October. Please know
that I have just had a lengthy discussion with my attorney, details in a moment.
Did you ever think that it was going to be this much trouble and work when you
decided to write a death row prisoner? Personally, I feel like dead weight and a
money pit to all that I come in contact with. I have to depend on too many
others to get anything done. I hate it.
I will be moving to level 2 either today or the 17th, which would be on Monday. I
think the only change is that I get my hardback books, clothes, and athletic shoes
back. Also change cells and will be allowed one more visit per month, making it a
total of two. Yesterday I received two more books – Path of the Assassin and
Trojan Odyssey. I thank you very much for assisting with my only means of
enjoyable entertainment.
Your letter of the 3rd arrived about 3 or 4 days later than it should have. I lost
seven newspapers to date. However, I am receiving them on the regular schedule
now. I have some magazine issues missing. I will be looking into that next. It
seems to be a never-ending story.
The stamps you referred to that I “lost”, were in a small commissary envelope,
with my name and ID number, plus the number of stamps written on the
outside. That little envelope was contained in a large stationary flap folder with a
hooking clasp. The folder is plastic, see-through. No way could it have fallen out.
At $10 allotment for stamps, every two weeks, no way is that replaceable.
If I get a letter or visit from any media representative, I will immediately write
you a letter telling you the details.
I have written Blackstone Career Institute. I gave them the facility's phone
number and provided names of the Warden and Assistant Warden, plus the head
mailroom boss. I asked them not to send anything until we all understand that it
is authorized for acceptance. Counselor Anton stated he would officially look
into the matter as well.
I did not get your letter in time to know that he was visiting. His lack of response
to both you and I was the final weight in my decision to hire new counsel.
During his visit it, he persuaded me to change that decision. I am going to be
completely honest with you. I feel I signed my death warrant, and I guess the
main reason is I don't have control of the case like I should. But, for better or
worse, the Counselor is going to steer this ship. I have several letters to write,
reversing my pleas for help. I hate that. I feel that I owe all an apology, but I had
real issues and concerns. I just pray I am making the right choice here.
Counselor Anton states that his time is very limited. We discussed the emails. I
guess you should direct your legal questions to me. I have everything he has, and
I don't have ten other cases to cloud my thoughts. Go ahead and send him the
money if he needs it. Let him decide I guess. He stated that he would work with
Amicus. We need an investigator at this point. He stated he would be more
responsive to my letters and legal requests.
I guess that is about it for now. I have to clean some of this mess up. Counselor
Anton is aware of the facility problems. I am waiting to see what influence he can
use to motivate the Wardens. Take care, stay healthy, and with God's will, we will
October 27, 2005
I have gotten quite a few of your letters, dated 10th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 18th and
21st. I ran out of stamps and was waiting on our pod's turn for the store day. I
had already been out of stamps for approximately one week. Right before store
day, we go on “lock-down” status. The whole unit. This was the twice-yearly
shakedown. Searching all prisoner's property. No store. No hot meals. No
recreation. Shower only three times a week. Been like this almost two weeks now.
It will have ended by the time you get this letter.
I have read most of Clive Cussler's books. I think he is a superb adventure
novelist. If you get the chance, read Trojan Odyssey. I really liked it. The only
book I need right now is a dictionary, and I know exactly what I want. You have
to be specific because they have two different types of dictionaries. The title is
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate dictionary. The latest edition.
Warden H finally authorized the Blackstone Institute package and I am going to
devote most of my time to that. Don't send any more books right now. Thanks.
If I need one later, I'll just ask in a future letter.
By the way, thanks for all the pictures and articles. I am sure I am getting
everything you are sending. Yes, I am back on level 2. Thanks for the statement
and facts on the Statue of Liberty. Over the years, and many beers ago, I had
forgotten (SMILE). Yes, if it is not too much trouble, send the monthly
allowance to Margie. She will have to help me with Christmas cards this year. I
am not allowed to buy any while on level 2. I come up middle of January.
Thanks for the political education for the United Kingdom. I have never been
presented with modern day facts on that topic, so I really had no idea. My
education started with King Henry and ended around the 1800's. The rest was
centered around the U.S. governmental structure.
Now, to my attorney and the legal situation. Ever since entering the Federal
Courts for my federal appeal, I have been studying the infrastructure and rules of
relevant law. That was in the year 2000. I started out “pro se” (representing one's
self), and I filed preliminary Motions. I did not even have a typewriter back then.
I hand wrote the Motions, to specification and sent them in. I can still file my
own claims if I choose to do so. It means firing Counselor Anton, but if I feel he
is not doing what he is supposed to be doing, then I will fire him. This is a
serious case with a life on the line. All avenues at obtaining any type of reversal of
any preceding court orders must be attempted, regardless if it may appear to be
fruitless. It is the judge's mindset that determines the merit of any Motion. Not
the attorney's. In the future, if I do fire him, maybe Amicus can write it. I can
certainly file it and represent myself. That is, if I could not find someone to take
over the case. Counselor Skein wrote back, She only represents federal cases on
appeal. My case is a State case on federal appeal. There is a difference.
My thoughts. I think my attorney has taken on more cases than he can properly
handle. The key word here is properly. He is juggling several death penalty cases
plus whatever cases his firm throws at him. His chief complaint is “no time”. I
have a pretty good rapport with Counselor Anton, but when he goes against my
instructions on filing a certain Motion, then I must step back and see just who is
in charge here, me or him. The Motion was a recommended one, taken from one
of my legal magazines. I still intend for it to be filed, but I may have to write it up
myself and tell him to have it typed up and filed.
I never got a chance to write Rick Halperin. We went on lock-down status and I
never got any stamps. I have not written anyone for three weeks except you and
my attorney. In the event of a reversal, I will be needing a trial attorney. This time
I am educated in legal debates and know what is allowed and what is not. It will
make a big difference. Understatement (SMILE). Will Amicus act as a consultant?
Do they have people in Texas, or is everything done by mail?
I apologize for this messy correspondence. I have quite a few letters to write and
kind of in a hurry. Level 2 is still hindering my performance and output. I'll be
back up in January. Hopefully (SMILE).
November 4, 2005
I have received two more letters dated 24th and 28th October. I have also gotten
three more books: Bagley's Wyatt's Hurricane, Thor's Blowback, and Cussler's
Darkwatch. Also arriving was the dictionary I had asked for. That is exactly what
I wanted, thanks!
I did send Blackstone a letter telling them to send the texts and whatever else I
am entitled to. Should have already heard something. Maybe I am rushing it.
Most of the time when I write you a letter, I am at a loss for words. You have
helped me come a long way in my living conditions and provided the opportunity
for legal financing. That is a lot. Thanks.
Thanks for my birthday card. Got it the same day as my birthday.
Counselor Anton legally cannot commit himself to payments. He is court
appointed and my status is that of an indigent. That is why he has to put
everything in a trust account. It will only be used for legal processes concerning
the case. As you should note, we have asked the courts for an Evidentiary
hearing. The reason is to provide payment of investigative services and open the
door to what all the State is storing. If the Fifth Circuit declines review, then
hopefully we can still investigate. That will activate the trust account.
Yes, Bente sent an armload of letters from the classes she teaches. The letters
were really good and showed that they really cared about my situation. I really like
getting those letters. Every once in a while, one student or another always
touches on the heartstrings. Really special people.
I am doing alright. So far, so good. If they move me I'll probably have problems.
Right now everything is cool. Not getting enough to eat is my chief complaint,
but I'll live. Nope, I take that back. I cannot get enough stamps. $10 every two
weeks just is not enough. That is because of my level status.
Justice Breyer stated something in the article you sent, that I just do not agree
Quoting .. “ …......on the other hand, there are simply Judges who go around
deciding each case as they think appropriate. And that is simply not so.” I have
read many cases where the appellate Judge presiding over the case took an issue
and wrongly applied the Constitution standards set precisely by the U.S. Supreme
Court. I'm saying that he is just wishing it was as he states. That is why so many
cases are overruled in the U.S. Supreme Court and sent back to the lower court
with the correct case law stating that they should re-evaluate their original order.
This is going through my attorney’s office first. Ms … will put a stamp on it, so it
will be a few days later than normal.
November 16, 2005
Either I am not getting your letters or you are not writing. A couple of my letters
went through Ms … so these will be later than normal.
Do you have a list handy of all the books you have sent so far? I wish to make
sure I have received all of them. You stated there may be some later arrivals.
What are their titles?
John Adams was granted an Evidentiary Hearing, on the same issue that I have.
That being the error allowed, that there did exist an “offer” to Lew Mosely. The
juries in both trials were supposed to be informed, in order to determine if there
were possible reasons to formulate a false scenario. They were not. Mr Mosely
had five to six felony charges that were ignored and not filed after his statement
to both juries. It should be noted that later, after Adams' trial, Mosely was
arrested on another unrelated drug charges and still ended up with a 25 year
sentence due to past criminal charges of the same nature. The information about
Adams is still rumor to me, until my attorney verifies it. I have written to him
about the matter.
Margie did receive the funds you sent her and I thank you for that. She has
ordered me a new Bible, Concordance, a book on anger management, and
another religious book I have forgotten the name of. I already received the Bible.
Very nice! Has my name on it in gold lettering. It is the Thompson's Chain Bible,
New King James version. Has everything in it for studying. Nelson publishes the
For the past 10-12 days I have not received any letters. Kind of odd. Magazines
and a sports paper also missing. I asked Counselor Anton to check on the
expiration of the subscriptions. Oh yeah, do I get email? You should tell those
that intend to write that if they don't hear from me then I have not received their
letter. They should contact you and write me again.
I am still reading a lot. I sent Blackstone Institute a letter at the end of October.
Never got a reply. I told them I now have authorization. I sent another letter
around the eighth. I should get something by the end of this week.
I pray you and your family are doing well. Write when you have time. May God
continue to bless all that you do. Happy holidays!
November 21, 2005
I received your November 4th letter last week, but decided to wait for the next
one dated 11th to allow time for our correspondence to equalize itself.
Because of the Blackstone texts, I had to downsize my property accumulation
and storage. The Oxford dictionary was mailed back to my step-Mother, Kathy, I
had the two volume set for three or four years. I thank you for the replacement
single volume I asked for.
Yes I did receive all of the Blackstone texts. I was so anxious to get started, I read
nine chapters and finished the test on them, in one day. Same day I received
them. I'm working on the second set of chapters now. There are about 15
softcover texts. I would like to mail them to you as I complete them. Margie will
handle the packaging and postage. Do you want the texts? I will not need them
once I have finished. I need to keep my property quantity down. The legal books
I do need to keep are not school texts, but actual law books.
In your second letter, you report a “catch” or strained muscles across your
shoulders. I am 40 years old and finding the importance of daily “stretching
routines”. This is not an exercise. It is strictly stretching in the mornings. Of
course I may exercise later, but not always. I have over- exerted or over-extended
in the previous few years because I had not stretched first.
I asked my attorney, via letters, to report on John Adam' legal situation. To date
he has not. Through other prisoners, I discovered that John Adams had
transferred to Dallas County on an Evidentiary Hearing, from the Federal
District Court. He has the same issue as I do. My issue was denied a hearing.
Now rumor has it that he was granted a new trial. That is a little far reaching for
me. It is only rumor. Nothing I trust. I've asked Counselor Anton twice to check
on the matter. Perhaps he has been busy. When I do find out something I will let
you know. You do understand the ramifications if his issue is reversed? Right?
He has a website. You might be able to utilize a search engine like Google and
see what he is reporting.
I'm still doing Bible lessons and that reminds me. I sincerely believe Science is the
discovery of God's creation. They should work together. There is much we don't
know. Where we meant to know? Setting the two at opposing ends is wrong.
People choose to believe what they will and then become blind to everything else.
The cause is simple. What is seen is easy to believe. Faith requires more, before
spiritual awareness can develop. Things are seen through different eyes then.
I do believe in evolution and natural selection, but only after the week of
creation. This is a contradiction of the evolutionary theory and the crux of all the
arguments you are reading about. I will enclose some brochures from a Science
Institute that believes in both science and God. I need to renew my subscription
with them. If you can achieve that via the Internet, I would appreciate it. They
operate on donations, so I don't think there is a subscription fee.
I guess that is all for now. Happy holidays and drink a few in my name.
November 28, 2005
Good to hear from you. This will arrive later than usual again .. going through Ms
Please send both by father and my aunt a calendar. Let them know you have
taken a keen interest in my case and helping with some legal fees when my case
needs it.
I maintain a small collection of legal reference books to assist with most of my
needs. The Paralegal course goes into other areas of the law and provides a
panoramic or big picture view of all law. It is extensive. Although there are open
book texts, studying is still necessary. Several questions were very difficult to find
and some questions have similar answers, but only one is correct. I take notes to
help in finding answers, unless I already know it. Some questions I already know
from my self-education studies. I very much enjoy the challenge of the legal
course, so yes, I had a big grin on my face when I received the package (SMILE).
Yes, Margie helps me all she can. The “feast” she refers to is the roast beef
sandwich, potato chips (2 bags), 2 Coke Cola's, snickers candy bar, a small carrot
cake, and a honey bun. The thing is, everything is over-priced, except the candy
bar and Coke Cola's. She spends about $12 each visit. The food is good, but
expensive. Take care and have a safe holiday season.
Chapter 4
Consolidating the gains + Tony’s letters Dec. 2005 - Feb. 2006
The next three months showed that Tony's mental strength was rapidly returning
to normal after what had clearly been a period of deep depression before our
correspondence began. The loss of status to Level 3 hadn't helped, but with
efforts to gain access to the Paralegal correspondence course finally succeeding;
and the renewal of a basic financial support that enabled the promise of a more
tolerable existence in the weeks and months ahead, Tony was able to re-focus
and gain optimism that his fight for survival, and a second chance to prove his
innocence, was still capable of success.
My letters continued to challenge his thoughts on a wide variety of issues. But I
think what really sealed the change in Tony was the arrival on the scene of other
writers and visitors. Not all of these supporters could offer more than passive
friendship, but Tony did not value this any less than the more practical efforts of
others. There was now a nucleus of long-time writers and the enhancement
offered by a fresh influx of supporters. Their number fluctuated over time, as
they always had, but collectively and with modest financial support, Tony
experienced a renewal of hope. He acknowledged this himself as you will see
My own role gradually widened to embrace that of coordinator and collator. I
was very glad of the experience and staunch support of Bente, who at this time
was still working on her Masters thesis “The Illinois Exonerated: When Justice
Goes Wrong and How to Make it Right: The Story of Anthony Porter”. Connie
also, living locally, had an immediate impact on our ability to begin to construct a
significant network of supporters and to more effectively communicate with
Here then are Tony’s letters from Dec. 2005 to Feb. 2006
December 2, 2005
Hello Peter
For some reason, your recent correspondence indicates you are not receiving my
letters. Once I am reinstated to level one, the scenic route via Ms … will not be
needed and they will reach you faster I hope. Our mail, within the Unit, does not
run on Saturday. This letter will be posted on the 5th. It may not get into the
outside mail until the 6th.
I have a website for you to check out. This organization provides information to
attorneys that “defend” the public. I already receive their magazine, The
Champion. The organization is the National Association of Criminal Defense
Lawyers (NACDL). The website has a plethora of legal information in area area
of the entire legal field of the United States. There will be a fee to become a
member if you think, after browsing the site, a member will have more access to
their information. There is something called CAPWIZ that will provide names of
Federal, State and local Representatives and Senators. The website address is
If you need more information concerning the site and what it all offers, let me
know. You will be linked to just about everything in the legal realm on this site.
I am enclosing a list of addresses of those I have been writing for years, or who
are family. I am unable to purchase greetings cards on level 2. Perhaps you can
send a card on my behalf? I am of course writing letters to each one. You do not
need to send anything. Just a thought. All should get a calendar and a short
introduction of yourself and how you are helping me.
I have asked Rick Halperin, a Professor in Dallas, Texas, to provide a name of
someone that specializes in polygraph tests. The polygraph is not allowed as
evidence in a court of law. However, in an appeal, it may assist in decisions. It is
still not considered as concrete evidence. As yet, I do not know the details. Once
I do obtain the particulars, I will let you know.
John Adams did have an Evidentiary Hearing. My attorney said that the issue of
discussion was the error of his trial attorneys not producing the facts of his
pitiable childhood and subsequent teenage years. This could only have been
presented in his sentencing phase, not affecting the guilt/innocence phase. His
best outcome will be a new sentencing hearing, complete with 12 new jurers. He
may very well get a life sentence. The outcome is not known to me at this time.
Glad to hear your shoulder is better. You need to start stretching as I suggested
in a previous letter (SMILE).
After this letter and the requests attached, I will not be needing any more books.
Let me concentrate on this legal course so I can get through it as quick as
possible. If they do kill me, I wish to at least go with a diploma. Peter, there is an
Online Student Center on Blackstone's website. Use my name and student ID to
access my grades and anything else you wish to look at. Let me know if this
works or not.
That is all from me. Hope and pray this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I
will tell Margie you said “Hello”. May God continue to bless you life and the life
of your loved ones. Thanks for your generosity and friendship.
December 9, 2005
Bente wrote. She sent another letter from one of her students. Every year,
Bente's students write me letters for both Christmas and my birthday. She has
kept this up each year like this. Also, she sent a follow-up article from the
Houston Chronicle newspaper. It was entitled “Did Texas execute an innocent
man?” by Lise Olsen. You had sent a similar article.
The books I have now and the books I asked you for in my last letter are
certainly enough to get me through to January 15th. However I do have a book
request by my neighbor. Also you asked about who to send the Human Writes
newsletter to. I have included the details. This is a one-time event.
I will ask my attorney if the trial transcripts of John Adams and myself are
electronically recorded. I think they are. I still feel I should be going back to the
State courts.
I do have a subscription to the Prison Legal News magazine, but I have not
received the monthly issues since August. Can you check with them and see if a
renewal is needed? The website is www.prisonlegalnews.org . Thanks.
The second test has come back graded. I received another 95%. I missed one.
Although it is open book, you have to pay particular attention to the wording. It
is a challenge and I like it well enough. I am now working on Lesson 4. Already
mailed Lesson 3. Are you able to get copies with the information that I sent in
my last letter?
I did get another six months of leg iron restraint. I had an altercation with one
officer that kept putting me on cell restriction and shower restriction. The thing
is, only the Disciplinary Board can authorize cell restrictions. There is no such
thing as a shower restriction. I did what I was required to do. I sent in I-60's to
the Captain. Talked to two Sergeants and finally talked to Warden J. That warden
is not here any more. A month is the time frame before I had finally had enough.
I was handcuffed when the altercation took place. I kicked first. I don't deny it.
However, the guards all wear protective vests, and I kept my kicks clean and on
the vest. When I finally submitted to the two guards, I was laying on my stomach,
cuffed behind my back, and one officer was holding my legs. We were the waiting
on rank to arrive. Guard N jumped up, kicked me in the back of my head, kneed
me in the back and then hit me on the side of my face with his fist, twice. At no
time is any prisoner to be hit in the head when they are handcuffed. It is not a
restraint maneuver. Pictures were taken and Internal Affairs wanted to know if I
wanted to press the issue. I declined. Officer N had apologized and I accepted,
and wanted to put the matter in the past and leave it. Major N will not allow that
to happen. I have two years from the time of the incident to file legal charges. I
guess now I will start that process. I don't bother anyone until I am backed into a
corner. I had no choice. The abuse would have continued had I not acted. The
guards suffered no bodily injuries. I was the only casualty. With the restriction
cited, by my name on the guard’s daily paperwork, I am being subjected to
retaliation, except for those that know me. They still find it hard to believe and
have told me so. I do know the process. Probably cost me about $200 with fees
and court costs. I got that on my account. As time goes by I will keep you
informed of events.
That is all from me. Thank you for all you are doing. Merry Christmas, Happy
New Year. Greg
December 14th 2005
It is certainly good to get the “ole” typewriter back. I was tired of writing all of
those letters. I like writing letters, but I would rather type them out. You know
what I mean.
Your letter was a couple of days late in reaching me. It is your Dec.5th letter. You
had all of those Senator's names in it, I would imagine that it got passed around.
In any event, I did get it and I am used to your style to know that it is your
words. I always get suspicious when my letters are late, going and coming
YES, I did come up about 30 days early. Sometimes they do that. I had been
minding my P's and Q's, if you are aware of that expression. I did make some
noise, but not at the guards or anything like that. Staying in the cell all of that
time, I have to release some energy some way and the other prisoners probably
think that I am crazy. (SMILE) Just thinking about it makes me smile. IF I ever
get out of this bad situation, I will sure have some stories to tell. In any event, I
am back to level one and ready for business.
I pray that you are better by the time that this letter reaches you. I do know that
sometimes that even virus can get pretty bad and you have to let them run their
course to get out of your system.
I have read your letter, perused the Senator's names, but I have not read the
articles that you have sent, just yet. The titles are ominous and I can just imagine
what it is about before I even read them. I thank you for sending them. As you
well know, this is just exactly the kind of articles that I am looking for.
One new pen-friend today. She states that she has left her message on the E-mail.
She is very astute and will be a huge help over here in the U.S.. She is offering her
help. A Registered Nurse, she also has a Paralegal degree and still does some
paperwork for a Lawyer's firm. She wants to know what all I need at this point. I
will of course put her in contact with you and describe all that you have been
doing for me, personally and legally. She is about 48 and is still married. No kids.
I will be writing to Margie tonight, as well. She will be sending the Legal texts to
you, but I will wait until I have about three to send, each time. I just finished the
first book and have started on the second. I ended up with another 95% on my
third test. That makes the third 95% that I have gotten. I keep missing one
(SMILE). I don't know how. I thought that I had aced that one. The first two
were a little "iffy". You have to pay close attention to the wording and you
cannot fly through the chapters. I am writing things down as a sort of outline. I
will send them as well. I will not have any further need for them.
Margie came to visit about a week ago. We had a good visit and I certainly
enjoyed the food and drinks out of the machine. They sure are expensive, I know
that. Sandwich costs over three dollars. I guess they know that we will buy them,
either way, no matter the cost. Someone is getting some heavy pockets (SMILE).
I am going to ask Margie to subscribe to a local T.V. Guide magazine. My radio is
picking up two signals. I can still send her money off of my account. I got a Bible
and some other Church related literature, by sending her money. She has been a
huge help. I now have her husband and daughter on my visiting list and will be
meeting them for the first time here shortly.
I got a write-up one time and did not even know that it was against the rules.
Honestly. The name of the write-up was "Third party transaction". According to
the rules, prisoners are not allowed to give other prisoners money or solicit
money to be sent to their accounts. Our letters are read on their way out. Not
knowing the rule, I simply wrote to my friend and asked for money to be sent on
to a prisoner's account. He had nothing and I was helping him. They brought a
copy of the letter and a write-up to my cell (SMILE). That was about two years
ago. On level two, we cannot get food or drink from the store. I am a big coffee
drinker! The receiving person was going to help me to get coffee, before I was
caught. I promise, I had no idea that was a restriction, at the time. They make it
hard for me to get coffee (SMILE).
Are you going to start writing fiction or is that just an interest? Let me know how
that goes. In my next letter, I think that I will write something for the website. I
want to describe a little about my living environment. I will try to word it where
the facility personnel will not be mad at me (SMILE). I will have to be creative.
Write when you can and I pray that you are in good health when this finally
arrives. I am back up. Will take about a month to recoup, get back to exercising
and eating better, well not better, just more of it (SMILE).
December 19, 2005
Borrowed a stamp or two from my neighbor. We are supposed to be able to get
store purchases tomorrow. I will believe it when I see it. I have been promoted to
level one. I had not expected that. However, I was placed back with the same
section that I had the water problem with. I found out it took them the whole
three months to replace the door. They must have damaged it in removing it??? A
couple do not want me over here. I don' t bother anyone so there is no reason
for their angst. However, I am a firm believer in self-defense. Not real good
when you are suppose to be a gentle lamb, as in a Christian. That is the main
reason that I make a bad example of what a Christian should be. I doubt that I
will ever change that opinion in self-defense. I live with it and have accepted it.
Hopefully, others will too.
I hope that your Mom's operation was alright. My step-Father has a pacemaker,
so I know a little about them. I do not think that he has to have his replaced.
Come to think of it, I never asked, so he may have to change his too, just never
said anything about it. Let me know how she is and I will of course remember
her when I say my prayers. I don't know if He listens to me or not. Many times I
have felt that I have been left for the dogs. You changed that outlook. Now I
think that something is getting through (SMILE).
The only thing that I am worried about is whether or not the guards are going to
help the prisoners that do not want me over here. My main concerns are water,
food, store items, and my mail. All of this is handled by the guards, except for my
water. We are all tied into the same line and it is easy for someone to foul the
lines from their cells. I am keeping a close eye on everything.
If the guards do not let the gang members intimidate them, then I will be able to
handle everything else. I will be depending heavily on my store purchases in order
to compensate for the water loss. All I can do is see how this works out. Make
the appropriate complaints and then contact my attorney, but there is not a lot he
can do. I am the one that has to file all of the paperwork with the Unit.
Personally I think that process is not worth the paper it is written on, but it is the
process that they have in place and if I want them to do anything or justify any
aggression on my part, then I have to do the paperwork first.
I certainly want to thank you for sending all of those letter out to the
Congressman and Senators. Yes, you should send whatever to those here in
Texas, keeping in mind their Political party, as I have stated before. You are
targeting the Democrats and the Liberals. There are some Republicans that are
against the Death Penalty because of the process, but not for the taking of a life,
if you understand that. I have no way of knowing whether you can tell one
Republican from another. I don't know whether that information is readily
available on the Internet. I do know that you read in the newspapers or
magazines about the different views and that is where we learn about the political
standings on various issues.
My letters should arrive more frequently, now that I am back to level one. I have
a lot to do, catching up on letters and my schoolwork. Problems with the cell and
problems with a couple of the prisoners have kept my mind off of the things that
I really need to be doing. I am working on it. I have something electrical that
projects a sensation to my skin. Sounds weird I know. I don't know how they got
hold of something like that. I do know that things like that exist, but only to our
armed forces. At least that is the extent of my knowledge. The thing is, I cannot
tell if the prisoners are controlling it or the guards. I am working on that too.
When I try to tell someone what is going on, you can imagine how it sounds. It is
definitely hard to explain so that someone will believe you. I think that the
prisoners have either snuck something in, or that they have read an electronics
book and figured out how to fashion something that uses radio signals to cause a
sensation against the skin. I know that at certain wattage, x-rays can be felt.
However, you would have to have a portable machine or a hand held one and
like I said, if they exist, they are in the hands of our armed forces. Police have
hand-held devices that search body cavities. They also possess a hand-held device
that will search through food containers or briefcases. What I do not know is, if
the projections can be felt on the skin. A shortwave radio signal can be felt as
static electricity if the watts are jacked up when the transponder is sending. I do
know a little bit. I went to electronics school, so I know exactly what it is that I
am tearing up. Right now the signal is a nuisance. Something that should not be
there. It is not being used to relax me either (SMILE). Not sure what I am going
to do about that. I will figure it out, sooner or later. May have to pay someone for
the information. I have thought about it. I will wait first and see what I can shake
loose on my own. I know how to agitate a little bit my own self (SMILE). That is
what I meant by shaking something loose.
Our mail does not run on Saturdays, so it was a few days late getting to me. I do
think that I should have gotten it on Friday, but I do not know what all our
mailroom staff were doing. They usually have a lot to sort through. You know
how Fridays are when you are working a weekly schedule? I remember that I
could not wait to get to the store and then to home. If I was already out on the
road in the truck, then I called the truck cab home. I shut down wherever I was
at and made myself at home in the back of the sleeper berth, in the back of the
Take care. Enjoy the holidays. I am doing alright. They like playing mind games
and I happen to be better informed than they think. Speedy recovery to your
December 25th 2005
I am responding to letters that you have dated 14th and 15th. This was actually
one continuous letter that you divided into two days. You were obviously busy
(SMILE). Thanks for writing.
Glad you were able to access the websites that I sent. That will be a huge help in
both areas. I will ask you to access and retrieve different literature, in the future,
provided my case needs it.
Yes, it would probably be a prudent move to become a member to the National
Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Or at least a supporter, however they
wish to classify it. The benefits are more than worth it, on the legal aspect.
As soon as I can arrange it, I am going to send out my State habeas application.
Now this process has been over for a number of years. It shows the issues that
we presented to the State and then their subsequent reply. Anyone really
interested will want to know how the State of Texas handled the issues that we
are raising now, in the Federal Courts. I will ask Margie to pick it up and then
mail them to you. It would cost me too much to mail from within the Unit. It is
not that I do not have the money, for I do. It is because we are still only allowed
to have so many stamps and I need all I can get to mail letters to friends and
family. As it is, I am able to purchase enough stamps, but only just enough. I
know that you understand. I hope that I explained that properly (SMILE).
Yes, I did get the Harry Potter book from the Amazon, from there in the U.K..
As long as it was still Amazon, I did not think that there would be a hassle, but
you never know. I did get the fifth book of the series but have yet to receive the
sixth book. When you read them, do not skip the order in which the books are
written. It will take away from the tale. I thought that it was well written for a
fantasy. I liked it. I am a big kid at heart anyway (SMILE). I also received A Feast
For Crows. That book has been a long time in the making. The series by George
R.R. Martin is called A Song Of Ice And Fire. The book you just sent is the
fourth book in that series. It also has turned out pretty good. I am speaking of
the series. Please know that I am particular about my reading (SMILE).
Do you wish Margie to send these novels back to you? I know that you have not
had a chance to respond to that question, just yet. Just making sure that you don't
forget to let me know.
Thanks for sending the comments about those that are viewing the calendar on
E-Bay. Yes, I do hope that they are reading the material on the Blog. I still need
to write an updated letter for the Blog. When I get this next picture taken, I will
send it and the updated letter. Probably a couple of weeks. Oh yeah, please do
not send those addresses for those people. If someone were to get a hold of my
letters before I view them, then they could write an unfavorable or off-color
letter and pretend it was me. I don't need the addresses. Just send the names and
that is all that I will require. The address is not necessary unless they write. I don't
intend to bother those people, otherwise, (always stay one step ahead of the kids
around you) (SMILE).
Rick Halperin did write back. He travels around the world, speaking against the
death penalty. The organization that he heads up here in Texas puts out a little
newsletter. I will see about getting you on the mailing list. Anyway, Rick stated
that he would be out of the country until after New Years and then he would get
with me seriously and work something out on my request for the polygraph and
someone that is interested in doing a little consultant work or just checking what
we have already done and make sure everything is in order. I will try to get with
the Texas Defender Service on that and then that way it will not cost me that
much. My intentions are to use as little money as possible. I will let you know
what I find out and I will also ask that Mr. Halperin contact you by phone or the
internet. He is a Professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.
Oh...here is the web address for their newsletter; www.tcadp.org (Texas Coalition
to Abolish the Death Penalty). You might be able to place yourself on their
mailing list. Let me know.
No, I have no training in Martial arts other than Judo. I wrestled in High School
and I played Football, Basketball and Baseball. In High School I had to give up
Basketball in order to play all the others because the seasons ran together. These
athletic activities were real strict on stretching exercises before actual play or
lifting weights. I have done some sparring in kick-boxing, after my school years
and it was there that I learned some judo to supplement my "ego" (SMILE).
Before any moves were practiced, a set of routine stretching exercises were
conducted. Stretching only, nothing strenuous. You do not need a Martial Art or
a specialist to teach you to stretch properly. Local schools have gym classes. The
instructors will have proper instructions on stretching exercises. If you cannot
obtain these simple instructions, then I will be happy to impart some of my
knowledge along to you. Let me know.
Oh, I think you may have a misunderstanding. My original court-appointee was
William "Karo" Johnson. Also appointed as second chair was Paul Brauchle.
These were my trial attorneys. The attorney that you named was my first
appellate attorney. He represented my Direct Appeal in the State appellate
process. My state habeas corpus application appeal was given to Toby C.
Wilkinson. The State Appellate Process consists of two appellate procedures;
Direct and habeas corpus. They are not my trial attorneys. You should look up
the trial attorneys and see what you can find.
My Father wrote a nice letter (SMILE).
Things will be speeding up. We enter my petition to the Fifth Circuit around the
end of this month. Then we will have to try the Supreme Court. That is all there
will be available.
I guess that will be all from me. Take care and write when you can. I am most
certainly staying busy. If I can get these guards to leave me alone as well as the
prisoners, I should be alright. Don't get me wrong, they are not all bad and they
all do not know everything their co-workers are doing. I keep an eye on both.
That is all I can do. It is it any wonder why I tear up their doors?
January 2, 2006
I will certainly be out of stamps by the time that I get all of these letters posted
(SMILE). Been hard on the keys the past couple of days. For some reason the
mail did not run today, the day after New Year. I am guessing that the State of
Texas has declared it a State holiday. I really have no idea. With everyone
recuperating, it is probably for the best.
I am responding to the letter that you wrote on December 22, 2005. Man I tell
you what, you certainly have brought me a long way in just one year! I know that
I have spent some money, but I have also accomplished a lot as well. I know that
I certainly feel a whole lot better. All around. Of course I can never thank you
enough, but I want to continue to thank you and let you know how much your
help has meant to me.
I have been laid back for the past few weeks. I had made up my mind not to do
anything until after the first. Now it is back to business. I am in bad need of
athletic shoes. I need those to exercise in. Yes, I have saved a little money on my
account. When I make the next purchase, which will be tomorrow, I will send
you my receipt so that you will know how much I have got.
The reason that I mentioned the shoes is that it is sometimes difficult to get these
special purchases. A number of things can happen. The problem is, the ones that
I have, are broken clear across the bottom of the soles and the only thing that is
holding them together are the insoles. They are what I am using to go to visit, so
I do not go to recreation. The more that I wear them, the quicker they are
coming apart. I need to get out and rec.
Thanksgiving dinner was bad for me. I thought that it was just one of those
things. Then the exact same thing happened with my Christmas dinner. So I
know now that it was not an accident. There is a woman guard that is present
each time that my tray is brought to my cell. I have to assume that she is the one
responsible. The ham on both trays were marinated in either lighter fluid or
starter fluid. I tried to wash it off in my sink thinking that it just got splashed. It
was soaked clear through. You could not eat it. I sent it over to my neighbor and
he could not believe it. He said that he would have said something. Since the
guards are doing it on purpose, what am I going to say? They know it. Whatever
else I get might have something worse on it than that. What am I suppose to do?
Especially it being a woman. I just count my blessings and move on. Hopefully
someone will do them the same as they have done to me. Things do have a way
of coming back around to you, whether you believe in God or not.
I received Connie's E-mail (SMILE). Thanks for sending it.
I just received the fourth test back that I had sent in to be graded. Yeah, I scored
a perfect score - 100% percent. You have to download the test results within
thirty days of grading or they will throw them out. You know how to access their
web site and get my results. You should make a point to check about every two
weeks and check for two at one time, just in case. My fifth test has already been
sent in and the grade might already be available to you. Needless to say, I am
keeping busy. My working cubicle could definitely use some upgrades (SMILE).
If I had the time I would mess with them about paint and carpet. No sense in
wasting what time I do have I guess.
On that PRISON LEGAL NEWS magazine. I do know that they got behind. My
last publication was for the month of August. I ended up with two copies. If you
can find out anything, I would appreciate it. That is where I purchased all of my
legal books from. Well...half of them anyway.
Thanks for sending that book to B. He was my neighbor while I was on level
two. Now that I am level one I do not see him, but may run into him at a later
date, when I am moved again. One never knows. No need to find the second
book. He even stated that it might be difficult. Only send him the newsletter for
another month or two. That way he can see what it is about. He cannot write
English, so he will have a problem with getting penfriends. Of course, you may
choose to keep sending it, it is entirely up to you. Please know that I trust very
few prisoners. I have good reason and has nothing to do with their criminal
charges or why they are here. Lets just say that past experience has made me very
cautious and wary.
Pedro Sosa #000778 has an execution date set for April. I think. That is one that
I do trust. The problem is, T.D.C.J. do not allow prisoners to write other
prisoners. Part of their security measures I reckon. You can send him anything,
with my blessing. He is married, a Mexican-American, and I think that he is in his
50's. Probably near 60. He has been on death row for something like 18 years or
more. I don't have the statistics in front of me.
I have a quote for you to use; "When in Gregg v. Georgia the Supreme Court
gave it's seal of approval to capital punishment, this endorsement was premised
on the promise that capital punishment would be administered with fairness and
justice. Instead, the promise has become a cruel and empty mockery. If not
remedied, the scandalous state of our present system of capital punishment will
cast a pall of shame over our society for years to come. We cannot let it
continue." United Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall (1990)
50 letters is definitely a milestone. I look forward to the next 50 as well. Jenny
and myself use to number our letters. We ended up getting tired of that (SMILE).
I have been writing to her for the birth of three of her four children (SMILE). Six
years now. I sent the kids cartoon pictures that I use to draw. I ran out of cartoon
characters (SMILE). I send them actual presents now. The two boys, 4 and 5, got
AM/FM headphone radios for their last birthdays and the baby got a 2' foot soft
rabbit to sleep with. She is the newborn. Margie sent them for me. I sent her the
money off of my account. It did not cost as much as I thought that it would.
Here is something to put on the Internet. There are two radio stations here in
Livingston, Texas. One of them is call letters KDOL and is on the FM dial 97.1.
They have a program that is dedicated to the prisoners here on death row. Family
and friends can call in and leave a short message called a "Shout Out". The
messages can be left a number of ways and from around the world. You can
leave an E-Mail and and voice recordings containing messages that will then be
played on the air.
Now here is the cool thing about the radio station. It is being broadcast on the
Internet as well. Provided that I understand this correctly. That is how those
around the world can hear the programs. It is being advised that voice messages
and E-Mails should not be left or made at the time of the program in order to
keep their computer from crashing. They work on donations. The times of the
programs are Fridays 4pm-8pm and Saturdays 2pm-7pm. You will have to work
out the time differences in order to determine what times that will be for your
area and then post the varied times on the Internet with the rest of this
information. Tell everyone that that my nickname is "Maverick" and to use that
since there are already two other Greg's that have messages posted to them.
Calling in to the station during the program to speak personally on the program is
alright since you are using a land line and not the computer. However, everyone
will be trying to get through and you may wear out your redial button before you
get through, but you are encouraged to try and tell others the same. Please pass
all of this information to Bente. It will be easier for you, using the Internet to
communicate. I sure would appreciate it.
I have sent in my fifth test. I did not get my fourth test. I hope that they are on
vacation and that it did not get lost or anything like that. I will certainly find out
after the holidays. So far they have not been really difficult. I see that I will be
doing some writing forward the end of the course. I am pretty sure that my
literary skills will be adequate for whatever they need. Lord knows that I have
enough experience to offer.
Well sir, I certainly thank you for all your generosity and all of your help with the
Blog and the Internet information. I pray that your Mother is in good health and
recovering quite well. My own Mother is said to have had "stints" placed into the
arteries of her heart. I have no way of contacting her, so I do not know the
particulars. We were close when I was young. Kind of hard to take. Being
executed will be a relief. Well, I guess that will be all from me for now. Take care
and write when you can.
January 11, 2006
I am responding to letters dated December 29 and 31. Plus one that was written
on January 4. I thank you for writing. The two earlier ones were rather late. I
think that may have been on your end with the post taking a break for the
I do not have a correction tape for this ribbon. I am placing "x's" over my
mistakes. Hopefully I will not mark up your letter that badly (SMILE). Please E-
Mail Gabriele, in Germany and tell her that I have a letter on the way but have
been waiting for my attorney to sign the legal questionnaire that she needed me
to fill out. Tell her that I have not forgotten her. Thanks!
Yes, I like reading the debate on your chat room (SMILE). I would put my two
cents worth in, but it would be too much of a delay. It is very noticeable that
these people do not have the facts in front of them. They still rely on what they
see in the movies. Most do not know the statistics but will defend the system
until the very end. Very patriotic but still way short of being right.
What Christmas list (SMILE)? As long as I have known you, it has been
Christmas (SMILE). Everything that you have sent was the list.
STRETCHING: this is not exercise. You need not be afraid of it. The hardest
thing to do is set aside time for it. You can do it any time of the day. Whatever
best fits your schedule. You can do all of your stretching routine on the rug and
with a hard backed chair. You may call them straight chairs. Just a regular chair.
Start out by standing with your legs at shoulder length and arms spread out wide.
From the waist up, turn, swinging your arms, until your face is facing backwards.
Rotate the other direction. Each time that you face backwards, count one, two,
and do not fall. Go slow. It is not a race. That is called a Trunk Twister and you
will count up to 100 on that one. When you are done, keep standing with your
arms spread wide and start moving your fists or hands in slow circles. 50 one way
and then 50 the other. If you wish, you can make the circles bigger, according to
how you feel. These are called arm circles. Next are deep knee bends. These have
to be done slow and not many the first few times until you get use to them. Grab
a hold of the back of the chair with your hands, stoop down in a squat position
and then stand back up. That is 1. Repeat and that will be 2. Do about 25 to
begin with, and slowly. Next will require you facing a wall. Sit down facing the
wall and spread your legs with your feet straight out to each side. Almost as if you
were doing the splits using the wall to brace your legs. After you have set in a
relative comfortable position for about two minutes or three, move your buttocks
closer to the wall, thus stretching your inner thighs further. Stretch like that for
five minutes and go farther still. You only move closer, one inch at a time. Only
what you can stand. It will pull the inside of your thigh muscles. Go slow. Don't
reach beyond your means.
As each day passes, you will see a gradual change in how close you can get to the
wall with your legs spread out in opposite directions. The purpose is to only
stretch the muscles and tendons. Go back to the chair, place one leg over the
back. While the leg hangs over the back of the chair, go up on tip toe with the
other leg. Slowly and not too many the first time. Count to 25. This will stretch
the calf muscle and the Achilles tendons. Switch and do the other leg. these are
Toe Raises. Walk over to the door frame. Grab the jam with one hand and turn
your whole body around so that your arm stretches around behind your back.
Again this is done slowly. Rest with your arm behind your back while hanging on
to the door frame. Two minutes is enough time and will feel like an eternity
anyway. Do it with the other arm. These are shoulder stretches. Go back to the
chair, have a seat. Take your legs and extend them straight out in front of you.
Hold them together for as long as you can stand it. It may only be 30 seconds,
that is certainly alright. Let them back down and rest the same amount of time
that you held them up. Repeat the process. Hold them for 30 seconds and then
lower them again and rest the same time. Repeat this process five times. This is
stretching your abdominals and the top of your thighs. Simply called leg raises.
The last one you do is roll your neck. You just rock your head from side to side,
as far as it will move and then front to back, then just roll it around. Do this a
couple of minutes or until you feel it. If you do it right, you will feel it. Simply
called a neck roll.
Now you are done and ready to continue your day. All of this should have taken
approximately 30 minutes, once you get a little routine going, and I assure you,
that is the hardest. Just getting started is the hardest thing about the whole thing.
About the radio station. I had stated Saturday. It is Sunday 2pm-7pm instead.
Not Saturday. Please inform Bente as well. I did hear her “shout out”. I think
that she emailed them. I will write a letter for her shout out for Sunday 22.
