28.1.07 AOAC Official Method 969.12 Alcohol in Wines: O-Phenanthroline As Indicator

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AOAC Official Method 969.12
Alcohol in Wines
By Dichromate Oxidation
First Action 1969
Final Action 1988
A. Principle
Wine is steam distilled into acidified K2Cr2O7 solution of known
volume and concentration. Oxidation of ethyl alcohol to CH3COOH
is completed by heating. Unreacted dichromate is determined by ti-
tration with standard Fe(NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 ) 2 solution, using
o-phenanthroline as indicator.
B. Apparatus
Micro Kjeldahl apparatus.—With gas micro-burner. See Fig-
ure 969.12A. (Glassware available from Scott Laboratories, Inc.,
2220 Pine View Way, PO Box 750249, Petaluma, CA 94975-0249,
Alternatively, Kirk-type electric apparatus may be used (Cat.
No. 51105-006, VWR Scientific). Apparatus must have 3-way
stopcock or tee with pinch clamps attached to drain line of still to
allow filling of outer chamber with distilled H2O. Connect elec-
tric outlet of still to variable transformer for voltage reduction.
See Figure 969.12B. Figure 969.12B—Electric distillation apparatus for
C. Reagents chemical determination of alcohol in wine.
(a) Potassium dichromate solution.—Add 325 mL H2SO4 to ca
400 mL H2O in 1 L volumetric flask. Mix and cool to 80–90°C. Add
33.768 g K2Cr2O7 (primary standard). Dissolve, cool, and dilute to (c) 1,10-Phenanthroline ferrous sulfate indicator.—Dis-
volume with H2O at 20°C. solve 0.695 g FeSO 4⋅7H 2O in ca 50 mL H 2O, add 1.485 g
(b) Ferrous ammonium sulfate solution.—Dissolve 135.5 g o-phenanthroline⋅H 2O, and dilute to 100 mL with H 2O. (Pre-
FeSO4(NH4)2SO4⋅6H2O in ca 500 mL H2O in 1 L volumetric flask. pared solution available from GFS Chemicals, 867 McKinley
Add 30 mL H2SO4. Dilute to volume with H2O at 20°C. Ave, PO Box 23214, Columbus, OH 43223, USA, or Scott Lab-
oratories, Inc.)
D. Determination
(a) Distillation.—(1) By micro Kjeldahl apparatus.—See Fig-
ure 969.12A. To begin distillation, boil H2O in steam generator.
Open steam trap side tube. Turn 3-way stopcock so that steam from
trap vents through side tube and distilling bulb is closed. Place
25 mL K2Cr2O7 solution in 50 mL Erlenmeyer under condenser with
tip below surface of solution. Close stopcock and place small
amount H2O in funnel. Distilling bulb is empty and micro-burner is
not lighted.
Transfer 1 mL test portion as follows: Fill 1 mL pipet (class A)
slightly over mark, and wipe excess wine from exterior. Hold pipet
vertical; with tip touching inside neck of test bottle, drain to mark.
Drain pipet completely into funnel. Open stopcock to drain test por-
tion into still; then reclose. Add small amount H2O to funnel, drain
into still, and rinse with H2O until distilling bulb is half filled. Place
H2O in funnel to ensure seal.
Close steam trap discharge with pinch clamp. Open 3-way stop-
cock, permitting steam to enter bulb while vent is closed. Light mi-
cro-burner. Distil until receiving flask contains ca 40 mL, lower
flask, and rinse outside of condenser outlet into flask with H2O.
Stopper flask and immerse to shoulder in 60 ± 2°C H2O.
Admit cold H2O into steam generator to flush contents of distill-
ing bulb into steam trap. Refill bulb with H2O, flush again, open trap
discharge, and vent 3-way stopcock. Apparatus is now ready for next
Figure 969.12A—Distillation apparatus for chemical de- test portion.
termination of alcohol in wine.


(2) By electric apparatus.—See Figure 969.12B. Connect electric Turn off variable transformer. Residue in inner chamber is flushed
outlet of apparatus to variable transformer set at ca 60–70% line out to outer chamber automatically by vacuum action when current
voltage. Open condenser stopcock to let cold H2O flow through con- is shut off. Open sample funnel stopcock and add distilled H2O;
denser. Fill outer chamber of still with distilled H2O to well above close to rinse inner chamber into outer chamber and drain line again
heating coil by opening 3-way stopcock or pinch clamp on drain line by vacuum. Repeat with second rinse. Open 3-way stopcock or
tee to distilled H2O source. pinch clamp on drain line tee to drain outer chamber. Close, then
Transfer 1 mL test portion by filling 1 mL pipet as in (a)(1) and open to distilled H2O source and fill outer chamber as before. Appa-
place pipet tip in contact with inside of sample funnel with stopcock ratus is now ready for next test portion.
closed and with funnel containing small amount distilled H2O so that (b) Titration.—Remove flask from bath after 20–25 min. Rinse
pipet tip rests just above H2O. Let pipet drain 15 s after discharge of contents into 500 mL flask with H2O. Titrate with FeSO4(NH4)2SO4
test portion. Open stopcock and drain sample–H2O mixture into in- solution to almost clear green in front of daylight fluorescent light,
ner chamber of still; then close stopcock. Add small amount H2O to add 3 drops indicator, and titrate to end point (change is from
funnel, then drain into inner chamber of still. Close stopcock and add blue-green to brown) (V mL).
H2O to funnel to ensure seal. Since FeSO4(NH4)2SO4 solution is slowly oxidized by air, per-
Place 25 mL K2Cr2O7 solution in 50 mL Erlenmeyer placed under form a blank determination daily by titrating 25 mL K2Cr2O7
condenser so that tip of condenser is below surface of solution. Turn (V¢ mL). Discard FeSO4(NH4)2SO4 solution that has been standing
on variable transformer and steam distil until receiving flask con- in buret >30 min.
tains ca 40 mL. Lower flask, and rinse outside of condenser outlet Calculate % alcohol by volume = 25.00 − (25 × V/V¢).
with distilled H2O, letting rinse drain into flask. Stopper flask and
References: Wines and Vines 30, 65(1949).
immerse to shoulder in 60 ± 2°C H2O.
JAOAC 52, 85(1969); 53, 11(1970); 68, 188(1985).
CAS-64-17-5 (alcohol)


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