Yes, I still get the TIME magazine, don't know for how long. My Aunt Joyce is
the one that subscribed for it. Yes, I am glad that you subscribed to JUSTICE
DENIED magazine. I will let you know when I do get it. The last issue that I
have of the PRISON LEGAL NEWS magazine is October, now. I have received
two issues since my last request concerning that mag. I will end here. It is late
here. I need to wrap everything up. I will get another letter from you this week
and I will respond to that as well. Thanks for everything, and I hope that you take
advantage of the tips that I have typed out for you.
January 22, 2006
Here, it is Sunday morning. I have several letters to prepare today and tomorrow
and I will be very busy if I try to get all of them done. Also, today is the semi-
finals in our Pro Football league. Unfortunately, the game comes opposite the
"Shout Out" show on K.D.O.L. radio station. I will of course listen to the "Shout
Out" show. There is another ballgame on tonight, so I will be able to listen to it.
I have now received two issues of Justice Denied magazine. I certainly appreciate
you subscribing for me. Have you read any of the stories contained in them?
Mostly it is about people having their sentence overturned for one reason or
another and what all had happened. They do not give any legal advice however.
That is alright, I know of another magazine, actually two, that I will try and get
access to. The thing is, you have to receive them by E-Mail. I don't have E-Mail
except through you. Then you would have to send the 12-18 pages of each
magazine. They keep up to date on the most recent rulings. When I find the Web
addresses I will let you know. I may have to get you to use a search engine to
locate them.
Try Legal Justice In The U.S.A. Any variation of that Title will access their site,
www.legaljustice.com or all of the above title. I have forgotten.
The other I believe, if memory serves me correctly, is Defense Weekly. Or maybe
it was Legal Defense Weekly. Try www.defenseweekly.com . Like I have stated,
you may have to use a search engine. I always say "GOOGLE it", but you may
prefer another competitive search engine. http://www.google.com/ I think it is a
huge search engine for the Internet. You probably already know this. Anyway,
you have to supply an E-Mail address and then they will send you the magazine
over the Internet and then you will send it on to me. This will also provide you
with updated cases for your chat room. IF you can find them (SMILE). I cannot
remember a subscription price for either one. I am positive that one did not have
one. It was free. I cannot remember the other however. This was three years ago.
I have recently been informed that they are still providing cases for those
interested. Let me know if you could find them or not.
No, I do not think that Alito should be appointed, but he will, nevertheless.
According to what I have read in the newspapers and TIME magazine, keeping
in mind any partialities, I feel that he does not represent the poor and the lower
class of people in this Nation in his past court rulings. He may state that he does
not have the same outlook as to that of years ago, but I would not chance it on
such an important position. O'Connor was a swing vote. He will not be. Period.
That will change several fundamental Rights given to the citizens, in later rulings.
Just my thoughts and a possible prediction on future events.
Well, I guess that was my exercise for the day. Yes, it is good for stress. It does
not help your cardiovascular circulation.
I just asked Margie to send D.. my trial transcripts. I also have the trial transcripts
of Adams. In that trial transcript, one can see all of the evidence that was missing
from my own trial. I took a chance on her being legit. I hope that I did not judge
wrongly. I should hear from her this week and you should be getting an E-Mail
from her as well.
I am also seeking to find out if these trials have been electronically recorded. It
may be possible that I can have someone send you copies over the Internet. That
will save time and a lot of money. Although my trial does not present me in the
best of light, I would still wish that you had a chance to read them. The claims
that were made, although objected to, still did not have my testimony following
them. Some were absolutely wrong and went without an explanation. I am sure
that this had an adverse affect on the jury and contributed to a "guilty" verdict.
As to my account. Since you have done so much for me already, you decide when
and how much you wish to send. I meant to send you a copy of my account last
week. Unfortunately, Irene did not get the check that I had sent to her. I had sent
two hundred out to her off of my account, to buy my snacks at visits for the year.
My account summary showed that the amount had been subtracted but she had
not received the check and three weeks had already went by. Finally, this week,
she visited on her birthday, the 20th and she told me that the check had finally
arrived three weeks late. She is 79 years old, if I have her age correct. I know that
I am not off more than a year or two. Anyway, that will last her for the year.
Anyway, I kept the account receipt in order to use it as proof if needed for Irene
to retrieve the check. I will send one in the next letter.
The U.S.A. TODAY newspaper provided the stats for the new AIRBUS A350. I
did not know about the 787 DREAMLINER. Wonder why that was not printed
in the newspaper? Maybe I iust missed it or something. Thanks for the article. It
was certainly interesting and I like stuff like that.
My Aunt Joyce has subscribed to Popular Science and I think that it is up until
2008. It provides all of the latest technology. I would like to get the SCIENCE
magazine. The one that is also referred to as the Science Journal. Mona in
Germany, stated that she wanted to get that. She wrote here, not too long ago,
stating that they had several Science magazines on the web and that she did not
know which one to get. I tried to tell her that the one that I was interested in is a
prestigious magazine and was referred to as Science the Journal. I have not heard
back from her as of yet. I have no idea of how many Science magazines are
offered on the Internet worlwide but I am fairly certain that there is only one
Journal of Science. In the newspapers, they just refer to it as "SCIENCE"
magazine and then Journal as an afterthought.
January 23, 2006
Monday 4:30 am
Well, at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, our radio stations went out due to the
electrical storm. I did not get to hear the rest of the program on KDOL. I did
hear the E-Mail that Bente and Gabbi sent. Thanks for relaying that message to
Gabbi. I will be writing to her next.
Just found out that our store will be delayed yet another day. Man I hate that. I
cannot get my mail out and I am hungry (SMILE). Very seldom do I get enough
to eat on these trays. Sometimes they do pretty good, but it is not all of the time.
My metabolism is a little better than average. I can process food quicker and it
does not all go to fat. Plus, when I am full, I don't have any problems with my
nerves. Would you believe that coffee has a calming effect on me, as well? Maybe
that is more mental than anything else. Caffein is supposed to speed anyone up. I
can actually go to sleep after drinking coffee. It just calms me down. I guess I am
a weird individual (SMILE).
I know that you asked me to supply something extra for the web BLOG. I will
try to get that done in my next letter. I have so many things on my mind and
things that need to be done first. I also wish to see the pleading that is going to
submitted to the Fifth Circuit Court before I make an update. That way, I will be
caught up on everything all at once. I am also going to attempt to get a new
picture of this mug in the following two weeks. Do you have a picture of me on
the BLOG?
Well, I guess I will close for now. Let me know how your parents are doing and
the rest of your family. I will keep them in my prayers.
January 30, 2006
I have gotten somewhat behind on my letters. I think that I have written you
recently and sent it out Friday, of last week, however. I am now responding to
following letters that I have received from you: 14/16th, and 20/21st. I have
received several letters that I should have gotten a week ago. That means that
second shift guards are passing my mail to other individuals. I don't know what
all I have still missing. I will be keeping a tally and then present it to our Warden
through a Grievance form. That is all I know to do.
Since you are involved with my appeal and the death penalty, you should have
your computer well protected against worms and virus programs. These people
will do anything anymore. Of course you know better than I what should be
done. I thought it prudent, so I am mentioning it.
No, you do not have to send D.. any funds. Anything that I need like that, I have
the money that was put into a trust account. Counselor Anton placed that money
in the trust account. D.. is going to try and locate some witnesses and see if she
can find some other evidence that conveniently went missing. She is working
with Counselor Anton and should be down here, in this State around March. The
problem is; it is very late in the appellate process to be doing this type of hunting
for evidence. The rules state that everything must be entered before the State
Appellate courts, before they are entered in the Federal Appellate Courts. Big
problem. However, if the evidence found is that which might overturn the
verdict, then there exists a loophole in which to get the evidence in the Federal
process. It is a very narrow opening, so the evidence must be indisputable. It is
never easy, is it?
I am sending my most recent Commissary Purchase receipt. I did not get all that
I had ordered. As you see in the far right corner, at the bottom, I still have $17.50
left to spend on the allotted $75 dollar per two weeks. I have something left over
for next week. I will probably get mostly stamps. Yes, I did get my trainers last
week. They cost about $35 dollars. That is cheap for trainers and they probably
will not last, but they are something I can at least exercise in. I like to jog.
William "Karo" Johnson was my attorney. C. Wayne Huff must of been John
Adams' attorney. I do not know him. Where did you get his name?
D.. has offered to record the trial transcripts on her computer. This will also
allow her to send you a copy, over the Internet. I know that this is a huge
undertaking. I was certainly surprised that she would take on such a task. There
are a couple of thousand pages there. She will be contacting you and I assume
that you can contact her at anytime. She should have provided you a way to get a
hold of her.
Connie is Margie’s daughter. She has offered her help as well. If you need to get a
message to me quickly, she is the one you need to contact. Also, if I need to get a
message to you quickly, I will be asking her to contact you. It is alright that your
phone be used? Only choice people would have your number.
Did Margie send you a copy of "SHAM APPEALS"? It was about 18 pages long
and is out of a book and I am trying to get the title and author now. Please let me
know. It has some important statistics and references.
I think this will be all from me, at the moment. I have written several letters,
tonight. I needed to catch up and now I am tired and wish to turn in. Thanks for
everything and there may be others that contact you wanting to help. Use your
judgment. I trust it. Keep stretching, and may God continue to watch over you
and your loved ones.

February 6, 2006
Say, heard your voice on the radio program. That was alright!! You sound like
Royalty (SMILE). Big fan of television has given me poor history knowledge and
knowledge of linguistics throughout the World. All English and British sound like
Royalty since that is all I ever watched on television. The English were always
represented by a Royal family in the movies (SMILE). Anyway, thanks for the
shout out. Were you ever able to get the program over the Internet?
Took a two week lay-off on just about everything. I am a little frustrated that
Counselor Anton has not been in contact with me. I really don't expect anything
in this court, however, I do not want Counselor Anton filing anything that I
wouldn't want filed. He may get desperate where I am not. He was wanting to file
on my sentencing phase of my trial. All it would afford is another outlet for the
courts and give me a life sentence on something that I did not do, and it would
knock out my chances of getting the case reviewed in the future.
Just got a picture made. I will send it in my next letter, once I am certain that the
letters are not being tampered with. I will also write an up-date for the web
BLOG. I was waiting to see what Counselor Anton had to enter. Looks like that
I will have to write something without waiting on him.
I think that you stated that others were contacting you. If you do not wish this
much attention, so close to where you live, you know that I would understand. I
am trying to coordinate everyone's efforts so that we are all on the same page.
Your computer prowess and extensive reasoning skills and knowledge cannot be
ignored. It is a huge help.
Professor Halperin never got back to me. I don't know what to think about that
other than to go forward and find another avenue for the help that I needed. I
am still planning on hiring a Polygraph expert. D.. is coming in March to run her
own investigation and collect some other information. We are all a couple of
years late with doing anything like this. I am letting everyone know that now.
I think that Bente is going to visit you sometime. I hope you two get along. She is
really a great person and has been a super friend throughout the years. Let me
know how it all turns out.
February 9, 2006
I am responding to your letter that you had written on the 26th of January. Now,
the way that the mail has been running, I should have received this letter on the
3rd or 6th of this month which would have been a Friday and a Monday for us.
As you can see, I did not get it until Thursday 9th. I just sent in an inquiry to the
mailroom supervisor about the late dates on my mail. I had some magazines that
I had not received either. I am trying to straighten it all out.
D.. has my trial transcripts. She is reading them and scanning them, all at the
same time. This is a huge undertaking. She also has some of the volumes of
Adams' trial. She is supposed to scan those as well. She will be contacting you
with questions about your software. She will send the bulk of the scans to you.
This is public information. You may use any and all for any purpose.
I was supposed to hear from my attorney at the end of January. I have not heard
from him and now of course, I am worried about what he is doing, or better yet,
what he is not doing. I have sent a letter this morning. The document is a request
to appeal to that court. Normal procedure is that the Federal District Court is
supposed to grant such a request. In my case, it was denied. We are now
requesting to appeal without the lower court's permission.
I have received a notice of membership from SCIENCE. I am enclosing the
letter. You will need to have my number for the computer information. I now
assume, that I will indeed be getting a publication, specifically a magazine that is
referred to as a Journal (SMILE)? A huge thank you for getting this.
When I was on level 2 and 3, I was having a problem with keeping up with my
mail because I could not purchase enough postage stamps. Now, however, I am
able to purchase the stamps that I need, being classified as level one. If Connie
wishes to write everyday, that is certainly alright with me. If you wish to write
everyday, that is certainly alright as well. I will answer as many letters as I can and
I am able to keep up with you both, I hope (SMILE). I welcome all of the letters
that I can get. I like getting letters. If you would, repeat this to me in. your next
letter, so that I will know that it got to you unalterred. That is the only way I
know of. I may have Connie to call you, just to make sure. Well...that was another
way (SMILE).
So—The Golden Keel is still unavailable? Bagley is certainly one of the better
writers that I have read. I always recommend his works. I think that I read a little
caption of Snow Tiger and I think it will be good. Don't know about the other.
Thanks for sending them (SMILE). You have left me no time to get into trouble
(SMILE). I have a reputation to maintain, you know?
Thanks for the compliments on the grades. As I had told you when you and I
first wrote, I had already educated myself in the legal field. I know the basics and
the rest is not so hard once you know the basics. You just have to apply what you
learn. The next part is Criminal Law and I already know most of it. I should not
have any problems at all with this section. I always will miss the occasional one,
but not any more than that. It will no doubt be an oversight or an error on my
part and have nothing to do with what I have learned.
Alright, that was the end of your letter. Connie and D.. will be in touch with you,
via E- Mail. When that is compromised, I suggest a phone call or an E-Mail no
one else knows, especially if you have written the address to me. I am not the
only one that reads my mail.
Yes, I am keeping busy. Main worry is Counselor Anton. When he contacts me, I
will let you know what he is doing. He should have contacted me by the time that
you receive this letter.
Take care. Still stretching (SMILE)? Write anytime that you wish and as often as
you wish. That goes for everyone. Mail time is one of highlights of the day.
February 14, 2006
Your letters have arrived all at once. I have gotten behind in my school studies
and decided to complete what I had started last night. I tell you this because it is
now about 5:00 am in the morning and I have to have this ready to mail around
6:30 am. I will also send in my 10th test this morning. I am not behind as far as
the school schedule is concerned. It is my own schedule that I have made for
myself that I have fallen behind on. Let me go ahead and list the dates of the
letters I have just received from you. I have January 27, 28, 30, and February 3.
On the January 27, it has arrived in a plain brown wrapper. Not your usual
envelope. The address seems to be cut out and then attached by thick, clear tape.
The ends have the same thick clear tape on it as well. Did you do this or did the
post office? It has a Royal Mail postage stamp on it and it looks to have been
placed on there before mailing. The address is the only thing that had been added
on. From your letter, all of the contents seem to have arrived with the brown
envelope. You sent the "Sham Appeals" segment and the fingerprint article that I
had sent to you. You also provided a "Publications" list of where the "Sham
Appeals" segment had come from. I had not any luck in finding what you found.
A computer is a marvel (SMILE). I do not have any of the Publications on this
list. If you think that they will further my education without citing personal views,
then I am certainly interested. I will send back the list so that you will know what
I am referring to. Any or all is alright with me. Whatever you think.
Sunday 12th, I had sent in a "shout out" for several people and I had included
you. Were you able to hear that one? If not, I will do it again the first Friday of
March. Plenty of time for this letter to get to you. I see that you have read all of
the Harry Potter books (SMILE). Yes, they were good. I liked them and enjoyed
reading them.
I have several things to be doing now. My main concern is my legal situation and
I need some time to devote to it. I have not done that lately and Counselor
Anton has gone A.W.O.L.. I have not heard from him and do not know the
status of my appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court.
Connie is Margie's daughter. She has kids and grandkids. She wants to help in any
way that she can, and can be trusted just like her Mother. I was wondering if you
were ever having to go to that appeal for your friend? I had not remembered you
writing anything about it and I did not wish to pry. You had written about the
whole ordeal and I had gotten interested. I would appreciate it if you would tell
me the outcome. I am curious (SMILE).
Cold weather does not bother me. I would rather have it than the hot humid
weather that we have here in Texas. Remember, I am not from Texas and did not
grow up in this type of climate. I can sweat just thinking too hard. The hot humid
weather really wears me down. We have not gotten there as of yet, but as you
have suggested, it is warmer than is normal. We do experience a few cold spells,
but they are not that bad at all.
You can contact anyone that you wish. I have written my folks and I am hoping
they write back soon. I was wishing to send my Mother some roses. She has had
some heart troubles of her own. I don't have their new address and I have asked
Kathy (step-Mother) if she would intercede. "Google or Yahoo" and see if you
can get a current address. If you need more information than I have given you,
let me know.
February 17, 2006
I will bet that you called on Friday 10. I was sick all the night before, no sleep,
and when I finally did go to sleep I never made it up in time for the program. I
am told that I had several "shout outs". Connie even had a special shout out to
me and I missed it. I have promised her and now you that I will not miss any
more programs if I can help it. I will be listening to today's program and also
I have received a letter from you. It is the February 6, letter. That bit on "Dark
Matter" was interesting. I like reading about stuff like that. I still think that they
mostly are guessing what everything is at this point and then modify everything as
they go along. Love the telescopic shots, however. I am having a problem with
understanding how they state that they can see back to when the Universe was in
its first stages. The farthest I understood our capability of seeing was a couple of
hundred light-years. Certainly that is not enough to see the first spreading of the
Universe, but they state that it is. I will bet that everything was speeded up or
happened with speed and then divine intervention slowed everything down and
that the results are going to be way off of the mark. Just a thought. Glad I am not
a scientist (SMILE).
Are you ordering magazines from the U.S. or over there? I will have to get
authorization if it is going to be mailed from over there. Name, address, phone,
and vendor.
I had a good chuckle when I read that you were having to educate some of the
participants in the “free speech” forum debates. Be aware that some may just be
playing dumb to make you frustrated. Half of those that are participating
probably do not know the definition of "democracy", let alone being a part of
one. HA!HA!HA! (SMILE). You can send some of the discussions like you did
before. I like seeing how others think. I have been trying to provide you with all
of the references so that you can put them on the BLOG and educate those you
do interact with in your free speech forum.
Speaking of references, David Dow has a book out that I have not been able to
read. One of the other prisoners was suppose to let me read the edition that they
had, but it never happened. The book is titled "EXECUTED ON A
TECHNICALITY", and I am told that the University of Texas was the
publisher, but I do not know how reliable that is. That University is in Houston,
Texas. If it has cases in the years of 1995-2003, then I would certainly be
interested in what he has written. I am sure that it will help you, as well.
My 9th test, for the Paralegal course, was another 100%. Kind of proud of that. I
hate it that I have slowed down, somewhat, in getting my tests in. I was trying to
average two test per week. A little difficult with the rest of the things that I am
doing. I just have to schedule my time better. I am still way ahead of the allotted
time that they have set. I am trying to beat my execution, in the event I cannot
get any relief. I would like to go with a degree under my belt.
I am doing alright. Still having problems with my mail, magazines in particular,
plus your letters have been arriving rather late. Another reason for my suspicions.
I really do not care for the staff reading my mail, that is their job. There is
nothing in my mail that would interest them, anyway. The prisoners are another
matter entirely. Knowledge for them is always used with the wrong intent. None
of them are happy with themselves, so they try to cause problems for others as
either something to do, or so someone is feeling worse than they are. Take your
pick. It is the common mentality that I am forced to live with. There are a couple
of guards that are just as bad, but you are going to have that in any work situation
where a large number of workers are involved. They would be screened better,
but it is so hard to find guards and officers, that they have to take what will
satisfy the main criteria of no past felony record. These days, even that is hard to
find. So the screening process leaves much to be desired. I guess I have put in my
two pence worth (SMILE).
February 24, 2006
Writing my letter because it is early (04:00 am) and I have just woken up. Did not
feel like hooking up the typewriter.
Glad your Internet phone works. All these gadgets would be expensive toys for
me. I have always loved electronics. Right before I married, I enrolled in
electronics school. I learned the basics, but what with a 12 hour roofing job, and
school 3 nights a week. Something had to go and I sacrificed my school.
Thanks for the printout on Paul Brauchle. He was second chair on the defense
team, but clearly the one with the most experience. It might be prudent to
contact him.
Yes, Bente has sent several letters from some of her students. Was surprised so
many were concerned about an event in another country. I always answer each
one and sent them to Bente. She has been doing this for several years now. A
great woman and a wonderful friend.
Gabbi is making a trip here shortly to Texas. She has one or two others she
writes. I think one has an execution date next month. Probably the reason for her
trip. I will write, thanking her for her gift.
March 15 we petition the Federal Fifth Circuit Court, to be granted the process
of appealing the lower Federal District Court's ruling. In short, we are asking for
the opportunity to appeal in their forum. It is not a guaranteed process. The U.S.
Supreme Court is next.
As always, thanks for being there and helping not only myself, but others as well.
Good people are hard to find. Glad I was able to correspond with you. Take care,
write first chance you get.
Chapter 5
Tony embraces the support + Tony's letters March - May 2006
This period of the year was a very important one for Tony's moral as he
developed his personal relationship with Connie - leading in fact to his proposal
of marriage. At the same time, his studies were yielding great results and there
was the prospect of investigative progress, which might have led to a widening of
favorable evidence if witnesses could be traced. My own correspondence
reflected these developments but also gave him a picture of ordinary family life to
which he could aspire.
Visits by Margie were now being supplemented and sometimes accompanied by
those of Connie. D.. spent a holiday period gathering information, visiting him,
and also investigating in the field with Connie. A great deal of legal material –
mostly transcripts - came my way and I was able to work on these to make them
accessible on the new website that I had prepared. We all felt that Tony had
turned a corner – and the photographs that were coming back to me showed that
Tony was more relaxed and happier in himself than he had been probably since
the start of his incarceration several years earlier. This newfound confidence
showed itself in a variety of ways, and I was pleased to see his efforts to share
and embrace this with members of his family.
My familiarity with the trial transcripts and subsequent appeals grew, and the
submission to the Fifth Circuit for a COA seemed to me to be a strong one.
Nonetheless, as I researched the history of such appeals, and the approaches of
the Fifth Circuit to its work, I was realistic in my expectations. In truth, I was
horrified at the continual references, at all levels of the appeals procedure, to the
simplistic and inflexible adherence to rules and verification of procedure to the
total exclusion, in my view, of the strength and legitimacy of clear errors,
omissions, and dubious prosecutorial practices – both at the trial and
subsequently. It seemed to me that the system of appeal was designed not to
reveal innocence but to enforce a conviction.
At this point, Tony's attorneys were engaging in the process, and fighting, on the
terms layed down by it. Success seemed to rely very much on the willingness of
the Fifth Circuit judges being prepared to open their minds to the possibility of
innocence, yet all the evidence of their earlier judgments suggested that
innocence scarcely came into their deliberations at all. While the courts were
noting and acknowledging a plethora of errors, omissions and even dubious
practice, the same old platitudes were being churned out - that the error was not
harmful, or that a claim was time-barred, or that a “reasonable jury” would not
have changed their minds, or that “the evidence was overwhelming” - when in
fact there was no single piece of conclusive evidence revealed in the trial at all!
Only self-serving hearsay, junk science from a state procured “expert” who was
in conflict with the state's own forensic team, and other circumstantial evidence
that relied very much on Adams' statements, which the prosecution had not been
willing to put any credence upon in his own trial.
The contrast between Tony's trial and Adams' was to haunt me as it haunted
Tony. It revealed a very cynical and ultimately dishonest strategy, to ensure a
death penalty sentence for Tony. That the two trials had been presided over by
the same Judge disturbed me enormously. If the system provided for separate
trials of the men accused of the same crime, it seemed to me that a proper
safeguard of justice demanded separate judges also. While I shared these
concerns with Bente, I could not with Tony himself, for obvious reasons.
Now the extracts from Tony's letters March 2006 - May 2006
March 1, 2006
Hello Peter,
I have just received two of your letters. They are running somewhat late. I must
assume that the mailroom is pretty busy and overburdened. I hate to assume
anything devious and under-handed, but the possibility has crept into my
thoughts, many times.
Yes, please send the results of my tests to my parents and my Aunt. In fact, you
may send them anything you think appropriate. You and I think along the same
level, although you are slightly more educated, nonetheless, you can make sound
decisions and you need not ask my approval.
Fixing to use the money over here for a polygraph expert. May need other
experts, such as a paint splatter specialist. The fund over here should just about
cover everything.
I have received my first SCIENCE magazine and it is everything they have
advertised. It has all of the cutting edge science and technology. This is what
piques my interest the most.
Yes, we are to submit a request, to appeal in the Fifth Circuit forum. The proper
procedure is to get this permission from the lower Federal District Judge. He has
denied our request. So, we are attempting to appeal anyway. After this, we are
headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. That is the last stop.
Yes Connie did get her interview. It was mainly about the radio station. Connie
gave my information to the reporter. Have not heard anything back from that.
The meeting with my attorneys did not go as I had expected. I had to talk to
Counselor Sperling and not to Counselor Anton. I gave her my information
about D.. and it would seem that they did not do as I had asked. We are looking
for another attorney, now. I cannot think of one wanting my case, so late in the
process. I am near the end.
Hope everything goes well with the redecorating. I remember those days. I was
just telling my Aunt in a letter to her, my Mother and I use to tackle rooms in the
whole house. We did everything you can do to a house (SMILE). My Aunt had
written and stated that she was redecorating one of her "powder rooms". Her
I know that this is rather short. I did get several letters tonight and need to get
them out so that I do not get so far behind again. Thanks for all that you are
doing. I know that I still need to type an update for the website. I am waiting to
see how the Fifth Circuit is going to rule.
The study for the tests have gotten lengthy. I cannot do two tests in a week now
(SMILE). I am steady on it when things turn a little more quiet. Kind of hard to
retain anything when there is a lot of noise and distractions. Will be looking
forward to getting your next correspondence.
March 5, 2006
Your letters are arriving after 2-3 weeks. I have no idea what is up with the mail.
Problems with the “Shout out” program too. They did not read all of my
messages and John Adams was made the representative of death row's Bible
lessons! I guess I am going to have to step back and let them have it. I no longer
want to support the radio station. I hear Adam's name too often anyway. Not
good for the psyche. Well, I will not support them any longer. I know they have a
false witness leading Bible studies and I cannot endorse that.
Yes, I pray my attorney will do what he is supposed to do. I really don't want to
replace him, but he is not doing as I ask on some matters. I've lost trust I guess. I
should see him this week.
I am receiving the Science magazine weekly. I had thought it was monthly. They
are being delivered about 10 days behind the issue date. I need to know if they
mail them before the issue date or after.
March 14, 2006
I am using the last part of this ribbon for your letter. We did have store today,
unfortunately, I overslept and did not get my list in. I was able to talk the
manager into allowing me stamps and some coffee. That will last me until next
week. I am showing an increase on my account and I certainly thank you for
sending that. I think that I will be alright for a good month or two.
I did receive the picture in a separate letter. In fact, I received the picture 5 days
ago. I know that you sent both at the same time. That should give you a good
idea of the problems that I am having. I have also discovered that I have two
letters missing that Connie had sent. There may be more. I also lost Monday's
newspaper. I shall ask Connie to order me another issue. Hopefully, the
newspaper company will get tired of sending extra issues and start charging the
Unit for the issues that they do not deliver. That is my goal anyway.
I have not received all of the Texas Defender Service's report. I did receive the
"overview" of the listed chapters. I now see where that chapter seven had
originated from. Do you have access to the full length chapters? Would like to
see them, if you do. You did send back chapter seven.
I have to write "LEGAL IN THE U.S.A." and give them your E-Mail address. I
see that they are on your continent. Not mine. No wonder we were unable to
locate them over here (SMILE). I am pretty sure that it is a free subscription.
Alright, Counselor Anton has paid me a visit and he offered a look at a draft of
the application for the Certificate of Appealability (C.O.A.). I asked for some
minor changes and he stated that he would see to it. As long as he is doing what I
ask or explaining why he cannot, then I am alright with his representation. We
have been looking for another attorney to help sort the mail situation. I did
inform Counselor Anton of the problem. Over here, it a Federal Offense to
tamper with the delivery of the mail. Others that he represents have already told
him of the problem. I did not know that others were having the same problems.
The application for the C.O.A. looked good. Personally, I don't see them
granting the review. Too many times in other cases, they have elected to "pass
the buck" as it were. Unless they are obligated, it is an easy out not to grant
review and let the case move to the next higher court, that being the U.S.
Supreme Court. The proper course was for the Federal District Judge to grant us
review in the Fifth Circuit Court. He did not, so that took the burden off of the
Fifth Circuit Justices. I guess we will see. I am supposed to receive a copy of what
is entered. I will send you a copy.
D.. is now qualified through the courts and is my investigator. Anton assured me
that all of the paperwork was done. She will help arrange for a Polygragh expert
and any other expert witnesses that we will need. This may be a long drawn out
I have written to Sue and I sent about 250 used stamps, after New Years Day.
Did she get them? If I have done something wrong, please tell her to let me
I think that we are fixing to go through a major shake down/lock down. I don't
have any food or snacks to get me through, but I do have plenty of stamps. I can
manage for about two or three weeks, I guess. I have been through worse
I have not been paying any attention to the weather. I don't have anyone that will
run outside with me, so I stay in when it is our section's turn to go outside, in the
bigger cages. I need that time to get all of the work that I have to do. I am still
playing catch up on my schoolwork. I take a lot of notes and that slows me
down, but that is the only way that I could possibly remember this stuff. I write it
Thanks for sending that info on Ms. Sperling. I see now that she is a Professor of
Jurisprudence. Back when I was first introduced to her, she was just a legal
mediator. I thought that was a pure waste of time and effort for my situation.
Counselor Anton did not know me and was only going by the information on
paper. I told him not to do that. It was very misleading. I think he is slowly
figuring that out.
On the Lethal Indifference, I have only received chapters one, two, and three.
Was that all? I have sent chapter three for Connie to copy. I don't remember it
being the end. I will know when she sends it back.
Your Puzzles were pretty good. I may have the wrong answers though. I think
they were a little tricky (SMILE). If Gabbi has written, please tell her that I have
not received her letter as of this date.
Please do not send any more books until after this lock-down. They will be
looking at the quantity of my property. I have a ton of mail to get rid of.
(SMILE) Big chore! That is usually what I do while I am waiting for the crews to
get around to our section. I guess that will be all from me for the moment. You
know the problems that I am having to deal with so be a little patient with me
getting your letters. Keep track of what I answer to. If something is missing, I can
make an inquiry, but I need to know the dates. A big thanks for your continued
support. It really means a lot. Stay in touch with Connie for me.
March 15, 2006
I am now responding to your letter that was dated March 2. I also received
chapter 4 and 5 of "Legal Indifference". I appreciate you sending that. I have
asked Connie to make copies and send to another prisoner so that it will be
D.. sent me a decent book: WRONGLY CONVICTED - Perspectives On Failed
Justice. By Westervelt and Humphrey Publisher: Rutgers University Press. I think
that you will benefit from it and Bente also. I will find a way for her to get a book
unless you send her one. Let me know.
I did receive the next issue of my SCIENCE Journal. It is the March 3rd issue
and I am just now receiving it on the 15th. That is why I wanted to ask when
exactly it was being sent, then I could establish a date that it is arriving.
Yes, you can write to anyone that you wish. You might pose the question and see
if the jury can be investigated and asked if the evidence withheld would have
changed their collective decision. All it would take is one juror to say that it
would have. I am not sure if that is allowed after a trial. I have yet to check the
statutes, but it is a good legal question to start out with.
I now have plenty to do and need to cut back on future subscriptions. The legal
course needs more attention and I have my personal legal material that now
needs attention. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and you have turned my
entire psychological state around. Thank you. As soon as I get the final copy of
the brief that was entered on my behalf, I will send it to you. Have you put
everything up on the Internet that I have been sending you or have you held
back? Do you still show my current address? I find it odd that no-one has
bothered to write, whether it is a good letter or a bad one. I welcome both.
D.. will be here around the first of next month. I am going to line them up and
let her do the rest (SMILE). We do not need any extra money at this time. I am
going to try and get by on what we have already. Hopefully that will be enough.
Counselor Anton has the brains for the task and he has the access to all of the
references one could possibly need. He works at a Law Firm and he can draw on
their experience and resources. For some reason, he has not been fully on board -
maybe he is taking on more than he has time for. I suppose that is a good
possibility. As long as he is working with me and is listening to me, then I will
keep him, but I think he has done some damage to the case by not correcting
little mistakes entered by the Federal District Judge. I asked that he correct those
and he never did, or stated that he would correct them at the next level. That is
not the proper procedure. Once we work the bugs out, maybe things will change.
The application looked good. I still have my doubts as to whether or not they will
grant a review. I think that they will elect to send it on to the U.S. Supreme
Court. It is now in there. I will, let you know what the result is.
March 20, 2006
Sorry to hear that difficulty your mother is experiencing. Perhaps she will be
better by the time you receive this.
My own mother quit writing years ago. Six to be precise. Kathy, my step-mother,
wrote and said my mother was having a “stint” placed in an artery near her heart.
I asked her to send some roses for me and a “get well soon” card. I have not
heard anything else. I still have my mother's old address though I was told she
had moved. Maybe I should try writing again. I hesitate, because this situation
may be too hard for her to take.
By the time you read this, you should have received a copy of the application
brief. What do you think about it? We were limited to 14,000 words.
Margie has had a heart operation. I have waited the outcome before mentioning
it. If I understand the facts, she has a kind of “short circuit” in the electrical
impulses of her heart. Instead of putting in a pacemaker, they did some new type
of by-pass. It will be 6 months before they know if the operation was a success.
Connie was married, yes. She is now divorced. She has two grown kids and two
grandchildren. She also rides a Harley motorcycle. I sent you a picture (SMILE).
I am enclosing my purchase receipt for the shoes. As you can see, I got them in
January. They are just starting to wear out on the inside, where the heal and
achilles tendon are. I will give them another three or four months. Cheaply made
shoes. They look good, but not built for heavy running/jogging.
April 7, 2006
The letter that I am responding to is one that took two weeks to get to me. We
have been experiencing problems with our mail once again. I think that it has
picked back up, but will not know until I receive my mail next week.
We just went through the yearly "lock-down/shake-down" and I hope that I have
not mislaid a letter some where. I will find it later, if I have. This ribbon is almost
done. The store did not have any more. I will be changing over to the one that I
do not have a correction tape for. You know in my past correspondence that I
will be marking "X"'s through my mistakes then.
The clinics we have are separate from our hospitals. The hospitals still have the
specialized services that you mentioned, but you are only admitted to them
through a Doctor. The clinics are available to everyone, willing to pay or have
I have not typed any letters in some time and it is taking me a little bit to get back
to using my Neanderthal fingers (SMILE).
I am certainly tired of my present scenery and have been since six months after
my arrest. I did receive the pictures. I thank you for sending them back.
Connie has sent you the application brief that Counselor Anton prepared. I think
that he did a really good job. He actually let me see the draft before the original
was created and submitted. I only had to make some small corrections, but it
turned out pretty good. I am making sure that you have received it by now.
D.. is here and I have given her plenty to look for. Personally I think that all of
this should have been done many, many years ago. She also told me that
Counselor Anton told her to wait on the polygraph, and that the jeans were
suppose to be lost. The ones that were too small for me and had Donna's blood
on them. Funny how things keep coming up missing, especially when they are in
my favor. I cannot prove my innocence. The polygraph will not be admissible in
a new trial. I can use it on appeal, but not in a trial.
I will be able to pick my letter writing back up again. The shake-down slowed
everything down and I have been a little late with my Paralegal studies. Hard to
concentrate with all my legal material needing to be prepared and shown to
others. The next few tests are not as long in the chapters. I will not have as much
trouble with them. They will not take so long anyway.
Let me know what you think of the brief. Take care and I hope that you and
Bente have a good time.
April 13, 2006
They have not aloud us to submit a store request as of yet. I am out of everything
except stamps and stationary. I think I spelled "aloud" incorrectly (SMILE). I
think that it is supposed to be"allowed".
I am responding to the following letters: March 23, 27, 28, and April 5. I have
also received the report book from the American Bar Association. I am sending
the receipt back to you so that you can see that they did screw up the name.
However, mailroom personnel wrote my name out to the side using my I.D.
number. If they are reading this, I thank you for making the correction. In a
round about way, I have found out that the mailroom for this Orbit is looking to
hire help. I did not know that they were short handed. I wish that I had known
this weeks ago. I would not have been looking for those to blame for my mail
being delivered so far behind natural schedule. Please know that your letters are
still being delivered late. However, this last letter arrived in normal time, that
being five days.
For the past two weeks, D.. has been visiting and we have had long visits and we
have covered just about everything that could possibly be dug up at this late date.
I have only my knowledge to rely on. Please remember, I had left Adams at the
drug house and do not know who or what happened during that time. That is
why I did not know about those that testified at Adams' trial, which were in my
favor. The State prosecutors withheld all of those names from my trial court-
appointed attorneys. Please know that at this time, D.. has not discovered the
whereabouts of certain witnesses that were never questioned. I have given her
three names and the search may continue well after she returns home. She has
stated that she is going to do all that she can to make sure that my case gets
media coverage. It is a comfort to know that there are people like those that I
write to, in the world.
Except for the Polygraph expert, the private attorneys seem well out of my price
range. $110,000 - That is one hundred and ten thousand. He wants this up front.
I have sent my Father a letter and will see if he will help. I am sure that this will
be way beyond anything he could contribute.
What did you think of the application brief for a C.O.A. (Certificate of
Appealability)? Actually thought that it was very good! You may make all
documents available upon receipt. These documents are not sealed by the courts
and are accessible by the public through the proper process. If there is ever a
question as to the publishing of any document or facts I will of course let you
I will be sending 6 deposit slips with this letter. I will not need any more shoes
until these wear out. I do not like to buy shoes twice within a year. For the
money, they are supposed to last at the very least one year. My account is topped
off. It is good. I certainly thank you for this. It allows me to concentrate on other
things. I know that I owe you a lot. IF we are successful, I hope that you will
allow me to visit. I would like to meet you. Provided I can get a visa/passport.
That may be the hard part (SMILE).
As I was typing this I received my mail for the night. We get our mail at night. I
have just received your April 1st letter. Wonder why I received your April 5th
letter two days before this one? It just does not make sense to me. Also, I think
some of Connie's letter is missing. I will not know for sure until I ask her when
she visits on the 15th.
Concerning the BLOG. Is it necessary that directions to downloading the
information you have on the site be posted? You stated that Connie had trouble.
Could it be that she did not know how to download the material? I am curious if
others will have the same trouble, however, you have stated that you have done
something so that all of the legal information will be accessible. I am just curious.
Yes, we had our twice-yearly "lock-down/shake-down". It lasts approximately
two weeks and is now over. No, it does not affect the visits.
I got a good laugh when you stated that Mr. Bill Gates was not going to get any
more money from you for his new software (SMILE). Good to read that your
Mother is better. I have no idea how mine is doing. I am trying to remedy that. It
seems to be a slow process however. I do not remember getting sick over
anything that I ate, although it is a wonder (SMILE). I have gotten used to the
food around here. I have to keep an eye on the water however. I think I have that
figured out as well. I now see that you did like the brief that was filed. I thought
that it was good myself.
Dad has sent a monetary gift for my birthdays and for the Christmas seasons. He
has a trucking company but I am sure that he is planning for retirement. It is very
close. I doubt that he can help much but I have fashioned a letter asking in any
event. I hate asking anyone for this. I have done nothing to earn it.
I will let D.. tell you if she has found anything. She has leads that I have given her
but I do not think that she has gotten anywhere other than understanding my
situation much better. Maybe that is what she was after in the first place. I know
if it were me, in a reverse situation, I would want to know why this and that took
I have spoken to Rodney Reed about his case a few years ago. I still remember it.
Thanks for sending the information.
April 24, 2006
Just finished reading the article about Abraham Lincoln that you had sent in a
previous letter. I thought that it was very good and I had no idea. I did poorly in
History class as a student. I was not interested in the past at that particular time
in my life. History was and is my worst subject. Thanks for sending the article.
I pray that this letter finds that you are well and in good spirits. I have not heard
from Bente, so I do not know how the trip went. I am expecting some mail
tonight, but due to all of the problems that we have been having, I may not get
anything until tomorrow night.
Finally got a Paralegal test out today. I have gotten way behind. I always wait until
I receive an answer before I continue with the next lesson. With the mail
problems that we are having, I guess I had better change my routine and just go
ahead and do the next tests. I will try to put out two more this week. That will be
three for the week and should pretty much catch me up on the schedule that I
had planned for myself.
D.. took down a lot of information from me. She has a lot to work on should she
continue with the investigation. She was met with closed doors down here in
Texas. Texans do not cotton to people out of State investigating their legal cases.
She knew that before she came. I had told her as much. What she does now with
all of the information that she has is entirely up to her. I have not heard from her,
as of yet, but you know how our mail is running.
Thanks for the Capital Defense Weekly. I have yet to read Nealey's case
summary. It is an interest. I have gotten behind on everything. D.. was visiting 5
and 6 hours each day that she visited. She sprang for my lunch. They have food
and snack machines visitors can buy from. Anyway, that time took me away from
my normal routine. I went to sleep when I would return to my cell (SMILE). I
did not get anything done and kept putting everything off.
I will attempt to catch up on everything before I set down to some enjoyable
reading. I have a select few that I share the books with. I have gotten rather
choosy with those that I associate with. I think that past experiences and my
situation have taught me to be wary. Too many prisoners are two-faced and I
cannot tell one from the other. I still get "foolled" if I spelled that correctly.
Dictionary does not have the "ed" form of the word.
You know? I was curious as to what you did with stuff that you had bought and
then could not re-sell. Sometimes books are like trends. Certain authors will not
be popular and then later on a few people are looking for them. You know the
business however. I was just curious if you had stockpiled several books.
I am expecting a visit from my attorney any day now. Nothing he can really do
until they make a ruling. We do not know when that will be because the schedule
is first come first serve. I have no idea how far down the line that we are. I think
that Counselor Anton should be able to find out when they have us scheduled to
be heard. I will ask when he gets here or may attempt to do it through an E-Mail.
He did not want me to take the Polygraph test until the court had made their
ruling. I am not at all sure as to why this is. I do know that since my case is
before the Fifth Circuit, then it would be they that I would have to petition for a
"bench warrant" allowing me to be transported to a Houston jail in order to take
the polygraph. WHY they do not allow the test to be taken here is beyond my
comprehension. Of course, a lot that happens is not very logical to me anyway
Just had a cell search. Took about 15 minutes. They do those from time to time
and they are supposed to be at random. Anyway, I am closing this up. Do you
need me to write a summary for the BLOG or is the 61 page brief self-
explanatory? However you wish to do it. You all can see what is popular and
what is appropriate. I do not have access to these varying sites. Just be creative
and I certainly trust your judgment. You can add another link to the BLOG. It is
in New York state. It is entitled Prisoners Beyond the Wall or something like
that. I have sent out all of my information on the site. D.. just updated it for me.
Take care. I pray that all of your family are doing well. I have attempted to
contact my Mother. Will let you know how it turns out. If anything changes in
my legal situation I will let you know, but Connie will be in contact with you way
before I can get a letter to you.

May 2, 2006
I have waited over the weekend before responding to you, and in doing so I have
collected several of your letters to respond to. Our mail is still arriving
sporadically, so I have been waiting a few days extra in order to respond properly.
Your letters are still arriving around a two-week course after you have posted
them. The normal amount of time, without any delay is 5-7 days.
I am now responding to the following; APRIL 7, 11, 18, 21, and 23. I am pretty
sure that I have received all of the copies of the Texas Defender Service's
website. However, for some odd reason, one of the mailroom staff confiscated
chapters 2 and 3, stating that I was not allowed that publication. I have no idea
what she is talking about and I figured that she was just giving me a hard time for
filing a grievance on their work performance. I am not the one that they want to
write grievances (SMILE). First of all, I know how to spell and I know how a
grievance is suppose to be put together in order to be effective. My word
knowledge is not too shoddy and I think I can take a claim all of the way to a
legal grievance suit, if necessary. I have too many other things that I would rather
be doing I assure you. Anyway, I have appealed her decision and would
appreciate it if you would send only those two chapters, once again. If it is not
too much trouble. If they refuse it this time, then I will notify The Defender
Service and have them deliver the information in person. I happen to know one
of their attorneys and will not mind getting a letter off to him and letting him
take over the situation. This is “legal references”, and they have no right in not
allowing the information. So far, I have up to chapter nine, subtracting chapters
three and four.
I see from your letter that you and Bente had a pretty good visit (SMILE). I knew
that you two would. You both are really great people.
I am sure that the letter that you prepared for my folks was gratefully accepted.
Has Kathy written you back? She would write to you quicker than I, but she does
not write that often in the first place. I was just curious. I wrote my Father on the
same subject matter and discovered that he is having problems with his business,
because of rising fuel prices. He will send funds when needed though. Actually, I
had not expected him to be able to send any.
I read what you wrote about the "Solar Panels". Being interested in electronics, I
know the particulars with solar panels. With what you will be needing, you will
also install a piece of equipment that will store the energy that is not used and
you will use that stored energy on the cloudy or rainy days. Don't disconnect your
electricity. You will also need it for times that you are out of stored energy and all
you will have to do is pull some levers and switch back over to electricity. Yes, in
the end, it will save you money.
Counselor Anton wants me to wait on the Polygraph test until after the Fifth
Circuit render their ruling on the brief that he entered on my behalf. I have yet to
discuss the matter with him in person, but am told by D.. that he should be
visiting any day now.
I sent in two Paralegal tests almost back to back. I am attempting to get caught
up on everything and then I will get to some relaxing reading enjoyment. Might
of missed a few on the last test. I was up for 24 hours and went ahead and tried
to take the test anyway. Don't be surprised at a bad grade. I am expecting it
Thanks for the cautioning advice, in your letter dated the 23rd. I do the best that
I can with the information that I have. It is very difficult to render an effective
decision when I do not have all of the information in front of me. I know that
you know this. I will certainly stay with Counselor Anton unless I have a darn
good reason. I base my decisions on other's advice, but I do not let the advice
take precedence over what I know to be right. If I am uncertain, then I will seek
out the help that I need and I know where to go for that. Different situations will
determine the person in which I will ask. Different people are better at different
I see that you had a good outing with Alistair and Phillip. I enjoy bowling and I
also enjoy playing pool in a bar or pub. Yes, we have a few real pubs in the cities.
May 17, 2006
Thanks for the Capital Defense Weekly. You will be the only one sending them
now (SMILE).
I asked Connie to marry me. I was trying my darndest to keep her out of this
situation of pending death. She was not going to hear any of that, so I proposed
(SMILE). I'm pretty happy she accepted (SMILE).
Alright, the "Denial" form that you received was for chapters 3 and 4 of the stuff
you were getting off of the web site of the Defender Service. Do this. Send it to
Ms … and have her send it in to me. That should take care of that, I have all of
the other chapters that you have sent. I have no idea as to why the chapters were
refused other than them just picking on me. As you know, all of the other
chapters came in without any problem. It is from the Defender Service and if all
else fails, then I will ask one of their attorneys to send me a copy. I do have a
name that I can send a letter to and he and I have corresponded before, a few
years back.
Until the mailroom gets their program back on line, just send only the C.D.W.
updates in with your letters. Last night, I received most of my mail and most of
my subscriptions. Hopefully, that was a sign that the mail is coming back on line.
I will let you know or Connie can communicate with you quicker than I can.
D.. was supposed to contact those in the media and see if we could my case
publicized. She was supposed to contact Oprah Winfrey - no way I can do it.
Bente stated that she may have someone in mind. I hope she does not wait too
I will keep this short. I see that you will be on a trip for a little bit. You can catch
up when you get back. Know that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. I
am staying out of trouble. Very rarely does anyone bother me straight out. It is
usually done so that other prisoners will not witness, but I have been able to deal
with what they dish out. I know the name of their game and two can play
(SMILE). I do have to watch about drugs or slow poisoning. I doubt if my
attorney would even acknowledge that stuff like that go on. Getting that
Polygraph expert in here will clear a lot of things up. The thing is, Counselor
Anton has asked that we wait on the court's ruling on our application. I do not
wish to trip him up and will abide by his decision. He really did do a good job on
that last brief.
I am going to ask Connie what all is on her website considering my case. Then I
will need you to list what you have placed on yours. I am trying to get all of the
legal information out there so maybe I can obtain some more help. We have a
long way to go yet. At least I do have a set goal. As always, take care, exercise and
stay healthy. May the Lord continue to bless all that you do.
May 25, 2006
Took a break last night and went to sleep. They are asking us to put our mail out
on our doors by 5:00 am. That was too early for me to finish this letter.
Yeah, I now have two letters from Bente. According to Connie, Bente's birthday
was the 20th of this month. I did not even have it marked and I usually do that.
Brain error on my part. I have sent her a late card. I will be writing to her next.
I have not really been keeping up with the political arena. I think the Democrats
will take back a lot of the political offices in the upcoming elections and I do
believe we will see a Democratic President in the next presidential election. I
don't know who that will be. A smart pick would be Al Gore, but I don't know if
he is thinking of running for office again or not.
Not having total access to Tony Blair's activities I cannot really comment on him.
From what I have read, I don't see where he has done that much wrong. I believe
he was misled into the Bush administration's thoughts about Weapons of Mass
Destruction. I also think that he acted believing that information to be true. What
else has he done that has set the population against him? The U.S. publishers
print only the good things of his activities. They do post the polls that show
where he is unliked.
I liked Geography in school and did very well in that class. I did not like History
and did very poorly in it. I know where everything is at, just not its history
(SMILE). I was studying to be a miner not long after I was out of school. Yes,
you have to train for that. I studied rocks in depth, and minerals. I also studied
liquids and gases. They also gave us a weeks course of First Aid, C.P.R. and how
to set bones. In two weeks I learned a lot. They were only 4 hour classes but we
went over everything quickly and had tons of homework. That is where the time
came in, doing all of that homework.
The letter that you wrote while you were on vacation did not sound too
enthusiastic about the trip you were on (SMILE). Did you enjoy it or was it more
work than you expected? You are supposed to relax on trips. That means your
mind as well. A little light reading is good, but you dove into local news and
books written for heavy thinkers (SMILE). Maybe that is relaxing to you. I don't
I certainly know what Scrabble is. My Mother and I were competitors for years.
During my teen years anyway. She has a huge vocabulary and mental Dictionary.
She worked for a Doctor as his secretary. That was at a hospital. I remember
stopping off by there after school and seeing her at work. She was always typing
something. The Doctor would record what he wanted typed and Mom would
listen to the tape and type at the same time. That is how fast she was at typing.
She has a business degree and graduated College. I learned a lot off of her.
At the moment I am trying to catch up on all of my letter writing. I still have
novels to read (SMILE). I do the Bible tests and I am keeping up with my
Paralegal lessons at the same time. I read the newspaper and all of the magazines
that I get. I do have plenty to do. Now if I can just keep the guards from picking
on me and doing what they are supposed to do, I would be alright.
It seems I am constantly having to look after their activities. Passing out sheets
tonight. I was given a very dirty looking pair of pad sheets. Sometimes after much
use they can look like that but they are supposed to throw those away. Just
needing to check for my conscience sake. I put the sheets in water with a little
dish liquid. Water turned dark brown. Then I have to yell and bang on the door
just to get the guard's attention before they take the sheets off of the Pod. I don't
like having to act up like that and I should not have to in order to get things
straight. If the guards paid attention to their job I would not have to come in
behind them, second-guessing their actions. Blaming someone else is not going
to get it either. They can tell when those sheets are dirty just like I could.
Then that brings me to the food and water. They know when anything is not
right. I should not have to tell them unless they are new. Then I don't mind
telling whomever. They do these things on purpose and know when things are
not right. If they want to hear me bang on the door that much, then I don't mind
doing it for them. I get a little good exercise in doing that anyway (SMILE). Only
problem is, the door has started to crack at the bottom and I figure too much
more of them not paying attention to what they are doing and they will have
another door to repair (SMILE). It will be awhile yet so do not get excited about
it. I don't hit that door unless I absolutely have to. After four or five doors you
would think they would figure it out.
Let me state this so that you know my exact position in this situation. I write
Counselor Anton about everything. I make copies of all of my letters to him and
in those letters, anyone can tell where the problem is and that I do not fly off the
handle over nothing. I speak plainly when I finally get someone's attention and
there is not a curse word in any of my explanations. The fact these guards do
what they do is common knowledge. It is part of death row I believe. I will not
have to account for these actions later on. If that comes up I will then present the
letters and grievances that I have filed and it is self-explanatory. Don't get
worried about what I have stated. That is not my intentions. You deserve to
know what all is going on in my life on death row. Things are not as bad as they
were. I will make it.
Oh, I figured out what all I have to do with the water problem (SMILE).
Whenever it stings my mouth and numbs my tongue and throat I just let the
thing run for about three hours and that takes care of whatever the problem was.
We are right near a big lake so I have plenty of water to run through if necessary
(SMILE). Can you picture me draining a big lake? Only if necessary. HA!HA!HA!
I usually do not go into stuff like that, but it had just happened with the sheets
and I thought putting it on paper would help me sleep (SMILE).
Yes, I think Connie is very happy (SMILE). I would be a little bit more happy if I
were not in this situation. I do have it a lot better than some of these guys in
here. Half of that is because of you and I am very grateful for all that you have
done and are doing. If I ever get to another prison, things will be a lot different. I
will also be able to have the opportunity to attend classes in electronics. Of
course there may be a long line in front of me. Just a thought.
You take care. I continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Have you
read any good articles on the story of Mary Magdalene? There sure are a lot of
them since The Da Vinci Code came out.
P.S. The lady guard that was in the picket when I was trying to get her attention
just brought me some clean sheets. She did not see the floor guard come up here
earlier. That was very nice of her. Kind of feel bad about hitting the door, now
Chapter 6
A marriage of love and hope + Tony’s letters June – Aug. 2006
Tony's marriage to Connie gave him a personal relationship and mental freedom
that, while challenged in the coming months, could never be taken from him
again. With a family of friends, and a refreshed relationship with some of his
immediate family, Tony had found a peace of mind and strength that the years of
hardship and confinement had once threaten to engulf. His gratitude and sense
of pride was apparent to the last. He tried hard to bring all of his family into this
plane of love, but it was unfortunately not to be. For an “outsider”, this was hard
to understand, but Tony never lost hope that a reconciliation would one day take
place. It is an underrated, and in places forgotten, consequential tragedy and
cruelty of the death penalty that too many inmates are forced to bear.
For Tony the one tangible act that he could now perform, that would perhaps
both serve to carry his legal fight to a retrial and show the world the travesty of
his conviction, was a polygraph. Although acknowledging that in Texas a
polygraph carried no legal weight, he was convinced that, if doubt of guilt could
be established by other means, the polygraph would then sway the process to his
advantage. He had never been allowed to stand up in court and give evidence of
his own innocence, nor to challenge the testimony of Adams, his co-accused.
Neither had he ever been given the assurance that he could safely give a sworn
testament or affidavit from prison. He had no doubt about the result of a
polygraph, and held great hopes of its impact on his family. So, initial plans for a
test began.
A visit from Bente was another highlight at this time. But Tony did fret over the
appeal being prepared for the Fifth Circuit. Once again, while he accepted the
professional work of his attorney, he could not understand or accept the very
little influence he was permitted to have on the nature, scope or specificity of the
appeal and strategy. If the courts, in their judgments, are going to penalize the
defendant for the errors and omissions of attorneys, then this lack of
accountability to the defendant is something that should perhaps be addressed.
The great reluctance of US courts to do so continues to severely restrict and
obstruct the efforts of defendants to overturn the procedural barrier for the
admission and consideration of error by their attorneys. So many vital
opportunities to challenge and correct procedural and evidential errors made at
Tony’s trial and in the first Habeas appeal, were missed and unreserved - lost to
rules that make no sense when a life is at stake, and innocence is a real possibility.
Counselor Anton and his colleagues were thereafter fighting a state and federal
legal machine that would give no quarter in its efforts to deny effective challenge,
as appeal after appeal was turned aside. It was little wonder that Tony found
confidence difficult to grant.
So, here are extracts from Tony’s letters June – August 2006.
June 7, 2006
Hello Peter,
Your letter was well received (SMILE). I received both issues of the CDW. I also
received the news reports about the river and the Honey Bee. I have waited a few
days, knowing that your letters might arrive close together and they have. For
some reason, Connie's letters are a little late this week. I don't mind that, as long
as Unit staff have the letters and not any of the inmates.
Yes, Connie did contact my Mother. I have since written her a letter. You can go
ahead and write to my Mother or any of my family members. If they don't want
you to write, then they will say something to someone. It will get back to us. I
cannot think of any reason as to why they would not wish you to write. The thing
is, they may not answer. I may have to send my letters to my attorney and have
him make sure that they reach my family. I will discuss that with him when he
visits at the end of this week.
There are very few around me that even concern themselves with their legal
situation. Most do not possess the education to really understand. They have to
have someone walk them through what all is going on in their individual cases, let
alone reading something the High Court has decreed and whether or not it
affects their case or not.
Another thing is that most are guarded, as well. You cannot help them unless you
know the particulars about their case. Since we have jailhouse snitches, no-one
wants to give out potentially vital information. I don't blame them a bit, but then
they cannot follow their legal case or other cases that may have an affect on their
legal situation.
Thanks for the update on my Paralegal tests. I have been keeping the test results
that they send back to me. They do not send the graded paper back. They send
the grade, however. The next set of tests will be long to study. Three have
numerous pages before the test is offered. The longest so far. You may go ahead
and send a copy to my Mother. There will be no harm in that. My letters may not
be getting through to her. She has a computer, so you should provide your E-
Mail address.
If you post my trial transcripts or partial passages, please be sure to post Adams'
transcriptions as well. No-one will be able to see the injustice if they do not
compare the two trials. Both are publicly accessible, so you may publish them.
That will not be a problem. You may leave out unimportant data and passages.
My attorney wants me to wait until after the Fifth Circuit make a ruling on my
case before having a polygraph done. It would be new evidence, anyway. I would
have to go back to the State Courts and enter it there, provided the Federal
Courts gave me leave to do so, but then the State will just say that since it was
not produced along with all of my other issues, then I am procedurally barred by
law from anyone hearing the new evidence, unless it has a scientific reliability,
such as DNA evidence. Here in the U.S. polygraph tests are not regarded as
particularly reliable and cannot be used as concrete evidence in a trial. On appeal,
it is allowed, only to sway judgment that could go either way, for the defense or
the State. That is my understanding anyway. If nothing else, I want it done to
satisfy my family and to show the media. Some issues here at the Unit were
questioned as to who was telling the truth and I do eagerly want to clear that up.
So, everything is on hold at the moment.
Yeah, every time that I feel that I have been offended by the guards, staff, or
even some of these degenerate prisoners, I think about Connie and the visits. I
have been keeping "low profile" as it were. Could care less how it looks. I am
trying to better myself and Connie is a good reason to take a little shit every now
and then (SMILE).
Thanks for the monetary gift. You know that comes in very handy. I want you to
know that I very much appreciate it. I don't wish to wear out a good thing, so if
you are running a little short, then you need not send the monthly allowance. I
am a little up on the account and doing good.
I have not testified in my case up to this date. Adams was the only one that told
any version as to what took place. Of course he told lies, so what I have told is
the truth and when compared to the evidence, anyone will see why this is a
"highly circumstantial" case and how I am actually innocent. This will be repeated
to the polygraph expert and then it will be proven, if anyone will trust the test. I
believe odds on that they will.
June 8, 2006
Fell asleep last night. For some odd reason I have been way too sleepy. I may
have to quit eating entirely in order to detoxify my system. Usually three to four
days will do the trick. I used to do it once a year and then just quit worrying
about it. I hope that is all that it is anyway.
Got my result back on test 20 tonight. I got another 95%. I hate that. With the
way that I do these tests, which is exactly as they have instructed I should not be
missing any. I am learning, so I guess that is the main thing. Tests 22, 23, and 24
are going to be long study tests.
Just received THE FREEDOM TRAP. It was sent by another company so that is
why it was probably late in reaching me. It looked to be in new condition. He is
really an excellent writer. I enjoy the fast pace that he sets out in his novels. Have
you been reading these, too?
Connie is by now in the State of California, enjoying the good life (SMILE). She
grumbled about going and leaving me. She made a good show of it (SMILE).
After seeing the pictures of the five star hotel that she would be staying in, I
know that I would have at least had some joy in knowing that I would be there
for a week. Did she E-Mail you any pictures of the place she would be staying at.
Her company is paying for everything. It was part of a bonus or reward. She must
be doing really well in her company or business. I am certainly happy for her and
told her that I was wanting her to go and relax. She thinks she has to be here in
town in case something happens with me (SMILE). I wonder what she thinks I
have been doing in the years that I did not know her (SMILE)?
Tomorrow is Friday. I expect my attorney will grace me with his presence
(SMILE). I had wanted to speak with him way before now. I guess I will have to
hash everything out with him when he gets here. Several things that the State
claimed in their response was just not accurate. He should have filed a response
to their response, cleaning up any misunderstandings and pointing to the record
for proof.
Still have not heard anything from my Mother. I will wait until Connie gets back
before I attempt any further contact. She stated that Connie could call back.
June 19, 2006
I appreciate the computer generated smiley faces (SMILE). I am responding to
your June 12 letter. Hard to believe someone would think 80° degrees was hot
(SMILE). We are getting ready for the 100° degree weather. We have had a
considerable amount of rain and if they do not turn me loose, it is going to get
much worse, weather wise (SMILE). Seriously though, this Global warming
condition is going to cause much worse weather here in the near future. Scientists
have already predicted several possible outcomes and none of them will be good.
That is just for this year.
THANKS for creating that new website for my legal material. You should charge
to view that one. Did you get a copy of the CD that had the computer
transcription of both trials? What is the new web address? It may be on the
copies that you stated that you would be sending.
Yes, the State's response contained some false facts about either what was stated
at trial, or what was not pointed out, in view of whatever the State has stated.
They took two things out of context. That is not right and unless the Justices
review all of the trial record, it will go unchanged. At this level of the appellate
process, the Justices are supposed to review the record and not take either side's
word or comments for the truth of the matter. I will believe it when I see it.
Yes, Connie won an award at the company that she works for. She was number
one in the Nation for whatever it was. She will have to explain it to you better.
She has told me, but I get lost in the medical jargon (SMILE). Joking of course.
She educates potential patients and also instructs Surgeons on the technique used
with this new computer chip that sits on a specific spot of the brain of an
epileptic, and then with small electric pulses, controls the patient's seizures. She
works out of her home and I assume calls and solicits potential patients about the
process. The company is spread out throughout the Nation and it is divided up
into regions. I assume the person with the most patients obtained is the one that
wins the award. Now, I will ask that you verify this, in case I have gotten it
wrong. She only told me the one time and that was a few months ago. No doubt
I may have missed something. She is the expert (SMILE). The award also came
with a small vacation. It was all paid for and there were others that were awarded,
but if I understand correctly, she was the number one in all of the Nation. That
was the reason for her trip to California. I think it lasted about five days. She has
pictures already in computer format. Just ask.
I don't know anything about the game that you call football. It is referred to as
"soccer" here in the U.S.. My cousins used to play and I went to three of their
matches, but I never learned the particulars of the game. I do know the object of
the game however (SMILE). I could never tell you if one side looked better than
the other. The U.S.A. TODAY newspaper puts in extra sections that cover the
tournament. I have been keeping up a little bit. I would rather watch or listen to a
game than have to read someone's interpretation in the newspaper. Of course if I
miss a sporting event, then that is a great way to learn about what exactly
happened. The sports writer stated that the U.S. team was not that good.
The visit with Counselor Anton was a joke. I had prepared to cover the things
that the State had presented. These are small items of fact and must be known in
case there is an appointment for "oral" presentation of the case issues. I was at
the trial. I know exactly what happened as far as statements and presented facts
or what was not presented. He has to know these things in order to properly
represent me and he has no way of learning these things on his own unless I
point them out to him. So, I was ready for a legal visit. He asked me what I
wanted out of the machines and I told him that I just wanted something to drink.
While he went to get that I took all of my paperwork out and was ready when he
came back from the vending machines. He asked about the form that he could
sign as a "Notary Public". His assistant was supposed to give him the form and I
had no idea that among all of his accomplishments that he was a "Notary Public"
as well. The form was necessary in order to obtain my birth certificate from the
State of Tennessee. The birth certificate is needed in order to obtain a "Marriage
License". So, Ms … never gave him the form.
I started to talk to him about the response from the State and that is when
Professor Penrose came to the cubical. They visit about five prisoners at the
same time. He gets up and goes to talk to whomever she left. She sits down and I
start to explain the issues to her. She starts to take notes.
Five minutes later Counselor Anton comes back and states that she and he must
leave because of an appointment they must keep, not stating what the
appointment was. Both told me to write my issues in a letter. I was not a happy
camper going back to my cell. There are several things that pop into my mind for
reasons that would excuse this behavior. We were not on a secure telephone line
in the first place like we should have been. They have reserved rooms for
attorney visits. They chose to visit in the regular visiting area so maybe he did not
wish to talk business because of that. I don't like making excuses for someone
else and especially not my appellate attorney. All this process is obtaining the
admittance for the case issues to be heard. It is not to argue the issues. That will
come later. So maybe he felt we could take this up at a later date? So I am left
with making excuses. At this stage there is no damage.
You were already supposed to have a copy of the transcripts. My attorney has
them and I will instruct him to send you some copies. I also made a statement as
to what happened. This is the first for that. I have not made any legal statements
nor did I ever testify at my trial, so basically, no-one really knows the truth. I will
ask him to send you a copy of that as well. You need not post it since it is new
evidence and not part of my legal record.
I guess that will do it for me. I need to crack down and get another Paralegal test
out. I have gotten behind on my reading of everything. I just get worried about
my legal situation and then I am not worth a flip.
Take care yourself and I continually to thank you for everything. I have drafted a
reply to the woman that emailed us. She states that she is a clairvoyant. I don't
know how to judge that. I do know that there exists documented police reports
of these types of people helping with cold cases and solving crimes that have the
police stumped. Personally I don't believe that I am in a position to turn down
any help. Connie should have provided you a copy of the reply that I had asked
her to send. I am welcoming her help. Feel free to give me your advice and take
on the situation.
June 25, 2006
ALRIGHT!!! That website was exactly what I had been hoping someone would
create (SMILE). Thank You! I am responding to the following correspondence:
June 14 and June 15. Before I forget. I drafted a letter to Connie, telling her to E-
Mail Gabrielle the short letter and also to send you a copy. Did you receive a
copy of the letter? If not, E-Mail Connie and also get a hold of Gabrielle and tell
her of the mail problem that I may be experiencing here at the Unit. I do want
her assistance. Because of my Protestant belief, the Catholic Church will not help
as she has suggested. I cannot afford to turn anyone away.
Bill Gates is moving to bigger and better things (SMILE). For a good long time,
news articles were portraying him as a villain. Now they are praising him
(SMILE). I remember your thoughts on the subject as well.
As always, thanks for sending the Capital Defense Weekly. There is another site,
but I will have to dig out the address. I meant to write them some time ago and
ended up either putting it off or just plain forgetting about it. I have several
things going at the same time and I am trying to keep everything within
perspective. Some things get neglected.
If there is anything that you need, tell Connie. She can contact me the quickest,
plus she can think (SMILE). First woman I have married that could think on her
own and get the things right. HA!HA!HA! I told her as much. She got a kick out
of that. Connie and Irene came for a late night visit on Saturday. Our visiting
hours are different on the weekends. We had a great visit. Irene had been off on a
month's vacation and really looked rested. She and her husband went overseas to
see their son and his wife and family. She stated that she ate too much (SMILE).
My mail has been back to normal, until my legal magazines did not turn up. Also
Connie stated that she had not received all of my letters for the week. The only
thing that I can think of is that the guards are passing the letters off. We will find
out this week for sure. I need to find out if she received my letter that I had
drafted for the E-Mail to Gabrielle. I forgot to ask her at the visit and it will be
number one on my topics to cover this week. She will also be visiting this week
again so one way or the other I will find out.
That is all that I can think of for the moment. If something else comes to me I
will of course put it in the next letter. I sure do appreciate all of the work that you
are putting into my case. None of this would be done if it were not for you.
Connie is too much in love to concentrate on my legal documents. Not only that,
her job is very demanding as well. That is how she got that award from her
company. She puts in a lot of hours. She is tech savvy however. I will be looking
forward to your next correspondence. Connie is getting ready for the marriage. I
am really happy about it as well. I just wish I were not in this situation. She has
acknowledged the possible outcome, so it is in God's hands.
July 2, 2006
I am responding to the following letters: June 22 and June 26. I have been pretty
busy answering letters and doing my tests for the Paralegal course and my Bible
course. Ask Connie to send you copies of my Bible certificates. There are two of
Thanks for keeping my parents and Aunt informed on my case. Well, I have
made an error. I have three of your letters here. I forgot to add June 24. I
received it also (SMILE). I have too much paper all over the place at the
moment. I am getting all of my letter writing done and I have put together a lot
of my personal property that I am going to try and place in the property room to
await Connie's visit in which she will be allowed to pick it up. Yeah, Connie has
the visits set up so that those that want to come and see me bring her with them
also (SMILE).
Well, that is about it from me. I pray that this letter finds that you are well and
that your parents are well and in good spirits. I will be writing again this week. I
am continuing to do pretty good on the Paralegal course and my Bible tests as
well. When you get a chance, send my Mother a copy of the Paralegal scores. Do
you have her address in Memphis? I think I sent that to you. Thanks for
July 5, 2006
I am responding to letter dated the 27 of June. It contained the third chapter in
the little novel that you have been sending. I decided to go ahead and read the
three chapters. They are not short stories, as I had once guessed. It is pretty
funny and reminds me a lot of myself (SMILE). You just do not know. HA!HA!
HA! Glad I decided to go ahead and start it, but now I am waiting for the next
chapters. Never did like starting anything unless I had the complete version. This
looks out to be pretty good.
At present, Connie is much interested in the upcoming ceremony in which she
and I are to be wed (SMILE). She tells me to pick a date and I did. It was to be
August 4. She cannot wait and changes it to this week. HA!HA!HA! She has set
everything up for the 7th of this month. You should already know. I am the last
to know anything (SMILE).
Your Birthday present is running late. I told Connie that you had some taste and
left it up to her to get an appropriate gift. If it is not that good, I will pick the gift
next year (SMILE). Your Birthday snuck up on me and I really did not give her
enough time to pick something out that had taken some thought. It is all my
fault. I don't always pay attention to the calender. My Father is the hardest person
to pick a gift for. He has everything and he is particular. If you hang around him
long enough, you can tell where his interest lies. His business. So getting things
for his trucks is what he always wants.
Don't have a clue to what you are going through with picking a mobile phone. It
was my understanding that when you purchased a computer, it provided a list of
accessories and instructions that could be obtained and even updated on-line. It
should be the same with a laptop. Contact the company that put out the laptop
and ask them which mobile phones they recommend and if they even put out
one themselves. Be sure to explain exactly what you want out of the phone and
what you want it to do by way of functions. By now, you have probably already
found one. I agree with the color problem (SMILE). I had to laugh when I read
that. All the phones are pink. HA!HA!HA!
We were allowed to make a store purchase today. I got most of what I wanted
and will be doing pretty good for a week or two, as far as food goes. My main
problem is clothes. For four months I have been trying to get T-Shirts, boxers,
and gym shorts that are the right size and made by people that know what they
are doing. I have never been given a T-Shirt for four months. I have received two
boxers, at different times, and both look like they were stitched together by a
seven year old girl. Actually, I think the seven year old would have done a better
job. I am paying a premium price and I should get quality work. This was
certainly ridiculous. I will try to go through Counselor Anton and see if I can get
some clothes in through him. Of course the Warden will have to approve the
request, so he will be involved as well.
Not much else to tell you. Got a question, however. Did you send my Mother a
copy of the scores that I have with the Paralegal course? I was hoping that you
would. Ask Connie to send you a copy of my two Bible course certificates. She
was supposed to and she may have. She has a lot on her mind at the moment and
may need reminding. I was wanting them to be published on the Internet site
along with the certificate I get out of the Paralegal course. If you do not think I
should, let me know. Some people may think that if I have the means to do that
while in this hell-hole, then I may be able to afford legal help on my own. You
are on the outside looking in, and the decision will be up to you.
Give my best regards to those interested. I pray that you are doing well and in
great spirits. The next letter that I write to you, I will be hitched (SMILE).
July 17, 2006
Thanks for sending the chapters to the "Brandy" yarn. I have enjoyed reading it.
It would make a good novella (SMILE). I am waiting for the rest of the chapters.
I have five, so far. You state that you will send chapter 7 of the Brandy Ahoy. I
have not received chapter six, yet. All I can do is go with this mail situation until
someone comes in and cleans it all up. You may wish to contact Counselor
Anton on my behalf and tell him that my mail is not reaching me. He is supposed
to visit in a week or two, but I have heard that for a few weeks now.
You should have received your Birthday present by now. It is from Connie and
myself. She told me what she was going to get you. Not my idea of a good gift,
but then not everyone thinks along the same lines as I do. I do hope that you will
like it. Connie and I are getting along great.
We are now officially in the 100°degree weather. It gets really hot some days,
here in Texas. Glad I am inside. Although for my freedom, I would make the
trade (SMILE).
I guess that is all from me until my mail gets straightened out. It gives me a
headache and then everyone wants to know why I go off the handle so easily
(SMILE). I will answer the letters as I receive them. You know what I have not
received so far. Thanks for all that you are doing for me.
July 21, 2006
Certainly glad to read that you had received those missing volumes. I had
wondered what had happened to them. I did not panic though. I am pretty sure
that my attorney has them electronically recorded. It would not been but a small
thing to get the missing copies once again. Peter, I know that took a huge amount
of time and work to put all of that together and doing so in the right format that
will allow others to download the information. I am very grateful for everything
that you are doing and that you have done for me and this case. I cannot seem to
say it enough. You have accomplished exactly what I have been wanting for a
website. The truth can be gleaned by reading both trials and then comparing
them. That is what I wanted everyone to do.
Since the mail was so late in getting to me, it has put me behind on everything. I
hate it when everything comes all at once. It messes up my whole schedule or any
attempt at making one. I am playing catch up with everything, once again.
I have written the attorney with the Texas Defender Service. Along with
consulting me on the issues of my appeal, I am going to ask that he help in
correcting my mail situation. I have just sent Major Nelson a letter concerning
clothing and my mail. I have asked Connie to send you a copy. I do not know if
you two fax documents or she can scan them and let you download them.
Whichever is the cheapest. I think our Post expense has sky rocketed and we
need to cool that expense down a little. It was mostly my fault. I sent documents
to everyone and then I have asked Connie to get Birthday presents for a family in
I have been writing Jenny for 7½ years. She is the first penfriend that Sue had set
up for me. When I first started writing her, her little girl was a toddler. Now she
has two boys and another toddler. Four kids in all. Her husband Liam has been
supportive and has allowed his wife to write to me all of these years. I thought it
appropriate that I should send a few presents while I could. May not be able to
next year. I was also sending them legal documents. Now that everything is up
and running, I will not have to do that any more thanks to you.
HA!HA!HA! Just reading what you wrote in the letter of the 11th. Yeah, there
have been U.F.O.'s for centuries and no-one has caught one of them yet. We
have rumors over here about a secret base the military has that stores all of the
hardware that the military have collected over the years that are alien generated.
Some say that they even have a few dead aliens (SMILE). To be perfectly honest
with you, both of our Governments do not tell all that they know. They are real
quick to spread propaganda and they choose what they think the populace will
believe. It is the only way they can keep something secret or classified. What is
the use in creating something that will be ahead of the arms race only to have it
duplicated and then made vulnerable? Plus you have to think about all of that
money that was spent on the cutting edge of technology. Tax payer's money at
that. (SMILE)
I had thought that you had sent the SNOW TIGER. I guess not. I am thinking
of the one where the guy is in ALASKA and he has a drinking problem. Now I
think that one was SNOW BLIND or something like that. Let me look here...... I
have sent a few home but after reading the list of novels that he has available I
must be thinking of another novel. I have literally read so many novels in my
lifetime that I cannot keep them all straight (SMILE). Plus I am getting OLD
Connie can write three letters to me in one day seems like. I cannot keep up with
her (SMILE). I am trying however. When Connie visited on the day we were
married she did not know how to take my loud protests and personal call to the
Major. When I am that loud they can hear me everywhere, or talk of it reaches
where it is intended (SMILE). Most are used to me being loud in protest. It was
the first time Connie had ever seen me raise my voice and I think it scared her
and then she got worried that I would be leveled. That was not the case. I had no
intentions of loosing that bit of property. It had happened to me once before and
this time I had personal pictures of my family, trophies and some legal
documents that I could not afford to look the other way on. Once it was all said
and done, Connie left with the property and I had to write the Major a letter of
apology. I included some other problems in that letter. You will be receiving a
copy from Connie.
About the disks that you have recorded and put together. I don't understand the
reasoning in waiting for the Fifth Circuit to make a ruling. Even if in my favor I
still need the help for a possible new trial defense team. If the ruling is against
me, then I will need people to raise some noise about the injustice of it all. That
will require people that have knowledge in just exactly what all is going on. That
information can only be obtained by reading the transcripts and the appellate
documents. Names that have weight in their words or opinions, need to be
contacted and then educated on the issues and trial facts. What is everyone
waiting on? If there is something that I am overlooking please explain.
I now have 8 chapters to BRANDY AHOY. I have read up to 6. I really like it.
Did it ever make a publishing? Was a book ever generated? It is a lot better than
some others I have read (SMILE).
I guess that is all from me. I need to wrap this up. I have a long letter I have to
write to Bente. I may write it over the weekend. I would appreciate it if you
would email her and let her know that she has a long letter coming. I received
several of her letters, this week, all at the same time like everyone else's. Take care
and I pray that the Lord continues to bless your life, the life of your loved ones,
and all that you set out to achieve.
July 31, 2006
My Mother has asked that I not write to her anymore. Don't send anything else
to her until I can get this straightened out or learn exactly why she feels this way.
It had to do with the last letter that I wrote to her. I have written a letter to my
Step-Father in an attempt to find out why she has denied my letters or contact
from Connie. I will let you know when I find out something.
Connie's Mother has been having some problems with her heart. She has been in
and out of the hospital a number of times. The doctors are trying to get her
medicine right for her unique situation.
Got to keep this one short. I have been up for almost 24 hours and I am going to
crash here pretty soon (SMILE). Before I do, I have to finish some other letters.
Take care and I will be typing here again in a few days.

August 8, 2006
Connie has found out that my attorney might visit on the 11th of this month. I
will try to be ready, but my enthusiasm is gone from where it should be. I think it
is understandable.
Thanks for the picture of your parents and Nicola. Kathy's birthday is this
month. Always teased her about being my wicked step-Mother (SMILE). I will be
getting a card out to her.
I am putting together a mailing list for Connie. I should have something by the
end of this week. I know that you should still have all of those addresses for the
Congressman and Senators. The Internet should provide all of those addresses if
not. You might wish to email the attorney that puts together the Capital Defense
Weekly and see if he can supply addresses or any other ideas. Just a thought.
August 17, 2006
The attorney that I had wanted to talk to, has moved to California.
Connie has just moved, in order to be closer to her ailing Mother. She is very
busy, but once she catches up, she will try to obtain an attorney. I need my mail
situation to be litigated. I will not be able to do it myself. I do possess the
knowledge to do the paperwork, however, my pleas will not get the proper
representation because it is written by a prisoner. Plus there is also the presence
theory. A person able to show up in court and present the issues orally, is usually
preferred though not mandatory. There is the strong probability that the issue
will go to the Federal Courts. That means the attorney will have to be qualified to
litigate in that forum. The case will most likely be a "class action" case, involving
many prisoners and I am unable to talk to the individuals, which means that an
attorney on the outside is a must for this type of situation. I will keep you
updated on any progress.
Finally able to purchase a Hot Pot and yes, I broke down and got some more
gym shoes. As I have stated, I don't like buying two pairs of shoes in one year.
These were tearing up inside the shoe and causing my feet to hurt when I jogged.
I was unable to get a radio. They stated that they were out. I have a hard time
believing that. I have spilt coffee on this radio. I dried it out the best I could but
it never worked right after that. I don't possess the tools and supplies to properly
fix it. They will not let us have anything like that. I spent all day yesterday trying
to get the thing to halfway work. I have managed that. I frustrated myself more
than anything else. I have one more letter to write and then I will try to work on
it again. Every time that I touch something it either gets loose or comes off
completely . I don't know my own strength or I just don't possess that soft touch
(SMILE). Fingers too darn big for this little bitty work is a huge problem. I have
a hard enough time just typing. Fingers want to cover two keys at a time.
Paralegal course just hit a slow area. Along with this next workbook is a text
book of 450 pages. I must read it along with the workbook. I will try to get it
done this week. My radio is taking priority at the moment. I don't wish to miss
the football season and I don't know when they will let me purchase a radio. I do
know that they should not be out.
I have a Newspaper that I would wish to subscribe to. When you order it, please
find out the estimated time of arrival for each newspaper. If they would insert a
courtesy card with this information in the first issue then that would be "grand".
UNITED STATES LAW WEEK newspaper. The articles are supposed to cover
all of the Supreme Court rulings. I don't know any more information than the
name of the newspaper. You may have to enter it into a search engine such as
Google.com. I could not find anything for State-wide Law reporting, other than
what I am already getting. It does not list all of the CCA. rulings but keeps the
reader updated on any major changes. The Capital Defense Weekly keeps a pretty
good eye on everything. So, in the alternative there is also a newspaper called the
NATIONAL LAW REPORTER. Now this may be better than the U.S. Supreme
Court newspaper. I am not able to peruse either or to see which will have the
most Federal rulings. I am thinking the Law Reporter will, but I am only relying
on the name. Perhaps you can tell something about them from the Internet. If
you can obtain one or the other I sure would be grateful.
Just wait on any more books. I need to concentrate on this law and trying to get
my affairs here at the Unit under control. Really need a radio but will do what I
can to make this last until they let me get another.
I am slightly upset with Counselor Anton, although, please keep in mind that he
has not done anything legally wrong, unless it happened before we petitioned the
Fifth Circuit. I am still curious as to whether or not we should have attempted to
present issues to the State courts that we now have. The Law is clear and has
changed on this particular issue of a second attempt at filing a State appeal to the
court conviction. The change is that a petitioner can no longer make a second
attempt. It is deemed an abuse of the writ. However, an attempt is suppose to be
made which allows the State to decline the petition on those specific terms or go
ahead and make a ruling on them. For some reason, Counselor Anton decided
not to challenge my "unexhausted" claims and I am not sure as to why. I am
unable to get a clear answer from him. I don't know if he thinks I don't know the
Law or what. I had been wanting for him to visit, so that we could discuss a few
details on the brief that the State submitted. These details will help if the issue
should be raised at a future date.
August 20, 2006
Well, they gave me all of your letters all at once on Friday night. Our Unit's mail
does not pick up or deliver on Saturdays so I am just now able to make a
response to your letters. I am responding to the following: July 31, August 4, 8,
and 11. HUMMMM. I thought there were five. I am getting senile in my old age
I trust and pray that this letter finds that you are well and in great spirits. I know
how you feel when everything starts to tear up or break down, all at once. I have
just experienced about the same thing with this typewriter. I have a rubber band
holding it all together (SMILE). I guess it will last for a good while. I am wanting
to wait until they offer a different type of typewriter. I was pretty sure that this
one would not last that long. I will admit that I have certainly gotten the money
worth out of it. I spilled coffee down on my radio. I aired it out the best I could
but some got inside the tuner box and I am assuming has created some type of
film on the tiny discs, inside. I have thought of flushing it with plain water, but
feel that there is a chance this will make it worse than it is. I have it halfway
working and I do get the AM side very well, so I will not miss any of the football
games, at the very least. Actually, that is all I am really wanting anyway. I can
handle the wait, as long as it is not too long. I have put in for a radio. The blue
slip was authorized.
The visit with Connie went well, as always. I seen her the night of the 19th. She
also stated that my attorney was on his way to see me on Monday, the 21st. Well,
lets see how this visit goes. The last one was not really a visit.
Under regular mail delivery, your letters take 5-7 days to arrive after the postage
date on the envelope. When a prisoner's mail is set aside for review, it is not
suppose to take over 5 days after it has arrived. As you can plainly tell, they are
taking the allotted 5 days and then an extra 7-10 days on top of that. That is
abuse of the system and a hardship on me. I have asked Connie to find an
attorney to assist in these matters. I have already filed the grievances.
As for the topic of polling the jury and asking them questions. As pertaining to
law, I personally cannot attempt contact. However, I can hire professionals to
solicit the jurors and see if they are willing to answer questions about the case
that they sat on back in December of 1997. This can be done by phone or in
person. The individual's spouse or relative will not suffice for an answer to this
question. The person in question can state "no" or "yes" and then the meeting
can be structured and scheduled. This must be done by an attorney, investigator,
or a Paralegal. I think that a Law student will even be acceptable. It is just that "I"
cannot try to contact the juror.
The question of importance is: after viewing the evidence that is offered in
Adams' trial, would it have changed their resulting verdict in either the
guilt/innocent phase or the sentencing phase of the trial?
Peter thanks a lot for the help that you are giving to Connie and myself. I
certainly knew that Connie had a lot of work to do. They gave her a little raise
and then behind that, gave her more work to do within her company. They were
paying her for the extra work they were fixing to pile on her. They did it all in a
way so that she would not complain (SMILE).
Someone sent me a copy of the HUMAN WRITES newsletter. No return
address. I guess it was Sue. Jenny has been sending it all of these years. Don't
know what happened. I had not heard anything from Jenny either. I was
wondering what had gone wrong. I finally got her letter along with yours and
several others on Friday night. All had been held two weeks or longer. Connie's
letters are the only ones that are coming in when they are supposed to.
No, we don't need batteries for anything but a small clock. I use it when my
watch battery runs down. The watches are very cheap at $3 dollars a piece.
Problem is you never know how long they will last. Sometimes a week,
sometimes a year (SMILE). Everything else we have electricity for. I'm not
prepared to purchase another typewriter just yet. Let this one break down to
where I cannot repair it. I may have to get another rubber band however
(SMILE). I have this one stretched out to the max and it does not look like it will
last many days like that.
I did not know that BENTE was already in the States. Just two more days and I
will be seeing her. I cannot wait either. We had a great time at her last visit. It was
a little more emotional for her than I had expected it would be. Connie has stated
that BENTE had been here for about a week I guess. I had no idea she had
flown in that early. I will see her on the 22nd. You can email her by the time you
receive this and see how she liked it.
I do have some requests. I need a legal book entitled; THE PRISONER'S
GUIDE TO SURVIVAL. I will fill out the form. It needs a money order along
with it. Also, my Prison Legal News newspaper has expired. I am going to send
you the last copy that I have and the notice I got. I could ask Connie but she is
going on a trip and already has so many things to do. I felt that I should tone
down my requests for a while until she gets settled into her new house.
I will tell Bente and Counselor Anton that you said "Hello". I have several things
to do in order to get prepared for this week. Connie states that the Press Release
went well and that the viewing is well above 20,000 if I understood her correctly.
That is quite a showing for such a short a time!!! Give me your take on the
matter. You should have received your late present by now. How did you like it?
Probably not what you expected (SMILE).
August 29, 2006
Yeah, my attorney finally showed. I did get to address all that I was busting at the
seams to tell him. My case requires detailed knowledge on everything, because it
is a highly circumstantial case. I even asked Professor Penrose to obtain a case or
two for me. I would ask you, but those websites for legal documentation are
expensive and if you do not know how to utilize them, it will cost you greatly.
Anyway, still have not heard from her. I may have to send a little reminder. I
know that she has probably started classes at the college.
About my diet. HA!HA!HA! The problem is that I am not exercising. When I do
exercise, I have not been doing it consecutively. It is a "hit and miss" situation
and eventually, I will get off of my duff and do what I am suppose to regarding
my physical shape. I am not eating any differently. Got some problems that are
not working themselves out and I get bent out of shape when things are not
going as they should. If I don't give voice to my concerns then I will quit doing a
lot of things and hope someone will figure out that there is something not right
with the ole boy. So far, it is not working.
My mail is still not running right. Still have magazines missing and I did not get
my weekly magazines that I normally get on Tuesday nights. It is no telling what
letters are being withheld. I have asked Connie to obtain an attorney so that I can
properly conduct an investigation. She just returned from her business trip. She
will get on it eventually. I don't get mad at her or anything of that nature. I doubt
I could ever be cross or mad at her.
Glad you liked the Birthday gift. I am a bit more practical in my thinking. I doubt
I would have gotten you an ink pen. Probably some type of accessory for your
home computer. However, Connie did very well in choosing and I am glad that
you really like it. You deserve so much more, believe me.
The Innocence Project out of New York have sent me a lengthy form to fill out.
They want answers to questions about the case and the trial. Listing all of the
facts and the evidence. I do not have my transcripts anymore and will have to rely
on my memory. Of course I will provide a little note stating that all is from
memory only and there may be more that I did not think of. They stressed that
they were mainly interested in DNA. Evidence. Well, my case is circumstantial.
There was not any DNA. evidence that was provided that would have convicted
me or exonerated me. I will fill it out anyway and send it in.
We are proceeding as though that the Fifth Circuit have accepted my request to
appeal to their Court. If people ask what assistance they can give, tell them that I
need money for investigative services. There are still people that need to be
questioned that to my limited knowledge were never questioned. The jury
members need to be asked that if they knew of the evidence and witnesses that
was withheld at my trial - would that have changed their respective verdict? The
withheld witnesses are in Adams' trial. We need all of the publicity that anyone
can offer. If the courts find that the spotlight has been placed on my case, then
they will hopefully make better judgments and rulings. So far, we have gotten
some very shoddy legal rulings out of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
(CCA.) and then the Federal District Court Judge and Magistrate were even
worse. We need the files pulled and the American Bar Association notified of the
shoddy work these judges and justices are producing in a Death Penalty case.
Next, if anyone wishes to offer assistance with my Unit issues, then that will
surely be welcomed. I am not being mistreated physically. It is the mental aspect
and my mail situation that is causing the most problems. I need a Federal or State
attorney to oversee my living situation and monitor my mail. I am still under the
threat of Adams stating that he had a thousand dollar hit out on me. That was
years ago, but I do not let my guard down.
Bente's visit went really well. We had a great time and a great visit (SMILE). Ask
her to tell you about it.
I am way behind on the Paralegal course. In this section, they are asking for the
student to access the Law Library and the legal websites that it prescribes. Being
locked down, the way that I am, I have no way of doing this. However, I am
bright enough to get the feel of what they are wanting and expecting the student
to find. Still, it is not the on hands training that they are asking for. There was a
separate book that goes along with this section. Over 400 pages. I have had to
take time to absorb it, plus all of these other distractions have not helped. I will
get it finished eventually. Like you have stated, I am still way ahead of schedule
Respect, always
Chapter 7
A spirit tested beyond reason + Tony’s letters Sept. – Dec. 2006
The last quarter of the year started with real optimism and confidence despite
ongoing problems with the delivery of Tony's mail. It is difficult to believe that a
mailroom could merely be so inefficient or overwhelmed by volume that
deliveries take weeks rather than days to reach their destination. Unfortunately,
the costs of tackling this problem by hiring another attorney, stacked up at a time
when every dollar was desperately needed for a fund that was later to be put
under extreme strain. But it was of course another legal blow that soured the
year-end, delivered by the Fifth Circuit in its refusal to grant a Certificate of
Appealability. The judgment caused Tony much anguish, as it appeared to
confirm that his concerns over his attorneys legal strategy, appeal content and
procedure had been justified, and that his case of innocence was slipping away by
default. Contrast Tony's letters in this chapter, beginning with happy
reminiscences of his truck-trailer driving days, and ending with an angry
exposition of his reasons for wishing to seek the appointment of a new attorney.
Only through the strength and depth of our friendship could Tony have survived
the disappointment inflicted by the Fifth Circuit. It was the first time that we had
opposed Tony's judgment – and I have to say that we did so with the greatest
fear of making the wrong call.
The problem for us was that, in all the inquiries we had previously made, it was
clear that Tony's legal team were well regarded by other professionals in Texas. It
was unlikely that anyone with greater regard was likely to take on the case pro
bono, when he already had in place such an experienced team. Not only that, but
we knew that Counselor Anton was able to tap into the advice and resources of
other defender services. There was never a realistic prospect that we could raise
sufficient upfront funds to enable the services of a private attorney, especially as
we learned that the fees would be double those we had imagined, because of the
need to review both Tony's and Adams separate trials. Furthermore, we knew the
risks to Tony of finding himself without any legal representation since, if
Counselor Anton stepped aside, there would be no obligation on the state to
agree replacement counsel. Also, of course, the realistic fact was that Counselor
Anton would not stand aside and put Tony in that vulnerable position; nor would
the Court be likely to accept his dismissal. The responsibility that we all felt was
very grave, and I think that if this challenge on us all had come at any other time
earlier, then the trust we had built with Tony might well have been destroyed.
Connie bore the brunt of this crisis of course, and everyone owed her a great
debt of thanks for her resolve and love of Tony.
Of the Fifth Circuit judgment, my own feelings were that, once again, the Court
displayed the weakness of the Appeal system in the US. The judgment itself
perversely pointed to arguments that it would have preferred to have heard, and
perhaps would have considered with greater sympathy. If this was genuinely so,
then why does the Court not exercise its discretion – especially when a life is at
stake? It is plainly nonsense to accept the perceived failings of a defendants
representation, when it has been offered by the state's own appointees. Why
should a defendant's life be the price of this? There will be those who decry the
notion of such “court activism” no doubt, but essentially the purpose surely of an
appeal system is to provide the means by which the truth can be more certainly
revealed. The onus of legal discovery placed by the present Court on the
defendant, flies in the face of all reason. Surely it is enough that the defendant
bears the weight of evidential discovery. It is also, in my view, an abdication by
the Court of its role to ensure Justice.
However, these are the extracts from Tony’s letters Sept. – Dec. 2006
September 13, 2006
Hello Peter,
It has been a little while since I have last written to you. Let me start out by
asking if you and your family are doing well? Your letters are running two to
three weeks behind their usual delivery. I had finally come to the conclusions that
my mail was being passed to others, so I just placed everyone on hold for a few
days until I get this new attorney onto the situation. Connie is sending her letters
through a special mail service and it is costing her something like $5 dollars.
When I write to her tonight I will ask that she go back to the regular mail service
so that I can determine if I still have a problem or not. I will answer your letters
over the weekend. I know that this is an inconvenience, but it is necessary.
Connie has found an attorney willing to look into these Unit matters.
Today is the 13th and I had a visit with her. She is up to speed on all that can and
will happen in prison settings. She specializes in prison issues. I am in the process
of giving her all of the data that will help her in correcting the problems that I
have been having within the Unit. I do believe that Connie has paid her, as is the
normal procedure in obtaining attorneys. It came off of my defense fund. Connie
can give you the amount. She told me and I have forgotten the exact amount. It
was under a thousand, but after she has finished, the total can still run over a
thousand. It is just according as to whether we have to file with the Federal
Courts or not. I am seriously hoping that will not be the case but I am prepared
in any event.
September 17, 2006
In my last letter to you, I explained that we have hired an attorney to help
investigate problems with the mail, and other problems within the Unit. They still
have me on leg-iron restriction and they do not have it on my travel card. That
means I can be transported without them. If that is the case, then why
am I on the restriction inside the Unit? Just another one of the problems that I
needed the attorney for. Connie will keep you better updated.
Glad you enjoyed the Ink Pen for your Birthday. It is the very least we could do.
You deserve a lot more.
Yeah, I should have heard something from Bente by now. I don't think that she
got my letter. I had my doubts when I mailed it because of who was working.
They have the guards picking up the mail. Most are alright. Some are not. As
always, it is always the few that spoil it for the many.
Ha! Still have not been able to get a radio. We have the attorney looking into that
as well. I did however fix this one to where it works halfway decent. The clock no
longer works but I have a wrist watch to tell time. I am not hurting in the area of
the radio. I am able to listen to the news, some music and the ball games. There
was never anything wrong with the A.M. side of the radio. It was the F.M. band
that was messed up. Anyway, I am still trying. The Hot Pot developed a leak as
they so often do. I am trying to get another one of those too. Seems like
everything is breaking down on me (SMILE).
Yeah, some of my magazines had reported on the Andean Glaciers. I skimmed
through the book that Al Gore has put together and there are some pictures of
other glaciers that have melted over the past thirty years. The world is trying to
cool itself off.
I am unable to practice any of the research techniques that this lesson has
prescribed. That does not mean I will not be able to complete this test. It does
mean that I have spent way too long on it and plan to finish it up this week. It is
just something I will have to do at a later date, provided I have the opportunity.
Ha! that "HUSH - HUSH" aircraft you and I were discussing has turned up in my
POPULAR SCIENCE magazine. Evidently there are several other craft that may
exist. Money seems to be unaccounted for and no-one is in a hurry to find out
where it went inside the Defense Department. Many speculations are flying
around (SMILE). The U.S. military already have U.A.V.'s and Drones in
No, you need not send anything else from the website. I already know everything
that you could possibly put on it. I am just glad that you were able to place the
trial transcripts on there and the different statements that the other witnesses
provided before the trials even started. Better be sure. Let me ask you this: did
you put on the site the different statements that I had sent to you? These were
taken before either trial started. The statements were from Adams, Mosely,
Tatum, and I think there were two others and their name slips my memory at the
moment but I think you will remember them. Let me know please. Other than
that you did one hell of a job (SMILE). Thank you.
I have already provided Connie a list of all of my subscriptions. They are quite a
few. Needless to say, I guess I am slightly more educated than when I first began
The issue with the jurist is one that would go into a second successive application
to the State's appellate court. I am thinking ahead and responding to future
questions before they are asked. People may wonder what they can do now, and
that would be a chore and a large one at that.
I have already completed the form for the New York based Innocence Project.
Because of the sensitive information contained inside I have waited to mail it. I
need my mail situation secured first. Connie is in the process of sending me the
address to the West Texas Innocence Project. I think it is in Lubbock, Texas.
They are not so much DNA oriented.
I received those cases you are sending from another research website. I thank you
for those. If anything stands out I will be sure to ask Connie to E-Mail you, as I
am sure it will be quicker that way. I try not to put too much on Connie. I don't
know how much of this is cutting into her career work. I did ask this new
attorney if she would forward any cases that I might need for future research and
she stated that she would get the copies for me.
That is it for me for the time being. I will not let all of your letters get backed up
like that in the future, if I can help it. We are proceeding forward with an attorney
on the wings now. I think I can get something done about these prison issues. I
know exactly what needs to be done, but need someone out there with the clout
to do all of the legwork. I pray that you all are doing well and prospering. I will
be looking forward to your next letter and hearing about how Nicola is doing.
September 27, 2006
Say, what happened to that word processor program you are suppose to have
(SMILE)? You are apologizing for spelling mistakes and your program is
supposed to alert you. What is up with that (SMILE)? Please know that it is still
taking two weeks For your mail to get to me. I received two of your letters
tonight. The first one I received a couple of days ago. It was the weekend and I
decided to wait and sea if any other letters would follow. I have September 7, 13,
and 14.
Thanks for writing to my brother and his wife. I was supposed to be getting a
letter back from them, but have not as of yet. I guess I will go through Kathy and
see if I can figure out what the problem is. Shaun, (Mike's wife) sent me Mike's
and Andrew's information for my visiting list. Andrew is the 15 year old son and
my nephew. At least, I think he is around 15. Might be 16 now. It has been a
while, to say the least. They are approved for visitation. Now I just need to find
out when they plan to visit.
We have a little suburb called Reading, in the state of Ohio. I lived in Cincinnati,
Ohio, back when I was a teen. It was not for very long. Maybe 5 months or so. I
know my way around, anyway (SMILE).
Yeah, I really enjoyed meeting the kids. They must think their grandmother is
crazy (SMILE). I often wonder what kind of impression they have of this
situation. You know how young minds are. I encourage Church where I can. I
have asked about "Boy Scouts" for them. It is an old organization that teaches
responsibility and values along with information on how to survive with Mother
Nature (SMILE). Do you have an organization like that?
Yeah, I have just written Gabi. She is also approved on my visitor list.
When you figure out Counselor Anton’s plan, you let me know. All this time I
thought that I should have filed a second successive writ application with the
State Court of Criminal Appeals. This new lawyer has informed me that I have to
run this process out first and then attempt an appeal that has been limited to
special circumstances. You know? That is all Counselor Anton had to tell me and
I would have been content. He just kept skirting the subject or giving answers to
something that I already knew. It was frustrating the tar out of me. Well anyway,
now I know that I have to run this process out. All we are waiting on is to see
how the Federal Fifth Circuit Court is going to rule on the issues. That will then
determine our next step of action. The one issue where my trial attorneys never
objected to my U.S. Constitutional Rights has already been ruled on in another
case by the U.S. SUPREME COURT. The problem is, although it would reverse
my trial verdict, the ruling was not made retroactive. In other words, will it apply
to cases before their ruling on this new case? We are waiting to see what will
happen in that case also, and a couple of others with the same issues. If it is ever
made retroactive then I will receive a reversal of the trial verdict.
Yeah, I guess I am alright healthwise. I think I got a touch of a cold. It will not
last long. I take vitamins and my system should kick the tar out of it (SMILE).
Now here is where your letter states that I am to overlook your typing errors.
Your Sept. 14 letter. You are supposed to have programs that guard against
mistakes (SMILE). It is a wonder that you do not have one that you can just talk
to and it will type everything, keying off of your voice (SMILE).
Sorry for the poor way this typewriter is typing at the moment. The ribbon is
almost gone. I have a rubber band holding the ribbon cartridge down. Sometimes
it rides up and I have to manually push it back down (SMILE). A spring broke
and a plastic catch. I am making it work though (SMILE).
October 5, 2006
This ribbon is almost out. There may be areas in which it is not typed very well. I
am going to use it until it runs out all of the way. I pray that this letter finds that
you are well and keeping in good physical fitness.
I am answering the following letters: September 18, 20, and 22. I only received
one of your letters within that 5-7 day period and I have already answered that
one. Oh yeah, that ribbon just ran out. Probably can tell the difference now that I
have put in a new one.
I read what you stated about the evening you had with Alistair when he arrived.
If it had been my Father and I, I would have stated that we should skip the movie
and just go for the drinks (SMILE). Especially if he were paying the tab (HA!HA!
HA!) I always had a pretty good night when he and I were together and out on
the town so-to-speak. Kathy, my step-Mother sure did not like it however.
Always worried Dad and I were picking up girls (SMILE). I am sure that she kept
tabs on where we were at and what we were doing (SMILE).
I have Cornell's Law Review of that case around here somewhere. My radio
finally gave out and I have things in disarray for the moment. That was Ayers v.
Belmontes that you sent. I think I read the first part of it and was not sure I
could use anything in it. I will have to go back over it and will, when I run back
across it. Probably later on today.
You know? I never knew what "Black Ice" was until I was about 23 years old. I
was driving with a partner in a tractor-trailer. We were pulling double trailers
nicknamed "Pups". They were about three quarters the length of a regular trailer
which would be 53 foot. I guess the Pups were about 40 foot apiece. Between the
two was a "Hook-Up Dolly". It allowed the two trailers to swivel in the middle.
Anyway, my partner could drive as well as I could. She was asleep in the cab
bunk located behind the front seats. There were bunk-beds in the "Sleeper"
berth. I was traveling west in Arizona on Interstate 40. I had just started up the
mountain leading to Flagstaff, Arizona. The temperature at that time was about
50 degrees Fahrenheit. When I reached Flagstaff, at the top of the mountain, the
temperature had dropped to 28° degrees, not counting the wind chill factor. That
is below freezing. Inside the cab, I did not know the temperature had dropped
that much. No wind and no precipitation. I was fully loaded at 79,600 pounds.
80,000 is the limit. I had plenty of weight and had no idea that the road had
frozen in front of me. Going up and constantly pulling, the semi drove fine.
When I started back down the other side, a trucker behind me came across my
CB radio and asked me if I knew what I was doing? I thought he was trying to
coax me into a joke and was not going to lead the way, so I turned the tables and
asked if he knew what he was doing (SMILE)?
He stated that he was not being a smart-ass, he just wanted to know if I knew I
was driving on "black ice" and just how I was going to manage slowing the rig
down going down the mountain?
Still I was suspicious because I had never heard of black ice and therefore had no
idea of what he was talking about-. So I asked the all important question “driver,
what is black ice?”
He came back over the CB and said “driver, don't hit your brakes and down shift
NOW!” I cannot catch up with you because I will not be able to slow my own rig
down, but I will talk you through it. Of course I thought this guy was nuts.
Disobeying his orders, I went ahead and tested the brakes. Now there are two
ways to do this. When you push on the foot pedal it applies brakes all around the
rig. There is a handbrake at the steering wheel column. When you pull on it, it
will only engage the trailer brakes. On snow those are the only ones you want to
use in order to keep the entire rig in line. That is what I did. I pulled the trailer
brakes. There is a cab light so that I can see the wheels of the trailers and it was
about dusk, so I could still see pretty good. I had all of my lights around the rig
on. The wheels on the trailers locked and quit rolling (SMILE). I barely felt the
pull (SMILE). I WAS ON ICE and could not even see it!
Now I am a pretty good driver. I have done a few things with just the tractor part
that owners would choose not to do if you know what I mean (SMILE)?
Working quickly, I knew I had to get in a lower gear, two or three lower gears. In
order to do that, I had to lock up the tractor's wheels and down shift quickly and
release the brakes before the trailers started into a side skid. I did it without even
thinking. Now the rig was going slightly faster than the tractor wheels. To keep it
all in line, I applied the trailer brakes only and that added to the slowing of the
rig. Slowing was very gradual and I had to go around corners, but no hair-pin
turns. To do this, when I came up on the corners, right before I got to the middle
of the corner, I would ease up on all of the brakes and press a little on the fuel
pedal. Unfortunately, I was picking up speed doing this. The worst curve was
near the bottom. I opted not to wake my partner because there was nothing she
could have done. I was traveling at a good clip. I knew it would be close because
I knew I was going too fast for that curve. I had been down that mountain
several times and knew the speeds for the curves. On ice, you drop those speeds
considerably. Knowing I was going to slide anyway, I played into it. I drove the
rig to the inside of the curve which was to my left. You people drive on the
wrong side of the road (SMILE). Anyway, still applying brakes and playing the
fuel feed, I kept the whole thing in line, slid clear to the other side, dropped the
front tire and back tires off of the burm and caught traction. Steered back onto
the interstate with gradual ease. No-one around to see it (SMILE).
I had slid an entire double trailer rig, fully loaded, around the worst curve on that
side of the mountain and kept it all in line. The driver behind me, the one that
warned me, wanted me to tell him how I did it and that he was buying me supper
and coffee just as soon as I pulled off at a truck stop of my choice. When I told
Trish over supper she decided it was best that I did not wake her (SMILE). Now
I know what black ice is. I learned the hard way (SMILE).
They have been talking about diverting the Mississippi River for going on twenty
years now. There are several good reasons to do it and for anyone's information,
the course the river is traveling is not it's original course. It has gone through a
number of changes over the many years and there have been earthquakes along
the line. There is also a reported underwater river that is separate of the
Mississippi. Anyway, I lived up in the northern part of the State of Kentucky and
the same river there is called the Ohio. Some big ole catfish around the dams of
Kentucky. They also have "Spoonbills". The undertaking and the cost is so large
that until they get the war paid off and then all of the natural disasters paid for in
their clean-ups, they are not going to do anything but keep planning.
I am certainly alright on funds. I just need to make sure that my unit attorney
does not run her bill up on me. I am waiting to see if I am going to have to write
another STEP 1 Grievance on this mail. I am getting the magazines except for
another TV Guide that went missing. I can live without it. My SCIENCE
magazine is late. Waiting to see if it is delivered or not. I am keeping a log each
day of the mail that I receive. I will compare it to what the women in the
mailroom have here eventually.
My research is nil. I am going to go ahead and do the test anyway. No sense in
waiting on something that is not going to happen. The cost in obtaining the
literature they suggest is just not feasible at this point in time. I can come back to
this at a later date.
Well old friend, time to wrap this up and get ready for recreation. I have not been
out in a few days. Several reasons not worth mentioning. I pray you are well, and
your family. Thanks for all that you are doing. Keep in touch with Connie
(SMILE). Tell Bente that I have sent her a letter and want to know if she has
received it. Keep those exercises going (SMILE).
October 10, 2006
I have received a couple of letters from Counselor Torres She sent approximately
1000 pages of Adams court paperwork. That was certainly needed. I will give my
copies to Counselor Anton. He needs to be updated. He needs to stay on top of
this stuff.
Counselor Torres has suggested a few reasons as to why my overseas mail is late
reaching me. The most likely is that the Major or appointees are going over
certain individual's correspondence. I am assuming the reason for this is that she
is reading gang member's correspondence. That is all well and good. I have not
been given gang status among gang members nor of T.D.C.J. That is Texas
Department of Criminal Justice. You may have already known that.
I have received Brad Thor's book, TAKEDOWN. I thank you for sending that. I
am already halfway through it. Since you are going to send books anyway
(SMILE), I guess I will go ahead and suggest some titles.
I don't think I will have to go to court with my Unit issues. I think that when
Counselor Torres started asking questions, someone got the message and started
doing their job or quit harassing my mail. Either way is alright with me, I just hate
that it costs so much money in order to get these matters taken care of.
I am assuming the fee will not go over a grand. I wish to retain her services for
future problems and she is also getting any and all cases that I request. There are
Internet sites in which you state that you can do the same. Problem is, right now,
your letters are taking around two or more weeks in getting to me. Once that is
remedied then I will start requesting the cases from you and your ability to
navigate the Internet sites successfully.
My radio finally gave way. The tuner went completely out and my limited
knowledge was not enough to revive it (SMILE). I keep requesting a radio and I
keep getting back that they do not have any. Someone told Connie that they
posted a notice that they did not have radios in stock. Well, there was no posted
notice on this POD, I can tell you that. They must have posted something at the
store or they are lying to Connie. One or the other. I just know that I am out a
radio. Been trying to get one now for three months.
Let me give you a run down of Adams' paperwork. The prisoner has three courts
in which to petition in the Federal Appellate process. Each one is higher than the
other. When you fail to be granted a reversal on your issues you may appeal the
decision to the next higher court. First is the Federal District Court. Next is the
Fifth Circuit Court. Finally, the U.S. Supreme Court is the final court to petition
in the Federal process. Adams' case is before the Federal District court. The state
of Texas is split up into districts for the Federal courts. Dallas falls into the
Northern District. There are several judges within that District in which Adams'
case could have been given to. It is suppose to be a random process.
When the District Judge is notified that he has a Capital Murder case and the
death penalty is attached, it will take front stage to all of the other cases, except
other death penalty cases. When the Federal Judge's calendar is full of cases for
him and his counsel to review, he can elect to assign the case to a Federal
Magistrate Judge. This was done in my case and it was done in Adams' case. A
Magistrate reviewed Adams' case and recommended that his sentencing phase of
his trial be reversed. This is not a final verdict. The Federal Judge that appointed
the Magistrate still has to determine if what the Magistrate has determined to be
factual or not. The State filed a brief that was certainly against the
As it turns out, court-appointed attorneys for Adams at his trial did not
investigate his childhood and teen years. This would be done in order to justify
his actions in the murder stating that were it not for his bad guidance of adults in
his life, his very poor living conditions, then Adams would not have turned out
the way that he has and has the type of personality or mentality that he has today.
This type of evidence is called mitigating evidence.
At my trial, I had asked my court-appointed attorneys to define mitigating
evidence. They stated that the courts had not given a definition, so they could not
give me one at that time. It was popular opinion that the jury members
considered any bad event in life or brain disorders would qualify as mitigating the
offense. Since then, that perspective has changed and the definition is now a case
law. Good and bad experiences are now presentable to the jury members. I
certainly have an assortment of good qualities throughout my childhood and teen
years that I could have presented to the jury had my attorneys thought it was
worth presenting. I showed them a picture of all of my trophies. About twenty
plaques and trophies for playing football, basketball, baseball and wrestling. I did
not have any bad things to present to the jury, so they did not investigate my case
either. Like I have stated since then, the term has been defined by the courts.
According to Adams' step-Mother and sister, Adams had a very bad childhood.
The step-Mother had found Adams and his siblings in a house trailer of filth. She
goes on to describe the way that Adams was poorly dressed and that he had a
very bad rash. She petitioned the courts for custody and it was granted. Years
later, the biological Mother petitioned the courts to regain custody and won that
effort. Adams was shuffled around within the family. The biological mother had
several partners and one of his mothers marriages produced a man that I guess
was bi-sexual and had ended up molesting Adams at the tender age of 12 or 13.
He started drinking at 12 and he has never held down a job. He has a couple of
arrests and jail time for robbery and burglary. The robbery was done with a
butcher knife. Sound familiar?
The State's counter claim is that Adams' trial attorneys had ample time to
investigate his past, stating that his arrests would certainly raise questions about
his childhood. His court-appointed attorneys stated that they did investigate and
that the family members were uncooperative and did not wish to make any
statements. The State also claim that it is only now that the family members come
forward and that their story cannot be trusted. Other than records of the
adoption there is no other proof of these accusations. At this time I do not know
how the federal District Judge has ruled in Adams' case. I will assume, because of
my personal knowledge of other case law on this subject of mitigating issues, that
the Federal District Judge will honor the Magistrates recommendation and
reverse Adams sentencing phase of his trial.
In that event, Adams will go back to Dallas and another jury will be picked and
the phase will be re-tried once again. He will then be able to present his evidence.
Or the state may wish to save money and just make Adams an offer of life
without parole, since that is the best he will receive anyway. The only reason that
the State would wish to go ahead with the phase is to try and get another
conviction of a death penalty. With this new evidence it is 50/50 and the State
will not like those odds. Too much money. When I have further information on
Adams, I will pass it along.
October 18, 2006
I am asking that you start sending your letters by "CERTIFIED" mail and that
the letters must be signed for upon arrival. I need your letters to be tracked and I
need this to be done for about one month. This will no doubt increase the
postage, however, this is a necessary step in solving this problem with your mail
not getting to me as it should. I have to eliminate the fault of the postal service,
first. Your letters will be able to be tracked via the Internet. You may wish to ask
the proper procedure and Internet site for this tracking, unless you already know
it. I know how it is done in the U.S.A., however, I am not sure that it can be
done with overseas correspondence. You will have to let us know what the
situation is. Connie is the preferred conduit for that information to get back to
me in the quickest amount of time. Write your letters in the normal fashion.
There is no problem with content. We just need to track the letter and check the
dates on the travel time in order to determine if the time is the fault of the postal
As for the Court news. I believe I am ready for the legal newspapers. That will be
obtained by Connie. I do not know if you intended this to come out of my
defense fund account that Connie has set up for me or that Connie should pay
for it. I have not asked her. She is having plastic surgery and I do not know her
financial situation just yet. I don't know what all she is getting done and what all
the company is paying for. I will of course need your input on this. The
WEEK. I am going to ask Connie, when she orders the subscription, to see if
they will track the first two papers at an additional cost. I want to see when the
newspapers reach the Unit and see how long it takes to come straight to me.
When you E-Mail Connie please remind her of that.
On to your letters. Thanks for the information on Nicola. Of course, I have
suggestions but know full well that they are not worthy of mentioning because I
am not there and do not know the full story. Thanks for placing the smiley face
in the yellow box on your pages. I have no doubts that this is your work
(SMILE). I wish I did not have to go through these extremes.
Yes, we have city laws that prohibit the burning of trash within the city limits.
Once you get out in the countryside of the state, then the laws are more relaxed,
however, each state varies and I do not know the codes for Texas in rural areas. I
do have the book to look it up I think. There are a lot of codes that I do not
have. They do not pertain to my appeal, so I have chosen not to obtain a lot of
these codes. Not necessary.
Have you ever run an ad in the newspaper on the books you have for sale?
Would it be cost productive?
Yes, I have received three letters from BENTE. I am getting her letters only one
day later than I should and I will not quibble on that. Several of her students have
already started sending me birthday wishes. This time it is in the form of
postcards. BENTE mailed them all in an envelope. I need to answer them this
week. I should get that done by this Friday. It is still hard for me to conceive the
fact that no one has written that has read the Internet site or the press release.
You list the number of readers and I just do not understand this.
Thanks for writing to Mike and Shaun. My brother's love for me is strained, and
has been so since our childhood. I was a little rough on him and he had to grow
up with others awarding me with their attention because of my success in sports
or grades. He was the middle child and it is never easy for that sibling. As adults,
I have tried to smooth things between us. They may never write back. I am
waiting too.
You ask about "polling" the jurors. The best thing to do at this point, is to wait
and see how this CO.A. is going to be ruled on. We don't want to spend money if
we do not have to. If I get back into the State courts, by a reversal of the
conviction, then we will then ask for an evidentiary hearing. That being granted,
the courts will pay for an investigation and that may be included in our list of
things to investigate. It would prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that had the jury
had the evidence that was withheld, then, their verdict would have been different.
It now has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Another death row prisoner, Charles Nealy is facing the injection gurney next
month. He made a statement in my State process, in which he testified that while
in the same cell with John W. Adams, Adams told him that he did the killing and
that I was weak or something to that affect. Anyway, it was plain that he put all
of the blame on me, and Nealy, probably hoping the information would help his
cause, contacted my state Direct appellate attorney and gave the statement of
what Adams had told him. Of course this was no different from the other three
that testified at Adams' trial, stating the same thing. Problem was, all four were
never mentioned in my trial. I will attempt to obtain Counselor Torres services
and see if we can get an affidavit from Charles Nealy before he is executed. I will
tell you what I know when she responds. I will be sending her a letter tomorrow.
I finally completed the paralegal test, the one that I was stuck on for so long. I
will do the next test this weekend provided nothing pops up.
I really need a radio. Does not look like anyone will see to it that one is provided.
I have Counselor Torres working on it and why I am still in leg-restraints after
2½ years. I also need a mattress. Actually, they are pads with cotton stuffing. I
have one that is only three quarters as what it should be. Long story. I am taking
Ibuprofen for back pain and another medicine for nerve tremors. Probably
caused by the pad as well.

October 26, 2006

I am responding to the following letters that I have received from you, and one
card that was postdated, Oct.13. Yep, I got those Sept. letters pretty late. Took
about three weeks to get to me. That is just too long and I need to know what it
is that is holding them up. I am hoping that you are able to "Certify" your letters
so that they will be tracked to the Unit. You only need to do that on one or two
letters. Actually, two is preferred. Thanks for the card and the great pictures of
the Red Arrows. We have our variety of the Red Arrows called The Blue Angels.
I have seen them perform three times in my lifetime. I saw them twice in Florida
and then one more time in Cincinatti, Ohio. They were really great. I also
appreciate the thoughtful words as well.
Yes, you had put the wrong abbreviated letters in the letter. You had put
N.A.A.C.P. and I knew that was not right. Now that you corrected it, I know
exactly what you are talking about now. National Coalition Against the Death
Oh yeah, I just received the book that you sent, ATLANTIS. I think that should
be a good read. I am just now reading, CARVED IN BONE, by Jefferson Bass.
It is turning out pretty good and I can relate to the characters because I was
raised or "reared" in that part of the Mountains. Well a little more to the north
and in Kentucky (SMILE). On the other books, wait and make sure that this
"Lock-Down" is over before you send any more. I have a limit on the property
that I can have inside the cell. I think I am alright, but you never know when they
wish to get tough on the regulations. This is our second one for the year. They
will be searching all of the prisoner's property. We have been expecting this for a
couple of weeks. It will be the last one for the year. I am pretty sure that I am up
to specs. Anything over goes home to Connie. I know that she does not like
carrying those bags out of the prison. (SMILE) Nothing I can do about it. I am
not throwing away books that can benefit others. I am talking about legal books
and the ones that you send.
Thanks for the pictures of the three work stations that you all have created for
yourselves. Well, two look worked in. I don't know what Bente does at her
station (SMILE). Connie's looks like she is ready to talk to Mars or something
Yes, I am well aware of the position that Counselor Anton is in. He is a court-
appointed attorney and he can only go so far into the investigation unless the
Courts allow him the money and permission to do so. So, since Nealy's execution
is here in two weeks, I have asked Counselor Torres to see if she can update the
statement. If that falls through, then I will find a private investigator and see if he
will give us a statement once again. Let me explain this. I have known about
Nealy's statement and the impact it potentially has on my case, especially if I went
back to trial. The thing is, he was fighting his appeals too. I could not ask him to
discredit the State's case against me when they are prosecuting him as well. He
would have felt that would have jeopardized his chances at relief. So, I have
waited. His execution date slipped up on me. He was sentenced months after me,
so I just thought he would not get a date before I would. My appeal has dragged
out a little longer than is usual. I am not complaining. Counselor Torres has
initially expressed that she does not want to involve herself with my case. I am
fixing to formulate a letter in an attempt to change her mind. In the event that
she decides not to question Nealy then I will ask her to point me to a private
investigator and do it yesterday since time is of the essence. I will let you know
how it turns out, or Connie will fill you in before I get a letter to ya (SMILE). A
deposition is a sworn statement before members of the Court. An attorney is a
member of the Court and it does not have to take place inside a Courthouse.
I received a 95% percent for my efforts on this last test. I don't know how I am
missing these questions. I even went back ready to argue and checked the page
that they gave. Well they found their answer in the textbook and I found mine in
the adjoining workbook. That is why the subtle difference in the answers
(SMILE). I looked ahead to the next chapters. I am going to have to ask you or
Connie to obtain these cases and possibly references off of the Internet for me. It
is the only thing that I know to do. I have put the question to Connie to see if
she would have the time to do it. Again, that is something I will write more about
in the near future.
That is all I have for now. I pray that this letter finds that you are well and in
good spirits. Write the first chance that you get and stay in touch with Connie.
Oh yeah, one more thing before I go. Connie is back with KDOL. Just as soon
as I get another radio I will be tuned in on Sundays. E-Mail Connie and see if she
is going to stay with it.
November 2, 2006
Not sure if Connie has told you or not, I have received another letter from you
that took three weeks in getting to me. Had to take a break and get my mail.
Check this out. My letter to Counselor Torres was sent back to me by the
mailroom Supervisor. She states that I am not suppose to write and underline,
Client/Attorney Privilege in the lower left hand corner of the envelopes.
I know the correspondence rules backward and forward. Not only that, but
Counselor Torres sent me the rules and I have copies. I have been sending all of
my legal letters in this fashion and been doing it for years. Normally, I would not
be worried, but I am trying to get her out here in order to get that statement, and
I am under a deadline. But they are not supposed to stop legal mail for any
reason, unless it is something intentional like a note or message and even a
drawing. That is understandable. Well, I will file my formal complaint here and
then let Councelor Torres have it. She deals specifically with Unit problems and I
am sure she will enjoy hearing that one of her letters were intentionally stopped
for no established set rule.
Alright, I have a letter that is postdated Oct. 10. It took three weeks in getting to
me. The next one is postdated Oct.16 and it is certified. Rl 7698 3518 0GB. It
took two weeks to get to me. Now this last one has different markings. I assume
you used a different carrier. It is postdated Oct. 26 and I received it today. It only
took one week to get to me and that is exactly how long it is supposed to take. In
the past, all of your letters were taking 5-7 days and that was it. The certified
number on this last one is: LY 3148 3629 5GB. That is Priority Mail. Now then, I
need to know the tracking positions with the first "Certified" letter that you sent.
Please send me a copy. I need to see where it is being held up. Where it is
spending the most amount of time and then we will find out why. First, I need to
know where.
Yes, thanks again for the birthday card. I really liked the words that you sent. I
also heard Connie read an E-Mail from you on the radio station. Thanks for
sending that. I heard one from Bente as well.
No, I have not gotten a radio as of yet. Counselor Torres has thoroughly checked
into the situation and two weeks ago today, she stated that it would be 30 days, so
I am halfway there. Currently we are on lock-down status for the second shake
down of this year. They have two major ones each year and I think by now you
already know this. During lock-down, we cannot make a store purchase anyway,
so it is working out alright. In my next letter to you, I should be reporting a radio
purchase (SMILE). Better be anyway (HA!HA!).
I have to set down this weekend and figure out what all I am going to need for
this section of my Paralegal course. It will be extensive, looks like. I have already
addressed the issue with Professor Penrose and she stated that I could send her a
list of the cases and legal references that I need and she would see what she could
do with filling the order. I am hoping this will work out. If not, I will need to call
upon you and Connie.
Connie stated that you sent some for my birthday. She told me the amount and I
certainly thank you for that and want it added to my legal fund.
November 15, 2006
I have received two letters from you, both arriving in about 6 days. That is
certainly the time it is suppose to take. The mailroom personnel are bringing the
letter to me. It is not going through the guards on second shift and without more
information I do not know for sure if the fault is that of the second shift or not.
Please keep Councelor Torres advised. The dates on the letters are November 2
and 8. I appreciate the fact that you had to pay a lot extra in order to get your
letters to me in the time it normally takes. I think we are avoiding the reading of
the prisoners as well. Until I know different that will be my stance on the
On my birthday both Connie and Irene came to visit. Irene only stayed for about
an hour. She has been doing that at each visit. It seems really odd and I kind of
feel bad that she is leaving early like that. She and I have been visiting each other
for 9 years. We had gotten into a routine and then I got married all of a sudden
and all of that changed. I bet she feels odd with it too. Anyway, we all had a good
Yeah, speaking of chest colds, everyone around me seems to be coming down
with some type of cold or flu bug. I have not had any problems and I happen to
enjoy cool weather. I would rather have it instead of the hot weather. I can breath
better and I feel better.
That is a very small compact camera that you have sent me a picture of. I don't
understand why anyone would have something so small. I like the medium size,
strong cameras. I also like the option of being able to shoot a motion film for
video. Sounds like James Bond 007 (SMILE).
No, the lock-down was still in operation during my birthday. I did not particularly
care for that, but I managed. I got to visit Connie and Irene and that made my
day and week much more bearable.
I did not ask Counselor Torres to represent me on my habeas corpus appeal. She
is separately hired specifically for Unit problems. I never intended for her to be
added to the legal defense team. For some reason Connie thought that is what I
wanted and it was not. I have an appellate specialist and I have a Law Professor,
both of which I have high regards for. No-one will ever be "added". I will have
to make a decision if I get another bite at the State appellate process or a full
reversal. At that time I will not want a court-appointed attorney if I wish to
succeed. It is just that simple. I do not want someone that is being paid by the
State for their representation of my case whether at trial or on appeal.
With the experience that you have with cruising the web, finding a suitable and
affordable attorney for this part of the appellate process would not be difficult.
Finding one with the time might pose a small problem. Most attorneys have full
agendas and that is the problem we will face.
Right now I fully back Counselor Anton. I realize that he does not communicate
as he should and he may not do everything that I have asked him to. However,
they have presented a well-created and worded application and I will not just
disregard his expertise on small difficulties that can be overlooked.
Currently our collective mind-set is in the direction of a reversal and locating
people that will be willing to fund a legal defense team for a trial proceeding. I am
pretty sure Counselor Anton will work out up until then. Keep in mind his
appointment is just for Federal appellate process. The State appellate process will
pose a question on representation and certainly the trial process. We are in
collecting of finance mode for that future event. It is a must and because of the
huge cost $110,000, it needs to be collected or promised because the collection
will be slow and tedious if at all. We have to come up with more ideas such as the
PR. News release in order to try a different angle. Entrepreneurs will need to be
approached and asked if they will aid in our efforts for justice. Anyway, that is
where we are.
Ah yes, I did complete that test I was stuck on for so long. I did not need any
reference cases after all. Most of it was provided and what I needed for the test
was already in the workbook so it worked out alright. You should be able to see
my test result, as I have not heard back from them at this time. I just hope it
made it to them and was not another victim of the process that is harassing my
mail at the moment. Can you send me a list of my grades, once again? Sure would
appreciate it.
Yep, the Democrats took it all. I am interested as to how things will change and
will they be for the better or will things erupt? I guess we will have to stay tuned
and see what will play out (SMILE). Loved the look on President Bush's face
when he learned that the Democrats took the elections by an overwhelming
number. U.S.A. TODAY newspaper had a great picture. It was funny. It was as if
he could not believe what was being told to him and then thinking and plotting
to prove it was not real or wanting a recount.
Yeah, my ribbon just went out and I had to replace it with a new one. Whenever
I change them like that, I have to adjust the little Shem that I created, in order to
space it properly for the characters. I had a plastic piece break off, not too long
ago and it held the ribbon cartridge to the armature or carriage. I am now holding
literally down with a rubber band. Seems to be working good now. Once I get it
going, it usually stays for the length of the ribbon. I have certainly gotten a lot of
usage out of this one. I type to everyone, as long as I have ribbon and I very
rarely run out anymore. I keep an extra one handy.
Yes, Connie told me about the individual that came forward with yet another
statement from Adams. Is it just me or is this a repeating tale? Just how many
people is it going to take before someone realizes that it was not me? The courts
have recently ruled that video statements are more trustworthy. This individual
will have to get someone to aid him in getting a video of what he wishes to state.
Thanks for renewing my SCIENCE subscription. That is really a great magazine
and certainly worth the price. It is the "cutting edge" of all of the fields of
science, wrapped into one journal. Alright, that is it from me. Pissed off about my
radio. Still trying to cope with the obvious mismanagement of the commissary.
Still on top of my mail. I just hope that Counselor Torres sticks it out. Right now,
because of the different process you are using to mail your letters, I am getting
them in a 6 day period and that is exactly how it is suppose to take. 5 days is the
fastest and 7 is the usual longest. Anything above that and then you know there
was a holiday or someone is taking the letter out of the route. Stay healthy,
wealthy and wise (SMILE). Thanks for everything.
November 25, 2006
Several things have happened since my last letter. I have been moved to another
pod. The Fifth Circuit Court denied my C.O.A. Application.
They pretty much moved everyone around. I was not singled out. The new cell
has a good view of the front of the prison, but the “exhaust” or intake vent does
not work. The worst though is that John Adams is on this pod. He is on A-
Section and I am on C- Section. This is D-Pod. There are 14 prisoners in each
section. Our rec. schedules mean that I will see him a number of times through
the week. Someone is testing my endurance.
Counselor Anton is history. I will not even go out to see him at visit. I am hiring
an attorney and Connie will need funds from the account you have for me. Be
sure the transaction is to her name only. I don't want someone running a con or
scam after reading this. I'll leave it to Connie to tell you what we need and this
will happen pretty quickly. I am under a time limit.
On page 2 of the Court's decision, end of first paragraph, the Judge states and I
quote “Wright negotiated with the dealer.” unquote. That is a false fact and not
found anywhere in my trial or Adams' trial transcripts. It is aluded to be the
Federal District Judge in following the Magistrate's recommendations, in the last
lower court. I instructed Counselor Anton to fix it, and he did not. He has blown
any shot I had with the Fifth Circuit. That is not all. All through the reasoning
body of the decision, Judge Garza claims that the case laws Counselor Anton
used were not specific to my circumstances in the case. That is a huge and costly
error, if what the Judge states is true.
Alright. I have the legal text in my cell that will instruct me on the next step I
need to take to try and get this mess cleared up. I have to fill out an “Emergency
Motion” in order to get in under the time limit. In it, I will attempt to correct the
false facts, inform the Court I am hiring different counsel and to extend my
deadline to file a Motion For A Rehearing. I will only get 30 days, if granted.
Next, I have to file a Motion with the Federal District Court, asking them to
terminate Counselor Anton's assignment. They or Counselor Anton are the only
ones that can legally do it. I have to make three copies of everything, thus the
reason I am handwriting this. I am saving typewriter ribbon.
Yes, for the past several months, I have been eating better. It has cost. You and
Connie I have to thank for that. I have to go through a number of others in
order to upgrade my environment. The charge is affordable, so don't change
My main complaint is my mail. This week, Connie's letters took a week to get to
me and I have not received any of my weekly magazines. Plus my legal magazines
did not arrive. I've told Counselor Torres and asked her to make preparations for
a lawsuit of Harassment. Mail is personal property by definition. It is also a
Federal offense to withhold mail. Texas prisons used to be governed by the
Federal Government. They should have never relinquished their oversight.
Peter, I have an enormous amount of legal work to do. I will write again this
week. Counselor Anton is fired, but it cannot be legal until the Federal District
Court orders it or he files with the Court to remove himself. I will be filing Pro
Se (myself) on these two Motions. I need another attorney, priority one!
December 5, 2006
I have had to take a couple days to gather my thoughts, after hearing Connie's
message on the Sunday "Shout Out" show. Last night, I received a letter from her
and the envelope also contained a letter from you and it was dated November
30th. I will attempt to describe this situation of legal construction and
application. Please know that before I had started writing to you, I had my
proverbial nose in the law books and had educated myself on the Criminal trial
and subsequent appellate processes.
The Federal appellate process is a three tier Court process. It starts with the
Federal District Court on to the Federal Fifth Circuit Court and finally the U.S.
Supreme Court. From the very first Court application, the appellant files
everything he can and objects to everything he can, plus the applicant has to
make sure the appellate record is accurate at that stage of the entire three tier
process. If these things are not done, the next Higher Court will not accept issues
not filed in the lower Court. Will rule that issues were "waived" because they
were not objected to and finally, whatever false fact goes uncorrected, the Higher
Courts will assume they are true and correct. The appellant will not be able to
change these things at a later date.
Now, to be fair, it is possible to change certain facts in order to prove that actual
innocence exists or that an injustice process has occurred. That is very risky and
requires the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to make such a ruling.
The appellate process is set in writing and MUST BE FOLLOWED TO THE
LETTER. There is no special requirement or special knowledge needed in order
to do this. You either do exactly what they state you do or you waive your
opportunity to do so. Writing is not that difficult and the Courts today prefer that
the attorneys keep it simple in order to keep down conjecture and argument.
When the appellant appeals to the next Court, he is only allowed to appeal that
which he filed in the lower Court. If he did not file it, he cannot appeal it. When
the appellant appeals a lower court decision, they are appealing to that issue that
could be argued, only those issues.
That is why the application brief is so much shorter in content, when applying to
the next higher Court. You may start with 12 - 18 issues and only end up with
two or three when entering the Fifth Circuit tier. The Federal process has a book
of rules for the appellate process. I have the book. It contains the rules that all
attorneys MUST follow in order to file with these courts. Again, no training or
special knowledge is required, it is all spelled out nicely in black and white.
My objection and reasoning is based solely on procedural issues in that Counselor
Anton did not object, correct or check his facts when filing certain case law in
order to bolster the issue argument. You need not be a specialist to know this
must be done and it is fundamental in the knowledge of filing with the Federal
Courts, at each tier, that these things must be done. There is no special judgment
required. They are rules that must be followed.
Being fair once again, I have not checked the individual case law that Counselor
Anton used in the application for a Certificate of Appealability (COA). A
petitioner must always take the Judge at their ruling and then try to correct the
mistake or word something clearer if it was misinterpreted by the three Judge
panel of the Fifth Circuit Court.
Now then, I had already filed Motions in both the Federal District Court and
with the Fifth Circuit Court. This is the second time I have come to the decision
to do so. Counselor Anton pleaded his position the last time he did not follow
the courts instructions to the letter, and upon his statement that he would correct
the appellate record, I subsided my decision to replace him and allowed him to
stay as court-appointed counsel of record. When I am unable to bring to fruition
my claims in the Motions, I will no longer be taken at my words and anything I
file in the future will be null and void and not taken seriously. I acted quickly in
order to obtain legal Counsel in time so that I could bring them up to date on the
necessary issues. Since not all of the record is needed in order to argue the rest of
my appellate process, an attorney entering now will not need to read all of the
material in the record. Only that material that pertains to the issues.
I had told you back in the Federal appellate process that I wanted a certain
Motion filed on my behalf. Again, this is taken from the Rules of the Court. He
did not file the Motion that I had requested, instead he filed a Motion in which
he felt was more applicable to the issue. The Judge did not feel what Counselor
Anton felt, ruled against the Motion and then stated that a Motion under Rule 60
b. was more appropriate. That is the exact Motion I had asked him to file and he
did not. I still have all of my letters that I have written to him.
Another thing, I have all of these issues with the Unit. Counselor Anton would
not go beyond filing a complaint. Hell, I can do that. It makes no difference
coming from an attorney than a prisoner. A complaint is a complaint. They have
a process for complaints called a Grievance Form Step One and Step Two. We
had to hire another attorney in order to get these issues properly addressed and
then followed up with and making sure that what had been stated was carried
through with. In his defense, I will state that Anton probably had numerous cases
to work on and just did not have the time to address and follow up on my
situation at the Unit. Counselor Anton is with a Law Firm and he has several
other clients he has to work for. Now, a private attorney is more personal and
can make the time to carry out certain jobs that a case may require.
The Judge based a ruling on a false fact, stating that I had negotiated with a
dealer. I have never been accused of any such thing until the Federal District
Court process. I had told Counselor Anton to correct that statement and I now
see that he did not. As for the reason as to why, it simply does not matter why. It
is set out that any and all objectionable statements and facts be addressed in a
timely fashion and gives direction as to when that time is. If it is not, your
opportunity to do so is waived and the false fact is then part of the record and
considered the truth of the matter in the next Higher Court.
Know this. Counselor Anton is not trying to push the "innocence aspect" of this
case. That is a doorway in which my otherwise procedurally defaulted issues may
enter. If I get Life in prison out of Counselor Anton's representation or lack
thereof, I will be damn lucky. Also for your knowledge: These Judge and Justices'
opinions are what the applicant is appealing to. If I were appointed counsel, I
would determine my issue, find out which Judge or Judges would be reviewing
the case and then find other cases with the same issues and circumstances and
plan my wording from their ruling on other cases. There should never, ever, be
any dispute about the supporting case law. When presenting an issue to the
Judges, you determine whether or not other cases have the same issue. Then you
narrow the field to specific circumstances. The effect is the support or bolstering
of the issue or argument. If a certain ruling occurred in a past case that had
similar or exact circumstances, then the court will rule in like manner or fashion.
The closer the circumstances, the stronger the support. Now, if the
circumstances are different, then the Court Judges do not have to adhere to any
suggested action. They rely on their own judgment or adopt that of the Assistant
Attorney General, that is trying to knock aside any appellate relief to any of the
rulings or the verdict of the trial court.
Counselor Anton has not wanted to file a Motion in order to be granted an
expert in "Lie Detection", one of which we would be paying for. I have given the
matter great thought and I cannot begin to fathom any conceivable reason as to
why this was not done. I cannot do it in the U.S. Supreme Court and my only
chance was petitioning the Fifth Circuit. All new evidence must be presented to
the lower Courts first and maybe that is why he felt it was not worth it.
Actually, I wanted to use the results of the lie detector test in order to gain more
financial support and legal assistance. Counselor Anton could have allowed a
supporting Amicus Curiae brief. However, since this was only an application for
the opportunity for review of the issues, the Courts may not have allowed it and I
do not have reference to it with the law books that I have. That is for application
permission. It doesn't show instructions for the Amicus Curiae consideration.
I based my decision on the legal work that Counselor Anton has produced thus
far. Not on future representation. If the three panel Judges were completely
wrong in their assessment and ruling, then where did they get their facts? Either
the cases he used went along with my circumstances or they did not. It is
something that is out in the open and for everyone to read. Do you think a Judge
is going to print a lie? What about the false fact that I supposedly made deals or
negotiated with a dealer? Where did the Judge see that? Certainly not in my trial
transcripts, nor that of Adams.
I was trying to correct this problematic situation the same way that I have
addressed these prison issues. I hired an attorney. We hired an attorney. My
situation has gotten somewhat better but there is always room for improvement.
I doubt I would be where I am if it were not for the efforts of Counselor Torres.
I based that decision on results, not on what she stated she would do or will do.
Only results count in this field. I am well aware that Professor Penrose and
Counselor Anton are widely respected. You have better access to this knowledge
and as I have been trying to point out, it does not matter. Either there exist
results or there are none. If there are reoccurring mistakes then you would figure
it is self-evident. My decision is not what achievements and awards that he has
accumulated. Not based on what others think about him. My decision is based on
requests that go unheeded, failure to meet judicial requirements in listing relevant
case law in support of a legal claim, and not satisfying any of the Judges thus far
and obtaining a favorable ruling.
At present I am not writing anyone. I worked my ass off on getting Motions to
the Courts and making copies for them and those attorneys involved. I did not
ever receive the State's response to our application Motion and I have yet to
receive a stamped copy of the Motions that I have filed. Counselor Anton has
not tried to visit and really I don't blame him. He knows as well as I do. I am just
going to send all of my legal references home to Connie. Obviously I cannot take
advantage of them in here. I will write again in the near future. I will have to
catch up on all of the other letters that I have not responded to first.
Chapter 8
A year of challenge, progress and hope + Tony’s letters for 2007
The year 2007 began with the continuing disappointment and frustration caused
by the decision of the Fifth Circuit to deny the Certificate of Appealability. That
was followed in March by an appeal to the US Supreme Court to review that
decision, and an equally disappointing decision by that court to deny the petition
– the judgment announced in June.
However, with the legal road beginning to be exhausted it was discovered that, at
long last, clothing (jeans) worn by the true murderer had been retained by the
state. Since Tony and Adams both denied wearing them on the night of the
murder, and in fact Adams denied ever wearing them, Counselor Anton put a
case to Judge Francis and the prosecution for DNA testing to be granted. It was
my understanding that this was opposed by the prosecutor’s office, but whatever
the circumstances, testing was approved, and also permission for Tony to seek a
polygraph test. The DNA testing also applied to the murder weapon and other
materials collected at the scene of the crime. This was thought by us all to be a
really significant breakthrough, and our optimism soared. However, when we
started to get results that were clearly favorable to Tony, and displayed our joy
and hope for the consequences of that news publicly, we soon learned how much
the prosecutors and judge resented the implications. Their reaction was to be the
cause of much heartache as we now had to balance the fear of official resistance
to the truth of DNA results, polygraph, and other evidentiary findings, against
our need to raise Tony's case in the public consciousness in order to attract
further support and financial aid. Although DNA testing and the polygraph had
been approved, Tony's supporters were expected to provide the bulk of funding
for them. These were significant sums of money. By limiting our ability and
confidence to gain publicity, the judge and prosecutors unnecessarily hampered
efforts that might have provided for the greater and faster access to additional
factual evidence in support of Tony's innocence, and to potential funds. I regard
that outcome of hostility towards supporters as totally unacceptable in this age of
technology and modern communication. Innocence, or the possibility of
innocence, is surely too important for such petty and ill-considered reactions
from state officials. It also led to strains between supporters and Tony’s attorney,
at a time when maximum co-operation might have been regarded as an essential
element in ensuring our capacity to support his legal efforts.
In order for the DNA tests to proceed, Tony was transferred for a time to Dallas
County Jail. It also facilitated the opportunity for the polygraph test to be
conducted. This transfer enabled Tony to take advantage of his first opportunity
to use a telephone, and to arrange to make calls to his family and some of his
overseas supporters. I spoke with him myself on at least three or four occasions
at this time. Those conversations were pure gold, as I never had an opportunity
myself to travel to the US, before or after, to meet Tony in person.
Because the year of 2007, and indeed 2008 until the execution, was so full of
evidential discovery, legal development and physical movement, I will now
reduce to severely selective extracts from Tony's letters, to give you the essence
of his reactions to these tumultuous and traumatic events. This chapter then
covers the whole of 2007.
January 1, 2007
Hello Peter,
I will try to explain how the appellate courts look at evidence. By law, they cannot
give weight to any evidence. Only a trial jury can weigh evidence against any
verdict, innocent or guilty. It is the sole purpose of the appellate courts to
determine the fairness in which the proceedings were conducted and to
determine if any Constitutional violations existed that would undermine the
confidence of the jury's verdict. Also, if facts exist that would cause a reasonable
person to question the guilty verdict, then a relief may exist, as long as the trial
jury never saw the evidence or facts at trial.
The most important opinion, was that of the Federal District Court. All we were
doing in the Fifth Circuit was asking for permission to enter their forum and
appeal the issues in which the Federal District Court gave an opinion. Their
denial was not a surprise to me. The wording of the order was. Not the issues,
but how the Judges attacked the petition or the construction thereof. Specifically,
the case law statement.
The issue of innocence is not an avenue for an opinion of relief. It is not a
procedure and it is not a Constitutional Right. It is, however, used as a gateway,
in which to overcome a procedurally barred claim that is a procedure or a
Constitutional Right violation. It must be appropriately worded, and necessary
case law will be required to support the argument.
Up until about the year 2003, most death penalty cases, from the state of Texas,
were being sent on to the U.S. Supreme Court, leaving them to sort out the
details of the claims that had been denied in the lower Federal and State Courts.
They have "proverbially" spanked the Fifth Circuit's hand on numerous
occasions, with Opinions that reversed the prior decisions and sent the case or
cases back to the Federal District Courts, or to the State Appellate Court
(C.C.A.). Just for your knowledge, it was the Federal District Court's opinion that
hurt us, not the Fifth Circuit's denial to hear the issues. My main concern has
been how the issues are presented, in what form and which issues. I had not
thought about the relevant case law.
Yes, I have met Connie's immediate family. I really like all of them and I have
always gotten along well with kids. I am just a big kid myself.
The evidence which you make reference to has already been reviewed by the trial
jury. With this evidence before them, they still found me guilty. It was Adams'
statement that had the most damaging effect on their decision.
The appellate courts cannot give weight to any evidence. Only a trial jury can do
that in a Capital offense. Evidence that the jury did not have before them can be
given weight in that it must be determined if the evidence that was withheld,
would have possibly have changed the outcome of the verdict. This is the only
weight the appellate courts can give to evidence. That is, evidence that was not
presented at trial or was withheld from the jury for whatever reasons.
As for the housing of the evidence, no-one needed divulge the whereabouts of
the evidence unless a Judge ordered it to be sent to a Court for review or for
retesting. This cannot take place without an "evidentiary hearing". We were
denied the "evidentiary hearing" in the Federal District Court and that is why the
evidence was denied our review. We must have an Order from the Court for an
evidentiary hearing before we can proceed with reviewing or retesting the
evidence that the jury already had access to and ruled on.
There was never concern that this evidence could not be produced. I just stated
that the answer to our questioning about the evidence was that they did not know
where it was. In actuality they probably did not know exactly where it was, but
knew the general area in which to start looking. It was never lost. It just had to be
searched out and that was not going to be done until a Judge ordered the
evidence to be produced.
As for the 911 tapes, that is a different horse and of different color. Those have
been missing since the start of my trial. An investigation could always be made in
an attempt to track them down. Also, the Assistant Prosecuting secretary needs
to be located and a statement taken from her. She has never given a statement as
to the whereabouts of the tape. She was the one that received them. Since I was
denied an "evidentiary hearing" the court will not pay for investigative services.
Court-appointed attorneys cannot investigate on their own, without prior court
approval for the funds that will have to be paid by the court.
Since I have only court-appointed attorneys representing me, I was unable to run
my own investigation. I need the Court’s prior approval first. I was denied my
"evidentiary hearing" and that subsequently denied me any investigative services.
It was my own opinion that the denial of the evidentiary hearing be an issue for
the Fifth Circuit. Evidently my attorney felt other issues were more important. If
space and word restriction was a hindrance, a Motion for an extension of the
restrictions would have been the avenue to take before filing the application. If
denied, then leave it out I guess. I personally would have given the issue more
weight but I am but a novice. Please remember I have been studying law for
seven years now.
January 15, 2007
Well, I have worked all day and have come a long way in getting all of my work
caught up. Work is letter writing, legal letters, and I have my Paralegal course to
finish. They sent a letter expressing concern ask asking if I needed any help with
anything. I had to smile at that.
You are correct, I did not feel much like reading for a few weeks. I will be getting
back into a routine. Yes, the first book, ICE STATION is real good. I am almost
finished with it and should have finished a long time ago.
There is a “special” on the radio, about the Death Penalty, in about 15 minutes. I
am going to break here and see what all is stated. As you know, several of the
States have halted the executions, pending review of the process that is being
used to carry them out. I think New Jersey has passed legislation that will abolish
the death penalty in that particular state. I have not verified that in the
newspapers just yet. I keep looking and heard it only on a special program on one
of the daily talk shows on the A.M. Side of my radio.
Tues …. well, as you can see, I never made it back to tying and finishing this
letter like I had planned. We are experiencing freezing weather with rain mixed
in. Because of that, they did not have the Special on the death penalty. I went to
sleep and then woke up just in time to get Connie's letter finished and in my door
for pick-up. Jonathan Moore is being killed tomorrow. I watched them take him
out today. He was the first one that spoke to me when I first arrived on death
row, over at the Ellis One Unit.
I wish I could help with your programming. I took computer programming back
in High School. We had the old IBM models. The concept stays the same, the
language is different. I would have to go through each and every step you took, in
order to determine where exactly a mistake may have taken place.
February 1, 2007
First I would like to wish your Mother a speedy recovery from the operation. I
know that it was long needed. Let me know how she is doing. From your 2nd
letter, I see she is in recovery now.
Alright, let me explain this to you about the investigations. Unless the Courts
grant an evidentiary hearing, then I cannot run an investigation. Please keep in
mind my indigent status. It is this status that the courts acknowledge. They would
be footing the bill for any and all investigations.
Alright, we had to let these current appeals run out before we could try to go
back to the State Courts on our own. If the U.S. Supreme Court does not reverse
my verdict in either the guilt/innocence phase or the sentencing phase, then we
will be able to go back to the State courts on our own and try for a second
successive habeas appeal.
Please know that the Anti-terrorism Effective Death Penalty Act (A.E.D.P.A.)
provided for only "one bite at the apple". In other words, the prisoner gets only
one chance at the State process. So this move will be chance and nothing short of
There are certain requirements set out for innocence claims or evidence that
establishes innocence. The standards are set very high and like I have stated, I
don't possess that DNA evidence that everyone seems to need. What I have are
several witnesses that Adams told the truth to. My jury did not hear one of them.
Plus I have my own statement, but it will not be given any weight because I could
have testified then and chose not to.
At the time we go back to the State Courts, it is then we will need to hire counsel
and run our own investigation. Please know that the evidence that you are asking
about has already been judged by my jury, so the appellate courts will not
overturn their ruling because they cannot give weight to any evidence that a trial
jury has already weighed in on. The appeals process is not the trier of facts. A
jury is.
The appellate process is to determine that all of the prisoner's Constitutional
Rights were protected and that the trial process followed a strict set of guidelines,
in order to preserve the integrity and trust that a fair trial was conducted. When
new evidence does come in, they cannot give weight to it other than to determine
that a trial jury would not have found the person guilty had it not been that this
evidence was left out.
Peter, I am a poor teacher. If I were standing in front of you, I could explain
much better because I could respond to your questions.
I figure the amount for the State representation will be around five thousand.
Then there will be a hearing to determine if the statements made by the other
witnesses will have changed the outcome of the trial. Of course the secretary will
need to be found and that will require investigative fees. The secretary that
received the 911 tapes. Her statement has not been obtained and I have had
trouble trying to get a line on her existence. Remember, this is a sort of "good ole
boy" organization and they will protect their own, so even after we find her, it is
not a guarantee that she will bring forth the evidence that we are looking for.
Honestly, we will have to see just exactly how it will all play out. Probably why
Counselor Anton will not give straight answers as to the future.
February 11, 2007
I have received your letter that is dated Jan. 26. You put 2006. I guess it will take
some getting use to (SMILE).
If Connie has sent a letter for you, then I will answer it later. I am kind of in a
hurry tonight. I need to make her a Valentine's card and I don't even know what
I am going to make, yet. I waited to the last minute (SMILE). I will get it done
tonight so that I can get it out in the mail in the morning. Her Mother Margie,
came to visit with Connie last week. I asked Margie if she would get Connie a
dozen red roses and a box of chocolates.
Question: Were you able to send a birthday present to Jenny? Sure hope so. It is
several months late. Connie sent two jewelry boxes and it looks like both were
lost in the mail. Now that just does not sound right. Anyway, please let me know
and I certainly thank you for helping me with this. I have known Jenny for 8
years and have been through most of her kid's births. This is the first time I have
tried to send her a birthday present.
Really liked the pictures that you sent. Got a chuckle out of what Bente sent you
and was telling you what real snow looked like. HA!HA!
Just as soon as I get things squared away. I am going to sit back and do some
reading and that will calm my nerves (SMILE).
I have already sent in the last test for the Paralegal course. I am waiting on the
certificate now. You might be able to get a copy on the internet. I don't know. I
will ask Connie to make copies in order to send to you and Counselor Anton. He
stated that he would want a copy. Not sure what for. I am also going to ask
Connie to send him copies of my Bible course certificates of completion as well.
You should have copies of those.
Did you place my address back on the web page? If not, please go ahead and do
that. I will welcome anyone that writes, even if it is hate mail.
February 28, 2007
It is early morning, 3:00 am. Our breakfast time. Just a short letter here.
I have embarked on a “fantasy ride” (SMILE). Never played Dungeons &
Dragons. Heard others talk about it. My Church Preacher probably won't like it,
but it is just an entertaining game to me. I need some books however. We play
out of the books and there is a lot to learn. I had no idea.
Got my Paralegal Certificate. Looked good. Connie will be sending you a copy.
Alright, I'm rushed this morning. I need to write to Connie next.
March 11, 2007
Alright, the District Attorney that is new in Dallas has decided to clear the record
as he takes office. He is allowing evidence to be tested, AS LONG AS THE
My attorney has entered a Motion on my behalf - to test the jeans and something
about fingernail clippings and blood. At my trial I was told that the fingernail
clipping that were removed from Ms. Vick had been lost. I have no idea if I was
being lied to or this is a frame job. I have been extending my cautions to all
involved, but Counselor Anton wants to go on with the Motion.
At trial, my trial attorneys and I discussed testing the jeans for DNA. Here was
the problem. I had received those jeans in the mail from my Father along with
other items. The small box was sent to Sylvia Parsons. The trial transcripts will
verify this. Ms. Vick and myself drove to Sylvia's house and retrieved the box of
clothes and work boots. While I was there, I helped her son level a pile of dirt in
the back yard. Took about 20 minutes and then Ms. Vick and I headed back to
the house. When I got inside, I still had yard work to do. I tried on the jeans in
question because they arrived without a size tag. I could not get them buttoned
and decided to give them to someone at that time.
Later that day we went to pick up Adams. I took the jeans plus several other
clothes in a bag that was his. I had washed the clothes at the house and knew that
Adams would need the clothes if he did not return with us. I put those jeans in
the bag with everything else.
It was still March and cool outside, especially at night. When on the street, we all
wore long Johns or underclothes to keep warm. Adams was wearing green
jogging pants under his pants that he had on when we finally found him. He was
dirty and he changed at the gas station that we stopped at. He put the UMAN
jeans on then.
The jeans turned up at the old burned out shack. He evidently put them there
with the knives. There were two butcher blocks. I think only one was found and I
am not at all sure that they have the right butcher knife that they say was one of
the murder weapons. I watched Adams give that entire block of knives to a
woman that lived in the neighborhood of the dope house. I have told my trial
attorneys, all of this.
At trial, we decided not to test the jeans. For the two days I was at the shack and
I know I tried on several jeans, IN THE DARK, trying to replace the ones that I
had just spilled paint on and was burning my leg. So it is possible that I had the
jeans on a second time. I sweat a lot just sitting still. It is my nature.
I have told Counselor Anton all of this, and a lot of this is in the statement I gave
to D.. She recorded it and gave it to him. He was supposed to give a copy to
Connie, but I don't think that he has. I will have to check on it. Connie has had
so much to keep up with, I try not to put more on her than she can handle. My
concern is that the jeans will come back with my DNA and it will harm the case
more than help it. Counselor Anton stated that I had nothing else to lose and
after I thought about it, he was right. I don't expect a favorable outcome.
As for the fingerprint on the pillow or anywhere else. Even if the print turned out
not to be mine, it was used only to prove that I was at the scene of the crime. I
have never stated that I was not. The jeans were the most damning of all of the
evidence, other than Adams' statement. My trial attorneys screwed up and did not
ask for a Daubert test.
Here is what will happen, IF the courts stated that the print was not mine, they
would then take all of the other evidence into consideration and claim that the
issue of the print on the pillow case would not be enough to overturn the verdict
and then claim it was "error", but that it would be "harmless error". Counselor
Anton knows this and that is why he has not been pushing it. The issue of the
fingerprint has to be used with other things such as in the claim of ineffective
assistance of counsel and then add it to the other things that the trial attorney
should have done or that they did not do.
When I found out that the U.S. Supreme Court refused to make the
CRAWFORD v. WASHINGTON case retroactive, I pretty much decided to get
my head right for the inevitable execution. I was really depending on that issue.
Counselor Anton more or less bought me some extra time with requesting these
tests. If I had never had the jeans on, then it would be different. I sweat a lot and
I had been working not only in Ms. Vick's yard but Sylvia's as well. It being dark,
with no electricity at the burned out shack, I had not the faintest idea which jeans
I had on after I had changed clothes. Before I was arrested, I had tried on several
of the jeans, trying to find some that were not only the right size, but those that
were clean as well. So— I figure I had them on then too or tried them on. Doing
the paint, I have no idea or memory of what jeans I was wearing or trying on. I
also had no idea that Adams had left them out there. It is just further evidence
that he set me up for the fall. Not knowing he had done this, also not knowing
that he had called 911, I done what I thought was right at the time. I kept my
mouth shut. He was running a "song and dance" with the authorities and I had
no idea he was blaming everything on me.
Peter, I did a lot of things wrong that I wish I could take back. I have to live with
the decisions that I made. I did not want to be responsible for his life. I had
already blamed myself for Ms. Vick's death, even though it was not I that killed
her personally. I was the one that suggested that we pick Adams up. Adams had
tackled a dude on my back that had already stabbed me with a knife in my
shoulder months before this had happened. I thought that I owed him one. I
thought turning my head the other way and not calling the police was making
things even. I guess I just was not thinking right.
The only action we have left is the issue that we did not receive a proper Federal
review of the issues in the Federal District Court. I consider this a weak issue and
have no other cases to rely on for guidance. I have not seen the final draft that
Counselor Anton and Professor Penrose are submitting. I was only privy to two
of the four issues and I was not impressed. Professor Penrose stated it was a very
rough draft, so there really was not any sense in making any comments on it.
Currently, I am keeping my mind as busy as possible. I worry a lot about Connie.
It is just a bad situation all around Peter.
I am also going to try and take a lie detector test. Counselor Anton will submit a
Motion for that as well. Maybe it will help. He needs 5 grand for the testing of
the jeans and whatever else they test. He does not know the exact cost, but wants
that much to draw from. Please send him 2 grand. I have asked Connie to take 3
grand from the account over here. Whatever is left over should be enough for
the Lie Detector test.
Of course, I have no idea of the outcome of the Certiorari that he is submitting. I
had also asked that he use someone for an amicus curiae brief, but as usual have
not heard anything to that effect. They are going to do what they want. I have no
control obviously. You can stop sending the FIND LAW and the CAPITAL
DEFENSE WEEKLY. Not much use in monitoring the cases now. Don't renew
any other magazine subscriptions, please. I will try to write a more up-beat letter
the next round. Thanks for all that you're doing Peter. It really means a lot to me.
Write the first chance that you get.
April 16, 2007
Just finished Deep Storm by Lincoln Child. Great read! Thanks for sending it. I
know I have not been writing. Counselor Anton and Professor Penrose are not
doing as I ask, and I'm having problems here at the unit. I need them to submit a
Motion for a polygraph. They have told Connie that Judge Francis approved the
polygraph. However, there is no Motion, and no Order has been granted!
Professor Penrose put an uncorroborated statement in the brief, and it will no
doubt harm the process. To be more specific, she states that I sold property for
drugs. That is a false hearsay statement and never should have been entered as
fact. Mosely is the only one that stated that, but Tatum never verified it. I swear
to you, they are killing me, but no-one will listen.
When Major Nelson moved me back to C-pod, where I had experienced
previous numerous problems, I knew I would be leveled shortly after. A man can
only take so much abuse. I was doing good where I was before. All I have going
for me is the Polygraph, and by not filing a Motion, Counselor Anton is taking
that away from me also. My polygraph will have the truth of the matter, Too
little, too late, I'm afraid. If I even get it. Thanks for everything. I truly and
sincerely mean that.
April 26, 2007
Connie should have sent you a copy of the Grievance that I submitted. Ms. N
showed up on this Pod yesterday and today. Surprised because this is not her
assigned Pod. Anyway, I was able to ask if she told Captain B that the pudding
on her vest was accidental or unintentional. She stated she did, and in front of
another guard. I should never have been leveled. Major N changed the wording
of the charge and lowered my status from level 2 to level 3. Major N is the
perpetrator and continuing instigator. In time, I will prove it and have it on
paper, and hopefully a formally and proven lodged complaint against her record.
It just takes time. Connie's visits are all that I miss, and I know that it hurts her.
I certainly appreciate the novels you are sending. They really come in handy when
you do not have a radio.
I know a “bench warrant” has already been issued by the Trial Court. That means
the Court has requested transportation. I have no idea what they are waiting on
May 4, 2007
I have been transferred to Dallas. I'm sure you already know. I was unable to take
my property. I am unable to reach Connie by telephone. It seems there is a block
for inmate collect calls. I don't know the details, but I keep trying.
I am pretty much locked down, in a single-man cell. The cell is roomy, with a
shower. Really like that. No TV or radio. No hot water pot and no fan. I can
tough it out for a month if necessary. You can send two books, but only
paperbacks. Could really use them. Nothing else to tell. I'm keeping it together,
so don't worry about that. I'll write more later.
Tony was finally able to make phone-calls out, and I spoke to him three or four times over the
next couple of weeks. It was an experience I shall never forget. We were unable to speak
together again until a few minutes before he was taken to his death, over a year later.
June 10, 2007
Got your letter on Thursday. Mail here is the same, and I've been watching. All
of my mail for the month of May is still missing. Mailroom supervisor here states
they sent my mail to Dallas.
I was informed by another prisoner that my Step 1 and Step 2 Grievance forms
were sent overseas to his penfriend. The grievances were on this write-up and
level situation. There is a time limit on filing.
I am no better than I was. In fact, I've lost respect from the other prisoners for
not acting when it was evident that Captain B. and Major N. lied. I did not assault
anyone, and I am having to endure these conditions for something I did not do.
Just how much do you think one man can take? If my charge was “creating a
disturbance” or “disrupting Unit procedures”, then no-one would hear a word
out of me. These lies are getting to me. Thanks for sticking it out with me.
June 20, 2007
Still on level 2. They are stating I am “time-barred” from getting that grievance
review. In spite of the fact that they sent Step 2, and my Bible test, to Belgium!
All of my magazines, except for Time magazine, have quit being delivered. Think
you have time to track my magazines down. If any were returned while I was in
Dallas, then they may have assumed I was no longer here and stopped delivery.
I'm coping, but not very well. After a while it gets to be too much. Thanks for
what you are doing. I am greatly in your debt.
July 1, 2007
I am sitting here listening to the KDOL “Shout Out” show. Missed my radio! I'm
sure you know by now, I am back on level 1. However, I'm still on the same Pod.
Just as long as they fix my lights and bottom exhaust vent, I can handle it.
My mother gave Connie most of my kid pictures. There are a few I wish my
mother had kept.
Good article for the press release. Thank you! Where did you get Counselor
Anton's “overview”? That was not in the brief to the Supreme Court, was it? I
am still getting organized. I sent you and Bente a “shout out”. You and she mean
the World to me. Thanks for your continued support and help.
July 12, 2007
About Cron. Please remember that when someone has a business and reputation
to defend, they will never admit wrongdoing. I've given Connie legal advice on
the situation. No, we cannot get a court order for Cron, unless we are granted an
evidentiary hearing. Before that can be considered, one of my issues for appeal
must be accepted for closer review. As you know, that is almost impossible now.
We are on lock-down status now. No store purchases until they finish all the
property searches. I need a new typewriter and fan. I've been somewhat lazy. I
am planning to snap out of it as I get these many problems addressed and taken
care of. I need some physical exercise in a bad way as well. I am behind on
July 23, 2007
Yes! Looking forward to the new Harry Potter book! Connie and Gabi told me
they were already reading it. Guess I'll get it next week sometime (SMILE).
I'm waiting on the new typewriter. The old was one being held together using a
rubber band! They confiscated all rubber bands, so when it broke I could not
find a replacement.
Irene is having angio-plasti heart surgery this week. I have been having visits
from her since 1998. No family or friends around, so she was the first to visit me.
If you want to send her a Get Well Soon card, I have added the address.
Connie knows my thoughts. Some interesting developments are in the works.
Nothing concrete however.
August 5, 2007
I am writing this “Form” letter, for one and all. I do not intend to be impersonal,
but this is the easiest and quickest method for me to spread the good news in my
legal situation.
As you will know, I have exhausted the entire appellate process. Both State and
federal appellate Courts have denied all of my attempts at showing error and
prosecutorial misconduct that ultimately resulted in an erroneous Capital Murder
conviction. The death penalty was later obtained.
Proper, advanced DNA testing was asked for. This was through a Motion for an
Evidentiary Hearing. All Federal Courts denied our attempts to show hand
scientific proof. The Federal District Court Judge claimed we were on a “fishing
expedition”. We were specific in what we wanted tested.
The United States Supreme Court was the last court to deny our attempts at a
proper review of the issues and physical evidence.
If any of you have reviewed the trial transcripts, posted on
www.freegregwright.com, you will notice the same Judge sat in at both trials
(mine and Adams). He is aware of the testimony and statements made by
individuals, not introduced and presented at my trial. My trial took place first.
At the urging of Councellor Anton (Court-appointed Federal appeals attorney),
trial judge Robert Francis has delayed setting an execution date. This pending the
outcome of two exams. One was a Polygraph exam. The second was extensive
DNA testing on murder scene evidence.
A Polygraph is a lie detector test. Easy to fail, even when telling the truth.
Nevertheless, I did tell the truth and PASSED it. This after I was assaulted by
Dallas County guards, the night before. I took and paid for a second Polygraph
exam, concerning the assault, I PASSED this exam as well.
Now for the great news. Friday, August 3, 2007, Councellor Anton and Professor
Penrose, set up an attorney/client phone call. The DNA test results were in. My
DNA was NOT on the murder weapon. My DNA was NOT on the blue jeans
experts say were worn by the one that killed Donna Vick. These results, backed
by the Polygraph test, prove I am innocent of Capital Murder!!!
Future proceedings are attempts at getting this case back into State appellate
court, the Court of Criminal Appeals. Although we have positive evidence, the
State will still fight, not wanting to overturn the erroneous conviction. We still
have a fight on our hands, and it may be several years before I am actually
released from prison. However, I will not be executed, because of the test results.
The DNA testing and polygraph exams were expensive. The trip to Dallas,
Texas, all totaled, was a little over $8000. Obviously well worth it.
I wish to acknowledge and give a big THANK YOU to all those who sent money
for my legal defense.
Please continue to write. Notify Mr Bellamy if you do not hear from me. He can
reach me and is aware of my mailing situation. My love to each of you.
August 22, 2007
I recently acquired this typewriter and am just getting started on catching up with
all of my correspondence. I have also purchased a fan, radio and a watch. Pretty
good watch. Well … better than I have had in about 10 years. Now that I have
the things that I had been needing, I will slowly get back into my routine.
The Harry Potter book was great! I really liked it and, like all good yarns, they
must come to an end - and this one had a pretty good ending. The whole series
was a very good read, at least for me.
Right now I need to concentrate on this legal situation. I have asked Connie to
order some legal manuals and I know they will be thick. I still have a fight on my
hands, but the worst is over. I wish I could say I am relieved, but I am not. I am
still where I should not be and until that changes, then I will not be much
The agenda now is to submit a Motion to the trial judge, asking that the jeans be
tested against Adams' DNA. We all assume this will be done. The question her is:
do we have to pay the $5000 again? It is possible. I have not discussed it with
Counselor Anton as of yet. I will let you know. Having the jeans match Adams'
DNA will bolster everything that we have. This is a sound investment, in my
judgment, in the event we have to pay for the testing once again.
We must follow procedure. What we will do is take the new evidence and submit
a second successive writ, to the State appellate court, The Court of Criminal
Appeals. Under normal circumstances, a second habeas corpus writ application is
not allowed. Certain criteria must be met and new evidence under an “actual
innocence” claim is one.
How long it takes the CCA to make a decision is anyone's guess. If they sit on it
too long, we would ask the State's Supreme Civil Court to issue a Writ of
Mandamus. This will be a Court Order that instructs the CCA to render a
decision in a certain amount of time. With this new evidence, they must reverse.
The evidence is indisputable, but the State will probably fight anyway. I have seen
it too many times in other cases.
Once I have the reversal of the verdict, the Prosecutor will decide if there is
enough evidence to try the case again. Of course we know that there is not. I am
not sure if the prosecution will try to get a law of parties charge. That may fall
under Double Jeopardy clause. I will have to research in order to be sure.
However, even if they tried, they still have no evidence, other than John Adams'
testimony. That statement has already been rendered null and void in his trial.
This will get interesting. We need all the media attention we can get on this.
Keeps everyone honest.
September 10, 2007
I thank you for the letters and cards. I have spoken with Counselor Anton about
the role that the Innocence Project are playing. They have accepted my case.
However, Counselor Anton is still the lead “appellate” attorney. That means for
the moment, Barry Scheck is only a consultant. I asked Counselor Anton how
long he planned to work the case and he said until the end, and for me not to
My worry is getting out of here and being free. I guess I will have to wait and see
how this is going to play out.
Counselor Anton states that we have to test Adams' DNA against the jeans, now.
That will cost us another five grand. He has already submitted the Motion that
will transport Adams to Dallas. It needs the Judge's signature and it will be done.
Once it matches Adams, then we can proceed with getting me out of here. To my
knowledge, Counselor Anton or Connie stated that two types of DNA had been
discovered. Of course one is Donna's. I know the other should be Adams', but
they still need verification. If it does not match his DNA, it may put us back to
square one. The only new evidence that I can present is that the Judge in Adams'
trial rendered his statement as a "self-serving lie". That means that it was no good
at my trial as well. I don't know if it will be enough for a reversal of the verdict,
but in light of the DNA tests, even without Adams' DNA matching, it might be
enough for a new trial. I need a full exoneration. That is going to take the tests
matching Adams' DNA.
I worry about everything and until I am up out of here, I am not taking nothing
for granted. Adams is already telling everyone that I have made everything up and
nothing that I say is true about the test results. He relies on people believing him
and they will unless they are privy to the paperwork that I have. He is just a sorry
individual and I have suffered enough because of his ass.
November 12, 2007
If I have gotten all of your letters out and organized, then I am responding to
two letters and a card. I thank you very much for writing and apologize for being
late in getting responses out to you. Seems like every time I turn around, I have
something that is distracting me. Anyway, again I thank you for writing.
Peter, I sure do thank you for sending the funds for what my attorney wanted
tested. Seems like I am in your debt for a large treasure chest. Whatever the
outcome, I still have enough evidence for my conviction to be overturned. The
Texas Court Of Criminal Appeals needs absolute proof of innocence before they
consider even thinking about admitting error. That is what Counselor Anton is
doing. He is making the case indisputable.
I sure am looking forward to working with computers and being involved like
you are. I love electronics and it is something I had always wanted to do. You do
know that I have my basic training in electronics. Right? I can name exactly what
I am destroying (SMILE). I went to school when I was around 20 years old.
December 18, 2007
Well...my attorneys did visit today. Found out the jeans have not been tested as I
thought they were being. I have no idea why, and Counselor Anton never offered
an explanation. As of the first week of this month, the jeans are now being tested.
That means we will have to wait another two to three months. That I do not like.
It all just did not sound right to me, but that was not the place to argue over
something I obviously have no control over. I feel as though I was mislead into
believing the jeans were already being tested.
More bad news. Well...it is bad news from a legal standpoint, but at trial could
easily be explained. Rough on the appeal however. Seems the fingernail on one of
her hands had my DNA. When I asked Counselor Anton how much, he stated
that all it would take was a brush of her nail. We were dancing at the V.F.W. and
she hugged me all of the time. I did not have any scratches on me when 1 was
arrested. She hugged on me and kissed my cheek several times. She also would
run her hands through my hair, right after I had gotten it cut and my beard
shaved. She wanted my hair to lay a certain way and always kept trying to comb it
with her fingers. (SMILE) NOW, HERE IS THE PROBLEM! I have the last lab
report document and I am looking at it right now. They did test the fingernail
clippings on both hands. The only thing that they find is her DNA. They did not
find any other DNA that was of the quality that could be tested. I did not argue
with him. We are on that phone, so I don't know what his plan is or what he is
attempting to find out. I just went along because I know others may be listening.
I do not know if you can obtain a copy of the report with the information that I
have given you or not. What I will do, I will get the test report to Connie and she
can FAX it to you, but it will not be until January sometime. I do not trust the
mail here, so I will send it out through a property pick-up. The property officer is
no-nonsense and it should be safe that way. I will need a copy back. I have been
showing others so that they will know the lies being told by John Adams and help
me watch out for him or others of his ilk.
It is midnight. I still have Connie to write. I pray that all is well with you. Again,
thanks for all that you are doing. I hope that your holidays are filled with joy and
Chapter 9
The triumph of truth – but justice ultimately denied
What proved to be the final months of Tony's life were an emotional and
physiological ordeal both for him and for all of us – his wife and family
especially, and for his friends. Indeed, that ordeal continues for us to this day,
and no doubt for many more days in the years ahead. Those Americans who
support the death penalty surely cannot understand the unnecessary pain they
have caused, or they would have abolished it long ago. I hope these letters and
this book open their eyes.
You will understand from this and the following chapter that our belief in Tony's
innocence never wavered; nor our support which was joined by hundreds from
across the globe. The written declaration of Tony's innocence by Adams,
together with expert evidence of foul play concerning the identification of a
fingerprint; then the DNA evidence that told of Adams lie that he had worn the
jeans that had been used so unfairly, wrongly and damagingly at the trial; all these
and more convinced us that Tony's appeals of innocence must succeed. That in
the end they did not, speaks more of the fervor for the death penalty in Texas
than about the quality of the judicial process and decision-making in that state
and in the US. There was never a reason to doubt Adams' written words that
should have ensured at least a retrial. And in truth, that confession merely
confirmed the findings of sufficiency of doubt arising from DNA evidence, the
corrupt fingerprint evidence, the corrupt crime scene officer, the prosecutorial
misconduct including the “loss” of vital 911 tapes, and the rest.
Adams wrote this note to accompany his written confession:
“Greg Wright is innocent of this murder and I am the one to blame. If the DA and the Judge
can’t accept this, then his murder is on their hands. I set Maverick (Greg’s nickname in
prison) up for the crime. If they can’t get this right, then they are dumb! God bless.” John
Wade Adams 9-26-08
On October 30th, 2008, Texas executed an innocent man. Through the anguish,
I hoped these final letters of mine, a few of the nearly 250 that I wrote over 3½
years, would give Tony some comfort and support. In the telephone
conversation we had minutes before his death, he made clear that they did.
January 3, 2008
Hi Greg
I’ve had to have a clear up of paperwork. I have to get my tax return in to the
authorities by the end of the month, hence the delay in getting this letter off to
you. You asked about Orchid Cellmark and the work it does. The company is
certainly a leader in its field, has worked closely with the Innocence Project over
the past 12-18 months, and has been responsible for a number DNA
exonerations. It has labs in the US and UK and is one of the most respected in
both. Tests results are always subject to review by two other persons.
Before looking at the procedures Orchid use, the following general info may be
useful. The following is taken from material used to support a case in 2004 in
“DNA evidence cannot be attributed conclusively to one person unless examiners analyze the
entire DNA molecules of the DNA evidence and the DNA sample from that person
respectively. Two unrelated individuals can have identical DNA fragments that are examined
in a particular type of DNA analysis — i.e., identical DNA patterns at the targeted loci. The
underlying theory of the forensic use of DNA testing is that as the number and variability of the
polymorphisms analyzed increases, the odds of two people coincidentally sharing the same DNA
profile becomes vanishingly small.
Therefore, when a DNA “match” has been declared, a conclusive identification of a crime
suspect as the source of the unknown DNA sample is not being made. Rather, the suspect
simply has been “included” as a possible source of the DNA material, because the suspect’s
DNA sample has matched the crime scene DNA sample at a certain number of critical alleles.
Once a DNA match determination has been made, forensic scientists perform statistical
analysis of population frequencies to estimate the statistical significance of the match, by
calculating the likelihood that a random person (i.e. not the person whose DNA actually was
left at the crime scene) would match the crime scene sample, commonly referred to as the
“random match probability.”
The statistical significance of a match is determined by a two-step process: first, an initial
determination is made regarding the random match probability of each polymorphic locus (the
“individual allele frequency”); second, the individual allele frequencies are combined to determine
the overall probability of possessing the entire matched DNA segment (the “aggregate DNA
profile frequency”).
Probability calculations generally are made using the “product rule.” The product rule, also
known as the “multiplication method,” states that the likelihood of a match occurring for an
entire DNA segment can be determined by calculating the match probability for each
polymorphic allele and then multiplying those probabilities together. To give a basic example, if
a matching DNA sample contains two independent alleles, and there is a 10% chance of a
random match of the first allele and a 20% chance of a random match of the second, the product
rule would suggest that there was a two percent chance that a random person in the population
shared the same DNA profile (.10 x .20 = .02).”
The key procedures Orchid uses are described below – you may understand it as
an avid reader of Science (SMILE):
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
What is PCR?
Sometimes called "molecular photocopying," the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a fast and
inexpensive technique used to "amplify" - copy - small segments of DNA. Because significant
amounts of a sample of DNA are necessary for molecular and genetic analyses, studies of
isolated pieces of DNA are nearly impossible without PCR amplification.
What is PCR used for?
Once amplified, the DNA produced by PCR can be used in many different laboratory
procedures. For example, most mapping techniques in the Human Genome Project (HGP) rely
on PCR.
How does PCR work?
To amplify a segment of DNA using PCR, the sample is first heated so the DNA denatures,
or separates into two pieces of single-stranded DNA. Next, an enzyme called "Taq
polymerase" synthesizes - builds - two new strands of DNA, using the original strands as
templates. This process results in the duplication of the original DNA, with each of the new
molecules containing one old and one new strand of DNA. Then each of these strands can be
used to create two new copies, and so on, and so on. The cycle of denaturing and synthesizing
new DNA is repeated as many as 30 or 40 times, leading to more than one billion exact copies
of the original DNA segment. The entire cycling process of PCR is automated and can be
completed in just a few hours.
The Y chromosome DNA testing enables examination of the male-specific portion of biological
evidence. This capability can be especially important in situations where a small amount of male
DNA may be recovered in the presence of excess female DNA, such as in sexual assault
evidence. Y chromosome analysis can also benefit missing persons investigations as it extends the
range of potential reference samples. Since fathers pass their Y chromosome onto their sons
unchanged (except for an occasional mutation), all males in a paternal lineage will possess a
common Y chromosome haplotype. A core set of Y chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR)
loci have been selected for use in human identification applications.”
The DNA tests for your case to date appear to have been conducted in three
stages – July, Aug, Oct – with an update or summary given in Nov. The tests
appear to have been progressive, which may account for any discrepancy you see
or new statements made. Overall, given the context, I see them as positive – with
further work being done that could reinforce that .
Hope this detailed info is helpful to you Greg in understanding what is going on.
Will write a more general letter in a few days.
January 14, 2008
Thanks for your latest letter, dated Jan 8. It arrived this morning, which is pretty
good going. Glad you got the cards. I will continue to send the odd extra one
direct from the UK from time to time (maybe they fill in the gaps when I forget
to write a letter).
Yes, I have been pleased with the sales, though as I said, the returns are not great.
I have just started another clear-out of books which just have too much
competition on Amazon. Also I have put up some to a minimum price I am
prepared to accept. It doesn’t always pay to be the cheapest – I know from my
own purchases that I look carefully at the condition described and also the
feedback comments given to the seller. Hopefully sales will not dip too much
now! In answer to your question, no, I don’t need to run the business – but it
does help to defray the regular transfers to you, and sometimes a little extra to
indulge my reading fancies.
I have browsed the Steve Berry books but not yet found time to read them. I
could see though that they were of the genre that you usually enjoy. I’m glad you
found some of the earlier ones, and that you are finding people to exchange with
etc. If you have missed out on any of the early ones, let me know which, or any
others you want, in your next letter. I won’t send any more until the start of
February unless I hear from you or get a message via Connie. I understand about
the D&D books – knowing that they were probably a bit bulky, I am not at all
surprised that you have had to turn them out. No, I do not wish to re-sell
anything I send you. I’m sure Connie can find them a good home. Yes, she sent
me a very nice Christmas card from you both, thanks very much.
You made a lot of comments on the DNA situation. Don’t worry, I understand
what you have said. Like you, I think the situation looks good on that, and I’m
sure Counselor Anton and Professor Penrose will be making the most of the
positives. The comments that Connie passed to me from Professor Penrose
made it pretty clear that she was happy with the situation, and the next tests
could add even more to the bank of good news. I know the waiting must be bad
for you, but hang on in there.
January 25, 2008
I will be glad to see the end of this month. Dad has a cold first, then mum caught
it and it went straight to her chest, and now I have the cold! Dad is over his but
mum is still struggling after nearly two weeks – she is on her third course of
antibiotics! Dad decided he need a haircut midweek, and came back with a bad
graze on his forehead having tumbled headfirst after tripping on an uneven
pavement. After cleaning and dressing the wound I took him to the doctor for a
more professional job. He has been back this afternoon for a change of the
dressing, and will have to go again next Tuesday. That will teach him to rush
around, but then again probably not.
I hear you have had back problems. That’s no joke I know – after my back
problems last summer. I hope you are able to get that right quickly. Bente has
been having back, arm, shoulder, neck and jaw problems! – and is getting help,
rather late in the day, from a chiropractor. We all seem to be in the wars. Hope
your back isn’t giving you too much trouble at the moment. I will write again

February 22, 2008

I received your letter dated February 11, thanks. I ordered one of the books
immediately – you should have received that now – the first of the Dresden files.
The Bible Came From Arabia was a different and interesting challenge.
Unfortunately it is not currently in print. There are about four second-hand
copies on the major book search sources – Amazon and Ebay and Abebooks.
None of them are from sources that are likely to be accepted by the authorities,
being in private or small business hands. The prices are high also, even for the
paperback version. However, I have not been put off the search. I looked up my
local county library database and found they had a copy in “reserve stock” –
which is basically stock that has been put aside because there has been no
demand for years but which they don’t want to dispose of just yet. I am waiting
for a phone call to say that is has been retrieved and sent my local library for
collection. I can photocopy it and send it in sections to you. Meanwhile, Who
Was Jesus has quite recently been republished, so I have ordered that one for you
– will probably get to you about the same time as this letter. The other two books
are out of print, though I did find a new copy of Secrets of the Bible People,
available in the UK from a small company. I have ordered it for delivery to me. If
you decide you want it, I will send it via Amazon. Think about that one.
The article on the DA was an interesting one, and backs up what I had already
heard. I hope he sees things straight for you.
That chair – the kneeler – was working out good – until this morning! I leaned
over to stretch for something – and heard a “crack”. Oh well, it was good while it
lasted. I must obviously get around to losing some weight pretty soon!
March 3, 2008
Sorry my letter writing is a bit inconsistent at the moment. As I mentioned
before, I have been making a big effort to improve turnover of the books by
opening a shop on the eBay website. As you have to take photos of each book,
and then upload the picture files to eBay, it all takes a very long time. I have 175
books listed so far but I have sold 19 – so I am as it were swimming against a tide
to increase the number listed. Of course, I am not complaining when a sale
occurs. I am also having to weigh each book, then go to the Royal Mail website in
order to work out the postal charge. The books can be sold to anywhere in the
world, but buyers from other countries have to email me to get the postage
worked out before they purchase. I have also pre-wrapped quite a number. Still, I
am pleased at the extra turnover – it is getting rid of duplicates and low priced
books that are difficult to move on Amazon. During February, I sold 57 books –
a record in one month I think. Long may it last!
You may have received the book The Bible came from Arabia by now. I found a
store, seemingly owned by the publishers, just about an hour after I had posted
some photocopies of the first 5 chapters from the library copy I got. Anyway,
assuming you receive the book ok, I will not need to send any more. As I said,
the book appears to be out of print, but the store still has a stock of the title. You
will let me know if/when you want the sequel – Secrets of the Bible People. To
give you a taster, the first chapter starts:
“ In my earlier book, the Bible came from Arabia, I argued largely, but not entirely, on the
basis of place names that the true land of the Hebrew Bible (to Christians the Old Testament)
was not Palestine, but the southern Hijaz and Asir in West Arabia. Hostile critics have
pronounced my argument of the case as worthless rubbish on the grounds that the archaeology
and palaeography of Palestine have already proved beyond doubt that the history of the Biblical
Israelites was enacted there. A number of specialists express strong reservations about the truth
of this claim. Where my own theory of the West Arabian geography is concerned I admit that it
still needs to be substantiated by archaeological excavation.
In the present book I shall examine some well-known Bible stories with two aims in view: first,
to put my new theory of Biblical geography to further test, and to introduce certain corrections;
second, to reappraise the content of these Bible stories when examined in the light of what I
contend is their true Arabian setting. If you have a bible near you while you read this book, it
will help.”
I think you can see that if you find the first book interesting, then this second is a
must read also. Whether his theories are true or not, it is a fascinating study – and
an approach that many scientists and historians would approve I’m sure.
What else can I tell you this week? I mended that chair! Found some extra strong
glue (called Gorilla Glue!), and also obtained some jubilee clips. With a bit of
luck, all will hold together when I try it out again tomorrow – I’ll let you know. I
still have some shoulder and neck problems, but with experimentation - raising
the computer on the desk, different chairs, etc. this is showing some
improvement, so I must be on the right track.
I hope you are doing ok – Connie has been reporting that you have been in good
spirits during her visits with you. I don’t know when we are likely to get any more
news from Counselor Anton – but we are being good and not pestering him!
March 18, 2008
I have just had to delete most of this letter because yours dated March 13 has just
arrived. No matter, I was very pleased to receive it and it answered a lot of the
questions I was going to put to you.
Connie told me Counselor Anton had visited you, but that he was still waiting on
the test results. You know that we are ready to respond to any eventuality, and
will push him hard should that be necessary (you known I am a great diplomat!).
Meanwhile we all need to be positive and assume a good outcome. I check in
with Ms … every so often as you know – just to let them know I’m still here -
and I’m about due to do so again. I last contacted her Feb 5. They know that I
expect to hear promptly of any developments. I’ll probe ever so gently until we
get real news of the test results, but like you, I would like to know more of what
he has in mind. Thanks for the details re the “gateway” etc – that was interesting.
I have signed you up to the Blackstone courses via the Internet – they take 24 hrs
to process the application and confirm the funding. It should go through ok, but
if, like last time, they can’t process the funds via the credit card, I will get Connie
to send the funds and I will reimburse her. Once everything has gone through, it
takes 7-10 days to get the first posting off to you. Good luck with that. As soon
as I know you have got the first posting, I will let people know via the site. It
looks like there is a lot less material to worry about this time, with most, if not all
the learning material contained in single textbooks. We will certainly help out
with any internet researches that might need doing. Let me know of any codes
for access to the results and student pages – Connie too if you want.
Glad The Bible Came From Arabia was of interest – I have only read snippets so
far, but as I wrote below earlier, I will definitely be reading it in full. I am going to
assume you want to read the follow-up book and send that to you as well.
I knew the chair incident would make you laugh! It made Bente laugh as well.
Yes, the glue is doing fine. It was too large a piece to use super glue. I left on four
ring clamps, usually used on vehicle engine hoses (we call them jubilee clips). It
seems to be holding pretty well, though the chair doesn’t look quite as elegant as
In answer to some of your questions and comments in your last letter (March 2),
in general I don’t read the same books, though I did read some of the earlier ones
I got for you – especially the Dirk Pitt novels by Clive Cussler. Also the
Desmond Bagley adventure series, and of course Harry Potter! Also the cross-
generation ones I sent. I intend to read the Kamal Salibi books – I have just read
snippets so far – but will read them properly as soon as a window of opportunity
arises. Let me know your thoughts on what he says, and that will encourage me
to get started. I am also looking out for some copies of the novelist that put you
on to him (I think) – can’t think of his name right now but it will come back to
me…… was it Steve Berry?
The phone bill reference you queried was just a response to your earlier comment
about the large phone bill you and Connie worked up when you were in Dallas –
that was worth every penny I bet!
I understand how you feel about things Greg. You know I will do all in my
power to keep things on track with your wishes. There is a lot of fight in us yet,
and I will make sure that Counselor Anton understands that.
March 26, 2008
Hope your Blackstone course materials come through to you quickly. I checked
that payment had gone through, and it has, so there should be no problem.
Easter has been a quiet time – all the more so because of a cold blast of winter
weather – snow in March! Didn’t last more than a couple of days but amazing
how often that happens - always a holiday weekend! I will be taking the family
down to visit Christine, Nicola, and whoever of the family are around at the time,
the weekend after next. Alistair may be in Bristol, and so may Philip. It will
probably just be for a couple of nights.
I have been reading in the paper that our road tax will be going up soon – at least
for some. I don’t know whether you have an equivalent tax in the US? It used to
be a standard rate for all cars. A couple of years back they started charging in
bands according to the size of engine. Now they are changing that again to base
the bands on carbon dioxide emissions. Band A is the lowest. At the moment
they pay about $200 per year tax. After 2009 there will be no charge in that band.
It goes up to band M – current charge over $600 per year – that will rise to $1900
for a new car in the first year and then $910 thereafter. My car is in band K –
now about $450, rising to $620. Quite a hike. Those little eco-friendly cars
suddenly look very attractive.
I think Connie has told you that I got out posters to go to student unions around
the UK. I have targeted 32 so far. There may be others but that will make a good
start. I printed them on card and sent two to each, with a covering letter. I hope
we can get a response by way of a move in the petition signatures – we will have
to see. I’m also working on a couple of other things that may be useful, however
the extra DNA results turn out. They are certainly taking their time over those.
Ms … had no other info to give me.
It will be good to see Connie, however briefly, when she comes over. I don’t
think she has said, but I assume she will be over here for only a couple of days or
so. Okay, hope you are doing well – and looking forward to getting started on
that course! It will keep you busy at least.
March 31, 2008
Connie said that you had got the course material early last week. Sorry it came
with that further nasty example of petty aggravation. You would have thought
they would be happy that you are going to be occupied in a very positive and
educative way for a while. It’s not costing them anything. I know you can handle
it now though. Don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing you riled.
It’s been a frustration weekend for me. I have my business, your website, and all
my main email accounts with Lycos. Over the weekend they must have been
doing a big upgrade or something. I couldn’t access any of the sites and nothing
would download from the email accounts. It has continued into today, Monday,
though just for a few minutes at a time, it all seems to come back online. I hope it
is going to settle down soon!
I suppose the weather is warming up there in Texas. Looking at the forecast
temperature for Houston today, they are at least double the highest expected
here, though we describe our own weather as mild and about average for this
time of year. It’s what you get used to I suppose. The leaves are now just about
showing, or on the point of bursting forth, on most of the trees around – as
befits the official launch of summertime (we put our clocks forward one hour on
Sunday – BST or British Summer Time). I suppose that means I can’t put off
getting some work done in the garden much longer.
Anyway, I had better get this off to Connie for posting. Don’t forget, if you need
any help with research for the course, always pleased to help.
April 11, 2008
Thanks for your letter dated April 2. I started this morning full of good
intentions for a busy day around the house – cleaning windows! I managed to do
the kitchen and living room ones at the back – and then of course it rained. Since
then we have had persistent rolls of thunder and flashes of lightning, with
alternating glimpses of sunlight and showers. At least it has given me a good
excuse to return to my usual position in front of the computer – and to work on
this letter to you.
The package you mentioned with a card and pictures – I’m afraid I can’t tell you
much about that – the tracking receipt I had has been swept up with a lot of
other receipts off my desk and binned. But I suspect it may have reached
Livingston about the weekend of Easter, and that may account for the delay in
being processed through to you. I suppose we can only give them the benefit of
the doubt on this one. Short pause while I look out of the window at the
hailstones! Talking of the weather, Connie may have mentioned to you that we
had snow when I went down to see Christine and her family in Devon last
weekend. We’ve also had frost this week before the rain and hail of today! I really
don’t know what she is going to make of English weather when she gets here!
They’ve just said on the radio that it is “typical April sunshine and showers” at
the moment. I wonder how I should try to describe a “typical May” to Connie.
The pictures I sent weren’t well annotated as to exact location, though I know
they were in the area you asked for. I can imagine what you experienced at the
chicken huts. There was a proposal for a big chicken farm operation near us a
while back – the local protests were loud enough for planning permission to be
denied – twice!
I will be sure to quiz Connie on her itinerary before she arrives, though she may
not know the full details until she is on the ground. The best layed plans have a
tendency to change. But we will certainly meet up and I am keeping those days
free so that I can be flexible. She will have my phone number.
We saw Philip – at 22, he is really now looking the part of a budding young
solicitor – I just hopes he gets the chance. He finishes his final law exams in a
couple of months and is trying hard to get a training contract with a firm of
solicitors. There is a heck of a lot of competition though, and he may find he has
to settle for a different route to make use of his qualifications. We will see.
Alistair has at last committed himself to 3 years at university from next
September to qualify as some kind of eye specialist. The course is so narrow that
I don’t think he can wriggle out of this career choice – which is probably a very
good thing! Anyway, I’m glad to hear that you have probably settled down to
beginning your course. It sounds a lot of hard work, even if there is less total
paperwork than in the earlier course you did. But it gives you a sense of purpose
and something to focus on – and I think you well demonstrated last time that you
benefit from that. It demonstrates something important to others also.
April 22, 2008
I’m a few days behind writing again – mainly I suppose because I have been
preoccupied with the Baze judgment and the pending release of the DNA results.
You may have heard about those by the time this letter reaches you. Anyway, I
just wanted to reaffirm my support whether or not the results appear to be
At this stage I am still expecting Connie to be arriving in the UK in just about a
weeks time. I have seen her provisional itinerary and will be making suggestions
of how I can fit in with it to meet with her shortly. It maybe depends on how
much Connie wants to see Stonehenge. I see a visit to that is planned. The
weather has taken a turn for the better today and temperatures have soared
(though in the UK that is a very relative term). In the past few days I have
planted a couple of young pear trees, and also filled two garden containers with
strawberry plants. I have never tried growing strawberries before so we will see
how that turns out.
Have you ever come across a book called The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran? I
stumbled across it the other day, as it is one of a long series of books I am
collecting. It is a fascinating book of 26 poetic essays, which has been translated
into over 20 languages. The Prophet, who has lived in a foreign city 12 years, is
about to board a ship that will take him home. He is stopped by a group of
people, whom he teaches the mysteries of life. Each poem is a response to a
question from the priests and others who have come to love and honor him – of
marriage, of reason and passion, of religion, and of many more topics. Looking at
comments about the book, around the internet, I see that the books has sold so
well since it was written in 1923 that it places Gibran as the third greatest seller of
poetry of all time, after Shakespeare and Lao-tzu. He apparently reached cult
status in the 1960’s in America and around the world – beloved by hippies and
the like, but also by JF Kennedy, who pinched some of Gibran’s words when
writing his famous speech “ask not what your country can do for you - ask what
you can do for your country.” As it seems to have been so popular in America
maybe you came across it at school or something? Gibran was a Lebanese
American by the way. He was almost as famous for his drawings and paintings I
How are the law course studies coming along. Connie told me about the first
piece of internet research you asked her to do. I tried to set up your student
center account on the Blackstone site the other day but found there was no
option to do so for the Criminal law option you are doing. I have emailed them
and have been told they are trying to sort out some “technical problems” with
the site at the moment and will let me know when everything is sorted out. I’ll
keep chasing them.
If any news comes through about the DNA results in the next couple of days, I
will write again. Meanwhile, I am keeping in close contact with Connie and
Bente, and you know that whatever transpires, we are working together to help in
any way we can.

April 29, 2008

Hope you are doing well this week. I hear that the DNA tests are still in play –
very pleased to hear that, even if it means more waiting. As we found with the
earlier tests, they seem to progress to greater degrees of sophistication when the
material is small in quantity. They wouldn’t do that if a negative result was already
ruled out. Don’t worry about funding for this – if it gives you a chance to get
back into court, or better, then it is all worthwhile.
Good to see you got off to a great start with the course (95%) – Blackstone soon
sorted out the problem with the website, and I was able to then create the
student account to check your progress. It didn’t take long for you to get back
into your stride then. Well done. I’m sure it has been difficult to concentrate all
the time recently.
Not a lot has been happening this week to report on. I continued my effort in the
garden – planting more fruit trees to create a mini orchard at the end of the
garden. I now have 1 cherry (grown from a pip!); 2 pear trees newly bought; 2
apple trees newly bought; 1 plum tree newly bought; and a nectarine (grown from
a stone). In addition there is a young hazelnut tree (sown by the squirrels). If they
all flourish, I should be alright for fruit and nuts eventually. Mind you, as in
America, our bee and insect populations have been decimated in recent years so
whether they will pollinate remains to be seen.
Connie is coming into a typical English spring – sunshine and showers, and I
expect there will be more showers than sunshine, especially at the start of her
stay. Still, I’m sure it won’t spoil her visit. Hopefully, one day soon, it will be your
turn. Anyway, I’m sure she will have plenty to tell you when she gets back.
May 10, 2008
Events have been moving so quickly yet in so complicated a way in the past few
days that I have waited until the last minute to write this – before taking a few
days holiday with my folks, planned and booked many months ago. Don’t worry,
I will be keeping in touch with everyone as usual during this time.
I’m so sorry that you are under such pressure at the moment, but you know that
you have the very best support possible in Connie, and in your legal team. The
developments that we are told about show that Counselor Anton is making the
best of all the options open to us at the present time – or at least, that has to be
our best judgment. As I told Connie on her visit here – my confidence in his
capability, granted that some mistakes have been made in the past, has grown
over time, not diminished. Sometimes it is difficult to accept that, when success
seems so elusive, but you know better than most that, in capital cases, it is at this
stage that the issues become most focused, and when the best chance of justice is
finally revealed. Please take care in your decisions now. The people working on
your behalf are very, very experienced in this process – and it can be potentially
damaging to give way to doubt or mistrust at this vital moment. You are strong, I
know that, and will see the truth of my words here. We try to share the burden
with you, but know in our hearts that our share is so small. You are the tower of
strength in our lives.
I received your letter, dated May 5. A lot has happened since, even though it only
arrived yesterday. That was fast delivery. I think my comments above respond to
the most important of yours, and I hope that Counselor Anton’s visit yesterday
went as well as Connie and I hoped. You know that my support is unchanged
and unchanging.
Greg, our expectations are high at the moment, in spite of the pressures
emerging. We have absolute and unyielding faith in you, in your innocence, and
in your strength. Those professionals working on your behalf have similar
expectations and faith – we must let them have the space to work the miracles of
which they are capable with the help of the Lord. I know you have that Faith.
You wanted to know my thoughts, after meeting her, about Connie. Greg, you
have the most wonderful and loving wife in the world – someone of whom you
can be rightly proud, and someone you can trust and love. There is no man in
this world who is more fortunate and blessed than with the wife that you have
formed your partnership and love. Connie is a simply and truly the best.
I will send you a card from the English county of Kent. We will be staying in a
village very near to the port of Dover. I will check in to the email frequently to
ensure I stay abreast of all events, and can respond as necessary. You will never
be out of my thoughts during these next few days. As always Greg, be good, be
strong, and trust in the Lord and the guidance he is surely giving those who seek
to help at this time.
May 18, 2008
I remarked in my last letter, which I hope you received in good time, that events
were moving incredibly fast. I have to say that things haven’t slowed, if at all,
during the course of this week.
You will perhaps know that the petition really took off in the past few days. I
have already sent your attorney an interim copy, in the hope that it will help him
demonstrate the strength of public feeling against the action taken to set a date,
while testing continues.
Connie has been incredibly strong – I don’t know how she coped when she was
inundated with emails and calls from the media and others. As I have said before,
she is an amazing woman, and you are so, so lucky to have met her and to have
her as your wife. My admiration is unbounded, so take care of her in these
difficult days. We all pray that we can succeed in our aims to ensure you have a
long and beautiful future together. If, in the end , that is not to be, your souls will
be entwined together and forever in the presence of God. But whatever hurt you
feel now, know that none should be directed toward her. Her love and devotion
to you is true and completely honest. I give you my word on that.
I have heard of Connie’s visit with you on Saturday. I completely understand
your despair at the lack of communication and agree that Counselor Anton could
make the effort to contact you by phone at important times.
We have been friends now for three years. I can hardly remember when we
weren’t – it has seemed so natural I can tell you honestly, again, that I have been
every much a beneficiary of that friendship as you. I made a commitment to you
that I would fight your case to the very end, whatever that end might be. I have
never liked defeat, and I do not accept it now. When I abandoned my career as
an accountant to go back to college to train as a teacher, it never entered my head
that I would fail to qualify. I knew what I must do, and I ensured my resolve
never faltered. It could so easily have done, especially in the early days when I
struggled to get used to the style required of the coursework needed. But in those
subjects in which I fell short on the first assignment, by the second I had always
got it right. I know how to fight, and I know the importance of belief and
Your case is not an assignment. It is a matter of friendship and belief – deeply
appreciated and held. We have helped you achieve personal satisfaction and
achievement with the Blackstone courses. We have helped you achieve a
polygraph success, which your family hold dear. We have helped you achieve the
testing of DNA to clear you of association with items connected to the crime for
which you have wrongly been convicted. But more is needed, and we are not
through yet.
Tomorrow I intend to go against the instructions you have given to Connie that I
should not help with the new review and testing that your attorney has proposed.
It does not matter that, in your eyes, he should not have told me about this.
I will ask him to accept the funding for this review and testing that is proposed.
There is no second chance here. Either he goes ahead with it now, or the
opportunity will be lost. That is how it is when a third party expert is involved
and offers their services. I hope he will proceed immediately. This letter should
be with you shortly after, and I hope you will recognize my sincerity and intent to
help – and forward to him your consent with all speed. If he delays then the offer
may no longer be on the table, and your assent will be too late. Greg, there is no
possible way this review can be harmful to you. The only harm that can arise is if
you impede the review or act against Counselor Anton’s advice. That must not
happen. I will support all those preparations you have instigated as a backup
through Connie. But you must not damage your professional relationship with
Counselor Anton as a result of my actions. I rely on that.
This three-way communication is so long and so difficult, and that is why we
have asked you to let us speak with your attorney and to know what is going on
at all times, or at least make the effort to know. We share your concerns for the
truth, but we are better placed than you to dig for it. You would do well to
release Counselor Anton from the promise you extracted from him, but that is in
your hands.
Greg, we have to make use of every minute to help us in our endeavor to help
you. You will know from Connie that other people and organizations are
beginning to come out of the woodwork and to offer real assistance to you
through her. We need to be able to build a momentum of activity that will cause
those responsible for this situation to change course, and give you the relief you
deserve. Ultimately that last push may come through Counselor Anton, it may
come from your own activity, or it may come from elsewhere. We have to have
as many channels open as possible, and that is our aim now. Please help us as you
can to achieve this. As always Greg, be good, be strong, and trust in the Lord and
the guidance he is surely giving those who seek to help at this time. The respect is
May 28, 2008
You will be aware that the past couple of weeks have thrown up so many issues
and confusions that writing has been all but impossible until some clarity was
restored. I believe you have written to me but as of now I have yet to receive the
letter – the holiday weekend here probably hasn’t helped. I know that your last
visit with Connie has helped sort things out, and that you have asked your
attorney to proceed with the review etc – I hope that proves productive for you.
Not knowing the present status of the DNA testing, I can’t comment on that,
other than, again, hoping that the interruption is/has been temporary. What has
been happening, as Connie will have told you, is that the petition has surged as
we had hoped. We very much hope this can be influential, and also a source of
further support. You know also of Rick Halperin’s contact and offer of help, and
perhaps that of others too. There is a lot of indignation and disbelief at the
precipitous actions of the DA etc, and it is to be hoped that the remarkable level
of support shown to you at this time will cause them to reflect on their actions
and attitudes.
Alistair came to stay with us unexpectedly last week, arriving in the late afternoon
on the Monday. We had just 30 minutes notice of his arrival!!!! I took him into
the Chiltern Hills for a walk on the Tuesday, and for a pub lunch on the way
back. He used to do a lot of cycling and walking on Dartmoor and on the coast
when he lived in Plymouth. Now that he is working in Bristol for most of the
week, he is able to do less of that, though he does go home to his family back in
Devon on his days off. I can’t say weekends, because his days off tend to be after
the weekend. Anyway, he enjoyed the walk, and I managed to save enough puff
to take him to Windsor on the Wednesday. We looked around town; saw the
guards marched off from the castle to the accompaniment provided by
bandsmen (the changing of the guard); and then took a circular walk around a
section of the River Thames at Windsor (over one bridge and then crossing back
via another bridge further up river). It was a bright warm day, so again it was a
pleasant way to pass the time and chat to Alistair. Thursday we stayed nearer to
home, walking in the valley of the River Chess (a stream in comparison to the
Thames!). He left for home mid-morning on Friday. As I mentioned before,
Alistair will be starting a new university course in Sheffield in the autumn.
Well, pending more news from Texas, that is all for the moment I think. I’m glad
you are arranging better access to news for Connie - that was a big worry for us
all. If Rick can get close to Counselor Anton, that will help even more I’m sure.
June 3, 2008
Just got your letter dated May 30th. Our letters crossed . I understand what you
are saying with regard to Counselor Anton and the IP. All I can really say to you
is that the two have worked together successfully in the past (eg Chabot) and we
have to believe they are doing so in your case also. The risks of our not
responding to funding issues were simply too great in circumstances where the IP
is spread so thin. They too can only work from donated funds – there is no other
I think you have heard from Counselor Anton re the Motion you have referred
to – and again he prefers I think, on advice, to concentrate on the main habeas
writ. Again, you understand this far more than me, but he would appear to have
good reasons for this. I think this is a common reflection that all involved
recognize the strength of your claims now, and won’t risk a deflection from
them. It remains to be seen whether success will result, but whatever your doubts
in the past, I hope you will be able to put them aside and know in your heart that
everyone, Counselor Anton and Professor Penrose included, are doing all within
their power to achieve that success.
This all said, of course we support all what you choose to do, and that has always
been the case. None of us can gain much from the employment of hindsight, and
I truly believe that everyone has acted, at the time, both in your interests and in
accord with your wishes. The love and loyalty that you have assembled around
you could do nothing less. The only impediment has only ever been speed of
communication, and that is something out of our control.
Connie will be keeping you up to date with the wider happenings and contacts.
She is getting great encouragement and support from these, and I hope you are as
well. We are all fighters, and continue to do what we can to garner support for
your cause, I hope without getting in the way of the path you and Counselor
Anton have agreed.
I noticed you had got the second exam in to Blackstone on the criminal law –
85% was another great score. Whatever you choose or are able to do towards
that is fine by me. You have nothing to prove now, and it remains something to
do, or to leave, for your own satisfaction. You have shown the world that
Gregory Wright is no slouch when it comes to academic ability or determination,
whatever is stacked against you. We are all very proud of your achievements with
June 12, 2008
I know, it’s late! But you would not believe the amount of work the petition has
been generating. The response has been world-wide and very, very impressive.
But Connie can tell you more graphically than me.
It has also been a busy week in other ways, ferrying my mother and father to the
hospital and doctors surgery. First it was dad to the doctors re cystitis and a
painful shoulder. Then a trip to the hospital for an x-ray on the shoulder. Next
mum to the hospital for a blood test (to check on the Warfarin dosage). Then
dad to the surgery again for physiotherapy on the shoulder. He is due to go again
in a fortnight. Fortunately, apart from a few twitches in the back, I have stayed
healthy, though tired .
The photos of Connie’s visit with you last weekend were great! We used one on
the website to update the banner at the top of each page. Looks really good.
There have been lots of visits to the website with people reading the details of
your case – and commenting on them in emails to Connie and myself. I think
Connie may have passed on some to you.
We are sitting tight as you have requested, and are patiently (or impatiently!)
waiting for further information. We have no reason to believe that progress is not
being made, so I suppose we have to be content with that. I saw the clip of the
German TV interview you had, and Counselor Anton’s too. That was good, and
gave us further encouragement. There have been a number of offers of help, and
we have had to put these on hold – but it is a nice feeling to know that so many
people believe in you and want to help.
I hope the books have helped this week - just write or let Connie know when you
want more or anything different. I think I said it was gray and wet when I wrote
last week. It is gray and wet again now, but in between we did have a couple of
hot, sunny days. English weather is as variable and idiotic as Texas justice I think.
I have been seeing reports on TV about tornadoes etc in the Central States - at
least we don’t usually get those here. Sad about what happened to those scouts
Hope you are doing ok Greg. Try to keep Connie as well briefed as you can if we
can no longer rely on news through Ms … or Professor Penrose. This is a
situation we never anticipated and must be kept under review. Be good, stay
strong. Hope the card arrived in good condition.
June 17, 2008
Still here on the Isle of Wight. I wrote a card yesterday and will be posting it
today. I’ll make sure I send another at least. The mobile internet access on the
laptop is a godsend – I don’t know how ever I managed without! It has been
good to see the level of support people are giving you through the petition, and I
know Connie has received a number of letters as a result. I have read many of
them, and it is nice to know that so many have made the effort to put some
personal thought and input into them. I was using the computer with internet in
the park yesterday afternoon and a couple passing shouted out asking if I was
keeping up with happenings at the office – I just smiled and said “something like
that”. Of course, I was reading one of these newly arrived letters.
I don’t think I explained what this mobile internet it exactly? It is a so-called
“dongle” that is a small, thin, portable modem which hangs from the side of the
computer, attaching via a short USB cable to a USB port (similar to a serial or
parallel port). The software was installed at the time of purchase (I think it was
already on the dongle, and self installed). Anyway, now when I want to use the
dongle for internet access, the software automatically runs when I attach the USB
cable to the computer, and after a few seconds invites me to connect. I can do
everything that I can at home except send emails from my main pop accounts.
That may be to do with the way I have configured my email client (software) or it
may be an inevitable restriction – I haven’t quite worked that out yet. It doesn’t
matter because I have set it up so that emails on the main accounts get
automatically copied and sent to my Yahoo internet based email account – so I
can read and reply, or send emails from there. All very efficient really. The speed
is nothing like at home, but fast enough – a bit like things were before broadband
came along, and sometimes better, depending on where I am working from. The
principle is a bit like if not the same as mobile phones – no wires needed.
Anyway, the story of my holiday so far. We traveled down on Saturday, getting
the ferry across the short stretch of water between Portsmouth and the Isle of
Wight an hour earlier than booked – we were lucky as we arrived just as the last
of the cars were boarding, and it was faster to wave us onboard rather than to
start on a stationary line of cars. We just took the car to the top of the cliffs
overlooking Sandown Bay, which looks down on where we are staying. The rest
of the day was spent settling in and resting up. Next day, Sunday, we drove
around a pretty headland which includes a popular boating (sailing and motor
launches) port called Bembridge. We continued around to Ryde where we parked
by the side of the beach. Opposite the beach is an attractive park area, boating
lake and indoor swimming pool (I’ll send a photo when I get home). After a hour
we went on to a pub where we had lunch. Then it was back to base so the folks
could have an afternoon nap while I took a walk into Sandown. The walk passes
a small golf course, a dinosaur museum, nature reserve lake, and a park that has
attractive gardens, mini-golf for the kids, tennis courts and the like. A quiet
evening watching a film.
Yesterday, Monday, we went to the next holiday resort around the bay called
Shanklin. The sea front is rather good, and later we went up to the old village
where we had lunch (fish and chips), before returning to base for the afternoon
nap – again I went out for a walk. Today we plan probably to go to the main
town on the island – Newport – for some shopping ……… and whatever seems
appropriate after that. More news later in the week.
I can’t end this letter without expressing once again my sincere admiration for
your effort with the law course ….. 100% on the civil litigation paper was both
astonishing and something which arouses great pride in and for you. Well done
indeed. Sincere best wishes my friend
June 22, 2008
Back from the Isle of Wight, and the first letter I picked up from the mat was
yours dated June 10. Thanks for the explanations. We hope and pray that the
current strategy pays dividends for you.
I’ve sent a few cards in the past weeks so I am not sure which you referred to, or
exactly the picture on it. Probably I selected it because it represented color and
nature’s beauty, something you may have missed for a time. The UK is noted as a
nation of gardeners, and Connie will tell you of her visit to mine. It is perhaps the
most favored of pastimes here, certainly amongst people of a certain age, and
most certainly in the UK we have no hang-ups about symbolism or macho
connotations. Having said that, some flowers do have symbolic associations of
interest. The following, for instance, is a good example:
Daisy - The name for the flower is derived from "Days eye", because the flower
opens at sunrise and closes at sunset. In Medieval and Renaissance art, where
flower symbolism was almost a language unto itself, every flower had a very
specific meaning. The white daisy, one of the simplest and most abundant
blossoms to be found in every meadow and glade, was a symbol of innocence.
The daisy also had a powerful religious connotation because of the widespread
use of the image of the Madonna and Child, The Virgin Mary and the Christ
Child, Jesus. By the late fifteenth century the daisy was a symbol of the innocence
of the Christ Child. The daisy, less exotic and pretentious than the lily, was
thought by some to be a more fitting symbol for the baby Jesus. Since that time,
daisies have been associated with children and the innocence of childhood.
During the 60's, the daisy was nearly as popular a symbol of the peace movement
as the peace sign itself, and much used as a tattoo by men and women alike.
I should think 90% of all greetings cards in the UK are illustrated with flowers or
animals! But I will take your preferences to heart (SMILE)..
Newport (I mentioned that as our next destination on the Isle of Wight), was ok.
I wanted to try to find an external microphone for my video camera, but as it
doesn’t have a built-in hot-shoe for securing one to the camera, I need to find a
bracket of some kind to attach it to (the bracket can be secured to the bottom of
the camera via the tripod screw fitting. There was one possibility, but I decided it
was too large. After looking around Newport, we went on to Cowes – a famous
yachting port on the north of the island. We just ate a picnic lunch there and took
in the views before returning to base. Wednesday we went to Ventnor Botanical
Gardens (more flowers), and enjoyed a snack lunch and a stroll around the
gardens. Thursday was cooler, and we just went back to the edge of Newport for
lunch. Friday’s weather was a bit mixed (sunshine and showers) so we just went
back to Shanklin for an hour or two around lunchtime. We have decided that a
full week is now probably too much for Mum – she gets anxious being away
from familiar surroundings for long. I doubt I will be back to the Isle of Wight
for a time. Anyway, I will send you half a dozen photos to enjoy. Here is a
sample, taken near Cowes: yes, I know – it looks like I could do with some more
exercise! Sincere best wishes my friend, as always.
July 1, 2008
I knew you had some visits with Bente and Gabi this week so haven’t hurried this
one. Hope they went ok. I know Connie was very pleased to see them. Bente had
a terrible journey back home I think – haven’t heard it all yet, but I think she
missed a connection somewhere along the line and ended up getting home a day
late! I expect I will hear more about it from Bente in the next couple of days.
With the blackout, there is nothing I can talk about re the case. I just hope that
when I do hear, it will be the good news we are all hoping for. I see you are
continuing to work at the law course to fill the time – and another 100%, this
time on the Criminal Law module … fantastic!!!!!! Connie said you weren’t
impressed with the previous 85, but I thought that was brilliant as well. You
obviously expect perfection every time.
You will have got another book – I didn’t know if you really needed it, but I
know the author is one of your favorites. Sorry if it is in the way. I see another of
your old favorites also has a new one just released - The Last Patriot: A Thriller
by Brad Thor. Let me know if you are interested.
Alistair phoned the other day – he wanted me to do some research for him on
laptop computers. With his new university course looming, he wants to replace
the large desktop machine he has been using. The problem is his eyesight though
– he sees a lot of people with poor eyesight at the place he works but has never
seen anyone with worse eyesight than his own! So he wants to get a laptop with a
17” screen. This size is becoming popular now, as many people have decided that
laptops have become powerful enough to function just as well as desktops.
I’ve been hedge cutting – the usual twice-yearly chore. The rest of the garden is
looking pretty dry now, though with so many mature trees and shrubs, we are
fortunate that it remains in overall good shape. I have been watering the new
fruit trees planted this year. At least it gives me some much needed exercise.
Connie has been magnificent in the past weeks – whatever is going on, please
give her your unreserved love, trust and support. She needs that just as you do.
Be good, stay strong.
July 10, 2008
Hope you are doing ok and finding the books and/or course materials useful at
the moment. Don’t forget to write or mention to Connie if you want any more –
always happy to oblige. Sales have been sluggish recently, reflecting the downturn
in the economy generally no doubt. But still selling the odd interesting book – the
latest, this morning, was Young Sherlock Holmes – the novel on which the
Steven Spielberg film was based, some years back. Anything to do with Sherlock
Holmes seems to inspire interest – there are endless repeats of the tv series.
I don’t think I ever told you where I was brought up as a youngster, so I will bore
you with an outline. Between the ages of about 4 and 11 we lived in a tree-lined
road just on the edge of Watford where I was born. While the house was a new
one, it was council owned, so it was only rented. There were a couple of boys
next door, one my age and another a couple of years younger. They also had a
sister the same age as mine. So you can imagine that we were well set up to be
close friends. The location was pretty good, and as I grew up, my neighbors and I
were able to make full use of the public heath at the top of the road, a flat oblong
shaped grassy area which had two pubs adjoining on one of the long sides, and a
sweet shop at one of the shorter ends. Also the Grange which I think must have
been a public space – there was a bowling green sectioned off by a very high and
thick green hedge, but the rest was another grass area flanked by private woods at
one end and what we called the copse to one side. The copse provided the
opportunity for tree climbing and the making of “camps” etc. The open area we
used for football and other games. I didn’t get my first bike until I was 11, so
apart from a park, which we passed on the way to and from school each day (on
foot), we rarely ventured further. Those years were pretty good, and seemed to
last forever. I started to learn to play the piano, with lessons from a woman who
lived further up the road – but I soon lost interest in all the practicing. I went to
Cub Scouts, which was attached to the local Methodist Church – and also
attended the church at that time. We left this home when I was 11, and had just
started at my senior school. That was a wrench for me as I never had a close
friend as a neighbor again – most of my senior school friends were well spread
around Watford and beyond.
Our new home, where I lived throughout the rest of my schooldays until the age
of 18, was located in Oxhey, again on the edge of Watford, but a good mile
further out. In reality, if I had realized how close we were from our previous
home “as the crow flies”, and later knowing the shortcuts, I could easily have
kept contact with Roy and Donald throughout those years, but I was not very
worldly at that time, and didn’t have a clue. Since Roy and I then went to
different schools, the contact was lost, and a good friendship with it. That’s life I
suppose. Having said that, I enjoyed the years in Oxhey – the house was semi-
detached again, but larger, and with a very long garden. Christine, my sister, was
lucky again – she had a neighbor of her own age. I owned a bike by now, and as
the years passed I got more and more adventurous with it. I cycled for miles in all
directions, especially during the summer months.
School was about three miles away. At first I caught buses, with one change on
the way. Later I started busing the first half and walking the rest. Later still, I
cycled to school. At the age of 13, I got a paper round. That was good, though
hard work at times, I can well remember the long cycle to the paper shop, or so it
seemed (just over a mile away), to collect the papers and then set about the paper
round which brought me half way back to home. Cycling early in the morning in
deep snow and ice was quite an experience for me at that age. The winters then
were very definitely harder than they are now!! I can remember one Christmas
when the snowfall was seemingly never going to end - four foot deep in places.
Dad came out on foot to look for me as I had taken an hour longer on the paper
round than usual. But the feature of living there that made it bearable for me was
the “golf course” which could be reached via a back entrance just 250 yards away
from home. This wasn’t a true golf course at the time, but really parkland which
comprised vast open fields, flanked by wooded areas and an old quarry that
provided hours of entertainment for climbing steep chalky slopes, trees, etc.
Walking right to the far end of the golf course you came to a café and attached
tennis courts – where again I spent hours playing. My father played occasionally,
and his friend also. Later I joined the ATC (Air Training Corps), which had a
branch at school. Although we had a television at home, I was always banned
from seeing it during the week – homework was a must, so far as my parents
were concerned. In fact, I did very little homework, and spent hours reading – so
you can see how and where my love of books began. Both the local library and
school library provided me with a treasure trove of books. So, you might describe
it as a sheltered childhood, but in many ways idyllic. I was lucky I know.
Back to today – the clouds are continuing to roll past, but at least yesterdays rain
has gone – it didn’t stop all day!! Summer here in the UK is a fleeting thing these
days – lasts for a few days at a time through June, July and August – but never
long enough to make it feel that you’ve had one. Well, I suppose some years are a
good deal better than others – but this year is definitely poor. Sincere best wishes
my friend, and good luck, as always
July 18, 2008
Thanks for your letter dated July 8, I always look forward to receiving them. It is
difficult to comment directly on some of the issues you raised. Best for me to just
say that no-one and nothing can be immune to misunderstanding. Neither you, I,
nor anyone else can avoid it in a situation like this where we are not in constant
and immediate communication. Because of that, it is unwise to make judgments
on what we hear, because almost always there are likely to be further explanations
that we cannot know of. Better to trust the inner person that we have come to
know and respect over time.
You probably heard that the petition site we were using was hit with a virus
attack and has been down ever since I alerted them to the fact. Visitors were
immediately assailed with Trojan viruses – or at least, would have been were it
not for the efficiency of any virus checker they had installed on their computers.
Mine at least was working well, and gave visual and sound alarms, simultaneously
blocking the viruses and preventing them from being installed on my machine.
The petition site is still down, but we have all the signatures safely stored and
printed. I have set up another petition with another organization, and this is
working well. Any duplication of signatures is being monitored by me so that the
total we report on the website represents the true number of unique signatures.
At this time that total is over 900 and well on its way to 1000.
We are still in that dark period when little or no information is coming out. I’m
sure you feel that more than any of us. The explanation in your letter shows you
have a good understanding of the framework of what is going on, so we will try
to be as patient as you in waiting for the light to appear. We would of course
hope that that occurs sooner rather than later, but you can be sure of my belief
that you are in good legal hands.
I was telling you about my younger days. I may have given the impression that I
suffered from a lack of friends in my teens. That wasn’t really true, or at least it
wasn’t true in the sense that I had plenty at school, and at important other times.
However, I was always a resourceful and self-sufficient person – not one of those
who gets “bored” because no-one is paying attention to me. Particularly in my
late teens, and in the years immediately after leaving school, I had a lot of fun.
Watford, the largest town around, was rich in dance and music venues,
nightclubs, pubs, cinema and theatre, sports facilities and the like. I took full
advantage of them all. I even learned to ski on a newly developed dry ski school
slope. Actually I had already learned the basics on a ski trip to Switzerland from
school when I was about 12. Although my parents were not at all well off in
those days (we didn’t have a car until I was about 16!), they made sure I did not
miss out on key school trips. The Switzerland trip was the first; then I went on a
biology field-trip for a week later on; and finally a Geography field-trip to
Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. I also had the week at an RAF station soon
after I joined the ATC, which I mentioned in my last letter. At other times, I
studied hard for public exams, read an amazing breadth of literature when
supposed to be doing homework, and explored the countryside and roads for
miles and miles, both on foot and on cycle.
After I left school, my exam results were good enough for me to join a small
accounting practice in central London. The offices where the firm was based
were well located for exploring places like Oxford Street, Regent, Street,
Piccadilly, Mayfair, etc. But the office itself was quite small, comprising about five
rooms only – one each for the two partners, one shared by two senior
accountants (who later became partners), one for a secretary, and one shared by
the rest of us – a large room with a huge central table around which up to six or
seven people could work, and two small side tables were sometimes also manned
when everyone was working back at base. Being an auditing firm, that wasn’t
often because we were frequently sent out to work on the premises of clients.
The one thing about working in London, even in those early days, was the
travelling. I had a mile and a quarter to walk to the railway station from home;
then a train-ride, often standing, into Euston Station in London; then
underground railway into central London, if I could squeeze myself into the
carriage. I soon abandoned that last stage, preferring a brisk walk from Euston,
through the back streets to Oxford Street, and down Bond Street. Going out to
clients was more like it, at least sometimes. Going to the MGM film studios was
great – a pleasant bus-ride, then plush warm offices to work in. Pinewood
Studios was more utilitarian, but in a nice location. Some clients premises were
less good of course – one engineering works I went to was so noisy, we
eventually insisted on taking the accounting books away with us. At another
engineering company, I had to work in a room with water literally running down
the walls – the only compensation about that job was that I had to travel to
Brighton each day by train (1 hour from London), and back again. Since I only
kept standard hours as if working in London, I was working only mid morning to
mid afternoon. The train was quite good too, because it had a buffet car, and I
treated myself to coffee and toast most mornings.
More reminiscences next time. Farnborough Air Show this week – won’t be
going myself, but reports say that some of the planes, especially the F22 Raptor,
have been WOWing the crowds. I have included some pictures.
July 25, 2008
First, a very big thank you for the hat. It really is an amazing piece of headwear,
and I couldn’t wait to try it on. It was an enormous surprise to find such a large
package waiting by the side door of the house after a trip to London yesterday
(mum’s regular pacemaker checkup). Of course there was a box inside a box, and
inside the inner box - the hat. I took a couple of photos in the garden this
morning so that I could send them by email to Connie. These were trimmed
because of the file size, but I will send copies of the originals directly to you.
Even more trimmed are the small photos that I include here: Anyway, I love the
hat and thank you and Connie very much for it. It was an inspired gift.
So, where did I get with my recollections? I was talking a bit about the time in my
first job as a trainee auditor I think. That lasted about 6 years – until basically I
decided that I was never going to put my mind to qualifying by correspondence
course, and it was time to think about getting a pay rise! I applied to a big
national property investment and development company – English Properties
Corp. To my surprise, I was offered the job at the interview, and began a month
later. The offices were in Grosvenor Street, just off Grosvenor Square in
London, near to the US Embassy! You can imagine that the building was quite
grand, though unfortunately the Accounts section was located in the basement.
The reason for this location was the new computer facility – the old-fashioned
large installation mini-computers that needed very cool conditions. I worked in
an office further down the corridor, which was at least warm, but had no access
to natural light. I pretty soon developed signs of claustrophobia there, and after
18 months I had had enough, and looked for a similar position with another
property company. Again, I was lucky – getting the offer at the interview at rival
company called Capital & Counties. Working conditions were much more to my
liking here, and the location – near to the Houses of Parliament, Westminster
Abbey, Westminster Cathedral, the Thames, and a couple of large parks – was a
nice change. I was with them for about 3½ years. At both these companies I
managed to get credited in reports to the directors, so I consider I was doing
well, though again working in an Accountancy role without being fully qualified.
Eventually I could see that however well I worked, the lack of the qualification
would mean I stood little chance of real career progress, and since I was also
beginning to hate the traveling back and forth to London each day, I decided a
career change was needed.
Teaching had always been an option in my mind, though I had not gone to
university from school. I did some solid research, found a course that appealed
but would also perhaps have less competition for places at the time
(Environmental Science), and made the application. At first, at the interview, I
was told that they had filled their allocation for places on the main teaching
course, but that I could accept a place on the diploma course, and if someone
failed to take up their place when the course started, I would be transferred. That
was in fact what happened. The college was a specialist teacher training college,
accredited by Birmingham University and with degrees awarded by them. I
wondered what I had let myself into in those early weeks of the course, as I
found myself being taught the care of small animals (rats, mice, gerbils, and the
like) and how to milk a goat! Also, my first written assignment was called “From
little acorns, tall oaks grow”. Amazingly, I got an A for that assignment, in spite
of my early panic. I should tell you that soon after starting at Capital & Counties,
I bought my first property – the lease on the first floor of a semi-detached house,
or as we call it, a maisonette. It was rather nice – two bedrooms, large
kitchen/diner, and a good-sized L-shaped living room. Also a small rear garden. I
also had a small car at this time. When I went to college, I had to sell the
property, but continued to run the car. Okay, more about college next time.
July 31, 2008
I’ve received your letter dated July 22, many thanks. All this reminiscing that I
have been doing has put my mind right back to my schooldays and my teaching
career. On impulse, I joined the Geographical Association (GA) the other day so
that I could access their quarterly magazines online. For some reason, in spite of
teaching geography for many years, I never got around to it before. This morning
I started browsing the articles in the latest Teaching Geography magazine - and
was astonished to see one written by my old Geography teacher from the 1960's!
I'm sure it must be him. I did meet him again in the early 1980's when again he
popped up at an INSET (In-service training) meeting held by the county - he was
giving us a lecture from his perspective as an HMI (Her Majesty's Inspector of
Schools). He will be in his 70's now, but he is credited at the bottom of the article
as being a visiting Fellow at Southampton University, which sounds about right.
Anyway, I have emailed him, so it will be interesting to see if I get a reply and if I
was right. His article was called "Improving geographical understanding at KS3
(11-14), and is a critique of yet another change in the geography curriculum for
this age group. I loved his final telling sentence - "It is also worth remembering
that pupils' learning often proceeds from the specific to the general, rather than
the other way around!" A very nice rebuke to those who have written the revised
"Programs of Study". As a teacher, it took him a while to recognize my interest in
Geography, but after I surprised him with nearly a top grade at O'level, he was
more attentive in the 6th Form.
College was interesting! I was of course older than most of the other students,
but there were two others about my age (28). We naturally formed a friendship,
though one was married and lived locally (Bromsgrove, a town just south of
Birmingham). But we were all intent on making a success of the career change we
had embarked upon, and the friendship rarely extended beyond the “classroom”
or the Mountain Leadership Course that we signed up for, with it’s regular
minibus trips into North Wales during the first year. The College had two
campuses – the main and newer one in Bromsgrove, where I spent the first and
third year in student accommodation – the other in a town called Stourbridge
which was 20 minutes or so distant. The College ceased teacher training courses
for a while soon after I left (one of the reasons why I didn’t stay on for a fourth
year to add Honors to the degree. But I was getting a bit tired of college by then
and anxious to start teaching anyway. I looked on the internet again recently
though, and I see that the college has resumed teacher training. The course was
module based – two concurrent modules each term as I remember it. I know the
first term was a biology-based module looking at how plants and small mammals
can be used in Middle School (8-12) to stimulate the concept of scientific
investigation; and educational psychology. It may sound dull, but actually the staff
taking these modules were brilliant in their way, and we had both a lot of fun, and
a lot of serious study also. There was quite a lot of choice in the modules we
could take, and I managed to steer a study path that was constantly interesting
and challenging, yet also represented a cohesive and complimentary whole that
would stand me in good stead in my teaching career. But looking back on it, I am
still amazed that I was successful in getting the chance to teach Geography at
Secondary School level (11-16) – while the course was relevant in a major way to
field-studies and other investigatory approaches to the subject, it added little else
of theoretical knowledge of Geography. In fact I would go so far as to say that
the course really was designed to equip me to teach in Junior and Middle Schools,
rather than Secondary. Perhaps it was only my own confidence and desire to
teach Geography as a specialist subject, and exceptional good fortune in finding a
small secondary school (of barely 300 pupils) to start off my career, that gave me
the credibility to continue that path later on. And of course, by offering
considerable flexibility to teach also Business Studies and IT, on the strength of
my past career and personal interests, I was able to carve out a fairly unique role
for myself. But I do appreciate the significant role of luck in being in the right
place at the right time – and I rode it hard.
I expect I have bored you silly with all this. I have tried to paint a picture rather
than produce a biography, and it has been a very sketchy one at that. But I doubt
you could have taken any more (SMILE).
August 5, 2008
I was telling you about an old teacher of mine….. I received a reply to my email
to him:
“It was a pleasure to receive your message. I was fascinated by your career, which
for the most part has obviously given you a great deal of satisfaction. As you
might guess, I am delighted that you retain a commitment to geography and, even
after retirement, have become a member of the G.A. Like you, I have serious
reservations about the extent to which geography in secondary schools is
constrained by external requirements, which have probably led to a loss, rather
than any gain, in professionalism. One of the most difficult periods in my career
was the year in which I was attached, as an HMI adviser, to the Geography
National Curriculum Working Group, and was unable to persuade the DES ( a
Government Department of Education and Science) that the Group's proposals
were unworkable. It is reassuring that current approaches to assessment are being
questioned, although our longstanding obsession with external examinations
appears to remain as strong as ever. While like you I have developed some new
interests since retiring (in 1992!), I have found it intellectually rewarding to keep a
foot in the geography camp, mainly through research and writing, but also
through my links with the G.A. I continue to attend the G.A. Annual
Conference, although such events are now much more expensive than they were.
Perhaps we will meet again, in the not too distant future!” He remains then an
interested and friendly soul.
Still no more news of the family. Philip is still looking for a training contract –
the practical employment with a solicitor that he needs to complete before he can
officially call himself a solicitor. It is a very competitive field here in the UK. He
may have to defer his plans and start in another application of his law degree.
Alistair has been up to Sheffield to sort out his accommodation for the start of
his course. Nicola is still looking for her first employment opportunity.
I know that time is passing and little seems to have happened on the ground
recently. I wanted yet again to confirm my belief that, whether it happens this
week or one hour from the date you have been given, this outrage will be
stopped. I know you understand the process that is going on – and I’m sorry that
are being put through this. But I have confidence of success and in the abilities of
those who are working on your behalf. Your Faith is your strength, and mine
also. I could not be more proud of a friend. Stay strong in your Faith. By the time
you receive this, you will certainly have 1000 supporters via the petition. We will
prevail. Congrats for the 95% on the 4th Criminal Justice test!
August 23, 2008
As I guessed, some news came through just an hour or so after I wrote the last
letter. We sit tight and wait to see justice at last unfold.
From what I have been reading, summer has been as strange over in Texas as it
has here. This morning happens to start with clear blue skies, but the past week
has been anything but summer-like – mostly cloudy and often with rain. Last
August was supposed to have been one of the wettest on record, but now they
are saying that this August could end up as the wettest for 100 years. The shrubs
and trees have mostly benefited, but unfortunately it makes the grass grow. I just
love mowing the grass!!! Still, all part of the gardening experience I suppose.
I think I have probably mentioned my cousin Colin, and his wife Rita, to you
before, though maybe not by name. We see them from time to time because
Colin’s mother, my mothers sister, is in a Care Home, and we visit her regularly.
She used to holiday with us after she lost her husband and has always been close
to our family. Anyway, Rita dropped in to see us a couple of days ago. She is not
unlike Connie in personality, and very easy to get on with. However, she is very
accident prone and had us in fits with her recent tales. In the past she has been
hit on the back of the neck by a mast when sailing with Colin on the Norfolk
Broads. She has managed to break an arm falling down stairs. She broke a hand
in a fall while walking the dog. The latest is that she got her head trapped in the
lift doors at a local hospital, where she does some part-time voluntary work.
Apparently the other women she was with just couldn’t believe it and fell around
laughing their heads off. Colin used to work in the print industry. He likes to do
his own thing – being interested in dancing and art. He is also a dab hand at DIY,
and is always busy mending, replacing, decorating etc both in his own home and
those of neighbors and friends. His interest in art is longstanding because I can
remember we were always seeing new painted pebbled at both his and his parents
house. But he has started art classes recently, and there seems to be no end to his
talents looking at the wide range of art form that he has displayed in his summer
house (garden timber building recently assembled). He has even started to display
some of his work and recently sold his first piece! Rita on the other hand is
devoted to her pedigree dog – I’ve forgotten the breed for the moment. Anyway,
she enters the dog for show competitions around the country and has been very
successful with him (he’s called Henry). Colin gets lumbered with exercising the
dog, though, at least up to recently, he has been happy enough with that as he
loves walking the country pathways. He has been suffering a bout of pneumonia
recently, but we saw him yesterday and he looks pretty fit again. I think Rita’s
head has recovered. Unfortunately she now has to have an operation to sort out a
knee cartilage problem! Anyway, thought you might be interested to hear a little
about the wider family for a change (SMILE).
As I write, there is much optimism Greg. I hope you will let Connie know if
there is anything I can send in to help the waiting while this is sorted out. As
always, sincere best wishes Greg.
August 27, 2008
At the time of writing, we are still waiting to hear any news of the habeas appeal
etc. Professor Penrose has promised Connie she will let her know immediately
there is any. So we wait patiently (or try to!).
I heard a small part of the KDOL shout out program last Sunday. Connie was
great. I heard the song she played by Bette Midler – includes the words “you’re
my hero”. That was brilliant. I also heard Bente’s shout out which was also
excellent. The program runs at a difficult time for me to catch – I think I will
have to buy an Internet radio so I can hear it beside my bed. They are quite
expensive for a good one, but I think the idea is that they either connect to the
computer or act wirelessly so that you can receive radio stations from around the
world via the Internet. If you are working on the computer, they work at the
same time, and if not, presumably they just need the computer to be on
somewhere near. I haven’t really looked into it too much as I have only just heard
about them.
I don’t recall you telling me much, if anything, about your musical tastes. I guess
you listen to the radio a lot, so must have developed a wide-ranging appreciation?
I can listen to most anything, popular, jazz or classical. Some of the modern stuff
I can’t like – like rap or heavy metal or similar, but anything with a definite
melody is fine. I have always liked classical music since my teens – I joined a
record “club” when I was still at school, where you got about four LP’s free, and
then paid monthly for the club choice or another from the catalog. I used to buy
pop records as well of course – including Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over
Troubled Water, which I loved, and still do. I don’t get much chance to hear a lot
of jazz – I have a few cd’s. I was first introduced to jazz when I went to that
airforce station with the ATC for a week when I was about 16 or 17. We had
access to all of the staff facilities and I found one of the TV rooms one evening.
There was a jazz program on – and I was hooked straight away. I must explore
that again. Of course jazz covers a whole lot of styles these days. Really, the only
music that usually fails to interest me is full opera. The arias are fine with
someone like Pavarotti singing, or Kiri Te Kanawa. But the full thing has never
appealed. Maybe I’m not so unusual in that.
I continue to hope your plight will be over soon, and we get some relief for you.
Meanwhile, my prayers are with you and, as always, sincere best wishes Greg.
Hang on in there.
September 4, 2008
Expectation of some news has delayed this letter, yet as in the days before, such
news is in short supply. I cannot say what the situation will be when you receive
this, but I hope and pray that it has changed for the better. You are a man of
great dignity and I know that whatever has happened, you are at peace with
yourself. For my part, I want no more or less than to see you a free man and to
be able to shake your hand in friendship. I pray to God my dreams and prayers
are answered. And to this day, and in the days ahead, I will believe that will be so.
I have read the habeas submission made by Counselor Anton – it is as strong a
case of your innocence that I could have hoped to read. I know you will have
been pleased by it, and I cannot conceive of a legal body which could not be
convinced by the arguments and evidence presented. I am therefore not only
hopeful but expectant that it will be accepted.
Again, as I write this, I have prepared my own press release in the event that the
positive news I seek is not forthcoming today. I hope that it is unnecessary, but
you know that I will never rest while the injustice that has fallen your way is
undone. The record of your innocence is there, and will remain there, for all time
and for all to see. Any who might choose to turn their backs on it do so at the
risk of impeachment.
I hope the days ahead will be happy for you in every respect. I know you will
have great pleasure in seeing and speaking with members of your family. I know
Bente will likely be there also. I know that Connie, who has transformed your life
in these past short years, will be at the center of the support and love that you
will experience. I will be there is spirit, and if the need remains, will be working to
secure your relief. Good friends are not easily had, and I count myself lucky to be
able to call you one. Whether in celebration of your relief, or in celebration of
your life, I send you my warmest and sincerest greetings and best wishes.
September 11, 2008
You will know of my very great joy that a first stay was achieved and that our
fight goes on to have your innocence accepted by the courts. I was also happy
that Connie and other members of your family had the opportunity for visits with
you. I know that would have meant a great deal to you. While it seems we are
forced to continue the fight for now under continuing unjustified pressures
imposed by the authorities, we intend to ensure that justice prevails and that you
receive more substantial relief in due course. Such a situation is unimaginable in
Europe, and, dare I say it, in much of the USA also. Connie will be keeping you
abreast of current and continuing developments so I will continue for now to
concentrate my letters on those other matters that interest you.
Alistair made one of his flying visits to see us, arriving late of Monday and leaving
Wednesday morning. He had been to Sheffield to finally arrange his
accommodation for his first year at Sheffield. He seems to have found something
to his liking – a room in a house owned by a third year student at Sheffield
University. He finally starts his course at the end of this month. He has yet to
confirm part-time work in Sheffield with the same organization he is working for
now in Bristol, but you know Alistair now – everything has to be put off to the
last minute!
Yesterday I shared my time between writing to the top 25 legal firms in the UK
and trying to unblock an outside drain. Both took a long time, and I hope my
letter-writing was more successful than my attempts at the drain. So far I have
relied on the use of strong chemicals, but up to last night, the blockage seems to
be holding. You probably understand more about drains than I do, but I
understand that the waste kitchen water and plumbed washing machine both go
to the small drain outside. It has been constructed as a shallow drain so that it
relies very much on a clear channel. But water from the drainage hole has to
negotiate a u-bend immediately, and it is here that the blockage tends to occur.
There seems no way to physically get into this u-bend, because to make things
worse, it is located both at 90 degrees to the house wall (within a few inches) and
then bends left to follow a channel parallel to the wall, later joining the main
drain channel. It looks like I will have to buy a set of drain rods and attempt to
clear the blockage from the main drainage channel end. I hope something works,
because the only other way is to dig up a very solid concrete path to get to the
Anyway, I hope to be able to spend more time today at the computer, writing
more letters and emails for the cause, Gabi has been great in her efforts, as has
Bente. Others have sent in messages of support that perhaps Connie has been
passing on to you. It is still early morning as I write this, and time for me to
check that drain, so I will close for now with the usual cartoons, and write again
very shortly. They give you an idea of the weather here just now!
Stay strong in your belief that Counselor Anton and Professor Penrose are
working their socks off on your behalf, and that the strength of your innocence
cannot be ignored by the courts. We have a way to go, but I believe the journey is
on track for success at last. Sincerest greetings and best wishes.
September 22, 2008
Sorry this letter has been so long in the writing, but knowing of the disruption to
postal services, or at least at the prison, it seemed better to wait and to make the
letter as up-to-date as possible. Of course we are all in a waiting mode again while
DNA testing continues, and other legal hearings occur. I am confident that both
will confirm the substantial case of innocence that your attorney has presented on
your behalf.
Meanwhile, Connie will have told you of the continuing and growing support that
has been building. We are supporting Counselor Anton’s and Professor Penrose’s
efforts 100%. In fact it has been an exhausting time as Bente and I, and others,
have tried to respond quickly to their needs. The hurricane didn’t help as
communication with Connie was much reduced. Nonetheless, we have made
good progress. I’m sure that the disturbance to communication and visits came at
a bad time for you also. I hope the staff kept you aware of what was happening,
but no doubt you were able to follow and guess much of it from radio reports. I
hope that radio is still working well.
Knowing that I couldn’t pass letters to Connie, and that it would take a long time
probably for letters from the UK to reach you, I did order a book for you.
Hopefully it arrived, although I realized afterwards about the difficulties of mail
distribution at Polunsky. While not being the usual thriller type that you often ask
for, it seemed highly readable from the few pages I read of the first chapter. The
reviews were very good on Amazon. You may not have felt much like reading
though, and I would understand that.
I took my parents to Saville Gardens the other day – a large area on the edge of
Windsor Great Park that has been turned into a woodland garden, with dedicated
areas also for summer flower displays etc. It also has a large temperate
greenhouse that has magnificent displays. Of course we have to move from one
seat to the next to get around, but it was almost the best sunny day we have had
all year and the visit was well timed. We try to go there once a year, or have done
in the past 4 or 5 years anyway. The photos will give you some idea.
20 years or so ago we had a big storm across much of southern England, which
did a lot of damage to the gardens, especially to the trees, many of which were
brought down. Fortunately there is little to remind people of that now, but some
parts of the gardens are still notable for the lack of mature trees.
I have yet to have a full hurricane report from Connie, except that the power was
out for a few days, and there was a lot of clearing up to do around the yard. I
hope there was no structural damage to her property. Those closer to the coast
were not so lucky, looking at some of the television and newspaper pictures. Let’s
hope there are no more this season.
Anyway Greg, keep your spirits up – everything is in play as I write this, and we
are expectant that more good news will develop in the next days and weeks. My
thoughts and prayers are always with you.
October 6, 2008
Thanks for your letter dated Sept. 20. Things have continued to develop I know,
and I am watching closely, with Connie’s help. I know that you have been
speaking and writing to her concerning your thoughts on the role both the
attorneys and we should be playing. While I would like, with others, to be more
active at the moment, I appreciate the need for restraint and caution so that the
work of the attorneys can continue. However, you know that I can be a pretty
determined guy myself .
Bente’s efforts in Norway, and the support she has received from her friends and
students, has been staggering. With your close involvement with them over the
years, I know you will have been moved and pleased. Connie asked me to write
an email of appreciation to her student school council members who were so
involved with that. I decided that a certificate would be a better idea, so produced
one for her. They will have that as a record of your appreciation, together with
that of Connie, Bente and I. We have another keen supporter in France, and
Gabi has been keeping in close touch with things from Germany. Connie may
have told you of various emails of support we have received, including from
Australia and New Zealand.
Anyway Greg, stay strong. The fight continues, and I continue to have faith that
your innocence cannot be denied. The writ to the TCCA, acknowledged by them
as substantial, is a turning point I am sure. I have never read a stronger case for a
reversal or review. Best wishes my friend. I’ll write again shortly.
October 22, 2008
Once again, as I write this, we are awaiting some kind of ruling from Judge
Francis and from the CCA. As you may have the result of that before reading this
letter, all I can say is that I have been working and praying for the just outcome
that will acknowledge your innocence. While we have both known what a battle
this might become, I am happy for you that the truth about the false evidence
used against you has been exposed for all to see. My pride in being your friend,
and in the small part I have played in helping to this point, is indescribable. I
know you are equally proud of the achievements you have attained and of the
manner in which you have coped with everything that has been thrown at you.
My belief is, and always has been, that truth ultimately cannot be denied,
whatever the circumstances, and therefore I still expect the authorities to grant
you relief. Young people today often talk of respect, but seldom understand that
it has to be earned through character and deed. You have such respect from your
friends and relatives that can only come from the deepest belief and
understanding of you as an outstanding individual. No life can be blameless and
we should not be fearful of imperfection. But you have been blamed for wrongs
committed by another, and in facing up to that, and the torments inflected as
wrongful punishment, you have shown yourself to have exceptional qualities of
humanity. I pray some of those qualities will be granted to others who can help
you now.
Best wishes my friend. Stay strong and keep the faith. You are never alone. Peter
Chapter 10
Dignity in the face of unbelievable cruelty
– Tony’s final letters of 2008
January 1, 2008
Hello Peter,
I sent out a bunch of property for Connie to pick up at her next visit. I hope that
I did not put any of your letters in with the ones that I sent out. Here is what I
have: December 12, 18, and 30. Yes, I did get your cards and I thank you for
sending them.
Glad your book sales and other sales are doing well. Is that a hobby that you
enjoy or are you doing it out of necessity? Just curious. I enjoyed reading the little
articles that you had sent on the little birds, the Stoat, and the Butterfly bush
Yes, I received your letter in time for Christmas. One of the few that I did receive
in time. Yes, I read Oliver Twist back over twenty years ago, when I was in
school. I still remember it (smile). There is also a movie they show that Walt
Disney put out.
I did receive the three books that you sent. Thank you. I have yet to get started
on them. In getting ready for the Steve Berry novel, I have been busy reading the
novels that precede THE VENETIAN BETRAYAL. Turned out to be some
pretty good novels. Other prisoners had the other novels and we have been
trading out.
I don't know how the Death Penalty issue will fare in the coming years. I do
know that the process that they have now is not working. If they figure out a way
to fix it, then the death Penalty will remain. Of course I have a few ideas, but I'll
keep them to myself. No use in helping the opposition.
D&D? HA! I had all these plans to get into some real good adventures. All of the
D&D players are on "A" Pod. When Major Nelson moved me, She messed all of
that up. Since we were having property searches, right before Christmas, I ended
up sending them to Connie. If you want to sell them, they are in great condition.
Yep, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Connie sent all the cards this year.
It is much easier for her to do it than for me. I cannot trust the mail process
around here, anyway.
I hate it that Professor Penrose told Connie that the fingernail clippings were a
setback. She should know better. The only issues that important are the ones that
derived from the trial process. The appeal consists of two types. The Direct
appeal which deals mainly with the process or procedure. The second is the
Habeas Corpus appeal. It deals mainly with issues that are a violation of the
prisoner's Constitutional Rights. Only the Jury is a trier of "fact". If it has not
been shown to the jury then it cannot be used against the prisoner that is
Evidence in favor of the prisoner can be used to overturn a verdict and set a
situation for a new trial, if the prosecuting attorney deems the case sound with
other evidence available to secure another conviction.
The fingernails were never used at my trial nor at Adams' trial. They cannot be
used against either one of us on appeal. They can be used in another trial and it is
up to the jury to decide if the scientific process used to obtain the information
was sound or not. They are the sole trier of fact, by law. It is not a fact until the
jury states so.
DNA is an exact science. The process in which it is obtained can be questioned,
along with the storage and possession of the evidence. Only a jury can decide if
the evidence can be used in the case and that the process is solid. The finding
cannot be used against me, legally. Why Professor Penrose would tell Connie
that, I have not a clue. That is why I have been learning this legal system we have.
You just cannot tell me anything and expect me to accept it at face value.
Here are the results that I have in my possession: A partial, mixed DNA profile
was obtained from the scraping of the inside of the waistband of the jeans. These
jeans were used at my trial and experts stated that whoever wore the jeans killed
the woman. The report says “Gregory Edward Wright is EXCLUDED as a
potential contributor to this mixture.”
The DNA profile from the swabbing of the handle of the butcher knife
“originated from an unknown male”. This knife has not been tested against
Adams' DNA. It was used to convict me. The identifying alleles do not match
mine. I will include those in a minute.
The partial DNA profile obtained from the right hand fingernail clippings is
consistent with originating from an unknown female.
The predominate DNA profile obtained from the left hand fingernail clippings is
consistent with originating from and unknown female. “No conclusions can be
reached concerning the presence of additional types in this sample.”
The evidence was returned to the holding facility from which it came. The alleles
are in Connie's possession. If you need them, I guess it would be better to ask
her. Still not trusting the mail process here.
As you can see, nothing is stated about a match to my DNA. They must have
retested and with another sample. The main thing is the jeans. Donna and I were
dancing at the V.F.W. pub. It should be in the transcripts. Check Donald Cole's
statement and anyone else that represented the V.F.W. establishment. Donna was
always combing my hair with her fingers and we were arm in arm as we danced to
country music.
Another thing, the slashes on her forearms indicate that she tried to cover
herself. There were no scratches on Adams or myself and therefore, the nail
clippings are not good evidence in either case. There is no evidence that she tried
to fight back. The only evidence is that she covered herself up and got cut on her
arms. She was a Christian and therefore, not a fighter. I am a fighter trying to be a
Christian (SMILE). Anyway, no, she did not try to fight back, that I know of. If
she had, she would have scratched Adams on his face or arms.
The only time a person gets scratched on their back, is when they are on top of
their victim. It is the only place the victim can reach. This was not a rape. It was a
frontal attack and any scratches would have been to the face and arms.
Donna was scared and frightened. Only trained people will fight back in those
conditions. Everyone else cover up the best they can. They are not use to pain. I
did not know Professor Penrose would tell Connie that. If the prosecutor wishes
to use this in any new trial, that will be what it is used for and seeing as to how
we all were seen dancing, it will be very weak evidence in light of all of the other
evidence. The fact that the jeans and other evidence were returned before the
testing was complete is suspect to me. Nothing I can do about it. I hope that I
have explained this so that you can understand completely. Please ask me any
As always, thanks for everything. I need to wrap this up. I have been trying to
catch up on a little letter writing. I have gotten somewhat behind. I am constantly
upset with my legal situation and things that happen at the Unit just makes things
worse. I cope the best I can. Been sleeping way too much (SMILE). Sometimes I
need it though. The jeans will get me a new trial, at the least. We did not have
DNA to show that it was not I that wore the bloody jeans. The jeans and Adams'
statement at my trial is what convicted me. Those have been taken out of the
equation now. My conviction was on faulty evidence or evidence that was
presented in a false light. The case will be overturned. Now, is the question of a
new trial. That is why we had to test the jeans against Adams' DNA. If it matches
him, there will be no need for a new trail. No evidence to support a conviction of
that magnitude.
January 24, 2008
I have some letters and a card or two from you. Let me see if I can get the dates
out here: Dec. 5, Jan. 3 and Jan. 7. You all write your dates backward (SMILE).
Yes, I did receive all that was in the Christmas envelope - card, articles, letter, and
Yes, I just topped up my trust account. I certainly thank you for the help that you
are sending. It certainly means a lot, you just have no idea. Thanks for the
Christmas present, as well. I sure will be glad when I can give instead of just
Those satellite pictures sure pinpoint everything. You must be having fun with
the Internet. (SMILE) Thanks for the view. Looks like you live in a nice
See if you can locate Tollesboro, Kentucky. It has expanded quite a bit and they
have added a main highway where did not use to exist, however, you can see
some of the outlying land and that is where I grew up. If it is farmland, then that
is how our land looked. My step-father and his Father had about 40 or 50 acres, I
think. I never asked on just how much there was, but it was enough to go
hunting and fishing on. We had beef cattle, chickens, rabbits, squirrels, snakes,
turtles, beavers, fish, and the errant deer (SMILE).
The farm was used for tobacco, but we had a garden and plenty of corn to feed
all of the animals. We put hay in, too. Whole different life than what you are
probably used to (SMILE). Always work to do.
The mail just arrived. I have a Grievance in on my mail problem. I received most
all of my large mail last night and thought they had fixed my problem. I get the
U.S.A. TODAY newspaper everyday, rather I am suppose to. I was. Now that
they have moved prisoners around, I am around some pretty miserable
individuals. Usually, they are using the guards to harass or hurt other prisoners. I
have watched and I stay on my guard, but I have been hit a couple of times and
my mail is one of such hits. For some reason, the staff and guards aid these
murderers and I just don't understand it. I help a few learn the law and I may
pass my newspapers around, but I am very picky on just who I do that with.
The problem is, I have no way of knowing who all they give my mail to and that
is placing my family in harm's way. If it is my large mail, then they are violating
Federal Law and tampering with the U.S. mail. All I can do is file the proper
paperwork. I could do more, but I am trying to stay off of level. I can get more
done by going that route though. I enjoy my visits with Connie too much
I keep water bottles in my cell and fill them up in case our water goes bad. When
out of my cell for visit or rec, I have noticed the bottles being changed out. I
cannot even trust my neighbors.
Don't know if Connie told you or not, I strained my muscles in my back last
week. It is either that or it is an old spine injury that I obtain two years ago. I may
have irritated it when doing sit ups. Done too many I reckon, whether it is
muscles or spine.
The thing is, if my water is tampered with then it will not supplement my system
the way it should and that is why I probably locked up. I have not told Connie
this. Don't want her to worry and I don't want you to tell her either. I would tell
Counselor Anton but he has shown in the past that he cannot handle the nit
If you see typographical errors, it is not me. For some reason the typewriter
seems to be acting up. Three times now it has lost it's functions and went to one
side and started beeping. The space bar is not working all of the time either. Must
be getting too many amps or voltage. It should have protection against that. That
would certainly explain the behavior. I'll turn on some appliances and absorb the
excess voltage and that should help (SMILE).
Yes, I too enjoyed our phone conversations. That was a great opportunity only it
probably cost a lot to talk the time that we had. Connie and I ran up a $900 dollar
phone bill, just she and I. Did she tell you? We made up for lost time. (SMILE)
I am not really keeping up with the election campaign. Some Republicans will
vote as Democrats in these primaries and some of the Democrats will vote as
Republicans. You just cannot rely on the results. I cannot vote so I am basically
uninterested. If they put Bush in Office then they will place anyone in there.
After he got some experience I think he did alright, but the damage was already
done on several issues. I did like the Chief Justice he appointed for our U.S.
Supreme Court. I did not like his appointment of Alito however.
When I start my exercises again, I will start slower (SMILE). I guess I am getting
old and fat (SMILE). Got to do something about that. As long as I do it on my
own I don't have a problem.
Take care yourself and do not work too hard. Thanks for everything that you are
doing to help me with. If it were not for your help I would probably be dead by
February 11, 2008
I have a couple of letters, from you, that I need to respond to. The dates on the
letters are; January 14th and 25th. I also received the book that you sent, I read
the summary. It looks to be a good read.
I hope that this reaches you at a time in which you are healthy and your family as
well. You mention the funding. Yes, I did need some extra, however, I have
asked both my Father and my Aunt Joyce to send me some help. My Father sent
money to my prison account and I am waiting to see if Aunt Joyce will send
some to Connie for my account that she keeps for me. Both wanted to help with
the last expenditures for the DNA testing. We had already paid that out, so I
asked them to send some to help me now, instead. I thank you for the offer and
you are doing more than enough, as it is. I will be much happier when I can stand
on my own two feet and not have to rely on others to help me with money. I try
not to think about it until a time when things are different.
Ha! Ha! Connie will not sell anything that I send to her. I will have to clean house
when I get home (SMILE). If it were going to you, it would be different, but she
will keep everything thinking it is some part of me.
At this time, I have been letting the subscriptions run on out. I am hoping to be
back in Dallas, in the next few months. I did not get any mail the whole month I
was there the last time. It is a city jail and they lose everything. The mail I receive
now, rather the amount of, would freak them out (SMILE), Incompetence is
abundant and they could not handle the volume. Of this I am confident. Best to
let them run out and see where I end up. I can always start them back up if
necessary. I am keeping all of my legal subscriptions, however. They are very
costly, by themselves. Just ask Connie.
Yeah, I heard from Connie about Bente. That is bad. Not only that, but it seems
that Bente did not receive my letter to her and her students. I hate that. No doubt
it is on my end. I have been having huge problems with the mailroom women or
the guards. I am unable to move around, so I cannot investigate and make a
determination just who exactly is at fault. I will write their letters again, just as
soon as I finish your letter.
My back is much better. A couple of years ago, I had slipped outside on a circular
drain cover and fell flush on my side. I did not hurt until 3 or 4 days later and it
was the same feeling I had this time. I am also experiencing what feels like
electrical current in my legs. I am assuming it's a"pinched nerve" on my spine, at
the base. It comes and goes. The locked muscles finally relaxed. I am moving
much better.
That is some chair you have there. Seems to me if you wanted your back straight,
you would want a stiff back support on the chair, but what do I know (SMILE)?
Maybe resting your knees in that position relieves some pressure.
Now for the books. A few letters back, I had asked that you send books that
were from the Dresden files, if I spelled that correctly. The WHITE KNIGHT
was the book that you had sent me and now I cannot remember the author. The
Dresden files are in a series and I was wondering if you could find an order to
them and send them every once in a while. Did you receive that letter? If you did
not, then that is another that went missing along with Bente's.
I also have a special request and do not know how hard the copies will be to find.
If they cost too much do not worry about it. As you are aware, I have been
reading the Steve Berry novels. He wraps his novels around true events and facts.
He has listed some facts that I wish to check out on a religious level.
The author is a Lebanese Scholar. He has made some rather interesting
geographical comments and claims his findings can be proven. I need four of his
books but let me read one at a time in order to determine if the rest of his works
are worth reading or not. You may have to do some searching because I doubt
these works are in general circulation.
The first book has the date as (1985). Do not know if that is the copyright or the
time of writing. The title is; THE BIBLE CAME FROM ARABIA. The author's
name is Kamal Salibi. Here are his other works, but please do not get them until I
read this first book and see if he is what Berry claims he is.
Of course you know I study the Bible, the King James version, and I read other
works that provide insight to the interpretations and history. Part of my self-
education (SMILE).
Connie sent me an article on the new D.A. in Dallas. I am going to enclose it in
this letter. She has been busy and I do not know if she had sent it on to you or
Oh yeah, please make sure those books are written in English. I do not read
Lebanese very well (SMILE).
March 2, 2008
Connie has not been checking her E-Mail. She has long hours and I guess she
does not feel like fooling with it. She just sent a letter that you had written. The
date on it is February 6. Slightly late in getting to me (SMILE).
Last night we had our weekly visit. Her Mom came as well. I am worried about
Margie. She will not lose the weight that she has and it is affecting her health.
Somewhat hard headed, but then again, most of us are. (SMILE) The main
problem is that she cannot get the needed exercise and it will eventually kill her. I
am not a Doctor, but that is what I think, anyway. So I am worried about her.
Connie told me about the book that was out of print. Actually, that is the one I
wanted to start with, because it is the foundation for everything else. I wanted to
start with the archeological aspect of this guy's findings, so that print is important
to what I am after.
Connie stated that you found a print, but it would not be coming through
AMAZON. Go ahead and have the book sent to you. If you do not mind, go
ahead and make a copy of all of the pages and hang on to it. Then I would like
for you to mail the book to my Church Preacher. Since this will supplement my
Bible Studies, that I am still doing. The Church can send the book in to me. I am
sure that Lindell will wish to read it anyway.
Please write a short note, telling him that I had asked that you send the book to
him. Tell him to read it and then send it on to me. I am asking that he read it, so
that he and I can discuss it at our Religious visit and so he can do any necessary
research that I will not have access to. Let him know that the Church has to be
responsible for sending me the book, since AMAZON does not carry a copy. He
will understand. This is to be considered a Biblical research reference for my
continuing Biblical education.
I did receive Jim Butcher's First novel of the Dresden Files and I have also
received Kamal S. Salibi's WHO WAS JESUS? I thank you for sending those. As
for the latter, I am not really concerned on the man's take on Jesus, until I can get
a grasp on what he has stated about the archeological mistakes in interpretation
of the Old Hebrew language. Quite interesting.
Question; Do you read the same books that you send to me? Just curious.
Alright, I will take another course in Law. I will choose the Civil Law training.
No, I do not think it will help my current situation, but I can use it if I wish to
"sue" anyone. At least I will know the process and where to file. That is always
good information to know. The problem is, if I end up in Dallas in the near
future. I will not be allowed to continue my course unless my attorney can swing
something, but you would have to ask him. They have policy they follow and it is
much different than this facility. I am allowed one bag of property, so I will try to
take my legal books and see what happens, when the time comes.
Let me contact Blackstone and make the same arrangements. I will get a letter off
to them, the same day that I mail this one. From Memory, I think the price on
that course was around $350 dollars. I did not keep their pamphlets that they sent
to me. I do still have their address, however, and can make inquiries. If I will
need computer generated research, then you will have to help me on that. Connie
is obviously too busy, but that is good for her. I do not mean that in any bad way.
Yes, Tollesboro is between Maysville and Vanceburg. During the time I was
there, the population was only 800. Not a red light in town. Only one "T" section
with a stop sign on one side (SMILE). No police, either. We had a Game Warden
and that was it.
The mat they have me sleeping on is the main problem for my back problems. I
have finally reached that conclusion, but not sure how to get a remedy. I am
going to take the thing apart and re-stuff it and see if that will help. I have done it
before, but they always take the mattress away from me when they have their
shakedown searches. To ease the back pain, it is worth it.
That is all from me for now. I will write more when I either get your letter or I
receive information back from Blackstone. In the meantime, take care, exercise
and do not work too hard. If you get the chance, drink a cold one for me
March 13, 2008
I received the book, THE BIBLE CAME FROM ARABIA, this morning. I have
already read half of it (SMILE). Then, your copies of the book came in the mail
tonight (SMILE). Running slightly late, but I got it anyway. Thanks for sending
them and I pray that this letter finds that you and your family are doing well.
Enclosed, please find the Enrollment information that Blackstone sent to me.
Please notice their change of address. You can enroll me on-line, I think. Inside
their brochure, at the bottom of the page on the right hand side, they list the toll
free number and the Internet address.
You will need to fill the rest of the form out and send it to them. I have done my
part. This will be the last time I take these tests. They do not offer anything else
that will assist me, with my situation other than the two courses I have selected. I
have chosen two this time and hope this will not be a problem. If you are
interested in just the one, erase what I have written and mark Criminal Law, only.
I feel I am able to do two at once. As you know I have been self-educating
myself, so I know pretty much all of what they will go over. They should go over
something I will not know. Let us hope they do, anyway. (SMILE)
You may wish to use your own envelope when you send that back in or make
sure your return address is written on the one that they have provided. As always,
I certainly thank you for assisting me with my education and obtaining these
classes for me. It will not be forgotten.
I have two letters from you; Feb. 22 and March 3. Yes, I did get paperback. As I
have stated, I have read half and have drawn the conclusion that he may really
have a legitimate claim here. The problem is that we will not be able to obtain
concrete evidence. The Saudies are not letting anyone do any digging in their
region. I don't know enough of the Hebrew language to argue his claims, either. I
will give the copy to the preacher, here in Livingston. He has studied Hebrew and
may be able to shed some light as to whether this guy is genuine or not. As it is,
right now, I feel that this guy has it correct. He cannot substantiate his claims,
though. This was a good literary find, for me, however. Thank you for running it
down and sending it to me.
Had a visit with Counselor Anton today. He wants us to go back and start to
collect names again for the clemency. WHY? I have not got a clue, but he well
knows that will involve going back to press releases in order to tell everyone the
situation. He cannot have it both ways, so I don't know what he is trying to do.
We are not spending the money on that, only to have him shut us down again.
What do you think?
That was funny about your chair (SMILE). I guess you need to lose a few
pounds. HA!HA!HA! Yeah, well I do too.
All I know about Tollesboro is that they bought all of the farms near the main
highway and then made it bigger and straightened it out. I could not make
anything of the map you sent. I do know that when I was there, there was not a
cluster of houses. All farmland except for the quarter of mile that we called
"town" (SMILE).
Yes, we have Gorilla Glue here. What about Super Glue? Did the chair stay
I am doing what I can with what they will let me do. That ain't much. Still having
problems with the water and I have to keep an eye on the food, but I have gotten
use to that, if one can get use to it. I am surviving. All anyone can do in my
Counselor Anton seemed to think that he would know the results to the DNA
tests by this weekend. He may have "unofficial" results but decided not to tell
me. Maybe why he suggested that we start collecting names again.
We still have enough for an attempt at a second successive writ application. I
asked Counselor Anton if he was going to raise the issue of Adams' statement
being newly discovered evidence. He said "no". If not, then he does not intend
on getting me out of here and may try to rely on just my penalty phase issues. If
he does that, I will drop my appeals and get this over with. I have no intention of
spending my life in prison for something I have not done. I have never been
afraid of death. Just how I was going to go (SMILE). That was my concern. I
know it may hurt Connie, but it is for the best. I cannot replace Counselor Anton
unless someone comes in and forces him to step aside. They have to do that in
court. I hope this was not one big stall tactic on his part. It has cost us money I
could have spent on another attorney that would represent the issues as they
should be. I keep telling everyone what is going on but everyone sticks with
Counselor Anton. I cannot stand with him when he dismisses a legitimate issue. I
am and have been at the point of not taking chances. My life is on the line. I am
the client. If I want an issue raised in the courts then it better be raised and to the
best of his or his office's ability. If I were someone without legal knowledge then
that would certainly be different.
Just so you understand, for a claim to get through the "gateway" on a second
successive writ application in the State Appellate Court, it has to be newly
discovered evidence. Evidence that could not have been presented at trial, even
through diligent efforts. An appellant must meet certain requirements before they
can use a second successive writ application process. Otherwise they are not
allowed to enter an application.
In order for "hearsay" evidence to be entered at a trial, it must pass two prongs
of a test. One of those prongs is that the Trial Judge feels that the statement or
testimony "relies on certain indicia of trustworthiness". Before Adams' statement
was read to the jury, the Judge made the decision to allow it as evidence and in
doing so, stated it had the element of trustworthiness to it.
Now, at Adams' trial, the same Judge and same Prosecutor, stated that the same
statement could not be relied upon and could not be used as evidence in his trial,
that it was all "self-serving lies". When the Judge ruled it inadmissible on those
grounds of not being trustworthy, he made it "new evidence" for my case. This
ruling was not had at my trial and through diligent efforts, could not be obtained.
All of the facts surrounding his statement were not known at the time of my trial
and we would be allowed to enter those facts on this appeal through this claim.
Counselor Anton said, "no".
I have an organization that provides assistance in searching out case law for
issues. I will consult with Connie and see if I can find any cases that have had the
same issue, in the State of Texas. If I find those cases, then I will have something
more for Counselor Anton.
I guess that is all from me. I still need to write to Connie. It is almost time for
breakfast. I hope that you all are doing well. As always, thank you for everything!
March 27, 2008
I have to lose some weight. I am too groggy all of the time. Never weighed this
much before in my life (SMILE). A little over 250 pounds, without exercise, is
just too much!
Yes, we are still waiting on the test results and they should have already been in.
By the time you get this, maybe we will know something. I know Connie will
keep you informed.
I have received the texts and workbooks from Blackstone. As usual, the
mailroom wanted to harass me again. They stated I could not have the "self-
addressed" envelopes that they provide. I am to place my completed test answers
in those envelopes. Because this is a law school, they were supposed to give me
the envelopes. I will file the usual paperwork in order to correct this. If it is not
one thing with them, it is another. It is constant abuse of authority. If it is not
harassment, then it is incompetence. Neither of which belong in the Postal
I have two student numbers. One for each course. You will need to know them
in order to track the progress. I don't think you should post the student numbers
on the web, however. You would know better than I.
Yes, I will read the follow-up book of THE BIBLE CAME FROM ARABIA. I
thought he was very analytical and he convinced me. I will send it out to my
Preacher and see what research he can dig up.
Yes, it was Steve Berry that introduced Salibi, however, it was from a novel in
which you had not sent in to me. One of the prisoners gave me the book. It was
in the series and I did not have to ask that you send it to me. Connie has it now
and I forget the title of it. In the back of his books, he separates fiction and fact.
There you will find Salibi's name and an explanation.
Thanks for the cartoons, in your letter. Really liked the one about the picture of
the luggage at the airport. They lost my luggage one time so I can relate.
I will get caught up on everything and then start my studies. I will let you know
when I send in the tests. All together there looks to be around 11 or 12 tests in
all. Looks pretty time consuming, but I think I can do it without too much
difficulty, as long as I am left alone. The mailroom is the only real problem I have
at the moment. Unfortunately, that can all change at any time.
You take care. Glad you were able to fix your chair. I will keep in touch. Thanks
for the opportunity to obtain these diplomas. Without your assistance, I know
that I would never attempt to do this.
April 2, 2008
I have received your letter dated March 26. Last night, April 1, I received a card
and pictures you had sent. The postmark is March 10. You have it marked for
"Delivery Confirmation". Can you see when it was suppose to reach the Polunsky
Unit or Livingston Post Office?
The Chicken House in the background, looks to be Bob Banes' property. It is all
grown up, weedy, so I am not sure. That was the very long structure in the
distance on one of the pictures. The Worst job I have ever had in my life
(SMILE). Cleaning chicken houses and collecting the dead chickens in a house
structure that held 3500 chickens. The stench is what the worst part of it was. I
had to wet a rag and put over my nose, while chewing tobacco and it still did not
help. Only did that one summer in my life and will never do it again (SMILE).
Thanks for the pictures. I cannot make heads or tales out of what property that.
It has all changed since I grew up there, looks like. We were not far from the
Banes farm.
Thanks for fixing up these posters. They should collect some signatures.
I did receive the books for my legal exams. There are only four big volumes, so
they do not take up much space, unlike the last course that I took. I plan on
getting started after I finish your letter or maybe tonight. No I do not need any
more novels at this time. Let me get caught back up on everything. I want to get
ahead in my schoolwork, first.
You will have to pin Connie down and ask her what her itinerary is for her trip to
England. I don't know how many days she plans on staying. She will have two
girls with her, I think. Make sure. She told me that she was not going to miss any
visits with me, so that told me she is not planning on a week's trip. That is all I
Thanks for telling me about Jane. I had kept up with her troubles and was
wondering what all would happen.
I guess that will be all for now. Got several things that I need to be doing before
I go to sleep or I will sleep first and then try to get things done.(SMILE). My
best to your folks.
May 5, 2008
I have several of your letters here that have accumulated on me. I have been
somewhat preoccupied, as you can imagine. This ribbon was not made for this
typewriter, so bare with me and lets see if it will get through this letter (SMILE). I
pray that you and your family are all well and that you are prospering in you
I need to tell you this before I get started with your letters. The mailroom
confiscated two of my letters on the pretense that they were not written by me. I
had signed it with "Tony" which as you know is my nickname. They were to
Connie. The letters are handwritten. I have been told they were taken under the
orders of a gang member. Someone wanted my handwriting and the mailroom
staff are assisting. Of course I will tell Counselor Torres but beware of anything
that does not sound right.
Alright, I have letters from April 2, 11, 23, and 29. Actually, April 2 is March 31.
Connie sent it on the 2nd.
Nope, I always go through much more aggravation when I do these legal courses.
They do not want us to complete school courses, especially in law. One of the
criteria asked the trial jury is whether you think the convicted is rehabilitatable. I
think I may have come up with a new word, there (SMILE). Let me check my
dictionary - nope, do not see it. Anyway, can the prisoner be rehabilitated? If not,
then they answer yes for the death penalty. Something like that.
Connie is helping with obtaining materials or cases for the law courses. My law
Blue Book was denied delivery. We are on it. They are doing anything and you
are right, they are wanting me to go off on them. As long as Counselor Torres
does her thing and gets results, I am cool.
Got a 90% on my first test of Civil Litigation. I had the answers correct and then
when I went back through to double check, I changed them. Everything is "word
specific" and you have to pay close attention. Even these open book tests are
hard because the answers are similar. Well...not real hard, but you know what I
mean. They cannot be that hard if I am able to keep an "A" average (SMILE).
Peter, I feel you were had on those DNA results. The Lab have set prices for
everything. I have a list of those prices. We paid for a specific test. Those results
couldn't be denied because they were paid for. Understand? No one consulted
me first and I have been preaching that from the very beginning. If more
extensive testing was required, we still get the results of the first. Understand?
Results cannot be withheld when they have been paid for.
I am firing Counselor Anton. I will succeed this time. I am better prepared and
will file the paperwork myself if the Innocence Project do not take over. His
filings have not succeeded in the past and I need a fresh perspective writing the
brief this time. I cannot win with him. I hope you understand.
I have located a company that specializes in writing pleadings and briefs. I am
setting an account up with them now. Should already be set up by the time you
receive this. Here is the information for it and if you want to send any funds to
the account, let me or Connie know ahead of time and I will tell you if we need it
or not. They will be downloading the transcripts from the website, so please
make sure that is functioning properly.
Yes, I heard Connie and Bente give a "Shout Out" on the K.D.O.L. Radio
station. Connie is in London and is getting ready to see you. It was good to hear
her voice. Bente is supposed to visit here shortly. Tell me what you think of
Connie. Give it to me straight (SMILE).
Peter, I have a ton of things I need to get done before the mail runs this morning.
I am going to close. Please know that I know what I am doing and it will
probably scare you all thinking I will not be represented, but I will be. We are at
the end and I am going to get killed if we do not change things up. That is what I
am doing and I am going to need your support on this. I will probably be getting
an execution date. Hopefully, Judge Francis will give me enough time to get
everything straightened out. If not, I will see you on the other side.
You take care and write the first chance that you get. Watch those letters. I have
no idea what these fools plan, but all will be on the lookout for any forgery. I
expect some people to get fired over this. I guess they thought they were above
the law and could get away with it. We will see.
May 30, 2008
I am doing alright. I am trying to get my mind fixed around this date they have
set. I have not been studying. It is a little difficult to concentrate at times.
The cells are good. All of them are painted with no chipped paint or bare walls.
Smells better with the ventilation working as it should. The trays of food have
been what they should be. Well, I had a bad tray today, but I am not going to
sweat the small stuff (SMILE).
I am keeping Connie informed as to my intentions with Counselor Anton. I was
told back a long time ago that the Innocence Project had taken our case, but we
were paying for all of the testing and as you know, I don't have money for that.
He has never won an appeal with a Capital Murder case. The Innocence Project
has and I wanted them to take over. I am down to the last chance and I don't
need stupid mistakes like I have experienced in the past.
I have sent two letters to Counselor Anton. Connie needs to supply you with a
copy of both. I have instructed him as to my needs, concerning a Motion. Will he
file it? We will see.
I need you all supporting me, not the other way around. I have been studying this
Law and it's application for years. I think I know a little about it by now. I know
what it takes.
Connie thinks there are guidelines as to writing the letters for the Pardons and
Parole board. This will then turn into the Clemency process. Until I get the Rule
book, I will not know for sure, but others that have been through it state there is
no guidelines for writing the letters. If you feel you have to speak about the trial
and evidence and what you have read, then by all means do so. Discuss it with
Connie. I have run out of time to get all of that in anyway. There may be some
guidelines, but from what I am hearing, they do not exist. Wonder where Connie
got her information, assuming it is true?
If you would not mind, I am ready for books three and four of the Dresden Files
by JIM BUTCHER. I like his work. He is putting some humor in with it and it
reads like a detective story with the twist of magic. Thanks!
I thank you for everything. Connie was supposed to send Counselor Anton the
$500 dollars. Seems the Innocence Project were suppose to pick up the tab on
the testing. Obviously, that never happened.
You take care. I hope to hear from you soon. Very glad that you enjoyed
Connie's visit. Thanks for your opinion on her (SMILE). Yeah, I agree. I found a
wonderful woman.
June 10, 2008
Court-appointed attorneys are not expected to win in capital cases. Unless the
case is most evident that the accused has an iron clad alibi or someone else is
found to be the perpetrator, then the case is ushered through the process with
only the minimal effort that will get past the Constitutional restrictions.
Counselor Anton is no longer being paid by the Government. That may mean he
will put forth a better effort. Thing is, I did not want to take that chance. Even if
I were to get a life sentence, I cannot get this case back into the appellate process.
According to the Anti-terrorism Effective Death Penalty Act, enacted in 1997
(A.E.D.P.A.) a convict gets one fair chance at the appellate process. I have had
that chance, but it was by no means fair. This Second Successive Writ application
is the very last thing I can file and the restrictions almost bar me from that. I
cannot take the slightest chance here.
My thoughts were this. Regardless of any mistakes made by Counselor Anton, he
has submitted three Federal appellate courts and lost in all three. Commonsense
dictates that since the State courts are much more strict in their assessments and
rulings, to change attorneys. That was all there was to it. I was hoping that the
Innocence Project would then step in and help find the right attorney. If nothing
else, the Texas Defender Service, which does have much experience with Death
Penalty cases, would take over at my request. That would have been my last
choice, if it came to it.
I thank you for your praise of Connie. I think I have done a very good job in
asking her to marry me. My only regret is that I have had to put her through this
mess. No one deserves that and especially someone that is as loving and caring as
she is.
I did receive the two Jim Butcher books. I thank you very much for sending
them. I will concentrate on my Law courses and continue with my Bible courses
and just sit and see what happens. Also, I have read your letter for the Clemency
process. Now that was one great letter!!! Hard to believe you were talking about
me (SMILE). Thanks ever so much for those kind and thought provoking words.
I did not know you could write like that (SMILE). Take care and I will be writing
again soon.
July 8, 2008
This letter is a long time in the making. Sorry about that. Several things have been
happening and have needed my undivided attention. I hope to be able to give you
the complete picture without being biased. At least that is what I am going to try
and do.
I have several letters from you and some cards. Before I answer them, I am going
to update you on our situation. Yes, I know you are in touch with Connie, but my
perspective may be a little more revealing.
Yes, it is true that John Adams has decided to make a statement that will
exonerate me. Unfortunately, we have to have his attorney's approval. This is a
legal position within our Court system.
For your personal knowledge, John has been in contact with his attorney and
everything is suppose to go forward in which John will be able to give a
statement that will exonerate me. It is suppose to absolve me from all
involvement of which I am charged. However, until this has been decided by the
court, we cannot go public with this information. Don't tell anyone and do not
post it on the web site.
The reasons for his new disposition and character is of a religious nature.
Evidently, he is not the John I knew back when they arrested him. I am
astonished at the change and am still having a hard time grappling with the idea
that he could change. Nevertheless, he asked for my forgiveness and though it
took me several days to take him as being real, I finally gave in and gave him my
forgiveness. That has been really hard for me and I am still not sure all of this is
for real. Until I am actually judged innocent of these charges, it will be hard for
me to actually believe.
Having a bit of difficulty with this ribbon. I should have it straitened out shortly.
We are at the end and we cannot afford mistakes. Also, Counselor Anton has
stated that the Innocence Project will fund any other testing, other than the
fingerprint test. That test has already been paid for. He is waiting for the print to
be delivered so that our expert can look at it. Of course this test will be a one-day
thing. We will not have to wait the length of time we waited for the DNA testing.
Another thing. I had a visit with Professor Penrose and Counselor Anton last
week. I inquired as to how many clemency letters he had received. I was told by
Connie that you had E-Mailed several clemency letters to them. I don't think they
got those letters Peter. You know how some people "flush" their E-Mails. I think
Counselor Anton is doing this. E-mail the letters to Connie and let her "FAX"
the letters or send them bulk mail. Can you retrieve the letters you sent by E-
Mail? If so, send them to Connie and let her send them on to Counselor Anton.
Don't spend the postage on them when you can send them to Connie via the
Internet. Explain this to Bente in case she has done the same with letters from
her students.
Okay, about the funds. Counselor Anton told me from the beginning that the
Innocence Project was going to pick up the funding and that we would only have
to pay half the balance. Well, from what I can deduct, that is not the case. We
have been paying the full amount. Like I have always maintained, I was supposed
to get an "evidentiary hearing" in the Federal courts under the "indigent" status.
That did not happen and it looks like it was because of the wording of the issue
or not using the proper "RULE"(vehicle) for presenting the issues. One of these
days I will be able to show you exactly what I am talking about. You will then
understand my misgivings.
The Motion that I was wanting to be filed can be filed as a last minute issue. I
have no problems with that and Counselor Anton pointed it out. The main issues
that you are referring to were procedurally barred in the Federal process either
because they were not properly objected to at trial or were not raised in my State
appellate process. If the Motion I have requested passed, it would enable us to go
back to the first State process and do it right. It is very important. The problem
is, anything that we file, the State Assistant District Attorney will claim it is an
attempt to circumvent the regular process or that it is the second successive writ
application that we are entitled to. That is the risk factor. You have to have a
Judge that does not pay attention to the rantings and ravings of a lunatic assistant
district attorney woman (SMILE). Unfortunately, I am serious about that. The
Judge must be impartial and that is one of the things the new District Attorney is
trying to clean up. The District Attorney's office must seek out the truth and seek
prosecution only after it is convinced and not make up scenarios to fit the facts
and just get a win. A win-lose record should never enter a discussion on the
efficiency of the department. Yet, in the past, that was a big factor. Of course, no
one will admit it.
Yep, thanks ever so much for the books. I also received the James Rollins that
you sent. I certainly thank you for that and I know it will be a good read. I
enjoyed all of his novels.
Yes, the temperatures are reaching up into the 90's. Soon it will be in the 100's. I
have been staying inside my cell. I hate saying this but I am depressed as hell.
That is just between you and I. I don't want Connie knowing, although I suspect
she has a hunch. Can't be helped with this type of situation. I will make it though.
I just don't feel like doing anything. Been sleeping too much and then it is not a
good sleep. I am not rested. I will make it though. Just a lot on my mind.
NO! 85% is not a great score!. I thank you for the encouragement however
(SMILE). My mind has been elsewhere.
Well, from what Connie states, my attorney never gave permission for the
German reporters to interview me. When I asked her (reporter) if my attorney
had given his "okay" she had stated yes and I had no reason to believe that she
was not telling me the truth. She did not hesitate or blink. I believed her. I guess I
am just too easily fooled.
As it happens, Counselor Anton has to watch his involvement with the media.
There are rules of conduct he has to recognize and does not want others to
exploit a situation. I am well aware of the rules.
Yes, if people are wanting to help, set up a legal account and let them help. Of
course, that money goes to you. You have been paying out the majority of the
bills. No, I don't forget (SMILE).
Sorry for the lag in information. It must be this way.
July 22, 2008
Had great visits from Bente and Gabi. They will tell you about it (SMILE).
Connie has sent the hat she picked out for you. She sent me a picture and it looks
great. I was wondering if an English Gentleman, such as yourself, would wear a
hat of such design (SMILE)? It is not too country for ya, is it (SMILE)?
Thanks for the James Rollins book. I would have requested it had you not
foreseen to send it. Just what I was needing. Hold off on any more for the
moment though. I need to get these courses done. These suckers are long in
reading. The law courses, that is.
Yeah, Connie asked me if I was going to plant a garden in our spacious backyard.
I reckon I will for the first year or two, but I really want a large garage for those
all-purpose chores, and work space. I will not know, until I get a chance to know,
what I have to work with.
No, you have never mentioned your sports activity while in school. I did not
know you had won anything like that. I used wooden rackets when I learned the
game of tennis. I was not very good at it. Hit the ball way too hard. I cleared two
fences, instead of just the one in the middle of the court (SMILE).
Rock climbing? No thanks (SMILE). Way too big for that. I do enjoy hiking and
walking. I will get an exercise program going when I get out. I want to grow old
slowly (SMILE). Sounds like you had fun on the mountain (SMILE). Got any
Yes, I agree 100% percent. Connie is a true gem. I am sorry that this has been so
hard on her. It is a learning experience for me and I have no idea how Connie is
taking it. She seems to be hanging in there, as are all that are helping me.
I know I have stated this before. I have no control over the situation. I don't
want anyone to get hurt, not even their feelings. I cannot protect Connie from an
adverse outcome. I pray it does not happen. In the meantime, I will do my best
to treat her the way she needs to be treated, and that is with as much love and
respect as I can put out (SMILE).
Adams coming forward like he did was totally unpredictable. If you had asked me
early, at anytime, I would have laughed at the idea. He totally surprised me. I
think I am starting to believe he has really turned his attitude around and really
believes in the Christian faith. It is a miracle if you knew him like I knew him.
I hope that all is well with your family. I will be looking forward to hearing from
you. Nothing is final on Adams' statement. As of this date, we are still waiting on
his attorney to allow us to use it. When we know more, you will get the
information post haste. Take care of yourself and keep those exercises up
(SMILE). What did you call it? Gardening (SMILE)?
August 11, 2008
I have your E-Mail of July 24th, to Connie. I have letters dated July 25th and July
31st. I will answer those now.
Glad you liked the hat. It is the very least we could do. I want to do more, but as
you know, I am limited at the moment. We are all working to change that.
Yep, the hat looks good and you look like you belong in Texas (SMILE). You
would have to change your personality, however. You cannot be caring and
giving. They would eat you alive here in this State (SMILE). HA! HA!
You need a belt buckle, now. I think that will be your Christmas present. You
would not believe the enormous belt buckles they produce and wear here. We
will get you one, but I doubt you will feel comfortable sporting it around the
pubs (SMILE). I hear it is good for stomach support (SMILE).
Good luck on your business venture. It sounds really good and expansion is
always good, if you have the customers. You sound like you are staying really
busy with your Internet stores.
Thanks for the story on Prince William. Our National newspaper reports on
them from time to time. I have not heard anything recently however. Loved the
helicopter fiasco (SMILE). I would have done the same, given the opportunity
Well, now comes the part of the letter I have dreaded. I don't like needing
money, but Connie and I are down to the plastic and need some "topping off" as
you have phrased it in other letters (SMILE). I know it is always there when I
need it, but I hate not being able to earn it on my own.
Several of my family members are arriving and Connie wants everything just so.
She is wanting to work extra hours and I don't want her to. If you would, could
you send her $xxx dollars to my account? I sure would appreciate it and she can
draw from my account as she needs it. I am also writing to my Aunt Joyce,
tonight and I will ask her the same. Kathy told me a couple of months ago that
the fuel prices have my Father's business on the rocks and she is having to help
out from her paycheck. I did not want to ask them until I found out from Dad
personally how he was doing.
A little over twenty some odd years ago, my Father had a really bad motor cycle
accident. He has a pace maker and is partially paralyzed on his right side of his
body. I forget the percentage of paralysis. He does alright for someone with so
much damage. He was right handed, so has learned to write a little with his left
hand. He hates it and rarely writes. I have written to him at least three times and
he has not returned the letters. I know it is because he does not like writing at all
and nothing else. Anyway, when he arrives, I will find out how he is doing and
then decide if it is a good time to ask for some financial help. I am pretty sure my
Aunt will help. She has stated the same as you. It is there if I need it. I just hate
not having earned it. As I have stated before, if I get any monetary judgment
from this wrongful prosecution, then I can return everything. I am counting on
just that happening, with God's blessing.
One more thing. Would you please E-Mail Bente. Tell her that I wrote her
shortly after her visit. Tell her to send me her complete address in order to make
sure I have it correctly. She can E-Mail Connie with the address. I think I used
her old address or the schools address, when I wrote. Tell her to back track and
see if she can run it down. Tell her I will write her again, of course. I had been
waiting on a response from my last letter.
I guess that is all for now. I am going to try to get one other letter written before
they pick up the mail. I heard your shout out and I do very much appreciate it.
Take care and I am glad that you liked the hat. I sure wish I was in a different
situation. Write when you get the chance.
September 20, 2008
A lot has been going on around here. I have only had time to write Connie and I
have very few stamps. I let my supply run low, thinking I was not going to be
around to spend the rest. Then a hurricane hit the area and they have shut our
Unit store down for the time being and I am unable to get stamps. I am going to
write until what I have runs out.
I have a few of your letters to answer; August 5 and the 27, plus September 4 and
11. I was wondering if you could send three of the next Jim Butcher books in
that Dresden Files series? You sent 1-4. I had started on book 9 and liked it so
well, I had asked for more and to start with the first in the series. They really are
good, if you like action (SMILE).
That was cool of your former Geography Instructor to write you a letter like that.
Not sure I understand the problem he mentions. Something about external
testing. Please clarify that for me. I assume it was a problem in the secondary
school curriculum.
If Phillip can afford it, he should stay in the school of Law and learn a specific
area of the law, if he has not done that already. If he has, then learn an adjacent
legal area and a law firm can hire with two Specialties under his belt. Just being a
Solicitor is not what the law firms want today. They want you to have extensive
learning in a specific area. The cost of such an education is certainly daunting and
in most cases, unattainable.
On my last law test, they scored it a 95%. Someone is reading that question
wrong. Either them or I. I got that question right and will be submitting a letter
to them about it this week. I have let my studies go without working on them for
obvious reasons. I figured I would be dead and in the ground by now. I had no
idea that John Adams was going to come forward and confess, like that.
An Assistant District Attorney went through Adams' property yesterday. Adams
stated that they only got one of the notes he and I had passed back and forth.
That is the only way we can communicate. The whole time I have been
corresponding with him, I have written with the mindful knowledge that anyone
could read them. I stayed within the confines of the law, so I am not worried
about what they have retrieved. The problem is, they put a "spin" on everything,
whether it be true or not. I am not writing to him anymore (SMILE).
My musical tastes were defined in my childhood. I like both Country music and
Rock-n-Roll. I do not listen to Rap and threaten to shoot a radio if anyone is
(SMILE). I listen to some Heavy Metal, but I don't cotton to all that screaming
stuff. I like music sung, not yelled. I do listen to some
Classical music. I have not lately, but I like it all but not much on the opera
pieces. I reckon if I understood the language, it would make a difference. I enjoy
Metalica music and AC/DC. That type of music is not for everyone and really
the only time I liked it was when I was at a party or partying myself. For everyday
listening, I prefer Country music. Dolly Parton, Reba Mc Kintire, and Leanne
Rimes are three of my favorites (SMILE).
I listened to Simon and Garfunckle every chance I got, when I was much
younger (SMILE). I do not know much about JAZZ. I have listened to it, but
never really took to it. I like some Religious music and I enjoy Church Hymns.
Counselor Anton did a really good job, however, the State will file a response and
they will put a spin on everything. The courts will review the nature of the case in
favor of the conviction. That is why he and Professor Penrose are doing the
DNA testing - to bolster our claims. I am pretty sure I had tried the pants on,
not knowing that Adams had put them out at the old house. I had no electricity
and could not see any stains on anything, at night. I am not looking for a
favorable outcome on that.
The State will do whatever they can to dismiss our claims. They will also try to
state that Adams and I are acting in concert with each other in order to delay my
execution. We all know better, but the State will not care. At least, that is my
experience. For all of these years, I have kept Adams and I on separate Pods.
Once I was placed on Death Watch, I no longer had any influence in where he
was housed in proximity to myself.
Yes, I had a great visit with members of my family. I could not get over the
change in my brother's appearance. I am speaking of Mike. I am the oldest of all
of the Grandchildren. Mike is next, being only one year and a half behind myself.
He looks ten years older than I. Dwayne looked the same except for the weight
gain and his shaved head. We all have gained weight (SMILE). I have never
weighed this much in my life. Of course, I was always active and was able to get
plenty of exercise. I have not been exercising at all. If you walk any, then you are
getting more exercise than I.
So, now we know what Alistair was looking for all along (SMILE).
Drains are drains. I have had a little experience, however. I prefer to use what the
plumbers here in the States call a "Snake" or a "Rat". It is a long rope of coiled
metal with a rather nasty looking hook on the end. It is hooked to a machine that
turns the metal rope around in circles,as it feeds it down the drain. They are made
at different lengths. It coils up on a circular ring when it is put into reverse. It will
also go around corners in the drain or it will tear its way through whatever the
obstruction is. Chemicals tend to be abrasive to the piping itself and I tend to
stay away from them if at all possible. Those pipes only last so long. Look around
for what I have described, although you have probably fixed it by now.
"Plumbing Snake" or "Plumbing Rat". Mechanized. There are hand driven ones
as well, but that can take a lot of force the longer you go.
Thanks for the cartoons. They always get a smile out of me (SMILE).
I guess that is it for now. This hurricane has made a mess of everything. People,
hundreds of miles in both directions, have lost everything or are cleaning up
debris. Power is still out for thousands, as I write this. We did not get power back
until Tuesday night, I think. I have gotten a few letters from Connie and glad to
hear they are all in good shape. She had a big mess to clean up as well.
I will be looking forward to hearing from you again. Always With Respect, Greg
October 29, 2008
Wednesday Night
Hello Peter,
I sure did not want to be writing a letter like this to you. If you are reading this,
then you know that the State of Texas has killed me.
For the past two weeks, we have been on lock-down status for the Unit. It
started out as a regular scheduled property search for the entire Unit. They have
these twice a year. It turned out as something much bigger.
The prisoners have been getting cell phones in. Of course they are not allowed.
One dumb ass threatened a State Senator and his daughters and the State locked
down all of the prisons and done a State wide property search looking for cell
phones. This Pod got searched twice.
My radio and envelopes were taken from me several days ago, in the first
property search. I have been trying to get them back ever since. I had other
things that were not suppose to be taken, but the radio and envelopes were the
"must need" out of the lot. They even took stuff the Unit supplies to us like
towels and sheets. It has been unreal. Could not have come at a worse time.
The mail has slowed to a crawl. They have been checking everything and it has
thrown everyone's schedule off. Connie sent me your letter and I may have one
or two more from you, around here somewhere. Connie's letters have been 7-10
days late.
You have no idea of how much it hurts to have to write this letter to you. You
have been an excellent friend and I count you as family. I just don't know what
went wrong. I know we have enough evidence that the verdict cannot be relied
upon. In my shoes, it just does not seem possible.
I know you worked hard for the money that you have spent on this case and
myself. It was my full intention to get that back to you. Evidently, everything I
plan, does not come to fruition. I so wanted a life with Connie that it hurt my
heart to have to say goodbye after our visits. I don't possess the words to tell you
how sorry that I am that things did not work the way they were suppose to. You
know that I had very little control over any of it, but I sure tried (SMILE).
Not sure if Connie will pursue a civil suit of "Wrongful Death". She has a very
good case. Civil Litigation is very much different than that of Criminal. She
should win, but do not know if she will want to keep the legal battle going or not.
The right attorney will charge a percentage of the asking settlement. It will not
cost her a dime to sue unless she wins. There are many attorneys who work like
that. You just have to look for them.
You have been the most influential friend that I have ever known in my life. You
enabled me to pursue knowledge that I most needed at the time. I cannot thank
you enough for that. I so wanted to return your generosity. This was not
supposed to turn out this way. It should not have turned out this way.
Since I received the execution dates, my nerves have been rattled. I know I was
unable to finish the legal courses. I guess it really does not matter. From what I
learned, the courts screwed this case up big time.
Peter, you deserve some kind of reward for your trust and efforts. I would
nominate you in a minute or help present it, if one existed (SMILE). You have
been a really honest and caring person and a true friend to me. Yes, I can even
call you my brother. You helped me out of some mind troubling circumstances
and I don't know if you knew that or not. I just wanted to let you know that.
Connie is the love of my heart and I hope you will continue to stay in contact
with her. She needs everyone's support at this time. I know that you will continue
to prosper, because that is just the kind of person that you are. I sure pray that
God blesses you for all the good you have done.
I am going to the other side of the door, with my head held high. I know I am
innocent, and the people killing me will suffer when their time comes for the
crime against me. I have several family and friends that love and support me, and
each of you have filled my heart with love and kindness. I do count my blessings
on a lot of things and you were one of those blessings. Thanks Peter for all of the
help and support. I hope that I will be able to see you again.
With Brotherly Love,
Much Respect,
Big Hug,
A further edited selection from Tony’s Tribute page at:
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Connie and the rest of Greg Wright's family;
we are deeply sorry for your loss. We want the family to know that there are
people (like us) who believed in Greg, and believed in his innocence. We really
did try to make a difference for him, but it seems our screams, chants, letters, e-
mails, protests, marches and phone calls fell on deaf ears. We do not understand
how people can be so hateful, and so blind. We have to find a way to end this evil
and outdated form of punishment. Greg will not be forgotten! Kids
Against the Death Penalty
I am from Flemingsburg, KY and I went to school with Tony. He was a super
nice person to be around and I was in the prayer group with him also. He was a
great athlete and a great person. I knew he moved away and I didn't realize
anything was going on with him until I seen the article in our local newspaper
about his death (so sad). I have read alot of the articles and the information on
his web site and I feel he was definitely railroaded, and was not given a fair
chance. Please acccept my deepest sympathy for his and your families.
God Bless! G, Flemingsburg, KY

I'm from Flemingsburg, Kentucky. I want to say I am very very sorry that this
tragedy has happened. Tony and I were best of friends in the early 80's, we were
like two brothers - where he would be I'd be there also it seemed. I am very sad
today to hear this aweful news. A good friend of Tony and mine, Randy, came to
my house today to inform me of this. I was in total shock for a bit, to even try to
come to terms with this news. I feel like a part of me has gone now, I am so sorry
for his whole family, and Connie my prayers go out to all of ya. Donald
I went to Fleming County High School in Kentucky with (Tony) Greg Wright. I
played Baseball with him for two years and thought a whole lot of him. Tony
was a great athlete in Football as well. I didn't know what had happened to Tony
or where he was after his sophmore year at the school. This is very disturbing to
learn after knowing what type of a person Tony was as a young man. I was
looking through our high school yearbooks and in every photo of him his name
is listed just as everyone knew him. God be with you Tony. Your friend,

I went to school with Gregory Wright in Flemingsburg, Ky. We knew him as

Tony Wright. He was a freshman when I was a senior. Tony was an excellent
football player. I wasn't aware he was in this predicament until this evening when
a mutual friend of ours called me and told me about it. As I write this, I've
learned Tony is dead. Words cannot explain how numb I feel. I lost contact with
Tony a long time ago but he always stood out in my memory. Tim.
I think it was injustice when they executed Greg. I know he was innocent. It’s
hard for me to comprehend that he’s not here. He was a good friend. The last
time I saw him was at a visit. It was a moment I won’t forget. He sounded strong
spiritually. It’s not easy facing a situation as he was. I have a watch he gave me to
remember him by. He always shared his food with me. He had the heart to share
what he had with those less fortunate. He also shared the word of God with me,
gave me legal advice and gave me a book that helped me understand the legal
process and appeal with more understanding. Good friends you never forget. It
was a pleasure writing you. (name given)
I feel very privileged to have known Greg since 1998. I have found him to be a
most considerate person and one who has used his time in prison to help others
in any way that he can. He is one of the most respected inmates on death row in
Texas and many times has considerably helped new intake prisoners to settle into
their new, and often understandably worrying, post-conviction environment. It
cannot be justified or ethical in any way whatsoever to execute someone while so
many questions of doubt remain. Sue

Gregory was my pen pal for several years - I got his first letter in 2004. I also had
the opportunity to visit him several times. I got to know him as a person who is
honest and caring, with a sense of humor and also with seriousness. I valued his
friendship very much. Gabi
I saw a man who was doing everything he knew to do, just to live and to clear his
name. An innocent man has been deprived of his life. J.
Your spirit will always be in the hearts of the men and woman who remember
and loved you. Bernard Blaise Posso

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